Analysis of Productivity and Efficiency of Maize Production in Gardega-Jarte District of Ethiopia
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15 (3): 180-193, 2019 ISSN 1817-3047 © IDOSI Publications, 2019 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjas.2019.180.193 Analysis of Productivity and Efficiency of Maize Production in Gardega-Jarte District of Ethiopia 12Hika Wana and Afsaw Lemessa 1Wollega University, Department of Agricultural Economics, P.O. Box, 395, Nekempt, Ethiopia 2Gardega-Jarte, Agricultural Office, P.O. Box, Shambu, Ethiopia Abstract: The aim of the study was to estimate technical efficiency of smallholder farmers in maize production in case of Jardega Jarte districts with specific objectives to estimate the level of technical efficiency and to identify factors affecting technical efficiency in the study area. The study used cross-sectional data and the data were collected from sample representative respondents of 168 randomly selected farm households. Cobb-Douglas production function and the Stochastic Frontier Model were used to identify factors influencing productivity and efficiency. The hypotheses tests confirm that, the adequacy of Cobb-Douglas the appropriateness of using SFA the joint statistical significance of inefficiency effects; the appropriateness of using Half- normal and Exponential distribution for one sided error; and nature of the stochastic production function. The maximum likelihood parameter estimates showed that all input variables have positive and significant effect on production. The estimated Cob Douglas production function revealed that all inputs labor in hour, maize cultivated land, Dap, Urea, Seed, oxen have positive
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