




F.Ya. Ovchiimikov, L. I. Golubev 50 annyrersary of USSR Hovo-Voronezh Atomic Power Plant, Voronezh, USSR

A.AoLipovekii, P«I#Fedotov, S.S.Kovalenko V.G.Ghlopin Radium Institute, Leningrad, USSR

V.MoGryazev, G.I.Gadzhiev, V.Ya.Gabeskiriya V.I.Lenin Nuclear Reactors Research Institute Dimitrovgrad, USSR

ABSTRACT The possibilities of nuclear material accounting and con- trol are discussed at nuclear facilities of fuel cycle (WWER- type reactor, fuel fabrication plant, reprocessing plant and enrichment facility) and zero energy fast reactor fa- cility. It is showed that for nuclear material control the main method is the accounting. Possibilities and limitations of the application of dest- ructive and non-destructive methods are discussed for nuclear

Therefore, both the tested and considered methods Buitab- le for measuring nuclear materials a* +. material determinations at fuel facilities and their role in the accounting and safeguards systems as well aB possibiliti- es of the application of method at a zero energy fast reactor facility» IHTRCDUCTIŒJ Power reactors of the WWER-type have been used extensi- vely* At the present time they are being operated and construc- ted with the technical assistance of the Soviet Union in a nu- mber of non- states. According to the ITon-Prolifiration of Nuclear Weapons Treaty, these reactor types are subjected to the safeguards system of IAEA* In an effort to assist the Agency in applying the safegu- ards to the WWER-type reactor nuclear power plants the Soviet specialists have been carried out a number of investigations including the application of the accounting and experimental techniques for determining the actual amount of nuclear mate- rials at Nuclear power plants as well as the studies of the inspection procedures at the plant, and under international transfer of nuclear materials [i-33 • In addition, certain technical problems such as the application of safeguards sys- tem to uranium enrichment facilities [43 , utilization of pro- bability methods for the safeguards purposes f5] have been al- so analyzed as well as many other studies concerning analyti- cal provision of safeguards C*>-73 • In order to further assist the Agency in developing safeguards technical problems, some technical aspects of accountancy and control of nuclear material at the fuel cycle facilities WÏÏER reactor power plants

JIHTEPATYPA have been studied in the Soviet Union. The present paper de- scribes the main results of these investigations.


The fuel cycle of YiTWBR-type nower reactors consists of a series of nuclear facilities such as a plant for fabrication of fuel rods and assemblies, reprocessing plant, and a uranium enrichment facility. The features of the fuel cycle essential to safeguards are as follows. 1. Low initial enrichment of fuel (3.6 - 4% mass), i.e. low strategical value, 2. High strategical value of the irradiated fuel due to production, 3. Using of nuclear materials both in bulk and cladding.

Table I shov/s an approximate distribution of the nuclear material over different nuclear facilities of the WWER-44O and WWER-1OOO reactor fuel cyclesfej .

The above items of the WWER-reactor fuel cycle determine the system of control and safeguards applications scheme»

The accountancy system is based on the data obtained from

weighing the transnortation containers and analyzing the samples taken in the bulk fora for nuclear material and calculation

9. BraraeTeHL MTAT3 T. 17, B 2, CTp. 15 (1975), Tfl

22. E.A.EndiraeB, JLH.rojiyóeB, C.C.KoBajieHKO, B.II.MaSopoB, tion of the assembly» In this part of the cycle,non-destruotive control is the only method to measure the nuclear material in the assemblies, as a rule the error is now 3-5%. Therefore, it seems expedient to establish the following additional requirements for this part of the cycle* the assemblies should be identified by their serial numbers which remain unchanged from the moment of manufacture to dest- ruction; accounting for nuclear material and verification should be made separately for each assembly; in addition to the information on uranium and plutonium contents in irradiated assembly the data on the average burn- up should contain. For nuclear material in claddings the above requirements are sufficient to confine the control to the identification measurements» The control of nuclear material over the eintire fuel cyc- le can be made in the following way: verification of the correlation relations of the nuclear material fluxes moving between the corresponding material balan- ce areas at the facilities; calculation of the fluxes and distribution of the nuclear material over the fuel cycle, using the data on the aotual re- actor energy output» She control and accounting for nuclear material described above are able to provide necessary accuracy in making balance of the WWER-reactor fuel cycle*

MBA-1 M3A-2

1 Naturall identification of assemblies should be carried out by the- ir serial numbers; independent determination of the initial fuel enrichment should be made in non-irradiated assemblies and average fuel burn-up in irradiated assemblies» Possible locations of MBAs at a Suclear Power Plant are shown in Fig* 2c* Calculation methods used for determining the quantity of nuclear material in assemblies are non sufficiently accura- te* For example, the experimental analysis of the isotopic co- mposition of the irradiated fuel in the assemblies of the WWER- 365 reactor in the 2nd unit of Hovo-Voronezh Nuclear power plant has shown that the deviation of the experimental values from the calculated values is -1-2& /mass/ for uranium, *5-S% /mass/ for plutonium, and -2-3% for burn-up depths* The obtained re- sults are compared in Figs«3 and 4. Another way to ccntrol the burnup depth in the assemblies involves independent measurements of the reactor energy output* For this purpose a neutron flux integrator designed in the USSR oan be used [11] • To prevent diversional irradiation of unaccounted nuclear material in the reactor core it is necessary to seal the reac- tor cover for a period between -che inspections* In addition to these measures, automatio control of the process of arrival and dispatching the containers with fuel as- semblies by photocameras should be established at the plant* Fuel fabrication plant. At the fuel fabrication plant, nu- clear material is either in the form of UOg powder with initial uranium-235 enrichment of 1,6-0.05% /massy; 2*4-0*5%/mass/, and 3.6±O*O5#» or as pellets with density of 10,2-10,7 g/cm3, or as fuel assemblies with the uranium content of 120-1.5kg (for WWER-440) [12]. Huelear material is accounted for by weighing the boxes containing UOg powder, pellets and fuel rods before and after they are filled with the material* Diversion of nuclear material is possible during the mo- vement of empty boxes as well as in transfers of the pellets for fuel rod filling (or disposing them as discarded or wastes). To prevent such actions it is necessary: to provide two nuclear material balance areas at the plant (HBA-I-fabrication of pellets; JtfBA-2 - fabrication of assembli- es, Fig,2b)i to carry out the check weighing and analyzing of the samp- y A I lea of U02 powder and pellets; photographic recording of the boz receiving process and dispatching the containers with fuel assemblies; sealing of the transportation containers* fuel reprocessing plant. Huclear material at the fuel rep- rocessing plant is in the form of uranium and plutonium solutions [13] • She Uranium-235 content amounts to 10-11 kg/t of uranium, the plutonium content-8 kg/t of uranium for burnup 28500 MW/t of uranium* Nuclear material is accounted for by weighing the received fuel, measuring the volumes and concentrations of the solutions* Diversion of nuclear material can be made in removal of scrap» removal of uranium and plutonium solutions produced in technological reprocessing, and in waste solutions* To prevent this it is necessary: to provide four material balance areas: MBA-I - cutting and dissolving of the fuel} MBA-2 - separation of uranium an plutonium; MBA-3 - purification, of uranium, and MBA-4 - puri- fication of plutonium, (Fig.2à) ; determination of the fuel mass before solving; measuring the solution volumes and determination of ura- nium and plutonium concentrations in them; determination of uranium and plutonium quantities lost with waste solutions* The other methods for safeguards procedures are shown in Fig.I,

Uranium enrichment facility» Nuclear materials in the form of uranium hexafluoride of low initial enrichment are used at the uranium enrichment facility»The accountancy is based on we- ighing of the transportation containers and analysing the samploa Diversion of nuclear material can made either by means of removal of its with empty cylinders or by enriching unaccounted nuclear material in the technological part of the facility*

Por safeguards purposes it would be necessary that: two nuclear material balance areas should be made (MBA-I- the storehouse, and MBA-2 - the technological port, Pig.2a); check weighing of the containers and analyzing the samples; photographic recording of the arrival and dispatch of the containers» Therefore, for safeguards purposes it is necessary to make the measurements of the following it ems at the fuel cycle facili- ties: uranium dioxide powder; uranium dioxide pellets; fresh fuel assemblies; irradiated assemblies; uranium and plutonium solutions; uranium-hexaf luoride • The techniques for measuring these materials are discussed below* 3. METHODS POR MEASURING THE NUCLEAR MATERIALS, Both non-destructive and destructive control of the above nuclear materials in the WWER-type reactor fuel cycle have been tested for the safeguards purposes. Destructive analysis of the contents of uranium-235 and uranium dioxide include the gravimetric titriaetric, mass-spec- trometerict spectral photometry techniques £i 4—15 3 « The measu- rement results are presented in Table 2a* Variation coeffici- ent of these methods were 0.1-0.3%» 'i'he uranium content in the waste solutions was determined after purification by means of photometric or liminiscent me- thods with the variation coefficients of 2-3%* After extraction the plutonium content was determined by the titrimetric or coulometric methods [lõ] • The variation co- efficients in a 12-15 mg sample was 0*15%* These methods have been used in the PAPEX-I experiments [ 7 3 • The results are listed in Table 2b* The plutonium content was determined also by the method of isotopic dilution with mass-spectrometric or alpha-spectro- metrio [173 « ?he variation coefficients of these methods were 0.2-0.3&


U02(ïï03)2+Pu(%) Method 3 solution solution

Potentiometrio 100.0 0.05 99«93 0.08 titration Differential spectral pho- tometry 100.3 0.20 100.10 0.30


PUO2 powder Plutonium nitrate Method solution .X 6" X 6" Coulometric 88.71 0.06 1.767 0.001 Radiometric 88.66 0.12 1.768 0.002

She plutonium content in the waste solutions was determi- ned by dipping alpha-detectors into them. The variation coef- ficient was about 15-20% [183« ?or safeguards purposes feasibility of the other methods deaoribed in Refs. [19-21] has been analysed. To analyze the uranium content in scrap a modified Devi- se-Gray method with the variation coefficient 0.2-0.3$ can be used* The same method can be also used in analysing the uranyl nitrate solutions obtained in the process of the irradiated fuel reprocessing of the WWER-reactors.

11 To analyze uranium hexafluoride the methods of gas mass»» spectrometry or gravimetric technique can be used*, In this ca- se a sample of 80-120 g mass is taken, the variation coefficient is of 0ei£s The mass of the fuel obtained for dissolving can be deter= mined by weighing with account of undissolved material (0G02-

0003?S mass)» The calibration errors of the volume to be accoun« ted fors measurements of the volume and sampling allow total uncertainty of about 1%© nondestructive control measurements of nuclear material have been used to determine the burnup depths in irradiated fu- el rods and assemblies; the uranium-235 content in pellets and rods of the WWER-reactorSo The content of uranium-235 in non-irradiated pellets of dioxide was determined by gamma spectrometry0

The measurement error was about 1%o The same method with similar error was used to determine the relative uranium»235 content in non~irradiated fuel rodse The burn-up and relative quantity of plutonium in irradia-» ted assemblies were determined by gamma spectrometric measure» 1 "34. 1 "37 ment s of "the Cs ^ , Cs *" content » The measurement error was about tgsi [22] . Fig»5 presents the measurement results made with an as- sembly of the WWER~365 reactors Heutron scanning of the assemblies is also an advanced method for such measurements [23] © The other methods of nondestructive control of nuclear ma- terial described in literature have been also considered [24-29], The urani'j2i-235 content in the transportation cylinders conta»

12 ining uranium hexafluoride can be also determined by using either the gamma speotrometry technique or measuring the num- ber of from the P(n) reaction. The measurement errors can reach about 2-5%« The gamma spectrometer technique can also be used to de- termine the uranium-235 content in boxes filled with enriched uranium dioxide powder. The error is 2-5SS. Determination of uranium and plutonium in solutions in me- asuring cells of reprocessing facility can be also promicing with an Z-ray fluorescence method. The error to be expected should be 0.5-UO^. A pulse counting method of delayed neutrons from uranium- 235 fission at bombarding the container with wastes by 14Mev neutrons can be applied to the wastes of the fuel reprocessing plant of the WWER-reactorSo The variation coefficient is 15- 30?&. Plutonium content can be measured by recording of the de- layed neutron coincidences from the spontaneous disintegrati- on of Pu-240 with an error of 5-15%. Por PuOg powder in the container, the Pu-240 spontaneous désintégration neutron coin- cidence method can be used with an error of 3-555. The calori- meter method can be used with an error of about 1%. Uon-dest- ructive control methods have been also at the "fast" critical assembly "SPEKTR" of V.I.Lenin Research Institute, Dmitrov- grad [30} • Such highly enriched uranium (90% mass) or pluto- nium assemblies are not very "resistant" with respect to di- version, therefore they are of interest from the safeguards point of view* The gamma-spectrometry methods have been found unsuitab- le for measuring the critical assembly packets because it is

13 possible to imitate the nuclear material in the packets. The pulse-counting method of delayed neutrons in désintégration of uranium-235 bombarded by a neutron beam appeared more sui- table* The error was -2%, To measure the actual quantity of uranium-235 in assembly an active neutron method was used* Constant decay measurements of the uranium-235 prompt neutrons are shown in Fig» 6 and Table3. Variations in oC is 15-20% against the initial value while those of oC from the point of uranium-235 extraction is 5fo» The measurement error was about 1?S* TABLE 3. COÏÏSTABT DECAY VARIATION OP THE PROMPT NEUTRONS IB THE

Quantity and point Weight of the Prompt neutron of U-235 extraction displacing ma- falling rate (kg) terial (g) constant (seo"1 ) Critical assembly with known quanti- 4630 + 40 ty of uranium-235 Critical assembly without 2,1 kg of uranium-235 extrac- 1000g of 3510 ± 25 ted in the centre polyethylene of the core(point A in Pig* 6) The same at the pe- 800 g of 3700 t 20 riphery polyethylene Critical assembly with- 240 k of polyethy- 3930 £ 20 out 1.5 kg of uranium- lene and 2 steel 235 extracted (point B, rods Fig.6)

14 Therefore, both the tested and considered methods suitab- le for measuring nuclear materials at the nuclear facilities approximate in accuracy the safeguards requirements*


Studies of technical aspects of the accountancy and cont- rol of nuclear material at the fuel cycle nuclear facilities ha- ve shown that following: the main method of safeguards is the accountancy for nuc- lear material at the fuel cycle nuclear facilities of the WWER- reactors* This method is based on the check measurements of the actual quantity of nuclear material in the material balance are- as by weighing and analysing the samples; analytical destructive control methods used for measuring the amount of nuclear material (titrimetric, coulometric, mass - and alpha-spectrometry methods and others) provide the accuracy of 0.5-1 OO&Ï non-destructive control methods used for measuring nuclear material (gamma-spe ctrome try, neutron measurements and others) provide the accuracy of 3-5% and require further improvement. As -a whole, the nuclear material balance areas and methods described above for the control of nuclear material at the nuc- lear plant fuel cycle is able to provide the accuracy necessary for the safeguards purposes.


1. С.А. Скворцов, 0.А.Миллер. "О технической возможно- сти применения гарантий на АЭС с реактором типа ВВЭР" Proceedings of a Symposium IAEA by Safeguards Techni- ques, v.1, p«339» Vienna, (1970) 2. С.А.Скворцов, 0.А.Миллер, Ф.Я.Овчинников, Л.И.Голубев, А.П.Коноплев, Г.А.Кулаков "Контроль ядерных материалов на атомной электростанции с реактором ВВЭР". Proce- edings of a Symposium IAEA on the Safeguarding Nuclear Materials", v.1, p,187, Vienna, (1976). 3. С. А.Скворцов, О.А.Миллер "Процедуры гарантий для международных передач ядерных материалов" Proceedings of a Symposium IAEA on the Safeguarding Nuclear Ma-

terials", ve1, p.597, Vienna, (1976)e 4. H.С.Бабаев, А.А.Сазыкин, О.А.Миллер, Ю.В.Вербин, Е.И.Аббакумов. "Некоторые технические вопросы при- менения гарантий МАГАТЭ на установке по обогащению урана" Proceedings of a Symposium IAEA on the Safe- guarding Huclear Materials", v.1, p.609,Vienna,(1976); 5. А.Н.Румянцев "Применение вероятностных методов для целей rapaHTHU'proeeedings of a Symposium IAEA on the Safeguarding Nuclear Materials", v.1, p*531, Vienna, (1976). 6. В.К.Марков "Возможности деструктивных методов опре- деления ядерного горючего в различных материалах". Proceedings of a Symposium IAEA on the Safeguards Techniques, v.2, p.3, Vienna, (1970) 7. А.А.ЛИПОВСКИЙ и др. Отчеты по экспериментам PAEEX-I И РАИЗХ-2 МАГАТЭ (1974, 1975) ; 8. С.А.Скворпов и др. "Пути повышения экономичности АЭС с реакторами типа ВВЭР". Доклад, представленный на данную конференцию.

16 9. BHWüieTeHB MATATü T. 17, fê 2, CTp. 15 (1975). IO. H ffl?. "SKcnjiyaTamsH peaKTopHHX ycTa- HOBOK HOBOBOpOHeSCKOË A3C", M., AT0MH3flaT (1972). 11. H.K.KyjiHKOB H flp. "ATOMHan aHeprHff" T. 34, B. 5, CTp. 396 (1973). 12. P.C.AMtíapuyMfiH H flp. "TexHOJiorHH H3roTOBJieHHfi Tenjio- BHflejiHioiiíix BjieisieHTOB ipm BOÍI;O-BOÍPÍHHX peaKTopoB Tuna BB3P". TpyflH CEmino3HyMa C3B "CocTOflHHe H nepcneKTHBH pa3BHTHH A3C c BO^O-BOÍÍHHHMÍI peaKTopaiwii". T.2, CTp. 308. MocKBa (1968).

13. B.E.HfeB^eHKO H .Dp. "Bojmne MeTojm nepepatíoTKH TBSJIOB peaKTopoB11. JtOKJiajj;, 49/P/435, CCCP Ha U MejímyHapo.nHyio KOH^epeHDtmo no zcnojiB30BaHmo aTOMHOH aHeprim, leHeBa (1971). 14. B.K.MapKOB H íp. "JpaH H MeTojm ero ., (I964). 15. A.E.KrarHH, A.H.KOHOHOB, B.r.IIacTyxoB. " 3HeprHH", T. 37, CTp. 401 (1974). 16. H.B.MoHceeB, A.H.KynepwiaH. nPaji;HOXHMiiHn, T. 18, CTp. 128 (1976). 17. A.A.JIiinOBCKHH, KLB.XojEbHOB, Report SII-201/106, Proce- edings of a Symposium IAEA on the Safeguarding Nuclear Eflaterials, Vienna, (1976). 18. B.K.MapKOB H íp. MToroBHM no KOHTpaKTy Í& 880 c MATAT3 (1970). 19. B.IÇyBHK, H.KpTizui, B. CneBa^KOBa. CnMno3HyM C3B no HHSM B otíjiacTH nepepatíoTKH oojiy^eHHoro Ton- , T. 3, CTp. 144, Ilpara (1975), 20. A» von Baeckmann, R* and D, on Safeguards Proceedings of a Symposium, Roma, 0975)* 21. A,H.Eberle, Proceedings of a Symposium on Safegu- ards Techniques, v«2, p.27» Vienna, (1970).

17 22. E.A.EnÓiraeB, JLÏÏ.PojiyôeB, C.C.KoBajreHKO, B.II.MaítopoB, M.A.CyirayrameB, II.H.ç&eflOTOB "IIpocTpaHCTBeHHoe pacnpe.se- jieHHe npojoyKTOB flejreHHH H BuropaHHH B Kacceie BB3P-3 II títaOKa HoBOBopoHeœoKoiî A3C. B cd, " CTpaH-*uieHDB C3B no BonpocaM nnzœ TBBJI H wieTOsai/f onpeaejiemiH B HHX sejifímEixcfl MaTepnajipB", C3B;M., (1975). 23. A.A.BopoHKOB» B.ÍI.rajiKHH, H.M.KasapHHOB, n.H.ç5e,noTOB. B cd. "JüDKjiaHEi cnennajniCTOB OTpaH-^uieHOB C3B no BonpooaM TpaHcnopTHpoBaHHH oTpadoTaBimax TBSJI H Hepa3rpyKatomnM MeTO-

saM onpeflejieHHH B HHX #ejiHinHXOH MaTepnajiOB", (C3Bt M., (1976)). 24. T.D.Reily st al., IA-46O5-MS, 19 (1970)

25. ToD.Reily et alo, LÀ-ÜE-74-112 (1974) 26. T.Dragnev, C.Beets, Rep. EUR-4576e, 0hap,3, KIK-110, 0971). 27. A. von Beackmann, IAEA-SIM33/51 ,v,2 (1970) 28. G»R.Keepin et alo IAEA-SM-133/49, v«2 (1970) 29. H.Beisswenger, AIKEM, SîK, G-15, (1972)

30. B,M.Ipfl3eB H íp, "Pa3patíOTKa npoiieítyp n MeTO^os KOHTPOJIH KojnraecTBa H cocTasa HflepHHX NBTepnajiOB Ha KpHTiraecKoS ctíopKe "CHEKTP". líTorosafi oi^eT no tè 1435 c MATAT3. HHH AP HM. B.H.JIeHHHa, ÍHMHTpoBrpaa (1974).

18 ^Sw ïype of "X.faoility Nuclear power plant Fuel fabrication plant Fuel reprocessing Uranium enrichment plant facility IAEl ^»v Safeguards ^s^

1• Recording energy 1. Control weighing of 1. Control weighing of 1. Control weighing of output of reactor boxes containing cut fuel transport cylinders Acoounting UOp powder and 2. Control measurement containing UP, and oiexjiou analysis of samples of solution volumes analysis of samples 2. Control weighing and and concentrations analvsie of pellets

1. Sealing reactor 1. Sealing of boxes 1. Sealing of containers ^ 1. Sealing of co Storage cover containing UO. and with final U and transport cylinders method 2. Sealing the fuel- fuel-assembly Pu solutions assembly containers containers

1. Photographic 1. Photographic recording 1. Photographic record- 1. Photographic recording of of box-receiving and ing of fuel-asssmbly Surveillance recording of dispatoh and arrival container-dispatching containers arrival and dispatch of fuel-assembly processes 2. Photographic record- o.f transport containers ing of dispatoh of cylinders containers with solutions

ia.i, System of applying safeguards to nuclear facilities involved in the WWBB fuel cycle MBA-1 MBA-2


Assembly 2 , ^ dispatch powder 9 LssemoiyI { Charge | mounting | ± sl ±element Pellets filling * Pellet fabrication Assembly fabrica+ion

MBA-1 MM-2 MBA-3 assembly Reactor Fuel asseably storage. pooling d



Cutting of fuel assembly


Materials balance areas at facilities a) Uranium enrichment facility c) Muclear power plant b) Euel fabrication plant d) Fuel reprocessing plant 20 30



"Ci § 10


0 10 20 30 40 Bum-up, Kg/t U

Pig. 3 Uranium content of WWER-365 (initial enrichment - 3$ mass) -theoretical, • - experimental

1 -H 10



10 20 30 40 Burn-up, Kg/t Ü "

Fig. 4. Plutonium content of WWER-365 fuel (initial enrichment - 3$ mass) _ theoretical 9 _ Expérimental

21 35



20 0J6 3 ! 154 7 to CO

-*-*- 0,5 *0 \? 2,0 2.5 0,5 1,0 4,5 20 2.5 K>S Activities ratio r L Activities ratio

Fig» 5 Burn-up (a) and plutonium content (b) as a function of the Cs/ activities ratio for an irradiated fuel assembly of the WWER-365 reactor (Unit II of the ITovo-Voronezh Nuclear Power Station)

1 •H


§ o í s fi S

0 2,5 5,0

Fig. 6 Pronç)t neutron decay constant as a function of amount of extracted