Venture Capital Twitter Scoreboard

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Venture Capital Twitter Scoreboard © Venture Capital Twitter Scoreboard From Jack Dorsey - “When a leader, CEO or someone in a leadership position takes to the platform they have the opportunity to humanize their organization, make it feel smaller and relatable to people.” CEO’s are measured by many factors with social media presence rising to the top of the list. Top Twitter CEO is Elon Musk with 22.7 million followers as well as the CEO with the most gains of 1.1 million new followers over the past three months as well as certainly the most engaged CEO with 3-Star rating. The second fasting growing CEO on Twitter is Sundar Pichai of Google with 2.0 million followers up 160K followers. In today’s business-political-social world, you are measured by many factors including the number of Twitter followers you have. In fact, many surveys have found that websites in general are perceived as passive customer communication tools with Twitter being a far more proactive customer-engaging tool. These surveys have also found an increasing number of customers go to your Twitter account before they go to your website doing “due diligence” on you looking for call-to-actions, thought leadership and content useful in their purchasing as well as customer complaints regarding your solution. Your client may not have a Twitter business account, but they may have a personal account and their advisors may as well. You can also see how in some small way John Legere’s Twitter efforts have also impacted the price of the stock. As noted Twitter expert Evan Kirstel just named Top B2B-Business-to-Business Influencer with 217K and growing followers stated, “Twitter is not just way to meet new prospects and partners, it IS the way you run your company. If you aren’t engaged, your competition likely is!” That is, CEO’s are beginning to see the real value of Twitter not just for their company but for their role as CEO in the company they run. Evan added, “The ultimate value of any CEO is the price of the stock and social media can impact that.” The purpose of this Venture Capital Scoreboard is not just about venture capital companies and Twitter profiles who list themselves as VC investors and accelerators, it is to recognize that social media presence really matters. That is, the firm or person who has the highest number of followers is not the only measure of the VC’s social presence but certainly a viable one. Like any other factor, Twitter postings reflect the company or person's views of the world, their investments, goals and achievements. Click here to get listed, corrections, additions, and Twitter help. We apologize for omissions or errors. Note: Number of Followers can change dramatically as this will be updated monthly. Company Twitter Name Followers Notes GV @GVteam 567,000 Funding bold new companies Reid Hoffman @reidhoffman 503,000 Investor Sequoia @sequoia 486,000 Idea to IPO Skill Foundation @SkollFoundation 457,000 Social investments Andressen Horowitz @a16z 319,000 Software Brad Feld @bfeld 304,000 VC at Foundry Accel @Accel 219,000 All phases of growth Kleiner Perkins @kpcb 217,000 Forward-thinking Greylock @GreylockVC 194,000 Company builders First Round @firstround 174,000 All phases Kolegraff Venture Capital @kolegraffvclink 82,500 Series A, B, C, D Index Ventures @IndexVentures 82,500 Seed, venture, growth Bessemer @BessemerVP 67,400 Early stage to growth Union Square Ventures @usv 62,400 Thesis-driven VC New Enteprise Assoc @NEA 61,600 Global VC Highland Capital @HighlandCapital 56,100 Breakthrough companies Spark Capital @sparkcapital 53,200 Exceptional founders General Catalyst @gcvp 50,400 Early stage and transformational Battery Ventures @BatteryVentures 48,000 Seed to growth DFJ Venture Capital @DFJvc 45,300 Think big Redpoint @redpointvc 42,300 New markets Balderton Capital @balderton 37,700 Europe’s largest early stage Avaya @Avaya 36,400 Corporate VC in tech AI Flybridge Capital @flybridge 32,000 Early stage Kapor Capital @KaporCapital 28,800 Seed stage Menlo Ventures @MenloVentures 28,300 Seed to growth RRE Ventures @RRE 25,800 Early stage Partech @PartechPartners 26,400 Global tech in San Fran, Paris, Berlin Ff Venture Capital @ffvc 26,400 Tech investments CRV @CRV 25,000 Enterprise, consumer, bio Upfront Ventures @upfrontvc 22,900 Wide range of investments Dell Technologies Capital @DellTech 22,300 Dell VC SV Angel @svangel 20,700 Angel investors in SFO Converge @ConvergeVC 20,400 B2B tech Lerer Hippeau @LererHippeau 19,700 Early stage in NYC Greycroft @greycroftvc 19,400 Early stage tech Obvious Ventures @obviousvc 18,900 Early stage health living Kima Ventures @kimaventures 18,600 Funding two startups per week Early Bird @EarlybirdVC 17,900 European tech Angels Ventures Mexico @AVM_Mex 16,900 Early stage healthcare, retail Backstage Capital @Backstage_Cap 15,900 Under-estimated founders Point Nine Capital @PointNineCap 14,900 Early stage SaaS and digital marketplace Lighter Capital @LighterCapital 14,600 Non-dilutive capital Atomico @atomico 14,200 International VC Alven @alvencap 13,700 French early stage AI, SaaS, Security Octopus Ventures @OctopusVentures 13,000 Multi stage European Hubraum tech @hubraum 12,400 Deutsche Telecom Ventech @Ventech_VC 12,200 Paris, Munich, Helsinki, Shanghai – in IT AXA Venture Partners @AXAVentures 11,900 Enterprise, fintech, consumer Pritzker Group @PritzkerVC 11,900 Helping entrepreneurs achieve greatness Open View @OpenViewVenture 11,500 Expansion stage software Blackbird Ventures @blackbirdvc 11,000 Australia Serena @serenavc 11,000 French AI, data-driven startups Forerunner Ventures @ForerunnerVC 10,900 Commerce revolution Bain Capital Ventures @BainCapVC 10,600 Disruptive B2B ideas Elaia Partners @Elaia_Partners 10,600 Paris early stage B2B Foundry Group @foundrygroup 10,500 Early stage, growth tech 360 Capital Partners @360CP 10,000 Paris, Milan, Berlin full scale innovation OMERS Ventures @OMERSVentures 9,982 VC arm of Omers pension fund Rockies Venture Club @RockiesVenture 9,928 Angel VC investing in Colorado Chicago Ventures @ChicagoVentures 9,329 Seed stage in Chicao and central region Madrona Venture Group @MadronaVentures 9,294 Seed, early stage in Pacific Northwest Rev1 Ventures @Rev1Ventures 9,094 Investor startup studio Sales Force VC @SalesforceVC 8,814 Sales Force VC Foundation Capital @FoundationCap 8,790 Venture matters Uncork Capital @uncorkcap 8,694 Seed stage Advance Ventures @AdvanceVentures 8,455 IT, Fintech, Mobile, IoT Emergence Capital @emergencecap 8,411 Early stage to long-term MMC Ventures @MMC_Ventures 8,338 Early stage UK Macquarie Group @Macquarie 8,232 Cybersecurity Aspect Ventures @AspectVC 7,551 Multi-platform, multi-device R/GA Ventures @rgaventures 7,473 Groundbreaking tech Next View @NextViewVC 7,071 Everyday economy Cannan Partners @canaanpartners 6,967 Early stage tech - healtcare FundersClub @FundersClub 6,867 Online VC Georgian Partners @GeorgianPrtnrs 6,833 AI, security, privacy, Idinvest @idinvest 6,503 Pan-European PE firm startups Reach Fund @reachfund 6,494 Seeking education tech AirTree Ventures @airtreevc 6,411 Australia & New Zealand cos BBG Ventures @BBGVentures 6,408 Female builders Square Peg Capital @SquarePegCap 6,407 Seed and early stage software Draper Espirit @draperesprit 6,394 London Josh Goldman @VCjosh 6,358 Seed and early stage Ventures Platform @vplatformhub 6,089 Smart capital Africa boldest startups Female Founders Fund @fcubedvc 5,951 Investing in female talent Runa Capital @RunaCapital 5,742 International B2B Fortify Ventures @fortifyvc 5,732 Founders funding founders Insights Ventures @insightpartners 5,686 Global VC and PE The Riverside Company @TheRiversideCo 5,352 PE on lower end of middle market Cross Culture VC @CrossCultureVC 5,316 Early stage IVP @IVP 5,311 Later stage VC growth Verizon Ventures @VerizonVentures 5,236 Future of tech White Star Capital @WhiteStarVC 5,233 Early stage international Kickstart Seed Fund @KickstartFund 5,215 Seed in the Wild West BlueYard Capital @blueyard 5,122 Transformative idea Cultivation Capital @CultivationCap 4,883 Startups in tech and life sciences Anu @anuduggalnyc 4,871 Partner Female Founders Bowery Capital @BoweryCapital 4,738 Early stage B2B Case Foundation @CaseFoundation 4,728 Steve Case investments Felix Capital @FelixCapital 4,722 London digital lifestyle Craig Blair @craigRblair 4,447 Partner at AirTree Rough Draft Ventures @roughdraftvc 4,489 General Catalyst VC for students Tank Stream Ventures @tankstreamvc 4,445 Early stage in Australia Norwest @NorwestVP 4,304 Seed to late stage Mayfield Fund @MayfieldFund 4,254 Global VC Eight Roads Ventures @8roadsventures 4,203 Global VC Sapphire Ventures @SapphireVC 4,022 Scaling tech companies @eventuresVC 3,925 Global VC with local funds Hostplus @Hostplus 3,919 Australia super fund Accomplice @Accomplices 3,895 Seed financing Pioneer Square Labs @psl 3,882 Startup and early stage in Seattle Unilever VC @UnileverVenture 3,707 Consumer & enterprise Sutian Dong @sutiandong 3,691 Partner at Female Founders Primary VC @PrimaryVC 3,565 B2C B2B enterprise software Blumberg Capital @BlumbergCapital 3,510 Early stage Rincom VP @RinconVP 3,487 Seed early stage VC Daphni @daphnipolis 3,371 New European VC CT Innovations @CT_Innovate 3,259 Helping Connecticut businesses grow Ben Tompkins @b_tompkins 3,327 Managing Partner Draper Espirit Credo Ventures @CredoVentures 3,231 Early stage in central Europe Precursor Ventures @PrecursorVC 3,208 Seed stage M12 @M12vc 3,028 Microsoft Corporate VC Sierra Ventures @Sierra_Ventures 2,986 Early

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