The Oxford Democrat.


< iKiwrm h«l (u«, iml harr not illacovt-rt-d (hat W h«l II fia iW M>l the WOOMI ami chlMreu nf On v«*rl • |>r*> tv ai KiV«l|iir«l U|>w 4nr hw li«« hit ni«> i»iih»r illg fur my l*l»tlng Inwral kiixL 11m even Umgbl the ponnjr HIS LIFE TO 200 VtARSf STERN IN WAR. legation, *" U VMlru llfr'* litiwl WALTER BE8ANT. all ..~.*a«traUM«ta ou th« barn cellar. l>« klfkffajr. Bj lHirrlHI« mkI ninl th»t with Interval If wm liik« n fiiw <>n ta Kntf- I* f I hflUi In MUII U. II4■ tirrvay Chinking, that It mitil tip tllrn> mhih>- li*ti 111.U1 <>f war amlnturu to *••«»». I n»~* • limrni, Al IM «• aktwly mm to IMI*,- h« rinio to a ivMUtif which contained a rmt, Ml. I hav* omtunknl I A ni utai • year CIIAITKR IV. lk» TWf mt tlUI |al*rvl»w With Ik* Chuwllf af IK« Jap- waa «t hiiv il. rn.iiKM ul««l hltuaelf aUait Im IInH Ikm H***«l r.if*tlw*al I •» Ik* I ml»|winlHK» Mhl ClttlliilMi Nth »tjii»c>*• I In tlwKi«Muir»|>- Ihr bam c*-iUr l« • of ««litr A U« lm mwm ■«'(« k*W>l >l<>«n n«»i uncommon with lonip-r —MAinm. •♦UMMfA company and who mis rrwlly thing III «»f MWH-lhlng In mi two wi-r» formal In tlm W Ilk i>ur>trn< gtvwi aft.I hmII, tho of P»HW I »f*UrlM *pl*M. Raft* A IIMary *•« U«arr«ll; K »«>»». llal. I (Mrtliw V * nHTCMi M>mr our t<» hr ablr to trll ua In to lug power thought * »••'*' bat John would «rf h«vv ought *• ma«» •* |t» ito wImi k<> 1**1 al«>nt N<»tM«tjr IM«|I vl|M jrnuiiil kiihIpiimii Another rntuo htm—n«4 j. nlixnUr kiu^t'iu, am* aympathlcintf of wlut that % alio* iituiltO; iu4tf im4 Um fur ill. tm thing upon th« «*!•<• tk>«(hl MlHUlittnf iut ■uddi'ii!), gradually, «•»» Kkw Y<•Nk. SO—Oi*»n • alight AgU,» | A»Im *« r»«K •Ilk Hurry l»tf frrl, miitit liitn r< Iiu|«ffprtl7 for llf" <>( tbt< in«»t Ang. Uiwu-n which atraim«l ilwrn. wtlll I - IIhI »Ar> mam mm rri, what "I muat IwTn had (nil flgnr\ ••Initio .ui h*|>|NiiiiL I at M tin- i*n«l of th* rlirht««-iiih c«ipwt n l.itl-m Thr lit * .-mil follow hi* Siunr llmr li»«C th# m. W Ml* *lili l»t la n*i|.IHf Mil Utl, Ahout ll>« gain** of whlrh Iw h«l rvniary harealt>ceeii*tcr (Ik* turn cellar I* If!" f..rin« rlr Ui ii (mid IlillUrda, ra< k Waa what mll<«l "rvtanlltiK *1tal war ia iu tlx truuuiriit » 4 mw mvM-lf—wtu.illr uiraclf—h*nl at •till* •!. with han>U ami f«« dainty, a hollo* lit • Mi* nxirr that It U |iaJ pU<-« In wlilt-h to atorr i i>t- faini««i that ( klM'« K«lf» l«r I nulrnl, , M »l» Mrw« |>W* Ihui ijuartrr A»l IIkwiIi Mrk mm tmmj >Uit Ha, rank all jrou ««a «v*iauni|>tlon." ^nivrluii , lamurr. work" I!*'«># foil u|«m tin- tahl* r>«|nlrw, maimer »u»rg» "tl** of % • •f nil* fr«Mfi Ihr *«i A>k hundred mrti who lutf * lilt l.« l*to|.. Iilllr la I l-.l I. hiaojrm high brtaMlug. h»UM', and hr tain a in->ii ut of f. .»M.ntn«. of In- • nairni of "In D*rrabir. I•»*»I. the Kk It Ixlut llli fart to u*. (m quick nwiiplftc «tw|» Activity, *oliv mt»i< al au |V llligllt to «, tk<« king a*ke<| protection N"l iul lu»t COW from fur, Ml Ik* v will glte you ml lomotut—with a ami Itf lllti-lllgvlpv. grullr Iralu of iiimi Imd no of wlf quick a *a» m«*rr, a* to tnnalo young rapidity U« mim lorhn'k r-onanmp the m\ tb» km* mother J" •* li* Ukr r*fNMi «h»r» hwt nrri» 1'he latni Inatnictlon Wa'r* (twal»( 41, ymm, grvmimg tiki, nf v»i»rk. Mon—ho kmw, |milan17 indication to 1 manure U to It on to ami fur to' mm mi; a touw tlltolllgiIICK loft. Ho waa atlipld tlmi. |U«llm til thi« »tnt»» o>nli| »■« I till NI/m| tin' ChilHW, th« klutf Mtl***- t-> rat ant all —rt* handling put rvtm tho nmt(Thaii0 rrlptlou ut tb« lian^ llor of tho J rrjnlu««t ia»r for thrto on thr farm. Hut | It can |M»««|My he dour, and thla at any III MW. I of urn or thrw n nturi<«. It« njainin n«i|ilriif» of the Jn|>ai>««ii !• nation waa oh. 1 It M«>itio*l if thaw ww • ami all •ra«>o« Ihr thla lir Ilwl ah«* •* IM« f«n» aal-W 91 tlniiMlr t f ««TTM. >Wr! If iihi on It owild tui* l«*n of year. If lay IIo rmawl to l» a dreamer. All hta Franklin frr% w htli< living in Frai«!K"* morw rep- A»IU» 1*11 f»t im la l.iltol, wifhm hiiu m of two who atn»*n f>« g"»»d ln*tru«-tloti, an>l It d<>uMlr«a It, Dim «let affair* !••- threw! | Wr k"|» to >larll In a falrrr ttwfhl, dr» ama were g»*w\ Ho p«a»r«| to make ttrnm to Iwvt hinl Uil It iu thi*. aration mm imihIxI, hut Law, then manure »h««uld not N> atom! maatt-rv. "\V<*kl" rrtod <*wv "I ^•{owy It took r*u I any- H kri* ki um mIM inm «kl. m«m> wiur n Iwoime an runtltlrriblr |» ••i<>n to In- »h«ll!" tnualf at t|y< piMKK Ho n-aard to aing. Jut )m< Ptx lTnl Uitlli* of tw«# China an I J.ipan ha«iljr »ur|MM* mt lu anything, mat |il)ll<»o|iiH J.i| pr»-~ lt«i> ■ ft*"**. •rlf with an olil hat and l)l( thiwl and 11« any of wan I tin* ulrt«m[>tnj »a« a (if ||m teaching |irln- m w« arrtwd at thr trrr John and hU hlr- g-w*l a|MI In which to MRU Mill "»uli)««-tB" 4rid ao forth. Tho Intel- Into th«» native win* aikI lta mw nun arm at tool* and farm own with tho r»«t whrvv oiiiTi-iiti<4i that It rd chopping thr l«w-r of thr farming mathlnery, at Irctnal Half held Ida thia »tat«> »hi|>pMto Fraint', thry "In tin* follow^! * old burning *uch a dogmatic rule hiiiio If •Ittiutf Mt t ho tahlo hard r *1* •"*. ahkh thr t»r«, t>ut thl« It out ami I* now glten boy .it i|h< < J ah- nl«l rt|>«il to ttvn ln of Fmwh wa« .•wr»-»«l that lima an wing**! withdraw their tr»|« from Korea; that l>«nti«fa, with fo* hr had ati.itIit ami not uncommon u««* of the multiplied. "tfcaal fcTariotu!" h* triad, apringinjr watching ut walking Una r«in« to lift* aft* r an •h"ul|>ar neither powrr MAIMB. nmr arm a trrr frllrd. A* *o»n a* hi* irllar, Vl« a |>la»-r In which keep to hia fort "la what I n-momU-r not and l»v<*ol U- we»k* Al Oft a tint)>• r without Mffil W *m u»r N<> hearing twgan. piga ea« at*>»e each night or amvea*full jr t' h figure lief. Tlila waa down to •«>rt of rotivnUiT^ ttHnrnmnl if*l I*>||re io thvntbrr, aul Cellar an additional Mi»llwi', I are, lijr "Not a (Ipnmu at all 1 will no put pmwru|a»- Snl, fr\>t» ihrrr' art long*? llf urr hrlowr, taking iirr to down man waa hi* work, la th< ii to uw tin ir M.lilit m wIhi had takeu in tin* at- <••. Nrd at leaat I think I - e, an additional defect |I«*. I think jr>>u || U wouldn't fall that w arid upon thr farm which para; crrtalnly waa Working All tlio whit*. Ho w*a to tai aware that wnw In |»lml. relation* were thua mi- A 8urtf*on, lpir«in| tv, elf. I« It that lie run* uutanU Hut \r|J «a* *till ami of dairying, tho tho half ».»t In mi tli* toilrl tlwir with the— hare r> ntinmd hat for a frlfhtrnrd or ho|»«i *i»mr tt«* k t*r»l|r lndu«try couaiata In making It iM TA*Alir. the ihi>»»».i *<•»•. itnplorral hrr, At I he of k or 10 Ihe li bent mut chair Mid t««»k lol«ami, while the th< tr f> r«< f«-l, uaing th< ir hliul li'tf* to nnewal of tlie ohl

  • turt>Aii<-<« and m Mn» In order to do thr litnt ld<*« In age hoy "(Hi! Ami havr 1 th* Mm* wIn it with thr Uat atmkM of thr at thla, pi>wrr?" w Nrw • •n (In out He will tear III* oth*T half worked. At II tho induatri* ■inia>th oat their winga. Ttoi y tltru ll« n<«* r*na«qUit< in York, Ifoii. Ka- cvtdmt determination of China torur- ham la to ao conatruct thrin line thing*. "You? tVrtainlr ii<4. You ar*» W », Ihrrr wai a a ..f tin- building only l tttl'l «1 tracking, trrn»Mlri< hren-hea all to and run Imminent oua half then thowbolo to with l*aria iluw uiA».il>rn Tanahr. A»<« lain I with him riM< rhl> f control nut the Hermit King- mi be thr In r»g« dl*np|>eAred; away wwoi'iat<« a *k»w of thr that htr »h*H kept In born tho half that won't work Y<*i haw k<>t grrot brancbra, hrndlng rlak of hla nivk to are what I* lion || ||.t*hi- m«*er runt an £ arr ei- breaking Wi nt to hil Franklin wnt* of th* incident: !■ Hm Jipunwi r» !• nhf a* ah*' ta aM« to her aa thr gnrwt trrr frll a»roa* thr brook. prraalng my opinion Idea, "«>h* Well, 1 shall 11 >t atand that." *|*>ko by aroniplct*»u«prti*inii omapjr pla^a ••• fc» l*t|«a«*T WAa M •<*• ( la autTh lent to aa* that It la ad%r ■uiw«tion. or It U to n ti»«* conduct' n-Ul All wu a»k la that Kurc^iluill let fr«»ni onghborlng trrr. a tnal Mine i* tho will. •umptlon piaMihl« (itolnra iilm «MH and would mut'h rathei haie gun tlian Intrll.i IVinripliv N. Now. If thr k rttlutlum" of thr it a waa mi In- < at aauK< tuno to of i!m< I'niiiil Hui>«, hod a 'NjuL • wi'h. pr.«>or It unlit. f lift* nn rvw tlta* vital |»rut< i|.|. ntuM which, "I wl>h jrou toU ar in mind," aaid Mr. cauar rltrct to •* itf." \.|»a«*% u a iiir.iv Itt dlNWtftd tii tn i> r iim- m <11 iii»< r >• _■ • r > t t<> with aoua m>oiii» unu« r«»jr plainly a fanmu* In the rtrlda and wood* win. i« K"*> •u< h a |>r«» *-iii|>]•>>•• t in China, may T.ui.iU' in conclusion, "that In thu> rft- >*.. Iii th* l>r h he •mil' the Hr*l lHN>k «>r n*turai iUr," Mill lii »rr« «»• r Importamv. Both »|» nk Kiitfluh ami f. to i*t I ak a* a hr »atil <>f the of cvwra In a t»«rn "Yon* I ilnu't know, Yni an- tn«»— your*If |>I«*»iip- rtini/ j hlatory «|» ooljr « Machinist. Thrn Itw html nun u|»>n thr krrping • an N» mom atrii|f rUn l, ami llwluf thr light- than In rau««» npnlf to U» ImiiM^rd, French flwntly, ami »«« rlti«* u aiir: HY(* •liNltf with a few IT'xl friilllU, in Will" courteous y facta ari' of the annala of holr «tw* thr Iitm rntrrrd ttw lmrra*lng undrr It upon •Mr, and I* what y> >u *ru I mu*t |>art m/ Ihf low IwvaiiM* I lie l«»v d<>«« not lik<* Imuki, ihi to of all m a ru rrlx- If h«tx to t»» rtllol Iinrk to life* at IIm« IriK ui'inUr* tb» |p«w pt"|*r i«». Fomiink. rV •vklwn.> 'Hn «»■ »■ a thr othrr. and cannot takimr riinnuli jrou aiul a*falll F. <4. «. trxr. Johu told a In owif u|> Mini tn> Ih>( |>rn U|«>0 grnrrally and Aim* jr<>a I>t ii« tratiriw. Y mi mrw eouutry." »»rM»fn |»I toh, : hut i|or« like tIn* river*, mountain* rrrti f<« |Jk> of lnt< n«i. *i • » •»-- III of mud and Itllh In clo*r pro*- l<>n*r*-r l>r.»iii |«iwit iii>ukIi en«l of .V> *r mnfi* jrar* tin' if nt.%1 Information pabllr 0m b»W IM tkm, by »»■! IrllU * wild animal*, that IwUi dullard. ..ut N. w f >**•• m» ImltT I* ll that milk from • «•«!. walk—walk f.»«t— #>• •olar of natm- loMg. FOR WOMEN. <•« » IMntUti It »l diatancr, ami thr voung poaalblr iu*i>tam*<. l**hav« ray* my «•»»«iitry, only 6WIMMING m* • •'•>4 Our •« Ih«>I *r*trm* are In f«ult an luumal, fr<-n* You »••»»• *4i ran a huttrr partly I Mr »•••«. >wm>, (Wt, H* nun from \t w • krj»t pmducr wklch In tin* lop of th«' !<>♦,'» ;Uiu l'M< l«r »4>» I'rlghl I* lh*l*«af ■ wm apfc »ith thr will «*>W ruu« h Ittlrfwlfj la playing prkv routine to thr mental wanU of the 1 want ujrMr|i<«" •tat* hi** liuwlr iunl •«« You an—lu »l»ort. nm an* tin* Animal »f Mml I «»< •>( l».inning. liurkrt* \o. It i« HO( .1 w in !»bv hrhlnd atr. \«i al<- children. from It I* l< iitv catitfhl • od«l II wa» a m«xilh W- h.l< tiMUgllt with It" tin' ■itu.itio«i, "«r» not ih tiling «o irr nrrrr In Inulth, ami Any departure apt Faff' >ir< ul ( '••rrr*i< b-Uno.l boUlt until a brr tu//•*•! rathrr f itallkar- krj»i gi«»l III* t> >rv lli«' Mar iiami nation*. TIm« wralh oar mail ami China Ii4 * to Irur the pupil behind In frade wm ihH It «m i«rn tliMii^lit thai |»«opU» try, mmlly hlmtlnl nniMil hr in fKMj rt. «h. run, with- "Oh!" Hp atijrrr Ho dhl Ati-asth' t'itt, An* .in.—Of all If about hU mn, at*I thrn krpt I and (lie teacher with an «tand- aii'l n ti«w of from lark of what callM N«*n a relation* | out »*tr* whkh othrr wla* Impaired wliat Ho wa* humiliated |«i*m liKliwtry, cmnprllrd phy«irtaiui part ici|«»iit. Irumlly haatll and hi* ailr hliu to frrdltig. know ton-ply. " tit" outdoor 4iiiu~ im itt* In which * t, t*|k»<^l krrp before tl»e of •< honl*. to a wh<>lt« alar to thai "tlir It hrtwwn tin* tbr««« roanlm** c.;» I n« • •will not he I'ijC *upervl*or a Oo ami irltr np ntimliitf principle Uftphraw'that «n«l l«IT i«<|«lroi|. "l**i't fall into rntp. away Viaunnui U CtiI Enfc-.r.iM.r Surveyor. children are wi to an .»« t for lli'luln'' ■HllllUillltf Irl n»r atatr onr othrr to the Many *ertou*ly—Irrepara- rol.l, n vrry hanl brar. Y«t Imlo- Iim it TIih', * itftn iny»f« ri«'ii» mxiikI, luit loiitf Nk"> I.'.hT, |»iinllr •nmo thr trr* * n clrfl and John rail- ohjrctlon aiiia**< your*. If Yrlaiit. mly I«k ITI. h*rn i*ll»r, ami thrn Ira** a grrat mint j bly— Injured by In li'iMi' couM r»—i«». lli* it r< mraua little* or nothliitf >r. in bottli* y<»hl, fit «• to Ihr h>iiM>ui>iliti. At Nr»| tlil* Into their Intellectual 70a ploa«s CitUH* lawk. l»ttvT«r, ally ilm II Itiiik I" nil tie* inu* !•« Mtlai ••thrra not tlalol Not a wlntn pumping " pTfii n-ni'MiatruUv II.- ww now a tm-r otln-r It U u<»w con<»il«l thai couiniamh r In chief, wh.hmh from VM tlto — 41 of it bumble f 'Mi* r, l««ly »*• »»«r»rli»f of oil •M»h. thrr»'i a brr ixtatof toward* grnrrally time at least > facta. llo w»nl iliaiiit*itrali<«i, ixry M, t»arn the Tlx* Animal Part olrjrwl • r of th« t'Ut kaw %i morr, of thr hrraklng iluvn of ww tn tin* l«»l ib uiamb nil In* an nmiUliutf "f ijo.omi |*m Arrnmpllahitu Il«* hraltatrd mhI, «*>• iMfli Mffjtel ed or education hla whole future lit with Mint |.i olM-nro pr.vrtuli. organ*. brought aU>ut l>y IniMMMitniiy, »r d*-«tru«-tlon. Into tltr college l»ikt. Il. «|» ll>«< morning ily il«i|i|.* I|)t> |o|| of lift* .m l won't thrlr Injur* mr- nn ii it a/tnv- 11Hi lllly <{U««t ihrr atlng."* 1 a* a I* hound up with the •rvi-n* kituL To l» tflu with, I11<1 up an for ail )»our'« rntion* which rliw tin* chanm U It-ail iralinir U.iidU oftb-i r* ami Ml lor", InviwIM ri*. llwr invk until arr »• If. |(«* found a of p-l up nat *I«r hal hrard It a a* hung up by thry *tr.vitfi* litrhtm-M horn a •ir-'Li- without tin* uir tin* pupil * *a» aw to \t thr dairy mr* *ced* that travel ifo to work. Not at alL Tliat Toii« of th<> ar«l. und<*r hi* • •• r to rfixni i(« r< * Korean* TImw al«> met with ik'fml, Liiiiw|nl|{i' f»a. lo ll.wto'i wiih io««r nrit> r to kwp tin- !*• liilfi (■It• m to 1«» uii»M<< i* WHk I*!«»»*. iHlHf. go k until they find a *ultah|r place grow, •ilfiit lit* I* ft ijuii«< |«iW Ik r t > ifift Ik TM'lf «|ixti. Ih "Ilrt rr itahllnt f«»r ir»w*", I mi. I Int.•Ilrrt. TIhii the lift- flutal enu hat a >">i« |>t in pro|> rirrulatiou. Twth m"i» r*nl without pain thr t»arn rrllar and aald that It la ini|»»*- played tbo Willi. Ut tflTllltf out |« of tfT..»l «aIu< Alt'I (mil uianr othrra whrn thrv rrtum thu* eateud Itirir range of growth. again Into th<* of joar lowing • » or 70 of tin* in art catnl wltb (Tri'at Tlj^or until, plt^u" a* In a chair ami l<*»kod at a novel. H<* h.vl plunK*' w-natialltjr |>ul*rtli<4ia •• ( aii •Ihlr to ron'lutt anr «lalrr oprratloo ( ia Moiu l>y wiiiin u, who !T )f CM QtUDd«*r. fmni tl»rtr tinltoo," Nn| rrplkJ. *« boot to have rahlnrt* ami U»t II* .**• ii«' Wkn I —iIm« u*iijiI a*» minute. one havliitf I f'li n out In th«» Japam •count* |»«»»««<| It to !*• rondurtrd In a haru with Kverjr ought lum Ih'hi ami borr ami im«i* tuliarou |»i|»- jrour r.ik"»—ry hut Hun p*r Mrt. Ik* nrar to thr ought a* art uaed • •wiiii |u..r |.*i fi*t t>ry w«*M, Affcflc:al v*th $.Y Thru got U|i rimu(h of rock* and mineral*, «ucb look al Tou and think of whal I wa« U« haa heart Uwta in the ami Mipplh UinniPirf cihau-tnl, pro to Itm.OW ■ • «rlUr unilrr it Iti rrgard |Ml III' Wilit d»wu tho rifrr III tin* nilli jjv |a-r*oii «• A* AM t ll< T o >uM trrr to arr thr omih tn«iJr, ami thr lit the for How w> r" a ('bin* » >lI.• |»—• Mly If • uruv to fit tb«» mouth. I art*, and halldlng. «if Tlil« in< nii», of c«wir*e. of |»nii' male, »l*te fr«-hi |Mirtih>ry, MMftl wi V »w iiii | iiaIIi l with llt»«»lh »h*llim- In thr whrn hr «alil, "hr didn't iT't a im«lal. Amhllioti n» .with •nrh wt r .i« to 50 or 60 article* a» a l*»*U of tr» aty. • N V oiiH* hrrr Thk* la tlir I utrrtlng, et theae |«e iwtk nnlvi-mily i» k«vp Tbry to • NT\I> l*»H l« t»w II, from llm«-«tone* > could w.iii r, aikI wlwn Un*! »lt< nipt turn know wh» tlwr S. Paul wa* or not, o th«- of th«< tutor. in iiniv« iit» nt. not bowirer, anil Huby»hl r»rnt of a ItfHiiur. N.iia ka jour htiKf. right at ivmI congratulation! poamU of l»ji«»| healthy aen*e. Hi* uther half looked up, •iin *tatr that In thl* "U • r that uw ilim not tu ati.t> k < 'hin t, ami in tlx- o« Will nrvrr ara* tlir likr happv 1 .'iO cent omo a m w "Ilow aokiil the Animal. it |i wood* pri'|-ar<4M|0**at capital * > t iu><* MrM. l*.f« g'*»il world hoy girl. "< lilt toll! '• f..n usually • to ITUtiil* haw laid <>ut a grr »t ilral of monrv In I lit, Mill Will, ir f rliAJitrtuif fr"in »wliiiinltij{ rt
      '»forr »hr ilarrd rntrlot* 1 from the rt it a inw kind of wlnura- «if to that country. • mrlw rvtur* ■**!• lt( approach, whole lii*evt world, gaudy "How Img? l>iyou." pliM Ami fom by m v dat ut farm tmildlnga, and a in a(||| wr ipi iu. You'n* a M-riou* wet, you lint. aikI Tl«v t< ru, li lin|« rtAiit In iU» p her *hawl with a hornet and wiiti, r n man wlw ti Ih< war C' liimu'il, with varyin* * > >tela akWIt U M rd In grra! p*rk-hol» h«ttert1v. the *atrage tbi< o(Im half, "thai I havi* gin up tion from th« thinking "TIM it I'M, If In thr future I am to do know, aiiu« of tin*—tho ltfc-lit.r a* It thi'•wiiiuiK r .1 rhiii't* • r. tirr h t I j a ar», w»t«r, tfiTi* m f iron. * \rt| f"Uri.| (imnI the l*/v bainblebe* and hi* active cou*ln ll«-m«-inWr what «il •«. uutll I .V'-'t, |» r|i*l of tit jr< ■ •» I II la mi thrrr arr *lt my ambition? you f<>r the flr»t iiiu alirrr ahr mmhlnthat llnr, ortalnly I oruaiiK lit* of tho onll«-t(«', ami I In t««i hihI 11« ii r'*uiiin h»r |>r<{i»x a* la tlir aldrr t>u«h«*a tlie iHiitrr bee, down to the mo»t minute w« * .in I mutnl on U4h • • -« | i»ll; fiikiap |iUi« ilird India- two yianng>. Y"ii r* young.r thru. who ho* !*»tnl 10*) <>r 11.% > ir«, when, Ib« I'IiIwhitrluK tlir Iravea. a»urln( thltlg*, .juitr arou*e hi* whole otture. aiiimitf them. It would awkwanl w in ii *ln< l>■» ukiii tin .ith. TIm1 turning •.. n'ul'l through fruit |M «i. will M tb* n at » • | J •'« Mil II* h«>l |v whlt-h I •hill omit, tli., thr Y<>u wouhl iwn pthvlninL Yon wotthl vIkm heart I* •till going on after all UimI ami ao, Illib jithl, lyirirf hrr »h« t»rr* could nrvrr tlriil hrr tt»rrr. |*-n«ahlr, lie will tie a* for facta of thi* bn*akiuif o(T all at i>mv. Ilmidw" l« f ikiiirf the itmkn on 1 \t %km *>* ri|«*« !■' trllar from th»* ham. and tin- hungry r-'W In tlw niiu. r*itr Umt. You wouhl thiarow f for * Th< tIm* of ih nth, i«nnl orb r« forth** Ait>iiiipli»hI«< uly ami •trAlKht* iiiiiir tho II.i. i*i«r trN |mi hoaar. Mtlur Farmer. 11 tin* il. 011. V' U wouhl a «ar* »toiu.K all ha»« .i n-t, r««-.tll of tlm arnib« from Ko< timr tlir man from the even of I j In mi*. aixl h J«|ktti«n« tit an U«ly * ami I to • ne- In all, all! You Wouhl IIm-ii but tin In .nt mi through w.ikihit y from \« («v*n IN ntr» ii. Vim* i>r !»««•■ am rea* a* k>«|» i»v iiii > 11 • *• 14* IM* M*»r fc> iMrulot ll*iii|»liire OUTLOOK WIST OXFORD. io »tnfT you ITimdIIjt y>ni ami in ii t-.t»ily i«ttrm*i •upl ine an 1 %» Itlt IlK llllllk' klK W 11 1 Wllftt m>ura iu> w. U *■ |i imiw- Japan rarryintf •tnng take t lutvmt In th« boner lieve tint tin* mountain* « Q|> JT'll ihr>'ii({h rutoyto k> a Mil Ml If tillfr J»r|» KaritiT* littr atoml In good cnodl- •urruumllng Will fill*I M hall**' of OHIIpMlloll* fr< nt Tht' •li"ul>l ti inf. T1j«« nt» rtnr»* wm- •witamliirf. pupil loin tU lili> l .\rj aiij •ml »it» liut lifted twit of the m, —hukI w. iilil front V«>u Ulwiofi lliKlmti an1 nil the%.*> II for |» favorably • «r vim • i«4fw rr|>( • full arvragr amount of hir, recently ami «.f (twriiMtiiii Iim Uoiiim* ttrr««- you out a foot or •> U vmi'! tu r )v« I l.< ami relation* w rv •wiiu Veil. of thru uilt • ti l ISM! III *igtlt )lf MOMuUrf" & t', which at*-ma lina»k" tin- •« iIh'V h'N>| hou«ea n| Frjri l'«r|, of "A dr< am—.»dn.uu. I ww •II. Win li i«io «li»« 1x4 tin tin. rt> n (li«- «*tal>lUb«iqiitrii for f«-*«d whrn ju*t p«*l milk. The twn y<>aiiKvr II I tin* f««t sink t i«>ur ra! In II* of o»«trr relic* of ■ race S<>)«bIt notlml anyrhMip arm itrolwMul ami lap flugt ha»r Ictriml • that imI« cut glgautk* thru." iii« in »l«» ji, or Ml !•.»•! II ifitii I'ultry. «• iW- by t^rknof *»rr km! nt «!•* uutv ki' At flr*t the EL>S I ?H *rr U>tr\l in\thlii( that lltnl »hrii those mountain* in onr table Mul like r< j ilri hiiniM'iltiriuitis "\r|l, st that tiin**, and well t »rv rrall) "N«» I%>•>■ «|ni**t. tii th* l>ut It w|U -1 in Utr. JMI glad under I Ik- wave*' thejr Th« y talked like talked r< < h';wl will wink :;*V IUmS mjr tirttrr than good hajr. deep Hi ar mo. 1 am ifiun to a Much haa Urn wrltti n Ami t.ilkn. wril> r marki <1 to the ham>r that, V| —" tli«* hill* around them contain the |i »tori«w mm. After i« l<«t It k jtm ml «*»*t. I* look- that Ihujf Ilk** «r> mi ii..i gii uiilif anW raiiliihira I 1«1' 11 IWt, Mhirlluii olnualy, ttat<«man I •hill tho hltfh«»t •)■ >at *• »:• UriiuiUiti In n-Utinu in In ulth "liwwiiitteh Ao Cliliii nn<| Japan tin re'« i <»■!>«< "' IromiM ami cm* ing finely, y« • iii>( "Mil.»t..I In Hhi nut, n|iid IIur»!** iTamo of nil. I •hull go into the bourn •ml iu fit* t mi Inn# lift*. It |> •imilarly tiny I «b"uUlrr. a Wlrf rati l»**e Miui »t« .»d Ita «triit ought iriro »upi*>rt Ilut the l»e «.ff. ami the king arr hut II"* 111*11) ihlMreu can |>olul the «luwly rUiiuiil. h-iwrTit, by naturally U|. r..~ ..4 httilix1*, onw, light, Mi lit. "1 «hall n«t f<>r mi hour «* wi; • •iioulilm will rm* al»j*»» tin* •nrf.n**, mrl) ■ of otb- r mtli'T than n«ort t thr ulillra ohiIIdhmI, Interiupte.1 t<« N-h| trII- iimI north »t*r» lion mnir know thf niutr- " lly.M rati that A»y of IImi iif At nnrnUr oiil) latr look llnrljr tlli'U 1 shall "I* 'WMUl hat w tlii* Knillx ri ili ^ittiK d<>( to r«t a planted |Ni|«tora newr to If in* lit f pwrtw n»g lil« »if* t«> be tareful mrnti of the lunoa from full, "Aim! ir wh«i h.iTo IItM In la» 10»» arm*" •tnx* no ru»t vrt. Thi» rniurkiMi' arrMitr* uieiit |kforw kivwluf Parti*' lunfiir C»»r •mall flrld, aa many flrlda luvr |il«n«-(• nightly fon •lull an oUiliiDt log. if you im»t of th<««' o nl< uiirl«ii« mi'iii !<• !»•*« if Ja|>an," rt-pljr, iij* ment* In relation to thr lUed «tar«? oik- It No oiw dUnvered It «!< •|il«« Ktr<>k<>, wlurh U v. rr ami an* nvre. iu*t*d »n»|*vtt«l *<•«« tut*"— Uviil Ilk** common folk who M N»a wr coinr to th« crop, boy'a Ind >!< if* thivttvd and «-rourh*d. 40 or .V). If li vl t.ik* u of |h iiplr to tin* iMiint of an earneat nut hu r*■ »tn the mul tln-y only a ru «ital that • I Tin* ru, >h. In* dl**p|ioifitm*nt; iprlng "Am 1 tii. it—*11 Ufo— to bw lh« iiim Uim ah*I ki tin ir l>l<**l In tfi»"l iIm' of rultiihtt-niiiMit • with irlloa Im* van my y<>ur |.ith li'tl# *t-rker« 1 tlllrj t*at Mo.*<>111 for an 1 •reker after thr truth, liit«f|iW to IcMf htiuwif Ml work. It ItniiH' nat AIM I A slow (U I ilnwil »tn »• g»\r u« thr yrart, l« tflHI u which tak<« up ? H» a• • of It.ili an to •rnrant!" <»nullttoll, tillT»| U mi Illllrf IlUt |>r<«(M tity up> to hall at 7 with a mingled r ii< with tli«* lrm«r arm. whit* th* ii| j» thrjr «|>|>ram| "Vnur life? Ufa Tbxtwn li t* •• Un'ii aa m«»lr •" tin* ut of all otli« nation* MCun «a l«* without tin" alii of Nik my Ti'Ari arur««1 |>iu« HA km. : mi i! an * orchard*, hi alone, preliminary nvnlliTttou of work and miiu« iih -nta otw ihiI to in%k> a l< nj »w»» • «a*t. r» UetraitfhN p I * ti iv ««*n live under the * <1 Mt lii'll otlMT "hllt'lK*, 100. N.ltunl la an *rr»-:«l. thi* far Ami thUf*«litirf liaa IM# rtrfe %» I* M .mv of iti»- (V; Ci no riHi»» arr luvlng tlx- dry Imm |<4(f »IVAIltA«r rr|iri«i'liiU|{ .t ua A fouml ly In.b ImnM* n-adi to h«t»h. toutali»i( young *r|| thu* far. Mowr, ahl la tblaT of a traihrr, acquire* «ri.rL Aa »li'»wii by wIiaI Hh-T dlil ilo, rntn>< Mfmki lli;< H »fTTi. Mlt. !>•» doing I Inspiration Animal I'art a* I* ft at «inl the pMt*dt)T Ii-* iiiorvd l«i|i*tbif (nl an an*wrr from a for both study. "I Mall ih4 l« •llfiit," cried Indo- rti!imaii*iniiiii th* wiahra to laara «till the Itrlt. >m hrnifr. .1'iliit II. FmANK I'HAt. Intellectual naliiiK to rirrumaUon*. lt rutliljr. If pupil <>thera Ilrotlur fitmrr*. air apt torB|*it , Inn*, r> um«I moiui ntary M-lf mm- win n In' think* of what tiny mijjlit li »\< im»t |irnriii-iii| to •iiotij«r •». »Im< »h<>ul !»«•« Ik- altho'l ht l attend «r .< pan t)»< ri« I catry l«r~ told they •out* thine fn>ni nothing If lutv ti'Jt "I 1m\u i>o enjoyment left )u iiihIi r un>rv f.i*..r iMi o.ii "Fur lu*t.iuo', throughout |>» to aoa |«^-<<«| U-t Aa to th«' A'luitttial tail All!Jl^f**a of A httiilMtllait tb(Tokuiiav.i • hlte nter tli«* ualr of evening glove* late night, Hnall> hr put right *f want our hor«*a to look wrll and I tor l»t n for K<>r a » im| with at th«« (lr»t failurv. If to over to Slith Avenue to get of *1 >il». Lie tlown and tuke \< n> lariau of litrinir, M (h rlml, ll h..'l ru
    1. nur}' (xuiio !« ■ atnl th' tr« n loto If, 4iiN-m g"t -J work welt, »c niu*t (••*•.! aril. It I* "Clialliiw," hu Mill, "i« it wi»»» to to m-ihI Alwur* Ntfin to tin* in »hal- h»r. 1 the New York l're»*. There r»*t yon do all tin- fAimiua Fnwh on mrh i*v»«iom.f a coronation prutloi other t■«-» N g .11 running In after »r mu»t fra-d tlwm. »ay* your Why, nothing FratM'tM|im Ham-y, -> Willi all kind* of |M|. hum tho candle at < Hati r to aroiii th»« cliauoMif a»vi- *.»* of hl« *l/e In *t«ck tut a both cn>t more in rmNi>'.iI CO f«>| rm>Ugll to *uit nothing day. A la*y. rritlc, hua berti trrlli# it, ami In a ran iiur]»«(« and « arf for ibm Now for aiy ci|>rrl- met werv t>«ie of white «hlle al me you told hi* moniinifthat you tut take tli.» tvUilmu bitwi n Uii t. III in In l»g»n tiki ng iIhiii hi hi* orchard*. Two of |ulr glove*, |»earl Y«>u AT— 4re • th*-m I niaiiurrd l»»t fall; top- »o (flvna r«|a April. • \« I nun and had to *«r Yon cauuol mttu two ina»t«T»." for natun> ha* ar ••Wonderful* omfwful' 11. tlx* othrr I dancing (love*. him Ufa to jrlTf? You am now au ani- In* liAa tooclxal no im-at In Au tioii in Jii|«*ii, in I 7, th«« jfoT»nim«nt utrii miiiwininm, drr***-d KriH-roualv, aprrad the and In due roura* I*U3, t» *'ni; l Im»< l if I huln't he tMMight glove*, "It ii <|uit« true,"Mid the reading In- an to K>>r>« to « a it mi iliAt whalrTi# th< 1 on a out of maiiurr and mal. lialf ha* ut»orUi| all tba of llm aAim* that In- li»j ati h« forv- • II- p l>H>k lln-n-' g<»» low r.| alv lu« hra al>d I cut half Wing ijumtioiHiL "1 of Lit* down, l uy of th«' fart ami to r> m w • liMllrf UtVUpitA ill tL«WAlrr, |> it In drrp, were abounded. ti lli\1u«l part you la only "a nualiTAtf Tr^ tATlan"—thai lUtclligrnoii Ualjr • Intent thet lite «h'|>|>le« Nobody m«h time. hole hurtful' John, lot* of •mall root*, ami thla •prlng thu iliftlrulty for mmm I let in«« work." of Tim Knr< au«, IhiW- ri flat u tli* fmv. t' r. ithititf »p «>|T «ould thl* ui iti* —He down and la, ho only <«M-huwa aiir*r a morning, tot lit* down. fl«» n fti ci to thr ur r> luain* al» taate, and In favt Iw wa* miiio thing of Tin- Animal could jfs <•!•«*•, lullt«T, inilkAml ti«hto hia mr, rm^nizt* •uTuy p.iratii* ••V< a »ilng !" H hrn thr wrrr of intention to work. lie whit la ncdrd. apple* tohl hitu my wan walled aUiut tho room. hi* to lo« (<«nil mi Ut »iuli nt ami niwkill* « m< I tn «f all leader of fashion. After tupiiera breatU n^tloM. Hi- n-tfiim-u. to th* .crept Uit^a^r, owing «»tiu*ihly by »«i m \t U«t tl*e U. rr hit* l and t'miirary •'iia<*tatton* r *hi%. m %nr-. well »rt I with I'art* grrrn, 1»•;11 1 hJouiL 1 iii«Ut««L Tlmi h«' iiiovi nw nt. It U |o float o r u« apra)rd l»«« waited u|»ou him to know wa* *w ami h«- bo fart diet th«> Urui 'k'n.U ful |a«aiMi* •t.iltrd Ik nr, without of grttlug thru- tuo or- de|>utatlou Ho dknMli JmIom. of l«»th hlinaolf frb-mla, flmla unpin- thr n»o*t of tl»r Irirt of come out t)M' of km*« .loal.l.,1 «aa whether or no white lud pointed alminlity pretending half lt<< mw wan pet- •f wa« • in tin Kjfi-lv with th" op tung. \e.| i|e« Ur>t| ll ill* 1ml retalmd »l»*-ir and glove* Tin- other plainly that Ih< la la mnrhtnnn»Tlg«iroaa ln:»lth Jn|«r mploftil iui|»- )uil>: chard* haii* apple* to work while (hi«i wan aUmt all aii« ut. at a U)nlml«r "I m wearing them you tar, ThU U awkwanL" aromnt lliuii, I*; tin other orchard, w Itli dear l«i v," I mi mM, hut ■ "What do thcnf" r IIm« tlx) haml« < Mh«. V. I*. l>H<»«riM. Juklagljr, you the ruun he l<«tked in w ho h »»l HI" >»' In fair condition and not uunuiol Uat pnpow dt-ut at he for*. At tlrat In- frit ain Korean* *hl|iw f»«ljr f • tiulle. Inveu't juyvd naturally hnntfry lightIr *u|«Ttor "I that inr» all tIM tm«. 4 failure. "1 pr>|»»' you «tay and ho fur hU facuhad a •ml took tl|>|x.rtiiiiitf \» < I M*la* me* lite loot I hrantrh of lieml whether prince \t a ting of r ►hall not fall really tin* morning lllltil 3 o'clock, lirkid ilL tm nth* nnwUiUf that ami Now, l rotln f*rmrr», I grown h« avy. Them wa» a Utvuio look tho (li^h away, •ipr« -»ioii» of frti mUhip l»y tin- Filially »pla»liiiitf Australian iiureiN of founil It out yet or not." fortnight rravliiK |kiaa*o| tlw* ^«lb agricul- tl* old tilt a and Irt mj "What? Ami you luok ou while you worn ra*t an- th«i 1 Imck Into again, tlue l« not at«>ut tho rlwvluL Tho cyw doll, ami now not nata at th«» *aiii" >f (Hp official* who emrtnl tin* noi«y ■wltuiniiitf th**an*«l<. it ini* : Inv* gruh for th«Uihl\r». the mugging?" mouth fulL Tinn th« other half rou»uiii«* inm !««■ Kona hTi ivnl tho ki«l lipath«- through th>-m»lril«, tak* »ol.| itftv *t a o»»t of |r>t 'hi to the Influence of Irony. Iledile*, tho hour* aa brforv, hut h iwijw. *liipwr«< lyn ami pig* trrra «r van trrat You read Frrnch nor* r M what trull pio|»rl), | wa« fluttered at the Innova- "Kia«-tly. may nnd •tiaal Uwltlu him. lint 0 tion. I that they »l«c|t lookotl at their uwu fan* "Hal" b*TilaK. r-ftU-U Uh M>l »n earlv t of turlev, ami i|«rtlM up, quiet Only cried Autl>itil»trhi plcanc. may quite you (are intowW-d for iiih. Your* U tho faro afti-r brain la • in thucabimt, war « ami llui iih-uIn hla fn-alM-r, •tnaiK I«rty for TRIES. I' j wliltr Iii UHtevriilug, AYulU CIIOTI III MM' I Tit III Mil Aim ilca-py Eiw-trlcltr i* tmplojiil in. ptlllliirf FKBD I. FAR WELL. iliriR|.( hjr Tr«»uMe ighbora to It. So whlta aud ■ink; ntiun contain* m«I, y«>nr« fahititf ■till, >i« can iIumI n»or«« fatttfiic. utt- York In-or of glove* r ta> U.-.I win*. Two of tlmi Iiavt* — la U* »it-»rt« to Ir« «•« (In* U« bvfuru IukII. No iuur» bw fur luuch a man-of- ibm «t» » »« »» ma <» (ii«rruiii< ut, .irUru U-oump of u(«rtuii|(lii( to animal. Y<« have what jrou wanted, f- It th* of •timu- "In At>w of iIh- |#«rl It uulu« iu« a hainllut«» to China nml ramiiitf MlAUtpal »«lr- to lu New York t'lty sloth. yon. lanta, and litrw h« haa don* awajr publior lutnxi »,»■ \rin i»,T»n om.n. Aft<*r Irrr or Ita or a« to lli** riielit cut mow Urr? ThU U »tt.W lint t<> III" TIm* |*tl«ut !•> till crop, our mtn fa*hlon "No tyranny." am turn- M> it f'TilJ*. I* « •ton*, and when of I hsve k<'< tin hi, though, «ii«l I Hn itm« not iumI he Ja|wiii plruipiiti Hilary iloffxl trial It K,« Lrfn found 4 («llurr, «»*« hrai)ch«-a. >in«r •orb thing*. umikr, llw th«> la ~ I»« •|U»ir "Na It ii uinbitiuu. Iu tin' evening r irri^l* iMrlrlly r «..>! IUl-l«r Tj|«. awajr •iroll^.l Into the into artiou. Ai time mi • <*tH f^r f»«l anunig*<1 hjr of ttir prt>t*11• ly »«t tfirn* •! <«rt llou*e tlte otlier nlflil ami looked around yuu may go and play card* 1 »hall more w«n> flr>«l on the Kori-au*, Rifi uHkLU. n» «r'« it I* n- fnoe will tn«*Mno buviur, your th<-r h* U •■ntbuaiaatic. taMtn by a»I run Into the L'lif> ground. g« tlie jour •apply. Altr<> to the t-lrcI* lia milled grimly. Half etey lwt«" mil?" iih'ii w«r»* »iiiiult.»ii<-m»ly »n>li«» Afrit* in I tlut lie Ii ia * right to tin* ilullir. What will !• the ttm It I* ratht-r likt* wlf bat two of h»r wound*! Th«-rr- • rail) ail tied a* If were ey««i At douial, tn»taiit lb« Ii no ii In the Ihum looked they They vrtut to M It aeeued to Will know. We t!»•» \I attack**! ami th«« h^li Tin' t«»*h fruit tlut iimv I* (Jit drpeudlng l»ramhea Hi* brow darkened. "I iloii't utMi g*ta to Ilk* It lit Um«—Chicago bjh.ii th« rrtvruf '••hi «tmr.Lk iniii. » «rrjlng «no«h*lli. m if the other pert of linn—ti,. Ii,u !• " tLii( Magic a Id throw ligKt witixiut farther thought aim I ii I* not—'Klxtrifiiy or A r\«*ht caa# Kuglaud had tieeu out to *ervlce, numl lite inferior half. "What if I t*aty •».!> ojoclinlol In which tha In- ]vk, man cut liiut>« Kathleen put anil of • •n A away «< •• Thi« curious life of I»"»T .... Milk. Ilt lilted tin* f of aeperatian were to follow hia A Wmimmm (lantMwr, nr-» of K<>r¥ft mm rw«nfiii*«l I>t Hafci theQMttton. over *ui.t. rtiiM and of whoa* riUlrmr girl. day Unnl- Th«> Intinat in MIm Wilkinaon'a Japan. XnrwrgbM Hood's li lt ItU ground*, on au errand to iown. Mhe wli<>l<*of the time. l*» r> til* <1 at tlw w Sarsaparilla «a* *ent undergraduate Hut hia blanch**! face showed hia Icmi r U country >)>oalil (!uctli>o frrnn •kimmilk of a n« ma- Ii .<1 I wen aware for fifteen MKi llr enm aa a landM-a|a> (irtlcii< »|*vad 1894 than and Mr*. Ilerrv however, a great came < ^HSDAY. SEPT. 4. at the iciex Hut oa wa* lopgt-r u»ual, nally, change court of th«< iIn r. lia« bwn rall«ol lartit«> or Vou *mile did thla without not Hi* to th* nrr. al the very thought. Hh< « i« Ih«ii In Manuticrcr frum (hilt waa brought, judfr il- 1.1 K «tlilern wu It * aud of hit d( t« riuinliiK InTM-lf Iraj, '°h«» c. rrin. if Iw (Ih* |>|>3. It—lie—perceived that the whole rl\ili*.iti«u. A m hooi * n Hull, you tliat tin* IniiHiiriiiriHw inii»t treated M M a In ii.iln.oy mmI a f n lory for IU pr<»lu«tl<*» Mr*. Ilerrr ohaerred: had become abaorbed (TO eOXTlXl'tO.] m|« gardening pruftwaiou applied alia|a\ r and th t "lefend- rvaaoning fatahlUhwl In whirh iii*tni< t- raii to tho "cIam," whlrh Japatuxi i» at* ut to ilirl «n» "Why, Kathlr+u, ro*y, tlie Hall Uo bermniv for MLK. Dyspepsia W ant havtkilMwi lilalnilfflotbilr happy by Intfllertual on wero h*-r iucii malt rial l» «» a cl<-« n-wm* And a bnulr, and nhould fuce You look a* If the dew lud wm oo« of tho ituill<« implnjrwl, young ( TltU lit* " H try to-day. of He could A TIm Rmw, Crystal |«lin> |l:'< l-UIr i*krit naif » iltan, thr iittlMnvr or (li^a him rewaonaMe nally incapable reaaoaing. wrt* wnt to to bo nlurtinl, ami bliuioi lit n«l ami In alr<.r>MU> I'trU M A flne of C3 ami o-ata au iio- }ihi.h Dot fallow tint a He had no ia the faahlmi now for ladies' maid* » •• »!>»• 4 will Uw.iuiiUrUji tUiitk, noli**. Iter ere* and mur- thought. It h»r heal aituiiuUtratiou III Mauk «r color w«iW.i4mM»l S > Kathleen dropped Wvro (lilt lided for oirii, hut th«*y itu|>t< bo ma m»de, and the rul- ThU made him seem be- or only gm trim ik>uSl ctrUun, Apical mured : "lodade, mum, t>ut that lan't thoughta. doll, to keep diaries two thr*«w«»rd J u at Ice l.indlev, admitted hw. Th«< nlilnlnl W'uioatal rw ing reversed »>> raumi even the moat Indolent perauu of their nii»tn*M»' engage- finally I Ita turn la Id* n*rue.M probable a. "That Just Hits Itl" w ho dnlilril that a nun haa an at>aolute m«m landatwpo gardener, Edward Miliar, * ttlrl like* to think that lie liaa the name of the drrea M**M»rry mm4 W»-U. or powers uienta, patting •' a maci« «>lf ow limf>a let*l — in* »l».» IfW-lrvl TI.U f»f» "That Maithini ttlrrt i« right to cut rliauglug of vu b»r luatrmKc Horreying, of all in Power. S. HEAR. of argonaut. ThU moiety Challice against the d^jr. The lady looks at the Highest Leavening latest U. Gov't Report t. I< «u I will Urn an* i M • • cntlr without notice unleai WHAT THE WIVES eatimatea touch"* >ar«a|«anlla underminingroota ih«m dull. UU Inir. drawing plana, making owner U had Ho Uramf quiet, list at the lirginning of each week, and t<«*« an I •trrn*thrtu th* Moul*b the land of the tree wtarrd wlfn hare out from wcrv niaa- i» 1 V t»l **.•*» Meu-h*nt'a (at liome)—You wit He waa and (taking pUua tM • -h. Ii the old daaerted him. heavy. If she does not of the gowns to *4 at»l di*;-«tlr* organ* InTicorai** to t?»vt luUlng. At lieen approve him. I' nj»t «f >l»M» U|"'ii drinking again. out of the t*red nndrr Hbehaalavum ytan TM« M • a natural. tlratr* would that He drifted aorlety be wucti she alters It It saves a Mill aw MrniiIrT lltrr. cr*%b health; aauie tliu«- courte«y auggeat Wholesale inert-font gradually great ■ t*» (apologetically) rttgagid, aud b»*id«* i*wi« r ««iri•* »»»d notice. which he had He of at the time of Mioiialljr -It f««r fowl, fi««* rvfrrahintf •h*p. it la better to gl*e —Couldn't It tn'dear. Mr. Hurepay funuerly frequented. deal flurry dressing. «M« l|lit antall new waa drink- hail (L Ulbeoo lectured on parka nt that br a rh*tuiral proceaa eould hold hit trade by (blc) traitor. He bemuMt they believed, The Bar. J. JW,' r,«M partlaalMata a «|>b» toe that city in it year*. Vaut • can I# him. Awful aot, that the man who tor gnat 1' .c> -i«-1 whereby animal fal ill»tluguiahed ing with hurepay. that contemptible pernio, "Fools" at the Wesleyan chureh her* a'certalii- a ball brr work, waa ie oil. it haa been Mr*. Hurepay (at hotel)—Ooodnoa'a, rvoda He waa no Infer a dweller In on Their war* a largo namber park, recently opened »>• «> M lha Ss from fe'getwl Hunday. "Maatr Hood's lard U nixed bar* been — the Prlnoa of Walea, who U mrard«d ed that the majority of me! Jim lab, you drinking. the Caatle of Indolencm He had gone pn«vnt Carterton (Now Zealand) by | oil. It la aafv to aatert mr aa a critic In k> >a«Mlto N Qirt with cott»'ti*efal Mr. Hurn«uy—"WmbI ay fault, over to the other aide fooil landarape gardening u~41* t ktWa**! ruk cent of the Urd aold hjr deal- dear. The** 'wu Hlr merchant! cu U» rharactrriied It m on« of tbo bmt that 30 |M»r Lifo became very dnll indeed to thU I>ea)era who Mil •hell a man bill o' without atop- ***»"«L A T*t r. Vl«r. cures era la Adulterated. good* He in the habit of on * Boom man an All pwawhU Dtlkfl piwM at landicay gudanijig b* bad the food to drink tire minute*. Never halt got lying M Luwawfiisl Mrwi Mch an article in violating pin* crvrjr V«Wl Mala*. ■uftt watching the othar halt who Ml W aaw aucb topera. WILauN, a» l*wte iMMa t A. f. ANO n. L. R. A. Beware of Ointment! for Catarrh that STATE OF MAINE. UTAILUHKU ML NORWAY. THE WEEK IN MAINE. The railroad coumlaalooera pn a baa at to Uka contain SOCTH_PAm ring Auguata Kept. Id, Mercury, Make m wtW Ua nam* at of tkkat. laat Join Uutn It it work for W. C. NIW8 action on tha that tlM ywry Iray iwii it a X la iqvart tvtr party tap ftxtord N« Hall wu to tlw duon rHI MOST IMPORTANT BTATI petition aaklng a^aail aa*l wfcub a ttefcat, mark She Democrat, pwkMi the Ka» if Ta vata atralglit bnr Hot. Mdwi ImvIU, •ftlKFLV TOU). artlclaa of aaaoctaltoo of • M HHrlM M IkMgt IM MMNt aurfaraa. Thuraday i||ht to da other mark a. of tlckat-than araaa IMl'KD Tt UIUH Orrta Tubte vlalted Id and Lakea Kallruad ■Mk artVM iInM mmv hi mH N avar nama at top on tha Mr. ltd Mr*. ford KalU Itangalejr «Mf« ttckat. mark a 1 In aquara party I Hag ley (peak political quMtloa. fraai li m Ta vata a apllt X. Um IrM of |Im weak. ■ir ba [MilHl>«i w>^l> iktiMM*, Ikf and tboaa who ItlM U» bear Ma bM Uorltn, H.. U with i wit 4* UIM nil In naw nama. 1*W. returned to Korkbad itMbM ilrrtmg, approved. <>■■>* u»y uft* IM p*l ymm any nama and MMN'K, SKITKMRKIt 4. W # m(M a Arthur J. IImmomt kM The road la to ba atandard gauge, and ru ■larlf* fnM UM. but ana X. r.lttlH, a ru«ila| (urni i|wdk lid the HlboritlN >mv« offered a faaalMy Matt** Curt* Uaa ana column only. Mark thU after m abaence city la to ba ballt from a of Ion (in. BUnfKlaml f. J. A of Stata. frw | inwmli anuif the aadlncf aad kit work la plaro bla point Janet kf CMMf to, NICHOLAS reSSCNDCN. Sacratary reward of $H»» for dlMtimjr. Wm.II., Wllln m m4 U ItM ii but of ilott two mouth* la the woatora part with the Portland and llumford KalU mtmrrmry. •Mkl Ilk* w Wn imi aon, tktjr liiiriilly. Mi leat r la tkU vtrtalty. cuuaty. bflonglni Itallwajr KalU, NHMM IM l^Ml. I* baflag Hall'* thlt work been to a mhi ha* hi* bouae Tha Witt eotUr la occupied Ihkm In llelfaat hav« irmlfd I turn fort), Mailco and llnitmrjr (Mrrk Cm M tn ih iM mM Ii la > ranklla Matlaa lilaM IllM imI faatll of Htlw, heM In to await thx at or near Hwala A Itead'a In IMNlIf m4»m4* ll TaMla, Ot>t<>. •Hi Street aad U U> imlt k hr Krank Hargeat y and jail grand Jury. Bill, ATW. A. K. r«M. Alpla* rwdjr point EirJ.CMirii*. TMMMbfm. UHIMI M a few dol- Itnibury, a dlatance of ten mllea. :tr. Mlk with any »*»• who will bring Tba manager* of Jtlfhy l*ark will M*aH by DnnMl, fftn par At a :J0 rmla|tk» «IIU(* Tba atock U •OUHIO, divided PEOPLE'S. lar* aad the l«la«t« la good patwr. WMltNtlar out two for fr*fr-for- capital DEMOCRAT. riomiiTiM. la hr the Ire hang ||o,ouu pnraea ea«h. dlractora M • twr If p»vt ««rVtl» Batca < waa wm ifilo iltntnl Into tharra of fliu Tba IINIUCM. rillt -tt naH W. K. tXt hrr of olWgv poopla all trotter* and at the October I tWwnito|J«itr«w *la«»» n|ki t alarm. I. It. Andrivi, of the flna of pacwra named to act till othera are cboaen ara: BORN._ I la town oaer Huaday. ifcwtrwr r<>f Uovtniur »l»llHn»mi M» A Axlrr* *, dlacovered the dro la ■fling. tialeu C. J. CbUholm, ll Mini. Am. ■», la IM w1f» ml hit r»r (!<»•«<* f..r A WUTMHUN —AU Iwl nhw «iiUo«BMrtlM hat* utade an- Xoyea Moan, Hugh RMilt, for (!«»»«"»• mi ImmDmm M|IJi par Ov.'t mllll- la • *•>* Itilnlll MvipI | r Itat»n «n «*T»a Itiw »>hi four or ll*u Um roar of J. Haddlagtoa A IVawda, the Yarmouth murderer, Kdaard I Mummer, W. W. Brown, Waldo In U. Il»r»»y I.uHm C. nilwO nual fur IW laat jntn, ll T. "" ~ far* la •>( ilw "|*UI tripa amr IMMI, Am. ft, la Um will if lHlkw fm rhsrW* ll.mllon ««f toarttnnnt itntt flwiH* oar Kort la th» Ileal Rlock la the aald to t» of aome unMerloua K. B. iMinlaon, P. II. Twitch* | m, W«l>nlll« 'of I. -*"• -*» inulnl Ml j«r'r to what la railed Itrlnxtoae I'Oraar. aery dying I'ettenglll, |ff( lid with Mr. Aadrewa' tlore, The which baffle* the aklll of the tharlee A. Itrown and WlllUm II. la IM wtf» lit mile MNilh of Ibla village, aad la Ibr ha to^ dlaeaae ell, likwmf, Am M, 1,'MftM will Mm reapoo«tnl and Irian*. Newell. KilfM, >lmM. Job ratatim Ifl*. ^ dead liour* of the night dl(alUi deiwrtateul ijalcklr phya la «un«k I'trte, A«|. It, In Ij* «ir> ml l.mlwf waa with wy aubaorlbera ara: a«( «_*TT thutrl la the hl|haat Um Mr* riila(nl>hnl la The M TTtaaiei m mm. M fn* RflUMMMIt* to ra«. —k- >** and public The |*ortland *liwt commluloner «•» for >»|*WUII»» W Ute «# |4«i Humtart u» r»r |»pc«-~nt«tl*» I m't— kp«rtaia> mr to lb* •mall |um of property. <1.1'. Mom. Itelh, sai thtiw. ia r»IU, Amg. ff, In Ue vlte of rw RiMMMldWl i«|ir« • blvh look* a^atertoaa taken of hlgliwaya Aneae a mei. aaaa MfMa w4 |w*alar bp tliat The lomiuittrr. A. I.. F. Itko. K. K. hating photograph* ( hat Ira Lm, Mlh, I. UHtM* katlm o( ihr It raal and a tier Theae 4. la vltowfC. A. l«f y. Turn»r Imllljr. H. on building before being improved. r II. IMrMI, Italfc. Mwry, Am N.lulM Hai*r, M«ir>l It «#r I a>ixtrn «p| A iil.itm I bey arv digging aay ftp*. bid* •re to make an lm|»rea«ton ►•Iwar) I'taaia**, Ftlb, o* U«» bla * Kid IVIlnai' llliK'k. Um expected W. W. Ma l*wla«n«l umuc r*nan. tmmrM, for «r ban no hWtory of opened Hm», rwttaa4. awl the coalrart »a« the public. K. It I kraalan*. I'»rtlaa>l, M. IHan«-fa> ai» rm the l.lttle Andro- Monday nrnlnf MARRIKO. ai»( » < up»~ •* IW »ea*e| in* of our prominent young Cooper A containing WaHariMiMtW. KmbIwI falU, Sn ...analiaT**''! ■ '•* ^T':T, *«vggln. aad *ef1lclent bond. Kelaeo of vmbin fit Vntlutt iaa mMMM* a* Mlk> l/l" that oc- to farulah («mm| ton of lla«*on W. H* Krwvll, a. ll KatMl, Alf. M, bf Hff |m*I J •rial. Mr. fttt VdilitM fut a taa«a fcata •• inrn «bo vlalta neighborhood four*)earmold fur *♦«!«♦• »l »l •» toMflMl The bl<* k a III be three of brick, * a* overturned In Clark'a H K. t'laaiawf. Llalw* falU. 1 I«u4ift IUn*f a»l Mr*. JT.V.x^a »• *•*•*! waa Hiarwhal startled laat atory, Heat llrUtol MrlWaarlMtlaai, Jiiimi 4mlth *a« at lb* |.la>«-« Mlk af BmMi «* r.ihan Willi* toikiwtap »*•_' i-a*locally feet front aeTenty long. Cove ami the drown*!. The ladlea the road aa atated In tha o.n.u. I O. 11*7 >.| Si>r«*T —*r'~- night while returning boar, Hfty-thrm» by boy Although pe- Ii ItMbr I4M, l>v»r IM, Am V. Ilarrr <4 Ji nf Nrt« W'nlitNib) oa office* on mc- condition. rrytlwn marauder*, Too atoret llr«t flm»r, were rearued In an eihau*ted tition U to extend tan rallaa and to WMMi a»l Kill UI li «h "Ti-Vr to rooounter the midnight only Itllbraat, tMAafUnrUwa II. I» IrUli II I> V•«. l>, ■4 dm kfl'M <4 BurfcUrM Aln«l » »•», !*>«•« rb* man aaya tbat tkty lodge loen were discovered to Itoihury, im* IkirAftaU, yo«B| to draw and Two trying NliMul lla»c<*, a»l Jaaala Mi7 Tmii, A r Uate, lMi>l Falla, W. IU«. ll. R- tbat way «o oftra aa he would CalaU, and one of them wa* actually It, Aif by to Gardiner, It mill be one of th« beat build- tention to carry out tha name IllHiafurl. Mr. Will*? A. t ran mil nf Mallni baa aold bla druf atora *ome and a eveuluallv A M.'<*rtTT raptured. lie had tool* m4 Mtaa MallKli M TafWr of KfM UOVCHIOK. a former realdeat of tng» la Hiford County. and tha road through to tba lUnge- rOM lltla Xurteaant, of bottle of In hi* |to**e««|on. lite puah lb# hu*loeaa of Mra. Joha J. llaydea and children, powder Lakea. thl* wlm ImnMtl other got away. ley for llfik >laoe, aa Mnhank' Kalla. and l.uiu, Amy aad burglar Actual work for OIKO. rf Ciili HENRY la the the cottage the i**t meek. rirru* one Home liquor It waa the Intention then tn hulld llarkAaM, Aug.U, (ale, a#»l IcharU* nf tlllofil ibuMPtta. Mr. ti#rry ha* been pled llayden day rwently. almplr jura. lion. A. H. Kimball entertained title* been telred waa atoreil lu a railroad a with Off X*ortl«mct. bu*lneaa for nlneMve year* aad baa built whk-h had a lumber cheap roa«l, Ii Hmrwtj, Am- II. Illrm JoIim, i|*l O. Itallev, editor of the |*ortlaad .Sunday varant rootu at tlaeJail, and the prisoner* and aharp curvea wherever W j*ira. up a large trade. aterp gradea ll A*al I 'I the oeek. to break drank the Hwlft lllver ara lm- Kaiafurl, A<| tt, TiUla, m*> I i>r t I* « aa|»w*« waa one of the tuo.t dl*- Tlmea, past manacitl In, liquor neveaaary. Along hit iaxiniy tiiornrjr iKttily Atl>i«u»y | m A«r>M»aU»l»t lait ke aettled down la tbl* nlbr ao that cla**niat«, lieen hard a at for driving V. AmHh M«»r>t i»:i>oi Dn«i.»:v, A tVt.Mal *tock company ha* ll W. Ii. Kugrur » u| Itvnmark at of Itoatoo, thlt week. waa aa a mem a u re of I'mIMI, Ai| 17, ftelpa, fur—fly i4 V.fWBT n| r) Um a«a waa ••utirelv bid from tight to construct a road proK-ted af *»aih I'iri*. iM 11 aow organised at Watervllle i|al ymrt or UwMmi. *t four It waa Wm. C.CMt, oho It building In tbeae land*. ll Imdiil. Mra A'MW Will af two o'clock. and aecaaaary railroad to connect with the \V|*ca**et economy developing Xajraa, KiI|M X. Baker'* la rathlng tlae ami after ll»l»l»a. a/»-1 m jaar* to la the bou*e*. jjohu building, hlna. lion. n After preliminary aurveya, lijcht lamp* i* ■ml railroad at« ll Mra. MriA m»I «wio»ih- thr work moat I lie irame u|> (Jut-lav had maturely conaltieml llllapl. Am- fli MapWa, »li»lll I'nr «h»rt(T 9m I K. .. h »«|. In tbi* tiling* rapiuir. tin- enter- the projector* r«f »l«ri» |nr all T. Ilalnea U at tli.' head of r 1'urfttUv, >r\*. 4th, *irr|* dWtance It twelve mile*. William T. IBMI* liartr* A. W trtrn th»- Inakle under The i n>m« II ItarlUU * ml IHiMI one wcrW and much of work nay. prise. mwl, an«) now pro|Hiae to butlcvent«-en Italian workmen on the road. «4 f.* « ««b4t Tm»if»r, later. ArtUiua t |»o wed »f rirt. •'••l !«■•»«• >->uth l*»rU at K. II. Itrowa'a. WIh-miH ami tjueliec Kali road TV nwl will inm the Aiulri>M«f|1i Lost! M ATW««»I». I r»iu« (<»' t her • V. W. |||||«, who ha* at itmt* lite *t4tk»o i« folio* O il 4. M., lira. enjoyed up In i |«e»nlle«« nmdltlnD Augu*ta by * bridge a ilmrt dltlim* a Black and Tan r>f I|«M* IMI'DWI, K«il«i< oenr t ar- CHM'O, < (MialMl'M*! t.irl •■'inly* •>m> iul»*l<«i> I U, •!- vacation at IVInce'a INdut and liatl to Im acrooiiwodalrd at tl»e rltjr ti»«M4ili «if Halfl lllm. It will run up fi»* I .Miniy I HB tUKM r «MITH. J ki f. iiioulh, «»lll return the flr*t of tin- werk. hou*e and later wff» «ent to lloa- »rt| (wok of the river i few iittlif »nt M IS t. a., aim* tin* mile*, VI.IImmi U. r«rlln ««tuu»l II. K»»»« j.rr.. to br •Ilk a* la* in mllir Mrt*l W. Ki-ll'»n John II. _ Cat ImM; t »wlii«>in»f. ».«■*• Iut<• t S>>iue of tl»* ttram |>l|»r be uaed ton. The Italian Mviut to have then and the reat of It will tw oo liwoit, fMK 41, U«om■ I.f Ktmnff u 7 10 r u tnlimi. padrone (fiwi, i II. i»l ha« hrtM tolls ..f f»rl* f'l •» I*mW A Mot In thr fnefcer.*®. «.ft«>KuK W. IIUUM, C. H. t'uiumlng* lmtlo( been the one who defrauded theai. the r»it bank of the Swift. Tbrrontrict II* wu IM iMrl Mm la Km tt*Oa«* Unkj. * hold their •torea and t>u*to***a In the lilac for tin* fur the •Ur. AnfMttl II* I* »alm»l M Um |«l «l r<« lb* l»«li«V relief o»r|«* will |tlacea at t'alal* ha* l*en pirn Andn>*coggtn The the* factorjr a arto>l rKM» A r<>KTKH. In the evening ill, i.V«» bridge already Air win. will rMrh Mm. It* Ma, «r fur I 'Hint) Tu mrHlnif* and In«I« irr •teadlly running, producing |«alr* till* |»r»».a fur (iNtnlr Tr»M«t«r for l>xi»iljr Tim»W and thiol uf 'IVtianmof n»ttagv* hulMlng of the n>*d will Iwgln fall. 'ui Ma la • rwxa ial M hlai villi aillk aa>l r.r Tr»»«»r»r Fat I krtfc ml ( l •tor* to air to fuwa-l will to II M«i«'i«ll M. (fill Itfitr «l Vtw«» nth month. lncre«*e It* When completed through, Mf.«». frulki*i« kll'H will Hut) It ha** of the It will not onlr a Urg»" lumt»-r- • •I M NrftUrf i*l |l»ls lift. K. J. Iliu(hti>u |>r««th to "Mich ln*tance« of o|«en up J. O. < KiMiKKIL •ewaon and we pre*ume not wlth*tandlng |talr* dally. It will make a »f Vim >la\ riling at tin* i lug trrrltory, but *trong llarlwar* ItoaW. J. HA«TIH(i< KA %V Anr will have a lake lunvi* *tai>t 7 oVkut r..r ..» |l»l* bv carnival aa u*ual thl* »ea*on. nowaday*. will atand a lntrrr«t In the MtmUrf«raln( aervic* travel—and pretty g«>o>l for K»*i««»r «•! I >••»!« fur IU'|i*lrr i.l l»»«-l« H % 1.1. AHl>. »l rrrMvm Jam«>* trookrr offer* a IMOHIIll MMOTCM. «* r«* Ihmm «»i X kLIl t»l to churvii Althi)U(h O. Home of the people have chance of getting It. The time may not for R#«t*«*r hitlnf «| lite |«et clear cooaclence* If sleeping be far dlatant ben tlie a. l. r. fid* and rn«iiun|f |>rr*iher. mn- <•( 1'atl* Mm I Ik* L*(UUur*. a "Chkv" no im» tiring* anjr tiding* Indication. One li«>u*e there wa* a car at and not leave It «TATK or MAINS. •>f Hnrmmy ImbImIImm • 1. Nit* • nice, tin*, kid buot fur anj take Itoaton, canine. m ftaal, A. I* IMA or la*-e cernlng tlie loat •truck a few night* ago, until lie *tei>« out ui»>ii the OXfilRII. «*| % I* in l» M»rr1ll • l\ in rlthrr button #1 by lightnln* l(angrle) mm Ito « atarted for New con- TKU U lu all* IM Hmlillf tuhuj iMmki •? iwiitM or 1ft*-* *boe fur apt. M. I*. Mllea the wa* demolished and ahore In the heart of tlie wllderneaa. n«|««>i buy* » »iee o>u|rr«« chimney ml A«|, A- f> 1*1, a WamM la laa»lt*»r)r oJTrvnjJ'jl «lt*irr l«r to t uwr tod the Ur|r«t Jerary |ila*terlug I'.K Iff V»x Kr(>rvM-nUli«r« < »t |-»n. (fiitlffltrn. on »Malf ItoMUU of w 11. u» fur to IU|-rr~Mallv»* A TltoMAA KIM*. • « at dav. The atate rifle team, width et JOHN'S UTTIH." Ml-1 ( ■>()»« tol, aol»•* for Krprr*rnt*llv»« •t«H In »iford ounty, \ the occupant* aay tltey *lept through lUprvwUtl'M C»gt*latNf« Urfl.Uluf k of foot*«*«r wai 1.1 AM K nil KfiiRli. a>lj*l««ll» to aala**l UiuiiHtr* ml Vifwil, llou*e, • Stllea hold* third will It all. Ill- at North Turner not l^tfUlatvr* I'l^tVI riNi|(. |»»*ltlon, «*at |t*M<>*, «• «t aaM |t*Mur, *Mrk * »lll«"««» i i-ampflre a MMto \H»B C. IM'M m>I >i>w»«imI. o|>|»>«lte In the lntrr*ute rifle competi- a lumlnou* but volumlnou* affair, va« mt A. I» Jmnrl * Main*. K. V !<*ett, manager. compete the *team- only i«IIUaa ttolwalla* |*h en tilrt ne*t week. It wat not what 1*4. hi vkb h Um< mm*I lnl#r**(i>a rlalmtl* IWV alwitm a large *toik wa* MMIpnik >I*I4«aa-l lii* lal*«f. boat, lfo*e Htandl*h at t'alala, oiling waa InUn«|« iMrtt m»|» iimI »ali*««. |h>.|*llmr aa-l lraaaf*r»f an* l*k«| Illr»». Until tk • V ml U«*ll Kdwln StllM of rhur*day night o'clock, were too mlnUter* their tal IrtMhr »f aa? Ma ft* follow* Interesting. Ilrv There many •l*Ht*rr |>nffrtr c. II rrw» oft,,* Hr|»t. Ut *haft aud ti* fa*l4iM*a a r>l « i— I ml UK**!. Ak-lw«*r, |>o«rll, Maaa., g*v* verv Intereatlng caught by who spoiling they l.j iMflrl ■! ttf*. ^ I* ^ v«M Dm* i>lt and killed. lie ( ivIHufi mt aat-l la parr* Itolr »•, *f»n, the on India and the Into Instantly ever dreamed or heard of the V I »«»';< l. W lt>« lrvturr In evening knew, rfcaa* »a* uf mm i(«I|mm »f III* Hllr, atll U It K I Il»fc'i»» Kxvfufl. wa* U*M|« ••I**. of |*<*. N *w r%» outlook I* that country. terribly mangled. world, the f1e«h and theold . When to toM *1 a 4Wr it TaN»r have taken lmlu*trW»u*. trinitr- lie £• a|er Two unobtrusive, A l> 1*1, al Mm n'rk*l la Ito hmwM. Ck*rU* M Ulltwfl lljnmt Ik I«.w tract to build double ate one from liullford aud the why (■raker peralat •tli*a ua-tor toa>l Ito r%»k It IIaM for Mra. Ahlde J Tubha. othrr from went on to little Itu*- u*lng up one-(1 ftli of the time ii • kkk i« *»r k»» <>t Abbott, of o*l<>r«! V*»»T l» t « k«i«MU meet. be hlm*e|f to A. P IU»«m\ Ivyutj atorlf o< Dilunl l*t««rw« « f X»»*. Iktiurt, The citlren* held an Indignation *e|| Mouutalu the other for blue- that he conaldera e«pial \*;tM I « day a* Mmnpi of |to l.w«rt uf far Mr* u'|*i nature near the men. atuacka of It la«li*ar;, Ing or oxnethlng of that berrle*. the killed 71 five It egotUm. •■M aliufaH. M k t.lirfel rfif at M«r- (Hiring day they C—My A 11 -•»» A full line uf *|iortlng good* Kim How** on account It occur- •met|« of I cannot t»l IWlwi kr our ft* Tueaday evening •nakr*. After they got home •elf-complacency. l>wrg Ai'klm; '■r> ant * l*hartua« v. KlfttalO* via* of the irml of an old who were t understand It li that a man of V* ad In lady red to them that ther the ltaui|don why rioe til. »a< a war* who haa AMmi« "» HArw«>|l, Krirrfurl lagging. Mie arretted u|-«n • nake killer* of Maine. average Intelligence, harangued a Uot her ColuUIB. I I rvnt l*«u«-d by the Norway Munlcljwl the for ytwr* ha* never acquired *11 t(k«, iHlltkl, «WWf, | It. K. of public • bt atale «|rt«vti»e I' lM»ni. Ilrrr )• what Mr*. the tine art of when lie Or*. Inlw. lk>llNin, II11 herd reapertfully tell hllll how. hrlU on thr «oclrt*'a finally ao «hr can ground*. • ahe lU lilitiw truth la two nrrki, llaten* with ear* 3500 W»d* to ibiiIi. WIiImhiI <|u«*«tton When hi* audience Mepufcltraa N»uth I'trii and l ufoltt, to rt«H.r. *lhor« Nilil lliitibrr* Norway, but It »«• rw> hmr i droj» llir Any- and mouth* Boots I*. !'.• and latrd thr vagrant law, ulrtjr pin l>olnted forward oj want* to know more ibiiul Oil* iktrml <>U (he wholr by thr court If alir or»r and don't hang the till their rwra IIOV 1KLIOK DhULKY. JrN /•>. If thr wrathrr la unfa*oraMr. thr »<•." aubject would l««tr town It would Iw cam can writ# or vail u|k>q and the mouth* cl<»ae. Then wilt I* rarr»rd forward they m WILL »HU tt |«n graiuatr ">o boot « lop will to we ever and winter wear. We have id** it *1 a uttf, rtt»r, kid for W K arr, : I. of |to»d<>lnham, will go away *atlafled and aay had fur fall ? thr »rrk. Th* progratufur buy* III aifrd K..»' -rl »«JI« rrfclif N|4 through or litr. .*■<• one I* dum tmart' In rlthrr button ft •it run otrr tin- \ ankr* at another "That fellow *• • Uttjr, l>r Flying a of hcIiooI hIkh'k for arid ahor for our to I tear abort hoy* '»ut» nlc* «-nngreaa or lt«v l«wl*tou kftrriMNin and killed, At a campflre dealr* I* ! H|K.M'ialty »insr lai. MoihU) of Print l oiu* iml •»* tl* l»ntr«t but too law- to and ahiirt atorlea from I lie tioya • lit WIM *t Crnttanrn. llr aaw tli* train, »toji a|ire»'liea all and aizcM. It i* seldom and arrang- t at all tfirln ages very In thr furriKHiu. rutrrlo| •t«*kof ft»r«r in Mifonl ounty lie waa •truck In thr IotuI killing hlui who kept thr «ani|>rlrea burning Uatr Will* VrVlat V|4 for rihlbitfcoo. an«l • >tiHk iixl trtklrt M»» Store. Kim llouae, iml «•*- the rebellion'* dark night a we It i* known «atur»la< > >»•»«>«. *»i« ing Mullry opioalte Instantly. A iiimiitnkm jum|iml through liiid fiH>t cannot lit. ► aM «*»•«••**■• to lu«r alwl- dim until you Ml |ui irr rr<|ur«tf«) Norway. Milne K V .SwHt. manager. Ii|ir«l. Ilie remain* were Ukru to the never auflered them to grow rwr U> rihlbtt In ibr hall, ittH'k of trunk* the ahadowa fled and the dawn of for a fact we the tbrf j.roi».«r Wf aiao carry lir|* atattwn and a coroner *uuimoord. ; away positive carry largest, COMING IVINTS rntrml a* rarljr aa poaalhlr. u«l nlk«M. a bright day had come. I apeak for I W «lrr i machlnUt In the rtn- cleanest and most *toek of Foot- lu tltr aftrrnooa, r«f«. A n>u«kb| iwl rnlhuiltrik' andlemv Joiim, one. inlieramay a|>eak for themaelvea, at cents complete In tli« Port- 4 * k« Stk I««I4 r*Jr, •UIAU l»A1. (rrrtnl vulor Fry* Iwrr Friday fwii- t>ut don't talk too long. alio of f >Ub ihrttu* ploy an ami wear in thin of the State, vi-t » •> held out uf dM" Meeting «»(4 II -4Hfcn»l ISil • trorriJ rthlliltkio uf urat killed Thuratlav noon. II** waa CHANCl COMMtNT. II l|.— t «>.rth •tote nrnmlm. m no hall In or In thr county luitantly Our V|l | IMfW Xorwajr to Trunk*, Valine* and Kxtennion Cose*. • bi»r»ra. thr tratk* on hi* way ttack IU*< « K f>>r that matter wnvld lut* held thr iroa*lnj( IJ t»l fair ml At !• JO A. M. «»tm, ft. out of *»|4 II. ii. I'rawing came t«> hear the work aftrr dinner. llr are the lowest and our Ito-thrl number »Im> *tr|>|ird Hut Utile which ha* done KlitM'to I vt *«■mill to. and Ira. great wa* |«Hlphlel price* |H>»itively la. In VMt»r Krte'a thr way of a train, and (truck by li Uruli* "I U» Mtlkr Kr*t In Ira* than truth expounded luth M-rvltv u i new foke. with f>4tl*»l I'rawing llorw*. j»alra thr which wa* on anothrr track, (twil and one to all." Call "»*UI iMHtolfcto, I tnlmitabU- and nunnrr. 1V rnglnr ||*< motto iaMCash price l^ntiiom rl.xjurnt the title, "Mh»t lougrv** N*rW |MMii»da. the «ut audlrnce for an lie an ahtHit yr»ra of agr. •...«►! »f Ikr »rnator hrld blank ln*l«le, per "•H I*. I» ««MbMtea I'raw llorara. and the page* yard. see our Shoes in lace lug alnglr. I.*■»|>outtd< |**rfectly and men'* • •**•*•1 t mMt «Mur«i %rMf, «• Ha hour and a half and could rullr ha*«- < on thr to Working Agrtt or ofrr. John ommrthrr, rtaplotwd will have to tie called In. According Maw* "s.«4N l'»ru i»l V.naa? h* Mfell lha. kr|>t tbrm twice that ttiur had kr|»t dam at Jack'* Croaa tl»e democratic »W \ ofk >un, there |« and for and *•»•« I Kr«iM tom»i N*im Ca«toiry. Otf I'rawing llorara, lu patra)l«M* tending o|trratlon* conjureh* $1.25, $1.50 $2. on 11«* reviewed thr altuatloii In«tant 1 killed krl- tie luaerted ao«l lr*a. apraklng. Inf. To|Mhaiu. wa* > one mil)' brief to r f' <1» MklMllM «f Itor of and ahowrd thr flrat year of a boom paragraph ha* for 1 VH iMk a. M.- C<*utiilllrr« forrnoon br thr falling of In tl»e tMNik, Mating tint mngrea* MenV Shoes $1.2.% $ $2, $2..*>U > *•« At lo-tai \wardlng day >» r<* •«»..*•! *(rV«Kar%l hifUt) thr Ifc-mocratlc admlnUtration to hate «a* to I of a drrrlt k. llir bodr takrn the federal election law. Hut •H > r !»•«». nH' iin »r iW «•%»«*» *111 niakr thrlr namluattooa. It* re|>ealed Boot* for coat thr couutrv In thr ahrlnkage of am and liemocratlc author!- Merritt and $.'i. Ladie*' $1.25, $LV), S.-nH AfflrvlMI ••vtrtt. It-kntf lo thr aftrrnuou, ram. l.l*hon Kail*, llr Hungarian, atvordlng toother Welch, \ morr than the entire out of thr • M J 1. I -rih al i»l(ua<«f1l ».W* %gr1 bu*lne«a had Hied In I.Ubou aloe* he cator from Ilea I lie re la more to tie rvciinlnl -Indeed, r»0 and and a assortment of • VM), » >Miito rIIIUt> HAT. !«..! that thr $2 $.'1, lar^e civil war. Ila |»rearnt llr lewie* a In hi* ait tn Mime of them the record of 12, '•I • IWI tilt Hungary. family or«lln( I" Hn*M <*> u. Oim, ? frrt fonwr offlttri At'.• a. I>r*ain( tariff bUI an fornird by natlvr country. the work of cotigrex would atretch out Ladies'Oxford* for 75c. and $1. After u«rr ft. lu. and a haw no «dathr to a do/en »h<»rt cover- - *RW Al»VKKTI«KMK*Tv arreatid ! half paragraph*, Iraa than T ft. • ith n«>r of tlir Induatrlea of I Meet Ire Sy|\e*ter Krorry NORWAY, MAINE. u* once will knowledge ing a* luui'h aa one page of a very aiuall have of you nay lu l."*>lt>«or waa lu Jack*ou. In Mr. It. II. Multh'a you l>ought %»lir « »*»• «to>rr I'rawmg ||or*r«. palra Near Knglaud and that thr bill employed North for pamphlet. ml.#l < miMi »to» H>W tuorr. tlir lutrrrata of thr >>uth and advrrar to boi factory at Fariulngton that the to trade in at the • >%tol LM •# * t»IVtoto« Mr. Multh'a wool win>- place I>ra»l«( llurtri, aingl* !<*■» |*>uitd« 1tin North. breaking Into ImmIi. and .h*> of wool. ! or more. h»u*r »tcallng |»>und* Well, congreaa ha* gone home, ami .BY SHOE STORE, OF BROKEN -MH-rin SMTT I»rawin( llorara, tingle leaa than TMl CONGRtSS ■Un contested. l»*pui) after the election neat week the BUT DON T HIST SiCURt PROMISES. a named people pound*. lllske arrested iraiup llfiiry I of Maine ran devote their energlea to a tnr, tn«l «f which Into Mr. lireen- k. x. \ m, lhl« U l>| uMkftii <>«nta'|*rl*lug llor«*«. |«ur«r |U fjo, Tbr eongrea* adjourn* to-day Uttl« llrltl for breaking hor*e trotting fur the reat of the fall. Hwirrr, hit t>rrn to trtilon, Ibr nllnl Iioum> at New Sharon and •»•-*l- •lout • j|**l thr r«t* tu do much • I", »'• counting ough'* THE BEST «■> Itrwn lloraea. lohfrr than most ii It* orrde- valuable*. «Mir At 10 a. I'or scaalon, Ing »>ut that dorab't fKUW ><»U. (wj ? tariff • • • Slain'. At 1 <■> r. U.—Annual lurHlnc. irttufi; iu4 what tiu It accomplished la the preaent tetllement of the Oppn«ll<* Kim lloN%fi ^•rwi'N that It Mrlvin ll« »wyof tlowdoinham, chirf- SUMMER Kr|iulilktn frtrtid. f«»r lhlok!u< drit to the aftrr- Of ml liuiMirtauce tin- or la It lU. to atand for *ome I'realdent right any way. noon. repeal ha* t>ern on trial at Hath during the yeara* as « In the ! «an 1* and This desirable and necessary I Cleveland think* It only atep «par»il thr troublr r\|>rn«r Thr r»i^» will tKvur a* folio**: repeal. week. The evidence load'- It look LOWEsFpIcES It «M. dor* not call for special gratl |»a*t direction of "tariff reform" free trade) UNDERWEAR! of to thr If It wa* «»rr AT 1 <*> I*. M. like one of the m<>*t brutal murder* on going polla. IIUT l*AT, tude. A I"rni'•critic congress and a •ml exhorta the frlenda of th*t latue to rewrd. It al*o that the houte Goods, Cut Prices. ami tonrrvi**- •#*». could not well appeared Dry your |>rlvUrgr your duty 2 J7 cUm.—l*urM I temocratU* president a* "continue tlie atruggle." Hie Mil** life of the |te*aeya had teen about prealdent thr of tuffta**. It U thW yrar. K««r J Tt-ara old and uudrr. ren*»*lnjj the Knlrnl electlou It** I* referred to tlie New Boots and Shoes. right bflp shocking a* I* often revealed. IU*«*er reajavtfullv Will brmt*. 1 In 3. —#HI> from tlte alatute In view, how- Vork Journal of t'omiuerce and the Nobby 1 )) Turn out, and ilma our (>riuot-ratk wai found of tuurder In the Urst , cue «■> I*. W. the atranre iillouiofu aliowu guilty which **em to yv HioMi DAT, AT I evn, of IU)trrn Argua, heagreeil New Goods. frtriid* alut thiuk of a and •rntfornl to *ute prison for you |-rot#vtrd aud Mr, lirtfltoil In rrrird decree, that "Tlie fortune* of tlie of tariff Fancy Store \* a i tl cUm. Iami trot, |*ur««*, by iini|rrM Ufa. |«arty Our good •U|C»r truat, trr* lunil*r aud trrr auul. to Itetitocralk' not lea* blud- have not heeu *u« h aa to encour* |:U«'Um. I'urtr ||jll. oMIgatloua j reform Gents' Furnishings. than the to the election of the ' eltlier of tlie great to a re- to Un- tor 2 tear* old end under. (Milr lug pledge re|iral The evening before the owning age |«rtkw place pick up jour M* BALLOT MARKING. law a, that mu*t tic a* vlval of thU latite." Iwata, la-at * 10 1.) —#3» II). repral rrganted Kastern Majne Slat* Kalr. an j and Groceries. the sole achievement of thl* att*m|>t Fancy Staple rhr Mint law wa* amrndrd thr and driving.— worthy wu made t«Kburn the grand stand at lite derwear and Vrocters by harti<-**ln( Ilonicry. bo? discovered a 0 8 thr mrthod of mark- I*ur»e. COQgTMa. fair ground*. A small Finest Teas, Coffees, etc., ® ® s% la«t IrgWIaturr, and *»» TV shameful refusal of thl* congress It and the tire wai Iwfore The liemocratlc «ugar planter* of Men h R Tlllltli AT • **» A. M. extinguished 25c., 5rlvlug |m4nlloal*m found a bottle of turpentine, cotton for thl« year by hill, Ladies' 15c., 25c., aud will mark It aa the con- of candidate* for " a* now ha* a IK*. and matches about. The the ago. IV ballot |>rlntrd po|»ullsm, wa*te, |ta|>er talking Republican Agency for Best Bicycles, ^>,^Voi)rv f+Eftk- AT A. *. (tru of brokrn to thr dlshou- had t*»mlsr«, building up large Children'** good v *«(U*r»- j'artjr ju*t or of rvenr Ikmimt In It who wa* afford to tlie friend- ttwrD llorar*.—I'ur*e. |li». number of exhibits were In the exhlbl- probably en-hange and Creden- ,(° aa a|>|war« o«rr thr IUt of nntlidatn to tbr aurrendrr and the s haute. tlie lF Iloaiery 5 I-aUwa hanteaaiug and driving.—I'urae lesdeth to deatructton by Mr. Cleveland. to-do farmer In the (lilt IHstrlct In Tai- rxirttarr to iuakr a iroa* In thr H. *<|uan- •». Ilia la the distribution of the dis- uti the lltUfleld Advertiser, Ralph Morrill, part myr*, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. •i n umi r»» from 6c to 50c. am thr nanir of thr |>*rtr. Only our Cunning race. -I*ur*e, •*>, 910, honor will be larger; but the share of took a small sou of Mra. Annie Hart, a to John t. Kionraa 0. 0. cro*. should br madr on thr t«llot In any Free-for-all.— |'ur»e, the iMuocral* In eongrea* will be large one-armed woman, who Is tr>lug BPAULDINO, I «hu *tart < • JVfaiae. that ou*olatlon Itaoe for burtn euough to make them wUh that thev bring up a family of children. ook, BickleM, raar. If you wish to voir a *|>lit tkkH. nraiL. They say In 2 U • ltd »lo*rr ila**c« and are de- had never Iwen born, a wUh In which the Advertl*er says, beat the l«»y so out- rrwd thr ItttnuliiiDi uttr thr K Itri'Wa l» II. |mblWhrd feated- INirae. tlte l>emocratk party, betrayed, humili- rageously that Cook was arraigned be- rarwelt, RAiTruaa. liat or thr **m|»lr t%lloi. Ihi*>y*trm Tni(tlu| aod trot and |«t« puraee di- ated, condemned to almo*t certain dis- fore Judge Iturke of St. Albans for as- A |Nd liar of Par*Mil* an4 I'm- Five r. X. U. N. II. Ilur****, allow* of thr twllot and vided •*■»•, J3, 13, I" per rest. per aster thrlr weakness, will heartily sault, pleaded guilty aud was held lu Laaej "atranhing** by aoawat. brfllM at law cent on Domination and rt»e per cent oo •&I0 for the grand The boy wat prtrn. & Bicknell not br dour join. Jury. Hamlin whkh ivuld using *tkkrr« U. l» A. I A. • lunlug borwa. Tbs contrast between the high l>en<>- black and blue from heed to foot. L. Sojf Nu;n, J. LAMBE, thr Ilowrvrr, uudrr |>rrtkiu< *y«trm. i.enta' driving, green boreea and colt cratk ho|ie* wIth which Ibis congreas ram. of several assessment t» C. 1.1 I •i uimiii n» ihrrr won't br muth splitting this yrar. l*r» iiilutu* confined to tlx* iiMiatj. I Jl met last l»ecemtier, and the aba«dute The managers II. T. tuiaailar* wmiMlaf*, nru out. In this state are aruroao. soiling a and f ivw-for-al I.*berever owned. «Hber and which It ha* Insurance companies Bolster & It will he *tralght Kr|>utdkan »>y Urgr dlaappoiutioent dlaguat n. m. MUTRa, N. Dayton Co, to consolidate the comiianles |xiriM wqHunI U> the state. •lavr caused In every Itemocratk' hoart, planning It r. P.OalaM.U. *»«aw. majority. rut r lee cloee under the name of the Maine Mutual m.u.kimw i» k r. P.0«, lMltlo| and pacing I* too evident and too akkenlng to be arc ho are The head VHIUUIIl. 2J Market *{., HOUTII FARM, UK., •OVTH PA Hid, NAIRB. arc told our low we *ept. 1Mb with A. 1. T. king, Sowth dwelt upon. Since thl* congreaa had l.lfe Insurance Com|*ny. They priccn Mini AND THfcftt. entries cloee it » A. M. oltlce Is to be established at HUMeford. a. Norma to K. AlUHt H al. I'arU. All othrr not the common honesty to keep good Km|4 * full Km »f out of bunimw. lli< •evoud dtjr of the fair. faith with the profile, the beet thing It H'm. Itoberta of Illddefordls to be presi- going •« \"» likr the war the of Watervllle sec- II do |>Hn Manufacturer* from all parta of the could do was to adjourn. It la unfortun- dent and T. II. Ileald of • (>rr»t Immhi tu ihf In the deal are u(«r polnta* |implr, country are In* lud to furnlah article* ate that there la no constitutional pro- retary. The companies Groceries, Goods, Paper It will you to trade with uh the ho liincn I la tltr dlrrv- Dry pay that hill whkh takr* «U|> for eihlbitloa. It will afford the very vision for adjouniingllr. Cleveland for the tork Mutual Aid Association of of the burden* i»| tariff Keunebec Mutual of Water- lit>n "lightening tou Ihetnaelvea. exchange pollcfea already by (1." gallon**) Hut thr |in>|r»-«ii|rfit fur ibt run <»n MfdimiUjr, «»j*n to Oxford coulluuously.—New Lin*, Hair and Contnt. 2 double hHccU for oc. tu Itrdkmrti to bntMM sun. (hem.j Paints, Oili, Fly Paper iir litil mt «hro < ouutr oaly. au«l iDotlwr, open, on morning uorktnen hr had character- Karly Thursday a law that bill whk-h TburMlijr. K'»ur priiri la n>h race. dliroTtrMl i c«nn«>n ball brtwwo the 8porting Oooda, CALL AND MSB VS. CARPETS! for l()c. a lb. aud dla- TMt ORIENTAL SIEO COMPANY. B. L. Tobacco /rd a* a iu**Mrrtldjr Kutrtea tlo ar vpUrtnbw llth villi A. V. rail* of the Grand Trunk near the Neptuno plug WRKuriKLU, Oxford l'oM 30. l*»D«r" T. King. rvmih l*arU, Maine. Kw, So Auf. ItorheetT trauafer atatlon In l*ortland. fur Mit tifni. K-I>t»r /kMvnit. Im-bea In vnti It waa II diameter, weighed We are now our new The abovo-uanx-d would like Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, tbowlnf Come and Thr Kalrfleld Journal comment* at company over pouuda, and looked very old buy Crockery, Lamps NIW BRUNSWICK LIKIS IT. to call the illnllno of (he public to and Kiamlnatlon ahowed that It In >ngth u|mmi the r\urt>ilaut loivraiKf ruatjr. SOUTH PARIS. •lock of Carpeta the sprlnc acroaa Ike Northern tbHr ntauln Mock of aend*, all frown a received. mt« bow In liirw, and think* the j.rob- Maine'* nelgbbora «aa not a ball, but ahell, though etc., just or o*erthe new urllfbill. on tbrir owi ludi. 1'attrrna and and Glassware of us • 11 are l«ad«l or not la not known, in iuu«t \• ntu i:.» fcfl ntwi t,> tltr happr *»h*ther Coloring. Htrlctljr very cheap. our rarietle* of owl The St. Mrj.hro < wih«f H)fi: "The Sample* of eitnualve flow the ahell got there U a problem. •tat* doing lb* Injuring. Kverjr Loaded at reduc- •Undanl and reliable makra at dutira on lun homo-frown plant* mij be aeen around It aeema that It came cartridges >«111 tgTrr a* to tht riorbiUbt ratoa, but agricultural product* highly Improbable ISee?l ETC. lowrmi aod, it r»- our and •lorn*, and the ami BICYCLES, GUNS, RIFLES, it U a ahirh muat bo worked baaa appareotljr bulldlnf*, •hope from the bank above railroad, ed also load- than eter before. proklmi the cartridge*! ImUi oee. It would have derailed any 1x4 rvaw UmwIMhH jmm forethought a* their Examine our shot- mItm, br thr rtiliklloM made by tha praam! Mil ara Wormwood, both Imported, train which atruck It. |8.00 Htraw Malting*. lu building. Iti«uraii«r might hpve Mt wUh Tm ty#- real* a to name* would IndU-ite. glMin tow a Karon UMaa: IVultry from ■ pound >tatr ha* i llttto prouou«H«d former ww a froai fti a Um Yellow Dock, om of tboae foreoooa Thomaa Man*Held, gun, prioo $11.00. mm nM hi mw k* ra' AlluiKti Bator. * aod J i«U pouad; hay hnrdjr Tueeday d|M our bualneaa ton to • J a ton; potatoaa from 13 oaaU eteruaU, coata In tor notion. • wall-Undo UwktOD man, Lower will be given M*l. IfcMlUlfe WUIlMlMpMUM* to 1} cent* a buahal, wool, Um Net tin, tall and In not who waa at the time at hla country place prices a buihfl graceful, MtMT. II'MM Iraakfa I* «w ftea*- IIOWX A OP DIRT MAY HE A HOUSE- at Tura- new a HIDIjON, "A HANDFUL A l>|'Uhlk-an rally Audita now 10 to IJ raata a U wade free; n varkty, but It U not long boat four mllee aouth of Auburn, ahot this thsn oyer before. pound. strictly year mm! I* will br addraaard br Go»- to 3 caata a alncn Um wrltar'a Aral Introduction to hla wife and auldde. Neither m, If (toy in ricMiy ■■■»«. «'ajr a*enlng «f|i from 4 raata doaaa; attempted M Main St., Opp. P. 0. | < 11.11 J-'hit I waa In n manner waa were 11 red examiae If bra tit from «»caoU a buthel to >» par Um aaaM, and thla ahot fatal. The abota Please call and MifyMfdlktrm In—lag. FUL OF 8IIAMR." KEEP YOUIUIOUSE • nd IIob. llarold M. Hrwall. Harold from U caata a which tickled our i>alm with a tt-callbre revolver, which may m ik** Maine. cent. greea appiaa intensely. before ymm m« tell MM M ymrn Norway, NMlllll llfa-loag I *rtit«M rat, a ad waa The that rare and account for their not fatal, lie and get buahal to JU per cent." Burdock, ruffed being goods prices tMKMMlt CLEAN WITH [ iaai|>alxn tpcakor two yaara ago; bat plant, wt would not tall to notice, and had a larger revolver In the houae, but elsewhere. I « waa alwara too atalwart an alncn It* medicinal became could not find It. Mauafleld haa been purchasing AmIm| The atata coaveutloa of iVUtlaa Ka- i|ualltlna in aaattrra of to br a good known to Um aa a "noan under afreet. He doee not talk foreign policy daavwr aoctettaa at Ualitoa laat areak finer*! public placed l*r*ocrat. Thr Hawaiian tiwo waa redncer", lU rout more lal value haa much, bet aUtea that the matter waa all "[See. waa a a ad Mcvaaafal gathartag. what tlt*i*hrd hU tawocrKj. large ndvanced. between them, that hla wife ara tha ofllcara *tart*d: atandlly arranged S APOLIO. Following Othnr varletla* might bn meutlooad, haa beea In poor health for a long time A. I. STURTEVANT, l*i. 11 but m we make n butlnaae of * pedal tiee aad haa Implored him to kill her. Maae- Nobudy la thU countr y la aat laded T^etwa (Booo—or to A. M. 01BBT.) OR. S. wu for beea In RICHARDS, drop burn. fleld and hla wife Imd yeara >a—fcaitna AMmi • w iih thr tariff but It U mjr plann- bill, All ordnr* nddreaand to Send the mllllaerv bualneaa la Lewlatoa aad to Xw Untaawkk and tha rant of Bag, ing will bn considered. had accumulated a comfortable SmIIi liM. t. ▼. auaaa, Ko. WaaHM. Ma Ohlldran Ory for Pitohtr1* Cartorla- ianndn. Wendinld, property. Parts, PARIS. BUCKFIILO. FRY1BURQ. WIST •ROWNPltLD. a llv Democrat. a started Ilaaaelaa Coin, reapectable firmer, THE OXFORD an Mr. Fa in bam of Lorell Com IManlljr. BEARS. TW« Th«r*Uv vn dark Itov. preached hop on morning «• Naw In front or the Rncknatn log North lllll, dMMandijr morning, It m a at the church la platform j^Viford ■ difficult to aae to raid without Congregational »ith, It the age of M yw*. THK OOtNOS Of THI WttK IN with Mr. block and poet o(Bc*. Auguat ripe AU light. change Yocng. In Dm- The corn commence! TIIK HILL Jacob and A rally vu hrld factory putting t»X StCTtONS OF Mr. I.Vtibm I Jnacutt hai gooe to Cor- Mra. Kalley granddaughter Itepublican corn xli. THt COUNTY. on Iloa. up iwfrt Tnaaday, Auguat nl*h to ir«4 atarted for bar bom la Michigan ham'i lull Wndnoaday evening. I PIUlTi'lT. fair hla faat horaea. addreaaed Mra. (inn* and of ! (nribov daughter COLUMBIA or Wjrer UJNCH CASE Hamuli Matthew* MttVfall ti»rni of Ctrl* Hill a TIm r%» Vulta number ..f the people hwe Monday, Cortland arc at Mra. Ilang*.' 4 « WILSON'S MILLS. < ltaberoa IVrlee IM aad daugh- the assembly. iNVfalMl rM mh«Ip the Trnvrlrf VikiU; •eat to urnUh fair W^lneaday. Mra. Mr*. .Harah A. of Maaa., will romtwoc* on by I irr.«.»l been here .D. C. Cfcnrchlll a few tiara Hmlth, l.jrnn, Acaiktnjr I flZK****••*•»» 1 ronnmrNl A«|. J", «rnt to tha at ter of Milwaukee, who have Uapendlng ItPNICkHNlt, I I| ■ „ coaching parade on nl* U the of C. H. Atwood'a family. « taught hr Kilt lafrrrtor It Ml on In the making repair* gueat of Norway. North Ci««ar. with frlaoda for a work past. place, and I ",* V to tor Mrs. r. M. Marthall of VJMuI fourth trnii hm. ataad. danghter '»»Uf mr] l>v. K. I. Ilniwa from hwport TUeaday. lloatoo am at t\ M. Irtah'a. It, 1894, I"to »li-»ral«i«l tow tor# baa with her Mtlllman Itunhan, who haa been atop* flatting Tuesday, Sept. Mado of • ln«|wr ihr |««t *«-k lu kmk «m tto btlar on a to before pint the Mapla Under Instruction I Sunday, la exchange with Mr. Ilandall. trip IVaaaylvanla ara Mr. Mitiwr run returned to Boat/in Thuraday. HomerVllle. Maaa., vlaltlng la tto lul««l of tto l*»h A. la an Ice- her acboot jraar la ndladel- week*, rk >i fr.>m W. Ui u Mr. Hartford building '■"ginning to t'ovle'* father at Hotel I r : bkIiwow (lib. T. J. Itonnrtt U at Am Hill ha* gona to Maaaachaaetts tang. Imtlk are In town Indestructible, wiirk the fall and winter with relatlvca. fixator. Ix>ng and family Waterproof, lmprmli| ind rrp*lrlng tto boat. Mr. and Mr*. Howard IVtrter of Kree- and Mr*. Albert Klfleld. of raa- •pend P>Mr. are visit- for a ahort L i I of hav» are at Mra. Dr. Uniaoo'a. Mr. and Mr*. K. D. Andrew* May: ffii, «'i ''t'.rnol to hrr |«artU* aportmirn gone lie*, Edieconb, I., |«ort, with their young daughter, bodjr, Maaa., Mr*. R. Franc Auatln haa retnrned I tto and all our In Wor* Ing friend* In Watervllle. And be Washed. up ptrt «(vl, nrurlr of are at h«r P. Mr. Charlaa Merrick, taacher a Can U< H«. trier, Hopping father'*, move Mr*. from Cortland where the haa been for Mrt. E. M. gtikdra are now miiilovrd. baa baea at Mlaa Frank llant I* *oon to Into Edgecomb, It. I.lbbr'a. ceater, Maaa., vlaltlng few week* under medical treatment. l^:i |Mlnr Mra. hla Claflln'a houae. PHM.riTMI.*-*. * * """•kl* M. II. Ktokett U tery hwhto, comturnred In tha II. F. Char lea' and other friend* of I School* village and her ton Nr/1 run it llall waa well tilled Frldaj M rr iIkJ it and Mlaa Kunlca Mr*. Hlmon FU-kett with Intlructori In Cheapest, falling gradually. A. Morton trarhrr of the mother, formerly Ubby. llaten to the dlatnaalon of cmnpctMl Klocutlon, L *» Momtay. are a raw day* In thla evening to A lUtto hlld of iMnakl * amrrnn'a to and Mim Hlune Ih* Aa naual a large number of pcraona (ieorgle attending Mu«lc. Writing, Ac. grammar, primary. a former re«ident Hon. H. W. Matthewa aU» »«r ak-k. from tbla ami vicinity went to place. Mr. >Vkett la political topic* bjr Tho high •taixllng of thU Institution Neatest, place now a of ami Kx-<.>>\. John I). l/»ng If v I '••ii I Itrv. R.H. CAST BROWNFIIID. < to aee the of thl* hut I* hulldlng Auguata and It la \ <>rk prvwcto* at tto nild- North on war oa Wedneaday place, II. will I* maintained, rotilldrtitly I houae at Itumford Fall*. of Maaaachuaetta. lion. O, Ileraey »" »«».»• r.v dto hImioI ho«t» Mth i^btoth. TV coat hlng |k«rade and the «'ornl*h very autveaaful aaat aide coaching pa- aaaertrd that no achool In thla county I M Willi* went to Cortland and the band furnl«hed mutlc Lightest, fair have attracted manjr fnun thU vil- rade. C. II. again ofli-ra greater advantage at reduced I treated. or the occaalon. I AST BUCKFIILO. lage. Mlaa Anna llarrowa left home on Saturday to have hi* leg Iirealded waa Itank Kiamlner Whit leu of A Qguata prlcea. Most Durable " linn. ii< if afternoon -I "<'rr»Ul W«f iiMiaton Hvhool commenced on the 3?th for a In lloa- Although Thuradar linirii and momi for atudrnt* Ixtdgv", tanglit Thuraday few daya' atajr at realdenc* of sheriff Kiitllfnt Is. •' :> of wa* a* la In t«»*»n the »«< f £tl and « Ml** of the game ball b« ob- H *' frtrnda. p**M-d drllghtful day by Kimball lllram. ton, after which ahe will give aeveral rainy, played dealrlng to hoard thrmtrlvra can between our bov* and the Whtttra. ..! | «'ff *.tur4»r Aug. t'th at tto tflrbnlnl Hartford Mra. Morton and aon rharlea left on lecture* In connection with the atate advertised tain*! at verjr low ratea. Lunch Case in the World. La« Kail, In a Mlaa Hadley of floaton la vlaltlng cold «prta(«. Tto grntol hn«t and hoat- the 17th for home via the Whit# Mount- fair at l>ewtaton. Itumfonl team, reaultlng Mg Maf For trrn»«, room*. Ac., apply to the I \|r. •core In oar favor. frlenda In town. «•. I l»«rt Itk katll and »Ifr. had pr»- alna. frtactoal J. C. Ilall baa been In town boya' principal, or any member of Dm *inu. I »le«. *n111111 Itte* at l*arla lllll. M-mu.-uh. ptoua- In either button or lace. 91..V) waa In town a>t «aT« of ••utrrtalninrat. Old and the immmi. Ktart hare been entertained The fall term of the will be- lady, Saturday. A. rt. At an*. I A Hundred Thousand Sold. academy or lace ahoe for Alton with wife and | ona a nice congrea* Tuttle, daughter, > voong H»tn«d la tto aport. At wwa tto of a fro*t, but do •|)|M«rani>e of yet. gin Severn ber 4. buy* O. A. Tim km, Ei«r«ll» Com. v f ll«>r Come and aee the Urgeat of Mrlroae, Maaa., are vlaltlag relatlvea >*(aUii)i« plralr dlnurr waa wananl by gentlemen. Uko. SI. At wood, J I f I'm Ik I U*r ROXBURV. of wear In Oxford at at llucktleld. I v h»K ! I. »!• r. I tAST SUMNIR. •lock root County provided New M M I; Mr*. I/H'ka la away at ramp meeting. will he In readlnea* for th« Shoe Htore. Kim lloute, Kimball C. Atwood. K«>ra ran* Kverythlng Smiley oppoalte ItthlKII, M -Al a < h#M it Ipi have bail an order for N. and Salmon C. of tOO MUtt. Swain A Iteevl corn factory to atart tba drat of lite Norway, Maine. K. Hwett, manager. York, Ilaker, K«<|., I'ult. wtlkla «>vl f..r Ik# ..iinir nt iHM, <>« are «»e*k J. F. • another car load of dowela. They will aeem* mature We alao a stock of trunk* Ilalnfleld, X. J., a|tendlng the Ih# Uilrl THMkUr «f Ant A. II l«4 »ur writ kn >wn rmm ilrl*rr, week. Corn to alowljr. carry Urge PLUMMER, I 'kin* Joaeph ml Ntrr 4. liaar I have to of other part lea to All the Work In the will a»»me and vallae*. at Hotel tang, and "doing" atat* fair. o« ihr iviitkik VrO>n#r, I.,- Ih*.1 kr Im mUrf, and Krrd H'arrrn ha to Juat taiy factory prevent •IUa of tbc r.ui« »f IKV.Ii W. -M 1(1 IIS Mt. Mior find t lotlihiu *lorr, I » order. the atate fair. Wov. tang and family walked to |*arla Root, rrtanwl fn«n a trip to Itottol to tto from attending »t lt|r*m to **1-1 l»«k|i.|>ri|l«| fur llrMW \ froat Mondar A Sumner to lllll and back and to llebrou H Mil l»l «■>••«» j ■ rtUIn (Ml r-uu t »hn l»M Ardrn 'niton. morning. great Itallroad fare from Kaat Saturday, "i. .. j •nxlrn. buttrr-makrr, corn roatl* the XM H»M M>l •iHflllinl I* h*r from the hot «ratlier of *0 cent*. Itcnlc* and keep and back M|lM l» |»1l 31 Market South Me. I rr- «hang*- Friday the fair Academy Sunday. «•.♦. Square, Parla, m 'h ,>r ***• rank IrWh and hamon only |l<>n «* aw In Ik# l'n>h»l» « i llrtdtorj and folk* In the village buiy. 01 • m» a Saturday. The time for the Canton fair young oai>rai i>. TK»I Ihr Mi l wIIIIomi ill* Mb* k. t» hi* In •imlro **rjr cmtlv f>'tiia)r drrr and tor young holding corn after aeveral at- SWEOtN. and *on of the llerlln Mill* Ilie factory all lal*ir«k.|, M » mt** T. on* mr torr. Mr. Ilrown ha* been changed to October 1-4. In |*n.Mi nwlai mpy atarted mlafortune to mt i.fl»r In Iw I Ikm *r«li w W*ritrU To. were In town laat wrek. They wl*h A faw from thla attended the tempta o|ierallont Wedneaday. Frank Purgln had the IkU pabtUfc* ^ Aug. J».th »• had a froat on tto low place MMtNtl In <»ifnrl llNMriM, »l to on Toe Methodlat (lrcle met with lira. l<»aeone of hit of work horaea laat |>il»U.I *** to let a logging job, land th*» river christian Kndeavor invention at l«w> tpan I><•« mi m • ..«rt mt I'm ,lV \ K"|m grounda *hW-h rrantorrtoa and on laat Wed- I'liit, lk»y Injured more or aa IVter Wheeler tirover lllll week, and the other la aoalck aa to be al> u« lk» lukrr, of iiitiinton. two million of *pruce, leaa, Uton laat week. l>«|f In to toM al Pirti, la mM nuaalf, M K»||., afternoon and evening. A la a lota to Mr. IWr-l of *•%>■ ll »•••■ I •"W1 rnav ault taking the job. Artie L l*almer will vlalt Worceater, nesday large moat worthleaa. Hilt big TarwUf Mfi •' N J "• It hat c*rtalalr torn cold ru«Mjgh for partlea went In U iM lunihai*, »hvm •««•». If mi lhr> .j!* W ■ Mo waa In com- numtirr of the aoclety bayracka now, aa he haa fourteen «• lion. IVttrnglll thla week. Ihirgln Jutt Um i>w» ik»«M M I* ir»l«l | mlttrna, but t|M laugh»-d at \ Irgll Maaa., a kin, n h Noyes & Andrews! l»r»' with Ibe Ilrown*. went on North Turner attended |M the tillage. All report gotol acrea of a*ret corn nearly ready for the lilbiHor A. Jii.|«v Im i»t*r for on, to »h«ard pany They Several from WII.MI*. hatingttotn to time. a bona. A lmw|ij-*IM .« llymn. the Co. F. Mb Maine reunion, at f. | of tUngnr. and >t« tto a of hl« ator» tto akin Joseph A I.HMIT l> I'lHK. lUgUlrr. I llngrra « with friend* tiould Academy commenced Tueaday Toe corn at oiieued the •• Wallace lark of Humford A. at Weat Sumner, laat M'ed* abop tavell Ka* and MU« ait worn to tto hlood. and tton lotltrd Noyea', number of atudenta. To close out our summer (tmih New Vork were In town, and call- morning with a food .VHh, and night tliere wrrt s »* "f Hn«»klln* naturday u* In to ctimmtora. neadajr. work In all will by Al t (<>gt1 m( IW*I» htkl *1 tolp pick rtl on lite le*r hunter to view the lleald la Kicellent de|k«rtmeiita aeveral loa«(a of rorn there from our *'it iSirto. Mlu For bra from \rwton, Sammy getting along finely I'ar1*. «MM* |M f«r Ik* t "#Mi of • I» fori, MA Ktoanor no doubt he accomidWbed. town. |a earlier tlun wo nro of the hunt. Two ladlea of the « llli III* < ru*hed fttot. Thla contldrrably Ihr thirl of Aug \ l» l*M stock the M»•« la a frw a»rk« with tor trophlea on the aouth Tu**lar offering *|>rnl«ve lliwi* tall l»l « lia|tut MU* llattto of Cortland to at |tr«tln< for In r ^kllllnga took uudrrgolnf du-lng the |»a*t week. laat wo k. There waa an ! Hon. 1». Hl*bee and family Calmer a hoi ha* atarted up. repalra garlan fraaa r* rial a raal 'HiK to fn.lnj *^l«l W IllUm Cobb'a. *to haa torn factory a crew of auflrring railed at tin- Jamea bai large acre a and he three tona. l •II I Im h*r oa •' a drive our valley ami ilodgdon and half got Mi mUW, » % * I"t»ur«. • anklv. up Greatest a in from • asm aero** w»e "mm »•<* aetcrrly tpralmnl bear mu*eum. Mr. lotke exhibit a MMi, turn building |W la IW ptnlai* plecwa TM Ik* *al-l notlrr Bargains Thl* PICNIC AT NORTH BUCKFICLO. llllillllt, |wlllloi»*r fir# • to *how Wr h«" lone and lit North Aiig. 9. ! f-»r thr th« lr wonderful strength, and alao *how* |iih over thl* place lait Saturday night lUckrtKLH, off of ikl* orlar U I* l»al»ll»n*t tt.rrr Mr. *r. If will allow iim> ti>acr. I *111 •wral, • nrwi»i»' I'rtairil *i Pari*. la Made enteral tireen llodadon'a taper* jrou gl*r II IMir or two Ilurglara *ak>l Ikal ihrj may ai |*ar al a l*n> r, i». V«r» and have come hofflf to II** on Mr. a of • tdcnk' In-11 In toaatj, Clothing, ay. SUMftt*. br feet the ei|«vta grand Ready *T: 0»B%rn •tor* Monday night getting upon top. Ilodgdon jou rr|iort •alt • mill u< W fcrWt al I'arl*, Ik* Ihlrl Tu*« IC M i« l» t!»•- when It I* com- t!»•* Somr tlmr Mi** klm« Mlllett «t«ltli*c Mr. J. K. Kncf "f Ul»lami wu In hla «h«sl aik.I rBlrflnf tfw tliann-r win- to get a head of ill frrt our Hill# village JMIi. •lay »f V| Mil. al alaa «' place. town Krldar «f la«t week. don and took ail or teven of A mill to work u|» •null lum- lad tprlng, Nr. J. T. Narbl* of l'arlt, n.xMi, awl IU; h*«a, »kf they pair* MM *ko«tkl tN.| I* and K <\ lllltim iml «l(f m working In k»it Mr*. Att*rt lanta. flirted. portion |»>«tW m Km A. Wll.aoN, Caps Furnishings, O. a • Ilk SS o>rn Mr*, C* Irr an- relatlvea In to I former .l»"i an J «ho thru A !«•» HIM » chiUfrrn. fri'iii »ho|>. of Portland vltltlng toliacctt and rlnr*. N'o clear hie j»r- fMl tprut largr |*.rtlonof m(.f l» ■ in li In-re «lth t)i# chil- a rrturnrd iiiU- til* tlmr «n In i>ur with M« AI.HK.KT I'ARK, Nagtatar. ever 'f Mr JiMriih titling thl* |m irator* a* yet. Ifrr. Gideon l»ra|>er, hfr*. |ilai-r shown in Oxford a of hit County. h*»e '♦*« *i»- dren meantime. vm*l from thU attemled the The firmer* hav* ciMnmenced to haul vlonary from Japau, will dellvir wife ami touir othrr mrmhrrt I \ »• ?* •Ilu«, jdacr • ** —Al a I irt I»f I'nImi* habl at i* mr Wed- on ami thr ixmitll, Mr*. Altirrt llolt in |«M>r t at North 1 urnrr la*t awert »-orn to the There lecture In Ibf Nrthoillit church calling olil frlendt, rf aiii|>ftre >at«jrday. their factory. family, I'arW, lllMn t«l I- IIIr I | | ami see if it is not health. Mr. aud Mr« Ntetaon of will not he a thla year. nesday eienlng, *eptemt»er 5th. All •«M«rt of a I'll nlc * a« mention*!. ••a Ik# Iklrl Tu*»Ur ,.f A ig., A. 1> 1*4. Investigate very heavy ylelj W v. f ) t. Whitman. Vim., are tUltlng til* brother, Elder of hat been vb- are Intltrd to be present. Mr. MarMr wat enthutlaatlc On |Im> mIHIo* «t altar ft. I h**a, l.utrllai, GHllNWOOO. ln. Kmkrj \ our ha« gone to Tur- I he v took about at their entertain- earlier thl* year; the date U Sept. II, II. Intrrettrd a* he, and It wat finally ■oarar rartala Ml HM» l«feagtag W> *al>l «• a» corre*|«»n«lent t* umut liMt «hrn fwen one tome Ulf an I iltarllol la hi* i« lit la |kr v I" \ \'i.lrr*« ii|>lrul«bl) ner on a ilill. ment to the meeting houae. ami 13. S|*vlal attraction* h«ve range! to have tlmr during prtitk.ii + he ttr*t hi* for Ihf repair l>r»i>alr ..Mr* •• rin. *pre*d wing* flight ami wife art1 •ftiiwl the a •socially. the tummrr, it Mr. Marhle wat wry Remember we do «.eorif»- N«in|»«<>n tUltliif bjr m»ntgrr*of oldiHlHl, Tkal Mkl |*llll >a*r |li* «4i«* to CUSTOM TAILORING. Mreadv thr fumli h«ir ilnnnnl v light- (AST PERU be In at ('. M IV A mld-alr will (Urn amlout to i»r*'t thr nelghhort together allMr»>i< iiitor*«t»l, bf ran*la* a <<>!•; *1 Ikl* ir* »rrn |*-rformance % * tutll r*H»tr er green. iim| crmi«»n Um(h« Mr*. U Hall la very alck. They pn>- front of the (rami (land the Mvond and iibi* lunrf, Mr. Marhle't folk* wrre to •rlrr |m l» |i«l>lllhal U(W Hffki t«n«M|l*l) to th» «t»- the « wallow* al*o hav« left u* la Ih* otforl IfcroMa-rai. t>rlair>l al l'%rt*, lhal Can a lit * la place*, kOVCU. nounce U fever now. th«' third aftrrnoon during the thr thr to Uphold |M-rha|>« a|i|M»lnt daf, M-lgliltort a|» lk*T at| a|<|T«r al a I wait »l l'r l«l» In I* ktkl f-"i;. thl« tor more • »n Tu»*dav thr hand itaml at U a seat on tl»«* stand V |»«»t congenial»lime. mnln| A. It. lirlltlth'a boy gaining. fair. Tho*e securing thr place. al Part*,la wl l I <** lha Ihlrl Tu**Ur <>f I a*t the brother a band f. "»undav. i».th. your the illlafe wat thrWtrned bjr have the best *lew of the attraction*. Mr. MarMr decided to ha\r It Aug. «»H wtl, al *Im n'rUk la I ha r<>mi<->n. aa-l and our are low. on BVRON. •how i*<», If aar Um ■>•* very •tr«4 »f to lb* iu< •crlbe i»4her iear |mh( inwrrt Itrrr. I:> mark* nrrr mailt* by Ihui*dat thlron Hall was >th. II. V. Ilrald'a. Tahlr* Ikry kai*, why prices f>ln( |«om| evening I'lacr, ahovkl awl Im • huh »>-r» lna*-rlt*«l the llgurea M. After tlx- iinHtrl Mlaa Miriam Hall, a native of llyron, graalail. u Ite*. II. K. Karnham. to llatro to Hraator H'm. I*. Krje on thr lawn In front of hit retl- A. Ja-lc «nkf uiton the leading -ju« and waa back KT II. .■•>!«• p«n>- vet I knew there could I* BtUUkf. HMNltH *• 1 i t « few ael«,' treated for tumor, brought the and Id* were strong eutertalned: Al.ll> I'AMK, lU.Nirr • day argument* f *tuil.T for thr I im with *everal other* * ai a afterward*. Kt and burled with Iter fanillv. acquainted There datw-e and convincing. Mr. •• I Mr* J I Mar Mr, Part* I: S»«» ti«r« a on the unie hhawr attended meet- — Al a I nart of I'rwiMl# hakl al » ,*f %'>ni|-rl«r« who |«unl •imtlar point rrwam wii aerved at the itiml ami In Mr*. Jotham can>i In Bethel, Aug. I'Hh. by l>v. Israel Mr. i^l Mr*. (I A Thajrr ant rkUlrrn, |*ari* 0\r<»KI». J.Mm IVr>» an.I li I'*r1« I'arl*. within aa-l for lha I oaair uf o*f.»H, «' « !•'. f In* at Kaat I.Uertnore laat week. I^eander T. lUrkrrand Mr*. Mr* i^t.ur. Jordan. Mr. MIm Rlu* I ..•«!»>. I"»ru i« Iki Iklrl Tiwlar mI I li I a* • over < Au, * ; *••»' f all toward* there. a i.milter of the boarder* at the lite New ►rlcain alngera gave « <>a Ik* m<«, Ala»r. of ika traveling a<'f All*a .Vtl tw Ural'* llolrl, I»ea. William lh<«m»* toil grand- • entre return to th«-|r home* thU week. a concert at Hnapp'* Hall laat Thuraday In to the wife Mr a*.| Mr* W» Ui k •tlra.Mii* r«t at* itla A I.TKII B M ANN, lata af MlWua r*** j Ilorn, IMhel, Aug. I "'intr 'i and Mr a w * < runullon. In MM «ra***l daughter returned home la»t week, Allien lleald ha* <-|»iie.| trade In the evening. of Fred a ton. kapi<- *aWl. l*ol«ert», Umtrgr MIm liriilr I «aWiu, Mat* •re; lag for IkaaaalM tall aa-l marry rrrtaia lUal "f IVftl»D.|. the deacon gave Walker. A da DC* came off at the *auie ar*f, Norway, Malno. the following Monday »torr of the UU' Marshall (dare Kdward.) Ml*« k«U llnrfcVjr, «»lrm, M %•• IliUU l»kia a horae but Mr. tft Mr* H *. »w»«, |*Utl.iMr git* night in Mlnthrop village the h<>m<- oung lm|>rovea of Mlflon Foater, a *on. I aa «« Tuesday Mr* M ItiMk. W>IW*W IIIIU, Ma.. lit all |iar»oa* atari ■»■!, by raining »Mn* ole*f, and during evening light- W llllaiii «. amnion of Mont-ham. Mr aa-i Mr*. |i t. Farrar, V.nk lt>>« kiwi-l of kU pHIUoa, villi Ikl* orlar Ihrraoa, lo la % If >r«r 1 'T « | a In lit* ning *tnick and burnml a barn af«»ut Mr. Avail G> KwmQ I* In tows. Walter Kaater caught a liear cub WtSTBlTHlw. Mr ti.1 Mr* > Ihah Turner. V.rth It... kiWl l i>ul>il*h»l Uiraa awki *iMtwM|rrtir la Mm o» • « a I fori !***•■ • *i I'arl*. la u. '• \fI unty. mile off with a part of the attended the r«|nnl*>l together Many parade Mr* II iHinham, V«tli llu'kflrkt. Mkl I oiiMt. Ikal thrr t*»j an« ar al a I'rolMla and what la •••me- t-ear Into another of Ida a and *l«*k aixl all the hay; « on war, and all at ted a* (»«•!<•••. atepoed a.|uare 11a* completed legal organization, Jmu* Ml|> lielL V.iir tin klrM lu«irt, ku Im Mkl al I'arl*. oa uw ihlrl Ttaaltf i*. »n to what mnarkablr Ihr ham »l««»l the Mr. ("ie»i. II. Mt>or* hallo* rvalgtttd a* trap*, and the joint* having got ruatv, I* now a i«»ri>oratloQ and read) Mr a»l mi* verv farnt he and hU •on-ln-laa had one of thetu wouldn't torlng and bruin tranMct anv buslnea* that vor|»orate Mr *»-l Mr* J C llraM rtmltjr, Kaajr Ih*/ hart, fkj OUR SHOES RmMIMMMiH kf*entati*e a«t Im are re- n*rkt*lt. inatal. $2. »' <>! Mii«k before the* wa* Ailed walked on. All bear hunter* do. Idea of buying to the legislature, the vatwnt')' hodle* may aal A a au t >»rtk UKoHt*R A H||.ao\, J«dntment. of hi* farm. Mr.aait Mr* l.ulbrr Tararr, I'AUk, KtgUUt. have taken the lead over Intelligent rlnftoa. Mr a»l Mr* A C Mama, V*th R<* IH»H everything. They V M \ n w th thr flute, and we never have a aoclal Ml** Kmma Abbott, enraged In cull- Oacar tirover ha* returned to Orono gentleman, Mr. a».l Mr* k. it l>ar*..«. N >rth liu< ka»»l are tl.« wUr and WIST SUMNIR. waa confronted with a fero- no *um to otKaln from or\oR|l. •• -At a I 'mil of I'rolMl# hakl al have become and % <»n. that with him without foellng nary dutle*. $.!•»<> I* *mall Mr taaukltaf, North llu- a very |>o[»ular growing *lr|>h»a I'arl*, tillhla aa-l for ika of otf.^l,** drr and llw atrram* arr low. clou* niouae all her acre of but that I* *ald t*M. 1<>uM| better than ever bvfurv. Vrry summoning grit, one-half land. lha Iklrl of A. I» l«M ho are nt« Mr* A W V.Mk II klWH. Taa*lay lag more « *r-»injtii1« N'eUoo Jack- > A I'atkard arr drlltrrlng thrlr luatead of and mounting a to I* about what on# W>*( llethel farmer *,^uMta«. oalka of KIlitMk I. M Kfc harl*. every day. They I.a«t Tu«*d»j morning ourijg acreainlng Mr* I.wIIm V.rlh II... kiWfcl |«tllk* to t wood now him ailati. of lha r*l*U> I % It N U Kit II % Kl»- M< ihU* tu<-rni'*. Fred cwlled on u« alaha. A <<«"•! riuiH« g< if'N>»l c ahe him and haa ha* done hi* *traw berries thr j>rr»- Mr Mr* I I' »• «U w »» la l»..r. I' u4 la ton'• hired man. tirvx, hair, grabbed by g t W •tr of Mriku, la •al l nati, 'larrtM*tl, |>ra) • '<« O"! •!•■*-< It h wa* In Ver- at •mall on a a foundation of a me- *ra*on. Ilow In Mr* IWUry \l .i.k, Turner, Main* «• of an errand. Kt«l bora |>rUrrtala K*-ai I * »• a Mr* Cwmiir M.>nk an I family, \ ftti II a r.• r .1 «t »<» «n«l A. about I.. !.. itardlnrr and wlfr arr llethel will a* from tlirlr acrr* taU1 I»Uiii«1ii< to aaH aetata 1 la Wt mont, of French parent*, twenty- aprndlng nagerie. grt a*M. laaifilial 1 .f ur." latitl one * wrrka In M*»aaihu*rtta vUUIng haa trade*I hla •« IIIr la Ihr I'mlat* .Ho a I now the f« Carroll larrl cornf * V.rth prlllkoa and Well Made four and la only \oung fancy of Mr an t Mr* t> IturhfeM Durable year* ago. OBi>(Miti, Tkal •ai'l |*lltlo*»cr a<»* a<4i<* lo • * M »i:« *r the and rrlatl*r« for a of work horaea and In ti. Whaler hla brother iHnlel Mr* I tar* km, >..rtk ftiarfclUkl Light, the lie ha* vroa«rd frlruda driver pair K. and a Stylish, left of family. all |»r*v.aa iaair*lal raaalag n>^T of Ikl* » M. a Mr*, iMIir l»*»l« N..rlli IlitrkHrkl » »ri«l I i-'» I-. on a *tewmer a* a II. I*. Heath la at llucVflrld fur* Ira with lllll Mitchell taken win- of Kockland, Ma**.. have been rusticat- nflrr lo Im Inraa «nk* *■*■■ *»alr»lr l II. I.unt. tioodhout. la tbr O«forl lvn*.«rat, t>rlala-l al I'arla, Ikal Come and nee thera In-fore el*ewhere. tattle teller, and *ay* he rather llkrd data working f»r T. trr'a W>b. hauling for ing and vlaltlng frlrnd* In Cooa County, |W*I lr< t>4* «l -MVtrku buying urtWr, I poplar Ihar al a I'roiMla I oart In Im kakl >%'l In l*ari* |«m| weather, but In a Mr. Illratn 1'urll and family rrtumrd (I. I'. Ilmiadon alto hat taken a job at II the week- may a|>|»ar I tl»e buaine** In fair N. pa*t I'lir gurttt lirgau to arrive atx ut 1(1:30 al Pari*, na lha tklrl Tuaalaf of a*|4. Mil. al Don't that we have aUo a full line of to their hoiur In Milton, M Aug. ». the aarne work and hlrea C. A. Mtrdln. thl* n'rlurfc la Ika aifl *h<>w If forgot It wa* julle a dlff* tent thing. Handall ('umnilng* pasted way A. and from that tloir until dinner alaa rofT»>«>a. rau*a, • gale on a v., la |'a« Ward and Wlb Kteld arr Florence Houghton returned to Matta- on butlneaa aay lha; hair, at) Ika mm *koukl M Friday. wat announced wat In ha|i|ij araalaiL tatter Shoe* at moderate to >ut\r*« Meadow*, and ihutett* lot of calvea wt* carried from t|irnt pricca. I AST BITMiL. rtihlng trip Monday. Another grrrtlng*. OKI. A. Wll.aoN, Jalfr will rrturu with to thl* werk. Mr*. Kttlr mil thilJ of <««ith prohahlr largr <|uatitl- thl* place llrlghton Wlirn the assembled A Im* '«'|>r- allr*l • ■ fur«t« | la lilt* U«t lira of tWIi. NORTH ALBANY. The *how* better than a Al UKItr U. fAKki, lUaUtrr. l'«rU vWltrti rrlatUra I»l».-r apple crop the table they found U Very beautifully J. ha* twvn on thr alck Uat not be a one. wi«k. J. Abbott Mr. Frank Hk-h and ton Merton have month ago, but will large adorned *ith boataaU«n1 whrrr hau Medne*dai, Lillian K oMiiiitruttil lnr Norway llrldgton thry There *u a party at Mr. on the tables that nerd be I W«*»f I! lluaNaatl Jaw* ». W(i|M. Adnrt *iirprl*e Woodcock t<»»n fair. everything It F. U I'mnin', rhrL, t of Kr/ar Kail*. and 2'. frlrnd* and rrlatkra. ed f.»r the • llh th# Will lb# r.|«l. uf K at »mI lUthrl MlnUy, Aug. many Itk'ir* home Wedneaday evening. asked for to thr Inner nun. • H'b
        W ^ >• n.uiri,t • buiu>«r and Mra. I. W Horn* ha*rrrturn- Fernald'* up Friday, fc' M' Ir: II' !: f M Mr. there were but few there a *hop which **m«| to lie i.aitn* Ikrlr k uf aaM .Iwiawl foe NORWAY, •« enjoyed a heartily enjoyed seventy«llve • ■landing l« •••?,.I. lit ..f h'«>l« nr«» for few allow am I I>nr>h*l( JMN. Mr*, pi.rter laiwrll •mi «hllilrtu *4#- Mr. Il«»n»r «u|. We are to know that Arthur llean •. thr remainder of thr afternoon glad l^ewuton has * guests, • •Hl'imn. that Ihr wll A lmr« yttr ikitlif to i« f «t«tr tnr* »m1 I ula M. 1'ackard la borne front Nor lie Ilnnmotiit of photo- Next door 8ton»'n Dm* Stor*. |t>«r ltr«l rrlatUr* at Unrll laat »rrk. who *a« U Improving. tit with music, etc., to *11 lnl»rr«u-l ra lU-rllu war. move* about w Ith the aid of a oaoe and graph two recitation*. oor Ihta orker to l« puMlahml Uirrr ««k< aurrra frara. I luw and wife of |lo*ton are and closed by by f«»r at*i»* with lirr too Ml*a Ada I*. Ilmth I* *i>endlng a frw Amix K. iiri< in ibr liraHa ral i-rlnlol al I'arU, 11, mkjt, Kail*. II to hou«r a ruti li. Miss * *r<» an at at IVrham't. Thayer by Mary IM IWt mar ap|m*r al a f ,rt tn 1# *■"* l* • a with hrr alatrr, Mra. T. II. I.uut, In- kllbon 1 »llrf. day a number from thU •tonplng both Palis, wrre at I'arta la Mi l I oa IW Ihlrl Tiara •ml dtughtrr. i^ulte vicinity Mlu lirrtrode Karle tlom her latmr* llerce, of which »rry hrM oualr, »«»mmen«v« Hue kltrld. hewr the lecture of Sena- uf »ai4 r>e»l, al alar of »!>«•. l.a k la (I* f.>r* Mta« Jfnnk Kkh traching tended to go to here received by their many friend*. ■lajr llifuilloa «»o bU \ waa at >atur- with tl»«* 1'nlveraaliat church Sej.l heartily a lauar, If aay hate, whf mImn>I it llrrlln K« M. Packard Norway tor at llethel but aome will be de- Nit. i'. IWy 1 • |r*M Frye uim h »»«il the Mint ah.«|M a<4 la- a.l< atr«l •».. «t «.r*T ««rtwrr on id. 'Dm- luu tw-rn pie 4. dat huaiitraa. tained at home the ralo. aooiety 1.1 «i A I I n *' II.. luntlijr. ^r|»t by i«\ tb* •hlJtMrre a of G. A. II- with tier effort*. — *4 tlrvp- Ktnt«ll W attending the fall I'hrrr waa large mMlnf A Iruarotijr attr*t Ir«lng ■■ WAY FOR BARGAINS! • < « wlfr left THIS »» ImtIi, iixI hr rto \ V>*ra' "th Itrv J. II. I.lttlertrld and The llnra were written for AI.HKKT U. I'AKK, IWf at itouM Arwlrajr Aug. UPTON. followlug | M «i> th^.wn >*it, '.'th Malnr. Monday for their new home In law l|.::nlt»n Malnr, and to. K. | Nettie Thuraton of Krrol, V. II., spent ley, the occasion: '•*» '•»rtook of JitM-ph'a at A. F. Abbott's. Fla. H« iitktr iu>tar wish r-»i wttl. .lallf* afFtllllaa lll«tlwr|ti Htill fiiui our store with '* >uuday tene- Mill We overlooked 'I' f>ut *f!rr RH^IUml at- t«rana. wrrr aakt to hr *rry C, J. I.lttlefleM ha* rented tin* To *•.»•* Ii» man ullkt |»w. th. atu Ii rr 1*» III fa»«»r could ri|ir(t)d, boya for Win. Ilrewster of lloaton. left ing a ten trio to ihf lakn. Urrcl l>«R|W k*i* r»ni«. an l »e h»ar IVI m >r* ar. t«>v* all «*m«l to tltur. At an hour they and i-hlldten of daya' fl*hlng K hrrrhr lhat a haa. na • ■f rfw Br tlx Itw grand r»rly Mra. (J. (J. Abbott ll» an I iiiu»-Wria« *• w( yara, I* ftieai prtllloa mammoth Mtoek of ami Gents' Fur- hart (>>r a with th* V. ha* tiur- irtt-liti I» Clothing flit*, kkl for thrlr hoiora well at A. W. Hymn Itrjrant receotly if xtrl 4IU thli «ml 'Ut of Ad|, A. l*l,li«ra i«f» hatr a tltn*. an.I Iklf «w fwd |>lrward North ara vlaltlojt ttui hull la oar hrarls mwurirt N'iiTII " J" foul Norway the Ih>um> and lot owurd Itn. •rlilfl t>> Mi l I iHIrt f'T aa*l I iHtMl, l»» MM l«tlun i*f lac*. #1 UWK man*- thing- that wrrr furnlahrd clu*ed by Of Um frkal ak» l>ulM*l thr |w«•* f<»r 1 N * Hi 11 J. II. I.lttlrlti-ld. nishing ;-r.« Imv V \ .1.1 f > and Minnie Abbott • IKal he mat again, t«»>* Mra. lierver Fuller *«> mr l.rla* as alrll uU oar |4«w, t.rr*.| au-l ak». ounty <>f U«forl, iratlra » ht lh» John CafTtev, who ha* lf«*n In the all bit bikI Ur|r«t IMill* <>f W nnftlrr, MtU., U have been at llumford the pa*t week. Aa-I i4l>rr 'Ulnltva, Um M •* un()' at ohafton! of kllbon I'erham pa*t lofraM Willi our gwrM 'acalh IhU slNrllrrlaf •l«l>to. I'Mial'la ial«r |>r«al«U»aa h*|4rr frtnuia lo town. employ an I Kim flatting Wr had a fn»at laat Moo- hai returned to hU homo lu Mil. artml; of liar Malulra of llalaf, u|a>a ; »mt to I'. rtUml *ery hravy hahtforo yeara, l II la »rl »aM Court IT LASTS! I Ikrticrt UMlmau to th* ; Aa-I talk of Um lliaaa uf IW |<>w l«r mill. •al |*lltlon, lif AT COST WHILE much daiuagr ui».n mw > N ">*HI, uatvafr. hr wm day morning, doing from Cohasset, land. lliat a lirartai la li*>l IK» la-fore »atur«lar. I umlrrataml going wt» Mia* lladley trunk* I* four { Mary ( handler of |*ortland wai In town TW |«mm Sir wUh Uimk-vki mirth, tai l I ourt at I'arla la Ml>l I ounlf of »'jjr *t«Hk "f to 'm doc- growing degree* her frieod* In thla »i- Mr. lt«l M »**., k« vUlting A* all I.. *rr U.rti thl. earth, • <'M Ihr I all of tir low fre* ring at «i o'clock. Krldar. lie *tnr u|> to give the hand |>W«*urr« itfoH, W«throla>, 'lay Bear in mind that our stock is the !<■!■». toral. 1« M «• I# Kill! n'l( M lliur to fan*. A. I* l«*. al alar a'rlaak la Ihr for* largest ha*e harvratrd an dally. aome iffil U U Farmer* unuaually who iu*t ruction*. I or «r'r» e n* llkr hi* i«>w l»r «hra !•••>• Im I | inia, ami that a»tlrr U»mi( la |iul>ltahe»l la Uw * al««ut th* ball gam**. Farmer* In this neighborhood ir%u l kiiiH*rt at .U»J- >|«-*Wtng of thia aeaaon. and In tin* a Im. iilfupl l rat, a i>ulillahrU« rUDlD(, V|i(. nothing condition. planted OXFORD. A. I oaair of oilurl, Tor Una »•- a rich harveat. W*«t Mala*. •l»» anii. the U»l allon t*> I* Ira 'laj a will thr cmllt to the Altaajr hoya r !ng were Huaiavr, I'ul'lli mrr n fi*w f»liola* for thr were not either. Amy allaw rauar. If hair, Men's 25c. 10c. h nwl« n«« f»**t nial*. to hrr they very large The annual reunion of Co. P, Ninth ami aajr Uarjr tahjra-ll* suspcndcro, Carta, aKi< Mlaa I.I lllan N. Itrowu goea Ma*t., la y friend* here. la matal •al l i(alitor anurl »o«UI tuakr • tudWnwr, »*• Aa the Aral of September draw* near lilting and Co. Maine Veter- rharp tkaalil ant .» r»ri« autlkiM-*: Mr. lie Vt. S. C. K. an entertain- Maine, C, Klghtli laa t» lha of hi a wllllia athool In llanr, to luhia stock Tlie V. I'. gate prater thr trrilkl of thr cruad. the aterage begins lay ans, at the reskdeuce of l» I'AKK, I Writer 1 lot over-nhirtH ."0c.f $1. f |> wWtoo, «bn |>la»« gt-nrral hoy ment,"A at ltoblnaon took place Joseph Attaat -AI.HKKT Jersey regular price crew itnWhrtl of tMiwder and *hot. King'* laughter." af aal'11 <>urt for aaM t ount of t >« fori. •iruiaral kmmn to thr A.N. Ilr*n'« •awingto- UENVAHK. A. West Sumner, on Wednesday j onr us. I llall Wednesday evening. Noyes, HmrtiUt, ha* lug «a»r«t th ut Mate election la right upon last. l*he weather w»» all that could tie Best Shaw knit 'JOc. Mr || |\ Ilrr'tlr, a*i dir, Mr. K. I>. and wife of Ito*. Her. Mr. a from quality hose, of lunl woo J Into Scrlggln* we can stand two years I>ra|*r, tnlulonary * ahoir rtcrl> th»uMu«l cvr I* open ami i«rn I* Mr*. Sarah Staple* died Aug. Xkl, making party lu\F«>KI>. Ikxilitlrf. f In their rata of JI l.ll'a a ( l. ll'l', Ihkilirnl |lrMu> Men's from 7"»e. to KCiAR ALLS. She wu carried to rade Noyea and wifeIf# dldid alt pant* $1. Ink •«» pretty frrely. aged HI year*. Oray 1Mb* U IM • kM, Ml .'••hu |». |u>«t*»n. *uk In thla » U in- WELCHVILLE. iiower to han the veterans and their harabjr |im pnHloo l,nn(of a numhrr ar* I •• hi«r k I .< •>!*•. I «>•'»• K.. made a for burial. Hev. Mr. Hamilton oflMatlng. A. !• IM|, Iowa I'fr %»rr» at Hall and *l*ter Utile of Kaat one NH| lkUB»l>ll|iilAii|, A few more black wor*tcd Kuitu for t«u >Uu(h(«n I Sldney and a«n llert of families have a K"od time, and Mt»l to miI0. "y* \i«lt to llrowntlrM «*lge Friday even-1 M. Warren'* Mr*. Henry Katon everjr CnN;, 1 h*»m< • ha* t^n Waterford vltlted at II. will that succeeded well. *. ( <>f I'arla, la Ito I ihiiI? ut iiafori, lltiW |>, IiijC latt week. vlaitlng ir»» In* llul kr may I* iterrw»l a fall M- har** kftvM U Cuk lllll. *.< a I* low at the went to a The forenoou waa In aocial k f'-r iliii*, »erjr ANhiI twenty-three couple* 91.M) buys a nice. Hoe, kid boot foi occupled fn-ai all hi* ilrUa, pnrtalila aa-Wr Um i.nnU we • Mrt. of \Vr«t ha* Call in and examine the :i4llir k.torti* Ihr long ll*t Miitn, Hcart*>ro, Intercourse and scenes connect- of I uf IW ftlalala* <>f Malnr, many |>r*»*ent writing. the hell Wednesday evening. lady, In either button or lace. 91*10 relating Ion* b«|>Ur a*«ra|y bargains £ -UlitiforJ llrtrt «hii luiv and her been vUltlng Iter parrot*. ed with time* when men's aouls were alii ii|..n >«ll f.llll"t>, III* »r>Wf*4 l»jr Mkl Mr*. Jo*e|>h W. ia Um mm U- offer. We can and will save f'Ulljf In Iual« turned home. gentlemen. noon u»«' K*ni oi uir arm >1 lioT. to a Ira dat *. ha* been at AiNiui j «a Ih* l*Mi uf A- tl. I••4. land *|>rnd Mr. Jonathan Alexander her •tot-k of footwear In Oxford County of iiifunl, >laj *e|4-. I U» tbr • Mr*. (1. M. lane and ton attended •• fame •team- U» lumw*, aa.| Out I Mir natUe i-uunt) tutl Mr«. Itoae A Urn ha|>a»n •u|>|>IU^I1 *lck. Shoe Store, omto*lte Kim Houae, bran waa noticed, they al III* a'tlwi la •juite * funeral at <. Smiley Ihrrrnf I* la lb* lllfoH l»*ru««ral, atMd, where hU towthful K. Au*. in the abaence titter r»y. ing hot from the ground. |>ulill*hnl tltr M |>ul|»ti I* Norway, Maine. K. \. Swett, manager. a aa«*|>a|wr la aalr1nW»l of the |»*»tor. I>v. M. K. Klnf. We al*o a atock of trunk* (tartaken um* a awl for Ilirr* larrmlu tatki, Ik* la>4 of at J. S. French'*. carry large of !• bIm • faithful friend Mr. Kdward it. >tanleyof< "harUatown. Mr. Tuttle died Augu*t ltd. lng dinner th« aaaoclatkin wa« called to »«• l« #?• 1" «aher» h* foi in tbl* naa a la»u at I)m Mr. .Scott l'atteraon wife order the W. W. iHinhtui. H>ll..aHm. rrvtllur* Oppo«llr lloutr, ftorwny, toy |ir«|«rml reiatltea place.| Iliere |«rtjr Congre- by prealdent, air and friend* are IMr «Ui, aa4h»r |ai«ai lalrr»«4*l, lie Murn« to hU In • week. number of relative* roll of Co. Ninth hate o>iiiiu« iKvtl liurvh la*t NORTH PARIS. The original F, aii(»ar al tall |>lar* aixl llatv aa-l ahuw rtrnt, * rv- Tfc»y opmltoai gational on U. .t. aumiuer to a dance out the ahoreof lrayar of cleaned, and \ l:. |>ublk-an lecture km *l»*n nltfht. Andrew* U to Uwb i(ilo on iMil.waa called by the aecretary. Clothing repaired pressed. • 'tie Hturri of old «»»• of Marlboro, I.ucjr answered "here." Where are la^ol M«-.»Qlan 11*11 laat Tueadajr eseultitf. Mr*, (ieorge Houghton I'arla 1IIII thti (all. 'IV term com- thirteen '"AmSr AI.IIKKT l>. I'AKK, RrtfUtor «hiih he U bound by many Mh. I* at Joho HCBRON. the r* at out of over one hundred ? More uf aalmal; of Oifvnl. Au(. Ma**., Thompson'*. mrncea the flrat of September. '•» lie U al««» a faiih- • In I St rani* had a hora« *tolru Itev. I>r. Crane wat called to Fayette of have answered it* tM>«nlrr« are quite nunftwi Mr. (ieorge M! a. Klla Andrew* it to than two-thlrda thetu '* r of the Otfwni iMoxrit |hu< I thi* week on account of the death of hi* going I»re«|ue thla from hi* »>*rn la*t week. tlie roll call acr«»aa th« river. The fol- af PHIllaa far < locality. lale toon to vlalt her alater. ilalka IMa«harga. hU Inter* *i In <»afor«l froat her* mother. oittcera were elected for the rn- |" i|> There wa*a light Sunday One new member waa toted In at the lowing *t»ti or HIM 1 a. lM>1. ItUl tlw l*e«Mfal Mr*. ha* not been a* well Ira«. IIARMQl *»Vt\. Ina,,1«ml r on* of Ma irlMaiaatlm, NtWRV. recently W'm U. k la Nrrvliv i1«m that a ha*, aa Store, fortable. Vlw I'rwl ta»U. L. C. AblmU t»l V(TH |*4Kb>« i|N trr of Mai>lr«iM>«|, Ma**., ar* vUlttntf to Mlaa Annie Hacon »r YVoodatock. " I'- HuUhlnaon. K»«j of thli( In Newnr, ilth, to the 1. I*. liearce I* In health caused Abbutt IliU «inl -la» «f A a#.. A. I» 1*4. M-. I.. W. Hubbard. Horn. Augu*t poor a I "art f»r I l«r » harW« with, lien Keudall haa tieen alck few daya. a«rrrtary, f. I.. W)m«n. valol l« aall mI>I oaalgr, and Mr lluuhln*ou r*«-all« wife of C. A. lUki'r. a daughter. br inea*le* and couch which I of ft llrnrjr M. Hurbauk ha* bought >f Mr*. whooping There la aome of Trawvirr, A. U. I'arliM. II. *«aa, of Vvraar, la lla o«a4j •<. ahn he had for a , a *uffer- ume laat complaint potatoea K» '» 'tarrwl a fall I a tint*- pupil « \» Mi*. N. 8. I laker I* Mill great lie had at the time *pnng. iitfonl, |ira> lag thai Mar lurle* hrr half la them Then the llterarr exervWea Um .re Ma««a- waa down rotting. Ituat taking badly. following from all hit iWl4a. ualrr V ««holarljr foteroor of rr from neuralgia In the face. Mondajr a* Mr*. Fogg going ■llakarp |»r»«abla of thr ft.'Ui«-*te,.I of hrr fa,brr. ttM latr were listened to: Mra. Sarah of 4lu|4rr aat»ntjr of I he Malulr* of Tb# ha» retire*]I II. H. came from the lake cellar *he fell two rib* aud Hong by Maine. foieroor Jacob Buck. Ilaatlog* breaking Proctor. MTht Onward March"; recita- KroiUlon*lalaa, aa tlca by Mr*. Ann U. Howard la liuoro*lug In country Injuring Mlaa lawrence hoarla* more tion by Mra.- Era 1'arUn, "The Army lha mm kfiiri aa^l I ourt at I'arla. la aaM K\ If at n>uhl b»tf our »»J tarntM. lie aaya lie can't buy any Mr*. L K. l'atten of Brooklyn, S. V., her home in Maaaachuaetta. health. llaveraack." I ounly of o*f»f»l, on Wr>trM»lay, Mm 14k 'la* i.rutrr t*le»eland for him In, lamb* In Canada *lnce the new tariff law I* at Ml** llalley'*. Mr*, rat- Mlaa Carrie Klee haa left for her h«»>; Mr*. Harriet II. Thoiupaon ml Ml** stopping to meet next on the of V|4. A. I» 1^*4, al alaa n'rlu*k la lha for* and we Mie*e twould b«r I1h*v are a rl»e In fen I* a teacher of Adjourned year tWirvf l« la i II. have returned to l»a*«ed. expecting painting. ichooL In Imm, MflMMM |>m*>IIoW>I ! Anna TttoaipMMi laal Wedneaday Auguat at the real* Oafofl k <>... 1 «i a aa » -I ai« .. 1 -1.»-1 la *4 tr ule tor th* country, too. iirtcea. The rise will be In a born In the Ml** (ieorgte Uvreooe, of Uwmdc*, Itobert Benaon via I ted hla father, C. II* j Have a mammoth otock of lk>*ton. dence of Woodburjr IJbby, VVeat Mlnot. aa|.| I owalf of«it fo««l. oarr a wr»k for Ihrra a«M I'nltcd State*, 1 reckon. Ma**., I* a few with Ml** D. Ilenaon, laat week. I# In Mr. Fred uMI< alloti In * SO Bf MIS CtNTIKNIAL A. C. I.lttlehale and wife are \lilting lirace the Houth I'arla af aal that all rial M »th Couiml**lon In M i»- llumpu*. Young, photograph- iliTi I'fmtlkr -lay kaartag, Id the «.i|.*T old ItHh » ho 1 i> • Uwlr 'Wiit*. aa-l •■«> • (• a lentenuul on Mrarm at l^ocke'* Mill*. I to nne j U In town thl* week. er, la here. The gallant Maine Heglment Hi" pnnol |*r i# hi* Judge -al I a< • a»l [ • *«>hu*ett* «<>u|war al I •>. on fmrui ol Ml** llattle I.iitUliale la lioute from Wm. II. of had a reunion Hatii but j.t i:»th. the s. Atwood, K*q.. IluckOeld, lira. A. J. Abbott went to Berlin, X. glorioua aa l akow raaaa, If half, • a fat hrr, Mr. Itetihrn Moulton. aome Ubm> aa; Ika; h) *• It oo* hundred , 1*011 land. waa In the Wedneadar. laat week for a few dan to care week. Among of the battlea In »I"'»H ai4 I* iftalnl -tearna art tied «h» *aldI I>e*lte Mttlehale, wife and Among tbo»e on the tick llat Mr. for her aoo, who (a alck with a regiment participated might nirllai Ike NEW WINDOW SHADES, /Iloah H. of I'.irtlatid deorge, Kr#i*Ur Mr*. .H|»r1u( lummer the be Attaat -At.llKlfT I). fAMK. *--»J .than Hem i« oo the farm mother, are the at X. D. Harlow, Mra.K. 1*. Cuthman, Mrs. bllloua fem. mentioned Krederickaburg, Chancel* ha*rtc*utiv waited Iter mother, Mr*. (pending af laMCawl for a^l Coaaly uf ilihrl. < There a dln- home of hi* father, J. It. Idttlehale. 1 Leonard iKtnham and Mr*. Dr. Donham. Mr. Grave* and return home loravllle, Bovnton lload, Karmvlllr, »111 tie pkutc .h W. Barker. family AU art invited. F. It. Glover la having tocoe painting thla week. High Bridge, Gettysburg, Brlaton Sta- a nuio'«r of our cllUen* weut af ■»»■< af Cra4llwi DRAPERY SASH , t^ulte OICKVALK. done at the Bellevue. liowe and vlalted her tion, Hatch* Hun, Plain, Natlta Miallaf POLES, •• • .• »■•*»'» Mr*, daughter Strawberry la to North » ouwa •! laMlraaajr. oxen la now from In (iloaceater laat Ilea ma' Station, Deep Bottom, Jerusa* 0**0*0 POMONA. Merrow A l>ovrlojr drove flee Mr*. Fogg aufferlng brother New week. Ta Um Vr*>IMor* of ALVAX II. OOllWIM. al at p*ra«le. A of treumetlc cau*ed her lem, l*etera»Hirg, Cold Harbor, Tnlo- la Um a( Otforl aa.l Hula ul • tirat'ifr UM, alaaa'tlark Um '"r '<• • aoi-liera andI Jamr* Klgrv.xub, K»«| Valentine (Jllnee, O. Smiley Shoe Store, Kim lloute, Shoe Ktore, oppoaltr Kim Ilouae, Nor- Jnoo, the number once borne upon the aooai. Yoa will g»r*ni murwli« arotrllafly weak. liw. IV. (Gordon, oppoalte uUaa ar haad Um OILS and ft- r-1 .|i.«••!.•! •()« re* rat*-* at Klgbv I'ark laat Maloe. K. X. Hwett, way, Maine. K. N. Hwett, manager. rolla daring the arnica, thla large uum- aalar m4 m4m af UaO VARNISHES, 1 haa n. II. II. Andrews and K. A. Norway, manager. IM* Mai af D. MM. "f It In the loan Mi****Ml A I*arker of Boaton Tracy, stock of tninks We alao a stock of tninka bar from the consolidation of ilay Au^A. S. * the to carry large I reaultlng ALBERT D. PARK, UM U«lt« ante* Smith. <1. K. Child hu Uken job WeaUocarrya large | RagMarrf i.. irrarnC*m« ntII been Iter uncle, J Kdf»* and valUM. the 4th Main* and Iron raeniUa. tm MM at QrtaN. all si «l«)ting lUck the and vall*e«. ItiiNwiy Cwiny rrsasasble price*. COUlb. i »n> tad k»««t§ U nliWi I. AMmi: KOfr llmmuwi' •PORT WOT TtIR UNI TttlRO. Builders' Finish ! • rtlMf H-.i-rt m-mt w» m* tttt km p* t liNMrnt, ruU. Mala*. Watyuto | uujii, giM I will rumlaJi lMN»Ma»l WIMNiWu.r Mr -» 11* kr hi* i«(•* Mm «r My to it mmmUt yiV r* : EXTRACTS men ■ no FLAVORING • »•<•»» U I tM kl >■—». OF Thera tii • knot of landing n*W< PROPER CARC AND TRtATMtNT <1—la U i ilmt hti the ■iraSSSSfE-^. I I fulil) WJ.WELEH r«N *W« W Iwt Mm w*i«M ml m §i »!»■»■> THK SKIN AND TIITM. corner, Washington Om of I bnn had finished ro- Window & Door Frames. ••iikMl Imi ill i«n I'm) UwimMImi mm Ut AnMn^ Mr MmI M a im>I a akin bmIk IW. Just Also ladle* «Uhln| MDooih a§9 •» «» u»f i*r"» |rT some of a ex- IM Iif llaUk (or la*l-ta ar tar #1 m*mi South Paris. !!■ «. iteix uMt M »>i« la •«!*! itMf harm cm oliUla It uting ri|»rrlrni'«'« hunllng If I* «Ml u(Uf | without by pun-hat- wivl In 11m l.aai w>liir». cursion which hf had Ukrn Ihr da; agtafflsgstw HiMark." M IhiUH# » "r. V V »t 1*7 III—»rH down the rWer. •mM mTM* I t..«k Mrmmi. | aolo. iHaaolva It lo a of wine and prevloua wMlk • II Ik Ml pint a an* I)t«4 \ I k*l t Mr i*w«*to«k*i —» "So you are (porting man, you, M-.l-kra. M <1* mm on the (aca at night. Tha faca •oiM f<«4 *a4 «Im and Job Work. hi I'M Ml Mlwlm—% Jack? 1 never knew that before, reafljr, S9 !• Ml I VMM Planing, Sawing •honlil lint he waahed with and * purr «imM. At Ikh lime I •tob< ltftta-1 *hr k*l I aald on« of hU companlona. Pianos and 4»-l P«l WM I Brl » rtwiIlM Una aoap, and than rinsed off In clear, Ulldf Itiirtar —■ Mid the flrat "I E. W. CHANDLER, Organs, VwtMMMikaf Wk*«M to* ix-41.1m *• ••old water. Tha heesoln can I* die- "No, ilr," i|«ikfr, I hwMl rri> aixM I am not a man, I am a sport#- mttd in two twki Wm4 Rmmt, ... Maiaa ltr» 1*1 lw«rl IkM r»a»4 — solved In iNit wine la *|Mtrtlng Mm y—We M«r». •*< «mU I valor, a man tat —4 «*4t preferable. man, bat I am neither skirting 11 i|h Nflkwm r«».u kit (mi to—f For a rough or sun burnt akin, u«e too Mr*-1 nor a »<4li« Piano ( «tr IrVI H. I*. 1*4. »fcr a rtv» ona ounce of sport." TIIK itlia rltor toMijr *1»«•• Stools, April ounce* of dlatllled water, •» U the Mia Anuria* tototlaM 'lulr lit ito II *fWr Km ••••«•.! hwUJa I u wall N« (Mr kf klm xJriW ■; —, and half "Indeed! And where, prajr, uTuT HT"mT'uiv.'™! Ikal WlUg | —- one ounce of alcohol It* I »f «»«fiml ami Im »imM iUm ac gljcerlne, Imt* • Mlrf itnlnr, ml »>«•. anal ba< no Ju lr «l l'n>(«h< fur i IhhI (tiiinl Wrfally »»«j an ouuce of tincture of Ivnroln. With- 4Mn« ifut toll*# ba« lite niiml tkirtraa Ito iroM ill A-lnlNlHralor w( Ike mm "The difference? Why great Scott, • «< I auk r«»r» nxtfcl kin* mt m4 | AMI tog to ka»l> fcl—If « out tha water, and with the addition of IHMJIMto MN<«* I hMII tltlM jWn, i>( Covers man, tlirra U a* much distinction lio* V'Kira MAHV AN«)|T||*I|. M A lit II.% I.I. WAI.KKN, latoof lnnaD, rw Mb —» Uuly. I' »-k..ia || tvfWll; tt Dot •>«M M tr»ct to Wlv two ounces of chalk, frw from l-»l lb* pre|tared and a man la «all I •tiiilr, ilnnwl, by villa* r» >xl » Ik* a Mi .1. k *ni •aflkrlaf fur Iweeaa *|M»rt«nian ■porting *4 rminwU >11 | — Msmuth, It makea a Una osmetic IW flH Mltef Irilihw TltNik lulus ItwillmU, to l>w»lnw |»r«^»» " Hal <*k«« Mm Ik* lur a aa therv l« brlween a mato * Srr* and IMVt WUf, I»tol4r»l III Ito r>Ul» af »aM ibrraaal In »»rf a — the and U not T*« «I«4Mr« I 4r»» ak»«b whitening face, Injurious, <1c rla*M i> .< ,, AND a and a thief!" Tin- laiiallal* aixl llmw «H'i l.air an) ai l« 4M..M. Ilu4 .. kj.t U »'•« >«». « I IWUrf, ml Viwt, V J arlu* the "halm*" or "bloom*" cannibal «|>eakcr ^PIERCE |4TMM W« .it like ■Tun"" ■*»!• IWfTK in aifcltiM Ito l>i < **» — etjieiialfe at the but the fir*I man uUfM>4 Iftvkiktawl Im f Itwr, tin I'M 1'I .UIIU I Am! Mm n>«M to to**k lk« glaied others, ao advertlaed. lt»M at Au«II4,I«4 fchWAMIH WAI.KklL 11* i>»i Im *m tmlil —. highly •till looked blank. llimKI*.** «-«* at 4 n«fi U»«.l| |W np>rb %rm T«i iWkl loll a ■mall of benroln In I of o« Wlf M, I green I'arl*. niiiila a*4 f»r IW nunli i>. m ih* ple»-e deflrte It he aald after a Till. il -I rltor* torri.t *n* {•■>' w-iua •OaUltiMi Mil at* IM I w «i— mar |»li I at*h lu aay fMl»li kM '!"■» — wine It a rich "I'ray then," f«rl mi IW Iklnl Tm»Ui •( Al|, i. I» W. -Il*l. My 4**r »*r." I i|«MI| % of until bacomea thai itor toirkm -lull |)>|«iIkI«>I in lh»ll"««i tlwIraMi •plrlta Ha K l.uaMlan <>n lit# fUlf mt iliUmlAiwilw Instruction Books. >»-r ... r---l Uu> «4hrr rraM»l 1 I Ixir "I lMtu< >l«/» II of thla pau*e. MarMnl, Ilk •( I'mlalr II* Ito • ««*ial» «f Olluf'l wyilMtwilato, Mil) tincture. Fifteen |«>ured > J»l|* dropa be aurr. It'* thai MANY K. TiiWMiikttll aal < «»KA I. T«»W <»f Ito h w mm I al r*«k"la, 44" I a "To comethlng aa-l inainfl ilia tiu«t vl I ir< nl»ri li '»l la 1*1, ba.|*»l Into a glaaa of water will tn aaH I onnl», kattn< |>rr "It. Uka Ik* to**ar to Dm pmduoe to Imt unfortu- ■KNDlf ratal# of I k4<* «»l I <««M Ihlak ml, k4«t*« that look* Ilka and «mlla a everilmdy ought know, •anlot M§ IrnMM mt |MpII«»>M|i Mr klitlir* Ito kill |M IN Ml % liquid milk, mnini K 1111*11. lair Il.iu .rl, t» rliM«i lota iif folka never take III* lrl« ill IIm> fiik at »al I aarli I •> alUrwanra Go. Im la IW >lr«( for ii«n *4111 I U»H«t Tbla waah, nately la »at>l I •■anlT, i|n«Mal, M ililti Iwtal m Red 5eil Remedy agree«ble |»-rfume. • Thai U.» ««M itwaHlan *l»* (Willi* •Uh 1 to learn thoae A >Hi'»a»i>. liirrrf«»rr rr»iu*--l all |»r ()•« It a I' 4k-1 |»j .hMm It •>.rfc. "111 wMk »••*» N|* M while an excellent for trouble thing*. a|>orta- mn*tn* a Ito law l l*li my atMl render* the ntpf |>nl>ll*kr>l atto laaallili' aa.l |I»«m> •!>•■ pimple* eruption*, •rnv. ao It. llllofl bi |afiM*l. ... I l rural At b-aal I lonaldcr (rrki In IW ...... 4, 'mI I..1U «»«r clear and brilliant and tha cheeks a Ikrr* «mi»ulwl; Ka«a 'toaiau l* IVin* rihll-il Ito Itrnxsral. a |.MnW-l al I'arl*. In aa, Prices. o.fc.r Mm IM Ct>ri«i. lie I* a man who hunting, 11 thing, l» Reasonable M4l*tl>r«| | Vnother wash I* made of medicated camping I «nrt. lit I* WM al I'arl*. Iw Tawlaj AI.IIIM.% H -II amuM-menta In tin- of nlna n'rhm I In Ihr f.trrn<»n,ai»l -arh kil*r> mUUii* la »»»M «U» ■kMIn can lia of anr otlirr alhlrth' wajr nf V|4 nrtl, al laalkl soap, whitli Itoughl drug- mm am Ml "»k*," lk*«k and the like, lie I*, •kua raiMr, If anr Ifcajr ha»r, ak) Ilia nor cts. * rv i«> a lr..» U«riJ 1*4*4'44 TW ia*».aa I Mr 'a*J«aj» lto to lie a man of • Ito IlirtW h iu »i» k| 4.»*rtMW; oatmeal. Oatmeal and pardon my opinion, apt iiMl A. WIMO*, Jmlf*. thai to Ium lari ed law •llr»>il«. to ltor*f..r» i*|im|i all !»♦*«»• I h. n «• « ton SmI II Ml run *U Mr. **l kuu» lie u»l In anr of ml u* »U »l«»w wrap- Ami >M Ita balsamic though may engage f«UI» 'if ••(■I 'Inn^'l Mto I amall iiuantltlea, <|u*lltlee the lar»|, f |ui mediate and wonderful rlfccta In open Tuesday, Sept. 4th, I a*«'.>'t»-l II* Iriol ->f i* o\rom> < 01 \i\. <»i u Yi>Jrt* «.i i»' <• »!« lifri- i >im1 a inllMJ.ll alMUr akr l>*4* frllow who think* hr"* Mg potato** mf lMlrwllM> that h to hi: roi^D Km rrpva tug tli#- •kin, uar tar ami oll*e-oll, hr it WMk OM llMr< uf PlhlaM all I (rtp«tM (Mir. whrn hr'* rrally nothing hut a runt. MA MA II K.TKIK. UU-..J V.rwar. "■> ivat T«'t!i I'ru»!i «>d and cooled. I'm* upon the I'ImWmJ TufUtk f Wr—t mf >lmif !«•« I »• lti» fVan aMl4 *kr *i*m «4 walla akl p-*a togrthrr n<>t know al>out or rn- f'W/#ft, In •«!•! I uiialr. 'tiwufl, Kjr «aitli a tnaak of He nrrd *|Mirt* ha rr»inra|a all • h"" win h k*ar faor when going to hnl, ).kaull->a Uk >iUi* U« 'limb, Hwrrlnf* Tell your (tko-! Hall » makr thin, ulil linen or luualln |>ul on to |M*> g*gr reputation InH* wN» h«l» li; GOOD L F" )i'i the itrrM, liM »r» rhtn 1UII7 ■IhmikU Ikrrwa |u nMMl lb* aamr la M«h It*. hi* flirtation* with thr girl*, hi* hanging Inltlti.vHk aiv-1 ii a an old ahret thrown over Vw«l, I'lttlrtl KlnrttUcMr; IK M HUM l>AM"l(TII »inl t •-r*-r I all to ComIIiu'i I & pillow by anil hi* wurtli- A»| Hlatnl ahrvl fur k draft an rartv »!»•• T • * a o M » TIICICIT thrrr an* a • lltrMki* flir* Id Irmrmm, I ng Uh, air al •all«f al*«> all •baWn. water Hm fit* |r»tnr<*. No, *lr; (mid |*1 Itl • aa AlAliMirt uf I'n.l brM U I'm* tlMOk. caatlle aoap and l>rlo(i a*r a*i» ltAMi» III> > Mill o a ii m t n r who a r* to h*> itllrd lllaturr. Ibml kw|'l«(, ■IIM* a*-1 l»( Ibr I ••ukU uf i»»l«>fU. l«"l hkik |>urr aoftly mru or hut to rail a tn» ««r »f l ll>r*rjr of I>■! IW Milnl T«wUf ill lni.A l» MltN.O ami FAltMKI(.V V|uW>. niiimcc rhuwsuua onr of the »port«, i* mik s. i ;:r. Ilil* |« not only the t«eat, hut •|i»rtlbK t»n» nl karUti, Man J l»»nn, I Imi lli# af a. hat tru« hv*utha trrm I* llttlr «|>trnlH \»'f If In *aM T I I A I A I TWLHIAUl n>o»t liartuleaa ami *|Mirt*m«n liifnlitixl (»l W \ I.I.K A IiKO. Ia*r lari. a hole aurt of an ln*ult.M •llh !■«•# 1*11 »fr *»-l I ounlr,-l<«*a««l. luitni |.n utTirr i itmm tlona tliat can l» itrnt uml. tllry*, .Ima-cl Our I'rirr* rnimol liiil lo Null. it. then in lard." n( l>lnliiMnltiia »f Ikr r>l«|r ul aabl around fry akin Ik* nwrte at <1 rmi I*|h dough TIm rUit.i tin U> Mart from la to h» If thr looking, THE ROUGH MlOtHS OF THE WORLD. fur alkrwanrr ho* IMikI ltin» »f»i> If as In «llr»*-u»n». and toilrt mii», and ruh a In IW lUfufl IHWia III, al l'a»1*. Ihal tar the in lard, which 4ownt* .Atf my good thoroughly a lKirns*r ilrlvrr, *o, whrn In* grt* I'riB W K. »AII«al.l l*«Mv. mm llir IblM r«»« all know digestion Wrloklrt arr lea* under a For Ma. fit. Tit* HmH raaal*. apparent ilnrlft of adtrntur* *t«'ut thr H>*trrn •Uf ul a*|4. Mil, al nlw a k In Ibr IuinuMI nx wlicre liave w HORSESj In all you kind of tarnlah •lm« raMf. aar U<* |"« containing thirl)-*lt h*> long* to Iikiiho* a cow bo jr. an-1 If Ibr/ halt, Vbjr plain*. abraM M ba alw-ai-l (ram* of and thrrr drama of wn feeU lu:d, try turprntlnr Il<* rrada that th*- oiiglnally A. H I on thr mill) lafclllilaK l.naiw\f* And CATTLE. alcohol, allowrd to facr. — dry in* rt-lr a pony rldrr, who hail i-liargr of A Irwrapi- aiu»l on u-< thi* Food Kor th«' f«.« AI.IIKKT l>. PA KK. IUlfii|>l*• a crrtaln numhrr of cattlr tirliirging to of SAVINGS recl|«e; Thirty gralua of hicarhonate ramhra of tlir OAVtATt, M' » l l Mai M Mmh >■» r» and drivrn hundred* of tnilea t- li* Inn i«r*t >»■—fc» the new vegetable shortening wa*h the •Wr*aar*l fur allnaaikr .« t«s To remote moth interest;:£hf Lirrr) • Miw tnn t»i M *aii I »f «t Itwn <9tr?lm patihra, loth# mtrkrta at KranrWui '■ 1 country "n 11111* I aa I «i»* i»abr » !« r • at th« common M- ru->r« h^r 1 *'<:* wit?* wit) MUpf acd with a Milulkin of ft thrre roi « MIR CUNT. IIorM'* will rmiuro much y«-u l<*lchea or In tin1 K I'M* drltr of from MATB. |u all |»ra»n< lalrmlr>l.k^ rau*lt>« a>.»j»» uf Ibla mil healthful results. carhonate of aoda and watrr aevcral Ikrw .r«*l»clr delightful to *lt mouth* IiioIH tui'h an ntr»> -'•«- ,n "P Iirbr III I* |>«l>tl*b»l mi it. Scientific American two or T'n llraaurral. al Pari*. Ihal of it. (ironinz Colt* thrive TPV IT tlinra thr for dap, «t.< • } wiUim*. UUwiIlM |«r1nlnl ■ I «. I I I I II. i* without odof, during day, amount of rnli.r •kill and HWMhlMKfl. ntyhmty lu !■! At t •••! *• «. < I ■■ It ordinary IWr mar al a I uarl uf Prul-ab- I# k»M |«Mt llllrti"* <>' •»« HtlW ||>H IW unpleasant itali lira arr which a|>|»«r • V until thr rnuotrd, thit tin* mo*t of lb* Twalai uft. I II I »lll», I'rop .11 «Vk». Pi !■■ *» i'T rlwWvM. i» •».!<«*•» utr iM'it ft.ivnr 01 unpleasant o»uragr, only daring al Pari*. In aabl ixinll,uai |lilrl.rurti M. «*•»••• • will he In forty-right kHfli nlar k iri r» mm to •»!*«* j.«m» •aHUmm! or tkln «<»•> Into a r*rtai>*l* uaually thr wrrr atdr to hrlng thrlr ri- CH1PIU "ViSSf- PORTUID. afllaf*. aril, at •^ri ll>»l Mk* A frwa *CA result's WithCi«vtoi.i:sk in thl* waah with aomr nice «*I frrm tirtOl;. kluut li«i< |»*dlllou* I, abualil ih4 la alk-wi-l the \< the delicate tollri and thr akin will hr Irft ilran kitchen, i-* Ail tlx It Ifuwi (w* •UAKrAmI IVrfuTAl* It »oa|> IhimiM'm llml to tr|| why thr) had iiK.! liatclifa. f*llrd. A* |M« a* tli»* wratlwr w*. It A UnacabT—alb Children Cry for P.tchcr's Castoria. to IVrotldr of ruhhed on tlir UkKtfc'fc AI.IIKUT II. PAKH. IU gtatrr the t till of fore. k<h«ukl brinl; juat Iatic* Hmunh hydrogen and thr *iiii *hoi»r It wa* a o>m|>*r»tUr- — a regular **»nly — * * rott<*i face two or three tlinra for trn HAIR »*L»*« I M •»< I klllll lb* |wu^r I.f a p4M>r of day uuttrr to drlvr a thousand rviw -a u. w- BOSTON ly almplr uf b»M al will alao fire tlir akin of «lla- ■««« • b»«»« Al a I wart Pr»i-al>- H !• ml l«M( or I • In*. Ttr ivtilni kol# abouUl I* data, any In «*t* aero.* thr hut 4* oftrn K OiniRll.aa plain*; If, ruM X P«rl«,n tMn ami f.»r lb» I .»mfr.|. k| *1 mil at lr*>t aiA m in liar coloratlon. Hftw ir~ lam* *i»utfk to a thundrr-*torm *uddmly Hair t« l»« TwttNl 5,l«» ua |br Iblrl tawlar uf Ana A I* l«>i lup|M»nrd, ■ 4 VMM • k«> •• •« without tbf kwl*. A for rrmot Ing frrcklra t P,,l M A r liail. KirruM ua li* • •lair " fuRlttH alui|ilr rvitird) MM at or a hi I of Indi4ii* a|» fmlrii. f >\ pirmof |4|4utf night, .ir < Cut l«v L>«ru out oi thick ctnlluuil, la U> |>ut oor ounce of alum ami tl*- aamr at ..f ill li mi » Pin IN •V (•earrd, at tlir flr*( H«*h of llghtiiiug, -Inraw CoiHDin/,Cotttpan/, a roar la aabl nwnl), I, kailai |.rr • iul, tiifk or Iixm mkI I haw of Irmon Julcr In pint of watrr; I"l null, thr i»rfo*mt» llM rtr»t lh|M of Um CO N SU M PT I V E *rnla*l bla am hi hi uf almt»i«|rall..n of Uf TImu take a of at >ln«airl fur alh-wanar crittrwllj |4«* i>l|>iutf aptdy night. wltolr tlioii««nd bullock* would *tart at | « r«flM HMItntU. I ralalr uf *abl —« r molatrn a at Irk of I —#• l*« ««■ I #■«*—. r» mir ua li. I lial IImi *al-l Mnulur fltr r>.4l* aUiuI a f>« thtwinb To rrmot iwolra, thr of tlwir and ru*h oil turr HI3RI: is Health top *pr«i| bi all |»maa labmlnl Uurrln, l.jr f>« RaM JW» T»rt m4 t»h tb« irtitml b!»■<»<« I tltr prairie In *t*ni|irdr. l«al>Uabln# a uf Ibla unlrr Ihrra at»k* aiac- Mm •IHtlMlIk* * > *« k*H ft v4 fc» »•»» •» tb« *111 turu hUck and hut w III ••>ou CJP5HCM.'-- fBH «>••! aim) Umn tlif *«■>)* through ho|i aorr, l»« ii Ih«' row nii|*t wakr iraalirlt la Ikr ll»lii|i| Ibmrral, a MMMf mm. mmJ nnliil «»m» in I Ini) up. o»i# <« Mrk and off. If not »un-r««ful al Pari*. In *al-l I uanlr, Ibal Ibrf ana? It Th**wt of Ik* k««rt< h»1 dry up fall mouul him, thr pr1alr>l in the Wheel. Mlt'h hi* biinc, dodge al a Pr»l«W iurt bi l» t...ll« al mmIi ■«* of tlx Mtikll tlir flrat tlmr. If* IIfaar •ortlnnd and Trcmont aihI |«m IbrtHitfb again. Indian arrow* tn ikr dark, and ridr aflrr Para*. In **l-l I U» li lr>l Turalar uf u»>- •.unajr, • < mm: i«r k"l«-» unI knot it. walwaii lit Ik* >lt*(fuii Kkf for I lie face, |Ik>u(Ii In- • • * nlar •• • h* k la Ibr f<>n an.l ; \ |>u»ilrr tlir hard, tU tUlU lulling and | • I ng n*|>4 aval, al I'inn imiM 1« •„•• I AND BOSTON U hrU lr CMrful tbAt tb« tAlli* la warranted harm* HORSE POWERS • r»u*#, If I hair, I ha Mm* IICTtttK* PORTLAND i|>4litf Ull*. rxpenalve, to hit* »I l.r aajr fir; why • j-Tfectly thrm, U'forr Ih (imiM prrtrnd • i r« lUUlhtr IimII- ie»a. »4 »»W !*«• « IHMl »«k I Irrala* abouhl n<4 ba albiaol i » .. * r-wIN «WI. r ..-J I..IX «kw* What's la t»ot rrawl, rli*|4 In Ik* I:•-fined ihalk la tlir ufitl tlilllf b»*l«, cheerful inflm n«r over thr l*-a*ta. * « II spirit * >u>" i'< «-.»u>.iitr « i»mii any frlglitrnrd UIHIMUI MM, la 1/r al»«l It will l« ar*n lk*t rwb bmrt la to uar, ami coat* far Ir.a than If « awl llllfMllhri IM Ik thHt put up In tlir darkiir** it wa* a rrrklr** rId**, Alra«n>i>r alb I of «»nt *!•» »r vropiiIar In uaiUi Ik* mim .vniHIinia tk* tmla I uhan and la coualdrred harm- World's otfiiHI*, • rrnivrtf Cycling » ki>|> hy laillra, or I fgf%m rtmr ■<. ritrtrv >mlt* «•>! *•»!, a^*i thousand dog hoU** otlirr dr- fart., aivl f.»r Iff I •mult nl <1% of lit* ar* bliotlol on l»a»l* Tkla lea#. Waali tlir facr wIth thick auda of prairie are a pi|«liitf throw hi* rldrr, and prolwhly fur. I. »a II* IhlrI Tawltf "I Aug A. I> The i8qi Columbine katbo ailiantiu* mrr A alni|4* knot, br- and wlirn du*t on pir**ion*, MM. glycrrlur Miap, dry, kill liltn. If Imi to |ia** tlir I. » Iiiof* ItapprtM-d I.ikrh W on llr i Ait ion of the ideal in i 1t1nam. t» »«•*. n»-** )«4*l ai*iu*' 111# jhii*1* a flnUlml A|» tlir with a or of W<».|l.i»rjr, lilmlaMraliir real a |M>wdrr pufT phve hrnl and thru fall lu front of thr trrrl* nllf »* lll>IU IIIIIIHII I.I. »l Ride Clover h*A>ta — l*araiN* limnrlliiiM lartf* |Imi hamoia akin. M IM |l| ni, mm* dm ■ »■» irrhtu of Am- tin* wa* a* at Hrtir, In wM ilwnw I. Miiai |M construction a lii-d hullm k*. lowlmy good UxiXM) »*-< h-i« • limMf, triumph -hi that «• kUk will not »f" through tk* Mitral Wliruthr feet are tore aa from MIM»« MMlHrW«N«t ■mini lit* t^tiMiM ill »li«lHl*lni|l«iii til lif q«> rrrry j hy%i long • on tlir olltrr tlir l«*ad. Ilut If, hand, < c. C'«»u* ait kraTU .• Ul*iil itlil ilnrMol fiif tl Dthir ican !.kill and — klllr) mail llwtnal of walking, take a l« i--.»»ftjI of K|»*om cntcqiri UIIIII • —A.W.GRAY'S ml lit Ik* »M«rt 11*1 SONS, ■ I U»l WlU *I'H' IM>I |H||ii»ni •••••, .1 > -i V Columbia lnru |i | ftiion t» *i»rr»nin ^ •alt*, fit** or *li ilr««|>« <>f tincture of •« all in tlx: line of tll.ALTItl N » lli« y would t>r »t allrrnl to th** four trii«WMI'l>sTli Mli< |«ni*i ltlri*«nl, '•» M««ln| »iv|i; fttantly advancing murrtuttf kik IM. 1 -rt—-i 1 -ni|- -iBi» and lu a *htllow l>««ln |U|4« nl iirlri !<• I* llilw «i«\« *•*■ i'*|»lrua, |>ut nf tin* and never a-om- |Mi |mM|.l*-l t' « • Ma compaaa, al still inaint.i.n t -Wti unl.wilol a. to iim-r •«■!« • of |m»IiiI■ ifMlttlf In II* llitiifil llrmiml |iHM«-l Columbian T.c. H, I, I. Ik. k. water enough Ihi* waa a pmjjrc 9A )u»t I•• Iv »ull't t«»l Till* hard mat • • •»ifl — again. Clrti, IKal il I'lulatl# >111 10 pla II*) i|'|*ar un til. I.-J 11m laMfM )>•(•«* |«hif brlh* the feet aud muL tin inluut* «. » of world f»<>fl*ttlrv twent) •' I It ll* \* »Ulll nil itf inlvhi'liltl I'ttli, ia **Vl I .maiy, il* Ihlrl the J rVk tnd lv««r I'll! |ll|ie»| the stamlanl bicycles unequalled, A imi (rt^rui titH1 will k 4l tin- relief ttil• nl 'Wlil. Mil, tl alar u'tW* k In lit* imloil <4 trnrrnt ti- iur|itUri| «rt nun. tint lu •hurt llmr Ttt*»Ujr IgcfimMEMAHK^f >4 the ki*>wln|£« l4u«i>«M Ik ordinary of ■ » «SE4& TUl lit* f. an II* • atvl If ulinl. ^ COPYRIGHTS.* 11*11*4. will It will al*o cure of *▼*.■>«, •!«■» au*. j liatr, lij II. i < give. burning 1 m« j*in*- i iluru'tfr of On appro ltr* laJ Muii, in rtnjr « -unify hmWi lli'- oimImi) II* mm MnhiM k<4 U |liil«Ml hil'I'Mh: a. r. g, *. «t, llir feet thai *o are troubled with Ttiiw I. many «inl itmxl ••tli** of daring, MKolliiK A. H II.m^, J»lf «» ..r., Im>1 l<» thr Witl, type A IkmU.I lii-.' •»!•» llw W4, lu* «|> |4r|«i«- Tl>«w Iriwn i-.a»» trlflili in llif summer. A lru» mlir-alu~4 •• «uJ m-kleaa courage. M \rf Kail I 4 I •" HMI Ml»| »• > aurt ul iliu« brnery, llar|«-i'a AI.IIKKT P. I'Allk. IU*1.U-r tK« >4 Ytu'll Imtllkf If you mu*t l>atlii vour bedroom, Or I'kt klilttn, \ ollllg l''l>|ll**. <4<«lto. I lien get a »<|U»re of allllr enameled oXDHIIi. aa -Al • 'i«il nl I'n tl« h*H M or TurkWh aew a T»»»V r,i.*.Mkii cloth heavy toweling, REALISM IN LITERATURE. I'Mh, vllliln I for |h» I mini* »f ml.inl M. r, law* around, heavy '"I"- around the «I<|" tightly, and Hi** irrltUt (Ihhhn a ii«tU«* dorr, a lit Ihr IklH Tnmlir nl ,1 I* I"*4 »• Jwm II VlnlnTilllliif II ■ I h lit ••llfun.U mm >ou van get a *liower t*«lIt without g< t- and Im* •!•-• I« with Twirr, «»•*<•»-t»y tlieme, prohi- ~taWi.f I 1 Ul* A Tl I Kill Ulr I.f lUrlli.fl Tkia • II) ■"»> b fuuftiL tlie water on tin1 cariM-t. In ImIIi- mm tiug lik rharartera. Hi*** II***, hla aii'l lawlill nuHljr,'lnri«>l, hating (Htwalxl III* iiiK. uw i)h* wrong •lili< of tIk* oil-cloth, • uuiru, I on i*4li tin.I tin in at home if UtihiiiI in In I *4 rail. It of II* r>W ul *al>l ■ !* J* a. Mir n4*|| fur llkiaiurr I in thr Itnlmrtt Iim«»II*II«m. as tlie right *lde I* apt In chill OW. ahoaen It n • «trp ■»•»»•! you rail. Il«ylug probable • INlit N» », Tfcal tlx Mil l I'lnltHitliir (l»f i4i» raira Uitl a 1. Ilrhwl aku nitti l»4 For wrak |ier*on bathing, •••pvlillv durictrrt lie ilo«*« not theai Mlit U. all I .i««. Ct»«rr Hitters u ct«- |>ut through pOTMMM |it|rrri|«i|, liyraaalnf am|if Wait a o*iij»»il«ir tn MiMwr, a gill of ammonia lu a «m »!l |iii|h>««||iIc ||i* not ilUlort «f tiila nrkr In k |hiMI-I*.| Ihnv «»ii n* g-i i«a) t < f «ii...Ii I an a iMtlirlr In II* mf..rl |kr«r.* rat al ,■ rij«ii- X A l«-»l tin llvri. «|Hvt» Mr a •••■ I 1 I'irli, llitl Ikr) il l*ri•' "tirt tile invll <4 ul t Moart aixl Uat* a UwliUiMaJ |u«rf. wonderful alnn-.t a* r«cr«l ^ywun, yrut Intlgorator, good of hi* »torr •• If they *»*ti* prraoiiage* It* W nrkl a| I'arla, la aal-l I until), »a II* tfctr.1 1 4. An mm! bait • Uiiailua, a* a tri hath. uf al nla* Ii'rk*! In II* Mcrtulnl piKtKf, *iwl clfinl to a;**-*) In life. II** c.iuuot »hote tli'in atMiul ritfola) iiiiwil, r» ar aii4i. «. and l*a«* an arrb Ui cut A » lb* rk*ra often, arul attended to a* can-fully. It through nature'a arraug*-in*-ut. 'Ilnlr Alrwn.|i)i «llfl It M *11 mtiImim, Ifxl will tie a mean* of off conn A I.IIKKT l» I** UK. Rrrlilrr |4fMUkl. wanting *ery nam*** CHiir In »on»<* lingular at- Am iMvia bunion*. to n f.jt r»- Ihuk. It cutr% all l'»»i|iirW4 411(1 Hh. beat tlNM* llltlll" U Ira, lloii. TIk* vrrltUt cannot UallH* III* 4u.ii,* • l«n»KII,aa II a • miK uf I'rul.aU ImVI al A f»ro»r uf ililunl •»« •( a* lit I' >111 u alial a wi-ixtrrful rc^Mi hr bail oor'« a re*tful feel- in M «'i I st \\r" or "Hubert l»r Uw llitnl T«*»lar «f \ujr V I* 1*4 iti *leep, giving «|uiet, th* irvl ki.iitorv TSr Mtwr <4 in^ie- Aithar I' \ilmlal»lra|.ir i>a II*- r« ub lii« (arm 1 Im>j illil iml »rrni U» lalltir KlWf take a bath ju«t after a MHL Montforil." are •oiiK-tlaH** n«ui«*«l Wnlif, lug. The) Ulr.if II\HI{lM»\r V HHI1M \S. I.l. ..f r»r|. ni» it to cair. It «ill fWt ai lb* farui*r told tb*in Uimair Ui LU I In- comfort of a ami the comprlt 1.1111, |>ur«* breath, "MauJ Jnnea" or "IVrry II. Wilaaui," In «al l ii'iitil), ill. m*>l, liailnf it* nliil Mi Ln4i* of of ntuif* n. * lull |»io| lriU» proud dentUtry, whole <|U***tloii la thl« hiittor Il* Mill,!' Ill all I* rmm It,la tl 'Il I ll*rrltt, lit l.« WL«ii lli») arri»r«1 «l Ibr ajarf, wlicu the ilentUt* term to Im> the lint a ul lltla iw • • tMiW* tLM hM than one would think. |i«l>ll«ltlng r»i|ij iKilrr|limat*li Do You Know Umi fiiv Ibr »b«nii«*l Ar* tUft, irwlirl* lit II* iltf-ir-l Itvtmaial, a n*«<|ia|*'i >» The Pest fartnrr aloud, )ou of an> of the medical pro- vrrltlat ha* wearied of an>l »..J SAVE.- '11m* goal* al l'ar|., In >al 11 .ntnlt, thai II*t mat ItalrtBAn't '■ (\*itial. nuuijr St* V? Pat- i*U»U. l»ecav U not the onlv (•rinl**I .iedic:ne CO. Btrotil/nl enemy lieroa-a, lie w nit* nu n. II** haa w**aried i*ar *1 a rr..l.*«i I >.«rl In I* In.ui, n »l I'arla, a till CLOVER *r »ur» aiu brrn k tMnnliM fur cluilr** in of »|4ujii ut f J:*:** ra. I aial Liar* waiting of the teeth, hut the accumulition of of maiden* who an* of form In atnl (.* *aM I ••unly, «a lkrltilr-1 Iw i AuittlU, Ml. willowy M| MOSU gr*ai »bll*r." taaa lb* alaMlllig rrjilj tartar tln-iu ha* au bad a»|4 artl, al alnruYltnk la II* fmrana, awl MADE u|->n equally and II** ha* wrarMof the II14I II* uraUt lUr-rjfnt. AHOVi: All. OTUKR R.OUK •lm* ran*, If aay Ihrj Uatti, ak) Umt •*»» D*_T»J_KmW llll|W)k4 |ntaMf ertrct. 'IhU mint lu anv c**e tie remov- « th** WAY conaUnt m|>|m*«| to th«* n*utl which • hiiui.1 It.4 I* athiwnl. V 4. « .1 u« .4 l»l \1 l r. mn Mil I- lb* hMtlrr, au *u* r«ftU»l. H*f ed by etperieucvd lieutUt, and after know* la In MOW* 4 iOSSIlY*. \gruu, UKU. A. M II ntlV Jtt-lfr. P* K>.w 'Ml to imi imuum ii* M Uj * .1 ur' Ik I till tricky nova-lUt organic every ilninMi |««Tiuiu>l t»* hlM«*vt. 4,1, )• — A llr.i Nu .1A. MrUgraiia (lark, auk, dark, tliat the tertb mu*t Ik* ctrefully attend- man and woman. Iletliereforr t.«k**« an InMToitjr—a |r| »l«*>«b*>r. I '•« M.V> It' IK la 1 f1>* hrn (tin | ul>IVi MW IliM A I.III.Ill' l». I' A UK. IC* rfl-• rr Vttlf lift* tbrill [>4*«4 1 l*t« I. tilt* II* hark. lark, »ark ed to. mea*ure#, at* worn* n of character. I la* »cf bol.tinl u m' k lr k|M«l*. W W* >1*11 tM-lnb>l J»l|f uiatk, i«a/k. Mui|d« regularly lnt**rr«t lit plain ul I'm.I ftl. f.»r |V» I "NRlf III lllloftlflil ft**UM Nu KIT —lllualraird tended to, an* •ufllcletit for II** ***ek« K»»W that ivK ni it n.»l» um to »i»m ) 'if • u. h «• ib« (LI I I \ L autl (JuoUtiun: Kv»ry healthy ti ll* of middle-aged P* Y»« y<«i ch-Mikt |» any •I lit# truM »l (<ut ami CURE& •«b*r Htsl* : il Mri J«*»l Ml IIR4l.ll, Mf at UmII, aplrtt, toolh-|Miwdcr healthy not beauty Unity •Ignlft- THE MILD POWER uul—a yon ur yuur |*yafctaa kaw >4 • t>ai 11 m n«i(wl I condition of the mouth and teeth thoulil WnUi *1a«Uln In »«J I rvttUlt, ll>« l«»«l I ft* |W wur dka canc**. Tlila l'*«l (Mate Tlunet to write OW ( all ml our Mlkt kir < t'.ij I s Ua Ilnrla ho ntiimlt til |»rme» Nu ill".— Vu**r Aritkii>*tlc. Vl lrp (m> purely amevhaiilcalagent, po*«e**|ng of "Wliitaiin Harm" ml Jo***|ih Kirk- P" Tm Kww that u • |«ir> 1/ ngi 11M11 pNpmlfea. m4 U*i I w <(il «■«! II trrr*« IftK 'W l*i Ut# «—lalr at «aM l«n * >■ i| In tl» Acruatu Af a )*«rtr*J#« prl« Nu. XIV <**ug radical I. hardne** •ultlcient for the removal, not out HUMPHREYS' It* to a la«H«!Ulr iklllkwr «h» kill ||) laii'l of "/urjr." I*tn*> *1111hl«, la*TwdiaaU faitJWml Hit rrrrj U4tto t a«4 U'allng u I. Mia, wi t.ill |«iarftl. & i to the of M|«ar» •ItHfcU IkrPni* |tl rllMMI II* aft—■ W riia It tilaagow. Ilia wick. Napiaa. without liability Injure enamel, of tiut t»>-. iu«** th-v f<*uii I *u. h Nrrlln M iraaiUfall) a»l >■ Im thiory, Dt Haawlir*r«' ka< rii. M k Ananlka. a*l f-* »*»ra la T»« Kmw that u^to k IW» i^-n.oo f .. f«- If fcr- wl I Au* il-*. I—• ll'H IlilM \I.KIK I (•(« A Uaala. T. Ort. Haiuagal*. •tight accumulation* of food aud tartar. live* m ire to morv* to In •aiafMlr iwjaol P« lnti*rr*t, al«*i»l«*t. 11 aa-l f « ■ »»r Ik* aro«|««an ll.Tl'Ml i.1. W«i»» mini | Taj moderately soft, woman -II I i n In th»* Au- wMfe Miln imnaa. Iwrj ain«i> M|*. ute That it ha* !■*» to ua> fur ai>l tiat u. i* t a»w * ao.l 1a< li HP |.tr llO.Ut ,ar a h»ll-r MV> tiarlaiil, rwtl ».ij fr»«b • |*\r«»KI». •• —At toart »f l*ri»l»ate k*M M No &> MataUiorpkoala: Old. aid, *11, the hrUtlea long Furuin. IfHlm *l«< guat DANDY STEEL tkf ram a l| kal itn««t a*. |*r*i ut <* mhr«•— I Km irtuf Itlwitalt P» thai Um IV-nt OflV» IvyakT'mrnt IV11, ft. aaid. Once to a In tUEIEW HOIE SEWISG HAUIIECO. a. I bunk. |>imk. pink Kalu, mil. aall, I* euough Mil 'Hi** t**ai h**r hail up th** laa« lft*«(i|IMrta| |>«r|-rtlft« In W Ikt 1*4 Will ft dally i|ulte |irlin<-r ha>« >- r Mil hit Ui um th». • • I'M «*• • *. f ». (Ah*r ciMatrtM, ImhI ridulx ri«fct to I*, lib ***»•.*«»«* TMiiwM ul lINnTin C. tok of •ltd. alrd. alaw, aoow. If l« u»ed at all, aud the of natural an I •!*•• haM I pwito| • W. H«wktf 4< a.. taaih l*atia, 1 lu ail |«ro*>luttn4xl by M«ll|tra|i; «f IhU A iMlri Knlgma water. A a frict tonal I, "what in ike* »f**Bl»rr.OrlHM. Miiwtuk....WK»ll tepid |>owder "No#," lii'|*iir«* )*wui|s tiriikl. *•*. Ac «ltrrkMirwiurriiMHN, ■rW t>. I* |>«MI*Im*I Ikrw >fr|i MtnMalttU Nu an Word I'uAiUa: 1. Muxliouit chalk I* a *oft and general* the fall to tin* ground?" i kilrrt Ntrkat. V.*».uu* bamuM laaturto ha.I lar« |«vmi to In »Wl«Ul; karatUu? la Ik* ml***! IktKa ni urlaWI at Carta, IM apple mitktrt it rou a' Ma, Ui*lnl, rod, I, Call, tab'I, iimthJ I tank 1..111- » w rut »*»hr* in !<«■ of iwtuia w» f«W»«l '■ M ft IW. mi, >|af. & linaa. one to a tnrac* Nr»I at l'«rw. la «aH« ••<• IW IMnl Titaa raap, pulua. and th«-ii a allrt> Ix-longlng UrnM>, aaj M>rt r- I. I in <1 tl'Mfk*.«lt ■— m v|.i rwii. Kaaui. draw, daair, rvd, riad. a in • 11 araia*. l#4 M n-l t(Ni our IMII .t Mat*, or om c*»l « iuw f tiML • a-1 *t«..w ntitar If aar IW» hat*, IW hoy alowly »'' *ttai«l t «n»l »i« nr P»||fi| rrrlWa .V whf HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES. • •*l lie ild. ini .« ■' mM i a4nnl■ Wakl M W i^viwl. tfyitiii leant know," InMiiul > •»' P* Y— thai «Im I <4 Ihu rf.« t y<*u duklr** Ml "WbM made jrou (It* that m*d of old furniture an* *oni« time* !»■ mm Kmw yir—1— i« [cr|«rax«ju, an-1 a»>«»l a* tW M Will ft a-1 TnlaatM ul Article* "Well," •inlla* r* "It «U I rau*e tlul I'MHrin.i. aal! •Iwwit l •non*jr i|i|miln4 made to a|»|«Mr new by v«ililn( them rlaa«." IMMtlKl tMM hft k»|4 «»U, ftftj thftt you may ha«« uatrukaft raat» ingly, "tell th- mvtu* wKHIITlMMY. «.»..«<•> A. Ju iaw. U» my arm|Mthl*a," replM th* convlv- with lime water ami thru a coat — applying "t."au*e It'a rotten." A In** attr«t i WIMCfSsrCH CO. ar» worth u« rvpf Ul man. "I|adl*n't ha** the amHI of of oil. SMITH W»Ua tk— tMm kmtoi TWy farU. AI.llk.MT D. I'AKk, IUgt—r i»rwf»v^l«Ua — • I Mtrt of l'ml«l» Ml M Ilarmle**, o\r< >NI>. Al r*fu*e« to iuaure tlie IUe* of }-< I»*a*ii£ ilUI« ikl l»r |W I MMt( »l «• pany iure. |-AMkM, OfiffVMl 4 (i *1 H l*»rU, Ilul Mifk U lb* cfcarart trial Ic of n*IUhle, «<«—tira mt auiurn who uw It. -l«r Ia»dn4 ll« V Ift* 4m»NI|>III 4 ftHMt k«wl It M IW Ihirl Tw«Ui ..f A. P l*t. Dlokirin, »a lloud'a ami It la manlfratml UlwH lilwMlt. «■ f N«« fc>»«4 »*4 I iwlwt **4 »»M Vr Ml lai-iu* A ► »..r Uw nMH uf S«raa|iarllla. Uuui iriblc aitil fum tragacanlh In la It ■ na-w tTolher you I* I* •*« "I »rrt In rt «urr« thl« ■Tommy, If •• | II IMI l»if ■#«. IIAKKIIT t tLl.lrNi •( UlMI. teMU arta. dlatoWrd liot water, have?" "Va*-**a-ea; >*l Iwwilnt* MtfH«»|| Ms HMMt lloud'a Saraa- e«|ual Tamtmy (|»*rple*ed.) fcMiy 1*1 i« « •wm. H li. f»» l»*»«l cli«4, wiiM«|ili!•' laMrakfcMi .»f tlv —U» uf a*M 'lnn«»l make the Imt and moat couvenieut hut one of him are a girl." -Mrn-HlikarM, Children for Pitcher's Castorla. m4 iNihrHiA In latit i4r tto the Ory ^i»IW M aUuwaarv parllla la kind. Try It. I-KMcm Ulwitn oi«rr«4 blrfc, «lklM M *<*>**#* M*f n>uiila|r to keep In tlx* hou«e. WHi •*•««» »Mfc ru Ihr Iiw |1ir k4W CURIOSITY iMMIk,<«rwl«f to tftr tr. Mf tkvvkl UhA (MMMWi An la a bi«Lct for re- SATISFIED THE BARQER'S Im^hI «»( •».« M # •« »i«f|it tu ail i«wlM • ■' tlw lilt I* KnglUh novelty 'riurt H'MkifM, WhU^M.. vifii# |r iuf< "Iluh !** eit-lalim*d 11 rat girl "Wonder how tho*«-old-i Inn* liarhrr* MOT" l« d Um % mm | > • H# to b l« Ikn* anrii Hnr«lf*l< moving the fork*. »poou« and kuitra iltffl l*trMi *■ •« »• I" •«-!!• aft*r all* had hoard th* *t'«rr of III* fall t k iraxi Tfc*«l •Pill fNr -U I If M I" -H Ikratw ral. ^rlktoil M I'arM. IMI dluner tattle klan ii c«»ur«e« u*»*d to teeth?" »en'ur« al th** in all lyklkrrlii .*• « Im « frmu the pull frVr» |« ••.!*-» '•!•< •*«»>'• athf « uNiltln't m* UhU A Ikn •H- ar a» k Mil »f Pr»l without a clatter. who aluvlng. a f"»rw. In «a Ik* I Kir I Tor* bit »f an "I dou't like nuking EXTRA NDMBCRl vtiliiwMjv, with a|>|il*. a|>|d*a." did It with a raior M klkt »'rk»k IB Uw h4tkuu«, kk>l Wood a«lt*>a aiftM art- good "Tliey prolialily TMi: WttOLB FAMILY V|4 Mil. "Hut." argued I Ik- mvoimI girl, '*a'|ioa* very llnrIy M>R*nN( n»Mllir. W««k. aM<« ••BMP, If •B)r lhr» kk<«, why Uw «•»■« for knlvca and tinware. like tin* one \ oai h iy« on lilt f aa-e." MWU«*M«T lUrilfM t,M •» »• to rut acourlnft —The— II «i>Hiila» »l» < % ahuakl M lit kllu«Bl aomrbody lold yiKi not a|»|dea!** I All f»IK* altrn tlukru ahould be M«4M f•»( «il | A WIL«rt, «» K»II»*.f, N~'—.\ m.. I.M M*« • «*k !>»*<» 4» IMHiUlf A »>'< — handled tlw mldJIe and not the end*. *ti mi |»r* i>x, <4lwMfe«r ii, i.«i as Mam l/wmyr IT IS SoT IIKMT by AllllKT l» P.kKk. >lr«1Mrr When Ironing, a anunn should >U In- M If IniiiM, « Ml !«' M'« •» H*<1 < •> hm to lii t*lla but when bear that kcm.,111 Aim I *L. w. Tvt. you. you uacd »li<»ul.l be WWrm waa ark, *• (•«• Wr CmU*U. I >1 •! Cauliflower for plcklea llaby (•\Il f«•» lk> I m«|i «•# < Hturl, ua by llrat boiling the vegetable Agents run brllev* It. lor they cured m* of l>re|«arrd WW*aU»M»cyil,alM(fMIk* to ron wood MluMkl «klu« of Utll II. • a*vrr* iaae of blood teaa|MM»nful powdered Whrw «♦>« hwa— MK rlun( HiUrt, polaofilitf added to cold March will teu I to SPECIFICS. Combine* all the Ute»t « .1 W».HHKK. UW *1 KuBiJ«.nl. i|««mbI. M» giv- A. Kaiki'iiilii, New York l.lty. M'U *ta 1*4 OJUrva, ifca *•»• iVai IWlMk knm.n i<» l'i VITAL |B« frvwMr-l Ibc In* an kltorikw MM the llueu extra ttlffueaa. improvement* )«WuB *■ QUESTIONS of Ikf IVfMiMl K»«a» of akkl -IllB— B I "Man? (linker. It I* fittrtl >* ittt th<» I ha|i|ir ■ •»KI>» KM», Tkkl Nlil |*ll|Mlrl (It* MM lit lirandpa*a blrtlnlay. Kju hum Oookim. hn N» PrwtfVfc* »iH SMiitlfylnf HUMPHREYS' I 1 ami mother riffiU A»h 11 Iklnwlwl llBWlk, M returna of th*day, "raudi*; of one of four MM OF THE DAY. sugar, cupful Imtter, TMtk, u»« WITOH mm! with riM lkr«B ••*!> aar we HAZEL OIL IIm kr Hwl UalTIVL Mrtlw- Uw ^kklliklM una if to* |i*e u* «'««h lllty ttbU, of flour, four three tible- cverjr appiiMic* IK. >* «»! MHl IB IM IIIMM Imww m. k cupfula egg«, to rlcanliut •*, muil not loae It." "TMl PILE OINTMENT." economy, | (i«t*T|jpffijU- • of sweet two ■ iw M«i* W* • TW *iit*r g«M udBUl M I'art*. la wkl nwM;. Ikal iMjr bm; |MM>uful* milk, lmt|ilHK M I'uhllalier. "Are you fa. CfKtlUl 4i«a «*iouful* bnkiug powder; mllUr with llu-raturrf For InaUnc* how 5berr)pp's i» the u.iM rf »t «l l «-a I >K IT IX TIME. tueut All in all, it i »»«k«MW * IMC TRAM '«t Mm % ■llMk ib4 M loaair, Ikt IMrl Tmp with leaton. Stir lite flour all In; add B35SSSKES^,fc!& inik («f Ito ku«r w«>t< II hk* »l Mil. M klkt a'tWI la Ik* would yam dU-rlminat« hetweeu (toetrjr •to? t atarrli atarta loth* naaal |ia*aig*a, to well man, fan. TiUL»n».noTt. "•!» II 1,1 W<«4 IWral kn» ■« l»«*k»«. -aa-a. If »bj IM; ka»«. more ou the board auflUleat roll *nl*er»er li'a In tin- Portable U Appllcea*.—"If n 1 I < ear* ami throat and In Rose Crearrj W M« >■! | ill Mini pin MMl> %»-l lrr«Kr mf Wkl NlHkM A^jii n»i UW tAMM affecting eyet, HntViK GlV.IKHKIAIt One cupful front of li'a If Mrt« M .«r» r « /ll&UI 4 0.. m I.KHKUI A. WILniV Ja>l«*. th* enrmr of Die mucoua p»rt niagiilDt, |M>etry; N hk wilm RMiuiruiLnL,iiuiiiMhaii.,iit nu fact, great of oue of water, li'a In lln hark li'a rerae." grmiiM traring mjr lipulwt, C VxtMl $», f* —il»fc » ft. A IrMt»|if-»ilM membrane. odda la the h*ad mola**e*, cupful boiling part, Range Al.llkKT t». I'AKK. IMtfi*Mr. NV|kil«l one of three even Cooking alnoat Intarlablr precede catarrh, caua- labletpoonful butter, fiT "1*1*. A»li to VP < e n( the ilmlrr* I r«.r?i| .rr» it uf flour, one tenarmooful of I.ADIKH WIIO BMUT. w. MOHOAIV, Ing an *i«iwlr« flow of mucua, and If cupfula MARLIN 1891 *u\n. limy R.nKt wvr.ntf.1, Manufacture! «uly !,y soda, one teas|ioouful of ginger. What a (irwt number thena are; bow Model the aauoHia dlatharge Iwmim later- heaping OTfSHOTV ■'» ,1 This la nice. am^ouifortahle It make* It la ah & KAG CAKPKT WKAVhJR, lli* reaulta of ca- rerjr tliein; [In (Mr DppipJa Cm Ci., wwilr». iNiff sstsstor WOOD BISHOP COHPANY, l.l»wH Nail, P»l« MtM4, ni|>(ml dlaagneabla nn-at thaiae wftllcteal to en* will «uch aa had IloT Salmov—INiI a no of ailmou lmpo«a|hle for Markct RANOOR. MAIM! nuii. tarrh follow, hraath, Square. mm rn rtNt«. and boll life. In mr I hare "" ^ aeeere acroaa forehead aad about lu'o a kettle of water twenty y>y private practice fir ill .32 lfu-' n*r« IV.« 1U, Mala*. pala to Mb hj 4rmW*» prte*t "**• REPEATING I'—« >Hmi. V.r»«y, ailoute*. Ueusova from the can and ■Iwrajra found Itinera be the m lU M Ml rUn the eyea, a roarlag aad butxlaf aouad la Hulphur JiWf HA* with n of beat All who are thua troubled M M4lNf WHtf tr% Il«t t«r *ata IU| I at m rnU pf itrl the tan and oftaatltoea a very offrulrt •ere* Immediately Masoning remedy. *1 MU thou Id uae It.—M»U. Ua. Boa- iwA» W ► IflMlH l«n*u'u M Ml dlacharge. < leaai Bala la Um ac- malted butter, pepper and nalt. ParaJay ClIILOt, r"V.WA. Children for Pltoher't Castorla. Ely'* ton. Rin i:?, Cry »»' cur# for thane tiMkha. should ha around It. imm «N«k|