FORUM TIMELINES Timelines provides perspectives on HCI history, glancing back at a road that sometimes took unexpected branches and turns. History is not a dry list of events; it is about points of view and differing interpretations. Jonathan Grudin, Editor A Personal History of Modeless Text Editing and Cut/Copy-Paste Larry Tesler Consultant |
[email protected] Larry Tesler’s vision of interaction The 1960s a paranoid patient. While working design process has inspired many In 1960, while a student at the on his team, I got to know Alan designers, developers, and researchers. Bronx High School of Science, I Kay, Don Norman, Terry Winograd, His leadership in early graphical user learned a FORTRAN-like language. and David Canfield Smith—all of interface successes led to his receiving I loved its power, but its unintuitive whom became HCI pioneers—and SIGCHI’s Lifetime Practice Award in restrictions frustrated me. I learned a little about cognitive 2011. —Jonathan Grudin In 1961, I entered Stanford psychology. I have been a computer program- as a freshman. In 1962, I made In early 1969, I visited Doug mer for more than 50 years. From usability improvements to a pio- Engelbart’s Augmentation Research the beginning, I was annoyed by neering animation language. Center at SRI in Menlo Park, software that made life harder That project gave me experience California. Engelbart had recently than necessary for users. I got to do with discount usability studies given the first public demonstration something about it as a student at and participatory design [1]. of NLS (oN Line System), a vision- Stanford University and in a variety Soon, word got around that I ary prototype built on a time-shar- of subsequent engineering, user was a pretty good programmer ing system [2].