

MINUTES of a Meeting of Tatsfield Parish Council held on the 9th September 2019 in the Meeting Room, Aileen McHugo Building, Westmore Green, Tatsfield commencing at 8.00 p.m.

Present: Mrs Kim Jennings (in the chair) Ms Alex Davies Mr Jason Syrett Mr Ashley Clifton Mr David Pinchin Mr Stephen Mittins

In Attendance: Samantha Head (Clerk) Cllr. Martin Allen Cllr. Becky Rush

And 6 parishioners.

The meeting commenced at 8.00 pm


2010/0919 Ian Hayman had sent his apologies. These were received and accepted by members. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (relating to items on the agenda)

2011/0919 Jason Syrett declared an interest in item 11b – Tatsfield Green, Boundary Dispute. This item was discussed under Part 2 and Jason Syrett left the meeting room prior to the Part 2 meeting commencing and did not therefore take part in the discussion or agreement for this item. 2012/0919 Jason Syrett declared an interest in item 7b – TA/2019/1308 as he had received notification of this application and was a near neighbour. Stephen Mittins declared an interest in item 7b – TA/20191432 as he had received notification of this application and was a near neighbour. Neither Jason nor Stephen took part in the discussion or decision for these two planning applications. 3. Approve and sign the MINUTES of the previous meeting held on 5th August 2019

2013/0919 It was resolved that the minutes reflected a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 5th August 2019. They were duly signed by the Chair. 4. Receive and Accept the Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting held on 11th June 2019

2014/0919 It was resolved to receive and accept the minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting held on 11th June 2019. 5. Public Participation

- A parishioner reported garden waste being deposited on Ship Hill from a property on Shipfield Close. - A parishioner noted that the proposed change to the ‘Bakery Drop-in sessions’ from weekly to fortnightly might be confusing to parishioners. - It was noted that the informal meeting regarding the appeal for application (ref: TA/2019/24) was well presented.

6. Officer’s report on actions outstanding since the previous meeting

i) The Clerk confirmed that she had indicated the Parish Council’s wish to remain on the Police Stakeholder list. She had also updated the Parish Council’s details. ii) PAT testing at the AMB had been carried out in August. The electrician said that the Parish Council could chose to undertake PAT testing every other year. iii) The Clerk had the Parish Council’s eligibility for the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (Unity Trust Bank).


(a) Planning Team for September: Jason Syrett and David Pinchin

2015/0919 It was resolved that the planning team for September would be Jason Syrett and David Pinchin.



(b) To determine the Parish Council’s position on Appendix A:

TA/2019/1308 Woodlands, Old Lane, Tatsfield TN16 2LH Erection of two-storey rear extension.

Located within the Green Belt outside of the village settlement.

This is an application for a two-storey rear extension to an existing two-storey semi-detached house at the bottom of Old Lane. The extension represents the size of one room at ground level and one room at first floor level with materials and design complimentary to that of the existing house.

As this property is located within the Green Belt, the consideration here is whether this proposed extension (or the combination of this and any previous extensions) is ‘disproportionate’ to the original house as existing at 1st July 1948 or as originally built since.

NPPF Section 13 and Local Plan policy DP13(E) are the relevant Green Belt Policies.

Though there is no record on the planning portal, the applicant states that the house was previously extended with a two-storey side extension under application ref. 83/1021 in the 1980s. There are no drawings on record that define the extent of this.

A later application for a single storey conservatory extension (TA/2005/843) was refused and upheld on appeal.

The applicant has undertaken their own volume calculations that assess the cumulative proposed increase in volume as being 48% above that of the original house. They have argued that this scale of proportional increase is now routinely accepted by Council in other applications for extensions.

The conclusion of Tatsfield Parish Council is that the extension is proportionate and complementary in design to the existing house. It is assessed that this application would not cause over-looking or overshadowing to the neighbours due to its location and form.

As a result, we conclude that this application represents appropriate development and would not cause harm to the openness of the Green Belt.

2016/0919 Comment: No comment

TA/2019/1432 Holly Cottage, Barnfield Road, Tatsfield TN16 2LG Erection of two-storey rear extension, single-storey side extension and replacement porch.

Located within the Green Belt outside of the village settlement. The property appears to have no previous planning history of extensions/alterations since it was built.

This is an application for extensions to an existing two storey detached house located on Barnfield Road. The rear extension represents the size of a living room at ground level and a double bedroom and bathroom at first floor level. The side extension is a very small increase from the existing utility room in this location, similarly for the replacement porch.

The alterations/extensions propose materials and a ‘barn style’ mansard roof design that are complimentary to that of the existing house.

As this property is located within the Green Belt, the consideration here is whether this proposed extension (or the combination of this and any previous extensions) is ‘disproportionate’ to the original house as existing at 1st July 1948 or as originally built since. (NPPF Section 13 and Tandridge Local Plan policy DP13(E) are the relevant Green Belt Policies.)

It is concluded that the extensions are proportionate to the existing house and that there is no material impact on neighbouring properties.



2017/0919 Comment: No comment on the proposals within the application but the Parish Council would like to ensure that the applicant makes good any damage caused to Maesmaur Road and /or Barnfield Road during the works.

TA/2019/1428 1 Rag Hill Close, Tatsfield TN16 2LR Two-storey rear extension, alterations to garage roof, conversions of garage to habitable use and porch to front. (Application for Certificate of Lawful Development for a Proposed Development).

Located within the Green Belt outside of the village settlement. Some planning history for previous extensions proposals that were not built. These proposals are broadly similar to those previously brought forward under application TA/2015/1099 on this

property and not built, if anything overall slightly smaller in footprint. It was determined at that stage that they could be delivered under permitted development and TPC returned no comment.

2018/0919 Comment: No comment

TA/2019/1406 Pipersdene, Parkwood Road, Tatsfield TN16 2LT

Conversion of garage to habitable use to involve enlargement of and alterations to fenestration. (Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for a Proposed Development).

Located within the Green Belt outside of the village settlement. A similar proposal was approved by TDC in Jan 2017 under application 2016/2234 but not built.

This application is for the conversion of an existing detached double garage in to a single storey study. The roof shape of the garage will be rebuilt to a duo pitch from the current pitched and flat roof arrangement and there will be new windows/doors inserted.

The plot is surrounded by large evergreen trees to the front and side boundaries and no overlooking of neighbours should be created by the new windows.

Though different to the previous design under 2016/2234, there is very minimal change to the overall existing built volume.

2019/0919 Comment: No comment

TA/2019/1317 Squirrels Den, Westmore Road, Tatsfield TN16 2BJ

Erection of single-storey rear extension. (Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed Development).

This is a proposal for a modest single storey rear extension within the defined village which we believe will have no

impact on the neighbouring properties and is proportional to the existing property.

2020/0919 Comment: No comment

TA/2019/1148/NH Tregantle, Hillside Road, Tatsfield TN 16 2NH

Erection of single-storey rear extension, which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 6 metres, for

which the maximum height would be 4 metres, and for which the height of the eaves would be 3 metres. (Notification of

Proposed Larger Home Extension).

This house is in the Green Belt and has previously been extended with a significant two-storey extension approved



in 2006.

There is insufficient information in the very basic block plans or application form for us to review in detail the height or massing of this application. However, from the information provided, when this new proposal is combined with the previous built extension, it would appear from the perspective of the Parish Council that this further extension would cumulatively represent a significant increase in the size of the original house.

We conclude that this further addition creates a ‘disproportionate’ addition to the original house as existing at 1st July 1948 (or as originally built since) and therefore causes harm to the Green Belt when assessed under NPPF Section 13 and Tandridge Local Plan policy DP13(E).

2021/0919 Comment: Tatsfield Parish Council has not formally been consulted as this is a larger home extension notification under Permitted Development. Clerk was requested to forward the above comments on behalf of the Parish Council to the case officer to advise of the Parish Council’s concerns due to the previous development history.

TA/2019/1516 Rylands, 75 Paynesfield Road, Tatsfield TN16 2BQ Raising of roof and enlargement of the first floor to create additional floorspace.

Located within the defined village Previous planning history in 1968 (ground floor extension) and 1996 (conversion of loft/roof dormers etc.) Neither of these permissions seem to have been fully implemented. This is noted in the applicants planning statement.

The existing house has a hipped roof and appears as a bungalow from the road. It has an existing dormer window to the rear with one room in the roof.

This proposal replaces the roof, adding an asymmetric gable to the front and rear elevations and creates space to increase to a total of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms at first floor level. New windows to front and rear and rooflights to the sides are arranged with consideration of minimising overlooking. The ridge height increases by around half a metre.

The proposed extension/alteration to the house will bring it broadly in line with the height and massing of number 73 adjacent and proposes similar coloured grey slate hanging and roof finish.

2022/0919 Comment: No comment


Appeal Ref: APP/M3645/W/19/3232423 Original ref: TA/2019/24

Land between Dornalong and The Retreat, Kemsley Lane, Tatsfield TN16 2BH

Change of use to residential to include the stationing of one static mobile home, one touring caravan and a

detached two-bay stable with associated hard and soft landscaping.

A comprehensive objection was lodged by the Parish Council at the time of the application. At present, the Parish Council has nothing further to add.

2023/0919 Comment: No further comment. However, the Parish Council would wish to attend a hearing of the Planning Inspector.

2024/0919 The Clerk was requested to inform Tandridge Planning of the Parish Council’s decisions.



8. Finance:

(a) Finance Team for September: Jason Syrett and David Pinchin 2025/0919 It was resolved that the Finance Team for September would be Jason Syrett and David Pinchin. (b) Authorise payments (including authorisation of Internet banking) detailed in Appendix B 2026/0919 Items on Appendix B were duly approved. Payments and supporting invoices were checked and signed by members of the Finance Team for September. (c) Discuss and agree items requiring expenditure: - Village Hall – repainting of plinth (painted black) around outside of VH - £140.00* - Renovate Flooring – fitting of expansion gap for hall floor - £800 + Vat *The Clerk noted that this had since been revised to £60.00 2027/0919 It was resolved to approve the above expenditure. (d) HSBC – Approval to add Kim Jennings as signatory and approval for Samantha Head, Clerk, to continue as signatory 2028/0919 It was resolved to add Kim Jennings as signatory to the HSBC account and approve Samantha Head to continue as signatory to the HSBC account. (e) Consideration and approval for renewal of Parish Council’ insurance policy The Clerk had sourced three quotes from insurance providers / brokers. Details of the cover had been circulated to members. Members discussed the merits of each proposal and the differences in cover and price. Members questioned why the Parish Council had taken out cover through Ecclesiastical previously and it was suggested that this was to do with respective liabilities for the outside space at the VH and that the VHMC has insurance through Ecclesiastical. Members indicated their preference for the Zurich quote but requested that the Clerk investigate further the cover for subsidence. 2029/0919 This item was therefore deferred until the 23rd September meeting.

9. Notified Items

(a) Closure of the PC, Village, Neighbourhood Plan and History Group websites Alex Davies gave the following report:

Meeting at the AMB on 2nd Sept 2019 8pm

Present: Alex Davies - Parish Councillor Sam Head - Parish Clerk Trevor Sykes - Village Website Administrator Chris Mitton - Website Designer Apologies: Ian Mitchell - History & Neighbourhood Plan Websites Administrator

Initial meeting to discuss the redesign of the village and parish council websites in preparation for when SCC withdraw the Surrey Community website platform currently in use in March 2020.

It was agreed that the Village and Parish Council should continue to have separate website domains as the Parish Council have legal requirements as to website access. However, it will appear as one village website to the user with an initial page that allows a user to select either Village or Parish Council information.

The Parish Council will get a .gov.uk website (suggestions for tatsfieldpc.gov.uk if possible) and once this is live, all email addresses for the Parish Councillors will be moved to this domain and administered by the Parish Clerk rather than Mr Computing who currently administers all Parish Council email. This will cut down the workload for the Clerk.

The Village website will remain as tatsfield.org.uk



It would seem that SCC are not offering migration options for the existing websites so it is likely that the new websites will have to be built from scratch. First steps will be to simplify the current websites (i.e. removing any information that is not obsolete or no longer accessed) and regroup the pages to make navigation more intuitive to the user. The results of the survey run by Trevor on the Village Website will aid this process.

Actions from the discussions are as follows:

• Sam to research how to apply for .gov.uk website for the Parish Council • Sam to put together initial design for the new Parish Council Website (removing obsolete information, moving certain information to the village website, restructuring pages etc) • Alex to send Chris photo of the Parish Councillors and details of their job roles • Trevor to provide Chris with administrator rights so he can access the existing Village website • Trevor to put together initial design for the new Village Website • Trevor & Chris to look at which local organisations currently do not have their own website and decide whether they should or can move to their own website • Alex to email Ian to check if the History & Neighbourhood plan can (a) be dedicated pages of the new village website (instead of separate domains), (b) required any modification, (c) Ian has all the relevant files and graphics to send to Chris • Alex to email Ian to see if he has a high-quality image of the Tatsfield logo to send to Chris • Chris to begin initial general design & themes of the website(s)

Another meeting will be timetabled when the initial designs are at a level that require further discussion and input from the group, until then communication will be via email.

(b) Minutes of Tatsfield Local Committee Meeting – 26th July The Clerk had circulated the minutes to members. The Chairman noted that Cllr Becky Rush would give a Highways report later on in the meeting and that verges would be discussed under item 9e on the agenda. (c) TDC Open Spaces, Park and Green Infrastructure Strategy – follow up from meeting at TDC Jason Syrett and Martin Allen attended at meeting at TDC. TDC is currently putting together an updated Open Spaces document. The Parish Council has been consulted in order to share information. TDC indicated that it will update the PC periodically. It was noted that Ian Mitchell is putting together an updated parish open spaces plan as part of the Neighbourhood Plan (d) Verge cutting Ricketts Hill Road (Tatsfield Green) – update The chairman noted that the sight lines had been cut for a second time and now needed one full cut. 2030/0919 The Clerk was requested to liaise with Nick Dance re cutting. (e) Green Spaces – verge management, verge cutting strategy and TIB debrief (see also Tatsfield Local Committee Meeting of 26th July for details) It has been agreed that Cllr Becky Rush would like to attend a TIB debrief, along with Martin Allen, Steven Dellaway, Kim Jennings, Stephen Mittins and representatives of TIB in order to better plan for next year. It was suggested that early October would be a suitable. (f) Emergency Plan Ashley Clifton had begun work on an updated Emergency Plan. Kim Jennings agreed to meet Ashley to discuss. (g) Village Picnic – update This event had been postponed due to bad weather. The new date is 15th September. Stephen Mittins agreed to attend and introduce KJ Rhee. He would also be assisting in the preparation (gazebo and chairs). (h) Hayes Pasture – request to cut grass / foliage Ian Mitchell and Ian Longley had raised this as it was overgrown. 2031/0919 The Clerk was requested to ask James Longley to quote for this. (i) TDC – Litter and dog waste bin replacement programme – Parish Council’s views sought The Clerk had been sent TDC’s proposals for its bin and dog waste replacement programme and she had circulated these to members. David Pinchin outlined the proposal. There were three types of bins. The number of bins was to be reduced due to size and location. It was felt that the proposed bins were generic and not appropriate to rural settings. It was questioned why there were no bins for recyclables in the proposal. CIL – can this be used to purchase bins? 2031/0919 The Clerk was requested to draft the PC’s response to TDC. (j) TDC – Planning issues



TDC has outlined plans to charge PCs for paper plans for planning applications. There would be a sliding scale based on how many plans are provided. Requesting plans on an ad-hoc basis would be £10 per plan. Members indicated a reluctance to subscribe to receiving paper plans regularly as the cost is prohibitive but to leave the option to request a plan should it be deemed necessary. (k) Drop-in sessions at The Bakery – changing from weekly to fortnightly Members had proposed to change the drop-in sessions from weekly to fortnightly. This had been questioned by a parishioner as potentially causing confusion – would it be every two weeks or every 2nd and 4th Saturday? 2032/0919 Members resolved to cover weekly Saturday drop-in sessions until the October main meeting when they would revisit this proposal. It was further resolved to keep a record of attendees at the drop-in sessions. (l) TDC Local Plan – examination date set This has been set for 8th October at 9.30am. (m) Town Council – meeting to discuss response to TDC Local Plan hearings regarding the Westerham Road Industrial Estate, Tatsfield – 2nd September Kim Jennings attended a meeting, hosted by WTC, to discuss the Tandridge Local Plan public inspection (Inspector’s questions). Key points were raised, in the order of the Inspector’s questions. Issues discussed: what are the exceptional circumstances for the release of the site from the Green Belt; is the proposed Breen Belt boundary justified and consistent with national policy as set out in paragraph 85 of the Framework; does the allocation constitute major development within the Surrey Hills AONB; would the proposed allocation conserve the landscape and scenic beauty of the ANB; to be effective and to be consistent with national policy as set out in paragraph 24 of the framework, should the policy be clear as to whether Use Class B1(offices) or other main town centre uses would be acceptable within the identified site boundary; are requirements for financial contributions set out in V. consistent with national policy for planning obligations set out in the framework and are they justified; are proposed modifications necessary for soundness? (n) Airspace Change – Design Principles Report from Airport (Report Version 3) David Pinchin noted that this was the questionnaire the PC completed in July. Therefore, no further comment was needed. (o) Boom Arts Academy – permission to display signage A request had been received to display a banner advertising dance classes in the VH. The banner would be 60cm x 2m. 2033/0919 It was resolved to grant permission for the banner to be displayed on the gate to the left-hand side of the VH until end of October 2019. The Clerk was requested to relay this information via email. (p) Request for permission to set up a Royal British Legion gazebo on Westmore Green opposite the village shop on Saturday 2nd November between 9.30 and 12.30 A request had been received from David Vale for permission to set up a Royal British Legion gazebo on the above date to sell poppies, tie pins, car stickers etc and to promote the work of the legion. 2034/0919 It was resolved to grant permission and the Clerk was requested to confirm this via email. (q) Tatsfield in Bloom – Community Volunteers Report It was noted that the number of volunteers was decreasing and the volunteers are not able to commit to all current tasks. It was suggested that perhaps there needs to be a recruitment drive for new volunteers. Kim Jennings suggested that she and Stephen Mittins arrange to meet Jon Allbutt and Bob David to discuss the contents of the report. Green Spaces report – Jason Syrett has prepared a report for the Neighbourhood Plan which Kim Jennings has agreed to circulate to the TIB volunteers.

10. Reports from County Councillor, District Councillor, Village Organisations and External Organisations

a) County Councillor Cllr. Rush gave the following report: - Signs for Approach Road – these have been agreed and are on the schedule for installation in the next few months. - Corner of pavement Westmore road / Crossways – BR has allocated a three-way split for funding and has allocated £1,000. - Clarks Lane layby – Anita Guy is scheduled to carry out a site visit in October. Highways is prepared to look at moving the kerb. - Bin in layby on Approach Road – far too small and overflowing. BR cannot fund a new bin out of SCC monies. Perhaps TDC could finance one? - BR continues to request Church Hill be included on the resurfacing programme. - CRC – the report by the taskforce is now complete and will be sent to cabinet this month. - The Clean, Green and Safe taskforce has changed its name to the Greener Future taskforce and is looking at the environmental policies in Surrey.



b) District Councillor Cllr. Allen gave the following report: - MA has attended his first Overview and Scrutiny meeting (as Vice Chairman). - As part of this year’s programme, all District Cllrs will be briefed on the following: update on Customer First; review of Member/Officer protocol; quarter 1 delivery plan; review of external audit process for 2018/19 accounts plus plans for 2019/20 programme; annual crime summit (PCC); strategic partnership – working with health partners; quarter 2 delivery plan; half-year internal audit; quarter 3 delivery plan; staff performance – sickness review; Biggin Hill/ Gatwick/ Heathrow airport plans; end of year performance; and updates on the following: East Surrey rural transport, ESDAS – domestic violence, East Surrey Clinical Commissioning group, closer working with SCC, homelessness in the north of the district, tourism – national education union for the South East Region, Surrey Wildlife – The Trussell Trust. - At the TDC Council meeting on 18th July, there was clarification on the title of OLRG and the Independents Alliance. The IA members believed they could be called independent whilst still being aligned to the ORLG but a judicial review outlined the reasons why this could not happen. As a result, the opposition at TDC are now known as Independents and ORLG Alliance. - MA has attended a constitution meeting, Speedwatch training, met neighbouring LBB councillors, met the CEO of TDC regarding outstanding Tatsfield matters, visited TDC offices along with Jason Syrett to review Open Spaces policy, and attended a meeting hosted by the CEO of Biggin Hill airport (with David Pinchin) regarding the overflying issues. - Met Dan Gutierrez for an update on crime statistics for Tandridge, which are down. DG advised that he had objected to some ‘raves’ as he believed that the licencing system of TENs is not being used for the correct purposes. MA promised that he would follow this up at TDC. - Later this month, MA would meet PCC David Munro – any issues you would like raised, please forward them to MA. - Trees and TPOs in Tatsfield: MA has emphasised to TDC the belief that trees are being lost unnecessarily in the village. TDC responded: ‘I completely take your point regarding overall loss of trees, and I would very much like to see the Council set an agenda for the future which puts an emphasis on the environment, biodiversity and climate change, as well as much needed housing. Indeed, I see that SCC has recently declared a ‘climate change emergency’. We are not quite there yet, but I would, of course, be extremely supportive of any initiative in that regard. So, this is something I will take up with the relevant director to make sure we get this moving quickly’. - Along with the PC, MA lodged no objection to the usual White Lane closure for the BEC hill climb in early October. - MA will attend a Noise and Safety committee at Biggin Hill airport on 10th September. - MA will be attending a site visit, accompanied by a TDC enforcement officer, at Thistledown on 11th September. c) Tatsfield in Bloom Stephen Mittins provided the following update: The two South and South East in Bloom judges toured the village on Friday 12th July. Guided by Jon Allbutt and Pam Bishop they were taken to the school, the churchyard, the Composting scheme, the Allotments, the Tatol Bed, the Pond and Westmore Green, the village centre and the Bakery green, and then back to the Village Hall and the AMB. After a tour of one and a half hours, they were given a sandwich lunch at the AMB which was also attended by TIB members, Kim Jennings TPC Chairman, me and other guests. They were also able to enjoy a Fairtrade chocolate cake made by Barbara Hester. The Tatsfield Community volunteers had spent early Friday morning and the morning before in last minute sprucing up of the village and we had the assistance of Tandridge with an extra street sweep and a careful cut of Westmore Green. I thought the village looked immaculate and the reactions of the judges were positive but who knows! No matter how well we may have done, another village could have done even better. The result will be announced at the SSEIB Awards at Brighton on 13th September. I will be attending with Pam Bishop. There will be a TIB celebration evening at the WI hall on Friday 27th September. I will attend this. Fingers crossed for a great result on Friday for the village. d) Tatsfield Fairtrade No report. e) Horticultural Society Stephen Mittens gave the following report: THS Meeting 07/08/2018 In the AMB building + Composting Report. The meeting started at 7.30pm and Jon Allbutt gave me a warm welcome and introduction to all members I later communicated to the committee how I see my role as liaison officer between the THS and TPC going forward.

The main topic for discussion was the Autumn show on Sat 7th Sept. There was a review of recent events such as:



Plant Sale Fund raising Wisley RHS garden Visit Tatsfield Garden Tour Report form Bob Scout fete Plants for the Beavers The forthcoming events are: Autumn Show Garden Clubs 10th Sept Ian Hudson will give at talk on Roses 8th Oct Jon Allbutt to give a talk and Slide show on France AGM /Big Talk 12th November by Caroline Halfpenny on Monet’s Garden. It was also agreed that THS would supply the Gazebos for the picnic on the green FOC. Regular updates Community Composting update from Phil Brett TIB update from Bob David. Membership It was discussed should the yearbook cover 18 months. Autumn show on Sat 7th Sept This show takes a lot of planning indeed there are 51 items on the show chart that have to be addressed by members of the THS. This year there were over 330 entries to the show and the winners are below. Presidents Challenge Cup – Bob David Club Challenge Cup – Bob David Elizabeth Challenge Cup – Sue Warren The McHugo Trophy – Rita McKay Slatter Trophy – Catherine Webber Peter Warner Trophy - Shelia Alexander Jeff Bloxham Trophy – Nicola Le Provost Tom Black Cup – Stuart Payne Tatsfield School Cup – Betty Barker Harry Shrubb Memorial Trophy – Jan Maynard Ron Draper Award – Peter Maynard Clark Cup – Rita McKay Tony Erbers Cup - Bob David Allotment Trophy – Peter Maynard RHS Banksian Medal – Britta Erbes RHS Grenfell Medal – Sue Warren Godard Trophy – Sue Douse Betty Lyden Henton Memorial Trophy – Thurgood Musselwhit I was also invited to the lunch at the Church which I attended. The lunch was provided by the Tatsfield WI and this was very enjoyable.

In past years I have attended the show in the afternoon but, unfortunately, I had to be in Cambridge early evening so was unable to attend. Please become a member of the THS and you will receive15% discount on Sutton seeds.

The next meeting will be on Wed 9th October 2019 at 7.30pm in the Parish rooms.

Parish council visit to Tatsfield community Composting site. Ian Hayman and I attended the Tatsfield community Composting site on Sat June 1st 2019 following an invitation to the parish council. Martin Allen introduced us to Phil Brett who guided through the process of turning garden waste into the rich compost. The whole process runs like a well-oiled machine. Phil showed us the new composting bins and informed us that eventually they all will be replaced. They sell about you 21,000 litres of compost approximately 5000 bags at £1.25 per bag this is great value. TCCS is a great asset to the village and all residents should be encouraged to make use of it. The visit was rounded off with a nice cup of tea. f) Village Hall Management Committee David Pinchin attended the VHMC meeting and gave the following updates: - Congratulations to the VHMC for completing the kitchen refurbishment on time and within budget despite lots of little setbacks. Hall now back in use. - Still waiting for the car park ‘no parking’ signs. - External redecoration items and stage steps (funded by the PC) have all been completed.



- Bollard LEDs have all been replaced and covers reinstated. g) Airport David Pinchin gave the following report: The Airport Consultative Committee meeting on 18th July was extremely informative. Both David Pinchin and Martin Allen were able to express their concerns about over-flying aircraft and the handling of related complaints to the airport. They were invited to a meeting of senior staff and the CEO, David Winstanley, on 12th August. Concerns were addressed in more detail and highlighted some of the weaknesses of the present monitoring system. As a result, the CEO agreed to resolve some of the confusions that existed and promised to provide details of the revised procedures and a briefing paper. The CEO was extremely supportive regarding Tatsfield’s issues. Over-flying has reduced considerably in the last few weeks. The main culprits were private pilots in light aircraft who either ignored or were not aware of the rules regarding take-off from the airport. Pilots have been reminded of the rule of no over-flying of Tatsfield and that it would be re-enforced with immediate effect. Offenders are to be investigated and fined accordingly. Two points to remember: these rules can only apply to aircraft leaving Biggin Hill, rather than any other airports and that over-flying the village regulations can only apply to those aircraft flying at less than 2,500 feet h) Speedwatch Stephen Mittins gave the following update: Martin Allen did attend the training session. SM has written to Harry Baker but has yet to hear back. i) Citizens Advice Bureau Stephen Mittins gave the following report: CAB Trustee/Member meeting held on 29th July 2019. I attended the first meeting with the intention to just listen, however the work that the CAB do is so vital and interesting I just felt the urge to contribute. I will be working with Catherine Wyncoll Manager to promote awareness for the CAB and the services it can offer.

The people at the meeting were: The new Manager Catherine Wyncoll started her new position on 12th August 2019. John Bowers: Chairman Paul W Green: Treasurer David Andrews: Company Secretary Paul Whitehurst Oxted Parish Council Representative. Me Tatsfield Parish Council Representative. Trustees: Althea Davies Carol Jordan Sandra Vegeris Susan Greenland Kevin Alexandra

BACKGROUND INFORMATION From the press release below. There has been a dedicated service in Oxted and district since 1942. Citizens Advice Oxted & District is an independent Charity with membership of the National Association of Citizens Advice. Its primary aims are to help people with the problems they face, and to provide free, confidential, independent and impartial information, advice and support to the residents of Tandridge District. Oxted Citizens Advice typically helps around 800 people per year with a range of issues from benefits, debt, family, housing, employment, consumer to immigration and community care. They are staffed by 24 volunteers, including 22 trained advisers, and also by 3 part-time paid staff. The organisation is managed by a Board of 8 volunteer Trustees. It was also noted the TPC are very supportive of the CAB Oxted and I was given a warm welcome.

Press Release August 2019 Citizens Advice Oxted & District appoints a new manager Citizens Advice in Oxted are very pleased to announce the appointment of Catherine Wyncoll, an Oxted resident, to head up the local advice office. Catherine brings with her 10 years of Citizens Advice experience in a number of roles in Oxted, Epsom and .



Catherine said: ‘I am thrilled to be taking over the Oxted office where I originally started as a volunteer, providing high quality advice that truly helps residents in our community with the problems they face. This is a highly rewarding role and something I could not do without the support and dedication of our volunteers, trustees and staff.’

One of the challenges Catherine and her team face is the full roll out of Universal Credit in Tandridge. There has been much media coverage about the problems and we will be holding events to explain the issues and also how Citizens Advice is helping. If you want to know more about Universal Credit or any other issues, please contact us on 01883 730259 or [email protected]. Alternatively you can find a wide range of information on our website www.citizensadvice.org.uk and you can drop in to see an adviser on any weekday at our offices above the library in Gresham Road, Oxted RH8 0BQ (except Weds pm). BACKGROUND INFORMATION Citizens Advice Oxted & District is an independent Charity with membership of the National Association of Citizens Advice. Its primary aims are to help people with the problems they face, and to provide free, confidential, independent and impartial information, advice and support to the residents of Tandridge District. Oxted Citizens Advice typically helps around 800 people per year with a range of issues from benefits, debt, family, housing, employment, consumer to immigration and community care. We are staffed by 24 volunteers, including 22 trained advisers, and also by 3 part-time paid staff. The organisation is managed by a Board of 8 volunteer Trustees. The AGM will now be on Monday 23rd Sept 2019. j) Neighbourhood Plan Martin Allen provided the following report: The NP Steering Group did not meet formally in August. The next meeting is planned for 18th September. MA noted that he had had several meetings with the Chairman and other members of the PC regarding the ‘contentious’ issue of Housing as part of the NP. Advice from James Garside has meant that the NP Steering Group has accepted an HNA of 167 and it will be this figure, along with the AECOM assessments regarding the Call for Sites, which the NP Steering Group will use to drill down a figure for the housing target. AECOM is likely to have the report finalised soon and then it will need to be proofread and approved internally. After that, AECOM will send a draft to review for comment. Assuming there will be no major changes, the final report should be issued by mid-October.

11. Parish Council Land/Property

a) Village Hall - Main porch at front of VH and small side porch – refurbishment – this has been completed. The Clerk would follow up with Lloyd Gulley re the invoice and confirmation from the VHMC that the work has been finished to a satisfactory standard. - Floor – cracking – this item was discussed and agreed in item 8c. - Request for permission to carry out jobs on PC’s behalf (without prior consent) up to £150 expenditure per job – this item was deferred until the next meeting. b) Tatsfield Green - Boundary Dispute (Under Part 2) This item would be discussed under Part 2. - Signs – this item was deferred until the next meeting. c) Westmore Green - Christmas Lights – The external cabinet was now in place. The electrician had a few final connections to finish. Testing day of the lights was still to be confirmed.

12. Meetings to attend/ correspondence

- CPRE Surrey AGM – Saturday 14th September from 11am – 1pm Painshill Park, Portsmouth Road, Cobham Surrey KT11 1JE – no members could attend. - PC planning training – Monday 23rd September 8pm – AMB – all councillors will attend. - Request for update re boundary dispute, Tatsfield Green received from Mrs. Rudd – the Clerk had responded to say that the matter was ongoing and still in the hands of the solicitors. 13. Matters for reporting or Inclusion in a Future Agenda

- Remembrance Service – Saturday v. Sunday - Finance Committee Meeting



Final public participation: None

The meeting closed at 10.25pm