Gustav Vasa BIBLE, 1541
Biblia / Thet är / All then Helgha Scrifft / på Swensko Folio, (30 cm x 18 cm x 13 cm), Collation Below, Jürgen Richolff, Uppsala, 1540-1541 We are pleased to offer an example of one of the great cultural treasures of Sweden and a truly historically important pu ble printed in 1541. The only complete Bible printed in Sweden in the entire 16th century and the first to contain the e anslation of Luther's German Bible was pivotal in the establishment of the modern Swedish language. The translation was rection of the Swedish Reform clergymen Laurentius Andreae (Lars Andersson, 1470-1552), Olaus Petri (1493-1552) an Petri (1499-1573) with the blessing of King Gustav I or Gustav Vasa (1496-1560). The Bible's publication helped to c with Rome and the central role of Lutheranism in Sweden which in turn strengthened his hold on power in a turbulent er ambitious typographical undertaking ever attempted in Sweden, the trio of clergymen enlisted the aid of the German pri 1573). As noted in his exhaustive work Swedish Books 1280-1967 the scholar Sten G. Lindberg notes that the Lübeck base Uppsala where he: "brought new type material, the Teuerdanck Fraktur for headlines and a Wittenberg Schwabacher for the text, and more fferent sizes, thus introducing the typographical resources of the German High renaissnace into Sweden. He also broug ocks, mainly from Wittenberg, for the sumpttuous illustrations: an architectural title-frame, a cricifix, the arms of the Re xt. Of these 7 are originals by Lucas Cranach the Elder and 4 by his pupils, 3 by Georg Lemberger and the rest copies tdorfer, the monogrammist AW and DS, and from Lemberger's series of Apocalypse-illustrations for the first Wittenber eceding description the Bible presents an extraordinary collection of early 16th century woodcut illustrations, some of wh Bible also contains the first printed map in Sweden - the famous "Daniel's Dream Map" or "Wittenberg World" map.
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