KDE Galaxy 4.13

- Devaja Shah About Me

●3rd Year Alienatic Student at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar ●Dot-editor for KDE Promo Team ●Member of KDE e.V. ●Passion for Technology, Literature ●Run the Google Developer Group in College ●Organizing Team of KDE Meetup, conf..in 14 Okay, sooooo......

●How many of you are fans of Science Fiction? ●Astronomy?

How is it Related to KDE?

●That is precisely what the talk is about. ●Analogy to get you to know everything that you should about ● “Galaxy KDE 4.13” Wait, isn't it 4.14? ●KDE's latest version SC 4.14 – November 2014 ●KDE Compilation XX.xx ●Significance of Releases ●- Organized, systematic compilation of features & developments ●- Five series of releases till date. ●No Synchronized Releases Any longer: ● - KDE Frameworks 5 (monthly) ● - KDE Plasma 5 (3 months) ● - KDE Applications (date based) ●Just Like App Versions

But, what am I to do of the Galaxy Number? ●Work in a Team ●Work across a Deadline ●Office Space Simulation ●Added Impetus for Delivering your Features ●You work as a part of the “Core” Developer Team ●Instils Discipline ●Better Response, Better Feedback ●Better Deliverance ●Synchronized work with other “seasoned” developers

Enough of the bore...... ●How do I get started? ● - Hope you didn't snooze yesterday ●IRC, Subscribe to Mailing Lists ●Mentoring Programs ●GsoC, Season of KDE, OFW Programs ●Bootstrapping Training Sessions Strap yourself onto the Rocket ●And Blast Off......

● Entered A Wormhole and Zapped into the KDE Galaxy

●Now what? ●Pick a to Inhabit ●But..... ●Which one? ●Let's tell you about a few

Solar Systems of the Galaxy ●KDE Edu ●KDE Games ●KDE Multimedia ●Digikam – Independent Planet ● ●Gcompris ●KDE Multimedia ●Koffice ●Plasma

Planets of the Solar Systems

●KDE Edu – KDE pairs, Artikulate, Kalgebra, Kalzium, Kgeography, Kstars, KwordQuiz, ●KDE Games - Kbounce, Kolf, Kspaceduel, Konquest, Ksirk ●Kde Multimedia – Kmix, , , Kplayer, ●KDE Calligra – Flow, , , Plan, Stage, Sheets, Words ●, Simon Purple Planet I found a Planet that caught my fancy...... ●Now what? ●Mailing lists, IRC ●Contact Developers ●Solve Bugs ●Contribute Regularly How do I contribute?

●Development ●Documentation ●Testing ●Usability ●Promotion KDE Localization - Documentation Team ●Anyone know what documentation is? ●It's like maintaining a personal diary for your journey in KDE ●But you make it public ●A Biography of all your works Note down everything you do… KDE Localization – Translation Team

●Now that you're on your planet. ●How do you talk to the aliens? ●Learn their language? ●Or translate yours into theirs ●Use your knowledge of various languages to become a translator ●Help expand the user base of KDE in many more regions! KDE Promotion

●You come back from your space trip. ●Back to home sweet home earth ●But ...... ●No body knows ...... :'( ●Except for the aliens on your home planet. ●What do you do about it? ●Grab a loudspeaker and shout at the top of your lungs ●Or just blog about it In the Dark Use your Loud Speaker KDE Promotion

●Contribute to the Dot ●Dot stories ●Dot articles ●Release Announcements ●Interviews with Community Members ●Coverage of Sprints/Conferences/Events ●A journalist who's also a tech geek Why should you?

●Enhance your verbal skills ●Learn how to share your knowledge effectively ●Help the world and possible contributors know about all the awesomeness going on in KDE ●Considerable experience for getting a job as a tech writer ●Yes. It’s an actual job post. ●Trend nowadays to “market” every move you make.

● Lost in the Abyss……

●What makes KDE so special? ●Why do I live here?

● Lost in the Abyss……

●What makes KDE so special? ●Why do I live here? ●- The people….. ●- The love of FOSS ●- The community bonding and warmth ●- You wouldn’t ever want to go back.

● KDE e.V.

●- The legal and financy bit of KDE ●- Comprises of Members of KDE Community ●- Formalized sense & feel of Community ●- Helps Organize Local & Large Scale Community Events ●- Helps support KDE Activities ●- You can join in too …..

- The Largest Communion of KDE Bots - Meet, Code, Discuss, Collaborate - Meet wonderful Fellow Alien Community - Learn Loads - Partyyyyy - All Hail KDE

- Akademy 2013 All in All……

- KDE – largest Galaxy out there - Non – cannibalistic alien community - Wonderful Experiences - A Trek of your own - Power of FOSS - Loads of to observe - Tonnes of Planets to inhabit - Live, Love, Breathe - KDE

- No spooky names.

- Contact: - Devaja Shah - Nick: devaja - Email id: [email protected]
