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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 39, No. 17): October 2, 1885

Maxham & Wing

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ff ‘jpjlaterviUe

a. 8. PALMER, hi’ii. MAXIIAH. DAM'LB. WlNQ BDITOBB AMD BBUPBIBToSb. BURGEON DEMIST. An Ancient Gravkstonk, of ulate, »amiitree. meals. AdU the unhome like place that swoUen face, a little bundle of calico from tltent at last; bdt rid dne had the n?e& i of M.\isiO» 8be alwaya kept her hair in enrl,—> heart to returri ihent Id the [xior house. rocky ridges, now a part of a rough past-* lA hen Mamma waa a llUle girl* as iHe duly home she knew. He had frock and red flannel petticoat under her 3f6itoal^inah-u^ Iad glihipseS Of the world outside, and arm, and the "Child” clasped to her Jade staid with Mrs. Morton to be ure, neglected Ertd etert the matki df (h'i! When Mamma waa a Uttle girl orddght up as *‘Help," and Tom ap- InbrIb. tune Pianos in a thorough (It peema to her. yun aee). was, beside, two years older—that was heart, met Tom at the big tree outside grave mostly obliterated. The shine will WHEN not very old, for he was only ten. the poor-house fence. There was ndth- irenuced td a edrpeittcr. The innocent mnhUir. She never oaed to ininble doiHU; illle faittily das brifkeri up; and "tHe Be placed in the Diunimond cemetery- WATEBVlbLE.ME. you aro oyorw'orkod in body or mind and fort Nor biwak her doll, nor tearr her gown, He was to be bound out to a farmer; ing to steal in the establishmentsd, as f . llddr«i»,r.O.B0i»0«..______Nor drink her papa*a tea • child,” carefully treasured in Jane’s trunk in Winslow, oy^ the side df the gratle **nin down** or *'Urot1 ont.** thnn U the time to she to some good hou.sekeeper, who no one ever wanted to get in, it w-iS ndt She learited to knit, plain, team, and pnrl, would promise to teach her to read her very hard to get out. —for soon sHe Had a trunk df Her odd of fh’c vvil^ df iKc deceased, who \va8 nso VcgctlMo* It U juat Ike thing to roatoro your When MaHima waa a Utile girl. and clothes td All it—was only a memen­ Bible. No one ever knew or cared beside “the child” aiid the frock, Jane (lie mother of Mr. John Drummond, •tronglh. Boinandma aaya,—it moat be trae.-* to uf the past. i8iD’t'c._mm I. Hi whether the pjorntse was kept, but it had her btead in a bit of ncws|xiper, and whom many of our older readers will re­ *Muw faat the aeaaona o er na whirl! sounded well, and pleased certain pco- rom had made qaite a bundle uf |>os- brPXOE, Ooi;K^1b mnf T«^pk» Streeti. HAS YOUR BLOOS Tonr Mamma, dear, waa |itat like yoa. le to exact i^. ;The chief things was to sessions. He had a little l>ag of corn So the ydars glided on. Jane grew a member xs the fiist of the name to **ttl* RKSXDRN(9k ,lfRla-fit.tOi>pr£lmwood. When ahaoraa grandnia'a little girl!' Ulli SlinL^rl; TunI a big brown ydbng tfthAmio' ^mptiro gtitt the elnmlatlon bod? Are —In 8t. Niobolao fer Ootolmr. Ce rid of the el^eiiAe of These pauper aad beans,'a fire-khavel, a shirt, his old in Winslow. Our John Hrum’ntoittf, (who children aa soon as possible. shoes, and a long stick with a hodk at mad. TIrerfc was no sign of being "town bflec'UttirB, ymlprodl poeod to ot Imve yoti inUcrltctl sorofit. l*.i,s borrf affei Ills* f.illiei dfed, ?i/. Scpt._ She was happier than her Ibr She Was tUe end, once the handle of an unibrclla. pdtfr” about cither of fltem. They were 1 U 2 and 7 to T M. loiu humors? Uao VcgoUno Inlthfully and a tnifd dholesofitc, well-fed. bright \oung |ieo'- f.l* *772) i^'lli his elder brother Kilther- OUR T ABZ. B more ignorant. beside, she Irad a doll I On this he .slung all their joint proiicrty, Ubortnin. Thcru is not A frincily mndo thnthaa except the doll, and addressed Jane .is ple as you would Wish to se Hut one ford, lived in Georgetown, vvlth their Er -ki. JOBTES. Such a doll! It Was a thick lunip of porformcd so innny wonderful cures of scrufulm. The Widk Awake for October.— wood, about tWo feet long, with Htfles follows; Saturday afternoon, Jane washing the mother ( .\f.iry McI-'.uUfen', daughter of dishes licside the kitchen window, look­ IT T I B T, A long aiory hv the late Helen Jackmm ('H.H .* burnt into it for features, and looked •■‘Hememlicr, now, ydu arc my wife; Daniel McKadden, who wxs llic son of and *8nxe Holm,*) entitled Popay'a Tuble somewhat like an Indian idol. An old and must do exactly as I say—that’s the ing dp Kad Tom garldg at her, and 1 ' ■■WAiiKriu.t, He., ARE YOU DYSPEPTIC Clotba, calla fur firat mention. A oompanlon lame .sailor in the house had made it for lair; and 1 be giKnl to yoil and do bliLshcd a rosy red—wliicfi ccitalnly was Andrew McKadden") until John bcc-ame and in tioo<1 of aomelliing to nld tho.oi:gnns of cU- aU»ry will folkiw in Novi-rober. Then there is odd in a wife uf so many years standing the delightful Story that Mra. Hildebrand her, and had given the child a yellow all the hardest work ; hut you imisl cHclk of.vgc, Jvfnc to, 1793, when they sold OrrtcB; Froailraom* ov«r WKivctrille HaTlngo gcstlun? Ycgclino taken In amaU dosoa ta tho Comt; tu you to w.)lk a little, if b«ak. lately occupied by Foster ft Btewart Att'y*. Tuld. with an equally delightful picture; a silk pockethandkerchief, with a hole in and rtlend for me, and I ifiink you’d bet­ their real estate in Georgetown to Alex­ OrriCB UouHa: • lo 12 A. M.. 1 to ath tu the edge of the of the last day of Angiisl, it was killed by page pictured ballad, llie Miaaion Tea-Party, little brook that with all the changes that ELMWOOD HOTEL and 8ILVEU BT. possess merit like Vugotiuo and you arc auro to and aume irreslatible comics. Laai, and per- had troublesome hours with Her doll, stumbling tfflen,- Hut Tom held her hand come to them sobbed and gurgled a frost, which so disgusted them th&t they bo aatisflod. hapa moat imnnriani. la tbe opening of who not been well. Of cdurse she and did nol let her fall. At length the Filth Annual ileading Coorae of the C. Y F. never called it doll; it alvfays her la-st little white house was p.xssed;then as it did long ago. abandoned their farm and came down B. U., a brilliant aet of aerials : PlesNant Au- Child.” came the church with its tall spire, and ‘Remember this place ?” river. Riitlierfortl purdu-sed o'ri tbe 24lh WE make STRONG CLAIMS thura for Young Folks, bv Am.ind.i B Htrris; ‘Yes,” said Jane; shyly. My Garden Pets, by Mary Treat; Sonvenira of There was a knot-hole in tHe woWden then long paling fences alxjut hits ot ot July, 179S, the last farm in V.)ssalboro, for Vegcliiiu but yet are nidu to back them with My Time, by Mrs. Jeaaie Benton Fremont: fence between the m.ile and fern dc sides meadow laral. They were in the country, ‘And how, when we were ‘town poor’ tho strongest Wind of testimony from tliO IhltlenU Home Italian Authors; Ways to dt» Thing*, by of the ixjorhouse grounds. He [reept'd but not yet in the woods, and both wc ran away and thought we were next to the Winslow line, on tbe river, ranoua authors; Sirarge Teas, Dtnnera. \Ved* through one morning, and saw a strange were growing sleepy and very tired—so ried, and had our house and farm, road, on vvhicli he lived m.iny years, aud" bEOUEWELL, Proprietor- Ummselrea. dings and Petes, by their Queats and Givers child sitting with her doll on a large very tired finally there w.cs nothing Jane ?” on vvliich the most of his children were FOR FCHERAU*. WEDDINGS. and Bearch-Queetiona in English Literature, "Yes,” more shyly than before. with prUea forsii«wers, by 0<»ctr Fay Adams. stone. for it but to sit down on the grass under bdrn. Mr. As.i Low now tfvtiis" and oc­ pAujiks. etc. D. Jjothntp ft 0«).. Uoaton, Mass . 88 00 i “I s.iy,” .said he, -‘come here,’’ a haystack, with Tom's head on Jane’s “ll’s a long time ago,” said 'fom. Also Dabols bob Labok PAntirs. Tlioiiflatida of iicreons in rvery tl-dilc, \ear. She went to the fence at once. knee and go last .xslecp. -‘Hut this place doesn't alter much; cupies this farnl. The Pfoprtetor’e pertonal aUenlton Rlvrn to seems just the (tdffle. You haven’t ab John purcha.sed July 23, 1795* the IdOttloi aud Hoarding Horaea. Urdcra U li «t lb« profcB.'^iob, nu(i calling, haVi Out! Little Ones and tdk nurse- “What's your name ? ” Sunrise awakened them. They ate Binbla or Hotel Offlop. (iffloe oohaicted by ToL "Jane. What's yours.? ” their bread and butter, started on again, tered, citHcf, Jane. Yod were very, very Parker ftiriii. In Winslow, about one mile beeg cured by RY lor October is ac band and is replete with ■sweet; then.” epbone. entertaining matter for tho Juveniles. A Fairy “Tom. You live here ?” and in a few hours the woods were all .ibove Rulherfoid’s, on the s,ime, DR. R. C FLOWER'^ Workshop. In a Honpilul, Frankie's Ikmt. “Yes. Do you?”, around them. No answer. HAYDEN A^fiOBlNSOH. Scamp's Sbtirt Vjait to the Muuntaina, A “Yes." \ "We’re safe at List,” cried Tom. "No­ ‘'Jarfe,’’ .said Tom, “I’m going to and lived there many years. It is the Scientific Remedies. Strange Pet, Janet s FanOy, A Sad Story, The •‘What’s that you'veVol ? ” body tan ever find us here. I’ll build a have another little house, some bigger oric now ovViKjd and occupied hy the ven­ Cntss B«ix, Henit the Newfoundland Dog, and “.\ly child. She isn'Twell to-day. than that we built therf—(tot much—and OONTRAOTO R S numen.IIS other finely iiliiitrated prodnotioii* house and plant my corn right away. Do erable Ntf. Clark Drummond, on which "llothei! ’ you know how long it takes corn to grehv ? a little garden where Odr beans will AND may be found In the contents nf this number. tllrce generations of Drummonds have Rip Tiin Winkle. Published by flussoll Publishing Oo., 63 “No, she isn’t.” And beans ? ” ftWw. \ViIl you rtin away with me again, Job Carpenters. Brumfield St.. Uosum; at l.OU a year. “Are there any more little girls in "No, ’ ventured Jane, doubtingly— arte; and e^l nic ‘Musband’ for good ? bCeri boin—(.'lark, the son of John, Jo- Til tfy Id iit.ike you more comfortable fLANS AND estimates MADE. there ? ” “not long, 1 guess ” si ih if., tbe son uf Cl.irk, and Myra L., BllOr ON rKMl’LK ST. "Three; but one has a broken back '1 giuSs not,” echoed Tom; but I than I did then, my dear.” v- A spanking toam—The energetic mother and Tliere a hand laitl softly on the the daughter of Josiah IT, also Sarah OoalAU D' llATDKMi JBCBEASK UOBILSf. and goes to bed all the time; and two wish We had some more bread and but the quick teinpjj^ sch<»oim I'am. (Jenkins) vLiughtcr of Clark, and two' arc bigger than me and work. Are tliere ter.” young girl’s shoulder, ami Tom looked For liny tl'Korclera of babvhotKl give the little down into the bldsHirig f;tce. Suddenly sulVcrer at bbbC Dr. BuliVBaby Sprup. Pnee nny boys in there ? ” , Hy-anti-by the two explorers came to a of her children. C. A. HILL, 26 c. • “Lots I hate ’em all. They make nice little sjxit in tlic wOOds close to a the tender eyes were liftcil aild llleir lips John Dninimond n1.11 fled ffarii'aiis Hay­ AT Ulfl met. By ..iviug your cows Ua>*t Horae Powder, fun of me.” pretty brook. It was very daiUit; Hut den, Dec. 3, 179s, (the d.uightcr of Col. Lifery. Boarding & Sale Stable you can increase tbe flow of milk Iroin 10 lo "■[’hen 1 h.ile ’em too.” said she. there was a clearing which it was ca-Sy to “liartd saVeS!” eSclainfcd gdo'd Mis. EABTTEMl'LE Bl'., WATKUVILLB. 20 per cent. He came closer to the fence. plant. Tom dug it over with bis fire- Morton; wipirig her eyes as she kissed Josiah Hayden, and Silence Howard Hay­ the girl; Who had become a.s a d.iUghtcr K«»i HarM< •»d C»rrl«*M lo let for ill pur Uae Dr. Du V* Baltimore Pill ft»r the diatrest Are you hungry all the lime ? ” he shovel, and put in his beans and corn in den) born in llridgcvvater, Mass., Kcb. and discomlort resulting from Inligesildii] and 'I'll.SIX iKitlx 'in nl/1 Lrtiir#* tu her old age: “Land sakes ! Going tu ■•MA Uood borm. ■ «rM rulely of rtyllaii nsked t8, 1773. She died in Wirislow; Sept. 3^ earrlagea, and rraaonabUt nrleta. be relieved at oDoe, Donut delay. Price 2fi "Nd. F.vcry day ')*fore dinner she tiKit W.1S his greatest treasure, he cut un- lx; areal mail uHd tVifeaftet a*J.” ceina. gives me a piece." iSyi ; and lie in Winslow, Dec. 34, i8j7- A seaside landlord aaya 'one apiritUe'le girt derbrush and low brandies enough lo The Decatur (Illinois) Sentinel says. IRA B. GETOSELL, will eat Qp, waste and mush oyer mure loud ‘‘She” wes the matron, and a "piece” make a queer kind of leafy but big enough His children were —Clark ; M.iry, mar­ was a slice of bread and butter. “Cornel, a town in Livington County, than any two men Who ait at nij tablea. 1 had for both to creel) Into. during a dram-shop rule of ten yc.irs, ried lo Prince Hiscock ; Cliarles ; Sybil rather b^rd a bear.* "Ah I ” said he, enviously, “I’d like to ‘ Land Surveyor, "We can cal outdoors. We sliall only- paid a pauiier bill oi $i,ioo a year. Then Pattee, married Thomas L. Garland; • Tlial tired feeling* fro n which yo i aunfar so seti any of us ask for a piece. I’m ’ want .1 liome at night and when it rains," North Vassalboro’...... Maine. sLirvcd.” It changed to prohibition, and at the end Robert Rullierlord ; John Wiils’ldw ; Will­ muoii, particularly in the morning, i* entirely said Tom. of four years the pauiier expense was re- thrown off by Uimm'b barsapanlm. “I'll tell j-ou wb.rt i'll do. Next lime lint Jane felt doubtful. Her little fle.sli wliich W.I iam Edward; Josi.ih H.lyden, ( ilieif '“pToYtjIe framing; I get my piece I’ll give you hall. You duced tu $3.50, which w.cs paid fur medi )H iliti uliara< ti‘r of Utp O^sn WinklbWe nlisll neV A minister, having aome ot hi* old Rcrnions, W.1S black and blue already, and yet the cine. Yet some |K-ople claim that prohi ydilrig) ; Manuel Smith (lives inlLuigor); was naked wtiaihe li»d in bfrpifik.ijf ; come here to-morrow to this hole and w,is long in the hay field; here er MHs tigaiii). atatea that ho -ltrd Dr. Flower in I’ll fetch it.” bition doesn’t pay.” Hdw Is it in Il.trt- Tliese all lived iil Winslow, and within UPHOLSTERING h tery loir aiute of health. He bad gUe.i up the .'Dried toi^ue,* eras the reply was sparse and dry. Ilcsidc, she wanted ford? Do not the tax payers have lo sup­ slage on aceomit of Ids heslth bring iiitcriy brok. “Ain’t you good!’’.said the bo.,-, ad­ her walm milk and water and her slice of alioiit two miles from vvhere tlieir LitHel' FURNITURE REPAIRIN6, &C. bn down. Dr Flower clltlroly currd blm and he Rupture, Breach or Hernia. port many more pau|K-rs in conserjuence Nrw guiuanteed cure for worst oases without miringly bread and butter. Tom found .some lived until his death, when Maiiiiet iriuved Also a stock of Moaldiugconstant- Is t*'day oiijo) lug tliL* vbf)' best of hciijMi, nftbr So the friendship began. Every day o'f iHc many saloons that make paupers? having fllltHl Inst season a henry profcsAlunnl bn* uae of knife, ihere ia no longer any need of liiickleberrics hard by, but they did not —Religious Herald. to Hangor. ;; on hand, at kacement. The two great remrtUe* used lu this Wearing aWkward, eutuburaome Tnissea. Send the thick slice of bread and butter was help the empty stomachs much, and even cell brsivd enro nrre Dr. Flower's Liwr and Stem (WO IstteF atampa Air pamphlet and relereiiO ‘«. The childieii of Mr. Clark Diummoiul D. A. HEltlt, acli SaimtiVe and Ni rVu I'ills. shared at the knot-liolc. It was a good at sunset the corn had not begun lo grow A great many jieople do hot seem to vVord'a Dispeii ary Meiliual Asauciaiiun 663 tiling for Tom. As for Jane, it was at are—H«n. Josiah H. Drummond, David MalnBtreet, BufTalo, N. Y. neither did the beans show tlicir heads think that tliey have any duty in reg.ird Oakland, Maine. that knot-hole that she learned how im- above the earth! Suddenly an awtul lo teiiiperanec ; if a man is on die down­ H. Dninimond, and I h.vrles L. Drum- A. Railroad President's Testimony^ John L. Bullivan ia not exactly like a barse. happ) it wigs to be a poor-house child; Col.'fHitt. A. Hrutl.for years rresldriit of ibe thought struck Jane. ward road to death, they seem to .s;iy', moiuf^ of I’ortlaiul; Everett R. Drnm- Any man ean ihiike him diink, but ten men learned other little people had a great l*biin>alvA(i{it It. K • aald Just before bia sud- caiiiiOt lead him to water. ^ "When it grows, Tom,” she cried “ Let him go, it is none of my business.” mond, .Mrs. Cynthia D. T.iyidr and .tirs. limETOK H. PUIMED. irn death, In sitawur to a qii«‘siloii: ** There li freedom unknown to her. He had lived “we haven’t any 8aUce|)aii to cook it in. Like slee|>iDg soldiers, they heed not the ml one Dr Flower, and it *111 be a century be- *‘He wished he was A*ead.** in this outer world, had Tom. When ? .More wc haven’t,” .s.iid Tom. Then approach of the enemy, nor reg.iHl Ihe J. A. Ling, of Watcrville; and John Oounsellor at Law, t‘oreltxreU arutber, and the one medlcli*e for A well known bovtuii apeak* Liver and Stnmiich troubles, and the general sys. He only knew that it was before his hope dawned upon him. "We could call to arms. The whiskey tr.iilii'. is one Drummond, of Winslow. tern, Is hU liver and Stomaeli Sunathe. iog to a friend (be other day. sMid-^'Kor four father went to the war and was shot, and WAT8EVILLK. years i have been sUcIl a nervuu* wrwck I have roast the corn,” said Me: “and I bet of tilt- greatest evils un earth. It upposc.s The iiiteini irrying of families in Wiiis- 0 AoeeVhr rioonlcNatlUnmlHAHk ihUuSanda of limes wished I wie dead. Know­ before his mother died. Long, sedi.ious there's an apple tree somewhere.” alt that is good, and upliolds all that i.s A Case Without a Parallel. ing What pr, hlowir hH<| d<>no t«*r some friends Lilks did those two have concerning the They wandered almut looking for Ihe evil. It is sucking the life-blood ol uUr low makes everyljody a relative of almost kruovAl. In ihfll horrible railroad dUuater at Ashtabula of mine. 1 bought a b(»ttto uf hU Nerve Pills; authorities of llic poor liouse. Once Tom tree or more berries of .some sort. The nation, endangering our homes, and ruin­ ev'crybddy else, sv) that one disisised to (Ihlo; *1111:11 ebefyonb bemembers, Mrs. F. M lo-Ua> 1 feel aa well and full of life as i did came to the knot-liole with a great red UoulU'n 'Vas hilrlbd iHrtiuHh the bridge 70 feet In when 21 years old.' ^ tree did nol apjicar, liut al last they found ing our youth. It blights the Iioik-s of gossip about his neighl.-ors, needs terity uf middle life, and weald say to the publio that they hare Aitvd un ‘flow old are you V my little man?*»*keda struck with a rattan. and the ixior children nothing else to the of old age. It embodies all exceedingly careful or he will "put his aaw aad oummndloaa ruoiai for their 1 liulograpl* gentleman uf a of three years, to Lots more on my shoulders,” .said eat. Hungry Tom could have devoured that is low, mean, vile and devilish. It foot in it”. The Druntnioiids anil Gar­ bualaeaale wlnmi bo was being intrcNluced. 'I’m not old at all,* replied the Utile matt; he. “Jane, when I’m big I’ll beat that his own snoes. Meek Jane, before she fills our )K>orhouscs, asylums, jails aud lands. and McK.iddens and Hl.ickvvelW, after a long trualmcnt, she wua ptononneed In- man—beat him till tbe blood runs. I l.iy down on the hard yet d iiiip gruoiul, MERCHANT'S ROW, MR1N-8T., curable. Four years ago a friend sent her a bot­ ’l*m ulinml now.’ |)eiilteptiarics; and builds our gallows. It ami Cushmans and Keiths, and ll.iydens / WATKIIVILLE, bate him ! ’ IS tle of Dr. Flower’s Nerve Pllla. The elTecc was 'Was most dead Heart Dixease; am now .isked one question : the devil’s most ardent supporter. Then (Ire doore below J. re«v,'i,over Edwin Towiie’r ike mngic; 17 iHjttIss weto taken, and Mrs. Coul- That d.iy J.ine wept cOntiJassionale "Do yqp think the he.ins will grdd lO- let as op|>osc it by all the means (,ud and Howards and Dunb.irs, and .scores of or was tburougbly cUred. ab e tu do n good da\N work by use ot DK, oiore, where they are now ready to wait oo their UllAVliS’HK.Mll' llUOULAlUll,'.ay. t'.eo. tears and gave I’om her "piece,” pretend- night, "l^i ? ” given us. — Religious Herald. others, have been inteilucked until tliey cuattoiera. Thanhln. you for pnit Fur S;ilu iii Wutorvillo by 0. W. DOUK. in-' she double allowance More- hope, iB euru**w rooms, with Improved lacuitlos Guiding, H.irtsgiove, Ohio, Frue pamphlet oi “I told ydii ti( s.iy “Iluslnnd.” s.iiit ------« — form Idle large family j and a worthy fam­ ta.merit a continuance of the same by giving you Pi'ici', per boillu, C bolilea lor $5. F, IngalU, Cambridge, Muss^ 81.00 per os^r, she stuck the child s bead tlirougli fom; then added, graciously, ‘^Ye's-, .\la, (J1I the I’residenl’s return from the AiH bottle at druggists. boiler plei.roa al tho lame lOw prldoii the hole and told Tom lo kiss it. Hut 1 suppose they will. ’ irondacit .Mi'iintains he lound awaiting ily it is, loo, of vvliicll all aie [irimd. Card Photographs, 25 pOr doS •Did you hear about the burglar who was neither and butter nor kindness 'J’hen Jane put the "child " close U1 her him at the U'hitc House the tollowing Mr. ll.dlC. Hillleigli, our well kiiovvii arrcatoii this morni igV’ ’Nol SVoat forV ’For could help Tom very much. He grew cheek, and slept the sleep of the weary. Cabinets, $1-25 for four breaking into sung, ‘Is that au’/^’Yes. He'd letter from .Mrs. Helen Hunt Jack.son, tile cattle man, joined this family liy marrying' more and more wretched. He became a well known .’inihoress, “H. II.” and tlic 8. H. V08RA»0.\, g t ihrough two bars when Bane one hit him yoang Ishmacl in the [xior-house. He the oldest daughter of I' I_ Gar­ with a atuve,' Funeral private^ Good E.irmei Morton arid bis |>lnmp advocate pf the Indian’s rights, vvhivli HAINST., WATKUVILLK. Hitn.dvedsog# W.IS tormeiued hy the small and flogged wife, coming liumeward from a visit to written by her four tlays beloru licrdeath. land, who h id to wife .Miss Sibyl Pattee Ladies be very catltiuhs bow you tamper by tbe great. At last he came to the tlicir m.irried daugliler about d.irk next Diiiiiddidiil, d.iiighler of the fir'in' liar appearing packages, be sure to get tile only ing away. _ — • h.ul tea and were in no hurry. .Sud­ Uniigd .Slates: — oldest daughter, Annie, who accomiianied imaLSiis IN end I am now a well msn.'* So wrltm Mr, B. Fans- BvnsT, Woonsocket, B. L harmlens article for la nidry and kitchen uae, — away ! "said Jane. denly, amidst the sutihing ol tlic little Dear .Sir—Kioirt in'y death bed I send her father to Seutland, a few years ago, COAL, WOOD, LIME. CEMENT AND tbe original JAMLd I’lLL'd PEaRLI.SE, you a mes-sage ol heartfelt tlianks hfr brook the old lady he.ird a louder soliliing rn.ide some ple.isant aciiiiainlaneesamonj* DRAIN I'lPE. From all over the oounlaTOorae almfiar taatlmonlala kold by all Grocer*, they c.ilcli me and bring me hack. I'll you have alredy done for the Iiidl.ins. 1 cftbeeffl-iTUI nDUflDnO I" onring both .still. Her disl.inl relatives acrus-s the water, who’ UrYitnl near Uttpot—I tie Ttrri’o. cieoc/ of A I nLUrnUnUd rbeuAalami snil Physician—You do not need medldirlB at all, bang myself to die book o,er nty bed, b'll “I’c-ler,” she .said, “ibere’s a child try- ask you lo read my ‘Century cl Dishonor.' neuralgia. No other remed/ has t>een disooverod fake plenty of exercise and a mild tooiC —say O, W. LAVrUKSCE. B. tL JO.NK.S. I'll try I’ll go." ing-” II- I am dying, hapiiier (Or (lie l/ellef dial 1 claimed W recogni/.e hJi as a Dium'm'oii'tr that la a real cure for either of these tenibU die- a bottle of cUrel every day, Patient (m alarm) have (IM H is yoorliaiid is destined •asea. AthlOpbOrOS 1* uo4 an ajmeriment, it has Jane burst into tears. ’ Tisri’l flHtlfing Lfu't the wate'i,”said from her .recent. —Oh, no! 1 oeu't do liiatf ll*ui, Tetnperauon to strike tlie first steady blow lovv.irds lift­ been tried and iU value provett to tbousanda of iiiud! Oh, nol But fact ie 1 was in the ^ine “tio aw.iy!” she sotjbed/ And I’ll the old man, wliosc hearing was less people all over the United States, IVu remed/ has rjc-ver, never s-e^ yOtl any more, Tom!” ing this liiirden of infairly from onr voiiii- CiiA.N-(;i-; ill-''Fivti-r. —l-'rolit the first of Ladies' Nighi Robes •vur been put on tbe market that has bmuabbauch I bUBincas my-ell utiee^ end 1 know how tl'a sh.irp his wife's. uahrer^ Tvllsl to sufferera from rheumatism and ' made, ‘•I didn’t think abimt llut,-” sirld Tom. ‘•It’s a child,■" ys-TsisleA tlic (fld l.tdy. try and righting the vtrongs of the Indian O'etober th'c (Inri; of hulding- refTgt((i(J Knim 50 ceiit.r upwitnls. neuroliria. AthlophorOsUabaoluteIjraafotoUko Without beautifu I hair no worn in is btfiuti- "Don’t cry, Jane-. ’ ‘•I sow, I iHink 1 sec One .sitting on tim race- and will turel/ bring relief. If /nu doubt Itn merits Willi resylcr'? .yifil gratitifde, services at the Various churches is ics fol­ L'kUui jpiiciiiise, Dratvi-rii. Cmae*. Cdv • tend tor namea of persuno in /vu/ own Bute who ful, 1h yuuis I'allingoff or ludeuV Ihe K>riH is Hut she sobbed l.e!tc-r. fence.- NlOp tire rrC.ire I’eter,! WlrO is era. tVr.tpp<-r8. B.iftpieo iiinl Skirls. have been corod bjr lU use. vital, Pulker’s Han Hulsaoi will pieterve your “Dont!” said K:; “dbir’ti f Isay, there” (Signed) Hei.e.v Jackso.n.” lows :—Sabbath .rfterrtoon, commence at VVorktiiK iiiul F.iiit-y Aprons, Aik jrour druggUt for Athlophoros* If Totf hair and give back Its giuSa and youthful coler. Jane, you co'ni'c- loo ! I’m going- lb be a ".\?e, nf.i'anf-"Jane,” .s;ii(>a little voice. 2 o'tlock ; .Salili.itb evening, at 7 o'clock'^ onnaotgetltof him we will aand it express paid ca Clean, elegiut, perfect, PieveuU daudrulT. farmer; I shall want a wife. Ctytire with Coi.nv. —Tlife SenliA-r^s has chosen - Ill liti'ge Viirieiy, lO Bol' Cl rvueipt of regular price—S 1.00 per bottle, TVo 1 beard .»carri.ige and Mlioughl it imght the follow iii'g officers;—rresideni, H. week day evening^, at /jr. Iroiii, lit prefer that /ou buy it from y4'i,000 Ihia Hoyd; Vice I’resident,J. Hryant; Secre­ sWs, but o^er at imoe (nxu us aa directed. "What’s a wife ?” "sMto' is sick," ask-ed Mrs (3n Saturday List, white three men were B1R8. *•, lIOItIWIE’S. season, Mr, Luoua is said to regret very much ‘•You,” answered Toirff "'YoirsIuH be I're.isurer, A. Rlehardsmi; ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW TORK. that he does iioi possess a oollegiate education Morton. masn.'r, S. E. Wcblier. Class day olli- at work shingling the barn uf .Mr. Ch.irlcs my wile.” , *"■ to enable him to play instead of iiranage tile “My lucsband.” cers'—Orator, .S. H. Overlock; I'oct, C. 'fiipiier, in O.ikland, the sLiglng fell, let­ mOUfVO K¥AU gam**, “ Whit would I li.ive to’do' ? ’’ "Husband ? I’etcf; Nn*t thht a child ?" "Why, you must c.dl me ‘husba*?l'ff'm- !'. Small ; Historian, G. E'. (iiKigi'ns; ting lli'u whole p.irty (o'the gro'uml. Mr. IIaa had such Impruvcmuiit lu his "Yes, iir.r'.rrrf,” said; "hut he's I’rophel, R. J. Condon; Addfe’s.s'to nlider- It is rumored ,Mr. K W. I’laisted, stead of - roiii,’ aud 1 must Call you sick-. 1 don't know what ails h'.m. He Tupper tell iqKiria |>lle of stones and w-as ‘.\la’ instead of -Jane.’ I must work and graduates, T. J. Ramsdell; Parting ad­ PtVPliogrBph Rooms, a son of e.\-Governor I’laistcd, is to as­ shivered, and then he was hoi, anil he dress, 11. W. Trafton; Odists, .Misses injured iiilerinitiv, the other two e.scuped .< » Bit* I M>d-a.llHa4lon to Uloao wbo sume the maiiagenreiit of tlK North Star get you things, and you must cook and seems sir strange. And our larnv didn’t hrlrdtar Jtii AmI, wHb d Roek' I’eter; TU fetch the little K-M-gal. " even the Mugwump Hoslon Her.ild is con- cla-sses in life in reg.ird to the condition tlollies.’’ been po.itponL- I loi two weeks ARr.r.'.SICK and prospects of tlio iiegro. 'Hitii tliey decided how they were to Jane looked up thankfully into the old strained to condemn it STiie )VaterHlle 0tt. 2, 1889.

, Ca . t ’ "^sterville Ma;. Daniel Simpson—Uoaton's vet­ Tick Concert at the Congrcgatidnal * Now is thk time to buy Watches, J-OKClsr NOTICES. * eran drummer who claims Winslow for Church, on Wednesday evening, was pro- Clocks, Jewelry, and Silverware. You Broker Insurance Agent. his birthplace, and of whom we have liad k Rev. a. F., Skeele, of Augusta, Will nounced very ple.'uanlby the large, choice, can buy at gtegt^ reduced prices for the auTEKNWBNT, BTATlt, Ciry, ToWK ABD preach in the Congregational Church good deal to say first an4 lash—celebra­ V MAILROiAD UONDSTrROCUBKDrOK Cni.MAXHAM. DAN'LR. WiK» and appreciative audience, who rhonifest- next two weeks tt F. J.-Coodfldge's, and INvClTMEirr AT LOWEST next Sunday A. Mi, m exchange with the BDIToal Ann fBorBIKTOBa. his 95(h birthday, last Tuesday,—or ed their approval by hearty encores of all you will find as good' sn assortmeiyt of MAKKMT PRICKS. pastor. rather it was celebrated for him by his EIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN BUBSTAN- VEAZIEY the singers. These were—Miss May goods In my line as anywhere in Water- TIAL. RELIABLE COMPANIEB. AT Vesper Bervliieil at Unitarian church LOWEST RATES. « ; WATRRVCLLE .. Oct. 2,18W. numerous lelatives, fHends, and admirers. Proctor, Miss Jennie Drown, Miss Ethel ville. I have all the different kinds of commence next Sunday evening. I Afsnt for Ihs It was done by a grand procession—Com­ Heath, Llewellyn Cain, Harry (Jale, Mr. watches and can sell you aAJ’iliing you Dr. a. Li Libuy will hereafter be at tVNow comes the North Kennebec! pany B ninth regiment, Dahlgren Post De Forrest, and the College (^rtettc-- ^ant at prices that Will surprise you. To Lombard InTestment Oo-« the Elmwood on Tuesdays, Thursdays Is all R^dy with/ati. or BOSTON) “ Many wonderfully works have been done two flute and drum corps, a band, with a Messrs. Small, Suckling, Mathews, and ui.„. t and Saturdays, as he finds his b'jslness Phenix, with Miss Florence Percival for deduce my stock of Rings, I am selling for the ■ate of their 6 per cent. Oearanteed Loani increasing, liberal display of patriotism, bunting, Ko frota 9900 to $5,000 on wentern ftirtni, worth 3 to immense stock of in its name already, but it will hold its piano solos, and Miss Jessie Smith as ac- them for a short time at about three- 6 time* the amoant loaned. The eeml-aonual In* own lair and show in its own name next man candles, Chinese lantern's, and the comiianlst. A trio by those Watcrvllle fourths regular price. Can show you the ts'rett eoopoDi paid If deilred, at Merchant** Na* The Maine Pedagogical Society tloaal Uaitk, Watervllte. In 90 fear** experience will hold its annual meeting in CobuiTi week, opening on Tuesday, Oct. 6, and Woman's Relltf Corps to provide hot cof­ favorites- Miss Marlon Howard and ^ assortment in town. .>5olid wal- the manager* of ihU (Company have not loot a fee &c., at Gray's Hall, where were as­ Amos F. Abbott, and Harry Gale, of " , ...... dollar for Invetdor* In these loan*. Classical Institute Building in our village, sxtntirtuing three days. Work still con­ Wlnthrop, W.IS unavoidably omitted nut clocks selling very cheap. Everyone orricB IX fall MU WINTER Oct. 15th, 16th, & 17th. Rev, A. Li tinues in improving the show ground and sembled a great company, many of whom through the hoarseness of Mr. Abbott,' warranted. I always keep an elegant M]SnClIANT*S NATIONAL DANK BUILDING were of high position in the community. who was snffering from a bad cold; but pne of Silverware, both in solid and plat- Lane is President, and Prof. W, Hall, (rack, and in the main points perfection WATERVII.LE, ME. Sec. and Treasurer. Next week we Will has been reached as lar as contemplated Speeches were made, and all had a grand tliroilgh the courtly of Mis.s Florence ' j In knives, forks, and spoons, 1 keep GrOODS. „!) Percival, who kindly came to the aid of ...... , , give the programme in lull, but we mav .Many of the best cattle, horses, and good time. The event was also crlebra- the management, tne gap was tilled by beat. Take your watches, clocks, now may that Profs Elder and Small Of sheep seen at Lewiston will be exhibited ted at Mr. Simpson's residence, under di­ two charming piano solos. We do not and jewelry to Goodridge's for repairs, Colby nave parts in it. here. Nelson's horses will of course be Reduced ratea have been aecuit^on All the New Styled seen in the best light in a society in rection of ex-Councilman Albert F. Lau- care to discriminate except to s.ay that , 1,3^^ of the finest watchmakers to Miss Proctor, who is heard here for the , ^ 1 1 1______a the Maine Central and ita bftitiubes. 'llck- IN ■' . wmoh their owner takes a leading interest. ten, the husband of one of his grand­ firsttimesinceherretumfrom Boston,san3 had. We do our work promptly and ets for the round trip to be secured M the He has astonislied the horse world abroad daughters, with many distinguished BAKERS stations. No return ticket will be given and will cheerfully show his horses at charmingly, showing that she had profited , In a proper manner. See my goods and guests, when congratulations were extend­ by lier opportunities for instruction and get prices before buying elsewhere. Re­ at the meetings. At the ElmwoOd Hotel home. He will still meet sharp competi­ the rates will be |i.7| to $2.00 per day. Dress Good& , tion here, where we may expect the best ed, speeches made, letters read, and pres­ culture. Hut the performances were all member the low prices I am now giving CREAT Free entertainment for ladles. Those I- - , good((luu diiiiand were u(iall hcarttly Ayyiauueu*applauded. t' , . . , a-vu i 00« i exhibition of horses, troth on the track ents given. rite procecd.s were about »4S; which was »>•« “"'X » »hort time. Old gold and wishing to avail themselves of this ar­ and fur sliow, ever held here. Major Simpson was born in Winslow, very creditable to the management. silver taken same as cashwt F. J. Good- rangement will please address Miss Alice Splendid array of All classes of stuck are sai^ to be in Maine, Sept. 29, 1790, his father having •\DiV. Drummond, ...... Waterville. good condition, and but few have been lived to be 97 years, and his mother near­ A correspondent says:— ridge's, No. 130 Main St. Next door to sent away to Lewiston or Bangor. The Wc w'ish to add our word of praise to Corner .Market AMERICM ly 90. He was named for his uncle. Cap­ HOMESPUIT^ trustees and other officers of the society tain Daniel Shattuck, a wealthy landown- Miss I’roctor, whose selectiocs gave such see the importance of a of time that His mother was Sarah, daughter of pleasure. Her tones were rich, clear, and , „ .KtsfWANT will bear largely upon its prosperity. for oe Shattuck, of Groton. She'married right in the key, and the words of her A//ss A./I^Gleason 'What fliky WtM (Itk,-Wri Ur *, years to come.' Failure will be fatal, and Benjamin Simpson in 1760. His first ap- song* so distinct tliat not one was lost to Has tbo Agency tor a Mew Lino of -WU. tU wax ■ Chll8, th* oWd M CAnnaXA, ’When aha beoama Mlaa, aha alaag OAETOflUA Rmbfoideted Robes. A" success a triumph. pearance in public was at a muster in 1800 tliethe audience. The two excellencies ofofj-v-xy 1 -i-;*, 1 • 0*11 What aha had OUMiaai, riNgavatUai (UaXOU A Uur business men of all classes are at Winslow, when be drummed for tlu singing in the key, dnd speaking distinct-1 W ^Sll X^tCnin^ N8TANTLYHEUEVE8& CURES opening their eyes to the importance of company of C-iptain I.-nuic Spencer, in ly,la* are■•••A soXA rareC*-S<*A tliattl«»A tliey(Kast* deserverlI special j CRAm*l9, COE.IC, holding for this locality all the advanuiges 1810 lie left his homestead to seek liis mention. Manulactiircd expressly for ' to which it is justly entitled, and which fortunes in Bo.stun. in 1822 he kept a Art In Outline, CHOLEItA. mORBl/N, look to them specially for encouragement OiiiTOAHV,—The death of Mrs. Han- ALL FOBIIS or The Governor has appointed Hall C, West India goods store on Hanover-st., AND Burleigh of Vassalboro, and John Best at this lime. Their help is important carried on ablncksmitli (hop, kept a livery nali (i. Pray, widow of tlie late Mr. Rob ^llJinnER COmPLAIlVT, DRESS PAHERNS, and is promised. ert W. Pray, whicli occurred on Tucsikiy Ot Portland, to fCpreseftt Msine at the stable, and still kept beating fur military Warranted fast Colore- AND annual meeting of the Millonal Cattle And all the A committee of ladies have received companies. More than 60 years ago he at the family liomc on Silver street, brings encouraging promises of assistance from to that liume the sadness tliat alw.iys NEW LINE OF SHADE HATS. GfoMrefs’ Association at Btr LWiIs, NtfV. kept the Dragon House, then on Union ALL Interaal ft External PAINS ayd to ffSthi village homes, by the loan of pictures and Street, in wliich organized, about follows tlie removal of an alfectionate Cor, Rain and Tample-tta., Wninrvlllo, Mr. AN OPEN LETTER. ------>•(------other articles for the decoration of the mother of loving sons and dauglitcrs. 1820, during his proprietorship, the Green Portland, Alig, I3, l88j. B. A.,ATitiNsoNfi!C!d.-=Tlleitt!lfl1nt0th Novelties ball,—or for premiums if they prefer 'I'lioiigli for many years an invalid, and Dragon Brass Band. Tlie Boston Brig. On the Farm.—In the few fair and liOuse-furtlislling establishment of B..A. OF THE These promises will encourage entries ol ade liand owes its inception to “Uncle' mucli secluded from social life, tlie loving iMc.ssrs. Maurice Baker & Co. beautiful days of the past week, it is easy Atkinson & Co. of Boston, several various kinds from families out of this, wliose labors in the cause of miliui- care of faitlil'ul sons and daughters lias Gentlemen:—As there are at present in months ago extended their business to village to bring in tlicir domestic and fair ry music certainly gives him the riglit to been, in a marked sense, comironsation to concede to the farmers mote real en­ all parts of the country and during this Maine by a permanent brauch in one of cy articles for pramiums or show; and so the renown he has won. He two sis­ for licr losses on this account. This de- ] joyment than in months before. So ma­ season of the year, many people, especial­ the largest warehouses in tlie city of Seasofli- this pan of the exhibition will be broiigli lotion to licr comfort slie appreciated as , ly cliildren, subject to that awful disease, ters living, one of whom is the wife of ny doubts h.ave been rebuked in the corn- Portland. The Maine department is un­ back to the duties of past times. Wc en only a sick and suffering mother can, and 1 liloody Dysentery, and in some localities der the immediate personal management Jonathan St.tnlcy, the veteran lifer -jf Uic- . I fields, and so many hopes confirmed by dorse this committee with an earnest pie Ancient and Honorable Artillery C-amp.i- left to lic-r cliildren the tender memories liecoming almost epidemic, I ivisli to say of Mr. Isaac C. Atkinson, one of the most for success. ny. His children, four ol whom art- tliat always crystillize at the deatlibcd of , ,|,e thresliing macliine : so much fruit tliat in your valuable remedy, Baker's energetic and successful young business Blankets, Upon the farmers depends almost cv living, two sons and two daughters, b.ave tlielovciiaand loving mother. from the orchard, with its promise of fair Great American Sirecific, may be found a men in New England. Under his vigor­ erything in the way of a substantial and Her surviving chiidjen are .Mrs. Saiali j ccrtdn cure. As 1 know of one case in ous effort the pro.sperity of the eastern married into some of tlie leading families prices; and all tlie time the price of hay- From to #10 apr. well founded forward movement; and in Boston. He is at present in easy cir­ E Percival, .Mrs. Geo. II. Ware, Miss | parliailar, of a young child wliich had got brancli has been very great, and the house nothing less than a rousing one will meet cumstances and has a charming liumc on Emma F. Pray and Jamc.s J. Pray. Her looking better and better. Strange, says so low with this disease that the atlend- is becoming well and favorably known the occasion. The society has grown East Fourth .Street, City Point, and is surviving sisters are Mrs. David Sliorey, | the farmer, that I should frijt myself so ing physicians liad given up, and said the tlirougliont the State. Read their adver­ little weary in thirty-five years of steady Temple-st.. Mrs. Sanili Swift of Gardiner, I , cliild could not possibly live but a few liHt^EKNE STOCK OF surrounded by liisgrundcliildren and great and Mrs. Hewins, of Alanclicstei, Me. things that I can t control m the tisement, and if any of the goods enumer­ effort, but it rallies now by no exterior grandchildren, and is happier tlian a king liours, 1 induced tlie parents to try your ated are needed, they invite, a visit to help; the improvements just made com In Ills parlor is a portrait of himself and Her age was 67 years. 1 least! If 1 had known in June how mat- rcnicdy, and in a few hours tlie cliild was their warerooms or communication with Flannels, Ladled ing solely from tlie accumulations of past drum, p.iinted by Darius (Jobb, and also Funeral this alternoon at 2 o'clock from ttrs would look to me in September, whaj out of danger, comfortable, and in a few them by mail. Their contract system for years. There are some " new hands one of the late Edward Kendall with tlie tlie home on Silver st., to be attended by sunshine would have clieered me all the days entirely well. This is only one of the sale of goods at the lowest cash prices Mens and ChildfeiHs the bellows," but it is the same old bel Ktv. .Mr. White. many cases, and I am confident that the and liaving four months or more time lo silver trumpet presented to him by Queen w.iy along! Now 1 see tliat it was fret and lows. The fire of improvement and en­ Victoria. He exhibited a drum made in timely use of your w-onderful remedy will pay, is of great convenience in many in­ Underwear^ terprise will soon burn in more than 1771, and beat at the battle of Bunker I-ff-Few Waterville boys, to llie manor worry witliout cause orre.ison. Shall I ev­ cure any case of Bloody Dysentery, and stances, and they have done millions of past heat. Hill. Dan's grandfatlicr was a lifer in born, are better remembered among tlie er learn ? would earne.stly recommend its use in all dollars worth of uusiness on tliat plan and sucli cases. Shawls, ; General Washington's Guard, and liis fa boys and girls of tliirty years ago, than No, farmers, you will never learn that never had a lawsuit. OrWe suggest to the trustees in ar iher was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and C. 1’. BERR''f, Insiicctor of Customs John S. Ch.ase, son of tli; late widely- tlie fruits of Septendier are never rijic in Last Sunday, at Cheyenne, 'Wy., all ranging fair committees, and through captured a British soldier during the re­ A*k f*r *• II VKKU'S Gipnl Amorlriiti Sp.*clrtc.” houses occupied by were placard­ Yarns of all Klndsf known Dr. Hall Cli.ase. At one time he June; but you arc taught beyond doubt pr< part’d by Mnunct* llalc*r Co.. Uortlntid, Mi*. them to the committees themselves, the treat from Concord. ItY ALL DKVLKKH. ed with notice.s signed “Workingmen," was .selling dry goods, laces in particular, that between June and September many announcing that all Chinese found in the Silks, Velvets^ iw.portance of taking a little more than lySec wli;,t I’resby & Co. say. Tiiey Prlcf 20 C< ut-*. the usual care in making reports. Exhib in one of the stores in Pheidx Block. a blossom and bud fails to meet its prom- city after Oct. ist, would be subjected to must be doing an business in the S.VnS'r.VCTION GU.\K.\NTEED. a coat of tar and feathers, and ridden on itors like to see their articles and animals Later lie wandered to a wider field, and ses. Somewhere in the intervening days Brocades, RhadameSy line of low prices, or they could not |BCB baa S>ln h 8quorc* of OOIco, to (n> a rail. At the Newcastle mine the mob mentioned, if not rewarded ; and in many wc licard of him in N. York, where lie and weeks hop-e li(Ls got to hecomc disap­ cases cxplanatioBs are needed in justice niaEt ftUlf tpi^ucf our I iMBN rnii«n (Mo have given llie i hincse notice to quit in promise so much. We hear of their sell­ has since built himself into the and IWA alike ) 3 with ^unaturt** of WAdhiRuton, 24 iiours, or to be riddled with bullets af­ &c &c. to decisions. A few words carefully writ­ pointment. Then your chafing and fret- j LAiirsiin aitd (tiNnt. Atfl-*- WoiHfNt. s^nu'.le. ing goods to go even to Palestine, in tlie file of biLsincss men, always witli a^ good for PulLh ft an *0*. to r.Os Ih-x Sl^lorar. Mam. ter that time. ten. either in the entry-book or on sepa­ rejrort home. He is here now, accom- ting will be working into the sunshine of I famous Holy/'Land. They claim to have ASK YOUU DKALKR rOU The Gefiester and DauntlcN started rate sheet, are much better than the pen­ your life, just as llie sunshine now brusli- j enough left to meet home promises. |>anied by Mrs Chase,—tlie guests of Mr. Sunday alternoon in the race for tlie Cape cil scrawls too often found. Proper E. F. Thayer. With numerous relatives /UA'/ili'S BEST FLA VOUISO names especially should be plainly written. es away the clouds, to throw its smiles ^ EXTRACra. .May cup, over a course of 275 miles. The Another;e at tiie Silntinel among old fanilies. he has a hearty wcl- Genesta again won, in 42 hours 14 min­ ------come -, but no hearty in a mucli wider over you. Lo! tlie liarvest of September Office.— Mr. Arthur W. Hall, of Rock­ utes 40 seconds. 0’Among the' prominent attractions circle, for the geniai memories of old c.innot save those wlio are lost in July land, who has had some experience on FOR ALL PAINS at the show ground on Tue.sday will be times. He don't like us, politically, but and August. Learn to live in tlie months Tile Pope has consented to act as the Courier and Gazette, has bought one USE the Hereford steer team, of six pairs, with half of the Waterville .Sentinel. The we like him in all other respects; and he as they follow each other; mid lo trust mediator between Germany and Spain CLOAKS ! firm name is Moore & Hall. has always taken the Mail, aud always over the Carolines. which master Tommy Burleigh con­ will. ______timt wlieu the ulmida hang darkest llio| The .Montreal riot is believed to have quered the six first prizes at Lewiston,— “ Talk about hard times, and notiiing sim'ieaius wait nlovu them. j iry.Mu. Clarence A. Mausiiall of been the outcome of an organized con­ five years olds to calves inclusive. Prol)- to do!" exclaims one of our citizens, Boston, will begin his season of vocal in- Books, ilooKs, Books! If you want spiracy on tlie part of two corruptionists We wish to say a ' ably its equal was never seen before. “ why I am trying to do a little altering to see the largest and best assoriment of m: of the city council, wlio since the outbreak stniction in Waterville, Wedncsd.iy, Oct. The Burleigh 5t Bodwell herd of Her- and repairing, and I find every carpenter Books ever brought into town, you can • of small pox have pandered to the preju­ and mason in Waterville brimful bf work, 14th, at tlie Congregational Vestry. His find them at Dorr's Buo',c Store, includ-' dices of live ignorant French Canadians. word about Cloaks. efords will be otherwise weP represented. Four Frendi communists led tlie mob .Mr. Libity of Uakland, tlie main pillar and it is with great difficulty I can get numerous pupils and the membeis of the ing the whole list of Alden's riiblicalioiis In the stock dcp.utment, will of course anything done." Ariun Club will give him a hearty wel •,-.t ruinously low prices, all the new and shouting ‘ Vive la France,’ ‘ Bravo Riel,' We feel specially in-' ------popii'ar works. .Seasides and other paper ‘ Down with the English and vaccination,’ make a triumph in big oxen. He will Mr. C. E. Gray bought tllF N. M. come. Those wisliing to study witli liim probably do as much fur liis own society covered books from 2 cents up, constant­ etc. terested in this depart- Soule on .Mill Street, and has taken sliuiitd apply early, as ids time wilt be ly on hand. Call and .see wliat bargains .Miss Esty, the new lady Principal of as for the fairs at Lewiston and Bangor it to a lot near the Head of the Fails. A —why not f quickly tilled. we can uii-e you at Door's Book Store. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. Coburn Classical Institute at Watcrv-ille, new liotisc is to be put upon tlie old lot ram* FAIU r J MILICtm fAM M rwOM ON* TO TwtNTT HM* ment of our business. The-“Dr. Franklin" horses will be ex­ ______tf is a daugliter of Rev. iMr. Esty, lomierly by .Mrs. .Soule. CiT Veazie recently enlarged Ids WTU WITH ON* THOHOUtH APn.lCATN><^ HO HATTf* HOW VIO- pected in gooil number. No horse-fam­ UNT THI PAIN. The NHtUHATIC, Wnmi, OHiPPtU, MRVOU*, pistor of the Baptist church in Aina. She premises by tlie addition of a duak and firANOTHER E.XCURS10N Saturday ev­ HtUKALVe 0* THOM PKOATIUTI* WITH WMAM HAT •WPFKII~ We don't claim to- ily can outshow them. Rogers is putting in an immense stock IS a graduate of VVellesIy College, and sliawl room above, but even now Ids store ening, to see the l-earned Horses, at enters upon the duties of her important There will doubtless be one of the of flour. most interesting cxliibitions on tlie track is so crowded witli new goods tliat tliere Gardiner. Dur reporter has seen the ex­ position under the most favorable aus­ have all the good bar-' is hardly room fur customers. pices. ever seen here. The famous coU “Nel­ nrlf anyl)ody goes cold this winter, it hibition, and says it is nut only interest­ KiNSHAN'8 ELJXIR appokm motmt tA*c, rvu son" lias taken the front in all horse e*M«CTiON« WITH cvkNv ■orru StxTV'Two oo*C* TWIN* won't be the fault of Veazie, for his store Hon. E. F. Weuii joined the party of ing but wonderful, even more so than the After the change of time on the Maine gains made in the flesh. Mr. Nelson thinks lie otliers is brimful of tliat wliich will help to keep TY-nvi CKNT*. PO* tAU av AU PtMT CLAM MUOaWT*. I MAM ONLY tr F. W. KINSMAN A CO., apothkarim, Central which goes into etfect one week railroad directors wlio went tlirougli licre bills promise. So say all. You can go coming close beliind. Tlie liead and you warm. ' - sLi*4* POURTM AvtmM, New vom. from next Sunday evening the t rains will world, at a mere noth­ front of the horse interest is here. “The on Tuesday to attend the formal opening and return in season, for-a Saturday night ADAMSON'S P1L1.8 CURE SICK HEADACHE. run the same as last winter. Tlie Flying Query!—On the arrival of the Bangor QuiteM •WWM a OOATt*number fMA* M attendedQT*. CAW M MWT I OY’rof. MAIL. Ca- greatest event tliat ever happened in tlie of the St. John cantilever bridge, widcli bed-time. Link at the bills fur time-table. Yankee will be taken ofif and and the interest of the Maine horse; worth a 11 o'clock train on Thursday forenoon, a pen's reception at the observatory and ing in price, but what Occurred on Wedncsd.iy. A great lime The lesson of the c.xbibition is emincotly were well reixaid for climbing the liil|. times will lie only slightly, if any, dilfor- million dollars to .Maine." small wooden box, willi pa|x-rs, apparant- ent from that of last winter. 1) as Liken from a s;ife, was found on the was had with, spceclies, &c. useful to all who have anything lo do His visitors found tlic profe.ssor very pa­ we do claim is this: Missionary Noyes of Waterville, is Caution!—Since tlie example of the truck frame of a car from Belfast. Query? John Ware, Esq,, .1 director of B. & -M. with domestic animals, and in this respect tient and obliging. —what safe, and where. laboring with the Baptist church in Hodg- fair at Onondaga, N. Y., wlicre a pair R. R., and Hon. Edwin Noyes, of \Valer- one that ought nut to l>e lost. Coi.iiY.— rile foiuajtinlor parts for ex­ We have used the best cellence in .scliolai-sliip liive been .iward- don, for a .season, in a series of meetings were married on the grand suind for a Mr. a. Thompson will fit up the ville, were also piescnt. wliicli h.ive steadily grown in interest premium, it is hinted that some such at­ ed to the following memiiers of '87 -. building recently purcliased of Tliomaa i.hfortaivt. since their commeneement, Sunday, Sept. judgment we are cap­ traction is in embryo for the next fair in Greek, \V. B. Karr; Latin, W. F. Brad­ Smart, on Temple Street, for tenements. ^F■'^llC apple era;) will lie eqii i! to Wiioii yoo vUU or Icttvo N«w York Cllyi iav* bury ; French, F. Goodwin ; English, C. 13th.— [Aroostook Times. Wafcrville. The bridegroom is said to , . .1 I*. *11 1 .1 .. I IlngfiKu kaxpr«*it«g(f nnil CatrlMifo Hire and itop yCdfi l)Ut ihc will 1>C bcttCTi iwyji U Or*ud Uulun Uotvli uppualto Gfand Uvu* E. Cook. I'lie stings ol insects, CIO.. iiiBtnntly nllnyid able of, and have made be willing, but as tlie Onondaga ex.unple IjTF. A. Waldron, Esq., started for by Baker's Great Ainerk-nn Bpouific. terlS specified " fifteen minutes kissing of the Liverirool, N. S., Tuesday, on some F ayeltc man, in Lewiston Journal. j ou. mil The SinsKY Town Fair "occurs Oct. An E.xcursion to the Aroostook, the finest selections bride by the officers and reporters,” the matter of researches, and lilies, of land !'»^’rhcro is an earnest reliiiioas awak- lion dollar*, rt*duotd to $i.oo aud opwaidu, pfr 13th. Until last year llie fair had not with low rales of fare, on the Maine Cen­ cautious Waterville bride proposes to wait interest in this vicinity. ^ ^ (day. Kuruu«*u ptuu. Klvviiior. Itvaiauraul •up. been licid, but tlirougli tlie jiiHuence of LMiini; in China. , p lod wiiti iia* boat. iior«*0|tri*fHtusu»Nntl Ku- tral, is set down for Oct. 6th and 7th, the possible, from some of till next year and see if there can't be . - 1 vated Itullroltd lu ftil depot*. Kamlll** ean lift the (iraiigc, it was revived. tickets to be good to retiirnuntil Oct. aist. larMr. Charles A. Dow informs us ^ ri 1 boilvr for ill** monay al Iho Ufaud UnlouUoUl change in the present board of officers. A.k for -ujjjlfuu for ' *•••" uiuoy ollior llr.l ol«. kotol to Ih. oily She says the rc|>oriers are well cnougli if that in just two d.iys last week he threshed Rev. Eiiwi.n F. .S.mai.i. of, former­ J. Frank Walker, the Embden mur­ the largest Cloak Cold*, .Son* Throat, llour*vuua*. Troclii*. 1ft I'l*. j ly of Waten-ille, accepted a c.all to none are imported from at his farm 355 bushels of grain, of vari­ derer, pleading guilty to manslaughter, Liquid, 2ft cl*. Mr. George Barker, late of the Cor llie rectorship of St. Stepiicns Episcopal has been sentenced to five years in the The usual erudite and w.itcliful Port ous kinds. He used tlie -‘ Benjamin church of Newark, N, J. Houses in the country. Thresher,” so called here because m inu- " Eftngk on aatt.** ner .Market, who has been sick with a State prison. land WiA/r/'/rrr/- is cauglit napping in copy­ Cicari* out min. lalcu. roache*. lli'U*. nlM*. h* a- rlieumatic lever for a long lime, is able to The Baptist Anniversaries will oc­ factured liy tlie Benjamin nianufaclury of bug*, ekutiki,olilpioonk*, ifuplior*. Iftc. lliuiptlal* There is one skating rink the less in Ladies who exam­ ing an anecdote containing the following agricultural implements of Oakland. It is be out again. cur in I’urtland next week, beginning on -Maine. The Casino in Richmond was • UftftTt Pftlas. Tuesday. burned Wednesday morning. couplet, as of .ecent occurrence ;— owned by .Mr. George E. Shores, who is |•alpl|a«lon, l>rn|>«lonl Swelllnfii, DIXBlncM, In- using it with much satisfaction among liis dtifeatton, lloadaehc, Slevpl«»»ttv«* cttr%U Uy' Dll. CiiAKi.t-a Ij-Williams, a gradu­ ined our Cloaks last Soulhworth, r« rtwsr, llil* loiixh u!d jnde Witt srTCr prorv s Itodur mwdo. neigTibsrs. '* Wuir* Uoallh Ueitewir.’* ate of Colby in 1874? now a thriving young To I’revent Small Pox. — —— A few days previous Mr. Dow assisted ** ROdfk dB OdTiil." physician in Houlton. made a visit lo the To the Editor of the Mail: winter, can judge Mr. James Faiion, an operative in the Aik for WrlU* *' Koiigh on Corn*,** Ifto. Quick, A Great Victory A stire preventive of Small Pox without his neiglibor, Mr. William Brown, in oomplvlv Cure. Hard or *0(1 corn*, wart*, bon- old home, the Hanson iVilliams place on Lockwood Mill, who lost a little girl by tliresliing with the same machine 540 vaccination, may be found in Dr. R. C. somewhat of our pres­ drowning just alrout a year ago, and an­ ton*. the hill, lids week. A Terrible Case gf Scrofula Flower’s Nerve Pills, prerared by the busliels m four days,—wlicat,oals, barley on F«tn."JPoronio(l Plwror. other chtld by last winter, liad a and buckwlieat. Tlie machine Mr. Dow Cured by Flower Aledidne Co., and sold by all boy drowned, about six .years old, Mon­ StrruglhauTiift, Improved. Ih* tM.**l for baokaohe, ADVICE TO MOTHElia. druggists. ent stock when we say pronounces “ the smartest lie ever u.scd,” pain* In tbo ebo*t or •Id*, rbttamatUm, nruralyla. Ar. you Jiiitiirbeil st night snd bn*k«n_ of day nighL —and he has used a great many in a lung This has been proven by practical ex­ —- - - • — »* Well*'II*aUhU«n*wer*!"^^**tor** health and your rat by s .iok child •ullcriiig snd orying that we never began life devoted largely to farming. Now, with )min ol ouliiiig U.lh 'f If »o. «ind st one Hood’s Sarsaparilla perience during one of the most dreadful At the Somerset Central Sliow, H. C. epidemics of tliis disease ever known in Burleigh liad some Sussex cattle on exhi­ wlieii looking back upon three score and vlfor,our«* l>y*pop«la, lloadaobc, Nrrvoufue**. Slid got H txitll. of Mrs. Winslow's Noothlng ten, .Mr Dow says lie is just beginning to Debility. $1. Nyruii for Children Teething. Its rslue Is in- " In the winter of 1S79 I was attacked with America. tf. M. D. bition. Mr. L. D. Paine, of Center Fair- eulotiUbU. It will rellayft in* pr liititt »uf- Scrofula In one of tlie most aggravating tornii. to show such a stock field, liad a yoke of bulls, twio grade short learn how to farm it to profit, lie is one Whooping ferflr iininediaiely, Depftnd u|wn It, tnoibem, At ono time I had no less than thirteen large A bowling u-ob made things lively in who believes tliat honest days works and and ih* manyly throil.throat. .VfTeotlo'n*.MfeCtton* of< olilhirrn, horn cows, and a grade Hereford bull, promptly. pl«a*alnly, nad aafely rulk^rd by iber* U no mUtak* nbonl it* It ouren dyaen* abscesses over anil around my neck and throat, Montreal on Monday, consequent upon of Garments. which were deserving of notice.^ good management ought to give a man a ' Rouicii ou Uouftht,*' Troche*. Iftc.; llaUam. 2ftc. lory and Uiarrhuoa. rognUtea Ih* nlomaoh ana continually exuding an oIIenBlTe mass of the enforcing of compulsory vaccination. good living—and some profit besides. He bowol*. enrea wind ooTio, •ofUua th* guma. re- bloody matter disgusting to behold, and Buildings were wrecked, pistols fired and proves Ills tlicory by Ids works. Mothen Juo«a liiHiimmation, and glv** ^n« and onorgy Rev, Dr. D. N. Sheldon and Rev. A. If you ar* failing,.broken, broken, worn out aid ner Ui lb* wbol* pyaloiii. Mra.Wlnalow a Bmiiblng almost Intolerahlo to endure. It Is Impossible considerable damage done, but the mob C. White, of Waterville, were present at — ------TOU*. MftC [««Ilh lUuewer." $1 Syrup for the Children Teething ie plessent to to fully deeoribo my sufferings, u the ease was finally dispersed by the police. An Base Ball.—The Colbys and Bow- flita- the tsste, olid is the preeoriptlon of one of the WM complicated with Clironlo Catarrh. After DDN’T fail TD LODK. oUleat and boat foiuar# nur»** nnd phyel'jiNna ignorant population, wnetlier in Montreal, the Unitarian Cooference in Belfast; also doins pl.iy upon the Campus here, to-mor­ three years of misery, having been treated by Life Preserver, 111 the United Btalea.Aod U for aale by nJI or Spain or Italy, resists sanatory meas­ Mrs. S. M. Ware and Mrs. E. M. ILirt- row (Saturday) afteriiuun. If you ar* loalng yoarf gripegrip'on Ilf*, try tV*!}*, three phystclans, I was norse than ever. ures, for the prevention and cure of dis­ Konewor," Go** .VeuralgU. Too||ia«h*, Ka**« Mr. Gfa). L. RoiilNSO.N—formerly in to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after We invite conipaftson. Mb*. Aak fur "Hough o* roolbMb*." 1ft $ Vfte. having token twelve bottles, within the lost which lies almost in sight of the mouths at Town Hall, secured a very small audi­ OREA^BALMI business in our village, but now retired to «• • ence, so that the Post did not stock much twelve montliB, the scroluloueerupUoni have of the Elbe and the Weser and commands CI ti a n s 01 t b I'l frftty WpmfB. . , . rotirely ceMed, and the abeeesaes have all money ______leadlea who wouM rma ff*ahn*a«a*d vlvaelly. a farm in Benton —leaves to-day to visit diMDpeored.except the unelghUy scars, whiobwl the approach to Hamburg and Bremen, Don't fail to try *' >T*IU* IleaHli lieaower." his only sister, llie wife of Rev. Sanford are drily beeomlna'imaller by degreee, and ought to belong to Germany. The re­ ryUo you wish _tq^ excliyge an old Heitd. Allay beautifully leu.’ 1 do not know wnat It 1 vival of the rumor in Germany that Eng­ .tTiOngCougb^Ootda. ISr* Throat. Kingsbury, in Michigan. Hosu of friends bave dan^OT " ' ------A &plen^d large': _ - hat for a new on^y—U» Riaauut' mj ooio, HaMri BtHapi land is about unit Tlie turtle* laUiMl’ wmy ■ -MatH Stnut. -By thrwayTittirr)rnp-j-o«tr iNttAWWatiNM.: 91 Trvetiea. tse: wfail biin.4 ple»*anl frip and a safe return ^ -Bwve so«M) foundation, UuMigh it is ^uit« work in his line, as he will leave us next — ^------,u ...CM beta tnuoneUcu, possible th^t the report has been inspired Henis the Sores.| Tlie M.uiie iiute Fair receipts were and------I amJ ready toto verilyverlfj the antbenttelty of month. ** Komfh tm lt*h> * $18,443-10, $475-^ nrore than lust year. Uile cure, by personal correspondence witb by the wish. England is not in the habit ------— • — Kowgh on ItoV elre* hi'mur*,*ruptlon«. ring- any one wbq doubts It.” Cuoiujca A. Eott- of giving up the txi&ns of vantage which Cloak Room. Uesturi-s tbo toiler,aall rl*ram..fro*l*df**t, ehllbUlng. BKTt, East Wilson, M. Y. Wesley Kimball, who lias been ver) ji-nsus Ilf Taalv, Neivou. Debililsled Men This etoteroent Is conlirnied by W, J. Hunt- she has acquired, without compensation. lick is improving in health. Th* Hop* of Th* Hntion* You sit sllow..l s fre irlsl of ‘•••[‘y,.'*,*.''* "f Heligolany man be of little use to Eng­ Smell, Ueiiriiig] the u,e of Dr. Dye'e Celebrst^ Vull.lo ^It ley, dniggtit, ol Loekport, N. Y., who calls the Ublldren.aloir liin*r*lom*Bt. puny, serowDy, land compared with the friendship of her Base Ball.—The M. S. C. came over A quick Uelief nnddullcaU. nae" Well** Ifealib Ueutwer.*. with Kleotrlo Suspen-mry Applisnoe.. Ntr- core a great victory tot Hood’s Sarsaparilla. A pusitivh Cure von. Deb lily, tui, ol Ylislity si.d M..ih.H.d, Bend tor book giving statements at many cutee. powerful neighbor qn the Rhine; but if and played with the Colbys on Saturday Wldn Awn^ snd sll kindred Iroobles. Aleo. for msny other A psHlele I. spplM Into esoh noelrtl, sod U Bismarck gels it he will pay for it.—Fort. thraeorfuur hour* «v*ry nlgtil eoaghlng. (1*1 dlieseie. Complete reilorsllon to hesllh. vig­ tlie result being the defeat of the visiting agrcaabi* to ua*. I'rleeftO ocut* by mall or at Imiumllale relief and anuad reat by ualog Well*, Hood** Sarsaparilla Adv. ItruagM**. Baud for olrcMlar. Uongbon Cough*.*' Troeli** Iftc.; Halaani.Vfto. or snd nninkiHid gustsnlee» only by 0.1. HOOD & CO., lajwoll. Moss. Fhank E. Brown, one of the new better club than last year. “Biiivh OB fnin** ForonMd PUtUr; , r.-iinsllon, term., elo.. insiled free by sdilre*.- ben nII «n*caU«4l rouiftdloa Tail, Dr. Sage** Hlrengtbftotng, Improved, th* b«*t for backaolir ing Vollslo Bell Co., Msi»l sll.Midi. tl 100 Doses One Dollar. postal clerks, ranks high on examination. 'I his lias been a week of golden days. CAturrli Ufinedy cure*. pain* lo Ibe cbv*l or aide, rbeumatUui ueuriela - ■ .■'^' ' ■ '■ -''rr. '■■W

•minux^issasga Wateri^iUe

oUr elephants stampeded and Smtt was TM VATmUE MMl in a position where he was In dai^r df V being trampled on and killed, JumMi saw^ 1 In laOKnaBKHT tAVlLT HBW8PAPKR the peril, and reaching out with his trunk, PRESBY PcUlmSB KviIBT <•' Snatched Scott up, drew him between his & CO. AtPli*alsBlMl(....llalBSt., WatmUIr, M* forelegs and kept him there until the herd MAXSAli^ft WINO, was quieted. They loved each other MIMn u# PraprMor*. dearly. Scott was the elephant, and the BPB. IIAXaAlf. ,DAlPLR.WIRO. tiephant was Scott. They slept together, Dumm ate together, and drank tdgUlHer.. Siiott tlsed to get a bottle of beer jUst httforego^ FLOUR HIOHER : It-W Btr yMT. $l.n If italt Mriclly In >4t—»». Blagh CBpIn, IM nni*. ing to bed In his berth in the car. He EMPORIUM. jvRb papar Alaaeattaaad aatll all amangai generally drank half himself and gave the Storas l'>2^1!-4. Pia paMi aaerpt at tka apHas of tko pakllakan. other half to Jumbo. Oile night He drank 1 forgot to serve his friend be­ Mtik^ ni> Histdkt dhout it, it ii A LARGE ‘ ^TdCK ON HAND I -ts'ruascoMnit oi Maila. re going ta Bed. Jumbo waited for lat he tniought „ a Hiasonable______time___ —and- feaitk atl.MA. BL a tjp.i then quietly riiiiched over to the berth, #« it TAP a. li. k4.Wp The Place To Buy Dress Goods, Harth aad IM M A « jj. i lifted Scott out and set him tenderly on 500 Barrels td Arrive ! •• •* m. . the floor. Scott rettiertibefed the beer OflM teMM ^ai 7M a. m. lo 8. p. m.t on them JUmbO got Ills drink nnd dozed ta HCikieipilii, ’fricots, Plain and '^willed. *V»H*3iJ5r »t \ p. w. Saatfay, tor PalMHail peabeftiily on " ”'•* FEAint 1*. Tft4TVRp*F. it. Prices havG advanund 25 ct& perbb!. ------—1------"■"* All Wool Flannels, fWfs. taot rxm. taxoh f. ravaio COTTON WOOL and MERINO UNDER'WEAR, MrUaarwaaao faarfatly dburdaiad and k In Wstotvlllo, Sept. 2btb, tatho wllti ..f Mr, bit 10 faablo and languid that i loarealy tood Olwrioo R. Tyler, s ton, X For Men; Women and Children, fiO cents on the dollar, Buy yoUr stock for a yeai*. Imaraat In anythlnf. Triad all tba B6,catlaa . I" FsirbSTOn, Vt., Sept. 1st, lo thS wife of tunadlaa wtthout rallaf until I naad Parkar'a JofcaB^Qon^dsnghtor-Luoy AngusU. ( Te^f, «Uah alTtoMd A parmananl onto,—Da- lii'rf Ladies’ Ch'emi&,e, Night Robes, Drawers & Skirts, yfd»iliiMtUbllN't. Ark. ^arria0 10 Lots^ less than Wholesale Prices % lIttW buy U| Sundny tobool near Bottnn. ba- e«. In Boots,' Shoes and Rubbers,,S“r4,,;'r ^Dg at a loaa to gira tbaanawaf ‘Cain* to a quai- tlon calatlng to that Indlaidnal, the taaoher, lo In WnUHrtlln.Scpt. 34lh. bj BtV.B. RniMelli Rcinnanta & Cotton, 3 & 4 ct«. yd, wide. Gentlemen^M nnd ifoyM’ Parittj 3 BhL Lots at alMost Last Yed^'s Piice^. jog bla'UiatMr#, aphad | Mr. George Hall end MIm EVe Koox# both at •WhM daaa ■ tm walk wUh?’ Onklend. from 50 etflf. io 93.00, arCai Value. Boya’ Riilii with KnCc Quick aa a flank oame the faply In Obinei Sepi. 19ib| JenieA 0. Fhb of Cbl^ •Awotuan.' ne. to MIm Lne A. Mot^T of S^eremont. In Skowhegen, Bepts Sdibp dberlto M« Blob Pants, 91.50 to 95.00. ’Crunks, Bags, cheap .. Don’t hawk, hkwk, bhnr.'aplt,W^Wo and»IPM Utt-liwwadiaguat n'de of MenAHMiv, lo Hlw BUe L. BmUb; WE SHALL TURN THESE HOODS QUICK. Embody wllh yoor>nr oflUnaUaoflbnaUa breath, butt ‘ uta■ b'8p*i l4th, Bir« Be B. Darrel lo Jliae Keiie. F. /enough to satisfy everyone. Dr. Saga a ChtaiAI Bamady‘ an^ and it. lloneii, bntii of 81n>#Hegma. Conie in and 'ivt will shdw ^dit What to a oheatnuif A oheatant la an old jaka told by aema other fallow. An original Hair Goods, Great Vafldy. Joka it an old ona told by. younelf whioh you eatlis. WHY YOU CAN AFPdRD TO PA'^ think tba crowd haan't heard before, One Oar Load of RUBBER POODS, Coats, Circulars, Blankets^ In thU vlllege, Sept) 29th. Mra. Hannah Ot WATERVILLE MARKET, i^rayi widow of the late Bobert W» Pfft ag^ Bonnot and Hat Covers, Sleevei Aprons. Le^ng, &c. Large Beef bringa 8to 9|c: mutton 8c.; lambs 6t yre, 9 moa. line of BED BLANKETS, thd low price will astonish you. CASHi ijc; Fowls 13 to 14; Chickens I5 to-20; In tbia Tillage, Sept. 35tb, Alwofid Healb, Tonngeat child of the late Dr. Atwood, and Job lot of J?owel8, Damasks & Spreads, call & examine. round hog 6; Uuttei 18 to 22; Cheese SimlB W. Cnaiby, aged 4ym, 10 mot. ioc;Kggtl8; Pea Heanspi.74; yellow In thie Tillage, 8wt. 80tb. Mildred Pi’ay, Whatever yon want it will pay you well to call at thfe 1>-3a3-4 eyes same price; Apples 2.75 per bl.; Po­ danghter of George H and Martba A. Ware, tatoes 45 eta.; Quashes ic per lb.; Cab­ aged 5 moa, 26 days. InJ o.Oaklai ' liStU, Gapt. J. 8. Sargent, MORE 6ENUINE BARGAINS AND MORE GOORS FOR YOUR MONEY Waterville Tea & Coffee ^teri. bage let. per lb.; Turnips 2C per Ib.; ^jed 84 Tei deOeaaed. was .an...... olden... Turkeys iScta; Oats, 45 to 50. Hay,$12. time aeatoriog man. Ub Apedt tba early and THAN IN ANY OTHER FOUR,STORES COMBINED IN THE STATE. better portion of bla daytt upon the water and The USB of Iodoform or mercurials in aoenmOlated a handaome propeKjr. He learea LaDIM Itt^IVATJ^^TOILKl DUNN BLOCK EMPORIUM, the treatment of catarrh—whether in the tiVo aohi and four daughters to rnonm hia lonaj form of suppositories or ointments— I hare tailed npon the ooean deep, ROUGH & TUMBLE; should be avoided, as they are both inja Fre been tho world aronnd. rious and dangerous. Iodoform is easily The hetTenly port I longed to feabh. Mulhv'I'A will be K;tppy detected by its offensive odor. T.'ie only At Jaat J now haVe foufid. L. A. PRESBY. - - R. W. DUNN. putting t«jt«thcr n boyi ieliable catarrh remedy in the market to­ No more the atondt and wares of time, ingeni.tus prifucss wns My bark aball teas about, goiKls to only one denier day is Ely’s Cream Balm, beieg free from I need no star to guide nfy couim, nnd FaltllcM all poisonous drugs. It has cured thous­ Fof augeU point it Ont* Hre tlin lucky nnqn lo scciiro lh» ngnney lor this vicinity On Ihu sleeve of enc.r emit 18 a diiimoHd sUnpedr“ -”- InUcl df hicli■ rends‘ ns follows" : ands of chronic and acute cases, where In Olinton, Sept. 4lat, llf* Motes Bunker, alt other remedler have failed. A parti- aged 76 yn,.8 mua., Sept. 88th, Elmfr S., son ,R9Ufe AND.TUMBLE.' tie is applied' into each nostril; no pain; of Dearborn J. and Ida M. Marr,aged 9 idoa, Read To*day I agreeable to use. Price fifty cents; of 86 dayi. ' MKVER KIPMi lb Airfield, 6 duck oiitvas will not (car, nnd tie button^; HM’nakWMMUie PUb an a non cute, Mlb Fhoitomphe. tiraliDg The F^nreneh method < f lastendd ny thu new patejt process will porec:cllln Vork, readily learned byyailngoarepeot Ullyj’ prepdred guide. Ladlee or gentlemeng with Snot cumu lift*. All of the latest Books, Magazines, and lag to gain,- a competency by meant of this laah^. ■jlTi’HICES tVE are GLAD r> Periodicalsconstantly on hand at Dorr's Ibnablo and beautiful art, are enabled to earn IGtIOllS NOT ( N to 810 a day. /tftructions complete, Wd h:iLd WATERVILLE Book Store. if- paint Card else, $1,801 Cabinet, $8.00> Ordera prumptly fltled. Corretpondeuce toliclu-d. and M Oiliirnnletd |« ALWAYS \ to Show Goods I I HEALD, and FAIRFIELD'.- Addreaa, ever Offered.** as fepfeSohtfcd. ^ ■ flip LolVfeST.k/ aj,d qiioto fricPii. LI HAVE A GRAND SELECTION OF THESE SUITS. The date of the arrival of thd ancestor FATTXH ft HORIET, Arttiu, Bangor, Me. oiilnlned of the Drummonds in this country, which At short noli.. We arc sellihg White The .Skatilt^ iiink will Oct your Window and R we were compelled to leave blank in our We raannrncliirc TlJj 8. A ATKINSON Ijcnd nnd OH eliPnper lie open soon; now i.s j Beat Komh^nn paragraph Oil our first page, should be Poor SiTeens before I ware, and can sell Ihb oTuiD conisridst than ever. the time (ii (f(ty your the Hies Home; wellaVb Sd»v<* Di (lit! IVorld & CO., R.iller Skates. , best at very low prieC.S. try it, .mil jf pQ, s,,;*. •729- ______wifedloltij all widths i . .== It is nbnHI I tine to liiiy and colors. Red, it bait be returned C. E. MATTHEWS & CO.,' A nice little cottage to rent on Getch- Paint, Vnrni'li, White- COBNefiPEASLiHDKDDLS SfS.j a Kerosene Stave. The Buy the ' . DKALlflt IN ell Street. See advertisement. Tuhulnrislhe Largcnt Springs and Aitlen inr Kerosene, l.ard, Spt'Hh ' wa«li. lllirse. Stove. This i.s tho place tohuy Serul), Windoe anil ClROCERIES AND FROVISIONR FOaTLANDrMI, and Best. yoilf UarHagea. The Colby Echo for September—fhe iird Nenlaf.Kit Oil.s, al ' Dust HitCSHES, ill Wheels, Spokes. Iliiiis, ways in stock. Sliafts, itltll Uatriage liFst of the academical year— is out, with I gredt variety. ^iUIItB, Caxixlifl ttooD.s, ao. House Furnishings Steel Tire. Refined Piiinps Repaired, and Goods of all kinds. kill filled . We copy the following Irou, Norwny Iron. .loll work of all kinds C5!;.Dvnainite, Htn«t1ng Connected by Telephone- . 2 Number 126 Main Street. Bands, Hnn| s, Rods, /irREM ember-we tiersonais;— pfdihptly attended to and Sporting Powder, Do yon want ittUoo*' OF EVERY description. Horse Nalls, cHioeg, have everything you An elaborate WtJtlt on the "ribly hjr experionecfi wofk- Fuse, Silol; Cflltrlilges, Stove? 80C taj NEW D. H. SWAN, C.E.MATTHEWS.’ Crow bars. Chains. Calf Si want in the Bnild'crs’ Atlantic. ^VA.TEl^VlL,I_.E? ME. Houses" of the Scriptures, by Rev. T. O, line, Nalls.Glass,Locks Paine, LL. D., is anrittunced by PloUgh- knobs. Bolts, Hinges, ll^Pa'.cnt lon, Mifflin & Co. ______SETS Uoctimher-wM rumps, I'y'Wo are ageWi.s for 'I'iii IJii't.TS and l,*oH. Rollers and Hangers, i'lllur a alllengllis, Iron I’nnips the eeleltmtcd IteilllReti illielovs nmdn and l>lll Comfiihh b oets Cotrd- TEA, COFFEE, FLOUR, AND MOLASS^S, in rio«jA«h,Cberry. Walnut and Maboxanv. Prlceg Sliealhing Paper, (fee. Those elegant Stallion CUp$, won by 90, 899, 940, all sizes, I.ciid I’ipe, Sheafs, and S(;is.ny the NEW P.uent winning Hf (he sifltlion ctfp and Plirse, (rphnlgtarad in all tba latest covarlnga, iocttf'llrig Milr Dryer? It will yay CirOood* dclivereil Fair I’l iiic Charn.’ Cfoih.lUuila Srna'Ilk, Silk Pluah, Cituhad Piuan and promntly, and free of Pair I’riilc ChOtn.” Ill . 8w ingig Faucet Cans, to he able to sun the most pdriictilar cusiomefi worth aliOUt ISBob, at Mysiit Pafk, on Mohair Pluahaa, eombtn .tlno of aoh*r». whioh you cad loritaull in one year! CyPiire Pari.a {Jrdch, has stood the test for tl S giilj.h ^li.60, lOjtall VVedheiiday, by Pilot knOx, owned by J. belect and bava your atl ntada to order lor iba aama prtca cliarge. for Potato Buga, for caah nr on our aPKC'IAI. C’OVTKACf aySTKM. ttethiy-five years. I $2.25 H: May, m AugU.tla. 944»; 949, $49, 909, 990« MW, 9T9 and U|iwar fllu eel tenement hoase on his lot at the corner of •Mcrillnn U> alaoSiil eurcli^a.' Wr Ii«mVn WATEKVII.LE. .fl.AlNE But IDf Boaop.'• •" Vv toSS ill aarcr Sprinji^ Oversacks, IWDI Mill and Elm Streets, Bring ill y inr old Straw, i;iiip, Fell) 1 or Beaver. AND A FULL LINE OF NOH^ISA OOODjtlME TO BUY: VAccixATlofi Is brisk here—Drs. Thay Itr and Howard doing it at the expense of Stoves and Ranges. LARGKaT A6SORTMRNT. LOWRST PKICKS to Gantleinsn’s Furnishings, at the town. Main#. WabAvr tha Neir Ryro', our Uholre Viola, Uhly.UnluD, Naaliiia. Quakar and Uic fainouaMKW - F. J. GoouRlCM has recently returned TARirPanilUIUIVKI.A\’t> HANiVUKS. ~ A giKiil Kangc CLiRANCI A. MARSHALL, REMEMfiEH THiiT $6 WILL BUY jf and1 WATtkfa- for- — 919.- K'iiiembwr, we warrunt eywy toe ftm Boston with a rteW sdtek of goorls in for Aa f9Mi gnargiiiM Ubry H4irg$ AMrfbct TD.YCIIKII Ob' bafiar., Sloe Ann W'Are_ gnea wlin..... ovary fUngt.__ S. 0. MAESTON’S, Tis line, which he W'ili sell at hbv prices, Anvknv orof thoIhe'alMive AlMive Hang.Hang.'*’* winwtii lie at hiiti farfai or on ofli" 1 Usual. fl'KClALil'KGIAL UDNTHAITUDWTKAC^ SYSTKM.J* f_ Te>m$99to910Lar THE CLOTHIER & yURNlsHEll, MAIN ST.. WATERVILLE. duwos and 09 lo $9 per tnonib, aecsodlug lo t-oai of AT 'fllB fVSome dissalisfat'lion is expressed xaiiga purrba#ad. VOCAL CULTURE, l>oQ't delay on ibU matter. Irou baa advanced to kith our insinuations df crdokcdncss in ^Ive allblo tba weak. Tou will uavar buy inwar tbas ALSO |he dramatic management in VVatcrvUle. THEORY & PIANO-FORTE, patient, and we promise to dxnfain—to ifflil.'s,—Wauls,—Halch, *• Elmwood Market.” PARLoiTsilOVES. WILL UhCKlVK I’JI’IlS At IIIB your satisfaction. >4^ . O l.KT —A double icorniritf, in*0 tturv llouio. . IniO m .1.. k aim MW ...... I" ..rriv.. in .ii«. •..( Oddgrffgational Vestry, Teflijlle-B’• T near l)»o Hhimk Kaclory rt.irn —AIno, llio I Pturo MN lo I'dU ItKNT.-B-Tbe Ground Tcurmi’iyA bf my umout,” tlie mule »rm team, is a rarity 99.99 per moiiih, aix-^KUiitg lo coat u( btova. Urtog uc Tu aveure ihu fall tvr'a uf li'taoiia ttuftlla muitt Connnencin" Ho -(Icti/, Sept. 28 jl' bouite un il«>rrll| Avenue, cuutillnlng in our streets. Not quite as gay as a pair aetidyuorina’ti.rd Aii OlL CTiilTH MAT ti.VK.V n(i|ily al oiico. For Taltlon liateaj acMrefa, larir<« and elegant lu prime condltibo. il Nelson’s bay colts but quite as fit for away wlibi’teiy Aittve. 21 MjHic Hull, UoiffGu, Moss. LEWIS & BRISTOk’G L. U. FAINK. (W flo-ti from iMk cla, iu 91«k«4MI each. pii^ ralfllcM Owlre. ‘land uses. M’iB h'W SNade«aitd Mraiwry. K«^’kar«, Raav Ghalrf. BRIDGES & TRUWORTHY LditiMgea. Ilal rrvea, fn-lelMiar.ia, MdiUlc an t Ohuh Tup 'I'O luKTlMtlii Ulliiinn lloute TaiiiTF. I*arhir aid inH'V IVaka. U.iiing Mooiti i batra liKPiire of r?"‘‘Jtiia trait in Mr. Blaine's autt T.*b(a .and a full aivl t'liuiiAvla line of Uouav Vai-* Dlhbluga of every il4w-i1|Htun. Educated Horses, sTKiVaiUT iinoa. a co. Llardware, Paints and Oils\ 7in Plate ana ■rr,” say* an Augusta letter writer, FACTA, uiiva ntdird KAiT.A fnr lha ooiiit\dera’lon of j7B."FRIEr& CO. aiul Ml'IuE^. all Ibr paiqrie. Our gmMiaara ail Kew. an I Tbnia l•t‘llar ' whenever hk personal aspirations meet niangraclMmi in litU •vtiiiiiry. We bav« titanliiuttd BUCCP880B8 TO ro'lt KALE. Sheet Iron Woikers: ihmugli Nan KnulaiHt In the |ia«i four )eara «>tar a A |0od Farm of l.'ljl a.efei•f. loiarrna.r xifo'te ..(bIc of check, to pick his flint and try again.’' mi.UOS IMI.I.AKA* wn-th ol PDllNITlrttK. OAK- ftiilire Trooj^ cultlvalloii. vilunted OB ijelgrndu[rndu riijffl.riiifd, fn the ra-TU, KKIHIIMI. .ATOTItA ami HANOIM. | A. F. Oollias & Oo., town ot Oakltnidi^wiin faevv wi"ujl “ Py. flff'''■ WfMnL-- Jobbing in all its Branches. t*, liut the old flint lock is out of use. WaareBaiiafaciurera. anting you ooa innflf. Out ON THE STAGE IN FULL AND tmvurouapurrhauafur our illrrtf alorea via un a Ilavi |i|.t riicuivH I n Inrg.i tinu of Injr orcliani and ♦iiung orchard1 growing'gniwlnii: Wdtirf • AGENT FOR lUiU'b lower baala iliaii vii’A’I ona'it liea of g«MNi« can k# FEARLESS FREEDOM! n\ houfltvand vardit, uy ruiinliUf wa'^'r ap.4 f’cnetal Mills, commander of the mili- b nabIfsT. UurtMNTK.tOt IIV TKM lvlh« huUAU- wellr. The above farm,' w^/h lAfolHi alock and KbT, PAIHKttrawl lllC^TaYalKM on IliU opfrtlur-*. j WOOlaEIBiS ATtU cfoFir, may br had at a buriraln, by applying In B' department of Missouri, in his re­ In lliu siirpriHingly plcnnint nnd in. |i«r«on or by letter to the fuaftrUwr. nd to thg arttutant general of the army, Gents. Furnishing Goods, Bli'uctive Ciiiucdy of Mlid. 11. F. WKIillKlt, |)s that before the late trouble New rawM* and aaatlia tiwoda* ««t •Nr ftrkioat' Aug. 4t 1BH^. OHklnn; Waller's PateBt Charcoal Tin Shingled Wu linvu speciiil u.irgaiiiB in 4 A »I I > iut * ' tiico wag a paiukinonium, the haunt ••• 9*W w* «!• bwalMraa, llaaaa If Wa 9*M^t S G HOO lay'' iVtVD HiniKC; PI.ATKS,- •NraPNHr ffwllnra dwM'i buy. Writ* l9t | IVoii’m tVhItc Nlilrtii, Pi'tmounccil by Press niid People tu be ‘Outlaws who with die Indians crowded •ear ••Btraei ayairMi,«r cult ai corNer*# Fur tOitl'li la Guaraiiteeil; 'fo camps there. The control of the at 5U cts., rciulurccd ill fnml aud buck, beyund nil com|ivtiun. Ji M. BLAISDELL, M. D. 'hlyy, however, has .sto[>pea the issu- slsu ill (6i MAIN 8T., IIANGOII. HALVE.) > of 20,000 moje rations than the In- Pearl aad Middle Straiti, NIATIIVKKM SpociQ-list. Ntllli llmbrellaM. ,1.' An' alMoIiitcly aturm-]>r(Mif roof, *08 needed, saved 8100,000 a year to Wedneeday, ffridny tb Saturday. In all diitraara of the Uowala/Indudinf IMtrat w government and driven off the out- DONNELL BUILDINO, I’lense give us a unll Very Uespvel. FUluia, KU$urc«.- Ulervatlpnl- Ionian;^. an/f ...... HCrIrturea...... All. wilj ufvii lour times tb» survleu o| |ws. The territory is a block in the fuliv, Snccinl Excursion Trnin from Fnlr- operntluna prrfbripcd by the nf-» igelliod of aiit). woiii), and diiiil) e iliiit ii'f urdiuiry lln, ficld nnd Wnteiv lio on Tnesdny even- ■rpilofurgery*, wMliout uilut; tliu knifa. ligature slinot irun nrumitxniux kl tte. **>}’ of civlIUation and perpetuatesA Few Doon Mow llio Post Offico. J. B. FRIEl A COv or cautery-CJvliiir the patient nrile or no pain. 4i?n. !ng£ nt I.OW Kates ol Fnru, (see R. K. Cure* rpeedy nnd'p4-rmaoMi(i: AA«r ireati 2. /V rouf tliK^ will give you ; rolrc- nnhoiihcbmcnts. patlrnta can return oaoe lo ttfelf hpfQYgi lion from llltl Stfl-fL'ilil it is aturm, wlud Kxsszsse PllUHtT —Ib Court SIA0|HM > Md 8,,ooo Imlians. ia.Aii.All fhr* fourth ilondayIfondi of Sept, lOrA Iliitl Fnre frum all' ptfiftts thirfitjf- the ainl fire-pruof,. , . Bnnoh ortho Groat Nsssnu Hull House furln.h Ukssssroa a .as • ’ iJ J£ NT. pUrpOl t l»g (o U [JutiBo ARP Ria Kerpkr—Speaking of UKUTAIN lAytSrUU week. S|H’uiiil8 from Augnst.x and .^. 'I'ho strongest, most aliraclive and in, Btoro, 827 Wuliingtou Suievl. lha lavt will and trvumvnt of Hnllowcll every night. FUEKIK/ll NOriOK lighleslr»ui kpuwn, ami wnteh you can ho’i death, Mr. Barnum said, “ The PKTKIt TOLLKY. late of Winalou Uontoo, Mass Oaki.amu, Oat. 2,1. t>lH6. , pnt on youraelf. . ( . t* a total one, unless the railroad com- la a«ld C'ottslft dfoeavfd, futviug Ixicru prraraied Adiiiiasieii 'ib niid 85 Cehlei fur protuite: I hereby give to my minor dhlUlmn, Daniel 4- The only stinglo provnbpi; fiiafatileo every claiiie we make f"r It. fmgy ailead at a Uourl of Probate Ibun to be b«»ld- Jutnbo. Ho cares nothing for human ATKINSON & CO. eu at Augnata, and vhuw cauae. If aoY, why ibe Store, Auyiisin. D. Ilnin’s, Ilulluviuil, ing*. 8wl7. Danui. KkoXb ^panionship. Jumbo was all the world aald Inatniiuent alioald not be proved, approved G. A. lieiils', Kieliiiiuiid mol nt th5 fJnr- We p^ay cash" for WOOL. The afloction manifested between ISAAC C. ATKINSON, Eansger. and allowed,aa the laai will aad tertiBest uf Houhc To Rent. the laM dreeaaed. diner E.xpruss Ollice. They can also (lu and the «l«^nt was simply wonder- 11. 8. WKU8TKK, Judge. seeurud by muitaudun speeia) train I'ruu A Cottage l\ou»e oq (ielrhell Htrrel, to.Uaat Ac. 128 Main Si., 1 temembm a year or two ago, when 0|MB Kvorr Kvoalwc . furni«ii»d or uiitornifhed. Appir to WatervilU; AtUft: llOWAUD OWKN, Ueglater. IT Watorvilie; • ,1»U8. U. U. FKUCIVAL. C-\ 4; : > , M

•flfliiiiiriiinihi Ilk a^fft W^fltcrDiUe lMflil....0ct. 2, I8S5:

Ifesdiett and hourtleu, but wholesole'd for WATBRVILLE MAIL. all that—A now boot, nREsa s^KiNa. MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Pik'vlimflNT ^ SsWfilliki dll, the meslesl siir* nn mrth for Commencing Jnne 29, 188a. pnln, hu ni»c|s a ntp^st brilllsat debut. f’rlca MISS EDNA E.SPRINSFIEED, A. U. E B B V, Annie LouftieCARV’sKlNDNlsS;—One PAasBMusK Tiutva. leave Watertllle, for U OIK. t *. * ( RcflpcotfulljrInforms the ladiei* of Watervlle PortlMBdand Boston. vlaAugoitaf little story out of numberless ones to hatahehMjQclretarntdfiom Bouton with 7 6 StstoSt., oppotiteKilbjr, Boatrin. riilloioaher» say llitl Sllairs ihoold atv^ays (Local) and 9.40 a. (expreesr stopping at Aa* which 1 llslcifcd 1 will re^mat, feeling sure gnsta, Hallowelt and Oardiner oniy, until arriv* Bwor.i the UaM.4 Sfitl.*: .atwla be euiidnoled with t vie* to the crealeit riod Great Britalh, Fianor 6lid olbrr tblfrgfr MMMu it has never been in print, and illustra­ OUBM —Oaterrb, Cbot* LaieEtt Spring Fashions nig at BrnDswiek.y l.ftopiin., S.jfi p. m., (faal Copt., of the clain. of ar» J’.lkBi tiral.h«4 of Ilie greatOKt iiiiinbrr. Ur, Butl'e OouRt r. exl>ress{) and 10.06 p. tive of Miss Cary's (now Mrs. Raymond) .ranp, t ttorbua, '»a- . to all who will favor h ramlltliii OD« dollar. A.iT.pMi'iila rwrdfji ! op dot* the areetOKt g'Kid to tbo greatoil n O'- ohltU. Ml Obronlo l>l«rrbai% Kld> —Vie Lewiston, 0.40 a. m. Wa.hlngton. Ko A*cBor In tile'UMllS gfA> character. ber, 2t ociili, matlMB, ii«p Troublka, •ml 9 ‘JS; with aerk.wlth ooufldenecthat lYte ean glvo aa For Banghr, Aroostook Oonoty and 8t. John. JMMaaaSa Clrntar* ^ I lafaetlon. * 3.10a. ro„f.2Ap. m., ifon express, maklng ao poi.dr.s. .nperlor facllllAtIbr obtanlpa toMm Oiie sammtr, ha was her custom, site I. 8. JOHNBOIt * ShrliipreDirediodo Thenniloii that auppretioe •inellpos—Vac- wbooplDf Ooufh. Boaioa. liaaa stop between WatefVlIie and Bangor,} and 4.01 speni SOM Httle time in her father's liome, Olnallun, the nation that tnconragoeamallpos p. m and for Bangor at 6.60 p. ro. , a short disunce from Portland, which she —Ubi««ifiiiia'lofi, OFOH nSTTERNwAalj .AITID EXTBIlKrAXi -erSB. CIsOAK MAKJIVO For RItsworth and Bar Harbor,3.10 a. fo.liUkI Ta.TiMONtitLs. " ■me- In tho Inteal clfy at Vis’•> nr nnv atyle (lealfed, 3.26 p. m. '•I r.(fard Mr. Kddv a. oa. of the moal oiiMbi. made her own during her v.ication. it was Mra. Kiito Makona. of Oro'on. Drown Cki.. D. WATKRVILLK. Kor Belfastand Bangof, mixed at7.10 a. tn. and.^ccKful prootltfoocr. with whoa lYkva after she had been feted at home and T., wrlleei ' 1 am a coii’Unt UKorof Uhunii A PURGATIVE Dll I O For Belfast and Dextor. at 4i06 P. M. had ofllelal Intereourse.*' “ j abroad, had.aung' l^ore crowned heads I MAKE KEWpfciCTI BlibOPT] | | LLV For Skowbegan, mixed, 3(28 a,m., (Mondays OH AS, M C^nmliiytoaay #f¥a6lx|ga Oa,*a Arm A Hammer 8eWlU, Iowa.** Sold everywhere, or eent W norbe)ond Uaoguf, etcopt to Blisworth and Bar offlM*"** oonalderaiJon at tbe i^atea on hei*. One morning she ran into a Is ANAKKHIS,' Samples lent free Atldrasa mall for M ou. in etampe. Vuiuatle Imenaafkm P9«lb 2. A CO.* S09TOK, MAMiL ; X wobid iwtpKtfully nnnoaneo to the eltlxeni Harbor, on Sunday morning. neighbor's idtdien as il “ she were not ■ANA'KESIS,' Uox MK, Raw York. df Watervifk’ Bnd vlciDity, that I hH>e returned Passxnqxk Traiha are due from Portland KDMUNDBUB BilMeCommltaloVerofi^atexig Misa ^ry,"as the girl said, where a girl tt l§ a well-knowti fort that ntmi of the to my old Sliop In the 8h<»rey Bulldltny, where 1 via Angnsta, 10.10 a. m.,and from Portland and la It Not Siitgnlar Hone and Cattle Cawdor Raid ki thin coun­ ^hU {MV Atrlrt BUcQlIon to ue BleaelilnK, Vreur Boston al 3.07 A. M. dally, 3.23 ffast express) of eighteen or twenty stood ironing, lake try Il worthiest; that ShcridAn't t'nnditbin Hint consumntlvKK ahould be Ilia least appre- rowdrr it Absoltitely nuro ami yrrf valaahlo. inft, ana ooiorlbf ol Uata and Boiirtcta. Spcdnl 3.68 and 8.42 p. m- many bright New Kngland girls, she hen-ire of inelr own e.mdlllnn, while all liiair Nothing on Iterth will mnike lll•na aitentloiito nenu. Straw and Manilla Batit. I —Via Lewiston, at 3.68 p.m. ea.e.,ao(l prooarad raanj paieoU. rtlwoV. »iJ lay like 8herlw- aiiall try to plodae everyone who favors me with From Bkowhegan 9.00a. m., 3.00p.m.(mixed) longed to get away from her sm.itl sur­ filcnda aie urging ajid beseechiuK them to be der. IhMC, one loaaponnft I to each pint of a call. UeRprctAtlly, ' From Vanevboro’, Bangor and Bast, 9 00 extensions. I have oewT'—*'- — roundings and try a larger sphere. “Why, m ra oureful nboat exp.«iirg and overdoing. Il food. o potltlvcW preventpreveni and cuiw i Hna Cholora« 8oMeyrrywhera,oreenl^ a. m.. f local.) 9.36 a.m., f express); 8.07p. m., | beat agencies In New To UKOttGK W. lUDKOUT. Washington, but I still I have my trials,'’ said Miss Cary, “and CHICKEIi CHOLERA,I UmUonUMiKuniUhedlnlAn»rflnt,pnm$1.00( byinnil<$1.W. Waterline, Me., April 17, 1885. 45 fFlying Yankee.)6.30p.m.mixed, and 10.00 p. m., inx Kymptum), uf the tllReeHe. where the pHtleiit l F.B. UOOTHBy.Oen.ras. Jt Ticket Ag’i. l»o»r8, Saali, Blinds, WiB> life. When she, too, became weary, she Kouthe tile nvrvct, brings good health quicker tdeii anything you can nsei, to Portland and BoNton Oovr and Booe FraaSM. changed places with the girlJwho had be­ MRS. P, K. SHAW, come rested and contented ,^and saying, ' I ■ I ■ I I I ! I StcaiucrN. mouldinga, 4cc.., There is a religious life in most English better I avlng removed her builnosa location from the •• Now I'll sing for you,” the voice which prevent it becoming' orner of Mato and Kim Streeta, to rooma mach had held hundreds entranced now filled famlics. It is a matter taken fur granted. rtUr adapted to the comfort And convenience of "tour, by’cotrectin or putronM. one door north of the BImwood, Ho­ "J SoUwn ri»« that Unttiii the little kitchen. Kor a long lime slit Family worship is observed in the vast Acidity of the yesst. “ m.lrjied of equare Joint, aticd for Me.' OluiSl < ni.ijorfty of ♦liiniilie.s. Among tlie upper lt College Bt., U now prepared to do all kindi of n IndowK to order. Butu.ler. bard wood td held the girl entranced by the .spell oi fiitlf the “Jrm 4-Hammer" ■oft. Newel IVit.. MonldhiitMooldlnfs Inin grokCMviii ... that charming voice, and when she went cla.sscs domestic religious observance is ’'vrofua.ftuyMfn "poimdorAoJ/'pound”- DRESS AND CLOAK MAKINB, . ' '"•W* hbttbo iaisk. t home left her happy, where she had found looked upon as a part of the well ordering OcoroHriiamcoiKlfrode-marA;,ovsvarforybodiaravomefitM*' ^ NK.ITLY ANT. K.XFEDITIOUSLY. louldlngt of any radius. of the household. It is not a subject of ^ui$tUut»d for tin Udk. ^'Ail workmade by the da^ and warranted her restless and discouraged.—[Maine t^Salxnfnotion Ouaranleed in every ind wo are selling at a vety low^llgore. Letter,to the Pittsburgh Uispatch. whicli children figlit shy in any way. The parlular. children are asked to .say grace at table— $9*For work taker at tee sbops our retail nrleo. A Restraining Act.—“,My rod creak­ boys and girls alike—except wlien guests Rare only One Dollar are present. Cliildreii are taken to cliurcli ed and bent double,” a stout, red-faced G. E. Douglass The firs(.c1a«R Steaiuort, JOHN RROORg at a very early age, and grow pp accus­ J FUBBI^H. man was saying, “and the birch spun like AND and TKKIIONT. will alternately leave Frankllo a teetotum. 1 tcH you if Pierre chaveau tomed to cliurcli attendance, 'riie insti­ Wharf, Toitland. nt 7 o'clock p. H. and India Wharf, Boston at 8 o'clock p m. dtllly. (finndays hadn’t the presence of mind to grip the tutions and ordinances of religion arc R. F. Brann exeepted.f most convenient part of my trousers with held ill profound respect Tlie clergy are Tiissengers by thU itne secure a comfor(>ible M 'A N H O O D honored and hold a distinct place In the Hate taken the Shop formerly occupied by M’M. night's rust and avoid the o..pense and incouvenl. the boat hook, I should have been drag­ WVKR, on Temple Bt.. where they h'c prepared ence of arriving In Uof‘ton late ot night regard and even affections ot tlie family. GOAL OF ALL SIZES, How Lo«t. How Heatored! ged into the lake in two seconds or less. I li.'ivo I’urv.'.i the stock mid stand of to do all kind* or Through tickets to New York via the various Well, sir, we fought sixty-nine minutes by —Robert Laird Collier. Constantly on hand and dclitefed to Rail and Sound Lines for sale nt very low rates. of i>r. CnllTer. Freight taken as usunl.. well’. Celebrated L.iar on tbe raiHeal cure ef actual time taking, and when 1 had the any part of the village in CARPENTER WORK, The Fkash Air Children.—'Fhe city- J. F. L1;)G06IB, Qen'l Agent. Spertnatorflieen or Seminal VKeoknew; trout in, and got him safe, he tipped the quantities desired. Saw-Piliiii/, Viclnrc-Fra'tning aud Phl.i 1^',"“' '-o*'®*. iroooiency. Mental and' boys greatly amuse the farmers with tlieir MR. P. D^ROCHER, scales at thirty-seven pounds aud eleven- and will lierviifter carry on the business, Jobbing to order. intimate knowledge of country matters. BLACKSMITH’S COAL.bylh« sixteenths, whether you believe it or not!” keeping n lull supply of Jno 16. 188J.—If. FOR B08T0>r 1 •''^•'"-'nlxence, by .exaal extrava- "Nonsense," .said a quiet little gentle­ Who watereatlicni plants last night?” hiisbel or car load. gnneo. KO. The celobrated anther, in Ihli admtrahle eewT^ man, who sat opposite. “That is impos­ asked a little fellow, calcliiiig a first DRY. HARD AND SOFT WOOD for CIIOt/BKA, pf dew on the grass. Meals, Fi.sli aud clearly demon.traie. from a thirty ynrt' nterm. sible.” prepared for stoves or four feet long. IJLLiS Cholera Morbus, STj\R of the EAST till pnicllee, ihnt the titrating totteqatmtet tt' “ My! what a big lemon !" was an ex­ Will contract to supply GBKKN relf-.ihu.e may he radically eu>e*, jmlnlhn oat The first speaker. looked flattered at DCilCnv . ■ly’iBntery, U.VIT. JASON COLLINS, a mode of cure at once aYniple, cerlatnand efeel. this, and colored with pleasure. “Never­ clamation called out by sqiUAshcs in tlie (^anned Gcods, WOOD in lots lowest cash liCIwl Ell ■ forms of Pain Win run her regular trips for the season of uul' hv meniiK of which every anlferer, no matter theless," he retorted, “it's a fact, on my garden. with a full supply of '’Inflammation, 1^, bciwvou Qardlnerand Boston, a huilHa condli on may be, may care blmaell ohMiy. nrivuiely nnd radleally, honor as a sportsman. Wliy do you say 1 say, who owns all the robins round * HBES8ED HAY and STRAW. b^n testeil in Lenving UarJiiierevery Monday and i'hnrs ^ouannda of famlllea during the last day, at 3.30 P. .M., Riohmond at 3.30,nnd Bath "hould be In the hand! df er^ it's impossible ? ” here ?” was another amusing question. Thlpiy Yeart. and la wJtboat an equal eiy y-oolh nnd evi r.- man In the land. ” An urcliin could not repress his aston­ Gfocefies and HAIR, and CALCINED forthecnreofaborecomplalnta. Forsalo at 5.40 P. W. Re'urning, will leave Lincoln “Because,” said the other calmly, “it by Dnn^nts everywhere, and wholesale Sfcnt tinder real. In a plain envelope, lb'irlN'■4'. ishment when he saw a man digging po­ Wharf, Boston, Tuesdays aud Fridays at 6 is an ascertained scientific fact, as every BLASTER. by H. H. llav dc ^on. Portland. P. M. draaa, post-puid, on ree, ipt of four eeato 'o, twd' tatoes in tlie field. Provisions^ postage stamps. Addrosa . ^ true fisherman in this room knows perfect­ NeWar'a, Roman.and Portland CE­ FARES. ‘ Haven't you any b.irrel.s in the cellar?’ VRmted SIng o Fares from Augusta, nailowcll, A Qar- The Onlverwell Medioal ly well, that there are no trout in Moose- FAIRFIELD MEAL, CRACKED MENT, by the pound or cask. lookmegUDtic wcigliing under half a liun- he Asked, conl«mptuou.sly. “ Why do you diner, 912.00; Hlchinond. 1.76: Bath. 1.50. 41 Anil 8t., New York, N, Y.; i*o8t Olies Box 4ft stowed away in the ground tliat Aoent tor Poriliind Slone Ware Cos Augusta, HuKowcIt, Gardiner & Ketura, |8.U0. dred.” keep eni CORN, OATS, &C. Hichmond,^2.&0; Bath, 2.00 way ?■’ DRAIN PIPE and EIRE BlIICKS, "Certainly not,” put in a third sjie.Tker. Customets, old or now, may rely ilin-n Heals,"'50 Conti. nwrWHATTOU Anvil, vise, getting gnin! arlieles at' easoiiable prices, all size.s on band, also TI LE,fordrain- WANT. off TWir “The bottom of the lake is a sieve—a Tlie Terrible Drain Freight Taken /ii Uediicod Rates. be-t for for m* sort of schistose sieve formation—and all including ;ill lliu varieties in tlieir sea­ ng land, and home nss Wliidi scrofula liAs upon the .system must TIIK NEW 8TKAMKU, DELLA COLLINS Either aise fish smaller than the fifty pounders fall son. Give me :i e.-ill. Do-wn town office at Manley & Will Ilmvu a* giiMtu at 13.30, II: tiowcll at 1 P. M. be arrested, and the blood must be puri­ Cunneciiiig witii tin* ubovu boat at Gardiner. $4.60. 6.60 6A0 through." fied, or serious consequences will ensue. Tozier's, Marston Block. Kor further particulars Inquire of W. J. Tftek/ seut xnaionT “Why't the water diop through, Aufurta; il. Fuller A Bun, Hallow^l; O. lA. PAID'on receipt For purifying and vitalizing effects. C. MORSE. Orders left at Rodiiijgloii Blnuchanl. (irtdiher; J. T. Robinson, Richmond; of price, if your loo ? ” asked the stout party in a trium­ Hood's Sarsaparilla has been found supe­ --- ..W.MWOfMhardware Uldealer & Co’n Funiiturc G. C. Gfeonh nf; Bath. phant tone. rior to any other preparation, it expels lUUAAI KULLEU, iUllowell, OcnOAgt. doe. not keep them. Oood Agenli Wanted. “It used to," replied the quiet man, every trace of impurity from the blood, Store. gravely, “until the Maine Legislature A. Line, CHENEY ANVIL A VISE GO. and bestows new life and vigor mxin every from Fiirlleld, will connect with the 8tc tiner DBTBOIT, KIOH. passed-an act preventing it." function of the body, enaliling it to en­ Don’t Forget e. S. FLOOD & CO. Mond lys and Thursdays, returning Wednesdnx tirely overcome disease. wlion you are out in svuroli of Watcrvillo, Maine. and Satunlaya, on arrival of boat. Lillian's Luck.— Lillian Norton, K.iruA—Sioglo ticket from Pairfletdto Boston 4i..t0. round trip, $160; Watcrvlile and Vassal, Elmwood Stock Farm. better known as Lillian Nordica, the op­ The Dexter (Saseltc s.ays that Ches/ey A Good Tradou boro', $i..'S0. round trip, X4.00. eKir.T. eratic vocalist, who married Frederick A. Sibley, of Lowell, aged fifteen years, was to cornu and examine our stock, us our WATERVILLi SAVINGS BANK Exoress matter taken and delivered the next morntng after It la taken, at low rates and osty Gower of Brookline, some time ago, has poisoned with the weed known as mercu­ nssnrtnient Is now contplele.and we arc TiiiisTEEs—Rtnben Yoster, Muses f yford. C/ one charge. gone to Paris to claim Mr. Gower’s es­ ry, hast week. Friday he went in swim­ receiving more NEW GOODS almost Cornish. Franklin Smith, Nath Mt-uder, A. Greenwood, George W, Reynolds, far the PERSOMAI. BISTOlfr OF A. 8. PEASE, Aj?H. FiiirfieUI. ^sriaeoai- tate, which is valued at (3,000,000. It is ming at Bryant Ridge and Saturday noon every daj’, wliicit 1 am satisfied wu are mdeiag i}s’ C^irdltv'r, April 20t'i, 1835. dc not generally known that Lillian petition­ died from the effects of the poison striking buying at bottcni prices, and wo tvill I)epof»lt« of ono dollar and upwards received grant lArfo num*' an l pul on Interest nt the commencement of cnch *Ut OwrifS- «atti> ^Utery. •ItM mttIm. bOV Of prise aniHats.* ed the court for a separate maintenance in and producing congestion of the brain. sell litem In you at ‘J***? MlUbU blMory o lUa .>■ IrapOVm stock regie-* month. . . , .* kMd^«r Pfrja tnS Afnl.* IwOwail.Ii^ a Im from her hasband, and prayed that she No tax to be paid on dl.^OHltsby depositors. «»l»nwsi>s n J11u>lrMleiiiL WFOLB OXIY tersd.Jn Percberov LiowcNt Ratf’.s J^DaAOKXm WavkMMOwmU ■vrryGrftaS Atmt FailhwSla NEW GOODS StudB^rirr^a»nmeri(^ AWetam^^^ be freed from his control on the ground Why Dickens Left His Wife.—The Dividends made In May and November and H ywrl.'Whte B«fM)te.hiMipravfuu^Mti«uUr*Md0PiciAb vraxa nnted bruedeff. Ive#csfo)o«(e out soon. Statlea* of abuse. Ex-(}ov. Gaston, Robert M. Don,l mind a short walk ii|t town, not withdrawn are ndded to depo>lls and inicrcst TO Aa«II^OTMrF^T»^lit»MSoi a Mtnek any ono in town, which we can t'aplial not required. Yoh can'Ive at l>on>r aad duplloatn at any time. vvork in apart time (miy or all Ihe lime. Allot etc. Mr. Gower asked for a postponement quiry '. “ 'I'licy were unfitted for each oth­ Mate Boilers at Boston Prices- If our frinnda ani the public gOnerally will iak both aexei*, ofsll ages grandly eucceerful. It in presenting his evidence, to go to Paris, er.”" But Mark Lemon was infuriate | lie Corn, Flour & Feed I put up .lie PcBt Uprljlii Iloll. r In tliu Coiiii the trouble to chII and examine our stock, and w oonts Co $5 eotlly earned every evening. That fa il to t ort iiM e ib( m that we c*n fell tht ra where he went, and went up in a balloon, the closest friend, said ; " Dickens waa a The undersigned having purchaaed the Stock tiy.dc»*gi:cd Dy llidienlo J. W. hil all who want work may teat the bualioas, we and nothing bu since been heard from and good will in trade, of \V. 8. B. RUNNELS. oUiCK. ami built hy mu. TarJeutur atiUfJoii make (his iinnarallrted offer; to all who are oel scoundrel, and Mrs. D. Iiad been taken w*'lcontinuethe PIANO-FORTES given .o Repairs. Orders ont o' town promptly Bstte' Goods at I.ess Money wull satisflid we will send $t to pay for Ike' the balloon or him. Mr. Gower made under Mrs. Lemon's protection.” The se­ atteodtd to. Hatiitf.tction gunratiteed. an any other houee In town wo will pay them trouble of writlM us. Full particulars, dlrec* his money in the electric light, having As­ AND Oi?GAJ%8. their trouble. tlons.ete., sent free. Imroenie pay ab^olaKlj cret was revealed >011 tlie publication of Grain Business W. TlTCO.rBU, «ure for all who start at ones. Don't Delay. sociated himself with a well-known in­ at the.old aland, In in connection with our Dickens'will. The first bequest is/j i ,000 BUY OP 52t1 W.'.TEItVU.Lp;, M.YIXE. Reiiionibcr (lir Place, ViMross Stinson A Co.. Portland, Maine. ventor, after which he went to I’aris to to Miss T------(Ternan), the daughter of Ciroccry BiiNinvss, live. a worthy woman and distinguished ac­ j-.OW’S DRUG STORB given awtff’ wbcrewlllbc found conatnntly on liabd, a la cenla pii*'' tress. It seems that Dickens, who had « stack uf B. H. CARPENTERp I had spells of neuralgia and sulTcred so mall ysn sent tier to Italy for musical education, anil L'vt ilm bcuelit of bis experience of package f that many times I have wished death Flour, Grain, Feed, Salt, &u-. $200,000^^^ became enamored of the girl, and she . MORE THAN 40 YEARS, as Flayer. %VATERVIT.I.i: of goods of largo value, that will slatt ye M | would end my agpny. J employed doc­ which wll 1 be sold at Butt om Trices. ^^anvork anything that will Haeat once in bf*ngAniei)M. you InA]) money ationl IkiUt tke | bore him three children. Nothing more Teaclier, Tuner and Dealer. Man.v per­ ------aa ewea. ***' " • tors, but could get no benefit from tliem. g^Uuyera In largo qunntltlea will do well sons liave taken up the business of sell­ TEACHER OF MUSIC, Sibee taking Athlophoros 1 have had on­ need be .said,—[James A. Riddons in the Ivo ua|a call. ■9200,(XU lu prerenta with each box. Agents waat* Chicago Tlibune. ing will) liavo no knowledge of Musieiil WATEUVir.LE, MAINE. MarbleWorks, cd (ver)wherr, of either sox, of all ager, for aU ly Wo spells in over a year. Mrs. C. N. Teat and Co'Ject a Sp''.einU!/. f Inslrnments. Most buyers niiisl depend pTikular aUeniion (o j)rivaii: pupih the time, or apart time only, to work foi sea Pllge, Boltonville, Vt. Marriiiga anil Health. thotr own hornet. Fortnaea for all workers sM __ . W.M. LINCOLN AGO. upon Hie seller. Y’ott will find Organs on the Violin. eolutely axeurod. Don’t defoy. H. Hau.itt t I’lUAargb, I’a., Auv. 6th, l&hS. Mra, Lydia W. H. TUB HER, Co., Tortland. Maine. To answer questions that are E, Finkham : 'Aa it fraqueutly the oone wlili of e.voidlenl (jliaiity til following prices 'Abo, fo AmaUur Ilriu's ItiindA nnd f>rcNf>AtrnM BIANUKACTUUEIt OK y raised, the Scientific American says;— motliera whu have rean-U larae lamliea, I have Very Small ('20 00 (80.00 dosinng a piojer nn ilmd. To YOUNG I.ADIKS DDI7L tagn,Send andaix reodlvecenta for free, p#*# ' I been a great huO'erer for years frum complaints IVOTICE ! who wiJi to Kiudy tin* VioHn l’iKtrucih,u will It* 24. QO 00.00 given ul I'luir rL•^uk•llce i( u-quiruu. All parts of llie peripliery of a wheel incident to married liie. 1 have tiied the »kiii Monuments, Tablets^ I II I ti****"' goudi whl^ I ot a number of physicians, and the virtue of 4.').00 100.00 Jy will help yon to more net move with the same velocity around its L.E. SHAW, HAIR DRESSER, Larger,—C Stop, y right away than anythiai. g else in this world., center. The top moves along the road many medicines without relief, and us an ex­ Cor. Main Teniple-SU, WaUrvUlc. Maine, A All Ol periment X ooiioluded to try youre, 1 cun os- F.iir Size, fiO.OO l.'iO.OO Grave Slones, ‘ ” ->f cither sex succeed■ ■ ^ from the flrst boil 1 twice AS frist AS the axle. The bottom HAH eWoaukd nut Acco))i,no(lntion 'Jbo broad roadto fortuna opens to tbe worktr* i sare yon that the beneH.s I have derived Irom 70.00 * To ihe Citizt 1 o/ ir«forn7/r. absolutely sure At once addresa, TxvK k C* I does not move, unless the wheel is said to it otiine nut because uf unv faitli 1 bad in it, fur -F. 'W. Angusta, Ual no Small .Musical LSiaiitel Pieces., &c., slip. This becomes self-evident by a prac- I bail bnt alight hupe of any peiiiianeiit good. fu.muily of Clinrlv.lown, SIi kk., u (jriullciil A gn;at variety ot OK trial of a small wheel on a table. All 1 am 11)1 a seek r slier uulorlely but 1 «aiit to workiimui known nn Instriimenia. tell yuu ItLSVl have been woniferfully beuvflt- more money than at anything rliff I pu’la of a shaft move by its revolution. “ The LcJ't-llandcd HarberP I.arue e:iiaiugjeof excelleni 5 d- music. CITY SIKERY. Kulinii &L Aiiicr, marble by taking an agency for the best sell- | ted by your medicine, 1 am no* using ray The center or axis of a revolving liody or Large uloek ol St:tiidai'd Music. AULiUSl US Ol'TKN...... P .ILSU lug book out. Beginnere anrerel j fuunli buttle niid it would take but little argu- IlitvliiK greuler lacUltlea to accommodate the grandly. None fafi. Terms fPH shaft is an imaginary line around whicli )Mih)lu than herettffoie. I re»*pectfi'lly poln-il your I,urge Variety of Music Books, btaudard WIN meiil to persuade me tliat my bcalth is fully llanu>uciuict' o' and Dealer Si p.ilruiiURe and will try to pivuse all wni.lfi U any- J^oli.'thcd Oioiite ^fonHlnen0 IIallxtt Bouk'Co., Portland Maine. the body revolves. ’ It has no breadth restored. 1 shuulu like to widely circulate the llilnii In my hu^lu*•l^a. Razor.-* !iuui*Hn«* and low priced. fact uf lu woiideiful duratlve |Hiwcrt.‘ I’lii”! fl'td J'liticy llreiid, Cttkasud' ' M.\IN ST., WA'I-EUVILY.E. and no dc|)th, and consequently has no kllUul m.'mner, TI use kIvu ua a call. McCall’s Glove Filtiiip Patients. I'iiebu G, Hoop. l:i'»pectfuU), I’astiy Old Utnmi of StcvcuSi it Toiler. . pliysical evistencc. It therefore does not Several of llio Sewing Maeliiiie" I'lii' i niul I'u'cy CruikiTK.u nil K'nil move. ’ Dc.iigna Furniahed on aijtplicatieu. An Oi.u Trick.—, being asked LYMAN E. SHAW. in tin; m irket al low pi ices, ('27 lo?IO. Ott'WKDDl 'yG cake u ^pc(‘iikl(v, Baked auu For h'KECKLE.s, use the following;— to explain an abslutse p,tss;ige ill one of Organs. Pianos & Sewing Mnehiucs OrMHuieiiied to Gtdvr. Sulphocarbolate of zinc, 2 parts; distilled Ills books, frankly otviicd that it had no to let. “if ynii wish to buy do not liii UofiiiM »iiapers N. J. Price 50 cents. O. P. SHERMAN. and bound works have been publislieu by — ...... —------, Attorney at Law, i aim, and several mure have been issued Don't be a ClA'u.—Don't advertise by Kindlings IVee. MISS ROXANA HANSCOM, We haveooatlnually on hand, a large amount t-v.V}' Biaok, WATKUVlLLk,, MS. i by Professors Wadsw.ortli and Whitney. means of circulars or sandwicli-men or of BhaehiM euKable Kindlings,'which we will Teacher or Paintiirjr, New AaiL Wise of Va., say Si ** wkoet'er PERFECTLY SATiSFAOTORY FAlltFIKI.U, M.MNK. a. . a.a... up. HO mafler.alter•chelAorha« Messrs. Josiali H. Urumniond, Win. takes a newspaper nowadays; they did he Mr. Btalnc'e friend-iend or eHomu, Nfetaph-vrsieP' ni ^ every respect, and lie price reftuded by . Putnam, Purtlaiid; E. F. Welib, Wa- not do so tiiirty years ago. Be on the «HI) net>err^l tmf 4144 downdotci until he Btopplng at Oakland, whore he has wrongbi Made In a variety of styles and prices. ELMER B. SHAW, read the tchole." Hon. Allen luauy ouroN, will be ut the ELUWOOD HOTEL, rortbleia hnilaliuoa. None gxattwe without terville; and F. A, Wilson, of Bangor, look ont for new ideas. Be open to im­ D. P. WING, Thurman, aaysi "A olasa4c In WVtervlIle, on name oa box. have liecn retained by the executors of provements. Keep up with tlie times. OK BOSTON. er“ mpnUi.' Addreaa, fetrrg JHU l*ub. Ctt., until fuillivr Doticu, wlit'ru ho can be ransuited by to defend il. cUtm.—N. Y. World. WATEUVILLK, MAINK, Can b found al MU. K. B. 11 KK'.. C'oll.«< .1 Hvrtcich CVa»K ihuBu who di'sirc his survict-s. IMf KntUilf'HroM., WatervilUl