S01_CoverGFQ3_GFQ1_2010_u4motiv 22.07.11 13:28 Seite 2 German Quarterly 3 · 2011

PORTRAITS Directors Matthias Glasner & Pia Marais Producer Jochen Laube (teamWorx) Actress Steffi Kühnert

IN LOCARNO: PIAZZA GRANDE HELL by Tim Fehlbaum S02-03_Inhaltsverz_Inhaltsverz_GFQ2_2010.qxp 22.07.11 10:48 Seite 1

German Films Quarterly 3 · 2011

director portraits 4 HE  FILMS A portrait of director Matthias Glasner 6 WAYS TO FREEDOM A portrait of director Pia Marais

producer portrait 8 A FREE HAND AND GREAT PASSION A portrait of teamWorx producer Jochen Laube

actress portrait 10 COMING FULL CIRCLE A portrait of actress Steffi Kühnert

12 news

in production 16 1000 KÖNIGE Bidzina Kancheveli ANLEITUNG ZUM UNGLÜCKLICHSEIN Sherry Hormann 17 BLUTZBRÜDAZ Özgür Yildirim EUROPE & BOMBER Felix Stienz 18 GOLD Marc Brasse HOTEL DESIRE Sergei Moya 19 JESUS LOVES ME Florian David Fitz KANN DENN LIEBE SÜNDE SEIN? Saara Aila Waasner 20 KLEINE MORDE Adnan G. Köse DER KLEINE RABE SOCKE Ute von Münchow-Pohl, Sandor Jesse 21 SAME WAY Daria Onyshchenko SCHILF Claudia Lehmann 22 UNTER FRAUEN Hansjörg Thurn WAS WEG IS, IS WEG Christian Lerch

new german films 24 205 – ZIMMER DER ANGST ROOM 205 Rainer Matsutani 25 AMEISEN GEHEN ANDERE WEGE Catharina Deus 26 ARSCHKALT NO MORE MR. ICE GUY André Erkan S02-03_Inhaltsverz_Inhaltsverz_GFQ2_2010.qxp 22.07.11 10:48 Seite 2


51 exporters

55 foreign representatives · imprint S04-05_PortM_Glasner_A portraitofVolkerBruch22.07.1110:51Seite1

Matthias Glasner DIRECTOR PORTRAIT most important films for me,THECONVERSATION, for films most important TAXI DRIVER, year, the Glasner, some of whoadmitsto“beingalong-distance fan: Prompted bytheoriginalquestion, whetherhewasinCannesthis idiosyncratic.” a minutetodecide.Nootherdirector doeswhathedoes:he'sso nothing.Ittookus didn't nameourproductionBadlandsfor company I'matotalTerrenceNo! Justkidding! JürgenVogel Malickfan. andI from theBigBangto... theuniverse aboutthecreation of on afilm hispsycho-drama GNADE,Glasnerisnow“working Just comingoff fan! film fan's afilm is openfor recognition softwaretohand,theplatform nowrebooted andcoffees thethird face attempt!Butwithmy just callitacloseencounterof Let's whomIknowanyway? threeare malecustomers, only oneof How hard canitbetofind directorA portrait of MatthiasGlasner HE 3 ·2011 films quarterlygerman  Matthias Glasner FILMS in acaféwhere there film waswhenyou wentin,butitdidn'tmatter becauseyou satthere film you pleased,withdoublefeatures too. “You where knew the never when you anostalgiabreak,thosedays couldgoinandoutas for day.went every hadnon-stopscreenings!” Andthey We bothpause Turkish Kung-fu:I monsterfilms, actionandmelodrama,Japanese to thecinemainTurkish showed districtstraightafter school!They are notknowingtheirsonwas“going toblame!InGlasner'scase,for ageand,asusual,theparents early atavery started film His loveof author.” voice overs: BADLANDS,DAYS OFHEAVEN. good He'sareally the person.Heleapsboundariesincinemas. Hewritessuchgreat as thing. Malickcanbejustasinterested inthewindgrass some- of us manisnotthewholething,asJeanRenoirsaid,butpart more thananinspiration:“Malickshows on themanwhoisclearly APOCALYPSE allwoninCannes”, expoundsfurther NOW–they Tatort Tatort theTVpoliceseries of 2012.Hehasalsodirected releasevariousepisodes is setfor inearly prize in2007,andTHISISLOVE (2009).Hislatestfeature,GNADE, screened atTribeca, ChicagoandTrieste –where itwonthemain WILL (DERFREIEWILLE,SilverBearattheBerlinale2006)which (2000). Hisothercredits includethemulti-awardwinningTHEFREE MEDIOCREN (1995),SEXYSADIE(1996)andFANDANGO byDIE in1987.Thiswasfollowed REQUIEM, film, his first Glasnermade canbeoverrated, educationreally Proving thatformal in ayouth hostelinstead.Healsocontinuedtogothecinema. andworking alternative itscivilian optingfor service, dodged military atall”),healso noprofessionalqualifications education (“Ihave dodgingtheneedorrequirement togoonhigher Successfully stuff! i.e.thefun disapproved have of adults wouldmostlikely hisparents andmost films of upthekind at thelocalcinema,soaking spendingasmuchtimepossible namely activities, extra-curricular sister. Glasnerwenttoalocalschoolbutpreferredpursuehisown from shoelacestowine”.Hehasone andeverything sold anything isasalesman,man“whohas andhisfather works inakindergarten Matthias Glasner hn 4-081 60 4·fx+93- 61 361 03 ·www.sw-film.com [email protected] 16 16 +49-30-8 74·fax 03 16 16 phone +49-30-8 Torstr. 154·10115Berlin/ Schwarzweiss Filmproduktion GmbH Contact: cinemas. toNorway.he isonhisway goingtocheckouttheir Mostlikely series and one episode of series andoneepisodeof was born inHamburg1965.Hismother was born D Kriminaldauerdienst KDD – Schimanski director portrait . At the time of writing . Atthetimeof , an episode of the , anepisodeof 4 S04-05_PortM_Glasner_A portrait of Volker Bruch 22.07.11 10:51 Seite 2

till you got back to your starting point,” Glasner explains for those too Once behind the camera, Glasner likes to do the same for his actors, young to know. “I'd watch two, three, films, not caring what was on, “give them a lot of space. It's about creating an atmosphere to let as long as it was loud, colorful, action. These are the roots of my their creativity flow. It's not about making a product but a team going films! They're basically genre variations, crime and genre.” on a journey. They're not just costume wearers. I'm interested in the real person, not the fictional character,” he explains. “That's what For Glasner, there is no other art form to match cinema, and he wish - makes the work so exciting and sexy. You never know what's coming es his fellow filmmakers would sometimes ‘get over themselves’, out. It's mutual seduction, this eroticism, the love relationship is what being too bound up in “social comment. I call it Bad Conscience cine- I appreciate so much.” ma. It's like they are saying ‘I know I must do something, not exploit, atone for the original sin of the German people!’ The core of German With a home cinema set-up to die for, Glasner prefers not to wait for filmmakers is a bad conscience!” the local release or accepting shortened or re-cut international ver - sions: “You can be happy when the Palme d'Or winner comes to And now some Shock! Horror! because Glasner is riding a very diffe- Germany at all! There are far more DVDs in England sooner than rent groove: “I want to do sci-fi and horror,” says Glasner. “The here.” Fantasy Filmfest is as important for me as the Berlinale. They show the most innovative fantasy films. The makers have little money and have “I loved I SAW THE DEVIL,” Glasner continues. “It's a really disturb- to use their imagination. Watching a horror film is a whole body expe- ing serial killer film. I think the genre is over-milked but this whole rience. I come out and the ground is moving!” revenge thing was driven to a point where it hurt! I bought the uncut version from Amazon but it's no longer available. Splendid Film are He made his first film with friends, at the age of sixteen, telling me “I trying a Black Edition series, with no rating. I'm waiting to see if they'll knew I wanted to do this. I've worked since then in every film job be banned! Sooner or later. The problem of German cinema is we possible, learning on set, not in film school. I also wrote my own don't make films that are banned!” scripts.” In his own words, Glasner believes “Germany has become nice and Not that he needed pressing, but Glasner cites Jim Jarmusch and the okay. There are no repressed taboos like in Japan. I was there a few latter's STRANGER THAN PARADISE as a key experience. “I met times and they are so repressed it's no wonder they break out, storm him in . My girlfriend worked in NY for him for a couple of into love hotels etc.! That's why their cinema is so different. They years. He is my role model. He's never ‘gone Hollywood’, keeps his show things they dream of. Our Western, German, world is that rights, writes his own stuff, is very human and friendly on set. He things work well, the economy, culture, subsidies, we're okay. Our never shouted. My first film, SCHICKSAL UND ZUFALL, is very Jim subconscious no longer rebels. There are films that have to be made! Jarmusch!” The subconscious screams to be let out but that's not the case here. The result is one big harmlessness!" Throwing himself into 1990s pop culture, Glasner turned out DIE MEDIOCREN, SEXY SADIE, and FANDANGO, all of which “were Unlike GNADE, Glasner's last project, then: “We filmed in the Polar my first real three features, all having Berlinale premieres. They're a Sea, -40 degrees in eternal snow and ice, eternal darkness, or kind of trilogy for me: pop culture, violence, sex – all without a bad Terrence Malick light, if you like! It was an absolutely original experi- conscience. SEXY SADIE is a total B-movie, crime, black and white. ence. This is real cinema with big pictures, a touching, intense story FANDANGO is gangsters, models, sex. It was liberating and also dif- with Jürgen Vogel and Birgit Minichmayr, the best actors in Germany, ferent for Germany.” And how did they go down? “People looked at the best shoot of my life!” me like I smelt bad, for not following Wim Wenders or casting Bruno Ganz. Bit of dirt and filth in the cinemas, yeah!” Does he have a life outside film? “Not really! Oh yeah! Film music!” Why are we not surprised? “I have two tracks,” Glasner continues, “exploitation cinema and hard core arthouse. Both run parallel, sometimes fight one another, Simon Kingsley sometimes combine, both quite outside the mainstream. Kim Ki-duk or Lars von Trier for arthouse, and Malick of course. THE FREE WILL was the first time I tried combining the two.”

This “story of a rapist belongs to exploitation and I made it as radical arthouse. The film is almost three hours, has no music, nothing to make it light and easy and romantic. That's when I think I was born as a filmmaker. This is what interests me for the future, combining these two directions.”

Glasner's next project is an untitled sci-fi film, set in a parallel universe, a multiverse, which “I want to combine with a cinema that goes more radical ways. I've always produced my own films, except for FAN- DANGO. It's no question about not having ultimate control. I always take a risk, often commercial, with my own head! Jürgen Vogel and I, we want to do our own things the way we want it, so we need eco- nomic and artistic freedom.”

german films quarterly director portrait

3 · 2011 5 S06-07_Por_Pia-Marais_A portraitofVolkerBruch26.07.1111:55Seite1

Pia Marais (photo courtesy of PANDORA FILM) DIRECTOR PORTRAIT DIRECTOR igahcl” h rmre a ta tm. Te ai ie ws to was idea basic “The time. that at remarked she biographical,” petit- the in settle to about refuse auto- is film “Tomy establishment. suppose bourgeois I still extent, some film who subtle hippies and late sensitive of daughter a the egoism; on based society a and a coming-of-age strange tale story: set between drugs and parties, sex help no are a is UNPOLISHED THE debut parents film whatsoever.full-length Marais’ her Pia as way, own her find to needs she but 14, only be may Germany.She of middle the in lost” girl “little a is Stevie them. cure actually to desire no has she Marais interest that irritation and disquiet characters’ Pia her It’s director of portrait A FREEDOM TO WAYS could have become a comedy, but I wanted to express seriousness express to wanted I but comedy,It a childhood. become my have in could day a life, earlier my of conditions the describe conditions like many of her conditions contemporaries, like but a many portrays of dangerous bourgeois present not director.does unusual She very a is Marais Pia well.” as images my with y l r e 1 t r 1 0 a 2 u q · s m 3 l i f n a m r e g Pia Marais Pia – Award in Rotterdam. in Award And at the same time, intense. this is a very mature work, which always won the Tiger rough, sometimes unrefined, sense: best very the in film unpolished an is It past. the of territory unfamiliar the to back ed transport action takes placeinthepresent day, oneself feels onerepeatedly the - although and photographs, old of reminiscent are colors nonetheless and collector.The a like hesitant almost life, Stevie’s through way searching, confident a highly a with in filmed panning work, camera, intense feverish extremely an is UNPOLISHED THE narrow- instinctive child’s a of disgust mindedness. the to turn soon they fascination, and but curiosity encounters Stevie UNPOLISHED THE people: in to does society what of matter a always is never it And have it. known or foundation that lost have they because either them selves find - to seeking are who women foundation; firm no with life [email protected] · www.pandorafilm.com · 29 [email protected] 33 21-97 +49-2 fax · 20 33 21-97 +49-2 phone /Germany Balthasarstr.50670 · 79-81 GmbH Produktion PANDORAc/o FILM Contact Defacto/France, Cinema Africa. FILMS/South DV8 and IDTV/ FILM/Germany, co-production PANDORA a be to between planned is and development in currently is LAYLAproject, FOURIE, latest Her 2010. in Locarno at competition was ELLEN) in premiered VON and Cannes ALTERde Festival du develope Résidence (IM the in d AGE ELLEN’S AT feature second Her 2007. in Rotterdam in Award Tiger the including prizes, various won and festivals film many at screened which UNERZOGENEN), (DIE UNPOLISHED THE with debut feature her made director,she assistant an as and – Wagner’sLIEBESKIND Jeannette for and GIRL STRATOSPHEREOberg’s X. M. for – director casting a as business PEOPLE (1999), and 17 engagements (2003). in After the several film LOOPTRICKY including (1998), DERANGED (1996), shorts made several she then, Since Kunst . in - (dffb) the Academy Television and at Film finally and Amsterdam before Film going at akademie on the in to German Düsseldorf, study , in academies art at Photography and Sculpture studied She . and Africa, South in up grew she Swede, a and actor African South a of daughter Marais Pia a br i Jhnebr/ot Arc. s the As Africa. Johannesburg/South in born was t i a r t r o p r o t c e r i d 6 S06-06_Por_Pia-Marais_A portrait of Volker Bruch 25.07.11 14:32 Seite 2

Her second feature film, AT ELLEN’S AGE, was a psycho-thriller of a very different kind – about liberation that went along with abandon- ment of the bourgeois, even a turn to the wild. From one minute to the next, Ellen leaves her former life behind her and travels on a jour- ney through modern life, armed with only one suitcase and her flight attendant’s uniform. She moves as if in a trance – first through the professional world of traveling businessmen who have suddenly got lost between meetings and hope to find themselves again at de - pressing parties in hotel rooms. Then she meets up with a group of left-wing activists, opponents of globalism and animal experi- mentation, and tries out new ways of life with them, but she is equal- ly unsuccessful there. In the end, Ellen lands in Africa, and so the whole film can be interpreted as a modern fairy-tale about a woman who has been put under a spell. “AT ELLEN’S AGE could be the con- tinuation of THE UNPOLISHED, featuring Stevie 30 years later,” Marais suggests. To date, she has written both of her own screenplays in cooperation with Horst Markgraf.

In all this, it is also possible to discern signs of a movement away from the bourgeois, a search for the forgotten hopes and dreams of our civilization, and an equally sad and mildly ironic swan song to the dec- line of the West, which betrayed all its promises of freedom and features happiness long ago. And there is a Rousseau-inspired grand tour of alienation, which leads to the same “Heart of Darkness” in the end as Coppola’s APOCALYPSE NOW, albeit in a very different way. television

Everything is open at the end, but it could also be interpreted as emp- documentaries tiness. This outstanding film is a philosophical work, certainly, but it is also an ill-bred, anti-academic film that remains permanently un - shorts predictable, very bold and experimental, and again includes great scenes with animals – an ape, hundreds of hens, cats and dogs – which seem most full of life, most free; their behavior seems to mirror that of the human beings. It is a film of great openness with dry humor and dialogue, full of minor dirty moments and considerable magic. Pia Marais examines possible ways of living and seems to be more interest ed in her characters’ disquiet and irritation than in treating or even curing them.

In the meantime, Marais has started work on the screenplay for a new project: “It is about fear and paranoia, about the privatization of secu- rity, which I think is terrible. I wanted to look at this theme years ago, but I had a feeling that it was the wrong time to do it. The film is very different from the first two, insofar as this one is a genre film which is primarily about the tension before the truth comes out.”

Rüdiger Suchsland


german films quarterly director portrait

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Ludwigsburg-born Jochen Laube studied Production at the Baden- Württemberg Film Academy from 2000-2005, graduating with Neele Leana Vollmar’s VACATION FROM LIFE (URLAUB VOM LEBEN) which won the 2006 Studio Hamburg Newcomers’ Award in the category of Best Feature Film. During his studies, he worked as a pro- duction assistant in Luxembourg on Peter Greenaway’s THE TULSE LUPER SUITCASES and was also involved in setting up UNESCO’s Magic Lantern children’s cinema initiative in Germany. In 2006, he founded his own company, Sommerhaus Filmproduktion, whose productions included Niko Apel’s Adolf Grimme Prize and First Steps Award-winning documentary SONBOL – RALLYE DURCH DEN GOTTESSTAAT, Christian Schwochow’s feature debut NOVEMBER CHILD (NOVEMBERKIND) and the Lola-winning short documentary DIE HAUSHALTSHILFE. Laube has been working for teamWorx Television & Film GmbH as the manager of its Ludwigsburg office since 2008. His production of Florian Cossen’s feature debut THE DAY I WAS NOT BORN (DAS LIED IN MIR) received the FIPRESCI Prize, ex aequo Ecumenical Prize and the People’s Choice Award at the World Film Festival in Montreal last summer and followed this with the Golden Eye for Best Film in the German-Language Feature Film Competition at the Zurich Film Festival in October 2010. This year, the film won two Lolas for Best Music Score and Best Supporting Actress at the German Film Awards. Laube’s other production credits include: BLINDFLUG (dir: Ben von Grafenstein, 2006), HOFFENHEIM – DAS LEBEN IST KEIN HEIMSPIEL (dir: Rouven Rech und Frank Pfeiffer, 2010, documentary), THE GOALGETTER’S SHIP (DAS SCHIFF DES TORJÄGERS, dir: Heidi Specogna, 2010, documentary), WER RETTET DINA FOXX (dir: Max Zeitler, 2011 TV/online), CRACKS IN THE SHELL (DIE UNSICHTBARE, dir: Christian Schwochow, 2011), PAPAKIND (dir: Sarah Judith Mettke, 2011), REMAKE, REMIX, RIPOFF (dir: Cem Kaya, documentary, 2012), and DREI ZIMMER/KÜCHE/BAD (dir: Dietrich Brüggemann, 2012).

Contact: teamWorx Television & Film GmbH · Jochen Laube Alleenstr. 2 · 71638 Ludwigsburg/Germany

Jochen Laube (photo courtesy of teamWorx) phone +49-71 41-2 99 18 60 · fax +49-71 41-2 99 18 61 [email protected] · www.teamworx.de A FREE HAND AND GREAT PASSION

A portrait of teamWorx producer Jochen Laube

There’s evidently no place like home, as far as producer Jochen The output from this company gives an idea of the areas Laube has Laube is concerned. preferred to specialize on in subsequent years: Sommerhaus was behind Ludwigsburg-graduates Christian Schwochow’s award-winning Born and bred in the town of Ludwigsburg near , he stayed NOVEMBER CHILD, starring Anna Maria Mühe and Ulrich Matthes, there to study Production at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy and Ben von Grafenstein’s BLINDFLUG, the opening film of the from 2000-2005 and graduated with his production of Neele Leana Berlinale’s Perspectives German Cinema in 2007, as well as the docu- Vollmar’s VACATION FROM LIFE which won the 2006 Studio mentaries SONBOL – RALLYE DURCH DEN GOTTESSTAAT, which Hamburg Newcomers’ Award in the category of Best Feature Film. won an Adolf Grimme Prize and First Steps Award, and the Lola-win- ning short DIE HAUSHALTSHILFE. In the meantime, he had started a family which was another reason not to move away to one of the bigger film centers in Germany like From the outset, Laube had considerable success with the films Berlin, or Cologne, and thus stay in Ludwigsburg to set up his coming out of his fledgling outfit, but the lot of a freelance producer own production company Sommerhaus Filmproduktion. is nevertheless not an easy one, as he soon realized.

german films quarterly producer portrait

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Thus, an offer from Nico Hofmann of teamWorx couldn’t have come There are already plans for a new project with Heidi Specogna – at a better time. Laube recalls: “Nico knew me from the Film whose THE GOALGETTER’S SHIP was shown in Locarno last year – Academy and liked my films, and he also knew that I was someone and Laube is in the midst of production on REMAKE, REMIX, RIPOFF who wasn’t planning to move away from the area, so he asked if I by Cem Kaya about the Turkish cinema of the 1970s and 1980s. would be interested in taking over the running of the teamWorx office in Ludwigsburg.” “There was a point when directors started to remake everything that had been successful in the West, so there were Turkish remakes of “The most important thing for me was to have my freedom in this SOME LIKE IT HOT, STAR WARS and even THE EXORCIST!,” he new function and that’s what Nico wanted to ensure as well. I have explains. “On the one hand, I find it really funny, but it also says a lot 100% support from him on the projects I do,” he continues. about the Turkish culture. We have interviewed the stars from those films and have made a compilation film after looking at some 1,140 “teamWorx is often seen by many as being only involved in producing films for the film clips. It will be an ode to cinema.” for television with its big event productions, but it has also made in- roads into the feature film world through our productions,” he The teamWorx outpost has also tried its hand at developing new for- explains. mats with the production of the DINA FOXX series for public broad- caster ZDF. “This was the first time that an interactive production had Being located just 400 meters away from the Film Academy campus, been made for ZDF: a detective film which stops after 60 minutes and the Ludwigsburg teamWorx office is a natural port of call for talented the audience then has to decide in the Internet who committed the film students looking for a producer to handle their graduation film. crime,” Laube observes. “The show was very successful on ZDF as “This can progress to their debut feature and later a TV film. We want well as in the online version. In fact, it went down so well that ZDF’s to grow from the debuts more into the area of arthouse films,” Laube server crashed on the first night!” notes. While the company will naturally continue producing projects and An example of this development is Christian Schwochow, whose stories that are specifically set in and about Germany, Laube is never - graduat ion film NOVEMBER CHILD had been produced by Laube. theless interested in becoming more international in the future. Last year, they followed this with his feature debut CRACKS IN THE SHELL which was selected for the International Competition in He had already had experiences of shooting abroad with the produc- Karlovy Vary in July. And the mother company of teamWorx has now tion of THE DAY I WAS NOT BORN. “The shoot in Buenos Aires hired the young director for a prime-time TV series, DER TURM, was a great challenge, but we had good partners locally in Argentina,” based on the epic novel by Uwe Tellkamp, to go into production later he recalls. “In fact, Florian’s next project will be set in Canada, so I was this year. in Cannes this year to look for partners.”

However, Laube isn’t concentrating only on students coming out of A step in this direction for a more European dimension had already the Film Academy, despite the obvious geographical proximity. been taken last year with Christian Schwochow’s new film CRACKS IN THE SHELL which cast the lead role with the Danish actress Stine This year, for instance, saw him working with Berlin-based director Fischer Christensen, known to international audiences from such films Dietrich Brüggemann on DREI ZIMMER/KÜCHE/BAD. “It’s a as Susanne Bier’s AFTER THE WEDDING. wonder ful story about seven young people in their mid 20s who keep moving flats because of changes to their lives for various reasons – Meanwhile, international partners are likely to be needed for the they change jobs, a relationship comes to an end, etc.,” Laube says. Philip Gröning feature project Laube has in development. The story is “We are shooting over a whole year in four blocks for the four set in Genua during the demonstrations at the G8 summit when one seasons and have already completed the first two blocks.” of the demonstrators was tragically killed by the police and the seeds of the ATTAC movement were sown. Moreover, he is aiming to have a mixture of new talents and establish - ed names as directors for his slate of productions at teamWorx in Martin Blaney Ludwigsburg.

Thus, Laube is currently working on two feature debuts by Film Academy students. PAPAKIND, the debut of Sarah Judith Mettke, with award-winning lead actor Devid Striesow, and 5 JAHRE, written and directed by Stefan Schaller, which deals with the true story of Murat Kurnaz, a young Turkish-German man who was detained for five years in the camp at Guantanamo despite being innocent.

Apart from this, he is developing a new project with Florian Cossen with whom he produced the critically acclaimed first feature THE DAY I WAS NOT BORN last year, and he is planning new feature film projects with such established directors as Andreas Dresen and Philip Gröning.

At the same time, he has also been given a free hand by Nico Hofmann to pursue his “great passion” of producing documentaries.

german films quarterly producer portrait

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Steffi Kühnert (photo © KASSKARA) ACTRESS PORTRAIT ACTRESS ed aninterestthetheater. inmefor appeared And,lateron,Ieven in spark and shereally sixputtingonlittleplays “We beganattheage of - actress in,”theBerlin-born recalls.involved thepupilstobe for was responsibleorganizingculturalactivities for “We who committed lady wereschoolthatwehadavery luckyatmy age. early actingwere sownatan Kühnert’s loveof Steffi The seedsfor actress KühnertA portrait of Steffi FULLCOMING CIRCLE a film [SIEBENSOMMERSPROSSEN] whilstIwasstillatschool.” a film · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman teach Busch” actingat“Ernst ing dramaasshehas beenaprofessorfor Kühnert canspeakwith someauthorityaboutthecurrentstateof aswellnowadays.” are more working infilms changedsincethen,”sheexplains.the stage,butthingshave “People “The traditionatthetimewastoprepare actingon thestudentsfor Performing inBerlin. Arts of Busch”Academy “Ernst the professionshe’d aplaceatthe likeandsoapplied for tofollow school,Kühnert thatacting was When itcametoleaving wascertain [email protected] ·www.pegasus-agency.de 76 76 49 +49-30-28 0·fax 76 49 phone +49-30-28 Bleibtreustr. 38/39·10623Berlin/Germany GmbH und Schauspieler Autoren,Pegasus Agenturfür Regisseure Contact: 2010). Metschurat, short, 2009),andSUNNYUNDROSWITHAArnstedt, Barnaby (dir: Andreas2009), THEDISPENSABLES(DIEENTBEHRLICHEN,dir: WE ARETHENIGHT(WIRSINDDIENACHT, DennisGansel, dir: WHITE RIBBON(DAS WEISSEBAND, MichaelHaneke, dir: 2008), SCHLECHT EINPARKEN LeanderHaußmann,2007),THE (dir: 2007), WARUM MÄNNERNICHTZUHÖRENUNDFRAUEN MANN WUNDERT LeanderHaußmann, SICHÜBERDIELIEBE,dir: ZIMMER MANN ISTANGLED UPINLOVE (ROBERT ZIMMER- (NOVEMBER KIND, ChristianSchwochow, dir: 2007),ROBERT SCHWITZ EoinMoore,KASTEN, dir: 2005),NOVEMBER CHILD HOCHZEIT, DominiqueDeruddere, dir: 2004),NOSWEAT (IM LeanderHaußmann,2003),THEWEDDINGPARTYdir: (DIEBLUT- credits includeroles in:BERLINBLUES (HERRLEHMANN, other film herworkinthetheater. Meritfor theFederalHer received Cross of miere Regard inUnCertain atCannesthisyear. In1993,Kühnert ON TRACK (HALT AUF FREIERSTRECKE)whichhaditsworldpre - She wasalsocastinDresen’s CLOUD 9(WOLKE9)andSTOPPED in2002. Silver HugointheBestEnsembleatChicagoFilmFestival hera gininng withGRILLPOINT(HALBETREPPE)whichearned ing relationship hasdevel oped withdirector Andreas Dresen, be - LEE), NVA, DINOSAURIER andHOTEL LUX. Anotherclosework - asSUNALLEY(SONNENAL- with Haußmannonsuchfeaturefilms JAILBIRDS (MÄNNER again PENSION) andhasseenherworking actingcareerBuck‘s beganin1996withDetlev Schaubühne. Herfilm Schauspielhaus inZurich,Berlin’s DeutschesTheaterandthe and Bochum,Kühnert hasalsoappeared onstageatthe yearsHaußmann continuedinthefollowing attheatersSalzburg House asNorainIbsen’s herperformance Acting Prizein1991for Alfred Kerr theensemble andwasawardedthefirst of become part Eisenach. In1988,shemovedtotheNationaltheaterinWeimar to actingengagementattheThüringerLandestheaterin her first BerlinfromPerforming 1981-1985andbegan inhernative Arts KühnertSteffi directed byLeanderHaußmann.Thecollaborationwith studied at the “Ernst Busch” Academy of Busch”Academy studied atthe“Ernst · UteBergien actress portrait A Doll’s 10 S10-11_PortS_Kuehnert_A portrait of Volker Bruch 22.07.11 11:02 Seite 2

since 2009 and draws on her own experiences of working in the “When we were in Cannes with CLOUD 9, we didn’t know how the cinema when lecturing to the next generation of actors and actresses. film would go down with the audience,” she recalls. “You can never tell with such subject matter. This year was similar, although “When I teach acting scenes, I often use film scripts,” she says. STOPPED ON TRACK is a really tough film and gets to your emo - “Moreover, I think if you have had a good training as a stage actor, you tions. People in the audience were very moved and quite exhausted can also act in films if you are able to display a certain honesty.” by what they saw. There was lots of crying during the screening, but that’s as it should be.” “I have so much fun teaching as a real alternative to my other work,” Kühnert adds. “I have worked with so many different directors over In the last ten years Kühnert has worked on productions ranging from the years that I think I have something to offer the young people.” Christian Schwochow’s drama NOVEMBER CHILD and Dennis Gansel’s vampire film WE ARE THE NIGHT to Michael Haneke’s After graduation from “Ernst Busch” in 1985 it was clear to Kühnert Golden Palm-winner THE WHITE RIBBON and Andreas Arnstedt’s and other students from her year that they would work in the THE DISPENSABLES. theater. How does she select her projects? Her first acting engagement that year was at the Thüringer Landestheater in Eisenach where she stayed until 1988 before moving “It often depends on who the people are that are connected with the to the Nationaltheater in Weimar to become part of its ensemble. film,” she says. “If it’s Leander or Andreas, I don’t need much con- vinc ing. On other films like WE ARE THE NIGHT, I like having small In 1991, she was awarded the first Alfred Kerr Acting Prize for her guest appearances where I can have fun disguising myself. A project performance as Nora in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House directed by Leander must get my attention and appeal to me in some way or other. With Haußmann. The collaboration with Haußmann continued in the NOVEMBER CHILD, I thought that the screenplay was so good, and follow ing years at theaters in Salzburg and Bochum, and Kühnert has it was his debut. You like to support young directors when you feel also appeared on stage at the Schauspielhaus in Zurich, Berlin’s that they have the potential to develop into interesting filmmakers.” Deutsches Theater and the Schaubühne. At the same time, when the offer came to appear in Haneke’s THE During her time in the theater, Kühnert made the occasional ap- WHITE RIBBON, Kühnert jumped at the chance. pearance in television, but the direction towards cinema really started with Detlev Buck’s JAILBIRDS and Leander Haußmann’s SUN ALLEY. “To begin with, the screenplay was magnificent,” she recalls. “Simone Bär was doing the casting for the film and called to ask if I would be “That was, of course, all connected with Leander with whom I had interested. I knew many of Haneke’s films and was keen to be able to been working at the theater in Bochum,” she recalls. “He was cast in work with him. It turned out that he knew me from the Dresen JAILBIRDS and then directed SUN ALLEY, and Detlev Buck had films. I thought initially that it would be just seven shooting days, but direct ed a play in Bochum.” it ended up being twenty. There was such a good atmosphere on set and I remember his way of working being very precise and However, Andreas Dresen’s 2002 film GRILL POINT was the deci- meticulous.” sive factor for Kühnert to concentrate in future on film roles. “It had been wonderful, but hard work without any holidays for almost 25 Meanwhile, she may have moved away from the theater, but Kühnert years,” she says, looking back on her time in the theater. “Film was has continued to work with Leander Haußmann through his film pro- quite new territory for me, but I was interested in learning more.” jects. “I have never had any major parts in Leander’s films, but I’ve always been a kind of mascot for him. He gives me little parts which In fact, she had known Dresen for a long time having met him as a I really enjoy playing and I am particularly proud of my role in BERLIN first-year drama student when she became a last-minute replacement BLUES where I appear towards the end of the film. It all happened on for another actress at the theater in Schwerin where he was working the off-chance when he asked if I‘d like to come by for a scene being as an intern. shot in a pub after the Wall has opened. I’m there all disguised, even with some teeth missing. We had so much fun that it looks as if my Since GRILL POINT, she has now worked with him on two other character may appear again if they make KLEINER HUND, the third films – CLOUD 9 and this year’s STOPPED ON TRACK – as well as part in Sven Regener’s trilogy!” in the theater in his productions of The Threepenny Opera and Zeugenstand. Martin Blaney

Speaking about working on the three improvised films, Kühnert explains that “there is always a small team of about ten at most and it is very intimate. You have to have mutual trust because, as an actor, you have to let yourself go and be allowed to do everything without getting embarrassed. It works very well because we all know each other so well, we can rely on one another. One always thinks with improvisation that everything is topsy-turvy, but it is all highly profes- sional in every department. In fact, I would wish that many other actors had the chance to have such an experience.”

german films quarterly actress portrait

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NEWS 3/2011 Alexander Fehling at the Festival Alexander Fehling of German Films in Madrid


The 13th Festival of German Films was held in Madrid from Bernardi (ROMEOS), Angela Zumpe (TRANSIT), and Jan Erik Schmitt 31 May-4 June and attracted over 4,500 admissions from the Spanish and Stephan Müller (NOW FOLLOWS). public. Seven feature films were presented in the main program: GOETHE! by Philipp Stölzl, KOKOWÄÄH by Til Schweiger, PICCO There was also great response to the annual industry get-together by Philip Koch, THE POLL DIARIES by Chris Kraus, ROMEOS by that German Films hosted, bringing together Spanish distributors, Sabine Bernardi, SLEEPING SICKNESS by Ulrich Köhler, and German sales companies and filmmakers for a round of informal but VINCENT WANTS TO SEA by Ralf Huettner. Furthermore, the pro- efficient networking. gram also included screenings of the documentary TRANSIT by Angela Zumpe, the TV series WEISSENSEE by Friedemann Fromm, the young people’s film WINTERTOCHTER by Johannes Schmid, a retrospective on the subject of the German Film Award, and numerous short films.

GOETHE! opened the festival at the Cine Palafox in the presence of this year’s German Shooting Star Alexander Fehling and producer Christoph Müller. The audience at the sold-out screening was very enthusiastic and later voted the film as winner of the Audience Award,

which was sponsored by Kodak. Festival of German Films in Madrid

Other guests in Madrid were the actor Florian Lukas (WEISSENSEE),

the producers Philipp Budweg (WINTERTOCHTER), Janine German-Spanish industry get-together at the Jackowski (SLEEPING SICKNESS) and Tobias Walker (PICCO) as well as the directors Ralf Huettner (VINCENT WANTS TO SEA), Sabine

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VILLA AURORA SCHOLARSHIPS and TIGHT by Eckhard Kruse in the main competition, OLIVIERO AWARDED FOR 2012 TOSCANO – THE RAGE OF IMAGES by Peter Scharf and Katja Duregger, PINK ANGER by Dorothe Doerholt in the TV film com- The Villa Aurora has announced the reci- petition as well as A LOST AND FOUND BOX OF HUMAN pients of its 2012 scholarships, which SENSATION by Martin Wallner and Stefan Leuchtenberg, THE give talented artists the opportunity to MONEY HOLDING PEOPLE SHOW by Mariya Hristova and spend three months in Los Angeles to TRUTH by Lili Krasteva. More information on the festival can be further develop artistic projects. The se- found at: www.inthepalace.com. lection criteria are based on the artistic quality and authenticity of the submitted projects. Scholarships were offered in the FOCUS GERMANY SHOWCASE IN SHANGHAI following categories: Fine Arts (to Michael Just, Alexej Meschtschanow, Jan- On June 12th German Films opened the 8th FOCUS GERMANY Peter E.R. Sonntag, and Peter Welz), Film (to Maren Ade and Ulrich at the Shanghai International Film Festival with the screening of Köhler, Dietrich Brüggemann, Erik Schmitt and Stephan Müller), VINCENT WANTS TO SEA by Ralf Huettner, followed by an ope- Composition (to Claudia Doderer, Jens-Uwe Dyffort and Roswitha ning reception in cooperation with the German consulate. The von den Driesch, and Chiyoko Szlavnics), and in Literature (to Chinese audience was charmed by actor Johannes Allmayer, who pre- Dorothee Elminger, Felicitas Hoppe and Sibylle Lewitscharoff). The sented the film. The next day, leading actress Jasna Fritzi Bauer of the members of the selection jury for the category Film were: journalist competition film ALIVE AND TICKING by Andi Rogenhagen was also Knut Elstermann, Nicole Kaufmann (German Films), Kirsten Niehuus overwhelmed by the warm reactions of the audience. (Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg), Gabriele Röthemeyer (MFG Baden-Württemberg), and director and previous scholarship recipient (2007) Sven Taddicken.

Villa Aurora is an artist’s residence and historic landmark located in the former home of exiled German-Jewish writer Lion Feuchtwanger and his wife Marta. To promote and foster German-American cultural exchange and to remember the European exiles that settled in Southern California, Villa Aurora offers a variety of public lectures, screenings and performances. The artists-in-residence program and Feuchtwanger Fellowship are at the core of Villa Aurora’s activ - ities. Together with the Villa Aurora, German Films also hosts an conference forGermany the 8th Focus annual reception for the German Oscar® nominees there. More infor- mation about the Villa Aurora can be found at: www.villa-aurora.org. Part ofPart the German delegation at the SIFF press


The 9th In the Palace International Short Film Festival took place from This year’s festival presented two German films in competition: the 18-25 June 2011 in Balchik/Bulgaria. For the first time this year, the other candidate for the Golden Magnolia was THE GOOD NEIGH- festival organizers extended their previous industry section to an in - BOUR by Stephan Rick. Out of competition screenings for PINA by dependent film market, taking place during three days of the festival. Wim Wenders and METROPOLIS by Fritz Lang as well as nine new Although the market is still in its early development stages, it has great productions in FOCUS GERMANY (ALMANYA by Yasemin potential and is likely to attract more industry professionals in the Samdereli, BLESSED EVENTS by Isabelle Stever, GOETHE! by Philipp future. The German Short Film Association (AG Kurzfilm) Stölzl, HENRY OF NAVARRE by Jo Baier, LUK’S LUCK by Ayse Polat, was invited to present the German short film scene with a stand at this SOUL KITCHEN by Fatih Akin, SUICIDE CLUB by Olaf Saumer. and market. In cooperation with German Films, the association informed TRANSIT by Philipp Leinemann), 3 films in Spectrum (BEFORE about the latest German short film productions, film funding and pro- TOMORROW by Joachim Schönfeld, THE POLL DIARIES by Chris duction possibilities in Germany as well as about short film festivals, Kraus and ROCK IT! by Mike Marzuk) and 8 shorts in the SIFF Mobile sales and distribution agencies. Furthermore, the AG Kurzfilm was section made up the impressive German participation at this year’s given the opportunity of a market screening, for which the films from festival edition. the latest edition of the Soirée Allemande were chosen. The films were well received by the audience, with an informative Q&A after The shorts prove that newcomer talent is on its way: three films were the screening. Established in 2003, the festival has grown from a com- awarded at the closing night ceremony of the festival: THE SOUP by petitive forum for student films into one of the largest short film fest- Fred R. Willitzkat was awarded for Best Director, OUT ON A LIMB ivals in Bulgaria and the region. It has now advanced to the point that by Falk Schuster for Best Animation, and LEAVE WITHOUT RUN- nearly 250 short films from 44 countries, selected out of over 4000 NING by Jürgen Tonkel received the Jury Prize. The eve before the titles, compete in the competition programs of the festival. awards ceremony, Shooting Star Alexander Fehling was welcomed with enormous applause at the screening of his film GOETHE!. The Among those, nine German shorts were screened in the three com- festival in Shanghai is looking forward to welcoming a strong dele- petitive sections of the festival: BEACH BOY by Hannes Hirsch, gation of German films again next year. GITTI BADER by Daniel Lang, HERMANN by Hanna Geißendoerfer

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In June, the Filmstiftung NRW changed its name to Film- und Medienstiftung NRW to take into account its new, inte- grated funding set-up. “The new name reflects our program: we will continue to place our main emphasis on film funding, but have added new areas of funding activity and support,” said Petra Müller, managing director of the funding institution, which is also celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2011. In addition to film funding, the Film- und Medien- stiftung NRW is now also branching out to include support for strategic location marketing of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (photo courtesy of MFG Baden-Württemberg) A DANGEROUS METHOD on Lake Constance METHOD on Lake A DANGEROUS and integrated the Mediencluster NRW to further develop location marketing efforts in the field of new media. Another new initiative is the pilot funding program for innovative audiovisual media content

The historical steamboat Hohentwiel during the shooting of which will be launched at the Gamescom in August. To document all PROMINENT FILM PROJECTS the new programs on offer, a location brochure Medienland NRW was IN GERMANY’S SOUTHWEST published to present the multitude of media companies based in NRW. The 48-page brochure offers background information as well Not only do German directors like Andres Veiel (IF NOT US, WHO) as facts and figures on businesses active in the fields of film, television, and Florian David Fitz (JESUS LOVES ME) shoot their projects in games, radio, publishing, music, internet, mobile communication, Baden-Württemberg, international productions are also active in the information technology, advertising, telecommunication and cable in area: David Cronenberg shot his latest film A DANGEROUS the state of NRW. METHOD at Lake Constance. The film, which deals with the relation - ship between Sigmund Freund (played by Viggo Mortensen) and Carl Gustav Jung (Michael Fassbender) to the patient Sabrina Spielrein FESTIVAL HOPPING IN THE NORTH (Keira Knightley), will be celebrating its premiere this year in Venice. More than 10 film festivals in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein will be The attractiveness of Baden-Württemberg as a film location can be presenting a wealth of different productions in the coming weeks and traced to the work of the unique network of film commissions in months. The spectrum ranges from science fiction, horror and thrillers Germany, which was initiated by MFG Baden-Württemberg. In at the 25th Fantasy Film Fest Hamburg (17-24 August) to current six regions, the network offers services for filmmakers with local ser- nature film productions at the 5th Green Screen International Nature vice providers: from artistic and technical professionals to young up- Film Festival Eckernförde (7-12 September) and independent films at and-coming talent as well as assistance in securing shooting permits. the 4th Radar Hamburg International Independent Film Festival (24-29 The state of Baden-Württemberg has been able to impress German October). Other important festivals with national and international and international film producers alike with great diversity in the area – programs include the 19th Filmfest Hamburg (29 September-8 the famous Black Forest and Lake Constance being just two such pro- October), the 26th Husum Film Fest (29 September-6 October), the minent examples of impressive locations; fortresses, castles, factories 22nd International Queer Film Festival (18-23 October), the 11th and modern metropolitan cities are also plentiful in the region. Flensburg Short Film Festival (9-12 November), the CineFest – 8th International Festival of German Cinematic Heritage (12-20 November), the 23rd Filmforum during the 53rd Nordic Film Days in SHORTFILM.DE CELEBRATES Lübeck (2-6 November), and the festival Abgedreht – Hamburg’s 10TH ANNIVERSARY Young Film (8-9 December) for newcomers and young talents.

In October this year, the online short film portal shortfilm.de cele - brates its tenth anniversary. A cooperation between the International 74 INTERNATIONAL BUYERS AT THE Short Film Festival Oberhausen and the German Short Film GERMAN FILMS PREVIEWS 2011 IN HAMBURG Association, the website informs about the latest developments of the German and international short film scene. The section The 11th German Films Previews took place this year from 10- “Kurzfilmmagazin” (short film magazine) reports in its sections 13 July for the second time in Hamburg. 74 international film buyers “topic”, “reports” and “news” on recent trends worldwide, and the from 32 countries took advantage of German Films’ invitation and section “Kurzfilmszene Deutschland” portrays German filmmakers concentrated their attention on current German productions for and informs about news and changes in regard to short film in three days. In cooperation with the Association of German Film Germany. Furthermore, both sections contain an extensive service Exporters (VDFE), 17 new theatrical features were shown in the area with festival dates and deadlines, the “Kurzfilmszene Deutsch- Cinemaxx Dammtor theaters. In addition to the screenings, the repre- land” also offers contacts to German film schools, producers, short sentatives of the 11 participating German sales agents had plenty of film related and film funding institutions. As such, shortfilm.de is a opportunities to present their current line-up to their international unique website that offers in-depth background material on short clients. Achim von Borries’ film 4 DAYS IN MAY and Tim Fehlbaum’s films and is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for film HELL, both of which are screening this year in Locarno on the Culture and the Media. Piazza Grande, met with particular interest among the buyers, as did Christian Schwochow’s CRACKS IN THE SHELL and Ziska Riemann’s LOLLIPOP MONSTER, both just following their Karlovy Vary com- petition screen ings, and the pre-premieres of Maggie Peren’s latest

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where representatives of the local Hamburg film scene and event partici pants came to a positive conclusion about this year’s German Films Previews which offered up a diverse program of promising German films.

Mariette Rissenbeek, German Films’ managing director: “The German Films Previews 2011 were a great success. The international distri - butors were enthusiastic about this year’s concept. We welcomed a dozen new buyers from all over the world and offered an exclusive program of brand new German productions. Sales deals to buyers from Spain, France and the USA were signed in Hamburg and the finalization of other deals in negotiation is expected soon.” Martin Scheuring (German Films) with buyers from Korea (JuneKorea Hee Han), Spain (Alberto G. Cañizares), and Israel (Daniel Melamed) (photo © www.poling.de)

film COLOR OF THE OCEAN and Robert Thalheim’s new film WESTWIND. Another 80 film titles were available in the DVD library to round off the film program.

The evening program during the German Film Previews was reserved for networking, and Hamburg offered a wonderful setting. The open - ing evening started things off on a positive note and saw the parti -

cipants taking an Alster Cruise followed by a get-together at the Mariette Rissenbeek with Vitali Klitschko and Alster ufer. The River Elbe and HafenCity were the impressive back- producer Leopold Hoesch (photo © Lars Berg) drop for a dinner hosted by the Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig- Holstein, with Eva Hubert welcoming the group of international guests to the harbor city on the second evening. And the closing party offered Mediterranean flair at the Park Café-Schöne Aussichten, GmbH worldwide transport solutions Int. Medienspedition FILMTRANSPORTS . FIRST CLASS SERVICE ! AIRFREIGHT WORLDWIDE: EXPORT . IMPORT . WAREHOUSE INTERNATIONAL COURIERSERVICE: WORLDWIDE „DOOR TO DOOR“ TRUCKING SERVICE . OVERNIGHT FESTIVALS . FILMPRODUCTION-HANDLING


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german films quarterly n e w s

3 · 2 0 1 1 1 5 S16-22_Produktion_GFQ.in Produktion1_2010 22.07.11 11:16 Seite 1 Scene from 1000 KINGS Scene from (photo © Thirsty Goldfish) (photo © Desert Flower Film/Walter Wehner) (photo © Desert Flower Film/Walter Sherry Hormann, Peter Herrmann,Sherry Johanna Wokalek Hormann, Peter 1000 KÖNIGE ANLEITUNG ZUM UNGLÜCKLICHSEIN

Genre Fantasy, Science Fiction Category Feature Director Bidzina Genre Comedy Category Feature Year of Production 2011 Kancheveli Screenplay Bidzina Kancheveli Director of Photog- Director Sherry Hormann Screenplay Sherry Hormann Director raphy Patrick Popow Cast Effi Rabsilber, H.G. Fries, Wolfgang Müller, of Photography Wojciech Szepel Cast Johanna Wokalek, Iris Berben, Frank-Otto Schenk, Dominik Stein, Krista Birkner, Christian Backhauß, Richy Müller, David Kross, Katharina Marie Schubert, Margarita Broich, Hannes Lindenblatt, Jörg Schönborn, Arne Fiedler, Falko Freitag, Matthias Itay Tiran, Benjamin Sadler, Rüdiger Vogler, Michael Gwisdek Producer Spahn, Harald Effenberg Producer Pierre Durst Production Peter Herrmann Co-Producers Bettina Reitz, Hans-Wolfgang Jurgan, Company Thirsty Goldfish/Berlin Original Version German Bettina Ricklefs, Hubert von Spreti, Wolfgang Braun, Senta Menger, Shooting Dates April-May 2010 Contact Thirsty Goldfish, Christoph Fisser, Henning Molfenter, Carl L. Woebcken, Franz Kraus, [email protected], www.thirsty-goldfish.com Antonio Exacoustos Production Company Desert Flower Film pro - duction/Munich, in co-production with ARD Degeto Film/Frankfurt, BR/ Post-production began in summer 2010 on Georgian-born director Bidzina Munich, Kinowelt Filmproduktion/Leipzig, 8. Babelsberg Film/, Kancheveli’s feature film debut 1000 KINGS (1000 KÖNIGE) which is one Studio Babelsberg/Potsdam, B.A. Produktion/Munich, MTM West/ of the first films worldwide to be shot completely with the green screen. Cologne Original Version German Shooting Dates June-August 2011 With backing from German Federal Film Board, Film- und Kancheveli’s screenplay is set in a distant future where mankind has been Medien stiftung NRW, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, FilmFernseh transformed into a society completely reduced to the intellect. Living in an Fonds Bayern, German Federal Film Fund World Sales Bavaria Film obscure system of immense spaces, people can only be distinguished from International, [email protected], www.bavaria-film-inter one another by their different social positions, like in a beehive. national.com

One of them is admired, exploited and kept under control for this ability Based on the best-selling psychology book of the same title by Paul to recognize which resource can produce light. However, one day, he Watzlawick, ANLEITUNG ZUM UNGLÜCKLICHSEIN (“The Situation manages to escape their domineering influence and is ruthlessly punished Is Hopeless, But Not Serious”), tells the story of Tiffany Blechschmid, a as a result… neurotic, moony, superstitious, contradictory and, no surprises here, single young woman in her late-twenties. “We wanted to retain the greatest artistic freedom possible and so didn’t spend time filling in application forms for funding,” recalls producer Pierre The Berlin gourmet shop she owns sells fortune cookies, although Tiffany Durst of Berlin-based Thirsty Goldfish. Thus, the film was financed by herself has a great personal mistrust of good fortune, and especially happi - deferrals from the cast and crew, from private investors who had been ness. Previously, every time she has felt happy has been followed im - involved in a previous Kancheveli project, as well as from sponsors and mediately by some kind of disaster. It's enough to make her question the partners such as Berliner Union-Film, Ludwig Broadcast & Media, Ice whole concept of happiness. Why, she asks herself, is everyone so crazy Animations and the theater supplier Hausmann. to find it? What does love have to do with happiness anyway? And how come we always trip ourselves up just when we might actually be getting As Durst explains, the director spent more than two months casting stage closer to it, such as even when the man of Tiffany's dreams appears actors from all over Germany “because he wanted to find parti cularly sudden ly and unexpectedly too? interest ing characters and faces.” Fortunately, helpful maternal advice from beyond the grave, a nervous “The fact that Bidzina began his career in the theater and has a lot of toucan, floating concert grand pianos, herds of cattle in the city traffic, experience of working with actors helped him get them prepared for egocentric wannabe lovers, off-center kisses and a painful secret are all work ing in this special environment of the green screen. He knew how to there to give Tiffany what she needs to get herself sorted for life in this motivate them.” wistful and moving, light and breezy romantic comedy full of melancholic nuances and which combines images of gentle fantasy with surprising Previous to 1000 KINGS, Kancheveli had been invited by the Baden- humor. Württemberg Film Academy in Ludwigsburg to direct the controversial short film 7½ WOMEN. Starring Russian-born actor Ivan Shvedoff, the SK film was shown at many international film festivals and received the award for Best Experimental Short Film from a jury headed by Ridley Scott at Milan’s I’ve Seen Films International Film Festival in 2008.


german films quarterly in production

3 · 2011 16 S16-22_Produktion_GFQ.in Produktion1_2010 22.07.11 11:16 Seite 2 (photo © Constantin Film) Scene from BLUTZBRÜDAZ Scene from Höderath/strangenough pictures/One Two Films) Two Höderath/strangenough pictures/One Scene from EUROPE & BOMBER (photo © Stefan EUROPE Scene from


Genre Comedy, Music Category Feature Director Özgür Yildirim Genre Comedy, Road Movie Category Feature Director Felix Stienz Screenplay Nicholas J. Schofield, Jan Ehlert Director of Screenplay Felix Stienz Directors of Photography Markus Photography Matthias Bolliger Cast Sido, B Tight, Alpa Gun, Milton Förderer, Lynne Linder Cast Stephanie Capetanides, Tobi B., Matthias Welsh, Tim Wilde, Alwara Höfels, Claudia Eisinger, Florian Renner Scheuring Producers Marcus Forchner, Felix Stienz, Jamila Wenske, Producers Oliver Berben, Fatih Akin, Klaus Maeck Co-Producer Sol Bondy Production Companies strangenough pictures/Berlin, Stefan Gärtner Production Companies corazón inter national/ One Two Films/Berlin, in co-production with ZDF Das kleine Fern seh - Hamburg, Constantin Film Produktion/Munich, in co-production with spiel/Mainz Original Version German, French, English Shooting SevenPictures Film/Unterföhring Original Version German Dates May-June 2011 With backing from MFG Baden-Württem - Shooting Dates February-April 2011 With backing from berg, Nordmedia Contact One Two Films, [email protected], Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig- www.onetwofilms.com and strangenough pictures, info@strangenough. Holstein, German Federal Film Fund, BKM Contact corazón inter- com, www.europe-und-bomber.de national, [email protected], www.corazon-int.de Europe is a young French woman living in Paris. She is full of joie de vivre BLUTZBRÜDAZ (working title), German rap-speak for “Blood Brothers”, and beautiful. She has also just found out that she’s pregnant – by Matthias, is the story of Otis and Eddy, two pals since whenever. They share the who is from Berlin. It was a wonderfully romantic one night stand and all little they have, and above all, a love for music. Two talented rappers, they she has to show for it is a Polaroid photo of herself and Matthias. That and lack money and connections. But they’re talented and always looking for the pregnancy, of course! So Europe calls her best friend Eva and they both trouble! head off for the German capital. She dreams of finding Matthias and making him happy. Europe is blind. But that shouldn’t pose a problem, An attempt to crash a rap-off at a local club fails dismally, but does get the should it? promoter, Fusco, agreeing to listen to their demo. Only problem is … they don’t have one! Efforts to scrape up a production budget lead to more Bomber is 28, short, very short, a dwarf in fact, and an unpolished Berlin grief, with Eddy landing in the ER with a badly cut backside and Otis in the original. He’s one of life’s artists, in that his art consists of getting through cells, where he meets his childhood pal, thief and “Sir Fence-a-lot” Adal, life. When he is sacked from his lousily paid job as a courier, he decides to who invites them to a party. take his last delivery to Paris, but not deliver it to the customer! Bomber plans to offload the package to an ominous business partner instead. And Now dumped by his girlfriend, Otis finds himself homeless, having to crash so it comes to the inevitable: Bomber is totally ripped off and his journey in a parking garage. With everything sucking, the boys’ only silver lining is ends with him drowning his sorrows, his pockets empty, at a Paris kiosk. the party, where it turns out Adal is connected with major record exec Uli Facher. Bruno is a giant of a man who prefers to keep to himself. He’s also a mute. His main occupation happens to be this very kiosk. He has also only very Otis and Eddy turn frustration into action and actually manage to put recently come out of . Nothing serious, of course. together a demo that convinces Fusco, an established operator in the rap underground, to do some promotion and get them a few gigs, together So Bruno helps the small, swearing man – and takes Bomber home to his with their pals Philip and DJ Aziz, now all under the name of Blutzbrüdaz. flat. Nothing breaks down language barriers like beer. Bruno is even able to persuade Bomber to take him to Berlin. The next day, this extremely Audiences love the band and soon Facher takes note of their growing suc- odd couple sets out on their way. cess. He shows up at one of the gigs and offers to sign the boys. Fusco gives Otis the heads up concerning the major label, but Otis sticks by his En route, the mute giant encounters the now abandoned Europe at a lifelong friend Eddy and accepts Facher’s offer. Before long he’s forced to petrol station. The duo becomes a trio on a dynamic journey with slight realize he’s made a big mistake, and not only about Facher. His dream of a communication problems, initial confusion and many open questions. But successful life as a rap star crumbles, and so does, after decades, his friend - as with so many journeys, it’s the getting there that counts and, on this ship with Eddy. When Facher preempts him, Otis appears to be finished. comedic road trip, being a dwarf, deaf, dumb and blind don’t have to get But his love for music is stronger. With Fusco’s help, Otis finds his way in the way of having a good time in life. back to himself and does what every self-respecting rapper should: de - clares war on Facher and Eddy. SK SK

german films quarterly in production

3 · 2011 17 S16-22_Produktion_GFQ.in Produktion1_2010 22.07.11 11:16 Seite 3 (photo courtesy of teamWorx) Saralisa Volm & Saralisa Volm The team from GOLD (photo The team from © Olaf Ballnus)


Genre Sports Category Documentary Director Marc Brasse Genre Drama Category Feature Director Sergei Moya Screenplay Ronald Kruschak Director of Photography Michael Screenplay Sergei Moya Director of Photography Armin Franzen Hammon Cast Kirsten Bruhn, Henry Wanyoike, Kurt Fearnley Cast Saralisa Volm, Clemens Schick, Anna Maria Mühe, Herbert Knaup, Producers Andreas F. Schneider, Ronald Kruschak, Wolfgang Latteyer Carlo Ljubek, Jan-Gregor Kremp Producers Julia Lischinski, Christopher Production Company Parapictures Film Production/Hamburg Zwickler, Sascha Schwingel Production Companies Von Fiessbach Original Version English Shooting Dates Summer 2011-Autumn Film/Berlin, teamWorx Television & Film/Potsdam Original Version 2012 Contact Parapictures Film Production, as@parapictures-film- German Shooting Dates August 2011 Contact teamWorx, production.com, www.parapictures-film-production.com, www.you-are- [email protected], www.hotel-desire.com gold.com Will they or won’t they? The clock is ticking away for the producers of GOLD is about three extraordinary world-class athletes and their journey Sergej Moya’s film HOTEL DESIRE, who have set themselves a deadline to the Paralympics 2012: Henry Wanyoike, a blind runner from this summer to raise 170,000 Euros crowdfunding via the Internet. , Kirsten Bruhn, a paralyzed swimmer from Germany, and Kurt Fearnley, an Australian wheelchair racer. A media campaign and a dedicated home page (www.hotel-desire.com) were launched on June 6th to raise donations from private individuals or “These athletes show most impressively what people can do,” says pro- backing from potential investors interested in acquiring rights or profit ducer Andreas F. Schneider. “They show how sport can change society for participation. the better.” Schneider knows: he has been wheelchair-bound after a swim- ming accident when he was eighteen. The now head of the Internet TV Backers can decide between six categories of donation and, depending on channel ParalympicSport.TV has personally experienced the efforts re- the level of their financial commitment, will receive various kinds of quired to fight for a new life: “It is time society recognizes the inspiring gimmicks as incentives. Thus, someone donating five Euros or more strength of Paralympic sport and uses it for itself.” (Category 1) will receive a coupon to stream the completed film, while 5,000 Euros or more (Category 6) will earn the donor a streaming coupon GOLD was initiated by the DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance), and a private screening in Berlin with the filmmakers and cast. the umbrella association of the accident insurance institutions for the indu- strial and public sectors. Should the goal of 170,000 Euros – heaven forbid – not be reached in the 80 days from June 6th for the filmmakers to start shooting at the end of Director Marc Brasse was “attracted by the protagonists’ struggle not to August, the producers have announced that all of the monies raised to that give up and accept fate. The film is about bringing this to the fore, con- point will nevertheless benefit young directors in Germany by being veying it visually and then showing the turning point, the affirmation of life, channel ed into the First Steps Award. narrating the escape and return to the world of a new, normalized life.” After directing HOLLYWOOD DRAMA and DIE BLAUE PERIODE, Brasse’s award-winning documentary credits include SCHABOWSKIS actor-director Sergej Moya has now turned to the multifaceted subject of ZETTEL (2009, Best Docudrama, New York Film Festival) and OPERA- human sexuality for this 45-minute film. TION CAESAR – JAGD AUF U 864 (2006-7, Award of Excellence, Canadian Society of Cinematographers). “With HOTEL DESIRE, I would like to make a film which unconditionally sets itself the task of doing justice cinematically to sexuality as an ex- DoP Michael Hammon’s filmography includes HÖLLENTOUR, about the pression of the human zest for life,” Moya explains. “A film which self- Tour de France, and features such as Andreas Dresen’s GRILL POINT, assured ly borrows from the porn genre, but isn’t a porn film.” WILLENBROCK, and CLOUD 9. He describes the film, which has Saralisa Volm (from Klaus Lemke’s GOLD’s team also includes Ronald Kruschak and Wolfgang Latteyer. FINALE) and Clemens Schick (known to international audiences as one of Kruschak, a journalist and script writer, has fifteen years film and TV the baddies in CASINO ROYALE) in the leads, as “a porNEOgraphic film. fiction production experience (RED ZORA, THE THREE INVESTI- A film where we want to speak with sensitivity and directness about the GATORS). Latteyer started in fiction films and now specializes in docu- interplay of longing, lust, desire, intimacy, sexuality and spontaneity.” mentaries and teaches production at Munich’s University of Television and Film. MB


german films quarterly in production

3 · 2011 18 S16-22_Produktion_GFQ.in Produktion1_2010 22.07.11 11:16 Seite 4 (photo © Saara Aila Waasner) The team of ME JESUS LOVES (photo courtesy of Cinema) UFA Scene from CAN LOVE REALLY BE A SIN? REALLY CAN LOVE Scene from


Genre Romantic Comedy Category Feature Director Florian David Genre Religion, Society Category Documentary Director Saara Aila Fitz Screenplay Florian David Fitz Director of Photography Waasner Screenplay Saara Aila Waasner Director of Photog- Stefan Unterberger Cast Jessica Schwarz, Florian David Fitz, Henry raphy Eva Maschke Producer Caroline Daube Production Hübchen, Hannelore Elsner, Peter Prager, Christine Schorn, Palina Rojinski, Company Royal Pony Film/Munich Original Version German Nicholas Ofczarek Producers Nico Hofmann, Thomas Peter Friedl, Shooting Dates December 2010-July 2011 With backing from Steffi Ackermann, Patrick Zorer Production Company UFA FilmFernsehFonds Bayern Contact Royal Pony Film, daube@royalpony Cinema/Munich, in co-production with ZDF/Mainz Original Version film.com, www.royalponyfilm.com German Shooting Dates April-June 2011 With backing from Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, MFG Baden- Posing the titular question, CAN LOVE REALLY BE A SIN? (KANN DENN Württemberg, German Federal Film Fund, German Federal Film Board LIEBE SÜNDE SEIN?), the film takes an in-depth look at the fate of three Contact UFA Cinema, [email protected], www.ufa- Roman Catholic priests who are no longer permitted to follow their call - cinema.de ing because they have chosen to live in partnership, eschewing celibacy. It examines both the radical changes they faced by falling in love and the After writing and starring in the double Lola-winning box-office success enormous challenges involved in starting afresh, both professionally and VINCENT WANTS TO SEA, Florian David Fitz has now taken on the privately. director’s chores as well for the first time for a feature film inspired by the bestseller Jesus Loves Me. The basic problem is, of course, celibacy: a basic obligation to which all Catholic priests must adhere. They either have to keep their relationship Fitz takes the male lead in the romantic comedy as the enigmatic Jeshua secret or come out publicly, and then no longer be allowed to remain in from Palestine who enchants Marie played by Jessica Schwarz, known to office and perform church functions. Damned if they do, damned if they audiences from such films as BUDDENBROOKS and THE DAY I WAS don’t, many priests are thus forced to keep their status a permanent NOT BORN. Only gradually, Marie realizes that all is not as it seems, for secret. this Jeshua has a mission – to prepare the end of the world … but not until next Tuesday! Just how many Catholic priests have founded a family or are living in a secret relationship can only be speculated upon, but the number is cer- As Fitz recalls, he had initially been considered just as an actor for the pro- tainly high. At present, there are 10,500 men officiating as priests in ject, but was drawn further in as the project was developed. “I think the Germany. Each year, an estimated 30 of them resign from office because story is strange and hilarious and I’m also pleased about some hidden they wish to marry or acknowledge their relationship. Only the very few philosophical ideas,” he says. “Moreover, it is really the kind of story that’s actually make this decision. The majority who are in relationships are not never been seen before. And that’s what we are always clamoring for.” ready to take this final step. But what is it like, how is it possible to love in secret? JESUS LOVES ME sees him being reunited with producer Steffi Ackermann who had previously worked with him over three years on the award-win- Because living a double life is the most common situation, CAN LOVE ning RTL TV series DOCTOR’S DIARY. She points out that Fitz is “very REALLY BE A SIN? also narrates the story of one woman who was the precise and fine in his observation and I have great respect for how he lover of a Roman Catholic priest for eight years. After much agonizing and masters all of that and slips from being the director into his role.” debating, he decided against the relationship and returned to a life of cel - ibacy. The film also allows the other excommunicated priests’ new part- Meanwhile, producer Nico Hofmann of UFA Cinema explains that Fitz and ners to have their say. the producers worked together on having such a lineup as Henry Hübchen, Hannelore Elsner, Peter Prager, Christine Schorn and Michael By featuring the women’s perspective, writer-director Saara Aila Waasner Gwisdek supporting the two leads. adds an important facet to the film, giving voice to those who represent the desires, hopes and especially the challenges that have to be overcome “The idea was to have a prominent and enthusiastic ensemble who would in such secrecy. commit with zest and passion to Florian David Fitz in his directorial debut,” Hofmann says. “And the first rushes show that one can expect big things: SK seldom have humor and sensitivity become so wonderfully intertwined as here on the set under Florian’s direction.”


german films quarterly in production

3 · 2011 19 S16-22_Produktion_GFQ.in Produktion1_2010 22.07.11 11:16 Seite 5 Scene from KLEINE MORDE Scene from (photo © Studio88/Akkord Film) (photo © Studio88/Akkord (photo © Rosemarie Benninghoff) Cover of DER KLEINE RABE SOCKE


Genre Drama, Film Noir Category Feature Director Adnan G. Köse Genre Children & Youth, Animation Category Feature Directors Screenplay Adnan G. Köse Director of Photography James Ute von Münchow-Pohl, Sandor Jesse Screenplay Katja Grübel Voices Jacobs Cast Paul Falk, Olaf Krätle, Adnan G. Köse, Ann-Katrin Kramer, Jan Delay, Anna Thalbach, Katharina Thalbach Producers Dirk Beinhold, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, Günther Kaufmann, Jasmin Roland Junker, Dirk Dozert Production Companies Akkord Schwiers Producers Neslihan Duy, Adnan G. Köse, Eyyüphan Duy Co- Film/Berlin, Studio 88/Baden-Baden, in co-production with SWR/Baden- Producer Alexander von Glenck Production Company SteelWorX Baden, HR/Frankfurt Original Version English, German Shooting Filmproduction/Oberhausen Original Version German Shooting Dates January-December 2011 With backing from MFG Baden- Dates April-May 2011 With backing from Film- und Medienstiftung Württemberg, German Federal Film Board, German Federal Film Fund, NRW, German Federal Film Fund Contact SteelWorX Filmproduction, MEDIA, HessenInvest Contact Akkord Film Produktion, info@akkord [email protected], www.steelworx-film.com film.com, www.akkordfilm.com

KLEINE MORDE (translation: Little Murders) is set in Germany in the near Berlin-based production house Akkord Film has made its first foray into future. With criminality out of control, the laws have been toughened the world of animation this year to bring children’s author Nele Moost and drastically. This goes too for the all-encompassing draft law on combating Annet Rudolph’s Little Raven book series to the big screen in the feature child and youth crime. The age of criminal responsibility has been abolish- film DER KLEINE RABE SOCKE which is targeted at 3 to 8-year-olds and ed: children under fourteen who are accused of a major crime must their families. answer to the courts. In the eyes of the law they are now adults. “We acquired the rights to the books about 4 years ago,” recalls producer Of all people it is 12-year-old Martin, the son of a respected judge, a child Dirk Beinhold, whose previous credits have included the feature films with an unusually high IQ, who spends his free time in his father’s court- KLEINRUPPIN FOREVER and L’AVION and the international TV event room, who is suspected of murder. And this of a boy who does not waste mini-series BEN HUR. “It has been a great adventure although it is not so his time with empty computer games or violent videos, but one who different from my other films, in that one has to develop a good story and knows jurisprudence almost as well as a lawyer, who devours his father’s screenplay and gather the money.” legal textbooks, who spends a great deal of time with his adult and close friend, the taxi-driver Viktor Gumm, who passionately listens to his grand- “But we knew that we needed a strong co-producer for the animation father’s old vinyl records and who dreams along to classical music. and so approached Studio 88 in Baden-Baden,” he continues. “They have proven to be the ideal partner for us.” Everyone who knows Martin finds the accusation absurd; Martin not only looks like an angel but is a boy who loves justice, is loyal and fair to every- Indeed, Studio 88 has extensive experience in the animation field, having one, perfectly able to entertain himself and others, and thanks to his worked in the past on such projects as THE THREE ROBBERS and brilliant knowledge of Latin – he is even better than his teacher – always LITTLE KING MACIUS. Hungarian-born Sandor Jesse, who is part of the has a Latin saying ready for use in whatever situation. Studio 88 team, is co-directing with Ute Münchow-Pohl, a collaborator with Thilo Rothkirch on such productions as THE LITTLE POLAR BEAR But now Martin is a murderer, a child of whom the courts should make an and DODO. example? The media are beside themselves, this is going to be sensational! And everyone claims to know better than the next person. Moreover, top-class names have been recruited for the voices for the German version with the musician Jan Delay cast as Little Raven and Top lawyer Julia Comer, who still has not recovered from the suicide of Katharina and Anna Thalbach as Mother Badger and Little Badger. “The her last client, which took place in front of her own eyes, believes Martin unique thing about the character of Little Raven is that he’s really cheeky to be innocent and undertakes his defense. and he does all the things that are forbidden for children at that age – but things every child would like to do,” Beinhold explains. SK He adds that a test screening of the animatic was already organized by the film’s distributor Universum Film in Munich and came in with very good results from the children and their parents. There are plans for a 400-print release in Germany in autumn 2012 and Beinhold has already pre-sold the film to French distributor Gebeka who specializes in children’s animation.


german films quarterly in production

3 · 2011 20 S16-22_Produktion_GFQ.in Produktion1_2010 22.07.11 11:16 Seite 6 ) From the set ofFrom SAME WAY Scene from SCHILF (photo © X Verleih AG) SCHILF (photo Scene from © X Verleih (photo © Aleksandrija Ajdukovic/NEUESUPER


Genre Drama Category Feature Director Daria Onyshchenko Genre Drama, Thriller Category Feature Director Claudia Lehmann Screenplay Daria Onyshchenko, Miroslav Mandic Director of Screenplay Claudia Lehmann, Leonie Terfort, based on the novel Schilf Photography Erol Zubcevic Cast Karl Markovics, Georg Friedrich, Lea by Juli Zeh Director of Photography Manuel Mack Cast Stipe Mornar, Marija Skaricic, Vuk Kostic, Ivan Dobronravov, Viktoria Varlej Erceg, Mark Waschke, Bernadette Heerwagen, Sandra Borgmann, Paul T. Producers Simon Amberger, Korbinian Dufter, Rafael Parente Co- Grasshoff, Christoph Tomanek, Bernhard Conrad, Nicolas Treichel Producers Anna Palenchuk, Maria Govorukha Production Com- Producer Manuela Stehr Co-Producers Bettina Ricklefs, Barbara pany NEUESUPER/Munich, in co-production with 435 Films/Kiev, Buhl, Jochen Kölsch, Monika Lobkowicz Production Company X Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München/Munich Original Filme Creative Pool/Berlin, in co-production with BR/Munich, WDR/ Version German, Serbian, Ukrainian Shooting Dates May-Sep- Cologne, ARTE/Strasbourg Original Version German With tember 2011 With backing from FilmFernsehFonds Bayern Contact backing from Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, German Federal Film NEUESUPER, [email protected], www.neuesuper.de Board, German Federal Film Fund Contact X Filme Creative Pool, [email protected], www.x-filme.de SAME WAY (working title) asks where can Europe still be found. In the west? Or everywhere we want and where we call home? “I had always been interested in quantum physics and parallel universes and the connection between philosophy and esoterism,” producer Ruslana, a middle-aged Ukrainian, lives a lonely life in Munich, desperately Manuela Stehr recalls. “And Claudia Lehmann was just the right person to trying to learn German and hoping her only son Bogdan will finally come make a film set in this world because of her scientific background.” to visit. Just when she fails her German exam yet again and a broken pipe floods her modest home, her luck changes when her neighbor Vladen, a The idea of working together on Lehmann’s feature debut came after former professional boxer from Serbia, comes to her rescue and over- Stehr had supervised her shorts during her studies at the Hamburg Media comes her language barrier with his Slavic soul and homemade brandy. School, including the graduation film MEMORYEFFECT which premiered After he left his wife for his boxing career and began a new life in Germany at the Berlinale in 2007. she divorced him, now he too has very little. “We were looking for inspiration when, by chance, I received Juli Zeh’s Bogdan, Ruslana’s son, is not interested in leaving the Ukraine. He scrapes novel Schilf as a Christmas present,” Stehr continues. “I gave it to Claudia a living in Kiev driving the not-so-successful pop singer Maria. Both rely on to read and we both agreed that this was what we had been looking for.” her rich patron. She has to sleep with him, Bogdan does what he’s told. Bogdan is sick of them both, throws in his job and leaves Maria stuck in a Described as “an exceptional physical thriller about different perceptions traffic jam. But he still has no intention of following his mother to of truth, reality and incidents happening in parallel universes” and as “a film Germany. He turns back at the station and passes Maria at the entrance of about friendship, love and guilt”, SCHILF focuses on Sebastian, a professor the concert venue. After a fierce argument, he finally takes her home, by of Physics (played by Mark Waschke), who is close to a breakthrough on tram. They spend the night together, but the next morning her patron is his research into the existence of parallel universes. In order to be able to standing at the door... devote himself completely to his work, he has sent his young teenage son Nick (newcomer Nicolas Treichel) to scout camp and wife Maike Zoran, Vladen’s son, has never forgiven his parents for emigrating. He has (Bernadette Heerwagen) is holidaying in the mountains. His world is turn - never left Belgrade, where he still sees his future and, together with his ed topsy-turvy when his son suddenly disappears and an alleged kidnapper attractive girlfriend Aida, lives a simple but satisfying life. When he wit - demands that he murder the head physician of a local clinic. nesses an extortion attempt whilst working on a handyman job, he meets Jelena, the indecisive but loveable wife of the Austrian restaurant owner The shoot at locations in Jena, Weimar and Erfurt is the first time that X Günther. But Jelena intends to leave her homeland the next day, forever, Filme Creative Pool will have completely produced a film in Thuringia, and and begin a new and safer life in Germany. In this last night Zoran succeeds Stehr is full of praise for the crew recruited from the region. in opening her eyes to a completely new Belgrade – the city of his hopes and dreams, a city with a future, for Jelena too. Meanwhile, speaking about Lehmann’s qualities, she points out that “in her shorts, one could see this mixture of a warm, human approach to direct - SK ing the actors combined with her clear, scientific and analytical way of work ing. Claudia has everything very well prepared and thought-out.”


german films quarterly in production

3 · 2011 21 S16-22_Produktion_GFQ.in Produktion1_2010 22.07.11 11:16 Seite 7 e) On the set of UNTER FRAUEN (photo © deutschfilm/Meike Birck) Scene from WAS WEG IS, IS WEG WAS Scene from (photo © NFP/Ninety-Minute Film/Martin Menk


Genre Romantic Comedy Category Feature Director Hansjörg Genre Comedy Category Feature Director Christian Lerch Thurn Screenplay Sarah Schnier Director of Photography Screenplay Christian Lerch Director of Photography Stefan Biebl Markus Hausen Cast Sebastian Ströbel, Alexandra Neldel, Fahri Oguen Cast Florian Brückner, Mathias Kellner, Maximilian Brückner, Siegfried Yardim, Grit Boettcher, Martin Brambach, Nina Petri, Emilia Schüle, Collien Terpoorten, Marie Leuenberger, Johanna Bittenbinder, Heinz-Josef Braun, Fernandes Producer Ivo-Alexander Beck Co-Producer Christian Jürgen Tonkel, Nina Proll, Johann Schuler, Jess Jochimsen Producers Franckenstein Production Company Ninety-Minute Film/Berlin, in Anatol Nitschke, Helge Sasse Co-Producers Hubert von Spreti, Hans- co-production with Filmpool Film- & Fernsehproduktion/Cologne, Wolfgang Jurgan Production Companies deutschfilm/Berlin, Senator ZDF/Mainz Original Version German Shooting Dates May-June Film Produktion/Berlin, in co-production with BR/Munich, ARD Degeto 2011 With backing from Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, Film/Frankfurt Original Version German Shooting Dates May- Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, German Federal Film Fund Contact June 2011 With backing from FilmFernsehFonds Bayern Contact Ninety-Minute Film, [email protected], www.ninetyminutefilm.de deutschfilm, [email protected], www.senator.de

UNTER FRAUEN is a romantic comedy about an übermacho who, quite A new genre has been born – the eco-comedy (Ökomödie) – with actor- unexpectedly, is forced to become much more intensively involved with screenwriter Christian Lerch’s feature film directorial debut WAS WEG IS, the world of women than he would like: in fact, he is thrust into his own IS WEG which couldn’t be more topical following the Fukushima reactor personal, private hell of a world populated only by women! catastrophe and the German government’s decision against nuclear power this year. Alex has the perfect life: he is young, smart, good looking and able to wrap women around his little finger before zooming off in his sports car from Inspired by Jess Jochimsen’s novel Bellboy, Lerch’s screenplay takes us back one to the next. He’s maybe heard the words “steady relationship” but to rural Bavaria in the 1980s and a story touching on such global issues as does he know what they mean? Does he even care? His vocabulary like- saving the environment, friendship, family, love and reconciliation. wise lacks the words “team player” and as for “understanding women” … p-huh-lease! He leaves that to others. Young Lukas has had his fill of life in Bavaria and wants to become a Greenpeace activist on the Rainbow Warrior to save the world. But a But when his playmates, all of whom believe they’re “the one”, discover series of unexpected events puts a halt to these high-minded plans: the they are anything but, they team up to get their own back, with astonishing gorgeous Luisa is suddenly one good reason to stay, all hell is let loose by results: after a traumatic incident, Alex awakes in a world populated only a lower arm separated from its owner, and a family secret finally comes to by women! Even worse: he himself is also accepted as being one of them, the surface after 20 years … albeit with a small anatomic peculiarity. According to Lerch, who was the screenwriter on Marcus H. Alex has now become Alexandra, his best friend Silvio is now Silvia. Instead Rosenmüller’s feature films GRAVE DECISIONS, LITTLE WHITE LIES, of sex there is cuddling, children are what happens when you really, really, and RÄUBER KNEISSL, WAS WEG IS, IS WEG is about “wanting to go really want them because they’re so great and there’s a w-h-o-l-e lot of away and then finding love at home after all. The film should also stand a talking things through and hardly any arguing. Everyone takes consideration bit for the hope that things aren’t already too late and that one could of ’s feelings and all are on a harmonious “cloud 9”. perhaps still manage to save the world: first of all, on a small scale, in one’s circle, in the family, and then also on a larger scale.” For macho Alex this is his own personal, private hell! And right now, of all times, he develops feelings for a woman such as he has never known be - Saving the environment has not only been played in front of the camera, fore. Slowly but surely, Paula has found her way into his heart. But how as producer Anatol Nitschke explains: “We have tried to keep our CO2 should he conquer hers? emissions to a minimum during the production by, for example, avoiding unnecessary journeys and using local produce for the catering.” Somehow, Alex has to show Paula he’s more than her best (girl)friend – and he also has to find his way out of this damned parallel world, together He points out that the production has worked with the agency sustainable with her. AG which advises companies on strategies for sustainable development. “It is the first time they have worked on a film production, and our ex- SK periences could be a pilot project for future more eco-friendly film pro- ductions,” Nitschke suggests.


german films quarterly in production

3 · 2011 22 S16-22_Produktion_GFQ.in Produktion1_2010 22.07.11 11:16 Seite 8


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For further information, please contact: [email protected] LIVESTREAMANDPODCAST WWWBR ONLINEDEKINOKINO WWWFACEBOOKCOMBRKINOKINO S24_205_ZIMMER_Unter Strom25.07.1115:02Seite1 Annika’s video messages seem to be thedesperatecries of tobe messagesseem Annika’s video increasinglyterrorized... Katrinfeels of killingChristian. byacliqueofstudentswhoarenowmurdered accusingher thatAnnikawas convinced cessor, Annika,shebecomes When diaryofherprede- is involved. shefindsthevideo only thefirstinaseriesofgrisly“accidents”which Katrin Andit’s Christian, ayoungmanshehadsleptwith,isdead. One night,shemakes ahorrifyingdiscovery inthecellar: her...before tomoveunderstand whynoonewanted intoRoom205 to Then, strangethingshappeninherroom,andshebegins friends, gotoparties,have sex,and,ofcourse,gotoclasses. andit’stimetomakeThe new semesterisjustbeginning, fromhomeandherover-protective father.dom! Freedom aroominthedorm,andthatmeansfree- student haslanded for over ayear?Katrincouldn’tcareless:the19-year-old What Why inRoom205? there happened hasnoonelived ROOM 205 ZIMMER DER ANGST 205 – a tormented young woman. Butaretheyreally?Fearful youngwoman. of a tormented Master of murder, horror and suspense, director Rainer Master ofmurder,horrorandsuspense,director dents, herself,andtheformeroccupantofRoom205... herfellowfronting herselfwithterrifyingtruthsabout stu- Katrin wantstoclearupthemystery–evenifitmeanscon- going madandsufferingthesamefateasherpredecessor, atmosphere, unexpected twistsandgood-lookingvictims. atmosphere, unexpected Matsutani deliversaclassicalpsycho-thriller chock fullof hn 4-96 92 6·fx+98-49 720 [email protected] ·www.bavaria-film-international.com 37 99 +49-89-64 86 ·fax 26 99 phone +49-89-64 Bavariafilmplatz 7 · 82031Geiselgasteig/Germany · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman BavariaBavaria of MediaGmbH·Thorsten FilmInternational ·Dept. Ritter World Sales BERLIN (TV, 2007),GANGS(2009),and ROOM 205(2011). FLAMMENÜBER WARST DUSTILL(TV, 2005), DAS INFERNO– DEM DUSCHLÄFST!(2002),DIESTIMMEN(TV, 2003),DAMALS TRAUE KEINEM,MIT FAHRSTUHL INSJENSEIT(TV, 1997),666– include:GEISTERSTUNDE– FilmPrize.Hisotherfilms Bavarian For hisdebutfeatureOVER MYDEADBODY (1995) hewonthe and shorts,includingthecultthrillerKLINIKDESGRAUENS (1992). Pictures, Engram writingandshootingvariouscommercialscompany Television theproduction &FilminMunich.In1989,hefounded of the BerlinScriptWorkshop in1987.Hethenattendedthe University criticfromascholarshipfor 1984-1987,receiving as afreelance film Matsutani Rainer FederalMedienförderung, German FilmBoard FederalBerlin-Brandenburg, German FilmFund,Mitteldeutsche Subtitled Version min ARRI Film&TV/Munich,Medienkontor Movie/Berlin Schönhauser Film/Berlin,inco-production withFilmaufbau/Leipzig, Schönfelder, MichaelKölmel Dietze, HansUweBauer, AndréM.Hennicke Producers Director of Photography Director Photography of Director Genre out performance as the traumatized heroine. out performanceasthetraumatized WAVE,Jennifer Ulrich (THE astand- gives CLOUD) THE Format Horror Rainer Matsutani Rainer 35 mm,color, cs Category was born in1964Hockenheim.was born Heworked English English Feature With backingfrom Production Company Jan FehseJan Screenplay Original Version Year Production of new german films german new Cast Jennifer Ulrich,Julia Jennifer Eckhard Vollmar Length Medienboard German Neue Boris 2011 103 24

Scene from ROOM 205 (photo © Neue Schönhauser Filmproduktion GmbH) S25_AMEISEN_Unter Strom15.07.1110:14Seite1 backing from cs Fernsehspiel/Mainz kleine Company Schwalm, IvoKortlang Producer Teclebrhan, LeaWillkowsky, ChristianLöber, LilliHering,Cornelius Lena Kuhlenberg, Macaulay, Jacqueline SvenPippig,Tedros Tezel, MarkusHering,Friederike Linke, AndreasHildegard Nickl, Birgit Möller Screenplay Feature Genre weren’t forher:Kyra. Richard withanyofthis–ifit doesn’twanttogetinvolved humorandfantasy.fighting forhappinesswithpeculiar painfromearlyon,havingenced theirown desiresand Eachhe findsabizarrebunchofthemexperi- ofteenagers. in ayouthcenterratherthanstaying withhismother. There, suicide,RichardtostayAfter hisfathercommitted decides WEGE ANDERE GEHEN AMEISEN · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 08 [email protected] ·www.lichtblick-media.com 03 11 +49-30-84 10 ·fax 03 11 phone +49-30-84 Hagelbergerstr. 57·10965Berlin/Germany Lichtblick MediaGmbH·Martin Heisler World Sales Original Version Year Production of Coming-of-Age Story, Drama,LoveStory Lichtblick Media/Berlin,inco-production withZDFDas Cast Ulli Leonore Stephan German FederalGerman FilmBoard, BKM Tim Oliver Schultz, Henriette Confurius, Aylin Schultz,HenrietteConfurius, Tim Oliver German German Length Subtitled Version 2011 90 min Director Photography of Martin Heisler Martin Director Format Catharina Deus 35 mm,color, Production English English Category With AMEISEN GEHENANDEREWEGE(2011). EINEPREUSSISCHE AFFÄRE (2009),and (TV, 2007),RAHEL– INTERNEAFFÄREN GIRL (DIEBOXERIN, 2005),WILSBERG – 1/2 8(2000),DERFREUNDFRISEUSE(2002),ABOUTA DERWELTWIR SINDDERMITTELPUNKT (musicvideo, 1998), FRAU MITZEIT(1996),IMTOR (1997),LADIESNIGHT(1998), STEINICH(1995), includes:the shorts herfilms Berlin. Aselectionof Film&Televisionbegan studiesattheGerman in (dffb) Academy group. film Shethen inavideoshort which timesheparticipated StudieswithanemphasisinTheaterandMedia,during Germanic ship attheDeutschesSchauspielhausinHamburg,shestudied Catharina Deus was born in1970Nordheide.was born Afteranintern - new german films german new 25

Scene from AMEISEN GEHEN ANDERE WEGE (photo © Alex Trebus) S26_ARSCHKALT_Unter Strom15.07.1110:15Seite1 of humanrelationships. states failure asanopportunityandthedifferentaggregate seeing about isacomedy GUY ICE MR. MORE NO blems reallystart… shrimp, heactuallystartstothaw –butthat’swhenthepro- likefeels 876 frozenpizzas,4322fishsticks and12,887 Afterwhat teamspirit. Guy hastodevelopathingcalled the newDutchlady,Lieke. boss Allofasudden,Mr. Ice himintoagreatsalesman,ordersfrom until hehasturned in complaining,Bergcan’tgetridofhisannoying co-pilot definitely toosmallforthetwoofus!”Butthere’snopoint naive formerhairdresserMoerer,likes“This totalk. truck is leftalone.Buthisnewpartner,the Berg justwantstobe Two truck: menandafreezer thecynicalex-businessman really cold. death?Maybeso,butitisreally, Is therereallyalifebefore NO MOREMR.ICEGUY ARSCHKALT · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 12 · [email protected] 00 30 +49-40-4 60 ·fax 70 31 phone +49-40-4 Schulterblatt 58·20357Hamburg/Germany Wüste FilmGmbH·AnjaPadge World Sales Ophüls Festival inSaarbrücken,Ophüls Festival andARSCHKALT (2011). SELBSTGESPRÄCHE (2007)whichwonthemainprize attheMax feature 2006),hisfirst 2004),37OHNEZWIEBELN(short, (short, includes:DERCOACH hisfilms Cologne (KHM).Aselectionof MediaArts bystudiesinDirectingof 2001, followed attheAcademy LandesbühneinEsslingenuntil ensemble attheWürttembergische the Actors' Studiofrom 1994-1997andthenbecameamemberof in 1993withotheractingcolleagues. HestudiedattheHamburg theJungeTheater Schauspielhaus. actingandfounded Hethenstarted Psychology, asadirectingattheBremen heserved intern André Erkau FederalGerman FilmFund Schleswig-Holstein, Film-undMedienstiftungNRW, Nordmedia, Version Format spiel/Mainz, incooperationwithARTE/Strasbourg with WüsteFilmWest/Cologne, Fernseh ZDFDaskleine - Production Company Schwingel Ralph Schubert, Thorsten Merten Knaup,Herbert JohannesAllmayer, Elke Winkens, Peter Franke, Erkau Genre of Productionof Director of Photography Director Photography of Comedy, LoveStory, RoadMovie 35 mm,color, cs English English was born in Dortmund in1968.Whilestudying inDortmund was born 2011 Producers With backingfrom Director Original Version Wüste Film/Hamburg,inco-production Björn Vosgerau,Björn UweKolbe, Stefan Co-Producer André Erkau new german films german new Category Dirk Morgenstern Dirk Morgenstern Filmförderung Hamburg Screenplay German German Length Hejo Emons Feature Subtitled 85 min André Year Cast 26

Scene from NO MORE MR. ICE GUY (photo © Wüste Film/Marion von der Mehden) S27_AUSBILDUNG_Unter Strom22.07.1111:30Seite1 on peoples’ lives. on peoples’ ing environmentsandshows towhatextentithasaneffect EDUCATIONthesystemofmodernwork describes THE his feartoloosejob,love andhisstatus… Janiscaughtupinhisinabilitytomakeshort. decisions, porary employee,afreshloveButJenny’sstay blooms. is retail therapy. When Jennyjoinsthecompanyasatem solaceinfastcarsand Janseeks andstressed, Frustrated stantly growing, duetotherestructuringofcompany. Thedifficult todo. pressureonJanandhiscolleaguesiscon- increasingly butthatbecomes wants topleaseeverybody, He Jan iscurrentlycompletinghislastyearofjobtraining. THE EDUCATION DIE AUSBILDUNG · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 99 18 09 [email protected] ·www.medialuna.biz 21-51 +49-2 91·fax 18 09 21-51 phone +49-2 Aachener Str. 24·50674Cologne/Germany Films ·IdaMartins Media LunaNew World Sales - - Producer DagmarSachse,AnjaBeatriceKaul, Rudolf, FrankVoß Stefan Retzlaff, Photography 2011 (Official Competition) 2011 (Official Subtitled Version Format Cologne, inco-production withWDR/Cologne Director EDUCATION (2011)ishisfeaturedebutas adirector. HEROES (2005)andTHEINVISIBLEHAND(2007). films andgainedrecognition withhisaward-winningshort matographer Film &Television inBerlin.Since2000,hehasworked asacine - of inCologneandScriptWritingAcademy Media Arts attheGerman inBerlin,hestudiedDirecting of attheAcademy Cinematography Dirk Lütter Medienstiftung NRW Genre Drama HDCam, color, 1:1.85Original Version Dirk Lütter Titus Kreyenberg Category Henner Besuch was born in1970Neuß.Afterstudying was born English English Screenplay Feature With backingfrom Production Company Festivals Cast Year Production of Dirk Lütter Joseph K.Bundschuh,Anke new german films german new Berlin 2011,Montreal Length Director of Film- und unafilm/ German 85 min 2011 27

Scene from THE EDUCATION (photo © unafilm) S28_BEACH_BOY_Unter Strom15.07.1110:19Seite1 play Year Production of Genre little. reached somethingandwillhavea madeeveryonereflect isunreachableif Isabelle forDimi–intheendhewillhave scares herintheshowerEven andtakestrip. heronaboat Hesharesaninflatablemattresswithher, for herattention. upandkeepsonstruggling ButDimidoesn’tgive Steffen. relationship, andherboyfriendisDimis’olderbrother isina when theyarriveatthecampsitetogether:Isabelle byher,butdisillusioned Heisfascinated Isabelle. beautiful Onacountryroadhemeets Sea. older brotherbytheBaltic It’s mid-summer. Dimihastospendthevacationwithhis BEACH BOY Producer Andrea Gabrin Cast · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 32 [email protected] ·www.filmgestalten.eu 48 40 +49-30-60 30 ·fax 48 40 phone +49-30-60 Mittenwalder Str. 38·10961Berlin/Germany KinzerFilmgestalten GbR·Manuel World Sales Hannes Hirsch Tom Gramenz,Lore Richter, Timo Jacobs, LindaPöppel, Coming-of-Age Story, Drama,LoveStory Manuel Kinzer Producers Director Photography of 2011 Hannes Hirsch,DiemoKemmesies Production Com Director Hannes Hirsch pany pany Category Philip Leutert Milieufilm/ Screen Short Co- - Berlin, inco-production withFilmgestalten/Berlin have screened and won awards at numerous film festivals. screenedhave andwonawardsatnumerous film (2007), DOGSBARKING (2007)andBEACH BOY (2011),which Filmarche shorts,includingPINKBOYS inBerlinandhasshotseveral production companies.atthe Since2006,hehasbeenstudying bigTVchannelsandfilm Fuzzlecheck, whichhasbeenusedbymany these experiences,andpublishedthesoftware hedeveloped productions. andtelevision Inspired by video operatoronvariousfilm Cultural StudiesinItaly, andworked asa hereturnedtoGermany HirschHannes Awards Cambrils-Reus2011 Bulgaria,EuropeanFilmFestival Festival Short 2011,9thInthePalace Film Uruguay Short Festival International Saarbrücken Film 2011,AchtungBerlin29thInternational Versions Format New BerlinFilmAwardNew AchtungBerlin2011 HD, color, 16:9 English, French,English, Spanish was born in1983.AfterayearItalianand was born studying Original Version Festivals new german films german new German German Max OphülsFestival Length Subtitled 32 min 28

Scene from BEACH BOY (photo © Milieufilm GbR) S29_BLAUE_HIMMEL_Unter Strom25.07.1115:04Seite1 Köhler, Hannelore Elsner, Kross, David Niklas Karoline Herfurth, Thayenthal Director Genre out ofthinair… their pasttogetherwasnothingmorethanastorycarved hadtoldherabout clearer, italsoemergesthatwhatMarga herown about identity.she becomes Asthepastbecomes hermother,thelesscertain But themoreSofialearnsabout Juris. This grewupandwhereshemarried iswhereMarga withhermotheratthespurofmoment. off forRiga past areimportanttounderstandingherown past,Sofiasets ofMarga’s byafaintsuspicionthatthesecrets Prompted Thingsmany yearsago. thatSofiahasneverheardof. relatingstoriesofthingsthathappened begins ries, Marga now faraway. ofhermemo- free Asthoughyearningtobe que andsometimesfunny;shelivesnow inthemoment, her. brus- cansometimesbe Adifficultsituation,too:Marga findsherselfhaving totakemother, unexpectedly careof for Sofia,who,afteryearsofalmostnocontactwithher craves tendernesslikesituation achild.Anunaccustomed herself moreandinherforgetfulnesssuddenly Sheloses Juris. forherlong-deadhusband longing deep Now,ter Sofia. however, sherevealsfears,woundsanda hasnevershowntowardsMarga manyfeelings herdaugh PROMISING THEMOON DAS BLAUE VOM HIMMEL hn 4-96 46 0·fx+98- 34 888 98 ·[email protected] 46 73 +49-89-6 80 ·fax 69 34 phone +49-89-67 Grünwalder Weg 28d·82041Oberhaching/Germany · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman BetaFilm GmbH·Andreas of Beta Cinema·Dept. Rothbauer World Sales Drama Director of Photography Director Photography of Hans Steinbichler Category Feature Screenplay Year Production of Bella Halben Robert &Josephin Robert Cast Juliane 2010 - THE MOON(DAS BLAUE VOM HIMMEL,2010). MY BRIDEANDI(DIEZWEITEFRAU, 2007),and PROMISING (WINTERREISE, 2005),AUTISTIC DISCO (2007),MYMOTHER, IM CHIEMSEE(documentary, 2003), WINTER JOURNEY HOESLE ENTDECKTAMERIKA(documentary, 2003),INSELN VITTORIO tary, 2000),HIERANKL(2003),DERMORALIST – RÖMISCH-DEUTSCHE KARRIEREN(documen- GERMANIKER – ANGELIKA SCHROBSDORFF (documentary, 1999),DIE ERINNERUNGEN VON 1998),VERSPIEGELTE(short, ZEIT– 1996),MONO include:ABSTIEG(short, Film inMunich.Hisfilms Television & inPassau of He studiedLaw andFilmattheUniversity Steinbichler Hans Film Wirtschaftliche förderung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, BKM Medienboard Federal Berlin-Brandenburg,German FilmBoard, Fund, Film-undMedienstiftungNRW, FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, 2010 (BestProducer) Original Version Sam Film/Munich Production Company Co-Producers Kohrt, MatthiasBrandt,RüdigerVogler Sound Technology Length Ewa Karlström, Andreas Ulmke-Smeaton German, Latvian German, With backingfrom was born in1969Solothurn/. was born Dolby Digital 100 min die film/Munich, inco-production with die film/Munich, Format Awards Awards Subtitled Version new german films german new Producer 35 mm,color, 1:1.85 German FederalGerman Film Bavarian FilmPrize Bavarian Uli Aselmann English 29

Scene from PROMISING THE MOON (photo © Jürgen Olczyk/die film GmbH) S30_SUPERHERO_Unter Strom25.07.1115:26Seite1 DEATH OF A SUPERHERO tellsablisteringlymodernlove DEATH ASUPERHERO OF With itsinnovative mixofliveactionandanimation, this lifebuthow youliveit. hero whoproves theimportantthingisnothow youleave Donald findshimselfintheheartoflove: anordinarysuper- ofexistence, oftheIrishSeaandonprecipice edge Andso,onthe parentswhilehistimeisrunningout. rified love Shellyandmakes withtherebellious peacehister- through hisunorthodox psychologistAdrian King,discovers In arollercoastercoming-of-age filmhelearnsoflife forlove.ly breakableandbound hero isunbreakableandunabletolove, hehimselfisutter- nemesis andhissexysidekick.ButwhileDonald’scartoon world inwhichadeadly aninvinciblesuperherobattles an outstandingtalenttoanimatewithpenandinkadark Butthe15-year-old potato. sick like andfeels apeeled has Inhisreallifeheis Donald isadifferentkindofsuperhero. DEATH OF A SUPERHERO story thatistender,comicandtruthful. hn 4-96 92 6·fx+98-49 720 [email protected] ·www.bavaria-film-international.com 37 99 +49-89-64 86 ·fax 26 99 phone +49-89-64 Bavariafilmplatz 7 · 82031Geiselgasteig/Germany · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman BavariaBavaria of MediaGmbH·Thorsten FilmInternational ·Dept. Ritter World Sales currently working on a new comedy seriesentitledTHREESOME. comedy onanew working currently premiered atToronto in2010, andDEATH OFASUPERHERO. Heis PrizeinIstanbul,PERRIER’SBOUNTYwhichalso won theSpecialJury ture AFILMWITHMEINITwhichpremiered atToronto in2008and winning seriesPATHS fea- TO acclaimedfirst FREEDOM,hiscritically WEEN DREAMSwhichscreened incompetitionVenice, theaward- PECT andFATHER TED. asadirectorBET- include:theshort Hisfilms princi withroles television, insuchseriesasPRIMESUS- onEnglish pally actingcareer, inLondon.Hehashadanextensive Dramatic Arts of bytrainingasanactorattheRoyalAcademy Spanish, followed graduat ed from Trinity inFrench CollegeinDublinwithdegrees and FitzGibbon Ian theEuropean Community of MEDIA Programme Federal FilmFund,Bord ScannánnahÉireann/The IrishFilmBoard, Bayerischer Bankenfonds,Federal German FilmBoard, German English Length TRIXTER Productions/Munich, CinePostproduction/Geiselgasteig in co-production withPicture Circle/Salzburg, Cinemendo/Munich, Companies Kahmke, PhilippKreuzer, MichaelGarland McElhatton, Sharon Horgan,JessicaSchwarz Serkis,ThomasBrodie-Sangster,Andy AislingLoftus, Michael the sametitle FitzGibbon Category Genre With backingfrom Coming-of-Age Story, Drama,LoveStory, Animation 95 min Screenplay Feature Director Photography of Bavaria Pictures/Geiselgasteig,Bavaria GrandPictures/Dublin, Format was born inDublinandraisedBrussels.was born He Year Production of Anthony McCarten, basedonhisnovelof McCarten, Anthony 35 mm,color, cs FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, new german films german new Tom Fährmann 2011 Original Version Producers Director Production Astrid Cast 30 Ian

Scene from DEATH OF A SUPERHERO (photo © Bavaria Pictures/Allen Kiely) S31_DREAMING_MALI_Unter Strom15.07.1110:34Seite1 was veryimportantforme.Later,backinBerlin,Itrans andjoyfuldirect musicalcommunicationinthefinalsession They ofourworkthere.Butalsothe weretoformthebasis spiritualimportanceofblacksmithingdeep anddreams. the Schaller about andItraveledtoMaliwherewelearned Toof artusingdifferentmedia. doso,theartistMarkus saidinthelanguage “My ideawastoexplorewhatcanbe differentworlds. could developbetween howThey tosee easilyauthenticcontact wereamazed traditionalsongsfromdifferentcultures. dance andsinging ditional techniquesofsmeltingore,blacksmithing, music, tra- Fortheyused theprojects, speakonlyBambara. people orothercomfortswhere Mali villageswithoutelectricity visual andperformingartistsfromBerlintraveledtoremote andculturalbackgrounds?Two educational social, religious, oftotallydifferent possibletouseitwithpeople it notbe auniversallanguage,whyshould If itistruethatartcanbe MALI DREAMING without knowing what the other was singing about.” without knowingabout.” whattheotherwassinging Which proves how wewereallinthesamepoeticspace andtheGermansongswere.Atotalcoincidence! Bambara songtextsandwastouchedbyhow fittingthe the Bambara · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman [email protected] ·http://barakowaprod.com 25 82 28 51-28 phone +49-1 Soldinerstr. 39·13359Berlin/Germany barakowaprod° Kowa ·Barbara World Sales (Barbara Kowa) (Barbara lated (In Competition) 2010 FilmFestival International Jersey 2010 (InCompetition),New Dallas2010(InCompetition),EcuFilmFestBlack FilmFestival Paris French, Bambara DigiBeta PAL, b&w/color, 16:9 Company Barbara Kowa thevillagesSikoro andDiolaFonda inMali people of Schaller is her first featuredocumentary.is herfirst DREAMINGMALI video installationsandmultimediaperformances, Film &Television inMunich.After producing Academy numerous intheProduction1992-1996 andparticipated seminarattheBavarian Performing from Arts of Busch”Academy Theater atthe“Ernst DanceandDrama.ShethenmovedtoBerlinstudy Stage Schoolof Kowa Barbara Deutsch-Malischer Kulturkreis backing from Director History Genre Art, Ecology,Art, Entertainment, Education,Experimental,Family Category Director Photography of Barbara Kowa barakowaprod°/Berlin Co-Producer Awards grew upinHamburg,where shealsoattendedthe grew Subtitled Version Centre CulturellMalien,Bamako Germano Documentary Documentary Screenplay Best Feature FilmDallas2010 Original Version Markus Schaller Year Production of Length new german films german new Barbara Kowa English English Barbara Kowa, Markus 83 min Festivals German, English, German, Production Producer Cast Format With Texas 2010 The 31

Scene from DREAMING MALI (photo © Markus Schaller) S32_GROSSE_TRAUM_Unter Strom15.07.1110:37Seite1 initiative … rid ofKoch atanyprice.Butthenhisstudentstake the inPrussiandrillsanddiscipline.Theybelieve allwanttoget local dignitariesand,aboveall,hiscolleagues,whoonly ways soonmake himmanyenemies:influentialparents, Unfortunately,Koch’sfrom Britain:football. unconventional and introduceshisstudentstoacurioussportthatcomes language, Oxford graduateKoch resortstounusualmeans Inordertostirupsomeenthusiasmfortheforeign the next. downcommon prejudiceshanded fromonegenerationto EverythingthattheboysknowEnglandis first class. about inhisvery Kochinstitution. howthisisneeded sees badly school inordertoletafreshnewwindintohismusty the veryfirstEnglishteachers ofallataGermansecondary Koch headmastervonMerfeldhashired minded asoneof a strictly-run Germanschool forboysin1874. The reform- The youngteacher Konrad Koch toteach ishired Englishat LESSONS OFADREAM TRAUM GROSSE GANZ DER hn 4-96 46 0·fx+98- 34 888 98 ·[email protected] 46 73 +49-89-6 80 ·fax 69 34 phone +49-89-67 Grünwalder Weg 28d·82041Oberhaching/Germany · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman BetaFilm GmbH·Andreas of Beta Cinema·Dept. Rothbauer World Sales Version Format Rialto Film/Berlin,ARDDegetoFilm/Frankfurt Ham burg, SenatorFilmProduktion/Berlin, inco-production with Companies Producers TheoTrebs,Confurius, AdrianMoore, Till Valentin Winter Steinburg, ThomasThieme,JürgenTonkel, Axel Prahl,Henriette Klaußner,Daniel Brühl,Burghart Kathrin JustusvonDohnányi, Stuttmann Director 2010) markshistheatricalfeaturedebut. director, LESSONSOFADREAM(DER GANZGROSSE TRAUM, Filmmakers asascreenwriter, Award. Alsoactive instructorandTV NACHT RUM, wonthe2003StudioHamburgUp-and-Coming FilmAcademy,Baden-Württemberg MORGEN FRÜH ISTDIE from the productions.film andtelevision Hisgraduation various film byworkasadirector's inHamburg,followed assistanton and History GroblerSebastian BKM, MEDIA Schleswig-Holstein, Nordmedia, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Board, Federal German FilmFund,FilmförderungHamburg Genre Drama 35 mm,color, cs English English Director Photography of Sebastian Grobler deutschfilm/Berlin, Cuckoo ClockEntertainment/ deutschfilm/Berlin, Anatol Nitschke, Raoul Reinert Reinert Anatol Nitschke, Raoul Category With backingfrom studied German LanguageStudies,studied German Psychology Original Version Feature Screenplay Year Production of new german films german new German FederalGerman Film Philipp Roth,Johanna Martin Langer Martin German German Length Production Subtitled 113 min Cast 2010 32

Scene from LESSONS OF A DREAM (photo © Maria Krumwiede) S33_HALT_STRECKE_Unter Strom15.07.1110:38Seite1 Film Board,Federal German FilmFund backing from Ziesche Director (Horizons) bourg Berlin, inco-production withRBB/Potsdam-Babelsberg, ARTE/Stras - Producer Ursula Werner, OttoMellies, BernhardSchütz,MarieRosaTietjen Milan Peschel,Kühnert, Talisa Steffi LilliLemke, MikaNilsonSeidel, Genre alone,maybethat’sagoodthing. you areleftbehind alonewhile Notbeing Dyingisafinalworktodo. its colors. longer thesilence.Infrontofwindow theyearchanges in hislife.Day bydayWords alittlefarewell. aregettingrare, andyesterday’sparents, friends,neighbors lover, thepeople and whynow? Amanleaves wifeandchildren behind, WhyThe doctortoldthetruth. daysme arenumbered. STOPPED ON TRACK HALT AUF FREIER STRECKE Original Version Festivals · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 910 70 39 [email protected] ·www.the-match-factory.com 21-5 +49-2 90·fax 70 39 21-5 phone +49-2 Balthasarstr. 79-81·50670Cologne/Germany GmbH· Michael WeberThe MatchFactory World Sales Length Drama Director Photography of Awards Andreas Dresen Cannes 2011 (Un Certain Regard),Cannes 2011(UnCertain Karlovy Vary 2011 Peter Rommel Category Medienboard Federal Berlin-Brandenburg,German 110 min Prix du Un Certain RegardPrix duUnCertain Cannes2011 German German Production Company Format Feature Screenplay Subtitled Version Year Production of HD/35 mm,color, 1:1.85 Michael Hammon Andreas Dresen, Cooky Rommel Film/ English With Cast 2011 TRACK (HALT AUF FREIERSTRECKE,2011). VODKA (WHISKYMITWODKA,2009),andSTOPPED ON BALKON, 2005),CLOUD 9(WOLKE9,2008),WHISKYWITH WILLEN BROCK (2004),SUMMERINBERLIN(SOMMERVORM FOR HENRYK! (HERRWICHMANNVON DERCDU, 2003), POLIZIST IN, 2000),GRILLPOINT(HALBETREPPE,2001),VOTE (NACHTGESTALTEN, 1998),THEPOLICEWOMAN(DIE cludes: SILENTCOUNTRY (STILLESLAND, 1992),NIGHTSHAPES in hisaward-winningfilms TVand theater. film, for Aselectionof - asawriteranddirectorBabelsberg. Since1992,hehasbeenworking Film&Television inPotsdam- of ”University “Konrad Wolf Hestudieddirecting atthe films. short intheaterandmaking working Andreas Dresen was born 1963 in Gera. In the early 80shebegan 1963inGera.Intheearly was born new german films german new 33

STOPPED ON TRACK (photo © Rommel Film/Andreas Dresen) S34_HELL_Unter Strom22.07.1112:56Seite1 Angela Winkler Angela Winkler Cast KahlWöbke, Oliver Genre … survival begins Theirfor intoanambush. realbattle enough, theyarelured Tension growsAsifthingsweren’tbad inthesmallgroup. indispensible.Butcantheytrusthim? chanic whobecomes there. Alongtheway theyrunintoTom, afirst-rateme car withcoveredwindows.Rumorhasitthereisstillwater andPhillipareheadingforthemountainsina sister Leonie Marie,herlittle Eventhenightsaredazzlingbright. roads. Forests Animalcarcasseslinethe wasteland. arescorched. andbarren theentireworldintobaked the sunhasturned ButnowIt wasoncethesourceoflife,lightandwarmth. HELL Director hn 4-96 46 0·fx+98- 34 888 98 ·[email protected] 46 73 +49-89-6 80 ·fax 69 34 phone +49-89-67 Grünwalder Weg 28d·82041Oberhaching/Germany · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman BetaFilm GmbH·Andreas of Beta Cinema·Dept. Rothbauer World Sales Hannah Herzsprung,StipeErceg, LarsEidinger, LisaVicari, Thriller Tim Fehlbaum Producers Category Director Photography of Screenplay Feature Gabriele M.Walther, Thomas Wöbke Year Production of Tim Fehlbaum, Thomas Markus Förderer 2011 - Original Version Film/Unterföhring Film/Munich, inco-production withVega Film/Zurich,SevenPictures Film Festival. Awardcommercials Shorts atthe2004Munich andwontheShocking Television andFilm.Hehasmadenumerous shorts,musicvideosand of 2002-2010, hestudiedFilmDirecting attheMunichUniversity Tim Fehlbaum KulturFilm, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg,BAK Bundesamtfür Federal German FilmFund,KuratoriumBayern, jungerdeutscher backing from Förderpreis DeutscherFilmBestDirector Munich2011With Festivals Producer Co-Producers Munich 2011, Locarno 2011(PiazzaGrande)Awards Munich 2011,Locarno Roland Emmerich German FederalGerman FilmBoard, FilmFernsehFonds Ruth Waldburger, Gärtner Stefan Length was born inBasel/Switzerland1982.Fromwas born German German 90 min Production Com Subtitled Version Format new german films german new 35 mm,color, cs pany Executive Caligari English 34

Scene from HELL (photo © Caligari Film) S35_HOMIES_Unter Strom15.07.1110:42Seite1 his newidentity. up in completelywrapped the ghettoandMarvinbecomes Thehood. newsspreadslike wildfirethatarealrapperisin ghetto childofhis whohasspentahardlifeonthestreets thatheisagenuine rapping,everyoneisconvinced begins When intheworld. girl Marvin Stella, themostbeautiful prontoturkexpress” andwith andthedistrict’sbigboss, rapper idol,heendsupwithOsman,headof“Pizza accident andamysteriousencounterwithlong-deceased asagenuinerapper.world whereheisaccepted Afteran Misunderstood byeveryone,heescapesintoafantasy Hewouldmuch prefertoliveinarealhood. neighborhood. andnouveau-richerelate atalltothearrogant kidsfromhis mother inastylishvillathehippartoftown.Marvincan’t Marvin isapassionaterapper. Heliveswithhissuccessful great love. hiphop,dreamsandthefirst A modernfairytalebetween HIPHOP EXPRESS HOMIES · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 19 26 00 ·[email protected] 41-35 +49-3 10·fax 26 00 41-35 phone +49-3 Altenburgerstr. 7·04275Leipzig/Germany Aktis FilmInternationalGmbH ·SteliosZiannis World Sales - EXPRESS (HOMIES, 2011). EXPRESS (HOMIES, VOM JUNKIEZUMIRONMAN, 2008),andHIPHOP LEBEN – FROM JUNKIETO IRONMAN (LAUF UMDEIN YOUR LIFE– KLAGERUF 2005),hisfeaturedebutRUN DERSAZ(short, FOR include: GOTO 2003), DER HELL(ZURHÖLLEMITDIR,short, asanactor,active screenwriteranddirector. asadirector Hisfilms age,heis atanearly Turkish film parents. Interested inallaspectsof Köse G. Adnan HessenInvest Board, Federal German FilmFund,FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, Version mm, color, 1:1.85 gasteig, Herold Productions/Frankfurt gasteig, Herold Productions/Frankfurt with StarhausFilmproduktion/Munich, OdeonPictures/Geisel - Production Company Kölmel,Rainer Wasiliki Bleser, StephanO. Hansch,Wolfgang Herold ducers Kaufmann, Ann-KatrinD. Kramer, Soost,Tai Detlef Jason IsmailDeniz,Günther Ochsenknecht, SabrinaWilstermann, Director Photography of Adnan G.Köse Music Genre Category Coming-of-Age Story, LoveStory, Entertainment, Family Clarens Grollmann, Fritjof Hohagen Clarens Grollmann, Fritjof English English Screenplay Feature With backingfrom grew up in Germany as the son of German- asthesonof upinGermany grew Original Version German Year Production of enigma film/Munich, inco-production enigma film/Munich, Adnan G.Köse, Andrea Kriegl James Jacobs Jacobs James Length new german films german new German FederalGerman Film 90 min Co-Producers Cast 2011 Format Subtitled Director Jimi Blue Pro 35 35 -

Scene from HIPHOP EXPRESS (photo © enigma film) S36_KUEMMEL_BAUT_Unter Strom25.07.1115:28Seite1 Director PaulDirector Hadwigerandhisteamfollowed thecreation vehicles arerollingin. andconstruction finalized Butcontractshave built. been be amongst inhabitantsofthelocalprefabestatewhereitisto Theiscontroversialground. shoppingcenterproject Dr.Investor andartcollector Erich Marxworksintheback- – she’shaving herdreamhousebuiltintheGermancapital. Butshedoesn’twanttocontinuelivinginPolandfinanciers. Viola Wojnowski, whonegotiateswithtradepartnersand shopping center. At Kümmel’s sidestandsPolish manager WORLD Rzeszów, eastPoland. He’sbuildingtheNEW TodayThat wasinthe‘80s. thenativeHessianisworkingin Hermann Kümmel buildingaschool houseinNicaragua. WORLD. the dawn oftheNEW GermanyandPoland. Fiveyearsuntil Five yearsbetween center. Fiveyearswithitsdevelopersandlocalresidents. EAST–livingfiveyearsforashopping GOES KÜMMEL KÜMMEL GOESEAST KÜMMEL BAUT of how onewishestolive. byonequestion– that areunited differences, allconcerned Despitetheir lopers andinhabitants,pursuestheirstories. of theshoppingcenterover Heencountersdeve- fiveyears. · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 79 [email protected] ·www.maxim-film.de 24 87 +49-30-30 78 ·fax 24 87 phone +49-30-30 Chausseestr. 17·10115Berlin/Germany maxim film·Peter Roloff World Sales Genre Bremen &Berlin Producer Doreen Rechin 2011 Original Version KULTUR WEIT (2010),andKÜMMELBAUT (2011). ANFANG KOMMT ESAN(2007),FACING LODZ (2009), cludes: KOMMT EUROPA INDIEHÖLLE?(2004),AUF DEN in hisfilms from 1999-2005inPotsdam-Babelsberg. Aselectionof - FilmandTelevision of ”University by studiesatthe“Konrad Wolf inVienna,RegensburgandBerlin,followed and Philosophy Sociology Paul Hadwiger Brandenburg, BKM,Film-undMedienstiftungNRW, Filmbüro Bremen 2011 (InCompetition) Festivals Director Society Max Ophüls Festival SaarbrückenMax OphülsFestival 2011,achtungberlin Peter Roloff Peter Roloff Category Director of Photography Director Photography of Paul Hadwiger Length was born in1974Regensburg.Hestudied was born German German With backingfrom Production Company Documentary Documentary Subtitled Versions 92 minFormat Screenplay new german films german new Year Production of Medienboard Berlin- HD, color, 16:9 Anne Misselwitz Paul Hadwiger, English, PolishEnglish, maxim film/ 36

Scene from KÜMMEL GOES EAST (photo © maxim film) S37_LOLLIPOP_MONSTER_Unter Strom25.07.1115:29Seite1 Feature Genre never forgetthatIcouldeasilyeatyou…” only onelastchance tosave theirfriendship…“You should The see hurt. girls sheisdeeply catches themred-handed, When uncleLukas. starts anaffairwithOona’shated Oona ButAri somekindofself-respect. anger andArifinallyfeels Through theirfriendship,Oonalearnshow toextrovert her each otherintuitively. wearethesamespecies.” Because “We’re theirteeth. and bare We oneofakind. understand sneak throughthejungleofcity,dancewithBaron The follow twogirls theirinstinctandgoonamanhunt, dark picturesofviolence. suicide ofherdad,scratches herarmsbloodyandpaints the guiltyabout mysterious, black-cladOonafeels Oona. with grown-up menandcompetesfortheattentionof Lolita-like byhaving Arigetssomemissingaffection sex brother terrorizesthefamilyinhercolorfuldesignworld. mother refusestorealizethatherkidsaregrown upandher Ari’s talks. nobody feels, But intheirfamilies,nobody We’rething, youwon’tfoolus. desire,lustandinstinct…”. singer oftheirfavoriteTier band sings:“We senseevery Two The AriandOona,dreamofbreakingfree. Baron, girls, LOLLIPOP MONSTER g Screenplay · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 19 26 00 ·[email protected] 41-35 +49-3 10·fax 26 00 41-35 phone +49-3 Altenburgerstr. 7·04275Leipzig/Germany Aktis FilmInternationalGmbH ·SteliosZiannis World Sales raphy Year Pro of Coming-of-Age Story, Teenage Pop Drama Hannes Hubach Ziska Riemann,LucivanOrg duction Cast Jella Haase, Sarah Horváth, Nicolette Jella Haase,SarahHorváth, 2011 Director Director Photo- of Ziska Riemann Category - Producer Producers Krebitz, ThomasWodianka, Sellien SandraBorgmann,Rainer Original Version spiel/Mainz Movie/Cologne, inco-productionFernseh withZDFDaskleine - 2003 and 2010. LOLLIPOP MONSTER is her feature film debut. 2003 and2010.LOLLIPOP MONSTERisherfeaturefilm Shambhala? nach bitte geht’s therecordfounded labelMerMerandpublishedhersoloalbum HUNDE SINDSCHULD),whichwasproduced in2000.In2004,she Tankred DorstFilmScriptAwardBLAME ITONTHEDOGS(DIE for the MunichScreenplayWorkshop in1999/2000andwas awardedthe novels( graphic publishedanotherfive They novelin1991,togetherwithGerhard Seyfried. graphic published herfirst Ziska Riemann Federalscher Film,German FilmFund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein,Nordmedia, Kuratorium jungerdeut- backing from Awards Festivals stories (Fleckenfeger shealsowritesshort novelartist, artists. Besidesherworkasagraphic magazine shiatsu therapistfromcomic 1994-1997andorganizedtheInternet Subjunkies first owncomicstrip first , Dr. Inka &Colores Starship Eden, Special FICCMentionKarlovy Jury Vary 2011With Christian CloosPro Berlin 2011,Karlovy Vary 2011(InCom petition) Length Wolfgang Cimera,BettinaWente, AndiWecker Film- undMedienstiftungNRW, Film förderung ) and film scripts. Shere ) andfilm ascholarshipfrom ceived was born in 1973 and grew upinBerlin.She in1973andgrew was born Rascal &Lucille 96 min Die Comics. Alle!,andKraft durchFreunde German German . She directed several short films between films . Shedirectedshort several in 1999, a forum for young graphic novel young for graphic in 1999,aforum Format Format duction Company duction Company Subtitled Version appeared in1997.Shetrainedasa new german films german new 35 mm,color, 1:1.85 Space Bastards Network , Wo hier English ). Her Future Co- 37

Scene from LOLLIPOP MONSTER (photo © Network Movie/Hannes Hubach) S38_LUKS_GLUECK_Unter Strom25.07.1115:32Seite1 Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, German FederalHamburg Schleswig-Holstein,German FilmFund,Nordmedia With backingfrom man/Turkish Format Hamburg, PunktPunktPunktFilmproduktion/Berlin Ayse Polat Kaya, MaximilianVollmar, LindaSteinhoff Tezel, SumruYavrucuk, SinanBengier, KidaKhodrRamadan, Serkan Director Photography of duction Genre guiding himtodiscover hisrealfortune. friendGül,whichcatastrophe, ex-girl endsinatragicomical asongwithhis tribute tothehotel,butLukwantsrecord his partofthefortune.Hisparentsassumethathewillcon- dreams, theiryoungestsonLukhasnocluewhattodowith the parentswanttobuyahotelinCappadociafulfilltheir A Turkish familyinGermanywinsthelotteryjackpot.While LUK’S LUCK GLÜCK LUKS · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 99 18 09 [email protected] ·www.medialuna.biz 21-51 +49-2 91·fax 18 09 21-51 phone +49-2 Aachener Str. 24·50674Cologne/Germany Films ·IdaMartins Media LunaNew World Sales Romantic Comedy Romantic Comedy 35 mm/HDCam,color, 1:1.85 2010 Production Companies Subtitled Version Director German FederalGerman FilmBoard, Filmförderung Ayse Polat Category Patrick Orth English English Producers Screenplay Original Version Feature Festivals Intervista DigitalMedia/ Intervista Cast René Vaziri, Aylin Year Pro of Length Shanghai 2011 Christian Kux, Ayse Polat 91 min Ger - Ger - (2010). EN GARDE(2004,SilverLeopard2001),andLUK’S Locarno LUCK TOUR ABROAD (1999,Young Director’s Talent PrizeAnkara2001), HATUN PrizeAnkara1997),andthefeatures 1997,Jury (short, Turkish inNuremberg FilmFestival 1994),COUNTESS SOPHIA 1993, WDRPromotion PrizeinMünster1994andFirst FREMDENNACHT 1992),EINFESTFÜRBEYHAU (short, include: inBerlinandBremenGerman from 1991-1993.Herfilms video from 1985-1991andstudiedPhilosophy, CulturalStudiesand on8mmand shorts in1978.Shemadeseveral moved toGermany Ayse Polat was born inMalatya/Turkishwas born Kurdistan in1970and new german films german new 38

Scene from LUK'S LUCK (photo © Intervista Digital Media/PunktPunktPunkt Filmproduktion) S39_MEANWHILE_Unter Strom25.07.1115:39Seite1 ations, theirhopes,disappointments,dreamsandrealities. A portraitofafamilymadeuptwoSouthAfricangen country have animpactonthedailylifeoffamily? ter life.Will the2010 SoccerWorld intheir Cuphosted inthechanceandabet- generation thatbelieves ofacareer 1993, ofapartheid,sheispartanew duringtheabolition in Born orpaleontologist. asaprofessionalfootballer career her wayanddreamsofa throughtheconfusionofpuberty Hisdaughter“Mosquito”isfighting children aneducation. township, thuskeepinghisfamilyafloatandenabling inthe Steven putsallhisenergyintosmallkiosklocated Mtsweni familymasterswithroutineandingenuity. Father But evenherethereisofcoursedailylife,which the andpavedroadsarenowherefound. water, electricity tobe Welcomeship inSouthAfrica. tothe“shack side”.Running Extension 11 –oneofmanydistrictsintheMameloditown MEANWHILE IN MAMELODI · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 93 51 ·www.filmakademie.dewww.meanwhile-in-mamelodi.com [email protected] 95 41-96 +49-71 93 ·fax 91 41-96 phone +49-71 10·71638Ludwigsburg/Germany Akademiehof Baden-WürttembergFilmakademie ·SigridGairing World Sales er - - Genre Photography Production Original Version SWR/Baden-Baden Jolle-Film/Ludwigs berg/Ludwigsburg, burg, inco-production with Production Companies WHILE INMAMELODI. MEAN- in2011withhisdocumentary Hegraduated in Ludwigsburg. Baden-Württemberg FilmattheAcademy studied Documentary musicprojects. From 2005,he hisownvideoworkandfilm develop director. tocreate started and Itwasalsoaround thistimethat hefirst gained experienceasasoundmixer, production assistantandco- pro various commercial andfeaturefilm duction companies, where he byasuc editorial team.Thiswasfollowed at internships cession of Kanaltheyouth Berlin,supervising community radiostationOffener BerlinfromFreie 2003-2005.Hewentontoworkatthe Universität andLiterature abroadatthe stay inFrance,hestudiedPhilosophy graduat anda service ing from highschoolandcompletinghiscivilian Kahlmeyer Benjamin backing from Family, Society 2011 MFG Baden-Württemberg Stefan Neuberger Stefan Director Length English English Category was born in1982Marburg.After was born Dubbed Version 75 min Benjamin Kahlmeyer Filmakademie Baden-Württem Filmakademie Baden-Württem - new german films german new Format Producer Documentary Documentary HD, color, 16:9 German German Director of Boris Frank Year of Year With 39

Scene from MEANWHILE IN MAMELODI (photo © Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg) S40_MILA_CAOS_Unter Strom15.07.1110:46Seite1 Format Cologne, inco-production withEICTV/Cuba duction Company Paetau, Pena,Jaikiriuma ClaudiaOlivera VianaGonzalés Short FilmAssociation Short With backingfrom (Directors' Prizren Fortnight),ViladoConde2011,Dokufest 2011 York FilmsNew New 2011,Oberhausen 2011,Cannes2011 Subtitled Versions Rodriguez Aragón,Paula Reyes Ali,Jaime Photography Screenplay Productionof Genre stage. difference anddreamsthatonedayhimon shewillsee forms into“MilaCaos”.Hesuffersfromhismother’sin Havana, a17-year-old Sebastián, trans- teenager, Cuban dragshowEvery weekendatanillegal inasuburbof MILA CAOS · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 17 89 01 [email protected] ·www.khm.de 21-2 +49-2 30·fax 93 18 21-20 phone +49-2 Peter-Welter-Platz 2·50676Cologne/Germany Kunsthochschule MedienKöln für (KHM)·UteDilger World Sales Art, Coming-of-AgeStory,Art, Drama HD/35 mm,color, 1:1.66 Simon Jaikiriuma Paetau,Simon Jaikiriuma FabiánSuárez Charlotte Michel 2011 Kunsthochschule MedienKöln für (KHM)/ English, FrenchEnglish, Film- undMedienstiftungNRW, German Director Cast Original Version Festivals Simon Jaikiriuma PaetauSimon Jaikiriuma Yaniel Castillo, Rebecca Category Producers Length New DirectorsNew Director of Short Short 18 min Spanish Simon Year Pro - - 2011), andMILACAOS2011). (short, JALLOH semi-documentary, (short 2008),LUA VERDE(short, 4 MOVEMENTS FORTHEBODY (documentary, 2007),OURY 2006),ELOTRO(short, LADODELACIÉNAGA2007), (short, oneyear. schoolinCubafor EICTV film include:PALOMA Hisfilms ascholarshiptoattendthe inCologne, hewasgranted MediaArts of andaColombianmother. father German AstudentattheAcademy Simon Jaikiriuma Paetau was born in1986Bonntoa was born new german films german new 40

Scene from MILA CAOS (photo © KHM/Paetau 2011) S41_NICHT_WEIT_Unter Strom25.07.1115:40Seite1 real worldwaiting… door isopen,abizarreplay unravels …andthereisstillthe Louisa understandsthenewandunknownThe possibilities. Quicklyactions andarefullyawareinadream. ofbeing lucid dreaming–inwhich youcancontrolyour One day, Louisatakesfromthelibraryabout homeabook own? What thelivesofotherpeople. her stories about those fantasticworldsofwonder. it’s Butinallthesebooks, the worldaroundherandimmersesherselfcompletelyin Sheforgets much. Louisacanrelaxentirelywhilereading. backso aren’taskinganythingfromLouisa,butgive Books hershelterandjoy.literature setshermindatrest,gives herfaithhasgone.Thechange tobe worldof whatseems insurance companyandismainlylonely. Allvolitionto grandmother,sheworksforan deceased of herrecently Louisa livesadrabandgloomylife.Livingintheapartment NOT FAR FROMME NICHT WEIT VON MIR · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 67 02 [email protected] ·www.nichtweitvonmir.com 79 31-9 +49-91 44 ·fax 69 31-97 phone +49-91 Höhenweg 4b·91080Rathsberg/Germany GörlitzRüdiger Medienproduktion World Sales Sabel, FlorianKleine,AnnaPrüstel Görlitz Directors Genre 2010 (2010),andNOT FAR FROM ME(2011). WERDEN WIRNICHT(1998),HIMMELFILM(2005),1,2,3(2009), anddirector,grapher include:LAUTE (1996),MILLIONÄRE herfilms Television asacinemato &FilminMunich.Active of University - KurzSanne PAZIFIST (2011),andhisfeature debutNOT FAR FROM ME(2011). BIPOLAR (2010,inco-directionDERLETZTE withEvaKallweit), VOLLWASCHGANG (2008),ALLEGUTENDINGE(2009), SYSTEMFEHLER (2003),ENDLICH?(2005),ISITMAGIC? (2007), in films TRANSIT(2002),DUNKLESJETZT(2003), cludes: theshorts and di his overthelastyears. shorts Aselectionof recting avarietyof andPsychology,Cultural Sciences, Philosophy andhasbeenwriting GörlitzRüdiger Kulturstiftung &Kulturamt Erlangen With backingfrom 1:1.85 Rathsberg Production Company Original Version Director Photography of Drama Length Rüdiger Görlitz,SanneKurz was born in 1974 in Ludwigshafen andstudiedatthe in1974Ludwigshafen was born Category 95 min was born inErlangen1983.Hestudied was born FilmFernsehFonds European Bayern, Union, Format German German Feature Rüdiger GörlitzMedien produktion/ Year Pro of Subtitled Version Producer DCP/35 mm,color, 1.1:77/ new german films german new Sanne Kurz Screenplay Rüdiger Görlitz duction Cast Rüdiger Jennifer English 2011 41

Scene from NOT FAR FROM ME (photo © Rüdiger Görlitz Medienproduktion 2011) S42_LILLIFEE_Unter Strom25.07.1115:41Seite1 by the unicorns’ magical powers. Steel, ofcourse,wants to powers.Steel, by theunicorns’magical Themelted enchantedicecanonlybe wintersleep. deep broth Jealousofhistwin thewinterprinceofBluetopia. Steel, quicklyLillifee findsoutwhoisresponsibleforthedisaster: and snow. mer, itisfrostyandcold,everythingcoveredwithice cast underadreadfulspell!Althoughit’sthemiddleofsum- arrival, theyareshocked todiscover thatthelandhasbeen Upontheir countryBluetopia. friends totheneighboring andher to findRosalie,shesetsoffwiththeunicornbaby tobringLucybackhermother. decides Lillifee Inorder toRosalie? But whathashappened freshasadaisy.of herdreamandisnow sittingonherbed, awakes, out shediscoversstepped thatLucyhasmagically Lucy. tolookafterherbaby Lillifee Whenshe needs Lillifee inadreamandurgentlyasksforherhelp; appears toLillifee summer.beautiful Onenight,however, theunicornRosalie In Pinkovia, andherfriendsareenjoying PrincessLillifee a PRINCESS LILLIFEEANDTHELITTLE UNICORN LILLIFEE PRINZESSIN and imprisoned theminimpenetrableice. and imprisoned Lucy’sparents Sohehaskidnapped prevent thisatallcosts. hn 4-96 46 0·fx+98- 34 888 98 ·[email protected] 46 73 +49-89-6 80 ·fax 69 34 phone +49-89-67 Grünwalder Weg 28d·82041Oberhaching/Germany · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman BetaFilm GmbH·Andreas of Beta Cinema·Dept. Rothbauer World Sales er, thesummerprince,hehasfrozencountryina 35 mm,color, 16:9Original Version Universum Film/Munich,WDR/Cologne Universum Film/Munich, inco-production withBetaFilm/Oberhaching, Production Companies Niebuhr Category Genre DER SCHATTENRÄUBER, TKKG, andPRINCESSLILLIFEE. ARSCHLOCH, PIPILANGSTRUMPF, TOBIAS TOTZ, GLOBI UND DAS MUSSKESSELN,DAS KLEINE including: WERNER– tant onFELIDAE. Sincethen,hehasworked onnumerous projects, Niebuhr Ansgar Mini-Traité Board, Film-undMedienstiftungNRW, Federal German FilmFund, Version Walther free BluetopiafromtheevilcursewithLucy’shelp… free moment, butnow shemustactquickly. canonly Lillifee The atthelast Lillifee. fairyprincessmanagestoflee corn searchedforallover thecountry,andfindsherwith uni- Lucy isnowhasthebaby Bluetopia’sonlyhope.Steel Screenplay Animation, Children &Youth, Entertainment Family Producers English English Feature With backingfrom Year Production of had his debut with animated film asanFX had hisdebutwithanimatedfilm sis Mark Slater, Murrell,GabrieleM. Rachel Gabriele M.Walther, FrankPiscator UND DAS KLEINE EINHORN WunderWerk/Unterföhring, Caligari new german films german new Length 2010 German FederalGerman Film German German Director 78 min Subtitled Format Ansgar 42 -

Scene from PRINCESS LILLIFEE AND THE LITTLE UNICORN (photo © 2011 Universum Film GmbH/Coppenrath Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Germany) S43_ROMEOS_Unter Strom22.07.1113:08Seite1 awaken awaken love,about friendshipandaquiteremarkablesexual do away withconventionalthoughtonsuchItisafilm roles. oftransgenderandhumorouslycheekilysetsout to ject amostunusualinsight intothesub- darestogive ROMEOS something fortheirfeelings. torisk Lukas’s identitywhensuddenlyallarecompelled gradual masculinity. thetwoboys The initialattractionbetween proportionately positiveself-confidence andhighlyerotic allthatLukaslacks: Fabioembodies dis attractive Fabio. his firstrealflirt–withthecheeky,andout daredevil HereLukasexperiences where sheisverywellintegrated. himintothesceneofhomosexualsinCologne, sweeps FortunatelyfriendInestickspartment. hisbest byhimand always inthewrongsocialcom- findingyourselftrapped is acute,everydaytransgendermeans stressforLukas:being Whatresidential hall. adreamforanyotherboy wouldbe inthefemalenurses’ service, heistheonlymalequartered forhiscommunity encounters amajorscrewup:recruited the zestforlife,heentersbig-citylifebutevenuponarrival Fullof agirl. –forhewasinfactborn triggered medically – 20-year-old Lukasisrightinthemidstofmalepuberty ROMEOS · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 99 18 09 [email protected] ·www.medialuna.biz 21-51 +49-2 91·fax 18 09 21-51 phone +49-2 Aachener Str. 24·50674Cologne/Germany Films ·IdaMartins Media LunaNew World Sales ly develops – until Fabio accesses the secret of ly develops–untilFabioaccessesthesecret ing. wardly - 2011 (2011). SICH EINEWELT ERÖFFNET (documentary, 2009),andROMEOS 2006),POWERFULPUNCH(documentary,(short, 2009),ESHAT TRANSFAMILY (documentary, 2005),GG19–KINDERSICHERUNG GRETA 2004),LUDMILLA’S (short, LOVE 2005), SONG(short, includes: director heraward-winningfilms andwriter. Aselectionof graduat asafreelanceed in2005.Sincethen,shehasbeenworking school(ifs)inCologne,where she film studies attheinternational BernardiSabine ing from Format Fernsehspiel/Mainz tion withZDFDaskleine Production Company Rotterdam Gageik, Ralf Tschudi, Burkholder, Sigrid JohannesSchwab, Tessa Lukat,Ben LisaFries, Felix Liv Brocke,Maximilian Befort, SilkeGilles Geertz, Director Photography of Genre Version Director Tragicomedy HD, color, 1:1.85Original Version English English Film- undMedienstiftungNRW Festivals Sabine Bernardi initially studiedPoliticalinitially by Science,followed Category Producers BOOGIEFILM/Cologne, inco-produc- Berlin 2011,Seattle2011 Moritz Schultheiss Feature Screenplay Janna Velber,Janna KristinaLöbbert new german films german new Year Production of German German Length Cast Sabine Bernardi With back Subtitled Rick Okon, 94 min 43 -

Scene from ROMEOS (photo © BOOGIEFILM) S44_SingIngeSing_Unter Strom15.07.1110:52Seite1 great Germanartiste. itispossibletodiscover a SING! INGE, Through SING! attitudetolove.an emancipated international aspirations,adramaticperformancestyleand there wasnoplaceinGermanyforself-assuredwomenwith This isthestoryofawomanin1950s and1960s, when hitsongs. duce hertosinging unsuccessfullytore herortried industryignored record her.while musiciansingeneraladmired ButtheGerman Genre singer. asEurope’sfinestfemalejazz acclaimed she wasbeing to learnstandonherownbutbythelate1950s twofeet, andsoonhad Inge Brandenburghadadifficultupbringing In Germany,jazzhadavoice:IngeBrandenburg. SING! INGE,–THESHATTERED DREAMOFINGEBRANDENBURG SING! INGE, SING! color/b&w, 16:9 Boettcher duction Producer PaulEmil Mangelsdorff, Kuhn, MaxGreger, Wolfgang Sauer Brandenburg, KlausDoldinger, UdoJürgens, JoyFleming,FritzRau, HR/Frankfurt HR/Frankfurt Berlin, inco-production withNDR/Hamburg,ARTE/Stras bourg, · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman [email protected] ·www.boettcher-film.de 25 14 01 phone +49-30-8 Gütergotzer Str. 59·14165Berlin/Germany MB-Film ·Marc Boettcher World Sales TIME History, Music Director Photography of 2011 Marc Boettcher Length magazine compared herwithBillieHoliday, compared magazine Original Versions Director Category 117 min Marc Boettcher Production Company Format Documentary Documentary German, English English German, Oliver Staack Oliver DigiBeta/HD/Blu-ray, Screenplay Year Pro of Subtitled Cast MB-Film/ Marc Inge - - INGE, SING! is his first cinemadocumentary.INGE, SING!ishisfirst SING! television. thebandRosenstolzwasshownonGerman of thestagedébut of onthe20thanniversary In 2011hisdocumentary andEstherOfarim. DaliahLavi undertaken researchof intothelives He hasalsoworkedChanneland onproductionsDiscovery for GrimmePrizeandNRW Culture Prize. the2007Adolf nominated for and andontelevision HAENNING STORY festivals wasshownatfilm aSinger Legend of STORY, in2003.In2004Parthas publishedhisbook name, STRANGERSINTHENIGHT–BERT KAEMPFERT thesame of documentary bythe120-minutetelevision followed in2002andwas waspublishedinbookform Kaempfert poser Bert com- theworld-famous of LEGEND OFASINGER.Hisbiography ALEXANDRA:THE documentary television to make hissuccessful thathewenton MB-Filmin1999,anditwaswiththiscompany pany theproduction hitsingles,Alexandra. Hefounded com- ic singerof theicon of aswellabookonHenrikIbsenandbiography essays - Hehaspublishednumerous director anddubsforeign-languagefilms. e.V., inthe1990s. Healsoworksasafreelance television griff LübeckandBerlin,wherein Stuttgart, heranhisowntheater, kunst- asadramaturge,actoranddirector working 1988 hehasbeenactive Since films. Literature. Hewasstillatschoolwhenhemadehisfirst Languageand also attendingcoursesinTheaterStudiesandGerman Marc Boettcher FederalSchleswig-Holstein, German FilmFund Version English English – DER ZERBROCHENE TRAUM DER INGE BRANDENBURG With backingfrom . In 2006 his film IWANT ITALL:THEGITTE . In2006hisfilm was born inBerlinandtrainedasanactor,was born while new german films german new imfreug Hamburg Film förderung Alexandra: The 44

Inge Brandenburg & Chet Baker (photo © MB-Film) S45_SOY_LIBRE_Unter Strom25.07.1115:42Seite1 bus, orwashtheirhair. We rolling puddlesonthestreet, see speak waves, like mirrors. TheshownAndrea Roggon. people inthefilmarenotthose track supplementthestoriestoldinthisproductionby scenesandexceptionalsound- street framed ful, beautifully wherever yougo–can’tshake The offthepast. peace Kavafis ofHavana youwillalwayswalkingthestreets be ButinthewordsofpoetKonstantinos States. P.United haveperate Cubans bravedthehazardouscrossingto shesays.Manydes- scream inpublicthatyouarenotfree,” to isthefreedom come herapathyandsilence.“Freedom Heraimwithherblog,GeneraciónY,istooverarticles. blogger whoexposesthenatureofsysteminher oneisYoanitime.” Publicenemynumber Sánchez, afe context,placeand I want,butonlywithinaclearlydefined “Icandowhatever onthemashumanbeings: tions placed They it:Iamfree.” areverywellawarebelieve oftherestric “ItisalieIhavesooften,to dom. repeated started theirideaoffree- tellusabout complete honesty,Cubans Faces, soundsandvoicesfromHavana.Off-screenwith where. foundelse- isonlytobe thatwhattheyseek believe people On thesearch forpersonalhappinessinHavana where IAMFREE SOY LIBRE– SOY LIBRE · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 93 51 ·www.filmakademie.dewww.andrearoggon.desigrid.gairing@filmakademie.de ·www.soylibre.de 95 41-96 +49-71 93 ·fax 91 41-96 phone +49-71 10·71638Ludwigsburg/Germany Akademiehof Baden-WürttembergFilmakademie ·SigridGairing World Sales ing. Weing. watchontothe themastheygetcrammed male - - - IR IAMFREE(2010). LIBRE – YJUDITAREFLEXIONES (2007),ENRIQUE (2008), andSOY HEELS (2005),IAMTHECENTEROFWORLD(2004), include:MARKUSINHIGH in Cuba2006-2007.Herfilms school film attheEICTVinternational ascholarshiptostudy received FilmAcademy. attheBaden-Württemberg Film department She production, shestudiedintheDocumentary andfilm photography Andrea Roggon Docu Jazeera Awardmentary 2011 Yerevan 2011,Vancouver 2011,Al LatinAmericanFilmFestival 2011,EuganeaPaduaFilms Ludwigsburg 2011,GoldenApricot Saarbrücken desdeutschen 2011,DistritalMexicoFestival dam 2010,FirenzedeiPopoli Festival 2010,MaxOphülsFestival Subtitled Versions Format burg berg/Ludwigs Baden-Württem Filmakademie Hagen Schönherr, DaniellisHernandez Petra Lisson Andrea Roggon Pro Genre duction Society, CitySymphony HDCam, color, 1:1.85 Cast 2010 Directors Photog of was born in 1981. After several internships in internships in1981.Afterseveral was born Yoani Sánchez Director English, German German English, Category Andrea Roggon Original Version Producers new german films german new Pro Festivals raphy Docu mentary Docu mentary duction Company Hagen Schönherr, Length Andrea Roggon, IDFA Amster - Screenplay Year of Year Spanish 87 min 45

Scene from SOY LIBRE – I AM FREE (photo © Hagen Schönherr) S46_TIGERENTENBANDE_Unter Strom15.07.1110:53Seite1 challenge thatcomestheirway. Inthecourseoftheirextra- Together, however, The Tigerduck Gangcanmasterany to gethishandsonTigerduck powers. andhismagical Browning,school, andMice-Sheriff whowoulddoanything Their worstenemiesareThe Gringos,thebiggestbulliesin Tigerduck. mascot,themagical course thegang’s travelling orcloning,thetwomiceTutu andSchischi, andof Laika, withherfantasticinventionslike machines fortime- Lucky forhimhehasgreatfriends:Bergman,hisloyal dog, a catastrophe. world he’sacompleteklutz,everythinghedoesturnsinto Butinthe“real” hands andcommunicatewithanimals. track like aNativeAmericanIndian,catch fishwithhisbare school, Hecan doesn’treallyfitinwiththerestofhisclass. Hannes, whoattendsfourthgradeatasmall-town primary THE TIGERDUCKGANG TIGERENTENBANDE DIE learns tousehisskills,andrealizesthathehasthebest ordinary adventures,Hannesslowly self-confidence, gains friends intheworld. hn 4-96 46 0·fx+98- 34 888 98 ·[email protected] 46 73 +49-89-6 80 ·fax 69 34 phone +49-89-67 Grünwalder Weg 28d·82041Oberhaching/Germany · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman BetaFilm GmbH·Andreas of Beta Cinema·Dept. Rothbauer World Sales Genre Irina Probost Animation Strahmann Klemm, AliMauritz,Jan Production DCP, color, 16:9 co-production withSWR/Baden-Baden Production Company live-action theatrical and TV formats in a variety of genres. inavarietyof theatricalandTVformats live-action the Papa LöweFilmproduktion in1998,whichproduces animatedand Filmin1994andfounded atBavaria Films &Distributiondepartment broadcaster ORFin1986.ShethensetuptheAnimatedChildren’s theAustrianpublic theChildrenpositions for &Youth of department specialized inChildrenvarious andMediabeganworking Irina Probost English English With backingfrom Animation, Children &Youth 2011 Original Version studied attheViennaTeacher’s where Academy she Director Irina Probost Papa LöweFilmproduktion/Munich, in FilmFernsehFonds Bayern Irina Probost Screenplay Director Photography of German German Category new german films german new Length Producer Subtitled Version Feature 69 min Irina Probost Format Year of Year Anke 46

Scene from THE TIGERDUCK GANG (photo © Papa Löwe Filmproduktion 2010) S47_UNSICHTBARE_Unter Strom25.07.1115:47Seite1 powerful andgrippingjourneyofambitionabuse. withthe (2008) CHILD his award-winning NOVEMBER self-destruction... Director ChristianSchwochowself-destruction... Director follows up a youngwomanonthepathtoself-discovery and,perhaps, Cast Christian Schwochow Director Genre performance as Christensen deliversasublteyetfull-blooded StineFischer (2006), WEDDING THE AFTER -nominated After heraward-winning starturninSusanneBier'sOscar toturnJosephineintoherownoff, bound worstenemy… isset an emotionalrollercoasterride.Adangerousgame whosendsheron puts herselfintothehandsofadirector, andself-destructive.the sametimealsofragile Josephine is notonlyself-conscious andsexuallyhyperactive,butat Camille strengths indealingwithhereveryday lifebecause Camille, sheawakens toherfemininity,butlosesown but Josephinewantstocomeasclosepossible.As The character toplay is“Camille”,quitedifferenttoherself, understands hismotivation,leastofallJosephineherself. acting school andcastsherforfirstmainrole,nobody appearsatthe KasparFriedmann when renowneddirector actress? Young Josephinedefinitelylacks self-confidence, but “You’re aworsejudgmentforan invisible!”Cantherebe CRACKS INTHESHELL UNSICHTBARE DIE hn 4-96 92 6·fx+98-49 720 [email protected] ·www.bavaria-film-international.com 37 99 +49-89-64 86 ·fax 26 99 phone +49-89-64 Bavariafilmplatz 7 · 82031Geiselgasteig/Germany · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman BavariaBavaria of MediaGmbH·Thorsten FilmInternational ·Dept. Ritter World Sales Stine FischerChristensen,UlrichNoethen,AnnaMariaMühe, Drama Christian Schwochow Category Director of Photography Director Photography of Feature Screenplay Year Production of Heide Schwochow, Frank Lamm 2011 ® UNSICHTBARE, 2011). (NOVEMBERKIND, 2007),andCRACKS INTHESHELL(DIE SCHÄTZE series, (documentary 2007), NOVEMBER CHILD FLIEGENDE GROSSVATER (2006),JÄGER VERLORENER 2004),TANTALUS(short, 2005), MARTA (short, UNDDER 2002), SOAPSTAR (documentary, 2003),DERGROSSE FRANZ WITTCHEN ISTTOT 2001), STRASSENSCHLACHT (short (short, Academy. 2000),SCHNEE include:SÜLZE(short, Hisfilms - from 2002-2008inFilmDirecting attheBaden-Württemberg andradiobroadcasters, varioustelevision bystudies for followed schoolheworked asanauthor,After finishing speaker andreporter theyouth magazine of the young publisherandeditor-in-chief innumerousandwas Rügen.Asachild,hewas involved radioplays of Christian Schwochow Board, Federal German FilmFund Federal BKM,German Film Brandenburg, MFGBaden-Württemberg, Karlovy Vary 2011With backingfrom (In Competition) German German Length SommerhausFilmproduktion/Ludwigs Media Factory/Berlin, burg Stras bourg, RBB/Potsdam-Babelsberg, BerlinerUnionFilm/Berlin, inco-productionLudwigsburg, withSWR/Baden-Baden,ARTE/ Maubach Dagmar Manzel,RonaldZehrfeld Subtitled Version 113 min Production Company Awards Format was born in1978Bergenontheisland was born Ecumentical Jury AwardEcumentical Jury &BestActress 35 mm,color, csOriginal Version English English Producers teamWorx Television &Film/ Festivals new german films german new Jochen Laube,Fabian Medienboard Berlin- Karlovy Vary 2011 SHOT!. 47

Scene from CRACKS IN THE SHELL (photo © teamWorx Television & Film GmbH/Jakob Reinhardt) S48_VATERLANDSVERRAETER_Unter Strom25.07.1115:49Seite1 sensitive approach ofthefilmmaker. Andthankstoher isthankstothe under pressuretoserveanyexpectations The factthataman,whoclearlyenjoys recklesstalk,isnot undersurveillancehimself.of evenbeing abletopublishanythingand ofnolongerbeing sequences et inaradicalmanner. Hewasreadytoputupwiththecon- hecameoutoftheclos oftheGDR, betraying thepeople thefunctionarieswere tofeel hebegan informant because When hisactivitiesasaconfidential Gratzikterminated yearssincetheendofEastGermany. inallthe20 before told critics andtheStasiofkindthathasneverbeen its theGDR, Ontheotherhand,ittellsastoryabout mit. radicalandher- figure, a“manofextremes”:satyr,seducer, psycho Ontheonehand,itisa nodiscussionontheStasi... be The firstthingGratzikdefiantlyannouncesisthattherewill ENEMY OFTHESTATE VATERLANDSVERRÄTER unwavering curiosity,heendsupopeningtoher,while ized” inoneperson. ized” andeven“hu neutralized perpetrator andvictimtobe a“moraltothestory”,thusallowing fromseeking frained flicts andhisobstinacy. re Fromtheoutset,director allowed toremainfaithfulhimself,hisinnercon- being · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman 06 [email protected] ·www.itworksmedien.com 67 67 +49-30-44 01 ·fax 67 67 phone +49-30-44 Gneiststr. 19·10437Berlin/Germany It Works! MedienGmbH·Maria Wischnewski World Sales logical profileofanextraordinarilyparadoxicallogical man - - - mentary Awardmentary Kiel2011 Festivals Original Version 20) n LK MEINLEBEN(2011). (2008), andFLAKE– STAR IMOFF(2000),MITFANTASIE GEGENDENMANGEL asadirector in herotherfilms Award. Aselectionof cludes: EIN Film Short the2004German prizesandwasnominatedfor festival production ZURZEITVERSTORBEN first company’s wonnumerous CHIQUITA ItWorks! FOREVER.In2004shefounded Medien.The theshort film, Berlin-based Theater89.In1999shedirected herfirst the of thefounders andtheater. film for In1989shewasoneof asafreelancein Design,shebeganworking costumeandsetdesigner Annekatrin Hendel Holstein, DEFA-Stiftung, Nipkow-Program FilmwerkstattKiel,Film pommern, förderung HamburgSchleswig- Film Fund,BKM,Kulturelle FilmförderungMecklenburg-Vor - ARTE/Strasbourg pany Johann Feindt Screenplay graphics Genre It Works! Medien/Berlin,inco-production withZDF/Mainz, Year Production of Biopic, History,Biopic, Literature Berlin 2011, Augen Berlin 2011,Augen weide Kiel2011 Annekatrin Hendel Producer Length was born in Berlin. After finishing herstudies inBerlin.Afterfinishing was born German German With backingfrom Holly Tischman Holly 97 min 2011 Subtitled Version Director Photography of Category Format Director new german films german new Production Com 35 mm,color, 1:1.85 Documentary with Documentary Annekatrin Hendel Awards German FederalGerman English Docu - 48 -

Scene from ENEMY OF THE STATE (photo © Leif Heanzo/IT WORKS! Medien GmbH) S49_WESTWIND_Unter Strom22.07.1113:16Seite1 with Laokoonfilm/Budapest, incooperationwithZDF/Mainz, with Laokoonfilm/Budapest, Original Version ARTE/Strasbourg Ragna Producers Cast Haller, SusannSchimk Production Genre oftheirlives. tous decision totake themostmomen- don’t shareeverythingandneed fallsinloveDoreen withArne.For thefirsttime,sisters group ofguysfromtheWest GermancityofHamburg. a their waycamp,thetwinsmeet totheyoungpioneer intheSovietBalaton satellitestateofHungary. Alreadyon down, theyhave thechance tospendthesummeratLake In1988,for athletes. theBerlinWall ayearbefore came school atarenownedboarding accepted ticing hardtobe in EastGermany. The twoaresuccessfuloarswomenprac- are17-year-old undIsabel Doreen twinsfromruralSaxony WESTWIND backing from förderung, BKM Fund, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg,MitteldeutscheMedien - hn 4-96 46 0·fx+98- 34 888 98 ·[email protected] 46 73 +49-89-6 80 ·fax 69 34 phone +49-89-67 Grünwalder Weg 28d·82041Oberhaching/Germany · 2011 3 films quarterlygerman BetaFilm GmbH·Andreas of Beta Cinema·Dept. Rothbauer World Sales Production Company Friederike Becht,LuiseHeyer, FranzDinda,Volker Bruch Love Story, Melodrama Susann Schimk,JörgTrentmann, JuditStalter, Gabor 2011 German FederalGerman FilmBoard,Federal German Film Length Director German German Director of Photography Director Photography of 90 min Subtitled Version Robert Thalheim Robert credo:film/Berlin, inco-production credo:film/Berlin, Category Format 35 mm,color, 1:1.85 Feature Screenplay English English Eeva Fleig Eeva Year of Year With Ilja 2007), andWESTWIND(2011). ALONG COME TOURISTS (AMENDEKOMMEN TOURISTEN, PERCENT 2003),NETTO 2002),ICH(short, (2004),AND (short, 2002),THREE 2000),GRANICA(short, ZEIT ISTLEBEN(short, UHR PLÖTZLICH GINGDIEWELT UNTER(docu mentary, 1996), Wajda. Alsoatheaterwriteranddirector, include:UMVIER hisfilms theculturalperiodical of Film&Television.the "Konrad Wolf" Heisthepublisher of University Berlinand Berlin EnsembletheaterandstudiedattheFree University in theUSAandGermany, heworked asanassistantdirectorthe for Robert Thalheim was born inBerlin1974.Afterhisschooling was born Plotzki and haswrittenabookaboutAndrzej new german films german new 49

Scene from WESTWIND (photo © credo:film) S50_Supporters_Supporters_GFQ_2_10 22.07.11 13:19 Seite 1


Allianz Deutscher Produzenten Filmförderungsanstalt – Film & Fernsehen e.V. German Federal Film Board German Producers Alliance Große Präsidentenstr. 9, 10178 Berlin/Germany Charlottenstr. 65, 10117 Berlin/Germany phone +49-30-27 57 70, fax +49-30-27 57 71 11 phone +49-30-2 06 70 88 0, fax +49-30-2 06 70 88 44 [email protected], www.ffa.de [email protected] www.produzentenallianz.de

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm e.V. Film- und Medienstiftung NRW GmbH German Documentary Association Kaistr. 14, 40221 Düsseldorf/Germany Schweizer Str. 6, 60594 Frankfurt am Main/Germany phone +49-2 11-93 05 00, fax +49-2 11-93 05 05 phone +49-69-62 37 00, fax +49-61 42-96 64 24 [email protected], www.filmstiftung.de [email protected], www.agdok.de

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kurzfilm e.V. Verband Deutscher Filmexporteure e.V. (VDFE) German Short Film Association Association of German Film Exporters Förstereistr. 36, 01099 Dresden/Germany Robert-Koch-Str. 1, 80538 Munich/Germany phone +49-3 51-4 04 55 75, fax +49-3 51-4 04 55 76 phone +49- 89-57 08 77 53, fax +49-89-57 08 77 60 [email protected], www.ag-kurzfilm.de [email protected], www.vdfe.de Berlin office: Joachimstr. 7, 10119 Berlin/Germany

Deutsche Kinemathek Verband Deutscher Filmproduzenten e.V. Museum für Film und Fernsehen Association of German Film Producers Potsdamer Str. 2, 10785 Berlin/Germany Beichstr. 8, 80802 Munich/Germany phone +49-30-30 09 03-0, fax +49-30-30 09 03-13 phone +49-89-39 11 23, fax +49-89-33 74 32 [email protected] [email protected] www.deutsche-kinemathek.de www.filmproduzentenverband.de, www.filmproducers.de

FilmFernsehFonds Bayern GmbH Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Medien in Bayern Sonnenstr. 21, 80331 Munich/Germany phone +49-89-54 46 02-0, fax +49-89-54 46 02 21 [email protected], www.fff-bayern.de

Der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft für Kultur und Medien Baden-Württemberg mbH Federal Government Commissioner Breitscheidstr. 4, 70174 Stuttgart/Germany for Culture & the Media phone +49-7 11-90 71 54 00, fax +49-7 11-90 71 54 50 Referat K 35, Europahaus [email protected], www.mfg-filmfoerderung.de Stresemannstr. 94, 10963 Berlin/Germany phone +49-30-1 86 81 49 29, fax +49-30-18 68 15 49 29 [email protected]

Filmförderung Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung GmbH Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein GmbH Hainstr. 17-19, 04109 Leipzig/Germany Friedensallee 14–16, 22765 Hamburg/Germany phone +49-3 41-26 98 70, fax +49-3 41-2 69 87 65 phone +49-40-398 37-0 fax +49-40-398 37-10 [email protected], www.mdm-online.de [email protected], www.ffhsh.de

Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH nordmedia – Die Mediengesellschaft August-Bebel-Str. 26-53 Niedersachsen/Bremen mbH 14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg/Germany Expo Plaza 1, 30539 /Germany phone +49-3 31-74 38 70, fax +49-3 31-7 43 87 99 phone +49-5 11-1 23 45 60, fax +49-5 11-12 34 56 29 [email protected], www.medienboard.de [email protected], www.nordmedia.de

german films quarterly shareholders & supporters

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Verband deutscher ATRIX Films GmbH The Match Factory GmbH Filmexporteure e.V. (VDFE) Max-Emanuel-Str. 16 Balthasarstr. 79-81 please contact Edith Forster 82319 Starnberg/Germany 50670 Cologne/Germany Robert-Koch-Str. 1 phone +49-81 51-5 50 95 45 phone +49-2 21-5 39 70 90 80538 Munich/Germany [email protected] fax +49-2 21-5 39 70 910 phone +49-89-570 877 53 www.atrix-films.com [email protected] fax +49-89-570 877 60 www.the-match-factory.com [email protected] www.vdfe.de Bavaria Film International Dept. of Bavaria Media GmbH Media Luna New Films Berlin office: Bavariafilmplatz 7 Aachener Str. 24 Joachimstr. 7 82031 Geiselgasteig/Germany 50674 Cologne/Germany 10119 Berlin/Germany phone +49-89-64 99 26 86 phone +49-2 21-51 09 18 91 fax +49-89-64 99 37 20 fax +49-221-51091899 [email protected] [email protected] www.bavaria-film-international.com www.medialuna.biz Action Concept Film- & Stuntproduktion GmbH An der Hasenkaule 1-7 Beta Cinema PROGRESS Film-Verleih GmbH 50354 Huerth/Germany Dept. of Beta Film GmbH Immanuelkirchstr. 14b phone +49-22 33-50 81 00 Grünwalder Weg 28d 10405 Berlin/Germany fax +49-22 33-50 81 80 82041 Oberhaching/Germany phone +49-30-24 00 32 25 [email protected] phone +49-89-67 34 69 80 fax +49-30-24 00 32 22 www.actionconcept.com fax +49-89-6 73 46 98 88 [email protected] [email protected] www.progress-film.de www.betacinema.com Aktis Film International GmbH Altenburgerstr. 7 SOLA Media GmbH 04275 Leipzig/Germany Constantin Film Verleih GmbH Filderhauptstr. 49 phone +49-3 41-35 00 26 10 Feilitzschstr. 6 70599 Stuttgart/Germany fax +49-3 41-35 00 26 19 80802 Munich/Germany phone +49-711-4793666 [email protected] phone +49-89-44 44 60 0 fax +49-711-4792658 www.aktis-film.com fax +49-89-44 44 60 666 [email protected] [email protected] www.sola-media.net www.constantin-film.de ARRI Media Worldsales Türkenstr. 89 CINEPOOL 80799 Munich/Germany EEAP Eastern European A Division of TELEPOOL GmbH phone +49-89-38 09 12 88 Acquisition Pool GmbH Sonnenstr. 21 fax +49-89-38 09 16 19 Alexanderstr. 7 80331 Munich/Germany [email protected] 10178 Berlin/Germany phone +49-89-55 87 60 www.arri-mediaworldsales.de phone +49-30-25 76 23 30 fax +49-89-5587619106 fax +49-30-25 76 23 59 [email protected] [email protected] www.telepool.de Atlas International Film GmbH www.eeap.eu Candidplatz 11 81543 Munich/Germany Transit Film GmbH phone +49-89-21 09 75-0 Films Boutique GmbH Dachauer Str. 35 fax +49-89-21 09 75 81 Skalitzer Str. 54A 80335 Munich/Germany [email protected] 10997 Berlin/Germany phone +49-89-59 98 85-0 www.atlasfilm.com phone +49-30-69 53 78 50 fax +49-89-59 98 85-20 fax +49 30-69 53 78 51 [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] www.filmsboutique.com www.transitfilm.de

german films quarterly association of german film exporters

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German Films Service + Marketing is the national infor- German Films’ range of activities includes: mation and advisory center for the promotion of German films world- wide. It was established in 1954 under the name Export-Union of Close cooperation with major international film festivals, in- German Cinema as the umbrella association for the Association of cluding Berlin, Cannes, Venice, San Sebastian, Locarno, German Feature Film Producers, the Association of New German Rome, Karlovy Vary, Montreal, Toronto, New York, Shanghai, Feature Film Producers and the Association of German Film Warsaw, and Moscow Exporters, and operates today in the legal form of a limited company. In 2004, the company was reorganized and now operates under the Organization of umbrella stands for German sales companies name: German Films Service + Marketing GmbH. and producers at international television and film markets (Berlin, Cannes, AFM Los Angeles, Shanghai) Shareholders are the Association of German Film Producers, the German Producers Alliance, the Association of German Film Staging of “Festivals of German Films” in selected inter national Exporters, the German Federal Film Board (FFA), the Stiftung territories Deutsche Kinemathek, the German Documentary Association, FilmFernsehFonds Bayern and Filmstiftung NRW representing the Staging of the “German Premieres” industry screenings in New seven main regional film funds, and the German Short Film York, London, Tokyo, and other selected territories Association. Providing advice and information for representatives of the Members of the advisory board are: Martin Moszkowicz international press and buyers from the fields of cinema, video, (chairman), Peter Dinges, Antonio Exacoustos, Sylke Gottlebe, and television Prof. Dr. Klaus Schaefer, Ulrike Schauz Providing advice and information for German filmmakers and German Films itself has 11 members of staff: press on international festivals, conditions of participation, and Mariette Rissenbeek, managing director German films being shown Julia Basler, project coordinator/ Katherine Grzelak, managing director’s assistant Organization of the annual NEXT GENERATION/SHORT Angela Hawkins, publications & website editor TIGER short film program, which presents a selection of shorts Barbie Heusinger, project coordinator/distribution support and is internationally premiered at Cannes Nicole Kaufmann, project coordinator Verena Köstler, accounts Publication of informational literature about current German Kim Liebeck, festival coordinator films and the German film industry (German Films Quarterly), Martin Scheuring, project coordinator/short film as well as international market analyses and special festival Konstanze Welz, project coordinator/television brochures Stephanie Wimmer, project coordinator An Internet website (www.german-films.de) offering informa - In addition, German Films has foreign representatives in key territories tion about new German films, a film archive, information and around the world. links to German and international film festivals and institutions, and a VOD platform for buyers and festival delegates German Films’ budget of presently €4.7 million comes from film export levies, the office of the Federal Government Commissioner Organization of the selection procedure for the German entry for Culture and the Media, and the FFA. The seven main regional film for the Oscar® for Best Foreign Language Film funds (FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig- Holstein, Filmstiftung NRW, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, MFG Collaboration with Deutsche Welle’s DW-TV KINO program Baden-Württemberg, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, and Nord - which features the latest German film releases and inter - media) make a financial contribution – currently amounting to national productions in Germany €319,000 – towards the work of German Films. Organization of the “German Films Previews” geared toward German Films is a founding member of the European Film Promotion, arthouse distributors and buyers of German films a network of European film organizations with similar responsibilities to those of German Films. The organiza tion, with its headquarters in Selective financial Distribution Support for the foreign releases Hamburg, aims to develop and realize joint projects for the pre - of German films sentation of European films on an international level. Organization with Unifrance of the annual German-French film meeting

In association and cooperation with its shareholders, German Films works to promote feature, documentary, television and short films.

german films quarterly german films: a profile

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Promotion and Marketing of European Films Worldwide

32 European Countries – 1 Network

THE NETWORK Greek Film Centre ANCC, Albania ICAA, Spain Austrian Film Commission ICA, Portugal Baltic Films Icelandic Film Centre British Council Irish Film Board Bulgarian National Film Center Macedonian Film Fund Cinecittà Luce – Filmitalia Magyar Filmunió, Croatian Audiovisual Centre Norwegian Film Institute Czech Film Center Polish Film Institute Danish Film Institute Romanian Film Promotion EYE Film Institute Netherlands Slovak Film Institute Film Center Serbia Slovenian Film Centre Film Fund Luxembourg Swedish Film Institute Finnish Film Foundation Swiss Films Flanders Image Unifrance German Films Wallonie Bruxelles Images

Germany is represented by Mariette Rissenbeek of German Films

www.efp-online.com www.shooting-stars.eu

with the support of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union EFP is supported by

E u r o p e a n F i l m P r o m o t i o n F r i e d e n s a l l e e 1 4 – 1 6 2 2 7 6 5 H a m b u r g , G e r m a n y i n f o @ e f p - o n l i n e . c o m w w w. e f p - o n l i n e . c o m S54_Anz_KODAK_Layout 1 22.07.11 15:34 Seite 1 ©Kodak. 2010. Kodak and Vision are trademarks. are and Vision ©Kodak. Kodak 2010.

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Argentina Eastern Europe Spain Gustav Wilhelmi Simone Baumann Stefan Schmitz Ayacucho 495, 2º ”3“ Körnerstr. 56 Avalon Productions S.L. C1026AAA Buenos Aires/Argentina 04107 Leipzig/Germany Pza. del Cordón, 2 phone +54-11-49 52 15 37 phone +49-3 41-96 36 80 28005 Madrid/Spain phone/fax +54-11-49 51 19 10 fax +49-3 41-9 63 68 44 phone +34-91-3 66 43 64 [email protected] [email protected] fax +34-91-3 65 93 01 [email protected]

China USA & Canada Anke Redl Alessia Ratzenberger Oliver Mahrdt CMM Intelligence A-PICTURES srl Hanns Wolters International Inc. B 621, Gehua Tower Clivo delle Mura Vaticane 60 - int. 9 501 Fifth Avenue, #2112A No. 1, Qinglong Hutong 00136 Rome/Italy New York, NY 10017/USA Dongcheng District phone +39-06-48 90 22 30 phone +1-212-714 0100 Beijing 100007/China fax +39-06-48 85 797 fax +1-212-643 1412 phone +86-10-84 18 64 68 [email protected] [email protected] fax +86-10-84 18 66 90 [email protected]

German Films Quarterly is published by: Editor Angela Hawkins

German Films Production Reports Martin Blaney, Simon Kingsley Service + Marketing GmbH Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 16 Contributors for this issue Martin Blaney, Simon Kingsley, Rüdiger Suchsland 80331 Munich/Germany phone +49-89-5 99 78 70 Translations Lucinda Rennison fax +49-89-59 97 87 30 [email protected] Cover Photo Scene from HELL (photo © Caligari Film) www.german-films.de Design & Art Direction Werner Schauer, www.triptychon.biz ISSN 1614-6387 Printing Office ESTA DRUCK GMBH, Credits are not contractual for any Obermühlstrasse 90, 82398 Polling/Germany of the films mentioned in this publication.

© German Films Service + Marketing GmbH German Films supports the use of paper from sustainable forestry. The pages of this magazine are made of PEFC certificated cellulose. All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) is the largest independent organization worldwide for securing and this publication may be made without written permission. continuously improving a sustainable forest management and it guarantees ecological, social and economic standards. Currently there are 215 million PEFC/04-31-1180 hectares of PEFC certificated forest worldwide.

german films quarterly foreign representatives · imprint

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