September 28, 1876
τ ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.—TOL. 14. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28. 1876. TEEMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. PORTLAND DAILY PEESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. INSURANCE. PROPOSALS. EDUCATIONAL. THE Campaign Notes. * PRESS Mr. George W. Curtis is not in the habit of Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the Proposals for Work for Con- but he is C. P. BABOOCK, continuing making bets, confident Gov. Mor- traction of New Inlet. Cape Fear Kiver, FRANK A. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 28, '76 PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., FIRST CLASS W. C· BLACKSTONE, gan will carry New York. COUNTY FAIR. MODEL MAKER & U. s. Bank ) Democratic At 109 Exchange St., Portland. Engineer Office, Union The latest demonstration in JOBBER, TEACHER OF We do and communi- Building. Baltimore, Md Sept. 19, 1876. ) not read anonymous letters Dollars a Year in advance. Tc MANUFACTURER OF is the billing of four negroes and Terms: Eight "PROPOSALS for continuing work for the contrac- cations. The name and address of the writer are in Mississippi m '; subscribers Seven Dollars a Year ii paid in ad- Watch ■*· tion of the New Fear C„ and and Chronometer Marker*' Fire Insurance. Inlet,Cope River,N. all cases not tor the wounding of several others. Politics are Tool·, for PIANO AND indispensable, necessarily publication vance. Merlai County Aaricultnral Society Mathematical, Optical and Philo- furnishing and delivering stone on Government ORGAN, at on the bat as a guaranty c 1 good faith. in that state. sophical Instrumente, School lighters, either the Tnlet, or at the quarries 1-2 DOW always lively THE MAINE STATE PRESS will bold its Apparatus, &c., river, accessible to tug-boats, will be received at this aO STREET\m We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- The nomination of Adams by the Massa- Insur- office until noon of October 18, and opened Long or sliort term 1876, nications that are not used.
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