Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra Symphonic Journey 2015-2016 FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2016 7:30pm in the BJ Haan Auditorium on the campus of Dordt College WELCOME Welcome Music Friends, Tonight we are privileged to host The Rose Ensemble, a truly unique and acclaimed vocal group discovering and performing rare music from around the globe. Additionally, we will get to see and hear ancient instruments accompanying the voices. A very special event for Northwest Iowa! At our final concert of the season, April 19th, we will introduce the 2016-2017 concert programs and you’ll also hear about plans to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of NISO. Included in that concert will be one number with NISO’s youth orchestra, NISYO, joining the full orchestra. This collaboration will create a wonderful experience for performers and audience alike. Please treat yourself to truffles and coffee at intermission. The Friends of the Symphony truffles are the best! Enjoy the evening. Musically yours, Norma Snyder Jones Tonight’s concert is sponsored in NISO Board Chairperson part by a generous grant from: Jordan Sramek, Founder/Artistic Director Amanda JaneJordan Kelley, Sramek, Elaine Founder/Artistic Lachica, Kim Director Sueoka (soprano) AlyssaAmanda Anderson, Jane Kelley, Fabiana Elaine González, Lachica, KimNatalie Sueoka Nowtyski (soprano (alto) ) AndrewAlyssa Kane, Anderson, Nickolas Fabiana Karageorgiou, González, Natalie Jordan Nowtyski Sramek ( alto(tenor) ) AndrewMark Kane, Dietrich, Nickolas Jake Karageorgiou, Endres, Peter Jordan Tuff Sramek (bass )( tenor) Mark Dietrich, Jake Endres , Peter Tuff (bass) SlavicSlavic Wonders Feasts and Saints in Early Russia, Bohemia, Poland and Ukraine Feasts and Saints in Early Russia, Bohemia, Poland and Ukraine Hospodine,Hospodine, Pomiluj Pomiluj Ny* Ny * Anon. Anon. 11th 11th c. Czech c. Czech (attr. (attr. Saint Saint Vojte Vojtěch) ̌ch) Hospodine,Hospodine, pomiluj pomiluj ny, Jezukriste, ny, Jezukriste, pomiluj pomiluj ny! ny! Lord, havehave mercy, mercy, Jesus Jesus Christ, Christ, have have mercy! mercy! Ty, spaseTy, vspasešĕho vmira,šĕho mira,spasi spasiž ny žI nyusly I uslyš, š, Savior of of the the entire entire world, world, save save us andus andhear, hear, Hospodine,Hospodine, hlasy nahlasyše! na še! Lord, ourour voices! voices! Daj námDaj vš námem, vHospodine,šem, Hospodine, žizn žaizn mir a mirv zemi! v zemi! Krle Krleš! š! Give allall of of us, us, Lord, Lord, life life and and peace peace on earth!on earth! Kyrie Kyrie eleison! eleison! SvatySvatý Václavé Vác*lave * Anon.Anon. 12th 12th c. Czech c. Czech Svatý Václave,Svatý Václave, vévodo vévodo České Č eskézem ĕzem, knĕĕž, kne ĕžnae šna, š, St. Wenceslaus,Wenceslaus, duke duke of ofthe the land land of Czechs, of Czechs, our earl, our earl, proz za ny Boha, svateho Ducha, Kyrie eleyson! pledge for us before God and the Holy Spirit. Lord have mercy. proz zaNebeske ny Boha,ť jest svateho dvorstvo Ducha, krásné, Kyrie ktož tameleyson! puojde, Thepledge heavenly for us kingdom before God is beautiful and the to Holy all who Spirit. will goLord there; have mercy. Nebeske(v)ť jestživot dvorstvo večný, ohe krásné,ň jasný ,kto svatéhož tam Ducha,puojde, Kyrie... InThe the heavenly eternal life, kingdom bright fire is beautifulof the Holy to Spirit, all who Lord... will go there; (v) životMaria večn Matkoý, ohe ňžádúcie, jasný, tyssvatého královna Ducha, všemohúcie, Kyrie... MotherIn the eternal Mary, ourlife, delight, bright you fire are of thethe omnipotent Holy Spirit, queen, Lord... Maria MatkoProšiz zažádúcie, ny, za k tysřes ťkrálovnaany, svého v syna!šemohúcie, Kyrie... PrayMother for usMary, Christians, our delight, to your you Son! are Lord... the omnipotent queen, Prošiz zaSpomoci ny, za my kř estvejťany, žádáme, svého smiluj syna! sĕ Kyrie...nad námi, ForPray your for helpus Christians, we ask, have to mercyyour Son!on us, Lord... Spomoci Ut myĕš smutné, tvej žádáme, otveď v smilujše zlé, svatsĕ nadý Václave! námi, Kyrie... ComfortFor your the help sad, we divert ask, all have evil, mercy St. Wenceslaus! on us, Lord... Utĕš smutné, otveď vše zlé, svatý Václave! Kyrie... Comfort the sad, divert all evil, St. Wenceslaus! Lord... Heruvímskaya Pesñ+ Vasily Titov, ca.1650-ca.1715 HeruvímskayaIzhe heruvímï, Pes ñ+ Let us who mystically Vasily Titov, ca.1650-ca.1715 táyno obrazúyushche, represent the Cherubim, Izhe heruvímï,i zhïvotvoriáshchey Tróytse Letand whous who sing mystically the thrice-holy hymn táyno obrazúyushche,trisviatúyu pesñ pripeváyushche, representto the life- creatingthe Cherubim, Trinity, i zhïvotvoriáshcheyfsiákoye nïñe zhitéyskoyeTróytse otlozhïm popécheñiye; andnow wholay aside sing all the cares thrice of -thisholy life, hymn trisviatúyuyáko pesñ da Tsariá pripeváyushche, fseh podïmem, tothat the we life may-creating receive theTrinity, King of All, fsiákoyeAngelskimi nïñe zhitéyskoye ñevídimo otlozhïm dorinosíma popécheñiye; chínmi. nowwho comeslay aside invisibly all cares upborne of this by thelife, a ngelic host. yáko daA Tsariállilúya, allilúya,fseh podïmem, allilúya. thatAlleluia, we mayalleluia, receive alleluia. the King of All, Angelskimi ñevídimo dorinosíma chínmi. who comes invisibly upborne by the angelic host. Allilúya,Dies allilúya, est Laetiti allilúya.ae* Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Anon. 14th c. Czech Dies est latitiae in ortu regali, It is the day of joy in the royal birth, nam processit hodie de ventre virginali. for today he comes forth from the virgin womb, Dies estPuer Laetiti admirabilis,ae* totus delectabilis in humanitate, the boy, to be marveled at in his humanity, Anon. 14th c. Czech Dies estqui latitiae inestimabilis, in ortu estregali, et ineffabilis in divinitate. Itwho is theis inestimable day of joy and in unspeakablethe royal birth, in his divinity. nam processit hodie de ventre virginali. for today he comes forth from the virgin womb, Puer admirabilis, totus delectabilis in humanitate, the boy, to be marveled at in his humanity, qui inestimabilis, est et ineffabilis in divinitate. who is inestimable and unspeakable in his divinity. Stala sĕ jest vĕc divná* Anon. 15th c. Czech Stala sĕ jest vĕc divná panna syna porodila A strange thing has happened! A virgin has given birth to a son beze všie strasti tělesné. Tot’ jest divné a nové. without any bodily harm. It is strange and new! Antiphon: Radujme se, veselmese, u Bethlémě malém městě. Refrain: Let us rejoice and be happy, in the small town of Bethlehem. Isaiáš prorokovala Gabriel zvěstoval, řka: Isaiah made the prophecy and Gabriel announced, saying: “Zdrava plna milosti, porodis bez bolesti!” Ant. “Hail, you are full of grace and will give birth without pain.” Ref. Kto slýchal divy také, by přijeli třie králové Has anyone ever heard that three kings would come ot východa slunce k němu, dávajic dary jemu. Ant. from the East, where the sun rises, bringing him gifts? Ref. Beata es Virgo* Mikołaj Zieleński (ca. 1550 - post 1615) Beata es, Virgo Maria, You are blessed, O Virgin Mary, quae omnium portasti Creatorem: you who have carried the Creator of us all. genuisti qui te fecit, You have borne Him who made you, et in aeternum permanes Virgo. Alleluia. and you remain a virgin forever. Alleluia. Today the virgin traditional Ukrainian Deva dnes presuschestvennaho razhdaet Today a Virgin gives birth to the creator of truth I zemlya vertep nepristupnomu prinosit The earth offers a manger to the sacred child Angeli s'pastirmi, angeli s'pastirmi slavoslovyat. Angels with shepherds proclaim His glory Volsvizhe so zvezdoy puteshestvuyut. And with the star in the heavens announce: Nas boradirodisya, otrocha mlado prevechni bokh. Unto us a new joy is born! He is God eternal! Kleszczmy rękoma Mikołaj Gomołka, b. ca. 1535 Kleszczmy rękoma wszyscy zgodliwie, O, Let us Clap our Hands together Panu nad Pany, Panu groźnemu, unto the Lord of Lords, unto the Lord that is to be feared, Królowi wszego świata możnemu. the King over all the earth. Wszyscy śpiewajmy Panu chętliwie, Let us sing with the voice of melody Panu nad Pany... unto the Lord of Lords... Hodie egressa est/Magnificat plainchant with fauxbourdon Antiphon: Hodie egressa est virga de radice Jesse: This day there went forth a branch from the root of Jesse: Hodie sine ulla peccati labe concepta est Maria: this day was Mary conceived without any stain of sin: hodie contritum est ab ea caput serpentis antiqui. Alleluia. this day was the head of the old serpent crushed by her. Alleluia. Canticle: Magnificat anima mea dominum. My soul magnifies the Lord Et exultavit spiritus meus, in Deo salutari meo. And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae. For He has regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden. Ecce enim et hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes. Behold, all generations henceforth shall call me blessed. Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, He who is mighty has done great things, et sanctum nomen eius. and holy is His name. Et misericordia euis He is merciful to those that a progenie in progenies timentibus eum. fear him from generation to generation. Fecit potentiam in brachio suo He has shown strength with his arm; Dispersit superbos mente cordis sui. he has scattered the proud of heart. Deposuit potentes de sede He has taken the mighty from their seats et exaltavit humiles and exalted the humble. Esurientes implevit bonis The hungry he filled with good things, et divites dimisit inanes. and the rich he has sent away empty. Suscepit Israel puerum suum, recordatus misericordiae, He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy. Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros, As it was spoken to our fathers, Abraham et semimi eius in saecula. to Abraham and his children forever. Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto... Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit... The New Joy traditional Ukrainian Nova radust’ nastala jaka v njebi khvala, A new joy begins which is lauded in heaven, Nad yertjepom z vjezda jasna svjeta posijala. Above a manger a bright star shines upon the world Gdje Khristtos rodivsja vo divvy voplotivsja Here Christ is born of a Virgin Ak cholovjek pelinami u Boha pokhodivsja.
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