PORTLAND DAILY PEESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. INSURANCE. PROPOSALS. EDUCATIONAL. THE Campaign Notes. * PRESS Mr. George W. Curtis is not in the habit of Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the Proposals for Work for Con- but he is C. P. BABOOCK, continuing making bets, confident Gov. Mor- traction of New Inlet. Cape Fear Kiver, FRANK A. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 28, '76 PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., FIRST CLASS W. C· BLACKSTONE, gan will carry New York. COUNTY FAIR. MODEL MAKER & U. s. Bank ) Democratic At 109 Exchange St., Portland. Engineer Office, Union The latest demonstration in JOBBER, TEACHER OF We do and communi- Building. Baltimore, Md Sept. 19, 1876. ) not read anonymous letters Dollars a Year in advance. Tc MANUFACTURER OF is the billing of four negroes and Terms: Eight "PROPOSALS for continuing work for the contrac- cations. The name and address of the writer are in Mississippi m '; subscribers Seven Dollars a Year ii paid in ad- Watch ■*· tion of the New Fear C„ and and Chronometer Marker*' Fire Insurance. Inlet,Cope River,N. all cases not tor the wounding of several others. Politics are Tool·, for PIANO AND indispensable, necessarily publication vance. Merlai County Aaricultnral Society Mathematical, Optical and Philo- furnishing and delivering stone on Government ORGAN, at on the bat as a guaranty c 1 good faith. in that state. sophical Instrumente, School lighters, either the Tnlet, or at the quarries 1-2 DOW always lively THE MAINE STATE PRESS will bold its Apparatus, &c., river, accessible to tug-boats, will be received at this aO STREET\m We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- The nomination of Adams by the Massa- Insur- office until noon of October 18, and opened Long or sliort term 1876, nications that are not used. published every Thursday Morning st $2.50 a 56 Market Street, Printers immediately thereafter. Blank forms, specifications, chusetts Democrats has been shrewdly ex- at Exchange, &c.. can Navigation the year, if paid iu advance $2.00 a year.* Annual Exhibition be had upon application at this office. by Nautrigon 41st Jul PORTLAND, M.K. ance at carrent Rates. WM. P. plained as intended for the export trade, not dly ORAIGH1LL,"MajorofEnginoers,U.S.A. EDWARD 199 Evjcby regular attache of the Pbess is furnished Kates op Advertising : One inch of space, the ge22 d6t BREEN, Franklin SI., for home with that of the T. consumption. length ot column, constitutes a "square." in connection Will teach navigation by the use of the "Nautrigon* with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley Dr. R. T. The the course $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week Wilde, invented by Rev. Dr. Hill of this city. Persons who Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel Democrats appear to watch af er; three insertions, or less, $1.00; oontinuing The Natural magnetic Physician, have acquired no knowledge of navigation can learu of WM. AND managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding ex-Secretary Brbtow and Carl Schurz with FARMERS' Jr., UPRIGHT in a short time this instrument to other after first 50 cents. CUMBERLAND ALLEN, by solve the every day week, CLUB, He shall lay band 8 on them and they sha'1 be healed SQUARE very Half three insertions, or 75 one of time, latitude, longitude, course credentials of every person claiming to represent our keen These square," less, cents; — problems azimuth, anguish. unfortunate statesmen — AT 302 Cor. of Elm 8i. week. $1 00; 50 cents per week after. Cumberland^ and distance on the great circle, and several other nov8 dtf PIANOS. Journal. should take care not to the little Special Notices, one third additional. 31 1-2 St., useful in navigation. The expense of learn- offend pious Exchange this method is Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction McPHAIL & {>robIemsiig navigation by very small. jy 15tf Confederate editors. Sales," $2.00 per square per week ; three insertions West Cumberland, H. HANSON & SON, CO.'§ Stanton Hloclt, Governor borrowed the to or less, $1.50. MANOFACTDBERS OF llayes money pay Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State Gold Medal Pianos the legacies his uncle Burchard left him, and Prkss" (which has a large circulation in every part SEPT. 26, 27 and .28, 1876. Monuments, Tablets, Grave Stones PORTLAND, ME. BOARDING ID DAY MIIIIIIL of 00 tor first instead of a fortune to he State) for $1 per square insertion, and Granite Work. received the silver cup at Maine State Fair, 1876, be- 22 Pine Me. having pay a tax on be and 50 cents square for each subsequent insertion. ing the highest award for best square Piano. En- St., Portland, per The exhibition last autumn was sufficient MANUFACTORY AT its was plunged into debt to the amount of Address all communications to guar- Insurance in all branches dorsed by the musical authorities. Agents $40,- of the ability of these Societies to offer the No. 90Ï West highest anty Congre*» Nt., End, S'orlland, wanted in every town. The Fall Seeiion of thië Sehool for Young 000, Next, Mr. Tilden ! PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. a exhibition of the in- Maine. attended to. superior products of promptly Ladiee opens in Cumberland Dan next Sublicustry County. All orders attended to. TVarerooms 3 Free St. Yoorhees, to Hendricks, is the Both Associations belie\e in promptly Block,Portland. progress, and are HENRY HANSON. \ΤΜ. Π. A. HANSON. 21st. most determined that each shall THURSDAY, SEPT. popular Democratic orator in the West. Ε IN TE KT AIJN M KIN T8. year add some new aprl7 d6m SAMUEL Gen l features which shall contribute to the interest and Fire, Marine, Life THURSTOÎJ, Agt. For particulars address tlie In 1862 Mr. Yoorhees said: soldier value of the lair. It is the desire of the "Every societies that THOMAS RAINEY, M. A. M. D. in every department of industry shall be represented, the Union army ought to be taken to a and the lull share of time and devoted to tbem 499 1·9 MISSES SYJ?IO\:DS, Dramatic and Musical Entertainment space Office Congress Street, and Accident. blacksmith shop and have an iron collar that their merits demand New sheds and pens are 22 Pine and other Formerly occupied by Dr. Daveis. Street, molded around his being constructed, necessary arrangements jy20 dtf neck, and have stamped completed and the managers feel warranted in noun-ίο lo l'i A, to 5 P. M. HI.,9 it these words : promising the a lair to that of ma3 U&wtf upon 'My dog—A. Lincoln.'" CITY HAU, public superior any CHAS. S. previous year. Dinner will be furnished by NEW HMPSHÏRB FIRE INS.CO., ROBICHEK, the Club as usual· Teacher of the German Languages, On 28th, MANCHESTER, Ν. Π. and Thursday eveniûg, Sept. [ wtd36£dlwfsept22 GAD HITCHCOCK, 376 CUMBERLAND ST. FOR PRESIDENT, Gossip Gleanings. Succcssor to the late Ceorgc Marslon, CASH CAPITAL PAID UP References—Dr. William Wood, M. D., 92 Free St., Mr. O. A. Robinson, Mrs. Oxnard,43 Winter St. sep!2d3w B. HA A little had been sent to a assisted by the following ladies and gentlemen, will School UNDERTAKEN One of a Million Dollars ! RUTHERF0R1) ÏES, boy dry towel give a Select Pramatie and Musical Enter- Quarter before the nursery : Is It Singing_ OF OHIO. fireplace "Mamma, tainment at which Coffins anil Caskets on Hani TOTAL ASSETS OF OVEB done when it is brown?" Mrs. Chase. Soprano, Mr. John Shaw, Basso, Thursday evening, Sept. 28,1876, Robes, Always Mas. Goudy, Coutralto, Opposite the Grand Trunk Depot, HALF A MILLION DOLLARS ! Bowdoin_Gollege. Mb. Sam'l Thurston, Tenor, second examination for admission, wlli be FOK VICE PRESIDENT, held on The foresids of a is now Kb. M. C. Milliken and Miss Nellie Milliken Ex-Got. E. A. President. THE THURSDAY, September 28th, at 8 a. called ARCAITA Straw, at ttie Chemical Ptanists, m., Lecture Koom, Adams Hall. •'face Oh dear! The bustle Ex-Got. James A· Weston, Vice Pres. The Fall Term FRIDAY, 29lh. garniture." will will In musical selections. under the instruction of begins September WILLIAM A. WHEELER, appear Geo, JB. Chandler9 Treasurer. JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN. probably now be denominated Mb. Edw. C. Pbof. Chas. D. "posterior up- Swett, Kobisson, L. Whitmore, John C. French, Secretary. President. in leadings and recitations. UIR. W. FITCH. Joseph Β runswick, Sept. 13, 1870. sepl4tdd&w37 holsterization."—Graphic. Frank A. OK1 NKW YORK. DEALER IN IttcKeen, Special Agent, The entertainment to conclude with tbe elegant Special attention given to Iflustc Reading. Geo, W. £ nut man. Asst. Secretary. society comedy in one act, entitled The elemental principles of Musical Notation will be MISS E. BROWS, When tbe first was started in This Company was organized by the busi- newspaper thoroughly explained and illustrated. All who leading will resume lessons in the For Prcaiilential Ε If clora. "One Two many for Him," desire to in music ness men of New Hampshire, and emphatically pos- tbe editor asked a acquire facility reading (both be- 9 At W. Japan Japanese gentleman amateurs and sesses the elements ot solidity, economy, success and Large.—WILLIAM THOMAS. in which the following eminent will appear. ginners those who already bave some k owledge French and German Langauges, NATHAN A. if be wished to bave the sent permanency. The names of the officers and directors FARWKLL. paper regularly. Mb. Frank A. Owen, r. Milliken, Miss of music) will find this class peculiarly adapted to First are as familiar as household and a voucher EARLY IN OCTOBER. District-SYLVESTER LITTLEFIELD. With am, Miss Tabbox, Miss Adams. thier wants. CLAPBOARDS.SHILGLES, LATHS, words, " "No, I thank I have a he the and of the Second I. WARREN MERRILL. you, copy," replied. lor prudent management integrity « Regular Sessions—Thursday and Satur- Floor &c.. Sash and With Oue ot a Million Dollars Miss Brown adopts Mons. Sauveur's System of Third BENJAMIN D. METCALF. The gentlemau of the old school had no idea Tickets, fO cents, for sale at Stockbridge's Music Pickets, Boards, Doors, Blinds, corporation. Quarter " day evenings. and Hemlock Dimensions sawed to and over Half a Million Dollars of teaching Modern Languages, which enables pupils Fourth .J. W. PORTER. Store, Exchange Street, and Sturges* Drug Sioie, Pine, Spruce paid-up Capital, Mason & Hamlin " that a contained fresh Tickets for SiflAt^l* RISKS the Organs. to without Fifth SETH L. MILLIKEN. newspaper matter with junction Free and Congress Streets. sept20dtd Twenty Leseons—Gentlemen order. Assets, widely scattered, speak fluently study. 93.00; Ladies 94 OO; in advance. safer classes of risks only insured, and the highest Medals awarded for unequalled excellence by near- Address: Portland, Maine. sepl8dtf every issue. Office SturdiTant'e Wliarf, 314 Commer- in Let who ratio ot assets to liabilities, this Company ofters the ly all the States America, and by the principal all propose to join this class, be present cial Foot of Park Portland Me. PORTLAND the first St., St.; very best indemnity against loss or damage by fire. European countries. Brains and Railroad. MUSEUM, evenibg. sep21dlw sep9 eortlm Doctor: "I'm pleased to say, Mrs. Fitz- It has been Cor. of Congre»· and Exchange Streets Every Honest Claim has been College said that the best brains in tbe brown. that I shall be Promptly BILLINGS &~~WKEELOCK'S The oldest ■nusiness ■ institution of I Β the kind able to vaccinate your GRAND Paid wlien Due. I in the State. Thorough in- H structionin are in the service of its country railroads. from a child of Thursday and Friday evenings and WM. H. MOTLEY, baby very healthy yoar neigh- Saturday iHatinee, Sale Risks widely Scattered, jiclLaw However that may be it is evident that tbe bor Mrs. UPRIGHT PIANOS eniansMD,nooHeepg|«11 (bo ■ Β collateral H Rbranchel of λ Jones's." Mrs. Fitzbrown: "Ob, Cl»», WTI ■ ■ BOBIMBSS ■ ■ BD DC ATI The of ATTORNEY AT LAW, and the rest assured that no con OH, finest executive talent of the land finds its very Popular Comedy Centennial Excursion public may took the diploma of Maine State Fair, 1876. being the For fWthor information, Address, dear doctor, I could not permit that ! We do or fire can afltect the sol- award for best Piano. L. A. Uraj, A.M Portland. Mains. flagration sweeping; highest Upright need field and ; in rail- OVER i. J?. FAERINGTON'S, or resources of this They largest amplest employment not care to be mixed with the vency cripple the corporation. only to be seen and heard to be greatly admired. Portlandsel6 dtf up Joneses in OCTOBER HOMB 2 3, '76. Standard instruments other makers also for way service. Though the faults of the ^SOUND. SOLID, SUCCESSFUL..^ by sale· any way." Followed by the Laughable Farce The Grand Trunk Co. 180 Middle Street. French Language. American railway system are many and Railway jan5 dtf Scroll Saws for Fine MASSE. Professor of the French A Ghost in Spite of Himself Î W U. Carving. Languages grievous they develop themselves in those At one of the big hotels, yesterday, a guest will issue Tickets to Philadelphia and return on ALLM, Jr., Ε • in the High School ot Portland, thankful for above date at the All the above at lowest for first- the he has would give no- where the order of execu- said to the some a la SATURDAY Pro- following AGENT FOR PORTLAND. possible prices encouragement received, quarters highest waiter, "George, potato EVENING,"sept. 30tb-Speclal class articles, and all Warranted. Agents wanted. tice to his pupils and the public, that he will resume duction for One 2s FRED. N. DOW, tive talent has not afforded to reine, some broiled rare roast beef ifht only SAMUEL THURSTON, General Agent, the Instruction in the French Languaee, in Portland, opportunity salmon, Twist ! REDUCED RATES: Travelers Insurance sep!6dtf 3 Free Street Block, Portland. at his room No 1, Chadwick Mansion, Congress St., display itself, in boards of control and like and no gravy and all tbe vegetables." Any Oliver ATTORNEY AT -3LAW, Co., on Monday, the 18th inst He proposes to give les- Via Bueton & Maine. Via sons to classes, of not more than ten pupils in a class, bodies where men of insufficient entrees, sah?" "Yes: bring me some proto- 2nd — OUR Portland & OE HARTVO COM. knowledge Monday, Oct. AMERICAN and lessons to those who at their — Sound Steamers separate prefer it, COUSIN ! money and ffliiery. Rochester, Nor- 172 middle or limited executive capacity have seats and plasm a la manche de balai." AU right, and New Line, wich Line and Street, LIFE AND J CJCIDENT. reside nces- Pens. Ky. MME. MASSE is also ready to resume her French controlling voices. Even there maladminis- sah," and bis attendant hastened away, re- Stations between Richmond & PORTLAND. ME. Tel I Aaeel nearly lessons with private popils and classes, at her rooms, Portland Division Sons of tration is due as in a few moments with the Tempe- Falls apl3 d6m*ttf Chadwick Mansion, Congress St. sepl3dlm quite much to the national turning dinner. * ranee Brompton 816.00 815.00 Stations between Sherbrooke FOUR MILLION DOLLARS ! ▼ice of extravagance and to the large hopeful "Here's yer Croton persoir ally munch de Celebrate the 35th Anniversary'of the Lake 15.00 11.00 F. HI. General for State. American sah :" and he tbe a WILLEstablishment of the Order in North America, Stations between Island Pond RAY, A. J. CHASE, Agent EATON FAMILY SCHOOL FOE BOYS. imagination which leads to the bully, gave guest made a Public at their on and Oorham 14.00 by Meeting Hall, FRIDAY 13.00 WiTI. JR., NORRIDGEWOCK, Λ1Ε. taking of heavy pecuniary and other as dish of some kind or other. It may not have EVENING. Sept. 29th. Prominent members of the Stations between Shelburne ALLEN, risks, and West Paris at Fall Term will Commence August 48· to or been but it was outside of Order will be present and address the meeting. The 13 00 12 00 Counsellor Law, AGENT FOR PORTLAND, any ignorance inherent incapacity. protoplasm, wholly public are cordially invited. sept28d2c South Pari· 12 90 11.90 Mr. Eaton has associated with himself Mr. Joel his power to prove that it wasn't; so be ac- Oxford But in the running of trains, the arrangement 12 65 11.65 No. 511-2 Exchange St Wilson (late Principal of Gorham Seminary). They cepted It thankfully, and didn't eat it.— Mechanic Vails 12 45 11.45 KEYLRE FIREINSUKANCE CO., will be assisted by Miss Ν. E. Hunton, Preceptress, of tarifls and the management of all the vast $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 Lewiston and Auburn 12.00 11.00 Mrs. Joel Teacher of Mrs. N. W. Chicago Hotel Reporter. ME. OF MASS. Wilson, Music, Danville and Lewiston Junc- PORTLAND, BOSTON, TilE Otis, Teacher of Drawing and Painting; John H. detail incident to a great road preeminent $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 tion 12 00 11.00 ûranch Office at WOOTOI A. teacher of ancient Saccarappa, Hie. Webster, M., languages. is a CASH CAPITAL $200,000. For ability displayed. Kailway superintend- There is fellow in New York who invari- New Gloucester 11 75 see Agents 03m particulars address $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 ·' " seplO North Yarmouth II 55 SURPLUS 40,000. aug5dtf H F. EATON. ents, general passenger, ticket and freight ably gets a seat in a crowded street car Yarmouth Junction 11.40 " " by CENTENNIAL '* " masters of $11 ! $11 Yarmouth aiid Cumberland.. 11.35 J. H. WELLMAN, President. CABINET DESK agents, important stations and carrying an old oyster can, which he deposits " " J W. BELCHES, Secretary. Falmouth 11.25 Richardson & Boynton's other officials of that sort are men in whom with extreme tenderness beneath the legs of Don't go by a Second-Class Route when Patented. Tickets both roads for return within WJI. ALLEN, JR., the executive is the most timid you can go bv the Firet-Claxs Route by good talent, naturally large, highly looking passenger, begging thirty days from date of issue at the Lowest Rates. AGENT FOB PORTLAND. A fresh invoice just received from cultivated and developed. Whatever want him for God's sake not to*, move his feet W. WAINWRIGHT. the manufactory. The attention of wisdom some W. J. SPICER, Superintendent. WROUGHT IRON may be displayed in direc- around much, for there is enough GO BY Mechanics' Mutual Insurance of the trade and the public gener- nltro-gly- J. HICKSON, General Manager. Co., tions our railroad ally is most solicited to by great corporations they cerine in that can to blow up a thousand sept26 d3t OF BOSTON, MA 8. respectfully this remarkable invention. Styles are generally wise and discreet in the choice such cars. The passengers who don't BOSTON & M1L\E & FALL CASH CAPITAL suited to or men RIVEK $200,000. office, library parlor of the upon whom rests the burden of happen to sit in the corner seats generally get FURNACE. Their sale is wholly unprecedent- TIRS. WINS LOW S and Avoid Night Changes, making early and simTi $ii.oo! AuFRED BICKNELL, President. caring for the immense passenger and freight out through the window, so that, before sure Fall River at J. S. PARSONS, Secretary. ed wherever they have been intro- connections, arrivingai 7$ p. m., of the and enjoy atrip on the Finest Steamer in the duced. Agents wanted. « ounty transportation country. throwing the can away, the man has a WJI. SOOTHING SYRUP World. ALLEN, JR., rights secured at manufacturers' The efficiency of our railway service has choice of seats on both with the For Children Teething, sides, privil- AGENT -FOR PORTLAND. prices. been illustrated the last facilitates the of soften- signally during few ege, as far as the conductor is concerned, of 811 CENTENNIAL ! $11 greatly process teething, by SAMUEL ing the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay weeks in the conveyance of the great num- nniHnir KrvtV» nnahmno nn nno cÏ-Λλ en/1 la!*>n $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 Suffolk Mutual Insurance Co., THURSTON, all pain and spasmodic action, and is Grand Excursions ber who have flocked to Philadelphia from all down with liis (eet cocked up on the indicat- $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 OF BOSTON, MASS. GENERAL AGENT, Sure to Regulate the Bowels. — of the to TO THE — parts country witness the world's or. Another pleasant and efficient method is $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 CASH CAPITAL $200,000. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to you 3 Free Street Block, Portland. selves, and fair. The Pennsylvania railroad runs into to label a small valise "Savannah," and President. GEO. GOULD, sepl6 dly Relief and Health to Your Infants. Philadelphia from New Tork alone 240 loaded it the CENTENNIAL EDWARD WALLEY, Secretary. carry with labelled side oat, assuming GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS ΓΓΤΤΤΠ and sold this article for We have put up years, and passenger coaches id twelve hours. The meanwhile a distorted of coante· via the CAN SAY LN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of expression every evening on board tbe magnificent steamers popular it, what we have never been able to of other stream of travel from other directions is as the Bristol and Providence by Hall'· Celebrated WM. say any nance, though symptoms were ap- ALLEN, JR., medicine—Ν EVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SIN- Band· & EÏCELSIOR ORNAMENT quite as large. In the course of a crisis. Portland Worcester line, COMPANY, GLE INSTANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE, when twenty-four proaching This plan is rather more New Never did we know an dis- hours no less than for Portland. 303 BROADWAY, York. timely used. instance of 123 passenger trains roll genteel than the oyster can method and Norwich Line Agent satisfaction one who used it. On the oper- $11 CENTENNIAL | $11 Steamers, 6e23 d2m* by any contrary, into tho stations of the (Established 18C0.) all are delighted with its operations, and speak in railway quaker city. ates with equal suddenness. $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 and Pennsylvania B. R. terms of highest commendation of its magical effects Yet with all this immense traffic there is The Most Extensive Stock of and medical virtues. We speak in this matter any no confusion and little $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 '•WHAT WE DO KNOW," after years of experience disarrangement of Newspaper Waifs. Second Excursion will leare Portland at Establishment: AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE Fire Insurance. time table, no man is take a A little $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 FULFILMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. permitted wroDg boy having broken his rocking- 2.30 P. M. Tuesday, Oct. 3,1876. it was Imported Gold "Watches, Waltham, Elgin, In almost every instance where the infant is suffer- train, information is promptly and courteous- horse the da; bought, his mother re- and other Watches, Fine Diamond Jewelry, and ev- ing from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found hiro. He to her Be sure before purchasing your tickets for the By this route all transfers are avoided, both in life and quked replied by inquiring, ery description of Jewelry ol a Medium Grade. Pi- in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is ad- ly given, property are in no way en- Centennial and inquire about this route of some of Boston and New and are landed "What's the of a horse till it's broke?" York, passengers anos, Melodeons, Musical Instruments, Music Box- ministered. good the party of 423 persons who went on our excursion on the Centennial Grounds. dangered. Indeed barring the lamentable directly es, Opera Glasses, and Optical Goods. Electrical This valuable preparation has beeu used with "There!" said as he of September 12th. Purchase your tickets via this route and avoid all Jones, wrathfully This furnace is without the most & Machines. Solid Silver Ware, Silver Plated* Ware NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in accident on the Panhandle road there has trouble and annoyance in making the exaggeration, Peck,! purhed away the pie which his landlady had trip, turnace ever aade. It has the best of the Meriden and Gorham Companies. Gold Pens for sale at B. No. 28 Ex- powerful beating Sparrow Thousands ot Cases. been tbe summer a life lost on served "the stuff isn't fit for a B3F*Tickets Barnes, Jr.'s, desired make at about Half the usual during scarcely just him, Excursions leave Portland Tuesday, Grate and Sifter ever put in a furnace. The radia- of any prices. pig change street. Rollins & Adams', No. 22 Exchange Tortoise Shell Goods and Silver It not only relieves the child from pain, but in* to and I ain't to eat it." tors are made of heavy plated Iron and riveted in Cutlery, Jewelry, all the railways leading to The eat, going Sept. 2G, and Tuesday, Oct. 3. street, W. D. Little & Co's, No. 31 Exchange street, Card Cases. Portmonnaies, vigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity· Philadelphia. Trunk the most thorough manner. do butterflies waft their and Grand Office, No. 74 Exchange street. MIDDLE 1ST. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It showing is one of which our railroads have "Why wings?"— Call and get information before purchasing else- 194 will almost instantly relieve a twenty-two verse poem, by "Esmeralda"— TICKETS FOB MALE BY where. se22dtoc3 FANCY GOODS for PRESENTS. reason to be proud. Warranted Gas of the and Wind is respectfully declined with the information Perfectly Tight. Oil Portraits in Griping Bowels, H. Revolvers, Paintings, Chromos, Colic. that they have to do it or walk. D. YOUNG, ECONOMY AND" DURABILITY Oil or Crayon, enlarged from small photographs. Fob the benefit of those who scout the be- FAIR Watches and Silver Ware at close to cost. We believe it is the best and surest remedy in The Rev. Mr. to 266 MIDDLE STREET. prices very lief that there is that the Southern Spooner (tenderly eligible UNEQUALED. Jewelry and Fancy jjfcoods at about One Half the the WORLD, in all c*ses of DYSENTERY AND danger : "How emblematic is this sept25 (ltd* —AND— usual retail Low Prices and DIARRHŒA IN whether it arises widow) beautifully prices. Remarkably CHILDREN, war claims would be allowed should the De- of the relations of man and wife. See how Please call and examine it before pur- exceedingly Good Goods are the secret of this Com- from teething, or from any other cause. We would success. order with a it be stated that the for chasing. pany's The smallest filled the say to every mother who has child suffering from mocracy triumph, may the graceful, ivy, womanlike, clings sup- same and consideration of the not let Boston & Maine iî. Β. promptness as\the largest. any foregoing complaints—do constitutional amendment does not at al! port to the stalwart oak. Ah, dear madam, ENTERTAINMENT. sent of on of NOR THE OF Any article free expense reccipt YOUR PREJUDICES, PREJUDICES a husband's fond protection—" Widow: others, stand between your suffering child and the the allowance of the classes ot claims price. prohibit "And the hoak is too little and the Watches or other articles over $10 in value, will be relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY supposin' The Ladies of the India Kireet Circle will now before Natter Bros. & sent by Express if desired with privilege of examina- SURE— to follow the use of this medicine, if timelv Congress. The Constitution, hivy too Mr. a Co., big—what then, Spooner?" Fair in DELIGHTFULEXCURSION ! only tion betore Letters of an- used. Full directions for will eacn paying. Inquiry promptly using accompany fourteenth clause two, A laborer of Hibernian evtriction was not swered. bottle. amendment, provides 29 MARKET Describe the article desired as near as possible ; Be sure and call for that "neither the United States nor any state long since lamenting the bard times, and S2.30 ! CITY HALL, SQUARE, send the amount of money you wish it to cost, and for a contrast a of bis "Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup," shall assume or pay any debt or obligation drawing bright picture PORTLAND, ΊΛ1Μ:. Williamsburg City, $850,000 Perfect Satisfaction is Guaranteed. Send for Price home in the old country. "Ah," said he, List—free. Registered Letters, Drafts, P. Ο Mon- incurred in aid of insurrection or Portland to Wolfborongh and and ang29 cod Cm Having the fac-simile of "CURTIS & PERKINS'' rebellion was Tuesday Wednesday, October of S. ¥. or 3915 finally, "βν I only back again in my Brooklyn, ey Order Express, Box Post Office. on the outside wrapper. New against the United States, or any claim frr father's A fellow-workman Centre Harbor and Return 3d and 4th. sep21deodlm&w4w* York. Sold by Druggists throughout the world pallis." jolly HIGHEST PRIZE ♦Boston Underwrite aug25 d6m the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all squinted his eye and replied: "Sure, an, av VIA. In connection with two entertain- ^,$3,000,000 wore there sthan' on the which, — OF THE — such and claims shall be ye ye moight groun' ment** will be of Boston Mass. Job Lots ! debts, obligations given· an' reach yer hau' down the chimbley an' BOSTON A MAINE R. R. and held illegal and void." Xhe claims so much ! open the door uv it." On the of Oct. a Vocal STATE FAIE Insurance St te of feared are not STEAMER MT. Evening 3d, Concert, Co., Gilt Butter. obligations incurred in aid of WASHINGTON, in which Eminent Soloists will together with 21 DOZEN MISSES' appear, nor a full and Pennsylvania, $650,000 Edge^ rebellion, are they on account of manu- A £ail Chorus Orchestral accompaniment. An Meu and Women. charming the entire length of All Wool Balmoral Blowe, Fall Finished, Antiquarian Supper will be served at and after 6 the oldest Com- We bave received another mitted but are for for o'clock P. M. of Philadelphia, Extra liOn|{ Sizes-4 1-2, 5, 5 l-'i, just slaves, compensation MissCiata Louise Kellogg, while driving in in America. β and β 1VJ. the use or of On Wednesday evening. Oct. 4th, a Prom- pany lot of 300 Ί ubs of this fine But- loss property owned by rebels Barkhamsted, Conn., a few days ago, had tha Lake enade Concert with an order of fifteen Danccs. Winnipiseogee ter direct from Vermont dairies. and seized by the rebel armies. Congress can top of ker carriage damaged by overhanging AMD British America, $1,000,000 25 CTS. PER PAIR. RETURN, MUSIC BY CHANDLER. Also 200 Tubs New York Butter. at aoy time allow them. branches, and has demanded twenty dollars as A distance of some 60 miles the of Ont. among many beauti- Toronto, This is a small lot which we bought last Onions, Sweet 'Potatoes damages from the town authorities. ful Islands and magnificent Scenery. MANAGEES : 1-2 cent lean Apples, Detective Wiiiteley does not make an Spring at 33 per than the Dr. Dollinger of the Old Catholic Church in a Ε. Ν. Greely, R. Greely, W. Ε. Dennison, C. H. same can be bought to-day. Grapes, &c., always on hand. £zcfllent Dinner· at $400,000 goods admirable on the stand in the reasonable rates on Leighton, A. F. Bernr, C. W. Goding, Exchange, appearance conversation with cannon Liddon of , board the Steamer. A. L. McKenney. of New York. trial. Parts of 40 DOZEN & Babcock his evidence are so said he did not think that a chain of autono- excursion"tickets Admission to Vocal Concert 95 cents Thompson Hall, contradictory, and parts so evidently improb- mnnR Sfatps in Turkftv would ho an trnod an Hudson, $350,000 ïWifitcs' l^ngliah Merino Houe m Cardinal Promenade Concert 50 " able that doubts are cast the whole. arrangement as to have the Christian provinces For Round Trip—Good one da) only§2.50 Navy Him* and Brown Stripe. Sizes upon " « « " Afternoon admission ΙΟ " of N. J. at until Oct. 1st, 3.00 Jersey City, 4 I-'-i to β l-'i £5 ct«. per pair. 163 COMMERCIAL ST. Tue tneory οι tne prosecution is tuat tne safe governed by an international commission. Doors open each afternoon at 2 o'clock. Sizee 7, 8 1-9 at 37 cl» per pair. septia <12 w was broken to securo certain books The Jutland peasants are said to be ver; fond $a.5o. sept28 dlw* Paterson, $375,000 open All in want oi tbis class of goods should examine therein. A comparison of dates of the Danish ro;al family. The Greek Qneen Take the 8.45 a. m. train iroui these lots, as there is no of our as given by Portland, arrive of Paterson, IV. J. pos?-ibllity offering ROOM PAPERS Olga has been travelling in that region lately, back at Portland at 8 10 and 10.00 p. m., same day. Prcsnmpscot Park, good bargains again this year. Whitely puts him in the position of testifying JAS. T. Gen. — — and at a at the ancient FUKBEK, Supt. AT that Babcock the three banquet given Viborg, S. H. Gen. Portland. ME. [The above represents the Newark City, proposed burglary STEVEN'S, Agent, PORTLAND, Heater.] $350,000 capital of Jutland, won all hearts by replying ang7 grounds hope Colorado, same decree that and Bosnia Drapery Work of all hinds at rery Low Herzegovina FARMERS' Parue 8 JOO for 3 to stand more than an even chance in Indiana. CLUB, minute Class. A. K. BANISH, the West, Boston, Price·. "revolted in consequence of malevolent Insti- 3100 to first, $50 to second, $30 to to Should the October elections tliird, $20 fourth General Manager (or the Slalc of jHninc Mew Philadel- GEO. go Republican gations." OotolDer 2d. tUs 3d.. S AJYLIC DAY. York, in. BOSWORTH, jy2i> '12m the presidential contest will be virtually The charms of Venice, the "Bride of the Puree £300 for IS.30 and CORNER FREE AND COTTON The Forenoon of the Firm Day Clan. , I retnrn, and 81S. phia m Mil decided. have so fascinated the Italian Princess $250 to to second. to DOBBINS' STARCH dtf Sea," Will be devoted to examination of stock and arti- first, $125 $75 third, $50 to POLISttj all on cles in the Hall fourth. points iVlaine Margaret on her way homo from Bnssla that The statement in Democratic that 12 o'clock, Dinner will be furnished on tlie grounds. SECOND DAY. at re- papeis she lingers there from week to to the 1 to 2 o'clock, and Central R. R., DRUMS ! week, Drawing Exercising Oxen on tlie S'iOO fer 3 DKUMSI the national Republican committee are violat- Drag and Cart. Parue 45 Claim. great delight of the loyal Venetians, who gave duced the laws mat- 2 to 2.30 o'clock, Exercising Family Horses on tbe $100 to first, $50 to second, $30 to third, $20 to fourth prices. On band at all times a complote assort meut of ing postal by franking printed her a superb feto on the Grand Canal, opposite Drums and Drum findings. Drum and indi- SA5IE DAY, Corps ter which has not appeared in the one 2.30 to 3 o'clock, Exercising and Examining Stal- viduals supplied at lowest rates and stock warranted. Congres- the royal palace, eveniog recently, with 3 old and under. Pur»·' 8 IOO for 2.34 Class. Record is lions, years sional authoritatively pronounced ornamental gondolas, one of which was orna- 3 to 3.30, Fillies 3 years old and under. $130 to first, $80 to second, $10 to third. $30 to fourth PRUSSIAN DKSJItIS, & false. Both and national com- mented witk of colored and 3.31 to i 30, Trotting Horses which have never ap- THIRD DAY LAMSON, Rollins, Luring Adams, congressional marguerites glass in with Brass and German Silver Barrels, Bass Drums, peared public. mittees are using stamped envelopes for cam- resembled a fantastic garden in motion Tlie amounl to be trotted for will be made public Purse 840» for 2 30 Class. PHOTOGRAPHER, 1 «CHANGE STREET. also Drum Heads, Cord, Stick aud Belts. Drums at time ot trotting. $100 to first, $59 to second, $30 to third, $20 to lourth aug r niadc and repaired by J. N. Daviji at paign matter. MacMahon was preparing to get into the SAME DAY. 244= Middle Street» IRA C. train at Luzy. AU at once, an old womas, in MECOMD Dili. STOCKBRIDGE'S Tue houses of Monte Carlo are I»ur»e 8330 for 2.32 Cluss. gaming a state of was scsn Match and Drait Horses lrcm 9 to 10 CAMPAIGN ! great excitement, forcing Plowing $175 to The Bcot Work at Moderate Price·. soon to be closed forever. The o'clock. first, $90 to second, $50 to third, $35 to fourth MUSIC STORE, governments her way through the crowd, and, approaching Gentlemen's Driving Hoases from 10 to 11. IOURTH DAY, AIM :-T 0 V L Ε A S Ε TORCHES, FIREWORKS, of France and Italy are for the "Oh! I Slow Hare ■ 50 EXCHANGE STREET. only waiting the Duke de Magenta, she exclaimed: from 11 to 12. Each horse must be driv- I'urse 8<50 for 2 3S Class. jauK en the but no Chinese lianiernM, Flag*, and every vari- Ju3l) death of the Prince of now I die!" The by person competing, horse to bedriven to Monaco, immi- must see him once more before his best 2 in 3. $125 first, $00 to second, $10 to third, $25 to fourth ety of Campaign floods. by owner, SPECIAL· NOTICE. nent, who now licenses these tables. It is Marshal hastened to meet the peasant-woman, 12 Dinner. SAME DAY. o'clock, Clubs and individuals supplied (direct or through for a few safe to assume that his death will not be re- her hands warmly, and talked 1 to 2, Trotting by Horses in 3 minute class. Mweepsiakes 8300. our Agents), at manufacturer's prices. clasped tfl and TO SUIPPERSOF FREIGHT. until sho somewhat recov- 2 to 3, Sweepstakes. $250 first, $125 to tecond, $75 to third, $50 to fourth Illuminations of squares buildings executed gretted by the world. minutes with her, 3 to Horses thai have beaten 3 minutes. promptly and at low fkices, She was no 4, freight destiued to reached the fol- ered from her emotion. other thau Ihe amount to be trotted for will be announced All the above races to bo mile Flags for flag raisings at best possible prices. points by heat»—best 3 lu 5 iu ALLlowing Fast Lines, viz: The hoise has forsaken the widew from the sland. Lialitfoot, Lon Morris, Hiram ami harness, and to be governed Portland Es- Processions supplied with fireworks and experi- Freight Red, White, politics lut science. the nurae of the Marshal, Binaud by the iules of the A Pawnbrokiug Blue, Canada, Southern, International, Hoosac Tuu- other celebrated horses will be in attendance, National Association. A horse GREAT DISCOVERY! enced men to manage them. Send for price list. Doubtless the beast which distancing the field nel and Merchant's Despatch, must be shipped figured iu Ilux aged 8'J. Should the weather prove uutavorablo Tuesday il or any part thereof, shall receive one by premium only. By the use of wliicb every family may give their tablishment Boston & Maine Railroad. For through rates and lecture is a writer will be until Wednesday and Thursday. Heats in ea< h day's races may be ! ley's the same which "Charlotte Broute," says who has postpoued trotted alternately. Linen that brilliant polish peculiar to fine laundrv HYDE tfc CO., bills lading apply to R A McCLUTCHY, pranced sei7 diSwlw b'ive hnjses to enter and 3 to start in to hitherto untouched sources of eaeb race. work Saving time and labor in ironing, more thaii Money to lend from 25 cents to thousands of dol Agt. Bast Lines at B. & M. R. Portland. through the campaign in this state—at least bad aeces's Entrance fee 10 per cent of the & Dove and IIyds: Frgt. R., Purse; must ac- its entire toft. Warranted. Ask for Dobbins'. are at low rates of Successors to Hyde , the no interest. y mai aug3d2m Proprietors 0/ the Etna Laboratory. Kay The Boston Journal is its Wednesday, Octobcr 4th, at 10 bending great ciricature sketch by herself before uie as m at Preble H L. & attended to. Office, lying Brill IM2TOJV CENTRE. ρ >u»e, Port.lam, Me., and should be W. WILSON CO., above mind to of addressed to L. R. CROSBY. Sole Ajjeuî» for Maine. The schoouer, well found and the demolition PioC Huxley, I write. In it all the more awKward of bcr phy lea-ed t) Market U. S. Hotel FOR SA1JF. tilted with new sails,spars and OFFER f-u· sale my entire Ptock o! Furniture Having Presunipscot Piivk ior a Fall meet- apr!3 ThS&Tly Square, Opposite rigging,is whose horse the is as eical are The ottered for sale and will be sold at a bar by way becoming quite points ingeniously exaggerated. of Chamber Bed- ing, this will atlord about the best 1 «■«insisting Sets»,Sofas, Lounges, opportunity POBTIiAKD, MAINE. A Goods gain if sold soou. Said is It is in an etc. afforded te horse owners to enter tor FIRST-CLASS Millinery and Fancy yacht well celebrated as John Talbot's steed. al- prominent forehead bulges out aggressive stead*, Chain*, Mirrors, etc A tine opportuni- liberal l'or i>ew Oricans, La. ■known as a fast and this season. tr* Store, situated in one ot mo.st flourishing handsome yacht aud ty i*· "tit red tor anyone wishing to go into business premiums most as old too. manner of the nose, W. The flue new double deck Bark -£L:BX1..AJMCS cfc CO. factory villages in the State located, and would make a good pilot boat. Inquire oi suggestive hydrocephalus, as thin is the onl> store oi the kind iu «he ont sejit-ôdtd S. MAINS & CO. Desirably village, "John I.. HaebroueU," having t ccxlly doing a good business. Sold lor no fault. If uoi &. Lei WIS & CO.. like the of a flower.' and mouth ot the largest and inosi prosperous villages iu tht 'tip-tilted pttal portion ol her cargo engaged, will hav< sold, would take a first-class Milliner as partner, juHeodtt 140 Commercial Street. The tiied is state, TO TUG "Rip-roaring Jibbenainosy" are made unnecessarily large; while the little ■li p tell as above. BEADEKN OF THE I»KES! nne who can «&c. Inquire ol The store, which is new and favorabh Notice. give good references, title for willcompare For freight or passage apply to JOHN E. PALMER. For Sale. editor Wattersou's polite Col. Inger is and ungainly· Bat with store in town, can be leaded tor a term o: work figure clumsy though any IjlKltSONS* requiring doit* please to sepISdtt Lf.AVIXT & Armaiid's Card Me. to R. A, apply CHASE, CO, Photographs augl5dti 243 Middle St., Portland, II AT Π Ε Ε. soil. can see that Mr. Wattersou to year». For particulars apply CLEAVES o; "Home" o< W. C. Α., No. 1G SAMPSON, 230 Cl-100 ton, Anybccy she could never pretend beauty, she had re- the & Spring St., plate S1.00 PER DOZEN. SCHR.burthen, N. M„ well found iu sails premises or CLEAVES, Portland anil tamily sewing, tlresï-makiug, copying, embroid- and rigging must haVI. been real mad to run out of her lrair and massive Maine. POSTERS ana HAND-BILLS printed Examine 10 Market JOK PRINTING utally cxccnted ai &C. Apply to M 10AH words deeming features, eyes, jylidtf ering and fanciwork in wools, &c. c2 tit at this Ciullery, Hquni-e. SAMPSON, OlUtc. sepl2 dim this OIHce. Jne21dtf 100 Commercial St. in this st} le. forehead all being attractive points." CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. ccount of Tweed's wanderings and maintains Vbite Western and State, including New York No 2 h irricaoc from the SE came on, and the anchors No. 3.... 7 00 (S) 8 50 C 9| The Dead of Is. do No 2 While 38 f»2e:Wbite h id 10 be to *ave the vessel, Will be 5 50 ® 7 00 CC @ 10 SPECIAL NOTICES. City tiat the man arretted is named Secor. Hunt t35@36c; % Michigan slipped ready Medium... in one form or η track Mixed State on track 46 .a 49c. White t > about 27th. c lam Bait... 4OU ® 5 00 Ex C % Tùe «tory of la may be found rent to tbe hotel and there an Araeri- 52c; proceed 10J joined nor thin at A Holt, from for Hav.Bi own BY TELEGRAPH. bald ο 50c. Coffee is very 15| @ 18} gold for Scb Maiy Buckpville, SC, Calais, Cloui. almost book on all :an. about 35 years old, headed with went arbore m Back River. 4 -23 75 10 anotber^in every Bnttany, Awards to iUainc Exhibitor*. ar^oes; 15} a; 20c gold tor job lots. Sugai iji more w bicb recently lemain- g upertine ... @ 4 Nos.12,16 @ MOST EVERYBODY kNOWS. hair and who registered tbe name full ot water. (i (0 7 giving substantially the tame accounts, resting aii'iy beard, aqùiry at *} (a? 9e for fair to good refining; 94c for e i in t-aiue position 24th. Wreckers I Ix-Spring.,. 5 50 'g> Refining... 104 thing most everybody knows, \ work /One 44 f E. Sands. •rime; report, d 1000 hhds fair to good Muscovado at h ive commenced on her and expect to have her » Spring... 6 25 M 0 75 Tea»· That Boys are Clothed" from head to I on the traditions, IN MAINE, [ feet, principally popular MATTERS } (g 9c; refined is unchanged at lufc for standard ο i in a few days. I at't Spring Souchong.... 25 @ 45 V In "New York styles'* at Gborgb Fknno's, / basin which 102 ® 11c foι and for wheats.... 8 25 25 35 (a} 50 N Buih in the vast to-day forms Hew Yobk, Sept. 27.—The following are the MOUTH AMERICA. i] granulated powdered; lljc @9 Oolong Corner of Beach and Washington Street, rusbea. Molasses dull and tftienanged. Η ice i? firm DOMESTIC PORTS. licb'n Win- do choice 55 80 Boston. the of Douenenez, and separated from the wards of the Ceutennial judges to Maine ι·χ-, at bay ; The in Columbia—The Couaerva- ind in «air demand 44® 6 tor Louisiana; 54 @ ORLEANS—Ar ter best.... @7 25 30 @ 40 Androacoggiu Count? Fair. War NEW 22d, Guardian, Ames, Japan M 21 endlOw sea a was the ancient of In ibitors: 1 for Carolina. Petroleum quiet and steady—crude » J ο w uo choice 50 (i$ 75 by dike, city Is. cattle lirei Defeated with Heavy Lan·. mes. London; barque Elliott Ritchie, Hutchinson, grade Lewiston, Sept. 27.—The shon%and lull at 14; refined at 26; cases 30c. Tallow is unset- j Michigan.. 5 75 @ 6 CO Tin. the dike were sluices which from time to time A. B. Morrison of Portland, gold and silver Panama ouen. fair bas been at- New York, Sept. 27.—A letter of led aod easier at 8| @ 8|. Naval Stores—Rosin is JACKSONVILLE—Cld 20th, sell Kate Ε Ricb, S t.Louis win- Straita 23 ® 24 I. O. O. F. Indroscoggin county largely 1 90 2 00 for strained. 6 25 22 were opened sufficiently to admit enough water f olutioos. he 19th says the effort for peace in Caucun has irm at @ Turpentine is firmer j [olmos. St Augustine. ter fair.... 75 @ 7 English @ 23 Au meeting of the members oi the sev- tbe borses on exhibition. Pork s Char. adjourned ended today, being it 35c fur Spirits. is more new mess at — 7 75 :!5 I.C... 8 75 @ 9 00 of J. Wicslow Jones of ailed and a battle between 6000 conservatives active; GEORGE10WNr SC In port 22d, sch Julia R Win'rgood ® I. O. of O. F. will be held ou for the cleaning the drains and otherwise Portland, preserved .6 75 16 90 ; at the second call for October 16 35 bid " best. 8 75 00 Char. Î.X. .11 00 (&11 25 rai Lodges Chis society lias no «rotting. This evening iud 4000 seven hours @ j loyd, Gaslriu. for New York, leady. @9 reen corn. government troops,lasting 16 65 asked ; seller all the at 15 15 75 Fruit. Terne 8 25 (ft 9 25 Tburnday Evening, «epl. JNlb, purifying the city. King Graalon, a well-be- former rod year 25 bid, CHARLESTON—Ar 25th, sch Fannie W Tracey, hire was a large attendance in the hall. John- ollowed, îesultinrfin the being defeat- Beef is Cuv Coke 9 00 0C loved monarch, ruled bere, and once each Portland isked. quiet. Meats—Western quiet ; f :om New York. klmonds, @10 o'clock at the Lodge Room. All members of Packing Company, Portland, pre- id. Losses over 1000 killed and another thou- for clear and 19 ® 20 17i month in of the ion's band furni«hed the music. niddies quiet; 9J long on spot; long Ar25«b. Floii M Hulbert. Handv, Bofton. Soil Shell. Anticony... @ not than presided person at the opening corn seller barque Zinc and Encampments of less thirty s erved extracts and sweet preserved. >and wounded and 400 taken prisoners. Sixty jborl clear December and January 8| bid, 8} sch Ε M for Shelled.... 40 9Jig 10 odges sluices; tbe «ne was a sil- Shoe Shipment·, BALTIMORE—Cld 23d, Reed, Kelley, principal opeeed by were captured. isked. Lard shade firmer; steam lu 45® ,'ei.nuts 2 Ου Tobacco. ears are requested to be present. Barnbam & Morrill, Portland, and Dule loads of ammunition The prime 'rovidence. standing ver key, which the wore fastened one hundred and vegetable seller Ο tober at 10 for No- 1 30 Fives and king always Two thousand seventeen then Cardago anil will soon 10 55; quoted 55; seller At quarantine, sch Hattie L Fuller, (late Smith, .'.iron Tens, Per Order, about his '' roopa occupied 9 seller Best br'nds 05 neck. uimal extracts. vember 874; December 9 724 ; seller January. 1 rho ot Currants.... @ :ases of shoes were from Auburn this narck to where the conser-atives died fever) trom Brunswick. Ga, (crew well.) \ "" ^ A. F. Gradlon shipped Antioquin at 1 7' Medium... % GERBISH, Secretary. It was a splendid court that King J. W. canned roast ) 75. Whiskey steady 11$ cash. PHILADELPHIA—Ar 25th, ecLs F R Baird, May- 3ates Jones, Portland, beef. Irave sought refuge. to Common.. presided over, and the of his - ireek. Freights Liverpool—The market is lower ;Cotton lew. Gardiner; S L Burns. Crosby. Somerset. 'igs 14 ! Portland, Sept. 22,1876. sep23end5t magnificence Buruham & sail 9-32 5-16d do Half lbs ital was the wonder of the The royal Crime in Nomeriel County* Morrill, Portland, canned meats· per @ ; per steam at ll-32d; Corn Cld 25th. schs Bagaddce, Clements, Portland: Em- Prunes. .... 8 country. at Wheat ΤIIΚ DOMINION. per steam 7Jd; per steam at7@7Jd; do , ua Lhas Ε aisins, Nat'l Leai... and liime. palace was a place such as we dream of. In it Skowhegan, Sept. 27.—At tfce September : oast beef, mutton, veal and fowl, also for pre. McAdam, Murch, Fernandina; Paige, Cod Liver Oil jail 6J. ( irace, Boston. 2 25 2 50 Navy lbs.... cedar and the oak, gran- Layer.new @ That and active agent in the cure of al marble, gold replaced ;erm of tbe Judicial Court, now in ι erved fruits. Nteaniship Aabore. L. M. new. 2 65 2 85 Varnish. pleasant in Supreme 27.—Flour steady and un- Ar 26th, sch Addie Ryerson. Cousins, Boston. @ "Wilbor's Compound of ite and ordinarily used building. OHiOAQOjSeptemberWheat hew Val. Damar 25 @ 1 75 onsumptive symptoms, iron, session Danforth tbe Charles E. 27.— The changed. lairly No 2 Cld 26tu, schs Ρ Ε Hailock, Monte, Saco; Melis-a tbe court were done here, Judge presiding, Wheeler, Farmington, split bam Quebec, Sept. steamship Laagshaw active; Chicago Spring 2 25 3 80 *ure Cod Liver Oil and Limeis being universally The honors of king's by is at 118* cash; 1 05* ® 1 for seller I L Wiley, Boston. «>«>.... llf® 12 Coach @ rods. which sailed un the 23d for London, a:-hore 03* October; 05j| Wiley, 1 25 2 -dopted in medical practice. Sold tne proprietor, bis Dabut, or Abes—a princess ;rand jury found thirty-seven indictments, >oo No 3 Arat Delaware Breakwater Lemons 00 Furniture.. (φ 50 by daughter near C. aud is to a seller November; Chicago Spring at 93c; reject 25th, ship Oakland, ^bx @9 L Boston. Sydney, B., likely become none Wool. B.Wilbor, Chemist, sep25sneodlw known as the Honoriaof Brittany. for one for man- Buruham & Morrill. canned rnack- ed at 78c. Corn is steady and demand lair ; No 2 at leed, trom Barcelona: biig Callao. trom Sligo, Granges jpbx shamefully twenty-nine liquor selling, Portland, total wreck. Fl'cewash'd. 30 34 Like that other notoriously wicked woman— cash ; 44Jc seller for October ; 43Jc seller for Sid 25lh, ship John Ο Baker; baiqne Pohono. i^raiii. @ one for assault with intent to irel. 4t>|c unwash'd 22 24 EI> B 5 Street. slaughter, kill, November ; rejected at 444c. Oats are dull at 34i for NEW YORK—Ar 25tb, barque Caibarien, Hopkins Com, do @ PîAWflQ ROBINSON, Myrtle "She had for » crown the vices, and for pages the 40 fα} 43 Γ iiiil UU has the celebrated iUber Pino·, and Clark for Portland can- Noie». cash ; 33jc seller for October. easier at 61c. Bar- "ardiff; Caro.Gay,Cadiz 31 days; echs Eva C Yates, Miied (g) C2 Pull'd.Super seven sins." the latter against John shooting Packing Company, Portland, ■foreign Eye 30 50 other at low deadly is easier at 824c cash. Pork unteitled at 16 40 fates. Kenuebec: Annie Smith Smith, Thomaston; High Mixed φ 63 Lamb Skins. @ makers, extremely prices. at The >ed fish. in an address to a ley Orders attended to as This woman was accused of the most heinous Martin Stevens Smithfield last July. Emperor William, deputa- cash; 16 20 seller October ; 14 75 @ 14 80 seller for all Ëlbrldge Gerry, Child*, Rockland; Percy, Mitchell, do bag lota @ 65 for Tuning tion on the Eastern question at Siuttgardt, Lard is unsettled Allen ORGANS. usual. crimes. Complaints were made to Gradlon judge bas senteuced him to one year in the Au' J. W. Jones, Portland, fresh mackerel. yes- the year. at lu 35 cash; 10 25 @ Eastport; Green, Nickeraon, Kennebec. said: "A basis now to bave for seller Octocer 9 seller for all the Clu 26th, scb Mail. Boston augz8 nly time and again, and ho always to C. J terday, appears 10 27J ; 274 year, Waktfiild, promised and Atkins, Buckaport, fish ways. meats are Passed Hell Gate 25tb. schs Jame- Dr* Goods Wholesale market· to gvsta jail workshop. been found for the policy of tbe great powers bulk nominally unchanged. Whiskey through Idaho. mete out speedy punishment his daughter, lor Rockland Trotting Park. F. H. Patten, Bath, feldspar and quarU for which we may fairlv will lead to heavy at 1 (J9. son, New York Rockland; Dexter Clark. Curtis, Corrected Twitchell & Co. but indulgence was stronger in his hope very bbls Shields, tm tor Boston weekly by Locke, paternal result!"." tieceipts—6,000 tiour, 75,000 bush wheat, 316 lo tor B -ston ; Mary Amboy ; COPARTNERSHIP. heart than and so Dabut went on in 27 —At the Knox trotting jotters. satisfactory do Martha royal duty, Rockland, Sept. 600 bush corn, 69,000 bush oats bush Pearl, Goldthwaite. for Saco; Nichols, Brown Cottons. Bags, good. .. 20 23 There has been a reconciliation between Hol- 34,000 barley, ber wicked ways. His leniency was repaid by park today tbe race for the 2.39 class, unfinish- O. W. Davis, Baagor, pig iron. 17,000 bush of rye. Ross. Hoboken for Boston; Penrietta, Wi'lard. Pbil- Sheetings width, price. Prints best.... 6 land ad Venezuela. " the basest ingratitude. His wicked child Shipments—5,500 bbls Hour, 56,000 bush wheat, 79,- ulelphia for Saybrook; Flora King. Cole, Weekaw- Standard36in 71 medium 5£ ed was won Louise. Best time Maine Red Granite red " yesterday, by Company, Calais, The Loudon Financier says that £GO.OOO bush busn ken tor Bostou. formed a plot against him, by which she meant 000 corn, 23,000 oats, 8,000 oust, barley, Heaw...36.. common ? DISSOLUTION. 2.41. In tbe race for tbe 2.41 class four start- from Bed Beach. worth of American eagles were purchased yes- 785 bush rve, PROVIDENCE—Sid 26th, sch C W Holt, DcLay, Medium. 36.. Pink «& butf 7 to seoure for herself the royal power. The sil- granite CJ from the bank at 76s per ounce for On the call of the board in the afternoon—Wheat Philadelphia. Fine....36 Woolens. ver key was the symbol of the king's authority, ed and F. W. Berry's "Victor" won in three Maine Slate Company, Skowbegan, slate. terday 6Jd. transmission to New York. Further remit- firmer at 1 05i seller October; 1 054 seller November, NEW BEDFORD—Sid 26tb, schs Ε A Stevens, Shirtings..28. Bv'rs U'ns6-4 1 37* 25 heretofore existing under the and Dabut soon herself of it—steal- Copartnership possessed straight beats, Black Diamond second, Honest C. H. Chandler, Brownsville, rooting slate. Corn and oats Jc higher. Pork 5c Lard is Rich, and Tbos Potier, Handy, New York. Flannels 22 "Moscow6-4 .2 75 ( £5 00 firm Dame of STAPLES & DOE, is tances are tecause the of higher. " heavy THK hereby old man expected shipments ing it from ber father's neck while the cement steady. VINEVARD-HAVEN— Ar 25th, barque Andes, medium 12èv Cassimere blk. 1 00 ( J1 75 dissolved by mutual consent. Nell Fearless fourth. Time 2 J. W. Stockwell, Portland, pipe mould wheat and cotton from America are and " tbird, 44,2 44, large I Bath tor schs Ward J Parks, Bleached Cotton·*. 62 ( 50 slept. St. Louis, September 27.—Flour is and un- .each, Philadelphia; fancy η υ. Η. Staples bas pur based Mr Doc'· interest, In tbe 2.30 class three horses started and the absorption of the new United States fund- steady Gardiner for Annie L Good .36in 10 13 14 The when he found that the was 2.45. operated by power. demand for extea Bogart, Baltimore; Palmer, @ Coatings 3-4.1 00 ( il 75 and is alone authorized to Ufe the firm name in king, key changed ; good medium at 4 56 " " ed loan in Europe rs steadily increasing. Lewis. Boothbay tor New York; Boaz, Foss, Belfast Medium.36 7J α) 81 3-4 1 50 ( 00 gone, was in the greatest consternation, and, tbe race was won Plymouth Bock in the Androscoggin Mills, Lewiston, cotton fabrics. 5 25. Wheat—No 2 Bed Fall at 1116} on spot liquidation. by ^ tor New York. 36. 7 Doeek'sbl* 3-4.100 hA ( 0 under tbe ominous cloud of misfortune, and seller September : No 3 do at 1 074 Φ 1 (»7|. Corn Light.... 5$@ ( C.H. STAPLES. coming fourth and fifth heats. Time 2 2 Continental cotton faorics. BOSTON—Ar sch Samuel Hammond, ta ift II weans lb a) Jo third, 34J, 37i, Mills, Lewiston, No 2 Mixed at (g on sales at bid 26th, Lewis, autrcuugs.9-o. Kelil'y. A. P. DOE. retired to his palace, that tbo people who re- 4U| 40|c spot; 4o|c Ellsworth. " 5-1.. 1G FINAKCIALAND Oats 12}® Repliants .,.. 80 ®1 15 2.3G, Second and tbird money Hill Manufacturing Company, Lewiston, cot- COiHttEHCfAL seller September. firm; No 2 at 37c cash and " Portland, July 8,1878. garded the key with superstitious reverence 2.37J, 2.38&. Cld 26th, sch Lena R Storer. Seavey. Mobile. .10-4.. 22 ® 30 ISatinets 30 70 seder for September. and ; ® not ksow of his loss. At be was was divided between Ayer and Knox ton fabrics. Barley steady unchanged Ar scbs Η Κ Riley, Coffin, Cadiz; Eagle, Ben- raiscellauroua. Blanket». might night Boy. sample lots of Minnesota and Wisconsin at 8i'c Q 27tb, | a the nett, Sullivan ; Walter É Palmer, Staples, Bangor. Denims' 14 17 7ft 1 10 20 awakened from troubled slumber by ap- Best time Knox on the first beat. Baker Mills, Auburn, cotton fabrics. 1 01. Bye at 564c bid· Whiskey is steadyat 1 09. Pro- good @ Camp @1 by Boy Heview of the Portland Market» Below, web John Η Plummer, Philadel- mraium. 11 14 75 75 pearance of St. Guenole before him, who said: visions—Pork is inactive|at 17 25. Lard is nominal- Converse, @ Colored^ pr..2 ®3 COPARTNERSHIP There was a good attendance. The track was Lewiston Mills, Lewiston, cottou cot· FOB THE WEEK EKD1NQ for Portland. Corset Jeans— White 10-4.. 3 00 ®6 50 "Bise up, Ο king, and hasten to leave the duck, SEPT. 27. ly unchanged; summer steam at 10 07. "Bulk Meats phia Cld 27th, scb Annie Lee, Look, Provincetown. Bleacb'dand louon BaMing. have this formed a with faithful for Dabut has rather heavy from last nighfs rain. tonades, tickiug, etc. The markets are rather this week with nominally unchanged at 9 (© 9$ and 9g for shoulders, ïbe undersigned day copart- oity your servants; steady but Sid 27tb, barque Sarmiento. slate 8J® 101 501b bales 1 lb under the tirm name of Ο Η. STAPLES means of tbe silver an clear rib and clear sides. Bacon easier for sides; nership, opened the sluices by key, Auaalt Upon Offieer. Cabot few changes to note. Trade is excellent in tbe Brown 10 15 the or on Manufacturing Company, Brunswick, groce- for shoulders; &4 @ 98 and 10| ® 104 lor clear rib 9® 10} rolls...... @ & Ου., for purpnge carrying the Wholesale and tbe unbridled sea is in the 7jj fOREIUN PORTS. Sateens— ïam. 20 Ketall Boot and Shoe and the city." Biddeford, Sept. 27.—Jim Hickey, a ward cotton fabrics. ry line, and our Commercial e'.reet merchants are and clear sides. Warp ® and business, for It was true. Daliut, going to meet one of her Sid tm Blch'd&bi'i. lOJ® 11 Twine 22,® 25 will continue to occupy the old store, former- and hard met Officer Alli- an fall business. The Keceipts—4,400 bbls flour, 60,000 bush wheat, 35,- Bombay Aug 19, ship Ivanhoe, Herriman, a with her politician character, Bates realizing unusually good dry Medium Wick in g 25 30 & No. 88 Cross Street. lovers, who was also conspirator Manufacturing Company, Lewiston, 000 bush corn, 9,00i» busb oats, 13,000 bush barley, Calcutta. @9 ® 1>resenty occupied by Staples Doe, goods market is strong with good business. Cambric 5 Crorkin··. C. H. STAPLE'S- against the old king, had by mistake opened son early this morning and went for him with cotton fabrics. Money 2,000 bush rye, 2700 hogs, 1200 cattle. Sid fm Samarang Aug 4, ship Richard McManus, (a) cotton wool 3-4 .. 45 sea Instead of of continues and car. be obtained on Delaines All Γ W. BURBAHK. (he gate of tbe the gate the a tbe officer to use his and plenty readily 27.—F lour is Wheat Beals, Sourabaya. " knife, obliging billy Bates Manufacturing Company, Lewiston, Toledo, September steady. and wool ... 12 @ 15 7-8... 55 ( Portland, 8, 1876. sept21d3w The first ot the on at a reasonable rate of " Sept. city. thought king heating good security interest. Gold is steady; No 3 Wnite Wabash at 114* : No 1 White ex. revolver. Hickey was secured. Hughes. Liverpool. All wool.... 32 @ 40 78 65 : this dreadful intelligence was tbe preservation eatteens, ginghams, etc. at Michigan 1 i74; No 2 do at extra White Michi- closed Wednesday, September 27tb, 1.09J. 110; Ar at Mauritius 27th, Annie S Hall, Spoi wool. 27J® 32} Crash. Thievca χ η ni ιμλ July barque of bis her took her Canght. Lewiston Machine gau «ι/) i>.uigau vu pj)"i χ to bciici utlU" daughter. Besought out, Company, Lawiston, are and the demand is fair. CGH. Ginghams good 9 ® 10 Heavy loomB Apples plenty Ihe ber at No 2 Ked Winter 1 seller November Nelson, Algoa Bay, I2J< behind him on bis fleetest horse and fled away Peter Cyr and two Leterette brothers, French and machines. 117|; 14} ; Sid Cm Batavia ship Castine. Avery, for Medium 8 ® 10 Medium 6J! warping best ones sell ior prices ranging ioim $1 50 to 2 5Θ per at 1 16; No 3 Keil at 1 ; and Michigan at Aug 5tb, New Firm from the encroaching wall of sea, as fast as the 1)9} Dayion 6tb. Saml Β Hale, Sama- Tckine good. 15 @ 17 Drill·. thieves who bave entered a half dozen stores I tied No 2 Amber Illinois at 1 19. Sourabaya; barque Haven, sea bbl. Beans are in good demand at prices. 09; rejected y9Ac; Medium 11 @ 14 Brown h'vy 30 9 could drive. The followed him with unchanged anil Channel ; Littlefield, Tagal and — — spur Corn quiet; high Mixed on spot at 5uc; seller October rang Eyvor, AND here, were arrested today. mule Cbeese are higher and the demand is excellent. Channel. Light !)}® 12 Medium 3a 8 ® 94 fearful rapidity, but Dabut's cries of fright deford, spinning, drawing and roving Cof- low tVixed at White no at at49Jc; 48}c; 4K}c; gra