Of the Most Holy Rosary a Very Efficacious Devotion to Obtain All Kinds of Graces H-- the FIFTEEN SATURDAYS

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Of the Most Holy Rosary a Very Efficacious Devotion to Obtain All Kinds of Graces H-- the FIFTEEN SATURDAYS CQ v . - of the Most Holy Rosary A Very Efficacious Devotion to Obtain All Kinds of Graces h-- THE FIFTEEN SATURDAYS OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY A VERY EFFICACIOUS DEVOTION TO ORTAIN ALL KINDS OF GRACES UOMMANDER BARTOLO LONGO, Li. D. —— ————— THE FIFTEEN SATURDAYS OF THE MOST HOLY BOSARY A VERY EFFICACIOUS DEVGTION TO OBTAIN ALL KINDS OF GRACES Translated from the eleventh italian edition BY LUIGI CATURELLI Inc. Sinners Publishing, by Refuge of copyright 6 2015 ndiana. Pekin, of Refuge of Sinners the property in of this book i5 in whole, or The typography noto t be r€ roduced, Inc. àn d may the publisher. publishing, permission from part, without written of America. in the United States Printed and bound Published by In: Refuge of Sinners Publishing, IN. 471€ 5271 E Mann Rd - Pekin, www.JoyfulCatholic.com 1-800-451-3993 A PROTESTATION MarchComplyingA5 end wi 5b june W a& ell as wit $d as well as with the Decrees of the Sac (Jlune 1631, lemaly declare thmP et Congregations of Kites, wes So- and Doctrines exeep- led which the noll he Dogmas : t conceras mirac) ¥ Cathotie See delined, to all u €8, apparitions and Suinl; nul. vel (ll: nonized, w W6 meg ; only human ^i 10 give and require i cred M. n t : THE BOOK OF THE FIFTEEN SATURDAYS The origin of this book. On the eighth of May 1876 we laid the corner stone of the Sanctuary of Pompei. Among the Neapolitan ladies who contri- buted by their offerings to the building of this Temple of the Rosary, there was the pious Marchioness Filiasi di Somma. An heiress to the virtues and devotion to the holy Rosary of the Princess del Colle, this exemplary gentlewoman began to diffuse in Naples a little French book of a few pages, which she caused to be translated into Ita- lian, and that gave directions profitably to practice Fifteen uninterrupted Saturdays to the honor of the Blessed Virgin's Rosary. When she had made my acquaintance, she gave me her favourite little book, that I might get a new edition of it printed. I remarked to the pious Marchioness F'i- liasi that, instead of publishing a little book pointing out the only rules to be tollowed for the devotion of the fifteen Saturdays, it would have been better to compile a book, — 6 — containing in due order all the pra_v;lers and practices convenient to execute such a pro- fitable exercise well. In fact, the hidden virtue of this devotion of the fifteen Satur- days derives from thi.s, thal on each Satur- day we orderly meditate a myster.y, from which we draw a virtue to be put into exo- 'cution in the actions of our lives. Now, io do these meditations on the Joys and Sorrows of Mary, on the Passion of Jesus Ohrist and the triumphs of both , se- veral books dre necessary, nor can everyone have one suitable, and if he has it is trouble- some to carry them io church. - In order, therefore, to furnish devout bersons with a single and complete book do the fifteen Saturdays to of the most holy filoéfarjl);d?t/e?" I endeavoured to gather all ferring toaela?ïs drawn from ?he Gospel ro- a5 a Preparaii:)nmgrslfler’gii’ Co‘mmunion anks\I’l“?h' or fore 0f each Saturday?wmg t h e r aL , a f l e r proposino the 4 virtue 1o be d lOüred on tha)t, d:vout 0 the mystery ho- And as it j of o fifteen Saturdays f o : . ABI‘teat profit , during ! € continue the tho whole —_7 — week the meditation on the mystery in course each one endcavouring to put into execution the resolutions taken in tho Communion and the virtues suggested by the mystery being honored, I proposed several points of medi- tation which might as well be fulfilled in one day, and give an argument for the fol- lowing days also. The first ten editions of this book. In 1877, when firstour book was published in Naples, printed by Andrea and Salvatore FFesta, it had nearly 300. pages, and it was printed at the expense of the lamented Mar- chioness Filiasi. The edition was exhausted in only six months, and to satisfy the con- linual demands, we hastened to publish at the same printing-office the second edition: but, at our own expense. This devotion spreading into many parts of Italy, we thought it our duty to enlarge, though with much pain, the canvas of our work. In 1881 the /Aird edition appeared in two volumes, containing three different, but analogous treatises. The first volume, containing the first treatise, was quite new. It was entitled: The glory of the Rosary is revenged for the injuries of ils enemies. —8 — Passing events were treated in it: The In- quisition and the Dominicans, St. Dominic and the Albigenses , Torquemada and the Ingquisition in Spain. — T he second treatise taught how to do the fifteen Saturdays well, and how great their eflicacy is. —.'The third exposed the practical method of doing them. Public favour not only continuing, but exceedingly increasing on account of the incessant graces granted by the Blessed Vir- ‘gin under the quite new title of Queen of the Rosary of Pompei, we were obliged, two years later, viz in 1883, to reprint the book considerably enlarged. And it was the fourth edition, still at our own expense. In 1884 appeared , enlarged in two volu- mes, the ffth edition, which was the last Neapolitain edition printed by Andrea and Salvatore Festa. Later in 1884, having been able, by divine help, to establish at Valle di Pompei, near - Our Lady’s Temple, a publishing printing- office, we executed here in 1885 the siwih ät:ttttlion of our work from the Neapolitain rect:edno,z ednl?-l'ged, but very carefully cor- tion ol; anth It was a neat and elegant edi- comed b Ousand pages, which was wel- ' Y &ll with the greatest favor. —9— But after a mature examination, perceiving the work.was too voluminous, and on the other hand the questions concerning the lribunal of the holy office either were not read by pious persons given to simply ascetic readings, or they were ill read; we purpo- sed to make a separate volume of them, fit for the learned and the young men accu- stomed to serious studies. And so issued in 1877 from elzevir types and on elegant paper the book entitled: S. Dominic and (he In- quisition at the Tribunal of Reason amd History. And this first sumptuons edition was sent to the first Vatican Exhibition. However the work of the Fifteen Satur- days, more and more requested, issued from our printing-office at Valle di Pompei, that same year 1887, in two volumes; and it was the seventh edition of fifteen thousand copies. In less than two years that copious edition was exhausted. Meanwhile we ascertained that many devout persons, leaving off what concerned the history of the Rosary, only look for the Meditations of the Mysteries and ihe preparations for the Communion of the Saturdays. Having had, therefore, to comply with the request of several persons, who asked us only for the second volume of the work, the one which contained the prayers; — 10 — we were obliged to publish another edition of the same; it was the eighth, of five thou- sand copies. And the demands for only the second vo- lume continuing, we at last resolved upon printing separately the readings on the Hi- story of the Rosary, and printing definitively the work of the Fifteen Saturdays in one volume. In this way, they who were satisfied with only the prayers bought the single volume of the Fifteen Suturdays. ''hose who wished to be informed on the history and utility of the Rosary, or took delight in holy rca- dings could get our other book entitted: The Glories of the Rosary. We then undertook, on 15th May 1840, the reprint of the Fifleen Saturdays in one volume, all quite renewed, and it was the ninth editton of ntne thousand copies. Ob- serving how the devotion to Our Lady of (e Rosary of Pompet was taking root in the hearts of the Catholics in the whole world, we substituted for the Examples of Saints dr.awn from Ecclesiastical History the recent mlrac}es of Our Lady of Pompei, drawn from the hls.tory of the Sanctuary, which is being successively published in the 'magasine IL ROSARIO E LA NUOVA POMPEI, A twelvemonth later, and exactly on the memorable day of the Consecration of the Sanciuary of Pompei, which took place on Ascension day, 7th May 1801, we began the more copious /(emth edition of twenly thousand copies; and within the space of eighteen months this too was exhausted. The present edition. Two years and a half having elapsed since that day, we now set our hand to the e/e- venth edition of seventeen thousand copies, from very new types and on better paper. And we do so very gladly , both to spread more and more the devotion towards that mystical ... Rose in which the Word Divine Became incarnale, and to be able, by the proceeds of this work, to defray the expenses necessary to the com- pletion of this Sanctuary, which the great Pontiff Leo XIII declared famous, and which is now placed under his immediate depen- dence, as well as to the support and educa- tion of one hundred and lLwenly forsaken orphan gir{s gathered in the streets of our Italy and placed under the mantle of this - 12 — pitiful Queen; and finallyto bring up the sons of Prisoners sheltered in the new Bar- tolo Longo Educational Asylum at Valle di Pompei.
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