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Spirituality 11UPP~TRYSPRING 2002 Issue #11 $5.95 INTERNATIO ~~4§*~*85*@~i ' 4* , media 4 & film theatre, 6J contemporary in puppet SPIRITUALITY the • Ritual in Japan • Graven Images • "Exultant Light" 1. 21 ill 1 0 7447 C 8751 5 6 Join us in Minneapolis this Springl FOR IN THE HEART OF THE BEAST PUPPET AND MASK THEATRE's =MAYDAY. IN THE HEART oFTHE BEAST THEATRE ct FRIENDS 28TH PARADE AND FESTIVAL·MAY 5, 2002 PARADE BUILDING WORKSHOPS: APRIL 6 MAY 2 Sandy Spieler, Artistic Director · 1500 East Lake Street · Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407 · (612) 721-2535 · www.hobt.org Editor Andrew Periale HC74 Box 307 ~UPPETRY INTERNATIONAL Strafford, NH 03884-9622 [email protected] the puppet in contemporary theatre, film & media Designer/Assistant Editor Bonnie Periale issue no. 11 Editorial Advisor Leslee Asch Historian The Editor's Page 2 John Bell SPECIAL FEATURE Media Review Editor Donald Devet PUPPETRY and SPIRITUALITY Advertising Spirituality in Jewish Puppetry by Mark Levenson . 4 Mallory Smith [email protected] Spirits in the Shadows by Tamara Fielding. 11 Distribution Carol Epstein-Levy Day of the Dead by Sam Kerson . .16 Kathee Fc,ran Vertep: A Puppet Nativity by Dassia Posner , .22 Advisors Vince Anth()ny Puppets of Nostalgia review by Andrew Periale . 28 Cheryl Henson Stephen Kaplin 'The Toymaker" brJustin Kaase . 32 Mark Levenson Bob Nathanson Exultant Light by Stepbanie Green . 34 Mark Sussman Hanne Tierney Ritual in Puppetry by Katby Foley . 37 Michael Malkin Ribald Spirituality by ./obn Bell . 43 Puppetry International is 1 publication of UNIMA-USA. Inc., American Center of the UNION INTERNATIONALE de la MARIONNETTE (known as "UNIMA"). ALSO Board of Directors, UNIMA-USA, Inc. TOR Puppetry Book review by Hanne Nerner. 30 Founding President JIM HENSON President Randel McGee Citation Winners Exhibit . 42 Tricia Berrett Carol Epstein-Levy Kathee Foran James Hawkinsi Lynne Jennings UNIMA-USA Production i Karen K()nnerth c/o Center for Puppetry Arts Terrie Ilaria, Lillian Meier Michelle O'Donnell 1404 Spring Street, NW STEINWAY STUDIO Bob Nathanson Atlanta, GA 30309 USA Kittery, ME 1)avid Smith 404-873-3089 Marianne Tucker www.unima-usa.org ETHOS Marketing & Design Steven Widerman Portland, ME Ex-Officio Board Members General Secretary- Vincent Anthony* Publicatic)ns Andrew Periale ... Bonnie Periale Consultants & Leslee Asch *Councilors Cheryl Henson* ON THE COVER: 1257 NATIONAL Allelu Kurten Wayang Christ figure ENDOWMENT Michael Nelson (see Tamara Fielding 's article FOR THE ARTS Roman Paska* on page 11) This project is supported, in patt, by an award Lia Powell from the National Endowment for the Arts. Lisa Rhodes Bart Roccolierton* Nancy L. Staub* Web Guni Donald Devet ©2002- UNIMA-USA 2 PUPPETRY INTERNATIONAL Editor's Page- by distillation from any alcoholic liquid or mash. [This last is not included merely to be perverse, but because of the inany associations of alcohol with various sacra- A great treat for Bonnie and me is when, twice a year, ments. rites, etc.] we set off from the wilds of New Hampshire for the Even this very incomplete definition of spirit covers wilds of Manhattan. It is there that we meet with our a lot of ground. Our human bodies distinguish us. and board of advisors (an extraordinary lot- their names are separate us from one another. The spirit which animates listed on page 1), and it is there, over a long cup of us, however, connects us to one another, to other beings coffee ("Or tea!" says Bonnie), where we assemble the living or dead, and to all entities in our universe from the basic outline of the upcoming issue of Puppetry Interna- almost impossibly small to the almost zinimaginably huge . tional. Our last trip occurred this past September, shortly We perceive the universe in terms of the human scale- after the attack on the World Trade Center. The smoke an arbitrary and egotistical frame of reference, perhaps. had lifted, but the atmosphere was still charged. The but et-ninently practical. Though science has greatly re- topic seemed timely: Puppetry's Spiritual Dimension. fined our understanding of both the micro- and macro- Actually, my proposed topic- the Spiritual Dimen- cosms in which we find ourselves, and the forces which sion of Puppetry- proved controversial, as it treated our hold the whole thing together, humanity still looks for art form itself as the subject, rather than as an instrumen- meaning beyond those things-which-can-be-measured. tality in humankind's search for, or direct experience of, Should science ever finally succeed in nailing down the a higher power, Tmth, spirit, godhead or what have you. exact moment of the Big Bang, the exact moment at I hope that this distinction will better reflect our intent which the universe will surrender its last ounce of en- for this issue. It has been said that we "cannot catch the ergy, and everything in between. we will still ask: "Why?" universe in a net of words," but words can, perhaps, and "Why us?" and "Is it meaningful that we perceive the lead us closer to the edge of the abyss. Here, therefore, universe and can question the significance of our own are a few words by way of defining the common thread existence?" which holds this collection of essays together. 1 The finite mind of our species, when attempting to Spirit: the etymology includes the Old French and commune with the infinite mind of the "creator," needs Latin esprit and spirit/ts, spirit and breath; akin to Old an intermediary. Priests, Shamans and other spiritual lead- Norse fi Ya, to break wind (by Thor, those Vikings were ers have provided this mediation, and have acct-Lied :in an earthy lot!); Latin spirare, to breathe, and perhaps to enormous "bag of tricks" over the millennia to assist in Old Slavic pishati to play a reed instrument. Usage in- these efforts: incense and rosaries, sticks and bones, masks cludes (but is by no means limited to): 1) the breath of and puppets, meditation and mortification, tantra and life (animating or vital principal), 2) a supernatural be- mantra, trances and dances, walking on hot coals and ing, 3) the active essence of the Deity, 4) the soul (either even the handling of live rattlesnakes. I call these "tricks" of a living person or disembodied), 5) the immaterial, not as a disparagement, but because I believe that our intelligent or sentient part of a person: the vital principal rational niinds hold so tenaciously to the quotidian as a in a human coming as a gift from God and providing strategy for survival, that we need tO "trick" our egos in one:s personality inward structure, dynamic drive and order to temporarily transcend the world of things-that- creative response to the demands it encounters in the can-be-measilred-in-space-and-time (also referred to, process of becoming, 7) the activating or central princi- sometimes, as "the world of laws") pal of something, 8) life or consciousness having an in- Our focus in this issue, then, is the puppet as a dependent type of existence [e.g., idealists maintain that means of more fully experiencing our own spiritual na- the essential nature of the universe is spirit, pantheists ture, as well as the nature of Being. The puppeteers in assert that spirit pervades the universe],9) the flammable these theaters are sham:ins. high priests and their de- liquid containing ordinary alcohol and water separated scendants. They are the storytellers and mythmakers. and their audiences are seekers and pilgrims. PUPPETRY INTERNATIONAL 3 Mark Levenson writes eloquently of the role of pup- realize that Nash has been seriously delusional since at petry in his own spiritual journey, and of the (relatively least the first moment of the film. I found this to be a brief) history oflewish Puppetry in "Graven Images" Ipage shocking yet brilliant device, as all these completely imagi- 4f, while John Bell recalls a 19th century English nary characters had, over an hour and a half or so, be- gentleman's "shock" at the glimpse of Islamic life he gets come as real to us as they were to Nash. The truths while watching a Karagoz shadow puppet performance revealed thrc,ugh spiritual practices may be both useful though not necessarily in a literal or obvious /page 431 Tamara Fielding relates how the mere display and true, of an Indonesian shadow figure of Christ nearly landed way. I once met an Indian who was both a neurosur- her in a Greek prison Ipage 111/ Dassia Posner intro- geon and a noted translator of ancient Hindu religious duces us to the Russian tradition of pertep. or, puppet texts. He deconstructed one of the ancient stories for me I might see a layer of meaning beyond the story. nativity plays Ipage 221, while Stephanie Green reviews so that a very different sort of Russian nativity from the Ural Then he deconstructed it further, and then further, and layer revealing an entirely different Mountains [page 34]. Kathy Foley looks at ritual prac- then further, each tices in a number of traditional puppet theater Ipage sort of truth. "It does no good to simply tell someone Puppets of these things," he said, "they will understand when they 371, and your Editor reviews a new book- Nostalgia- the fascinating story of a Japanese ritual pup- are ready to understand." And how do they get ready? pet theater dating back to the 16th century, where the Spiritual practices. puppets " . which exist in the shape of the human, are The challenge, it seems to me, comes not when not simply metaphors for the human but actually com- groups of people follow particular religious tenets, but prise a world of their own, a parallel world bridging the when they believe in them literally, absolutely.
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