Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra Symphonic Journey 2015-2016

FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2016 7:30pm in the BJ Haan Auditorium on the campus of Dordt College WELCOME Welcome Music Friends,

Tonight we are privileged to host The Rose Ensemble, a truly unique and acclaimed vocal group discovering and performing rare music from around the globe. Additionally, we will get to see and hear ancient instruments accompanying the voices. A very special event for Northwest Iowa! At our final concert of the season, April 19th, we will introduce the 2016-2017 concert programs and you’ll also hear about plans to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of NISO. Included in that concert will be one number with NISO’s youth orchestra, NISYO, joining the full orchestra. This collaboration will create a wonderful experience for performers and audience alike. Please treat yourself to truffles and coffee at intermission. The Friends of the Symphony truffles are the best! Enjoy the evening.

Musically yours,

Norma Snyder Jones Tonight’s concert is sponsored in NISO Board Chairperson part by a generous grant from:

Jordan Sramek, Founder/Artistic Director Amanda JaneJordan Kelley, Sramek, Elaine Founder/Artistic Lachica, Kim Director Sueoka (soprano) AlyssaAmanda Anderson, Jane Kelley, Fabiana Elaine González, Lachica, KimNatalie Sueoka Nowtyski (soprano (alto) ) AndrewAlyssa Kane, Anderson, Nickolas Fabiana Karageorgiou, González, Natalie Jordan Nowtyski Sramek ( alto(tenor) ) AndrewMark Kane, Dietrich, Nickolas Jake Karageorgiou, Endres, Peter Jordan Tuff Sramek (bass )( tenor) Mark Dietrich, Jake Endres , Peter Tuff (bass)

SlavicSlavic Wonders Feasts and Saints in Early Russia, Bohemia, Poland and Feasts and Saints in Early Russia, Bohemia, Poland and Ukraine

Hospodine,Hospodine, Pomiluj Pomiluj Ny* Ny * Anon. Anon. 11th 11th c. Czech c. Czech (attr. (attr. Saint Saint Vojte Vojtěch) ̌ch) Hospodine,Hospodine, pomiluj pomiluj ny, Jezukriste, ny, Jezukriste, pomiluj pomiluj ny! ny! Lord, havehave mercy, mercy, Jesus Christ, Christ, have have mercy! mercy! Ty, spaseTy, vspasešĕho vmira,šĕho mira,spasi spasiž ny žI nyusly I uslyš, š, Savior of of the the entire entire world, world, save save us andus andhear, hear, Hospodine,Hospodine, hlasy nahlasyše! na še! Lord, ourour voices! voices! Daj námDaj vš námem, vHospodine,šem, Hospodine, žizn žaizn mir a mirv zemi! v zemi! Krle Krleš! š! Give allall of of us, us, Lord, Lord, life life and and peace peace on earth!on earth! Kyrie Kyrie eleison! eleison!

SvatySvatý Václavé Vác*lave * Anon.Anon. 12th 12th c. Czech c. Czech Svatý Václave,Svatý Václave, vévodo vévodo České Č eskézem ĕzem, knĕĕž, kne ĕžnae šna, š, St. Wenceslaus,Wenceslaus, duke duke of ofthe the land land of Czechs, of Czechs, our earl, our earl, proz za ny Boha, svateho Ducha, Kyrie eleyson! pledge for us before God and the Holy Spirit. Lord have mercy. proz zaNebeske ny Boha,ť jest svateho dvorstvo Ducha, krásné, Kyrie ktož tameleyson! puojde, Thepledge heavenly for us kingdom before God is beautiful and the to Holy all who Spirit. will goLord there; have mercy. Nebeske(v)ť jestživot dvorstvo večný, ohe krásné,ň jasný ,kto svatéhož tam Ducha,puojde, Kyrie... InThe the heavenly eternal life, kingdom bright fire is beautifulof the Holy to Spirit, all who Lord... will go there; (v) životMaria večn Matkoý, ohe ňžádúcie, jasný, tyssvatého královna Ducha, všemohúcie, Kyrie... MotherIn the eternal Mary, ourlife, delight, bright you fire are of thethe omnipotent Holy Spirit, queen, Lord... Maria MatkoProšiz zažádúcie, ny, za k tysřes ťkrálovnaany, svého v syna!šemohúcie, Kyrie... PrayMother for usMary, Christians, our delight, to your you Son! are Lord... the omnipotent queen, Prošiz zaSpomoci ny, za my kř estvejťany, žádáme, svého smiluj syna! sĕ Kyrie...nad námi, ForPray your for helpus Christians, we ask, have to mercyyour Son!on us, Lord... Spomoci Ut myĕš smutné, tvej žádáme, otveď v smilujše zlé, svatsĕ nadý Václave! námi, Kyrie... ComfortFor your the help sad, we divert ask, all have evil, mercy St. Wenceslaus! on us, Lord... Utĕš smutné, otveď vše zlé, svatý Václave! Kyrie... Comfort the sad, divert all evil, St. Wenceslaus! Lord... Heruvímskaya Pesñ+ Vasily Titov, ca.1650-ca.1715 HeruvímskayaIzhe heruvímï, Pes ñ+ Let us who mystically Vasily Titov, ca.1650-ca.1715 táyno obrazúyushche, represent the Cherubim, Izhe heruvímï,i zhïvotvoriáshchey Tróytse Letand whous who sing mystically the thrice-holy hymn táyno obrazúyushche,trisviatúyu pesñ pripeváyushche, representto the life- creatingthe Cherubim, Trinity, i zhïvotvoriáshcheyfsiákoye nïñe zhitéyskoyeTróytse otlozhïm popécheñiye; andnow wholay aside sing all the cares thrice of -thisholy life, hymn trisviatúyuyáko pesñ da Tsariá pripeváyushche, fseh podïmem, tothat the we life may-creating receive theTrinity, King of All, fsiákoyeAngelskimi nïñe zhitéyskoye ñevídimo otlozhïm dorinosíma popécheñiye; chínmi. nowwho comeslay aside invisibly all cares upborne of this by thelife, a ngelic host. yáko daA Tsariállilúya, allilúya,fseh podïmem, allilúya. thatAlleluia, we mayalleluia, receive alleluia. the King of All, Angelskimi ñevídimo dorinosíma chínmi. who comes invisibly upborne by the angelic host. Allilúya,Dies allilúya, est Laetiti allilú* Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Anon. 14th c. Czech Dies est latitiae in ortu regali, It is the day of joy in the royal birth, nam processit hodie de ventre virginali. for today he comes forth from the virgin womb, Dies estPuer Laetiti admirabilis,ae* totus delectabilis in humanitate, the boy, to be marveled at in his humanity, Anon. 14th c. Czech Dies estqui latitiae inestimabilis, in ortu estregali, et ineffabilis in divinitate. Itwho is theis inestimable day of joy and in unspeakablethe royal birth, in his divinity. nam processit hodie de ventre virginali. for today he comes forth from the virgin womb, Puer admirabilis, totus delectabilis in humanitate, the boy, to be marveled at in his humanity, qui inestimabilis, est et ineffabilis in divinitate. who is inestimable and unspeakable in his divinity.

Stala sĕ jest vĕc divná* Anon. 15th c. Czech Stala sĕ jest vĕc divná panna syna porodila A strange thing has happened! A virgin has given birth to a son beze všie strasti tělesné. Tot’ jest divné a nové. without any bodily harm. It is strange and new!

Antiphon: Radujme se, veselmese, u Bethlémě malém městě. Refrain: Let us rejoice and be happy, in the small town of .

Isaiáš prorokovala zvěstoval, řka: Isaiah made the prophecy and Gabriel announced, saying: “Zdrava plna milosti, porodis bez bolesti!” Ant. “Hail, you are full of grace and will give birth without pain.” Ref.

Kto slýchal divy také, by přijeli třie králové Has anyone ever heard that three kings would come ot východa slunce k němu, dávajic dary jemu. Ant. from the East, where the sun rises, bringing him gifts? Ref.

Beata es Virgo* Mikołaj Zieleński (ca. 1550 - post 1615) Beata es, Virgo Maria, You are blessed, O Virgin Mary, quae omnium portasti Creatorem: you who have carried the Creator of us all. genuisti qui te fecit, You have borne Him who made you, et in aeternum permanes Virgo. Alleluia. and you remain a virgin forever. Alleluia.

Today the virgin traditional Ukrainian Deva dnes presuschestvennaho razhdaet Today a Virgin gives birth to the creator of truth I zemlya nepristupnomu prinosit The earth offers a to the sacred child Angeli s'pastirmi, angeli s'pastirmi slavoslovyat. Angels with shepherds proclaim His glory Volsvizhe so zvezdoy puteshestvuyut. And with the star in the heavens announce: Nas boradirodisya, otrocha mlado prevechni bokh. Unto us a new joy is born! He is God eternal!

Kleszczmy rękoma Mikołaj Gomołka, b. ca. 1535 Kleszczmy rękoma wszyscy zgodliwie, O, Let us Clap our Hands together Panu nad Pany, Panu groźnemu, unto the Lord of Lords, unto the Lord that is to be feared, Królowi wszego świata możnemu. the King over all the earth. Wszyscy śpiewajmy Panu chętliwie, Let us sing with the voice of melody Panu nad Pany... unto the Lord of Lords...

Hodie egressa est/Magnificat plainchant with fauxbourdon Antiphon: Hodie egressa est virga de radice Jesse: This day there went forth a branch from the root of Jesse: Hodie sine ulla peccati labe concepta est Maria: this day was Mary conceived without any stain of sin: hodie contritum est ab ea caput serpentis antiqui. Alleluia. this day was the head of the old serpent crushed by her. Alleluia.

Canticle: Magnificat anima mea dominum. My soul magnifies the Lord Et exultavit spiritus meus, in Deo salutari meo. And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae. For He has regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden. Ecce enim et hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes. Behold, all generations henceforth shall call me blessed. Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, He who is mighty has done great things, et sanctum nomen eius. and holy is His name. Et misericordia euis He is merciful to those that a progenie in progenies timentibus eum. fear him from generation to generation. Fecit potentiam in brachio suo He has shown strength with his arm; Dispersit superbos mente cordis sui. he has scattered the proud of heart. Deposuit potentes de sede He has taken the mighty from their seats et exaltavit humiles and exalted the humble. Esurientes implevit bonis The hungry he filled with good things, et divites dimisit inanes. and the rich he has sent away empty. Suscepit Israel puerum suum, recordatus misericordiae, He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy. Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros, As it was spoken to our fathers, Abraham et semimi eius in saecula. to Abraham and his children forever. Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto... Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit...

The New Joy traditional Ukrainian Nova radust’ nastala jaka v njebi khvala, A new joy begins which is lauded in heaven, Nad yertjepom z vjezda jasna svjeta posijala. Above a manger a bright star shines upon the world Gdje Khristtos rodivsja vo divvy voplotivsja Here Christ is born of a Virgin Ak cholovjek pelinami u Boha pokhodivsja. And though descended from God, He is wrapped, like a man, in swaddling clothes. Angeli spivajut’ Khrista proslavjajut’ Angels sing to glorify the newborn Christ in Na njebjjsi i na zjemli mira rozbachajut'. heaven and on earth, proclaiming peace to all Pastyriji v Raju od Bohu blahadajut': Shepherds join the heavenly host in penitent prayer saying, "Slava Bohu, pryjdesh novo, Tsarju njebjesnoho!" “Glory to God! He is born, the King of heaven!”

In Jerusalem traditional Ukrainian A v Jerusalymi rano dzvonyly, And in Jerusalem morning bells rang out Refrain: Radujsja! Oj radujsja, zemle, Refrain: “Rejoice! O earth, rejoice, rozvjesjely, bozhje sin Bozhyj narodyvsja! delight for now the Son of God is born!” A pryjdut’ do tebe try praznychky v hosti, Radujsja... Three feast days will come to you, like guests (Refrain) Aja pervyj praznyk: z Svjatoho rodyvstvo. Radujsja... The first feast day is that of the birth of Christ (Refrain) Aja druhyj praznyk: Svjatoho Vasylya. Radujsja... The second feast day is that of Saint Basil (Refrain) Aja tretyj praznyk: Svjato Jodkhreshenju. Radujsja... The third feast day is that of the baptism of Christ (Refrain) A z v osim z oslovo, buvajtje zdorovi, Radujsja... To all who hear these words, we wish you health (Refrain) A za njepolatky, rozuj shje polatky, Radujsja... And for our faults we ask forgiveness. (Refrain)


Decet huius cunctis horis* Jan z Jenštejna, written ca. 1350-1400 Decet huius cunctis horis It is fitting to make memory festi voce dulcioris facere memoriam. of this feast at all hours with the voice. Nec indignum. Sed benignum voce cordi Nor is it unseemly. But it is pleasing to give a sign with voice and heart dare signum Marie in gloriam. for the glory of Mary. Innovemus mente sana, mater quod petit montana, Let us renew with clean mind, because our mother traversed mountains, salutare gravidam. seeking to hail the pregnant woman. Paranympho comitata, fuerat quo salutata, Accompanied by the bridegroom, by whom she had been hailed, she senem mulcet pavidam. sooths the old fearful woman. Remmiratur, sed matrona, unde, inquit, She wonders at the matter, but the matron says "Whence are given such tanta dona mihi dantur hodie. great gifts to me today? Ad me veniret quod illa, mater dei et ancilla, Should it come to me, as the mother and handmaiden of God, the scepter sceptrum omnis glorie? of all glory?" Gaudet clauses sua matre, She rejoices with her mother at the closed places, she senses the sentit prolem sine patre, agnum dei predicat. offspring without a father, she foretells the Lamb of God. Erit magnus infans rite, regem celi, agnum vite, He will be a great infant, accordingly, king of heaven, clausus plausu indicat. the lamb of life, let him reveal the hidden with a clap. Nequit senex immorari, The old woman is not able to delay, she seizes one hand with the other, rapit manus manu pari, et nimis celeriter. and very quickly. Exultabat modo miro, She was exulting in a wondrous way, having embraced her in a circle, circumplexa hanc in gyro, salutando dulciter. with sweet salutation. Clamat senex voce clara, amplexata tot preclara insignia deo cara The old woman shouts with a clear voice, hanging with an old voice dear voce pendens veteri. to God, holding so many clear signs. Salve inter mulieres, te respexit celi heres, meruisti, quod videres Hail, among women the Heir of heaven has esteemed you, you have casta fructum uteri. merited that you, although chaste, should see fruit of your womb. Illa sed repudiavit, laudem deo assignavit, quando supplex But she refused it, she assigned the praise to God, when on her knees she decantavit contexens: Magnificat. sang, composing "He does great things.” Merciful and pious Clemens virgo atque pia, tu nos fove, o Maria, partus namquetis Virgin Mary, favor us, let hope alone live. Amen. nos quia sola spes vivificat. Amen.

Magnificat a 12+ Mikołaj Zieleński Text and translation previously printed Salve pater optime* Anon. 15th c. Czech Salve pater optime Cristi martir inclite Hail, greatest father, famous martyr of Christ, salve dux Bohemie, Wenceslae. Hail Duke of Bohemia, O Wenceslaus! Tu de stirpe regia nobili prosapia natus You, born of royal stock, of noble family in Bohemia Wenceslae. in Bohemia, O Wenceslaus! Bohemorum speculum celi Today you illuminate the mirror of heaven, tabernaculum tu perlustras hodie Wenceslae. the tabernacle of the Bohemians, O Wenceslaus! Plenus Dei numine meruisti Filled with the spirit of God you have deserved scandere tua sanctitate Wenceslae. to ascend because of your holiness, O Wenceslaus! Te adorant hodie in valle miserie Wenceslae. Today they adore you in the valley of misery, O Wenceslaus! Ad te clamant miseri de fermento veteri Wenceslae. The wretched cry to you out of the old anger, O Wenceslaus! Audi voces te precantes Hear the voices praying to you, nos commenda Domino, O Wenceslae. commend us to the Lord, O Wenceslaus! Ut ingressum per secula s In order that He give access ua det in solia O Wenceslae to his throne in perpetuity, O Wenceslaus!

Alme presul et beate* Anon. 15th c. Czech Alme presul et beate, Dei martir Adalberte, Nourishing and blessed leader, martyr of God, O Adalbert, confer opem petentibus tuis sanctis precibus, grant hope to those seeking through your holy prayers, mala pelle, bona posce, smite the evil things, invoke the good, presta pacis incrementum, manifest an increase of peace, sane vite premium. Alleluia. the reward of a clean life. Alleluia. Ut sub tuo protecti patrocinio So that we, protected beneath your patronage, gloiemur in laude Dei perpetuo. Presta pacis... glory in perpetual praise of God. Manifest an increase... Gloria Patri, et filio, et spiritui sancto. Presta pacis... Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Manifest...

Rozhdestvo tvoye Khriste early Church Slavonic Nativity Tropar Rozhdestvo tvoye Khriste bozhe nash, Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, Vozsiya mirovi svet razuma. has shone upon the world V’nem bo zvezdam sluzhaschii, with the light of knowledge: zvezdoyu uchkhusya. for thereby they who adored the stars through a star Tebe klanyatisya solntsu pravdi, were taught to worship Thee, the Sun of Righteousness, i Tebe vedeti s’visoti vostoka. and to know Thee the Dayspring from on high. Gospodi slava Tebe. O Lord, glory to Thee.

Dostóyno yest+ Vasily Titov Dostóyno yest, yáko voístinnu, It is truly fitting blazhïti Tia Bogoróditsu, to bless Thee, O Theotokos, prisnoblazhénnuyu i preñeporóchnuyu, ever-blessed and most pure i Máter Bóga náshego. and the Mother of our God. Chestñéyshuyu Heruvimov, More honorable than the Cherubim, i slavñeyshuyu bez sravñéñiya Serafímov, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim: bez istléñiya Bóga Slóva rózhdshuyu, without corruption Thou didst give birth to God the Word: súshchuyu Bogoróditsu Tia velicháyem. true Theotokos, we magnify Thee.

The Heavens and the Earth traditional Ukrainian Ñebo i zemlia, ñebo i zemlia Heaven and earth, heaven and earth dñes torzhezvuyut, Today are celebrating/are triumphant Angelï liudi, angelï liudi, Angels and people [humans], angels and people vesela prazdnuyut. Cheerfully celebrate a feast.

Refrain: Refrain: Hristos radilsia, bogh voplatilsia, Christ was born, God became man/incarnate Angelï spevayut, Tsariye vitayut, Angels sing, welcome the King Poklon, Poklon otdayut, pastïri igrayut Bow/worship ["give bows"], shepherds play, Chuda povedayut, chuda chuda povedayut. The miracle, the miracle they relate/spread.

Vo vefleyeme, vo vefleyeme vesela novina, In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem happy news Chistaya deva, chistaya deva poradila sïna. Most Pure Virgin, Most Pure Virgin birthed a son.

Angelï sluzhat, angelï sluzhat rozhdennomu tsariu Angels serve [attend to], angels serve the newborn King I vo vertepe, i vo vertepe tvoya deva poyut. And in the Nativity, and in the Nativity to your virgin [they] sing.

Rozhdenu boghu, rozhdenu boghu yimi poklonimsia. Newborn God, Newborn God to Him we will bow [we will worship Him] Slava vo vïshnih, slava vo vïshnih yemu vosklasim sih. Glory to the highest, glory to the highest about Him we shout/sing to all.

*Featured on the Rose Ensemble’s recording, Slavic Holiday +Featured on The Rose Ensemble’s recording, Fire of the Soul

P ROGRAM NOTES______PROGRAM NOTES______Among scholars and performers of early vocal music, there is, perhaps, an unreasonable lack of attention paid to music from what is contemporarily referred to as “Eastern Europe.” While some musicians spend their careers digging in the “Western” libraries of Florence and Paris, the shelves of the manuscript libraries and monasteries of Krakow, Moscow and Prague often remain dusty, either due to lack of interest or perceived inaccessibility. This concert features only a glimpse of the great wealth of early vocal repertoire from Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Bohemia, in an attempt to shine some light on some truly brilliant gems. In addition to a wide range of vernacular and Latin spiritual songs, hagiographic chants, and “carols,” we offer here motets by Mikołaj Zieleński, one of Poland's leading late Renaissance/early Baroque composers. Zieleński’s compositions reveal much about the often-forgotten relationship between Poland and Italy during the seventeenth century and the striking influence the Italianate style had on Polish composers of the time. From 1608 to 1615 Zieleński was in the service of the Archbishop of Gniezno who, at the King's instigation, sent Zieleński to study (it is said) with the famous Venetian composer Giovanni Gabrieli. Venetian influence is largely present in Zieleński’s volume of Offertory settings. All were written for two 4-part choirs, such as Beata es Virgo, except for this 12-voice setting of the Magnificat written for three choirs, so typical of the antiphonal pieces Gabrieli himself was writing for St. Mark’s in Venice. This collection, along with Zieleński’s Communion settings, contain a total of 122 works published in Venice in 1611. Our program also features two 12-part motets from Vasily Titov, one of the most prominent Baroque Muscovite composers. Titov is reputed to have composed more than 200 choral works, including some for the celebration of Peter the Great’s victory at Poltava over the Swedes in 1709. While many Russian choral music fans focus exclusively on 19th century repertoire, they need only to look back two centuries to discover Titov, a powerful compositional parent whose musical eloquence helped lay the foundation for the richly sonorous style that was to characterize Russia’s later choral tradition. We give due credit here to David Eben, director of Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, for his transcriptions of Alme presul et beate and Salve pater optime, two examples of magnificent yet widely unknown pieces from the late medieval Czech repertoire. Although original manuscript sources notate only the melody line, we have chosen to perform them in a more decorated manor, featuring solos, duets, and improvised instrumental and vocal drones. -Jordan Sramek, Founder/Artistic Director

ARTISTS______ARTISTS______th THE ROSE ENSEMBLE - Founded in 1996 by Artistic Director Jordan Sramek and now in its 20 ’ performance season, The Rose Ensemble is based in Saint Paul, Minnesota and enjoys a full schedule of performing, recording and outreach. Through virtuosic artistry and scholarly research, the group produces imaginative and inspiring musical performances and educational programs that connect each individual to compelling stories of human culture and spirituality from around the world. Each season, the group illuminates several centuries of rarely heard repertoire, bringing to modern audiences research from the world’s manuscript libraries and fresh perspectives on music, history, languages, politics, religion and more. With ten critically acclaimed recordings and a diverse selection of concert programs, The Rose Ensemble has thrilled audiences across the United States and Europe with repertoire spanning 1,000 years and over 25 languages, including recent unique programs highlighting Maltese, Hawaiian, French, Ukrainian, Middle Eastern, and Cuban repertoire. Rose Ensemble musicians have received acclaim for their ability to perform both as an ensemble and as individual soloists, while Mr. Sramek has been lauded for diverse programming and ground- breaking research. The group is the recipient of the 2005 Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence and took first place in both secular and sacred categories at the 2012 Tolosa (Spain) International Choral Competition. Mr. Sramek is the 2010 recipient of the Chorus America Louis Botto Award for Innovative Action and Entrepreneurial Zeal. Recognized as a leader and innovator in the world-wide vocal music scene, The Rose Ensemble tours regularly. Recent appearances include Trinity Wall Street Series (NYC), Early Music Now (Milwaukee), the Musical Instrument Museum (Phoenix), Cornell University, Luther College, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. In 2012 the group served as artists in residence at the Society for Biblical Literature Conference, and in 2013 appeared at St. Quirinus Cathedral, Neuss (Germany). In 2014, The Rose Ensemble was chosen to represent the United States at the international Baroque music festival Misiones de Chiquitos in Bolivia, and later that year made its debut performance with the Minnesota Orchestra. Performance highlights this season include appearances at the National Gallery, Princeton University, Houston Early Music, Chautauqua Institute, and the Madison Early Music Festival. The group can be heard regularly on American Public Media, the European Broadcasting Union and NPR’s Performance Today.

THE NORTHWEST IOWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA comprises the finest musicians in the tri-state area. Teaching principals are of a professional caliber and function as first chair players and teachers in sectional rehearsals. The orchestra’s 80 members include adults of all ages as well as gifted music students ranging in age from high school through college. Six of these students are recipients of scholarships from Friends of the Symphony for the purpose of continuing their private music instruction. NISO presents three concerts each season in addition to the annual Concert for Children, which is given each November for over 1,000 area 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students.

FRIENDS of NISO______OFFICERS: Jim & Marilyn Dean Rockne & Joan McCarthy Louis & Tina Van Dyke Jo Faber, Katie Lynn Haan, Deb Dale & Karen Den Herder Darlene Mouw Jerry & Kim Van Es & Daryl Hibma, Joanne & Cliff Bernie & Kathy De Wit Dave & Phyllis Netz Nolan & Dorenda Van Gaalen Soodsma, Emily Sybesma, Beth George & Jo Faber Dennis & Carla Nibbelink Perry & Jo Van Gorp Vanden Berg Diana Gonzalez Lee & Audrey Plasier Lyle & Mary Van Ravenswaay Katie Lynn Haan Eric & Lora Rankin Marvin & Audrey Van Vuuren MEMBERS: Howard & Vicki Hall Dean & Darlene Reichert Kyle & Cindy Van Wyhe Curt & Patricia Ahrenholz Greg & Laura Haverdink Cornie & Dolores Rylaarsdam Jake & Trena Van Wyk Joanne Alberda Daryl & Deb Hibma Ron & Karen Rynders Joan Van’t Hof Dallas & Carol Apol Gregg & Brenda Hooyer John & Sheryl Slegers Stan & Beth Vanden Berg Art & Phyllis Attema Gerald & Shirley Isakson Cliff & Joanne Soodsma Nancy Vanden Bosch Howard & Marge Beernink Rev. Carl & Ellen Klompien Mark & Emily Sybesma Ken & Dorothy Vanden Brink Dave Bloemendaal Arnold & Carol Koekkoek Shirley Sybesma Joan Vander Hart Gert Boer James & Sally Koldenhoven Yette Te Paske Dennis Vander Plaats Jim & Lavonne Bolkema Ben & Pat Kornelis Barbara Top Delmar & Lois Vander Zee Jim & Glenda Bos Henry & Dee Kramer Bert & Sandra Van Batavia David & Janis Versluis Del & Annafeen Broek Scott & April Lundquist Ron & LuAnn Van Den Berg Elaine Wassink Mark & Miriam Buss Shirley Matheis Herm & Dawn Van Den Hul Bev Zwart

Tonight’s Intermission Feature: Gourmet coffee and truffles. Consider joining Friends and helping with rehearsal refreshments, ushering, serving coffee/truffles, and selling tickets to benefit the orchestra.

CONTRIBUTORS ______CORPORATE PARTNERS, Erik & Barb Hoekstra Doug & Janet Vander Berg Howard & Vicki Hall Kevin Schmidt GRANT and CONCERT Bill & Ila Jean Mouw Dale & Eileen Vander Wilt Greg & Laura Haverdink Cliff & Joanne Soodsma SPONSORS Northwest Bank Harold & Emily Vonk Lois Hooyer Greg & Dawn Steggerda American State Bank Lee & Audrey Plasier Dennis & Donna Walstra Brent & Mary Hulstein Jack & Alethea Stubbe Premier Communications Thomas A. Snyder Walstra Plumbing & Heating, The Interstates Companies Mark & Emily Sybesma Foundation Dr. Christopher & Kristi Inc. Isakson Chiropractic Health Team Realty Sioux Center Leadercast Stanichar Judy Winkel Center John & Loretta Thomas Sioux Center Rec & Arts Marvin & Joy Vogel Nanci Jahn Gale & Cathie Tien CWalmart,REDITS______Sioux Center PRINCIPAL ($100 to $249) Gerald Jansen Bert & Sandray Van Batavia MEDIA SPONSORS THANK YOU TO: Curt & Pat Ahrenholz Calvin & Sally Jongsma Ron & LuAnn Van Den Berg Color FX CONCERTMASTERDORDT COLLEGE forWillis its generous& Joanne Alberda provision of Arnoldrehearsal & Carolyn and Herm & Dawn Van Den Hul KDCR FM 88.5 ($250 toperformance $499) space, supportClarice Alons staff, and office accommodations. Koekkoek Lou & Tina Van Dyke KWIT FM 90.3/KOJI FM Howard & Marge Beernink Doug & Joan Anderson Paul & Fran Koets Van Engelenhoven Agency 90.7 John & MarianCONTRIBUTORS Casey forBeaver their sustaining Eyecare appreciationJames of fine & Sally music Koldenhoven and Brian & Stephanie Van CREDITS______Iowa Information Martin Dekkengatheir continuing supportGeorge of the& Mary Northwest Bierma Iowa SymphonyHenry & Dee Or Kramerchestra. Engen THANK YOUPublications TO: Tim & DeenaFRIENDS Erwin OF THE SYMPHONYMatt & Bethany forREDITS______Bosmaushering, ticketKroese sales, & Kroese,and PC Jerry & Kim Van Es Farmersrefreshments Mutual Insurance, at our rehearsals.Del & AnnC Broek Roger & Jerilyn Lueders Perry & Jo Van Gorp MAESTRODORDT COLLEGE ($1000+) for its generous Hull provision of rehearsalJerry and & CarolTH ANK Buteyn YOU TO: Shirley Matheis Marion & Jan Van Soelen performance space, supportCREDITS______staff, and office accommodations. Lloyd & Dianne Bierma THANKEric & YOU Kim Forseth TO: Casey’s General Store,DORDT Sioux COLLEGE Rockne & forJoan its McCarthy generous provisionStan & Beth of rehearsal Vanden Berg and CenterCONTRIBUTORS Fresh Group for their Katiesustaining Lynn Haan appreciation of fine Center music and performanceDr. space, Verne &support Gidge Meyerstaff, and officeMike & accommodations. Nancy Vanden Jimtheir & Marilyncontinuing Dean supportTHE ofHi-Way the STAFF: NorthwestDORDT Chevrolet-Buick COLLEGE Iowa Inc.Symphony forCountryside its generous Orchestra. Body provision Shop – of rehearsalBradley & and Lisa Miedema Bosch performanceChristopher space,Stanichar, support Conductor staff, and officeCONTRIBUTORS accommodations. for their sustaining appreciation of fine music and W.FRIENDS Dale & Karen OF THE SYMPHONYCarl & forEllen ushering, Klompien ticket sales,Arlin and & Janene Van Gorp Mouw Motor Company, Inc. Gary & Joan Vander Hart Bradley Miedema, Music Director their continuing support of the Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra. refreshmentsDen Herder at our rehearsals.John R.CONTRIBUTORS & Betty Kreykes for tGaroldheir sustaining & Donna Denappreciation Henrietta of fine music Muilenburg and Bill & Jo Vander Werf Norma Snyder Jones Andy their&Timothy Joan continuing Miedema McGarvey, support Assistant Herder of the NorthwestConductorFRIENDS Iowa Symphony OFNeal THE Chase SYMPHONY Or Lumberchestra. Co. for ushering,Orville & ticket Arlene sales, Vant and Hul Yette Te Paske Marion Karen & Darlene De MouwMol, GeneralBob Manager & Rebecca De refreshmentsSmith Northwestern at our rehearsals. Bank Evan & Nancy Vermeer FRIENDS OF THE SYMPHONY for ushering, ticket sales, and Eric & LoraMary Rankin Hulstein, AdministrativeBernie & Kathy Assistant De Wit No Streaking, Inc. Glen & Betty Vermeer refreshments at our rehearsals. THE STAFF:SOLOIST ($500 to $999) John & Sheryl Slegers Verlyn & June De Wit Dan & Lori Olson Drew & Jean Vogel CitizensChristopher State Bank Stanichar, of ConductorBOARDNolanHOLIDAY &OF Dorenda DIRECTORS: VanINN Gaalen EXPRESS Driesen, accomodations Eye Center for our guestDon artists‘ & Joyce. Oostenink Piet & Nelene Westerbeek Sheldon & Boyden MarvinNorma & Audrey Snyder Van Jones, GeorgeChairperson &THE Jo Faber STAFF: - Sheldon Kenneth E. Sabers Bradley Miedema, Music Director Christopher Stanichar, Conductor KarenTimothy A. DeMol McGarvey, Assistant Vuuren ConductorCarol Buteyn – SanbornLee & Eleanor Feenstra Savings Bank – Primghar, Formosa Food Company, Inc. Ken & DorothyMichael Vanden Groenenboom, Brink Gretchen Sioux GondekCenter Bradley Miedema,Hartley, LakeMusic Park Director Karen De Mol, General Manager Timothy McGarvey, Assistant Conductor Mary Hulstein, AdministrativeTHE STAFF: AssistantJames Koldenhoven – Sioux Center ChristopherRhonda Pennings, Stanichar, Secretary Conductor - Orange KarenCity De Mol, General Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS: BradleyJohn Slegers Miedema, - Orange Music City Director Mary Hulstein, Administrative Assistant Timothy McGarvey, Assistant Conductor CREDITS______Norma Snyder Jones, ChairpersonC athie- Sheldon Tien, Vice-ChairpersonBOARD - Orange OF City DIRECTORS: THANKCarol Buteyn YOU –TO: Sanborn KarenBeth VandenDe Mol, BergGeneral - Sioux Manager Center Mary Hulstein, Administrative AssistantNorma Snyder Jones, Chairperson - Sheldon DORDTMichael COLLEGE Groenenboom, for its Sioux generous CenterBrian provision Van Engen of rehearsal, Treasurer and –performance Sioux CenterCarol space, Buteyn support – Sanborn staff, and office accommodations. CONTRIBUTORSJames Koldenhoven for –their Sioux sustaining CenterMarion appreciation Van Soelen, of fine Assistant music Treasurer and their –continuing Hull support of the Northwest Iowa Symphony BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Michael Groenenboom, Sioux Center Orchestra.Rhonda Pennings, Secretary - OrangeNancy City Vermeer, Sioux Center Norma Snyder Jones, Chairperson - SheldonJames Koldenhoven – Sioux Center FRIENDSJohn Slegers OF -THE Orange SYMPHONY City for ushering, ticket sales, and refreshmentsRhonda at our Pennings, rehearsals. Secretary - Orange City HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS, accomodationsCarol Buteyn for our – Sanborn guest artists‘. Cathie Tien,Vice-ChairpersonIMMEDIATE - Orange PAST City CHAIRPERSONS: John Slegers - Orange City Beth Vanden Berg - Sioux CenterMichael Bernie WeidenaarGroenenboom, Vice-Chairperson - Sioux Center Bonnie Meijer – Orange City Cathie Tien,Vice-Chairperson - Orange City THEBrian STAFF: Van Engen , Treasurer – SiouxYette Center Te Paske BOARD OF DIRECTORS: IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRPERSONS: Rhonda Pennings, Secretary - Orange CityBeth Vanden Berg - Sioux Center ChristopherMarion Van Stanichar, Soelen, Assistant Conductor Treasurer – HullNorma Snyder Jones, ChairpersonBrian Van - SheldonEngen, TreasurerBernie –Weidenaar Sioux Center Nancy Vermeer, Sioux Center Lee Schneider – Hull Bradley Miedema, Music DirectorT.J. Speer – SiouxCarol Center Buteyn – Sanborn Marion Van Soelen, AssistantYette Te PaskeTreasurer – Hull Timothy McGarvey, Assistant Conductor Michael Groenenboom, Vice-ChairpersonNancy Vermeer, - Sioux Center IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRPERSONS: Beth Vanden Berg - Sioux Center Karen De Mol, General Manager Brian Van EngenSiouxSymphonic, Treasurer Center – Sioux CenterJourney Bernie Weidenaar Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra Concerts Mary Hulstein, Administrative AssistantNancy VermeerBonnie - Sioux Meier Center – OrangeIMMEDIATE City PAST CHAIRPERSONS: Yette Te Paske Christopher Stanichar, BernieConductor Weidenaar Rhonda Pennings, Secretary - Orange City IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRPERSONS: Yette Te Paske Lee Schneider – Hull Bernie WeidenaarWINTERT.J. Speer POPS – Sioux – Saturday, Center January 30, 2016 SymphonicYette Journey Te PaGUESTskeBeth VandenCONCERT Berg - -Sioux Friday, Center April 1, 2016 Northwest Iowa Symphony OrchestraHerm Concerts Van Den Hul - Sioux Center

SPRINGBrian CONCERT Van Engen, Treasurer– Tuesday, – Sioux April Center 19,Symphonic 2016 Journey Christopher Stanichar, Conductor Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra Concerts Nancy Vermeer - Sioux Center Christopher Stanichar, Conductor WINTER POPS – Saturday, January 30, 2016 Northwest Iowa Symphony Youth Orchestra Concert GUEST CONCERT - Friday, AprilSymphonic 1, 2016 JourneyWINTER POPS – Saturday, January 30, 2016 Northwest IowaBradley Symphony Miedema, ConductorOrchestra Concerts SPRING CONCERT – Tuesday, AprilChristopher 19, 2016 Stanichar, ConductorGUEST CONCERT - Friday, April 1, 2016 Saturday December 5, 2015, 3:00 PM SPRING CONCERT – Tuesday, April 19, 2016 SPRING CONCERTSaturday, – “Czech April-Mates” 9, 2016, – 4:30Tuesday, PM April 19, 2016

Northwest Iowa Symphony Youth Orchestra Concert Bradley MiedemaNorthwest, Conductor Iowa Symphony Youth Orchestra Concert Northwest Iowa Symphony Youth Orchestra Concert Bradley Miedema, Conductor Bradley Miedema, Conductor Saturday December 5, 2015, 3:00 PM

Saturday, April 9, 2016, 4:30 PMSaturday, April 9, 2016, 4:30 PM Saturday December 5, 2015, 3:00 PM

Saturday, April 9, 2016, 4:30 PM

Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra 498 4th Ave NE, Sioux Center, IA 51250 712.722.6230 - [email protected] -

Northwest Iowa Symphony OrchestraNorthwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra 498 4th Ave NE, Sioux Center, IA 51250 498 4th Ave NE, Sioux Center, IA 51250 Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra 712.722.6230 - [email protected] - 712.722.6230 - [email protected] - 498 4th Ave NE, Sioux Center, IA 51250 712.722.6230 - [email protected] -