February 20,1871
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PRESS Established June 23, 1862. Vol. 10. -~ PORTLAND, MONDAY FEBRUARY 20 1871 .—•-i_=- 1 MORNING, Terms _ r~—^-..==J!^— t- ___ $8.00 per annum, in *■— *Press INSURANCE. every u.y (Sundays excepted) by :_BONDS._“ BONDS._ INSURANCE. ^published ANNUAL business directory. Portland, STATEMENT OF THE -Publishing Co., SIX1»ER CEWT.-*', Abstract of the Annual Statement DAILY PRESS. At Ida MUTUAL • of the Advertising Agency. Exchange Street, Portland. LtFE INSURANCE ATWELL ft PORTLAND. COMPANY, CO., 1711 Middle Street ADVERTISE- Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year io advance. BONDS ,n8ertwJ In l*p«» In Maine and -. #E NEW YORK. iElna las, of "“T*ut through- «♦ m Co., Hartford, Conn., the country at the publisher's lowe, On the rates. F. (S. Pre.id.iii. GOLD 31st ol December, 1670, made to the State ot FEBRUARY Press WINSTON, B. A. Vice Pre.id.iU. BONDS, MONDAY. 20,1871. The Blaine »u«e MiCl'BDY, Maine. 7 PER Agricultural Implements A Free from Government Tax. CT. FIRST MORTGAGE Capital Stock all Paid deeds Is Thcksdat Morning at np, $3,000,000.00 SAWYER ft No, ng published every 9I.de asskts WOODFORD, Exchange St! Btiloa Priileund What il Meaaa. a Jftun.ry ht, 1871, t. the __i as follows: $2.50 a if in advance, at $2.00 Cmu.i.i.uer of 9Iai«. Keai rotateVa. year; pa'd unnicumheted. oijw <*tq year AND in Auctioneer. A new of the “Idle Thought*,” In _ LAND 1Jank- in chapter ASSETS, ... Portland and BONDS, Ca8han|h‘*n<’’ aUd ^«C»t3 $44,609,155.78, (All Cash.) Ogdensburg Railroad the Boston ridicules the of Hates of Advertising.—One inchofspace, United States °'.™.H<2£M?S’ N2.‘ ,327 Congreasst. Auction Sales Transcript, pride INVESTED (Registered il desired.) Securities “*•?«•« every Evening. Private Sales constitutes a AS FOLLOWS: during the day. the in length of column, “square." B°nd3’ ,'a"3',M-00 “Hub $1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents C«sb on band. In Banks and Trout B^nk’aCndTTrud|tTcr>“|fcl8aI1'1 Companies, at interest . o me o<n ti Ka«ro.d 8*8.00 Agencies for Alter a miscellaneous talk the other eve- week after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; Thirty Tears to SSsl&'JS’g*,, Sewing machines. per notexceeding one ban' of «162 First Bonds. Run, Loans on Real W at our and when most of us had other after first 50 Mortgage Estate, S.DYER, 138 Middle St over H. H. ning, club, continuing every day week, PRINCIPAL ’23’oOOM Hav’s. All Value!:.'-Jp*® AND INTEREST kinds ot Machines lor sale and to lot. got well into our second cigars, the Banker cents. Total Assets, Repaving, insertions or 75 rZ fc°tate,ta.,e.“■(atco“>-■ HSjm* to some ot the new ware- Half square, three less, cents; Principal and Interest Payable $8,782,635.09 referring granite 50 cents per week after. PAYABLE Z2V 1K3, Bakers. houses of the called them one of the one week, $1.00; Balancedue’byAgents,iucoumooYtesusmisuon,'.'"I:::::::: IS” GOLD, Losses adjusted and not city, Special Notices, oue third additional. in Gold. Looses unadjusted, $74,736.35 W. C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. things of which Boston may be proud. Under bead of FBEE OF GOVERNMENT TAX. Re-Insurance Amusements,” $2.00 per Add Interest accrued, but not ?42“ Fund, iSK'KSK Upon this the Esquire remarked that there three or due,. Other Liabilities lor square per week; insertions less $1.50. small, miming, &e„ Boots and was no need tor new luel to locate The have <• **l ISSUED BY THE sX Shoes—Gents Custom Work. any pride, Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Premiums due but not uaderaigued aiihwlir WALTER yet reported....' 312 e:6 3a BERRY, No. 101 for Boston was a'ready the proudest city iu State Press” (which has a large circulation ai,d far sale the Band* of the Panland nnd Total, $1,866,409.29 MiddleSNeet. Semi-annual Premiums,. ....*....................*.,*’ 1,119,673 77 the world. in of the for Present market value every part State) $1.00 per Bquare ol Stocks ia excess ol cost,. 428.624 09 Ogden.hnrg Rat I rand Company ■* Total income lor 1870 ATCHISON, TOPEKA $3,972 893 83 Booksellers mid The Doctor was not inclined to assent to for first insertion, and 50 cents for • dtatloners. per Bquare be very law price af 90 wilb ac- AND he had often each subsequent insertion. Gross Assets, Dec. 31ST, 78 Total lor HOTT, poo,, at this,observing that, though 1870,.$44,609,155 crued iutrr.nl in currency. Expenditures 1870, $3,749,176.50 BREEDS Middle Street. Address all communications to heard the city reproved on this score, he Increase in net asiets for 18T0,.-.. 85 SANTA FE ni and not be- PORTLAND ...$7,170,853 B. R. 00 Risks written d Ing the year, $329.881,382 00 thought it was uudeserred, |did PUBLISHING OO. Dividend surplus to policy holders, over. 2,000,000 00 THIS road is now completed to West Baldwin, Risks Book-Bi,„|vr*. fur outstanding. 238,801,873.00 WM. A. lieve there was more local pride in Bcston Eece'pts premiums ton policies, is 34 and FOB QUINCY. Room 11 Print.,'.P 1 8 » 1870,.........12,169,717 trains are running to that point, 33 miles irons SAUK. Risks written In Maine during the veir, 8.367.006.00 No. Ill Exchange, or Receipts for interest, ten's, &c,.. 2 477.772 68 Exchange Street. than in New York, or St. Louis, Chicago. Portland. Risks outstanding In Maine, 00 Paid Claims by death, and endowments matured,. Beyond West Faldwin the toad Is graded 6,125,050 SMALL ft SH but Boston retorted the Es- BUSINESS 2’0l0,2‘4162 Premiums received in Maine in 1670, 103,201 52 ACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street. “Ah, pride,” CARDS. to Fryeburg, CD miles from Portland, and the rails Hok. QINERY President. Losses else found. As will be TWICHELL, paid in Maine in 1870, quire, “has one element nowhere seen, the receipts tor interest, &c.. being over $400,000 more than its death claims and endow- will be laid 87,165,05 ment, to that point aa early in the spring as' Bonnet and Hat The cities you name do indeed boast ot their policies paid in 1870. It ts prohibited by its charier from investing iu any but the safest securities, GEORGE OPDYKE, \ DOW. 00FFDT k Bleachery! such as is ber« exhibited. is now. as will be the weather will permit. From the road LIBBY, Aeentg, great and boundless but It seen, the labor st, not to say the safest, institution of Fryeburg Trustees. No. 49 H. E. UNDERWOOD, No. 3101 Congress Street. growth prospects, JOHN 0 its kind iv the wobld.—Its ii under contract to or v2SS^AJ.MONO- I Exchange Street, Thomas' Bloch, never seem WINSHIP average expenses being less than any other company in the country. Conway, N. H„ to which point- OLIVER W. PEABODY ) satisfied with what they are now; for this tor Portland* febl4-eodlw Haying beeq Agent great Company more than 27 yesrs, we are prepared to furnish tacts, trains will ron in while Boston the immense ot July, 18JI, Cabinet people,on the other hand, think Attorney at showing advantages insuring In this Company, and invite any who desire information on Furniture manufacturers. their Law, on us. The road has thus far been built and city about perfect as it and this coil- the subject to call equipped THRO. JOHNSON ft No. Union is, The road is now CO., llj Street. viotion sticks Booms No. GAG Fluent Bloch, from cash subscriptions to the Capital Slock; but to being built Irom Atchison, Kan. STATEMENT. out of them offensively wbere- naa, to the Arkansas for or Corner of Congress and completo it to Bartlett, V. H., and to provide ad#- river. Sixty-two miles are al- January 1, ISM. evertheygo; they praise condemn Exchange Sts, Carpenters and Builders. as it W. D. Little & Co, 491-2 St* tional for Ita ready built and la successful operation, mad the net everything approaches or recedes from a Agfa, Exchange equipment Increasing tashtm.-tW'i WHITNEY ft Pearl POUTI.A\D, Mg. JaSdJj earnings are more than MEANS. at, opposite the Park. Boston standard.” Company has issued bonds to Ibe amount ol $800,- double the interest on Its Putnam Eire Insurance Heman A. which are Company,J “That is very said the “for Crane. Horace A. Crane. Geo. Alien, Jr. II. II. Gen’S 000, seenred by a mortgage ot lla Entire property to Mortgage Bouds, limited to |1S,000 per OP true,” Captain, REMINGTON, Agent, mile of HARTFORD, CONN. Cement Drain and have the following Trustees: completed road. Water’Pipe, I heard Boston pride tidiculeu in San Tf. A. CRANE & CO., fe13eod&w3w8 F,r 9Iaine and Capital, Chimneys Ac. and other ends New Hampshire. WOODBURF DAVIS, The 9400,000, Francisco, Manilla,Melbourne Company has a large aod valuable Land ._. J. W.STOCKWELL ft CO.. 28 and 183 Dantorth of the earth.” SAMUEL E. SPRING, and are now Street, order, revived Grant, the lands on _ ASSKTS. by N. M. Perkins ft GENERAL placing the market and Co., “We came it said the WESTON F. tor Morlgages on Real Estate. Kendall ft Whitney. by very naturally,” MILLIKEN, sale. $158,824 81 Banker. ATLANTIC. We now offer these Bonds tor sale Commission and confidently United States Sizes of Merchants, The road runs 1881, $2 813 75 Dye House. “Well, well,” said the President, “just local igvuuuucuu mcui as a AcliC auu tbronch a rich and fertile United prifUUIOie invest- country, Stales Five-Twentlss F, the Of 8YMONDS, India St.,(the only oue In pride is the maiospriDg of public spirit J but For tlie purchase and sale Bent far these reasons: which, wjjk Coal Mines on its line, and Its 1862, g 57i 50Kfl Portland.) Mutual large United 8,671 FOSTER'S DYE what has Rnstnn v**t.