BIbLIOgRAPHY All items in Israeli Hebrew-language newspapers (Davar, Ha’aretz, Ma’ariv, Yediot Aharanot, etc.) were in Hebrew. GENERAL Interviews A. Select list of interviews by Michael Brecher Al-Baz, Mahmoud. May 1975. Allon, Yigal. 1960, 1965–66, 1968, 1973–74, 1977–78. Eytan, Walter. 1956. Avner, Gershon. July 1968. Bar-Lev, Haim. July 1974. Bar-On, Hanan. August 1968. Ben-Gurion, David. June 1966, May 1971. Bitan, Moshe. August 1968. Boutros-Ghali, Boutros. May 1975. Dayan, Moshe. May 1969. Eban, Abba. 1948, 1965–66, 1968 July 1968, 1973–74, 1977–78, 1995. Evron, Ephraim. March 1972. Eshkol, Levi. April 1966. Gazit, Mordekhai. July 1968, July 1974. Herzog, Ya’acov. April 1966, August 1968. Joseph, Dov. July 1960, June 1971. Keating, Kenneth. July 1974, August 1974. © The Author(s) 2017 365 M. Brecher, Dynamics of the Arab–Israel Conflict, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-47575-2 366 BIBLIOGRAPHY Meir, Golda. August 1966, June 1968. Mohammed Sayeed Ahmad. May 1975, June 1975. Navon, Yitzhak. 1965–66. Peres, Shimon. 1960, 1965–66, 1968, 1973–74, 1977–78. Rafael, Gideon. August 1968. Rosen, Pinchas. February 1971. Sapir, Pinhas. August 1974. Shapira, Haim M. July 1968. Sharett, Moshe. July 1960. Sharif, Zehev. March 1966. Wilson, Harold. December 1972. Yariv, Aharon. August 1974. B. Other Interviews Barak, Ehud. “Continuation of Eyes Wide Shut.” Interview by Ari Shavit, Ha’aretz, 4 September 2002. Melchior, Michael. Interview, Ha’aretz, 12 March 2007, 7. Other Sources Azran, Eran. 2016. Israeli Economy Grew 2.3% in 2015, Its Slowest Pace since 2009. Ha’aretz, 1 January 2016.
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