Reliability-Aware Design to Suppress Aging Hussam Amrouch∗, Behnam Khaleghiy, Andreas Gerstlauerz and Jörg Henkel∗ ∗Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, ySharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, zUniversity of Texas, Austin, USA {amrouch; henkel},
[email protected],
[email protected] ABSTRACT (when Si-H bonds break at the Si-SiO2 interface) and ox- Due to aging, circuit reliability has become extraordinary ide traps (when charges are captured in the oxide vacancies challenging. Reliability-aware circuit design flows do virtu- within the dielectric). Over time, generated defects (i.e. in- ally not exist and even research is in its infancy. In this pa- terface/oxide traps) accumulate inside the transistor, mani- per, we propose to bring aging awareness to EDA tool flows festing themselves as degradations in its electrical character- based on so-called degradation-aware cell libraries. These istics (Vth, µ, etc.). Hence, aged transistors become slower, libraries include detailed delay information of gates/cells which increases the likelihood of timing violations. BTI has under the impact that aging has on both threshold volt- also instantaneous effects in which degradations are observed age (V ) and carrier mobility (µ) of transistors. This is within a very short time domain (e.g., 1µs) [2]. However, th this work considers only the long-term effects of aging. unlike state of the art which considers Vth only. We show how ignoring µ degradation leads to underestimating guard- Timing Guardband: To overcome aging, manufacturers bands by 19% on average. Our investigation revealed that typically employ a guardband (TG) on top of the critical path the impact of aging is strongly dependent on the operating delay (T ) of a design [3] to guarantee that it will always be conditions of gates (i.e.