Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-19-1908 Journal Publishing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-19-1908 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-19-1908 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-19-1908." (1908). abq_mj_news/19 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "s TEN PAGES ALBUQUERQUE 3 NING JOURNAL. llv Mull, lii iutvuntf, $5.00 m Xmiir, or R0 Month. THIRTIETH YEAR, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1908, It v t iirrirr. HOu u Month; HHisl OdIn 6o. lolled ill COIllletlioll wlllC In, now on Us way to the PaciHc incnllx lllelll ilium, tile was, ocean, II. link' ml hulled lightship, mil in nioposcd I, clod a member ol the board of di- - us big as one of Columbus' ourviils Is SAVFOiJUDRE T EVANS THANKS MINFRR JO LI Still! 111 ,'Iois. CHEW ENGAGED lit and will sooli In Tonipkinsville Us for the 15.000 mllo voyage to The company with numerous, ready Interests the California, her future home. Including electric and com-pa- u The lightship hits been constructed only light power in the I'll y has a of Hi at u cost of $0.000 and is to take a trackage miles in and It suburbs FOR HOSPITAL position on Blunts reef off Kurekn. WHEN DEATH RELUCTANT STREET AT ashlnglon BRAZIL FOR Oil. F The feature of the tri of the new CAI II CRN: NS 10 V01 lightship, ofllelally known as Number ON CHOICE I OR PRESIDLN SS. Is that she is lo make the journov under her own steam with u foul eonsumption of only eight tons a day. JURYMEN SPRINGER IMivri I'linmiw it'll llnuls (HI SHIP BELIEF She will curry a crow of twenty. IS HEAR tnmntlit r I iiiIiH mmiu lit ol beacon will probably make I'll. the voyue hi about 100 days. STORY ALL THREE PARTICIPANTS S;tii Kr.uit is, n .v Tlir ADMIRAL ANXIOUS t REACHES CRAP SHOOTING . III 111 l NOVA SCOTIA SAILOR TO MORE MONEY REQUIRED RESCUE PARTY (HI (',t II Sl (f t't'tl 1,1 t H)I il ri' Nlt't t'Mliiy ami ;ttl- im1 a mil fur stair TO BE ON HIS WAY INDIAN ENTOMBED AT ELY TO ILLUSTRATE CHARGE ARE SERIOUSLY INJURED NAVIGATE THE VESSEL FOR SCHOOLS convent imi to hut! m t Sirni men o Max II, tor ilit- mi posr (i tlelinatrs t.i Oir national No in Nc- -, Secretary (on Held Plcmls Willi House One of Trio Held Prisoner Since Louisiana Court Declines to Tomas Salazar Will Piobably ti'iuiltlican Anticipates Difficulty Motealf Finds He Can Get i nil imi 1. m t iti n In llir lor Delieionci if (oiniiiillec Sixth Die and GOHZCllCS M is. the .In.., 'lion lo rmiimliU'.'H t " gotiating Straits of Magellan . December 4 Goes Mad From Stand for Disagree- Gabriel, Without Additional Apprn-iiiulloii- Along riill an uni'llit ial primary in tin ir Be- Re- in and Albert Haimon in in Column Formation; From Giicf and Suspense is ment Trial of Sheriff for lluit eoimlii-- i May - In oi,ir to Money Congress: Hive tin- M'trrs an to Washington, 1) C, .Inn. Is. Secre- in Pitched opportunity lieves Ovei drawn, Malfeasance Office, Dattle, or.-N- I' Danger I - Would-B- e Critics Grieved, tary Carlield explained to the house port, iln lr for a eiunlMate or committor on appropriations today the UloMilrlU, Hiweinl L,im',1 I I IHt)t1th to the .Morning .Imnimtl' Thr (a ho national t , llr MiiriKiiti .luiiriuil Nucriul I ued Wlr I necessity for the deliclency appropria- lltr Mt, ruing Journal Surelul Lsimrd H'lrf.J (By Morning Journal wire.) ilrliy.alrs iHy Morning Jourual HjieeitU Leased Wlre.l . 111. to Is. Admiral L11.-- .I M., .Ian. As t he vni ion art- lip nst run to sup lib, .laiiieio. Jan. Hear tions asked for by the interior depart- Fly, Nov., Jan. IS. night, solid Lake Charles, Lit., Jan. Is. Some- D. (".. Jan. IK. The tin- lilh- - Washington, ment. some addi- lo-.- a was In reMtlt u mi ',orl ,hr ""l';!-'!- mmtUIhr Kv.llis. coniuillllder of the He said that unless I ..- - in the Aloha what of sensation eroated of pitelicl baltlr the main lloblcj l. 11' oilii-ial- of the navy are , mm department tion is made to the appropriation for on which state circuit court here today when slreet here nl o'rloek last niiiht. " 'l American Heel, took occasion today urrange-moiii- s shaft in the 1,000 foot level the completing their most schools in- iiiiteiiil ho ion ot this gradually Indian schools, of those the sixth Jury In the contest case to jToinns is prol,al,l primary. adopt a lo naval three miners have been enioinneu fatal' n n tiia tt h to express ppi eolation of the put the hospital ship bo' to I . nio ('a pot would compelled close this year since 4. Timbers which remove Sheriff J. Hold from office .lured. Cabt iel ijonzales is setlousl. proerrdure in coiiiinission at the Mare Is- December lietuleil oil' a n Milinion muloi See ece,ti,l, accorded llll licet liellef si weeks earlier than usual. The were that like Its live predeces hurt, and Albert Harmon, a ranchman on 1. Fran-oi- s had fallen from above wedged reported u hit h aln-iii- land navy yard February of deficit he traced to the II a returv Taft. had hern hv the llrazillan governinonl and the cause the in the shaft, holding back the debris sors could not agree. Iho case ha liviiiK near here, lias bullet throuijh X. Lecain. of Xovia Scotia, who has pro roil. The cent ra eommll lee A increased eost of living. and an large enough now extended over a period of lour his face, both ja w s shattered and pa people. serious attack boon in the naval service for several - leaving opening iiIni ,i resolutitoi e. upon for the rescuers to crawl through. years. When this report was nuide wounds about the hem' where lie was atlopie,! tiling of rhouiuai ism from which he suffer- lias been as of reprr-witaiU- of 'alil'ui nla in years, detailing sailing to a to l,ee by the jury, he deelur-e- d struck with a uun. the the" will re- The descended on a ladder point Judge t ot ed soon lifter Iho Port of ill,- master of Relief and sevon-ty-lvv- o ri's- - io see lire he a hroj;a mil leaving Ttitl feet below the mouth ol' the shaft. he "as surprised thai alter Trouble has boon brewillK between roii; to Charles F. Stokes of RULING IMPORTANT Ihe rule of (he a u lie u u a - and w hliih lias port Surgeon The extended further but hours of deliberation tin y were Ihe men tor some time and the otit-- I ihpait- Spain, persistently I he navy medical depart ment, who will opening ll l in reuard lo of dried how far Is not known. The lad- unable to bring In a vordtel. break last iiltthi was not a surprise. siilpliurllif, troubled him ever since, lias prevent- command of the His duly just It had been determined h have ship. further "It reminds mo." said Judge Lee, t!ony.alos some shot fruits until ed his ineiit of the recep- i w der broke and this prevented tjlne an l'olph oiijoj ninny on ho Kelief ill be conlinod to navi 1 1, ml evidence" But this afternoon Mine "of a story once heard, related by lliirinon, a brother of Allien Harmon, positive competent In of the vessel under the orders exploration. It to ihe health. tions ami etiierin itiiuonts orgaul.od gation SHIPPERS Foreman MeAffee descended to with- White. He says that if a man land since that time bad feollnn has that was dellieious ,.l Stokes. 10 Judge honor of tlie but has In no Surgeon in .'ill feel of foot level where live sixes in a crap game, It existed between Ihe wllni visitors, The ofllcers. about the i.000 throws men, Sa!a,ar. wise lessoned Ills of tile 1 remaining eighty; he solid It is now be- Is not sin If he throws tliein ils Ihe son of M. a luer- - appreciation in be 111 east but found ground. prising. ,l Sahcar, to so- all, will engaged the with- In it Is curi- efforts of iho nation make the k - ' lieved the men will be released three succession, rather jehani an, pi eminent of tills, IN NAVY the oiow of about will be on- , politician FIST FIGHT her,- a and nieiiioi able forty in t'nlrly-si- x It Is rumored that ous. If he throws them lour times In journ pleasant do- - 111 101 CO bUI 111 ll&blUII UUII" hours. place. hnviuK become ln,,le,l die; listed at San Francisco. The navy bOII lost, his it Is a' little rku hie. one. one of the entombed men successively, renin diflicully. j awarded to the Penn- ii in Is now anxious to press paitnicnt today Haul the cause the receipt .of If ho throws them live Utiles hand When lllet on Ihe The railroad a contract for ship- strues Long and.