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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-19-1908 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-19-1908 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-19-1908." (1908). abq_mj_news/19

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lolled ill COIllletlioll wlllC In, now on Us way to the PaciHc incnllx lllelll ilium, tile was, ocean, II. link' ml hulled lightship, mil in nioposcd I, clod a member ol the board of di- - us big as one of Columbus' ourviils Is SAVFOiJUDRE T EVANS THANKS MINFRR JO LI Still! 111 ,'Iois. CHEW ENGAGED lit and will sooli In Tonipkinsville Us for the 15.000 mllo voyage to The company with numerous, ready Interests the California, her future home. Including electric and com-pa- u The lightship hits been constructed only light power in the I'll y has a of Hi at u cost of $0.000 and is to take a trackage miles in and It suburbs FOR HOSPITAL position on Blunts reef off Kurekn. WHEN DEATH RELUCTANT STREET AT ashlnglon BRAZIL FOR Oil. F The feature of the tri of the new CAI II CRN: NS 10 V01 lightship, ofllelally known as Number ON CHOICE I OR PRESIDLN SS. Is that she is lo make the journov under her own steam with u foul eonsumption of only eight tons a day. JURYMEN SPRINGER IMivri I'linmiw it'll llnuls (HI SHIP BELIEF She will curry a crow of twenty. IS HEAR tnmntlit r I iiiIiH mmiu lit ol beacon will probably make I'll. the voyue hi about 100 days. STORY ALL THREE PARTICIPANTS S;tii Kr.uit is, n .v Tlir ADMIRAL ANXIOUS t REACHES CRAP SHOOTING . III 111 l NOVA SCOTIA SAILOR TO MORE MONEY REQUIRED RESCUE PARTY (HI (',t II Sl (f t't'tl 1,1 t H)I il ri' Nlt't t'Mliiy ami ;ttl- im1 a mil fur stair TO BE ON HIS WAY INDIAN ENTOMBED AT ELY TO ILLUSTRATE CHARGE ARE SERIOUSLY INJURED NAVIGATE THE VESSEL FOR SCHOOLS convent imi to hut! m t Sirni men o Max II, tor ilit- mi posr (i tlelinatrs t.i Oir national No in Nc- -, Secretary (on Held Plcmls Willi House One of Trio Held Prisoner Since Louisiana Court Declines to Tomas Salazar Will Piobably ti'iuiltlican Anticipates Difficulty Motealf Finds He Can Get i nil imi 1. m t iti n In llir lor Delieionci if (oiniiiillec Sixth Die and GOHZCllCS M is. the .In.., 'lion lo rmiimliU'.'H t " gotiating Straits of Magellan . December 4 Goes Mad From Stand for Disagree- Gabriel, Without Additional Apprn-iiiulloii- Along riill an uni'llit ial primary in tin ir Be- Re- in and Albert Haimon in in Column Formation; From Giicf and Suspense is ment Trial of Sheriff for lluit eoimlii-- i May - In oi,ir to Money Congress: Hive tin- M'trrs an to Washington, 1) C, .Inn. Is. Secre- in Pitched opportunity lieves Ovei drawn, Malfeasance Office, Dattle, or.-N- I' Danger I - Would-B- e Critics Grieved, tary Carlield explained to the house port, iln lr for a eiunlMate or committor on appropriations today the UloMilrlU, Hiweinl L,im',1 I I IHt)t1th to the .Morning .Imnimtl' Thr (a ho national t , llr MiiriKiiti .luiiriuil Nucriul I ued Wlr I necessity for the deliclency appropria- lltr Mt, ruing Journal Surelul Lsimrd H'lrf.J (By Morning Journal wire.) ilrliy.alrs iHy Morning Jourual HjieeitU Leased Wlre.l . 111. to Is. Admiral L11.-- .I M., .Ian. As t he vni ion art- lip nst run to sup lib, .laiiieio. Jan. Hear tions asked for by the interior depart- Fly, Nov., Jan. IS. night, solid Lake Charles, Lit., Jan. Is. Some- D. (".. Jan. IK. The tin- lilh- - Washington, ment. some addi- lo-.- a was In reMtlt u mi ',orl ,hr ""l';!-'!- mmtUIhr Kv.llis. coniuillllder of the He said that unless I ..- - in the Aloha what of sensation eroated of pitelicl baltlr the main lloblcj l. 11' oilii-ial- of the navy are , mm department tion is made to the appropriation for on which state circuit court here today when slreet here nl o'rloek last niiiht. " 'l American Heel, took occasion today urrange-moiii- s shaft in the 1,000 foot level the completing their most schools in- iiiiteiiil ho ion ot this gradually Indian schools, of those the sixth Jury In the contest case to jToinns is prol,al,l primary. adopt a lo naval three miners have been enioinneu fatal' n n tiia tt h to express ppi eolation of the put the hospital ship bo' to I . nio ('a pot would compelled close this year since 4. Timbers which remove Sheriff J. Hold from office .lured. Cabt iel ijonzales is setlousl. proerrdure in coiiiinission at the Is- December lietuleil oil' a n Milinion muloi See ece,ti,l, accorded llll licet liellef si weeks earlier than usual. The were that like Its live predeces hurt, and Albert Harmon, a ranchman on 1. Fran-oi- s had fallen from above wedged reported u hit h aln-iii- land navy yard February of deficit he traced to the II a returv Taft. had hern hv the llrazillan governinonl and the cause the in the shaft, holding back the debris sors could not agree. Iho case ha liviiiK near here, lias bullet throuijh X. Lecain. of Xovia Scotia, who has pro roil. The cent ra eommll lee A increased eost of living. and an large enough now extended over a period of lour his face, both ja w s shattered and pa people. serious attack boon in the naval service for several - leaving opening iiIni ,i resolutitoi e. upon for the rescuers to crawl through. years. When this report was nuide wounds about the hem' where lie was atlopie,! tiling of rhouiuai ism from which he suffer- lias been as of reprr-witaiU- of 'alil'ui nla in years, detailing sailing to a to l,ee by the jury, he deelur-e- d struck with a uun. the the" will re- The descended on a ladder point Judge t ot ed soon lifter Iho Port of ill,- master of Relief and sevon-ty-lvv- o ri's- - io see lire he a hroj;a mil leaving Ttitl feet below the mouth ol' the shaft. he "as surprised thai alter Trouble has boon brewillK between roii; to Charles F. Stokes of RULING IMPORTANT Ihe rule of (he a u lie u u a - and w hliih lias port Surgeon The extended further but hours of deliberation tin y were Ihe men tor some time and the otit-- I ihpait- Spain, persistently I he navy medical depart ment, who will opening ll l in reuard lo of dried how far Is not known. The lad- unable to bring In a vordtel. break last iiltthi was not a surprise. siilpliurllif, troubled him ever since, lias prevent- command of the His duly just It had been determined h have ship. further "It reminds mo." said Judge Lee, t!ony.alos some shot fruits until ed his ineiit of the recep- i w der broke and this prevented tjlne an l'olph oiijoj ninny on ho Kelief ill be conlinod to navi 1 1, ml evidence" But this afternoon Mine "of a story once heard, related by lliirinon, a brother of Allien Harmon, positive competent In of the vessel under the orders exploration. It to ihe health. tions ami etiierin itiiuonts orgaul.od gation SHIPPERS Foreman MeAffee descended to with- White. He says that if a man land since that time bad feollnn has that was dellieious ,.l Stokes. 10 Judge honor of tlie but has In no Surgeon in .'ill feel of foot level where live sixes in a crap game, It existed between Ihe wllni visitors, The ofllcers. about the i.000 throws men, Sa!a,ar. wise lessoned Ills of tile 1 remaining eighty; he solid It is now be- Is not sin If he throws tliein ils Ihe son of M. a luer- - appreciation in be 111 east but found ground. prising. ,l Sahcar, to so- all, will engaged the with- In it Is curi- efforts of iho nation make the k - ' lieved the men will be released three succession, rather jehani an, pi eminent of tills, IN NAVY the oiow of about will be on- , politician FIST FIGHT her,- a and nieiiioi able forty in t'nlrly-si- x It Is rumored that ous. If he throws them lour times In journ pleasant do- - 111 101 CO bUI 111 ll&blUII UUII" hours. place. hnviuK become ln,,le,l die; listed at San Francisco. The navy bOII lost, his it Is a' little rku hie. one. one of the entombed men successively, renin diflicully. j awarded to the Penn- ii in Is now anxious to press paitnicnt today Haul the cause the receipt .of If ho throws them live Utiles hand When lllet on Ihe The railroad a contract for ship- strues Long and. Short mind, being llloj sheet last on to Ins ilesi tiint Ion. All Ihe vessel sylvania a message announcing his mother's running. It is wonderful, but If lie IllRhl all there of the men wore arioed ping loilv enlisted men of the hospital are in and have tagen on Clause of Interstate Com- death. The mine officials refuse to throws them six times there is noth- and the shoolillK lieuan al on, e. A PROVESFATAL ship shape to Sun Francisco for duty on Ihelr uvvalllng only tlie sig- corps give any information on the subject. ing either curious or remarkable or number of shots were supplies, the Holi exehanned. nal from tlie lo weigh ali- merce Laws, wonderful about it the dice are load- Harmon received a bullet his llugshlp Seeretnry Motealf has withdrawn tlrtounli enor and the third h'K of the, ed. .laws which shattered the lower jaw begin his mutest lor an appropriation by .Mr. to .Mug, linn, n distance of Joiirmil Suei'lal l.eime,l Wire. "(ieniloinen retire to your room. and the Result of journey of $4 0.0(10 to pay the ex- By Morning ON UGLY very badly fractured upper Appi entice Expires as or l'imliis Arenas, on congress COURT BAN Sheriff, adjourn court until o'clock He on miles more, or say-in- s I). C. Jan. IS. One olio. also has sealj, wounds pense running hospital ships, Washington, 1 a Con- the east const of the Itrunswlck pen Monday morning. shall expect the head w hero lie was k with a Blow Received in Ring that a further invest Ration d of the most important decisions that stru, insula. Ihe most southerly town of verdict by that time." Kllll. He Will recover. v. lops that the e' isling appropriation lias been the Interstate With any of the. world, will l" rendered by The judge's story created a (!on.ules received a bullet in the test Comiade, important'. is sut'lielont to cover the expenditure. the ,10X1 Stop. commerce commission for many ADVERTISING Miik It Mas expected that the addition of rlnlit shoulder, which the alien, Admiral Fvuns said today that ho down not In ! Huitelill l.rawl Wire.) this it, m to the general deficiency bill months was that handed today surgeon has yet succeeded Morning Journal did nut any diflicully In the SUNDAY LAW CRUSADE Ills wound Is serious, but It I., I' Follow- anticipate would cause discussion in the house by Commissioner Clark in the case of Newport, i:. Jan. is. passage of the Straits of iMiigellaii by llruwn-snn'- s Is lie will recover. He also a l IikIiI on board on points, raised by Admiral thought ing lasl Tuesday the II, el In column formation. the llovacid Supply company against PERSISTS IN KANSAS CITY w regular as chief of the bu- had his lip out it h a bullet Fulled Slates training ship I'uin- of he resignation Hie & Santa Fe rail- New York Omnibus Company (the The dangers tlie strait, Atchison. Topoka left be-H- reau of navigation and sonic disap- Salazar was shot inrouKh the lierlaud al this port. II. A. Hartuoli. docs not consider serious and he i sec- road unci other curriers. The decision s Is also In a - pointment over the notion of the Denied Right to Carry Garish Bunch of New liiillotiiionls laioour-lilie- which broken, and the aged :'.! veins, of liitladolphlii. ves thai the Meet of battleship un- is members wnu involves u discusion of the commis left side below Ihe ribs. Tills latter al died toda.v. D. Al. Man- accom- retary tolt among the .luilgc Wallace. appieniioe, der liis coniinand, with the sion's views the long and Through Fashionable Im lift has not boon located as vol and 0 old of .Mlddlelow 11. X. will contemplated discussing the subject. respecting Signs ning. .veins panying Hot ilia of torpedo boats, short haul clause of thu Interstate will probably prove fatal. V., also an apprentice, is under a make the loiiuous waters without a of Fifth Avenue, IK. Wal-oite- 's in vest Ion j)i iwiiTMK.vr i:i.uv to commerce act mid In the. course Kansas City. Jan. Judno Deputy Sheriff DonvJas Wrltrht. "ho charge pending an Ignl Jar. SVRH IIOISK IXOUHV. Hu m th states c, Ir reeelved on the scene a lew- minuter op'.r,' commission why Sunday (d.isiiiK ,.,.i arrived Lilo Hal melt's death. .Midshipman F. II. Koborts, the ex C Jan. IX. The no it - Washington. I. It can not always approve a lower Uy Morning Journal BppcIhI taaaed TV'ir. notlier impetus today when the Brand afler the shilling beKan. had if H.llllielt, who hail hoc- appointed ecutive officer of the destroyer Hop- has the Iron-- navy department completed' rate for a shorter haul than lor a New Jan. IS. ef- returned 14 Indictments against ill placiiif,' all of (lie men under an noting master at nrnis, had ' here with the llo-- i to the reso- York, Municipal jury kins which arrived preparation of the answer longer one in the same territory. persons accused of workiiiK last Sun- arrest. No one of the three was able hie with Manning. When (he day'i was removed lo the of Mary- forts to develop a city bountiful and ill.i vesierda.v lution of Kepresenlativo (iill In the case the complaint (Hie-hal- f of the indictments were to Hold of battle. wore over the bo.vs pill on present offend day. loiue the duties battleship Vermont today suffering; the commercialism from n t In. bv land calling for eorespondonoe rope cable from San Francisco prevent aKiiinst travolliiK actors and other Salazar has made and began a lull which Pay-inas- n of ships gloves from a IraoHired leg. Assistant to the a staff which it la were kIvcii an in- III M lelativc assignment to independence, Kan., on ing tile artistic sense, llieatio einploye.s, while the oilier staleinolil which ho claims that his agi n was lo go Ion minds. F. Ale Milieu of the Virginia, ol'licer to command the hospital ship 7.1 cents 100 when Justice Leveiitritl, UK'iinsI theatrical in was In self de- a crowd r lion charged per pounds, uplift today dict incuts were Ihe share the sliootuiK Willi apprentices has be, ii Iran, lei from that vessel Keller, There is a groat mass of this rate on cables in trial was whereas the such rope the supremo court, decide, milliliters aocusod of violating Iho fense. and seamen as wilucssos. the light lo lie- Trnxloii. in addition to the two to Is In tie c.irespoiiileneo from San Francisco the Mississippi the suit hrounht uijalnsl the city by provisions of the ninslor and servant Harm, ,11, wllh his .laws slu, icied. a hard one from Ihe outlet. William II. Dohcrty of letters from the iircsldonf and Admir- common and Avenue ("nneh itart-uet- l Paymaster river points Chicago the Fifth company act by re,(iiiriHK their employes I" unable io speak and his side of the eighth round .Wanning- caught Ihe .Missouri, who Admiral Fvans or- al Jirow nson's letter of resignation, common is only tiO cents a to Inlerfercnoo on All Indict- As as on the older id points enjoin miinicijiiil labor the Sabbath. tile ease cannot he bad. nearly call the Jaw, sending dered before a general court inarliii; jnlilislied. Hut the Couture hundred The commission de- with the ills had Ihe deck. Il.lllnelt k Ihe , pounds. advertising signs displayed ed persons gave bond. he learned all of the pall icipa hoy (o on , bulges ol absence tiiiiii duly with- interest in the unpublished corespond-- cided under circumstances on of its must bo I M when hi- - seconds thiil the the exterior busses been looking lor trouble and cunt of ten and has II iiciulttod. by - out have, nee is a memorandum prepared the rule was not unjust or dismissed on its merits. Weill lo his side Ihe.V lolllld llll on lilo last uiitht There was groat excitement among-Ih- Admiral Brownson and placed to the In the The busses ami ihnwi OOllSciolll- prejiidieiol complainant. plying up la, Lies belay over a race between in I he department formally recording course of the decision, the commission fashionable Fifth avenue, succeeded a ITALIANS SEEK 10 lust aid In bu- ALARMING RUMOR FROM The usual employed Hie crews of Ihe twelve on red cutters Hie objection of tlie navigation nnnoiincinsr the following Important Ihe old couches which Mich failed lo him a year ago slime elliel gelieies bring of Iho battleships .Minnesota and reau lo Iho assignment of staff of interest to and us ol" old New lie was removed lo lliidlngs shippers were regarded relies SOUTH DISCREDITED lo Ills senses and Louisiana. 'I'he eonr-- o was throe miles to command a naval vessel. This . I carriers throughout Hie country: York. The now double deck oioelrle Hi,. hav There every el'loi was the Minnesota crew an exhaus- an unlaw- straightaway and memorandum comprises Ki rolieous application of busses were from to bot- lo revive him bill without result. Juck-ic- s or naval plastered top AVENGE MURDER made won all, a lively struggle. The tive statement the various ful rate is not evidence that a higher lliirlreil lieiiirn ol' American MlnMrr I In hav- t tom with K'urish udvortisiiiK sinus. The Today ni't died wllhfnil bet their money on their choice laws and bearing on this is unreasonable. li, c. regulations lawful rate thereon board of aldermen an ordi- Without I'olillcal an, ing reoovelcl conseloiuaiess. Death 11 is said Iho net of lNtiS does not passed with groul enthusiasm and particularly "A rate to one point that nance nivlun the oily iho power lo re- wii.s due to a blood clot oil Ihe brain. hands as 7 of the naval that nearly $12.0011 changed anil section personnel of disadvantageous competi- Mlnne-sotu- s permit move Ihe tidverlisiiin sinus. Justice A- Jan. S. The a. of the of the act lo demonstrate the soundness of a a lo Follow Washing I. I'. result victory tion from point beyond enjoying lcventritt today held the ordlnanoe. to Lynching Likely to of ,Mr. marinesTrrlsITd winners will race diniral Ihownson's contention tha' does not create unreason- hurried return ihls country moll. Tlie lower rate lie consliliilloiuil and afler dcxcrihiiiK Hand in minister lo Salvador a crew iroin Ihe Illinois to- no oil who had taken the oath able as to the one or give lleged Black Outrage Dodge. American for v0iing agalnsl hhnsell prejudice the beauty of FII'lli avenue, declared: and Honduras within six weeks after illegal morrow. and thereby obliged to oilier." 1 ,lli,e undue preference the is a scheme of which ! 1,1 ot en, "it beauty West Lumber Camp, lie had assumed his olllce, which al, by the laws the land, The commission views Willi disfavor Virginia YA even is not to he sacrilleed lo the demands ins to have .soiiio tipprolien- - Miimosolii Aiilliorlllo Pursue, Alleged ;ovrnor Lemes lor Hshiiigloii. OOllS nl Issue tin order Hie ,,r a lower rate tor a I X. ioiisly maintenance of modern comincreialisin." seri- I le, llo ii Across Fe. N. M., Jan. inventor of his ol'lic u one In- Bueclni sion in .Mexico, was duo lo the Santa Ihe leotion superior longer haul than for shorter . My MnrniiiK .linirlud l,nir,l Wre.l lit. Sol. Luna left hero n commanu i ous illness of his lather, It wus an- O, mill, Curry and Jlou. assignili' surge,, lo cluded within the longer, and the cir- lOlklns, W. Va., Jan. IX. Fired by Tlie lenglh NEW CRUISER FAILS TO nounced today. tonight for Washington. W. Relief. cumstances and conditions obtaining the minder or one Icllow workman of the Is uncertain but which are Vail, Fill.. .Tan. IS. M. P. Kauo, governor's slay S1 at the more distant point MEET last jo, will lie away for several it nut REQUIREMENTS and the wounding of throe others a was arrested at Mare Island hi, probably relied upon to Justify must only niiirine, .Mr. to remain l)u-lut- li, weeks. I, una expects be shown to be substantially night by four supposed members ol'j this uflernoon on a warrant from fj SENATE CONSiDEHS clearly CASHIER BATTLES - lor two or throe weeks. disl'aiuillar from those prevailing at North ('arolliiii Tx Slow VMM Have the "liluck Hand." every lumberman Minn., charging- Illegal voting. to ex- hnvu iiIho been Issued for the nearer point but also clearly Another ITiuocc to Make (mod. nt Kllsniore, near here ha.s joined in WurrniilH ercise a potent or controlling, inllu-eiie- e lor the ariest of Morgan, Usour a determined hunt for I wo of the at- in making the lower rale. Donbro and John Carver who are FARMER TURNS UP PROHIBITION "If the inlliienee of competition be- Newport News, Jan. IX.- The now tacking parties who got away, leav- W! ehnrged with the sumo offense. All d It TIF In eel Carolina tween points of production eoinmo-- l.'n Stales cruiser North ing one of their companions dead and lour men caiiio here from Duluth and URHin to her It ion, between carriers and in rates failed today make another injured. A iMichlng Is enlisted In Iho lnnrlim corps, Morgan, of H'l knots an hour in prevailing at the further distant point speed peotod If the fugitives are caught. The) Double and Carver deserting. but the one. controls a trial off the Virginia capes. AFTER 41 YEARS 1r, Has Measure Re- not at nearer trip dead mid injured are Italians. Oklahoma Bank Robbed of Tillman for- nil-- Hanker ool Demi. the estimate of lower rate of the The trial was not concluded, the ship Four last 1 Italians night gained I x. 1 It off No Jan. - Fdmunil Cta Interstate Traffic in mer, it will constitute such dissimilar-'- yard ol'llcluls culling after th mission to a bourdlng Imuwi decupled Four Thousand Dollars De- York, stricting will Hist two of the four hours run. in Steill0llll Hi, hanker and pool, tty of circumstances as Justify hours by six Italian lumbermen. They tried Its haul. It thai the vessel could of Official to ed in is h In this A, Liquor; Urges Passage, the lower rale lor the longer belli, apparent by threats to exlort $.',00 from the spite Effoits suddenly Missing Missouiian Returns "Coin petition In com inodities alone, not make the contract speed. Th, lumbermen. When the demand wh. night. nearer not make the cruiser will lie another trial in Protect to Fiad Journal Slieclal Leaned Wire.) at the point, will given refused, the Italians opened lire Cash, After Long Absence Illy Morning sim- tlie In! MINE WORKERS UNION 18. iroumstances there substantially near future. asaulled victims with knives. O. Jan. The ' their Washington. '. ilar to those at the where tlo-- l His Wife Married to Another. on the to- farther point the bill tie which followed one of l.v Morning .Ton mill Ku.!lnl I.Jii,l Vir CONVENES ON TUESDAY senate committee judiciary the other iiilillelloos atld took various competitive STRANGE FATE CLAIMS lumbermen and one ,,l the assailants, Texola. ukla.. Jan. ' Alter a day up the prohibition conditions also deflt before it and heard Senator prevail. were shot and stubbed to h. Foiir hand lo hand bin lie wilh rashlor v Morning .Imirnnl HlMwInl LlMard Wlm.l incisures "Dissimilar circumstances which BRONX PARK ATTENDANT Indianapolis. 11,1.. .Ian. is. The Mo.. Jan. IS. Jacob A. Tillman on his bill regulating the Im- others were frightfully wounded. The, Jones, two masked II lobbed the Fail lax. under the section for lllllhraeite mill bituminous coal a dls-- i of into one state from justify calling Italians who were not hint were lliial First National bank of T, ,,la ol about Funk, tanner who mysteriously portation liquor u for a shorter haul Ol s dell-gale- Ihe Nineteenth An- his it was com- gerater charge Anionx ly put to rout. in al 7 o'clock this appeared foiirleeii years ago from another. He argued that JliuipiiiK to I'alllnn $4.1)1)0 currency nl I, of Ihe in to u hand than for a longer haul will also pre- was found an r in, N'allolial nuo, hi lai iu near Swidmorc, Ibis county, and i for congress take Jones i II - petent vent such Tate from constituting an llunitry Hears lie llroaUs Ills evening. Ibis as dead re-- I in Oliestiull. HUGHES TALKS Inter bound and gang h! insclidbh liegiin arriving jwlio had boon mourned .v this illegal or under Neck. GOVERNOR understood that President .Vlileln-l- well. admitted there was pret'ere'ioe advantage a on lii'- ,1. tinned here alive and Mr. Tillman Iroin blow in II Is his of section three. TO INSURANCE AGENTS w, and thai ' More iluiii a vein- nl'ter Funk dlsup some doubt of the right congress Hands up." In true n discovery that shipments llltilition to deliver his annual aililns-I- of a found in receirJt of from "Fpun New Jan. IX. In an were lie W ol ds gl pear, d. iriigiiioiils body, to regulate the liquor moved York, attempt ion. ,e, will sikld-- have through mistake been at The convention open n six from ; outside states by individuals lor uiou to avoid death in a pit of bears today, as be was on h bo, Jones person. At, county, miles an unlawful rate, the curler should New York, Jan. x. ( lovel ier working II believed T. .. Lewis as hts own use. This he considered the only Maher. a gardener at the raised Ills hands but when f Un- Tuesday. more, was apparently Idelitllled domain! Joseph a convention lo succeed 11 - forthwith and the shipper Hughes today addressed , t Will elected president llelgll- doubtful (dement connected with the Hrotu frui, leaped from a falling tree bandits tinned lo limit lie loose hulled. August lildge. 'r forthwith, nay the difference between of more than 1,0110 ugeius of the President .Mil, 'loll had been arrested uh quest IOI1. into ft beaver pond and was instuntly on he i iter Into ll. the hmlng farmer de-li- e such unlawful rate the legal raf;i Life company, change committee not to and a lnsuiaiee a, lie, ll Iher. Ihe lime on suspicion thill lie had lie begged the killed. .Maher was pruning tree ol assistant cashier al - thereto." who gathered her,., from all parts PINCHOT UNABLE 10 man. i ,,,e- in the hill. applicable enclosure and the two in, n on the Hi, or: ,n,. ,n lay reporting between the bear the Fulled Slates. Hoc-mo- Hughes The struggled an iiet it. into the senate." urged, to Ihe Ihe robber hit Jon s on Ihe head ATTEND C0NVEN1 ION irlng. lildge proved E N G N E M EN "SI E I rT beavers' pond. 1'nknown him, sa id until luminary with it." A after-Jone- d was released "and let the senate ileal roots of the tree had been eulon away man. with his gun. poss, slailed and or "I claim to l,e an insurance iil.M-nce- liis wife re- to discuss th e wisdom the HEAD-O- a- ocov-- I During Funk's N COLLISION the heavers and when he reached I the ban, ills as soon by and am kind of Insurance man In I aiiillv Sl, k (.row- t the to state whole declined. that I a ,1 liliile lies, rip- in Deprives married. Funk declines measure he saying "any It ;,ve with his and could -- the top away weight. millions the ere, give er- I III toon student of human affairs will tell you representing throughout II thai Meeting of ling lie has been in the past years The fulling trunk swayed toward tlie up- lion of the toon. thought is the most as Kal dull. X. C. IS. As the country who lire largely dependenl ll Pall- - Spcu kcr. bill he is said to have lived in Iowa. that whiskey potent Jan. bear and the Hardener tiled to of are headed I'm Texas head-o- n - pit on Insurance for the security their well as the most prominent cause of result of a collision at Cain- of -, swlmr himself clear the branches If I wore to die to a handle. , in ,".- homes. tonight, I UNION IN ,'inie and misery in operation this eron. miles south of lialeiKh, b' i 'olo.. Jim. NEW MINERS Into Hie pond adjoining, bill his head extent the of ins leaver or tw eon a Soiilioard Airline and very large protection seel-ela- S A l, o ll Na any other country." freight struck tile edge of Ihe tank. broakillB DIRECTORIjF litis, ,n. of the NEVADA INCORPORATES family won't! consist of life 'Insurance L0EB , a northbound ftmt passeiiKer train Livestock el killed liis neck. policies. We have had an investiga- CAR LINES COCKLE SHELL, CRAFT TO early today, two men were and CAPITAL a li today not ifv ing hiin, ll ,t tion, but It was ir, the interest of life - A twenty injured, none seriously. lord i'lin not. chief t oil.-- Sillies I loldlhld. Nov.. Jan. Is. charter ON VOYAGE Mild 1'opc's Cuidllioil Improves. insurance not it. In the START LONG K. II. V'auKlian a negro and against u na hi,- attend for the Nevada .Miners' I'nlon. Incor- Home. Jan. IX. After Dr. l'etlacl lirst we wanted to know Un Washing!, ,ii. D. J.n,. Is. For- est, r. will lireman. both of the passotiKer train, place , I lition hi Hit. was tiled with the county de- It, Illative Allell M e 111 loll association's iliniial conv, porated, is visited the this afternoon he ds, I no wmi uny mer pres.. III- - vvej-- killed. The collision attribut- Pope fa, hav,: sympsiny eil- iiexl 'I'liesda.v e of Hie clerk today. This is the union that is l.lglishii Sails From New York for if of fol- to go off Jr.. of Now Jersey was loday elected ed to trouble with the air brakes on clared that the attack gout agitation which endeavors Ills Mr. ha to ilisolaco the Western Fed- Coast of California. con- of tin- Hallway n, ss of fatlter. i'inchot Intended lows a course. considerable to president Washington ; ' i , , the freight train arid to complicated regular with reckless attempts change been to delivet an addres,-tll- e eration In Iho district and should be noted In the ditions without In un- and F.iectric company, and William expected train orders. The to passen- improvement patiently trying , II I loll as tlie of the operat-br- s injuries l to Presi- before the c Veil personal has moral support N, w Jan. IX. FitthiK out to were bruis- condition by tomorrow derstand the facts and to accord- Loeii, Jr.. private secrelary York, gers and trainmen moslly patient's who has boon proml- - repr Ivc of President Koosevelt. association. Bail in the wake of Admiral Kvans' es and cuts. ing to the fuels." dent Koosevelt, THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1908.

v m ,; .h.. r4. -- t - I'll- 'I' t ti it II mill lo ll.1V" lh,. iie "I l'Ve.. ..vl mi. mllllHiy exi.eit win. 2 iImontezuma trust company ouipns-lol- ANGLO-JAPANES- lin-- l - E hilM SSlllIell "11 iirtlele hi the siihiVct of Ill" cunpus- I Walsh, Hi" Sshi'il ll.l" illixe.1 H Mellsnliull BANK WRECKER SSh'l .I' " II"1" !li1'""'"1"'1 I THE JAFFA MOll. hele euiuiliK .'I ' I'""' llell part "' NEW MEXICO In .i ' "ins." ...... i 1. ALBUQUERQUE, III. .ilpirii. v, i.f'it .r-- i. iitimiiM i iiik iii - Hi" l""X "lal ,hi"' ihe Khulixh iS v.., . c- i.... ,s II,.. ilt "I Iimsiiih Hllusve.l Die lirll- - HI1U timninm "I-- .n.-.- ti .1. A iiiliiilrally 5 OUiyiUS, ,, , v " lie. ALLIANCE 15 lr l! capital I.. lnk heluss the list puss CO. fiuv,.w in rumpled hy " nuyy GROCERY H. iniiiicilinpls r Kin nihil I. an. uecia lly in- lui viiik t .mill frl-ii- dn who I" I ,,r K'll whut i ralU'.l lh"m WALSH FOUND wiimI i.ii. sumls "I nhsuliit.'ly l,.p ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS r.,i i.i sympatic in! s lh ni'-'- Good Thinas to Eat INTEREST ALLOWED "limtuiitlv ft upon which '(OB ,,,, .11' .,lll,IK"l""l't. ''" 'I'- "- - MISTAKE1 ll 11 I'V - i" '". . .'. i,. . Kii.iiini. fiiinilv (in li" r.lli'- "oiu In en- -. "" IHtacls. Bus ;!!''i;;"nS'lt;3iiSii!i6iSsi:i i 1,.. ,,r.,r;.-- . .I in. mis. J cx3ooooc;oooooooocoooocxxxx ,,li,,l, there are unly i i, .,.i, i.i'... :n 'i. TT,::;U?1t!:M,i!!iM!:'i' fO . O . I'l "Fur (ii.1,1 niilal" ,,,,, ,,- -, I" I'" I'll lt ss,, fiM issu whvh 1.! .i.,i"''tlnii hers. li' ah'ahin,0 nun n- - I'l'K "" '"" W STATEMENT OF tv "pinion I.) I"" ti... ri.islnii (lermiiit nays. "! - l,i- I, M has K " l';l v' INCLINED ,i,i,ih I jiPt ORIENTALS n Kllher nlie 2 UN I" the "Xpert UUILI iioihin". Ini'tlnr My." n.-- n- -y u- - H. I' II TO N NDIA H!(e...i '"" -I h" MFDDLt Inn ii itdy I'"' iviiit-- , NATIONAL BANK .lm hiK v Kl- i- .leslruy ssHh'.ut Hargcr's Ranch Eggs, : STATE Mil f i mill .. (i WMI.n 'I I,.. , -- .ih i ,ls III" ""tilt " " l, f ('.if.- - use. 11 hums "I' this ilil. ninia." Dozen, 40c "II e,,,.,., l r,. mil niimi:i v.' lh.. '., Is in is 'i I". in IIIMIillH.ll ," tlllll'V'' ''I V7UUIII IJIIIH" v ...... ,11 Unit OF C U flTS AI'liT h.nihli lie KuiH I" "ay i.eriiians : ALBUQUERQUE 54 0 ,,i II,,. I,ir., Ii'. lu illl- - t i In nation and ,,1 iKimillv Keep her , ,M sd.H ales Const . .'II Tllll! ci ..... , w S fl, IIK17. In rrMnm lu ,.i ' - cloz. At (ll il'". liiiHltifW lldi'iiihcr' - ( i"l lilllhl lr .""' Kansas Ranch Eggs, "' , ,,. ,,,, in utioll I'.iiit ll ..... i'i '."." .. Hid iiinlilnilliT nJ Currriu-y- tVunliiUKlim, 1). U. ;(UIS(;S DlltlSh IOIHlSlil) t(U t ,,, ,,..t .11 ssin heiss,-,-,- Knu-i- J ,,, ii iii ..'clock t li if ni'.i n- - .,,1 ,, ft: i,i ni, anil KhhIiiii'J huh 30 Cents. I.iihI anil I'l.ui"' I k. ,1 '! ".I- II "l"1 lil.NOI 111 S .,,,.1 '" l'.'l"'l (! Men to 11 f Biown Wane, 1. 11,.. K" iM.filhli' fur her t" A;uni Chio;!'.'.'); ,,,,,,s-- d lis the ii ii I, .HUM ilM'll' Itiissiiin mill I.H.HUI ,r,l5,7M1.77 acln-- I,..;.,! Mel inwlisiuriieii, 9 . W I'lMl.illV MoiIJi1 ,1,, h.,,1 I, "' ii n II" Lot Mackerel each I'lll'i'tl Stllli'K tlell'lK. Ill' . In.".. f.u.lH) ivlnnini (4 Ins, l 1. I. I y uf KhiK I'Mssnril Fancy , Iml an. ml ... i.ll hi ss a s P'tsu is III,, H.ilicl Itloil. tlie iliih.niii' llnlllllliK II, "111' (Zi'lKiT lllllU.) (am r. s :i r ' ,' , nil hal'liern hetsseeu tlii'sei t til II ,1...... lot I, as S. II' thlliK " hl'ike diissn 25 Cents 2 l''littiiri'a, Viiull, cl,i 11 i,,.i I... nil. ,11. Jan. alls , . S10. ss in iiuik.iu'ii h'.uo.',,,',hi ... I. I,. 1, VI ;, III 11 UI w rauli t.ld rio i i. 1.,, I.I,, a 1., .Iiuss' II, .11 111" A lil',l"-.l- mil til' in '"ii K'll 1,,,, ,,. .i- - hs i mu- 1111 I" do fur lie a.iioa.GO I'li'lini-- l"ll"ss",l ,111 ii'.- is 111 a Mi Will t $7 The ' PMiies-.l- I'diitiTitiaiy, I' new .... . I. ,, ,t Illl 111 llel ll in " ..'the s.a small Lot Mackerel, each ll.. ii hy Altm-m- Miller fur iiAt.ii.nii.s. , .. i...... iu. . 1,(1 a"- -' ii ml. .In. It.. Ainl"i J"N lira. .toil I" ;;, ,; ,';,,', uteilt , Jlllll.ltim ..",,, 111 15 Cents . '.HI. .2.1 i - WiHi.iin's as . ONLY Hi. li "f Hi" iiiu'i"" I, I P."".- las,.,',..' p."" in itliiM h ml in nfll :l. FIGHT JUST BEGUN. i,.r ii? I, .ids.ilil.iiP'. th" . unit. I'll ,,U It rlllU'li'-- Pin. ' ,., . ,114ft. !i(i '.1.1(3 - kIv"; ;;;;; ;;',; '7h7" ;;',"is'l,"i on' ..,. L'l.p.isllH comment oFPRisoNER:;:;;l;;;:V!:i:,,l;;:1:.. Hie . ("I .(i itlclilllH "I ,, f I l,lmlu.,(l Sour Pickles, Quart, 10c 5 0 ISTDmiODOB . liun !..t-- r in,, thill he"tljz-ss.tiil.l ."""lh hell.,'.' Ihe K .1,11 " '""""" all, .1.1. s ,,f th" sca IIIKIIIII .'111- - "ll the (Ill llllll. , ,.,, ,. -- III. ,' ,.,. I'"' "in.relMuey the . Kraut, Quart, 10c Who Sluod Out lo.'.:; u id"., ami'"'unless Hi. a! Hril.i.ii aetsaml ad loooooooogoop Juiyniaa TlM. .,,, ,,,.e,l - SihiIi all. Hi" yerilii hail li""Il ati- - lull lllllt'H V. IU'1- l.l'll" "I iiiii.iiiiii .."- : I f 01 l,.i he l.lll ' Anuiiittal Bicaks l - ..'!;;'.'' lllllIi"H! l."UllnW :iU iiuiiiiii-.- liMri'l Alliirin., Slnif tel.- ,1, ink, u NIK Ih" SS.IW 1 bUlK ' f Pint UIIVCS, AMM-K- MKAN8 AMI t'NSUItl'AswEII FAC1IJTII ... 11 , II . ... .1...... it ..1- 11,.. , (i.i t ,1 lh-- li'Si'llil. tw i ' killK-loll- l nil ami ,,l Ihe 9 ; Mown weeps iiysiem.any ,,;;;;.;;,;;,,,,.;,,;;.;.,;,:,,,,,,,,,,. r 1 11 ? When Veidid is Read, ' ' .1n"l ,.;.,,' n! mil FOUR SKATERS DROWNED jj Jersey Sweet Potatoes I lie or r, ,,,ii 'I' I'. I, H in bank ol lommerce Asmiquerque j Si i "Verillcl a lll "lie. HIllltlM C IVI 7;:''7;:,r; in new England watersi 3 lbs. for 25c u-' WI" I M...nin J.'iiriml H- I.4.i1 v IiiiiiKIiik lass i:;zu!::z. Hies- iml lly iK ii j JJ4 Ihul Hi,, ,sill isle ssill . m I', Accoinmodatloii nnd Sollclm Now II. W'al ' ,it,,, cine Fxtrnds to !(mHl((irs very Vroiicr i Is .I.iIhi , j i , j si.,l..1"il ssith i". III III" se lei - . 'In, ,,(;,,. Impunity I'uik s.illl for If .hlpall' itiwii.ti sins .Inn. is. - Four skut- 1 (Nceoniils. Cui'ltiil, la(l.l)l.(l.llll. OfllccrM mid liircclors: Solomon I.iinii, N"-- j 1. I' w he "I lh" "1 Fresh Potato , I..IH1.M pl'-l- 'l, nl "I lh" Chi"'K" mi. In mas' the he hull. " I'S K'l lit ii ssere i i il In t Chips, . !.. i no mm .1..0. " .i 'hip in porl' .'",v I'reslilcnl; islrlcklcr, V. ,'V, A MliilKlillK a r it- - In- illl . Aruol. J. , i I"' hauls "i- 1, illl (Hsu w Asslslnnt t nslih r: Willliim Mcliilohli, l.nlriridBtj, Si (,, I, ssiil.h I'.M'I 'I'"" I,,,,,.,, ,, ,,l,;, Al l'.pilj Pound. 25c Si ,i,, I! i'l.e Kill-- ' ,., ?! M Itliu l.siell O. I!. ( rillllWCil. eil. .Mill "II'' Hill iro.ll olil , mid Mijsx A.iui'e IP T ."-- !".' - 1.1 I'upli HI, is ju e.,,,1 ll. Si 11 IS S.'lld lllist Oil Illl.'.' ll.luiney heusell. III. Al I h f Iilts-I.,n- . '"'i.i i Is sears of uV. disappeared ,l,,s i iu ills lli" inM sialic ...... i..i.'-- t)li 'p,.( NiillllIlK colli. he plillhiT Hill. these u t' Weleli-- rom i, 9 nil-a- i- ill-- t lU- - iitier sliiitiiu; nip 10c h h.HKlliH , in lit Jllhl.'MIO, 'I'll.' I"! I II - Large Grape Friut, ill. tin. Ill" .i.ull't u, is.irds sihl. ll iilinul vol looked I" li' s. d In have he' ll ih "SS i - uml nre Tin- iiKiineil ni . 11 .'I K ,H, n ui (,,, IihiiI-'- I'niiilK tonicvV. iifllceH "an ailyii lliey l.lllle llliili UI. I'l'S h 5 BALD RIDGE'S YARD IS THE PLACE i i a , . i i . ,,, s .' "a r in i.i rum ii" slKlllneunl i In tin pre lut. ir.. hill sshuh aie siry Kuhelt Annul UI1H. -- ll - 'U1S. li - , fi In our Cake Depart- ,...iii,t ii uiu Much hh'.li s'liiri " .., . i .1,,1 $ nnd I.HII1. IJU'Jto Stock of Wlinlcws, Dours, i, t .il"h ssa' , ll US 11 I'll IS IU I' I' IM I" SIS..,.,iIMH I.nniluT, Slilnelcs I, ,, ,.l court lu l". A M R Q Iir P r sC l)M TI lenses ii" , Tra-i- IJrTihlii-- t, Ilnntl. h r "iinl's speech jj( ,s N,. vlllc mid Kdssurd ment we have everything S r.'tlnls, Oils, Piiimt oil p, mil. I,, l. iiinln al llli.ils tu Hull .lapllll hllelllls limit I'.llKi.ii'" 1K(, ,s.,s dross iieil III the I'' Our N. M. I fiiiiil-.h.'.- CURRENCY ACT that is desirable. $ .1. South Street, Al!niqiirriio, t l hs him iifler lh" DRAFT'S . . I C. liAIiniIll(;i 45 l'lit '" " ' ". "" ,.,,., u l is',' 111 UuClieStiT. .. 11. ".i anH Ii.-- 'l Uu ' i rinnrleCI oro nili'D1. . -- - in, Ii, lin, ui lui, ii .1 in ni nuahK' ' l"'1"11 s""llf; """"'n hr.nkiins th.oimh the I.". IJ Ll U O ui i. ,.J v hum M isrrrr 1" K riil..ri"-'-lieiillii- uml then svilh iiriiiv in lin li hint ..lie y.iir .iH" I. ..lay. iicihIiuk MciihI'c Ik lie Sllhllllltcil therefore the quality is 5 hooooocroooooo (ll eom se C II IS h h, Six Iirnssncd In New .lcrs- - 't uf iiiKiiiii' nl" "ii .laliuais '.''j M, llll,nl, ,11 or I'oxslcr lllll. IIo. ko hncr s TAk'P & i nnk AT THF r, 111 N'-- ss Sis' l"sl' ?'o 11 Hi" "in 11 V. ... he" UK iron. ,hip,il"'se Vim k. .Imi. IX. boys l. W O "''-- n www... i I'S III." i " LU a ll'SS t n III'1 Ml .1 iiioIImII hiii.iiilur. Iml lies hiiie s.iiiii I hell' Uses ,li N'ess .I.lsey today us - Al ,,,1,1 i'IiI, .ih", .Ian IS The currency ,111,1 Imu lull ul oriel. I.ll pnlilelless of s. iilin inn on Ihin h e. t ..j S STORE - l"-- s ll " U FRESH PATTY SHELLS NEWSHOE 111 A ItHlllsCI's' II .11 ll 11(4. I"!' l"S mill)' liM ll III" l.lllll. I"! i'iiIUIIiIhkIiiII "f Illl' l.'HII lllell list li"l N'essnrk. llnrtiiian. yeillsi The pi sshlch lills In of I ii ii il draft-- , ilhtiiisi ul .lupuii inns ..f uue. his lands. scuts llu i.ll. li.--. "li v. Illl h Hi" .'iU"'l Ihian inel here "'hi y ij AND CHEESE ;,ill,,ii llellll.s Id Ihe Illllisll peuple. II ml l.'U Smith. H .seat's "I UK" Ii - III lue I. n sshlch .1 1 STOCK i is ,, l"'l I'"'1,,,! "l llle:l"lll ". inns l,i,,ll")linn mi lllllellcy Thill Ih.'ie Will he IS.II' helsse.n hi II pullil. Aithur ullll STRAWS s Ihiin ,,u,st.d I ill. iii '"' nime I s I. ' ' .1 in, leif lis" ".ii" Is tu he Sllhlllltteil In (jreKi nnd Ihe Stairs " ''" r s' M oiw-- it. t ss ins. ycurM of UK" ss pun I' H i hi, h liln Kuil' chur-ll- I. i,. ,..ich ..ii hill uf ihe K. i - is Ihe Kl'll U IS of III!". DOOR TO THE P. 0. : The I. .nine IIIUIIS lliolithi- Inn., pusse.l ,( W'eiui.s, - NEXT - ,., n'.i'hi'K ''f sin- t.ihlWi.'.l 'I'h" llrst hill llllriiillleed I'S -- lniil-..o- n and il niliv l"'l lu- ler ii. Hie rill h'l" ,h ,i,s ln.1 lit - I'V Bcelie Si Mil. f"ll"SS ill Is to he (In-il- ( .mm i's"iuiin mid Ml 1,1 Hull iiUIioiikIi Ihituln has, 4. We sell the PATRICIAN II. Hi" I"' . - ft ll I, ,'.!', ll.l. V'll' I.i ,s in.ilsei ss i' sue-- j ;inii!ili.:liiiiii''1iiii!l iiiiil.iitiiii l'llnl(- I.. Ihe mitiou's ii, h, en liinn tor Hie Slll, rut- I'uilii r. Si III::,'""M"' m ,1 I HI of Ml"l I"!"' uluays ,nn."ii ,M, III he lie.' of Ihe s s llu- ll k ill SHOE for ladies, the kind that silih Ihe loriuiil npprosiil i.'-- of our coil-In- s "'ii, pontine. Mich. .lull. Is. Kin 'ifii::!!'!.!!!'!! a. S M'll"! "I ...llliHi'l l"1' II"' ihlell''"' - Inn k of II. nolhiim iioiihl ph.i-- e us inoie llriii Ward u.i. loihiv iippoinl'd uil.ird- aives satisfaction, l Har a liirsin.ill from .1 lhilt I'llinn, The c mission has pi uel h y Ihe u se- - riiele Sum nip lin- .l.ipmies.' f inth.r. .11 is Clay Willil V ss,.- - us hs liiullon j.j., ,.; t t n .1111111 iiieinhei'shlp lis h.ll liii'h iiuliilioiis In the hud. ,,r l cil.s ui f 1"' leadltiK- pill. QwnF r.n 11" I"" " his Co. cimpifr ri ark Illl SS.'t.l ,l" H."ll'"'" CHI M i The Jaffa : -- ,,ii Itiiiih, run ti nf ichinan. Grocery ii, , Iii lie Ilii. him II" "I "IU" rvvsnononnixsooooooooc A m il era lu heiinii Hi" m Thl.iL'S , Good to Fiit. a, a nii's-ipi- ,. sen. :1;,:r,,'h,i'''X::,un:;::.'n,',;;s,,",, ,h,s isle,, sSYMKAIMYi . ,,,. "'"";- FRENCH KJh a I lipt'llllimell lu eiii'isiii, .inn ,",,.- Mali Orders l'llled Snm Day -- VICTIMS na '(m l'.'VlaX I""! or ""K1'"'1 Hi" air isilliiult sshe ssns THEATER FIRE Itccelvcd. l'it ;;.i(h , ,,. hy l'"""'' Ihriitmh J lnl,,,K,,,,m d-- A 1,111 alls i -- cm d in Ink hs lh- - IH' li i. ml t.s nl'' "in h, t - a tl,- -: III l"l' ,, led hs t ' ,,i " A l.aHill him ".. A"V ,tl,i miparlns ins. Is ft l"...ll"l -; .,. , ...or. y lake h,r Ism,,. Dullish IllSelilol h'l ;l less ISt'i , la ,,l ill ah- - in hi. luin nss..;.sc,r - ss ,M Ml i,,,.,. lUK more of less nominal the ,sli, ami . "nnllu.ial l.i.lill Kilai- ci'lulis slarlhil Ihe h ill 111,' - , , ,,, ,,,,, Us In- H"l Il'iinl in I" ss ssilll Ihe luin- ,, . ii leli of of hllsint ss. Tin I'."VI.I".1 H- i- I"" l.v i....I,miiIiic u it u ll from his inpnths sence impoflalil ,. 1. illltecd crcl II Ml IH' ' J 7.ini i.i 2T..-.- ,,. ,,i,l P"t"'l ll ,,, ICS Ul ""- eil easy al ss "IH in Inn'., phi." fiiii'l "itu.ilM 1 per hulls.' Hi" Hilii ' npi report 3. ,,,! uiii't, ."Ills Ith Iluuti'e hie. The I. dour. mi, which Mas ssns ss.illi lake ipioled at ""III"- - '"111 Of IlK "llpll.ll. II ,1 if IH e of lllMes t"l- - Coppei' iiiil ,.l.,J I,. ,1 .11,1 I.UIII.I..I ,111 Im sell direct. :i ,,,,s li u mi I'teslilelll lions. T.'ifu 4. mi: electiutytte $l:i.e:'"( lli.- Tli". n "f cnilii Holes ss'iin it,,. I'ouN,.,, he inn. n:s ,1,1,,.. I" ""nil and; "in lhee :t i:!.t'.-":- :. ,,t,ii,iiii'i.l.- H- i- N''lSI'll-l- l il.sii and caslttii ''" j L I.' i to ..f H le lie. Hie .,,,,,,,,, iniim .linUe fmiy percent ll ll keen emotion of the i iw.s.iiii-- nt ii c :i.7 u. OOOOOOCXX)OOOOOOCOOOOOOOO( ,l r,',i - ' ss Hie II Is .... lui- ilil- - liscniy-- : ,,.ir ,.i.,t t Spelter I. itiiiisuiii '. He n n il". lih null, mil hunk it"t" hlrh hunk pus, in nt 111'' ,.. ... , ., And. ii lie tni uic il. chh'lll sshlch ocetlire'l 4. i ..... - I,... lu i", - lis- ss mi il ii Inn Ho- ins eiit.e'i lul 'I iii ssliil, III" "11 r inns h.ise "lllntindlim hill no mure - minute, s ifluil ami . ii Hi. hei; our I "Ilv-- r .':. s il.pur.iil -- . ' lllelii Ullill o ;itr" sins lifin ui I'm . , ' I" ' ." Ull'l'l llliili ;T. Ill "I II" capllill. .Apeel lo lli'.pi oii ell, - ,,',, ,nu he. 'k.. per , , lo Ili'l't'J.t ins sill, ere colldol- I Ic. -- " (HI ss Mexlci.n il.dlms a- - , lien-oni- SI. Html i.ll 01 .Is !' lh,. pi. tin, iltini unil'i land TI "f the fnlle.l it... .. of Kriesiim .1 ss .mil expression my " .ui' rei "is e III .liiiiiu. r. and iU The iilhls in use Ihr I'lilllsen ir USE WANTS ,i, 1 JOURNAL ,l (' ' w n w w i' soMi.i -- I hu he. it mhl hy IM'M " ni ii lie p. .11 ' in l"'l a lax of per cclll )..,,. !. ' ),. cull s t : in; S'lir ll Is in-- ; a ni" i: i i . i i 1 i i i .1 l.s of ."IP h K"V inn. ul and I.eiiiK i, mi mi i" '"" ss.c ,. tin. th,. iiselilK" iilll'Ullil of Stute K son ,e, ..'.,,.- Mil-llijU,. ' .., Secretary I he .1' 't"l li'S i . i. t . ill clrcllllllioll. cues,,. ,.,,1111 .it i. i. noli lis lh- - 1m ..osernor stum. el "vri'ssf.N1 s s nas s. lehmatn I, Mi ,iii.i,i-- 1" II ll"" , ll," l"l'"K"illK Illl Ill "f in hi, ,.,, ,,,.i .,, ii - s s u ilia i i is. iiii-- i . ii 'eh :i i. i.,, i. s,.ii..' pin I" Iii. ii i. till. ,,! r. .lit ii..!. "iihlc. t" tu siin) 1111 i el Americans. U.o. ll.l s P. 's " ee -- Ill linn, a nil The in an planus A"nnD AW Cc" M M T uf till pel ills, en, . ss ..I comfort-- iviiiml I'.'ll 111.1 Ii . U'l-- . lluil me tin.ihh II ,1,,, lulietl hit' Ui,, .i 1.,, It '. ,1 " tu ,.) Il'clllil loll tins l,LMh, flrrilUVLO lu I.oiiiImii'c he litsl I., IK- Is I, spoil" I"l Hi" oll ('' lllliill.ll credit net' t' to l; pel lllite hidttlliKs OWNERS' ORGANIZATION ,. Ml cu S.l il" .11 I,,,., ,, ll,.. hiiihlluii Ihe I'h hi,,', ,1 .,. "I Hi'' llH l"l'l ,.,ii ,.i hs, hut hall P .111111. '1 1" I"' Mpell'-'- llel'' I,. ,il h I'" ." that III I. .1 .1 ,1 el' ddly Iml. Which is.. Ct sp' i.i III- .1 III- - I ' IL 'SS Jill I" luk" lli,. niKl.ll,. March. 11,1, Muni.. .Ian. H ...I ' "is ,111. pusuhle III I'S" liiuin,!', mi. "I' li I" esers- del, ill i A. a l.allMls .01 I'VM) "I"' lh' "f I'' lilt This'l tillli nl, ipisei iinr Spl'lKKS. s,ii,,.,t, III. - id' .1 u 111 Hi" l.iiln in. ".il ionics no lu Ihe I, li;!l Alllelic.lll si, ,,,, ,ln,,.,. ,,' th- - CM'elllise cutullliltee " ' - -- 111. 111 i ss t I n rool ,. is mi h 11 Id "Sci :i d liise lu .oiiil. ds llrsl .i.,. minim Miners' iiss iu is ussocia- - " 11 ' a lit. r.ehi'lil re- s ,1, s Is -- il.l I,. 1, I" "" h" u.ililrll eill,. iillil est, Illl Mfjunieil s. his. liiniiHit l""h-nl- . JUDGE (iETS DYN AMI t.iril l.lcii "I IMlm- -l "II" "- - Me lliiljeslle C'lll'ilUltl" l" cWl"f l'mll eeis.-- a Ironi fMiiuer V'nited - 11 M s "I hi- - 'I' p"-l- lh- sill" A (4 1, ii lull ll'ti," 3 IN HIS MAIL illiM,,' - street on til" I'lccnillls Si, it- -. s,.i:ili,i' W. Chills, sshich I, t. iiil "hut i - Ho' us.- ol IM col-- , Illl "1,1 III. Ill t" ll" I' mtvi'iI In line sse.'itlui The "Ness Voik. .Ian. is. IH", Ol ll- -l , In nun . ,. . .I il.. IIIISIHK lll'ceil ell Ihe ,., j I' Opened lulls ss.ll screen llllllieis Hum clllioll' Spiiees. II REPORT OF THE CONDITION ., - line .liter I Inn-- II" Is said It, .mi I ail. lo l .iloilc. I. lul musses ol urcel l,,,,t in tlad I" lhal a IS .,1 . ill the ilirs fool i, li. KhiK K, OK pi ul,, Hps in inhn "'"'"' mi-- mi; ,,funli'..ill"ii has h.eii lot uuil I" 'I '- I- ..1 ll. l '. I" i Mlisld. III ni"-- ! .1, t ii -- ill ill ill , Will I... K( . ,,l ii issuers of the si, lie. I'h sehllli!, Klllo. .lull. Is .liPhu - J, dun fi '.llllll' 11,1 Hie. In iieeept pusillull us lliclll- S Ailiuns. "I Hie his enlle ' l. ,.,! ip. The hm, ll. I.ll II. - "f the hut - uml A Bold Stop. Iii mull u I,,,,. ,,, ,1,.. ..xecutii- CMinmiltee 'ii ,,, todiis his . leieised a " Bank illil iiili lu st ui is I llu- The First national Trs well ur"iitid"u n4 h- nlieiuly .lo ii hui run to Interest ovcrriimw tho i, - dsminiite prom""' i ..I p. III"-- ! cvnt'll-is- o Mill ' ul, Jeet of the iiiuris Intel- - uppers silled lot nil Ho .I" II.., I, i'.ll i, ,11 reiisonnhlc ions II, I'M J.' Is III.', sis Inches - ,.vul, - I, lined Illl eel its' 1.- -, Amort- m! i use HiimIi. 'null com- llUSe all,'.', "1'si'K"'! hy ',V. A. CI.AKls." hi'' I, till, of .secret, :" ssus 11" niechnlllslil ,sl ,.,, N'. '" Th,, " v e' . It 11 lTOU Y OF NIOW MUXIOO, AT ?ij p. i.u.l .. lu, IS. V. of Ihifliilii, - " l"'"l'l". ssus leieised AT AI.FIlHll'firtOrK. fM TUB TK l'liree. ,1, III.' .Inline Ad- sinilhir inessnn I. 1IMIJ: H,. S't'llR Cl.UShl UK III'HISISMS JJItiCKMUBlt 'oiur mid lilf.,. itec.ileil In llilllsi' lioM I'" cpl.clsi' II 1.. Flunk. 111. Hull, inllli. ui lie- Ilih.' Ill the court i d Hi. ill I'.rllish fr. (l"P;,t urn (ruin Hie inniil rfun e pufsiiod "" hi ati. Id", i "f li - Iii is ho Is t'lncint hi lunlo-r- ..f iiieihi'iiii.'' for do. ithiuit liiisim: .in UUI. nips o Or i.d Immense KICStll Kfl'lS. he pin up I' 1 i H.72H.7S1 nu'sih' ii.- -. niiil 50 Iihs tmli!ihiJ liroad- - nt, p- Ull.l HI It les ill, HM Ket-- I e, .lists, rrM ADC I...u nn uml iliHi.i.iinla i n, pin uri'.l m.'nn xn ,, p,o-ibll- no (isim.1i iris. n.., tn..,i iiiiiI iinsi'i to whole a full ,li ii ,,,'ie VVhLUri:u omilu 21111, 01) cast ami oiutT!)- the world, The nilili. II, .mill - cll-- lllilll'ill Iteil llllll..,) Slal.n . ll ntitiih.-- at siiiulhl t (i c l. . lull. (UK. (Ul "VP ml list, ol tl." hiitredicnH PORli: RS CLAIM el si. u.ii:' PICKED UP BY LINER Oilier I. ..Ii, Is p. noillin ll III Stales comiuyp . s llls- - SPU.-- IhuiiIs """ Miter IllK llllHIICiUmpiiMiiluiui in. ..111.17 mil Is siih lim ,i Hi, in. li lu p,,M,il,niis ..ii PiUPid J I L L. II. Is, H..I.12 J3 Tlun he lutMiikcri ( )l K.) OH ss i. Is I., -- ii or arc Somc of the ui, ni'i'iii ilii't. G,iiiic. S()l. I) huh has.' Hi.. .llioi't, things lliinkhie house furtiiliir.' i.ii't tintun-- .Pi.tnu nil I.' - mid ... i u- -i ., ,,, - , I v "I'll Mori;:..! 111. 41 tiiiiiu .yh- JAttDiis piiliriiti jnti) t... ,,l h, I,,, i,, n.i ,: ,...i, hi. Jan. I ui- - fn.m nnltonal bnnki, lunl rraursi annnlll) "H ins 1m lu Hint tiiildli'rs 81,265 ill (ui) fin in c. 'J'lmi too lia ro ul hmhors. j Mn- - ' Klwilve mrised i" to know Inns fi.ilil snip' hunks yy ' J " '" lemnslllp you ought , 7fi txcrrt "hl" ,n '"'' ,. - into ft mi ii, proved ri'solsc aKimts Irum Htlinnif a s mud- - pio- sshh men from the 1:1, "117 7 iiins.'d,iyui('il.i.i'( nn-- n m ' " Th" ui iiiii'iiii'iit eiesei. rlusks llllll ..llicr (.'Hill tloins i. (linihtfnl "ml made ' ni lull li 77 ti.urof merit, '"'tmir si, I,. t"i lh- - const, ii, tiMit ,,t tanks uf, S1..1111-I- hui't" San .l"se eticoli crcl can be learned iiRea for h'.iiHO i.H'R tliiluL't . iiiiii'u of Alioliu ( iilliniiiif.'lull. nth.-- nuLliuutl baiikn 7U.K0 00 it, ,s Hi- - ill. nl th last today Nittt'H uf -- - . - st.niMiiiim "!' I" .inkiiiK eondiii..n Monday R 17 nt ni- - a.i- l.'rui-- Ii.iihI curreni-y- nickels nil centi Sb8 1:: i ti IT iu,imK .""in" "ti.. ii- -. e .s puper ' Is d lor ,i ., iM.MulielS "I Ihe ssele ' I i. - s Hm pons most hk. P. lor than la,Afiil mmiey reseivo in bank, viz: tCISrti.ijk-.aV- MIljuiMflLYilli-t- I...I.IV ell- I'"'" .".I in no other way 4 lit i I'd eralt In Ihe -- sent ,.f i.iir 'il'"" I'.'.t Klit'cia I'.'l ft "'J'-'- 2zmjU mi iv. n.UPS 7 00(1 iin-l'- S l,elpit tPiuter p,.,.!,,.,,,, ,.,,.l.,..v t l.n -- i, h un.l h '.nil Lui lh. Sun Jii .H.IlU ('"I '. ... - hrt 1111 u nt Ii "I I, Cipiain ads 02.4ja It .... HittiiHiriif pvr- tip t the pi", Will I"' stMl-- d, ill I.Ulii list, it- -r lud-- ii ...ii Apl ,'hici. by reading fund with United State treasurer (5 per I' - - IL V. .!'. nl llu. , i "1 ti,, Hcirniptlon uf I" "" '" " ii,,,, ni,, lllll I - lo.Oao bp 1, he ,1 ,, cunt of circulation) 00 I, I'l ssill cfe.i Hill eclonu. I,,' ...M,, .htt.ift. In- I, ul , e lops, ullll.' otlp depots ,,f Spain. t , nil ,, el. He c. "inuillt. of ii (in lui ,11.,'as,.. -- il ill It. Illl k. nh. '.ul. nnd Queen-- - in the columns ,1 II -- Ti.tal a.006,9 pi III." 11. 7 ,1, "ill " ll tot.ll "I St. "el. k it. iiou, liecord. II H ll Is , 'd Hint ( lllillln Slllmillilllt of - 1,1 Im.sii "iisi.lei plohahls l't ,m , r In. ll he ..Mliitii lllellliltlu: "I - a i , Hi- - were! more. .Ian Is. Key Journal 0, lull .n,!l ..... - ,,,,,. ot ships ihul The Morning i s. , f.'Mi ,, "IU Ill l iiuiu. r.i: l ',,. I.,' ,.l"l epi ... ell- -, til- IP 11. Ui' Alhleli" elllh. "HI 'I, lllll imi nii ., ,1 II - lis! under it illilll. sPii'k iintil In I tun. a n mil. .,1 lh (1,11,'ieill -- li - T.i l,,,, !. c Cnpiinl ,,s r is "d uch i:..i. .,,"- ' his 60. 000 00 I el y luniier-i- ' me of t'...:.. il iilll!.. uoiid's record for peiforiiian. Hurpllia ruiut til' d hs i!,,. s.l,, 111(1.1 - . ' I,,., ,, Im, Ml. 'Ill elllhu - "ill lappiim in t'litllvliti'd lu'oflls, Irss expenses anil taxes V.Hf.1 03 ,,f IcnUlPk' , s.-- is. iii sss imiiiiiiK twenty .. mi,. i.inK ;i mil yards notes (in ...... in i''f .11,111 Null. uml hnnk outsiniullns; Itili.tuiil ..tnir lit. !' - . l .. 1, s' M I. it Koini; on fu. - Hue to other rmtlonH! hanks Iil7..'if.7 fiS II..I llltf -- I . s . s is ... v iisaliotis has,. coiplf .'..', ,,, , lu the U, li, " P. :1st S I'.l H,CtlC tinie ul 'i. I"l la. She. illi-ss- line stale banks and haitknra till. s 1, ... I'.ot i JTZ ..Ui. .hilt-nit- t . 'I 111 f ll.Mll.'ll fl' c, nun ss lu - ii ii hull pi'lidi-i- "iu,. ,, n . Intc llulivldiiiil sutijei't to check tnil.lMK R7 .,, . ,,. mi, i of the (.n..r..tee. nt 41 p. nn, I. or ,1 l Hi" Ta i,,ii. Time eel tliltatea deposit 1.1115,911 ..I eil Ill I'l epp"-l- "II t" '" .. .'- --'''; I. I'.'... .. I. .S N I. imil's . he M Certified cheeks g pi... :,u, ,lu ,.,e. ."' . 34 T,- -, ... a H..I.- -I ll Hi" ,.,,, 1.1 II. ,U ' tu "Illl "'", I'l." ""li" nniininious ("ashler's cheeks nutslanding 58.839 ' ' - Turilcha p. I'l'ineiilh. sis I. ..I, II lit I" null- j.,, ,,ss n" ,, Minis- In... I. up d.. sshh'll ssus sinned .'11 Nosclllhet United Spurs deposits id). 4(11 41 -. i, inenl Ion tanks in t" lr,'is l....p..Mlts ot United mates disbursing officers Sd.Ga 2 es. ,.' ,,, l is cs id .Nnrssus. s luii-'i- K'll Tin nun unit of a .11 ilih Ml ll"' s,ll- the ami S, . Hiil.iiu. Total 006. mo s -- i s u- -i s I'r. .i,e:ii ilciniany tl !. ,.( ii" i.i of .' , Kill i. el "I if.. sine .1 ia the II.teBllts i ( .tired L Ml VlO - il lid ; simiriinle'llii; "d in NLUIVIUiNI' lie silllk I" 'l"l ip ..lin level . il" '""t- t ,t ss I, ,"t'l .. . lltli'l ll Sol ,,s Territory of New Mexico. County of Bernalillo, ss; Mi " i Pd lis ,1. to im, over f k. .1. lii'l ,,'., CREEK MEDICINE MAN I, frank cashier of the named bank, do a.damlr si ...S.-.I- 1,1,11-.- ., -- I k t'H. Willi- - ,...i;iih,'.i .ii II)! Ull.l, lioill ...... kii, v, II- I- awenr that Ihe abov statement Is true to the best of my knnwIndKa tll- - snppIS pipes UlillillK to the - and belief. Fit A.N K MKEU, (Jaslllor. I.e - lU,.s-llie- - Correct Attest: nl I'll-..- -- Ssill he lal.1 III Irelnlie.- 'I'l,,. l.n".. is ,M" ll. i I , lilt Vwui hi Idrcl llo.l.c, deep M. W. Fl.OtlRNOT, 111,' HI U I'l i Ii, luk-- i. cl. lien- Indus- John Brooks ,,,,,H ...I II, I'r, , . .... , , er-.i'- iit Tllinchii p. hie isill in L b. m mii.i.e.v. V 1' .... fit :mi!3KZZZ. ,l. "" . a led S,ipl,"M " ..... tu .no i.i, le l n un. in." r.u. "as tniisor. lw':y H. V. KAV.MJi.l-)- . " - M u i .in. i,, al. a i i in k o, el "f no- - hm. Dlrectora. -- ' t,. ., m -s .if mi r I... s us,, up Him mis nir-- l I'lifMrccnieiil letui e un.l Hie d, ,1,1, p,ni,l. Hi. I' t. M K. .nee Hll... ,l.Wi tk. Hot llllll l,,,. 11,11 Illl,' p., i,,.d' "as lh" iiiuill issue retormeis ffubscrmed to before me of A- - pi.-i- .e ,,,.,. ,A, ,.., aod iwiiro this 4th dar Decambar, no. In ii iu. i - " IP-- Mlllku i i In- ii ti h Ho- i, ii e la ui uf the 1907. li. S. P1CKARD, r.'..c. ii... asMrliM ." iu m.ii uuil,.' ,s.,s llnali.j ii n iiii itil oul p M'ifii I. e t , a in c Nularjr 1'ualla. (.rticieiil M, y f,,T Mlmilt lit i,s, I' eels in, in lie man. ( ,m,-iis- ., in pel . if? ii u.,1,.,1 ,,,, t,,,,ihte uud a" fu nil , ', . , ft rt .nil hi- - died iii .la am. . n aeil n n,t s . . !l.,i uuhIuI pluio.ophy. ftTTiT iii., .,oit, !l- -t I a hl ... ,. luiisl, i.imiiir p- -l loUs. loieiih' l.n i.iM - s ui his h". i- i- in th" lon- 'Ihul I.Trn in,,f,l N-- fsi-Te- a t is the aim l,iiiu;,i,ir smteof ,,,,,,. , 1,, -- ti..i,k., Pkl.i. and deal Ilium,, i.iusl '" twaJiio. Kild lit hu,. iuua. 1'- bt ait Uiutlur ... K i.. .ens Bep',.illi nul'l. prices .,t p.i'i.nio.pu hk.'.I '.." ...m.'Sei. i.t eM,ress.,n,.,,k,l

5' I V


lic- out this was en-- ; agreed to reduction with the pointed that protest consumer tirely in the line of the rules of war; lief that lo orices lo the AND SAKE in modern tinjes and that the second would lllet . the demand. SAFE limruo conference, in which ll.iyti wa One - in ivnivMiilnl hy Minister I.ckiii' bad IHrecl I'rinuiric- 4ro)roii. Management PER CEN crystallized the indetinite law on this Portland. Jan. IS, -- The democratic siili.icet into pernianent inlet 'national state central committee today decided obligation by the general treaty pro- to choose the four electors for the Hotel liomhiiiiliticiits without prop- by direct pri- Oxford hibiting presidential election The DEMOCRAT 5 er notice. mary on February 17 next. It was .Off For Cash Only The only in ws received from the also decided to hold a democratic state AMERICAN PLAN 116 NORTH SECOND scene of the trouble today, was a dis- convention on June for the purpose patch sent to the navy department by of choosing eight delegates and eight t Marvell after he had democratic national Overcoats 'omnianiler alternates to the Men's Suits and 5 I reached liuanl.innino aboard the gun-hoe- t cemeiiiion. which meets in Pernor TO MEET vessel the ! '" Kagle. He said when the July 7. and lo conllrm anil ratify $2.00 per Day left Port An I'rlnce Friday morning selection of the I'elilocl'atlc electors 1 revo- MONTH crything wart iiuito there. The cho-e- ii .11 the primaries. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR and Children's Suits lutionists ash were guarding the ... Boy's of arions mil (tins. N I in levcland. U PLAN consulates the tin for ocmploycd m f v... FOES OF BRYAN - Coltinilnis, Ohio. Jan. is.-- flight Well Furnished -' li dltooil. lo- - Centrally Located. Modern, COURSE OF ACTION ; Worker- Wages hundred lending women of the city d- - -- i ( is - Aceol relief ol in 3 6 r- 'leveland. iliia. Jan. da collected l.:b!- -' for the Most Attractive and Convenient Place the City to who ivt urned received dona- Ing glass work, Uhc unemployed, and A w i ol Will Work for Adoption of Con- from ilafialo tula; here meeting tions of provisions to the value w J fjf: Willi a committee employers as 1 servative Platform Accept held, the ages for 11 the glass w or for the eolliil II. M. of Vegan. Is oul crs in the country Sweey. ance 1 .GO able to Business Interests;'; month were settled., for he ehairuianshi'.i of the griev Buffet and Shirts Trainmen. The Oxford 75c $ at eoniiMiil.e of the Itallroaw in The wages are a. Noted Men Conference, j( t to o'clock HOTEL celil low er ha n hey a year age night from niidnight A LA CARTE SERVICE WITH OXFORD The union em how e t for the Santa Fc system. Leaned Wlre l Tor Hy Morning Journal Special Domestic New Yoilf. Jim. 18. It was learned Positively the Finest Impoitcd and of old timei I, might tliul a conference 3 ihinncrats w ill be hold In this cily 1 forma-- , and Cigars 50c 1 next Thursday to discuss and Wines, Liquors in case late a program to be followed, That the Market Affmds William J. nryan is hkhim n, on, for the presidency. Among th" con- BUFFET LUNCH ferees, it is said, will he Uovem..!' II,, I... smith of Ceoreia, tiovornor SKILLED SERVICE REASONABLE RATES M. Mandell Claude A. Swanson ol' Virginia, John Jtctlraw, chairman or the democratic Fine Clothing and Furnishings stale committee of West Virginia; Richard H. Olney. of Massachusetts: I i li.Vady Merrick and other prominent Home Restaurant democrats. DE HOTE 207 WEST GOLD The aim of those who are behind TABLE Dr.B.M.WILLIAMSg. adopt-tio- n fRUPPE this conference Is to obtain the hv the democratic national con-- j THE PRESCRIPTION Denver. not Well Lishlriri Room, Pioinpt, Cnmleousseivire 1 vcniion which will meet in You want a remedy that will Larsc, DRUGGIST ,,( a conservative acceptable! relief but effect a 1 Meals platform - only give quick iS Music While, You Eat, Numhcr to the business interests of the cotin- : West Central Avenue men permanor.t cure. ,203 try. To a certain extent these will re- the You want a remedy that rc TIMC TARI P arc reckoning on the choice by expectora- Breakfast 6 to 9 I1KNT1ST miitiOHIVIH ru linn- - irwi-i--. of a candidate dictated lieve the lungs and keep Breakfast 25c "I republicans WHS ROOMS - - MAKNICTT BI'II.IMMI j and ku committed R tion easy. Dinner 12 to 2 rrjw. Roosevelt will coun- Dinner .35c to a continuation of his policies. You want a remedy that to 7:30 ! 35c Supper 5:30 If the moving spirits in this confer- REMEDI teract any tendency toward pneu- Supper ence can have their way. there will monia. : he on Thursday, or at subse- of the RUGS and adopted Hi? You want a remedy that is pleas- Patronized by the Best People City $3.50 up quent meetings, resolutions pledging Coughs.Colds ant and safe to take. all the conferees to work for a plat- an Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ivh November 10. 1907.) form absolutely "safe" and sane and CARPETS--3- 5C per yd. ii'ffiti who would stand on such CROUP. me?tH oil of these requirements, I ron, the K.-l- Arrl.. iPr it candidate 'I nimi-ninJii- lhtfm and cure No. I. B..uthrn Cal. Kip 'sop platform without reserve. for the speedy permanent House HOOP HOAHkfHra. a and Up No. S, California Mmltc! ....UlOp'P of bad colds stands without peer. Rooming Mali.. . 10:66 P P Myers Ka.l IRgRCRinj, No.7, North, ml. . H:J FATHOM DESIRES SORE THROAT, Cured Cham- 904 SOUTH THIRD No. HI r. Mo. City Kip. ll:6 p WOULD A Severe Cold Quickly by Irmil Ilie Wont READERS No. I'hlcuKU "all " OF NEWSPAPER berlain's Remedy. I 60 P Cough 4. I.lmltailrt p t it No. riiloBKO ' THROAT and LUNGS. "Last winter I caught a very severe cold House DAVIS & ZEARING No. fhl. ft Kiin. City B1P.. P What l'nw'rs Do Von Take and Why which lingered for weeks," Bays J. Largest Rooming Fmin tli utb No. 10, Hull. K. C. Kx T:MP s Ontario. " My cough Avenat fill.. lieiul Tliem? (Jites-lion- of Zephyr, ton Went fluid brunoh tra!B Do You The local dottier in the No. 10 oonno. tf at Ural with wi s very dry and harab. City AI.UUyl'lilWE. IKW ll In Hurled ill Public. Coug h Rem- tr Banu Fj nud ttoiii at I'hi polnti recommended Chamberlain's n. iro. t. I'irnnT r.nt. edy and guaranteed it, bo I gave It a trial. Elaborately Finished Throughout, Thoroughly 1 S of cured me. I believe Chicago. 111.. Jan. Professor One email bottle it Furnished, Home - Like Chamberlain's-Coug- kemedy to be the Modern, Handsomely VValtei- Scott, director of the psycho- be3t I have ever used." Comfortable Rooms, JT. PATTEKSOW - In Northwestern and 8TAHLK8 logical laboratory Refilled! Kfvc simile W.LIVISKY AND BOARDING is da la on the T. AllM.qt.irqt.c. mew Utta university collecting S11-81- S W SI1V.T Avemte. ll.lione of journalistic appeal. To psychology out accomplish 'this end he has sent, Children Rates Reasonable hundreds of circulars asking many It is Equally Valuable for persons: read and the RIPTiOM "What dailies do you Narcotic and is Safe and Sure I PR ESC S? reasons for your choice." It Contains no are M. F. ! Other (uiestion.s on the circular Myers, Manager COMPANY of WII .LIAMS DRUG about the (lii'ferent departments the it...... AaAAftaaaaaaaalltttvlliltlllilltOIII1' 7H9 each in- Ask Druggist for - - Ti:l.i:i'IIOM: newspaper that appeal to your Mnminrr Inninnl want ad 117 WI "' " of time to . . i,.i,nni uontl ironi a- - dividual the amount given " - - t..IV a IVIUriMim JUUIIIUI vwanii mj the of the papers daily ami I a reading ,' -- -. J --i the Inducement to subscribe tor out - w wra:arii'ipwr'-'l--'- Journal instead of others. 1mammmmKt"'m"'''Mmm " Murk Tnilill 1 t'M '' mi i 1 1H. Siimuol ('leni-mi'n- s A I A v r Xf-- York. Jan. 7 T Y .... fXi?? fcl (Murk Twain) is ill with n 2 MPvcif colli "t his h'tip. niimhii' i Filth avftiiue. AlthoiiRh Mr. (.'lfni-mi'ii- s' V u ' " - MV-- M illni'ss Is not nt nil hitUium, he Kiii fiw Mi is conlincd at his home unrt uiuler Ja the 1'Hs.e ol' a physician. HOUSE. ALBUQUERQUE'S EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS . STS MIKADO'S AMBASSADOR M.IX1M.UY AM WOMAN'S .UJA..V- - A. .Ml mtY M,I8, - HANDS OUT PEACE TALK f r am . I u " um Huron Kiil'lno .loins Chorus of I'loics i iv vi inn: k. i.i ions on am. win mtii UIMONs. MO. Aviiinsl Warlike Humors UOMINS 4 'OATS. HOMIVS Sills, VM.MINS ll III All. SMUTS H d JS MINS IIOISI, IMtlSSIS A Nil H HAITI ICS. in N" IS. Huron Kwrhio, the - ( IMI A S .IM'KI IS AM. MNi """ I'ttrls, Jan. KIM.H. who i: ai.m h Japanese ainhassHilor to Friinre, hi n s ssi s. t'liin:, st i: inn s that I hi.' American-Japanes- e throtiKhcut iii.i.ow. no l it. H in i: ro show nn .aiol.s neKotiations lias expressed most opti- tisk mistic views, saiil toiiay that a settle-nie- nt Is now not far distant. I' view I '! "I share Count Ilayashrs that SA 1(1 I s- n solution will soon he WOMKN S HIHONAS AMI l.llrSIN4i satisfactory ( i ii om iis. I.A4 i: i; rir ui s am. oi he said. (Iiitains. hoi r I' Oiotioielie. I'. .1 reached." i Mir em ho oi k ,., .llml. I". an.hassador WOMKN'N SI ITS. ''lironli I M...r .1 IP" The Japanese T ,l,..,n,r',. of all ...Ida SHI, llllo lot llllll.liel follH now lieinK ' lim. Herman flannel ,v l,e, out sensational reports i . ...1,1 of .'Uriah,:. noli """' vit that l In l"l iniMil..-- i inim. rM.vv."l. Irnvr takon pair Willi ,,,. ,vi.l.-.- r.v a n.ill !.. Hie l',,r Short Kl IliiiK leuiloi, a' printed in some Knropeaii papers I,.,,,,,,,.,,. v.. Hi,. ,,i n.. "1 " 'tl ""'' in ,, H .,1 to the eahlnei crisis Toklo. .. line Hle'i K n 'ii et:,ll.',l r.'KHid B,l ...... rnrnlnr in. I" l.a.v. N ,,iir,.B: for inK that this resulted from "" " I" ' ' pi v Km. on. nina loKi.n. i represent l llml I'vr.iIhv up I" ..,....,. ..llh I. no. f. 'l"e Kile for Whirl to Kj a a.50 f..r l."l N. ""' wllhia ll,,. ,,, ami oO'' the' refusal of certain ministers '! " I ' p.ur tl,M r..r l;t.H llml n'KHl.iv i'l' Klm run Hi lis. .""I. 'it. wovll. I awl 'I ,.,,b. MltiH Ml the new hndKct heeanse of ml'i.ftO " wvf Hl.lll for Mmrl Km. ',. sanction M I" me r.irlalna. ..nli '" lit! Kl.loo i'..r i.i,t v. ,i" Siiim thai " wIIImr rnjiiiMr ll,,..,,,. :l.rai, t.m I' lariie amount of revenue the pa- " t,V. for l.mii; K na.H -'- iliiiv: I'l'ViH... the No :. suiiH il. ,ii .','n.ili.v up io ' p mili- 1 xni ,vi r,.r l.oi ivvif , hi P' wits to he devoted to : No. M I.,. in, pi i"'11"": 1VI!"1"1 pers allege ..- .. ,.,, lo Wh.f nh Ke for l.olnt Kh to ;g ,,, x., an. iln ...Illnu v,.Bnlv ,, purposes, were due iKiiornnee f,. sl, u "" tary -r l.ol N . -I- IH. wKUhir iir iv al.HM for a K.l "lh,'K i nf the hudKet figures which have noi g :'" N v.,Mtani' l.a ;..- "! ',!,'." al.HK I'm l.onu K ,,iol,., Belnnu I'eiinl,, V even reached Parts...... pi DUK.SK SK1HTS. No. N070 While Hi'" 1'olnl 'iiiiin. i. , , p(, iEJ l.'''' I'm Hell, i, u i'.',.',.l ''Si per M.r ',,' o 'el. .'. pr l.l"l l.niii; kiiiioiii." l"e, ' ,!'- per im j, .if roc. "f I'ananifia. VoIIIm. Sovkob MX .N... runalli. reanlar I'""" "' - l.,..e. ,,,. ..inj,.,, ,. I, skirl. N. While ' - ,.,. OCEAN PARK POSTMASTER nnliin( - x- -i lexnii..' H .,11 In niol ilivl,l,-,- l into lot for No, k" no."!", I W llllliSSI , ,,,, .,il,, ao Ihli aalo ' III) Pltl N'S .er J. all' ... ,,,,,. ,, i, ,. 7 ..llr. I" elose, TO PENITENTIARY Net I mil.".. ' lev SENT No. ll.l While lloiooel ai.1i , I'l Male t .up rhllilr a 1.50 for I.ol N,. HklrlK no,t regularly up lo ler pair , ,,,,.,,. ,,,,, n 4 1", I'OIIII ' o. - an r..H I I , iv i, I s. is ;,; Willi.' ,,,.,! ....', a'.'.wi I.. ion Tor i, - l"'"-- - np I" Three Your faliloiiiliin l in .' No. in nil rlehh. ''."' Senleiue ;!..- for I.ol N X turm Slo.lf "I1 rem "P It,.,, ."u a fiti l ,r ,k... fefl " N(, ,,, I,,t i. l,l I. Hold rfKul.ii-l- to ,vh. l. In selllliB ( onyiiliil of i:iiilie,,lcnicnl. K3 a I 10 for o, No ho Skirli up ,., p,,,r ,n h.ii, f... on At SI. ,, I.,, No .' Mil''" in riill.lieii'a ;' "" " '" : ly .... i W """ " ,,. x.. m Kkirt. ...i.l m. - .1 in .. " , -r rl.ll ."IN ... li VI '!..VI I.ol No Hike, II. VI I.ol X I.""' "''--- IS. Charles Tj for ( AI'S. . '" "" "' AiiRoles, Cut., Jan. ' ( II II. TN s AM. HOMINS V, a:l Ml for l.o, No ...vox ' a ;..--, f.,,. I.,, No Ih.'Si- Sklrta Kolil h, rl.v ll MJ..0 lilt K. - velaco. former at J 'a "ellinv. " postmashT SI I, VKIlll. No :, 1..I0'. .a an. A .. a W..l T.O.. V, I..r l.o, ea n ark. who was about -- " . ' e ". "I". ."" " einhe.zle- - ,8! HI f..r I."' V". Sk'r'" "'' "K'"H- '" iron, :;!.. ... eK.'h. I" I". .,. r " month liKo. ehaiKed with a nil .'hlol- l,le ife! , ... nil our Skill for Wo.nioi. MiM' 11 ;.,.k lo ll yeara. of more tliHn J4.(III0, was foilu.v I, u.i, ."Hie .1 Mi II ment ,,,l rn in'i Hkirla. II in Kan 1 ,... ,, ,n,i,. Miil.oiiliv Kl '' Vl.lsll Vis to three Quell-- III. MtKKAIII.K IIIIMIM. V sentenced years jj I I I I II I) I' SAI.K. I.MIIlill.'U I.-- See I'l li. , ... 4 vii I Oil IK SKIKTS. .l Silk 1'eltl-,h- M: tin ...ii 111 .lie all "Hi Saleeii, Henlherhl"..". in .I.,-a- .- -"' In, I, I, led ,;,le io! W" ,it .:,'. ,,,,,, U, ,o lot iv i. Oern for e;i.-.- i , ' x:rzvt"::: ill-- TO a , -- life ' HAYTI INCLINED ,,. ,,i i.uiiil.or.ol s, " "I -- , folo: s ,,iH J ', ih'iio aiu'l' .. fo. '"" 'aV-- .... , r. I "'" .1.lMI fm- Miirllt I" . , n ,iii.l b,,i,1 mi hoi i. .,H ,,r W.iwh I'eltlronlH, up i... 1 I "" :IK.' for I. eo ' IX. '!.! for ...lh Irimi ' RESENT INTERFERENCE ...... t... hula ' IK. w I. "".u m Sit ,tiRa a H..",0 I".' .N". f"" rcHiu. up N. ,,f n Hon np '" UHe -- ''" lor El a "t ..",11 l.oi No 7, anil ..M rvk'UlHiiy up l. " f..r ,,,,,,., h of en I'ellieoali.. north up I" ir, on IlKMNANTS Of (OTI'IIN I.OOI.S. al.tlH f..r I."' N". Hnl, Hom-l.- ai M a I.."" for I.ol " rolliilully UP I" Pel Of. Worth America ns in - .,.... lleailiei hlooiu Aclion or Moppins 7 .01 hi.-.- - i."t N" il ' Iv to n of ai.ia for for I.ol N". nipt i".l,l ipjiuIhi up . ,, mil eonai-ii- r.uiahHiiia. ''.lie,, !.,.. I' iliiK A.Mned hy ll '1 Ml it II Iff I ll". '"i j up h ti in rinally o to -' f. "".". f li ami I lea lierhl i 'el 3 l:t..-.- for I.ol X'o in. ami w.lil r..ilnrly up - I.ol M' '. Ml, Sale, l. 0(1 !nvr.;:e.'":h'o,7..,Av.r,a,""'i.:.. vr.,. e..... ,. y., al.MH f'.r Xinisicr al'I.V. I.ol N" 11. niol sold y up lo up of M ' Xao-- ni aad,,, J'elll aMIK for l.o' 0 ,miI. ' - .....SS-I.OOI.- NAM: Ol- "OOMA 1. .,1 111 to 18. Mr. KKMNAM SHOUT I.KMiTHS. IIAI.l--rH.4-- up WashliiRton. n. Jan. I.INKN AM) iiRVXT H.I.MM' of Mohair. Sateen ".nt Ileal herlilni'tli Will at ' a:I.IK for I.ol No 7 ,,l,l miliistul. was II I.eR;:r. the ll.iytian ll w.o k Iihji lefl u li ri Jtri-n- , -- .. v .i I, I" j i i:"n,f,.iloui. linen aHlina "f l'""t ..ay, .r-- up la. to regret that T. nf Mohair. Si.leen ami herhlomn Pel tirst disfinsed today ami" "f l,in,o,. Napkins. I'raKl.eK. oil, I'll i,;,,:;r:;:.r ir.:rj;;rz II 4H for I.ol No ,',, 1'iirniss and r It' ,,f ,,r, ,.,N lln.-ii- we American Minister 'I'owols. ami lte,lip-,'al- 'I'll. ho liavo nrhaih.' -.- week. t,M ,.,,i15 H,.il,.l fumy , ... thai ."rt. ( ,. ami f'. In .1... .1 mhea adyer.I.eil l.a. the F.aiile shouhl . ' varie.l .. VII ',r'sllk"ce'meo, ,'..',,' .Marvell of al Dial "I" l.. ll.i-i- i.ii.-kly- Hi' l.i "t h in."' k "1 i.a o .1 r,.lr, to the ex- - nii.'H ell, lee, I have interfered in Haytl ' -,. tUIV'-l'- Will Ki'I'tiri. lIlH lO HI Illaek r. la. suiii- - M,,, :,ll lent of protei-tin- acainst the marv homliardinent of the rehellous u Till! IMM.N4IM1IW Si llonalve" Til tl In Mine end - : i't W,JlH--A " 1 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1908.

Iin. r f. m.I.m ii rhi k FORGER'S CAREER in .,t fii"ht. mm.-i- a. w'jiI- - GLEASON S WIPED t , .ni. tin! in i!.' ill U !m ..nil 'i fi i'it i,i in )i;, n Slim i!y JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS f ' i..i,. M ii!li' V) S .n 'I ,i in. ii rii. !.- k fi ti'l M. tl hi F ION OF QUICKLY (ICfl K m u h A MM' M"M- llhr.-.l it ,t -1 v ry. r'.tll'tv. IliU !h' (UN o N7tiyi b eT l.'ii'i I'" ili'lMK Imii inil. ; ch Ml, STORAGE HELP WANTED Male Ml ill.' n-- ,,m ENDED E V N'l'I'MJ I.'-- In- CABBAG F'!;i Iji.r hr.uphold tiwirli. tr.. I'm.miIU f't.-r- (1 ' f Ihur rfl ao rapid) y ct. red nrnl pa. ki-- naf-H- at raMo-nabl- :i JmI fit Ml M'"-- ! ' 'I . 'M ih oynt-r- 1'n la the oct n, it THie. rht Security Warehoiine W A - A n. It m k Mh - (iuM-i- ii rtoumn a 4, Mill Miirksniilli I.. IuiuImt f."i !.t l'in In j! l't f.(t.,irii-- iM.ii " PO4m "iiiuinniii-- winri'i ami " r.ini m... k Thinl Nin-M-t ani rentral ave. Loans .'unii' Applv t" lip. iltni'.li. l.iiinl"-:- ' p., in fspiiHiirH the mr in order retain L?Pdl W'A N'TKD A n ilrlller. A MSY WORKMAN i u iiimii Plucked the Fiilit ... It I ,..'U'iRpil well n. i;;ilinly ; wh'iletinirn;M MflMFY TO DAM .Hvs .1 I' A I'pliiili-lH- I N M ti. . . . . UlUIVh. I I J 'n Upcpii, ' "-- .. r. 1. 1. it LUnil r:' i r m "' "" - Tii. h j ii. ..ii p i i uruiiRiii... , imit ir uirt'ciiy to V A I -- llu-- r. VVI M ti A. Mr - Loan N"l'i:j I'llpalilii fill 111 UUWUOnitto 'I. UilMI'U It .t...i. tm liiit? ,f'ur- exi'rutlw. ''M I ill Iilll I') AM)M'.H::!ui'',i., fr.n u,, b.ia ,.t i" (., loney . I. awtIc On Furniture, Pmmis. OrK.'ins, Horm-s- lei'linit ji uftire. h ml uoRlMun M.- Hlim merrannie iiik-ii- "H Ii mi. Tlicy am i(n! inlit purcelnln ciiea, uni1 We nn )l;i-- you In (he which inn Mi i im Wanoris other C'hafels; ai!io en pimitidn Whcic He Sold VM&,) in , t i 'ili -' 'I I. "I and piM i'fl in v. hli-- never ..i.r,d . vmi iii'e quaMri.-d- Sim hives fifi- - hi.I. ,l.iz..l ..n y Sa!nrfe Warpho-ip'1- Kf 't,tr.t.i. hp m A, W, Anson's N.imr to imm'H Die. " Z rliinl. 'ml In' Oilj .; In cuMit- iili ityntcra. Th ue ij,,m h low aa Jill. i'd ana hih as J 1 Mj.Oii. '''i, J; f Ih j - - il . ,., K.iil.shlit rjiffi'MK th iecret f thcll m "is ill H n r hi t !..- -: Mn-- ( M.'.lll' I" .nil ij' nin ijuiiniv uiiu niiij ks arid Smashed orlval-?- . j u nfficii wo .1 " Time. One nn"th to nne antkip .: ,,,,iiPr rr brancn li' .il li'iil ., I'll, i AND l,er" Hn r vcMTit tm l FOUND to n "l,h "' "' ,A , J"llll ;! "I Ol.l Ailill'lllri tltiii,t vd dully J.CST y.jpr givea. (iooos ivmaln your ,u"""' h:it;l Who Cashed (Jnn of W, !.. f"Mn Iv Willi,., 'il H'i!i!!. ' P'T . 'l,i-- -i Our TZZu. oh.i"'"" "it Ii '.ii .',.! lli Si ..ii il "ii. ... I' ii. liilrlt . i r ..i llinl .1." I,' i.i,iii... niii ..ii iVinnil us re.n,t,le In w ,i ,.r v ih.,. tin nn'j bcb oorrowiiin (MM ' ' ,..v..,ii ta,f H'a.n'I K ,') a tilt-- , iinii led, men ti- - "' "" " Hi Hip .'"lllilv nil.' f l.'i'ii' Ueamshlp tlrketn arul trom tj unwiarrlHd j..(l I'MMilii) 'M''""" twi-ci- i ne a (.:.;-- t i;i ana 3u citizt-- of " ' ' '!' ' .lii-li- . ' M. i n .Ti". nf the worirl un'" l. i. ' In.' I'.'iu ,' l.'ll.i " i.'l, Tupmlipv ji ft Tii. .. parts he nitett tcs lit (fuuii characler and i ' CO 'I Mi. II ,, H l;in. IHIi. f"i- i .'i hi n ii. Hum THK KOUAEHCJT UAN IiiiIhim. who cm apeak and llrui,! .il '"!' ,,' .l.'iilnm ,,ii,. 3 rend, (I hUi ml i ,i Mill ,,.K,. HooniH find 4, Gnra .ld. wmr, finwiish. Fur lnft.rmatlun !.. .'U i;lni ii In hp mil li ill r.lMMIti- i "III .1,1 lie SI I'. IP J'I;' applj H Infill, iVtlllli 111 I., 'ST I!, V,i l.liiiiki't mnllll,.' iiml P Ii IV A T K OFKriQ. I,!"( ruitlnji v.ift ii'ers, 20 3 Jiaat Central ave- '''"S I" ,M ,, B II, ,1 ,i ,, ,1 """ H,p, l, K,,, ,),.,,, Ip J' 1. fi nue. AU'iiOuone.. N. M. tf I1"!'"'- :' l!n- plpiix.' !' .1,.riilntv .1, ,iitii;i I" "I'l l"f "f III. ; imiII.piI I. ,n I. A p. mi. i h,', Ir, ,,r piilly l,l T,ui. I.' 1ST Sriinlf W"lt ATe'"ltlVVATKIA Im.iii- ,.'larln-- t and"' III K , Il - hi". cDtr fou I'll ,, ,,H S ' M P, I, M',I III f I" "III- IP IP, lV M I' Jl , 1,1) I' 1,1 mi 'iinmaiMia '""I. I'l'iisi' I.i V. K;ixaihoiie plnyers; buys or yonnir III , - ,1 I'l II 'I III ,1 , ri'liun I,,,. Ii, oil ip Mill. "I' y i.llli- ..l-- ki I. li'lii: it i p, ',, ii p ri - Keritlmii-- n jircf-rrp- ij. ' j, ii. ai. i Fin.,,,. ,'.(,, ..sun- - bn,i;p,-- ii FOR SALE Miscellaneous Loarnard i, pirn. p. W. i.IImk Krr.nk Hh t,'!' In in Tin- i.f n. u .il p, Hipip ,i ,lii ,1 - - I.inilpnijirin Hoys' Band. Hoy Yutt. nlihaK'- hi- -' iiiiii-liP- hul- W'psi Sold nvpiiiip. It.' III.-'K.-n- v Mm- i - I I i ;ip,i-,n- I'it "vii (inil t!" .illp;ii,lp. ,..Iiii,,ii Ihal l.i III. pi p., p, Iip,i-,.- i rn, i in ,i ". r(.-i.- '1 hrn-.v liuil 'I'll' uml ' n,' l- ilin sl.i: ' I l I 111 , Ml , ll .11. Il III II . urn i,. ihp ,.,l .,, v ' .11 ill III'' I'l III. il P t.f p Ip ' i,f illl.'. flP ',' l.t !', Si ip I,, 1.' Ii. ll ,.i,,l ) MAMTCni '.VAN'TKl Hutclii r $1,00(1 In 111 r ,ii"l l, i., i, lit ,l, t". I'lll'l' ,,f KPMIP'ly. 'I pIipi k Till- I'Ml-PI- llnil Up, III. 'HI, IV u In mill .,1 tiv .irk. i'kh iiii.3''tiiciiicuua r; liPl.l In l'"l,p,' 1.1 ri ,ii s.u.i: meat market oiiniicrtion mi Hi,- iniiniN i.i' Hi'i'-'-r- nti-:- 1.1 Ip. ,,ih-i- ',I J lli- f.,iyi--- Inm III Hi l! !y Iniil .in.l p.Hll.l ll..! h ,i ,. ii in n i, si,,i,- mi- tvllli our liiil.ll mil' llinl y.iinp i.iip in A. M,, merchandise siorn. Hi. I tin I .Ml. ' ,'P.,-- . i ii.-- n hli-- ii . i. "lllpi- ,.).i, ,.. p.'il.liiii;,'. A."k AI ' I., ii r.Mi lii, k ii lp in .ip.'.-- p mix nil,- iii llii r wlili Ikiii.- r.i ii ,,ir .'i ,i I, iii! , !' sa i.i: li liitii .Inwrnul aliout tho .lr. w ,: J nil.' ii n il u'' p.i him n,- - .Maxwell Al C. i , Hi.- A: V. pun- - A I.pi-.I- iiIim-,- dt.-.- i u ' ,n n hlinj.-,- Tliill mi mill linn in ..I... ii f ,,r will iipt'iiitiis. eroantlle .miiiii.' "f Aiik.'Ii, ii. ,.n,i viun.iliiip i.i i,, ',',, II,.' up, f V 1' ll II V'TI'I, ' 'irtiarri-,1- N. M. I "I I1'" nilllU lilPPl'V Illl', p !' II lil IllrllllPll. in. nr. tf ip.,1-,1- - I'.it;.',!. ii n $J!l in iiii,iip i.' p III,- Hump Ih,' .,,li,p. ihkIi! ppii,' ,,ip ii i,l, ., in, Hi. .nil ll. ''li llii.l.ll,. ,;,., I.,,,. ,,iiik X"1'"' IV it! "l in. null, i.i I. ' A,l,livii Mln.-r- wlii'll III!''l-l- ' ("1,1111 l,PW i' .1 H'S wi,nl, .!, .,l' iIip l', p nil' Inn ',1 ,) I.'ill rA i.i: lll.lji Ml'lpf p.i ,api: - nut ini- J 1'.' fi.'l.l I" ii ,, Il Ik ii p. iiml III. ,,i..i.H in Hull ' '' HELP WANTED Female will. hp Hip lU'.i.p.'.l i.iiimIiIv Ini hh h iiihip'h.l 'II V A XT K St ii fnsl plnss m.piirlt v, - ji.,,1 ,, - !' 'I l.'ll''l nlll.-l- it l ilPi k II I'l'i'li III ,,u II hul il In, K III" uill t l i;ii.ii'.,,i, ,,hi th i"'l .'..III. 'I'. .V. S...III. Tii i,i d SM.K'- "tl, ii kmin Ini" Hhnrl llinl f Win,,,',, r ll.ill.i.'W .,, Im llMM ii t ;t I'Mllltl fl i, rll lliitnii wanti:i phi UPll.Tlll I.imI fi Mini. it In in- u cclils ..111 1..WI1. iViiiiiii 'll nlylil l.pvN iipii In' i.i..i ' "f Applv w. uv "ii Uii I, l h'Mi tin- iii.i kt-- )iu-- V; U'ANTKI :, TIPMniTTuT r ut 's w.v.- - l..i- "i VAXTKIl--llr- l.iiv .",0H phHi-- m ,i W l T'.r housework. mm ;i h.ilf imiiiid. i;!f,i- - 1'iok. wiiniH Ii, up, ,,,t or, A' i. iit, at.--- , li '.nn; Anipau in. Willi Mlllalil.. I'liiipli, .) ; lily at IViiiiiit Mil W UN I i ' .1 with In W'AX'I'I'ill-ll.nis- .,r n;i m i i 1m- v trii-i- Miivh-ln- jiiiintiiiy piiinij SAI.I'I - 'I'l '..Tl-:- lint ,m; ti ii v,,nr ,,w n Ail,li lit ' rniiiippni yiri en!,, pin,.. I'aiiilcr, i.i rlm,l 'l. n Ai.- - Ho tliitl t.'ila' a print, up A- an! li.iiispwork wa..p i- i- j .l.v Mi's. M. i'l.. X. II. 'ip.iui iliil in,! liavp Hip ihlriv il"l-- I WANTKIi- Ity a"vi,llll" 'limn In' "iVr..'rt Solnliinn, I.'miiih Mil 111 n ii ,...... p 1,11 il liuliril Knoil ip I. II i.'n- ih,. In. ' !..,l,tp' - fanily ' II "' ""' A .I'll t'lni R it. K. .Inttrtllll. W."l ' tf hwi'l t,,p ,,. uinnlh l J.,,1. i - a tWANTI';p:'.,'ii Ki'iitAI.I -- Xl ,1,11.. I,., I.'l'. W'A.VI'KI ;ii i.ii- kit, hi ll M.i-- i. I" "in l'i in- - pas- - .Mm, .r, a ,s. tH,, M 11. ("i'l inn,' imiiplfl. 4in; yaltiT. :l (,ip sn,,lip II." W. Sil'.-- p. Airs, liuni- - "J. III.- A. Ki-- mall WAN-- ICD ut'a i:i,al Mllli'-- :n W'.-.- t I! iiieli. tf Y ii i ll. h, i ; JOHN LEE CLARKE iltni'ti. it U SAI.K ire HMX.--- ini.l i;h"te WAXTKI i - .M.iM In shi, I'MMIll With re. t'h:i h KMi' ii nlii iImmiI rr:i- - Illl . INCORPORATED n;;tn. lnMiiii. vi'iv jsotmlMY. Apl'Iy Hh ('.till ;i H! S.M.K -- T t iirni MM livp mill PROFESSIONAL CARDS DISASTROUS FIRE ii il'1 rn rl'.fe in IP ,111 Ifj H S..UI !l A mo si .1 ' sa i.t: 1,11V U U.'ll ll'l.;1! P.'lli'i.", All. y nr haw )it W. a FOR RENT Rooms i a 111 I, II ,., I.IISIII.MN ' llinl'. I'laini ' iiil,i,',l r.'f ,11,1.' n, M;r., A.ljipl.i' Hi" n I'- ill X.nv M.'M, Willi IP I'' lil:vT I'm a' fr..iu f in t ll li iinsi' p., min- n.'ns .I.4 .'111'.' .1,111 si ifi invi:s-- SANTA i I.'l i:i;' FESCHOOL imi N M Will LAW AXI, H. I. "I'l ,X A'lUX'.'V I'l lli xi All,,i,i..',ii.., r.,,ini,-,- i s I'l It UKT I,, f'nr 'UK SA M - T itilur an. I'l Mffi.-p- 1, X. I4 Armijii lllilK. I'.'ii III. II 'I u Ma Pi) in tl' in ,' Jtr .11. III- - UllliU'.l .Mi'I'. X. M i.ii.'ii., ir.-- A !liii,,ipMii,'. X" M of Si. Katli-oiino- 's .;i,.K .Hilly lurnisli.-.- fiat (jiils' Doimduy ll Aj,'l' II'", wpsi u v.. n no. sai.i-- a III. ,i Itplaiiii,,,) ' Ill' ATl'OILMTiS. De- I4' ut it Ksr linil.-ll.'- Unlit I'nnlll. Ill' V I"" riler. Ilpw Alilli'llp SI nili RESURRECTION PLANTS FREE Indian School V. mi A X M Kiniln up. ipi,. jo in l.uiii( j. Hill IL .war. c. Vnliipy llnnaril 'lilt Itl'IXT iriilsti.'il s AI - ' .11 n.-- - 'I'.p, I,,,, ins pill; ,K v, nipt lip nil,' IH i A I; I'l IH lU'A stroyed Pupils On- Hulil ln.iP','ln-,'- ,:. lie l.4,:t:i. :'l n.lti Itl) Escape fin, (.Bltv ami haiiipsn; ..hp ip..t sinhlli' A s at- Iniw TO CUSTOMERS ALL ll'ioli. It I,,,,,,., s,, nrnl,,. n ml I, lap t,""l tut ii Nam, nn! Hank Spuniuli fihiIpm. w ,,, k x I'lHt Ili'W'l' tlll'tlish,',! ..iii,,. r..,,iii plugs W. ::i,i .mi A Inn, in, r,j!i,., X"y limit p.litri.l In.'iilina; npwly nil il :l a y Illl iiils.n ..Hi a, ,ik. el.-- liny; .'hair, M I' HI.V W. Wl I.SIIX4- -- NEXT Hln-fa- s r. ut s.m.i: .iim. k tpai-.- WEEK i h ' Sii.(.:il I rim; Iitlit: Mnrlilnr Jiiuranl. ilp.lli,. I" .11 at llliii,i I M' in, t..r l:t. in. .i.;l. Ati.,ni,.y lanv V . l'4i I'l'""" -r 1..1.111 hp .Ma.i- -. il .Inn Is - rp month. Apply ; ii.ii'in i. x. t. Armllo t.ln. li, K , I'l S A .!: t - li mi l.iiil.llin;. Ailani'i.-i'i'ii,-- MiKii-,,- T 'll " tier rim. main' Xi.,, Hu ll lirnk at .:!0 I t ' " 1 fill! KfXT Pill li. til. f .! k,.,1 1,.,;, nil ,,,,! I'll, n.nll, r.f M. ,,, a.tnn" "' n i In- .. " w- HI! VAN' IliBllt ilpst Ih,. Kil ls''lllito i.iiil, inn; Ayp. - i'i.iiiip li.a..-- v.aii ,ii " "f 'I'll.. 'f KpI.-Iipi- ill, .is,. , ,1 in .villi .....iiin.-- y at I,arr "I S;. K'niln-- hi..-- Imliaii lin-.- -- I' 1,- " c"'u" I" Xiitiinial Hunk liool,' one F,-,- N i4TM,.,.Ti..',oV r,7i fur "': 2 1; i.iup,..i.-i- J'lr.1 Bullillns i,f nishprnaiin. miu'I-- h III'- i i ;. W. ave. .nn"a'"i-- ami In, as. lie .ii. "I l.il4s.'t p. Iin. Hi, .mil ti- -l il nit,, li rem. ft 4..ntral tf ..!!!! lll'I.VT - flll'llisll.'.l n h" 1; of lis Klllil in till' .'lli Tlpi hit'i'ly i inlpipsl, A,l- PHYSICIANS A VI) I, VII ,,,,,. ,1 p. ..; ,.1- ., ,,, V ", p,,v 1.1 SUItfiTONS. ...,..M,- 1.,.' ,.l,,.r : n pp it tm ri i f a mil. this pity. - " PIIIP1H in: l.. nri-Tii- .x.limnal ppllii'l nt'lllir. i HI.I 1.1 Hn- .M ian-ii ,:i.-,i- P.,, t ; l'ii si. i. it: n ml Stirg.'.iti CI,4, Walh-- mr-e- t, 1 The i is hull' il smith .h.K f. IK SA Two .ll'l M. I'linn.. liillti. li i h- spti-,,,- MISCELLANEOUS nil. ..ii- - k -". mil,' "in - ninl Im Si ti til inn II. I.. - j. ... ra i'..r n nrk In. III ll Itl.'S'- n iv Aii! I' ' II" li' I'. II III. 'Ill Villi I'Ip-i- t X'.uii I.r!-- s fa.vsh'lan ati'l Sure-n- il l.i.wi I. w Artnipi K'.-i- .'U us ii, at..! s, X A in Till Mil n K ti.-- 'I' ii pi ..I' tii mil t,t lily lifcltliiiK Iniih. trv Ih,' ,l.,i ,fi,K SM.I-- - p.aiiiils f a mil A mt't x-- Jfi lifp w ' r. a Miial! tt,, ainl!w,-,-l- .1' nl - '.iiiiil.l.' tiii.'.s .Snip ni :.'.,! s Tliii.l ;, llpnitlt sirp.'i . .11 rt I.II. I. n ..I ,. t t iiip Sn ..,,n in nits, sua i.i:,i-i- i.i, Pv pry pit .i Ip i spilp p a - -- sli,' li.ii,,is ami " fi. nil'-- .illl ... ft in l.x sl In l.psl ry-'- 3 A - linn.-"-- far. iiti.l 4iir,,.'it XI Mi latit'K, varnlsliiiiK. t ,,u n mi Hip ., tt a Oiall-- r A cent I all-tu- I ll il f pi, ,f ti.'Utp rs, p;iii,- a'nl Santa ill. sli was minim ,, .vi f,,as ip in, a. n .Is, yii'.i, x ,! ... i e4t4i a :; p W'.sl ... ,1. .1 II Ar- '. iVntini 11, Sav-- il Hi: W, Kami S. tl J mis; per !"t:ill it piI, 11.1,1 ,,vk In J a. i .:'.' It. SAM-- in - ,,f a lir. li tp.ip... I,, in. llii- olh.-- - i ilaiu-l"- "' loiihliiiK- ntii,-- HiKIl ;s. aisn nn ,,sU. pliuiis 33 t;,' all. w ll s p....,- - ,,n inw iiiin-- i. rn.-r- npiny at ...4i i.:,st HO.MKOPATIIS. AUiipnifi . II ut. 'I'h- hln-.- oriuiiialp.l In il,p a III,- tl "I' - - 1 t I.I-- -- A iino.vsoN- su ip' pi 'I 1'iitii a ,, rn v- - Hue. LAI'IICS- a a 1; uml HI SA kin, Is ,.f ''i;s. iinoxstj.N- to- M. i l iiiniiiii-.-M'- ft t Mra. 117 full. lie l..tiii...patli... j h .slowl t a was II nlwill. 'nn' f ItPi'p If mnlll'-t- l'livsii-iiip- ami Su4K,.,,ita r.... "v-- r M tthnl ami it was an lu.ui- t h Val.n's Unit; Sl..4p. I'lu.ti,., nrfiro ninl SA - I'lrt-- I plus.-- $ :.' ipsnl-ii.- p, II.. s h Hp- ll'itlt I,!: ri.illi.' liny p. ti:Ai, All.tniiipi-iiu-- ;. m. fl lip i,l pp. .it. I.- sl"l lap Will Ira. f..r l'hIi-- h nr p.nii- - lit limit4-- In- 1114,- i ma t ,i l.J Al, III,, an, ,p hi LQE1CHAN.E pf s, xni li'iiml wii y. tl Hi:. V. M. HIlfKlfiAX' tin- 1"1 r:ril.-NiiH--- Nn. In V- - lulihlili!' !i:.i a ut pt'.p.Tty iSA 1.10 - liens iniil Hi le r In Alhiniiifi-iiiii- laiyinn mrleily n Klllle.l. t ll'4 "all- - -- V,in Kiimn A(ldn;ns' II. .XntlP fliai 111,, fciniill. Slira-,,1- ma Ilium. .1 pit, n,'''l,l-iil- al '.j K, rare niirmil, 11,11 t l.if,. laiiiiliti4.., I..-- , t'- slrei'l. pin, hp AlbUiiUiTillie, 'I'hp fttim l,iin i,. IIOtl. M l ssij. OFF ON EVERYTHING ;t 'I'll.- Is' , ,a pa pi l'n: liiiiiMixn tiiirst: t null, am) hu,s,-- t sr.J.. , W. V. l WANTED Positions noil. flit tf 7 Hip tli.i,.l nit ntie nil.' l.y a PKOI'lSSIOVAIj Nl'ltSM fT . P.i uml If Mil III,' lull- - finl'llll- - SAI.K .- hmisp; nlekni-K- - tilht-l- lifter I" it. iiunuro at r,n smuii th km issios mi ii titMA x4 IN THE ? "It liip h4 a similar pas-- ; tin ,,r i, il L ilia liiei, wii hauti.ktt STORE p...-Jl- Il, "Irei't. tft HrilJltaK. .X o rs.44t .hi:-4- " w ..ill. nil..- I illIK mi "I. Willi- - Ih- -I "" - Blti WmI t'.nil Av. tatni- l- A. Ph X In, tl'- SAI.K firm clam Ill WPIP Si'iH'i hi'll III. fitlt Jersey ' FROM STICK PINS TO NAVAJO BLANKETS. W inn ,,r tiiniit fpoldle ami ilrHlrtK linrnii. 1.1 1. Rlt'KS- - il. all-i- t ,is a.iys ApplypiltS. ip ip. ilaitiam 'I'll,, I.. .1111111.1 Apply SI. At .I. ii na .nth sir.'.'t. IN'uetliul Xurso win,! ii lull.- a vp, lip- i i:i:i"'I-:k- , 'I'flpph'ine iriH in ikk sti:n. ih k imi i:ii Ami SAI.K--O- r irsiih' mv trm t 'Aii ,.r.. HP ex ('!: Mf hllllllllins. 'I'll. til Uills inin. :mj.' .l, one ml to norhl vveat nf city. C. E. Glerk- - ' u Willi tn lit,. t. ...I mi uhMin s.'Vrlil-l.MH,,ll- " iiHlustni.ti. J... Ic. tf pftiihllHhi-il llrm A ivliahin - ' .i"''1' in ;u..l i. th.-- , SAI,I0-F- "t't 1n- - irciiMiits burnoil ,.., M,iU(, r,.f,.,',.,.,.M FOU li.arls manure. $2 00 i'H, J. K, KKAKT-- - M sI..m n. i 'n Imnj. W:i Ihwe Hiirko hllililiiiii. 'I'lU'V linvr li.rn sflil to tMi'ji: cni. I'ni. Miii.jf k' Phuna Hill i " iilal Surgeon litMMis T'.ain.-i- . I'll'lnl hnli.Hl Sfh.M.I I'mC t hi1 . HA 1. 10 Frf Fh cuff, Inrge milker. HuM.linu-- rimne A K Iron A iliiiiii-- ni iiKi.h- m t NT w..U h a ttum.ili. Ilrnft. pi Ity mail. l; h Mini until n ecu n ts t :in In da ry. f nui'ine lr HllviT iiS't'IHU' j i'H Hi SAIJC U i ttxtrnt'tdl hmify, lu f.r f i Tul m pmmds .... ASSAY KUS. K.n hci im IimIimii s.'ImimI w:a 'A'n:nvurk ny by II tin fill IK t '. itn i -i K. ' I'""'-- W. P. P. o. AI- - ll , ,. i .. ., ,.' .. ', K, u" "I Allen. Dm 202, j W. .11 :.x k s liiinl ,..,, iim,4.4- - . . ,, i.-- - t ift. .x. 't si iii in.- niii pi sii. niiiiii-ai- injoiiero m. A Im I' ....a nlsii Hit .Tmirniil. sa ,.f I'liiia.l.'li.ltin wlni .l mil J' MiniiiE Melalliii e- '. . . FOH ami RtibIi ,, i sn ,. .... ,., ., , wlnilmillii. Unit ;' -- ., CAN siilnorii.-ltire- si nn li,, x YOU COMPREHEND Hinii Wnlkirur & Son. 7()7,,fii,.e 17", JO '"' ni f f. u. trtviil.4 u I'm- th,. insti-- j X'nrlii Kit 1, street; ph.. tie Hsr.. t( ntli.e Kent, j Smilli 17 TVT inriniiptiit'iil I'liinl str.-pt- TT A C ii 'I'll- til I. - u i - WHAT AT 'J lull., - iiufitl iii is wpll :hsi a tm TU s, M 111,-- i Willntm i li, ' i.,ip,l ami t Ii tf. il" ilmilil lliut FOR RENT minim; i:tii snl-,- m:i:i,s .., , , .. 1 al I'm., tm, riunnla II, Dwellings n to ni e if- p i in p p, i it, ' wilt nil itn.l .it Mini Inin- Iiin tin,- Wl 1,1.1AM !.. STM.R- V- ; '. HI KHVI 1111,1 (P HHP s Hp, - lt V .n!il iil't-i- i pounds. lii'iKhi I'.. MmliiK Kit irl neer Wits;, i ).-- .ti ami Tl Hit.-.!- t; ,., p v ii w ..ul. i.rolialilv h;i - psiiIIpiI ui.iv Iii hiuh Kvaiiiti'iillnns, K,.p,,ns, vi, miKeineiit, Pur- - I. Mi ss Thiii !. rti- -i vevila: n.'li-l'i- il - sm, nil aP.I KiiBin Iti.i.nis in. loss of tin- ..'.Ii.-- luilltl- i Mil IM .nnl M"l,4 in ilHMe ul j ' 4" Wl.i'init I"' Ik Alliutuerttie, N. M 111!' I'll! Ill 1..SS Of Ml- -. a. iv ..f I. nnl. K ). ,t H K It. CIVIL ) FOR RENT Miscellaneous cm- it av a n,l 'I'ltM,! r. r:n l;MiIKKKS. RAISi i: K r rut iitsh.-- :; n" - DFCLINFS Ml II KN'f IM ti s ill, mnii- lint mm'!!I, !i s.' ji:, ,ii. ,t ;,ilt Vat-- S . Hill lei! !: ' '.ninty ni,.ti::i, i,l A Purvfritr HAFIG I 10 REC0GNI7E Wiih.-i- Mi'f-'i y: (.,.f..iv r. s. .a tut Dpurtm.-nf- - :i Hi.ai4t!ii.-iu"u.'l- I.anti for naif. eniiinecrlti-L'- ii in.- i:KT'"m- scrip ivil nlt;- C.t.l nn., t At r ti ' nffi.-.- Tui:tvi nn i.i'tl, if. I.h.j.l n .lonrna! M lat-.-- liiiaiinil Ii MhIiiI l, ' "i' TT.',7Z.' M. ... FT Kt'tll'til lluli-- tit l.ii4i-.- ii. .'ii U. N I' A ' I'' mf. w N s c 't McMilh-'ii- In- ;i l HAKI1AINS IN KKAL KKTAT1 ' .1.1 .'lui ,: ti FOB SALK. Ki Ml KKT ai p. ni r sli Ml, ml m; T 7t T n:w Jan. Tilt- tm ml H. Uni- - i' i;i:nt two LET US wMuf rn. m on 'MM strt'.-l- lurnem.. stery, modern frams. SHOW i.t'.k tn. illi. ill ii of tlmi tin,-.- fn. i.MMiiif ii is i..i in Utt.-i- eement WANTED mi .If.'P U i. in finish adobs. IIpii I. ll s nn. An trili-- s Salesmen ip bath, Ituht. ti,, us, hoes M Kill Jl I. ' ;i i. n elpptrie TTl"M i'.'i s" l.r ry Ifltltl frame ..",iu il. ii.n ilw .i ..r t m enttasre. So. Fourtfc ami M h ilnttlt Mu'al Ali.lul ittrept v'lit I"' tin- ; i linli.'in rutin Poom nl4 pst ttlil Appi-- n j.-- 1L',I4 lr,m, nnrth tt'.S.lln.i Mnl'nit'o itv. ''..inpin. tai ft. ,lh YOU! ,el,h iii1:ui.t. JI.M.H.- lot, city water, ,tri SI..,.- iVlllhll tli.- w.nilit - in !.:'.:; ii n- si jltiso shiriKie atim.iitn ..I that rpfus- 'i.n.-- "l..".u root udobs, nsar 'h 'fill ii a alippts; terms. I -- if easy Kv- - AI tltti Halls as Mulct ii. laim- ilh liiim' i.ani Malli. t.t t ri M K h t a fc;i- - (i:,0 franm t. near shops; sasr illK Ha- Alnliit Ai still Is th,, riti ll - r tali. m. li.'.i W.'sl ilrv terms. J m ntf r p . i.i A l.i ii 11 ,1a.. Tin- fltl nil, a to th- - Koran ! t,ry. modsrn. w.t m near frams, lali ai- - i is taisnll's answ.r to Mulai, li KI.VT .VVv ur' t'entral. park, rnmirii'iiM." iili" luniio briok ri well In 1. cornsr llaliu's l i to him .l. iuiimlitit; .'in lands. H ll;. in .tl.mi 2 city. PI "I In.llpitCf. Kaistlii It, is , ..mis, pi! lti r.,in, story, camsat los HK.NT Th ilweillltie, N. ih.- - men iml 1" I'.l 1.. Mnl.'i' h; Flrn street. m l .i ri niul H Mr. Mi rm ew brick cottsrs, mo II. tim;. t Vrpl a4 ern. rinse In. rnc.m. ! HI i:W V n.i-f.- ' r n .'..ti.." ,i t story, brick w.11Idi el. .so In. "ANTIC tt1. furnish1.! hi;lit tn t,UK m..dern, TRANSATI LINES tt ami r titlhl Ap;-t- 4 ti ,L'5t,,.7 ro.on lirlek niodsrn In. N, If har.t welllnr. 1!EXT--T- n. Ihn-.- w.,oct ftonrs. nsar car llns. CONSIDER POOLING PACT li t; houf", It'ir.o f, r...,m brick iiiinisiifd. no itnuiids. ', cottage, modsm : s s n.l. Fourth Ward, a Journal Want. t! t'p-ii- r,,nm frsme ate. Co ;Try Morning Vt I i K N V - cotfaffs. bath. Benham 'It Indian 'd hi. it. S ntm i . t'i t,;? Ivnt K'th street. Trading i'i'l"i;iir, J.i .. N'nrth t r JL'lti.i 4 mom brleVt, lb-- ' cmih-- ! hath, elsctrio lithts "f i iitinr ninl slfjiiiishin HEXT-M-.l- -rn I'l.U . r,...,,, C N'Tlh ftcei.nd street. AVe. piinlc.-- !tHv't' bi'. n n m.'. In Teuttteh. 3 ttn.t 4 H'ln.i 7 rnrnn Railroad and First St. ho boblitu; j lintttt I'.iit! tf trains, ste 8001b Aruu street. bath, itii; In ir lot tlit' Mii'"iM' ol making' tft-il- IlKNT l.nrKe brra wltn "(tails' J .mr4,... vth:--ele-ti Home ;in,nii;t'iiirms w .mliit nf stiTr-- t'vn anj plent-- of r.inm for rood hattlness pmpertlse sad lartr A rnnrttM. :i biiMni-s- I be .Vnrl it Alhuttb-- hay and enrrsl., J ' fur smIi4.. V mi I J.. M. .reins .l.iurnal. ii.iM- In ii i'.iit''r-iiri- ' in' ' 1 tptll KK.XT F..r a term ,,r 'vttirs, A. Ibi-- i . VI' tht-- i jft r- -a iirivnt, FLEISCHER l.nti.bMi . MUf't mii lentil) of is rn,,mi, ,npl urniieila - y-ti N'Mtb A t t liti.-- ituhhl-- l far a ten, KSTATK. INSI r r"m.r-- !:in ir f ir.unbl. ';, sanitarium, ci,.iu!es from R ANTE, mil mm iipiiiwiw i?is,w'a"i.f4 t he . RlIT1 luPl.-a.-- it 'iiif Ibe troll.) BDMIS, I.UANS. miMl;in nnd (iuihim ' ' Alt. I room nnirtu ' THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1008.

obtained iii the Cio tint mil' val- - I'l't'l'ilfflltiailWff''1 BUS! OA! AT OFFICE Icy. K I'M hi-- Kurilicr. Tint a i P PRIZES OFFERED FOR llcse solutions he forwardi-- lo Of Course We Ion li uf niul l "l in chiu t;' of t if Keep inllal n t ress. Rex lliat ion 'ouw The OF IRRIGATION CI AS. KKINKKX. BARLEY BY THE J. II. I'KCAIII). V. X. IH'nKH. Enameled and Tinware AiHii.i'nrs i CONGRESS JOHN HKCKKIi. BREWERY Spring Will. II. KAlHTKl'T-:- We In with will 'oiumitU'.' on licsolut Ion carry a complete line. dealing us you and reasonable NEW ICE MACHINE find our goods satisfactory our prices OFFICERS TAKE A LOOK COMPANY AT THE BREWERY SOUTHWESTERN AT EXPERIMENTAL FARM APPROPRIATES $150 1 i i I I I 11 1 1 L.i 1 Adili'd :iiiipnicnl (.ir-- 'lit 'niac-!- ( So n uH g re y of lit.'i Tons ul' lit- - IVr Day. Conespondence Growing Very Giowiny of Beer Material is a ; New Heavy at Headquarters,; About tifty people yesterday eell- - Profitable Industry and Can'r Convention Hall Committee Z Be Successfully Developed: at Work Belen Interested, just "ZitT'ZXbeen installeil In the Southwest- ern Hrcwerv and Ice company's plant. in New Mexico, WILL FIT EITHER A " Treasurer Lochs at the Henry proper WOOD OR METAL BED Saturday was a busy day; at the time christened t lit new machine, the Tin' Sutuliwrstcrn Urt'wiiiK ami loi- - a heaihiua rters of the Irrigation con- name heiiiK a minus iiuantily. with n- IN ' Is takiiiK pIMUMiUtH AND FOLDS THE - eham-ina- n rmni;tny r( M uress board of control. Moth Chair- brittle of JHiinms extra dry FAR ll tn- wt Uu1 National Hopewell and Secretary Twit- - panne. The installation of this in STcal Irrigation CENTER AND IS CON- w ex- machinery! were In town and hoih ere chine will more than double the congress and Interstate Industrial OF ALL KINDS - SIDERED THE BEST as busy as the prov erbial dealer paclty uf the ice manufacturing do- position. Kver since the establishment in at of runout of the and tho lota! cranberries the height the !a plant of its Inn plant In A Unique! hue the season. the the of - w ill amount to oyer ine limit During afternoon output lias been com pellcd to pur- livers made a down the to dri ll iinil Ihlrty-llc- e tons of ice company RIDING PLOWS DISC HARROWS Irip valley jut brewers' see the land which has been offered day. The machine was manufactured chase lis supplies of barley for the experimental farm, and which hy tho I'orllss KtiKine F'iltercr com- from other Mutes and loialltles fa. WALKING PLOWS AND AI the Agricultural college has been iislc-e- il pany of llwaukoe, and is one of the remote from AlbU(uei ,iic. The grilli- to take charge of. The farm is host obtainable. lioillK' eiiuippcd Willi ng of hrewers' barley is a most prolli-ahl- e CULTIVATORS. ETC. STEEL DRAG HARROWS If tilterers nntl other iiroti'rtnr.v well located, accessible and proper- patent ImslncsK nnd all that can he rais ili.'Viccs that enable the Southwest- ly culllvalcd can present a stroiiR In New Mexico can lind a to out as line a Krude of ed show lug to visitors at the congress ern turn here and al in lee as is to make. market points and exposition. possible rado and Arizona. Correspondence at headquarters is Following is a letter receive! lf no J. KORBER & COMPANY glowing very heavy and tho secretary the company addressed lo put in a full day's work with his TeTTO RELAY tary of the hoard if L'outr, is SANTA N.M. In addition the secretary pre- is explanatory: Write for Catalog Wholesale Albuquerque, paring the first publicity bulletins for Alhniiucr,ui' X. M., Jan. Mb. I'.'US. HW 1 general distribution and generally the Col. It. Til it, hell, Chairman Coin- - work is getting Into full swing. A niitlee on Trophii lilth National TO CouMTc-s- . lblliUel quo. N. meeting of the cmnniitttc on publicity TRACK GALLU I' Irigallon AND MOST will be held this afternoon, at which M. f 01 ti- plans will he laid down for the ad- Hear Sir: I the PUipose SPRING IN THE Y i CI row Hi ll brcweis' bar-ni- l IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR LARGE STOCK OF vertising campaign for the next live courauiliK the V or six months. Hundred Cars of Pine ley In X ' Mi'Xico I, i Hie end MARKET. COME AND iV t Oregon a i xhibit f the same may During tile afternoon a meeting of that proi THEM ON OUR in of Ex- be made al the I'll It National Irri SEE the charge plans Ties Being Unloaded for Indus it for tli convention hall, was held. The nation anil nlerstale FLOOR. t Road-Be- nt exnos-itlnn- the honor committee discussed plans and ways tensive d Impiove-me- trial we Hu ? BLANKETS ? It is nt' otteritm Hie lollowiUR ash prizes NAVAJO at ami and means some length - r T Soon to to be made by the farm- expected that the full committee will Start, lor exhibits ers of New Mexico, viz r get down lo work by Monday after- - For the best exhibit of brewers' bar- v noon. Over two hnndfi'il rurloailH ul' uni-- , re- PREVIOUS TO MOVING TO OUR NEW LOCATION, No. 115 t Twitrhell yesterday Hlun t Ik-- Secretary son hn' nulruad ties aiv j . ;:,.wo ? from Flist I'rize r ceived the leter the if 1 OFFER following iK diMri but n! at all section points Second Prize r,o.aa V WEST CENTRAL AVENUE WE WILL ' Helen Commercial (lull, which ex- between and and .Ibuo,ufrim Gallup Tli liM I'ri.e . Albert itself: id' plains a larg'o t'ori t' turn will sunn be We trust that Hie competition for. ? .Mr. K. t It. Twitched, 'started at tin work ol' replacing tin the prizes ivill b( spirited and that Hi"' ? v Hoard of Control, Irriga- old with new ones W ithoUt Size 4x6 Feet at Secretary tb' and ntherwisv i need her' at home $10.00 AI. barley V tion .V 1'fpaii-hi- tin- roadb.-d- T Congress. Albtliller,pie. Tin tkx arc seniliiiu t other stall for the supply I Faber In of the Helen Hear Sir: behalf sonic ol' the best evr received by the needed at A II mi llel( lie every vein. T Size 5x7 Feet at y 1 $12.00 club am in Kc Commercial forwarding Santa coniiany, being xiiuismtlly We also trust that you will Kive this ? as and t you copy of ('solutions passed well seasoned and guaranteed lasi offer proper publicity so that the ALSO OUR ENTIRE LINE 0FCURI0S AND NOVELTIES t at a of Hie a Imig- time. Jt is that Die know ol approved regular meeting expected fanners of S Mexico may ? ALTERA- Helen Commercial club, the I.Mil hist. Win w ilt be within six n offered WILL BE 0FERED RIDICULOUSLY LOW UNTIL t completed Hie fact that prizes are ? I y desire to say to you, .Mr, Twitehcll. id Kb I mouths and the Santa !Y will Ihem to plant this sprint?. TIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AT OUR NEW STORE. that notwithstanding that these reso- jhae otic of the best roadbeds on th Yours truly. r y lutions promise the irrigation congress lines west ol this city. The work' will SIHTIIIVKSTKIIN I! 1! I0W Nl ! V r y only a hearty and moral support, yet a large number of extra gang ICK CdMI'AN'V, liY 1!. 3 308-31- 0 W. Central - ! believe that the committee nil Irri- of laborers and speaks well for the Hie. I. .1. II. T. ? y gation (of w hich am chairman) will prosperity of the country in the vicin-b- e 'I'lli- Intel I'.'t (lisplav ed by all the Avenue ? y - - at the proper time in a position to jiy ,,f Albuquerque, as it. is the gelid I pie of this cltv in Hie ilillllllU coll- v An Exceptional Oppportunity na-j- fids to is beiim reiiiarlied all over New verv materially assist this great rule at present among railr ress liilii'EE t tional project in a linanclal way, how - retrench w herever possible Mexico and the publicity Hlven y 1 meet- - to of the ei ellt l'l t ever humble It might be. am Hi,' nianv lealiires to Secure Genuine Bargains b- eor-I- ? In th dl'iiced the ureal amount March Wieii 111, it Wicti y lug with great success getting j SAMPSELL BOY mi beinn' rec, d at .M. if promises ol tanners in oeoe space respondent-- daily Mayrelies - experi-nientin- g s of he board. Ml ), 11 y- ! pt t their lields for Hie purpose of HELD IN JAIL liea,l,uarei el lliezzo Cu piil if irv with the cultivation of both licet and and AND i 'hai Hip, r the sugar cantaloupe, Piiche Cliarne AmdnM Ymilli LOCAL PERSONAL aoteristir IV feel quite sanguine that we will make l; il, BENNETT Who Has Keen Sen of a in the way inj: Crop .March Alasi very Interesting showing W ild Outs. of exhibition at Albuquerque dining .1. Nicbols W'a 1. C.. Jan. iv. New the session of Hie irrigation congress. hiliutoii. if .lexli-o- Snow in rain or snow NORTH FIRST STREET that you will not fall to K. II. imp.' II, the youth rr. north; W. H.illiey !? lOO Trusting in south Sundai. Alondav fail t call me or member of our ed on a ran t sw om OUI portion: and upon any Friday colder in Stripes. lo in by his li, plei del Arizona: Fair Sunday, W, Huff it Just Above Central Ave. committee help you promoting father, Satupsell, fair. I ;en- - south portion; Monday IT tliis project. am. not guilty" to a cliary:e of di un Star SpaiiKiei ta n ne, t fit llcss before Jllili;,- Cla olll'c ( t i :n Hand. Very rcupoct liy, 'barb Carpenl, Willai-d- a r- - iini by .H i, ri I m illllll lu- - ('HAS. KKINKKX. court esli't'il.iy rived on train N'.,. st niulit and I'iobiw il; he con, t ee on Irri ttioll of the absenc,. of w inn - til.'. llldiall s, r.oiv Chairnian 'onimit will be i town a ol ilay on baud. lo Hie fact dial Sal u of Iliat liis ' THE WM. FARR COMPANY Ci iiercial Cluli. yume lop Kills" ball, l,i pielii' hy the billow lot;: Hcsnlul inns Co mm Ice on in an intoxicate, condition Vi.lav. he Kanizaliou w vy Wholesale and Hetall Irrigation. eiitci pi isini; I il post-cas- e ma n s J. .1. linn. inn DF.AI.KH IN III SM AMI NAI T At. a re.miiar inectin:. of the Helen court remanded him to ja and The f" lie, app,-,- lime. F,,l is public Army and Navy Lite. reiidei ho; Hn iimi. Ki h NlMiiully In Id ed lie Ilea I'inn of the until ouna man win died at St. Joseph's low i.S 111, Cenimerclal club. at the club illK program s. i n e in Iiik - b sanlta li il Frrtli r were sh lo his important promoi 4T For Cnttlp ami Units th ItlRgfut Mtr- on of Deceinher. .Monday afternoon The ,y's father ippi'd March The Holm, ,1 rooms the Huh day rospeel,, lb" passaKu ol' the mad, puv bill by kft "rice" Palil. JHtiT. n, the has also tiled a complaint I'. forniei home at llastlnss, .Minn., last Hn t;ari-i- "I'., ban' " at the city of ltd analog Fantasia I'lilliuc lorth expi.' ol opinion in Zito of the New York sal, on on the nie.lit by Fl'encl and Adiilns. - il Vel d in:; resolutions wcre- Waltz- From Troval its lavor I'roin ailjiilanls neiieral of St. Elmo Club & t i s Rooms : of liuuor his son. in Hie i colil-nie,- e Sample adoiited charRe selllnt; W. It. ', Kt. ol the Tube Me Idyl Mill Fore? ri he several stale'-- , cliambeis of - case will Ollle In, I' Whereas, The iUc.-tio-ll if irrifja- This probably Up il,an of (llorictii, Selection I'ro Hilda e ne w sin s. hi JiiMfph HarneH, I'roprirlor, t' . - and pel Wl'Nt 'lTltl'Kl Avvtiu. I" Hie oil, K man'-- IV 1 lOlliZei lion wli'cll has been practieeil in New hearing 111 Mbuouer'iuc est rda- on his w; Lite lui .l.niii, ir ai or letters from - HKUVKD. ALL Mexico of is decide t w W.i Hz A no in' for upwards three centuries San Acacio. lie! lie noes to n Hi, lb a of went y ice t . be adjutants acnei he pn puia r an iiu-h- KfiH) every and more by the Aztec and other ab- cei-- a n men of I'. INI-'- SlrollK- - i cousin sheep. (.stales, all ol whom Kive the dHV, ThurHdjiv nnd nltrtii. Irilies, and later on by Hie ()i,iu: timi:s. March--- mli.. na Hint" I'a ml to ol original sixtoon-j-oar-o- expression their approval coliitier-ors- , Frank Hunter, the Fill ra I'ueblo Indians and Spanish To lor Its pas-- j i I r: n i o u I'coplc Were Content Take 'I'bins who was run down by a switch th' bill and their desire t i, sr, or k r even at time W- boy - t t and the present lluin wit;,-- The of IWelllS- i:nser and Injured near the Meanest Man In Town. representatives ythe native Mexicans, in many sections If fat s couldi.behold the severely 'llic one ar iial- - our for, lei coal- chutes lu Hie local yards about Is tho one win, wears a I'lona. ota;alti.iinoi,s of the territory in a crude manner, niodern loconioliics. a ul oinohiks ami always ill a as a e six w cells ukwi. was able to be down i.S el'OSM and and is short ly eiiiidiallc heir, with hul meaner results, and eli'clric H,- would hold up their of iiie folio.-- il.K i, .'.: p.! t ntw tin $8, . . ) ' (.lis, town for the lirst time. I', In bis answers. Nine eases Hie eiiilois ll the last yesterday ami sharp nlil ( Whereas, Wilhiii decade hands In nstonhhment. iwenly-eiuh- l ill all: Sa r, nxuin .,,.."01 was to have his nnlil blind out of Ion Its not Ihe r fellow's pels, tihl I iiimihkIii I Ml this riant of ( oaeb was lost necessary BUKSTCI) PIPES!! ililnuM, fnuti Inipo (tucstion Irrigation The stape-- enough mid sev- ami that livening Host, New VorU Sun ami tic rulnli'MN inn f eun-.urc- near Hie elbow fault. It's his liver dis;oslion riief has been given an impetus by the lliell Were lllolo '( HI t I'll t to anipulalcl i '. Hveniio; people eral of Ills toes taken off. make him feel so miserable, lie can't Times, Washington AM U irk AIimoImIoIj (hiiiriinlrf d of the t'nileil States havhiK en- take II things eay. il isreeablc. A you ill Tillies, Host and Hie aid. In w it'll help hi'in: rim-UK- acted very liberal laws aid of Hie They used to lie s.itistied any K. Hruii' Hibson. aK'-'- a health ? D R S. & danger of pel iik into that ilit ion phis ('olillllerclal App, C0PP PETTIT reclamation of the sort ol a loHon that came alon who Itn-nr- A l improvement and hair seeker from Santa llosa, Cal.. Then start a: niieo lakinK H illaril's I'.veiiiiin I'ost and Ho- Herald: llcilll I I, ,N. T. r, ill 11, ,11,11111 lo- ' acres of arid lauds If il did not baldness A I'n-s-- many million prevent they came to llnniucniue Ihree weeks iiko. llcrhine for ar live- r- the sal nlnuhainton (X. V.I m, and terri- tllollKllt it was because baldness could I, s, ,11 cated in the west, tii states passed away last iiIkIH at his Minings and reliable '(il'tafllC r. Sold ton I''lee 'i,-- Seialll lie (Vtl. (I'a.,;- tories, and, not pri'-- nted. on West Coal avenue. 1, 'ceased was C"o. li. .Mll- by J. JI. o'lti' lly Tribune, Hiliiio"!, Aiiuii S T-- "I f-- v a. circum- It's (lil'ferenl now, know I I f Whereas, lly fortunate I'coplc a member of the ndcpendcnl order vaulee Se 'lex, land Heinlcr, no of 'thai e,erms cause baldness and that In stance Hie next annual eting the of Foresters. lielalives Santa l!,,sa llilllllll New iliiin,-- S,in nt mi 'i is to be Xeb.-o'- kills the Kerni. thus Standard and National Irrigation CoiiKi'ess Herpicide have ben liotlMci! and the remains will l Hi "vi'Ii-i- i (H. 1.1, Plumbing I - Texas Kxtn illh bald- ' held ill our jctll landl'llff and prevelillnis a k - i I'le-s- , at Albii'i!ier(Uo territory, be sent to that place .by lldel el STRONG MOVEMENTS I in I'ilt- Inn i; .New IbKhAUi 11,'SS. lollei at the time of our Territorial Fair As- F. II. SlroliK. 'loin une ,s, ash Heating Company drm;-(ii-i!- Orleans sociation moetiiiK,' in ffolil by leadilm Send Hie September nei, iii to I'osi-liii- , Hint'., i. and the city of A bui ueriiuc having stamps for simple Tli" llorpirlde Co.. Mich. Tw o sizes. r,(lc i 1, At kimiiiiii r l it. app, tinted a board of control to mak" Detroit. ami Kiisui - ,x PAY in III! ISiiln nnrt Itnft of said con- I. IHI. It. H. Hrinn- Co.. special OF MUSIC AI FOR ( aiul.l M.ill pioi,'ii'.'r l,plw,','i ln,iwtl We Must for the hoMins LOIS IRE i, II M Miimliiv provisions N. Iy. airelil.s. Then ll and a let run mid Hie dele-Kat- 1111K Willi gress and entertainment of it' OIIMI III i" (ill t.liim'i ((i lliv f;et pt loll n tl to said congress who will be in plieillliof.l lt, k ,1 I K i'.iiIihI ron ,H ha I's all. No how you xot l,en-- U,,!W Have and - v ii- Hi altelidaucc. hikIi don't n il lake Hal- ,111 a ni ,;., t,,i 'tllil of FOR m. ImMWi CII tllM Iw, .11111 ii Whereas, We, the members tin THE PARK SOLDIER lorcliolllid ; p and Iliiiocia u ml Mir dUrrlniilin huuit'li en mm lard's you'll h',111-1- s t,fui ,1,1,1, l ul in; Helen of con- M";i I'limti will k is I 011 hn Ih hi'sl 11U Commercial club Helen, lie II hi no il 'I'll,' sure cure KX' I! vinji over ft cl,.,i II, iiirll''l nine, I,i A llii1 ffi of III tun lilc. ltd uf mullet sidering: that the (Ucutiou Irrigation FAUST I'- - cold!', niliilis ami all (lm,l l,y n- ifvliiK 'In ouylis, ilyl Is one elicit HlH the entire welfare and yon iik and old BltV'lllC. t, of ter- Cu. prosperity of every section the Elks' Band and Indian School Graded iy Bill Receives s.m.i i.y .1. u. "i:i ritory, and believing as we do. that Butternut Bread all the citizens of the territory should Band Will Give Co'ricerts This! HeaitV ndoisenicnt From SALE L. B. PUTBMEY: tln-i- uhl In siblc FOR rvtiy way nf mr s tn pr mitt! f t In' sucrcss uf tilt' Afternoon if Weather Per Officers the Aimy and ; ,1- I IVi'il 11111I (irHln gross. Tli 't llxllire: Th WliolrKiil, (inner, lour, friiiii tin' 11I1I i'mI iilillilii'il l i'ellill whole il l Coffee was the l X s i i fill' 1111, llnlti'l-.- Hid Ther.-rori- . He It thing Navy an Public Men, , is 'l II m AkchI iiini, will cull! hire tliex! X.n. Kpmi! vim, mils. Hie liliesl llic e- - id NiiiM'rinrlly (iter Bclt-- mn-ia- chili 1" N 10, .41.111 . MI.IKtl That the 0ni fur at St. Louis World's Fair. bloiiKhl (li:itiIH MV lentil leikei-.- lli'ollllrl I.nok fur tilt1 it.s iiu'inht'rs and imr On A - ii eceilillK t ' ' lixlllrcs III Hint I ulirl tin iwcry limf. reprit-n- Talk about the laud sunshine! su pi ;;l' stloni; public seliti ZI'llS "if Hi'h'Tl. iHTC'liV our he sold at on may In boili-li- Jil'(1i' We are sole also for a pi1 ill I'll V LIQUOR CO. agents A lbui in two incut has Ifelllly ,ece,,,e,l ,,1 COMSOLIDATED moral uei'( has pell air c, a ha K iln prn-- Addr it on, e htarty sympathy ami stipprtii al Hill i In Urllnl I iikia or of the .,'led I'uy Hill'' wliiel II ( i'iir in ahi of tin- nifuting- of tlu1 Xatinnal Blank's Cof- certs on for Ibis afteinoon. and II '' hi S. KiokIiI Oil 'I'oll e; Hint llmliclo i,nl I The French Bakery Dry 1 s Al-- J Sanitary I'm ii I IIK-- IN Irrig-nliu- ('uiiwros-- in ho held at w incf, asrs HilildillK. Albiiiim in,-- N. ,i .. and WIIOI SAM " a little orse lhan the miildli uf ,1a provides Z I I'M AKIIS X MIKI.K lnniiUTiie, Mild f prtini:-"- in Md the and back In that K:ii the of !li'',-i-- and ol Hi, will (five you a b Hull never belol & CIGARS Z fee Pots. nary, dot is, pay WINES, LIQUORS e .MIT tY ritl- - .N.-- ?n.' (I'lilrul l'l linai'd cimtrul hy ihe v Oil,-- ", 11, or elsi'w her,- Ii.l 0 apiuimed Hip trains cannot run because ,f sm, t'llitcl Plat,- a a lid na v. Th- ,i, We hiiri,l! mir llii. Wrlta J 'if t" thf heM nf . liny zeds AII)lHHI'rjU drift-- matter is ,,! e.veeptlonai llt.'lest If, f,.r IIIiibii at, anil l'rln Lift, a hi a nil In e mimed t(-- mir lity nu'.m.s ery wny. Weather the band in v e w t e 101: di perniittiim from till- jOlhlie ,il lis time " i:i:r. eleOll'-Hf- 13 id' m: 11 tn wards Ihe sureess said !ii,-i- 1: T jnnmntin; the fulled States Indian school will Tact mure than usual KlMlilA s r am c ,1'l'EH AVE FEMALE I VW- that Kinsr FRENCH fiirther that a - I I t It M-- ll I Tl enitgress. prinnie The Monarch give concert in Itohinson p. ik at a re I, ,okii,K I' work anil aliKlitU In HUH. (II! imi of Helen will have nti exhthl- - Grocery l. H TOWN 1'. Ml the chy :':.l,i o'clock. The band has n rare-11,- 1 II IK- at this tlnie would M'I'I.V - tec duritiK 11 11m Si- tiun at AlhiniieiiHe l"'' nei- fully instructed this season Iihh ca use a hi): in ease 11) be business ol (I., s M NN. - A 'hi, i'itni4ii ii for pills: 4" The La Favorita HEVtH KNOWN TO f AIL. "' ' iiitf saitl etuiiBrHss. an exhihit nf Hie Company The fo 1, mad,- line progress. uillK is Hie local I". s pny reel iii ll head! ocu i.inu-.-.- r Mini K run.lrd. in (' HKfifult 111 al .ititj horticultural pro- the Ho lllitlHKemelit of Wllleb-I- I III; II KS It W I" Will. .l I r txix. Will iht'in fmul for proKiam: (iiurttis. Saloon Hampt.-- i ur druuKUl dm- nut I I I M ducts of Helen and vicinity, demons- Ma ri b ( iftb-e- of he Will K 1: IN 111: .K II I. KOIMI ml fuui ofitrr lu Uip 307 West Central Avenue lay has been nil, (ioilll' .sjlleildill SIM III M'( IIM -- I III I T the tfn-a- t of the II. H. Thi- UivI HM I I VIMi, ll: NIHDMffHClCO lNCTr P trating Hal for some tlni, past. "Army au,l sliU .lM'.lt 111. At MHtl ll I IHST ,0T4. hfiieMt uf it t ion a niort- d I N I nti-- lllltll lll'.'i ri.i;,i under Phone 80 rilterme..o (a li s . N'a vy Journal publishes a ilc full: ii. mi sir ii Tin: nwii. he - j ."!:i. X Mi i.n SoJ ill by Ihe ). H. 0 KciJI Co. systciu than has in hereto- J. SI. Clair of favorabk' i iiiin,-ii- on Hie gradcri' .MIMInMON 75c. i.aiiii:n 11:1:1;. I'llOM'; (,IIN. u iova Albuquerque THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1908.

. - fcuuvi-iiim- . Xol u .should be but Im ii prt'.-t'ii- tf u im rriua.i tlay lost, StS90eOrt9-9e''S9t9- afifrm.t.n Mik, W .ilk tnif rlainttJ mediately all these dailKtT Places it TO t - -- - ACTION houhl ut least em ra pru- 1 . 1 2 ixiv niit'Hi- al m)x t;iiiil cuihrt', s receive pi ry HT' rv l.fiiii llif Till' I'lox-iu- - lectloji until perinanent ultcrutlmis l can be t on Salill'la' afl.'l'luioii mim made. Hold om er i -' life the of tiie nt Ifiitiirfil I" iiii'inlif rt of tlif Ti av fi' Human and safely iluli ami u iniinlitT of llnlr nifii PROTECT THE person are so precious, (hat prompt Mm. Walkf r'n Innne wait action on your part is Impel aliv. even If some are Ifoni lit'M ill u I! ilt'i ul a toil ami Iht appohil-illflil- - .siicrilices ri'iiuiretl Mil endow ered and urdiiiaiice anil n f l f (unit franchisi in i fr way l''ollo iiiK ' PEOPLE liolatiiis; corporations. Inn- Yours truly. 1 4 V. -- i It. . I'.IIYAX. ,. ilanii'N r, W'ruili. Thninp-- ! .uii, M. Kf iiinii if r, Sinnr. Ilurk- - l Kit, m I'ar-oii.- -. Walton, Hunt,! - I"!- liart, SiuiliKfr, Vrl.-arr- Add i Let- "' 4t4MtAiiMr- rain.-- . Iloi'lfm, II. n r.nlailf l. R. W, D, Bryan esses v SHELF ROOM i MORE :. l fi h h .Mrs Mr. mi J Mrs I'" It. Slum. 9 h u ill it Mi M llliin, Umli y. rimliniau, Kri'iu h, - ilcin-.- l to and Councilmen , l TI1111--da- y cliallnK illsli j ter lioina iivliU'-- i mi l l.ilni-i- llic SIKitn- uai'1 Moolf, Am pi I. Klu.-- I, Sablll, WyliltT. Mayor inn uf t'.- - f KvcliliiK aim i'IiiIi week. wiHi nil Hi' cnl llrlKKM. I '. It" k Xolil, llanliy. Ciuui. the I'- -. litisini'KH ini'i'1 Against Guy lllt filllllMillK lln llllllTS)( mill lilli'Hl't Mi AI In' vtl 'l' ir Hnl!i'.. r,.m. Kit'liar.lM. .Vtt'.M llin. Protesting I., In AT Mi. hiuI Mr- - W. II II.iIhi. II. k a .ilul..ll win pu.f-i- ai'l Cllsty, llopf, llollilfM, Wordi. Sft-- r. Wiie Nuisance, IS NEEDEO . .. l"'--- li.1 im'iit ia Hi W. Mr. ali'l vni iii.ii f'.r MiiimIi, Mr. Mi. W. Sin. hk. I'laii. Kl I'IiIiuik, (jiiiii'i', m . lie hl lnnilH. II H. Hi'luK. Mr. imtl Mi. II liailiinu III pulillf UilMili, l.a liar. Hall. HiikIick, Xi'llli-lo- ii, hi- - e Mr ami Mrs' ' I'll III. t.x.k up tin- iii,tit'-- "f 'uiltliliKlon, Si wanl, Am a result of painful exper Flunk - Itraillfy. Wlilli-- . Mr. mill Mix M H Saliln, Mi. l' f,,i cm nin fur i lllttni'i', llnilKin, ('..niiuiM, Shupf, K' - ience early In the past week w hen he LIBRARY - . it iid Mm llarr I', (mi-n- Mm. K.hIi- m. Kill fltfi'. Coon, A ntlf LfMifr. llyilf, lias thrown liy falling uver a Buy wire,! Kiirn-ll- . Mi' Mn ililH ra Mr. M.'liiilf. Stiiioni, Jt. W. li. ha.s uililress-et- l iyn -. rillipf, Attorney Ilryiin ('.'III-- . ul K.iiiMa- I KiimI Mchuls. Mik. ICnipiirla, K. .1. I'lilniii, Uf ill in.tiin, i.uwlifr, A letter tu Ilic nieiiihers of the Will. Illl i ll II tlsilillK li'T tlallKlili-r- MiTionalil, TclliT. Salni, rclalhiK to one . Washiirii, citi lioveriiine ul. guy -, nni-kH- Commission Discusses Plans Mr.- M i: HI fur Hunif i 111 Till" HlMlli' Mifwllill K' l' l "I H"' lifi'liy, Xf it otiif r. w Ire uml nil uy wlresi liiiiM-i- , . purlicular llinlilniiil .McllnitllM chinch m. an l.'lt 'I'linmilay ui'iiiiliiK fur MlhMM llifiil, I in lil i jdy-f- K'iliK, In In which he prolewfn i t'- - general to Add for Fifteen Tlm"'-tl.t- mI.i- will Ivii a li' lui .M 11 1, Shelving tlf ll'l ll'ttin mill I'VcllltlK fulfil Hll.'IC WflUT. Ilfttfll, ( llii I'lirsnnp', aK.tlnsI this menace to life uml lluilt. An All Around Useful Office Device ' i - .1 Im li in Hi 111.- Ilium- uf .Vn. A. Hiatal II.. iiirtiiun I" MiHM lila VN'alkfl' ami Miss Ivlla Sfiv-- i The kttiT follous; Hundred Additional Volumes, Hi'S South HIkIi Hin-il- . I.inhi l" ell, of Slanlf.i, X. ,M .laiiuiiry IS. I (HIS. mlc tciviil. T lit- li'iiiHi nil 'llif annual IniMlli-- unt'llllK uf tlif To the Alnyor, iiml City Council of 11 - l uf WfililiiiK "f hff At nf the IhkIi fully iIitmi aiv.l fur On- i.c.'iif hi, t hiiii li, wllli a riminl In lionor llif the City AlliiiiUi'itiie. ineetint' public library This binder can be used for when a litis-- ol any put pose In hi-- t In Id III Hit' m'amlilaUKlili'r. MiMH n of ; 1 In I while anil siii'ii in; Hi' talili' ami liamiui t, ri' Hear Slrm At iiliout 8 . m. Jiiiiu-1- I'liuimisKlon held the library lust ii, to Mr. wlilfh responsible Binder is for hol- alllnK ci'ltn. t liiiit h W'filMt iiikIiI. ItfpnriM liy 'inn, Hlanlty y Mill. liMIK, in to iktoms week the commission tuiili the good, serviceable, required M alli'inptilltf up l ll ulllrl-I- lll'lllll offiirri'il laHl TIiiii Mtliiy, in. Allifit lilt- K! Vl lill lHIIl HITf Ciuhl averiilf at the First Natlouul of for additional ding sheets of any size or description, i li iiiiMlt'lil in at to a iiiunliiT i(uestloii providinir Is IIIHMti i.f Mr. ami ami t xi i ll. I.I iniiHii- nut fin liiHlic.l liy lionif hunk corner, my feet were cituhl by Snini' lili'lnl hi stock room Is now I of lu r I'rlfllilM Imlli aftfl lioon anil splice the which Mr. It. ('. Ilci llllaln, llii S. hi lie Siimlay nrlnail in lifft ra Tlif an uuprtiteeit'd slay wire attached to in of Air. A f led i iriiusff lil or IIiIm crowded. It is to Made to Order Any Size or Style Binding Ktlllll ulrri'l. I'lca.'.allll.v Mll H Im'i! t'M'iiiliK pruM'tl Imlli a pli'iiHliiK ami (vciiiiiK. on,, uf the iolf s uf tlif Traction com- heconiliix proposed . CIIV llllfllilfll Illf VM'lllllllK. I add shelves stifticieut In accommodate tlii'in mi i'WIiIuh. Hh' fiii pi Ik' inn-- pany. fell heavily Into tire street fifteen volumes the 111 In. lln Ir lirili MctlilliiK iind was hurt, hundred and nor "f t Mr. ami Mr.- -. Iv I.. Wu-lili- n. Tin Hcvcrely I will have (u be much; In Ihe A miiiilicr i.f at in'l iv Mm, li. Iii'il.v, til I. a .Inula, a The next day of (lie mutter jtiuiM'rMiry. ilii.iKf DiihI ('fiiliill avi'iiilf. fiili'i'laliiiil near fill the has H. S. LITHGOW ( A Air, bom 11c, tile nf tire lor present BiflB Hen- I" Mr. and Mm. 'uliirailu. In In llillillt'l Illf mit'Kt f w niii-lra- (o Chatl iiiuiuiKcr rojjm lumriili'il ili.' of al a aOU i. S. party the lie ncled as UioukIi 1 space for only about volumes and Ili'i khain. fur a wi'i'k uf Mm. K. Ni wcnnifr. TiK't'luV niliK company. MAKER in li Im a urevlout-wroiiK- . (he space is rapidly lilleil. BOOK BINDER RUBBER STAMP i An ri'ii-pllo- on had done company being Informal 'I'liurHilay t la t were Airs. I. II taut y not offer no to Present ut the meeting Mr. ami Mix. HitUhiIiI Siilz afli'i nunii ku vf Mm. hcrliy an iippor-tlliiit- Mik, rimrlfM I!. Mis Smitlil and. did guard Phone 924 Journal Building S II. li. Mrs Rupert V. Asplunii, nlfchl fur New York, where tliry wHI fur tin' rt'lifwal uf iU'tllullltanrr Flftli slri't't, f nli'i lalllfil tin' laillf.s' Ihe wire us to protect pedest rla us, Kay, 9 I Aliss Mrs, A. Ii. tl- - I case to Ihe Xaiicy Hewitt, Stroup. Hpriiil Hit t ninliiH niiiutli. Willi frli'inlM i ii ii ilurliiK lur i:tl- mi'iil of tlif ml la mi i'l uii a her reported the mayor ili'parl Mr. VV. H. .Metculf, and the llt'tlrr llt'l'"'. liouif llllfsilav aftfiniioli. ami several of the city council bill librarian, two and still the wire re- MIsf Wetter. Tui'Mlay I'Vriilug, Mill, mii ! iliiys posseil Jaiuiary .1. n The of the librarian showed - I , Dr. anil Mim, '. KulliiiH. South mained rni'iiacc to life uml limb. report (In- lililliilay of Mr. Hi'iiry Kent Mr.K, J. h'iih t all.'il lii i lailliy Tlihil Mlri'ft. nii'italiif il llif Woman's Since my accident scores of persons thai 4,10(1 volumes hud been Issued KiiIkM, anil nil lllal Klinl cnccaM'ili a ii li Aiizuiia. Mfvi'i-a- iliiyw aiiii liy f Soiirtv of I lie Flint Mflho-- told me of similar sonic for home use since the last report uml THE BUSINESS TIDE 1h i f liiivi- hlin Ik ' experiences, k tuinitii'i- i.f liU of llt'l IiuhIiiHI'I. llt'l' li'lurn .. o ill'i fhiiri li ThniMiUiv aft artiooii. of which lire of u very serious chat-inter- that folly-tw- new volumes hail been a very iIiiihii nt win iiilm. railing mi uini'ilalii added. The hoard with h m In a Inn a accepted lintlv liml pi 11 icry. t At i'h. I). II rariiM, tin; Wt'Ht ilohl .My I Ion liehiK lliu thanks Klfr of a large number of Iiitiiilmiini' M.'ln In lii'ttiir .if Ilia .a - Tlw Tni'nilny tluli mil la- -l mill at painfully il Ihf laillfs uf llif to ili'iilli I hiintlsoine bound Kov'ernment rec- li- ainim.--nii'ii- I! t'.n-- i iiMMIUf, nili'l'taillf called these trups, lookpil uoiiiii. Citriln fin Ilia I. i.r Mim. II. l.i'nliT. is- IS ..iiif In and am to ords. , bound the special edition RISING aflfrmioii, able STILL uf (In-- I'vcnliiK anil n- -f lapil-- i fhiirili Thumilay about (he city (lids ilainl, I'i'iiliiil avt'iiiii'. 'llii' pi..iaiii uml sued to members of coiiKress from ti leport thai unpi iitecli'd only par- tin It wen' wi'vcil. lln- uf .1 i I'- W'i- -i Mim. I'fiiri'f. ri'iilial nuy or wires, nre Mrs. II. S. Kndey. The volume.-- ' J'ivfl .vcurw liniiil hiiHinenH niii. nil over (he uorltl, frit ih:it (lie tide '.i watt Ital liv Mih, tially protected Htay ao Nilil linaiii, liny ii veil lie I'litfl'liilni'il Ihf laillfM uf St. rnvcr wide raiiRf of statisti- of liiihiitPNH miuk( himiii I urn Unit 11m tiiiik( NhorMy i - minierous tlinniKhout the oily, iirtmiirrily pendulum Mm. lliilll, win. Hi Mi l luiialil. Tih-m-- very lialjih .luhn's (luilil ami thflr f'rltnils ami alniiK the iiniin (hor- - cal ami oilier matters uml form a Hwinic to tlip oHht mhv Hint riwintf vuIiich, elnsiv invrHtmcntu vUltlnH In'l iMi If, Mr. ami Mm W. piiilicnhiflv pin ilav aflt'i'iioun. notable addition to Ihe Among of mtvliiK fuiKln, the cnornioiiH liirreiiN In volume nt huNinrNH la lino, t -l Ml-- ollHllliires. library. every V. Walliill. fur t. MM-- in '. I.ri la- M.HKiirft Mfl'anna uiim (lit' I 11I.-- 1111- - the volumes iirc ii number of ethnolo- hrliifc miiht hrintc "hard timi'N." llii.-(f- am t ihiceil are iiiiinI tlie ilrii(hMl ri'iirtlon; fur Ilium" In III I'iimh H I K "I In'l' ll'Ulif oil - to a they nilil lirr Klinl Maiy liolf ua- IiomIimh which are value of nmv Mill Home -- lll'lt'l-iioo- Ihe use of heiivier gical of great TInr are. ikiI ho intiny thene timid ppntdo hut there nre ihif-il.- ii neccssary. Hy reports N'ollll l''nllltli tlfil Salillilay n u of lltllf folks on W'f In -- especially in library wink. who tire nfriihl of their own nIuhIowh h lniNinewH mid who see evil por- i a w a.-- mIviii In -. or by iiHilifiiliiK Ihf poles nay; The No Niiiim rani cliili, iv. i.tly al parly vililih ii al of nl- poll alien Ih" lionif hfr paii In iron the tent In every Kpeclt on the hiiMiieM horizon. in Mil niyi-ij- ir- - h.itlur of li.i fiKhlh lih Unlay. Tlif now use by liraees, stay T11 npi'iit pl.'iisiint i'an- W'fMl Iron ii fii in'. Tlif ori'iiMion Don't lie llin ItlKk. A mcoh two n - iir. ivlre be wllh. re;tt iiimi once defined a penhiiniHt hh "one ulio evils where lift NVi'liit'ilii an On' Kin mi of Mr. al'lfl'iition was piiMSfil Willi w it if- uml Iw.iM I'm mIxIIi (litim-n- may h.'ive a or cold ':t In hirlhilay. When you bad coiih hut one exiMM, A( 1I'IS 1III M HOT II ' eoNionitlly u luerehunt I - If, linn wires, AM) liml Mim. KraiiU Ai ki rmiiii, I n V MlfK Katlii.Mi ti'Kiflly anil .Iiilln Mr- iuiMi' iiml fi Mfi'ifil! ever, yon penult stay do not let it dtiiK alone; until it nlaitil ir In- to JllKtirirM thlPi definition. u! u rt lit. iiimr-- . Sup-pi- r they should attached heavy t't nil in nun' w.'if ihf pi - Iiinl a pliii.-a- chronic bronchitis or develops H refn-c- ami Ihf gu.'Mt.- very Ii H above the The retil III SIM ss tH'I IMIST he uho to see even one evil wiih HfiAfil ami llif uf pol. s, sufliclcnl lnlii an attack of but give 9 lime. Hie man pneumonia, nhern Inn vxitt or to neeept either. At tin' rt'nular nn't ltii4 uf lln- W'u- - fur Hit- lllllf wan a y,roiiuil. so that tallest may II Ihe alteiition it deserves and get pinif An h multer of f;iet, the wines t IniKines men (not the iiiomI utliinlttie lrian chili l'i lilay altcrlliin. u Kt I'M I'lilif. ailoiiiftl (1. .V. All's. Sulollluir-- i pass under lln in, . rid of it. Take Clinmliei Iain's UKf lililliilav wlilrli Airs. Alairull. Cough moNt helieve, nt the 111 - 1.1,-i'- an at hut the prertent moment, thai SIM,SS fill llldlll'il I lie fur ill .1 oT In h't'lix ami Mm. J. In nnineiiiiis where and you are sure of rllpf' llif l.uiia, Mi, Itatii Ileniedy prompt FUOI-TII- IS A AWAY! Iltai-tlll- 111 made to these Hiull. Tin UIIN Clllll HI' uf Vll-al'- ll were lioslosHCH at a Inlislfalf tempt has ben protect relief. From a small bcKinniiiir lh Wllh n -- uiil mid Itiirmlpsm flurtiuitioim III SIM SS IS COlMi TO Hli iIuiui-m- I M 11 .small econ- (In? tc rt int'lil, Mrs.! Mm. ,.. Wiillicr. L'ii-- Xmili Ik hfitl In St. .Mary's wiles by maiden hex, sale and use of this has irlnuf ami aril parly prepyration III I I I U AM) BKTTKK KVFJSV VKAK l'OK Til K li KST OF Ol lt N AT! KAI. W. T. Mi- ki'ii I.i'Iiik lhi li'iulcr wiim l ii K II114I1 11 as omy has left tlie wire exposed above extended to all of the T'nlted 'lui Mll't'fl, al lliiff hall Friday iiinlil. five parts no iiox. to it nifd-Im- u DS Hint WF pthoiiht not npend iiiikIi time worry inif about vthiit we Hi'ine vi i i's-- ! Minlal Ho 1l11nors were ihe loiv eiioimh strllii' States and to many fortue;ii eounli'les. tlilrly ju flf.llH tlllliliK ut'lll, llif) pliiyid nun the prize will do when ttinen" come hh ulvvuyM, in and - man I'iice. "hard itguiii, AM, (tood poor fin mid vui'h nin- r i a i ii li'tl in i mm 11 .Mm. Sihlot-li'lllt- 't In th IIh remarkable euren of coukus fi on ThuiMiluy alii rnooii Ih'Iiik M Alive in ml many time. real-iw- d .1011 to at once to Secure buve ivon for It Ihis wide, I'd by giving Holm' r.ivnrli.' a. ul'i Klvcn fur muiii' forly IiiiIIi'm, ii In. mo k. Quite a iifilt sum was inxc ad and colds it m ' ! Ihe of tills and extensive use. Sold nvrvlng iiinliiii. I'i.kj--i I.I IK .or a nli'llalufl with pi uurt'Mi-l-i lliiui for ihe 111 nine 11 la le Conception lor pi'iipl.. city adequate repulatlon I wires. driiKKiMlsi. It'luurc Iiimii was h iII.usm'iI liy hlfM." ilalnlv hiilli!iil!n!l'il rariiM In lilllldlllK luiid protfillnu from ihfsf liy all

Mlfaiiiifcigiii MlflilliiiiHv


Walk-Ove- We will on sale for this week r Shoes, $3.50 & $4.00 place only, 100 Men's Heavy Weight Single and Double Breasted Fine Stetson and Johnson & Murphy SPECIAL SUIT SALE Suits at a GREAT REDUCTION $6.00 Shoes from our usual prices

All Black and Blue Suits Reserved 9 WS ,i i,l $15.00 Good Business Suits, Reduced to $12.00 $18.00 Kuppeuhcimcr Well Made Suits, Reduced to . $14.40 $20.00 Dressy Suits, New Patterns, Reduced to $15.00 $22.50 Very Nobby Worsted Suits, Reduced to $18.00 $25.00 Stein-Blo- ch Dressy Suits, Reduced to- - $20.00 $30.00 Fine Stein-Bloc- h Suits, Reduced to $24.00 ss BOYS' SUIT'S $5.00 Cassimcre Suits, Knee Pants $ 4.00 $5.50 Dressy Worsted Suits, Knee Pants $ 4.40 $12.50 Young Men's Suits, Long Pants $10.00


1""" W 'M Youmaii's Stiff Hats $5.00 to r'J John B4, Stetson Hats $4.00 $6.00 1 Men's and Boys' Heavy Weight Overcoats .25 Per Cent Discount

www i imummi.4mmmmmmmmmm m miiiih.h .mi .ii.nn.,iiimi f n ic iii ii ihjwi .gwiiiiyiM) mini muni f ;' jiwif K nrfwriniwri-:'- r ir"' i' mi mi i in nlri "T "ri 'Vi-'iiri'- 1 IMdSLbiu 'ftnwi'i MAy;tiu.:A UtMSiut'ituvi 1 he I oue ot Kuppenlinmer ( hit go

Men's Elegant Light 119 West Gold Avenue Weight Elk Skin Lace Boots, $6.00-$7.5- 0 Men 's Elk Skin Shoes E. L. Washburn Company 122 S. Second Street 19 I $3.50 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1908. 7 ft 7i M 82

I 2mgm : : ' V y ? :I-- y n f x ? y ? y V y ? y y y t y f Terrac:In order close out the and the board of directors have me an at a low on to this property during coming spring summer, granted option figure, y this entire SELECT RESIDENCE SECTION of the City of Albuquerque. y f I have therefore had prepared a number of plats of the entire addition and marked the price of each and every lot upon the same. These y v are now in hands of dealers of this and if you have a little and know a when sec it, advice i plats the the real estate city money good thing you my y r would he to call upon your real estate agent and pick up some of these snaps. y ? y 1 ? y y Y W y y y Look at a Map of Albuquerque y y y y And then no matter what section of the city you live in, let your better judgment have an equal chance with your prejudice as to whore the future resi- y y dence section of this city is going to be. It cannot build into the Rio Grande river and its not going south. Neither is it going north-wes- t, north-cas- t y south-cas- it y or t. This practically assures that the future residence district is steadily going east, and when comes to that the y y y ft y y y y n y Terrace Addition Is Strictly It y n ? y y BE y y 'Don't (jet frightened because some of the cheaper lots have not as yet been graded. THESE ARE THE LOTS THAT WILL THE MONEY y n y MAKERS. y y The gradin gpart is easy, and a few thousand dollars would make the entire Addition look as Silver Avenue looks now. This will eventually be y y done by some one because it is in no wise a difficult problem. New Mexico is growing and Albuquerque will be a city worth talking about. Now get y y wise and you will make more money with a small investment than you ever made in your life. y y y y y fp y y y y y AlbUquerque, N. M. M. P. STAMM y y y y y y y V 8

tii Navajo blanki'ts." It. lias been an with the other brunches of Ihe feder- it view of perpetiialiiig tlif forest, and being btni I lor It. and it is being iinniaiked lies pena lined hy a. extraordinary offering of the best linos al government. Chief among these ill Ilie same iiiiil iiiooik loe mfi lit tniiler a rigid in r.u-- according sluinpage charge double til" coll- - BRYAN t IPfiECEDENTEO 15 of Indian goods and curios In tho west, TUFT IS branches la the war department. The with a definite- n mount of wood each to forestry principles. Cmler llils tra, price. The day tho wile the store 10 military reservations which so far year. Similar plans it o in prepnrn-lloi- i coniract, no irces under ti inches In All brush Is being piled and burn- opened, lie was crowded with people. They did have been examined anil reported tip-oi- i for the forests of ltock Island and diallli'Ier call cut. except ed, and thus the danger of lire Is very little buying but they looked (it are those at West Point,, N .V., i'ieatlnny Arsenals. which are dead or deteciivf, and thus,, coiiNiilera bly lessened. The sale was THE RUSH FOR the plainly marked prices on tho WASHINGTON Fort Wlngiite, N. M., Ihe ltock Island Hy far tho largest piece of w liose removal w ill beiiciii l, c forest, sialic, dining tile pusl suininer and woods and found them the same IY Arsenal. 111., uml the IMcatlnny Arse-ria- l llve work in which the service is now and no tree cm be cui unless mark il is expected Iii continue through a. aw those goods iiad been marked dur- In New Jersey. At. West Point engaged, Is that, at Furl Wlngale, .V ed by a fores! olllcer. Two rees III pel loil of live years with a ell! of five ing the rush of the Christmas busi- Ihe forest consists of kccouiI growth M., where, under the supervision of Im lies or over iii ill.iniclcr arc left million feel a year. Alrcad.v aboul ness. Then the people stopped to hardwoods, and for Home time has. In forest oflicers. the war lie purl 111.' Ill Is pel' acre w hell ncedcil fnl weed, stumps seven million feel has been m.irl.ed IX III a BLANKETS think about the III! per cent. off. IT part, supplied the post w ith coi dw nod. i selling 2,ri million feel of western yel must led exceed inches height; lor culling by forest olllcer. The from the regular prices. Thinking lumber, hurdle poles, tan bark and low pine. This timber lies in the ami all mcrch.i lila hie !linh"r. hoi h sale Is progressing without friction be- seems lo have brought results 1'ur other forest products. The forest ser- soullieast corner of a reservation of slainling and down, as hiilirn e by tween buyer ami seller, dnd friuit (he the store was literally parked vice made a working plan for till. I.til siliare miles, is Inaccessible to tin- fores! olllcer. liiiM be removed star! a lores! oflietir has been e,,n-- i from early morning to late last night Finds forest in JiltKI, anil since then eiillng the post, and was conscipicii I ly offer- Failure lo remove any lihtlier so ju- (nuiiu.sly on hand to look oul for Lee Clarke, Incorporated, Albuquerque; Attorney I. i , . n and this time the people brought their has been along conservative lines with ed for sale. The lop market price is dical,', and the culling of I'llcle fsain. Doing Astonishing Business ni.oiiv Mr Clarke est a ish ell a hiirll General Feeling in wali.T mark lor sale of Navajo blank-fi- n Capital - irrin'i-i- t n'"if ":Vf &it'jjMumkx.tiii'Hiii .iiiiu.jttit,.,ijt,itjiMkiJr;ifc-iii,iii- , in Big Salo of Indian Things, and I'Verylhiim' else in lie lines lie Thai Picsidcnlial Candidates r earries. a mark wliieli il Is probable will nut be touched iiRnin in Albuiuer-- I Aie Conclusion, Jiilm tr Foregone Uv Clarke, incorporated, ipio lor a long time to eoine, to the flcuhuui niliuTi Trading The sale will eoiitin ne for Ihe resl "The hi has been doing" tin of Ibis week ninl up to Saluriliiy iiiglit genera Kroeling Washington company, Is thai. Ilie next prcsldcnlial tin- liixl and the nianaeineiil thai, the campaign business experis line-u- p and lyrt! during re, ol d breakins husiiies done yester-- ! will be a between Tuft or Iwii uf tlil.s as. suit II. II. ilny week, ar rlav will eonllniie right up to the end. Bryan,' said Attorney Fergussou ,if Ilii' liia' ill! pur cent U im- 'iinl. the being made are too at- ycslerday. Mr. Forgusson returned for priees on Ihe California ni li- which has been un hi tho pup il ir tractive to resist. yesterday morning limited from the. nullomil capllal, Indian store since Thursday morning. During this week III" rnaiiiiBcnif lit will beaullfnl little "resurrec- where he appeared before the United Mr. Clarke In Kim his house present as When i Mtaten supreme court attorney for It tion plants" to each iistimiif. cleaning; campaign he wfiit at un the plaintiff in the case of Crary et u (hi. basis that ho proposed to clean up versus Dye and didders. This Is Ilie m everything In the enormous stock; us famous Lincoln enmity1 litigation of Ills advertising says, "from stick pins A HOME RECIPE some Involving Ihe by yearn' standing irayiii sale of the Compromise mining prop- erty In the White Oaks district, valued at from $50,000 to $75,000 accordi- EVERYBODY IS ng' to tile testimony In the case. At- V t; torney W. K. Childers appeared for the ADVERTISE defendant, the fase being argued be- m HERE fore the supreme cW't all day hut TRYING Tuesday. in Year Mr. Fcrgusson who was a former Every Day the delegate In congress from this terri- mmmmmm Said to Overcome Rheumatism tory enjoys a, wide aciiuaintance That's the modern method the common sense way of settling your bill. nWlmlllllltrllllrp.w.ii.iii.iiiii '"' "' " among the public men at tho capllal of Years and Is and while circulating urounil putting Giving the grocer, butcher, or the baker a check is far better than carrying Standing In an occasional word for statehood if a about Just tell the people what Easily Prepared and Harm- had exceptional opportunities to et. a around a roll of money for that purpose. Then, dispute arises you have to sell. line on the presidential situation. and check a Considered as less to Use. " It is recognized that any-- ! payment, you have the stub as receipt. simply In a " Tell them in a clear, thine; may happen few months, of idea of funds said Mr. "but at. a method systematizing your accounts, the depositing your To make of ihc "Dande- Fcrgusson, present forcible, enthusiastic man- up enough It is the settled feeling that Taft Is the! is well 1 is in the bank and checking out from it, as required for your expenses, ner through the columns lion treatment," whk-- claimed to logical Candida of the republicans be relieving nearly evei y siiltcrer who and that Bryan will once again be the; worth not consideration, but Paying your bills by check Journal. I only your practice. of The Morning I bearer. receiv- Uses ft foe backache, kidney coliipht n , democratic, rtandard ed the impression, however, that a better business and increases credit, as it shows few ore wok blaibler end riiciiiruitiMn ; gives you standing, your Give them a facts ouiet and concerted movement Is be-- 1 and each get from any pood presei iption phar- lug planned In a number of the east- there's a bank account between you and debt." Think it over and you'll prices morning, one-hal- f ounce Child Kxtraet ' macy ern slates against Bryan's ca ruiidacy. and before know it, Dandelion, one ounce Kur-go- n We welcome such accounts. you Compound What it will amount to is proldc mall-- ' soon sec the advantages. will have the busiest and three ounces Compound iSyrup c:il." you of Sarsapai ilia. Shake well in a bot- store in the community. tle and take In teaspoonful dose af- FOREST sTrTicFsUPPLIES1 ter each meal and iiB'aln at bedtime. Thousands of progress- Those who have tried It claim that WOOD TO THE ARMY POSTS, ive business men are do- It acts gently but thoroughly on the kidneys, relieving baekaehe and blud-de- r ing it in all parts of the trouble and urinary dlfllcull,ie al- loll Wlngale mill Other Minions (.et most Instantly. Many eiiwn of rheu- Their Supply Through the. Opcra-IIoii- h country. They are making re- of ilie llureail. matism are known to have been 1'oriNlry National Bank business a few tho State their lieved within pain and fairly leap days, WHshlnglon. I). Jan. IX. twi with each dose. C, Thai; to the front. lling diminishing L'ncle ISain believes in A n local ilrugsisl. who ic thoroughly niunagenient of timber-land- s Albuquerque in a to know, asserts that this You can do the same. position is shown the fact he Is prescription, wherever it becomea by that ruins the sale of the iractli lii forestry on lands other than; You should advertise in known, always in" for-- numerous medicine rlieumal ism those t'onlaineii the national j it patent ests in west. The Morning Journal, as cures, kidney cures, etc. It Is a the Uesldes co-o- ral with to the when recipe which the majority of patent ing private eoes people medicine unruifacturei m. ami even cer- owners of woodland hi assisting them their minds are fresh and tain Physicians dislike to en publish- to apply conservative management..; and with states in a of impressed, ed. Few eases, indeed, which will fall various study easily to fully yield to Its peeuliurly sooth- their forest conditions, the. United IIIW.W1 BUUIH'HHWWWI iyrWl.jyl.i..p,,t.J)Wi.lMf ing and healing Influence. Stales forest ncrvlco also iiKii''.'iiir.ia THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING' JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1903.

II in nil divifloim nf Hi" minim: mu Irndi' or In tin- iruNiei liy uf Ilin Che Albuquerque le. Al llli JV thV. 1 indin-ti- mid llilu wr vlimild iln mil ii'n, least, .l',illliltlull New Stock of LIFE INSURANCE i.Dl y It will tn' uf liili'iiKi in liul diiiiilllihi'd our eunitilei-rla- ur Second I OCCIDENTAL CO. wh.ll I" 'I'll.- rrsiihuiisflun-ist- s riddievi ! morning journal mil yttnl lint lilsu, mid a.tivlM (Solos Of New .Mexico mnl .Arizona. - - SYLMAR mull' lllipul Illlll In llf, 1)1' ml!' H "HI niakr nn .ITmi in thai 1'i'u- oi i) l.K(i.L;K. - Ilia-- d lit In- I'f ,1 ill' In tllllMl'lvi- Kir. hllilllnll H I, ml, tin- drveluillli Journal Publishing Co. Krry .MH. K. AI'iil'STMS lb Is nuw H HI I'I lll-- M'AMIAUII IMII 1( AMI THK SAI I I.I AH1IS II- - III- I ll 11 k in.e i Hint lor" llllt lU'l H". Brand M-;- I,,, i, of tin- mi llf ll') III a Tin: i or w an T irirlliiiy lilly seven varieties ul I'i'U i.isiii:i in nn vohk. ith j:i iinomy uf 4. 111 lllllli'l-.l- nr n urrHn0N... i iillllili ll. r In tin- lllin- of iln nut think thai Tn,eka ur any ;ii i' Af.l.l.ll nv ri:w AMI i. m.i.kii IIVMIXH. W. Ill UK K ....Killtor A I I .Ot! Bail'" , ii in Willi li law liaH IT'S Clll.l) hit siimi' mir VIM1 TRIKI) THK LAST, NOW THY TH!: WKST. AND KKISP THIS n urvivn 1 Ji ni iii--- will lliiil lliiii K'i'id illf,liiy Hie other ritin the day OLIVE OIL IIAVK A P. KBI.LT Buall.aa. (l.iesnT ui'ler a in Ize ..r Hu- ii rinatlun AT ilO.III-:- Item KMr - I Mutt- - rnrm-- d l"s il MOMIY of 111 m rl lit till- liti'l KVIii.kI- air lull ll). exhibit. t imii;i'eJs TIIK IICST tlllll'AM I OK At.KNTS. UITK I (IK I'AK I'M I I.AKH. aa !oii laaa mattar Hun will LiIkki-- dulili-iul- limn nf ,lliKII'-sil- (hail tlln"r In Wllii'll Mr4 M. at., anaar iriy at Alb'ttiiiarqua. " I i i . m. (MnMit l il III W lll' ll its law KI'K nl'T of a sK.iilim i.arli- ul iiomi; oi i:. Aim (ii i;i:oi i', a( of alari-- I. lift. HIIV i.llu lllrl li- tha )i.i hnl hern I'.tlM six ll el ll ruW'lieil '" '' Is I' r. I'll. .1. S. HAYNOI.DS, Vm. .1. H. O'UIKI.I.Y, Hinl irn. ManiiBfr. Ilial Kan-.l- - - a ui- rai' &ery milld br Invrtnl. II s HVAI- - l niuliry is an ilulltlad lnl'- wliiril causi.-- ' IH Hl.MIMMI tMI , II Iliini-vil- It In li.ii--ni- wmihl have KH'i r ll.inlly I" idrr juuhilillimi than Ihr sUale In Inld to a crave. . niins uatny Iaiimi i i Timri i mNriri . ui- - ioKrivi- im-- III follli llli' hern 111, ll' IliHII llrrllsr. nr OP THF HI PBT AM. H ll'' ajiitrr Viim i... Kill KK-- fl ii ni, ...i.,.. .'..... TIMfc, AN u THK MfcllMMIH P 1MB illld l.lllli- nf Sllrll il II tluii. m any i. ilin of KIIBM TUHI sun ur ul in-- Is com iirlli-i- in spend OLIVES III KAN I'AHl liniisi-- iii mi At il ix hu wniMi', and STUFFED MK.IU. " lillill Tin' fin is ri Ira! iiinil or Ins II suylm; Hir president ..iliulili- Hull llli' lll.iitrr of i.illllIK tn inly lias had a luai Isn't ill. ill at Illlll. la .,, RIPE OLIVES tartar tkaa ant panar ii j ' to tin-i- w. iiilil Iii br ill illlniuinhiliK CI Inm and la Mailm K l.a Is WALL PAPER KfR Matlra. Ik, bIj panr at Willi. alter (he anr. In Willi lli'-l- Wllu Luvi-rly- md rr 4ar la h. nil Iii l'ii!hnan cmiipany nlln irlurniris nn-- PITTED OLIVES Tin-llll- NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED mi nw.-iki- ' Iii IlK'lr uwll "I rllliliol k l.rlMiliali.l of any lnl II'. sl'.iliiii! the lilanl.'-l- Hum the, . rlwa-tall- is- I'.iJ.i-ku- is in s n in "Tt Maralai Jonraal aaa a aigliar 11 Jiulllt In In' IIIK'il illlll olhri- rill exi ril lnl llial dun f'aso. AT THE ralln. lhaa l arrorif1 la alhr ar i'..-l- l III (III' T chilli Kllllld knuw by la Albaqurrqaa ir an nlhar dallr la Itltrt llinlt' my hmiir. and limn. Till-- IK n lid )( ) has hi. Hi ii in lis lu-- . DUFFY'S SWEET rapt,M.ura." Tha Aaa.rlraa Nawaaapar Hn-il- ili-ii- l lliiill.ii au.iiinil in iniikiliK exi'.-- lelii ' Hint Hie iniil work aicalii. 'I'll.- unman who! PER GAL. Co t rum t t h lit-'i- Ii CIDER, 40c Lumber'.riH fur lln- Thin work (liiekel.i nf mir i "in !m wnr always lumped hi' story ofj Albuquerque I a X.ii Yolk hotel died as a irsull dimild In- i iiiniiimiri-i- ul mu r. by dy- full iirlnr In tin- riilun rlln-ll- nf Hir of, Ave. New Mexico TP.KMS OF HI BHI'KIPTIOX. l hi- un w Isr art. First St. and Marquette Albuquerque, Paiir. mall "na rear. In idvaaoa. It ing irsldi- r t III" 111 mi by lirulilhiliun law. and Hie uuunly altm-IUI'- lr ana Iially, by rarrlar, tn'tntn. Ihi-l-i- In- ki-i- l t II l.l 'IT i: is no n . ruhiliiliuli linn. ulil iil'lirr was run nulls i;i: rhunrr lor d", rut Iially. by aiall. una limnm. ... sill UK. Work it 'lull UR 111 iln ul tin- lirKt mi bund tn limke ll IniMV i iii UK fur criminal ii rrsprrl . has u . any itinu-- Tb" slicrllf insliilled Ai K . . . M W MKKICO ( tin- ilniiKi-- ii w lien pkcii icund lluw. ithrrw ivf The liisi let in uf iourt 111 K1 A. J. urgi iiiiml pile iilid tl bui'k saw the Maloy In- Ih Hint it will till il Inn I V IliTI' nvrl llrnlrrlrd was rullllly llllilllli llirir I'lisu nniiity jail. UNDERTAKER EMBALMER H It SI S. lifslib-f- n 214 Moid Ci'litriil Avi'iiiif. W I.XIIIIUT MIM Int.-- A mini will fiiv, "nil, lln- Iiml Mill i riuilniil Imlii inriilH. THI-- HAN has been on op- 1 Is ii lift Hill. pla.od I'lKINE nf limit Way laiK'r liuiiiliri "f Infuriiiiiliuiis. ex-- t -- ium a Coloiailo II will Ii" f iiliimsl Im tliiinlilr users, iilrnty nf lliiii'"--mi- tlii'ii Ill Ihr Miliums wnr ll mnl III" ha one. The (lone cbasef has never I lit- III 111 Nl'W In lIlilllllK In ii i i ulli'll br llilnks ,,f ll .main it will lliU'ir tlalll" Wil." Ihr ii xartly wbtil ilin- iiiiuht call the Mi'klni. In i .'! line limn (i'llil 1" dull- of ti xliiliitiuii eylliislll'i. ul the public eye. B. H. BRIGGS & CO. si, iir.ii' ilin nutnlirr iif ri'lniliial iuhi'h KimluiiMy i iihI, In on liilillloii HI Hie time h.iw In- will nidi' In miikr ii ul r. inl't , m Hinl mil br drcrniMi'il lllllll Hir last Illlll Till-'- Sl T A LISTS want " tin-wr- lliiywood DRUGGISTS Urn iiicellnK, uf iirlnniluii lli sl i Hun. Tin- Hini' In br- I 111 Will Hill II In run Hie It' Thoin.-i- hiss Willie Will Illlll r till rr lor presidency. PrnprlHurft of Aiviirtirto VhnrmMj, (loltt - The i Done i i It's display of t pi millet Hi W, Lawiion mid William K. Avfrtij unit I Irnr ttlrMI. Way uin now. And believe Cea-Ir- sllmle Indictment. Hu- in hi Illfihliiml Corner f pf II In will lormallv enler nlloKel her rhurmnty, Et die h H w Hi Irrritniy lirre In- and Ill (il Mit cnunll' tin- i m a lll'rsi m Hromlwuy. In ll raitipaiKU phi Our lumber is manufactured at our lintke Thus" who Hi" Inlrri slrd Tin- (Iriilillii iiiiIIihi lis hull' mizril n eiii'm red Iif pi nliilillimi law lias one. own mills, from the pick of the bvM lln- - iiilm-ri.- deu'lupini-ii- l ill New Mex- ii lurid- nf ll'iiiui' uiidrr Ihr iiiiinllly Iililliil tu Hull ill Sha w nee I niiuli ." body of timber in t lie southwest, ac- A IVOUIen's ico iifwi' liiiil nil uiiurtiiiilty wurtli limt u iihllillluli law, mnl nuw I hey Ni:W AMI Cllllllol lable Follow The Crowd cording to the report of the govern- - Hu- In-- , uf an y rhai- tvanl. said in be cosiesl In Hie Ii.iII mm nun !i us this uni' will iiml in in li rum In kniuv w lull In Tlie ment's experts. A lure sock of dry iirr in l.eav-enwnrt- h burse-lliaiisll- wiirhl has been lined up the on hand. llii'V Midi II. lalll fur inahilill In lake the spruce dimension In nil ii'UHiiii.iblc n iilmliililj "HI In II. i uii'I la Tin- f Tliry irisoiteis tA-- not best wh It as test will excite lllleiesled penitent r. mm ni Why buy the lirn-- i linn- fiiiiillUT mull during law luibldx, iiml If I In'' ilrli'iy ilo ilriiwn worli for sale and belim pa the other kinds. I'eliK-uu.- s cheap 11 Iii nf III it Is mini li" I" It siei lllallull iis Ih" elation plliellell said tlii' lirrllnii' i'f miy limy can't Ihrlf Ins. Why U "P hi- III to dei-elo- Inlo a H ill lad. a mi pi tip a few iminv bargains - lliui In iirnwesM promises ii Voter today. Uoll'l llM-- Imlii II llli Ihi' nexl ciilll- liisiriii iihynlral in lust tin- thlni, yai imA', Jl r.D Men's Cnnlnrov I'antu, imw ti'M- in . .. rl I the New York Rio Lumber Co In . anil iiiiivch Grande Tin- i n t rxlnlililuii" lln' ll, IK 11 ..l.i.. '..f I'..,... 1,1,1,.' the of whrtber I'm .'ill'..' Jllld ti Ua "ul Mills, nize ei j '""'' ' Till: linN'' ilnmy jiaPi' Iii liuiuiri In Is or weiik-es- t 4 to S 8. 3d and I Ml llllilllli- W'lU'il I'V -- - Kin-thi- Viirlil llllx Sinn's navy tile Htnuiuesl Phone Corner Marquette. li stiile HI'' In ii lali' Hinl "ill v.' woulil Hns.i' Kri'-'- I'uniK I'le a in he In have stir- mi a an ii a lanaam Tll II hf-i- of the nervier lulls! bunch seems n-.- M- I lliiiii' .iinl-- i of lint N In Iiih b llih'alllfiKi' "Ml ( the nllier Illlll ll 0 iiiaiiy ii("iili'. Itilil.i-i- I'mh'JWeal' - ' libit- I" Hie red up mule ur less I'crlniiiniiiustiess. lh'av in m br in clilllh In' idiieiiili.-re- llii'l lln' multitudes sky pilot' It Ulli'll to hll'. e been Sll'iillli t'llulllHl Ladies' Heavy Itlhlieil fmlei Msir Mr i 'h il ie ii h liill."-i- tiih t ar lih- ami '.'(Ir - u sole- iii '.'" In (null shown ill'i- m'l '''I allium! nin tup iiiake ihe ,liim rake together all tind ::ih' niavs ih.wi MU- A ttti'ii- .veil for illll'.il ly liy i'Ui unit HiuiimIi they look III! AN IHS H!ll Til S.VV, soillr expt'llllitllt'es. I'l.thui Hlaiiki'ts liinlly Ail era i r grnuliir priiMpnity ivmibl See our fiirtiljti' tu' liiJiiilit.'iis iif ullier In' Willi at Ill" Kll'lll thing in xi'i'll. I'm' 1'llhn. Worlc MAYS a liargaliifi. III Ihr rlirtl'lll Irl.Hlir nf the ('i)lll- - seelll Iii be bCKllllllllK "XINK iiltrr ta.'k uli'iiil ilii-ii- i .Mrs. niiuli liiii'iisl, mill rar-- I lioin hrr lirst husband. Mi. ii I'rw of Imiiriivellielll air hrlll lluil iiiiiiiii- Ilryun public I'rarl l.awson .Met i ra w. of (Irunlte fin .1 llltli' while ban been Cash Union tin- nlltiiillmi, mid led nil. Irallli- Al 11 il llerilliu- Hie bl'llle of - unl Hallway 'l'exa.1, Buyers' GO If uiij-- iliHiiuliil ii TO h. iiml - my - ll y " Ti Inlihiil 1M NOI1TII NliKIMI STKi;lCT. li'' thi-- nic iio ihiln Hint wi- think it full' lamely expiiii'letl iiiid in "ii '"n- I'iiuI of l,u .Inula. Mill" 111 (III- i kltlllll'll' llli- I V' kllllHIl Nil III V Advertiser. In llsHllllir Illlll lll'l I'lll'llllri III tin' Ilivell anil In iv. Inn in IhU i! 111 Xol ill AtllUilli'l lUr's rhiss at all. the ma mini ra! ni In; nf any full, !' - nnili'i-Klaiulli- sell'-lnle- t "II - will luivi- mi In he .sulimclRflli e "f III a s e the best stu- lll ili'.iw In cast UIITiriilly Mown hrrr the nay illvnlrre, ilecl'rr public of pi UllllTCIll, Tl IIH'ill'll Its Hunts li ml l In- ni'iM t in i'l tieil as n f rllbi-i- Hu-- mi uf It" pulllii-ii- b'udel'i. wlnil or wlml the pari hnnd. dashes Irnin Hi" ilislrlct Sn Klifchi a Hllrli fi mien .MIiiUHii i iin- I IimumiiihN uf rule, ninny Wn fulluWK: sh'iill'l be nn auspicious Hie hull to the probate hei'nme il r m lie ii s In i ' rllH'.n At lo Ihry inra ll. lis seitinil debnl - Iiiim ii!! Hi'i'llnim uf lln' iiiiiniiy. iuiy clerk to K''t 'be new license. I'llllllli'in! t he sh'in as a n e. hh'MI ie III I'll Ih ' Jin-"l- m t m emle ve- - "II nil Inmilt (u Ihr one. in ii Mire. Ul, tlie mill lln-- lll nil hnvt fm ilu-l- hist I'll. ml ami : roi'mi'l'. ulmsr supP'Tler. uf tin' I'liity tn mi Hint any tnnii ur Idelll to Hie "ul'' ('(H'llSI-- Iherr me newspaper Ki.i.s.'H'll. hy him Hi llis i In t ii n ill "In- tn II should be bill Ion el l'reii(teiit lllrf iiii'IIvi- k - In- t nl' ill ruti'ih- nu ll I'm in eol Iiml newspaper l lil'll lilihl fol liif afhll hoi the s sleiil nf rinilil I.mils it ii t in iii who bus fell iii his espmillelils n fill tlli'lllKI'ltl'N lllH llMlllllK St. Siitiit- - of thrtii. for instance, New V'.rk t'ily, sanl in snhsl; e, tlmitik' I'OIIMiillM tilt' uf hutlmii-los- s poinlritts, hi.-l- 'l he nrliiT Ihmi.I him illrlatr riilllsc mind J ii In Hir In bin h'.lui' il.'lier, Ull'l llillll I llllllKK HIK ln'lil mit liy pirni'sr injurs in AUiniurrtiie and nn' tlial It is lie linpi' nl' ma- I'ivil life, ami The I Future Railroad Center din inn ly In ilri. Mnuelllill Hull the I'llbl-ne- t .sensational. roinmu'ers iiml Mil limit it We nuiv ex peel I.i hi an tl vili, ii Ih in ilii'in h ni-- Mini Striilts of very m ir final of ami fur their "i.'i-iii- inly drnnii'i iil nMl Hiunr-lliln- It U"i"l delll worse, l.lthi'ts ni'u lleeelll ttop fiimitials pay - hi Tokln Is ii slnillow pre- In a iy, I'm tin- frutlliilili- crisis tuiltnit uml utailualioii erime at rnfl In uf IIIIM, w lli'li - and cutillne thelliselves to fuels. Th" ma ii v inn a u en t o ihe rum m 'in w ea llli of New Mexico tin' I'Xprl irtlrcii III ll'UII husilll- tense llilel-- allelltlilll I' III- nl uf 'l ln y nil kim. HoniliiK man Is evidently of the latter HH Wolibl he e'tlli'.lli'Ul I" tin' Ki'i'rliil Inn TcstM hail Ibi'lr way. i UMi'i u Iim'mh hi h a of - l nieetlnn'ti and Inlerrsis. Why - lAlluanac. ml utiH proper isImm fiuiii tin- i' "I tin1 H'Ulil. Urn rinss." That Ileal' be riltlri'l-11- manual littinitiK fan aii city alTuril h Sin far IIM it 11111' How iihotii the luiKlit Sanla I'e cm " fill IIIIH'K it III, lliii liy lliu-- r wlm he ineiilluii wlltimit Minh a ib'iiatl meiit HtH Iiiim ml ul Kl Huso old Iv A h i 1,1 "I Uiinw, Inn, thai nt ri 'spo r ti the Herald, Located on the Bclcn Cut-of- f of the and Santa III mi lln' f foul'." mill IH''V Atchison, Topoka Fe 'Bit w A mi' hen the lire spun? Clll-i'il- . - ll The new of Belcn is thirty-on- e miles Iji'IIi'Vi- Iiml In lilllllllK. in- i'l! ii I" Slo.llll. Tinillilr Railway. Cily south of Albuquer- Hi - Editors llrllllltllllllK I'I'llrf lllllll tlllKl What the If 3'uii ' iiith mir I lii'"Ki'iniiiil miy N. M. ; is at the junction of tlie main line of the Santa Fe nil iiIIht Hikh I'f liiilusiiy, titlii- - que, system Hull ihr i iiiiillil.ili' mid tin- plntl'm in Relation of Manual NloiniK'li' Cliiiinl " III Ni-- Mi'X- - II Ik mill in'vi'M!ilr ih Iti'k Stnilliirll anil l.lM'r 'I'liblrls. leading East and West from Galveston and Chicago to San Francisco lllllsl br li'liri'nl'lll.ltlvi' nf (ill' lllll'l-1-st- of the Southwest kn inn' '!' ill" li'iltllliK iiliJrrlH nf J. P. Klolr uT ililiiiii, Mu., says: "I and Los Angeles, from the Northern states to El Paso, Texas, and the Hill IHIIHH'' to Character ! (In-Il- if bill'.' tisoil a urrat ililTot flit lln- l vKliil'llliill In Ii! Training niiitiy of Mexico. ir'i,i-,-- "M-- ititlu-i-nr- Arc Republic Ilryun bus nut smiitht tu Saving inrlllrilirs fur slullliirli lull mi- Unit llils i" mi. h 1 .iv-- Ihr huii-- lilili-- r Ihan In Hir and Good Citizenship finil ejiHiiiliiMiain's Siuntiu uiul i : ,i-.i- ly i K In lln- Huh')'- linn ii i.i than ii y "fi-a.itli- ,lliijit rr Talilrts ninrr Hint the lllliiil'lilllt duty Ii- in iilri-uil- AilK'inn H" Hi' uthrr ml y tisril," Fur 'ii " Ii.'l 'li H shall nut I"- Iii InillvlillliiN pel nt li hu inn Hinl in hi phi Tin- i'IH."iiMiip all W lln- MUillt-t- l hiiJul. lin. by ilruBiiists, lln- (irndui-I- ul mil Hi Id". "Ni Kmdi'iin. 1. ml, nn. H iinii .ni'll In Hi' Innin 'tl nun. uiul with iiuwi-- In tn Ihi- dct llli'lll I. ".'ii n'r.Mini. Mi..,' iiml hof-.t- lit- tl.iys l.ii-t'i- ml, II imii nil h;i i iIm. mid .ilfu uf mi' r HoiliH.'f. nn. It lire. Hue a w.'ll Oi l! Ml la'll W IS I.I'M "A i. nl' i.i a ml tin- , 'ililli' and In hi. lh,H Ihr I'lltiiltml cI.imh. us a rli-- K ill I ii IH nliiiinl.ini Mt'iin .litkf, aim i"' is nn: sin,.-- rone hand Mil'-- IN KUli-'l- III, Hie Up nl tlMSi' Him it The lllr ,i l , lilt, IK" uf lllr rlrlurllls I'lulll Wiiuiihrt n i.i' .ink1 t.n ih. MA s I In- " Mlllnml ii Irmlc proh'SHh-- ur stiii;i:i'. win vol via: iiml i'vi i v M'lilmi ..r i. iiiiuiv (Hlalun- If rinH'iiiv Mhuiilil U" di .11 III' ihi; w 'I till- A I. ., nn- - ni ll loll III. Mill lllllll hill mil 0 Iii Itl ln l, hi' pill it li'illhi-- ultiiilUl, mini' into thi-- l.nlll-lli'- niil In, h Itoll III i:i:ai, ni'a:v Mi ., I4 un. rlullll In ilirll"l (.llill uiul ll hi toil The AlllllKlllv I'CnnK .! I I T ii iit in. Mtlli (Hnl. SlKcr Itrll ASIHON Al l: AMI (.I a :r tills liiiintriit llllilllli" f llilu niiik.i Mii-- pt'i'viHimiN Im ilm ,m. ran' ; Belen Town Hill I" "'' '' t t .mii-- in .Ml!;iKi'! '"'1 "" n liti h niiuli r "I Intr ir hi ui'ii i'..tnhjt'l sii ii:ai Th" s.llnr Inllllrlu rs hritni;h1 Un- timli-ii- Inn- -. Mill vl'- Willi "II nlli'-l- Nirli"!'!! in tin- "I I'i.h-i- 'thus I Iv i nn ,ii.rn Un ll t tin- lln 111 l.l H 11 ul .lll'lf-- i I .'in ii I.IM mv hi.M I'.iin- in ll 'Un 11 Woman Mind (I. w in '(nn M Itiulally ll .lnl"'-w- l!l 1" clniw .1 iii.' lnl. liiniUKll "iiii hiittii in iln- urUnli"!'". moii! In! t . pi. I I'ln- il It U lli'lll-lll- Ik Imhhii il tMII l"-- u List (iI'h iiiki. ul. ml.. .Ian. Is. Imily and lllr 'il lil'ltlK lllr k hkr tin,' h thai lli ami uunKilk-- Inunis al.' Improvement - Hl'HMLlli- id' it Ul ill ' ll'-- x Hill It IH til. il IiIm f .Mrs. IMlkt-- Mas fminil tn- llinll lli'X! '!' lllliilil'-- h hi). pnxslhll' ihr; nhanl h.'i itm Sainiirl Jlll' liii 1 lillin lill ll in hv "f .iiiihhli xhT-il- In- mu- - Hill l In In si rhimii'd iiilvnrilti'H ilay un ii.uvli nf uf Iirr triir- mllilliK In- siili.-ll- "U 111 "T in it li it man wmild wnli ll ul iim nils - 1. it - They .'(iin Ill,- li l bmis"- In rr. a uf ul: mil- mi ill II..' Itr,,l hini, j iiml Ihi brain ami hrm'c tn ci tin. mid gi.nitli-- uiaii lu-- In-- Company 'in hiniM If it nn ivrl-- Jiulu,. krr ni;, tin - rnl' ul' '.I ll I'll II Ul Ml Ulh'tllM lln Iniily inc mmt' h'i'tlx' ilr I'hipcl hi Nitrh tun' rii's jiml frrt m ilnliii-1,- - i i" W'f iilw.isn li ii an- so tl'-l- il. (liiinriitirnl.'il) I,U II his could In- cnlrr-llll- t .l.'iil hi lihiuliiiK miuw pi'ixonn; uml that chililrvii lr;thmil IVrlr Willi nf t'lnlll Illlll rlri thm I. In ImMi'W a nrll a in o.l n t.. lift In lull lln! lu-- It In Ii , u! iHtt'in hy hu; ii ,i i. Ill l,i mi. mnl Inn l' l.iikfd I - IH iiii ri siilr i;is a; 1. 1,111 hi dol'rat was ivrl- 111. .Hi h.'lt, IIH sIllMl. I'l'.lll.r all-- l"H II I'Mll .n'h ilip..sll Sin- slint Ii r. il: II .i mii Ii. ii"l uuim Ivi'". Unit ,t imii nf .,. jmI. ii i mlk rr ni ll i' hi .tut' il hat h ihil.l thiiM tiHim-i- uill rrvuhri. ba,l linn mily niii"iii; W II U III III" l lll'l Irllilrl' llli f icinh trit tin-i- nn nival tl HT It' iMly mniiil iHi'iliUfw s.j well tlt'Vflop.'il us to thr lir.'irt. .Mrs lMilii-- was iv.iii-.-.- Ihi! In IvIIitn In fili'iidn iilni'iiil. lj Hin h tn. Kt .nv ii lii'ii II hv lt t ami put-- mir ur mil Isiiblc. 'I'll m Hir ilay Imir pn (hi! ll'M)Uh tip iiotis Irnin last iiissiilr tilllr ll inn n Siiiiiiirl litilirs siiiiiinrr. Thr; .iiul .ili uf mil il li' piiti'. in Mi,' j.,11 luliiK l'lim'lilx nihltli'il mail h hut Hlluht t'MTpl Ciimili inw,si.i,ii" lnl Intcri'itts" un' inakliiK iivri'- - iiiit( Ut tin. iiilf iiui Ih nxptM'tirij; hm intirli iiilirr lirlirvr sllr Mils lliuriirrrtl. sii., M 11 mnl in imlii .il- -, nil .i- MiM. ii lin- -i n till' HNtflH tint Illlll lU'l C tl 111 Arc tlir owners of the Gclun Townsitc, consisting of 1000 business and tlll'cs In .lllilur tilliv, .llltlKl' llat'limll. llMin'il Im umloiilihillv not t v,-- 'I'lii'i i tn at loant rltli-ll- tt it inln-in- il 1m Journal Want Ads Get in knmwi A lln irutli In It Ilia) I'liilmt'il f'T manual Rnsults!; residence lots, sic 25x142 feet, and ninety-fo- miir lr Srnii 'ul I hi'i su II Srllatill Pitllll'l Illlll I'lltrililMU lllllll IllMiIlt tl ill Ihe Mllii'll fronting upon eighty miiniiiK mi tin- wln-lr- it ml thai Ih ll iimn- Milium III Hint tilv l"t ii liii.i'l to h.'ilM'll in the mnl llirii'fmi' h l.i i oi i h t imittoii T streets and avenues, right business center of the new and iminii. III. Tbrli-- the elderly .111(1 MiH lln! H i' i.i In in- H'li i. Ui'l uiir nun' ami cily L'f tin- liiiiln III, in in iii.ilili- t u in,i,lmii uf Iho lit lii: liiilin. iN win in.t sriitllin; .hiit li" thi' m.iv nmtliM '1 the Santa Fe i rr n Imlii a huslmiiil ''A ny-i- l I'm directly upon Railway depot grounds. The Atchison, ImiI u il ' mnl i uli Its pmviT uiul tint winu - I" i.'.it'li ti In wlm ImI li.- ul lln- fuiu i'f 'In ' .a pa. hi think, i .HH'tiitii'i-- invent. h. e, nuil, lu.,1' I. il but semi li nn k ' HiV lit1 )d hMi'ltKi'1 11, i.i, n Is ,.1,. trilitMD: J and banla re Kailway Company is now grading its extensive uuir t iM hah- ami he u hi lopeka . in- ,.11 oT Ih "1 l.l i' ti'H ,ni ti'.l tuny inyhT.v ulilliiliun will mini. Willi mi i ii il,i a e efi atttl (.. t..'li.-vi- iii.-- i. hum' I'Xlrlil: hul ilii tlio poi J grounds and limits 800 feet wide and a mile long ,'!, K.ium l depot yard (capacity II n.'i u n i out an it dan nut with hi- yli' In tin- lll.llH'l uf ll Kil K "IW A I'lin ilU'i in ti ilriliullii I'ti.Hit 'I'Imii'h ri lra(i ui hl ilii niiuli thti live s.mweM that of seventy miles of side track) to accommodate its immense II passenger llllllt-l.t- l M'lll 11 1! l ' III ,s il llliil I I, 'lulls tuUr, sailing No Joli Lot. hum It .( lU'ci't lo tilt Ulih el si". .IT II 11 Ii.ih In iln with !! umin- and irciKiit trainc, t larvry ealing tiouse, roundhouse, coal chutes. in-i- - iii.iu-iii- . ' i ' ' .il! Tin- V,.,v i nn.ui i. mi luii- n in. ,i ul ,iil. il li "f M.'.n Iminl, iifu.-- ir iii hle.-h-i- iimn, (.injiiis t machine n- - l'l in li.'.iiiim uilll ii inn- llNetill water tanks, shops, etc. nllii'i-- . lii- ll ,1 Ii ii'ti hkiltfnl iiihi l.iivutil oiili na ttiliK hmll'l Miv. .ill, HlU tu lllt li All ut u llli the In' li' ti lM I'V tin- ll Ml Ml III U .Ml ll spiii, shuns Millie Ihe Lii li is in hm I'm mat t pei'm.l- h .i ur.'U i TlH'iiUn .. tn,,,- mil ,iti,l mi '' l.i 11"! "li' !"' ettei t uf mi KmiMM niniM ami hihicHie inilit'teH had hlllummis ,,i,ris lilix h'l" Ih.' i nf ill- yrl ..ll(lr.lii.t u Ml .'lllll'l hi irnin t 11 h tifoi ma Inn III Oil 1. H t (,iii'i- ii - il., mu- tin- ,' I'll s lnlllis '"II it llf I'll!" 'IIH I' ii1 ami .Kill ha il r rein a hi fiin-- er nn- Uiiii'i iv Ml ii.kni un hi iln' tlte.Hr PRICE hi-- ll 11 !' ii'i'rSM'" ami e.l l'p"H here THE nil III id i "i-l- ' i mm- In ,'t'i' 'I itllll' Illlll- 'I'll.' nl I'M' tin .tw- pupf.. CITY OF BELEN i pli.hlllf niiKhl In.M' " n it ml may I"' mpi i'sNeit uso in' yii'i.uvM ine ill In h mi Mi'" ' " ' iiiiiiiiil lln' II II III III. Hi ,i .iliuUt, "lUl III'' riuM.iiis ti Iit un iiimlciN "I im.'iiilvu nenhirt ami kK It nl AGAINST null. m ..I iIIhiiomIiik "I lluiil ill ii lump.-- - llotil !, h an mil Imi h i! numher a ul Hi It lull .il"". ii'.nli T.i me w m I'llurliU Ill'lMlhll. MU id' pullilii.' llilu iiur n,c N ami ii..hh ..uhl ami lias a population of 1500, and several Mercantile ml in- v he life large Houses, ihe I' II I .1 l' it !" Ih Jim , perfiU'iimil thiiuiith illlll l'lil,l! :( Ill, It'Ji.Uil IllKil f'Hsi' ninlr ,'I lln niiiitirriiif Itlfl. - 1 rlh e tnmpi.-nrn- lio liU.' hi- ut'h Belen Patent Roller Mills with its 50 barrels a I .. day capacity, winery, llli- mill' .lulu ,,! "lit t t'l ii Inli-- I I t .1 in m ll it'll i iii el ,t h Ih.- merlhiK nf the mi pi nm un iMuttmiM i..;: i' r mihiH HI "iin.l aUiUK ' . a hi SMlihi l hi si t i' k t in t hi "iinh sen-a- lln1 im lsinii- nf QUALITY etc. is the for pi It largest shipping point Flour, Wool, Wheat, 111' ll i di k il l lui n "Ii il'ii i! ' Wine, ir. illld In "i"' '' i"'ti 'i Hi h ih i'i inn r i an ' Imn u ppl l t.. In he ll led III" I., tu. h, .. " hi", ui i ahnii inm a ml i" Hi.- har. uml tu law in e er l.,., the m..Hi Beans, and Fruit in New Mexico. From its location . '. n t W t Ihf In thai in 0600000000X5C)00000000000 Hay upon the fi! lit III". I' Ul''. .ll' IH' "I ll' h.l lln Mlhtl rl llll 11 t Hu. 1,'iiiiiin ami .l tli.-- e ale pe.iple n he I'HM'N III in iit e h ,. n i;""(. par- trunk line i ilii--i- a v t Ih Iv ihii v it great leading north, south, east and west, to all in the I I" ).. I" ll" II I" "1 liuiit sili lint wllh ih In Hir in, hum thai lliima haul Nte "I the Illlll ttl life at is Sm h points wax ii Mixi hi.' tiinitti'.: mu - umnaii oppm pile. its as (.:.,-,- M"'- - l t i' tli'id.1- us i. In t M I United states and Mexico luiure growth a commercial can lln- I'm!' 'I I'l nn Ihuk .tl" Hir liu nj iii It ik sal.1 Itn'tt el nl ath i a Ihuileil. an. rml a with Pi ice is a ion of point .me t.i tlir of tile ruin np.-t- our .'lllze-'- in I.e.. lilttl ciitei fast - .t lui- lln- diiM' 1'ihi, niht whhr w l"'t i'iuiuiiath' not be estimated. All limited, mail, express and trains i, mm .iMiii't'i. u..iit....". in nii inn Ii ha In In lu- freight ami vlrinr A .h-- .I Ni h. .Is tt'iiKeii II mu ll n I.V Ihe shoo bo will Belen lilil II, I' llli Ill ' h 111,. n hink tli- tniiiht tu rntu iifM Me. hut hi fill Up I" Hii'lrl iiiialily, may pass through to Chicago, Kansas City, Galveston and the a pin irel hm lh-- tlui hhile In lit 111 ll 11 II MMih- fllh-- t.iK' It '11 Mult the Coast. The water is and the III .1 ll "I' ll iM'Ul "f III ,i rf.M.d ill u.i. tue nf llx to Ifihl tn l'"' ''' i"" ill"l cheap in tiiiality ami liiyii Pacific good climate unsurpassed. c i itrll he iM..leeli"M or Hj; ilt'hMlsvh'SS rl t,eiif M In n nm t H tilt ti'l t!l' a.iiHriiu. Belcn school I'll' t. IL 'M- i'f ' ". pliMMin- thrill he rhiUlrwi oi' imii- eltleH aru hii !i ami has a $16,000 public house, two churches, a Commercial le i al' until t nnpati a.l ft in ice -- -' or it he .niiidi-l- i, - m Ii nhniihl hi ui'ii- th'l'niititt pi may W in Ih i I, i.- .Hi"); ii" i'l .. ,'...-- 'i " ' ti, km ih a. In tin in in lliiii a liapt-- puhlivheil h Club, three hotels, restaurants, etc. i The Mml.u ,,f T'i ' 'ini'iiiii :hnt in the ofin-(- of r i. ir.tK.'n nirthu'lJi !,? haw in ii m K t medium and Ml r. t bfthW ftrill thr t - nil lit to IV a Klil. ' "11 '"' .i.i lie H','i ri.h ii" H a i.'eneial 'li a ion upi-n- thr pi price jhhr 'miiiv -- r Tlie Hotel rielrn. with Itriptnvcment.i, has Just been ii w rt Iv t IK Ifil hil.l M'nilninn tut here ' it ! em pei Hill lib- I.' ' '. Mi aid tin Irnin hh'ti;". H li .4 111 e in un'l (Hill Drill lldlt "i ti,ul i li ll .'Ml m hi H'll""l s j St I'll! Our completed opened. 'I man "nlin in hln-i- In aiihwei ijue very high finality. - fi "in that m i. hi tn 'Ml i In- il iii iln K '.'inhv nn lln et tn aim t.'ll Ihe I 'I' he 'nihlie 1. i.n. stales The lots offerer! are low In and Ilin terms are One-thir- d itrv us hy William null il.- t ' f The prices easy. rl,ii, itea'.i -! f! o'll In Kif Iv two-thir- ni It Mppre. laie n tf t ht vplemlt.1 shoes aie of the hi&h of money cash, nmy on .,- 'lii-- r Mi ii purrtiiise remain mite I, .ill "f III cf nil ibl! nm hi K.iti.- M'a-- i nil! N'. ' I'll i.i ii ii ni in e.i and r ,.tu nriiiliii frrt pt "uhl inphiv Niti h it man in ( if one S amt r.ul.'wnl up t, w a.tUrtl Imihllnn nT mundane for year, with interest nt per rent per annum. Title - hdd un uilli nil" ttl ' wl'li H liMiintlut lattuii ilepaiimeat in and medium in deeds tuil;- inltivnw h toll. limn th- th Till nn thiii (he in:tul Ims i '.ucci i'l'il quality perfect and warranty given. Coma early if yon wish to secure Hat i.'..ple slimihl lots. t .ne ui r!:va ii d Un Minn Un- tanUil lu lotv (i.'iu th.' I'lneh'! Tlnte the choioe For further particulars and juices of lots call in per- m.ii jitinnln i'i- it vit'ft iileat ice kind. Give us a ' irahi Ua .ni the Ihi rrn pi son or write to U ll V Ul ll'UII III air, llll h'K'!l"l, I'.Ul. ui ti .literati the pi.n h.t!.1" lo a.tuiil thum "f ifwelnhirtn hihI alue in .,r,h-- chance to what we i thiJ UN ' ll'lh' I sIhmiMi i" the taint ami il' pi tlu nilmt Vthli pioe Hine r uirtl n .hi,- ;ii I'.-- Im nl' ,,,),. tin j to he V lie !iat lia r 'I. til" pi H nh-.'- tiue, be l.atnr lhuildr UMl.ill' tMMsr.l by h' l.l m, in mint' ri hrlpi li say "" a- t ; I 'i :h hm HI K.HlN,i tir.l (h it iha i in of tlir nuiNt lrs and unlrk-l- y 'he i,, hi 1i.iii.Im H"'l t'l'nlll. rtirl The e l Belen Town ;hi-'- hel ii h mIi.'Iii'iI ni Illlll the in m .if and 111 - to a few ii pplirii tltms nf lit In $1.11." ,f thn Ulat ll 'S.nnilh In tfivtilfit ull IlhU ilW'- manhneKK h-- s.iii'h of (lie lit1 thllt iH he- j Mrn's I'al. full Slums, $;i..MI t'luituliri lain'M Halm. K. II. lln-- ' I'aiu Mis a f"' tho unkni'sn ami Mi-ti'- s d- tin Skin s 2.."(l l.i DO lii t Iji my ludmiu'nl M. .'all' Sim, SI. lujied. 'iii hac brn Mi i:hw nf HitixtuMii, New Ht uns-- he iha: Hump tin Mit? ami thniKj Kur Uif rcahonM ih. niuhM.i) In in ht w mi in it n y ;tl Un'. U k. wi Ui'k: "Hiivliiff b'fn troubled Mrn's Viri Kill Shnrs 'i,.MI !i S:i .Mi Improvement Co. M"".l u ml Inn .in in hf hu it tn c.imiurh i ..I Ion mailr fur sump time with a In my b'ft MWiikcni'ii. !i. Wnmrli's Pat. Ki,l (Ill tn SYlNI Ml the roiitihtf xhihHloii hlnni ;I do nd think has pain Thm. npinmn nlmllv Into the ' Shnrs $;l. I to t'haniher-iitl- flh'tl ami k t. a hmrtis In ti t r Ihtjen y rt'ttnt itht-i- . fllftHlf.-- dlftrMMU III Hit-- houldrr, (lHuVtl (fiv Vii-- kitl In 9tVI'l txceU uli hi ti K tlir t w tn. h ii a hiM i tn m e- - Wninrn's Sbn, J.0il BECKER. Pres WILLIAM M. mi only AoUllltfj Tain llaliu a trial, hh the n i.,l is pr'Ki aih JOHN BERGER. Secretary - c4ii.i4-t- iii th- miiil .11 !t ;n lie a nhi.'it it hie h W ntlli-n'- .SSI. Sit IHI tti activf umpm hnl tn " "f hhMini ii m ult I Vot'is ... tn K'w,b th:it got prompt ndh'f." ;it(ii!it( ami .1 m. ni rhlrf - aavwwawtw'a n,,,, Hit- a'.hil-tfi- i "ii il il i I ..Ml .A..-i..'r- jLomiehcU'-ivc'iHbff- , in uf all Ih n, ,;' it is t en's Sinn's ...... lo in. vi ili juf uluik'ii, jau- ruit by druggists'. thai jMMitiia l.irmih( '.o fin nm ijnu.:ti 5 aifarTiiiariarriilrl-iii- t iity uj making Uicp"( '"'' ,H a.ia mjf THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19. 1908.


DIKK lino .11. 'SI 11 'A K JUMHCA. . RAYXOl.DS Vnl S. I'l tl,,- tut Bunk of A llii,ni,'imc. uu.i .tl" llir tl..i,l llutlk i.f Kl I'll-- M. W. 'l.ol.'HNUY M Yi,,' I'lVHitlrlll .l.o:sy.O H MII.I.KV tl,,i-ii.- li ,M V I'l.OI VI.-,- III,- l SOLOMON I.VNA l:uV. IM't'Klilrnl ,.f Null,. lint DuiiU f Atljuuiii-- ijue, I'll .11111-- ; II w mil II. 1M, i.. i H. ' V J. I'.M.KN K ,,r Hi Null, null Hunk .1 S. Mini IV I'liANK M BEE UK lillAII M M'NAIIV. KltM Xi .., in iik Kl I'uu., T.' HiiMU o ,.r i.,i, .1. VVUOTU nmviu. su nunk,n. Uli. H. .... MvdKdl II MI'ltlMY l'i Sill I'll, Null,. mil It.iiit, SI . A. U. M'MM.LKN ll.i i.1l IS MM 't,.1,1 ItHiik of '.,ni A llim, him ,,,1,, I' N Mt. li'kM Kl.l. ,o,ht., N.llli.iu,! c.i ii lx ,. 01lll-:l.l.- UM.,ii J. H. t.liii II, lllHi .luu;ti;i-- MAKIv A limlKlis ill Tn.-..- K lliyt.l,iil .1. T. 1JA1I.EY ""ahmiin , Hunk ..r iilmihi I.I.hVH II ,'IIIIINiy i'.ihIU.-- Vulh-- ll.Mil, Ann.. tin C. 1'. llL'IlKAKT '' l: I'i'l.l.'M K. I', ,,i ,i..ii,t (,. u. ink- l.' AM., KI.I.K - i..- 'i ...ii.I. iii Hulll- "I AM.. l'r.'H.,.ll i Illl IOIIS li M.M, 1,1.111. Il,,ll.,-,i..i- Ail, ,11,1 M .1 EXM'ITIVE COMMUTI K rrXSIXllll.UI hm!, ll,,l,h r Itiil'.-i- Ilml ii.-i- lillix W I'tlK I'i i'iiIk.ii . ,,,,-- ' ,.l,,.ii li, M K : l',,-i- Klml .ll,ll,il.-lgii,- M. W. '''LOUilNuV A. B. M UII.L.KN vul.uMoN l.L'NA ull,,l,JI IJjnk C II. o'KIKI.I.Y. Iiikimh Allmtiiriti,. J. 11. U KlULLY JOSHUA UA W.M J MILLS. (n,.f .lii.l,,'-,-- Lmii V,Bim. I i A WONDERFUL RECORD IM

T 1 1 1 l- - 11 Tl I Tl r" IT 9 One uiion l nree rlundrea11 anaIT"i wo i nousana r lve nunarea dollars INSURANCE WRITTEN THE FIRST YEAR FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 3 1st, 1 90 7, OF THE OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. l OF NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA

(iisoss .sh;ts. l.l Mill.litis 1'lrst Morts'MM'i Louiih .v.. so I. Ill) Ifi !, mi lltilstiuiiliiiK' 1'i'lieles , $.,.11 i nn fuIllltiTllI Loiuis :iii.i';;!i.Nj l.ei-- Iteservu nil lieliisiinuiee , s:i1iw Cash in Hanks l.:s Hills 1'eeeivjble ami Aous llnlitiivt $ l.:,s:i.iMi $ I (HI, (Mill till l'urniture, Fixtures! mnl Suiiplies . . . Accrued Interest m .UurtguRes . i;!,:i7,vii Net Unreported Premiums I.SUJ.II I 'I'lital . J1 I'iK.titi . i i7,!ir, Total Siii'iilus lii I'iiIIv) liuldei . i i:;.:iT.'V.'iii

m ti:mi:t miiiiumi tiii-- : iiimm. biiiiti n it Tin: i iiik i ntsr vi:tit iimi hi n urn iiiai til orin.ii i i aiiixi. iiihi axii COMPARISON WITH OTHER LEADING COMPANIES: i iii lit i nor ai i nii ah i i..tK. lll'SINKSH H'Un'TUX nrsi x .;ss witrn 1 VKA I! i', i.MI'AX'V VKA II i OCCIDENTAL, First Year .. $1,302,500 WTIOWI, i n i: OF i:kmom 1115, Tiki M AX I.M.I. Vl Ml I I Al II IN ,1 Ml ('(I.VXKtTlflT Mi ll l, .. . i.,n.;;imi NF.W YOltK I I I K ll'JII ILtH XNKT(TT Ml TIAI; oit iiim:si i:it mi itai, oA.'i, ,'Jtltl i i oc m:v I.l7.'i.."i0ll I'ICXX Mi ll VI, j i:ji ahi.i; yokk. Mi l IA)1 ITAI51.K Ol' IOWA mi Hiiti I'HOKMV ll :iii, HTi I II I'I TIM ST nun I IDFI.ITY Ml'll AI, i,:t2..N. I'lHIVIDIAT AMI Di urn J'lt 1,1 I K ...... n;!.nim rui i, 'it, Mil,l I I I I : nun (ii:nM M i n i: STATK tl:t. IIOMI-- : I.II K OF YOKK I . Ml i ..'! SIAIK Ml'll AI., H!t IvSTI'.lt, Mss... imiii, .FV IliAVI I.KKS MWIIAITW . M ASS Y III SF.TTS MLTl Al ;;n;. :!!.-- rxiox riM iNvvn. o l.iM.N,iO i:nti,. max Mi l l Ali BF.NFI IT L'..ltl.lll'J ixirun maii:s iiii: of yokk Ml Tl Ali J.IFK OF MAV YO I. II 10.7 IH WASHIXUTOX 1.11 K I. (iii;l. mill 5

iiixt 1,1 at 4 p. in. Airs. Mc- cd to solo by Mis iihi ilr street mission assist, otferlory I'ltltiiH" MIUmoiK,-,- nil. SI. i'.iul . .1 IV I'm roi II li wiio w ill render "Tlie tinkle! Donald will shit' nd the publi.: l!laclil'. i'.. i'. iiii, .St. l.oiio, . I," s Wiiliny , L fVlONEY IN I, .1' H SilHIIII'-- cordially invited. I'athw.iy," by Hamilton Cuay. Subje, PLENTIFUL (',. ,H IK It, Ml , .... Where to of pastor's address, "I.lKht in Darl-l-i-- '!,! ,1,1,. Hll.l SmIII lll'l 11 'I'.t nut i nek . ,1,, KG first Trinity 1 is." Mrs. II. J. t Flit.ST MKTIIOIUST l.Plsrol'AI, Stone, omanlst. llrlll III Hint n ,11 r.nii I'nlteil 'ppppi Hev. .1. V. Itollliis, 1). It.. INistor. an, I Itln (Iriitiiie .. 1!l I'llllpil HtiiteiK V l i ( ,1,, l'll t'tHtPil Stiller Public worship II a. in., and 7::ill iiitisiiAV st i;. lll,, ' (ah COMPANY WILL n:( J I Sei- o , p. in. Sunday school at 9:4. Strang- ices Sundaj- morning at 'Clock. I.MiiiMi ill Nimln III,-- .lil Virlol ht ers wflcnnif. leamte meets Subject. "Life." Wednesday e euiim Ml,iot IVlillrtl Whii.titi ft Worship I'lpworth MiKH.iirl t'u.-lll,- WohPltllP Fol- ut 7:.'!0 Orant block, room J". at IJ::10, all yomiK people invited. M MM, ,11 KhIIKIIM 1111,1 I'.'N.O, .Vol ill Mitt to is the order lor the day: uji room, ,ame address, oien a Ihidi' (' lowing ' ' tiumii. '1 I House Banks Show Ne k i n X.' Mill iikst im:i;m(ytki;ia Sumla.v from to p. n . All Clearing V,,i RESUME .Moruiiiii' orliii. except :! (Cornel- Filth and Silver.) v,,i l, i nihil i,, ii n,l Vii,Tti ' i ',i liiuii-- ii in.! A 1, ,iiii , Hie welcome, n i L'll II iit;li A. t'ioiei-- I'ltslor. iliUiin Prelude. Increase of Over Twenty- -' r. ii ii Hi1. All ll;t '"lllliii'l Services at 11 a. in., and 7:30 p. Hymn "l!lorious Thiniis of Thee Ami I'll iKl'llt ll. 1' ,111,1 SI uli, Isl.iil.l I' : In nioin-in- n Spoken."-Apostles- sr. PAl I I IIII I! ii Million Dollars for the ,li F AIIF. Al.l, Id I mi in. The pastor's theme the l.iS Clll'ltt Eifiht a,, j.i (iOlM; 1 All it II ,1 IN Bis Plant will lie, ".liulgt! Not That Ye be Creed till (Coiner Sixth street ami Silver Ave SI ,ilii, it nil Sn ll 'l'n - i.r.l. IMXCK Till': FI.KS' IIAI.I, ItlNlM Staits Aain Monday Xot Matt .7.1. In the even- illoria Patrl. Itev. Mo'-c- IMi. I).. Pacini'. Week, SI IH SmIJI l ia .iwi'aiiv Judged." ll'-- II ,l ,l . . . III fovi;m iaina;. -. S,in,l.-i- school at U:3U a. Selll I, INF. NI 111! After Shut Down of Sevcial ing the text will lie, "Ye Must he Aforit Hesiiopsive ItemlhiKs- Third Sunday in. (le iiiKl I'ni lll,: ii. (.171' INTO WITH Anthem Thou Ail Stnml- - Ulan service and sermon at II a. n I'lllnll . I'S. Ml Ml- HV TUB FN I 1. 1. US' Atfuin." John 3.7. "() Jesus, Miil'lllng .bin rn, Hvn'IiiI l.fiinl AVIrl.) I'.ielll,- lltll Weeks -- 35 I.ll'e. " (Itv ,1 . for Repairs Mrs. H. J. Subject. "Jesus and Sofia! A MAX ll. AIIMISSION 75c. I.. Mill's At, the niorniiiK service Ins" Shi'paiil N,-- .Inn tl tl'v , J at tin V,,rlc Nliio-- Xew h'ssou. (lie rvetitilN 7::;o vill He- , ! it Collins will siim "Dry Those Tears." Testament pastor .if fi'uiu Hie I, .oil,.-- hr.oiK h. on ll,, pi O.-- l ,l ' Trains of Lous on Hand, KiN'e tile Klin- I 7i! second eel lire on "Tlie Ml h.v Teresa. Del Uiego. In the evenins: l'rayer. ry l,, tlie i Itv III III, Alts "M usle I'lllOIlt Xm III, III l',H:ltl,: . I: s I will Choir l(. use. Subject. Admission lii,li,-,io,- loiUiy lo- Hi,- lunik The Ladies' Aid Socletv will r he following musical selections 'sin, III ., ll . h I'I You are ii dially inviled. Wlll.'ll Nil nil i' uf JN. S.V SHU ill ill lll'l ,t,l he lllli-- a and tit the Mhiit rendered: Offertory. tlie ,iin,,iitii r nil l,l hy Hi' etv VmCU linrnliull turkey dinner supper After having down since In- a ave- "Savior When Hymn "How I'd in l'ouii,latioii." It, ami-li- lllHl II in. Thin hiiTenHv Kirs i M. church, corner Lead Hhortls before the tlrsl of for tin.irletti Xiyht lew .'on xlitit'e January Sermon tlie Pastoi "Our Attitude Is li,, III., UKlH .. h( ii Ifroril uiiO lot hiy. nue volves the Skies" Shelley hy Sores. HiilUlH l 'I'm ii mr and Third street, mi Krhlay. Jan. and alteiatlotis, Ihc tdu' kill 11 Is. ll t II ortdt wlihlli it few t'l ti flP.Ml h,iph repaitx plant .Miss .Mrs. Mr. McDon- Toward New 'lewstit' 'i'rutii." L'4, t to ::!!! li to s .'io A ii Klvvond, Miller. Fevi r sores ami old chronic sores million "f tl evi-- re- .'.;tti.'.'mit. from and from of he me r lea lainilier com pit ny - ll t n ilei ald and M r. lSullard. .Soprano Solo "Hear I's, ci Katli- sliniild not be healed but ,,,l,,-,- In winkle wi'i'lv tiliH I'ltV. Klllilll- ll'.J SI il ten nKiMiiiP.1 p. in. Price Joe. lit w ill feMiinie opcralioiiM tomorrow entirely, l ;t If m ii u'v I'ieFH ilo.iari'd thai, ' ..wi-i- ihrit he c pin'M ml lie; j Solo "A for Faith" er" .Millar, Slllllllll he in t A will on at. Prayer kept healthy condition. t o t 'l on uill! ihitlii-- h It. nmrniiitf. toll force no hi- liili'i ImiikB ivi'i' entirely hho (ill - It Mis. C. A. I''iank. This ci be doll" i r .v so. si:- sai-d- Haiti, in by applying Cham Ii V t 111' who UK t v ok. wh.Mi tor tie! r. Pit 'i once hi the box factory and and r.. VOI1 Mi.-- J.illian KHvoimI, with violin and HcueiMction. berlaiii's Sah'e. Tills salvo has mi su lirsl time Hiiit-- t H inii' II r j h of IT i llnm-i- uf Trwile. OMI SlItKI, IWITI'J TO dor factory and the plaiiinu mill "III PI t lie "111. II It t VH Mr. Oiblis Posthule. f ,r this It Is also SPIAP WjlH estji tslteil of (le ll (in. .Ill W it pl'l' oil lie VM.h AMI I:AMIM; IIIKIIC; t or.m accoiupanlmeiit. Organ perior purpose. I'll L'r I I Ki under full headway at once, tirlt which ttii'l htiiM ti it ill eM hnlie ieeliiie( niure thun tmlHV V Slil.l l O ST K K Mr. ' most i, sore Vlll TIM w and Schwentlrer. Kienln Seniiv. excellent, for chapped ban It n wei'-l- ;i e . Mn! n In rMiiHiiiplfiH-- llic prior him Lei line of llrf hy h'illlll. holih'j i;i:ii-;s- i ki ns. wvv.t the (line the plant here OlKan burns and diseases of the Mi'MlliDK Mlil'tiluK i.' tu .New Vorlt. At ehim- lie- wim efT til' ok uwH tjllartclte Selected Prelude. nipples, lllelr the Miiy njjihui J'i .M m t i I l lSPl i IA1J-- .hiit down all machinery has meets !l:45 a. Praise skin. For sale all drUKBists. Tin- - mh tfin.Mii foliuw 'f : t',,n t.H le Inwel, out worn llmvil sr l. The Suday scliooi at Service. by T SKA SOX. overhauled the $1.1 ii7 7. o o llt.'JNt; Put 'il tin. pru iHeuiK wcl'd lu lite KOK Till', HOl,llAY been repaired and and of . in., and the Voting People's society Lesson. l.0!JH.1.SK.,.m itiri'piiM! $..-)- ;;i7.' I. mi Mm' wlieilt to h.Mer h t whole Is In tumli-lini- i JtepeHltH, . upeneil ij, plant the pink of Aiv ICt kiU t' h'H.s K lll'J C. at 6:4!i p m. To all services Anthem "Send out Thy Unlit'... Xrw? KUV koI.I iiff Ki mill NOTH'K. for the lopy run ahead, While of tlie church the Is iounod There .seeins to he a difference of ( 'I Ulntl"ll. TU.Hlit In J 1,3-- I, Hi " " 'il 'a Mh.V colli opeili'il ln le li public cordially nun. til N.ihl olT t(.' ltd. llllllcl' t the plant, has been clo.scd the force in to' to liOJM, whfic e heieto elHtlll lie Invited. Prayer. opinion anions eilitors as whether tcndi iiii.i;.."i phi iii'ipiiff, ?'t II Flowed M(IV HUlH (ipeneil 'M'ffV, o el me n ml ut.vie of ToM K (it iidl. at N thi w Ih has been Mejtdll.v al work of new Hit (III hold de. lim-.- n. iilr4-,- ) Offertory. the appearunce an Impoitant Mi., at r,4'"'s and (hen (ll 'I'hil.l Nlieet, huvlllK and there are now some thirty-liv- e I M.MAI I I, All; i:i'J ION. Soprano Solo "Ashamed of J. hook Is an event deserving of any HIM ,1 ll'UXt.', Ihc price. eminent Mr botvieo inirc'i lueli. ni IIH'I llielllhel id' li Ik til hi. Hill oil trat) loads of Iokm nl tlie mills ready mass 7 n. in. Hitfh mass and Si'lint-ckc!- ' mention. ly the review uf n ood l'atrly KiiiiMtN I'My l.hc Ktmk We 111.' lay. January J.', IHtis, ohii lih a for use. sermon, 7:30. Kvonlng service and Mis. A. Kin novel iir a Kieat history1 m uialter id' It K minim f'My. Jan. IS.- i 'h M le -- lltM Ml phi k f Ihiicv and HFl ili- - at oeel ten. pi '.' I. in :t rk el kI pi'.'i' es iioflK ie id he led coiirereiice at 7:110. Aihlrt'HH tin- - Dawn t'eal public interest Tlte Chleawo it:.. chi lIl'IH eleuiilll tuitldlliu l.lteh el'e. hy b' list'i- Tlie (twe, lieef Mteel'S $;,.'.,;.'H ti ,'. filtl lo K ...t l l,'l iiinl - IIi'Cord-Heial- d i.Dlu.s, ffii, mi the corner "f 'upper ineinie Third ninl th Stm-si't- .' is one of the compara- '.'U ' k 'Hired I4ll. weMteni ttleeiK t alt la ', Hi. lie julifel. under (he name of t'lir Monte-- i MARRIAGE LICENSE I I Its T ll.M'll.sT ( III IH 11. Hymn, tively few newspapers that answers It II fetMlel-- ;i .ill'd ! I,'., SlCTI i a u a ill v ii in ih Mo' 'e in pa lis .1. A. SI Pastor. l'lncdtciion. this iiues-- ion In tin aflirative by print- l Peii I. in unullR'tii fiiH i' Hflfi fU'JJ .Ml liltltll Ulli he .le,.h ll lU He,' hi ..Id n.iH M'ttit-- heifer-.- !'!..- friend a- - tvelt in, all ithei Ht hu new BUSINESS TAKES BRACE 1 ia, ing reviews and news of tin lutet lle f: Preaelilns at lu. m., and 7::io p Wall stit-f- i i;fi, hutlH ;s. pin r'.: : aiifl aa iliarteiw. U liere i le III Ir. of be- fei i m. books dav in the week. It 10. (Mill It e t xI.ihIv t t school at 9:4i a. in. At every New Vol U. J II If I'lH' l, in lo off leewlptM Dial lo ov,.r coHl'tcmiw real men Mi Sunday l Mli Tl hulk of HIlIeK K.'f he.ivv : K . i Hie Mrs. sr. s ( lieves that its readers are Intelligent i .HUted (Mt ll HI iii ."IlltcMlflll l.iiJ.e Toil I'.: t. taniia is. i'let l I ii Coiiili". l'iin-r-- iiioininK service McDonald ii. l t ..niiiliil John i;pis in iu x iHiiilif-hci- l no-- ::a'( i;,; pii.kei-- aw m, pa-- and l.r "111 opi, men and who wish to HllhoilKh (he leliu ll " h not lilll.-l- - I siiiK. In (CiiiiM r ami K'Mii tli SL. women, keep, : I,", ffl i JU SI l iilliorliitu I'll. 'in l Hull the evenhiB the music Sflwr iivrtiijn III ii ef tlie close uf IIIH1 kel UCriilillim liK'Hr- eicll'H If lt-- . ' up with the world's events, as' f will be le, by the chorus choir. The l"U'(cli-'i- (Kk, Ph. I.. IEf'hn literary in l he mh- made ih;i liellt lilMt fllN. TlMH nitokel iioni mi v Mi.inlv l.aml'H IIiiiiiK ul' MiiIi'Iiiiiiii.v. pel ii i ..a hi well as with other news.; Wilf si MtiiinlriK foi to mi i'wi'm a nl i ''ii u tmv.-t- Is 7 a. Wur-- x important expcMilti"H the it , To ii nei and ll tin public cordially invited. The pas- Hiily ('umniuiilnti h( in, II e KM i .i fa li - .i w t Its lit r pI'lei-H- ('hf. HIomI HO tiN ohfiliHde to the i'i rl Hie I i .Slib-J- c era under the edM ,. ItlniMM of ,MI,I., 'in tor will N'.u-t- h MMiiion ut ;i. department, A ;, k- -i t P cd- U preach at the Seveuih p wilh II ni. Ji (I H M'll I U II lie ll ,t y tollfi of mei ;.nt ilni and It a of KdMin I. Shuman. is j )('' The of th ll, '('lie probate clerk's oflice did laiw f Is Wor- torship n t w u ,. wold, wlilh-o- iill.-i- uf sfi'irnill, "What MjiIi .'" en Hinel k hich heuvlty he tty Iimn i.'-- H it nil) I,, In NsuiDK licenses acknouledKed to be the most elHtMV l? marlraKe 7:'.U m. i er;illy pl'iceX hel were aticliiK. lP'iotliiK Mill llliei 111 w hh h M' ship with sermon ft t iiMmM III v V'trk, conducted In the west. Mr. Shu-- ! viin he of le xt 'll Ulh. Hp.o iiIh h"l--.- hi , lilali lllim live permit to wed beiii'; t. - a ably re;jline ireiil their yeetini of sermon, What Alan t .1- I. e y.u-k- .hoi is '1'iic llltl ket !l i s Hve iUM'.i of tie- -' uh ncoiH ;iki"I and ylilllt'-l- o'clof'U lU man reviews are sonant ami o.uoie.1 O then hli.liliiu llr'lUtf'll the Wort h ''" Kvi'i v boil v w elnnio'. hy the HMiiotincHinem .tt the imreeiiieul of ,i xfe.idy at ii p'O , It I, 1,. It h, all over and so those IS ,i,li ontt iihu anil 4 SIP p. in. The Itcen.vo the country, uiv (lie deiHI tlliellt of 0l I' to In from (SIM with pi'l potUU It li tluii th. u:-: n h f of his brilliant uf assistants, ' etl f re IK tP Mi tie- UK)' l,; a e III ll h"1H to has been rather ilttll foi (he ( I AN corps ami Hie llf I): HlilM i K H. ll w ll - ill ft OUl "Oei.-- t lie W hi W tih yoew Into eficcl ht ch lii(- s i ii he check lilies tun but it a decid- Walter fJttlelield's letter St. I.MU mil p it pict leeM, took of and io)ii. iH'tidiiifi h I'j'li' ileclm,,n mi he aiMhiK a hll tin snilcr lii It lo hi l.op.-- lin ee Mini ('inner lirouduay New The II ed this five b.i.bnil ' York every Saturday keeps nvt tut i.iiihIIi y of il ThU luw for bnlllM. .la U Wool I"'"' to ihlK pioriiliiK' - " service-- both ".".'ttlml lmplv m id icni inn AM, Kegnlar Preeltiny: Iteoord-Herald- 's ll F Ci h ff il a ml h!nn initlve readers infornied on j,j .1 tH to nt n ci iMinndlih'M hu nh cotnhl rli.l '' ill n he Mliflli I'M lo ell c.iinu couples were made hap and al :n lira y fine hi mornhiK evening the regular all tin forthromint: books of Import-- 1 m.ike up their tliiflh mi conipllnnce with ''( lid Hi (' the Ill p hy heinK hn nded over he neefs--,i- i ' iiihh- it Mhv I, thientciK il mtIoum (Miiharr.i--- t II hours by the pastor, school h( a a l,oii-do- n hy ((MM Will Hot elll pelled ppeil lu i'i K;'.! nee, nnd cable dispatch from IH I papers order that they HrM 'i&Ajti KM ' till to hf Co ii.l vhh h o n ' "al H c K JU a. tn. 4 p. in. hi a cluh al h KM IO.MS. th'd everr Sunday civex the lati'st hook milieu Thf I'lnted St iii Steel Ml.M-- also HOMON T( Tt )' i;it linn up wilh all forms of new of the Hncrlish canltal. Thus by Ht 1'iillK .Hh in.hiMi' M.ViiipH t hf t le ell id iitK rrlrfU, A Ihll'l M Ji. obfervfd. The follow ihm were tin- CnilM-;iATlOV- HI IK II. i luff reneer- dl II MlllH'J the literal y events of Hie ntimt'iit nwinif ' to licenses Issued: covering ie iellM Illl-l- l 'd persons whom weie Coal iinpiut Inn t(nhl 'all : M (Corner and Avenue.) . Till-- OM.V lti:AI. H'Vf.A MMMMI aVld au-- 'J ', Broadway world as thoroughly as those of evel l re hy t hf ne a I'lme 'i'i Idlcelo. and KilomeU-- liev. WIImmi J. Mni'-- h. PnMor. - other Held The Ueeord-Heral- d has he- - itle h'tV illlrl ftij(lirle II. md- a bos tie Mohool he i d a ii of coiiiuiei-cl- a- t chlmm 4 bun day at usual hour. come In HiHt hy he depn rgu llL'riM;":,' I A i : .! th" leiolliiK i HM OKK TO CI.MV AMTIIIMI TIM blhlliel in Ililill lo (biivlu II oYhu'k. lOven-a- t authority Ully wi'if faviilnn til'HI pMI't of he Mchlt-oi- (w - Morning srvfee at IH IN I.OI'lli:s 1'l.bAN- ' - line wesr of New York. It Is no' lia r It el Vlex h a ll ' 'eut h Ih CI.KAV.III.K. MK,., 3S VeBi.s X M. iin.1 Coll- 7 : oO AMI lll UK o'clock. I if 'I'ht- ..r , "trilliBo Uli p. iiplr llli r;uy IhsI Kain of aptt ai d irii.iiaii.i in itllrHH i i ' "' pl'"i litll. nit v .u I.iikuuii. N. m h !nm;i hk ai.i. iik Morniiii;. i"KK led t m I pri'iVr tt. epoi hy he reiel.i IM 'CO IVK HIM A 1'HMI,. AI.I. .M.; ,'iiin .o- -, ol' l.i'H us. nKe.l f w Asks yuart-'t- the exlent lo hh li irdliiix tunilH prefer ed H U HANI. , . Holy Temple hy 7 HIIHK IKIIMM'CKIl. :('! ,, 1., t ,1 UHhlii-- hack n t'tit-.t- Pacific J i ' ' ,'la nm Into ha deponiix AM. HOII'- I.OOI.-- '" ',. From Field Praise ojd. 511.' I'MITIIIMI IIOKillT I'lil-i- to Oven Hull I," h.a idiiK of the Vot k hank I I I ol il". N. M. l,ee' l,lilliil pen it t OH AM. HI n IIII. ON!OC lifvi'iii An, mi Clotia SlHO'M Slei-- IU CU.,:n A .10! thiift npwHKp "f Pa.ft'i").iMio I'lllled l N'OTI. K. ( VI I. I' SK NOHI II ,,,,,1 Ahnne hi Kul, I. IV. -- (..'I'lilollne In- - M siillll a.'il bit ol' Hour we urn" li to IlKhl 1'iHll e .1 ai. under do prefel fed ( 1( tttu. , .very lias been Qiinrft "Aly l'. 51k" I'M. ( li bthi:kt. tiiohnt.o. rnoxt v Tlii-i'- I ' kilue l,'cV ,eriiioii in 'ijiilKl ii llci-- nee ni me.J i. il". The MlrooK Mlniliu ..,,. '' 'V..i ii.ri'l i'liij."i'ii. tin, host IVCII." " tiii'; ully only of' eij-- u !i ll (.IH tiiohvton. ( llnrt-liiN- il '".'''I Is 'fiilil.'l 0 foi exehHUK.- i. lined lo VdM'ttlllle MIKIH TIIIKII K' .'I. ..ll.l MlRllebl nil Kouil I'linut'h tn Inlol.MlsH Klivmitl. Mi asliliill ll Mr. Mh lit .vi'iyililnu k villi Inllinatl 'lit eijort-i- Amalii.oiii.ied ' ... l.lii-.- IT. Hii- - iiir,M. i'H' 1'll. l.iia.' Lee's it nl' l.tts I'n.lilli.H. brcaii. e'c. we inaUei Xittli'toii Mr. Wlisliliurn. I'fjit (Kely le nL iti thf A IhIIHc , . i:t hlM ii lur II mi nmtoriHis won; hh "J.-sii- Vlllkee , .20r hIiovs ln 4' iiot HlhaiM oil tl niiiKliain .... a Journal Want! you. pur odfrturv Soli, l,nvrr ol' My r Try Morning m of tllH lIKll-- HtocK' 'aluiiiel Mini lle. U ii'ht lift, ,H) XOT "ml liiKh kiiiiIi' ii mit'K. thorw would "' HIKtill .Ki.r.ll I'nll Lee's Slin k j uctp'p v.t.m, Soul Muni ( ( "enl tTZ, in- '.M mu Ikhiiih ted 'upper elinia ...... men a i aw. j .VI i in ior two Try lm I.illia.i KIwooil. .2.00 , mci-lcu- Mtde ami l.e.i 'upper ItatiHe , , l.iiCaVNIMvVHKlLKS'Vu our for a c ami a re-- t. I'Hil ...IHil1:!, SAYS. baking hange j Se,.mo ln. "Kv $2.00 K(J! American Smelling and iMily West PaM,.Thw. Mali Ud h'ranklpi in i, i ,T,.'f,,i,i. ..I.-- ,. ,;.wr IH, KI)M:MllV ' l''.MN(;. .1 WI'AltV Mnn'H Problem.' it i HH.nplna Mull Hwelvr I'ruliliil Allrnllou - nncfiiKiii MinltiK' 'laap.i (Punhv l.y .j;, HV Till I'NTIIll' It l, tlM- - mid Kntll Or.'" BHKH1. V'sl(l Mrs. II. II. Ij'sier, Iliese ai.i'ls lire iremlrel by AtehiMi.n Ih' Hnyiih- I'l.ii'f.- U,.i,l. Hrlnrla I .,,.... ' ull.-- LAIIII'.S .e.. Kv.'iiim:. (.eo. il. Co.. Oinnlili. eli. fp lll'ffl"tlf(l Mh'hlxftn . 7 Ixend f..r timllliii; mi.'I' anil i,f .,',',., .)'. Ie liitltlmore (Old Ohio Molotw k r.7 PIONEER BAKERY llu- oii;;,-ui- 4 i:. w. i i:i:. Sunt; led i '( t j'rire h' newly do preferred Monl a na- ii it ml t.'u t0,SiGi?l - UIIJ-00- ASSAiyrU?e?Vui.i...:Try Journal hivit- I'li'-- I ht. CM a Momino Want. IIT BUIIU IKS UlfcSKI (.liorut. (.iiolr. All tinsels Sooill riione ill. of Auw JeiBr 4 ttutlllQlOiJ 1 ' 10 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1908.

!THE MESSAGES OF OCKXXXXXXXXXXXXKX)OOOOOOOC o o Shoes of SCHOOL EXHIBIT 10 THE PRESIDENTS We Carry All of the Quality 8 Leading Brands 81 Our Shoe have stood the te&l. Fit, Style llritr, ye HiudeiilH of liistoi y. Vuu of TAG SALE and Our goes with every ELABORATE AND that woult) udd u rare and price. guar&nfee BE valuable set of hooks to your li- fli" P"r brary, tlii.s is your limine. Here Ih a " SHOES WITH A NAME complete net, nl 11 volumes Canned Fruits Edwin C. Burt Shoes Edwin Clapp Shoe of niessiiKeH of llie of the j COMPREHENSIVE I'. H. boiinil In three ,ii,iiter iiioeorro, for women for men :!:. uu set for new, worth per 8 8 1 THE SALE IS IN FULL SWING JI2.aO. 'I'll t'M iIIhcuss from the lol'tlt-H- nil Ki eul iolld of 8 81 2 standpoint the glient AND WILL BE CONTINUED The Shoe Store alional nml or minor x Ideal Is- 1'oliey subjects g v i Territorial Superintendent Interest from I he lieitliinlwr of our )tl(t W. CENTRAL egeiauies FOR ANOTHER WEEK. EX- l.l.O.V III.HTOtl Mr. hbtory to the liuie. These in- sues Directions Regarding to and lilont exalted 1 spire the lilKhest 8 Call and Examine Our 8 CEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN Educa- the pHtrlotic fervor and love of coun- Irrigation Congress - 8 Stock and We Will 8 1 try. The work contains all lin; iiiph- ALL LINES WINTER. GOODS. t tional Display, saK"S, proeiiiiiiut.loiis. iniiireHseR anil o Convince You ,81 GEO. W. HICKOX COMPANY ( omtiiuniealloiiH nf the pt eslileiilH to Till. OLUI VI AMI LAKIH-K- JIUIII1V HOI HI1; IN M.M MI XKO emiKToH. Thin work compiled by rial u , n t t , n t ,,l - KTOIK AI.WAtM I 'II HIT Tl I'. AMI M;V 1 Til" I, nil,, f the Hon. JumoH U Itldiai iIh, repre- 8 That We Can Save You KLMI 1 W K I.I. Ill I' tilt Tllt.M 4 i IumiIu. IT,,f. J. K. I 'lark'. Iiiih taken senlativ,, from tin; '11111- ol entiossre., 8 on 8 IIIIRtIHM, s Money Your aulhoribzeil by an act of i'OliKri.-s.- st "Arrli I mill." lift N. HmiMiil Wwl. AI.MI III I.H((I li. V At. up vlKuroiiHly Hi" wink of jii'i'iiiiiiiiK j L'l, 8 Purchases 8; ' .1 Hlil',,,1 to III: lllri. 14. Vt Hilll,lli ixliibil For sale a I $13. .Mi. playi',1 nl (lie in, ,.tliif of till' Si xt ion n sTiioxfs in toil stohi ;. W'lutt Ik ,liillli,',l t, 1,,- - 111,, Kl'cHtol .Null, nml In iKiiliun C,inK"','iH nml ln-- , riiinic Mill. .N'i'xl lloor lo I'oMoflloi'. OF INTEREST Mi-K- Linvillel 20to50pr.ct.Off ITEMS In N. LOCAL iniKKi't ,'HT f'iiiii'1 Kx,'i.-uti,it- i Alliiiiiii-i'iiU- It. ,i'w n hi riu In I,1', JH I,,, IV (i I'Vlllhll j,, Hi III' I,','- - follow w UNIVERSITY NOTES. 3 EIIH V. TAH IniK, 2H Wist iii'i'iiim. II linn iit'Xl fall. 'I'll,' liiiiiliir t'eiilral l'liouo Q - WE HAVE SEVERAL HUN- l,''l! ii..i.vcit, Mi , II Ih t'lithii,', ut r tii- tn I'ouiii.v 'Upl'!illt"HililtH olllllll- lic-'- oo'ioocMyYnixncxxxxxiyyy t iiKttmi tiMMty i, I'll, liilf til" f tho illNjilay lin Tin sluileiit.H have a.'ln-i- the AND ' Jn,, i', iin, facttlly DRED CHOICE SUITS avenl Hint ""' I I OHTKOrATII In lha K'llil- - Hoiil out Mr. Murk: - , ll m I, ,iiih tn run li'i, Iiy lor a each iveelt for the eon- a lair pne- laieh,.na - perloil WE HAVE A rlve y,,ir (.Mri.-ulii- to HUitiili- OVERCOATS. I'mI.I 1elra;rli I ..inpoi. lvln A Iiik of II. low, l"lt"r couuty side ralloti of colIcK" iiiatleiH of it,. I l r will luii'ty , n , r nam and and t',a S K. 'lzlii,-li- - (i CM. CONNER, M.D.D.O. BIG STOCK OF UNDERWEAR, a,,lnai aw-u'- . lii'iiixi- I'll IiIk,', .liilm to Ht ru-'- Va italltftd " maaaangar. Iii'iir Sir: Tin- lioaril of of lllte rest the iii lent body. Tito 3 TliTiiry nml m veil, ,illi,'f nt, ml, HOSIERY. ?ale,llll. III,1 Sixlc-ntl- Nalioliiil ,Ue: wits Ki'antetl. H,f,lnllt. SHIRTS, GLOVES, ,,f lin iiuibt, in,-- , luinir'H ufll,',. f,r,'-nil- IrrlKalloii w Ih hold il.s rrolessor AHpluml as ehairtnan of KiHimi W. T. lliii, inoriiiii on a to liii'h to in xt t nml 4, ArniIJa Bldg. SWEATERS. NECKWEAR. Etc. ,,t,' triji In Ihe I'atnloK eoiiimiUi ". Is very busy I'houea 'At& aod Ar,ft. tlm ,,l,l nf tin1 In AII)iiiUi'HUi' (liiolti'i, Kins, AS y,il,'i,n,n- city, - new AND OUR PRICES ARE luiM (llrt-clci- tin- netting reiiily for tile W. il lii'ininn. i" I" tlm,' IIiIh cvi'iiiiiK. inc to uiiiiiiiKf manusiiipi of ii Htiiool .QOOOC STATED. IT WILL PAY YOU I'elV IH1 II' ll'-- - roliipi't'llt'iiylM' J, ,l,,l It lii'it- Ii. M. priu-elp- wiik ftiui'itiin y,'ht,'i ifny Hi" of , lo I'rof. Kendall. Itinneily ( lor iiiirpoH" YOU BUY wiiiiiiniw "f iii.iifiii, Unit who Iihk - school AND ADAMS TO SEE US BEFORE r. lijliiTt, iininy Hi" liuntlri'ilH nl iIhIIoih al tin- ioii- - of the High (it South FRENCH ii in tin- illy yesterday frli-nil- In Iiuh I la, lb y Muhh., was 11 visitor Fri v.i Alliuiii''r,ii,', Ilia iiiul y or in,' Falls, Embalmers V X. H,',-- y nml ti ,,f III,, Sun-li- i I'rof. I, ill anil wife huve Licensed Mt II. Wind, iif Mcl'uiiis. if 'nmir,'r Ww jiulill, kcIumiIh. Sliii-i- till." day. Ken, Imul- - Itiiilriniil t come lo miike A their I.AUV AHSWTAXT M.. Kim iii yesterday 'ii ,',itiiii,iiy, iiU't'lliilf in I,, ho in tin Ibuiiuerquu Bill, he In, home. ltt'S.1. i,, ,n f lirlil for whim' tlino. .von r. II will I"' 1 I'rlriiliuoe 5110 I'iflli SI. Central A,., lifxl iirri'H!iry lemo-ilriiin- Till' llil II, ,t In , '11 lllli'll. The by Frank- Ik ill Hi'' I for " fl'lv Minillcy iik lo In Hi" of tin' military Cliff Slllhb for kIu pi "pnriiilon lin "IMte I - VV. .1. tiUMli-,- linnk-lil- ,t Tyie.H enlled (llrl ,ef,t II," Oooooooocoooooooooooooooc III hi "I hoi . A. Mllli'i, Ill tin' at il.iya vlslllng (ii'i.iKi- work unci'. I ill a , , bin, Me," will la; Riven by the llllllK. fsliil,. ,,l' II. .1. it v k ., i i ), f. h.iH Kuril will Ii" hhhIkio-'- a SIMON STERN r, unity malic Huh ut opera Iiouho on Ihe II I. 'if Hum - the A. Kane. mii '"' ' i,,inl,',l V,,l,,n Hiiiicf for llu- illnnliiy of the I'liililifiiV rilKhl of 31. An of I). Iiiht !' , evening ii h i x ( January vs i", In ,,f Ih,. ihj" Hi" 'I Ii'h will liiivo X. I" "I t i fur u cupli-.,- ,r mirk. ami lown.i Hop. fun mid Is ARE YOU INTERESTED uuiiu. Mr. I, II IiihI iiIkIiI l'"i' Inn will lie ar- - enjoyment planned. Usli ,'l W,,i,n arati- tlicy tinv. H. Stover has added The Central Avenue Clothier ilui' ,',-,- ill'.inlf, N. M., ili,T- hr will ,r,,, iaiiK",l ni'Xt to tin- intii'H In will, ii dis- A. II. iiir,- of Hi'' station interest at the I'lilverslty In the In Mm. 'I. Si., 111,11, tl 11,' in-- at I" til,' "Illt". KicHi- 'I'lia Htrliily tli- Buying Money l In play to lie miiilo nl Irriuutloti iiK'-n- ill l.,,Kiiuii, sp'-n- yestci day I,,, lilt llt'l-- 111. ill, llllllf , 1'iiKxillK Hi'' rurill hi IiooIn arc tln olii-- Willi ivliliil a , 111' by offerliiK prize of $0 for Prices? the sluippllljl v Saving li,-,-- ill KIimI mill iJnl'l ji li ,! till-- ' tiitiilii,- Is oiini i'i noil. Ihe best nu, nioi training work from II. I 'liu of Kin I"i'f, Ih Mi, kon, ,l,t- tii"i iiIiik, ran lulu a ,1,'llvt'iy Slllt'i- ,'Olluty to hnvr ttll liny Individual Htudent. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX)OOCKXXX000 CRYSTAL N- M , Is in lown f,ir li couple ,if days Sivll't ill WHH llii'i't- will In- - h R. A SPECIAL THEATER uaK"l! "f a, uulll I'llTly, find Iiy llHt'lf nint Tlie uddroHH delivered by Hon. SALE 1J. - W. Oitiiiloi ff. 120 West Gold. nml , , i Estancia Mgr., visltliiK diopplnis Injur, il iil,,,ul lin- h"H,l iiikI in in, i ii K of I'"' wok iloiit- In V. I) ltiyan the ntudetit body 8 Albuquerque THIN WKKK linen Hinsdale, n "pi him- "f Hi'' lit,','. lie wan tak'-- t, HI. .InM'iih'M riilllilli'H. l,"t last Monday was exeepllonHlly Bond. BIG MOVING I' Will All Automobile Co. PICTURE SHOW lira ml iVnlnil hotel. ll last Hlnlil f"f Mil 11 It llllll, llll, 11' ll IllJlll'll'S WITH Hupi'iinti'iitli'iil inaiuiK"' III" Air. Bryan In always an intereHtlni,' That Last This p ex- AiiK',l,'i". 'nl.. I"i' of tln hi'Hl poHHlljlc for but on this nr, anion he t 10c ADMISSION 10c l,M vlll. allrmli',!. speaker Week on AutninoHlffl daily to points in lie ,1,-i- efToitH ut I'lil- CJold--- T. i IiIh In ceeded nil former the KNUni'ia iul ciub tn adies' souvenir matinees iMirhs r, Down. Hi,' sixth fjiiji, l,ili,i,i-n- I'li.--ti r ,,f Ih,- I'liHi'il plannliiK your Vnilny. Tuesdays In I li anil orlKlniil hk ioh-- -i HIh seemed to be to ian li.iliu iiiul oiUer Dulnta. and Fridays; Children's toy matinee Judicial iliHlrlil conn, vim f Slllll'H III, llllll irlllll illllllllllli-l'- Ii it t hp an liiilt'pniiilt'ut verslty. purpose I - tho O.iiif or every of - ,, hut In mind lit- I'ollowiiiK arouse HtudimtH lo see the ueceHslty AntotnobilfS for rent by Saturday; complete change ft ,! Aliiiiii'K'iril" yesterday. Hi,' liullaii Hi hul liaiiil will nil,- a .1,11-- lilt', hav,' MAPLE SYRUP ilit of beliiK able to their lliounlits hfiir hi h nd tt bout the city. Part if program Thursday; grand amateur "I" Hi1' rl IIiIh ii :i,m hi ItiililiiHiiu polnlH: express Biirtlal ticket t in r Salstead, iiiiiii.ik1'!' ii,'Ii p.ult and to a holiiiiKT round trip carnival Friday night. i m, I I, ,l,a lily not ovor Inn hiiuiiii' belore tin iimlleiice pprechitc KutumMfl and return exi'hanee A I'',, i i ' t dlllce nt 'I'll,- linllan I, an, Iiiih h"rii prii'-li- l'r, may few choire front 20c; no ShiiIh rela - or seals, foot of wall anil f,H Iff their present opportunity BettinK and tli em for hourly service In the cliy raise in ilii.v I" Hi'1 liiR litiMlly ilinliiK III" viiuti'i- nml ';'.i Hpati- H,llari; "P, V," Log Cabin or prices. Witislow. Ail.., spent tin-- ' excellent other points. la- tlilil" can li" aHMlKUi'tl lo able Instruction and practice. IkIiIhk ,'i t uill an ,,f Mpni'o illy uiuliiiiliii'illy Air. bad ivo-iill- beard .some Brands For furt lirr tn format inn Inquire Bt ,,m- avi'iiiKi' coiinly. Sniii w:ll lip in pro- Hryan V. V. f. ii in ii ii I'm JuhI,I,. ol' the In the tienei'Hl Ticket oit'ica and Kar .I,ihii,iii, Hc'ii'in tn "in nl in tint rural of the best mat, us country 1oS W. - - portion "llin, ate. ('opiicr Avo., Alhuguer- - l'"i- ycsler-,li- t 'I'll,' All, 11, ll, !, ll,' HikIi Si li""l Hi,- Simla ill llnllup, spent 1.,'llOolH altenda lien upon some national tm Sew, I'.ii"iio Hifi, , i Gallon SEE PRICE i i ."luiliiilM Cans III "H business t'll anil ait' makliiK v n liaiiiuet recent- .$1.15 LO. y til,' lly aireaily L'. lOach Hlioulil liavo and the press I'M M M ll I) t ("li-lir- 1- JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC wiiii Ms ill I"!' Ill" tllllllK ly tendered W. J. Hryiui. More than -2 i,.m,ni. ciirtiH for tlic pndH of Iuiikuuki'. Gallon Cans . . .65 t AN'U I'VIn ii; i li. Oll RKAI, F8TATH, LOTS, I101SE8 f III" II', ii ,if flan hay on y 11 huIi-"ti- ever was he Willi the need C. II. Klin, lulu f. founder fpcllii.iK. aiithini'tlc, rii'., will tin' impressed i'ltlM li itn il of kooiI leakers as ilelllanded at 4 Gallon Cans .35 town ,,f loim, uiinl r. iii, "iii ''iKiity ,'iil,'i!aliiiii,'i,t In loticiiiiK on Hi" coyi-iH- h, Im pialn repre-seiitin- n SOUThTeCOND , w i al'l.iir, l,ul will mu m,tc,l ,,n nml KathtTiiiKs 212 STREET. K.iuih "f ihi iiy. I" i" " Tlic dint lie! number Hlioulil ii ppi'iir public a mill' l,i i k I' m iiI,' ili'H Si'i aral all kinds of interest. The t ,,f ,li, mi IiiihIiii i yt'iir. iiIho. For liiHlatit-t'- Good Time to Visit Our 1 DELANEY li,-- HOTEL ill,j I i , i an ),i-- unlit, nt cltl'.t iiH ii hi ll,'tl nh, u k conclUKlons he conceived '. I'. Unit, n. iti'li, r;il IIIIIII.IK1'!' "f l,,i" a i ai irric W. L. TRIMBLE & In main' a ii! "iriiit" it il,lr, Ms,'.M and niii heiiiK lor choice public Store 3 COMPANY - lilHlrk-- .Nu. I!. lllilitOH. necessdiy tin- I'.iliiiiiili, Kuil nml li'"" '"'mi imny'H ,, Hi,, ill, a will hIiik ':. spea klnm Corner Central nml .Mb SI reels. itiVTatY, it:i:i & sale stables I M lilrl' in I i,l lillmoii. N In II"' Alalia Tni.llllo. ti i ,'l A I" 1. M'he HpeaUer should muke in First CMhss Turnouts at lillNilif.-x-. ,lllK' ,r"Kiain 3. in nf tlio ( lilltl ir,par-oi- i y,.iti'l',lil I'll , , Tin, inn' he rlly I,, 'IliK il'i'iitl u Hill mi ,l,,ll'.l ,-ir hoard by all the audience if Reasonable Hates. 'M-- Hlioulil It'll A II l i'Ull '"''I l IliK III" woili appear all tlm audience. TIioi'ohkIiI.v renovated mill iiiosl JllilK,' .Mil", '" In, a ,ii "liiiii'il Iiy 111" imlill,', iiliu uill wants the attention of ALBUQUERQUE Telephone 3. Norlli Second Street , Kr, hi ij I ii,-r- He frmn Smil,, I," I" 'llil 111" "Xl'l tiN"M. paief- 1', A iiiitniisciipt should not holcl in the y,'i.t,'i,li,y !lll1!"ll llll, Kl in hIioiiIiI In' lily. Iimi- - ll illii liillliK ill' "'" i. ioi'H inaiiusi riplH wlu'l ,' ll" . used under usual lii'iiiinslances. , in , ki d Hit' teailui-- rncorrecleil soine-tlihi- CASH GROCERY CO. yinllH "I III,' Mll'li'lll,' 1'iilHi. MIHlll' MI'AI. by :i. MMie speaker must have llll! will mil be exhibited. to MI'AhS 3.V. SI I", mi" 1" ll"' Is 'l'HIMlM.V iiianiinLi'lpla of inlerest and prnlil .say. HO.MCU II. WAKI), l.lliit""l. iliik Illl'l l'slllo M i; fi. townH and Slur. , riilnciiiiiuriiled I. nest must eharactterizc ill iii 1111,'IH "f II"' Smil.i It.WMt N . COM IIS. I'liO-I'KI- I Ave. il,'' I'l.Ati;. In- an 315 Marble II 111 will leKai'led rural and manner. . (i::!ll to I",. 1,1 S.lll lll'I'll. llllllHl. I" Hi'' 1(11!. the Hpealier's atlilmlc llrcakras f.,,H A e will be (i. lllllill',1 Miai given .1. A reasonable clement of enter- I Z , ! ,ir ll !, I'll, 11, l.unclicoi . ::!ll to I,, peuniaiiHlilp. iIihwIhk: ami construc- tainment .should ae Introduced Into the iOOO (X)OOC)OOOCKXXKXXXXXXX)00 V lv Mm lin iiil.l ll''. "f S, ,,l l". . . fi 7 II- V Dinner 30 lo I tion work. tllscoiii'He in llie way of forcible ,H,. Ill l", ll l"l' a ,tni'l,' "I SOLOIST TEACHER GALP 7. SiiKK,"-i"- Ii OTTO SCHOOL additional work fop uh anec IliK Mi M n ill Is rl' "I ll"' NEW ration, and by appropriate Vtllli':, I'Olsr; AMI IIIU.AI'II IIiIh exhibit Ih iii fnlloWH: dote or storv to drive home trnlh. I os I mil rales tin- week. i I. I , "III "I Hi' Kill ll 'li- ' " ' J Special by 0 ,Iim l is climinal-th- e Mlwa I'MiviHid inn rcltiriiad fr,,m III-- ., l.i llliiHlialed esHiiiH. llie enleiialnliiK ebnienl ha, "f S nun, i ,'. iiiul .iriirN' ,in-tl- Willi, ,in !.. ( hi- tnl itftcr three r(,iira . ( b I Mai, draw hm lliniled I. can only h"ld II K,.y "I l'"i ' '"lliii-- speaker . the beat iiniNlera la opening a COAL ri,.,in,, nf his earnesl-nesH- mill will rcceiva nt " -- (c) Aritliinellc papti-H- lence by the Intensity aliiilii, iMtplla Ii.. ll i'lIK' fl"', i' " ' IS COMPLETED 8 tllk HOI I'll AI TI' K NTKKKT '' H" (ill Spi'lluiK papciH. li,,- in Hi,' Imi i, l',' '! Hi b F. .Ill '" llenKiill'b.V Mr. Iliyiin lllustriiteil his point THOS. KELEHER i t "I Hi, li I.MM (ei papiiH. voo(xxxxxxyxxx)oooooooooc 11 t ra in ii in r exciciM-- UII'itlllK Iroin A'. J llryall's speech wn.i, si';i.i, ouk SAiioi.ics i It, ih, rl N, 'I,.. U, .' Hi'" liilnl "I of AM) IIAriM'.SH AT PANIC niupH on laiK" .stiil", heard, nml sonio ARTHUR E. WALKER i ; .M I'liblM" i lui ill", "I iKi i'onnl' recently .hi i,,, Town Now cct his Interestinn experliiices ill sliir." InmirwiiiT. Muliutl ritifics hays. H ' l'l'"l I'1 fsl.incin Viillry showing phyiicnl and uiouiic Tire SecreiMry AND Hi': CONVINCKD. III, t.,,1111' ,'. '" II", AssimIiiiIoii. I'liiiOo 505. CAM. wlih brief Hlallslieal Hlaltiiiiiil lelllni?. llliihllnc Itm CION I HAI, i 'ii, i ,'M'iiinn '' I,'1 Dis-Ii'- kI I avi.nci:, 'i.tiMii, rii,t.,i lioiists Our ill tlm Pn'st ul" West t 'itiI rii Avenue. VT - reaoiiii'i-H- s I r I'.iiiIIiiiiii "I I'' "- ti unity Tills lull-rest- Vnu. '.iin,n, Klein, llllll aKrleulllll ". Ideal I , , ', k lli;i "I,. llH',1 in Hit! Ihl IX, we ilrltl, Duil(liii'',s Coiinly, ar-r- a Saturday, January . i. null hIiowIiik proper lil"l I1IHJ--' .'I I"" ll"M" iliaKiaiii, will on sale our entire lines ol' R. and localioit of limine, place Dale Realty Co. I I, .1 ii M t ., Nu Sniiii!- llt'M, iiKi'tniiii -- i, dis- A. .' ,' .ill'" 1'inii llll"'"' Icim Hoods lit cent E. MMliK the tollowllm pel GertigiS. 111 , , bull. well, etc. may be fl'iulh llronrtwa. ,;,) a ii" i, ",i count lor cash: Uhink books, box sta- & 111:1,1,' a 1 ,11 tn il i' CONTRACTOR BUILDER , 'I I" "I ' tv in exercise. PER TON 1,11,1, ,11 Bill MM III" "I ltl t Mhi iiImi ,li,rnnl. tionery, ladies lulu, buns, caiil ciiscs, Of n ,, u ,1 rrp,,,ln, This Mhonl exlllblt iiiiihI bo the Solicits Your Busines I ,,,, ill- - "in wallets. V." !,"i I", mi, i m i ; bill books, purses, collectors' (Slioji 410 Copper Ate. .itif, nt,,. .Ian. rii, iiii" oii-- r,-- til by Xew AI"ico. S iitl ,"l,v ", !, " "I III" il'llllil,' kodak albums lynl knives ami rii.oi's. Phono HI.. In Offlc. i.' hiillililiu. ullli h ll.ll Im , II ."' I, ii- - make Ilic rural Hchool iIIiIhIoii Notary " I, I! M M, iinl.n ,! We will close out mil' Hue of Teddy ', ,li III iM . illteri'Ht- - DCOCKX)CKX)OOOOCXXXXXXXX)C , "i I , ill e. Hie IIIohI , v . mnu .1" Hi,.' i .'"in. ''" I'"' l"iiK untl'-- in i,,it. nan ,,ii,t-,- lit .Ml cent discount. M 11,1 ex- hears pel' - 'I - IliK. llu in,, a tclllllR LBS. hi k Iii Hi,- M M ,i, ki,', i,i"l n,"'- t, il ' ll In a ii, at lu'lplnl Tills Is it Ktiiuitm w,,e fHi'tly ANNUAL CONVENTION '' 'ri,iii,la.v. hibit to be lounil ill iU'- 11 VANN DRUG CO 2,000 "I :!" llllill, il.n Jiiiiii.ti , n lilt- hi new, hiKll Kiailo ami ,! ;li. ''"'j Inui.i,' fully (nl",ilat,' IliK ii" nioul ll id i HUS. ,., hi Hi. I' M in "I M I) ,l"m, " lelobor, ute iiieicbandiHe. We have no other a A h SODA , I,, Hi" it,' ill ll, Is ,,l III,' ,ll"ll'i,l. Voin board ,,f ,'ouniiisHloii-"I- PI UI2 DKIGS. COM) i ..,l,.;illl"ll "I i' ,M',l",lll M" totinly kind to offer These prices lor In, I." will ii ii b,- to you. AMERICAN ,., l In- ' ,,lli I, tut ,,f s, ,1 Il"l al wIllliiK make n,i ii,., I, ll.i ,, r "I II I'. II., oim week A Full Moo of Toilet Article a u! ui ial,'.l, a ,illil- mIiiiiiI an a ppt ion use In only. - SAME AS SOLD I I ,1 II II M,', , I.' hallux "ptiitl i,r your Hors-roN- CO. KIX'OM) ST. AMI GO 1,1 AV. , ' liti-i- . F. j. In n In slut-,- S"i'l"iiili"r inetiillM tile 1,'" t'X,t'llse of Sooooooooooooooooooooooo NATIONAL LIVE STOCK 'I'll" IrUHl",':, lli'l,,' tu a rillll-I- " thin I'nltoi-i- pap,i-hIioiiIi- SOMKTIIISt. BY t . mi ii t i. nt in preparliiK 11' Vol WAV!1 THE in hut : inn hi n in lnr l,.i In- llllllf of be liniloini bludtiiK N I'lll-- IV llll I'MVIIIIM. HI"IM Hll' ,,i, 1(1 .At. Mil, AND MI ASSOCIATION l.lil II II XI I IMIIII HUH III,, tall Htm .Mi-- li ii llll,- Ill" A. H elc Tliere will I,,- some VOI 1A .tl,- - FRANK A. STEPHENS ItllllllJ I M II I' t.KOCIItV I.I Ms. OTHER DEALERS t, tl II II kill " A ll wa of I 1 T I" nil, lillli'll "XK'tl'SS. i II' tl '"i t -l IMIIH lail.lalil,. .f,,rt posl.iK". MM AYS IT AT I', ii. THAI I' 11 Ii nut-- Iif ilMiilit-il- Manv ll of t.ll Ml Ml llll till'. V"H llll till nt ll,,- a, in,' ii", frelRllt. elc. 0, niii Items 1'11,'S 2Vi SI. Contractor and Builder - M. si;com FOR $7.00 III lit Milt. I'M HHIM. IIIAIIM,, u ill liolil lluir 1,,,Ik'- nu-- uikm tu tin- t xpellsc will be found neiessai 1 M'lle WESTERN VVII lltOX All Nl Hit l.i Flrat-t'liia- a IHMM, l.tlttMll , 1, , U 1,11,1 III,' lilt- of t'iiitllllis-siouei'- SI. C. Itliu lilv Work MI1UK I'lllll It III tON till I "ttil" tilMlit't II, 'l lialillo Cilllll.l It,, aid Miss Maililliie tl I N a!;-- ,, III.: ,i, i tlltIM, .lOIIIIIM. tut. ll ill it.--" It lot s, ilrivt has alread.l a ppl pria tetl $tlill nf Knox 'conservatory. (iitleshiuK. 101! S. Amu. I'liona tll',1 LIVE STOCK I I I I'tl'V SHOW II till MIIIN l.l'IIIIM- lot- thlH purpose. pupil of .Madame I.lnue. and Madunie I W. L. I I s lliiMI Mii: Willi s AT Alter lull bale HchuMcil your ixhibll Hess Hurt, of Chlcano. teacher of lull Mil ullMK h W . 20-2- Kill ALTON'S IHU s I'OIti:. all of ur ami address South Arnosueci, DR. H. D. PETTIFORD Colo., Jan. 5 thi s Tin; 1 iti on u miit. li'nin partH "ouuli, sIiikIiik aii Denver, Iiiim' iiiaib- Hi'leetlou iiiul ar-- 1 lilOH propel' Itliiflil.v. Veterinary Surgeon i TRIMBLE CO. 11 Tin.: l. ol I'- or lieiKbt Miss M.iinucrlle I. ton Aunt t o( Asms in: wil S illiK'illenl expros of New Haven Xornial st.l I, TI( Kt:lH TO III Nll lt AMI UK. ( 'out ill tee on Kililiiitioll- - iliadimte UN A I' to the l.ocul of - II HtTK Ol rill.: sebool or teacher frkili-e- and Obata- I.7J lllll .tl I'lxhlbit. .Mlnuiuei-iiiie- N. Al. Byninaslics, Thernpaullea. Surgery IIOI Ml TKII'. l Ol' KAI.K, ,IAV and trulniiiK, 317 tries on limnno. Bnvlna. Ovlil., Poulua, I IK. Ill AMI JU. THE DIAMOND PALACC tliiH on or bel'me dantiiiK physical llll Il JiKTllt.N J.I.MIt', 113 North Second Make Hhlpniiiil South Arno. Canlna and Kellna. JAM ARV '411, JIMItl. St. LcmlliiK ,1'i'l,T, I'i'iilriil Awn no .liuic 1st. l'.itm I'lmna IliO. Kealilem-a- IM S. Wntler A I 111, ,I Mini u Phone 3 EVERITT Mail OiiIi ih TrusiInK thai yon will rni,T upon voc ai:i: M ItE TO t.l T YOl'lt T. E. P U R D Y 1 our Work. ih,- work of Ill's exhibit at WHIN ltriir preparliiK MOMAS WttllTH Y) GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY At. EXT "tn,-- will address a AT and that ymt TAKK MX I! DIM It HIE ' leilef to every teacher in .lour I'ASMIOV t AITT- - HOI Its: .V30 TO Wholesale Merchants Albuquerque e. unity im mediately, am. H M. Wool, Hides and Pells TERMS CASH A I'. KH-dlt- Yours ,'l y slncel el'. a xas New Mexico . THR III NIIXT IlKI'O 0 ISiKiieiM J K fl.AUK. AMirorEiiyci: vf.(;as IMM HK III I H I I.N ' 0 Sin, la Fe, N. Al., Jan. Iti. Iimx. A BNAP llH t"" l"' AMI llauaa . l11 H. & HtWI.ll on,-a- W. 1". Matumlf, U. O'REILLY CO. I OS AMIKI.MI ba al,t at to mi en i xri;. 121 VSat li.'Id avanua. X A "f Huiiniitf f,.r Il.,li1v n1 Annli'iraarr (.lift. You feel a.i If had one fur,-- ' Ciii,ii MMI I II I il. yoti OIIIII.I1M rilllMI'l t lie.n V II , "I mIwmvmlt l nf J many you have iieuralKla. Vrr tl,,".ri It,. villi rirliitrrt ifirla 2 ;l" I HOT CHOCO- f don't oii? Sav" tho oil uih I I l. s HI K IOCS ,i.t,, frtce; IHU STOKE, HARDWARE AT WALTON'S ti WAGNER CO ' neeil 11: liuf net lid of the neill LATE alln SufWNSWirH, Albiinuer(iie ilardiiare Co. FOI KTU KT. AND CNTKAIj AVI5 ffftt by ii y k Hallat'd " Snow l.inlnieiit. I MOMOY. W AX ED riiit-s- t i hi In tin' wotht for rheu- - . . i ntr Wo liuw. eii.oiis who want $5.(110 l The ALBUQUERQUE lllotllslll, rieutillKiH. hulilH. cuts, scalds, nml HO.nuti loans at per cent on THK,,, hunt' back Hint ull pains. Sold by J. real estate security. !i ...... t. ... . i .n v ,f I PLANING MILL II ,1'Hlelly Co. juji:n ai. Aitii.Mtr. i c. WE HAVE ON DISPLAY ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTI Cnftra, nllln I'lirnllurr., Hlurc ni Hur l Ulur.,. Al R,illUI,, MMtrtNj. T I OIK S t KI IKK tit TIIK "AHAUIC. IF Tor WAXT SOMKIillNO FUL LINES OF CUT GLASS. CHINA AND EARTHENWARE J A J. lOtt., I'rrlrlr. I'l tint. tll.l tUtlltl llnl Hlrft. i;i:m, xhi. ami cood in the J ai,-- 1 EVER BROUGHT TO THE TERRITORY. THESE GOODS ARE MMtlRUHlly WttiMllV. t.i:ot i:i:y i ixe. vu' cv i. I'KAIT K WN t.l I' IT AT !' OFFERED AT PRICES WHICH MUST PROVE ALL BUTIRRE- - T 0 THE ORIEN T cd. s, aia m. secoxi) sr. (i i .ti.i,.i,.d mm. SISTABLE TO THE LOVERS OF ATTRACTIVE TABLEWARE. ... I I HOME MAUI-- - ,i... . i.: iifA..i I rhrtnirr Id April 11, I llllll E'S I'l HE ii TVHI.D'I'S. EVEN IF YOU HAVE NO INTENTION OF PURCHASING A MiniHiuiM que ruuimiy iii,u mauiiiiiu vvuiks Ortil". nislmil f tttl.tlt nrt up, lllllil IHU XII KEMIAE ; ,'i,Mi.i only i iii,. i niirifii t ,.,,,. ii,, v UKtl.. m'i urMei,.,. M'M IAI, THE t.lill'I'E. WALTtlXMs Dltlli TO OUR STORE TO EXAMINE THE STOCK IS ' l'H-- .i ' l -- a' -- - ; C Ml'll-l- VISIT TIME (S :." !...- fm 1u'l i't i'tl. I I III Kill I M. l,1l. ftxyl". S OliE. t -i '1111111. ami It'n fi,,itl lor iiiii0in. Jif(tUli "i, Mining W Mmiih. IB daya la mwt Ih , l.y,t WELL SPENT. Q MuhnK Wtt' uhifi i out rptM imiy, V land. ,.ttK,ilo,,,ip Alhftis, ltont ma tc Itlirra ,U'. TUCK ni'lM) i'ltlc WOltl.O. KM l ilt 'OltX llllt hEXs t M- ltlt Found y east side railioad track, Albuquerque, N, ,- g t Till B Til II HOI'K. M,.t enmpra-1,,-h.o- HI.M I'l ll Kill XUS AT THE an. I Hltlrt.-llif- l i,-- "tfHtv,i. C- lt)l I 1 Akh, luun lil,l, Naif urk. srK iia : oisaix co.