The Oxford Democrat
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The Oxford Democrat. NUMBER 36. VOLUME 61. PARI8, MAINE. TUE8DAY, SEPTEMBER 4.1894. < iKiwrm h«l (<i forUwr •I tlm talil* th" lieart ut of «!»•• Tltt«« frfafiM. COWS AND THE BARN CELLAR. Wrtik# Ikrmo ral tearing AMONG TIIK tnwbk Ho adiuiml tho of that SECRET OF LONG LIFE ATTITUDE OF JAPAN. ♦llftl' ultl<«, being «li*t.*tcfiil to tin* rou* FARMERS. I ha»r looked |»rrtlT GROWING OLD. inergy carrfully through ilu Mrratitea. TIm< troop* Alt* k««l tin* |«1- ^ A Counselor*. tli* U*l lw of ih» 11 I do of half; ft* hlinaelf ho niuld nothing. Atvrn-T* Kirnrr, w»'i» »n. *«••. *H| TWO. wh • of the CAN A HKAITHY PI WON PROLONG IN m\ ami the Jip.tiK-w minuter, with MAIH. AND It novel BUT ONE it-mi «t r\rry U>u«, iml harr not illacovt-rt-d (hat W h«l II <Uy Hf <U«, If ho nil. CONCILIATORY OIPIOMACV, «*«*'• ... W kite ak>fia iW M>l the WOOMI ami chlMreu nf On v«*rl • |>r*> tv ai KiV«l|iir«l U|>w 4nr hw li«« hit ni«> i»iih»r illg fur my l*l»tlng Inwral kiixL 11m even Umgbl the ponnjr HIS LIFE TO 200 VtARSf STERN IN WAR. legation, *" U VMlru llfr'* litiwl WALTER BE8ANT. all ..~.*a«traUM«ta ou th« barn cellar. l>« klfkffajr. Bj lHirrlHI« mkI ninl th»t with Interval If wm liik« n fiiw <>n ta Kntf- I* f I hflUi In MUII U. II4■ tirrvay Chinking, that It mitil tip tllrn> mhih>- li*ti 111.U1 <>f war amlnturu to *••«»». I n»~* • limrni, Al IM «• aktwly mm to IMI*,- h« rinio to a ivMUtif which contained a rmt, Ml. I hav* omtunknl I A ni utai • year CIIAITKR IV. lk» TWf mt tlUI |al*rvl»w With Ik* Chuwllf af IK« Jap- waa «t hiiv il. rn.iiKM u<i| ! •hew, lli«Hi|h It, or • n-fWtioa, ho <1 II A* • tovrtMllv »r tli t* ak»«g with • thought paaai »tn mo«nl to mI*I i few iiidltkiu*! !h th« morning Will awok« IU«" frutllR uil Ik* 111m N'ark Ik* MM* I *mhUI» In *•» Urk I1|ktln| liut China ami now •* Law, WHk fwaltli aa-lfrWu-l* rkrrr over. Ho hwl iwwil to thluk. Ho no MTonlttl, Attorn*T» a W Mr* Iw IWntlvrl Ittawni thr aamc for II •irnMtfv m'ii*1 of MtiiM'ltitti|(- Thta ftwl« I* Ik* »f thought u|mn fvt ii troul>l««l hltuaelf aUait Im IInH Ikm H***«l r.if*tlw*al I •» Ik* I ml»|winlHK» Mhl ClttlliilMi Nth »tjii»c>*• I In tlwKi«Muir»|>- Ihr bam c*-iUr l« • of ««litr A U« lm mwm ■«'(« k*W>l >l<>«n n«»i uncommon with lonip-r —MAinm. •♦UMMfA company and who mis rrwlly thing III «»f MWH-lhlng In mi two wi-r» formal In tlm W Ilk i>ur>trn< gtvwi aft.I hmII, tho of P»HW I »f*UrlM *pl*M. Raft* A IIMary *•« U«arr«ll; K »«>»». llal. I (Mrtliw V * nHTCMi M>mr our t<» hr ablr to trll ua In to lug power thought * »••'*' bat John would «rf h«vv ought *• ma«» •* |t» ito wImi k<> 1**1 al«>nt N<»tM«tjr IM«|I vl|M jrnuiiil kiihIpiimii Another rntuo htm—n«4 j. nlixnUr kiu^t'iu, am* aympathlcintf of wlut that % alio* iituiltO; iu<l If W • l>4tf im4 Um fur ill. tm thing upon th« «*!•<• tk>«(hl MlHUlittnf i<nw|wnr In anjr Ju*l 3. Ho an<l «tn«M«L A cup of Alll<4ltf IImi variolic failtaatio ("(■<iaJ Cwnn«wilxi«».l w |M up mi that lio wh villi «hI tha other with Chi* • »•«»•*. •u« li • *r« not rr »ll« a of uluf wrr hut im«fl if. Hut It wwrliNl to a thry tiling iim iiiUt l>ut ■uddi'ii!), gradually, «•»» Kkw Y<•Nk. SO—Oi*»n • alight AgU,» | A»Im *« r»«K •Ilk Hurry l»tf frrl, miitit liitn r< Iiu|«ffprtl7 for llf" <>( tbt< in«»t Ang. Uiwu-n which atraim«l ilwrn. wtlll I <HI(ll( IMIl Itl Iw- 4l tlw «t|M*ll*« of I'UlM- Dot aUium«I i»t It Ho !■ gMi to r«rn no prolonging n^thialt, hardly think roanv |«*>- IIhI »Ar> mam mm rri, what "I muat IwTn had (nil flgnr\ ••Initio .ui<I ift.nt fnl rv** Counselor. > h*|>|NiiiiL I at M tin- i*n«l of th* rlirht««-iiih c«ipwt n l.itl-m Thr lit * .-mil follow hi* Siunr llmr li»«C th# m. W Ml* *lili l»t la n*i|.IHf Mil Utl, Ahout ll>« gain** of whlrh Iw h«l rvniary harealt>ceeii*tc<L !*<■•« %ttom"V plr ratinplr. * ho "1 l<iU|(«'r in 'IIm M Iter NNMMrkU t*■ iiiU4 h wlu»kr." tiiurninn*L *aa r?«rf movement, alway* f*ultl<*-ljr an t r«»nlt. hr "IIim*| kxix- w11<| l*r«M in « IV l<>r (Ik* turn cellar I* If!" f..rin« rlr Ui ii (mid IlillUrda, ra< k Waa what mll<«l "rvtanlltiK *1tal war ia iu<lln« «(i> tlx truuuiriit » 4 mw mvM-lf—wtu.illr uiraclf—h*nl at •till* •!. with han>U ami f«« dainty, a hollo* lit • Mi* nxirr that It U |iaJ pU<-« In wlilt-h to atorr i i>t- faini««i that ( klM'« K«lf» l«r I nulrnl, , M »l» Mrw« |>W* Ihui ijuartrr A»l IIkwiIi Mrk mm tmmj >Uit Ha, rank all jrou ««a «v*iauni|>tlon." ^nivrluii , lamurr. work" I!*'«># foil u|«m tin- tahl* r>«|nlrw, maimer »u»rg» "tl** of % • •f nil* fr«Mfi Ihr *«i A>k hundred mrti who lutf * lilt l.« l*to|.. Iilllr la I l-.l I. hiaojrm high brtaMlug. h»UM', and hr tain a in->ii ut of f. .»M.ntn«. of In- • nairni of "In D*rrabir. I•»*»I. the Kk It Ixlut llli fart to u*. (m quick nwiiplftc «tw|» Activity, *oliv mt»i< al au<l Wxltratira parfieacaiue rng- to Ukr thr «» «tni. built turu crilara what built them Tlwro wi«« Un< Imlu»-Ui4i |4»liti* Yiw. »J»« up thry mar lrtr»Ml Wr'lf «H- «nd it®. Tlila nnfoc- M«t V.MI Wlllklt* lli< lil<w frmn a thla our grwmtmt rr- telligeno* rapidact ft of Ki|> |V llligllt to «, tk<« king a*ke<| protection N"l iu<l hi* w Ifr h«>l lu»t COW from fur, Ml Ik* v will glte you ml lomotut—with a ami Itf lllti-lllgvlpv. grullr Iralu of iiimi Imd no of wlf quick a *a» m«*rr, a* to tnnalo young rapidity U« mim lorhn'k r-onanmp the m\ tb» km* mother J" •* li* Ukr r*fNMi «h»r» hwt nrri» 1'he latni Inatnictlon Wa'r* (twal»( 41, ymm, grvmimg tiki, nf v»i»rk. Mon—ho kmw, |milan<l rh*r»<i< r anofi* u fouixl tiAngnlDniiii' Japan* Law, thry >17 indication to 1 manure U to It on to ami fur to' mm mi; a touw tlltolllgiIICK loft. Ho waa atlipld tlmi. |U«llm til thi« »tnt»» o>nli| »■« I till NI/m| tin' ChilHW, th« klutf Mtl***- t-> rat ant all —rt* handling put rvtm tho nmt<nta of th««* urnntak ami hare an <>(Thaii<l <1* IiJT "»"« thinf foot] of r*clt- Thai waa M*«4k aa l fair i»l ho nth-rnl, yoa Into thr Itml where It at mh»o ai far* «kll*, Ho U<-.nuo »<■) «nr« n iumI th«-ii a hla ami tin* w br tolouga play |{uu<«. atapld away maarltatnl l.»j»*« < qmntly mother, «.n.v, ln( (Imm, itil Iwml U would W v irarr tli# wrlallr* mmm. laaAa Ho aat down bcwll<lor*il. T)h>0 rrlptlou ut tb« lian^ llor of tho J rrjnlu««t ia»r for thrto on thr farm. Hut | It can |M»««|My he dour, and thla at any III MW. I of urn or thrw n nturi<«. It« njainin n«i|ilriif» of the Jn|>ai>««ii !• nation waa oh. 1 It M«>itio*l if thaw ww • ami all •ra«>o« Ihr thla lir Ilwl ah«* •* IM« f«n» aal-W 91 tlniiMlr t f ««TTM. >Wr! If iihi on It owild tui* l«*n of year. If lay IIo rmawl to l» a dreamer. All hta Franklin frr% w htli< living in Frai«<v, inol.u^l aim I mt on (Ire. >!K"* morw rep- A»IU» 1*11 f»t im la l.iltol, wifhm hiiu m of two who atn»*n f>« g"»»d ln*tru«-tloti, an>l It d<>uMlr«a It, Dim «let affair* !••- threw! | Wr k"|» to >larll In a falrrr ttwfhl, dr» ama were g»*w\ Ho p«a»r«| to make ttrnm to Iwvt hinl Uil It iu thi*. aration mm imihIxI, hut Law, then manure »h««uld not N> atom! maatt-rv. "\V<*kl" rrtod <*wv "I ^•{owy It took r*u I any- H kri* ki um mIM inm «kl. m«m> wiur n Iwoime an runtltlrriblr |» ••i<>n to In- »h«ll!" tnualf at t|y< piMKK Ho n-aard to aing. Jut )m< Ptx lTnl Uitlli* of tw«# China an I J.ipan ha<l V *h» rr fur an* length of time, ami II. C. Il*« ••», Wiiu'l!" mill lIn* nthor. "Ym I. I'* wlfr, to £o. Hut whea jdace Hk n«ld iH'ltlnr pUy wf »mg—tn««e from Virginia.