Assoc. Prof. Dr. Julian Bennett Department of Archaeology Main Campus – H-130A Bilkent University Ankara, Turkey 06800 +90 312 290 2447 [email protected]


After leaving secondary school, Julian Bennett worked as a freelance archaeologist in England and Germany, before entering the University of Durham where he graduated with a BA (Hons) in archaeology in 1978. After preliminary graduate study at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, he was appointed as an Excavations Director for English Heritage, continuing with graduate studies on a part-time basis to eventually be awarded his Ph.D (by research) in 1991, his topic being the Hadrianic frontier in Britain. After a short career-break, leading and directing archaeological tours around Europe and Scandinavia, the Mediterranean World, and South America, he joined Bilkent in 1995. His main areas of expertise are the art and architecture of the Roman Empire, and the Roman army, although he is involved in the study of Late Antique and Medieval architecture. He is the author of numerous monographs and articles on various aspects of Roman and Medieval Britain and the Roman army, his book, , Optimus Princeps (Routledge/Indiana University), having appeared in a second revised edition as well as being translated into Romanian. His fieldwork experience extends from rural and urban salvage excavations in Britain. Romania, and Germany to his current research project, studying the architecture of the Moldavian and Ottoman castle of Belgorod-Akkerman, in the Ukraine. He was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London in 2002, becoming only the third person in Turkey to receive that distinction.


Books and Monographs

2015: Trajan Optimus Princeps Życie i czasy, Oświęcim (Polish edition of Trajan, Optimus Princeps).

2011: Towns in Roman Britain, Princes Risborough (revised 4th edition).

2006: Traian İmpăraţi Romani, Bucharest (Romanian edition of Trajan, Optimus Princeps).

2000: Trajan, Optimus Princeps, London/Bloomington (revised 2nd edition).

1985: Sea Mills, the Roman Town of Abonae, Bristol.

1980: A Romano-British Settlement at Cattybrook, Almondsbury, Avon, Bristol.

1979: (with Vyner, B.E.) A Water-mill at Norton-on-Tees, Cleveland (Cleveland County Council).

1 Edited Books

2002: (with P.Freeman, Z.Fiema, B.Hoffman) XVIII, Oxford.

Book Reviews

2006: R.L.Mullen, The Expansion of Christianity: a Gazetteer of its First Three Centuries (Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2004), The Journal of Cyprus Studies 11/28-29, 133-137.

J.Gonzalez, Trajano emperador de Roma, Latomus 66/3 (2006), 272-278.

2002: M.T.Boatwright, and the Cities of the Roman Empire (Princeton 2002), American Historical Review 107/2, 586-587.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals, and chapters in books and monographs

2016: (forthcoming) “The Auxiliary Garrison of Asia Province”, Anatolica 41.

2015: “Christianity in Lycia: From its beginnings to the ‘Triumph of Orthodoxy’”, Adalya 18, 259-288.

2013: “CIG 9155B (Anazarbos): An Epigraphic Record of a numerus Phalangarium?" Adalya 16, 203-211.

“Agricultural Strategies and the Roman Military in Central Anatolia during the Early Imperial Period”, Olba, 21, 315-344.

2012: “The Garrison of Cilicia during the Principate”, Adalya 15, 115-128.

2011: “Why did Claudius annex Lycia?” Adalya 14, 119-136.

“The Regular Roman Auxiliary Units raised from the Provinces of Asia Minor”, Anatolica 37, 251-274.

2010: “Auxiliary Deployment during Trajan’s Parthian War: some neglected evidence from Asia Minor”, Collections Latomus 323, 423-445.

“Mummies for export? The Repatriation of a corpse from Alexandria to Ancyra in the Roman Imperial Period”, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 96, 10-13.

2009: “Gladiators at Ancyra”, Anatolica 35, 1-13.

“The Cohortes Augustae Cyrenaicae”, Journal of African Archaeology 7/1, 107-121.

“A Prefect of the ala I Ulpia Dromedariorum Palmyrenorum milliaria from Attaleia? IGR 3.777 re-assessed”, Adalya 12, 185-189.

(with A.L.Goldman) “A Preliminary Report on the Roman Military Presence at Gordion, Galatia”, in Limes XX: Estudios Sobre La Frontera Romana (A.Morillo, N.Hanel, E.Martin, edd), Leon, 2009, 1605-1616.

(with T.Wilmott) “The Linear Elements of the Hadrian’s Wall Complex: four investigations 1983-2000”, in Hadrian’s Wall: archaeological research by English Heritage 1976-2000 (T.Wilmott, ed.), London, 72-136.


2008: “The Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix Pia Fidelis and Severus’ Expeditiones Asiana and Mesopotamia”, Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 38, 543-549.

“The Auxilia of Lycia and Pamphylia: identity, role and function”, Collections Latomus 315, 283-305.

2007: “The Roman Army in Lycia-Pamphylia”, Adalya 10, 131-153.

“Two New Centurions of the legio IIII Scythica”, Latomus 66/2, 404-413.

“A Centurion and his Slave: a Latin Epitaph from Western Anatolia in the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden”, Anatolica 33, 129-142.

2006: “The Cohors Equitata Fort at Tihău-Cetate, Sălaj Province, Romania: the results of geophysical and other surveys”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 19, 278-299.

“The Political and Physical Topography of Early Imperial Graeco-Roman Ancyra”, Anatolica 32, 189-227.

“The Origins and Early History of the Pontic-Cappadocian Frontier”, Anatolian Studies 56, 77-92.

“New Evidence from Ankara for the Collegia Veteranorum and the Albata Decursio”, Anatolian Studies 56, 93-99.

2002: “The Roman Frontier in Cappadocia Reconsidered”, in Limes XVIII (P.Freeman, Z.Fiema, B.Hoffman, J.Bennett, edd), Oxford, 301-312.

“A revised programme and chronology for the building of Hadrian’s Wall”, in Limes XVIII (P.Freeman, Z.Fiema, B.Hoffman, J.Bennett, edd), Oxford, 825-834.

1998: “The Roman Frontier from Wallsend to Rudchester Burn Reviewed”, Archaeologia Aeliana (ser. 5) 26, 17-37.

1991: “Plumbatae from Pitsunda (Pityus), Georgia, USSR,” Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 2, 59-63.

1989: “A Roman Helmet in the Dominican Republic”, in Roman Military Equipment: the sources of the evidence (C.Van Driel-Murray, ed), Oxford, 235-245.

1988: “The Principal Gateways of the Primary Forts on Hadrian’s Wall”, in Portae cum Turribis - Roman Fort Gates (P.Bidwell, R.Miket, W.Ford, edd), Oxford, 113-142.

1987: ‘The Castles, Downhall, Aikton’, Trans Cumb West Antiq Archaeol Soc (ser. 2) 87, 67-82.

‘A Watching-brief South-east of Moresby Fort’, Trans Cumb West Antiq Archaeol Soc (ser. 2) 87, 265-268.

1986: “Fort Sizes as a Guide to Garrison Type”, in Studien zu den Militargrenzen Roms III (C.Unz, ed), Aalen, 707-716.

3 1985: “A Chased Cheek-piece from Stanwix”, in The Production and Distribution of Roman Military Equipment (M.C.Bishop, ed), Oxford, 109-116.

‘The Defences and the Internal Buildings of some Roman Forts’, in Clack, P.A.G. and Ivy, J. (eds), Making Sense of Buildings (CBA), 11-33.

1984: “Hadrian and the Title Pater Patriae”, Britannia 15, 234-235.

“The North-East in the Second Century AD”, in Settlement and Society in the Roman North (P.R.Wilson, R.F.J.Jones, D.M.Evans, edd), Bradford, 36-38.

‘Billet Street Salvage Excavations’, in Leach, P.J. (ed), The Archaeology of Taunton (Western Archaeological Trust), 90-91.

‘A Medieval Hall at No. 1, High Street, 1974’, in Leach, P.J. (op cit), 91-98.

‘St. James Street Excavations, 1974’, in Leach, P.J. (op cit), 98-103.

(with Allason-Jones, L.A. and Welsby, D.A.), ‘The Finds from Milecastle 54, Randylands’, Archaeol Aeliana (ser. 5) 12, 228-235.

(with Casey, P.J.) ‘Caerwent (Venta Silurum): the Excavation of the North-west Corner Tower and an Analysis of the Structural Sequence of the Defences’, Archaeol Cambrensis 132, 49-77.

(with Pearson, T.) ‘Kennedy's Yard Excavations, 1974’, in Leach, P.J. (op cit), 82-90.

1983: “The End of Roman Settlement in Northern Britain”, in Settlement in Northern Britain (J.C.Chapman, H.Mytum, edd), Oxford, 205-219,

“The Examination of Turret 10a, and the Wall and Vallum at Throckley, Tyne and Wear”, Archaeologia Aeliana (ser. 5) 11, 27-60.

(with R.Turner) “The Vallum at Wallhouses, Northumberland: excavations in 1980 and 1981”, Archaeologia Aeliana (ser. 5) 1, 1983, 61-78.

1982: “The Great Chesters Pilum Murale”, Archaeologia Aeliana (ser. 5) 10, 200-205.

1981 (with R.Young) “Some new and some forgotten Stamped Skillets, and the date of P. Cipius Polybius”, Britannia 12, 37-44.

(with Young, R.) ‘A Stamped Patera-handle from Lincoln City’, Lincs History and Archaeol 15, 84-85.

1980 “Early Claudian Lezoux Ware in the Durham University Collections”, Transactions of the Archaeological and Architectural Society of Durham and Northumberland (ser. 2), 5, 45-46.

‘Excavation and Survey on the Medieval City Wall’, in Carver, M.O.H. (ed), Medieval Worcester, 65-85.

(with Jones, J.H.T. and Vyner, B.E.) ‘A Medieval and Later Water-mill at Norton-on-Tees’, Industrial Archaeol Rev 4, 171-176.

4 1979: “`Temporary Camps” on Hadrian’s Wall”, in Roman Frontier Studies, 1979 (W.S.Hanson, L.J.F.Keppie, edd), Oxford, 151-172.

(with I.Burrow) “A Romano-British Relief from Cadbury Camp, Tickenham, Avon” in Rescue Archaeology in the Bristol Region (N.Thomas, ed), Bristol, 1-8.

1978 “A Further Vessel by the Aldgate-Pulborough Potter”, Britannia 9, 393-394.

1975: (with Fowler, P.J. and Hill, V.S.) ‘Archaeology and the M5 Motorway: 4th Report’, Trans Bristol Gloucestershire Archaeol Soc 95, 48-91.

1974: “Some Roman and some Post-Roman Pottery from Stanton Prior”, Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society 118, 44-46.

(with Fowler, P.J.) ‘Archaeology and the M5 Motorway: 3rd Report’, Trans Bristol Gloucestershire Archaeol Soc 93, 101-130.

1973 (with Fowler, P.J.) ‘Archaeology and the M5 Motorway: 2nd Report’, Trans Bristol Gloucestershire Archaeol Soc 92, 21-81.