24 November 2005 review Sudan: prospects for peace For free Forced Migration Review, published by the Refugee Studies distribution Centre of the University of Oxford, is the world’s most widely only read magazine on refugee and internal displacement issues Forced Migration Review from the editors provides a forum for the regular exchange of udan’s civil war was like no other. practical experience, information and ideas between researchers, refugees and internally displaced people, It began even before the British and those who work with them. It is published in English, Scolonialists – blamed by many Spanish, Arabic and French by the Refugee Studies historians for making it inevitable – had Centre/University of Oxford. left. One in five people in Sudan, Africa’s Editors largest country, has been displaced by 50 Marion Couldrey & Dr Tim Morris years of conflict. Recent efforts by Sudan’s Subscriptions Assistant leaders, neighbours and the international Sharon Ellis community to end the fighting and prepare Corinne Owen Corinne Forced Migration Review for post-conflict development have been Refugee Studies Centre, Department of International Development, unprecedented in terms of time and energy expended. Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB, UK. Email:
[email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1865 280700 • Skype: fmreview Many issues dividing Sudan – particularly Darfur – are not addressed by the Compre- Fax: +44 (0)1865 270721 hensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in Nairobi by the two main parties to the conflict. Website Sudan’s new Government of National Unity is not without its critics. There have been www.fmreview.org significant delays in the agreed timetable for merging the northern and southern armies, establishing the Government of South Sudan and delivering funding pledged by the international community in Oslo in April.