In the semi-finals competition stiffened. In the same group were now the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R., neither of whom had so far been fully extended. But first the other group. Here only one match was won by a handsome margin; in none of the others was the winner more than 9 points ahead. Uruguay played two heated, furious matches, losing by two The basketball matches were played in two different arenas: the eliminating matches and points to with only three Uruguayans on the court when the match ended. The the opening round of the tournament in the Tennis Palace in the heart of the city, where referee had to be carried to a dressing room after a regrettable scene. The other ended in two courts had been available for practice, and the semi-finals and finals in Messuhalli II, Uruguay's favour, Argentine, who had played the best basketball in the first round, losing adjacent to the Olympic Stadium. by one point. 's awkward style seemed to keep France puzzled, with the result Dressing rooms, showers and the practice courts made the Tennis Palace a very good that she failed to make the top final group. The French players were curiously slack in venue, but unfortunately there was little space for the public. In Messuhalli II, again, the this match. Argentine defeated France by nine goals and Uruguay Bulgaria by eight. In barriers of the spectator stands at the two ends were perilously close to the play-area. The her match with Bulgaria Argentine piled up 100 goals. In the other semi-final group the F.I.B.A. nevertheless sanctioned its use, and what danger there may have been was averted greatest interest centred on the match between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. It failed to by padding the barriers. In all other respects the hall made an admirable venue. come up to expectations and ended 86—58 in the U.S.A.'s favour. In her match with Of the 23 countries entered for the event 10 were admitted direct to the tournament on Brazil the U.S.S.R. showed better form and won 54—49. Brazil's failure to reach the top the grounds of previous performance. The remaining 13, by order of the F.I.B.A., played final group was of the narrowest; even the U.S.A. did no better against her than 57 53. eliminating matches to decide which six of them were to join the seeded teams in the tourna­ Clearly the weakest in this group was Chile. ment. The ten seeded countries were the first six in the Games, viz., the U.S.A., In the final for places 1—4 were thus the U.S.A., the U.S.S.R., Uruguay and Argentine. France, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay and Chile, the 1950 World Champion Argentine, the 1951 The U.S.A and Argentine played a fine match, which was only decided in the last few minutes. European Champion the U.S.S.R. and the runner-up , and the host country The Americans, although playing without substitutes, managed by a last concerted effort . The countries ordered to play eliminating matches were divided into three groups, to finish up 9 goals ahead. The U.S.S.R. in her match with Uruguay kept steady even when the best two in each group qualifying for the tournament. play was at its hottest and won, though by four goals only. For the tournament four groups of four teams were formed in such a way that in each When Argentine and Uruguay met again in the match for third place the Argentinians group there were two seeded teams. The best two in London and the World and European were obviously tired. Nevertheless, they fought magnificently, and Uruguay's winning Champions were put into different groups. The teams placed 3—6 in London were allocated margin was a bit too big. It was a dramatic match. Ten minutes before the end, with to different groups by lot. The remaining eight teams were lotted without further selection. Uruguay leading, five faults put one more Uruguayan out of play, leaving only four. Argen­ The best two in each of these first-round groups went on to the semi-finals in two groups tine then started to draw level. But when the whistle sounded Argentine was down to of four. The best two in each semi-final group went on to the finals for placings 1—4, three players and the score stood at 68—59 against her. This match, too, had its piquant leaving the two weakest in each to compete for placings 5—8. Neither of these final groups moments of temperamental display. The Gold Medal match was a very tame affair. Apparently resigned to certain defeat played a quadrangular series as had been the case in the first round and the semi-finals. In the top group the winners of the first two matches met to decide places 1—2 and the the U.S.S.R. resorted to slowing-down tactics, hanging on to the ball. The U.S.A. started losers places 3—4. The lower group competed in the same way for places 5—6 and 7—8. out in earnest but then went on to play the same kind of game. Scoring was slow and the The eliminating matches were easily decided. Already at this stage play was of a high desired narrow margin was achieved. The spectators were mightily disappointed. standard. Surprisingly, was among the eliminated. Really magnificent play was seen The matches for placings 5-6 and 7-8 both ended contrary to expectations. France in the first round of the tournament. Some of the matches were possibly the best in the seemed altogether paralyzed and lost again to Bulgaria who, equally weary, was far from whole tournament. Unforgettable were 's two decisive matches. playing well. France thus finished in eighth place. Brazil had previously beaten Chile 75—44, but now lost 58—49- Fatigue, and possibly disappointment, had taken the edge In Group I the U.S.A. and Uruguay were in every way superior to and Czecho­ off Brazil's game. Chile, for her part, strove valiantly and was rewarded with fifth place. slovakia. Best in Group II was the U.S.S.R. Bulgaria took Mexico by surprise and qualified The U.S.A. again won the Gold Medal, and one of her players. Bob Kurland, his second. to continue. The best group was Group III. Here Canada lost to Argentine 82—81 and Her team included men so tall that their height was definitely an asset, but shorter players to Brazil 57—55 after a superb display of youthful keenness under their captain Phibbs. Both matches were broadcast in their entirety to South America, and well they were worth it. as well. Her best qualities were technical skill and effective team-work. The U.S.S.R. game now lacked the speed and temperament that had been so much m evidence at the Tiring, Canada lost also to the Philippines, whom two other teams clearly outclassed. In European Championships in . These had given way to coolness, utmost accuracy Group IV France and Chile won easily over Egypt. France defeated Cuba 58—42, but and sureness. The opinion was fairly general that Argentine was absolutely m the same Chile had to fight hard to end up a single point ahead.

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library BASKETBALL COMMITTEE



R. WILLIAM JONES, Great Britain F. HEPP, Hungary A. dos REIS CARNEIRO, Brazil R. WEURO, Finland


D. SCHMULL, Holland E. BIGOT, Belffu/n

Previous Olympic Winners

1936 U.S.A. 1948 U.S.A.

There were 317 entries from 23 nations and 301 participants from 23 nations

PRELIMINARY ROUNDS July 14th — July 18 th

Group A Cuba — 59—51 (31—28) Bulgaria — 69—58 (jo—22) The decisive match between the U.S.yl. and the U.S.S.R. in the Messuhalli. Belgium — Switzerland 59—49 (33—25) Bulgaria — Cuba 62—56 (29 30) Cuba — Belgium 71—63 (42—34) class as the two leading countries. Canada, Brazil and Uruguay played the kind of game Group B that makes basketball fascinating. Hungary — 75 38 (37 21) Philippines —• Israel 57 47 (29 27) On the whole the refereeing was good and competent. Certain referees who had not Greece — Israel 54—52 (27—55) philippines — Hungary 48—35 (26—19) done well were permitted to continue up to the finals and so give grounds for criticism. Hungary — Greece 47 44 (31 23) The officials who carried out all other duties in connexion with the matches were recruited Group C from among active Finnish basketball players, and the first stiffness had worn off Canada — Italy 68—57 (35—25) Egypt — 64—45 (27—18) everything functioned smoothly. Canada — 'Rumania 72—51 (28—21) Youth's own sport, basketball, was a success at the Games. Italy — Turkey 49—37 (24—16) Italy — Rumania 53—39 26) Canada — Egypt 63—57 (38—31) Egypt — Italy 66—62 (25—27)

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library OLYMPIC TOURNAMENT SEMI-FINALS July 25 th — July 27th July 28tli — July 30th

Group 1 M W L G* Pts. Group A M W L G Pts. MATCHES AND TEAMS U.S.A 3 3 — 195 —139 6 Uruguay 321194—187 5 Uruguay 3 2 1 167 —164 5 Argentine 3 2 1 226 —174 5 Chechoslovakia 3 1 2 161 —164 4 Bulgaria 3 1 2 177 — 220 4 July 14th Hungary 3 — 3 143 — 199 3 France 3 1 2 178 —194 4 Group B Hungary — Greece 75—38 Group 2 U.S.A 3 3 — 246 —166 6 (37—2I) U.S.S.R 3 3 — 192 —143 6 U.S.S.R 3 2 1 190 —195 5 Referee : Follati, (Italy), Umpire : Wahby, (Egypt). Bulgaria 3 2 1 163 —182 5 Brazil 3 1 2 138 —136 4 Mexico 3 1 2 172 — 171 4 Chile 3 — 3 140 — 217 3 HUNGARY: Telegdy, G., Bogâr, P., Bokor, G., Mezôfi, T., Bânhegyi, L., Papp, P., Greminger, J., Zsiros, T., Simon, J., Finland 3 — 3 147 —178 3 Cselko, T., Czinkân, T., Komâromi, E., FINALS GREECE: Talliadoros, D., Matheou, P., Lambrou, J., Arvanitis. S., Manias, P., Stefanidis, D., Milas, N., Spanoudakis, A., Group 3 Cholevas, T., Spanoudakis, J., Papadimas, C. Argentine 3 3 — 239 —196 6 July 31st — August 2nd Brazil 3 2 1 184 —179 5 Matches for the 5th to 8th places Philippines 3 1 2 192 — 221 4 Chile — Bulgaria 60—53 (37—29) Canada — Italy 68—57 Canada 3 — 3 201 — 220 3 — France 59—44 (31—26) (35—25) — France 58—44 (22—22) Referee: Porto, (Brazil), Umpire: Gerard, (Belgium). Group 4 Chile — Brazil 58—49 (32—24) CANADA: Pettinger, G., Pataky, W.,Campbell, R., Ridd, C., Williams, R., Coulthard, W.,Phibbs, R., Pickell, B., Wearring, France 3 3 — 202 —149 6 Matches for the 1st to 4th places Ctefe 3 2 1 170 —150 5 G., Simpson, R., Wade, H. U.S.S.R. — Uruguay 61—57 (31—28) Egypt 3 1 2 176 — 221 4 U.S.A. — Argentine 85—76 (43—39) ITALY: Bongiovanni, G., Cerioni, C., Ranuzzi, R., Marelli, S., Rapini, L., Pagani, E., Marietti, F,, Zucchi, D., Stefanini, S., Cuba 3 — 3 149 — 177 3 Uruguay — Argentine 68—59 (31—24) Damiani, G., Canna, A., Ferriani, S., * M = Matches, W = Wins, L = Losses, G = Goals. U.S.A. — U.S.S.R. 36—25 (17—15)

Cuba — Belgium 59—51 FINAL PLACINGS (31—28) 1 U.S.A. Referee: Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Szilagyi, (Hungary). 2 U.S.S.R. CUBA: Escoto Valdés, A., Lopez Garviso, F., Garcia Garcia, J., Pozas y Piad, F., Faget Otazo, A., Garcia Ordonez,C . 3 URUGUAY Garcia Artime, C, Bea Blanes, C., Estrada Rivero, A., Quintero Padrôn, M., Ruiz Vinajeras, F,. Wiltz Bucelo, R^ 4 Argentine BELGIUM: Eygel, J., Delsarte, Y., Meuris, J., Roosemont, F., Van Huele, P., Ducheyne, J., Coosemans, H., Ligon, D., 5 Chile Van Gils, A., Crick, H., Boes, J., Ceulemans, J., 6 Brazil 7 Bulgaria 8 France Philippines — Israel 57—47 (29—27) Referee : Katerinsky, (Bulgaria), Umpire : Arc. (Finland). The Gold and Silver Medal teams in the Basketball Tournament, the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R., after the final. PHILIPPINES: Loyzaga, C, Santos, M., Bautista Jr, F., Hechanova, R., Lim, E., Martinez, A., Saldana, P., Tantay, A., Cochongco, J., Genato, A., Tolentino, M., Campos, R. ISRAEL: Shneior, A., Ofri, Z., Lin, A., Ram, R., Erez, D., Gafni, E., Hefez, M., Degani, M., Levy, D., Perach, R., Amiel, E.

Bulgaria — Switzerland 69—58 (30—22) Referee: Ashri, (Egypt), Umpire: Reverberi, (Italy). BULGARIA: Géorgieff, J., Semoff, K., Neitcheff, N., Doneff, Ch., Chichkoff, P., Panoff, G., Toteff, K., Kouzoff, A,. Christoff, G., Nicoloff, I., Penkoff, V., Slavov, V. SWITZERLAND: Stockly, G., Albrecht, P., Redard, J., Domenjoz, R., Bossy, M., Moget, M., Chiappino, R., Prahin, R., Baumann. H., Cottier, G., Schmied, B., Voisin, J-P.

Egypt — Turkey 64—45 (27—18) Referee: Lastra, (Argentine), Umpire : Chong, (Korea). EGYPT: Tadros, A., Montasser, H., Catafago, A, Abo-Oof, Y., Hafez, A., Harari, Z., Mohamed, M., Sabounghi, F., Elrashidy, M., Chalhoub, G., Mansour, S., Abu El Kheir, F. TURKEY: Granit, Y., Giindiiz, Y., Seldiiz, S., Tezol, T., Uras, A., Giilçelik, S., Yalim, M., Partener, E., Dinçer, A., Diyarbakirli, N., Ûlmen, G., Alkan, Y.


Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library July 15th

Greece — Israel 54—52

07—35) Keferse: Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Reverberi, (Italy). GREECE: Talliadoros, D., Matheou, P., Lambrou.J., Arvanitis, S., Manias,?., Stefanidis,D., Milas.N., Spanoudakis, A., Cholevas, T., Spanoudakis, J.,Roubanis,A.,Papadimas,C. ISRAEL: Shneior, A., Ofri, Z., Levy, D., Shelah, S., Lin, A., Ram, R., Erez, D.,Gafni, E., Hefez, M., Degani, M., Perach, R., AmieI,E.

Canada — Rumania 72—51 (28—21) Keferee: Gerard, (Belgium), Umpire: Barros, (Chile). CANADA: Pettinger, G., Pataky,W., Campbell, R., Ridd, C, Williams, R., Coulthard, W., Phibbs,R., Pickell, B., Wear- ring, G., Simpson, R., Wade, H.

RUMANIA: Calugareanu, C, Costescu, G., Raducanu, E., Folbert.A., Mokos,L., Naghy.L., Nedeff,M., Niculescu, C, Niculescu, D., Petrosanu, A., Popescu, V., Constantinide, G.

Belgium — Switzerland 50—49 (35—25) Keferee : Porto, (Brazil), Umpire : Chong, (Korea).

BELGIUM: Eygel, J., Delsarte, Y., Meuris, J., Roosemont, F., Ducheyne, J., Coosemans, H., Ligon, D., Van Gils, A., Crick, H., Boes, J., Ceulemans, J., VanHuele, P.

SWITZERLAND: Stockly, G., Albrecht, P., Redard, J., CholJet, M. Domenjoz, R., Wohler, R., Bossy, M., Moget, M., Chiappino, R., Baumann, H.. Schmied, B., Voisin, J.-P. The Philippines v. Argentine in a match in the Tennis Palace.

Italy — Turkey 49—37 (24—16) Philippines—Hungary 48—35 Keferee: Lastra, (Argentine), Umpire: Szilagyi, (Hungary). (26—19)

ITALY: Bongiovanni, G., Cerioni, C., Ranuzzi, R., Marelli, S., Rapini.L., Presca, F., Pagani, E., Marietti, P.: Ferriani, Keferee: Barros, (Chile) Umpire: Bilek, (Turkey). S., Zucchi,D., Stefanini, S., Canna, A., PHILIPPINES: Loyzaga, C, Santos, M., Bautista, F., Hechanova, R., Lim, E,, Martinez, A., Saldana, P., Tantay, A., TURKEY: Gûnduz, Y., Granit, Y., Seldiiz, S., Tezol, T., Uras, A., Gûlçelik, S., Yalim, M., Partener, E., Dinger A., Cochongco, J., Genato, A., Tolentino, M., Campos, R. Diyarbakirli, N., Ûlmen, G., Alkan, Y. HUNGARY: Telegdy,G., Bokor, G.; Mezôfi,T., Bânhegyi.L., Papp,P., Greminger, J., Zsiros, T., Bogâr,P., Simon, J., Cselkô, T., Hôdi, L., Czinkân, T. July 17 th July 18 th

Italy — Rumania 53—39 Cuba — Belgium 71—63 (19—26) (42—34) Keferee : Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Framelius, (Finland). Keferee: Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Kostine, (U.S.S.R.). ITALY: Bongiovanni,G., Cerioni,C., Marelli, S., Rapini,L., Presca,F., Pagani,E., Ferriani,S., Marietti,F., Zucchi,D., CUBA: Escoto Valdés, A., Lopez Garviso, F., Garcia Garcia, J., PozasyPiad,F Fagct Otazo, A., GardaOrdonez C Stefanini, S,, Damiani, G., Canna, A. GarciaArtime,C., BeaBlanes,C.. EstradaRivero,A., Quintero Padron,M., RmzVina|eras,F., Wiltz BuceIo,R. RUMANIA: Calugareanu, C., Costescu, G., Raducanu, E., Folbert, A., Mokos, L., Naghy, L. Nedeff, M., Niculescu, C., BELGIUM: Eygel, J., Delsarte, Y., Meuris, J., Roosemont, F., Ducheyne, J., Coosemans, H., Ligon, D., van Gils, Niculescu, D., Petrosanu, A., Popescu, V., Constantinide, G. A., Crick, H., Ceulemans,]., van Huele, P., du Jardin, J.

Bulgaria — Cuba 62—56 Hungary — Greece 47—44

(29—3°) (31 23) Keferee: Follati, (Italy), Umpire: Ashri, (Egypt). Keferee: Reverberi, (Italy), Umpire: Wahby, (Egypt). BULGARIA: Géorgieff, J., Semoff, K., Doneff, Ch., Mantchenko, V., Panoff, G., Toteff, K., Kouzoff, A., Christoff, G., HUNGARY: Telegdy, G., Bokor, G., Mezôfi, T., Bànhegyi, L., Papp, P., Greminger,]., Zsiros, T, Bogar,P., Simon, Nicoloff,!., Penkoff,V., Géorgieff,K., Slavov,V. ]., Cselkô, T., Hôdi, L., Komâromi, E. CUBA: Escoto Valdés, A., Lopez Garviso, F., Garcia Garcia,}., PozasyPiad, F., Faget Otazo, A., Garcia Ordonez, C., GREECE: Talliadoros, D., Matheou, P., Lambrou,]., Arvanitis, S., Manias, P., Stefanidis. D., Milas,N., Spanoudakis, Garcia Artime,C., BeaBlanes,C., EstradaRivero, A., QuinteroPadrôn,M., Ruiz Vinajeras,F., WiltzBucelo,R. A., Cholevas, T., Spanoudakis,]., Papadimas, C., Roubanis, A.

Egypt — Italy 66—62 Canada — Egypt 63—57 (25—27) (38—31) Keferee : Porto, (Brazil), Umpire : Lastra, (Argentine). Keferee: Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Chong, (Korea). EGYPT: Tadros, A., Montasser, H., Catafago, A., Abo-Oof, Y., Hafez, A., Harari, Z., Mohamed, M., Sabounghi, F., CANADA: Pettinger, G., Pataky, W., Campbell, R., Ridd, C, Williams, R., Coulthard, W., Phibbs, R., Pickell, B., Elrashidy, M., Chalhoub, G., Abu El Kheif, F., Mansour, S. Wearring, G., Simpson, R., Wade, H. ITALY: Bongiovanni,G., Cerioni,C., Marelli,S., Rapini, L., Presca, F., Pagani,E.. Ferriani, S., Marietti,F., Zucchi,D. EGYPT: Tadros, A., Montasser, H., Catafago, A., Abo-Oof, Y., Hafez, A.. Harari, Z., Mohamed, M., Sabounghi, F., Chalhoub, G., Mansour, S., Bahgat, M., Abu El Kheir, F. Stefanini, S., Damiani, G., Canna, A. 679 678

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library OLYMPIC TOURNAMENT

July 25th

Argentine — Philippines 85—59 (44—30) Keferee: Ashri, (Egypt), Umpire: Szilagyi, (Hungary). ARGENTINE: Menini, R., Del Vecchio, H., Contarbio, L., Perez Varela, R., Gazso, J., Viau, R., Gonzalez, R., Uder, J., Monza, O., Pagliari, R., Furlong, O., Poletti, I. PHILIPPINES: Loyzaga, C., Santos, M., Bautista, F., Hechanova, R., Lim. E., Martinez, A., Saldana, P., Tantay, A., Cochongco, J., Genato, A., Tolentino, M., Campos, R.

U.S.A. — Hungary 66—48 (37—23) Keferee : Vanderperren, (Belgium), Umpire : Wahby, (Egypt). U.S.A.: Hougland, W., Kelley, D., Kenney, R., Lienhard, W., Lovellette, C., Frieberger, M., Glasgow, W., McCabe, F., Pippin, D., Williams, H., Bontemps, R., Kurland, R. HUNGARY: Telegdy, G., Bokor, G., Mezôfi, T., Bânhegyi, L., Papp, P., Greminger, J., Zsiros, T., Bogâr, P., Simon, J., Cselkô, T., Hôdi, L., Czinkân, T.

Uruguay — Czechoslovakia 53—51 (32—32) Keferee; Kostine, (U.S.S.R.), Umpire : Porto, (Brazil). URUGUAY: Acosta y Lara, M., Balino, E., Cieslinskas, V., Costa, H., Demarco, N., Garcia Otero, H., Larre Borges, T., Lombardo, A., Lovera, R., Matto, S., Pelaez, W., Rossello, C. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Baumruk, M., Matousek, J., Skerik, M., Bobrovsky, Z., Kozâk, J., Horniak, E., Kodl, M., Rylich, Z., Mrâzek, I., Ezr, J., Kolâf, L., Sip, J.

U.S.S.R. — Bulgaria 74—46 The basketball match between Mexico and Finland in the Tennis Falace (38—21) on July 2jth. Fejt: the Finns Findbolm (j) and Suviranta (6). Keferee: Reverberi, (Italy), Umpire: Posvar, (Czechoslovakia). U.S.S.R.: Butautas, S., Lysov, I., Petkjavitshus, K., Dzordzikija,N., Konev, A., Korkija, O., Kullam, I., Ozerov, J., Moisejev, A., Valjdmanis, M., Kruus, K.. Lagunavitshus, J. Chile — Cuba 53—52 BULGARIA: Semoff, K., Doneff, Ch., Mantchenko, V., Chichkoff, P., Panoff, G., Toteff, K., Kouzoff, A., Christoff, G., (32—32) Nicoloff, L, Penkoff, V., Georgieff, K., Slavov, V. Keferee: Lastra, (Argentine), Umpire: Siniakov, (U.S.S.R.).

Mexico — Finland 66—48 CHILE: Gallo Chinchilla, J., Mahana Badrie, V., Figueroa Reyes, E., Cordero Fernandez, E., Bernedo Zorzano, R., Salva- (36—21) dores Salvi, A., Mahn Godoy, E., Ostoic Ostoic, J., Fernandez Diez, H., Silva Infante, O., Raffo Abarca, H., Araya Zabala, P. Keferee: Siener, (France), Umpire: Atakol, (Turkey). CUBA: Escoto Valdes, A., Lopez Carviso, F., Garcia Garcia, J., Pozas y Piad, F., Faget Otazo, A., Garcia Ordonez, C., MEXICO: Holquîn F. S., Cardiel G. J., Rubalcava P. R., Meneses L. J., Gabrera G., J. Guerrero D. H., Almanza G. R.,Soto V. P.,Bru V. J.,Rojas H. F.,Rojas H. J.,Manzo H.F. Garcia Artime, C., Bea Blanes, C., Estrada Rivero, A.,Quintero Padron, M., Ruiz Vinajeras, F., Wiltz Bucelo, R. FINLAND: Kyôstila, J., Nuutmen,R., Lindholm,R., Suviranta, T.,Heinanen, K.,Laaksonen, P., Virtanen, O., Karhunen, E., Salonen, E., Mutru, P., Ristola, T., Pôyhônen, T. Uruguay — Hungary 70—56 (36—53) France — Egypt 92—64 Keferee: Follati, (Italy), Umpire: Siener, (France). (39—3°) * Keferee: Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Stefanovitch, Yugoslavia). URUGUAY: Acosta y Lara, M., Balino, E., Cieslinskas, V., Costa, H. Demarco N. Garcia Otero H. Larre Borges, T., Lombardo, A., Lovera, R., Matto, S., Pelaez, W., Rossello, C. FRANCE: Haudegand, R., Planque, B., Monclar, R., Chocat, R.. Perniceni, J., Devoti, L., Guillin, R., Crost, R., Dessemme, J., Buffiere, A., Vacheresse, A., Beugnot, J-P. HUNGARY: Telegdy, G., Bokor, G., Mezôfi, T., Bânhegyi, L., Papp, P., Greminger, J., Zsiros, T., Bogâr, P., Simon, J., Cselkô, T., Czinkân, T., Komâromi, E. EGYPT: Tadros, A., Montasser, H., Catafago, A., Abo-Oof, Y., Hafez, A., Mohamed, M., Sabounghi, F., Elrashidy, M., Chalhoub, G,, Harari, Z., Mansour, S., Abu El Kheir, F. Bulgaria — Mexico 52—44 Brazil — Canada 57—55 (27—16) (33—27) Keferee: Lastra, (Argentine), Umpire: Szilagyi, (Hungary). Keferee: Follati, (Italy), Umpire: Bilek, (Turkey). BULGARIA: Géorgieff, J., Neitcheff, N., Doneff, Ch., Chichkoff, P., Panoff, G., Toteff, K., Kouzoff, A., Christoff, G., BRAZIL: de Azevedo, J., Marques Pereira, H., , S., de Freitas, R., Facci, M., Carvalho dos Santos, R., Bonfietti, A., Rodrigues da Motta, A., de Almeida, A., da Fonseca Hermes, M., Monteiro, T., de Azevedo, Z. Nicoloff, I., Géorgieff, K., Slavov, V., Mantchenko, V. CANADA: Pettinger, G., Pataky, W., Campbell, R., Ridd, C., Williams, R., Coulthard, W., Phibbs, R., Dalton, Ch., Pickell, MEXICO: Holquin F. S., Cardiel G. J., Lôpez E. E., Rubalcava P. R., Meneses L. J., Guerrero D. H., Almanza G.R., B., Wearring, G., Wade, H., Curren, J. Soto V. P., Bru V. J., RojasH. F., RojasH. J., ManzoH. F.


Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library U.S.A. — Czechoslovakia 72—47 Czechoslovakia — Hungary 63—39 (35—21) (34—23) Keferee : Ashri, (Egypt), Umpire: Reverberi, (Italy). Keferee: Vanderperren, (Belgium), Umpire: Siniakov, (U.S.S.R). CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Baumruk, M., Matousek, J., Skérik, M., Kozâk, J., Horniak, E., Kodl, M., Rylich, Z., Mrâzek, 1., U.S.A.: Hoag, Ch., Hougland;W., Keller, J., Kelley, D., Kenney, R., Lovellette, C., Friebetger, M., Glasgow, W., Pippin, D., Williams, H., Bontemps, R., Kurland, R. Ezr, J., Kolâr, L., Sip, J., Tetiva, J. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Matousek, J., Skerik, M., Bobrovsky, Z., Kozâk, I., Horniak, E., Kodl, M., Rylich, Z., Mrâzek, I., HUNGARY: Telegdy, G., Mezôfi, T., Bânhegyi, L., Papp, P., Greminger, J., Zsiros, T., Bogâr, P., Simon, J., Cselkô, Baumruk, M., Kolâf, R., Sipp, J., Baumruk, J. T., Bokor, G., Czinkân, T., Komâromi, E.

U.S.S.R. — Finland 47—35 France — Chile 52—43 (23—M) (25—17) Keferee: Vanderperren, (Belgium), Umpire: Wahby, (Egypt). Keferee: Kostine, (U.S.S.R), Umpire: Chong, (Korea). U.S.S.R.: Vlasov, V., Butautas, S., Stonkus, S., Lysov, I., Petkjavitshus, K., Dzordzikija, N., Konev, A., Korkija, O., FRANCE: Haudegand, R., Monclar, R., Chocat, R., Perniceni, J., Guillin, R., Crost,R., Dessemme,]., Buffiere, A., Vach­ Kullam, I., Ozerov, J., Moisejev, A., Kruus, K. eresse, A., Chavet, A., Salignon, J-P., Beugnot, J-P. FINLAND: Kyôstilâ, J., Nuutinen, R., Lindholm, R., Suviranta, T., Heinânen, K., Vittanen, O., Kaïhunen, E., Salonen, CHILE: Gallo Chinchilla, Mahana Badrie. Figueroa Reves, E., Cordero Fernandez, E.,Bernedo Zorzano, R., Salvadores, E., Sylander, K., Mutru, P., Pôyhônen, T., Lahtinen, O. Salvi, A., Mahn Godoy, E., Ostoic Ostoic, J., Ramos Munoz, H., Fernandez Diez, H., Raffo Abarca, H., Araya Zabala, P.

Chile — Egypt 74—46

(47—18) Egypt — Cuba 66—5 5 Keferee: Porto, (Brazil), Umpire: Posvar, (Czechoslovakia). (35-28) CHILE: Gallo Chinchilla, J., Mahana Badrie, V., Figueroa Reyes, E., Cordero Fernandez, E., Bemedo Zorzano, R., Salva- Keferee : Porto, (Brazil), Umpire : Posvar, (Czechoslovakia). dores Salvi, A., Mahn Godoy, E., Osto

France — Cuba 58—42 Philippines — Canada 81—65 (30—17) (40—35) Keferee: Kostine, (U.S.S.R.), Umpire: Atakol, (Turkey). Keferee : Ashri, (Egypt), Umpire : Stefanovitch, (Yugoslavia). FRANCE: Haudegand,R.,Planque,B.,Monclar, R.,Chocat, R.,Perntceni, J.,Devoti,L., Guillin, R., Crost, R., Dessemme, J., Buffiere, A., Vacheresse, A., Beugnot, J-P. PHILIPPINES: Loyzaga, C., Santos, M., Bautista. F., Hechanova, R., Lim, E., Martinez, A., Saldana, P., Tantay, A., Cochongco, J., Genato, A., Tolentino, M., Campos, R. CUBA: Escoto Valdés, A., Lopez Garviso, F., Garcia Garcia, J., Pozas y Piad, F., Faget Otazo, A., Garcia Ordonez, C., Garcia Artime, C., Bea Blanes, C., Estrada Rivero, A., Quintero Padrôn, M., Ruiz Vinajeras, F., Wiltz Bucelo, R. CANADA: Pettinger, G., Pataky, W., Campbell, R., Ridd, C., Williams, R., Coulthard, W., Phibbs, R., Dalton, Ch., Pickell, B., Wearring, G., Simpson, R., Wade, H.

Brazil — Philippines 71—52

(32—25) U.S.S.R. — Mexico 71—62 Keferee: Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Siniakov, (U.S.S.R.). (38—29) BRAZIL: de Azevedo, Z., Gimenez, S., de Freitas, R., Facci, M., Carvalho dos Santos, R,, Bonfietti, A., Braz, J., Rodri- Keferee : Reverberi, (Italy), Umpire : Atakol, (Turkey). gues da Motta, A., de Almeida, A., da Fonseca Hermes, M., Monteiro, T., de Azevedo, J. U.S.S.R.: Vlasov, V., Butautas, S., Lysov, I., Petkjavitshus, K., Dzordzikija, N., Konev, A., Korkija, O., Kullam, PHILIPPINES: Loyzaga, C., Santos, M., Bautista, F., Hechanova, R., Lim, E., Martinez, A., Saldana,P., Tantay, A., Coc- I., Ozerov, J., Moisejev, A., Valjdmanis, M., Kruus, K. hongco, J., Genato, A., Tolentino, M., Campos, R. MEXICO: Holguin F. S., Cardiel G.J., Lopez E.E., Rubalcava P.R.,Meneses L. J., Guerrero D.H.Almanza G.R., Soto V. P., Bru V. J., Rojas" H. F., Rojas H. J., Manzo H. F.

Argentine — Canada 82—8i (42—48) Argentine — Brazil 72—56 Keferee : Chuard, (Switzerland), Umpire : Stefanovits, (Yugoslavia). (31—21) ARGENTINE: Del Vecchio, H., Contarbio, L., Perez Varela, R., Gazso, J., Lopez, A., Viau, R., Gonzales, R., Uder, J., Keferee: Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Gruia, (Rumania). Monza, O., Pagliari, R., Lledo, R., Furlong, O. ARGENTINE: Menini, R., Del Vecchio, H., Contarbio, L., Perez Varela, R., Gazso, J., Lopez, A., Viau, R., Gon­ CANADA: Pettinger, G., Pataky, W., Campbell, R., Ridd, C., Williams, R,, Coulthard, W., Phibbs, R., Dalton, Ch., Pickell, zales, R., Uder, J., .Monza, O., Lledo, R., Furlong, O. B., Wearring, G., Simpson, R,, Wade, H. BRAZIL: de Azevedo, Z., Gimenez, S., de Freitas, R., Facci, M., Carvalho dos Santos, R., Bonfietti, A., Braz, J., Rodrigues da Motta, A., da Almeida, A., da Fonseca Hermes, M., Monteiro, T., de Azevedo, J. July 27th

Bulgaria — Finland 65—64 U.S.A. — Uruguay 57—44 (32—27) (31 3°) Keferee: Lastra, (Argentine), Umpire: Wahby, (Egypt). Keferee : Siener, (France), Umpire : Chuard, (Switzerland). U.S.A.: Hoag, Ch., Hougland, W., Keller, J., Kelley, D., Kenney, R., Lienhard, W.. Glasgow, W., McCabe, F., BULGARIA: Géorgieff, K., Semoff, K., Doneff, Ch., Chichkoff, P., Panoff, G.. Toteff, K., Kouzoff, A., Christoff, G., Nicoloff, I., Penkoff, V., Géorgieff, J., Slavov, V. Pippin, D. Williams H., Bontemps, R., Kurland R. URUGUAY: AcostayLara,M., Balino.E., Cieslinskas, V., Costa, H., Demarco,N., Garcia Otero, H. Larre Borges T. FINLAND: Kyostila, J., Nuutinen, R., Lindholm,R., Suviranta,T., Heinanen, K., Laaksonen,P., Virtanen, O., Karhunen, E., Salonen, E., Muttu, P., Ristola, T., Pôyhônen, T. Lombardo, A., Lovera, R., Matto, S., Pelaez, W., Rossello, C.


Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library SEMI-FINALS

July 28th

Brazil — Chile 75—44 (36—25) Referee : Reverberi, (Italy), Umpire: Ashri, (Egypt). BRAZIL; de Azevedo, Z., Gimenez, S., deFreitas, R., Facci, M., Carvalho dos Santos R., Bonfietti, A., Braz J., Rod- rigues daMotta,A., de Almeida, A., da Fonseca Hermes, M., Monteiro,T., deAzevedo, J. CHILE: Gallo Chinchilla, J., Mahana Badrie, V., Cordero Fernandez, E., Bemedo Zorzano, R., Salvadores Salvi, A., Mahn Godoy, E., Ostoic Ostoic, J., Ramos Mufioz, H., Fernandez Diez, H., Silva Infante, O., Raffo Abarca,H., Araya Zabala, P.

Argentine — Bulgaria 100—56 (53—29) Referee : Vanderperren, (Belgium), Umpire : Porto, (Brazil). ARGENTINE: Menini,R., Del Vecchio, H., Contarbio, L., Gazso, J., Lopez, A., Viau, R., Gonzalez, R., Uder, J., Pag- liari,R., Lledo,R., Furlong,O., Poletti,I.| BULGARIA: Géorgieff, K., Neitcheff,N., Doneff, Ch,. Mantchenko, V., Panoff, G., Toteff, K., Kouzoff, A., Christoff,G. Nicoloff,I., Penkoff,V., Géorgieff,J., Slavov,V.

France — Uruguay 68—66 (38—30) Referee: Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Kostine, (U.S.S.R.). FRANCE: Haudegand, R., Monclar, R,, Chocat, R., Perniceni, J., Devoti, L. Guillin, R., Crost, R., Dessemme, J., Buffiere, A., Vacheresse, A., Chavet, A., Beugnot, J-P. URUGUAY: AcostayLara,M., Balino, E., Cieslinskas V., Costa, H., Demarco, N., Garcia Otero, H., Larre Borges, T., Lombardo, A., Lovera, R., Matto, S., Pelaez, W., Rossello, C.

U.S.A. —U.S.S.R. 86—58 (36—22) Referee: Siener, (France), Umpire: Wahby, (Egypt). U.S.A.: Hoag, Ch., Hougland, W., Kenney, R., Lienhard, W., Lovellette, C., Frieberger, M., Glasgow, W., McCabe, F., Williams, H., Bontemps, R., Kurland, R., Pippin, D. U.S,S.R.: Vlasov, V., Butautas S., Lysov, I., Petkjavitshus, K., Dzordzikija, N., Konev, A., Kullam, I., Ozerov, J. Moisejev, A., Kruus, K. A situation in the match between Uracil and Chile in the Messuhalli. Chile s Cordero Fernandez (6) attempts a throw hampered by da Fonseca Hermes (14).

July 29th

Uruguay — Bulgaria 62—54 U.S.S.R. — Brazil 54—49 (35—27) (21—25) Referee: Porto, (Brazil), Umpire: Follati, (Italy). Referee: Reverberi, (Italy), Umpire: Chuard, (Switzerland). URUGUAY: Cieslinskas, V., Balino, E., Costa, H., Demarco, N., Garcia Otero, H., Lovera, R., Lombardo, A., Larre Borges, U.S.S.R. Vlasov, V., Butautas, S. Lysov, I., Petkjavitshus, K., Dzordzikija, N., Konev, A., Korkija, O., Kullam,!., T., Matto, S. Ozerov, J., Moisejev, A., Kruus, K., Lagunavitshus, J. BULGARIA: Géorgieff, K., Slavov, V., Neitcheff, N., Doneff, Ch., Mantchenko, V., Panoff, G., Toteff, K., Kouzoff,A. BRAZIL: deAzevedo, Z., Gimenez, S., de Freitas, R., Facci, M., Carvalho dos Santos R., Bonfietti, A., Braz, J., Rodn- Christoff, G., Nikoloff, T., Penkoff, V., Géorgieff, J. gues da Motta, A., de Almeida, A., da Fonseca Hermes, M., Monteiro, T., de Azevedo, J.

U.S.A. — Chile 103—55 Argentine — France 61—52 (47—32) (3i—27) Referee: Ashri, (Egypt), Umpire: Posvar, (Czechoslovakia). Referee: Wahby, (Egypt), Umpire: Siniakov, (U.S.S.R.). U.S.A.: Hoag, Ch., Hougland, W., Kelley, D., Kenney, R., Lienhard, W., Lovellette, C, Frieberger, M., McCabe, F., ARGENTINE: Menini, R., Del Vecchio, H., Contarbio, L., Perez Varela, R., Gaszo, J., Lopez, A., Viau.R., Gonzalez, R-, Pippin, D., Williams, H.. Bontemps, R., Kurland, R. Uder, J., Monza, O., Pagliari, R., Furlong, O. CHILE: Gallo Chinchilla, J., Mahana Badrie, V., Cordero Fernandez, E., Bernedo Zorzano, R., Salvadores Salvi, A., FRANCE: Haudegand, R., Planque, B., Monclar, R., Perniceni, J., Guillin, R., Crost, R., Dessemme, J., Buffiere, A., Mahn Godoy, E,. Ostoic Ostoic, J., Ramos Mufioz, H., Fernandez Diez, H., Silva Infante, O.. Raffo Abarca, H., Araya Zabala, P. Vacheresse, A., Chavet, A., Salignon, J-P., Beugnot, J-P. 685 684

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library July 30th

France — Bulgaria 67—58 (39—23) ÏLefene: Kostine, (U.S.S.R.). Umpire: Porto, (Chile). FRANCE: Haudegand, R., Planque, B., Monclar, R., Chocat, R., Perniceni, J., Guillin, R., Crost, R., Dessemme, J., Buf- fiere. A., Vacheresse, A., Chavet, A., Beugnot, J-P. BULGARIA: Semoff, K., Doneff, Ch., Mantchenko, V., Chickoff, P., Panoff, G., Toteff, K., Kouzoff, A., Christoff, G., Nicoloff, I., Penkoff, V., Géorgieff, J., Slavov, V.

Uruguay — Argentine 66—65 (39—31) Keferee : Reverberi, (Italy), Umpire: Stefanovitch, (Yugoslavia). URUGUAY: Cieslinskas, V.,Balmo, E., Costa, H.,Demarco,N., Garcia Otero, H., Lovera, R.,Lombardo, A., LarreBorges, T., Matto, S., Acosta y Lara, M. ARGENTINE: Menini, E., Del Vecchio, H., Contarbio, L., Perez Varela, R., Gazso, J., Lopez, A., Viau, R., Gonzalez, R,, Uder, J., Monza, O., Pagliari, R,, Furlong, O.

U.S.A. — Brazil 57—53 (24—26)

Keferee : Wahby, (Egypt), Umpire : Posvar, (Czechoslovakia). U.S.A.: Hoag, Ch., Hougland, W., Keller, J., Kelley, D., Lienhard, W., Lovellette, C., Frieberger, M., Glasgow, W., McCabe, F., Pippin, D., Williams, H., Bontemps, R. BRAZIL: de Azevedo, Z., Gimenez, S., de Freitas, R., Facci, M., Carvalho dos Santos, R., Bonfietti, A., Braz, J., da Fon- seca Hermes, M., de Almeida, A., Rodigues da Motta, A., Monteiro, T., de Azevedo, J.

U.S.S.R. ~ Chile 78—60 (41—29)

Keferee : Chuard, (Switzerland), Umpire : Follati, (Italy). Above The U.S.A. v. U.S.S.K. in Intermezzo in the match between Uruguay and Argentine on U.S.S.R.: Vlasov, V., Butautas,S., Lysov,I., Petkjavitshus, K., Dzordzikija,N., Konev, A.,Korkija,0.,Kullam,I., Oze- the Messuhalli. 0%erov has the hall. July z)th. Heated tempers compelled the police to intervene. rov, J., Moisejev, A., Kruus, K., Lagunavitshus, J. CHILE: Gallo Chinchilla, J., Mahana Badrie, V., Figueroa Reyes, E., Cordero Fernandez, E., Bernedo Zorzano, R., Sai- vadores Salvi, A., Mahn Godoy, E., Ostoic Ostoic, J., Fernandez Diez, H., Silva Infante, O., Raffo Abarca, H., Araya Zabala, P.


July 31st

Chile — Bulgaria 60—53 (37—29) Keferee: Reverberi, (ItalyUmpire: Wahby, (Egypt). CHILE: Gallo Chinchilla, J., Mahana Badrie, V., Cordero Fernandez, E., Bernedo Zorzano, R., Salvadores Salvi, A., Mahn Godoy, E., Ostoic Ostoic, J., Ramos Munoz, H., Fernandez Diez, H., Figueroa Reyes, E., Raffo Abarca, H., Araya Zabala, P. BULGARIA: Géorgieff, K., Semoff, K., Doneff, Ch., Chickoff, P., Panoff, P., Toteff, K., Kouzoff, A., Christoff, G., Nicoloff, I., Penkoff, V., Géorgieff, J., Slavov, V.

Brazil — France 59—44 (31—26)

Keferee: Lastra, (Argentine), Umpire: Bilek, (Turkey). BRAZIL: de Azevedo, Z., Gimenez, S., de Freitas, R., Facci, M., Carvalho dos Santos, R., Bonfietti, A., Braz, J., Rodri- gues da Motta, A., de Almeida, A., da Fonseca Hermes, M., Monteiro, T., de Azevedo, J., FRANCE: Haudegand, R., Planque, B., Monclar, R., Perniceni, J., Devoti, L., Guillin, R., Crost, R., Dessemme, J., Buf- fiere. A., Vacheresse, A., Salignon, J-P., Beugnot, J-P.

686 687

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library U.S.S.R. — Uruguay 61—57

(31—28) Keferee: Vanderperren, (Belgium), Umpire: Chuard, (Switzerland). U.S.S.R.: Vlasov, V., Butautas, S., Lysov, I., Petkjavitshus, K., Dzordzikija, N., Konev, A., Korkija, O., Kuliam, I., Ozerov, J., Moisejevf A., Kmus, K., Lagunavitshus, J. URUGUAY: Acosta y Lara, M., Balino, E., Cieslinskas, V., Costa, H., Demarco, N., Garcia Otero, H., Lovera, R., Lombardo, A., Larre Borges, T., Matto, S.

U.S.A. — Argentine 85—76 (43—39) Referee: Ashri, (Egypt), Umpire: Siener, (France). U.S.A.: Hoag, Ch., Hougland, W., Kelley, D., Kenney, R., Lovellette, C., Frieberger, M., Glasgow, W., McCabe, F., Pippin, D., Williams, H., Bontemps, R., Kurland, R. ARGENTINE: Menini, R., Del Vecchio, H., Contarbio, L., Perez Varela R., Gazso, J., Lopez, A., Viau, R., Gon­ zalez R., Uder, J., Monza, O., Pagliari, R., Furlong. O.

August 1st

Bulgaria — France 58—44 (22—22) Referee: Farrell, (U.S.A.), Umpire: Lastra, (Argentine). BULGARIA: Géorgieff, K., Neitcheff, N., Doneff, Ch., Mantchenko,V., Chickoff, P., Panoff, G., Kouzoff, A., Christoff, G., Nicoloff, I., Penkoff, V., Slavov, V., Toteff, K. FRANCE: Planque, B., Monclar, R., Chocat, R., Perniceni, J., Devoti, L., Guillin, R., Crost, R., Dessemme, J., Buffiere, A., Vacheresse, A., Chavet, A., Beugnot, J-P. The U.S.A.'s Gold Medal team. Average height oj the players: 2 metres. Below The U.S.S.R.'s basketball team.

Uruguay — Argentine 68—59 (31—24) Referee: Follati, (Italy), Umpire: Wahby, (Egypt). URUGUAY: Acosta y Lara, M., Balino, E., Cieslinskas, V., Demarco, N., Garcia Otero, H., Lovera, R,, Lombardo, A., Larre Borges, T., Matto, S. ARGENTINE: Menini, R., Del Vecchio, H., Contarbio, L., Perez Varela, R,, Gazso, J., Viau, R., Gonzalez, R., Uder, J., Monza, O., Pagliari, R., Lledo, R., Furlong, O.

August 2nd

Chile — Brazil 58—49 (32—24) Rejeree: Chuard, (Switzerland), Umpire: Atakol, (Turkey). CHILE: Gallo Chinchilla, J., Mahana Badrie, V., Figueroa Reyes, E., Cordero Fernandez, E., Bernedo Zorzano, R., Salva- dores Salvi, A., Mahn Godoy, E., Ramos Mufioz, H., Fernandez Diez, H., Silva Infante, O., Raffo Abarca, H., Araya Zabala, P. BRAZIL: de Azevedo, Z., Gimenez, S., de Freitas, S., Facci, M., Carvalho dos Santos, R., Bonfietti, A., Braz^ J., Rodri- gues da Motta, A., de Almeida, A., da Fonseca Hermes, M.,Monteiro, T., de Azevedo, J.

U.S.A.— U.S.S.R. 36—25 (17-15) Referee: Vanderperren, (Belgium), Umpire: Wahby, (Egypt). U.S.A.: Hoag, Ch., Hougland., W., Kelley, D., Kenney, R., Lovellette, C, Frieberger, M., Glasgow, W., McCabe, F., Pippin, D., Williams, H., Bontemps, R., Kurland, R. U.S.S.R.: Vlasov, V., Butautas, S., Lysov, I., Petkjavitshus, K., Dzordzikija, N., Konev, A., Korkija, O., Kuliam, I., Ozerov, J., Moisejev, A., Kruus, K., Lagunavitshus, J.


Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library the ceremonial Opening of the Games, the semi-finals on July 20th, the match for third place on July 22nd and the final on July 24th. India, Great Britain, Holland and Pakistan were, as expected, the semi-finalists. Belgium gave Britain a hard contest, however, and did the same to Holland. The score in both matches was 1—o. In the semi-finals India beat Great Britain in convincing fashion, but Pakistan was caught napping by Holland, who went on to the final. India gave a brilliant display of hockey in the final and won overwhelmingly 6—1. This was India's fifth successive Gold Medal in the Olympic hockey event. The extent of her superiority is clearly evident in the score for three matches; 13—2. Great Britain took third place, beating Pakistan by a goal. The Velodrome grass field in remained in excellent condition throughout, in spite of the rain. The balls used in the matches were, as directed by the International Federa­ tion, ordered from Pakistan: eighteen dozen. The Jury de Terrain of eight members set up by the International Federation appointed and supervised the umpires. The Jury organised two conferences for umpires and team leaders.

Great Britain's net in peril as India attacks.

India and Holland compete for the Gold Medal. Kmwar Singh (12) attacking, hard pressed by Dutch players.


In 1950 the I.O.C. approved the inclusion of hockey in the programme for the Helsinki Games on condition that in addition to the host country's team not more than twelve teams WmÊmÊÊÊM participated. Sixteen prospective entries were submitted, and from these the Federation Internationale de Hockey, at its meeting in Paris on March 9th 1952, drew up the following ranking list: 1. India 2. Pakistan 3. Holland 4. Great Britain 5. Belgium 6. 7. France 8. 9. Switzerland 10. Argentine 11. 12. U.S.A. 13. Finland. Next in reserve were: I.Germany 2.Italy 3.Poland. As Spain, Denmark, Argentine and the U.S.A. subsequently scratched all the others were admitted, and the final number of teams was twelve. Matches were played on the grass field in the Velodrome under a simple elimination system. The preliminary rounds were played off on July 15 th, 16th, 17th and 18th before 691 690

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library HOCKEY July 15th — July 18th and July 20 th, 22nd and 24th





GROUND COMMITTEE India s hockey team rejoices after dejeating Holland in the final. R. FRANK Belgium BASIR ALT SHAIKH Pakistan K. H. INGLEDEW Great 'Britain H. E. A. MOLHUYSEN Holland SYSTEM OF THE FIELD HOCKEY TOURNAMENT M. G. COWLISHAW Great Britain H. HOLST Denmark First round Second round Semi-finals Final E. OSTERMAN Finland India 4 Austria 2 India Austria 0 Switzerland 1 India 6 Great Britain Belgium 6 Great Britain .1 Belgium 0 Previous Olympic Winners Finland 0 INDIA Holland 1908 Great Britain 1932 India Germany Holland 7 Germany G 1920 Great Britain 1936 India Poland 2 Holland 1928 India 1948 India Pakistan 6 France Pakistan 5 France G 0 There were 191 entries from 12 nations and 144 participants from 12 nations Italy

Match for 3rd Place: Great Britain — Pakistan 2—1



692 693

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library July 17th h 19.30

Great Britain — Belgium 1—o MATCHES (Half-time score o—o)

GREAT-BRITAIN: Day, D., Midgley, R.,Carnill, D.,Cockett, J.,Eagan, D., Robinson, A.,Nunn, A.,Fletcher, R.,Norris,R., FIRST ROUND Nugent, N., Conroy, J. BELGIUM: van Leer, J., Dubois, J., Enderle, J., Vanderstappen, J., Goossens, R., van Weydeveld, L., Bousmanne, P.> July 15th h 18.00 Toussaint, P., Délavai, J., Mechelynck, H., Morlet, R. Referees : Isselmann B. H. F. (Holland), Ayub, S. M. (Pakistan). Austria — Switzerland 2—1 (Half time score 1—o) AUSTRIA: Kaitna, W., Holzapfel, K., Knoll, A., Matz, J., Schala, E., Schimmer, J., Dvorak, K., Koller, J., Pecanka, J., Strachota, F., Pecanka, R. July 18th h 18.00 SWITZERLAND: Stiihlinger, F., Kurmann, F., Goldschmid, K., Recordon, G., Roche, J-P., Keller, R., Mùller, K., Holland — Germany 1—o Zanetti, R., Gruner, H., Vonlanthen, H., Bolomey, J-P. (Half-time score 1—o) Referees: Cowlishaw, M. G. (Great Britain), Zovato, Mario (Italy). HOLLAND: Mulder, L., Derckx, H., Driiver, T., Ancion, T., Loggere, H., Tiel, E., van Heel, W., Boerstra, A., Kruize, J. Esser, R., Wery, L.

July 15th h 19.30 GERMANY: Schmidt,K., Dollheiser,H-J.,Ullerich, G.,Brennecke, G.,Hidding,F-W.,Peters,C-L.,Dollheiser,H., Suhren, W., Budinger, H., Grube, W., Rosenbaum, W. Belgium — Finland 6—o (Half-time score 1—o) Referees : Newham, C. E. (Nigeria), van der Heyden, A. (Belgium). BELGIUM: van Leer, J., Dubois, J., Enderle, J., Vanderstappen, J., Goossens, R., van Weydeveld, L., Bousmanne, P., Toussaint, P., Délavai, J., Mechelynck, H, Morlet, R., FINLAND: Holopainen, V-L., Heikkilâ, E., Timoska, T., EIo, P., Lindroos, R., Einiô, K., Salminen, E., Kuusela, K., SiJ- July 18th h 19.30 vetmoinen, E., Lamppu, R., Salminen, T. Pakistan — France 6—o Referees : Newham, C. E. (Nigeria), Ali, Zafar (Pakistan). (Half-time score 1—0)

PAKISTAN: Qazi, A. W.,Niazkhan,M., Khan, A. A.,Britto, J., Atif, M. H.,Kiddie, H.A.,Hasan, M.,Hamid, A.,Mir, A. L., July 16th h 18.00 Mallick, A., Rehman, L.

Germany — Poland 7—2 FRANCE: Zizine, J., Meyer, A., Boone, B., Dubessay, J-Fr., Reynaud, Ph., Manoukian, D., Hauet, J., Lacroix, M., Capelle, (Half-time score 1—2) R., Thieffry, J., Hauet, C. GERMANY: Lûcker, A., Dollheiser, H-J., Ullerich, G., Brennecke, G., Schiitz, H., Peters, C-L., Thielemann, H., Suhren, Referees: Allen, A. L. (Great Britain), Klee, W. (Austria). W., Budinger, H., Stoltenberg, R., Rosenbaum, W., POLAND: Wojdylak, Z., Pawlicki, B., Malkowiak, J., Adamski, A., Marzec, R., Maciaszcyk, N., Czajka, E., Malkoviak, M., Flinik, J., Flinik, H., Flinik, A. Referees : Allen, A. L. (Great Britain), Ingledew K. H. (Great Britain). SEMI-FINALS

July 16th h 19.30 July 20th h 18.00. France — Italy 5—0 (Half-time score 4—o) India — Great Britain 3—1 (Half-time score 3—1) FRANCE: Zizine, J., Meyer, A., Boone, B., Dubessay, J-Fr., Reynaud, Ph., Lucas, R., Hauet, J., Martel. F., Lacroix, M., Capelle, R., Hauet, C. INDIA: Francis, R., Singh, D.,Gentle,R.,Claudius,L. Datt, K.,Perumal,G.,Lall,R.,Singh, K.,Dosanjh,B., Singh, G. N., ITALY: Cosentino, E., Micco, U., Lanfranchi, L., Morra, S., Puccioni, G., Ravalli, G., Pampuro, P., Baglia-Bambergi, P., Rajagopal, M. Formenti, S., Banci, A., Marchiori, M. GREAT BRITAIN: Day, D., Midgley, R., Carnill,D., Cockett,J., Eagan, D., Robinson, A., Nunn, A.,Fletcher, R., Norris, R., Referees : van der Heyden, A. (Belgium), Kwist, J. J. (Holland). Nugent, N., Conroy, J.

Referees: van der Heyden, A. (Belgium), Kwist, J. J. (Holland).

SECOND ROUND July 20th h 19.30. July 17th h 18.00 Holland — Pakistan 1—o India — Austria 4—o (Half-time score 1—o) (Half-time score 1—o) HOLLAND: Mulder, L., Derckx, H., Drijver, J., Ancion, J., Loggere, H., Tiel, E., van Heel, W., Boerstra, A., Kruize, J., INDIA: Deshmuthu, C., Singh, D., Gentle, R.,Perumal, G.,Datt, K., Daluz, M.,Lall, R., Singh, K., Dosanjh, B., Singh, U. Esser, R., Wery, L. Rajagopal, M. PAKISTAN J., AUSTRIA: Kaitna, W., Holzapfel, K., Knoll, A., Matz, J., Schala, E., Schimmer, J., Dvorak, K., Koller, J., Pecanka, J., : Qazi, A. W., Niazkhan, M., Khan, A. A., Britto, Atif, M. H., Kiddie, H. A., Hasan, M., Hamid, A., Mir, Strachota, F., Pecanka, R., A. L., Mallick, A., Rehman, L. Referees : Kwist, J. J. (Holland), Zelinsky, S. (Poland). Referees : Allen, A. L. (Great Britain), Newham, C. E. (Nigeria).

694 695

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library DEMONSTRATIONS

Article 45 of the I.O.C.'s regulations lays down that an Organising Committee can add to the programme demonstrations of two sports, of which one shall be a national sport, the other a sport not practised in the organising country. The national sport chosen was Finnish Baseball, the foreign sport Field . To enrich the programme on these occasions, staged in the Olympic Stadium, the Organi­ sing Committee accepted offers by Finnish gymnastic organisations to provide fillers on both days.

Field Handball

The exhibition match played by teams from Denmark and on the evening of July 50th drew an attendance of 13 175. The match began at 7.45 p.m. Rain made field and ball slippery, so that play did not reach the highest standard. For all that, the match kept the public absorbed. Sweden won 19—11, after leading 8—5 at half-time. Siegfried Perrey of Germany refereed, the goal umpires were Martti Pohjola and Lars Sumelius, and the linesmen Jaakko Tuominen and Unto Repo. The names of the players (goalkeeper to left wing) were:

Sweden Denmark Rune Nilsson Skjold Bjorn Rolf Zachariassen Gustav Wolder Poul Winge Great Britain v. Pakistan on July 22nd. Sven Schônberger Ake Norén Jôrgen Larsen Hans Olsson Erik Christensen MATCH FOR 3rd PLACE Lars Olsson Viggo Larsen Olle Juthage Jôrgen Tillegren July 22nd h 19.00. Sten Âkerstedt Mogens Nielsen Great Britain — Pakistan 2—-i Stig Nilsson Sven Aage Madsen (Half-time score 2—1) Evert Sjunnesson Poul Rask GREAT BRITAIN : Dadds, G. Midgley, R., Carnill, D., Cockett, J., Eagan, D., Robinson, A., Nunn, A., Fletcher, Rune Lindqvist Erik Eigaard R., Norris, R., Conroy, J., Taylor, J. PAKISTAN : Qazi, A.W., Niazkhan, M., Khan, A. A., Britto, J., Atif, M. H., Kiddie, H. A., Hasan, M., Hamid, A., Mallick, A., Rehman, H., Rehman, L. A programme printed for the match gave a brief account of the geographical incidence Referees: van der Heyden, A. (Belgium), Klee, W. (Austria). of the sport together with the essence of the rules. The players who gave the demonstration received the XV Commemorative Medal. FINAL July 24th h 17.00. Finnish Baseball India — Holland 6—1 (Half-time score 4—o) The opposing teams in the exhibition match at 6 p.m. on July 31st represented the Finnish INDIA: Francis, R., Singh, D., Gentle, R., Claudius, L., Dan, K., Perumal, G., Lall, R., Singh, K., Dosanjh, B., Singh, U., Rajagopal, M. Baseball League and the Workers' Athletic Federation. The match drew a crowd of 19 309. HOLLAND: Mulder, L., Derckx, H., Drijver, J., Ancion,!j., Loggere, H., Tiel, E., van Heel,W., Esser, R. Kruize, The first ball was fed by the creator of the game Professor Lauri Pihkala. The Baseball J., Boerstra, A., Wery, L. Referees: Allen, A. L. (Great Britain), Ingledew, K. H. (Great Britain). League team won by 8 runs to 4.

696 697

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library A running commentary of the match was given in Swedish, French and English. Owing to its character of an exhibition, play did not develop the same speed as in hotly contested League matches, but the purpose of the demonstration was to bring technical and tactical aspects of the game to the notice of an outside public, and these were displayed in a variety of situations. The referee was Esko Nenonen, the feed umpire Erkki Salin, the 2nd base judge Leo Kadenius, the 3rd base judge Vâinô Apponen, the boundary umpire Reino Pesonen and the score-keeper Jorma Tenho.

The tea"m s; Finnish Baseball League Workers' Athletic Federation Eino Kaakkolahti Feeder Aimo Paavola Leo Hannula 1st base Osmo Juntto Viljo Niemi In-fielder Onni Sallinen Oili Hanski 2nd base Jorma Harlin Antti Elomaa »Wicket-keeper» Reino Hakkarainen Pertti Ahonen 3rd base Veikko Auersalmi Eero Vuorio Extra 2nd base Pauli Kilpiâ Toivo Ilola Extra 3rd base Paavo Reiju Taisto Lehto Out-fielder Lasse Heikkilâ

The above terms will, it is hoped, give an approximate idea of functions and fielding positions. Participating in the match as substitutes were, further, Viljo Kokkonen, Pertti Jaakkola and Eero Vilevaara (FBL), Pauli Lahtinen, Pauli Vainio and Oiva Huuskonen (WAF). Owing to time requirements the match lasted an hour only. For greater visibility against the green field the ball used was, exceptionally, white. Normally, Finnish baseball is played on a sandy pitch.

Gymnastic Displays by Men and Women The I O C President, J. Sigfrid EdstrSm, speaking at the Closing Ceremony. On the lejt is Enk von Fremkeli, Chairman oj the Organising Committee; on the right Eero Rydman, Mayor oj Helsinki. On the occasion of the field handball match on July 30th the following Finnish male teams gave displays of mass gymnastics in the Stadium:

Finlands Svenska Gymnastikfôrbund 100 gymnasts, leader (Finland's Swedish Gymnastic League) Lars Andersson THE CLOSING CEREMONY Tyôvàen Urheiluliitto 200 gymnasts, leader (Workers' Athletic Federation) Esko Numminen Suomen Voimisteluliitto 200 gymnasts, leader The ceremonies attending the closing of the Games are, under the Olympic rules, appreci­ (Finnish Gymnastic League) Vàinô Lahtinen ably shorter and in character more modest than those at the Opening. The flags of the On the occasion of the baseball match on July 31st displays were given by the following nations marched into the Stadium through the Gate at 17 hrs, Greece in the van. women's teams: As the Chinese People's Republic was now represented, there were 70 flags. Each flag was Svenska Kvinnogymnastikfôrbund and Tyôvâen Urheiluliitto jointly 200 gymnasts, leaders followed by a flag guard (1 athlete). Guarding the flags of the U.S.S.R., Belgium and Uru­ (Finland's Swedish Women's Gymnastic League and Workers' Athletic Brita Jansson and Taimi guay was a woman. The teams from some countries having already left Finland, their flags Federation) Hirvonen Helsingin Yliopiston Voimistelulaitos (Helsinki University Gymnastic Institute) 75 gymnasts, leader were carried and guarded by Finnish cadets. Hilma Jalkanen After the column of flags had formed up in a semi-circle facing the box of honour, the Suomen Naisten Liikuntakasvatusliitto (Finnish Women's Physical Culture 400 gymnasts, leaders I. O. C. President, Mr. J. S. Edstrôm, the Chairman of the Organising Committee, Mr. Erik League) Elna Kopponen and Une Melkko von Frenckell, and the Mayor of Helsinki, Mr. Eero Rydman, walked out to the rostrum.

698 699

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library the these Games will be known as »the well organised Games». This is the tenth Olympiad in which I have taken part, and I am glad to be able to give this recogni­ tion. I wish also to express my heartfelt thanks to the people of Finland. From all over the country visitors have come to this city, and those who could not come have intently followed the Games in detail with the aid of radio and the newspapers. The great interest shown by the public and the good spirit of sportsmanship all have shown have been a help to us. The efforts of youth to achieve new world records and new Olympic records have been spurred on by your enthusiasm, and your acknowledgement has been granted to all nations, regardless of their political beliefs or their race. Heartfelt thanks. There is one thing I must tell you before I finish. The joy I felt at meeting my old friend Paasikivi, President of the Republic of Finland, was great. We were born almost on the same day in the year 1870. We have agreed that our age will not prevent us from continuing our work in the service of the forces of good. May I use this occasion when my voice carries to the whole world to express the thanks of the International Olympic Committee for all the support we have received from all quarters of the globe. Some pessimists with contrary views have expressed the opinion that the create friction among the youth of the world. I hope some of these opponents have been here and observed the good feelings and happiness that have prevailed among the participants. Athletes from 71 nations of different political creeds and race have met here in brotherly love. The Olympic Games have once more proved to be an instrument of peace and happines in the world. May they continue to be so for ever. And now, dear friends, I thank you and wish you goodbye.» Naval cadets carry the Olympic Flag out of the Stadium. The Mayor of Helsinki received the original Olympic Flag for safe-keeping until the next Games, the band played the Olympic Fanfare, the Olympic Flame died down, a salute of five guns thundered out. The mighty strains of the Olympic Hymn rang out full-toned At 19.12 hrs the Greek flag rose to the top of the right-hand pole over the scoreboard to from the choir and band. The Olympic Flag was lowered during the hymn. As it was the strains of the Greek National Anthem. It was followed by the Finnish flag on the central carried away by six naval cadets it was joined by the flags of the nations in a procession that pole and the Australian on the one on the left. marched along the track and via the north bend out of the gate. As the column of flags The I. O. C. President then declared in French the Games closed in the following words: marched away, the band played Jean Sibelius's »Song of the Athenians» in the new march »In the name of the International Olympic Committee, after offering the tribute of our arrangement made by the master-composer specially for this occasion. profound gratitude to the President of the Republic of Finland and the Finnish people, the The Finnish National Anthem brought the ceremony to a close. With even greater fervour authorities of the City of FEelsinki and the organisers of the Games, we proclaim the closure than at the Opening Ceremony the public joined in on every side of the Stadium. The of the XV Olympic Games and, according to tradition, invite the youth of all nations to moment was affecting; tears glistened in many eyes. A beautiful festival of the nations, assemble four years hence at , to celebrate there with us the Games of the XVI Games characterised by new achievements and good will, had receded into the past. Olympiad. May they stream there in joy and harmony, and may in like fashion the On the electrical scoreboard burned the words »Citius, Altius, Fortius». Olympic Flame pursue its course through the ages for the good of a humanity ever more ardent, more courageous and more pure.» in English:

»The Olympic Games of 1952 are now finished. We convey our warmest thanks to the City of Helsinki, to the Finnish Olympic Committee and to the committee that has orga­ nised the Games. From all quarters we have received reports assuring us that the Games have been extremely well organised and that the participants are satisfied. In the history of 701 700

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library jSTâMcm-MJSMi.

iilii '

I1 i J1 i




Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library LEONARD, Patrick. 385 Clontarf Road, Dollymount, Dublin. Portugal 34 Ladies' Singles Oil painting 1952. BOTELHO, Carlos. Atelier Buzano, Parede. 5 5 The Stadium of Lisbon Oil painting O'BRIEN, Florence V. Carhu na Cloiche, Crusheen, Co. Clare. PARTICIPANTS IN THE ART EXHIBITION 56 Snow on the Star 35 Chase Linocut 1952. Mountains Oil painting 1938. 57 Quays of Belém Oil painting 1952. AND THEIR WORKS O'NUALLAIN, Michael. 4 Avoca Terrace, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. LAPA, Manuel. Rua dos Jerônimos 8, Lisbon. 36 Soccer Poster 1952. I. ARCHITECTURE Sweden 58—jç, Magazine Diana, Cover Gouache LINDQVIST, Ake. Kungsholmsgatan 20, . LOPES, . Covilha. Brazil 17 Bath and Sports building in Stockholm 1948. 60 Evening on the Estrella Aquarelle 1952' DE CASTRO MELLO, Icaro. R. Bento Freitas 306, S. Paulo. BJARNTHORSSON, Asgeir. Reykjavik. RODRIGUES, Manuel. Rua Francisco Metrass 12, Lisbon. 1 Indoor pool in S. Paolo 1952 Germany 37 Autumnal Lava Water colours 2 The Sports Club of S. Paolo 1952. 3 8 At the Salmon River Oil painting 1952. 61 Portugal and the Olympic Games Gouache 1952. 3 Sports institute 1951. ALLINGER, Gustav. Pacelli Allée 39, Berlin-Dahlen. RODRIGUES, Sebastio. Bairro de Belém, Rua 15, Lisbon. 18 Sports park 1939. Great Britain 62 Poster Gouache 1952. Spain HEYER, Friedrich & DERREHT, Otto. Frankfurt a. M. AGUIRRE OSACAR, D. Luis. Burgos. ARDIZZONE, Edward, c/o The British Council, Fine Arts COSTA, Nuno. Avenida S. Pedro, Monte Estoril. 19 Sports field in Frankfort 1950—52. Dep., 80 New Oxford Street, London. W. C. 1. 4 The Sports center of Burgos 1952. 63 Poster Gouache KONWIARZ, Richard. Marstallstr. 17. Hannover. 39 Cyclists Lithograph 1951. 20 Stadium in Lower Saxony 1951. GROSS, , c/o The British Council, Fine Arts Dep., Poland MARCH, Werner. Minden Westfalen, Gut Rodenbeck. 80 New Oxford Street, London, W.C. 1. RAHILLY, Walter A. 10 Clare Road, Upper Drumcondra, CHROBAK, Tadeusz. Rue Lazarza Roczna 6 m 6, Crakow. 21 Plans of Sports Institute. 40 Heme Bay Pier Coloured lithograph 1946. Dublin. 64 Poster Gouache 5 Sandymount Stadium 1951. MEDLEY, Robert, c/o The British Council, Fine Arts Dep., Finland JURKIEWICZ, Andrzej. Rue Sobieskiego 16 a. Crakow. CONNELL, James J. 47 lona Road, Glasnevin, Dublin. 80 New Oxford Street, London, W.C. 1. AALTO, Alvar. Riihitie 20, Munkkiniemi. 65 Jump Etching 6 Sports Club 1950. 41 Cyclists Oil painting 1950. 22 Stadium and Sportshalls. LADA, Krystyna & STUDNICKI, Juliusz. Sopot, Wyzsza O'REILLY, Brendan. Sandyford, Co. Dublin. ROBERTS, William, c/o The British Council, Fine Arts Dep., LINDEGREN, Yrjô. Meilahti 27. B. Helsinki Szkola Sztuk Plastycznych. 7 Center for an Olympic Art Exhibition 1952. 80 New Oxford Street, London, W.C. 1. 23 Tampere Stadium 1950. 66 Regatta Oil painting 42 Jockeys Oil painting Great Britain TERÀSVIRTA, Einari. Pohjolankatu 2. B. Helsinki. LAKOMSKI, Tadeusz. Rue Botaniczna 6 m 5, Crakow. TURNER, Bruce S. c/o The British Council, Fine Arts Dep., 24 Swimming-baths, Ilosaari. ROBSON, Brian Douglas. 134 Upton Road, Bexley Heath, 80 New Oxford Street, London, W.C. 1. 67 Shot Putter Oil painting 1952. Kent. 43 White and Black Boxers Drawing LAPINSKI, Jôsef. Sopot, Pulaskiego 18/20. 8 Stadium Plan 1951. II. PAINTING & GRAPHIC ARTS WEIGHT, Carel. c/o The British Council, Fine Arts Dep., 68 Peace Race Charcoal drawing 1952. Italy 80 New Oxford Street, London, W.C. 1. SIDOROWSKI, Ryszard. Warsaw Mickiewicza. 25 m 51. 44 Soccer Players Oil painting 1950. 69 Poster Gouache 1952. CENTRO STUDIIMPIANTI SPORTIVI C. O. N. I., . ERFMANN, Ferdinand, v.d. Veldestraat 5. . 9 Olympic Stadium 1951. 25 Handball Players Oil painting 1940. TREPKOWSKI, Tadeusz. Rue Filtrowa 86 m 33. Warsaw. Italy KRAMER, Gijs. Thomsonplein 2. Haag. 70 Poster Gouache Yugoslavia AVANZINI, Mario. Rome. 26 Cycling Competition Oil painting 1951 WASILEWSKA-BUDZYNSKA, Krystyna. Pruszkow, JANCOVIC, Mihajlo & POPOVIC, Kosta. Ruziceva 2, 45 Sketch for a Sport Stamp 1951. Belgrade. VAN HEEL, Jan. Bient 282. Haag. Lipowa 2 a m 12. CARUSO, Fausto Maria. 4 Via del Yelabro, Rome. 10 »Partizan» Stadium 1948—51. 27 Training on Saturday Afternoon 71 Peace Race Etching 1952. 4 Oil painting 1951—1952 46 Stamp Sketch for an International Postage Exhibition TURINA, Vladimir. Faculté Technique de Zagreb, Kacicva WOJCIK, Stanislaw. Sopot, Rue Obroncôw Westerplatte 24. I951' 26/IV. Haiti 72 Fencers Oil painting 1952. FIORE, Luigi. Rome. 11 Flexible Swimming Pool 1949. COMITE OLYMPIQUE HAÏTIEN. Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. 47 Sketch for a Sport Stamp 1951. 28 Series Coubertin Printed Work Rumania Canada ANGHELUTA, Octavian. Elev Stefânescu 10, Bucharest. JOHN B. PARKIN ASSOCIATES. 717 Church Street, Iran Austria 73 Sport and Friendship Oil painting 1952. Toronto, Ontario. KAUFMANN, Wilhelm. Strobachg. 2. V. BEHZAD, Hossain. Ave. Ci-Metri, Cheharrah Pirouz, Manzel 12 Gymnasium-Community Center 1952. 48 Skier Indian ink 1952. HAJOS, Emeric. Arad. Behzad. 2 49 Ice Hockey Indian ink i95 * 74 Fencer Oil painting 1952. TEDMAN, Blake H. M. 1073 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. 29 Fight between Rostam (Iranian Hero) and Devil 50 Soccer Scene Indian ink 1952. Water colours 1 13 Badminton Club 1952. 51 Soccer Oil painting I95 ' COVA, losif. 30 Archer Water colours 75 We shall defend the Peace Gouache Greece LANGER, Karl. Schlôsslgasse 11, Vienna 8. KARIMI, Karimi. c/o Tarbiat Badani, Teheran Iran. 52 Polo Oil painting 1952- NAZARIE, Pavlin. Michai Voda 29, Bucharest. ASLANIDES, Constantin. 7 Rue Rhodu, . 31 Polo Game Water colours 14 Sports center of the University in Athens 1949. WANKE, Johannes & MELCHER, Maximilian. Graferg. 76 First in Sport, first in Gouache 1/29, Vienna 17 & Embelg. 39/8, Vienna 5. Studies MYLANOS, Paul M. 4 Rue Tzortzi, Place Canning, Athens. Ireland 53 Departure to the Olympics Gouache 1952. RADU, Rhea Silva. Henri Barbusse 18, Sibiu. 15 Plan of Stadium 1951. HANLON, Jack. Delgany, Co. Wicklow. 77 Aeromodellists Oil painting 1952. 32 Rugby Match Oil painting 1950. Portugal Canada STIUBEI, Dumitru. HAMILTON, Letitia M. Rhea. Woodville House, Lucan, LOUREIRO, José & SOARES, Antonio. Porto. Co. Dublin. BEAMENT, Harold. 15 51 Bishop Street, , P.Q. 78 Olympic Dinghy Competi­ tion Gouache 16 The Sports pavilion 1952. 33 Punchestown Races Oil painting 54 Something in Sight Oil painting 1949-

704 45

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Erik S. Enroth : On the Shore.

St antslaw Wojcik : The Fencers.

Germany Finland ENROTH, Erik Sigfrid. Hâmeenpuisto 35, Tampere. BODE, Arnold. Kassel, Eugen Richterstr. }. Lacquer 1951. 88 At the Seaside Oil painting 79 Divers 89 Field and Track Athletics Oil painting COLLANDE, C. V. M. Rothenburg o/T. 90 Ice Hockey Player Oil painting 80 Aquatic Sports Festival Oil painting PIETILÀ, Tuulikki. Vartiovuorenk. 10. B. . 91 Etching FRANK, Eduard. Saarstr. 40, Birkenfeld. 92 Basketball Players Etching 81 Sport Field Water colours 1949- 93 Toreador Linocut

HALT, Rudiger. Franz Josef Strasse 39, Miinchen. SYSIMETSA, Ilmari. Kaisaniemenk. 1. C. 89, Helsinki. 82 Poster Printed work 94 XV Olympia Helsinki 1952 Competition Poster 83 Poster Printed work 1951—52. 84 Pamphlet Printed work 1951—52. PAASIO, J. K. V. . 95 Address Leather and paper SCHARFF, Edwin. Lerchenfeld 2. Hamburg. 85 Rider Indian ink 1951. SCULPTURE SCHMINCKE, Hans. Hochstrasse 19, Frankfurt a. M. 86 Soccer Players Charcoal drawing I952* 23, rue du Cobeau, Seraing-Liège. SCHWALBACH, Carl. Oceanstr. ii/n, Miinchen. LALLEMAND, Odon. 96 Javelin Thrower Terracotta 1951. Nunc Costa: Poster 87 Riders in the Morning Oil painting 707

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Mm.-

Wainb Aaltonen : Tying of Friendship. Gudmundur dinarsson : The Eternal Olympic Flame.


Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Indonesia SCHULMAN, Maximilian. Rue 7, Conta 16, Bucharest, EGAN, Cornelia. Mayville, Waterford, Ireland. Ireland BOYDELL, Brian. 85 Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin. GEDE, Idegede Petut. Denpasar, Indonesia. 117 Relay Plaster 137 Short Poems 157 In Memoriam Mahatma Gandhi. i948- (Q 97 Sword Dance Wood HENRY, Paul. Carrigoona Cottage Kilmacanogue, County Germany Wicklow. FLEISCHMANN, Aloys. Glen House, Ballyvolane, Cork. Iran FLEER, Fritz. Hamburg 33, Kindtweg 2. 138 An Irish Portrait 158 Tri Amhrain Le Ceol-Fhuireann (Three Songs for High Voice and Orchestra). 1942* (A) SADIGHI, Abolhassan. Koy Yousefabad, Ave. Ebnsina, 118 Young Athlete Bronze 1951. LYNCH, Stanislaus. 9 St Helen's Road, Booterstown, County Teheran. Dublin. Marbhna Eoghain Ruaidh Ui Néill GABEL, Horst. Hanau/Main, Rothenaustr. 32. (Lament for Owen Roe O'Neill) 98 Statue of Ferdosi Plaster 1952 139 A Hunting Man's Rambles 119 Gift of Honour to the Biôgadh (Away!) Olympiad in Helsinki 1951- 140 Hounds are Running An Piobaire (The Piper) Ireland 141 Hoof-Prints on Parchment LORCHER, Alfred. , Heubergstr. 25, Wurttemberg. O'GALLCHOBHAIR, Eamonn. 92 Pembroke Road, Balls- NI SHUILLEABHAIN, Siobhân. Imaeli Atha, Baile an BROE, Desmond. 94, Harold's Cross Road, Dublin. 120 Swimming Team Bronze 1950. bridge, Dublin. Fhirtearaig. County Kerry. 99 Spirit of the Gael Plaster 1952. 159 Peter Street. Dance Drama Based on a Book by Sean OBERMAIER, Ottmar. Munchen 10, zum Kiinstlerhof 15. 142 Aris. Radio Drama BROE, Irene. 94, Harold's Cross Road, Dublin. 121 Concentration Bronze 1952. Delamere. 1949. (C) 100 The Winner Plaster 1951. Great Britain ROEDER, Emy. Bainz, Raimundistr. 2. Canada O'MURCHADHA, Donal. 5, Herbert Place, Dublin. ROBERTS, Walter. 25 Danvers Street, London, S. W. 3. 122 Under the Shower Bronze 1945/48. ADASKIN, Murray. 27 Winchester Street, Toronto 5. 101 The Athlete Ceramic 1950. 143 Ode of Welcome to Helsinki SCHARFF, Edwin. Hamburg 24, Lerchenfeld 2. 160 Ballet Symphony. 1951- (C) 123 Young Men with Horses Bronze 1949. March Iceland Italy SCHREIBE, Richard. Berlin-Wilm., Deidesheimerstr. 23. Allegro EINARSSON, Gudmundur. Listvinahus, Reykjavik. FERRETTI, Lando. Via Monti Parioli 14- Rome. Pas de deux 102 The Eternal 124 Runner Bronze 1951. 144 Olympiad Fugue Olympic Flame Plaster 1951. SCHWARZBECK, Fritz. Darmstadt, Im Emser 33. Adagio Finale Italy 125 Two Women Faience 1951. Austria BROTT, Alexander. 5459 Earnschiffe Ave., Montreal. MAGHERINI, Salvatore. Florence. ZEITNER, Herbert. Liineburg-Hafen »Merkur». JIRGAL, Emst. Tivolig. 73. Wienna XII. 161 Violin Concerto. 1951. (B) 103 Collection of sports badges 1951 126 Run Walnutwood and silver 1952. 145 Sports Cantata Allegro giusto MANETTI, David. Florence. SCHWARZ, Karl Herman. 5 Pramergasse, Vienna IX. Hungary Andante 104 Collection of plaquettes and 146 Putting the Shot Allegro vivo medals 1951 , Karoly. Budapest VIII, Szâzados-uti Mûvésztelep. STOIBER, Hans Helmut. Richter in Raab. 162 Delightful Delusions. Overture. 1951. (C) MOSCHI, Mario. Florence. 127 Ice Hockey Player Plaster 1952. 147 Winged Year COULTHARD, Jean. 5126 Wiltshire Street, Vancouver, B. C. 105 Collection of sports medals 1951. FEKËTE, Géza. Budapest V, Szent Istvân krt. 5. 163 Four Poems of Douglas Le Pan. Soprano and Piano or 128 Boxer Plaster 1952. Poland Orchestra (Score by W. M. Miles). 1951. (A) No Music is Abroad Austria GUORI, Derzo. Budapest VIII., Krudy u. 4. KIERST, Jerzy. Shiadeckich 18 m 34, Warsaw—ul. October BRAUNSTEINER, Joseph. Vienna VII., Burggasse 51. 129 Rythmic Gymnastics Plaster 1952. 148 Heracles, the Constant Winner Canterbury 106 Prize plaquette Plaster 1952. PROMINSKI, Marian. Krupnicza 22, Crakow—ul. Night Wind DROBIL, Michael. Vienna XIX., Philippovichgasse 16. Finland 149 Sports Tales DOLIN, Samuel J. 378 Markham St. Apt. 4a, Toronto. 107 The Athlete Bronze 1952. AALTONEN, Wâinô. Kulosaari. RYMKIEWICZ, Aleksander. Karlowicza 1/7 m 131, Warsaw. 164 Serenade for Strings in Memory of Albert Whitehead. 1 GRIENAUBR, Edwin. Vienna VI., Stumpergasse 28. 130 Tying of Friendship Plaster 1952. 150 Winners without Armies I95 - (C) Allegro marcato 108 Collection of medals Bronze 1949—50. FILEN, Emil. Kauppalantie 8. Haaga. Andante non troppo Germany K0TTENSTORFER, Hans. Vienna III., Am Neumarkt 1. 131 Suggestion for Olympic Rondo (Presto) Medal Plaster 1951. DIEM, Carl. Aachenerstrasse 567, Cologne-Braunsfeld. 109 »XV Olympiade Helsinki 1952» Medal Bronze 1952 PEACOCK, Kenneth. 540 Brierwood Ave., Ottawa. THIEDE, Oskar. Vienna, Mauer Gebirgsgasse 7. HAAPASALO, Johannes. Steniuksentie 2. Helsinki. 151 The Meaning of Games 165 Songs of the Cedar. Voice, Flute, Cello, Bass and Piano. 132 The Boxers Bronze 1931. LAAR, Clemens. Frankenallé 14. Berlin-Charlottenburg 9. no Free Style Wrestlers Plaster 1952. (Words: Constance Lindsay Skinner.) 1950. (A) in Soccer Players Bronze 1951. KONTTINEN, Heikki. Kuusitie 3. B. 26., Helsinki. 152 The Strange Riding Book The Whip 133 The Runner Hannes The Basket Portugal Kolehmainen Plaster 1951—52. U.S.A. PRICE, Percival. Burton Tower, Ann Arbor, Mich., U.S.A. Da SILVA, Joâo. Rua Tenente Raul Cascais n, Lisbon. RÂSÀNEN, Kauko. Apollok. 13. E. 18., Helsinki. HYDE, Walter Woodburn. 3950 Pine Str. Philadelphia 4. Pa. 166 Variations for Carillon on a Theme for Bells by Sibelius. 112 The Acrobat Bronze 1928. 134 XV Olympia Helsinki 1952 153 History of Olympic Games, Ancient and Modern 1952. (B) Commemorative Medal Bronze Note by the composer: The theme »Kallionkirkon FERNANDES, Luis. Rua Sampaio Bruno 23, Lisbon. Finland kellosâvelmâ», was composed by Jean Sibelius, op. 113 A Greeting From the Last Relay Bronze 1952. 65 b, as a chime for the bells of Kallio Church, a LITERATURE PALMROTH, R. W. Vironkatu 4. B. Helsinki. MAYA, Delfim. Rua da Arrabida 7, Lisbon. modern edifice in a new suburb of Helsinki. The Brazil 154 Olympic March variations were composed to be played on the Peace 114 International Horse Race 155 The Spirit of Hellas Tower carillon in the Houses of Parliament of Canada, ISGOROGOTA, Judas. Rua Conceicao, n. 88—Sao Paulo, in Lisbon in 1945 Bronze 1952 and on other carillons of appropriate range in North Brazil. VARTIA, Arvo. Ruusulankatu 14. B. Helsinki. America. Kwnania 135 Lyric Message from Brazil 156 Esthetic Movement VALLERAND, Jean. 1195 Beatty Ave., Verdun, P. Q. LUCACI, Constantin. Rue V, Conta 16, Bucharest. 167 Sonata for Violin and Piano. 1950. (B) Ireland MUSIC 115 The Swimmer Plaster Allegro assai ma non troppo CLARKE, Desmond. 8 Greenfield Road, Mount Merrion, A. Vocal Compositions Adagio cantabile MATHE, losif. Oradea, str. Torek Iganccz N:o 15. Blackrock County, Dublin. B. Instrumental Solo Compositions and Chamber Music Allegro con spirito 116 A Woman Athlete Plaster 1952. 136 Thomas Prior C. Orchestral Compositions and Musical Dramas. 11 710 7

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Luxemburg KLEIN, George. 5—7, rue Plevna, Bucharest. INDEX OF COMPETITORS HEMMER, René. Rue Marie-Adelhaide 54, Luxemburg. 174 Cântec sportiv pentru pace (Chant sportif pour la paix). Solo, choeur et piano. (Paroles; Mihu Dragomir.) 168 Olympia, prélude pour orchestre. 1951. (C) The vowels à, â and S (0), which have no equivalent in the English alphabet, appear in the 1952. (A) index in their Finnish ordes after x,y, POPOVICI, Vasile. 12 rue Urasnus, Bucharest. 175 Spre Târmul însorit (Du Large). Solo, chœur et orchestre. (Paroles: loan Boldici.) 1952. (A) Alkan, Yiiksel Turkey 1931. Basketball GJERLOW, Jens Ahlholm. Lier. A Afsharpour, Ebrahim Iran 1930. 1 — light- 63 /2 kilos Allam, Ahmed Isa Egypt 19 31. Gymnastics 169 Die Auferstehung. Soprano, Bass, Mixed Choir and Germany Aalto, Einar Ferdinand Finland 1926. Aghassi, Emanoul Iran 1930. Boxing — Allard, Jacques Henry Jules Marie France Orchestra. Swimming — 400 m free style 57 kilos 1925. Yachting — 5.5 m class EGK, Werner. Lochham bei Mûnchen, Lindenstrasse 1. (Words: F. G. Klopstock.) 1942. (A) Aaltonen, Paavo Johannes Finland 1919. Agnew, David Garrick 1930. Allart, Robert Philippe Marie Belgium 176 Allegria. Suite pour orchestre. 1952. (C) Gymnastics Swimming — 400 m free style — 1 500 1913. Weightlifting — heavy light­ Poland Lento—Allegro Aasnaes, Hans Norway 1902. Shooting — m free style — 4 X 200 m relay weight 90 kilos Allegro clay pigeon Agostini, Dante Italy 1923. Canoeing — Allday, Peter Charles Great Britain 1927. BAIRD, Tadeusz. Warsaw. Lipska 11 m 4. Lento Abbas, Mohamed Fakhry Rifaat Egypt 10 000 m K-2 Athletics — hammer 170 Sonatina N:o 2. 1952. (B) Allegro 1932. Swimming — high diving Agoston, Imre Hungary 1922. Shooting — Allen, Lawrence Great Britain 1921. Ath­ Abbas, Omar SahtyEgypt 1927. Swimming small-bore rifle letics — 10 000 m walk Vivo e giocoso Finland — water polo Aguiar Garcia, Angel Cafe 1926. Gymnas­ Allgayer, Lilo Germany 1915. Fencing — Molto andante Abbas, Youssef Mohamed Egypt 1920. tics foil, women Allegro con fuoco KLAMI, Uuno. Apollonkatu 13, Helsinki. Basketball Ahlstrôm, Bengt Anders Finland 1924. Almada E., Antonio AfoaVs 1931. Modern 177 Pyôrâilijât (Cyclists). Rondo for Orchestra. 1947. (C) MYCIELSKI, Zygmunt. Warsaw, Krak. Pszedm. 16/18 Abbdelrahman, Fathi Ali Egypt 1929. Box­ Rowing — pairs without cox pentathlon Z.K.P. KROHN, Ilmari. Temppelinkatu 15. A. Helsinki. ing — welterweight 67 kilos Ahmed Aly, Mohamed Adel Egypt 1920. Almanza G., Ruben Mexico 1929. Basket­ Abdallah, Ben Zasmin France 1929. Ath­ Shooting — free pistol ball 178 A am un hiihtâjâlle (To the Skier of the Morning). Voice 171 Uwertura Slaska (Ouverture silésienne). 1948. (C) letics — 10 000 m Ahmed Khan, Mohammed India 1926. Almiron, Oscar Argentine 1927. Rowing and Piano. (Words: Kurki-Suonio.) 1927. (A) PANUFNIK, Andrzej. Warsaw, Odolanska 20 m 5. Abdelfatah, Abdelgani Hassan Egypt Football — pairs without cox MARVIA, Einari. Helsinki, Tammisalo. 1920. Athletics — marathon Ajado, Edward Alabi Nigeria 1929. Ath­ Almkvist, Erland H. L. Siveden 1912. 172 Uwertura Bohaterska (Ouverture héroïque). 1952 (C) 179 Miehen mitta (Measure of Man). Voice and Piano. Abdel-Hafiz, Osman E^gypt 1917. Fencing letics — 100 m — 200 m Yachting — Dragon class 1944. (A) — foil, team — epee, team Akbas, Fahrettin Turkey 1927. Greco- Almond, Harry Great Britain 1928. Rowing Abdelkerim, Mohamed Ali Egypt 1927. Roman wrestling — 52 kilos — fours without cox Rumania PYLKKÀNEN, Tauno. Runeberginkatu 60 B. Helsinki. Weightlifting — light - Akbulut, Raif Turkey 1929. Free style Alszer, Henryk Poland 1918. Football 1 CONSTANTINESCU, Paul. 24 Rue Balcescu, Bucharest 180 Marathon. Overture. 1947. (C) 82 /2 kilos wrestling — 67 kilos Altan, Kamil Turkey 1924. Football Abdelkrim, Ben Ahmed France 1932. Ath­ Akgiln, Avni Turkey 1926. Athletics — Altiok, Akin Turkey 1932. Athletics — hop, 173 Juventus. Ouverture pour orchestre symphonique SAIKKOLA, Lauri. Tunturikatu 3. A. Helsinki. letics — 5 000 m long jump step and jump 1952. (C) 181 1500m. Parody for Orchestra. 1947. (C) Abdel-Rahman, Mohamed Fathal-lah Akin, Erdogan Turkey 1929. Football Alves, Francisco .Portoga/ 1923. Swimming Egypt 1916. Fencing — epee, individual Alava, Emilio Spain 1889. Shooting — — water polo and team — sabre, individual and team silhouette Alves Borges, Aloysio Brazil 1917. Mo­ Abdrabbou, Ibrahim Egypt 1925. Boxing Albera, Aldo1923. Canoeing — 10 000 dem pentathlon — 54 kilos m K-i Alves Calado, Henrique Portugal 1920. Abel, Roger Monaco 1900. Shooting — Albert, Use Austria 1929. Swimming — Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations small-bore rifle 200 m breast stroke, women Alves Calazans, Zozimo Brazil 1932. Foot­ Abcllan, Jose Luis Spain 1933. Swimming Alberts, Jacques AntonHolland 1926. Foot­ ball — water polo ball Alves Carvalhosa, José Portugal 1911. Albertsson, Bertil Ebbe Gustav Sweden Abo-oof, Youssef Kamal Mohamed Egypt Equestrian—Grand Prix des Nations 1921. Athletics — 5 000 m — 10 000 m 1924. Basketball Alves Machado, Adesio Brazil 1933. Foot­ Albino Acuna, Luis A. Uruguay 1929. Abouelkheir, Galal Eldin Abdel Meguid ball Boxing — lightweight 60 kilos Egypt 1927. Swimming — water polo Aly, Mahmoud I lassan / v/;/ 1919. Greco- Albjerg, Knud Thormod Denmark 1929. Abou-Shadi, Ahmed Farid Egypt 1909. Roman wrestling — bantamweight 57 Canoeing — 1 000 m K-i Fencing — sabre, individual and team kilos Abrudan, Elisabeta Rumania 1926. Gym­ Albornoz Herrera, Justo Pastor Chile 1926. Amatayakul, Pongamat 1934. nastics, women Football Athletics — 400 m — 4 X 100 m relay Abu El Kheir, Fouad Abdel Meguid Albrecht, Pierre Switzerland 1931. Basket­ Amaya, Angel Venezuela 1934. Boxing — Egypt 1921. Basketball ball bantamweight 54 kilos Acarbay, Dogan Turkey 1927. Athletics — Albury, Kenneth Harrison Earl Bahamas Ambrus, Francise Rumania 1930. Boxing 400 m — 400 m hurdles 1920. Yachting — single-handed class — light-welterweight 63 -Vg kilos Acosta, Mariano Argentine 1930. Athletics Alderson, Joan U.S.A. 1935. Swimming Ameln, Karl Robert 1919- Yachting — 100 m — 4X 100 m relay — 100 m free style — 4X100 m relay, — 6 m class Acosta y Lara, Martin Uruguay 1925. Bas­ women ketball Aleksandrov, Konstantin U.S.S.R. 1920. Amez-Droz, Jules Switzerland 1921. Fen­ Acquaah, George Wilson Gold Coast 1925. Yachting — 5-5 m class cing — sabre, individual and team Athletics — 100 m — 4x100m relay Aleksejev, Lev U.S.S.R. 1926. Yachting Amiel, Eliahu Israel 1925. Basketball Acthon, Otto Monsted Denmark 1917. — 5-5 rn class Amiragov, Slava U.S.S.R. 1926. Rowing Equestrian — three-day event Alexandrova, Anna U.S.S.R. 1929. Ath­ — eights Adamik, Zoltân Hungary 1928. Athletics letics — 80 m hurdles, women Amundsen, Mauritz Norway 1904. Shoot­ ing — free rifle — small-bore rifle — 400 m — 4X400 m relay Alfonsetti, Giovan-Battista Italy 1929. Anastasescu, Mircea Rumania 1931. Canoe­ Adams, Robert Canada 1924. Athletics — Boxing — light-heavyweight 81 kilos ing — 1 000 m K-i decathlon Alho, GUi Valmari Finland 1919. Athle­ Adamski, Poland 1932. Hockey tics — no m hurdles Ancion, Julius Theodoor Holland 1924. Adamski, Tadeusz Poland 1922. Hockey Ali, Ahmed Kama! 1925. Swimming Hockey Adamsson, Gôsta Napoleon Sweden 1924. — springboard diving — high diving Anderberg, Olle Henrik Martin Sweden Rowing — eights Ali, Hamza Abdel M. Egypt 1923. Foot­ 1919. Free style wrestling — lightweight Aderhold, Hans Germany 1919. Swimming ball 67 kilos — springboard diving Ali, Mohammad Pakistan 1933. Boxing Andersen, Gretha Denmark 1927. Swim­ Adkins, Charles U.S.A. 1932. Boxing — — lightweight 60 kilos ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free light-welterweight 63112 kilos Alizaky, Attia Ali Egtpt 1930. Gymnastics style — 4 X 100 m relay, women 712

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Andersen, Hans Christian Denmark 1914. v.d. Anker-Doedens, Alida Geertruida Arvanitis, Youlielmos Greece 1920. Football B Balogh, Zoltan Rawa«/<2 1930. Gymnastics Bartha, Lâszlôné Hungary 1926. Athletics Équestrian—three-day event Holland 1922. Canoeing — 500 m K-i, Ascott, Shirley Ann Great Britain 1930. Balthazar, Lajos Hungary 1921. Fencing — 100 m Andersen, Ha.ns'E.Denmark Cycling women Canoeing — 500 m K-i, women Baarendse, Auguste Belgium 1931. Greco- — epee, team Barthel, Joseph Luxemburg 1927. Athletics — road race Annexy Fajardo, Jaime Puerto Rico 1927. Ascune, Hercules Uruguay 1928. Athletics Roman wrestling — heavyweight over Banci, Amedeo Italy 1925. Hockey — 1 500 m Andersen, Knud Erik Denmark 1922. Cyc­ Athletics — hammer — high jump 87 kilos — Free style wrestling — heavy­ Banerjee, Harihar India 1918. Shooting — Basak, Birendra Nath India 1912. Swim­ ling — 4 000 m team pursuit Anguetil, Jacques France 1934. Cycling Ashbaugh, Walter S. U.S.A. 1929. Athle­ weight over 87 kilos free rifle — small-bore rifle ming — water polo Andersen, Leif Norway 1936. Rowing — — road race tics — hop, step and jump Baatz, Sture Bengt Lorentz Sweden 1929. Banhalmi, Ferenc 1923. Athletics Basanung, Sambiao Philippines 1922. Swim­ fours •with cox Antal, Robert Hungary 1921. Swimming Ashby, Kerry Ayling New Zealand 1928. Rowing — eights — 400 m — 4X400 m relay ming — 1 500 m free style Andersen, Poul Denmark 1928. Football — water polo Rowing — fours with cox — fours Babarenko, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1931. Cycling Bânhegyi, Lâszlô Hungary 1931. Basket­ Basel, Edgar Germany 1930. Boxing — Andersen-Hveger, Ragnhild Denmark Antes, Hilda Saar 1929. Athletics — 80 without cox — road race ball flyweight 51 kilos 1920. Swimming — 100 m free style — m hurdles — 4x100 m relay, women Ashenfelter, Horace U.S.A. 1923. Athletics Baboie, Ion Rumania 1914. Athletics — Banisz, Hubert Poland 1925. Football Bashaskin, Anatolij U.S.S.R. 1924. Foot­ 400 m free style — 4 X 100 m relay, women Anthony, Berland India 1923. Football — 3 000 m steeplechase 50 000 m road walk Banks, Bruce Bernard Great Britain 1918. ball Anderson, Anita Sweden 1935. Swimming Anthony, Joseph India 1925. Football Ashenfelter, William U.S.A. 1926. Athle­ Bach, Karl Saar 1920. Fencing — sabre, Yachting — Star class Bashir, Mohammad Pakistan 1935. Swim­ — 4X100 m relay, women Anthoon, Joseph Belgium 1930. Swimming tics — 3 000 m steeplechase individual and team — foil, individual Bannister, Alan Great Britain xyzz. Cycling ming — 200 m breast stroke Anderson, David Rollo Australia 1932. — 4 X 200 m relay Asikainen, Veikko Uljas Finland 1918. and team — 2 000 m tandem Basic, Karlo Yugoslavia 1911. Yachting — Rowing — eights — pairs without cox Atithoon, ÎAatcei Belgium 1933. Swimming Football Bacik, Ladislav Cyjchoslovakia 1933. Swim­ Bannister, Roger GiXhett Great Britain 1929. Star class Anderson, John J. U.S.A. 1924. Canoeing — 4 X 200 m relay Askersrud Tangen, Jorun Norway 1929. ming — 100 m back stroke Athletics — 1 500 m Bastan, Hanafy Egjyp/1923. Football — 10 000 m K-2 Antkiewicz, Aleksy Poland 1923. Boxing Athletics — 100 m — 80 m hurdles, Back, Rolf Erik Wilhelm Finland 1928. Bantz, Helmut Germany 1921. Gymnastics Bastoni, Raffaele Italy 1925. Canoeing — Anderson, Miller A. U.S.A. 1922. Swim­ — lightweight 60 kilos women Athletics — 400 m — 4X400 m relay Ba Nyein, Nil Burma 1923. Boxing — fea­ 10 000 m K-2 Backes, "Eetnand Luxemburg 1932. Boxing therweight 57 kilos Basurto P., Leonardo Mexico 1928. Free ming — springboard diving Antohi, Gheorghe 1922. Equestrian Aslam, Havildar Mohammad Pakistan — light-welterweight 63 kilos Barabani, Bruno Brazil 1932. Weight- style wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Anderson, Timothy D. Great Britain 1925. — Grand Prix des Nations 1921. Athletics — marathon Backlund, Bengt O. Sweden 1926. Canoeing lifting — heavy lightweight 90 kilos Battaglia, Roberto Italy 1912. Fencing — Athletics — pole vault Antonsson, Hans Bertil Augustin Sweden Aslam, Jemadar Mohammad Pakistan — 10 000 m C-i Baran, Israel Finland 1927. Athletics — Anderson Schweyer, Samuel Cuba 1929. 19 21. Free style wrestling — heavyweight 1922. Athletics —- 100 m — 200 m —- epee, team Backman, Paul Albert Finland 1920. Cyc­ 100 m — 4 X 100 m relay Athletics — no m hurdles — 4X100 m over 87 kilos 4X 100 m relay Batun (Kleinstub), Aryeh Israel 1933. ling — road race Barbeiro, Eduardo Portugal 1932. Swim­ relay Anufrijev, Aleksandr U.S.S.R. 1926. Ath­ Assam R., Eduardo Mexico 1919. Free Athletics — high jump Backus, Robert Hudson U.S.A. 1926. ming — 100 m back stroke — 200 m breast Andersson, Birger Fredrik Wilhelm Fin­ letics — 5 000 m — 10 000 m style wrestling — 79 kilos Bauer, Emmerich Austria 1927. Weight- stroke — water polo land 1925. Rowing — eights Anwar, Mohamed Sameeh Egypt 1924. Asselin, Roland George Arthur Canada Athletics — hammer lifting — middleweight 75 kilos A ndersson, Erik Costa Sweden 1917. Greco- Rowing — pairs with cox Badin, Raymond France 1928. Gymnastics Barberis, Verdi Australia 1928. Weight- Bauma, Herma Austria 1915. Athletics —• 1917. Fencing — foil, individual — epee, 1 Badr, Mohamed Abdel Aziz Egypt 1929. lifting — lightweight 67 /2 kilos Roman wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Aoki, Masayo japan 1935. Swimming — individual — sabre, individual javelin, women Free style wrestling — lightweight 67 Barbieri, Blago Yugoslavia 1928. Swimming Andersson, Karl Ingemar Sweden 1928. 200 m breast stroke, women Asuncion, Alfredo Philippines 1929. Boxing Bauman, Karlo Yugoslavia 1914. Yachting kilos — 200 m breast stroke Canoeing — 1 000 m C-i Aoki, Yukiyoshi ]apan 1934. Swimming — flyweight 51 kilos — single-handed class Baetens, Robert Frederik Louis Belgium Barbosa Tozzi, Humberto Brazil 1934- Andersson, Lage Viktor Sigurd Sweden — 1 500 m free style Atan, Adil Turkey 1929. Free style wrestling Baumann, Henri Switzerland 1927. Basket­ 1930. Rowing — pairs without cox Football 1920. Weightlifting — heavyweight over Apostoloff, Boris Georguieff Bulgaria 1925. — light-heavyweight 87 kilos ball Baghbanbachi, Ali Iran 1924 Athletics — Bardgett, Walter Edward Bermuda 1932. 90 kilos Football Atan.IrfanTHr/èe)' 1928. Free style wrestling Baumgartner, Johannes Switzerland 1927. 3 000 m steeplechase — 5 000 m Swimming —• 100 m free style — 400 m Andersson, Lennart JOWOT 1925. Rowing Apro, Jozsef Hungary 1920. Athletics — — heavyweight over 87 kilos Athletics — 800 m Baglia-Bambergi, PieroItaly 1928. Hockey free style — 1 500 m free style — eights 3 000 m steeplechase Atanassoff, Nicola Kalinkoff Bulgaria 1924. Baumruk, Jiri Czechoslovakia 1930. Basket­ Bagretsov, Vasilij U.S.S.R. 1930. Rowing Barenghi, Alberto Angel Argentine 1930. Andersson, Olof Arvid Sweden 1919. Aranguren, Luis Venezuela 1930. Boxing Gymnastics ball — pairs without cox Boxing — flyweight 51 kilos Weightlifting — lightweight 67 ^ kilos — featherweight 57 kilos Athanasov, Mikulâs Chechoslovakia 1930. Baumruk, Miroslav Czechoslovakia 1926. Bagrjantseva, Elizabeta U.S.S.R. 1921. Barfod, Hakon Norway 1926. Yachting — Andersson, Robert James Gilbert Great Araujo Leite, Antonio Portugal 1924. Gym­ Greco-Roman wrestling — lightweight Basketball Athletics — discus, women Dragon class Britain 1922. Fencing — sabre, individual nastics 67 kilos Bausenwein, Ingeborg Germany 1920. and team Araya Zabala, Pedro Chile 1925. Basket­ Bahgat, Mohamed Medhat Egypt 1926. Barillas, Julio Guatemala 1932. Athletics Athanasse, Aravossitas Greece 1903. Shoot­ Athletics — javelin, women Andersson, Rune Ivar Charles Sweden ball Basketball — 100 m — 200 m — long jump ing — small-bore rifle Bautista, Jr., Florentino Philippines 1930. 1930. Rowing — eights Arber, Fredy Switzerland 1928. Cycling — Baiasu, Teofila Rumania 1927. Gymnastics, Barkay, Erdal Turkey 1928. Athletics — Atif, M.H. Pakistan 1928. Hockey Basketball Andersson, Stig Sweden 1924. Cycling — 1 000 m time trial — 2 000 m tandem women no m hurdles Atli, Ismet Turkey 1931. Greco-Roman Bayot, Robert Jean Hubert Belgium 1915. 4 000 m team pursuit Arcangeli, Telemaco Italy 1923. Ath­ Baillie, William David Canada 1928. Barlow, Jocelyn Arthur Great Britain 1901. wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 kilos Fencing — sabre, team Andersson, Ake Ernst Sweden 1925. Ath­ letics — 10 000 m walk Weightlifting — heavyweight over 90 Shooting — free rifle Attorese, Pietro Italy 1930. Rowing —• Bazan,Joséi^ai» 1933. Swimming — water letics — 3 000 m Arell, Antti Finland 1927. Rowing — eights kilos Barman, Bijoy Kumar India 1928. Swim­ eights polo Anderton, John Howden AV//;//1 î/r/Vï/1929. Arena, Ermenegildo Italy 1921. Swimming Baise, Louis Joseph South Africa 1927. ming — 100 m back stroke — water polo Attrill, Peter Australia 1929. Yachting —• Barnard, Arthur U.S.A. 1929. Athletics Bea Blanes, Carlos Cuba 1934. Basketball Athletics — 400 m — 4x400 m relay -— water polo Free style wrestling — flyweight 5 2 kilos Beara, Vladimir Yugoslavia 1928. Football Andias Fortes, Felisberto Gonçalves Por­ Arene, Josette France 1924. Swimming — single-handed class Bakasun, Veljko Yugoslavia 1920. Swim­ — no m hurdles Aubrey, Rex Australia 1935. Swimming Barnes,BnanGreatBritain 1934. Swimming Beatley, William Maurice Great Britain tugal 1927. Rowing — eights 100 m free style — 400 m free style — ming — water polo 1923. Fencing — sabre, individual and — 100 m free style — 4x200 m relay Bakatin, Aleksandr U.S.S.R. 1922. Swim­ — 200 m breast stroke Andrade Barreto, Augusto Portugal 1923. 4X100 m relay, women team Aucamp, William Andrew South Africa ming — high diving Barnes, John Baird U.S.A. 1929. Athletics Fencing — sabre, team Argiroff, Petar Atanassoff Bulgaria 1923. Beamont, LucieneCanada 19 31. Swimming Andrade e Silva, Alvaro Portugal 1920. Football 1932. Swimming — water polo Baker, Walter Thane U.S.A. 1931. Athle­ — 800 m Audizio, Giorgio Italy 1911. Yachting —- —• 100 m free style— 100 m back stroke Fencing — sabre, individual and team Armitage, Heather Joy Great Britain 1933. tics — 200 m Barnett, Joseph MelvilleGreat Britain 1920. — 4 X 200 m relay 5,5 m class Bakos, Jeno Hungary 1929. Athletics — Weightlifting — heavy lightweight 90 Andreanu, Petre Rra/ûK/a 1917. Equestrian Athletics — 100 m —4 X 100 m relay, wo­ Bebis, Athanase Greece 1928. Football Augustsson, Anna-Lisa Sweden 1924. Ath­ 800 m kilos — three-day event men Becerril S., Mario Mexico Equestrian —- Armitage, Norman U.S.A. 1907. Fencing letics — 100 m — 4X100 m relay, women Bakos, Pâl Hungary 1932. Rowing — eights Barnwell, Angela Maty Great Britain 1936. Andrejev, Boris U.S.S.R. 1906. Shooting three-day event Aureglia, Michel Monaco 1912. Yachting Balafas, Theodose Greece 1923. Athletics Swimming — 100 m free style — 4X 100 — small-bore rifle — sabre, team Beck, Waldemar Germany 1921. Rowing — Star class — pole vault m relay, women Andrejev, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1930. Equestrian Arnaiz, Claude France 1931. Boxing —- — double sculls Autio, Aino Eliisa 1932. Athletics Balandin, Lev U.S.S.R. 1934- Swimming Barone Twining, Marion U.S.A. 1924. — three-day event light-heavyweight 81 kilos Becker, Walter Germany 1932. Cycling —• — 4 X 100 m relay — 80 m hurdles, women — 100 m free style — 4 X 200 m relay Gymnastics, women Andrieux, Henry France 1931. Cycling — Arnal Myerston, Rafael Venezuela 1915. road race Avilés Morales, Hernan Chile 1929. Swim­ Balcells, Ramon Spain 1919. Yachting — Barosch, Gertrude Austria 1929. Gymnas­ 1 000 m time trial — 4 000 m team pursuit Shooting — small-bore rifle Beckles, Enrique Jaime Argentine 1927. ming — 100 m free style Star class —• single-handed class tics, women Andrushenko, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1931. Arndt, Maria Poland 1929. Athletics — 200 Athletics — 200 m — 4 x 100 m relay Avilov, Petr. U.S.S.R. 1910. Shooting Baldan, Albino Italy 1925. Rowing — Barreau, Jack France 1923. Football Athletics — long jump m — 4 X 100 m relay, women Beckner, John U.S.A. 1930. Gymnastics small-bore rifle eights Barreto Avellaneda, Herman Venezuela Adueza Troll, Carlos Chile 1932. Rowing Arneberg, Tor Birger Norway 1928. Yacht­ Bedô, Carol Rumania 1930. Gymnastics Axelrod, Albert U.S.A. 1921. Fencing — Balino, Enrique Uruguay 1928. Basketball 1926. Shooting — silhouette -— single sculls ing — 6 m class Beggs, James JudsonU.S.A. 1924. Rowing foil, individual and team Balint, Eugen Rumania 1927. Gymnastics Barrington-Ward, John Craig Grea/ Britain Anen, Paul Luxemburg 1918. Fencing — Arogundade, Muslim Aremu Nigeria — pairs with cox Aytar, Ahmet Turkey 1922. Athletics - Balister, Gustave Louis Belgium 1928. 1928. Yachting — Dragon class epee, team 1927. Athletics — zoom — 4X100 m relay Bego, Zdenko Yugoslavia 1935. Rowing — marathon Fencing — foil, individual and team — Barsan, Helga Rumania 1928. Gymnastics, Angiolin, Tarquinio Italy 1928. Rowing Arripe, Jorge Argentine 1936. Rowing — eights Aziz, Abdul Pakistan 1924. Athletics • sabre, individual and team women — fours with cox fours with cox Beijar, Erik Edwin Finland 1921. Foot­ 100 m — 200 m — 4X 100 m relay Bally, Etienne Marcel France 1923. Athle­ Barth, Paul Switzerland 1921. Fencing — Anglberger, Gottfried Austria 1930. Greco- Arruella Maio, Joâo Brazil 1929. Rowing — ball Roman wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos pairs with cox Azizuddin, Syed Khaja India 1929. Foot­ tics — 100 m — 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay epee, individual and team Beije, Jacob Leendert Holland 1927. Row­ Anguélova, Stojanka Dobréva Bulgaria Arvanitis, Stylianos Greece 1927. Basket­ ball Balogh, Ambrus Hungary 1915. Shooting Bart, Robert France 1930. Athletics — ing — fours with cox 1928. Gymnastics, women ball Azzini, Giovanni Italy 1929. Football — free pistol — free rifle 4 x 400 m relay — 400 m hurdles

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Bocian, Elzbieta Poland 1931. Athletics Bordello, Michelangelo Italy 1909. Shoot­ Breder, Saar 1925. Athletics — long BelaciC, Branko Yugoslavia 1929. Rowing Bergamini, Silvio Italy 1923. Rowing — Bielenberg, Ludwig Germany 1930. Yacht­ — 100 m, women ing — silhouette jump — eights double sculls ing — 5-5 m class Bode, Wilfried Germany 1929. Swimming Bortel, Walter Austria 1926. Cycling — Bregula, Magdalena Poland 1921. Ath­ Belaise, Eva Italy 1927. Swimming — Bergersen, Rolf Norway 1906. Shooting Bielle, Roger Prancc 1928. Free style wrest­ — water polo road race — 2 000 m tandem — 4 000 m letics — shot, women 4X100 m relay, women — running deer ling — featherweight 62 kilos Bodo, Andrea Hungary 1934. Gymnastics, team pursuit Breitman, Georges France 1920. Athletics Beljak, Boris Yugoslavia 1930. Rowing — Bergesz, losif Rumania 1921. Rowing — Bieniek, Zdzizlaw Poland Football women Bose, Benoy Kumar India 1929. Boxing — decathlon eights eights Bierebeek, Allons Belgium 1934. Swimming Bodor, Istvân Hungary 1927. Canoeing — — featherweight 57 kilos Brener, Roman U.S.S.R. 1932. Swimming Beljakov, Boris U.S.S.R. 1925. Fencing Berggren, Evy Margareta Sweden 1934. — 4 X 200 m relay 1 000 m C-2 Bose, Pradip Kumar India Cycling — road — spring-board diving — high diving — sabre, individual and team Gymnastics, women Bieri, Werner Switzerland 1924. Canoeing Boerstra, Andries Cornells Dirk Holland race Brennecke, Giinter Germany 1927. Hockey Beljakov, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1918. Gym­ Berglund, Maud Sweden 1934. Swimming — to 000 m K-2 1924. Hockey Boskov, Vujadin Yugoslavia 1931. Foot­ Bretshko, Boris U.S.S.R. 1914' Rowing nastics — 100 m free style — 4X100 m relay, Biesbrouck, Louis Holland 1921. Football Boes, Jules Roger C. Belgium 1927. Basket­ ball — fours with cox Belkacem, Ali 'Prance 1931. Boxing — women Biffle, Jerome C. U.S.A. 1928. Athletics ball Bossy, George Walter Canada 1927. Ca­ Briceno Martinez, Humberto Segundo welterweight 67 kilos Berglund, Per Arne Sweden 1927. Ath­ — long jump Bogâr, Pâl Hungary 1927. Basketball noeing — 1 000 C-i Venezuela 1928. Shooting — free rifle — Bell, T. S. Davis Venezuela 1929. Ath­ letics — javelin Bilet, Lars Norway 1927. Greco-Roman Bogdanov, Anatoli) U.S.S.R. 1932. Shoot­ Bossy, Marc Switzerland 1920. Basketball small-bore rifle letics — high jump — 110 m hurdles Bergonzi, Charles E. Monaco 1910. Shoo­ wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos ing — free rifle Botez, Mihai Rumania 1922. Gymnastics Bridgen, William Canada 1916. Canoeing Bellini, Italo Italy 1915. Shooting — clay ting — silhouette Bilge, Tekin Turkey 1930. Football Bogdanovskaja, Evgenija U.S.S.R. 1917. Botham, Frank Royston Great Britain 1923. — 10 000 m K-2 pigeon Berkovska, Tzvetana Pétrova Bulgaria Billas, Lionel Charles Raymond Prance Swimming — high diving, women Swimming — 4 x 200 m relay Briezen, Juan Netherlands Antilles 1928. 1933. 100m — 2oom 1929. Athletics — marathon Belle, Duarte Manuel 'Portugal 1921. Yacht­ Athletics — ,women Boghossian, Aram iira^7 1929. Swimming Botham, Jean Annabel Great Britain 1935. Football Berlin, Per Gunnar Bôrje Sweden 1921. Billstein, Emil Germany 1931. Swimming ing — 5-5 m class — 100 m free style — 4x200 m relay Swimming — 100 m free style — 4X 100 Brignetti, Duilio Italy 1926. Modern pen­ Free style wrestling — welterweight 73 — water polo Bello, Fernando Portugal 1924. Yachting Bohee, Jacques France 1929. Football m relay, women tathlon kilos Binnendijk, Ben Holland 1927. Rowing — — 5.5 m class Bohuslav, Erich Austria 1927. Swimming Botsharova, Nina U.S.S.R. 1924. Gym­ Brilando, Frank Peter U.S.A. 1925. Cyc­ Bernard, Albert Paul Joseph G. Belgium pairs without cox Belokurov, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1926. Ath­ — water polo nastics, women ling — 1 000 m time trial — 2 000 m 917. Birch, Aage Denmark 1926. Yachting — letics — 1 500 m 1 Fencing — epee, team Boiteux, Jean France 1933. Swimming — Bougnol, René France 1911. Fencing — tandem Bernard, Armand Canada 1928. Free style Dragon class Belov, Nicolaj U.S.S.R. 1919. Greco- 400 m free style — 4 X 200 m relay epee, individual and team Brion, Jorge Gerardo Netherlands Antilles 62 Bisbey, Harry 1931. Roman wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos wrestling — featherweight kilos AnhuiU.S.A. Swim­ Bokor, Gyôrgy Hungary 1928. Basketball Bouissou, Marc Emile France 1931- Row­ 1933. Football Bernard, Olivier Switzerland 1921. Ath­ ming — water polo Belusica, Marin Rumania 1928. Greco- Bokun, German U.S.S.R. 1922. Fencing ing — fours without cox Britto, Jac Pakistan 1926. Hockey letics — 110 m hurdles Bizama Leyton, Juan Clile Shooting Roman wrestling — welterweight 73 — foil, individual and team Boulanger, Jacques France 1927. Ath­ Brivio, Silvio Italy 1929. Gymnastics kilos Bernardo, Joseph Fraw 1929. Swimming — small-bore rifle Bolatli, Ridvan Turkey 1928. Football letics — hop, step and jump Brockway, William John Great Britain — 400 m free style — i 500 m free style Bjarnason, Asmundur Icelaitd 1927. Ath­ Bourgeois, Alex Marcel Paul Maurice Belza, Robert 1926. Weight- Boldt-Christmas, Leif William Sidney 1928. Swimming — 100 m back stroke — 4 X 200 m relay letics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X100 m lifting — lightweight 67 kilos Sweden 1924. Yachting — Dragon class Belgium 1914. Fencing — foil, team Brodd, Rolf Yngve Sweden 1930. Football Bernedo Zorzano, Rufino Chile 1926. relay Bousmanne, Pierre Félicien Belgium 1925. Benaras, Mohammad Pakistan 1930. Ath­ Bolliger, Gretel 1921. Athletics Brokke, Adriaan Walter Netherlands An­ Basketball Blackmon, Roland U.S.A. 1928. Ath­ letics — marathon — 80 m hurdles — long jump — discus Hockey tilles 1928. Football Berntsen, Ole Valdemar Henrik Denmark letics — 400 m hurdles Boutefnouchet, Abdelamid France 1932. Benard, Claude EdmontPrance 1926. Ath­ — shot, women Brooke, Edward Hugh Canada 1916. Fen­ 1915. Yachting — Dragon class Blankers-Koen, Francina Elsje Holland letics — high jump Bolognesi, Aureliano Italy 1930. Boxing Boxing — flyweight 51 kilos cing — foil, individual — epee, individual Berntsen, William Eldred Denmark 1912. 1918. Athletics—loom — 80 m hurdles, Boutigny, Robert France 1927. Canoeing Bencze, Lajos Hungary 1918. Free style — lightweight 60 kilos Brooks, Nate U.S.A. 1933. Boxing — Yachting — Dragon class women wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Bolomey, Jean-Pierre Switzerland 1926. — 10 000 m C-i flyweight 51 kilos Berthelsen, Niels Erik Skals Denmark Blasi, Osvaldo R. Argentine 1928. Free Boysen, Audun Norway 1929. Athletics Ben-dov, Dov Israel 1927. Shooting — free Hockey Brouwer, Bertha Holland 1930. Athletics 1926. Boxing — lightweight 60 kilos style wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos rifle Boltenstern, Gustaf Adolf Sweden 1904. — 800 m — 1 500 m — 100 m — 200 m — 4X 100 m relay, Berti, Artidoro Italy 1920. Athletics — Blattmann, Walter U.S.A. 1920. Gym­ Bozbey, Hasan 1928. Greco-Roman Bene, Laszlo Hungary 1924. Boxing — Equestrian — Dressage women marathon nastics wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos heavyweight over 81 kilos Bolvâri, Antal Hungary 1932. Swimming Brown, Edson U.S.A. 1935. Boxing — Bertinetti, Franco Italy 1923. Fencing — Blebel, Omar Argentine 1922. Free style Bozon, Gilbert France 1935. Swimming Benedek, Gabor Hungary 1927. Modern — water polo featherweight 57 kilos epee, team wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos — 100 m back stroke pentathlon Bonacic, Duje Yugoslavia 1929. Rowing — Brown, George Henry Jr. U.S.A. 1931. Bertorelli H., Giovanni Venezuela 1928. Blicher, Steen Steensen Denmark 1925. fours without cox Bozsik, Jozsef Hungary 1925. Football Athletics — long jump Benedetti, Franco Italy 1931. Greco-Roman Fencing — foil, individual and team — Football Bonacich, Carlos Alberto Argentine 1931. Bozzato, Alberto Italy 1930. Rowing — Browning Jr., David G. 1931. wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos U.S.A. epee, individual and team von Blixen-Finecke, Hans Gustaf Fred- Swimming — 400 m free style eights Swimming — springboard diving Bengtsson, Otto Bernhard Sweden 1921. Berzsenyi, Barnabas Hungary 1918. Fen­ rik Nils Sweden 1916. Riding — three- Bozzo, Grazia Italy 1936. Gymnastics, Athletics — javelin Bonacina, Fabio Italy 1923. Gymnastics Broz., Frantisek Czechoslovakia 1929. Ath­ cing — epee, individual and team day event Bonetti, Americo Angel Argentine 1928. women letics — 100 m — 200 m — 4x100 m Bengtsson, Sylve Boris Sweden 1930. Foot­ Beskov, Konstantin U.S.S.R. 1920. Foot­ Blohm, Tom Norway 1920. Football Boxing — lightweight 60 kilos Braasem, Cor Holland 1923. Swimming — relay ball ball Blomberg, Vanja Hedving Desideria Bonfietti, Angelo Brazil 1926. Basketball water polo Bru V., José Carlos Mexico 1928. Basket­ Benini, Fides Italy 1929. Swimming — Basson, Paul Switzerland 1926. Free style Sweden 1929. Gymnastics, women Bradfield, Kenneth Alexander Canada Bongiovanni, Giorgio Italy 1926. Basket­ ball 4X100 m relay, women wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Blomqvist, Rune Walentin Sweden 1925. 1929. Yachting — 6 m class ball Brugerolles, Claude France 1931. Cycling Bennaars, Marinus Afiliona Holland 1931. Betton, Arnold U.S.A. 1932. Athletics — Canoeing — 1 000 m C-2 — 10 000 m C-2 Bradford, Jim U.S.A. 1920. Weightlifting Boniecki, Jerzy Poland 1932. Swimming — 4 000 m team pursuit Football high jump Blondiaux, Pierre Auguste Prance 1922. — heavyweight over 90 kilos — 100 m back stroke — 4 X 200 m relay Bruins, Hendrika Holland 1934' Swim­ Benner, Huelet Leo U.S.A. 1917. Shoo­ Betz, Hans Germany 1931. Rowing — Rowing — fours without cox Bragg, Arthur George U.S.A. 1930. Ath­ Bonino, René Joseph France 1930. Ath­ ming — 200 m breast stroke, women ting — silhouette — free pistol eights Bloomberg, Issy South Africa i930- letics — 100 m letics — 100 m — 4X100 m relay Brunaud, André France 1915. Free style Bennett, Feteijohn Australia 1926. Swim­ Betz, Peter Germany 1929. Rowing — eights Weightlifting — light-heavyweight 821/2 Brago, Evgenij U.i'.i'.R. 1929. Rowing Bonnhoff, Gerardo 1926. Ath- wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos ming — water polo Beugnot, Jean-Paul France 1931. Basket­ kilos — eights ^ letics — 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay Bruni, Dino Italy 1932. Cycling — road Bennett, TZdwatdGreatBritain 1925. Foot­ Blume Carreras, Joaquin ball Spain 1935' Bonnier, Elisabeth Johanna Maria Hol­ Brainovic, Marko Yugoslavia 1920. Swim­ ball race Beyer, Heinz Germany 1910. Rowing — Gymnastics 1925. 200 ming — water polo land Swimming — m breast Brunner, Franz Austria 1931. Greco- Benningfield, Eric Creighton Souih Africa fours with cox Bloch, Rubert Austria 1929. Athletics Brand, Charles William Great Britain 1916 stroke, women 52 1893. Bezamat, Roland Alex. GastonF>fl«« 1924. Roman wrestling — flyweight kilos Yachting — 5.5 rn class 400 m Bonoris, Cesar Argentine 1927. Gymnastics Swimming — water polo Benn Pott, Carlos Miguel Argentine 1924. Cycling — road race Boa, Gilmour Stuart Canada 1924. Shoot­ Brunnqvist, Curt Allan Sweden 1924. Row­ Bontemps, Ron U.S.A. 1926. Basketball Brand, Esther Cornelia South Africa 1922. Yachting — single-handed class Bhatti, Imtiaz Ahmed Pakistan 1935. Cyc­ ing — small-bore rifle — free rifle Athletics — high jump — discus, women ing — double sculls Boone, Bernard France 1919. Hockey Bruun, Edgar Helge Norway 1905. Ath­ Berckhan, Ralf Germany 1931. Canoeing ling — 1 000 m time trial — road race Bobek, Stjepan Yugoslavia 1923. Football Brandt, Peter Great Britain 1931- Rowing Booysen, Schalk David South Africa 1927. letics — 50 000 m road walk — 1 000 m C-i Bialas, Czeslaw Poland 1931. Weightlift- Bobeldijk, Joachim Holland 1920. Ca­ — double sculls Athletics — 200 m — 400 m Bryner, Hans Berczelli, TVoot Hungary 1912. Fencing — ing — light-heavyweight 82 ^ kilos noeing — 10 000 m K-i Brasher, Christopher William Great Britain Switzerland 1911. Yachting Borders, Bill D. U.S.A. 1930. Free style — Star class foil, team — sabre, individual and team , Enrico Switzerland 1930. Rowing Bobkova, 'Ha.nii Czechoslovakia 1929. Gym­ wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos 1928. Athletics — 3 000 m steeplechase Berdijev, lossif t/.i'.i'.R. 1924. Gymnastics — fours with cox Bryner, Kurt Switzerland 1916. Yachting nastics, women Borg, Robert John U.S.A. 1913. Equest­ Brauer, Jorge Emilio Argentine 1913 Béres, Ernô Bianchi, Renata Bobrov, Vsevolod U.S.S.R. 1922. Footboll — Star class Hungary 1928. Athletics — Italy 1926. Gymnastics, rian — Dressage Yachting — Star class 5 000 m women Bobrovsky, Zdenëk Chechoslovakia 1923. Brault, Henri Yves 1928. Bryngeirsson, Torfi Iceland 1926. Ath­ Ho risen ko, Vladimir i . V.V.K. 1928. Swim­ France Athletics Berg, Odd Norway 1923. Cycling — road Bickle, Robert L. U.S.A. 1929. Boxing Basketball letics — pole vault ming — 200 m breast stroke — 200 m race — lightweight 60 kilos Bobtcheff, Dimitre Janeff Bulgaria 1926. Braz, Joâo Francisco 1920. Brzâk, Jan Czechoslovakia 1912. Canoeing Borisov, Igorj U.S.S.R. 1924. Rowing Brazil Basket­ Berg, Uno Hilding 1909. Shooting Biel, Werner 1927. Cycling — 4 000 m team pursuit — 1 000 m C-2 JkWot Soar Rowing —7 fours eights ball — small-bore rifle without cox Bochard, Lucien France 1925. Football Braznik, Vladimir 1924. Brânnstrôm, Gôsta Martin Sweden 1926. Borja P., César Mexico 1934- Swimming U.S.S.R. Ath­ Bergamini, Giancarlo 1926. Bielansky, Helene Bochnewich, Paul 1925. Canoeing Athletics — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay Italy Fencing Austria 1931. Athle­ — 1 500 m free style — 4X200 m relay letics — pole vault — foil, individual and team tics — 80 m hurdles, women 10 ODD m K-2 I1! 7i6

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Christensen, Eivin 1926. Rowing Brôdel, Walter Soar 1925. Fencing — foil, Buzânzky, Jenô Hungary 1925. Football Campbell, Milton U.S.A. 1934. Athletics Carvalho dos Santos, Raymundo Brazil Changeai, René Trance 1930. Gymnastics — fours with cox team — sabre, team Biich, Neeltje Holland 1931. Athletics — — decathlon 1923. Basketball Chapman, Ernest William Australia 1926. Christensen, Henning Denmark 1918. Bronnum, Bjorn Denmark 1929. Rowing 100 m — 4X1go m relay, women Campbell, Ralph Woodrow Canada 1925. Cascante Coba, Francisco Cuba 1928. Rowing — eights Yachting — 5-5 rn class — eights Biichi, Hans Switzerland 1929. Boxing — Basketball Gymnastics Chapot, François Switzerland 1926. Yacht­ Christiansen, Lorang Norway 1917. Cyc­ Brotzner, BartholomaAustria 1928. Greco- light-middleweight 71 kilos Campi, Horacio Alberto Argentine 1917. Cascino, Salvatore Italy 1917. Athletics — ing — 6 m class ling — road race Roman wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Biirchler, Robert Switzerland 1915. Shoot­ Yachting — Dragon class 50 ggo m road walk Charité, Abram Holland 1917. Weightlift­ Christiansen, Thomas Knud Denmark Buch, David Norbert Israel 1932. Swim­ ing — free rifle Campos Jr., Ramon F. Philippines 1925. Casimiro, Fernando Gomes Portugal 1931. ing — heavyweight over 90 kilos 1920. Swimming — high diving ming — 100 m free style von Biiren, Oscar Switzerland 1933. Cyc­ Basketball Athletics — 20G m — 400 m — 4 X 100 m Charrière, René Switzerland 1923. Athle­ Christoff, Gentcho Rachkoff Bulgaria 1932. Buch Silva, Helcio Brazil 1928. Athletics ling — 4 000 m team pursuit Campos Martins, Edison Brazil 1930. relay tics — 50 ggg m road walk Basketball — pole vault Busing, Willi Germany 1921. Riding — Football Casmir, Norman Germany 1930. Fencing Chase, Charles Canada 1931. Boxing — Christoffersen,Bj0rnNorM'a)' 1926. Rowing Buck, Leon "Luxemburg 1915. Fencing — three-day event Camus, Yves Roger Maurice France 1930. — foil, individual and team light-middleweight 71 kilos — fours with cox epee, individual and team Bylsma, Gerrit Wiebe Holland 1929. Swim­ Athletics — 400 m — 4X too m relay Castillo,Armando1932. Cycling Chataway, Christopher John Great Britain Chrlstophersen, Else Norway 1915. Eques­ Budai, Laszlo Hungary 1928. Football ming — water polo Canaves, Jorge Antonio Argentine 1922. — 4 ggo m team pursuit 1931. Athletics —• 5 goo m trian — Dressage Budai, Pâl Hungary 1925. Boxing — ban­ Bysack, Netai Chand India 1921. Cycling Riding —• three-day event Castillo, Francisco Spain 1921. Swimming Chau Phuoc, Yinh Vietnam 1927. Cycling Christozoff, Nicola Teneff Bulgaria 1915 • tamweight 67 kilos — 1 ggo m scratch race — road race — Canna, Achille Italy 1932. Basketball — water polo — road race Shooting — free pistol Budinger, Hugo Germany 1927. Hockey 4 ggg m team pursuit Canti, Alfonso Italy 1920. Weightlifting — Castrén, Aarne Frithiof Louis Finland 1923. Chavet, André FraBce 193G. Basketball Chuit, Pierre Switzerland 1907. Yachting Budjennyj, Gavril U.S.S.R. 1917. Equest­ Bôrjesson, Kurt Arne Sweden 1925. Ath­ lightweight 67-Vg kilos Yachting — 5-5 m class Chavez, Carlos Panama 1924. Weightlift­ —• 5.5 m class rian — Grand Prix des Nations letics — 1G ggo m walk Canword, Wilhelm Rudolf Netherlands Castro, Francisco Puerto Rico 1923. Athle­ ing — featherweight 60 kilos Chychla, Zygmunt Poland 1926. Boxing Budrock, Michael U.S.A. 1929. Canoeing Bôrjesson, Tore LeifiaWea 1924. Rowing Antilles 1933. Football tics — hop, step and jump Chay, Weng Yew Singapore 1929. Weight- — welterweight 67 kilos — 1 000 m K-i — eights Capanema (Esberard), Ricardo Brazil Castro A., Manuel AfoaVo 1923. Swimming lifting — featherweight 60 kilos Ciach, Maria Poland 1933. Athletics —• Budzynski, Romuald Poland 1933. Ath­ 1931. Swimming — 4G0 m free style — water polo Cheeseman, Sylvia Great Britain 1929. 2gg 4X100 javelin, women letics — 200 m Capek, Frantisek Czechoslovakia 1914. Catafago, Armand Philippe Egypt 1926. Athletics — m — m relay, c Cicognani, Miranda Italy 1936. Gymnas­ Buffiere, André Trance 1922. Basketball Shooting — clay pigeon Basketball women tics, women Buff in, Kenneth Great Britain 1923. Gym­ Cabout, Johannes Holland 1927. Swimming Capelle, Roger France 1922. Hockey Cavalli, Louis Switzerland 1907. Shooting Cheetham, Leslie Great Britain 1926. Free Cieslik, Gerard Poland 1927. Football nastics — water polo Capilla Perez, Alberto Mexico 1926. — clay pigeon style wrestling — flyweight 5 2 kilos Cieslinskas, Victorio Uruguay 1922. Bas­ Bugatti, Ottavio Italy 1928. Football Cabrai, Oscar Portugal 1921. Swimming Swimming — springboard diving — high Caves, Ken Australia 1926. Cycling —• Chelaru, Vasile Rumania 1921. Fencing — ketball Buglia, Lilian Rcyna Argentine 1934. Ath­ — water polo diving 4 ggg m team pursuit — road race foil, individual and team — epee, indi­ Cimakuridze, David (/. V. V.K. 1925. Free letics — 10G m — long jump — 4 x igg Cabrera, Delfo Argentine 1919. Athletics Capilla Perez, Joaquin Mexico 1928. Caviglia, Juan 1929. Gymnastics vidual style wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos m relay, women — marathon Swimming — spring board diving — high Cawley, Shirley Great Britain 1932. Athle­ Chesneau, René Trance 1919. Greco- Ciobotaru, Dumitru Rumania 1927. Boxing Buhan, Jehan France 1912. Fencing — Caccavo, Rodolfo Fortunato Argentine diving tics — long jump, women Roman wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos —• light-heavyweight 81 kilos foil, individual and team 1927, Cycling — 4 ggg m team pursuit Capozzoli, Charles Joseph U.S.A. 1931. Cayzer, Phillip Arthur Australia 1922. Chessell, Thomas Edmund Australia Cismigiu, Petre Rumania 1915. Shooting Buhl, Zygmunt Poland 1927. Athletics —• Caceres Monie, Jorge Esteban Argentine Athletics — 5 ogg m Rowing — eights 1914. Rowing — eights — small-bore rifle 4X igg m relay 1917. Modern pentathlon Capper, Ingram Ord Great Britain 1907. Cebula, Edward Poland 1917. Football Cheung, Kin Man Hong Kong 1932. Swim­ Clack, Nicholas Great Britain 1930. Rowing Bukantz, Daniel U.S.A. 1917. Fencing Cadbury, George Great Britain 1929. Row­ Shooting — running deer Ceccarini, Lucio Italy 1930. Swimming ming — 100 m free style —• 400 m free — eights — foil, individual and team ing — fours without cox Cappozzo, Tranqnilo . i;;.-'>;/;>;• 1929. Row­ — water palo style — 1 5 go m free style Claes, Lucien Johannes Belgium 1923. Bulakov, Anatolij U.S.S.R. 193G. Boxing Cecchini, Arvedo Italy 1924. Free style Chevalier, Louis François Trance 1921. Cadé, Giancarlo Italy 193G. Football ing — double sculls Greco-Roman wrestling — featherweight — flyweight 51 kilos Caers, Florent Marie Joseph Belgium 1928. Caprari, Sergio Italy 1932. Boxing — fea­ wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Athletics — 1 o goo m walk 62 kilos Bulantshlk, Evgenij U.S.S.R. 1922. Ath­ Rowing — fours without cox 5 7 Cederquist, Poul Parno Denmark 1916. Chiappino, René Switzerland 1925. Bas­ therweight kilos Clark, Duncan McDougall Great Britain letics — iiG m hurdles Cagnasso, Pablo Argentine 1908. Shooting Carattino, Antonio Ito/y 1923. Yachting — Athletics — hammer ketball 1915. Athletics — hammer Bulgakov, Genrih U.S.S.R. 1929. Fencing — free rifle Dragon class Celedôn, Luis Chile 1926. Athletics — Chichkoff, Peter Anguéloff Bulgaria 1924. Claudius, Leslie Walter India 1927. Hockey — epee, team Caiado de Castro, Claudino Brazil 1926. Carattino, Giuseppe Italy 1919. Yachting marathon Basketball Clausen, Frithjof Norway 1916. Greco- Buller, Patricia Moray Great Britain 1929. ^ Swimming — water polo Cepeda G., Julio Mexico 1932. Cycling — Dragon class Chihab, Zakaria Lebanon 1926. Greco- Roman wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos Fencing — foil, women Cajkovski, Zlatko Yugoslavia 1923. Foot­ Cardiel G., Jorge Mexico 1924. Basketball road race Roman wrestling — bantamweight 57 Clausen, Thorbjorn Norway 1931. Boxing Buonocore, Alfonso Jto/)/ 1933. Swimming ball Ceraj, Zdravko Yugoslavia 1926. Athletics Cardoso de Menezes, Helena Brazil 1927. kilos — featherweight 31 kilos — igg m free style Çaka, Yalçin Turkey 1931. Football Athletics — igg m — long jump, women — 5 000 m Chikanari, Tamotsu Japan 1929. Cycling Claussen, Hans Germany 1911. Weightlift­ Burgess, Donald Christopher Cerioni, 1925. Great Britain Caklec, Ivan Yugoslavia 1932. Gymnastics Carleson, Per Hjalmar Ludvig Sweden Q&Ao Italy Basketball — 2 ggg m tandem — road race —• 4 ooo 1 I ing — light-heavyweight 82 /2 kilos 933- Cycling — 4000 m team pursuit Calcâi, Panait Rumania 1924. Shooting — 1917. Fencing — epee, individual and Cervo, Oscar Argentine 1920. Shooting — m team pursuit Clavan, Mathisj Holland 1929. Football Burkhard,Robert L,U.S.A. 1922. Football silhouette team silhouette Chilcott, Albert Edward Canada 1924. Clavel, Hector Chile 1920. Equestrian — Burns, Marvin Duane U.S.A. 1928. Swim­ Caldeira, Raul Portugal 1927. Gymnastics Carlile, Forbes Cesari, Velleda Italy 1920. Fencing — foil, Australia 1920. Modern Rowing — eights Dressage ming — water polo Calinoiu, Valeriu Rumania 1928. Football women pentathlon Chirinos, Pio Venezuela 1929. Free style Cleghorn, Robert Harold New Zealand Burns, Ronald Stuart Great Britain 1933. Cesarini, Vittoria Italy 1932. Athletics — Calhoun, John C. U.S.A. 1925. Swimming Carlson, Arne Hardy Sweden 1924. Gym­ wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos 1912. Weightlifting — heavyweight over Swimming — 40G m free style — 4 x 2G0 — high diving nastics igg m — 4X1go m relay, women Chocano Batres, Antonio Guatemala 1913. 90 kilos m relay Callender, David Great Britain 1930. Carlsson, Allan Sweden 1929. Cycling — Çetinel, Vasif T«r/fay 1928. Football Fencing — epee, individual Clement, Douglas Bruce Canada 1933. Buronyi, Laszlo Hungary 1918. Weight- Rowing — pairs without cox Ceulemans, Jan Pieter Belgium 1926. Bas­ road race Chocat, René Trance 1920. Basketball Athletics — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay lifting — heavy lightweight 90 kilos Calligaris, Romana Italy 1924. Swimming Carlsson, Bôrje Gunnar 19 ketball Sweden 3 3• Choi, Choong Sik Korea 1931. Athletics Cleve, Urban Germany 1930. Athletics — Busin, Milton Brazil 1927. Swimming — — 1go m free style — 4 X igg m relay, Yachting — Star class Cevona, Vaclav Czechoslovakia 1922. Ath­ — marathon Sgo m spring-board diving women Carmona Barrales, Luis 1923. letics — 1 500 m Chile Mo­ Choi, Myung Suk Korea 1934. Athletics — Cleveland, Richard F. U.S.A. 1929. Swim­ Bussotti, Asfo Italy 1925. Athletics — Chaaban, Fawzi A. M. Egypt i930- Athle­ Calone, Noël Libert Fraœe 19G4. Yachting dern pentathlon shot, women ming — igg m free style marathon — 5-5 Camera, Raimondo Alberto Denmark 1915- tics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X igg m relay m class Choi, Yong Kee Korea 1925. Athletics — Clotworthy, Robert L.U.S.A. 1931. Swim­ Butautas, Stjapas U.S.S.R. 1925. Basketball — hop, step and jump Calugareanu, Cornel Rumania 1930. Bas­ Fencing — epee, individual and team — hop, step and jump ming — springboard diving Butel, Henri France 1929. Rowing — ketball Chabert, Edouard France 1902. Yachting sabre, individual and team Choi, Yoon Chil Korea 1928. Athletics — Coates, Diane Great Britain 1932. Athletics single sculls — Star class Camacho, Filemon Venezuela 1926. Athle­ Carnill, Denys John Great Britain 1926. marathon — javelin, women Butenko, Boris U.S.S.R. 1923. Athletics 8gg 500 Chadimovà, Alena Czechoslovakia 1931. tics — m — 1 m Hockey Cholevas, Themistocle Greece 1926. Bas­ Cocco, Giovanni Italy 1921. Weightlifting — discus Gymnastics, women Càmara A., Rafael Mexico 1904. Fencing Carnoli, Arrigo Italy 1932. Gymnastics ketball — featherweight 6g kilos Butt, Mohammad Pakistan 1929. Weight- Chakravarty, Suprovat India 1931. Cycling — sabre, individual Caro, Johannes Hendrikus Holland 1928. Chollet, Maurice Switzerland 1927. Bas­ Cochongco, Jose P. Philippines 1926. Bas­ lifting — middleweight 75 kilos — 1 0G0 m time trial — road race — 4 000 Camber, Irene Italy 1926. Fencing — foil, Rowing — fours with cox ketball ketball Butt, Mohammad Sharif Pakistan 1926. women Carpenter, George Ireland 1907. Fencing m team pursuit Chopoff, Christo Vitcheff Bulgaria 1912. Cochran-Patrick, Neil Aylmel Kennedy Athletics — igg m — 200 m — 4X igg Cambieri, Domenico Italy 1914. Rowing Chalhoub, George Jean Egypt 1931- Bas­ — epee, individual Shooting — clay pigeon Great Britain 1926. Yachting — 5.5 m class m relay — fours with cox Carr, Edwin William Australia 1928. ketball Choque, Carlos Argentine 1912. Shooting Cockett, John Ashley Great Britain 1927. Butula, Jacob Catiada 1931. Boxing — Cameron, Ronald William Canada 1923. Athletics — 2G0 m — 400 m — 4X 100 m Chammartin, Henri Switzerland 1918. E- — free pistol Hockey welterweight 67 kilos Rowing — fours without cox relay — 4 X 4GG m relay questrian — Dressage Chowdhury, Souren India 1918. Shooting Codaro, Osvaldo Horacio Argentine 1930. Buxton, Douglas Raymond Australia Camous, Jean Roberto Venezuela 1929. Carrizales, Salomon Venezuela 1953. Box­ Chance, Britton U.S.A. 1913. Yachting — small-bore rifle Swimming — water polo 1917. Yachting — Dragon class Fencing — epee, individual and team ing — light-welterweight 63 "Vg kilos 5.5 m class Christensen, Allan Hugo Norman Rahr Cohen, Desmond South Africa 1927. Swim­ Buyze, Daniel Holland 1928. Swimming Campana, Loris Italy 1926. Cycling — Carroll, John Fralic Canada 1930. Athle­ Chandnani, Ran Shor India 193G. Swim­ Denmark 1906. Shooting — clay pigeon ming — water polo — 2G0 m breast stroke 4 0G0 m team pursuit tics — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay ming — water polo

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Colans, Belgium 1915. Weightlifting Cosgûl, Osman Turkey 1926. Athletics Curet Alvarez, Juan Puerto Rico 1928. Box­ Daruhâzi, Làszloné Hungary 1927. Gym­ Decker, Laszlo Hungary 1923. Rowing — De Meulemeester, Jean Lucien Camille — featherweight 60 kilos — 5 000 m — 10 000 m :l ing — light-welterweight 63 /2 kilos nastics, women fours without cox Marie Ghislain Belgium 1922. Yachting Cole, Gerald Eugene Ij.S.A. 1928. Athle­ Cosma, Alexandru Rumania 1926. Weight- Curotta, Morris Joseph Australia 1929. Darzynkiewicz, Olgierd Poland 1923. Décsei, Ferenc Hungary 1927. Shooting — Dragon class lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos tics — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay Athletics — 400 m — 4 X 100 m relay — Shooting — clay pigeon — free rifle — free pistol Demirsuren, Kemal Turkey 1930. Greco- Cole, Roy Gilmour Canada 1912. Shooting Cosmas, Photios Greece 1926. Athletics — 4X400 m relay Das, Niranjan India 1931. Free style wrest­ De Couet de Lory, Charles France 1911. Roman wrestling — bantamweight 57 — clay pigeon 400 m hurdles — decathlon Currat, Michel Switzerland 1933. Swimming ling — flyweight 5 2 kilos Equestrian — three-day event kilos Coleman, George William Great Britain Cossani, Orlando Argentine 1932. Swim­ — 100 m free style Datt, Keshav C. 1925. Hockey De Freitas, Ruy Brazil 1916. Basketball De Montaudoin, Bertrand France 1924. 1916. Athletics — 10 000 m walk ming — 200 m breast stroke Curren, James Edward 1925. Bas­ Dauris, Jean Louis France 1920. Yachting Degani (Kurman), Menahem Zeev Israel Modern pentathlon Collins, Paul Albert 1926. Athletics Costa, Héctor Uruguay 1929. Basketball ketball — Star class 1927. Basketball Demuynck, Lucien Belgium 1931. Athletics — marathon Costa, Salvador Spain 1931. Rowing — Currey, Charles Norman Great Britain D'Autorio, Vincent U.S.A. 1915. Gym­ Degats, Jacques Léopold France 1934 — 800 m Colliot, Roger 1925- Football fours with cox 1916. Yachting — single-handed class nastics Athletics — 400 m — 4X400 m relay Deni, John Michael U.S.A. 1903. Athle­ Colon Molinaris, Teofilo Puerto Rico 1914. Coste A., Arturo Mexico 1927. Swimming Curtet, Yvonne Alice France 1920. Athle­ tics — 50 000 m road walk Davalos N.,José Luis Mexico 1927. Boxing De Giacomi,Juan 1913. Shooting Athletics — no m hurdles — water polo tics — long jump, women Denisenko, Petr U.S.S.R. 1920. Athletics — welterweight 67 kilos — clay pigeon Columbo, Charles Martin U.S.A. 1920. Costello, Bernard Patrick U.S.A. 1929. Cuzdi, Vojislav-Bela Yugoslavia 1926. — pole vault David, Jin Czechoslovakia 1923. Athletics De Giles, Peter GratfBntoH 1927. Rowing Football Rowing — double sculls Greco-Roman wrestling — welterweight Denley, Michael John Great Britain 1931. — 400 m — 4 X 100 m relay — fours with cox Colyer, Geoffrey John Great Britain 1931. Costeseu, Grigore Rumania 1934. Basketball 73 kilos Athletics — javelin David, John Bonthron U.S.A. 1929. Degiorgi, Giordano Italy 1919. Free style Canoeing — 1 000 m K-i — 10 000 m K-i Cottier, Gérald Switzerland 19 31. Basketball Czajka, Eugeniusz Poland 1927. Hockey Rowing — fours without cox wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos Denman, Frederick Lockwood U.S.A. Conde, Ricardo Spain 1930. Swimming — Coulthard, William Sanderson Canada 1929. Modern pentathlon Czerner, Alfredo Argentine 1934. Rowing Davidge, Christopher Great Britain 1929. De Groot, Daniël Holland 1933. Cycling 100 m free style — water polo 1923. Basketball De Oliveira, Geraldo-Bra^zV 1919. Athletics — fours with cox Rowing — pairs without cox — 4 000 m team pursuit Courtois, Emile Alide Belgium 1918. Greco- Conroy, John Valantine Great Britain 1928. Czibor, Zoltàn Hungary 1929. Football De Groote, Maurice Achiel Belgium 1908. — long jump — hop, step and jump 1 Davies, Cissie Great Britain 1932. Gym­ Hockey Roman wrestling — middleweight 79 Czinkân, Tibor Hungary 1929. Basketball Gymnastics De Oliveira Nascimento, Cid Brazil 1910. kilos nastics, women Consolini, Adolfo Italy 1917. Athletics — Dehajev, Aleksandre U.S.S.R. 1924. Mo­ Yachting — Star class Davies, John George Australia 1930. discus Couto, Maximo Portugal 1923. Swimming dern pentathlon De Paepe, Paul Gérard Maria Belgium 19 31. — water polo D Swimming — 200 m breast stroke Constantin, loan 1929. De Jesus Cavalheiro, Paulo Brazil 1924- Cycling — 4 000 m team pursuit Romania Equestrian Davies, Australia 1926. Swimming — Grand Prix des Nations Cox, Lionel Australia 1930. Cycling — Dadak, Jiri Czechoslovakia 1926. Athletics Boxing — light-middleweight 71 kilos Depaoli, Julius Austria 1923. Swimming 1 000 m scratch race — 2 000 m tandem — 400 m free style, women Constantinide, Gheorghe Rumania 1928. — hammer De Jong, Jacobus Hermanus Hendrik — water polo Cox, Stanley Ernest Walter Dâvila C., Rodolfo Mexico 1929. Free style Basketball Great Britain Dadashev, Ibragim Gusejn U.S.S.R. 1926. Jan Holland 1912. Yachting — single- De Paula, Tacarijù Thomé Brazil 1917- 1918. Athletics — marathon wrestling — flyweight 5 2 kilos Contarbio, Leopoldo Argentine 1927. Bas­ Free style wrestling — featherweight 62 handed class Yachting — Star class Cox-Ladru, Johanna Holland 1923. Gym­ Davis, Jack Wells U.S.A. 1930. Athletics ketball kilos De Jong, Jozef Christian Belgium 1920. De Paula, Walter Augusto Cesar Brazil nastics, women — no m hurdles Dadds, Graham Bassett Great Britain 1911. Free style wrestling — welterweight 73 1916. Fencing — epee, individual and Cook, Ellwood Eugene U.S.A. 1929. Davis, John U.S.A. 1921. Weightlifting Cranmer, Steffen Borries Olrik Great Brit­ Hockey kilos — Greco-Roman wrestling — team Football — heavyweight over 90 kilos ain 1934. Shooting — small-bore rifle welterweight 73 kilos De Paula Andrade, Nelson Brazil 1933. Cook, Robert James Bermuda 1932. Swim­ Dadunashvili, Otar U.S.S.R. 1928. Cycling Davis, Walter Francis U.S.A. 1931- Athle­ Craus, Polly U.S.A. 1923. Fencing — foil, De Jongh, Grietje Holland 1924. Athletics Boxing — middleweight 75 kilos ming — TOO M free style — 400 m free — 1 000 m scratch race tics — high jump women — 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay, women Deprez, Hilaire Valeer Belgium 1922. style — i 500 m free style Da Eonseca Hermes, Mario Jorge Brazil Day, Derek Malcolm Great Britain 1927. Craveiro Lopes, Joâo Portugal 1919. Eques­ De Kerviler, Marcel Frawce 1910. Yachting Canoeing — 10 000 m K-i Cooke, Harry Great Britain 1907. Fencing 1926. Basketball trian — Grand Prix des Nations Hockey Deprez, Leonce France 1927. Football Dagallier, Daniel 1926. Fencing — — Dragon class — foil, team De Alburquerque, Duque B. 1918. Creus, Julian Great Britain 1917. Weight- Spain De Korte, Johanna Catharina Holland 1935. Derckx, Henri Jean Joseph Holland 1918. Cools, Jan Albert Alice Belgium 1918. Free epee, team lifting — featherweight 60 kilos Equestrian — three-day event Hockey Dagoroff, Nicola Dimitroff Bulgaria 1925. Swimming — 100 m back stroke, women style wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos De Alencar Rodrigues, Sergio Geraldo Crick, Henri Jean Pierre Belgium 1932. Deksbah, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1928. Fencing — Derivery, Pierre France 1925. Canoeing — Greco-Roman wrestling — lightweight Athletics — hop, step and jump Basketball Brazil 1930- Swimming — water polo epee, individual and team — 10 000 m K-i 67 kilos Dahlen, Gunnar Norway 1918. Football Cripps, Winsome Australia 1931. Athle­ De Almeida, Almir Nelson Brazil 1923. De Rossi, Mino Italy 1931. Cycling — Dalla Puppa, Savino Ottorino Italy 1929. De Lanoi, Wilfred Modesto Netherlands Cooper, Henry Great Britain 1934. Boxing tics — 100 m — 200 m —• 4X 100 m relay, Basketball Rowing — eights Antilles 1929. Football 4 000 m team pursuit — light-heavyweight 81 kilos women De Andrade, Francisco Rebello Portugal Deryckere, André Maurice Marcel Belgium Dall'osso, Vincenzo Italy 1929. Boxing — Delany, Alfred Frederick Joseph Ireland Coosemans, Henri Guillaume Belgium Cristea, Dinu Rumania 1911. Athletics — 1923. Yachting — Star class 1928. Yachting — Dragon class bantamweight 54 kilos 1911. Yachting — single-handed class 1922. Basketball marathon De Araujo Vieira, Hello Brazil 1916. De Sanzuane, Renato Italy 1925. Swim­ Dalton, Charles Harwood Canada 1927. De la Pozas y Piad, Felipe Cuba 1933. Coote, Ken Australia 1932. Free style Cristi, Oscar Chile 1917. Equestrian — Fencing — epee, team Basketball Basketball ming — water polo wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 kilos Grand Prix des Nations De Armas, Juan Ramon Uruguay 1922. Desforges, Jean Catharine Great Britain Dalton, Dorothy U.S.A. 1922. Gymnastics, De la Simone, André France 1907. Eques­ Copeland, William Ian MeCalla Canada Crnkovic, Tomislav Yiigoj'/awfl 1929. Foot­ Cycling — 4 000 m team pursuit trian — three-day event 1929. Athletics — 80 m hurdles — 4X 1928. Yachting — 6 m class women ball De Armas Fernandez, Mario Cuba 1915. Delaunois, Ghislain Albert Hector Belgium 100 m relay, women Daluz, Meldric StClair India 1921. Hockey Coppin, Marcel 'Luxemburg 1928. Gym­ Crosby, Gordon Canada 1927. Athletics Shooting — free pistol — silhouette 1923. Fencing — epee, individual and De Sigaldi, Victor Henri Monaco 1892. Damiani, Giordano Italy 1930. Basketball nastics — nom hurdles — 4X 100 m relay De Azevedo, José Luiz Brazil 1929- Bas­ Yachting — Star class Damitio, Georges Etienne Louis France team Copponex, Henri Switzerland 1907. Yacht­ Crost, Robert France 1924. Basketball ketball Délavai, José Belgium 1921. Hockey Desmet, Louis Belgium 1930. Athletics — 1924. Athletics — high jump ing — 5.5 m class Grotty, Peter Ireland 1927. Boxing — wel­ De Azevedo, Zenny 1925. Basketball Delelienne, Jacques Belgium 1928. Athle­ 800 m Dancea, Hie Rumania 1928. Weightlifting Corbitt, Theodore U.S.A. 1920. Athletics terweight 67 kilos Desmet, Théo Léo Belgium 1917. Swim­ — light-heavyweight 82 ^ kilos De Azevedo Coutinho da Silva Tavares, tics — high jump — marathon Crowden, James CWeat Britain 1927. Rowing Piedade Brazil 1920. Swimming — 400 m Delfino, Giuseppe Italy 1921. Fencing — ming — water polo D'Andrea Mohr, Jose Luis Argentine 1915. Cordero Fernandez, Eduardo Chile 1921 — fours without cox Desmuthu, Chinadorai Inelia 1930. Hockey Fencing — sabre, individual and team free style, women epee, team Basketball Cruz Regala, Manuel Portugal 1931. Row­ De Bakker, Joseph Anna Dellacha, Sergio Aurelio Argentine 1925. De Souza Cavalcanti, Pericles Brazil 1926. Dangubic, Branko Yugoslavia 1924. Athle­ Belgium 1934. Cordiale Gentile, Edera Italy 1920. Athle­ ing — eights Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations Equestrian — three-day event tics—• javelin Cycling — 1 000 m time trial tics — discus, women Csânyi, Gyôrgy Hungary 1922. Athletics De Beaumont, Charles Louis Great Britain Delorenco, Eduardo Yugoslavia 1921. Shoot­ De Souza Lima, Douglas Arnaud Brazil Daniel, Pon Mony India 1921. Weight- Cordner, Robert Canada 1932. Canoeing — 100 m — 4 X 100 m relay 1902. Fencing — epee, team ing — free pistol 1932. Swimming — water polo lifting — featherweight 60 kilos — 1 000 m K-2 Cselkô, Tibor Hungary 1931. Basketball De Bourguignon, Georges Camille Mar­ De Los Santos, Luis Angel Uruguay 1925. Despot, Stanko Yugoslavia 1928. Rowing Danielsson, Sôren Leopold Gustaf Sweden Cornell, Julia U.S.A. 1933. Swimming Csermâk, Jozsef Hungary 1932. Athletics cel Belgium 1910. Fencing — sabre, team Cycling — 1 000 m time trial — road race — eights — 200 1930. Boxing — light-middleweight 71 m breast stroke, women — hammer Debuf, Jean France 1924. Weightlifting — — 4 000 m team pursuit Dessemme, Jacques France 1925. Basket­ kilos Corradi, Giuseppe Italy 1932. Football Csordas, Gyôrgy Ha«gary 1928. Swimming light-heavyweight 82 kilos Del Rio Salas, Jorge Alberto Argentine ball Cortes, Felix 1907. Danilova, Pelageja U.S.S.R. 1918. Gym­ Philippines Shooting — 400 m free style — 1 500 m free style — De Campou, Alberte Freance 1935. Athle­ 1918. Yachting — Dragon class Dessouki, Salah Egypt 1922. Fencing — nastics, women — free pistol — silhouette 4 x 200 m relay tics — 100 m — 4X100 m relay, women Del Rosario, Rodrigo Philippines 1917. foil, individual and team — epee, team — Danis, Ferdinand Czechoslovakia 1929. Gym­ Cottoni,Clodotnito Argentine 1923. Cycling Csordâs, Lajos Hungary 1932. Football De Capriles, Jose U.S.A. 1912. Fencing Weightlifting — featherweight 60 kilos sabre, team — 1 000 m time trial Cue, Dumitru1928. Greco-Roman nastics — epee, team — sabre, individual and Delsarte, Yvan Maurice Louis Belgium Detweilej, Robert Milan U.S.A. 1930. Cortright, Richard Willis U.S.A. 1929. wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Dare', Gastone Jfe/y 1918. Fencing — sabre, team 1929. Basketball Rowing — eights Cycling —2 000 m tandem Cuche, Roger Switzerland 1928. Boxing — individual and team Devine, Patricia Yvonne Great Britain 1932. De Cardenas Culmell, Carlos Cuba 1904. Del Vecchio, Hugo Oscar Argentine 1928. Cortsen, Leo Denmark 191,0. Greco-Roman lightweight 60 kilos Darivas, Georges Greece 1926. Football Athletics — 200 m, women Yachting — Star class Basketball wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Cunha E Silva, Natalia Portugal 1927. Darley, Mark Algernon Quinn Ireland 1926. Devonish, Arnoldo Venezuela 1932. Athle­ De Cardenas Pla, Carlos Cuba 1932. Demarco, Nelson Uruguay 1925. Basket­ Cosentino, Antonio Italy 1919. Yachting Gymnastics, women Riding — three-day event Yachting — Star class ball tics — hop, step and jump — 6 m class Cunha Figueiredo, Lùcio Brazil 1929. Darnowski, Constance U.S.A. 1934- Ath­ DeVoogt,FrederickHo//Wi927. Rowing De Cardenas Plâ, Jorge Cuba 1933. Yach­ De Melo Lara, Haroldo Hrazjl 1934- Swim­ Cosentino, Egidio Italy 1927. Hockey Swimming — water polo letics — 80 m hurdles, women — fours without cox ting — single-handed class ming — 100 m free style — 4 x200 m relay

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Devoti, Louis France 1926. Basketball Doldjéva, Ivanka Pénéva Bulgaria 1935. Duarte Silva, Joaquim Miguel Portugal Echegaray, Ramon Venezuela 1935. Cycling Elmankabadi, Albert Selim Egypt 1917. Enzo, Ottorino Italy 1926. Rowing — De Vries Lentsch, Willem Holland 1919. Gymnastics, women 1924. Equestrian — three-day event — 4 000 m team pursuit Rowing — pairs with cox — fours with eights Yachting — 5-5 m class Dolezal, Josef Chechoslovakia 1920. Athletics Dubessay, Jean-François France 1921. Echeverria, Ricardo C&7e 1918. Equestrian cox Erang, Hubert Euxemburg 1931. Gym­ De Waele, Frederick Albert Belgium 1919. — 10 000 m walk — 50 000 m road walk Hockey — Grand Prix des Nations Elmeckawi, Ahmed Mohamed Egypt nastics Gymnastics Dollheiser, Hans-Jiirgen Germany 1928. Dubois, Jean Marie Joseph Francois. Eckel, Inge Saar 1932. Athletics — 4X100 1923. Football Erbén, Isac Holger Sweden 1915. Shooting Dewachtere, Charles Paul Belgium 1927. Hockey Belgium 1926. Hockey m relay, women Elminabaoui, Ahmed Mohamed Moha­ — free rifle Athletics — marathon Dollheiser, Hugo Germany 1927. Hockey Ducheyne, Johannes E.M. Belgium 1933 Ecker, Juan Argentine 1930. Rowing — med Egypt 1928. Boxing — heavyweight Erbetta, Gladys Huri Ivonne Argentine Dewolf, Marcel France 1919. Gymnastics Domenjoz, Roger Switzerland 1923. Bas­ Basketball fours with cox over 81 kilos 1928. Athletics — 200 m — long jump Edassi, Endelj U.S.S.R. 1929. Swimming Dhanoa, Sohan Singh/«(//a 1930. Athletics ketball Dudal, Eliane France 1926. Athletics — Elminabaoui, Mohamed Mohamed Egypt . — 4 X 100 m relay, women — 100 m free style — 800 m Doneff, Christo Petroff Bulgaria 193a. long jump, women 1927. Boxing — light-heavyweight 81 Erdei, Jânos Hungary 1919. Boxing — Efstathiadis, Rigas Greece 1930. Athletics Dias de Toledo, Alvaro Luciano Brazil Basketball Dudgeon, Ian Hume Ireland 1924. Eques­ kilos featherweight 57 kilos — pole vault Erez (Buxenbaum), Dan Haim Israel 1933. 1921. Equestrian — Grand Prix des Dooley, Frank M. 1929. Swimming trian — three-day event Elo, Pentti Olavi Finland 1929. Hockey Egnell, Claës Robert Sweden 1916. Modern Nations — 4 X 2GG m relay Dudok van Heel, Abraham Everardus Eloy, Albert France 1927. Football Basketball Dias Villela, Harvey 1898. pentathlon Brazil Shooting Dordoni, Giuseppe Italy 1926. Athletics Holland 1917. Yachting — Dragon class Elrashidy, Mohamed Ezz Eldin Aly Ericsson, Ingvar Axel Sweden 1927. Ath­ Egorov, Anatolij U.S.S.R. 1922. Swimming — small-bore rifle — 50 COG m road walk Dudok van Heel, Michiel Holland 1924. Ahmed Egypt 1923. Basketball letics — 1 500 m Diaz Saenz Valiente, Enrique — water polo Argentine D'Orgeix, Jean France 1921. Equestrian Yachting — Dragon class Elsahrawi, Mohamed Fathi Ahmed Ab- Ericsson, Solvcig Anna 1932. Ath­ Ehrman, Kurt Germany 1922. Football 1917. Shooting — silhoutte — Grand Prix des Nations Duffy, Patrick Joseph Ireland 1921. Fen­ dalla Egypt 1925. Rowing — fours with letics — high jump, women Eichenberger, Willy Switzerland 1928. Dib, Alexandre Brazil 1929. Boxing — D'Oriola, Christian France 1928. Fencing cing — foil, individual — epee, individual cox Ericzon, Ragnar Sven Sweden 1926. Ath­ Athletics —• 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay •welterweight 67 kilos — foil, individual and team Duggan, William Bernard Tynan Ireland Elsaid, Dorry Abdel Kader Egypt 1927. letics — javelin Dick, Alan 1930. Eichholz, Heinrich GerawBy 1927. Rowing Great Britain Athletics Dornblaser, Norman 1933. Swim­ 1925. Boxing — middleweight 75 kilos Swimming — 100 m free style Eriksen, Aage Norway 1917. Greco-Roman — pairs without cox — 400 m — 4X400 m relay ming — water polo Du Jardin, Josef Jan Belgium 1934. Basket­ Elsayed, Mohamed Hamza Amera Egypt wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Dickhut, Adalbert 1923. Einiô, Kaarlo Ilmari Finland 1921. Hockey Germany Gym­ Dosanjh, Balbir Singh/«(fc 1924. Hockey ball 1924. Rowing — fours with cox Eriksen, Alfred Norway 1918. Fencing — Eisemann, John J. U.S.A. 1925. Canoeing nastics Dos Santos, Wanda Brazil 1932. Athletics Dumbadze, Nina U.S.S.R. 1919. Athletics Elshafie, Abdelaziz Egypt 1931. Swimming epee, individual and team — sabre, indi­ — 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 Dickinson, Colin Healey New Zealand — 80 m hurdles — long jump, women — discus, women — 100 m free style — water polo vidual Eisenecker, Julius Germany 1903. Fencing 1931. Cycling — 1 000 m scratch race — Dos Santos Jr., Alvaro José Brazil 1911. Dumitru, Constantin Rumania 1925. Ath­ Elsharawy, Salah Eldin Mohamed Egypt Eriksen, Jens Juul Denmark 1926. Cycling — foil, individual and team 2 000 m tandem Shooting — free pistol letics — hammer 1926. Swimming — water polo — 2 000 m tandem Ek, John Ragnar Gideon Sweden 1922. Dicks, Janet U.S.A. 1933. Athletics — Dossenbach, Walter Switzerland 1922. Dunbar, James Alp U.S.A. 1930. Rowing El Sherbiny, Gamal Eldeen Hamed Egypt Eriksson, Bo Knut Arvid Sweden 1922. Rowing — eights shot, women Weightlifting — middleweight 75 kilos — eights 1923. Athletics — pole vault Fencing — foil, individual and team — Ekfeldt, Dietrich, Norbert Saar 1931. Gymnastics Tage Flenning Sweden lyztj. Ath­ El Shorbagui, Saad el Din 1920. Dosztâly, Jânos Hungary 1920. Shooting Duncan, Peter John Souti Africa 1935. Egypt sabre, individual Diez, Luis Antonio Argentine 1923. Swim­ letics — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay — small-bore rifle Swimming — 400 m free style — i 500 m Shooting — free rifle Eriksson, Sven Einar Sweden 1921. Weight- ming — water polo Eklund, Ulla-Britt Sweden1934. Swimming Dot, Raymond France 1926. Gymnastics free style — 4 x 200 m relay Eisner, Wolfgang Germany 1906. Yachting lifting — featherweight 60 kilos Dillard, Harrison U.S.A. 1923. Athletics — 200 m breast stroke, women Dotzer, Philipp Germany 1926. Swimming Dunska, Elzbieta 1934. — 6 m class Eriksson, Sven Olof Sweden 1929. Ath­ Poland Athletics Elalfy, Hussein Youssef Egypt 1927. — 110 m hurdles — 4 X 100 m relay — water polo — long jump, women Elste-Neumann, Meta ( ..V..1. 1919. Gym­ letics — 400 m hurdles Dillion, James Lso U.S.A. 1929. Athletics Rowing — single sculls Doubleday, Kenneth Leslie Australia Durand, 1929. nastics, women Erinle, Titus Abimbola Nigeria 1927. Ath­ Ginette France Gymnastics, Elattar, Ibrahim Wagih Egypt 1928. — discus Eltouni, Abdel Kader Elsaid Egypt 1925. letics — 100 m — 4X100 m relay 1926. Athletics — 4X100 m relay — women Rowing — fours with cox Dillon, John Desmond Great Britain 1921. 67 Ermakov, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1910. Yacht­ 4 x 400 m relay — nom hurdles — 400 m Durâo, Ricardo Fernando Portugal 1928. Weightlifting — lightweight ^ kilos Yachting — 5-5 m class Elattar, Mamdooh Youssef Egypt 1926. hurdles Modern pentathlon Elvstrem, Paul Bert Denmark 1928. Yacht­ ing — 6 m class Dimitrijevic, Mihajlo Yugoslavia 1927. Rowing — fours with cox Douglas, Ewan Campbell Kennedy ing — single-handed class Erndl, Wolfgang Austria 1921. Yachting Great Durelli, Elisabetta 7/a/y 1936. Gymnastics, Eldizwi, Elsayed E.M. Egypt 1926. Foot­ Athletics — high jump Elward, Mohamed Abdel Hamid Egypt — single-handed class Britain 1922. Athletics — hammer women ball Dinçer, Altan Turkey 1932. Basketball 1923. Free style wrestling — flyweight Ertan, Mustafa Turkey 1926. Football Dower, David William Great Britain 1933. Durr, John Diederick South Africa 1930. Elek, Ilona Hungary 1907. Fencing — foil, D'Inzeo, Piero Italy 1923. Equestrian — 52 kilos Eschenbrenner, Hans Saar 1910. Shoot­ Boxing — flyweight 51 kilos Swimming — 100 m free st yle — 4 X 200 m three-day event women ing — small-bore rifle Doybak, Emin Turkey 1931. Athletics — relay Elzendoorn, Henrik Adolf Belgium 1929. D'Inzeo, Raimondo 1925. Equestrian Elek, Margit Hungary 1910. Fencing — 400 m — 400 m hurdles Rowing — fours without cox Escoto Valdés, Alberto Cuba 1925. Bas­ — Grand Prix des Nations Dvorak, Bedrich Chechoslovakia 1930. Ca­ foil, women Dragomir, Zeno Kumania 1923. Athletics Eminente, Aldo France 1931. Swimming ketball Dirimilili, Basri Turkey 1929. Football noeing — 10 000 m K-2 Eleuterio, Eugenio Calças Portugal 1920. — pole vault — 100 m free style — 4X200 m relay Ess, Emile Switzerland 1932. Rowing — Di Rosa, Manlio Italy 1914. Fencing — Dvorak, Kurt Austria 1928. Hockey Athletics — 200 m — 4 x 100 m relay Drand, Odette France 1927. Fencing — Emmanouil, Gregoire, Greece 1912. Row­ fours with cox foil, individual and team Dwyer, Dolores U.S.A. 1932. Athletics — Elfar, Kamal Ahmed Vi.ligypt 1929. Foot­ foil, women ing — pairs with cox Essawi, Abdel Fattah Mohamed Egypt Di Segni, Giacomo Italy 1919. Boxing — 200 m, women ball Dransart, Georges France 1924. Canoeing Emmanouilides, Paul Greece 1929. Foot­ 1924. Free style wrestling — feather­ heavyweight over 81 kilos , Dybenko, Georgij U.S.S.R. 1928. Ath­ Elgamal, Taha Youssef Egypt 1923. — 1 000 m C-2 ball weight 62 kilos Disley, JohnIvorGm7/-Bnto« 1928. Athle­ letics — hammer Swimming — water polo Drew, Dorothy Ann Great Britain 1934. Emtshuk, Igor U.S.S.R. 1930. Rowing — Esser, Hans Germany 1909. Fencing — tics — 3 000 m steeplechase Dybkaer, Rene Denmark 1926. Fencing — Elgiddawi, Ahmed Khalil Ahmed Egypt Swimming — springboard diving, women double sculls sabre, individual and team Ditta, Allah Pakistan 1931. Athletics — epee, individual and team 1931. Gymnastics Drews, Egon Germany 1926. Canoeing — Enciu, Hie Rumania 1924. Weightlifting — Esser, Rius Theo Holland 1918. Hockey 10 000 m walk Dyg, Egon Ove Denmark 1928. Canoeing Elhamaky, Mohyi Eldin Abdel Hamid 1 000 m C-2 — 10 000 m C-2 middleweight 75 kilos Estman, George South Africa 1922. Cycling Dittmar, Hans Erik Finlandiyoi. Yachting — 1 000 m K-2 Egypt 1929. Boxing — lightweight 60 Drijver, Johan Frederick 1927. Enderle, Jean Jacques Albert Belgium 1920. — road race — 4 000 m team pursuit Holland Dyke-Wells, Donald Newsom South Africa kilos — 5-5 m class Estrada Rivero, Armando Cuba 1930. Hockey 1925. Elhamoly, Alladin Hassanin Egypt 1930. Hockey Diyarbakirli, Nejat Turkey 1928. Basketball Rowing — fours without cox Basketball Drinic, Anka Yugoslavia 1924. Gymnastics, Endl, Ernst Austria 1929. Swimming — Djian, RenéFraœe 1927. Athletics — 800 m Dyson, Edward Great Britain 1919. Yacht­ Football women water polo Esztergomi, Mihàly Hungary 1912. Ath­ Djuraskovic, Bozidar Yugoslavia 1926. ing — Dragon class Eliraz, Alexander Israel 1910. Shooting Endt, Everard C. U.S.A. 1893. Yachting letics — marathon Athletics — 3 000 m steeplechase Drobinskij, Viktor U.S.S.R. 1932. Swim­ Dziedzic, Augustin Poland 1929, Weight- — small-bore rifle — 6 m class Ethirveerasingham, Nagalingama Ceylon D'Lima Polanco, Héctor Venezuela 1911. ming — 400 m free style — 4 x 200 m relay lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos Ellerbrock, Rolf Germany 1933. Free style Engel, Martin Stephen U.S.A. 1932. Ath­ 1934. Athletics — high jump Shooting — free pistol Drogosz, Lech Poland 1933. Boxing — DzordJikija, Nodar U.S.S.R. 1921. Bas­ wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos — letics — hammer Eugster, Hans Switzerland 1929. Gym­ Dlugoborski, Mieczyslaw F aland 1931. featherweight 5 7 kilos ketball Greco-Roman wrestling — featherweight Engelbrecht, Barry Francois South Africa nastics Athletics — 1 500 m Droguett Silva, Héctor Hernân Chile 1925. Dzugeli, Medeja U.S.S.R. 1925. Gym­ 62 kilos 1924. Weightlifting — lightweight 67 ^ Evans, Frank Great Britain 1926. Athletics Dobrescu, Mircea Kumania 1930. Boxing Cycling — road race nastics, women Elliott, Geoffrey Michael Great Britain kilos — 800 m — flyweight 51 kilos Drossos, Charalambos Greece 1927. Foot­ 1931. Athletics — pole vault — decathlon Engelhardt, Dieter Germany 1926. Ath­ Evans, Thomas J. U.S.A. 1931. Free style Dobronyi, Jôzsef Hungary 1917. Athletics ball . Elliott, Peter John Henry Great Britain E wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos — marathon Druart, Jean Claude France 1927. Football 1930. Swimming — spring-board diving letics — marathon Englas, Avgust U.S.S.R. 1925. Freestyle Evans, Yorrie Great Britain 1923. Weight- Dochy, André France 1928. Weightlifting Druetzler, Warren Oliver U.S.A. 1929. Eagan, Dennis Michael Royal Creaf Britain Elliot, R. John Australia 1934. Free style lifting — lightweight 671/ kilos — middleweight 75 kilos Athletics — 1 500 m 1926. Hockey wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 kilos 2 Engler, Hansruedi Switzerland 1928. Ca­ Everaerts, Augustus Belgium 1929. Free Dohen, Jacques France 1930. Athletics — Drygall, Victor F. U.S.A. 1917. Athletics Eager, Maureen Cynthia Hong Kong 193^- Ellis-Brown, Joseph South Africa 1916. style wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos 110 m hurdles — marathon Swimming — 100 m free style — 400 111 Yachting — 5-5 m class noeing — 1 000 m K-i Enrich, Clyde U.S.A. 1931. Weightlifting Evers, Hans-Hermann Germany 1930. Dohrow, Giinter Germany 1927. Athletics D'Souza, Mary Emily India 1931. Athletics free style, women Elloy, Colette France 1931. Athletics — — light-heavyweight 821/ kilos Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations — 1 500 m — 100 m — 200 m, women Eberle, Hans Germany 1925. Football 80 m hurdles, women 2 22 Enriquez, Benjamin Philippines 1929. Bo­ Evtimoff, Georgui Vassileff Banana 1931. Dolan, Paul P. Ireland 1927. Athletics •— Duarte, Guilherma Portugal 1929. Swim­ Ebling Bercht, Alfredo Jorge Brazil i9 ' El Mabrouk, Patrick France 1928. Ath­ xing — lightweight 60 kilos Football 100 m — 200 m — 400 m ming — 100 m free style — water polo Yachting — single-handed class letics — 800 m — 1 500 m

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Forsblom, Ruben Anders Finland 1931. Fuchs, Erich Germany 1925. Athletics — Garai, Sândor Hungary 1920. Athletics — Ewing, Graviola Guatemala 1930. Ath­ Fazekas, Istvân Hungary 1929. Boxing — Figueroa Otero, Angel Luis Puerto Rico Cycling — road race 100 m 1 500 m letics — 100 m — 200 m, women light-heavyweight 81 kilos 1929. Boxing — bantamweight 54 kilos Forssal, Carl Otto Sweden 1917. Fencing Fuchs, Jamas U.S.A. 1927. Athletics — Garbuzov, Gennadij U.S.S.R. 1930. Box­ Eygel, Jozef Fidela 1933. Basket­ Fazil, Mohammad Pakistan 1926. Ath­ Figueroa Reyes, Exequiel C/jiie 1924. —• epee, individual and team shot ing — bantamweight 54 kilos Garcia Artime, Casimiro Cuba 1930. Bas­ ball letics — 4X 100 m relay Basketball Forta, Osvaldo Argentine 1919. Weight- Fuantas Basoain, Hernân Chile 1918. Eyre, Leonard Great Britain 1925. Ath­ Fedin, Vasilij U.S.S.R. 1926. Cycling — Filiput, Armando Italy 1923. Athletics —• lifting — light-heavyweight 82 ^ kilos Modem pentathlon ketball Garcia Cruz, Jaime Spain 1910. Equestrian letics — 1 500 m 4 000 m team pursuit 4X400 m relay — 400 m hurdles Fortûn Chacon, Rafael Cuba 1919. Ath­ Fuller, Charles Edward Great Britain 1919. — Grand Prix des Nations Ezr, Josef Chechoslovakia 1923. Basketball Fedorov, Boris U.S.S.R. 1931. Rowing — Filo, Milan Chechoslovakia 1929. Athletics letics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X100 m Football Garcia Delgado, Angel Cuba 1920. Ath­ fours with cox — 400 m relay Furetz, Gazo Rumania 1930. Boxing — Fedorov, Georgij U.S.S.R. 1926. Ath­ letics — 200 m — 400 m — 4 X 100 m F Filz, Fritzi Austria 1907. Fencing — foil, Foster, 'Vtetna.tà Great Britain 1931. Boxing heavyweight over 81 kilos letics — shot women — light-middleweight 71 kilos relay Furlan, Dusan Yugpsiavia 1929. Gymnastics Garcia Garcia, Juan Cuba 1926. Basket­ Fabian, Dezso Hungary 1918. Swimming Fekete, Jôzsef Hungary 1923. Gymnastics Finger, Ursula Sàar 1929. Athletics —• Foster, John Lewis Australia 1931. Swim­ Furlong, Oscar Alberto Argentine 1927. ball — water polo Feldinger, Franz Austria 1928. Football long jump — 4x100 m relay, women ming — water polo Basketball Garcia Ordonez, Carlos Cuba 1927. Bas­ Fabra, Ignazio Italy 1930. Greco-Roman Felici Italo Osoldi, Francisco Antonio Finlay, Mervyn David Australia 1925. FouCek, Ladislav Czechoslovakia 1930. Furmen, Imra Hungary 1933. Cycling — ketball Brazil 1925. Yachting — Dragon class Rowing — eights Cycling — 1 000 time trial wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos 2 000 m tandem — 4 000 m team pursuit Garcia Otero, Héctor Uruguay 1926. Bas­ Fabricius, Eric Finland 1901. Yachting — Felton, Samuel Morse Jr. U.S.A. 1926. Foulds, June Great Britain 1934. Athletics Fiorentini, Augusto Italy 1929. Weight- Furtado, Francisco Augusto Brazil 1917- ketball Athletics — hammer 1 — 100 m — 4X100 m relay, women Dragon class lifting — light-heavyweight 82 /2 kilos Rowing — pairs with cox Garcia P., Ricardo Mexico 1926. Cycling Façanha de Sa, Ary Brazil 1928. Athletics Fendler, Robert Austria 1921. Football Fowler, Robert Gerald South Africa 1931. Firea, Victor Rumania 1923. Athletics — Furuhashi, Hironoshin Japan 1928. Swim­ — road race — long jump Feoktistov, Igor U.S.S.R. 1928. Canoeing 3 000 m steeplechase Cycling — road race — 4 000 m team ming — 400 m free style — 10 000 m K-2 pursuit GarciaQuazada, José Chile 1931. Football Facci, Mayr Brazil 1927. Basketball Firmenich, André 1905. Yacht­ Fiissmann, Gerhard Germany 1928. Row­ Garilhe, Renée France 1923. Fencing — Fafangeli, Mario Yugoslavia 1914. Yachting Ferdows, Hassan Iran 1929. Weightlifting ing — 6 m class Fox, Anthony Great Britain 1928. Rowing ing — double sculls 1 foil, women — Star class — lightweight 67 /2 kilos Firmin, Georges France 1924. Weightlift­ — single sculls Fôldesi, Ôdôn Hungary 1929. Athletics — Fereberger, Harald Austria 1929. Yacht­ Frain de la Gaulayrie, Jean France 1918. Garrard, Richard Australia 1909. Free Fagerstrôm, Jarl Gunnar Finland 1924. ing — light-heavyweight 82 kilos long jump style wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Canoeing — 10 000 m C-i ing — Star class Fischer, Gustav Switzerland 1915. Equest­ Yachting — Dragon class Francis, Amadeo Puerto Rico 1931. Ath­ Garrido Luloaga, Orlando Cuba 1924. Faget Otazo, Alfredo Cuba 1923. Basket­ Fereda, Eduardo Jorge Venezuela 1926. rian — Dressage 1 G Weightlifting — light-heavyweight 82 /2 ball Swimming — spring-board diving Fischer, Paul Elimar Germany 1922. Yacht­ letics — 400 m hurdles Ferguson, John Andrew (Weat Britain 1930. Francis, Runganadhan India 1920. Hockey kilos Faggi, Franco Italy 1926. Rowing — fours ing — Star class Gabarrus, Marcelle Roberta France 1929. Garritsen, Petronella Frederika Cornelia Swimming — water polo Franco, Andres T. Philippines 1925. Ath­ without cox Fisher, Lenora Canada 1937. Swimming Athletics — 200 m — 4X100 m relay, Holland Swimming — 200 m breast Faggs, Mae U.S.A. 1932. Athletics — 100 Ferguson, Richard Canada 1932. Ath­ — 100 m back stroke — 4 x 100 m relay, letics — high jump women letics — 5 000 m François, Atilio Uruguay 1922. Cycling — stroke, women m •— 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay, women women Gabrera G., José Mexico 1921. Basketball Gascue, Sergio Venezuela 1932. Boxing Fahim, Moustafa Mohamed Egypt 1925. Fernandas, Fernando de Matos Portugal Fisk, Graham Great Britain 1928. Rowing 4 000 m team pursuit Gaca, Pavel Poland 1917. Gymnastics Frantsan, Jorgen Denmark 1935. Rowing — welterweight 67 kilos Boxing — middleweight 75 kilos 1920. Athletics — 400 m hurdles — — fours with cox Gafni (Wiener), Ernst (Yehuda) Israel — pairs with cox Gathers, Jamas U.S.A. 1930. Athletics — Fahlman, Svcn Torsten Sweden 1914. Fen­ decathlon Fitting, Willy Switzerland 1925. Fencing 1930. Basketball Frateff, Rachko Vassileff Bulgaria 1925. 200 m cing — epee, individual and team — foil, Fernandez, Corsino Argentine 1920. Ath­ — epee, team Gaga, Louis A. U.S.A. 1928. Boxing — Equestrian — three-day event Gautier, Roger France 1922. Rowing — team letics — marathon Fitzgerald, Carl Australia 1928. Boxing welterweight 67 kilos Frayer, Hugues France 1923. Athletics •— fours without cox Fahlqvist, Bengt Sweden 1922. Greco- Fernandez Diez, Hugo Chile 1930. Bas­ — heavyweight over 81 kilos Gâl, Jôzsef Hungary 1918. Free style wrest­ Gavilan, Marcelino Spain 1909. Equest­ decathlon Roman wrestling — heavyweight over ketball Fiuza, Joaquim Mascarenhas Portugal ling — lightweight 67 kilos rian — Grand Prix des Nations Ferner, Finn Christian Norway 1920. Yacht­ Fradin, Ingagard Sweden 1930. Swimming Galan, Romao Alberto Argentine 1933. 87 kilos 1908. Yachting — Star class — 100 m free style — 400 m free style Gavrish, Marija U.S.S.R. 1951. Swimming Fahmy Hanna, William Egypt 1928. Ath­ ing — 6 m class Fivian, Ernst Switzerland 1931. Gymnas­ Athletics — 100 m — 4X100 m relay — 200 m breast stroke, women — 4 X 100 m relay, women letics — 1 500 m Ferner, Johan Martin Nonray 1927. Yacht­ Galardo, Oscar Juan Argentine 1929. Box­ Gawron, Pawel Poland 1921. Gymnastics tics Fradriksson, Gart Fridolf Sweden 1919. Fait, Bruno Italy 1924. Athletics — 10 000 ing — 6 m class ing — light-welterweight 63 kilos Gayford, Thomas Franklin Canada 1928. Flament, Claudia Henrietta France 1930. Canoeing — 1 000 m K-i — 10 000 m m walk Ferrari, Andrea Italy 1915. Yachting — Galasso, Pedro Brazil 1930. Boxing — Equestrian — three-day event Athletics — 80 m hurdles, women IC-Ï 6 m class featherweight 57 kilos Gazso, Juan Argentine 1922. Basketball Falkum-Hansen, Borre Norway 1919. Flenner, Wilhelm Austria 1922. Weight- Freeman, Mary Gray U.SA. 1933. Swim­ Ferrari, Roberto Italy 1923. Fencing — 1 Gales, Julien Luxemburg 1924. Football Gebandingar, Ernst Switzerland 1926. Yachting — 5.5 m class lifting — light-heavyweight 82 /2 kilos ming — 100 m back stroke, women sabre, team Galesi, Luciano Italy 1926. Shooting — Fanara, Colette France 1926. Gymnastics, Fletcher, Robin Anthony Great Britain Fraaman-Jackson, Henry Ireland 1910. Gymnastics Ferreira, Norberto Argentine 1919. Weight- free pistol Gedda, Per Olof Harald Sweden 1914. women 1922. Hockey Equestrian — three-day event Galeyn, Auguste Charles Adolphe Belgium Yachting — Dragon class Fantoni, Guido Italy 1919. Greco-Roman lifting — heavyweight over 90 kilos Flinik, Alfons Poland 1926. Hockey Fraihoff, Roland Germany 1931. Rowing Ferreira da Silva, Adhemar Brazil 1927. 1908. Yachting — Dragon class Gedlak, Wladyslaw Poland 1930. Football wrestling — heavyweight over 87 kilos Flinik, Henryk Poland 1928. Hockey — eights Galfrascoli, Tomas Argentine 1925. Yacht­ Geistar, Hans Germany 1928. Athletics — Fares, Youssef Egypt 1906. Shooting — Athletics — hop, step and jump Flinik, Jan Poland 1932. Hockey Fraij, Karl Gustaf Herbert Sweden 1922. ing — 5-5 m class clay pigeon Ferrer, Paulino Venezuela 1927. Athletics Floody Buxton, Nilo A. Chile 1921. Mo­ Greco-Roman wrestling — lightweight 400 m — 4X400 m relay — 400 m hurdles Galimi, Felix Argentine 1921. Fencing — Geiszler, Austria 1926. Rowing — Farkas, Béla Hungary 1928. Boxing — dern pentathlon 67 kilos Ferrer, Séraphin France 1931. Boxing — foil, individual and team — sabre, team fours without cox light-welterweight 63 kilos Floquet, Georges France 1921. Gymnastics Fray, Palle Denmark 1920. Fencing — lightweight 60 kilos Galimi, Fulvio Argentine 1927. Fencing Gemici, Hasan Turkey 1927. Free style Farmati, Zoltan Kumania 1924. Football Floras, Dorothao Guatemala 1922. Athle­ sabre, individual and team — foil, individual and team — sabre, team wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos Farmer, Suzanne Great Britain 1934. Ath­ Ferriani, Sergio Italy 1923. Basketball tics — marathon Freylinger, HenriLaxezî/fcrg 1926. Greco- Galin, Rudolf Yugoslavia 1928. Athletics Ganato, Antonio Philippines 1929. Basket­ letics — discus, women Fesl, Gerti Austria 1931. Gymnastics, wo­ Flury, Jacques Switzerland 1932. Weight- Roman wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos — hammer Farnum, Kenneth Aubrey Jamaica 1931. men lifting — middleweight 75 kilos Frick, Carol Helen U.S.A. 1933- Swim­ ball I Galinanes Lopez, José Angel Puerto Rico Généraux, George Patrick Canada 1935. Cycling — 1 000 m scratch race — 1 000 Fethers, John Australia 1929. Fencing — Flûckiger, Pierre-André Switzerland I9 9' ming — spring-board diving, women Shooting — clay pigeon m time trial foil, individual and team — epee, indivi­ Shooting — clay pigeon Friabarger, Marcus U.SA. 1928. Basket­ 1904. Shooting — clay pigeon Gentle, Randhir Singh India 1922. Hockey Farrington, Sloane Elmo Bahamas 1923. dual and team — sabre, individual and von Foerster, Warner E. Argentine 1897. Gallegati, JLtcole Italy 1911. Greco-Roman ball Genuth, Leon Argentine 1931. Free style Yachting — Star class team Yachting — 6 m class Friedrich, Hans Austria 1924. Gymnastics wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos Fascher, Willy Germany 1912. Fencing — Fetz, Friedrich Austria 1927. Gymnastics Folbart, Andrei Rumania 1931- Basketball Friadan, Paul Luxemburg 1925. Athletics Gallin, Orion Israel 1928. Athletics — discus George, Pete U.S.A. 1929. Weightlifting sabre, individual and team — foil, team Fiat, Gheorghe Rumania 1929. Boxing — Fonck, Jean Luxemburg 1920. Athletics — 5 000 m — middleweight 75 kilos Fathi, Salah El Din Ahmed Egypt 1924. lightweight 60 kilos 110 m hurdles — 400 m hurdles Frolov, Vasilij U.S.S.R. 1926. Shooting Gallo Chinchilla, Juan Jose Chile 1924. George, Robert Marie Auguste Belgium Boxing — featherweight 57 kilos Fichefet, Albert Modeste Emile Francois Fontan, Ana Maria Argentine 1928. Ath­ — silhouette Basketball 1932. Rowing — double sculls Faucher, Paul France 1920. Athletics — Simon Belgium 1903. Shooting — clay letics — 100 m — 4X 100 m relay, women Frye, Wayne Thomas U.S.A. 1930. Row­ Galvao, Pedro Argentine 1934. Swimming Georgescu, Victor Rumania 1932. Cycling long jump pigeon Fontanasi, Alberto Italy 1929. Football ing — eights — 4X200 m relay — 100 m back stroke E 0 — road race Fields, William Beauford U.S.A. 1929. Fontani, Caral Holland 93 * Frobom, Bengt Sweden 1926. Cycling — Gamba, Bruno Italy 1929. Rowing — Faulds, Ronald Sinclair Australia 1922. Géorgieff, Ilia Assanoff Bulgaria 1925. Swimming — spring-board diving Rowing — eights Rowing — fours with cox 4 000 m team pursuit pairs without cox Basketball Fierro M., Efrén Mexico 1929. Swimming Forai, Ovidiu Rumania 1919. Greco-Roman Frôlén, Karl Folke Sweden 1908. Equest­ Gambino, Raffaallo Ife/v 1928. Swimming Faure, EdmondFraœe 1927. Greco-Roman Géorgieff, Konstantin Dimitroff Bulgaria wrestling — flyweight 5 2 kilos — 1 500 m free style — 4X200 m relay wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 kilos rian — three-day event — water polo 1 1951. Basketball Fifer, James Thomas U.S.A. 1930. Row­ Ford, Dennis George South Africa I93 - Fromming, SvendTheodor Denmark 1918. Ganaker, Galina U.S.S.R. 1917. Athletics Faure, Maurice France 1927. Greco-Ro­ Géorgieff, Pierre Dimitroff Bulgaria 1929. ing — pairs with cox Swimming — 100 m free style — 400 m Canoeing — 10 000 m K-2 — high jump, women man wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Cycling — road race Figone, Guido Italy 192.7. Gymnastics free style — 1 500 m free style 4^ Frôstell, Walthar Sigfrid Sweden 1913. Gantois, Louis France 1929. Canoeing — Fawzy, Mahmoud Omar Egypt 1919. Georgoulis, Greece 1928. Greco- Greco-Roman wrestling — flyweight 52 Figueroa, Hernân Chile 1927. Athletics — 200 m relay Shooting — free rifle — small-bore rifle 1 000 m K-i kilos decathlon Formanti, Sergio Italy 1928. Hockey 725 724

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Gôker, Turhan Turkey 1930. Athletics — Greter, Otto Switzerland 1910. Fencing — Guilini, Nicole Belgium 1936. Swimming Roman wrestling — heavyweight over Glasgow, Wayne V. [7. 1926. Basket­ Gorgas, Edgar Germany 1928. Boxing — epee, individual and team — 4X100 m relay, women 800 m — 1 500 m 87 kilos ball heavyweight over 81 kilos Gôllner, Olga Romania 1930. Gymnastics, Gretsch, Emile Luxemburg 1908. Fencing Guillier, Lucien France 1926. Athletics — Gerevich, Aladar Hungary 1910. Fencing Glashôrster, Inge Saar 1927. Athletics — Gorinho, Julio Portugal 1923. Yachting — — epee, individual and team discus — shot women — sabre, team and individual — foil, team 4X100 m relay, women 5.5m class Gries, Gertrude 1924. Gymnastics, Guillin, Robert France 1926. Basketball Gerdil, Marcel France 1928. Athletics — Glassér, Lars Bertil iVedOT 1923. Canoeing Gorno, Reinaldo Berto Argentine 1918. Guillou, Jean France 1931. Gymnastics 200 m — 1 000 m K-2 Athletics — marathon women H Griesser, Fritz Switzerland 1929. Athletics Guimarâes Ferreira, Renyldo Pedro Brazil Gerhardt, James E. U.S.A. 1929. Ath­ Gorohovskaja, Marija U.S.S.R. 1921. Gym­ Haapasalmi, Kalle Kustaa Finland 1926. Gleie, Knud Denmark 1935. Swimming — — 100 m 1924. Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations letics — hop, step and jump zoo m breast stroke nastics, women Greco-Roman wrestling — lightweight Griffiths, Harold Arthur Jones Canada Guissart, Jacques JeanFro«« 1927. Rowing Gericke, Hermann Switzerland 1931. Gortshakova, Elena U.S.S.R. 1933. Ath­ Gleixner, Erich Germany 1920. Football 1924. Rowing — fours without cox — fours without cox 67 kilos Swimming — 100 m back stroke Glen Haig, Mary Alison Great Britain 1918. letics — Javelin, women Haaranen, Asta Anneli Finland 1934. Grigalka, Otto U.S.S.R. 1925. Athletics — Guissart, René Jacques France 1929. Row­ Gerrietsen, Helena Antonette Holland Fencing — foil, women Goscianski, Antoni Poland 1926. Boxing Swimming — 100 m back stroke 4X discus — shot ing — pairs without cox 1930. Gymnastics, women Glorieux, Gabriel Hector Belgium 1930. — heavyweight over 81 kilos 100 m relay, women Grigorjev, Leonid U.S.S.R. 1926. Athletics Guivehtchi, Nasser Iran 1935. Free style Gevert, Jorn Chile 1929. Athletics — no Gosling, Francis Jones Bermuda 1917. Haas, John Able U.S.A. 1909. Canoeing Cycling — 2 000 m tandem — 4 000 m — long jump wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos m hurdles — 400 m hurdles team pursuit Swimming — spring-board diving — 1 000 m C-2 — 10 000 m C-2 Grigorova, Raina Ivanova Bulgaria 1931. Gulbrandsen, Hans Martin Norway 1914. Geyer, Fritz Germany 1925. Swimming — Gosselin, Pierre Belgium 1932. Cycling — Haas, Karl-Friedrich Germany 1931. Ath­ Glotin, Suzanne Pierrette France 1933. Gymnastics, women Canoeing — 10 000 m K-i high diving 2 000 m tandem letics — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay ^ Athletics — long jump, women Grijo Filho, Adhemar Brazil 1931- Gulyas, Kàrolyné Hungary 1924. Gymnas­ Ghaleb, Seifullah Egypt 1916. Shooting Gotcheff, Krestio Velkoff Bulgaria 1917. tîaase, Giinthet Germany 1925. Swimming Gocke, Gustav Germany 1919. Free style Swimming — 200 m breast stroke tics, women — clay pigeon Equestrian — three-day event — high diving wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos — Grill, Hildegard Austria 1927. Gymnastics, Gundersen, Bjôrn Norway 1924. Athletics Gharbo, Samir Ahmed Egypt 1925. Goto, Ryuji ]apan 1931. Rowing — fours Haddad, Hernân Chile 1928. Athletics — Greco-Roman wrestling — middle-weight women — high jump Swimming — water polo with cox discus 79 kilos Grilz, Giorgio Italy 1930. Swimming — Gunnarsson, Gunnar Harry Ingemar Gheriani, Magdi Egypt 1931. Gymnastics Goto, Toru Japan 1934. Swimming — IOO Haest, Henri Belgium 1926. Athletics — Goddard, Gerald Sidney South Africa 1920. 200 m breast stroke Sweden 1929. Boxing — welterweight Ghiatto, Sergio Italy 1928. Rowing — m free style — 4 X 200 m relay hammer Swimming — water polo Groba Oliveira, Edith Brazil i928- 67 kilos eights Gouda, Said Khalifa Egypt 1931. Weight- Hafez, Abdelrahman Ismail Egypt 1923. Gogoberidze, Avtandil U.S.S.R. 1922. Swimming — 100 m back stroke, women Gunnarsson, Sven Evert Sweden 1929. Ghidini, Gianni Italy 1930. Cycling — lifting — featherweight 60 kilos Basketball Football Grodner, Zygmunt Poland 1932. Fencing Rowing — pairs without cox road race Goudeau, Jean-Pierre France 1933. Ath­ Hahn, Klaus Saar 1925. Rowing — pairs Gojkman, Boris U'.i'.j'.R. 1919. Swimming — epee, team von Gunten, Ernst 1921. Ath­ Ghose, Nilima India 1935. Athletics — letics — 400 m — 4x400 m relay without cox — water polo Grohs, Herbert Austria 1931. Football letics — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay 100 m — 80 m hurdles, women Gourdine, Meredith C. U.S.A. 1929. Ath­ Guobadia, Boniface Aggrey Àgbonfo Haidegger, Elisabeth Austria 1925. Ath­ Gokieli, Elena U.S.S.R. 1916. Athletics Grondelaers, Robert Belgium 1933. Cycling Giacchc, Oscar Argmùne 1923. Cycling — letics — long jump letics — discus, women — 80 m hurdles, women — road race Nigeria 1926. Athletics — high jump 4 000 m team pursuit Goursolle, André Yves FraKce 1931- Row­ Haidegger, Kadolî Austria 1923. Athletics Grose-Hodge, Christopher Dorrien Gurath, Adalbert Rumania 1915. Fencing Giataganas, Constantin Greece 1920. Ath­ Golas, Antoni Poland 1919. Greco-Roman ing—fours with cox — 400 m hurdles — 400 m Moresby Great Britain 1924. Fencing — — sabre, individual letics — discus wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Gouveia Pessanha, Joâo Portugal 1918. Haimi, Ilmari Finland 1908. Equestrian epee, team Gurevitsh, Boris U.S.S.R. >v5 ' • Greco- Gibson, Jock Australia 1921. Fencing — Goldovànyi, Béla Hungary 1925. Athletics Fencing — sabre, individual and team — three-day event — 4X 100 m relay Grosits, Gyula Hungary 1926. Football Roman wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos foil, individual and team — epee, team Gower, Ronald Charles Australia 1929. Haines, Marjorie Benzet U.S.A. 1927. Go\dsch.vaid,Viutt Switzerland 1919. Hockey Grossi, Luigi Italy 1925. Athletics — 200 m Gurics, Gyôrgy Hungary 1929. Free style — sabre, individual and team Boxing — bantamweight 54 kilos wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos Equestrian — Dressage Goldsmith, Harold U.S.A. 1930. Fencing — 4 X 400 m relay Giffin, Frederick W. Australia 1920. Grabowski, Henryk Poland 1929. Athletics Hains, Donald Jasper Canada 1916. Grotone, Lucio Brazil 1928. Boxing — Gurovits, Jozsef Hungary 1928. Canoeing Weightlifting — middleweight 75 kilos —- foil, team — long jump Yachting — Dragon class Gollner-Kolar, Gertrude Austria 1926. light-heavyweight 81 kilos — 10 000 m K-2 Gilchrist, Alan Canada 1931. Swimming Graca, Alberto Portugal 1918. Yachting Hakim, Jack Egypt 1931. Swimming — Gymnastics, women Grube, Wilfried Germany 1923. Hockey Gurschler, Siegfried Austria 1925. Shoot­ — 400 m free style — 1 500 m free style — Dragon class ing — small-bore rifle water polo Gollnhuber, Otto Grubenthal, Paul Austria 1932. Gymnas­ — 4 X 200 m relay Austria 1924. Football Grade, David Keir Great Britain 1927. Hakoila, Yrjô Ilmari Finland 1932. Rowing tics Gushenko, Georgij U.S.S.R. 1931. Rowing Giles, John Alfred Great Britain 1927. Ath­ Golubev, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1906. Yachting Athletics — 400 m hurdles — eights Gruber, Adolf Austria 1920. Athletics —• — fours with cox letics — shot — Dragon class Graeffe, Ernst Ragnar Finland 1929. Ath­ Hall, Herbert Great Britain 1926. Free style marathon Gustavsson, Bengt Olov Emanuel Sweden Gill (Glick), Aryeh Israel 1930. Athletics Golubitshnaja, Marija U.S.S.R. 1924. letics — 4 x 400 m relay — 400 m hurdles wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Grulkowski, Ruth U.S.A. 1930. Gymnas­ 1928. Football Athletics — 80 m hurdles, women Graf, Rolf — 400 m — 800 m Switzerland 1932. Cycling —• Guth, Fernand Euxemhurg 1926. Football Hall, Lars Sweden 1927. Modern pentathlon Gillebo, Sverre Norway 1912. Fencing — Gomes Carneiro, Wilson Brazil 1930. road race tics, women Gutierrez, Guillermo Venezuela 1927. Ath­ Halliday, James 1918. Weight- Athletics — 400 m hurdles Gruner, Hans Switzerland 1916. Hockey 1 epee, team Graffen, Maurice France 1924. Canoeing lifting — lightweight 67 /2 kilos Gryt, Jerzy Poland 1921. Greco-Roman letics — 100 m — 400 m Gillet, Pierre France 1930. Athletics — Gomez Paz, Jose 1919. Shooting — 1 000 m K-2 Halloudah, Awad Moukhtar Egypt 1931. — small-bore rifle — silhouette wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos Gutiérrez C., Augusto Venezuela 1930. 1 500 m Grages, Hanna Germany 1922. Gymnastics, Fencing — foil, individual and team — Swimming — 200 m breast stroke Gonçalves, Joâo Brazil 1934- Swimming Grzelak, Tadeusz Poland 1929. Boxing —• Gimenez, Antonio Argentine 1931. Cyc­ women sabre, team Halme, Pekka Olavi Finland 1927. Ath­ — 100 m back stroke — 4X200 m relay Graj, Alojzy light-heavyweight 81 kilos ling — 1 000 m scratch race Poland 1929. Athletics — Gutiérrez C., Gustavo Venezuela 1933. letics — high jump Gondzik, Ernest Poland 1931. Greco-Ro- Graf, Ludwig Saar 1908. Shooting Gimenez, Sebastiâo Uracil 192 5. Basket­ 5 000 m Fencing — sabre, individual and team — Halmetoja, Oiva Sulo Kalervo Finland man wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos small-bore rifle ball Granados, Enrique Spain 1939. Swimming epee, individual and team — foil, team 1920. Athletics — hammer Gontersweiler, Doris Switzerland 1933. Grônberg, Rolf Axel Einar Sweden 1918. Gimona, Aredio Italy 1924. Football —• 400 m free style — 1 500 m free style Gutiérrez C., Tonatiuh Mexico 1929. Hamaguchi, Yoshihiro Japan 1926. Swimming — 100 m back stroke, women Greco-Roman wrestling — middleweight Giolito, Silvio U.S.A. 1918. Fencing — — water polo Swimming — 1 500 m free style — 4X Swimming— 100 m free style — 4X200 foil, team Gonzalez, Américo Uruguay 1925. Modern Granek, Istvân Hungary 1926. Canoeing —• 79 kilos m relay Grôndahl, Kelpo Olavi Finland 1920. 200 m relay Gionta, Salvatore Italy 1930. Swimming pentathlon i 000 m K-2 Hamberger, Josef Austria 1930. Boxing Greco-Roman wrestling — light-heavy­ Guy, Ronald Frederick Bowden Great — water polo Gonzalez, Ricardo Primitivo Argentine Granit, Yalçin Turkey 1932. Basketball Britain 1912. Shooting — free pistol — light-middleweight 71 kilos 1925. Basketball Gratton, Gerald A. weight 87 kilos Giovannoni, Achille France 1926. Rowing Canada 1927. Weight- Gyarfas, Ileana Romania 1932. Gymnastics, Hamdy, Ahmed Egypt 1929. Shooting —- Gonzalez Rojas, Rubén del Carmen Chile Grônholm, Kurt Rolf Finland 1926. Row­ — double sculls lifting — middleweight 75 kilos women free rifle — small-bore rifle 1927. Football von Gravenitz, Helmuth Arthur Otto ing — fours with cox Girardi, Wolfgang Austria 1928. Gym­ Gyarmati, Dezsô Hamdy, Mohamed Said Mohamed Egypt Grônroos, Borje Finland 1929. Boxing — Hungary 1927. Swimming nastics Gooderham, Norman William Canada Leonard South Africa 1935- Boxing 1931. Gymnastics middleweight 75 kilos — water polo Giribaldi, Guillermo Victorio Bruno 1919. Yachting — 6 m class bantamweight 54 kilos Gyarmati, Olga Hamid, Abdul Pakistan 1927. Hockey _ Gubijan, Ivan Yugoslavia I923* Athletics Hungary 1924. Athletics Netherlands Antilles 1929. Football Gooding, Terence Great Britain 1931. Greave, Pakistan 1925. Boxing • — 200 m — long jump — 4X 100 m relay, Hamilius, Jean I.uxemhurg 1927. Athletics Boxing — middleweight 75 kilos — hammer Giron, Marco Antonio Guatemala 1927. featherweight 57 kilos women — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay Goosen, Henri France 1926. Swimming Gude, Helmut Germany 1925. Athletics Free style wrestling — featherweight 62 Green, Carolyn U.S.A. 1933. Swimming Giider, Erciiment Furkey 1923. Football Hamilton, Carl Jan Gustaf David Sweden — spring-board diving — 3 000 m steeplechase kilos — Greco-Roman wrestling — — 400 m free style, women Gyenge, Valéria Hungary 1933. Swimming 1916. Equestrian — Grand Prix des Gudmundsson, Fridrik Iceland I925* Ath­ featherweight 62 kilos Goossens, Roger Jean Albert Belgium 1926. Greenwood, Nimrod Australia 1929. Row­ — 400 m free style, women Nations Hockey letics — discus Gironella, Francisco Spain 1930. Rowing ing — eights Gûlçelik, Sadi Turkey 1930. Basketball Hammer, Vted. Luxemburg 1930. Athletics Guerrero, Eduardo Argentine 1928. Rowing — fours with cox Gora, Ronald F. U.S.A. 1933. Swimming Gregory, John Arthur Great Britain 1923. — 200 m — 400 m — 4X400 m relay — double sculls Gûndûz, Yilmaz Turkey 1929. Basketball Gison, Martin Philippines 1914. Shooting — 100 m free style Athletics — 4x100 m relay Giinthard, Jack Hammer, Kaare Norway 1918. Athletics Guerrero D., Héctor Mexico 1926. Basket­ Switzerland 1920. Gym­ — small-bore rifle — free pistol — sil­ Gordien, Fortune Edward U.S.A. 1922. Greminger, Janes Hungary 1929. Basketball nastics 10 000 m walk 1 ball houette Athletics — discus Gremlowski, Godfryd Poland I93 - Giirdal, Macit Han, Soo An Korea 1926. Boxing — fly­ Guerrero Recio, Alberto Puerto Rico 1903. Turkey 1931. Football Gissen, Leonid U.S.S.R. 1931. Rowing Gordon, Helen Orr Great Britain 1933. Swimming — 400 m free style — 1 500 weight 51 kilos Shooting — free pistol Gyôngyosi, Laszlô Hungary 1927. Swim­ — eights Swimming — 200 m breast stroke, women m free style — 4 X 200 m relay ming — 100 m breast stroke — 4 X 200 m îrlanck,EngéneLuxemburg 1928. Canoeing Guest, Laurence Great Britain 1936. Rowing Gjerding, Jacob Denmark 1929. Swimming Gorelkov, Petr U.i'.i'.R. 1931. Yachting — Greppi, Milena Italy 1929. Athletics relay — 10 000 m K-2 — high diving single-handed class 80 m hurdles — 4X 100 m relay, women — fours with cox 727 726

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Hough, Charles Gordon U.S.A. 1934- Handunge, Leslie Donovan Perera Ceylon Hashad, Ahmed Fathy Mohamed Egypt Heyvaert, François Jules Belgium 1922. Hokka, Mikko Finland 1932. Weightlift­ Heinen, Josef Germany 1929. Athletics — Equestrian — three-day event 1921. Boxing — flyweight 51 kilos 1927. Swimming — spring-board diving Fencing — sabre, individual and team ing — featherweight 60 kilos 4X 100 m relay Hougland, William M. (Bill) U.S.A. 1930. Hanitzsch, Arie Richard Brazil 1927. Hashizume, Shiro Japan 1928. Swimming Heinhold, Helmut Germany 1927. Rowing Hidegkuti, Nândor Hungary 1922. Foot­ Holan, Gerald R. U.S.A. 1931. Swimming Basketball Swimming — high diving — 1 500 m free style ball — 200 m breast stroke — pairs with cox Howie, Archibald Canada 1908. Yachting Hannertz, Inga Monica Agneta Sweden Hasler, Ewald Eiechtenstein 1932. Cycling Hidding, Friedrich Wilhelm Germany Holder, Donald U.S.A. 1928. Gymnastics Heinonen, Olavi Mikael Finland 1921. — Dragon class 1936. Athletics — 100 m — 4 x100 m — road race 1926. Hockey HoleCek, Josef Chechoslovakia 1920. Ca­ Swimming — spring-board diving Hoviniemi, Raili Finland 1936. Gymnas­ relay, women Hassan, Kamal Ali Egypt 1924. Swimming Heinrich, Ignace France 1925. Athletics Hietanen, Mikko Finland 1911. Athletics noeing — 1 000 m C-i tics, women — spring-board diving — high diving — marathon HolguinF., Secgio Mexico 1929. Basketball Hansen, Ejvind Willy Denmark 1924. — decathlon Howoldt, Andreas Germany 1925. Yacht­ Canoeing — 10 000 m K-i Hastie, Malcolm Thomas AmIralia 1929. Hietanen, Yrjô Jalmari Finland 1927. Holland, John Macfarlane New Zealand Yteinz,'Lilian Argentine 1935. Athletics — ing — 6 m class Swimming — water polo Canoeing — 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m 1926. Athletics — 400 m hurdles Hansen, Helge Denmark 1925. Cycling 100 m — 200 m — 4X 100 m relay, women Howorth, Luiz Fernando Portugal 1909. Hasznos, Istvan Hungary 1924. Swimming K-2 Hollenstein, Auguste Switzerland 1920. — road race Heinanen, Kauko Kalevi Finland 1927. Shooting — small-bore rifle Hansen, lb Vagn Denmark 1926. Cycling — water polo Basketball Higgins, Terence Langley Great Britain Shooting — free rifle Hollôsi, Jânos Hungary 1923. Rowing — Hromjak, Stephen U.S.A. 1930. Cycling — I 000 m time trial Hato, Ergilio Pedro Netherlands Antilles Held, Franklin Wesley IJ.S'. A. 1927. Ath­ 1928. Athletics — 400 m — 4X400 m fours without cox — 1 000 m scratch race — 4 000 m team Hansen, Jens Peder Denmark 1927. Foot­ 1926. Football letics — javelin relay Holm, Erik Gustav Wilh. Sweden 1912. pursuit ball Haudegand,Roger1932. Basketball Hellbrand, Hans Sweden 1925. Swimming Higgs, Godfrey Walter Bahamas 1907. Swimming — water polo Huber, Ernst Switzerland 1911. Shooting Hansen, Jytte Denmark 1932. Swimming Hauet, Claude l'ram; 1925. Hockey — water polo Yachting — 5-5 m class Holmberg, Erik Norway 1921. Football — small-bore rifle — 200 m breast stroke, women Hauet, Jean 1925. Hockey Hijzelendoorn, Johannes Antonius Ja­ Helling, Svein Norway 1910. Shooting — Holmberg, Henry Arthur Wilhelm Sweden Huber, Konrad Walentin Finland 1892. Hansen, Jorgen Wagner Denmark 1925. Haunstoft, Finn Denmark 1928. Canoeing cobus Holland 1929. Cycling — 1 000 m clay pigeon 1924. Free style wrestling — feather­ Shooting — clay pigeon Football — 1 000 m C-2 scratch race — 1 000 m time trial Hellsten, Voitto Valdemar Finland 1932. Hildreth, Peter Burke Great Britain 1928. weight 62 kilos Hubert, Claude France 1914. Athletics — Hansen, Leif Norway 1928. Boxing — Hauser, Daniel Switzerland 1930. Free Athletics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X too Athletics — no m hurdles Holmqvist, Knut Ander Sweden 1918. 50 000 m road walk light-welterweight 63 1/ kilos style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos 2 m relay Hill, Albert Edwin Great Britain 1927. Shooting — clay pigeon Huberty, Armand Luxemburg 1930. Gym­ Hansen, Peter Denmark 1921. Rowing — Hautamâki, Erkki Johannes Finland 1930. Hemueda, Abdel Guelil Ahmed Egypt Equestrian — three-day event Holmsten, Sevi Asser Finland 1921. Row­ nastics fours with cox Athletics — decathlon 1923. Football Hilli, Arvo Juhani Finland 1930. Athletics ing — single sculls Hue, Colette France 1932. Gymnastics, Hansen Hare, Jorgen Leo Valdemar Havelange, Jean Marie Faustin Cedefroid Hendrickx, Wilhelmus Gerardus Anto- — 400 m hurdles Holmstrup, Olaf Denmark 1930. Cycling women Denmark 1923. Shooting — small-bore Brazil 1916. Swimming — water polo Hugessen, Andrew Knatehbull Canada nius Holland 1908. Equestrian — three- Hilmi, Khalil Lebanon 1909. Shooting — — 2 000 m tandem rifle Havens, Frank Benjamin U.S.A. 1924. 1926. Yachting — Star class day event free pistol Holopainen, Veijo-Lassi Aukusti Finland Canoeing — i 000 m C-i — 10 000 m C-i 0 Hansson, Holger Valdemar Sweden 1927. Hennyei, Imre Hungary 1913. Fencing :— Hiltunen, Reino Jaakko Matias Finland 1921. Hockey Hughes, Robert Earl U.S.A. I93 - Football Havlis, ]iH Chechoslovakia 1932. Rowing — Swimming — water polo epee, team 1924. Athletics — hop, step and jump Holzapfel, Karl Austria 1923. Hockey fours with cox Hunyadfi, Magda Hungary 1937. Swim­ 'Ra.ntychy'joseiC^echoslovakia 1911. Weight- Henricus, Basil Cholmondeley Ceylon Hinde, John Great Britain 1928. Rowing Homonnai, Tamàs Hungary 1925. Ath­ 1 Havulinna, Matti Juhani Finland 1931. ming — 100 m back stroke, women lifting — light-heavyweight 82 /2 kilos 1922. Boxing — lightweight 60 kilos — eights letics — pole vault Canoeing — 1 000 m C-2 Hurring, Lincoln William Norman New Happe, Ursula Gennany 1926. Swimming Henriksson, Nils Olof Finland 1928. Cyc­ Hindley, John Reginald (ireal Britain 1914. Hong, Chong Oh Korea 1925. Athletics Hawgood, Donald Trevor Canada 1917. Zealand 1931. Swimming — 100 m back — 200 m breast stroke, women ling — 4 000 m team pursuit Equestrian — three-day event —marathon Canoeing — 10 000 m C-2 stroke Happernagel, Franz Germany 1929. Ath­ Henrion, Robert Paul Belgium 1915. Fenc­ Hindmar, Lars Erik Sweden 1921. Ath­ Honkala, Leo Ilmo Finland 1933. Greco- Hawkins, David Frederick Australia 1933. Huseby, Dagfin Norway 1922. Greco- letics — 4 x 100 m relay ing — epee, individual and team letics — 10 000 m walk Roman wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos Swimming — 200 m breast stroke Roman wrestling — "featherweight 62 Haraldsson, Hordur Iceland 1929. Athletics Henry, Frederick Charles Canada 1929. Hindorff, Martin Leonard Sweden 1897. Hooper, Clarence Darrow U.S.A. 1932. kilos — 100 m — 200 m — 4X 100 m relay Hawkins, Stanley Great Britain 1924. Cycling — 1 000 m time trial Yachting — 6 m class Athletics — shot Husjak, Dragutin 1926. Rowing Harari, Zaki Selim Ibrahim Egypt 1926. Swimming — water polo Henson, Josiah U.S.A. 1932. Free style Hinterstocker, Ludwig Germany 1931. Hayden, Wilhelm Norway 1926. Rowing Hoover, Walter McCall U.S.A. 1934. — eights Basketball wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Football Rowing — double sculls Hussain, Fazal Pakistan 1929. Athletics Harcourt, Graham Great Britain 1934. — fours with cox Heral, Max France 1926. Weightlifting — Hipp, Sepp Germany 1927. Athletics — Hopkins, Thelma Elizabeth Great Britain — hammer Gymnastics Hayward, Harry Ferdinand Canada 1911. featherweight 60 kilos decathlon — discus 1936. Athletics — high jump, women Hussein, Kamel Mahmoud Mohamed Harder, Adolf Germany 1927. Modem Athletics — 50 000 m road walk Heraud, Ludovic France 1913. Shooting Hirayama, Nobuyasu Japan 1933. Swim­ Horber, Otto Swet^erland 1912. Shooting Egypt 1932. Greco-Roman wrestling — pentathlon Hayward, Wallace Henry South Africa — silhouette ming — 200 m breast stroke — small-bore rifle lightweight 67 kilos Hardisty, John Roderick Elliott Great 1908. Athletics — marathon Herbers, Erna Germany 1925. Swimming Hirst, Irene Great Britain 1930. Gymnas­ Horcic, Miroslav Chechfjslen'akia 1921. Ath­ Hussein, Mohamed Abdu Egypt 1928. Britain 1921. Football Head, Peter Michael Great Britain 1935. — 100 m back stroke, women tics, women letics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X100 m Free style wrestling — middleweight 79 Hardy, Catherine U.S.A. 1930. Athletics Swimming — 400 m free style Heredia, Danilo Venezuela 1927. Cycling Hirst, Mary Great Britain 1918. Gymnas­ Hearn, Edgar William Great Britain 1929. relay kilos — 100 m — zoo m — 4X 100 m relay, — 4 000 m team pursuit tics, women Boxing — heavyweight over 81 kilos Horniak, EvJen Czechoslovakia 1926. Bas­ Hutchins, John William Milton Canada women Herman, Frans Belgium 1927. Athletics — Hnykina, Nadezda U.S.S.R. 1933. Ath­ ketball 1926. Athletics — 800 m — 4X400 m Hardy, Roland Great Britain 1926. Ath­ Heatly, Peter Great Britain 1924. Swim­ 1 500 m letics — 100 m — zoo m — 4X100 m ming — spring-board diving — high Horsfield, Leslie Noel South Africa 1913. relay letics — 10 000 m walk Hermansen, Erik Leif Hagelund Denmark relay, women diving Yachting — 5-5 m class Hutchison, Robert Bruce McDiarmid Harès, Gamal Egypt 1925. Equestrian — Hoag, Charles M. U.S.A. 1931- Basket­ 1925. Rowing — eights Horton, Joyce U.S.A. 1935. Yachting — Canada 1931. Athletics — 100 m — 200 Grand Prix des Nations Heber, Ricardo Matias Argentine 1927. Herrbruck, Gertrud Germany 1926. Swim­ ball Dragon class m — 4x100 m relay Athletics — javelin Hoch, Preben Denmark 1925. Rowing — Harin, Pavel U.S.S.R. 1927. Canoeing — ming — 100 m back stroke, women Horton, Thomas F. U.S.A. 1926. Canoeing Huutoniemi, Arvo Armas Finland 1913. 10 000 m C-i Hechanova, Rafael Philippines 1928. Bas­ eights Herrera, Eladio Oscar Argentine 1930- — 1 000 m K-2 Athletics — discus ketball Hochleitner, Hermann Austria 1925. Harris, Valerie Gladys Great Britain 1935. Boxing — light-middleweight 71 kilos Horton, William L. U.S.A. 1909. Yacht­ Hvidsten, Ragnar Norway 1926. Football Swimming — 200 m breast stroke, women Hecht, Duvall Young U.S.A. 1930. Row­ Herrero Solis, Ernesto Cuba 1893. Shoot­ Football ing — Dragon class Hyde, Charles John Great Britain 1904. ing — pairs with cox Hodge, Dan A. U.S.A. 1932. Free style Harrison, Joan Cynthia South Africa 1935. ing — silhouette Horton, WilliamL. Jr. U.S.A. 1939. Yacht­ Shooting — small-bore rifle Swimming — 100 m free style — 100 m Hedberg, B. Âke Sweden 1929. Weightlift- wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos Herssens, Walter André Gérard Belgium ing — Dragon class Hyytiâinen, Toivo Armas Finland 1925. ing — middleweight 75 kilos Hodgson, Thomas Canada 1924. Canoeing back stroke — 400 m free style, women 1930. Athletics — high jump — hop, Horulu, Kemal Turkey 1926. Athletics — Athletics — javelin Harrison, Raymond Alan Great Britain Hedberg, Harald Robert Ingemar Sweden step and jump — 1 000 m C-2 1920. Canoeing — 1 000 m K-2 400 m hurdles Hâkansson, Erik Martin Gunnar Sweden 1929. Fencing — epee, team Hess, Heinrich Saar 1928. Canoeing — Hodi, Lâszlo Hungary 1934. Basketball Horvat, Ivan Yugoslavia 1926. Football 1926. Greco-Roman wrestling — feath­ Hefez, Mordeschai (Marcel) Israel 1930. Hodos, Imre Hungary 1928. Greco-Roman Hartel, Lis Denmark 1921. Equestrian — 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 VLotwatyWadimit Yugoslavia 1926. Rowing erweight 62 kilos Dressage Basketball wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Hesselmann, Gunther Germany 1925. Ath­ — eights Hâfliger, Oskar Switzerland 1923. Ath­ Harting, Hans Holland 1926. Athletics — Heiberg, Erik Norway 1916. Yachting — Hoesly, Marie U.S.A. 1916. Gymnastics, letics — 3 000 m steeplechase Horvat, Francise Romania 1928. Greco- letics — discus 1 500 m 6 m class Hewitt, John Alfred Great Britain 1925. women Roman wrestling — featherweight 62 Hâmalainen, Pentti O. Finland 1929. Box­ Hartmann, Cecilia 1931. Canoeing Heidemann, GiinterGermany 1932. Boxing Hoffmann, Géza Hungary 1929. Free style Modern pentathlon kilos ing — bantamweight 54 kilos — 500 m K-i, women — welterweight 67 kilos Heyliger, Willys Desmond Netherlands wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Horzonek, Dorota Poland 1934- Gymnas­ Hanni, Paul Switzerland 1927. Free style Harvey, Barton Australia 1922. Yachting Heijenbrock, Wilhelm Johann Holland Antilles 1926. Football Hofknecht, Leni Germany 1929. Athletics tics, women wresding — bantamweight 57 kilos — Dragon class 192.9. Rowing — fours with cox Heyn, Bjôrn Norway 1928. Weightlifting — long jump, women Hoskins, George Woodburne New Zealand Hôlbl, Franz Austria 1927. Weightlifting Hasan, Mahmudal Pakistan 1924. Hockey Heikkilâ, Erkki Ilmari Finland 1924. Hofman, Helmut Saar 1925. Boxing — lightweight 67 ^2 kilos 1928. Athletics — 1 500 m — 5 000 m — heavyweight over 90 kilos Hasegawa, Keizo Japan 1922. Athletics Hockey Heyninck, Marcel Belgium 1931- Swim­ flyweight 51 kilos Hôlsô, Veli-Jussi Finland 1919. Shooting Hofman Reyes, Antonio Puerto Rico 1929. Hosoda, Tomio Japan 1926. Athletics — — hop, step and jump Heikkilâ, Sisko Sinikka Finland 1921. ming — water polo — silhouette Weightlifting — lightweight 67 Vg kilos 100 m — 200 m Hasenjager, Daphne Lilias Evelyn South Athletics — high jump, women Heyting-Schuhmacher, Irma \-\olland 1925. Hospodar, Zoltan ^k-UTnania 1933* Swim- Hôltig, Georg Germany 1912. Equestrian Africa 1929. Athletics — 100 m — 200 m, Heine, Gunther Germany 1919. Swimming Swimming — 100 m free style — 400 m Hofstetter, Walter Switzerland 1926. Ath­ ming — water polo — Grand Prix des Nations women — water polo free style — 4 x 100 m relay, women letics — pole vault 729 728

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Kadlec, Ida Austria 1929. Gymnastics, I Islioglu, Mehmet Ali Turkey 1926. Free Jansson, Viktor Finland 1919. Equestrian Johansen, Kristian Norway 1916. Athletics 1932. Athletics — 1 GO m — long jump, women style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos — Grand Prix des Nations — discus women Kaffka, Imre Hungary 1931. Rowing — lancovici, Milivoi Rumania 1930. Rowing Israelsson, Karl-Erik Sweden 1929. Ath­ Jany, AienFrance 1929. Swimming — 100 Jones, Thomas M. U.S.A. 1916. Athletics Johansson, Arne Sweden 1927. Cycling — fours without cox — eights letics — long jump m free style — 4X200 m relay GGO — marathon 4 m team pursuit Kaitna, Walter Austria 1914. Hockey Ibarra Z., Raul Mexico 1908. Shooting — Issabeg, George Iran 1930. Boxing — Jany, Ginette France 1932. Swimming — Jonqueres D'Oriola, Pierre France 1920. Johansson,BrorEinarF/«/aKJ 1921. Yacht­ Kaitoku, Keijiro Japan 1929. Yachting free pistol welterweight 67 kilos 400 m free style — 4 x 100 m relay, women Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations ing — Dragon class —• single-handed class Iden, Geoffrey Lionel Great Britain 1914. Ituarte, Andoni Venezuela 1919. Cycling Jara Aninat, Fernando Chile 1930. Foot­ Jordan, Frank Reginald Australia 1932. Johansson, Denis Severus Finland 1928. Kajikawa, Takayoshi Japan 1934' Swim- Athletics — marathon — 1 000 m time trial — 4 000 m team ball Athletics — 1 5 GO m Swimming — water polo Jordanoff, Dimtre Théodoroff ming — 20G m breast stroke lesi, Sergio Uruguay 1912. Fencing — foil, pursuit Jara Constanzo, Irenio Chile 1929. Foot­ Johansson, Gunnar Ernst Ferdinand Bulgaria Kalashnikova, Vera U.S.S.R. 1933- Ath­ individual Ivakin, Georgij U.S.S.R. 1928. Athletics ball Sweden 1924. Swimming — spring-board 1928. Gymnastics 2 letics — 100 m — 4X IGG m relay, women Ignatjev, Ardalion U.S.S.R. 1930. Ath­ — 8GO m Jarmysh, Ivan U.S.S.R. 1925. Athletics — Josephs, Dawn Everald Canada I93 * diving Kalintshuk, Ekatérina U.S.S.R. 1922. letics — 400 m — 4x400 m relay Ivandekic, Marija Yugoslavia 1925. Gym­ 10 000 m walk Athletics — high jump — long jump, Johansson, Jens Ingemar Sweden 1932. Gymnastics, women Iharos, Sândor Hungary 1930. Athletics — nastics, women Jaroudi, Abdallah Lebanon 1909. Shooting women Boxing — heavyweight over 81 kilos Kaljajev, Lev U.i'.i'.R. 1929. Athletics — 1 500 m Ivanoff, Ivan Tzvetkoff Bulgaria 1921. — small-bore rifle Jost, Hans Switzerland 1922. Boxing — Johansson, KarlBengtJaWe» 1926. Greco- 4X100 m relay Shooting — clay pigeon Jaskari, Tauno Antero Finland 1934. Free heavyweight over 81 kilos limuro, Yoshio Japan 1925. Athletics — Roman wrestling—flyweight 5 2 kilos Kalka, Margit Virginia Finland 1912. Ivanov, Leonid U.S.S.R. 1921. Football style wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Joubert, Jean-Marie France 1952. Cycling hop, step and jump Johansson, Karl Erik Finland 1924. Rowing Fencing — foil, women Ivkovic, Vladimir Yugoslavia 1929. Swim­ Jaworski, Edward Lawrence U.S.A. 1926. — 4 000 m team pursuit Ikonen, Pentti Olavi Finland 1934. Swim­ — fours with cox Kalt, Hans Swithprland 1924. Rowing ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free ming — water polo Swimming — water polo Jouffroy, Madeleine France 1927. Gym­ Johansson, Olle Sweden 1927. Swimming nastics, women pairs without cox style — 4 X 200 m relay Jay,AllanLouisNeville Great Britain 19 31. — IGG m free style — 4X200 m relay Kamber, Raymond Swithfrland 1929. Ca­ Jousseaume, Andre France 1894. Eques­ Ilic, Velimir Yugoslavia 1925. Athletics — Fencing — epee, individual and team — J Johansson, Roland Sweden 1930. Boxing trian — Dressage noeing — 10 000 m K-i 5 000 m foil, team — flyweight 51 kilos Kamineni, Eswararao India 1918. Weight- Jack, William G™/iSnto« 1930. Athletics Jovkova, Jordanka Pétrova Bulgaria 1933. Hie, Georghe Rumania 1927. Boxing — Jayme, Cesar Philippines 1918. Shooting lifting — heavy lightweight 90 kilos — IGG m — 4X IGG m relay Johansson, Rolf Goran Sweden 1929. Free Gymnastics, women featherweight 57 kilos — small-bore rifle style wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos Kampen, Jacoba Adriana Holland 1921. Jackson, Arthur G. C7.5.^4. 1918. Shooting Jôzsa, Dezsôné Hungary 1918. Athletics • Iljasov, Jurij t/XXR. 1926. Athletics — Jelic, Ivan Yugoslavia 1917. Gymnastics — small-bore rifle Johansson, Stig Sweden 1924. Swimming discus, women Gymnastics, women high jump Jenei, Laszlo Hungary 1923. Swimming — Kanda, Kazuo Japan 1930. Rowing Jackson, Dempster McKee U.S.A. 193G. — water polo Ju, Sang Jum Korea 1926. Boxing — light­ Iljin, Anatoli) U.S.S.R. 1931. Football water polo Rowing — fours without cox Johansson, Sune Torvald (Tore) Sweden weight 60 kilos fours with cox Ilmoni, Bror-ChristianF/»/fl«^ 1918. Yacht­ Jenkins, Enoch Great Britain 1892. Shoot­ Kaneko, Akitomo Japan 192.-1. Gymnastics Jackson, Marjorie Australia 1931. Ath­ 1920. Rowing — double sculls Juan Garcia, Rafael Spain 1924. Shooting ing — Star class ing — clay pigeon Kang, Joon Ho Korea 1929. Boxing — letics — IGG m — 2GG m — 4X IGG m Johnsen, Per Christian Norway 1926. Ca­ — clay pigeon Ilwicka, Maria Poland 1931. Athletics — Jennens, David Great Britain 1929. Rowing bantamweight 54 kilos relay, women noeing — i GGO m K-i Juhâsz, Béla Hungary 1921. Athletics —• long jump — 4 x 100 m relay, women — eights Kangasniemi, Taisto Ilmari Finland X924* Jacob, Ivan India 1928. Athletics — 400 m Johnson, Ann Elaine Great Britain 1933. ig goo m Im, Sang Jo Korea 1930. Cycling — road Jennings, Athold Raymond South Africa Free style wrestling — heavyweight over Jacobs, Eugeen Valentine Belgium 1926. Athletics — 200 m, women Juhasz, Istvân Hungary 1931. Boxing • race 1930. Athletics — 1 500 m Rowing — pairs with cox Johnson, Arthur Canada 1921. Canoeing lightweight 6G kilos 87 kilos Iness, Sim Garland U.S.A. 1930. Ath­ Jensen, Christian L. Denmark 1889. Eques­ 2 Kapp, Dietloff Germany 1925. Modem Jacobs, Gisela Germany 1924. Swimming — 1 GOO m C-2 Julin, Anatoli) U.S.S.R. I9 9- Athletics trian — Dressage pentathlon letics — discus — 4X100 m relay, women Johnson, Charles Ambrose Bermuda 1934. — 400 m hurdles Ingman, William Leslie Great Britain 1927. Jensen, Georg Egon Bent Denmark 1925. Karâdi, Péter Hungary 1926. Athletics — Jadav, K. D. India 1926. Free style wrest­ Swimming — spring-board diving Julin, Urho Johannes Finland 1928. Ath­ Rowing — pairs without cox 20G m Cycling — road race ling — bantamweight 57 kilos Johnson, George Edward New Zealand letics — 3 ooo m steeplechase Inokuma, Yukio Japan 1920. Shooting — Jensen, Ingemann Bylling De/w/ar/é 1925. Karhunen, Esko Ensio Finland 1928. Jadav, Shirang Vithoba India 1927. Free 1924. Rowing — fours with cox Julin, Âke Sweden 1919. Swimming — Yachting — 5-5 m class Basketball small-bore rifle style wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 Johnson, Kenneth Edward Great Britain water polo Karlik, Bohuslav Chechoslovakia 1908. Ca­ Inostroza, Raiil Chile 1921. Athletics — kilos Jensen, Josua Frederik Isaias Ananias 1928. Athletics — 3 GGO m steeplechase Jungwirth, Stanislav Chechoslovakia 1930. 10 000 m (Freddy) Denmark 1926. Gymnastics noeing — 10 ooo m C-2 Jaeger, Herbert Germany 1926. Football Johnson, Stein Norway 1921. Athletics Athletics — 1 5 oo m Jensen, Kirsten Hedegaard Dcawar/è 1935. Karlsen, Harry Boye Norway 1921. Football Inoue, Osamu Japan 1932. Athletics — Jagodzinski,Henryk P0/W1925. Rowing discus Junk, Bruno U.^.^.R. 1929. Athletics — Swimming — 200 m breast stroke, women Karlsen, Norveig Norway 1922. Gym­ 5 000 m — fours without cox Johnson, Verna Australia 193G. Athletics 10 ooo m walk Jensen, Knud Denmark 1929. Rowing —• nastics, women Invernizzi, Giovanni Italy 1926. Rowing Jakin, Egone Italy 191G. Yachting — 5.5 — long jump — 4X IGG m relay, women Junkes, Oswald Germany 1921. Weightlift­ fours without cox Karlsson, Bertil Sweden 1919. Athletics — — fours without cox m class Johnston, Graham Murray South Africa ing — featherweight 6G kilos 5 000 m — 10 000 m loannou, Jean Gmw 1931. Football Jakobsson, Nils Uno Sweden 1929. Weight- Jensen, Ole Scavenius Denmark 1921. 1930. Swimming — 400 m ^rce style Jurdelina de Castro, Deise Brahjl 1933- Karlsson, Birger Gabriel Finland 1926. lonita, XonRaimania 1928. Cycling — 1 000 Rowing — eights 1 500 m free style — 4X200 m relay Athletics — 2GG m — high jump, women lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos Rowing — fours with cox m scratch race — 1 000 m time trial Jalkanen, Kauko Aatos Finland 1918. Fenc­ Jeppsson, Bôrje Hilbert Sweden 1929. Johnston, Great Britain Jurjevic, Franjo Yugoslavia 1932. Gym­ Karlsson, Karl Gunnar Alfred Sweden 1927. lordache, Adalberg Rumania 1919. Swim­ ing — epee, team Weightlifting — heavy lightweight 90 1925. Swimming — water polo nastics Athletics — 3 ooo m steeplechase ming — water polo Jaltyrjan, Aram U.S.S.R. 1915. Free style kilos Johnston, Oswaldo Guatemala 1930* ' Jutner, Ernst Arne Sweden 192G. Swim­ Karmanov, Vasilij U.S.S.R. 1927. Swim­ lordache, Eugen Rumania 1922. Football wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Jeppsson, Hans Borje Sweden 1915. Eques­ style wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos ming — water polo ming — 4 X 200 m relay losim, Octavian Rumania 1930. Swimming Jaminet, Jean Luxemburg 1930. Football trian — Grand Prix des Nations — Greco-Roman wrestling — bantam- Jarvinen, Ritva Kaarina Finland 1932. Kârpàti, Gyotgy Hungary 1925. Swimming — water polo Jamtvedt, Mathias Norway 1922. Gym­ Jessen, Paul Ravn Erik Denmark 1926. Swimming — 100 m free style — 400 m 57 weight kilos — water polo Ipacs, Gyôrgy Hungary 1933. Swimming nastics Gymnastics Johnstone, Colin Gordon free style — 4 X100 m relay, women New Zealand Kârpàti, Rudolf Hungary 192.0. Fencing — 100 m free styld Jan, Azam Pakistan 1924. Shooting — Jeszenszki, Lâszlô Hungary 1927. Ath­ J o rgen sen, Bent Erik Denmark 1921. Rowing — fours with cox sabre, team Iqbal, Mohammad Pakistan 1927. Ath­ small-bore rifle letics — 3 Goo m steeplechase Cycling — 4 ooo m team pursuit Jokiel, Jerzy Poland 1931. Gymnastics Karvonen, Veikko Leo Finland 1926. letics — hammer Jezic, Zdravko Yugoslavia 1931. Swimming Jorgensen, Bjarne Denmark 1933. Gym­ Janecek, Vaclav Chechoslovakia 1929. Ath­ Jokinen, Aimo Allan Finland 1931. Cyc­ Athletics — marathon Iriarte, Brigido Venezuela 1922. Athletics letics — 2GG m — water polo OGG nastics ling — 4 m team pursuit Kasslin, Onni Olavi Finland 1927. Cycling — long jump — javelin — decathlon Janeff, Kroum Ivanoff Jindra, Alfred Chechoslovakia 1930. Canoe­ Jôrgensen, Jôrgen Barth Norway 1932. 1929. Foot­ Joly dit Dumesnil, Pierre France 1931. — 1 ooo m time trial Irigoyen, Eisa Lidia Argentine 1919. Fenc­ ball ing — IG GOO m C-i Weightlifting — heavy lightweight 90 Swimming — 20G m breast stroke Kaszuba, Kazimierz Poland 1930. Football ing — foil, women Janez, Karol Yugoslavia 1914. Gymnastics Jindra, Jan Chechoslovakia 1932. Rowing kilos Jonck, South Africa 1896. Weight- Kataja, Erkki OX&v'xFinland 1924. Athletics Irwin, Juno R. U.S.A. 1928. Swimming — fours with cox Jorgensen, Victor Denmark 1924. Boxing Janhonen, Pauli Aapeli Finland 1914. lifting — heavy lightweight 90 kilos — pole vault — high diving, women Shooting — free rifle Jipa, Ion Rumania 1925. Equestrian — — welterweight 67 kilos Jones, Barbara U.S.A. 1937. Athletics Kato, Tadashi Japan 1935. Cycling — Irvine, Donald Great Britain 1921. Free Grand Prix des Nations Janovsky, Julius A.ustria 1930. Swimming 4X IGG m relay, women 1 ooo m time trial — road race— 4000 m style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos — high diving Johannessen, Henry Norway 1924. Foot­ Jones,BurwellÔ.U.S.A. 1933* Swimming team pursuit Irvine, Kenneth Great Britain 1923. Free Jansen, Kati ball K Germany 1934. Swimming — — 4X200 m relay KavanaghI.,Johnl'enehuela 1931. Fencing style wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos 4X100 m relay, women Johannsen, Franz Gema»)' 1921. Canoeing Jones, John Great Britain 1930. Rowing — foil, individual and team Isaac A., Alberto Mexico 1923. Swimming Jansen, Leonardus Eustachius Holland — IG GOO Kaas, Erling Norway 1915. Athletics - m C-i — fours without cox Kawamoto, Evelyn Tokue U.S.A. 1935. pole vault — 100 m free style — 4X200 m relay 1930. Boxing — middleweight 75 kilos Jôhannsson, Kristjân Iceland 1929. Ath­ Jones, John Shaw Great Britain 1935* 400 4 X IGG Kabil, Mohamed A.A. Swimming — m free style — m Isajev, Ivan U.S.S.R. 1927. Shooting —- Janssens, Daniel Arthur GOG GOG Egypt 1927. Foot­ Belgium 1925. letics 5 m — 10 m Swimming — water polo relay, women clay pigeon ball Athletics — 1 500 m Johansen, Eigil Denmark 1915. Free style Jones, Norman Australia 1930. Boxing Kaye, Mervin Gilbert 1929. Kâdas, Géza Hungary 1926. Swimming — Canada Rowing Ishii, Shohachi Japan 1926. Free style Jansson, Gustaf Nils Sweden 1922. Ath­ wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos light-welterweight 63 ^ kilos IGG m free style — 4X200 m relay — eights wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos letics — marathon Johansen, Geoig Norway 1924. Gymnastics Jones, Phyllis Marjorie Bermuda 1928. Kadelbach, Hans Karl Gustav Germany Kazankov, Pavel U.S.S.R. 1926. Athletics Ishimaru, Toshihito Japan 1931. Boxing Jansson, Ragnar Rafael Finland 1908. Johansen, Jorgen Christian Bogelund Athletics — 100 m — long jump, women 1900. Yachting — 6 m class — 50 000 m road walk — featherweight 57 kilos Yachting — 6 m class Denmark 1928. Football Jones, Thelma Ann Christina Bermuda

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Kazantsev, Mihail U.S.S.R. 1927. Athletics Khan, Mirza Pakistan 1924. Athletics — Canoeing — 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m Kristiansen, Erling Nowfl)' 1923. Cycling Kollman, Walter Austria 1932. Football Koutsis, Jean Greece 1908. Shooting — — 100 m 4 X 400 m relay — 400 m hurdles K-2 — road race Komadel, Ludevit Czechoslovakia 1927. clay pigeon Kazantsev, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1923. Ath­ Kiddie, Habib Ali Pakistan 1928. Hockey Klug, Karl Geraa/yi 1925. Football Kritkovâ, Jarloslava Czechoslovakia 1927. Swimming — 200 m breast stroke Kouyos, Charles France 1928. Free style letics — 3 000 m steeplechase Kiefer, Jakob Germany 1919. Gymnastics Knab, Ursula Germany 1929. Athletics — Athletics — shot, women Komâromi, Ede Hungary 1928. Basketball wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Kazantseva, Flora U.S.S.R. 1929. Athletics Kielas, Jan Poland 1916. Athletics — 3 000 zoo m — 4 x 100 m relay, women Krivonosov, Mihail U.S.S.R. 1929. Ath­ Komarov, Aleksej U.S.S.R. 1921. Rowing Kouzoff, Milanoff Bulgaria 1930. — zoo m, women m steeplechase letics — hammer Knabenhans, Margit Switzerland 1935. — eights Basketball Keane, Donald Michael Australia 1930. Kiesler, Brigitte Germany 1924. Gymnastics, Swimming — 200 m breast stroke, women KriJevskij, Konstantin U.S.S.R. 1926. Komarov, Ivan U.S.S.R. 1921. Fencing — Kovacic, Zdravko Yugoslavia 1925. Swim­ Athletics — 10 000 m walk women Football Knecht, Emile A. 1923. Rowing foil, team ming — water polo Kearney, Thomas Ireland 1918. Fencing Kilcher, Werner Franz Switzerland 1927. — double sculls Krizmanic, Tomislav Yugoslavia 1929. Konev, Anatoli) U.S.S.R. 1921. Basketball Kovâcs, Csaba Hungary 1932. Rowing — epee, individual Equestrian — three-day event Knjazev, Viktor U.S.S.R. 1925. Athletics Boxing — heavyweight over 81 kilos Kongshaug, Erling Asbjôrn Norway 1915. eights Keegstra, Philippus Harco Holland 1914. Krjukov, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1925. Rowing Kilgour, Lennox Trinidad 1928. Weight- — pole vault Shooting — free rifle — small-bore rifle Kovâcs, Guyla Hungary 1917. Greco- Yachting — 5-5 m class lifting — heavy lightweight 90 kilos Knoll, Alfred Austria 1928. Hockey — eights Konno, Ford U.S.A. 1933. Swimming — Roman wrestling — light-heavyweight Keenan, Roy Canada 1930. Boxing — Kille, Gertrud Germany 1925. Athletics — Knoll, Hermann Austria 1931. Hockey Krjutshkov, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1929. Cyc­ 1 400 m free style — 1 500 m free style — 87 kilos light-welterweight 63 /2 kilos shot, women Knowles, Durward Randolph Bahamas ling — road race 4 X 200 m relay Kovâcs, Imre Hungary 1921. Football Keisala, Aleksanteri Finland 1916. Free Killermann, Klara Hungary 1929. Swim­ 1917. Yachting — Star class v. d. Kroft, Willem Frederik Holland 1916. Kono, Tommy T. U.S.A. 1930. Weight- Kovacs, losif Rumania 1921. Football style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos ming — 200 m breast stroke, women Knudsen, Arne Norway 1923. Gymnastics Canoeing — 1 000 m K-i lifting — lightweight 67 Vg kilos Kovâcs, Jôzsef Hungary 1917. Free style Keith, William Charles South Africa 1925. Kim, Chang Hee Korea 1921. Weightlifting Knutzen, Egill Christian Norway 1914. Kroggel, Erwin Germany 1912. Fencing Konrad, Ema Rumania 1929. Athletics — wrestling — heavyweight over 87 kilos Athletics — 10 000 m — marathon — lightweight 67112 kilos Fencing — epee, individual and team — epee, individual 100 m — 200 m, women — Greco-Roman wrestling—heavyweight Kejr, Vladimir Chechoslovakia 1929. Gym­ Kim, Hae Nam Korea 1930. Weightlifting Krogh Rants, Ove Denmark 1926. Cycling Knuysen, Michel Jules Lodewijk Belgium Konsler, Pol France 1913. Shooting — over 87 kilos nastics — bantamweight 56 kilos — 1 000 m scratch race 1921. Rowing — pairs without cox small-bore rifle Kovâcs, Jozsef Hawgarv 1926. Athletics — Kelemen, Atila Romania 1919. Swimming Kim, Ho SoonKorea 1926. Cycling — road Knôdler, Giinther Saar 1925. Fencing — Krogmann, Werner Hermann Otto Ger­ Konstantinoff, Vassil Ivanoff Bulgaria 1929. 5 000 m — water polo race many 1901. Yachting — single-handed sabre, individual and team — foil, indi­ Gymnastics Kovâcs, Pâl Hungary 1912. Fencing — epee, Keleti, Agnes Hungary 1921. Gymnastics, Kim, Sung Jip Korea 1909. Weightlifting vidual and team class Konto, Jonas Leo Adolf Finland 1911. individual and team women — middleweight 75 kilos Kropivsek, Anton Yugoslavia 1925. Gym­ Kobi, Liselotte Switzerland 1930. Swimming Yachting — 6 m class Kovâcsi, Aladâr Hungary 1932. Modern Keller, John F. U.S.A. 1928. Basketball Kinami, Michitaka Japan 1920. Athletics nastics — 200 m breast stroke, women Kontula, Pentti01aviFzK/a«^i93o. Boxing pentathlon Keller, Rudolf Switzerland 1925. Hockey — no m hurdles Koçak, Ekrem Turkey 1931. Athletics — Y^counl, Otto Czechoslovakia 1921. Canoeing — light-middleweight 71 kilos Kovanen, Tauno Into Finland 1917. Greco- Kelley, Dean U.S.A. 1931. Basketball King, Sloss Price U.S.A. 1925. Athletics 800 m — i 500 m •— 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 Konyelicska, Stefan XKumania 1929. Rowing Roman wrestling — heavyweight over 87 Kelly, Basil Trevor iiate/ar 1930. Yachting — 10 000 m walk Kroutilovâ, Marta Czechoslovakia 1925. Kocerka, Teodor Poland 1927. Rowing —- eights kilos — 5.5 m class Kinnunen, Artur Sigvard Sweden 1920. — single sculls Canoeing — 500 m K-i, women Koop, Hilde Germany 1921. Gymnastics, Kowal, Stanislaw Poland 1928. Athletics Kelly, John Brendon Jr. U.S.A. 1927. Weightlifting — light-heavyweight 82 1l Kruize, Jan HendrikHolland 1925. Hockey i Koch, Cornells Holland 1925. Canoeing women — hop, step and jump Rowing — single sculls kilos — 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 Krul-van der Nolk van Gogh, Huiber- Koorsten, William A. U.S.A. 1926. Swim­ Kowalczyk, 7.oiia.Poland 1929. Gymnastics, Kelly dos Santos, Marvio Brazil 1934. dina Holland 1922. Gymnastics, women Kintziger, Raymond Pierre Belgium 1922. Kocis, Tereza Yugoslavia 1934. Gymnastics, ming — water polo women Swimming — water polo Athletics — discus women Krumpfholz, Heinrich Austria 1925. Koppelstatter, Helmut Austria 1930. Kozâk, Jan Czechoslovakia 1929. Basket­ Kelly dos Santos, Sylvio Brazil 1935. Swimming — water polo Kipurskij, Lev U.S.S.R. 1929. Cycling — Kockgârd, Birger Thorleif Walter Sweden Swimming — 100 m back stroke ball Swimming — i 500 m free style — 4X 1899. Shooting — running deer Krutova, Ninel U.i'.i'.R. 1926. Swimming 1 000 m time trial Kops, Ebbe Knud Denmark 1930. Boxing Kozevnikov, Kirill U.i'.i'.R. i92^- Yachting 200 m relay Kocourek, Estanislao Francisco Argentine — spring-board diving — high diving, Kirkman, Doris 1930. Gymnastics, — light-middleweight 71 kilos — 6 m class Kelsby, Lilly Marie Louise Denmark 1926. 1930. Athletics — no m hurdles women women Koranda, Miroslav Czechoslovakia 1934- Kozevnikov, Petr U.S.S.R. 1927. Athletics Athletics — javelin, women Kocsis, Francisco Rumania 1930. Gym­ Kruus, Hejno U.S.S.R. 1926. Basketball Kirsanov,Vladimir CJ.i'.i'.R. 1929. Rowing Rowing — fours with cox — decathlon Kemény, Ferenc Jlimnary 1922. Gymnastics nastics Kriiger, Jutta Germany 1932. Athletics — — fours without cox Korban, Roman Poland 1927. Athletics Kraak, Peter Cornelis Holland 1921. Foot­ Kemény, Imre Hungary 1931. Rowing — Kocsis, Kâroly Hungary 1929. Gymnastics javelin, women Kistner, Karl Germany 1929. Boxing — 800 m ball fours without cox Kocsis, Sândor Hungary 1929. Football Krysinska, Elzbieta Poland 1931. Ath­ light-heavyweight 81 kilos Korevaar, Nijs Cornelis Holland 1927. Krajcar, Franjo Yugoslavia 1914- Athletics Kempter, Ludovico Enrique Argentine Kodl, Miloslav Czechoslovakia 1928. Basket­ letics — shot, women Kiszka, Emil Poland 1926. Athletics — Swimming — water polo — marathon 1913. Yachting — 5.5 m class ball Krâkenes, Harald Norway 1926. Rowing 100 m — 4X 100 m relay Korkija, Otar Mihailovitsh U.S.S.R. 1925. Krajewski, Adam Poland 1929. Fencing Kemter, Franz Austria 1922. Gymnastics Koelsch, Josy France 1926. Canoeing — — fours without cox Kiszkurno, Jozef Poland 1895. Shooting Basketball 1922. — epee, individual and team Krâkenes, Sverre Norway 1932. Rowing Kenéz, Béla Hungary Greco-Roman 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 0 — clay pigeon Korolkov, Evgenij UXi'.R. i93 - Gym­ Krammer, Anton Austria 1921. Football wrestling — flyweight 5 2 kilos Koester, Josefa Germany 1918. Canoeing — fours without cox Kitai, Toshiaki Japan 1924. Equestrian nastics Krasavin, Aleksandr U.S.S.R. 1929. Ca­ Krâkenes, Torstein Norway 1924. Rowing Kenney, Robert E. (Bob) U.S.A. 1931. — 500 m K-i, women I 2 — Grand Prix des Nations Korondi, Margit H««gao' 93 - Gymnastics, noeing — i 000 m C-2 Basketball Kogure, Tamotsu Japan 1930. Rowing — fours without cox Kitamura, Yasuo Japan 1932. Swimming women Krasowka, Jerzy Poland 1924. Football Kenny,ClaytonOrtenCanada 1928. Boxing — fours with cox Krzyzanowski, Tadeusz Poland 1920. Ath­ — 1 500 m free style Koschel, Herbert Germany 1921. Athletics Kratohvil, Jovan y/igo/to/a 1924. Shooting — lightweight 60 kilos Kohler, Norbert Saar 1930. Greco-Roman letics — shot Kitano, Yushu Japan 1930. Free style — javelin Keough, Harry Joseph U.S.A. 1927. wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos — free rifle Kucjas, Ryszard Poland 1922. Gymnastics 5 2 Koskela, Vainô Finland 1921. Athletics — wrestling — flyweight kilos Kraus, Peter Germany 1932. Athletics — 1920. Football Kohn, René Luxemburg 1933. Swimming Kudrna, Bohumil Czechoslovakia Kivelii, Jarl Birger Finland 1920. Swimming 5 000 m — 10 000 m 200 100 Keranoff, Georgui J. 1922. Shoot­ — 200 m breast stroke m — 4X m relay Canoeing — 1 000 m C-2 1926. — high diving Koskenkorva, Raino Finland Cycling Krause-Wichmann, Hans Saar 1925. Row­ ing — silhouette Koivula, Ritva Anja Marika Finland 1933. Kudlacik, Leszek Poland 1929. Boxing — Kjersem, Jakob Norway 1925. Athletics — road race Kerb, Paul Austria 1929. Fencing — sabre, ing — fours without cox light-welterweight 63 kilos — marathon Swimming — 100 m free style — 4X 100 Koski, Ilkka Rickhard Finland 1928. Boxing team m relay, women Krause-Wichmann, Joachim Saar 1930. Kugeler, Jean Luxemburg 1910. Gymnastics Klabouch, Rudolf Chechoslovakia 1929. — heavyweight over 81 kilos Rowing — fours without cox 1918. Kerekes,Andrei1925. Gymnastics Koivumâki, Eero Eemeli Finland 1924. Kuivamâki, Reino lisakki Finland Canoeing — 10 000 m K-2 Koskinen, Albert Finland 1925. Athletics Kerslake, William L. U.S.A. 1929. Free Rowing — double sculls Krawczyk, Jerzy Poland 1928. Boxing — Athletics — hammer Klaggas, Heraklios Greece 1926. Rowing — high jump light-middleweight 71 kilos 1925. style wrestling — heavyweight over 87 Koivumaki, Keijo Olavi Finland 1926. Kujbyshev, Valerian U.S.S.R. Eques­ — pairs with cox Kosova, Nina U.S.S.R. 193 5 • Athletics kilos Rowing — double sculls Krempel, Friedrich 1905. Shooting trian — three-day event Klein, Helga Germany 1931. Athletics — high jump, women Kerttula, Erkki Johannes Finland 1909. Koivuniemi, Kaarina Raija Kyllikki — free pistol Kukier, Henryk Poland 1930. Boxing — 100m — 200 m — 4X100 m relay, women v. Koss, Knut Johan Norway 1921. Fencing Fencing — epee, individual and team Finland 1932. Athletics — discus, women Kress, Dorothea Germany 1924. Athletics flyweight 51 kilos Klein, Herbert Germany 1923. Swimming — epee, individual and team Kesel, Herbert Saar 1931. Rowing — pairs Kokorin, Lev U.S.S.R. 1918. Swimming — shot, women Kulcsâr, Jânos Hungary 1927. Canoeing — — 200 m breast stroke Kosta., Zdenék. Czechoslovakia 1923- Cycling without cox — water polo Kressevich, Giuseppe Italy 1916. Athletics 1 000 m K-2 Kleiven, Magne Norway 1921. Gymnastics — 1 000 m scratch race Keskinen, Sylvi Marjatta Finland 1933. Kolàr, Lubos Czechoslovakia 1929. Basket­ — 50 000 m road walk Kullam, Iljmar U.i'.i'.R. 1922- Basketball Klemetsen, Rolf Norway 1913. Shooting Kostina, Vera U.S.S.R. 1932. Swimming Athletics — 80 m hurdles, women ball Krick, Frank J. U.S.A. 1910. Canoeing Kulo, Jorma Umari Finland 1923. Canoe­ — free pistol — 200 m breast stroke, women ing — 1 000 m C-2 — io 000 m C-2 Kettesi, Gusztâv Hungary 1929. Swimming Koleff, Anguel Dimitroff Bulgaria 1926. — 1 000 m C-2 — 10 000 m C-2 Klencs, Jànos Hungary 1922. Gymnastics Kotkas, Johannes U.S.S.R. 1915' Greco- 1935- — 400 m free style — 4 X 200 m relay Athletics — 100 m — 200 m Krieger, Byron U.S.A. 1920. Fencing Kun, Szilârd Hungary Shooting — Klette, Leif Norway 1927. Fencing — foil, Roman wrestling — heavyweight over Khairy, Mohamed Egypt 1919. Equestrian Koleff, Ivan Petkoff Bulgaria 1923. Foot­ foil, team silhouette individual 87 kilos — Grand Prix des Nations ball Krips, Guillermo Grigorio Netherlands Kuntze, Carl Friedrich Harry Holland Klevtsov, Evgenij U.S.S.R. 1929. Cycling Kotlusek, Nada Yugoslavia 1934- Athletics 1922. Rowing — pairs without cox Khalifa, Abdel Aziz Mohamed Egypt 1925. Kolejka, Milos Czechoslovakia 1926. Gym­ 1929. — shot, women Antilles Football Swimming — water polo — road race nastics Kristensen, Harry Denmark 1915. Ath­ Kunz, Anton Austria 1915. Swimming Kotyrev, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1931. Canoeing Khan, Asghar All Pakistan 1926. Hockey Klics, Ferenc Hungary 1924. Athletics — Kolesov, Anatoli) U.S.S.R. 1931. Cycling letics — 50 000 m road walk — water polo — 1 000 m C-i Khan, Jalal Pakistan 1927. Athletics — discus Kunz, Georges France 1922. Canoeing — — road race Koutny, Bedrich Czechoslovakia I931- Kristensen, Niels Denmark 1920. Rowing javelin Klingers, Abraham Jan Holland 1929. 10 000 m K-2 Koller, Johann Austria 1921. Hockey Boxing — middleweight 75 kilos — fours with cox

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library 1

Lin (Linkovsky), Amos Israel 1933. Bas­ Kunz, Grete Austria 1908. Fencing — Lagarde, Claude Maurice France 1895. Laroyenne, Jean France 1930. Fencing — Leane, Patrick F. Australia 1923. Ath­ Leone, Giuseppina Italy 1934. Athletics — 100 m — 4X100 m relay, women ketball foil, women Shooting — clay pigeon sabre, team letics — decathlon — high jump — long Linardakis, Panajote Greece 1916. Shoot­ Kurahashi, Norihiko Japan 1932. Swim­ Lagos, Ernesto Chile 1931. Athletics —• Larrain, Jose Chile 1917. Equestrian — jump Leonkln, Dimitrij, U.S.S.R. 1928. Gym­ nastics ing — clay pigeon ming — 100 m back stroke high jump Dressage Leangtanom, Stit Thailand 1929. Athletics Linca, Nicolae Rumania 1929. Boxing Kurland, Robert Albert (Bob) U.S.A. Lagunavitshus, Justinas U.S.S.R. 1924. Larre Borges, Tabaré Uruguay 1922. Bas­ — 1 500 m Leppânen, Eino Finland 1916. Athletics — javelin welterweight 67 kilos 1924. Basketball Basketball ketball Leblond, Jean Belgium 1920. Athletics — Lind, Andreas Laurits Denmark 1922. Kurmann, Fridolin 1912. Hock- Laham, Moustafa, Lebanon 1929. Weight- Larsen, Arnfinn Norway 1930. Rowing — marathon Lepri, Adalberto Italy 1929. Free style wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos Canoeing — 1 000 m K-2 ey. lifting — middleweight 75 kilos fours with cox Leblond, Michel Laurent France 1932. Lind, Lennart Gustav Sweden 1930. Ath­ Kurtini, Ivo Yugoslavia 1922. Swimming Lepsoe, Kristoffer Norway 1922. Rowing Lahti, Klaus Henrik Finland 1909. Shoot­ Larsen, Henning Robert Denmark 1931. Football letics — pole vault — water polo ing — free pistol Cycling — 4 000 m team pursuit Lebron Gonzalez, Juan Puerto Rico 1934. — fours without cox Lerwill, Sheila Great Britain 1928. Ath­ Lindbeck, Harry Erik Sweden 1926. Ca­ Kurtshashov, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1930. Swim­ Lahti, Veikko O. Finland 1926. Free style Larsen, John H. Norway 1913. Shooting Athletics — no m hurdles noeing — 1 000 m C-2—10 000 m C-2 ming — zoo m breast stroke wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos — running deer Lebrun, André France 1927. Athletics — letics — high jump, women Lesage, Raymond France 1917. Athletics Lindberg, Karin Elisabet Sweden 1929. Kuster, Anton Switzerland 1923. Canoeing Lahtinen, Olavi Ensio Finland 1929. Bas­ Larsen, Preben Kaj Denmark 1922. Ath­ 3 000 m steeplechase Gymnastics, women — 1 000 m K-2 ketball letics — hop, step and jump Lebrun, Jacques Baptiste France 1910. — 50 000 m road walk Lesinski, Zdzislaw Poland 1921. Gym­ Lindblad, Bengt Olof Sweden 1925. Free Kutshurin, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1927. Ath­ Lahure, Fernand Luxemburg 1929. Foot­ Larsen, Rita Draœar/è 1935. Swimming — Yachting — single-handed class style wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos letics — 1 500 m ball 4X100 m relay, women Leccese, Franco Italy 1925. Athletics — nastics Leskinen, Veikko Kullervo Finland 1908. Lindeman, Kurt Evald Rolf Finland 1932. Kuusela, Keijo Helmer Finland 1921. Laing, Douglas Stanley Australia 1931. Larsen, Uffe Schultz Denmark 1921. Shoot­ 100 m — 4X 100 m relay Fencing — foil, individual Hockey Swimming — water polo ing — free rifle — small-bore rifle Lechner, Heinz Austria 1928. Fencing — Shooting — small-bore rifle Letsch, Léon Luxemburg 1927. Football Lindfors, Berndt Torbjorn Finland 1932. Kuznetsov, Igor U.S.S.R. 1929. Canoeing Laing, Leslie Alphonso Jamaica 1924. Larsen, Âge Ernst Denmark 1923. Rowing sabre, individual and team Leuenberg, Mario Chile 1923. Equestrian Gymnastics — 1 000 m K-2 Athletics — 200 m — 4x400 m relay — double sculls Leclerc, Jean-Baptiste France 1920. Free Lindh, Ernst Anders Gustaf Sweden 1929. Kuznetsov, Lev U.S.S.R. 1930. Fencing Laing, William Neizer Gold Coast 1929. Larsson, Bj0rn Norway 1924. Free style style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos — three-day event Leupold, Ludwig Germany 1907. Shoot­ Gymnastics — sabre, individual and team Athletics — hop, step and jump wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Lecomte-Guyonneau, X-ylian France 1922. Lindh, Gosta Lennart Sweden 1924. Foot­ Kuznetsov, Sergej U.S.S.R. 1918. Ath­ ing — silhouette Laitinen, Kalevi Johannes Finland 1918. Larsson, Bo Sweden 1927. Swimming — Fencing — foil, women ball letics — decathlon Gymnastics water polo Lecuona Asencio, Rafael Cuba 1928. Gym­ Leutche, Toni Germany 1922. Weight- lifting — lightweight 67 ^ kilos Lindholm, Raimo Allan Finland 1931. Kuznetsov, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1931. Ath­ Lake, Norman Ezra U.S.A. 1932. Swim­ Larsson, Goran Siveden 1932. Swimming nastics Le Van, Phuoc Vietnam 1929. Cycling — Basketball letics — javelin ming — water polo — 100 m free style — 4X200 m relay Lee, Norvel L. R. U.S.A. 1924. Boxing road race Lindman, Âke Leonard Finland 1928. Kwancharoen, Boonpak Thailand 1928. Lall, Raghivir India 1929. Hockey Larsson, Lars-Erik Sweden 1937. Rowing — light-heavyweight 81 kilos Levavasseur, Jean France 1924. Fencing Football Athletics — 800 m Lambrou, Jean Greece 1921. Basketball — pairs with cox Lee, Samuel U.S.A. 1920. Swimming — — sabre, individual and team Lindqvist, Torsten Sweden 1925. Modern Kwartler, Allan U.S.A. 1917. Fencing — Lamers, Rolf Germany 1927. Athletics — Larsson, Rune Carl Sweden 1924. Athletics high diving Levy, Daniel Moshe Israel 1930. Basket­ pentathlon sabre, individual and team 1 500 m — 4X400 m relay — 400 m hurdles Leenheere, Georges Bertrand Belgium 1919. Kwok, Irene Anita Kam Ngor Hong Kong Lambert, Alois Liechtenstein 1932. Cycling Larusson, Gudmundur Iceland 1925. Ath­ ball Lindroos, Reino Oskari Finland 1918. Swimming — water polo Lewandowski, Stefan Poland 193°* 1933. Swimming — 200 m breast stroke, — road race letics — 400 m — 800 m Lefevre, Bernard Jean André Prance 1930. Hockey letics — 1 500 m Lingâs, Bjarne Norway 1933. Boxing — women Lampi, Klaus Wilhelm Finland 1929. Laryea, Gabriel Sowah Gold Coast 1924. Football Kwon, Ik Hyun Korea 1920. Cycling — Lewicki, Jozef Poland 1934* Swimming light-heavyweight 81 kilos Rowing — eights Athletics — 100 m — 4x100 m relay Lefevre, Jacques France 1928. Fencing — road race 4 x 200 m relay Linhart, Vlastimil Czechoslovakia 1927. Lamppu, Risto Santeri Finland 1924. Hock- Laskau, Henry H. U.S.A. 1916. Athletics sabre, individual and team Kyaw Yin, Nil Burma 1925. Weightlifting Lewis, Gwynedd Grra/Br/to'n 1934- Gym­ Swimming — 200 m breast stroke . ey — 10 000 m walk Lefrant, Guy France 1923. Equestrian — — lightweight 67 ^ kilos Landero, Pedro Philippines 1913. Weight- nastics, women Linneman, Nicolaas Holland 1931. Boxing Lâszlo, Sàndot Hungary 1925. Athletics — three-day event Kyllônen, Arvo Finland 1932. Greco- Lewis, James Leonard Great Britain 1927. — welterweight 67 kilos lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos 50 000 m road walk Legrain, Pierre Eugène Frowce 1920. Ath­ Roman wrestling — bantamweight 57 Landqvist, Frank Sweden 1934. Swimming Lataste, Jacques France 1922. Fencing — Football Linnonmaa, Arvo Olavi Finland 1920. letics — hammer Lewis, Leslie Charles Great Britain 1924. kilos — spring-board diving foil, individual and team Cycling — 2 000 m tandem Lehmann, Heinz-Gilnther Germany 1923. Athletics — 400 m — 4X400 m relay Kyôstilâ, Juhani Finland 1932. Basketball Landqvist, Sture Bror Sweden 1925. Ath­ Latif, Abdul India 1928. Football Linnosvuo, Pentti T. Finland 1933. Shoot­ Swimming — 1 500 m free style Lewis, Percival J. Great Britain 1928. Box­ Kâhkônen, Aulis Kalevi Finland 1930. letics — 1 500 m Lâtô, Lajos Hungary 1932. Cycling — road ing — silhouette Lehtinen, Arja Finland 1936. Gymnastics, ing — featherweight 57 kilos Swimming — 200 m breast stroke Landry, Mabel U.S.A. 1932. Athletics — race — 4 000 m team pursuit Linoxylakis, Constantin Greece 1932. Foot­ women Leyes, Angel Leonides Argentine 1930. Kallqvist, Rune Sweden 1929. Swimming long jump, women Laudet, Jean France 1930. Canoeing — ball Lehtovirta, Eero Eelis Finland 1926. Row­ Boxing — featherweight 57 kilos — water polo Landstrôm, Eeles Enok Finland 1932. 10 000 m C-2 Linssen, Fernand Joseph Belgium 1928. ing — eights Lichiardopol, Gheorghe Rumania 1913. Kallstrôm, Karl Gunnar Finland 1908. Athletics — decathlon Lauer, Rolf Saar 1931. Gymnastics Athletics — 200 m — 4X400 m relay Lehtovirta, Kalevi Valdemar pinland 1928. Shooting — silhouette Yachting — single-handed class Landy, John Michael 1930. Ath- Lauf, James George U.S.A. 1927. Cycling Linssen-Vaessen, Marie-Louise Jean Football Licker, VioXa-nALuxemburg 1932. Canoeing Kôkôssy, Mihai R/ewaKza 1911. Fencing — • letics — 1 500 m — 5 000 m — 4 000 m team pursuit Josefhine Holland 1928. Swimming — Leichter, Max Germany 1920. Free style — 1 000 m K-i — 10 000 m K-2 sabre, team Lane, Kenneth Ralph Canada 1923. Ca­ Laurent, André René Robert Belgium 1931. 4X100 m relay, women wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 kilos Lie, Odd Norway 1926. Gymnastics noeing — 10 000 m C-2 Swimming — water polo Linton, Phyllis Margaret Great Britain Greco-Roman wrestling — light-heavy­ Lie, Sigve Norway 1906. Yachting — Lane, Norman Douglas Canada 1919. Ca­ Lauz, Eugenic Uruguay 1906. Yachting — 1929. Swimming — 4x100 m relay, Dragon class L noeing — 10 000 m C-i single-handed class weight 87 kilos women Leimd, Birger Norway 1924. Athletics — Liebenberger, Johann Austria 1930. Swim­ Lanfranchi, Luigi Italy 1914. Hockey Lavery, James Arthur Canada 1929. Ath­ Lipokatic, Josip Y/igaf/aî'/a 1921. Canoeing ming — water polo Laaksonen, Kaarlo Olavi Finland 1921. Lâng, Istvân Hungary 1933. Cycling — letics — 400 m — 4x400 m relay high jump Liebhart, Gertrude 1928. Canoeing — 1 000 m K-i — to 000 m K-i Football 1 000 m time trial — road race — 4 000 Lavine, Jacqueline Carol U.S.A. 1929. Leischen, Fernand Luxemburg 1919. Fen- Lippai, Antal Hungary 1923. Athletics — — 500 m K-i, women Laaksonen, Pentti Arvi Finland 1929. m team pursuit Swimming — 4X 100 m relay, women cing — epee, individual and team Liebhart, Kurt Austria 1933. Canoeing — 400 m hurdles Basketball Lange, Paul-I leinrich(<:y//ja:r: 1908. Yacht­ Laviv (Lubbin), Samuel /srae/1923. Shoot­ Leisching, Leonard John South Africa 1 000 m C-2 Liska, Ludvik Czechoslovakia 1929* Ath­ LaBeach, Byron Truman Jamaica 1930. ing — 6 m class ing — free rifle 1934. Boxing — featherweight 57 kilos Liebscher, Richard Germany 1910. Fenc­ letics — 800 m Athletics — 100 m Lansiaux, Jean France 1929. Boxing — Lavonius, Henrik Robert Finland 1915' Leiser, Walter Switzerland 1931- Rowing ing — sabre, individual and team Littomericzky, Maria Hungary 1927. Swim­ Labidi, Ben Ahmed France 1923. Athletics heavyweight over 81 kilos Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations — fours with cox Liederer, Kurt Austria 1927. Swimming ming — 4x100 m relay, women — 10 000 m Lans M., Jan Mexico 1932. Swimming — Lavrinenko, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1932- Leiva, Juan Venezuela 1932. Athletics — 2 — high diving Litujev, Jurij U.S.S.R. i9 5* Athletics Laborie, Denise Rose Raymonde France 100 m free style Swimming — 1 500 m free style 100 m — 200 m 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay — 400 m hurdles Lemhényi, Dezso Hungary 1917. Swim­ Lienhard, William (Bill) U.S.A. 1930. 1934. Athletics — loo m — 4X100 m Lanting-Keller, Helena Gerarda Catha- Law, Luella May Canada 1934. Athletics Litujeva, Valentina U.S.S.R. 1930. Ath­ women rina Holland 1925. Swimming — spring­ — 100 m — 200 m — 80 m hurdles — ming — water polo Basketball Liferenko, Aleksandr U.S.S.R. t930- letics — long jump, women Lachmann, Karen Denmark 1916. Fencing board diving, women 4X100 m relay, women Lemoine, Alexandra France 1928. Gym­ Swimming — water polo Ljunggren, John Artur Sweden 1919. Ath­ — foil, women Lantos, Mihâly Hungary 1928. Football Lawson, Augustus Gold Coast. Athletics nastics, women letics — 50 000 m road walk Le Mouroux, Guy France 1918. Yachting Ligon, Désiré Justin L. Belgium 1931. Bas­ Lacroix, André Jean Maurice France 1921. Lappalainen, Onni Armas Finland 1922. — .4X100 m relay Ljungquist, Bengt Helge Sweden 1912. Modern pentathlon Gymnastics Laz, Donald Robert U.S.A. 1929. Ath­ — Dragon class ketball Liljedahl, Hans GustafiWe» 1913. Shoot­ Fencing — epee, team Lacroix, Michel France 1921. Hockey Lardon, Willy Switzerland 1916. Free style letics — pole vault Lempinen, Kaino Johannes Finland 1921. 1 ing — clay pigeon Ljungqvist, Arne G. Sweden I93 * Ath­ LaFortune, Francois Jacques Florentin wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 kilos Leal Medeiros, Eduafdo Brazil 1923. Gymnastics Lillington, Alan William Great Britain letics —• high jump Belgium 1896. Shooting — small-bore Larking, Gunhild Maria Sweden 1936. Ath­ Modem pentathlon Le Normand, Franck France 1931. Cyc­ 1932. Athletics — 100 m Lledo, Rafael Argentine 1922. Basketball rifle letics — high jump, women Leal Placencia, Luis Ernesto Chile 1929. ling — 1 000 m scratch race — 2 000 m Lilov, Boris U.S.S.R. 1923. Equestrian — Llewellyn, Henry Morton Great Britain LaFortune, Francois Jacques Marie Gé­ Larney, Marjorie U.S.A. 1937. Athletics Football tandem three-day event 1911. Equestrian — Grand Prix des Na­ rard Belgium 1932. Shooting — small­ — javelin, women Leanderson, Matt Fillip U.S.A. I931* Leon, Angel Spain 1907. Shooting free Lim, Eduardo Philippines 1930. Basketball tions bore rifle La Rosa, Francesco Itafy 1926. Football Rowing — fours with cox pistol 735 734

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Lloyd, Brian Great Britain 1927. Rowing Lousteau, Anne-Marie France 1932. Ath­ Lusien, Odette Vranee 1927, Swimming — Madigan, Anthony Australia 1932. Boxing Manaenko, Ivan U.S.S.R. 1919. Fencing Markovics, Kalrnan Hungary 1931. Swim­ — eights letics — 200 m, women 200 m breast stroke, women — middleweight 75 kilos — sabre, individual and team ming — water polo Lloyd, John Emrys Great Britain 1905. Lovested, Carl Martin U.S.A. 1930. Row­ Lusk, Stanislav Chechoslovakia 1931. Row­ Madjar, Ede Yugoslavia 1931. Gymnastics Manchen, Heinz Joachim Germany 1931. Marks, Geoffrey Charles Ceylon 1932. Fencing — foil, team ing — fours with cox ing — fours with cox Madland, Ernst Norway 1927. Gymnastics Rowing — pairs with cox Swimming — 100 m free style — 400 m Lloyd-Chandos, Valerie Pauline Great Lovellette, Clyde U.S.A. 1929. Basket­ Lust, Wilhelmina Maria Holland 1932. Maenen, Jules Hermanns Holland 1932. Mancinelli, Adelfino Italy 1908. Weight- free style — 1 500 m free style Britain 1953. Swimming — high diving, ball Athletics — 80 m hurdles — long jump Cycling — road race — 4 000 m team lifting — heavyweight over 90 kilos Marotta, Alfonso Italy 1923. Modern women Lovera, Roberto Uruguay 1922. Basketball — 4X100 m relay, women pursuit Mangave, K. D. India 1926. Free style pentathlon Lobashkov, Boris U.S.S.R. 1921. Yacht­ Lowagie, Albert Otto Rudolf Belgium 1929. Luu, Quan Vietnam 1925. Cycling —road Maerlie, Reidar Norway 1917. Greco- wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Marroquin, Fernando Guatemala 1919. ing — 6 m class Athletics — 400 m — 4X400 m relay race Roman wrestling — bantamweight 57 Mangels, Peter Brazil 1927. Yachting — Cycling — 4 000 m team pursuit Lobastov, Sergej U.S.S.R. 1926. Athletics Loyzaga, Carlos Philippines 1930. Basket­ Luukkonen, Risto Valter Finland 1931. kilos Dragon class Marques Cavaleiro, Fernando Portugal — 50 000 m road walk ball Boxing — flyweight 51 kilos Maesschalck, François Belgium 1921. Mangiarotti, Dario Italy 1915. Fencing 1917. Equestrian — three-day event Locht, Poul Denmark 1929. Rowing — Lozano B., Francisco Mexico 1932. Cyc­ Luyt, Thomas Sydney Andrew South Swimming — water polo — epee, individual and team Marques Pereira, Hello Brazil 1925. Bas­ fours without cox ling — road race Africa 1925. Athletics — marathon Maggi, Emile France 1908. Athletics — Mangiarotti, Edoardo Italy 1920. Fencing ketball Logg, Charles Paul U.S.A. 1931. Rowing Lozano G., Irma Mexico 1933. Swimming Liichinger, Walter J.T. Switzerland 1926. 10 000 m walk — foil, individual and team — epee, indi­ Marquis, Gilbert Switzerland 1923. Ath­ — pairs without cox — high diving, women Rowing — pairs with cox Magnenat, Roland Switzerland 1922. vidual and team letics — 50 000 m road walk Loggere, Hermanns Pieter Holland 1921. Lubell, Nathaniel U.S.A. 1916. Fencing Liichow, Mogens Denmark 1918. Fencing Weightlifting — bantamweight 56 kilos Manias, Panajote Greece 1932. Basketball Marrero Cabrera, Carlos Alberto Venezuela Hockey — foil, individual and team — epee, individual and team Magnussen, Hans-Hermann Friedrich Manibog Jr., Gonzalo Philippines 1930. 1914. Shooting — free pistol Loisel, Hubert Austria 1912. Fencing — Lubinus, Hans Johann Georg Germany Liicker, Alfred Germany 1931. Hockey Germany 1925. Yachting — 5.5 m class Free style wrestling — featherweight 62 Marsan, Pierre Monaco 1916. Shooting —• sabre, individual and team 1893. Yachting — 5-5 m class Lyijynen, Erkki Edvard Finland 1925. Magnusson, Greta Sweden 1929. Athletics kilos small-bore rifle Lomady-Schroth, Clara U.S.A. 1920. Lucas, Charles Great Britain 1886. Shoot­ Rowing — pairs with cox — long jump — 4 x 100 m relay, women Mann, Gulzara Singh 1924. Athletics Marshall, John B. Australia 1930. Swim­ Gymnastics, women ing — clay pigeon Lyng, Jacob Marcus J. Denmark 1907. Magnusson, Lennart Carl Oscar Sweden — 3 000 m steeplechase ming — 400 m free style — 1 500 m free Lomakin, Trofim U.S.S.R. 1924, Weight- Lucas, Johny Luxemburg 1931. Canoeing Fencing — epee, team — sabre, team 1924. Fencing — epee, team Manna, Sailen India 1924. Football style — 4 X 200 m relay 1 Marshall, Maurice ' New Zealand lyz-j. lifting — light-heavyweight 82 /2 kilos — 1 000 m K-2 Lyons, Beatrice Nancy Australia 1930. Magnusson, Rolf Catl Gustaf Sweden 1921. Mannelli, Maurizio/fe/y 1950. Swimming Lombard, Ronald Peter South Africa 1928. Lucas, Robert Châties France 1922. Hockey Swimming — 200 m breast stroke, women Fencing — foil, individual and team — water polo Athletics — 800 m — 1 500 m Marsille, Max Maurice Oscar Helgium 1931. Gymnastics Lucioli, Avio Italy 1928. Athletics — Lysov, loann Fedorovitch U.S.S.R. 1921. Mahana Badrie, Victor Chile 1922. Bas­ Mannonen, Olavi Aleksanteri Finland Boxing — heavyweight over 81 kilos Lombardi, Pietro Italy 1922. Greco-Roman hammer Basketball ketball 1930. Modem pentathlon Martazov, Konstantin U.S.S.R. T9i9- wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Ludin, Walter Switzerland 1908. Rowing Liithy, Fred Switzerland 1930. Athletics — Mahaut, Kate Yvonne Denmark 1908. Mannsbarth, Artur Austria 1930. Cycling Lombardo, Adesio Uruguay 1925. Basket­ — pairs with cox 800 m — 1 500 m Fencing — foil, wotnen — 4 000 m team pursuit — road race Shooting — free pistol Martel, Florio France 1923. Hockey ball Ludwig, Roger Luxemburg 1933. Cycling Liittge, Rudi Germany 1922. Athletics — Mahgoub, Kamal Mahmoud Egypt 1921. Manoliu, Lia Rumania 1932. Athletics — Martelli, Vera Italy 1930. Athletics —• Lombardo, Vicenzo Italy 1932. Athletics — road race 50 000 m road walk Weightlifting — bantamweight 56 kilos discus, women — 400 m Lueg, Werner Germany 1931. Athletics — Lyttle, John Ireland 1931. Boxing — heavy­ Mabn Godoy, Eric Chile 1925. Basketball Manoloff, Manol Thomoff Bulgaria 1925. 200 m, women Martens, Stephan Baziel Belgium 1931. Lomecky, Oldrich Chechoslovakia 1920 1 500 m weight over 81 kilos Mala, Rui Cortez Portugal 1925. Athletics Football Canoeing — 10 000 m C-2 Lugo, Ignacio Venezuela 1932. Free style Lyytikka,EskoKaXisFinland 1929. Rowing — 100 m — 4X 100 m relay Cycling — 1 000 m scratch race Manoukian, Diran France 1919. Hockey Martin, Alfons Belgium 1930. Swimming Lommi, Oiva Finland 1922. Rowing — wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos — eights Mala Lemos, Joào Alberto Portugal 1928. Manring, Charles David U.S.A. 1929. fours without cox Lugo Cruz, Pablo Râul Puerto Rico 1932. Lansivuori, Pirkko Marjatta Finland 1926. Rowing — eights — water polo Rowing — eights Martin, André France 1908. Shooting — Lommi, Veikko Kristian Finland 1917. Boxing — flyweight 51 kilos Athletics — 200 m, women Maillet, Jacques Henri Marie Fra«fe 1926. Mansour, S. Egypt 1926. Basketball free pistol — silhouette Rowing — fours without cox Lukomska, Urszula Poland 1926. Gym­ Lôfgren, Karl Gôsta Herbert Sweden 1923. Rowing — double sculls Mansouri, Djalal Iran 1930. Weightlifting Martin, Antoine France 1933. Boxing — Long, Phyllis Ann Great Britain 1936. nastics, women Football Maissant, Jean Victor Edmond France — middleweight 75 kilos bantamweight 54 kilos Swimming — spring-board diving — Lulla, Engelbert Austria 1929. Canoeing Love, Torsteinn Iceland 1923. Athletics — 1926. Athletics — discus Mantchenko, Vassil Pavloff Bulgaria 1931. high diving, women Martin, Claude Auguste France 1930. — 1 000 m C-2 discus Majdloch, Frantisek Czechoslovakia 1929. Basketball Longarela, Alberto Argentine 1923. Free Rowing — fours with cox Lumsdaine, Leon Sydney (Jack) Great Boxing — bantamweight 54 kilos Manzin, Lucio Italy 1913. Equestrian — style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Britain 1923. Modern pentathlon Martin, Cyril Frank South Africa 1928. Majekodunmi, Josiah Olatunji Nigeria three-day event Lopatin, Evgenij U.S.S.R. 1917. Weight- M Free style wrestling — welterweight 73 Lund, Ivan B. Australia 1929. Fencing — 1928. Athletics — high jump Manzo H., Filiberto Mexico 1950. Basket­ lifting — lightweight 67 ^ kilos foil, individual and team — epee, indi­ kilos Maas, Adrianus Lambertus Joseph Hol­ Majid, Stanley Burma 1929. Boxing — ball Lopatin, Vladimir C/.i'.i'.R. 1931. Swim­ vidual and team — sabre, individual and 1 Martin, Gerda Chile 1927. Athletics — land 1907. Yachting — Star class light-welterweight 63 ji kilos Maquet, Jean Baptiste Mathis Belgium ming — 100 m back stroke team javelin, women Mâca, Milos Czechoslovakia 1927. Athletics Makarov, Ivan U.S.S.R. 1930. Rowing — 1922. Fencing — epee, individual and Lopes, Eugenio de Carvalho Portugal Lundberg, Knud Denmark 1920. Football — hammer Martin, Kevin Ireland 1925. Boxing —• fours without cox team 1929. Athletics — hop, step and jump Lundberg, Ragnar Torsten Sweden 1924. Macchini, Licia Italy 1936. Gymnastics, Maki, Shinichi Japan 1917. Fencing — lightweight 60 kilos Marchand, Gerald Denys Great Britain Lopes Jonet, Antonio Portugal 1927. Mo­ Athletics — pole vault women foil, individual — epee, individual Martin, Miklos Hungary 1931. Swimming 1921. Canoeing — 1 000 m C-x — 10 000 dern pentathlon Lunde, Peder Norway 1918. Yachting — Mach, Gerard Poland 1929. Athletics — Makler, Paul U.S.A. 1920. Fencing — — water polo m C-i Martin du Gard, Jean-Paul France 1927. Lopez, Alberto Argentine 1926. Basket­ 5.5 m class 200 m — 400 m epee, individual and team ball Lunde, Vibeke Norway 1921. Yachting — Machado, Mario Hugo Uruguay 1923. Malézanoff, Georges L. Bulgaria 1927. Marchiori, Mario Italy 1928. Hockey Athletics — 4X400 m relay Martinez, Antonio Luis Philippines 1926. Lôpez E., Emilio Mexico 1923. Basket­ 5.5 m class Cycling — road race Boxing — featherweight 57 kilos Marcinczak, Urszula Poland 1930. Gym­ ball Lundgren Kristensen, Edvard Preben Macias G., Raul Mexico 1934. Boxing — Malinkovic, Antonin Czechoslovakia 1930. nastics, women Basketball Martinez, Gustavo Guatemala 1932. Cycling Lopez Carviso, Federico Cuba 1918. Bas­ Denmark 1923. Cycling — 4000 m team bantamweight 54 kilos Rowing — double sculls Marcondes Amaral, Dario Brazil 1932. — 1 000 m time trial — 1 000 m scratch ketball pursuit Maciaszcyk, Narcyz Poland 1929. Hockey Malivoire, Bernard Robert France 1938. Fencing — epee, individual and team Lopez del Hierro, Fernando Spain 1908. Lundh, Yngve Sweden 1924. Cycling — Macinic, Gheorghe Rwawa 1926. Rowing Rowing — pairs with cox Marelli, Sergio Italy 1926. Basketball race Martinez, Lem P. Uruguay 1923. Modern Equestrian — three-day event road race — eights Malkowiak, Jan Poland 1919. Hockey Marl, Lamberto Italy 1933. Swimming — Lôpez Ortega, Edmundo Venezuela 1935. Lundkvist, Hugo Sweden 1913. Shooting Macintosh, William Maitland Canada Malkowiak, Maksymilian Poland 1922. spring-board diving — high diving pentathlon Mariani, Amos Italy 1931. Football Martinez, Modesto Mexico 1934. Swimming Fencing — sabre, individual and team — free pistol 1930. Yachting — 6 m class Hockey Lopez Paniagua, Eduardo C. Guatemala Lundqvist, Marianne Sweden 1931. Swim­ Macklin, David Great Britain 1928. Rowing Mallenius, Erkki Aarno Finland 1928. Marietti, Federico Italy 1925. Basketball. — water polo Martini-Pautasso, Fernanda Switzerland 1926. Fencing — foil, individual — epee, ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free — eights Boxing — light-welterweight 63 1/ kilos Mariles Cortes, Humberto Mexico 2 1923. Swimming — high diving, women individual — sabre, individual style — 4X100 m relay, women Mackowiak, Anton Germany 1922. Free Mallick, Abdul Aziz Pakistan 1916. Hockey Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations Martins-Cavalheiro, Carlos Alberto Brazil Lorânt, Gyula Hungary 1923. Football Lundsten, Tor Erik Finland 1926. Rowing style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Malmikoski, Ivar Mikael Finland 1927* Marinescu,NiculaeRa»<2»/fl 1906. Fencing — foil, individual and team — epee, indi­ Lord, Torsten Hjalmar Sweden 1904. Yacht­ — eights — Greco-Roman wrestling —• welter­ Boxing — welterweight 67 kilos 1932. Football Martins Guimarâes, Antonio Brazil 1900. ing — 6 m class Lundstrôm, Jacob Lars Sweden 1914. weight 73 kilos Maloney, John Patrick Great Britain 1932. vidual Shooting — free rifle Loreau, Armand France 1931. Canoeing Yachting — 6 m class Macleod, Alastair Great Britain 1924. Boxing — welterweight 67 kilos Marion, Eva France 1925. Canoeing — Mârton, Laszlo Hungary 1923. Rowing — 1 000 m C-2 Lunev, Timofei U.i'.J'.R. 1926. Athletics Rowing — eights Malouf, Robert Canada 1931. Boxing — 500 m K-i, women — eights Lorenc, Czeslaw Poland 1925. Rowing — — 400 m hurdles Madatov, Baldadash U.S.S.R. 1928. Ath­ middleweight 75 kilos Marion, Luciano Italy 1928. Rowing — Marttinen, Erkki Emil Finland 1926. pairs with cox Lurati, Fausto Switzerland 1929. Cycling letics — long jump Mamedbekov, Rashid U.S.S.R. 1927. pairs with cox Swimming — 100 m back stroke Lorger, Stanko Yugoslavia 1931. Athletics — road race Madeira, Fernando Portugal 1932. Swim­ Free style wrestling — bantamweight 57 Marjutin, Fridrik U.S.S.R. 1924. Football Marulin, Fedor U.S.S.R. 1926. Athletics — no m hurdles Lusenius, Kauko Vilho Finland 1918. Ath­ ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free kilos Markoff, Lioubomir Banana 1927. Boxing — 3 000 m steeplechase Losnita, Aurel Rumania 1927. Gymnastics letics — 3 000 m steeplechase style — water polo Mammana, Prôspero Argentine 1931. Free — lightweight 60 kilos Marushkin, Semen U.S.S.R. 1919. Greco- Lourenco, Carlos Portugal 1923. Yachting Lusien, Maurice France 1926. Swimming Madero, Alberto Argentine 1923. Rowing style wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Markovic,Nemanja YagWawa 1915. Shoot­ Roman wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos — Dragon class — 200 m breast stroke — pairs without cox Mamon, jozef Poland 1922. Football ing — small-bore rifle

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Millman, John Earl Canada 1930. Cycling Mokos, Ladislau Rumania 1931. Basket­ Marz, Kurt Austria 1924. Rowing — fours Matvejev, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1923. Cycling McMillan, William W. U.S.A. 1929. Meredith, Ronald Ashton South Africa — 1 000 m scratch race ball without cox — 4 000 m team pursuit Shooting — silhouette 1932. Swimming — water polo Milnikiel, Irena Poland 1933. Swimming Molinuevo, Argentino Macedonio Argen­ Marzec, Ryszard Poland 1931. Hockey Matz, Josef Carina 1925. Hockey McMillen, Robert Earl U.S.A. 1928. Merle, Antoine 1921. Greco-Roman — 100 m back stroke, women tine 1911. Equestrian — Grand Prix des Masana, Pedro Spain 1923. Rowing — Maue, Paul Germany 1922. Cycling — road Athletics — 1 500 m wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Miltenberger, Meinrad Germany 1924. Nations fours with cox race McNally, John Ireland 1932. Boxing — Meshkov, Leonid U.S.S.R. 1916. Swim­ Canoeing — 1 000 m K-i — 10 000 m Mollaghassemi, Mahmoud Iran 1929. Masanes Gimeno, Hernan Chile 1931. Mauritz, Matthias Germany 1924. Football bantamweight 54 kilos ming — 4 X 200 m relay K-2 Free style wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos Cycling — 1 000 m time trial — 1 000 m Mavroidis, Vasile Greece 1926. Athletics McNamee, Gerry Canada 1934. Swimming Meshkov, Viktor U.S.S.R. 1926. Cycling Mimoun, O'Kacha — Alain France 1921. Molle, jean France 1933. Canoeing — scratch race — road race — 800 m — 1 500 m — 400 m free style — 1 500 m free style — 4 000 m team pursuit Athletics — 5 000 m — 10 000 m 1 000 m C-i Mascetti, Georg Soar 1930. Swimming — Maxa,Frantisek1923. Shoot­ — 4 X 200 m relay Mesquita de Oliveira, Jorge Brazil 1916. Minaitsheva, Galina U.S.S.R. 1929. Gym­ Molnar, Etienne Brazil 1915- Fencing — 400 m free style ing — free pistol McNamee, Kay Canada 1931. Swimming Shooting — free pistol nastics, women sabre, individual Masek, Zlatko Yugoslavia 1928. Shooting Mazorra Zamora, Raul Cuba 1928. Ath­ — 100 m free style — 400 m free style — Messina, Guido Italy 1931. Cycling — Minder, Erhard Switzerland 1925. Modern Molnâr, Kornél Hungary 1933. Boxing — — small-bore rifle letics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X100 m relay, women 4 000 m team pursuit pentathlon flyweight 51 kilos Maskell, Edna Mary South Africa 1928. Mazovka, Andrej U.S.S.R. 1921. Yachting McQuade, Marjory Anne E. Australia Mestres, Augustin Spain 1923. Swimming Minerth, B0rge Ernst Denmark 1920. Mommers, Joannes Cornelius Adrianus Athletics — 100 m — 80 m hurdles, — Dragon class 1934. Swimming — 100 m free style, — water polo Gymnastics Holland 1927. Football women Mazoyer, Jacques France 1910. Shooting women Mettal, Tamar Israel 1933. Athletics — Minicka, Genowefa Poland 1926. Athletics Monclar, Robert France 1930. Basketball Maspes, Antonio Italy 1932. Cycling — — small-bore rifle McWillan, Louis Kelley Jr. U.S.A. 1929. long jump — high jump, women — 200 m — 4X100 m relay, women Monginou, Yvette France 1927. Athletics 2 000 m tandem Mazumdar, Sakti India 1931. Boxing — Rowing — fours without cox Meulenkamp, Deliana U.S.A. 1933. Minn, Byungsun Korea 1919. Equestrian —• 100 m — 80 m hurdles — 4X100 m Massaria, Egidio Italy 1925. Swimming flyweight 51 kilos Mechelynck, Harold Michel Jules Belgium Swimming — 400 m free style, women — Grand Prix des Nations relay, women — m back stroke — 4X200 m relay Mazzinghi, Guido Italy 1932. Boxing — 1924. Hockey Meuris, Julien Joseph Belgium 1922. Bas­ icq Mir, A. Latif Pakistan 1916. Hockey Monsen, Lloyd U.S.A. 1931. Football Massaro Conley, Domingo Chile 1927. light-middleweight 71 kilos ketball Mednov, Viktor t/.^'.i'.R. 1928. Boxing — Miranda Araya, Hugo Chile 1925. Cycling Monsoor, Isaac India 1929. Swimming Football M'Baye, Malic France 1921. Athletics —• Mewis, Jozef Belgium 1931. Free style light-welterweight 63 ^ kilos — road race 100 m free style — water polo Massey, Paul Great Britain 1926. Rowing hop, step and jump wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Megennis, Maurice Great Britain 1929. von Mirbach, Gôtz Germany 1915. Yacht­ Montagne, Liliane France 1931. Gymnas­ — fours with cox McArthur, W. Thad [7.^.^4. 1928. Modern Mewis, Maurice Belgium 1929. Free style Weightlifting — bantamweight 56 kilos ing — 6 m class tics, women Massey Oliveira de Menezes, Eloi Brazil pentathlon wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos Mehrah, Raj Kumar India 1918. Cycling Mirzai, Ali Iran 1929. Weightlifting — Montanari, Wolfango Italy 1931. Athletics 1910. Equestrian — Grand Prix des McCabe, Frank R. U.S.A. 1927. Basketball — road race — 4 000 m team pursuit Meyer, André France 1919. Hockey bantamweight 56 kilos — 100 m Nations McCashin, John Arthur U.S.A. 1909. Meyer, Paul Switzerland 1922. Rowing — Meiring, Nicolaas Lingen South Africa Mitchell, Maxine U.S.A. 1917. Fencing Montasser, Hussein Kamel Egypt 1923. Massini, Santiago Jose Argentine 1914. Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations 1933. Swimming — 100 m back stroke single sculls — foil, women Basketball Fencing — epee, individual — foil, team McCauley, George Friar Canada 1929. Meister, Paul Switzerland 1926. Fencing Mezôfi, Tibor Hungary 1926. Bastketball Mitic, Rajko Yugoslavia 1922. Football Monteiro, Francisco Xavier Hong Kong Maszlay, Lâjos Hungary 1903. Fencing — Rowing — eights — epee, individual and team Micco, Umberto Italy 1916. Hockey Mitterhuber, Alexander Austria 1929. 1926. Swimming — 100 m free style — McCormack, John W. U.S.A. 1922. foil, individual and team Mejia A., Clemente Mexico 1932. Swim­ Michalski, Zdzislaw Valand 1928. Rowing Rowing — fours without cox 400 m free style — 1 500 m free style Matetic, Ladislav Yugoslavia 1927. Rowing Swimming — high diving 2 ming — 100 m back stroke — pairs with cox Miyabe, Shizue Japan 1938. Swimming Monteiro, Thaïes Brazil i9 5' Basketball — eights McCormick, Patricia U.S.A. 1930. Swim­ 0 Mejpariani, Akakij U.S.S.R. 1918. Fencing Michel, Pierre France 1929. Cycling — — 100 m free style, women Monteiro da Fonseca, Ilo Brazil ' 93 • ming — spring-board diving — high Matheou, Phedon Greece 1924. Basketball — epee, team 4 000 m team pursuit Miyamoto, Masami Japanx^i,. Swimming Swimming — 100 m back stroke diving, women Mathias, Robert U.S.A. 1930. Athletics — Mejta, Karel Chechoslovakia 1928. Rowing Midgley, Roger Keith Great Britain 1924. — spring-board diving — high diving, Montemage, Thomas R. U.S.A. 1927. decathlon McDonald, Kenneth Arthur Australia — fours with cox Hockey women Cycling — 4 000 m team pursuit Mathiot, Michel France 1926. Gymnastics 1928. Weightlifting — heavy light­ Mekokishvili, Arsen U.S.S.R. 1912. Free Midler, Mark U.S.S.R. 1931. Fencing — Miyashita, Miyo Japan 1931. Athletics — Montemayor R., Ernesto Mexico I907* Mathisen, Ivar Norway 1920. Canoeing — weight 90 kilos style wrestling — heavyweight over 87 foil, individual and team — sabre, team 80 m hurdles, women Shooting — silhouette -2 — 10 000 -2 1 000 m K m K McDonald Bailey, Emmanuel Great Bri­ kilos Miettinen, Paavo Kalervo Finland 1919. Mobiglia, Octavio Brazil 1923. Swimming Monteverde Perez, Carlos A. Venezuela Mathur, Surat Singh India 1930. Athletics tain 1920. Athletics — 100 m — 200 m Melaika, Edward A. U.S.A. 1931. Yacht­ Fencing — epee, team — 200 m breast stroke 1919. Shooting — silhouette — marathon — 4X 100 m relay ing — single-handed class Miettinen, Yrjô Finland 1913- Shooting — Mockridge, Russell Australia 1930. Cyc­ Montez, Javier U.S.A. I929* Athletics Matiussi, Bruno 'Luxemburg 1926. Boxing McDonnell, Donald Australia 1933. Boxing Melcher, Arturo Chile 1922. Athletics — running deer ling — 1000m time trial — 2000m tandem 1 500 m — light-middleweight 71 kilos — featherweight 57 kilos hammer Mihailov, Valentin U.S.S.R. - 929• Cyc­ Modinos, Andonios Greece 1924. Yachting Monti, Bruno Italy 1930. Cycling — road Matoba, Junkichi Japan 1951. Athletics — McDowall, Margaret Gibson Great Britain Melin, Bengt Einar Sweden 1917. Yachting ling — 4 000 m team pursuit — single-handed class race 400 m — 4X400 m relay 1956. 100 Swimming — m back stroke, — Star class Mihalcea, Niculae Rumania 1922. Equest­ Modjtabavi, Abdullah Iran 1925. Free Monti, Horacio Argentine 1911. Yachting Matocha,JanCzechoslovakia 1923. Canoeing women Meljgunov, Konstantin U.S.S.R. 1926. rian — three-day event style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos — 6 m class — 1 000 m K-2 2 McFarlane, James Donald Canada 1931- Yachting — Star class Mihalic, Franjo Yugoslavia 1921. Athletics Modoj, Gennadij U.S.S.R. 1923. Athletics Montour, Lloyd Daniel Canada ! 9 ^ • Row­ MatosPinhem^JoséPwtaga/1933. Rowing Athletics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X 100 m Mellado Jara, Héctor Hugo Chile 1925- — 10 000 m — 800 m ing —• fours without cox — eights 0 1932. relay Cycling — road race Mikaelsson, John Fredrik Sweden 1913. Modrachova, Olga Czechoslovakia I93 * Montoya, Juan Guatemala Cycling Matousek, Jiri Chechoslovakia 1927. Basket­ — 4 000 McGuinness, Lawrence Joseph Canada Mello, Ingeborg Argentine 1922. Ath­ Athletics — 10 000 m walk Athletics — high jump, women m team pursuit ball 1929. 1921. Equestrian — three-day event letics — discus — shot, women Mikkolainen, Veijo Veikko Finland 1924. Moens, Roger Belgium 1930. Athletics — Monza, Omar Ubaldo Argentine Matrona, Pedro Basiano Netherlands An­ McHugh, Edward Joseph Jr.U.S.A. 1925. Melmann, Henrique Sergio Brazil 1931- Rowing — pairs with cox 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay Basketball tilles 1927. Football Moore, Cecil British Guyana 1929. Weight- Football Swimming — water polo Mikulec, Jindrich Czechoslovakia 1928. Moes, André I^uxemhmg 1930. Cycling — 1 Matson, Ollie Adrian U.S.A. 1930. Ath­ lifting — heavy-middleweight 82 /2 kilos McKellow, Donald Arthur Great Britain Melville, Douglas McKenzie South Africa Gymnastics road race letics — 400 m — 4 x 400 m relay 1925. Cycling — 1 000 m time trial 1928. Swimming — water polo Milakov, Milan Yugoslavia 1930. Athletics Moget, Marcel Switzerland 1931. Basket­ Moore, Charles Hewes Jr. U.S.A. 1929. Matsuo, Kosuke Japan 1930. Rowing — Athletics — 4x400 m relay — 400 m McKenley, Herbert Henry Jamaica 1922. Mendoza, Cesar Chile 1919. Equestrian — pole vault ball fours with cox hurdles Athletics — 100 m — 400 m — 4 X 400 m — Grand Prix des Nations Milas, Nicolas Greece 1928. Basketball Mohamad, Medhat Youssef Egypt 1927. Mattele, Hippolyte Victor Roger Belgium Moore, David U.S.A. 1933. Boxing — relay Mendoza, Ruben Michael U.S.A. 1931- Mildh, Sven Oswald Finland 1930. Ath­ Basketball 1921. Rowing — pairs with cox bantamweight 54 kilos McKenzie, Eleanor Canada 1931. Athletics Football letics — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay Mohamed (Elzingeiri), Mohamed Matteucci, Amos Italy 1915. Athletics — Moore, Wayne R.U.S.A. 1931. Swimming — too m — 200 m — 4X100 m relay, Menegalli, Umberto Switzerland 1925- Mileff, Nicola Climentoff Bulgaria 1930. Moussa Omar Fgypt 1925. Football javelin — 400 m free style — 4 X 200 m relay women Fencing — sabre, individual and team Mohamed, Sayed Abdel Azim Egypt 1920. Matto, Sergio Uruguay 1930. Basketball Gymnastics Morandini, MaryseFraKte 1932. Swimming McKinney, Basil Herbert Bahamas 1912. Menendez Orue, Abelardo Cuba 1928. Millard, Adriana Chile 1926. Athletics — Football Mattos, George Frank U.S.A. 1929. Ath­ Mohamed Noor, Eon Singapore Weight- — 4x100 m relay, women 5-5 Fencing — foil, individual — epee, indi­ 200 m — long jump, women letics — pole vault Yachting — m class Moreau, Didier Georges France 1930. Row­ McLane, James P. U.S.A. 1930. Swimming vidual Miller, Richard Dennis William Great lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos Mattsson, Taimi Ilona Finland 1913. Fenc­ 1928. ing — fours with cox — 400 m free style — 1 500 m free style Meneses L., José Mexico 1926. Basketball Britain 1920. Athletics — javelin Mohammad, Khan Pakistan Boxing ing — foil, women Moreau, Mady Frawe 1928. Swimming — 4 X 200 m relay Menini, Ruben Francisco Argentine 1924. Miller, Ronald Rowan Canada 1929. Ath­ — middleweight 75 kilos Maturano, Hector Julian Argentine 1921. Mohammed, Niaz (Nick) Canada 1926. spring-board diving, women 75 McLaughlin, Paul Canada 1919. Yachting Basketball letics — pole vault 2 Boxing — middleweight kilos 2 Free style wrestling — welterweight 73 Moreira, Jansen José Brazil i9 7- Foot­ — single-handed class Meraz S., Emilio Mexico 1909. Fencing Miller, Terence Charles Great Britain I93 * Matute, Vicente Venezuela 1932. Boxing kilos ball Macmillan, Donald Robertson Thomson — epee, individual Swimming — water polo I — lightweight 60 kilos Moinuddin, Syed Khaja India 1924. Foot­ Moreira, Severino Brazil i9 3- Shooting Australia 1928. Athletics — 800 m — Mercado, Pedro Argentine 1923. Equestrian Miller, William Preston U.S.A. 1930. Matvejev, Boris L/.i'.J'.R. 1929. Athletics ball — small-bore rifle 1 500 m — three-day event Athletics — javelin — discus Moioli, Giuseppe Italy 1927. Rowing — Morel, Bernard France 1925. Fencing , Gaston Antoine France i932- Milligan, Terence Ireland 1930. Boxing Matvejev, Ivan U.S.S.R. 1914. Yachting MacMillan, John Great Britain 1930. fours without cox sabre, team Rowing — pairs with cox — light-welterweight 63 ^ ^os — Dragon class Rowing — double sculls Moisejev, Aleksandr U.S.S.R. 1927. Bas­ Morettini, Marino Italy 1931. Cycling — MacMillan, Roderick Great Britain 1930. Merdjanoff, Anguel Gabriloff Bulgaria Million, Réné France 1934- Swimming Matvejev, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1912. Yachting ketball 1 000 m time trial — 4 000 m team pursuit — 6 m class Rowing — fours with cox 1927. Athletics — 100 m 400 m free style 739 738

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Niazkhan, Mohammad Pakistan 1917. Roman wrestling — light-heavyweight Novâkovâ, Libuse Czechoslovakia 1924. Morgan, John A. U.S.A. 1930. Yachting Muratov, Valentin U.S.S.R. 1928. Gym­ von Nagel, Ida Germany 1917. Equestrian Hockey 87 kilos Athletics — discus, women — 6 m class nastics — Dressage Nichol, Damian Allan South Africa 1930. Nilsson, Ove Allan Sweden 1928. Rowing Noverraz,Louis Switzerland\<)OZ. Yachting Morgan, Margaret Gréai Britain 1929. Murdoch, Frank John Great Britain 1904. Naghy, Liviu Rumania 1929. Basketball Rowing — fours without cox — pairs with cox — 6 m class Gymnastics, women Yachting — 6 m class Nagornoff, Leo Finland 1925. Yachting — Nicholls, Thomas G. Great Britain 1931. Nilsson, Roland Fritz Sweden 1924. Ath­ Novikov, Igor U.S.S.R. 1929. Modern Morgenthaler, Rudolf Switzerland 1926. Murless, William Cecil South Atrica 1911. Dragon class Boxing — bantamweight 54 kilos letics — discus — shot pentathlon Athletics — marathon Shooting — small-bore rifle Nagy, Bàlint Hungary 1919. Weightlifting Nickel, James Russell Canada 1930. Nishida, Katsuo Japan 1929. Athletics — Novikov, Vasilij UXi'.R. 1920. Shooting Mori, Katsuichi Japan 1929. Swimming Muroya, Yoshitaka ]apan 1930. Athletics — featherweight 60 kilos Canoeing — 10 000 m K-2 marathon — silhouette — spring-board diving — high diving — 800 m — 4x400 m relay Nam, Suil Korea 1912. Weightlifting — Nickhah, Fazlollah Iran 1930. Boxing — Nishino, Yasumasa Japan 1925. Swim­ Nowara, Henryk Poland 1924. Boxing — Morille, Elio Italy 1927. Rowing — fours Murphy, Francis Joseph Australia 1928. featherweight 60 kilos bantamweight 54 kilos ming — 100 m back stroke middleweight 75 kilos without cox Swimming — high diving — spring-board Namdjou, Mahmoude 1918. Weight- Nicoloff, Boris Georgieff Bulgaria 1929. Niskanen, Hugo OlaviFw/aK^ 1920. Ath­ Nowka, Georg Germany 1910. Yachting Morini, Hercules Argentine 1910. Yachting diving lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos Boxing — middleweight 75 kilos letics — 10 000 m — Dragon class — 6 m class Murphy, Richard Frederick U.S.A. 1931. Nankeville, George William Great Britain Nicoloff, Ivan Vladimiroff Bulgaria 1926. Nisula, Maila Finland 1931. Gymnastics, Noyelle, André Alfons Belgium 1931. Moritzen, Jorgen Denmark 1918. Weight- Rowing — eights 1925. Athletics — 1 500 m Basketball women Cycling — road race lifting — middleweight 75 kilos Murray, David Young Great Britain 1925. Nardi, Maria Livia Italy 1935. Swimming Niculescu, Cezat Rumania 1927. Basketball Nitzkowski, Monte M. U.S.A. 1929. Nugent, Neil Algernon Great Britain 1926. Morlet, Roger Edouard Belgium 1930. Swimming — water polo — 100 m free style — 4X100 m relay, Niculescu, Dan Rumania 1929. Basketball Swimming — 200 m breast stroke Hockey Hockey Mury Bentz, Alfredo Guatemala 1908. women Niculescu, Marin Rumania 1923. Cycling von Nitzsch, Friedel Germany 1920. Ath­ Nunn, Stuart Great Britain 1927. Morn, Nicolas Luxemburg 1932. Cycling Shooting — small-bore rifle — free rifle Nardin, Dino Italy 1932. Rowing — eights — road race letics — long jump, women Hockey — road race Musgrave, Pauline Rita Grea/Br/Va/w 1936. Natusch, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ger­ Niederhauser, Hans Switzerland 1929. Nizzola, Garibaldo Italy 1927. Free style NutembetgjYictot Luxemburg 1930. Foot­ Morozov, Evgenij U.S.S.R. 1929. Rowing Swimming — 100 m back stroke, women many 1912. Yachting — Dragon class Boxing — middleweight 75 kilos wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos ball — pairs with cox v. Musil, Harald Austria 1908. Yachting Nawrocka, Irena Poland 1917. Fencing — Niedzwiedzki, Henryk Poland 1933. Noble, Alfred William Thomas Great Nuta, Petre Rumania 1928. Cycling — Morra, Sergio Italy 1929. Hockey — Star class foil, women Boxing — bantamweight 54 kilos Britain 1924. Football road race Morreau, Janet U.S.A. 1927. Athletics — Musso, Maria Italy 1931. Athletics — 80 Nawrocki, Jan Poland 1913. Fencing — Nielsen, Borge Folmer Denmark 1924. Noel, Jacques France 1920. Fencing — Nuutinen, Raine Tauno Finland 1931. 100 m — 4x100 m relay, women m hurdles, women epee, team Gymnastics foil, team Basketball Mortensen, Carl Lauritz Norway 1919. Mutru, Pertti Sakari Finland 1930. Basket­ Nazarbegian, Petros Iran 1927. Boxing Nielsen, Carl Rosenlund Denmark 1930. Nogueras, Joaquin 1906. Equestrian Nuvoli, Montanino Italy 1931. Rowing Yachting — 6 m class ball — lightweight 60 kilos Rowing — fours without cox — three-day event — eights Mortensen, Jens J«rn Teglhus Denmark Myers, Paula Jean 1934. Swimming Nazir, Dolly Rustom India. Swimming Nielsen, Christian Antoine Marie Pierre Noll, Helmut Germany 1934. Rowing — Nyâri, Magda Hungary 1921. Fencing — 1927. Weightlifting — heavy light­ — high diving, women — 100 m free style — 200 m breast Belgium 1932. Yachting — single-handed pairs with cox foil, women weight 90 kilos Miihlethaler, Ernst Switzerland 1922. Ath­ stroke, women class — Dragon class Noller, Helmut Germany 1919. Canoeing Nyéki, Imre Hungary 1928. Swimming — Mosé, Harry Brazil 1917. Rowing — pairs letics — 200 m — 4X 100 m relay Nedeff, Mihai Rumania 1931. Basketball Nielsen, Gunnar Denmark 1928. Athletics — 1 000 m K-2 100 m back stroke — 4X200 m relay with cox Myland, Raymond Gmtf BrzVa?// 1927. Free Neitcheff, Neitcho Ivanoff Bulgaria 1930. — 800 m Nordin, Hjôrdis Margareta Sweden 1932. Nyilas, Tibor U.S.A. 1914. Fencing — Moskatshenkov, Jakov U.S.S.R. 1916. style wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Basketball Nielsen, Harry Christian Lund Denmark Gymnastics, women sabre, team Athletics — marathon Muller, Heini Switzerland 1926. Cycling Nelson, Peter Australia 1928. Cycling — 1930. Rowing — fours without cox Nordin, Nils Henry Sweden 1921. Fencing Nyman, Paul Mauritz Finland 1929. Mosqueira, Rolando Chile 1920. Equest­ — 4 000 m team pursuit 4 000 m team pursuit — road race Nielsen, lb Benjamin Denmark 1918. — sabre, individual Cycling — road race — 4 000 m team rian — three-day event Muller, Kurt Switzerland 1928. Hockey Német, Imre Hungary 1917. Athletics — Fencing — epee, team Nordqvist, Owe Sweden 1927. Cycling — pursuit Moucq, Jean Jacques Léopold Belgium Muller, Marlis Germany 1927. Athletics hammer Nielsen, Ove Denmark 1924. Rowing — 4 000 m team pursuit Nyman, René Israel I'inland 1916. Yachting 1922. Hockey — javelin, women Németi, Gyula Hungary 1921. Greco- fours with cox Nordvall, Lars Sweden 1928. Cycling — — Star class Mourâo, Alvaro Mario Portugal 1924. Fenc­ Muller, Peter Switzerland 1928. Boxing — Roman wrestling — middleweight 79 Nielsen, Per C.R.DeHzw/-^ 1919. Shooting road race Nyqvist, Karl Veikko Valdemar Finland ing — epee, individual and team welterweight 67 kilos kilos — silhouette Norford, Patricia M. Australia 1932. Fenc­ 1916. Athletics — discus Moussa, Mohamed Hassan Egypt 1921. Muller, Walter Saar 1930. Gymnastics Nemetz, Kurt Austria 1926. Cycling — Nielsen, Svend Denmark 1928. Football ing — foil, women Nyrkov, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1924. Football Free style wrestling — welterweight 73 Muller, Werner Switzerland 1922. Canoeing 1 000 m scratch race — 1 000 m time trial Nieman, A. C. South Africa 1927. Boxing Norman, Roger Karl Evald Sweden 1928. Nystrôm, Walter Erik Sweden 1915. Ath­ kilos — 10 000 m K-2 — 4 000 m team pursuit — heavyweight over 81 kilos Athletics — hop, step and jump letics — 10 000 m Moussa, Sarkis Lebanon 1929. Boxing — Muller Preis, Ellen Austria 1912. Fencing Neo, Chwee Kok Singapore 1931. Swim­ Nieminen,Elo'EnsioFinlandi<)^o. Cycling Norman, Zoltan Ra«?a«/ffl 1919. Swimming Nôrgaard, Alf Norway 1916. Gymnastics light-welterweight 63 ^ kilos — foil, women ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free — 2 000 m tandem — water polo Norregaard, Ingvard Alfred Peder Den­ Moustafa, Adel Ibrahim E\Z]'pl 1930. Greco- Mylonas, Constantin Greece 1916. Shoot­ style Nieves Croes, Nelson Venezuela 1934. Normandin, Luis Huberto Argentine 1932. mark 1914. Canoeing — 10 000 m K-2 Roman wrestling — middleweight 79 ing — silhouette Neri, Maine Italy 1924. Football Fencing — foil, team Swimming — water polo kilos Myntti, Stig-Gôran Mikael Finland 1925. Nesl, Karel Czechoslovakia 1930. Cycling Niga, Ion Rumania 1925. Rowing — eights Norris, Fred Great Britain 1921. Athletics Moyal, Armand France 1929. Fencing — Football — road race Nigon, Claude France 1928. Fencing — — 10 000 m o epee, individual and team Mârtensson, Stig Sweden 1923. Cycling — Nessim, Ahmed Fouad Egypt 1924. epee, individual and team Norris, James LeoU.S.A. 1930. Swimming Mrâzek, Ivan ChechoslovakiaBasket­ road race Swimming — water polo Niinivuori, Pentti Valdemar f inland 1931. — water polo O'Brien, John New Zealand 1927. Rowing ball Mâkelâ, Kaija Anneli Finland 1930. Neto, Edvaldo Isido 1934. Football Boxing — featherweight 57 kilos Norris, Richard Owen Alfred Great Britain — fours with cox Swimming — 200 m breast stroke, women O'Brien, W. Parry Jr. U.S.A. 1932. Ath­ Mroz, Aleksandra Poland 1935. Swimming Netter, Claude France 1924. Fencing — Nikandrov, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1922. Shoot­ 1931. Hockey Maki, Tauno Vilhelmi Finland 1912. Shoot­ letics — shot — 200 m breast stroke, women foil, team ing — clay pigeon Norris, Ron India 1952. Boxing — welter­ ing — running deer Ocampo E., Walter Mexico 1928. Swim­ Mshvenieradze, Petr l/.J'.j'.R. 1929. Swim­ Nettesheim, Heinrich Germany 1915. Nikitin, Lev U.S.S.R. 1926. Canoeing — weight 67 kilos ming — zoo m breast stroke ming — water polo Mâkinen, Eino Finland 1926. Weightlift­ Free style wrestling — lightweight 67 1 000 m K-i Norrstrôm, Henry Sweden 1918. Athletics O'Connor, Coralie 1934. Swimming Mulder, Laurens Siebrand Holland 1927. ing — heavyweight over 90 kilos kilos — Greco-Roman wrestling — light­ Nikkinen, Soini Mikael Finland 1923. — marathon — 100 m back stroke, women Hockey Mâkinen, Rauno Lennard Finland 1931. weight 67 kilos Athletics — javelin Norton, Denise Australia 1933. Swimming Free style wrestling — featherweight 62 Nette, Igor U.S.S.R. 1930. Football — 100 m free style — 400 m free style, Odenthal, Johannes Bernardus Hollapn Mulinghausen, Raymond France 1920. Niklasson, John Henry Bolin Sweden 1923. kilos Netuka, Horymir Czechoslovakia 1929. women 1924. Football Swimming — spring-board diving — high Rowing — eights Mânnikkô, Veikko lisak Finland 1921. Boxing — heavyweight over 81 kilos Nosbaum, Guy Fernand France 1930. Odescalchi, Ladislao Italy 1920. Shooting diving Nikolajev, Petr U.S.S.R. 1924. Shooting Greco-Roman wrestling — welterweight Neuhaus, Félix Switzerland 1928. Free style — running deer Rowing — fours with cox — running deer Muller, François Luxemburg 1927. Foot­ 73 kilos wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos Nostini, Renzo Italy 1914. Fencing — foil, Oehy, Alfons Switzerland 1926. Swimming ball Nikolajev, Valentin U.S.S.R. 1921. Foot­ Nevalainen, Lauri Armas Finland 1927- ball team — sabre, individual and team — 200 m breast stroke Muller, Jean-Pierre France 1924. Fencing Rowing — fours without cox Nikolai, Fritz Austria 1925. Football Novae, losef Rumania 1922. Swimming — Ofri, Zekaarya Israel 1932. Basketball — epee, team N Newin, James Australia 1930. Cycling — Nikolaou, Nikolas Greece 1925. Rowing 100 m free style — water polo Ognio, Geminio Italy 1917. Swimming Muller Karger, Gerda Venexuela 1936. Nabeya, Tetsumi ]apan 1930. Gymnastics 4 000 m team pursuit — road race — pairs with cox Novâk, Éva Hungary 1930. Swimming — — water polo Fencing — foil, women Nâdas, Tibor Hungary 1925. Rowing — Newberry, George Albert Great Britain Nilsen, Rune Norway 1923. Athletics — 200 m breast stroke — 400 m free style Ognjanov, Tihomir i 1927. Foot­ Mullick, Mohammad Naqi Pakistan 1928. eights 1917. Cycling — 4000 m team pursuit hop, step and jump — 4X100 m relay, women ball Cycling — 1 000 m scratch race — road Naegamwalla, Jehangir J. India. Swimm­ Newton, Alan Great Britain 1931. Cycling Nilsen, Thor Norway 1931. Rowing — Novâk, Gâbor Hungary 1932. Canoeing — Oh, Tai Kun Korea 1927. Free style wrest­ race ling — lightweight 67 kilos ing — water polo — 4 000 m team pursuit fours with cox 10 000 m C-i Mullins, Valerie Great Britain 1935. Gym­ Nag, Sachin India 1920. Swimming — Nguyen Due, Hien Vietnam 1925. Cycling Nilsson, Erik Henry Sixten Sweden 1916. Novak, Grigorij U.S.S.R. 1919. Weight- Ohaco, Edmundo Chile 1926. Athletics — nastics, women water polo — road race Football lifting — heavy lightweight 90 kilos 110 m hurdles Mufliz S., René Mexico 1932. Swimming Nagasawa, Jiro Japan 1932. Swimming — Nguyen Van, Cua Vietnam 1931. Boxing Nilsson, Erik Nils Sweden 1926. Athletics Novâk, Ilona Hungary 1925. Swimming O'Halloran, Frances Joan Canada 1934. Athletics — 200 m — 4X100 m relay, — 100 m free style 200 m breast stroke — flyweight 51 kilos — 3 000 m steeplechase — 100 m free style — 4X100 m relay, M-unteanu,OlgaRomania 1927. Gymnastics, Nagata, Yoshitaro Japan 1929. Boxing — Nguyen Van, Phan Vietnam 1929- Swim­ Nilsson, Karl-Erik Sweden 1922. Greco- women women women flyweight 51 kilos ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free style 741 740

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Peters, Gail U.S.A. 1929. Swimming — Pasha, Anwar Pakistan 1926. Boxing — Pellissard, Nicole France 1931. Swimming Ohff, Poul Denmark 1920. Yachting — Orchard, William Henry Australia 1929. Palant, Christian France 1924. Modern — spring-board diving — high diving. 200 m breast stroke, women 5.5 m class Swimming — water polo pentathlon welterweight 67 kilos Peters, Hans Saar 1930. Rowing fours Pastor, Antonius Franciscus Holland 1929. Ohlson, Carl Eric Sweden 1920. Yacht­ Ording, Bjart Norway 1898. Equestrian Palau, Miguel Spain 1928. Rowing —• without cox Boxing — light-heavyweight 81 kilos Penha e Costa, Joâo Portugal 1920. Fencing ing — 5.5 m class — Grand Prix des Nations fours with cox Peters, James Henry Great Britain 1918. Pataki, Ferenc Hungary 1917. Gymnastics — epee, team Ohlsson, Anna-Lisa Sweden 1925. Canoeing Ordovas, Manuel Spain 1912. Equestrian Paliaga, Giovanni Italy 1931. Swimming Athletics — marathon Pataky, William Andrew Canada 1930. Penkoff, Vesseline Ivanoff Bulgaria 1932. — 500 m K-i, women — Grand Prix des Nations — 4 X 200 m relay Petersen, Bent Blach Denmark 1924. Basketball Basketball Oishi, Yasuko Japan 1931. Swimming — Orendi, Friederich Rumania 1930. Gym­ Palm, Bror Wiking Sweden 1923. Free 1 Rowing — fours with cox Paternotte, Jean Louis Belgium 1931. Box­ Pennacchietti, Giorgio Italy I93 - Shooting 4X100 m relay, women nastics style wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 Petersen, Marga Germany 1919- Athletics ing — light-welterweight 63 "Vg kilos — silhouette Ojanpera, Arvo Kalle Olavi Finland 1921. Orishenko, Valentin U.S.S.R. 1922. Ca­ kilos 2 — 100 m — 4X100 m relay, women Paterson, Alan Sinclair Great Britain 1928. Pennink, Johan Willem Holland i9 9* Canoeing — 1 000 m C-i noeing — 10 000 m C-2 Palm, Gunnar Sweden 1915. Equestrian Petersen, Poul Erik Denmark 1927. Foot­ Athletics — high jump Rowing — fours with cox Ojeda Fuenzalida, Enrique Chile. Shoot­ O'Rourke, Thomas Charles U.S.A. 1934. — Grand Prix des Nations Penzaropoulos, Nicolas Greece 19 27• Foot­ ball Patterson, Floyd U.S.A. 1933. Boxing Petersen, Poul Eyvind Denmark 1921. ing — free pistol Cycling — road race Palmer, Graham Charles Great Britain ball Okamoto, Tetsuo Brazil 1932. Swimming Ortiz, Alberto Uruguay 1923. Modern 1922. Canoeing — 10 000 m K-2 — middleweight 75 kilos Football Paul, Raymond Rudolf Valentine Great Perach (Fecher), Reuben Israel 1933. — 400 m free style — 1 500 m free style pentathlon Palmonari, Orlando Italy 1924. Gymnastics Petersen, Svend Ove Denmark 1920. Britain 1928. Fencing — foil, individual Basketball Okano, Eitaro Japan 1930. Athletics — Ortiz Rodriguez, Ramiro E. Puerto Rico Palmonella, Giulio Italy 1919. Modern Rowing — pairs with cox and team Percy, Jervis Joscelyn Great Britain 1928 . 4 X 400 m relay — 400 m hurdles 1903. Shooting — free pistol pentathlon Petkjavitshus, Kazis !.. V.A,K. 1926. Basket­ Paul, Ronald René Charles Great Britain Modern pentathlon Olander, Rolf Sweden 1934. Swimming Ortuoste, Alejandro Philippines 1931. Palôcz, Endre Hungary 1911. Fencing — ball 1921. Fencing — foil, individual and Perea C., Rodolfo Mfx/Vo 1929. Swimming — 4 X zoo m relay Boxing — bantamweight 54 kilos foil, individual and team Petkoff, Traitcho Stéfanoff Bulgaria 1923. team — epee, individual and team — spring-board diving — high diving Oldershaw, Bert Canada 1921. Canoeing Osagie, Nafiu Belo Nigeria 1933. Ath­ Palotâs, Péter Hungary 1929. Football 2 Football Pauley, Hartmann Heinrick U.S.A. 1893. Pereira Braga, Alberto Brazil I9 9- Shoot­ — 1 000 m K-i letics — high jump Pampuro, Piero Italy 1917. Hockey Petmezas, Georges Greece 1915. Greco- Equestrian — Dressage ing — free rifle Olenius, Valto Rudolf Finland 1920. Ath­ Osinski, Winand Poland 191 3. Athletics Panajotoff, Panajat Miteff Bulgaria 1930. Roman wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Paulino de Jesus, Albino Portugal 1913. Pereira de Almeida, Antonio Portugal letics — pole vault — marathon Football Petrakis, Etienne Greece 1924. Athletics Shooting — silhouette 1915. Equestrian — three-day event Olguin R., Gustavo Mexico 1925. Swim­ Osman, Mohamed Ahmed Egypt 1920. Panayotopoulos, Sotirios Greece 1930. — 100 m — 200 m Pavan, Fernando Brazil 1932. Swimming Pereira Dias, Carlos Portugal 1910. Fencing ming — water polo Greco-Roman wrestling — welterweight Greco-Roman wrestling — bantamweight Petrosanu, Adrian Rumania 1924. Basket- — 100 m back stroke — epee, individual and team Olguin R., José Mexico 1926. Swimming 73 kilos 57 kilos Pereira Sampaio, Joaquim Portugal 1914. ball , „ Pavesi, Carlo Italy 1923. Fencing — epee, 2 — water polo Osterberger, Andre Fnm-e 1920. Athletics Pandolfini, Egisto Italy 1926. Football Petrov, Alexandr U.^.i'.R. i9 5- Football individual and team Shooting — small-bore rifle Olguin R., Otilio Mexico 1931. Swimming — hammer Panke, Ferdinand Germany 1922. Swim­ Pereljman, Mihail U.S.S.R. i925' Gym­ Petrusewicz, Marek Poland 1934. Swim­ Pavitt, Ronald Cecil Great Britain 1926. 2 — water polo Ostermeyer, Elisabeth Germany 1929. ming — water polo ming — oo m breast stroke Athletics — high jump nastics Oliva Haro, Antonio Mexico. Fencing — Gymnastics, women Pankrashkin, Pavel U.S.S.R. 1923. Yacht­ Pettersen, Tom Norway 1935. Swimming PavlenC, Karlo Yugoslavia 1926. Rowing Perényi, Kârolyné Hungary 1923. Gym­ epee, individual — sabre, individual Ostheimer, Heinz Saar 1931. Gymnastics ing — 5-5 m class nastics, women — 100 m back stroke Oliver, Celestin France 1930. Football Ostoic Ostoic, Juan Chile 1931. Basketball Panoff, Georges Marinoff Bulgaria 1933. — eights Pettersson, Elin Ann-Sofi Sweden 193 - • PavloviC, Stevan Yugoslavia 1926. Athletics Peretti, Carlo Italy 1930. Swimming — Oliver, Reinaldo Luis Puerto Rico 1932. Otenhajmer, Andrija Yugoslavia 1926. Basketball water polo Gymnastics, women — 5 000 m 2 Athletics — javelin — decathlon Athletics — 1 500 m Papadimas, Ange Greece 1893. Shooting Perevoztshikov, Nikola] U.S.S.R. i927* Pettersson, Gôta Elisabet Sweden ' 9 ^• Pauwels, José Maria Aloysius Belgium Gymnastics, women Olowu, Karimu Ayinla Babalola Nigeria Oueillé, André France 1931. Boxing — — silhouette Canoeing — 10 000 m C-2 1929. Cycling -—4000 m team pursuit 2 1924. Athletics — 100 m — 4 x100 m light-middleweight 71 kilos Papadimas, Constantin Greece 1932. Basket­ Pettinger, Glen Murray Canada i9 8. Pawlas, Zygmunt Poland 1927. Fencing Pereyra, Virgilio Uruguay 1928. Cycling relay — long jump Outa, Kai Finland 1930. Weightlifting — ball Basketball — sabre, team — road race Olsen, Alf Norway 1925. Gymnastics heavy lightweight 90 kilos Papagheorghiou, Elias Greece 1925. Foot­ Pezoa, Oscar Herminio Argentine 1933. Pawlicki, Bronislaw Poland 1929. Hockey Perez, Aristides Guatemala 1933. Free Olsen, Gerda Denmark 1932. Swimming Ove-Petersen, Mette Denmark 1934. ball Cycling — 4 000 m team pursuit Pawlowski, Jerzy Poland 1932. Fencing style wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos — 100 m back stroke, women Swimming — 100 m free style — 400 m Papp, Bertalan Hungary 1913. Fencing — — Greco-Roman wrestling— lightweight Pfann, Hans Germany 1920. Gymnastics — foil, individual — sabre, individual Pfarrhofer, Eva Austria 1928. Swimming Olsen, Haakon Norway 1927. Greco-Roman free style — 4 x 100 m relay, women sabre, team Pérez M., José Mexico 1928. Modern and team wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Overwien, Friedel Germany 1922. Gym­ Papp, Laszlo Hungary 1926. Boxing — pentathlon — high diving, women Peacock, Cyril Francis Great Britain 1929. Pfenninger, Hans Switzerland 1929. Cycling Olsen, Per Norway 1934. Swimming —• nastics light-middleweight 71 kilos Perez Varela, Raul Argentine 1925. Basket­ Cycling — i 000 m scratch race — 4 000 m team pursuit 100 m free style — 400 m free style Owoo, James Tettey Gold Coast 1927. Papp, Péter Hungary 1930. Basketball ball Pearman, Reginald U.S.A. 1924. Ath­ Pfitscher, Franz Austria 1930. Boxing — Olsen, Ragnar Eugen Norway 1914. Ath­ Athletics — high jump Pappas, Dennis Anthony South Africa Peric, Milan Czechoslovakia 1928. Cycling letics -— 10 000 m walk Owusu, John Kwabena Gold Coast 1925. 1915. Swimming — water polo letics — 800 m light-heavyweight 81 kilos Pearson, John Joseph Great Britain 1926. — road race Olsen, Thorleif Norway 1921. Football Athletics — 4X 100 m relay Paquete, Tomâs Portugal 1923. Athletics Perim, Stela Rumania 1934' Gymnastics, Pfuller, Ingeborg Argentine 1932. Athletics Shooting — free rifle — discus — shot, women Olsen, Tor Norway 1929. Weightlifting Oyakawa, Yoshinobu U.S.A. 1933. — 100 m — 4X100 m relay women Pecanka, Josef Austria i925- Hockey Pharaoh, Mark Great Britain 1931. Ath­ — middleweight 75 kilos Swimming — 100 m back stroke Paraschiva, Tudor \iumcmia 1919. Football Perko, Aapo Kustaa FzWW 1924. Athletics Pecanka, Robert Austria 1930. Hockey Olsen, Viktor Norway 1924. Athletics — Ozerov, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1928. Basketball Paraschivescu, Dumitru Rumania 1923. — shot letics — discus Pech, Milos Chechoslovakia 1927. Canoeing Phibbs, Robert James Canada 1927. Bas­ marathon Ozon, Titus Rumania 1927. Football Athletics — 50 000 m road walk Pemiceni, Jean France 1930. Basketball — 10 000 m K-i Olsen-Jensen, Zoe Ann U.S.A. 1931. Pares, Romulo Argentine 1925. Boxing Pernot du Breuil, Bertrand France 1926. ketball Pedersen, Gunnar Dakin Denmark 1924. Swimming — spring-board diving, women — bantamweight 5 4 kilos Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations Piccinelli, Giorgio Italy 1930. Canoeing P Gymnastics Olson, Eivor Sweden 1922. Athletics — Parfitt, Ronald Great Britain 1913. Fencing Perov, Anatolj U.i'.i'.R.. i926- Boxing — — 1 000 m K-i Pedersen, Hans Valdemar Denmark 1930. Pickel, Bernard Canada 1927. Basketball shot, women Paatsalo, Pentti Juhani Finland 1932. — epee, individual and team light-heavyweight 81 kilos Boxing — light-welterweight 63 ^ kilos Pienaar, Godfrey Anathore South Africa Olsson, Frank Allan Marenius Sweden Swimming — 400 m free style — 4X Paris, André France 1925. Athletics —- Perri, Edson Brazil i928. Swimming — Pedersoli, Carlo Italy 1929. Swimming — 1922. Rowing — eights 200 m relay 3 000 m steeplechase 1926. Free style wrestling — lightweight 100 m free style — 4X200 m relay water polo Oluwa, Rafio Adio Nigeria 1931. Ath­ Pacenza, Antonio Argentine 1928. Boxing Parker, Alan Bunyard Great Britain 1928. Perry, Leslie John Australia 1923. Ath­ 67 kilos Peitevin de Saint-André, Jean France Pieper, Willy Switzerland 1911. Yachting letics — 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay — light-heavyweight 81 kilos Athletics — 5 000 m letics — 5 000 m — 10 000 m 1912. Equestrian — Dressage Omar, Youssef Ali Egypt 1928. Athletics Padron, Rodolfo Venezuela 1927. Free Parker, Frederick John Great Britain 1927. Perry, Robert Stanley Grosvenor Great — single-handed class Peery, Robert Hugh U.S.A. 1931. Free Pifferi, Ugo Italy 1930. Rowing — single — 100 m — 200 m — 4X 100 m relay style wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 Athletics — no m hurdles Britain 1909. Yachting — 5.5 m class style wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos Omedes, Juan Spain 1926. Rowing — kilos Parker, Raymond "LeslieGreat Britain 1919- Persillon, René France 1919. Football sculls Peeters, Huguette Belgium 1936. Swimming Pignatti, Ermanno Italy 1921. Weightlifting single sculls Pagani, Enrico Italy 1929. Basketball Canoeing — 10 000 m K-2 Persson, Gehnâll Sweden 1910. Equestrian — 400 m free style — 4X100 m relay, Omedes, Luis Spain 1938. Rowing — Page, Pierre Switzerland 1927. Athletics — Parnell, Comer William Canada 1928. — Dressage — lightweight 67 •'72 kilos women. Pihl, Gôsta Sweden 1907. Shooting — fours with cox 5 000 m Athletics — 800 m — 1 500 m Persson, Per Hubert Sweden 1918. Greco- Pekelman, Cesar Brazil i922- Fencing — Ondrej, Ladislav Chechoslovakia 1912. Pagliari, Ruben Orlando Argentine 1927. Parsner, Ebbe Vestermann Denmark 1922. Roman wrestling — bantamweight 5 7 silhouette epee, individual and team Shooting — silhouette Basketball Rowing — double sculls Piironen, Juho Ensio Finland 1925. Ath­ Pelaez, Wilfredo Uruguay 1930. Basketball kilos O'Neill, Francis Thomas Australia 1926. Pain, Edward Oscar Gurthie Australia Partanen, Heikki Olavi Finland 1922. Perumal, Govind India 1925. Hockey letics — pole vault Pelaschiar, Adelchi Italy 1921. Yachting Pilags, Edmund U.S.S.R. 1927. Athletics Swimming — 100 m free style — 100 m 1925. Rowing — eights Athletics — discus Perz, Helmuth Austria 1923. Athletics — — single-handed class back stroke — 4 X 200 m relay Paiva e Pona Franco, Jorge Portugal 1923. Partener, Erdogan Turkey 1929. Basketball 5 000 m — 10 000 m — 400 m — 4 X 400 m relay Pelkonen, Yrjô Rainef Finland 1928. Ath- Pillado, Domingo Chile 1928. Football Ono, Takashi Japan 1931. Gymnastics Fencing — sabre, team Parti, Janos Hungary 1932. Canoeing Peschowski, losif Rumania 1921. Football letics — 400 m hurdles Oppes, Salvatore Italy 1909. Equestrian Pakkanen, Erkki Olavi Finland 1930. 1 000 m C-i Pessanha, Milton Brazil I932- Football Pimentel M., David Mexico 1927. Weight- Pella, Gino Roy Canada 1930. Athletics — lifting — middleweight 75 kilos — three-day event — Grand Prix des Boxing -— lightweight 60 kilos Parviainen, Kaisa Finland 1914. Athletics Peters, Carl-Ludvig Germany 1921. Hockey discus — shot Pinarello, Cesare Italy 1932- Cycling — Nations Pakpuang, Boonterm Thailand 1921. Ath­ — javelin, women Peters, Ernst Erich Otto Sweden 1920. Pellini, Giorgio Italy 1923. Fencing — Opten Velde, Jan Holland 1931. Rowing letics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X100 m Parvulescu, Dumitm Rumania 1935. Greco- Gymnastics 2 000 m tandem foil, team — sabre, team — fours without cox relay Roman wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos 743 742

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Pinkas, Zvi Israel lyio. Shooting — small­ Pondgracz, Stefan Romania 1930. Rowing Priestley, Gladys Canada 1938. Swimming Radonic, Lovro Yugoslavia 1923. Swim­ Raspopov, Vladimir U.S.S.R. Equestrian Reinartz, Toni Germany 1926. Rowing — bore rifle eihtsg — — 100 m free style — 400 m free style ming — water polo — Dressage eights Pinto, Alvaro Portugal 1907. Fencing — Ponomareva, Anna U.S.S.R. 1920. Fenc­ — 4X100 m relay, women Radosavljevic, Marija Yugoslavia 1927. Rasquin, Gerard Luxemburg 1927. Athletics Reindl, Stefania Poland 1922. Gymnastics, epee, individual and team ing — foil, women Priggione, Eduardo Uruguay 1934. Swim­ Athletics — shot, women — 400 m — 4x400 m relay women Pinto, Celestino Brazil 1931. Boxing — Popescu, Ion Rumania 1929. Greco-Roman ming — 400 m free style — 1 500 m free Radovanovic, Radomir Yugoslavia 1928. Rau, Ernst Saar 1927. Fencing — foil, Reitz, Carel Godfried South Africa 1927. 1 63 /2 kilos wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos style Athletics — hop, step and jump individual and team — sabre, individual Free style wrestling — middleweight 79 Pinto, José Manuel Portugal 1925. Swim­ Popescu, Vasile Rumania 1925. Basket­ Prissadachka, Penka Mirtchéva Bulgaria Radu, Constantin \{.ntnania 1912. Athletics and team kilos ming — water polo ball 1929. Gymnastics, women — marathon Raub, Max Austria 1926. Canoeing — Remigino, Lindy U.S.A. 1931. Athletics Pinto, Lavy Thomas India 1929. Athletics Popoff, Stojan Philipoff Bulgaria 1917. Pritchard, Donald Carlton Bahamas 1922. Raducano, Emanoil Rumania 1929. Bas­ 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 — 100 m — 4x100 m relay — 100 m — 200 m Shooting — free pistol Yachting — 5-5 m class ketball Rauhala, Kalervo Juhani Finland 1930. Renard, Jean Joseph Louis Ghislain Pinto de Faria, Larry Brazil 1932. Football Popov, Nikifor U.S.S.R. 1913. Athletics Procter, Henry Arthur U.S.A. 1929. Row­ Radziwonowicz, Zbigniew Poland 1930. Greco-Roman wrestling — middleweight Belgium 1932. Boxing — bantamweight Pinto Ferreira, José Portugal 1923. Fencing — 5 000 m — 10 000 m ing — eights Athletics — javelin 79 kilos — 54 kilos — sabre, individual and team Popov, Sergej U.S.S.R. 1929. Athletics — Profeti, Angiolo Italy 1918. Athletics — Raffo Abarca, Hernan (Jjile 1929. Basket­ Rautio, Karl Johan Valdemar Finland 1921. Renaud, Marcel France 1926. Canoeing — Pinton, Enzo Italy 1914. Fencing — sabre, no m hurdles shot ball Athletics — hop, step and jump 1 000 m K-2 individual and team Porebski, Olgierd Boleslav Richard Great Proft, Miroslav Chechoslovakia 1923. Shoot­ Ragab, Ismail A. Egypt 1921. Weightlift­ Ravalli, Giorgio Italy 1925. Hockey Renneberg, Karl Heinz Germany 1927. Piot, Maurice France 1912. Fencing — Britain 1922. Fencing — sabre, individual ing — free pistol ing — middleweight 75 kilos Ravid (Horovitz), Leah Israel 1933. Ath­ Rowing — pairs without cox sabre, team and team Prokopov, Valentin U.S.S.R. 1929. Swim­ Rahnavardi, Mohamad Hassan Iran 1927. letics — 80 m hurdles, women Rensonnet, Francisco Hector Argentine Pippin, 0an U.S.A. 1926. Basketball Portelance, Lee Canada 1931. Swimming ming — water polo Weightlifting — light-heavyweight 82 ^ Raymond, Robert Belgium 1930. Cycling 1925. Weightlifting — Heavy light­ Pirie, Douglas Alastair Gordon Great — 200 m breast stroke — 4 X 200 m relay Prossinag, Fritz Austria 1930. Athletics kilos — 4 000 m team pursuit weight 90 kilos Britain 1931. Athletics — 5 000 m — Porthault, Alain Daniel France 1929. Ath­ — 1 500 m Raistrick, Marjorie Great Britain 1934. Razelos, Timoleon Greece 1903. Yachting Rerrich, Béla Hungary 1917. Fencing — 10 000 m letics — 100 m — 4x100 m relay Prout, Francis Spencer Truchet Great Gymnastics, women — Star class epee, individual and team Piticacu, Gheorghe Eamania 1926. Weight- Porto, Baldassarre Italy 1923. Athletics — Britain 1921. Canoeing — 1 000 m K-2 Raitio, Heikki\o\taariFinland 1924. Fenc­ Raznotshintsev, Anatolij U.S.S.R. 1927. Réti, Sândor Hungary 1923. Gymnastics lifting — heavy lightweight 90 kilos 4X400 m relay Prout, Roland Grandpiene Great Britain ing — foil, individual — epee, individual Swimming — 400 m free style Rettberg, Enrique C. Argentine 1918. Pitkanen, Toimi Finland 1928. Rowing — Porto, Ernesto Philippines 1928. Boxing — 1920. Canoeing — 1 000 m K-2 Rajagopal, Muniswamy India 1925. Hockey Reali, Luciana Italy 1936. Gymnastics, Fencing — epee, individual and team 1 pairs with cox light-welterweight 63 I2 kilos Prudnikov, Mihail U.i'.j'.R. 1928. Row­ Rajcsanyi, Laszlo Hungary 1907. Fencing women Reuter, Michel Luxemburg 1929. Football Pittelioen, Irène Fra«« 1927. Gymnastics, Pospisil, Zdenék Chechoslovakia 1924. Ath­ ing — pairs with cox — sabre, team Reardon, Frederick Albert Great Britain Reyes R., José Mexico 1906. Shooting — women letics — 100 m — 4X100 m relay Pryor, Peter Australia 1930. Cycling — Râkhely, Gyulâné Hungary 1921. Ath­ 1931. Boxing — lightweight 60 kilos free pistol Pitteri, Lidia Italy 1933. Gymnastics, Possemiers, Irene Belgium 1934. Swimming 4 000 m team pursuit — road race letics — 100 m — 4X100 m relay, women Rebula, Oto Jugoslavia 1921. Athletics — Reymâo Nogueira, Antonio Portugal 1909. women — 4X100 m relay, women Przezdziecki, Andrzej Poland 1926. Fenc­ Rakitjanskij, Pavel Ù.i'.i'.R. 1928. Modern decathlon Equestrian — Dressage 1926. Reymond, Gabriel Switzerland 1923. Ath­ Plachy, Mâtyâs Hungary 1930. Boxing — Post, Alfred Germany Football ing — epee, individual and team pentathlon Rechlin, Elisabeth Germany 1930. Swim­ letics — to 000 m walk middleweight 75 kilos Posti, Hannu Kalevi Finland 1926. Ath­ Psenicka, Vaclav Chechoslovakia 1931. Rakoczy, Helena Poland 1921. Gymnas­ ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free letics — 10 000 m 4 X 100 Reynaud, Philippe France 1922. Hockey Plaksin, Mihail U.S.S.R. 1929. Rowing Weightlifting — middleweight 75 kilos tics, women style — m relay, women — pairs without cox Potesil, Leopold Austria 1933. Boxing — Puccioni, Gastone Italy 1926. Hockey Ram, Khushi India 1916. Gymnastics Recordon, GilbertSiril^rlann 1931. Hockey Reynders, Camiel Belgium 1931. Swimming lightweight 60 kilos Reda, Mahmoud Reda Mohamed Egypt — 4 x 200 m relay Planas del Rio, Evelio Cuba 1930. Ath­ Puente, Estrella Uruguay 1928. Athletics Ram (Klein), Raphael (Rolf) Israel 1931. 1926. Reynders, Jozef Belgium 1929. Swimming letics — 400 m — 800 m — 4X100 m Potrzebowski, Edmund Poland Ath­ — javelin, women Basketball 1950. Gymnastics relay letics — 800 m — 1 500 m Punkin, Jakov U.S.S.R. 1921. Greco- Ramani, Giuseppe Italy 1922. Rowing — Redard, Jacques Switzerland 1933. Basket­ — water polo Potter, Stanley Arthur Great Britain 1914. Roman wrestling — featherweight 62 ball Rhoads, David U.S.A. 1932. Cycling — Planchon, Albert Victor France 1905. pairs with cox road race Shooting — running deer Yachting — Star class kilos Ramirez, Adolfo Argentine 1922. Freestyle Reddy, Andrew Ireland 1933. Boxing — Potzernheim, Werner Gema/ry 1927. Cyc­ Puolakka, Erkki Mikael Finland 1925. 87 flyweight 51 kilos Rhoads, Ronald U.S.A. 1933. Cycling — Planck, lb Denmark 1930. Athletics — wrestling — heavyweight over kilos ling — 1 000 m scratch race Athletics — marathon Reddy, Thomas Ireland 1929. Boxing — road race 5 000 m — Greco-Roman wrestling — heavy­ Poulis, Constantin Greece 1928. Football Puskàs, Ferenc Hungary 1927. Football weight over 87 kilos featherweight 57 kilos Rhoden, Vincent George Jamaica 1926. Planque, Bernard France 1932. Basketball Poulsen, Ulla Denmark 1912. Fencing — Putyrskij, Kiril U.S.S.R. 1928. Rowing — Rammo, Willi Saar-iyz*,. Boxing — light- Redjkin, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1928. Athletics Athletics — 400 m — 4x400 m relay Plantaz, Johannes Marinus Holland 1930. foil, women fours with cox middleweight 71 kilos — hammer Rhyner, Béat Switzerland 1901. Shooting Cycling — road race — 4 000 m team Pozidajev, Ivan U.S.S.R. 1919. Athletics Redli, Stevan Yugoslavia 1930. Boxing — — free pistol pursuit Putzl, Heinz Austria 1928. Fencing — Ramos, Ruy Antonio Portugal 1930. Ath­ — lo 000 m sabre, team letics — hop, step and jump featherweight 57 kilos Riad, Mohamed Ali Egypt 1927. Fencing Plattner, Werner Austria 1926. Fencing Pozzali, Aristide Italy 1931. Boxing — Pym, Cathrine Australia 1921. Fencing — Ramos Munoz, Hernan Chile 1929. Bas­ Reed, Ian Manley Australia 1927. Ath­ — foil, individual and team — sabre, individual and team flyweight 51 kilos foil, women ketball letics — discus Ribera, Leandro Spain 1934. Swimming Plehanova, Appolinaria U.S.S.R. 1919. Praed, Cyril Winthrop Mackworth Great Pystynen, Aulis Johan Finland 1928. Ath­ Ramos R., Benito Mexico 1917. Fencing Reeves, Harry Wendell U.S.A. 1910. — water polo Fencing — foil, women Britain 1891. Shooting — running deer letics — 1 500 m — foil, individual — epee, individual — Shooting — free pistol Richards, Robert Eugeno U.S.A. 1926. Plum, Jorgen Munk Denmark 1925. Ath­ Prahin, Roger Switzerland 1923. Basket­ Pyykônen, Pirkko Finland 1936. Gymnas­ sabre, individual Reggio, Pietro Italy 1911. Yachting — 6 Athletics — pole vault letics — discus ball tics, women Ramzan, Mohammad Pakistan 1933. m class Richmond, Kenneth Great Britain 1926. Plumerel, Francis Désiré Marie Ghislain Prat, Pierre France 1930. Athletics — 3 000 Pôntinen, Seija Tuulikki Finland 1934- Swimming — 400 m free style — 1 500 Régis, Jean-Albin Emile France 1912. Free style wrestling — heavyweight over Belgium 1917. Modern pentathlon m steeplechase Athletics — 80 m hurdles — high jump, m free style Shooting — running deer 87 kilos — Greco-Roman wrestling — Poggi, Enrico Massimo Italy 1908. Yacht­ Prauhardt, Stevo Yugoslavia 1904. Shooting women Randi, Antonio Italy 1921. Free style Rehbinder, Bernt-Otto Sweden 1918. Fenc­ heavyweight over 87 kilos ing — 6 m class 1926. — free rifle Pôyhônen, Lauri Tapio Finland 1927. wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos ing — epee, team Richter, Wolfgang Edgard Brazil Pojhan, Firouz Iran 1926. Weightlifting Prazeres, Manuel Portugal 1927. Gymnas­ Basketball Ranuzzi, Renzo Italy 1924. Basketball Rehman, Abdul Pakistan 1929. Athletics Yachting — Dragon class — heavy lightweight 90 kilos 1929. tics Rapini, Luigi Italy 1924. Basketball — 400 m — 4X400 m relay Ridd, John Carl Canada Basketball Pokki, Ulla Linnéa Finland 1935. Ath­ Preece, Lillian Great Britain 1928. Swim­ Rasch, Bent Peder Denmark 1934. Canoe­ Rehman, Habibur Pakistan 1925. Hockey Ridder, Eric U.S.A. 1918. Yachting — letics — 100 m — 4x100 m relay, women Q 6 m class ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free ing — 1 000 m C-2 Rehman, Latifur Pakistan 1929. Hockey Polâsek, Zlatko Chechoslovakia 1925. Shoot­ Rieder, Hedwig Switzerland 1920. Fencing style — 4 x 100 m relay, women Qazi, A. Waheed Pakistan 1922. Hockey Rashed, Abdel Aal Ahmed Egypt 1927. Reich, Frantisek Czechoslovakia 1929. Row­ ing —• silhouette Prentice, Robert Australia 1923. Athletics Queralt, Roberto Spain 1931. Swimming — Greco-Roman wrestling — featherweight ing — single sculls — foil, women Poletti, Ignacio Francisco Jose Argentine Riera, Luis Fernando Argentine 1929. — marathon 100 m free style — water polo 62 kilos Reichel, Johann Austria 1922. Swimming 1930. Basketball Presca, Fabio Italy 1930. Basketball Quina, Mario Gentil Portugal 1930. Yacht­ Rashed, Ahmed Hanafy M. Egypt 1928. — water polo Modern pentathlon Poliquin, Adrien Canada 1929. Free style Press, Endelj U.S.S.R. 1929. Swimming ing — single-handed class Football Reichovâ, AlenaCzechoslovakia 1933. Gym­ Riheczki, Rezso Hungary 1933. Rowing wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos — eights — 1 500 m free style Quintero Padrôn, Mario Cuba 1924. Bas­ Rashid, Abdul Pakistan 1928. Athletics — nastics, women Polito, Vincenzo Italy 1926. Swimming — Rikberg, Nils Bertil Finland 1928. Foot­ Preston, Kenneth Huson Great Britain 1901. ketball 10 000 m Reid, John S. U.S.A. 1919. Yachting — water polo Yachting — 6 m class Rask, Bengt Sweden 1928. Swimming — Star class ball Poljakov, Igor U.S.S.R. 1912. Rowing — Riley, John Derek Canada 1922. Rowing Prétot, Sonja Switzerland 1931. Athletics — 200 m breast stroke Reiff, Gaston Etienne Belgium 1921. Ath­ eights r 100 m, women Rask, Kaarlo Paavali Finland 1928. Ath­ letics — 5 000 m — double sculls Riley, Murray Stewart Australia 1925. Pollay, Heinz Germany 1908. Equestrian Price, John Wesley U.S.A. 1920. Yacht­ Raanan, Yoav Israel 1928. Swimming — letics — shot Reikko, Olli Finland 1927. Athletics — Rowing — double sculls — Dressage ing — Star class spring-board diving — high diving Rasmussen, Jack-Finn Denmark 1923. decathlon Polyàk, Imre llimgary 1932. Greco-Roman Price, Neville South Africa 1929. Athletics Rabasovâ, Jana 1933- Gym­ Greco-Roman wrestling — lightweight Reinartz, Michel Germany 1928. Rowing Rimini, Ricardo Uruguay 1908. Fencing — wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos foil, individual — long jump nastics, women 67 kilos — eights Ring, Hans Georg Sweden 1928. Athletics Pomini, Edgardo Argentine 1917. Fencing Price, Thomas Steele U.S.A. 1935. Row­ Racca, Mauro Italy 1921. Fencing — sabre, Rasmussen, Jorgen Frank Denmark 1V ^ - • Reinartz, Stephan Germany 1925. Rowing — sabre, individual and team ing — pairs without cox team Cycling — road race — eights — 800 m

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Sartor, Jose Victorio^4^e«/zHe 1928. Boxing Rinteenpââ, Olavi Osvald Finland 1924. Rogozov, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1930. Rowing — Roudny, Jindrich Chechoslovakia 1924. Rôring, Gun Margareta Sweden 1930. Salminen, Toivo Heino Finland 1923. — heavyweight over 81 kilos Athletics — 3 000 m steeplechase fours without cox Athletics — 3 000 m steeplechase Gymnastics, women Hockey Sastre, Eduardo Argentine 1910. Fencing Rios Laurenzano G., Carlota Mexico 1928. Roiha, Mauno Taneli Finland 1911. Eques­ Rouer, Claude Paul Lucien France 1929. Rôssler, Willi Saar 1924. Fencing — sabre, Salmisaari, Teppo Tapani Finland 1924. — foil, team Swimming — high diving, women trian — three-day event — Grand Prix Cycling — road race team Canoeing — 10 000 m C-2 Sâtori, Jôzsef Hungary 1926. Rowing —• Riske, Jeroom Maria Belgium 1919. Gym­ des Nations Rousseff, Milko Dimoff Bulgaria 1924. Salmon, Peter Canada 1929. Swimming — pairs with cox nastics Rojas H., José Mexico 1925. Basketball Cycling — 4 000 m team pursuit — road S 100 m free style — 100 m back stroke race Salonen, EeroIlmariF/«/a«^ 1932. Basket­ Sattar, Madar Abdus India 1925. Football Risso, Eduardo G. Uruguay 1925. Rowing Rojas H., Fernando Mexico 1923. Basket­ Saucedo Carillo, Victor Mexico. Equestrian Rousset, Gérard France 1921. Fencing — Saari, Meeri Anna-Liisa Finland 1925. Ath­ ball — single sculls ball — Grand Prix des Nations epee, team letics — shot, women Salonen, Vappu Finland 1929. Gymnastics, Ristola, Tuomo Finland 1930. Basketball Rôka, Antal Hungary 1927. Athletics — Sauermann, Erich Germany 1919. Swim­ Roux-Delimal, Jean Marie Pierre France Saat, Theodorus Holland 1928. women Riuttala, Raili Anita Hillevi Finland 1933. 50 000 m road walk ming — water polo Athletics — 100 m — zoo m Saltykov, Mihail U.S.S.R. 1925. Athletics Swimming — 100 m free style — 4X 100 Rokka, Olavi Antero Finland 1925. Modem 1907. Yachting — 5-5 m class Saunders, Derek William Great Britain Rove, Olavi Antero Finland 1915. Gym­ Sabounghi, Fahmy Raymond Egypt 1931. — 3 000 m steeplechase m relay, women pentathlon 1928. Football nastics Basketball Salvadores Salvi, Alvaro Chile 1928. Riva, Osvaldo Italy 1927. Greco-Roman Roller, Joseph Fuxemhurg 1929. Football Saunders, James Canada 1932. Boxing — Rowe, Norman Robert Canada 1926. Row­ Sacchi, Enzo Italy 1926. Cycling — 1 000 Basketball wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Romani, Angelo Italy 1934. Swimming — heavyweight over 81 kilos ing — eights m scratch race Rivera Hostos, Ernesto Puerto Rico 1914. 400 m free style — 4 X 200 m relay Sampled, Littorio Italy 1927. Gymnastics Sauter, Hans Austria 1925. Gymnastics Rozman, Milica Yugoslavia 1932. Gymnas­ Sacchi, Renato Italy 1928. Shooting — Shooting — silhouette RomanSelvâ,Héctor PuertoRico 1933. Ath­ Samsonov, Evgenij U.S.S.R. 1926. Rowing Saverio, Antonio Italy 1932. Rowing — Rivera Paniagua, Francisco Puerto Rico letics — decathlon tics, women free pistol — eights Sachsenmaier, Wilhelm Austria 1927. pairs without cox 1928. Athletics — 400 m — 800 m Romashkova, Nina U.S.S.R. 1929. Ath­ Rozman, Sonja Yugoslavia 1934. Gymnas­ Samuelsson, Torsten Lennart Sweden 1924. Shooting — small-bore rifle Savidge, John Andrew Great Britain 1924. Rivero Lucena, Rigoberto Venezuela 1914. letics — discus, women tics, women Football Safin, Chasame U.S.S.R. 1932. Greco- Athletics — shot Shooting — free rifle Romero LL., Angel Mexico 1932. Cycling Rua, Joséf Porto Rico 1911. Shooting — Sanadze, Levan U.S.S.R. 1928. Athletics Roman wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Savina, Nina U.S.S.R. 1915. Canoeing — Roa Sanchez, Manuel Chile 1929. Foot­ — road race silhouette — 100 m — zoo m — 4 X 100 m relay Safwat, Mahmoud Ali Bayoumi Egypt 500 m K-i, women ball Romero V., David Mexico 1929. Modern Rubaek-Nielsen, Aage Denmark 1913. Sandager, Robert K. U.S.A. 1914. Shooting Savolainen, Heikki Ilmari Finland 1907. pentathlon Equestrian — three-day event 1930. Gymnastics — free rifle Robalo Gouveia, Manuel Portugal 1923. Sagaiduk, Leonid U.S.S.R. 1929. Swim­ Gymnastics Gymnastics Rommel, Adrien Fran« 1914. Fencing — Rubalcava P., Rolando Mexico 1925. Bas­ Sandahl, Ingrid Clara Charlotta Sweden Sawada, Bunkichi Japan 1920. Athletics foil, team ketball ming — 100 m back stroke 1924. Gymnastics, women Robb, George Great Britain 1926. Football Sagasta, Julio Cesar Argentine 1914. Eques­ — pole vault Rook, Arthur Laurence Great ïiritain 1921. Ruben, Ivan Moritz Denmark 1917. Fenc­ Sandberg, Gosta Oskar Leonard Sweden Roberts, Judith Theresa U.S.A. 1934. trian — Grand Prix des Nations Scaricabarozzi, Liliana Italy 1934- Gym­ Equestrian — three-day event ing — sabre, individual and team 1932. Football Swimming — 100 m free style, women Saginian, Ardashes Iran 1928. Boxing — nastics, women Roosemont, Félix André Belgium 1925. Rubini, Cesare Italy 1923. Swimming — Sande, Daniel Argentine 1916. Fencing Roberts, Ronald Great Britain 1923. Swim­ light-middleweight 71 kilos Scarpi, Amedeo Italy 1917. Rowing — Basketball water polo — sabre, individual and team ming — 100 m free style Saha, Arati India. Swimming — 200 m fours with cox Robertson, John Norman Frank Canada Roosevelt, Julian K. U.S.A. 1924. Yacht­ Rubini, Roger Switzerland 1920. Weight- Sander, Maria Germany 1924. Athletics Schade, Herbert Germany 1922. Athletics 1 breast stroke, women lifting — lightweight 67 /2 kilos — 100 m — 80 m hurdles — 4X 100 m 1929. Yachting — Dragon class ing — 6 m class Saha, Sambhu India 1925. Swimming — — 5 000 m Robin, Silvino Brazil 1923. Weightlifting Roque, Argemiro Brazil 1923. Athletics Rué, Marcel Afowafo 1926. Shooting —clay relay, women Schaefer, Karl-Heinz Germany 1921. Ca­ pigeon water polo Sanders, Edward A. U.S.A. 1930. Boxing — light-heavyweight kilos — 400 m — 800 m Saimo, Sylvi Riitta Finland 1914. Canoe­ noeing — 10 000 m K-2 Rueda G., Rafael Armando Mexico 1929. — heavyweight over 81 kilos Schaeffer, Robert Euxemburg 1930. Ath­ Robini, Georges Clément Monaco 1913. Roque da Benta, Carlos Portugal 1927. ing — 500 m K-i, women Weightlifting — heavy-welterweight 90 Sandner M, Olaf Venezuela 1923. Fencing Shooting — clay pigeon Rowing — eights S:t Cyr, Henri Julius Révérony Sweden letics — 200 m — 4 X 400 m relay kilos — epee, team — sabre, individual and Schala, Ernst Austria 1916. Hockey Robinson, Anthony John Backhouse Ros, Johanna Hendrika Holland 1926. 1902. Equestrian — Dressage 1 team Schaller, William U.S.A. 1933. Football Great Britain ic/Z ). Hockey Gymnastics, women Rufenacht, Otto Switzerland 1919. Fencing Saint-Fort Paillard, Jean France 1913. Sando, Frank Dennis Great Britain 1931. Schattner, Heinz Germany 1912. Weight- Robinson, Brian Griat Britain 1930. Cyc­ Rosa, Jos Norbert Denis Belgium 1926. — epee, team Equestrian — Dressage Athletics — 10 000 m lifting — heavyweight over 90 kilos ling — road race Rowing — fours without cox Ruiz Vinajeras, Fabio Cuha 1927. Basket­ Saitl, Karel Chechoslovakia 1924. Weight- Sândor, Istvân Hungary 1921. Rowing — Schaub, Heinz Switzerland 1928. Swimming Robinson, Desmond Great Britain 1927. Rosado G., Antonio Mexico 1931. Free ball lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos eights — spring-board diving — high diving Cycling — road race style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Range, Michael Johan Denmark 1924. Saiz Amigo, Oscar Venezuela 1933. Swim­ Sandoval, Carlos Guatemala 1928. Cycling Scheimberg, Samuel Brazil 1923. Swim­ Robinson, Raymond Leonard South Africa Rosario Rodriguez, Ramon Puerto Rico Weightlifting — lightweight 67 ^ kilos ming — 100 m free style — 4 000 m team pursuit 1929. Cycling — 1 000 m scratch race — 1927. Athletics — shot Ruspoli, Luigi Italy 1908. Shooting — Sajadov, Georgij U.S.S.R. 1931. Free style ming — water polo Sandoval Gutzman, Francisco Guatemala Scheithauer, Adolf Austria 1926. Rowing 1 000 m time trial — 2 000 m tandem Rosenbaum, Werner Germany 1927. Hock­ running deer wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos 1924. Shooting — silhouette — free pistol — fours without cox Rocca, Gianni Italy 1929. Athletics — 400 ey Russel, Angus John Canada 1930. Rowing Sakaguchi, Fumiko Japan 1934' Swimming Sandvik-Johansen, Bergljot Norway 1922. Scheitler, MathiasLa,ve/»Wg 1915. Greco- m — 4X400 m relay Rosenlew, Sven-Erik Finland 1902. Shoot­ — eights — 100 m free style — 4X100 m relay, Gymnastics, women Roman wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Rocchi, Fulvio Argentine 1909. Shooting ing — clay pigeon Russell, John William U.S.A. 1920. women Sangermano, Lucio Italy 1932. Athletics Scheller, Heinrich Switzerland 1929. — clay pigeon Ross, Browning U.S.A. 1924. Athletics — Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations Sakamoto, Kazuko Japan Swimming — zoo m Rowing — fours with cox Roche, Jean-Pierre Switzerland 1924. Hock­ 3 000 m steeplechase Russell, Kathleen May Jamaica 1927. Ath­ — 200 m breast stroke, women Schemansky, Norbert U.S.A. 1924. ey • . Ross, John Beckwith Canada 1931. Ath­ letics — long jump, women Sakellarakis, Vasile Grave 1933- Athletics Sanguily Betancourt, Manuel Cuba 1933. Weightlifting — heavy lightweight 90 Rode, Nicolo Italy 1912. Yachting — Star letics — 800 m — 1 500 m Ruzicka, Josef Chechoslovakia 1925. Free — hop, step and jump Swimming — 200 m breast stroke kilos class Rossello, Carlos Uruguay 1922. Basketball style wrestling — heavyweight over 87 Sâkovics, Jôzsef Hungary 1927. Fencing — Sankosik, Aroon Thailand 1925. Athletics Schenk, Feodora Austria 1920. Athletics Rodimushkin, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1921. Rossi, Albert U.S.A. 1931. Rowing — kilos — Greco-Roman wrestling — heavy­ epee, individual and team — foil, team — 100 m — 200 m — 4X 100 m relay Sanni-Thomas, Mohamed Bisiriyu Gold — high jump, women Rowing — eights fours with cox weight over 87 kilos Saksonov, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1923. Weight- Scherbakov, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1925. Athletics Rodrigues da Motta, Alfredo Brazil 1921. Rossi, Léo Brazil 1927. Swimming — Ruzicka, Zdenek Chechoslovakia 1925. lifting — featherweight 60 kilos Coast 1927. Athletics — 800 m — javelin Basketball water polo Gymnastics Saksvik, Ôistein Norway 1925. Athletics Santa, Lajos Hungary 1915. Gymnastics Scherbakov, Leonid U.S.S.R. 1927. Ath­ Rodrigues da Paula, Joâo Portugal 1930. Rossides, Elie Greece 1927. Football Rybalko, Vasilij U.S.S.R. 1918. Free style Santa Marta Granger, Joaquim Portugal — 5 000 m letics — hop, step and jump Rowing — eights Rossini, Galliano Italy 1927. Shooting — wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Salas, Pedro Argentine 1923. Cycling — 1928. Gymnastics Santee, David Wesley U.S.A. 1932. Ath­ Scherbakov, Sergej U.S.S.R. 1918. Boxing Rodriguez, Jose Maria Argentine 1910. clay pigeon Rydell, Gustav Ingvat Sweden 1922. Foot­ 4 000 m team pursuit — welterweight 67 kilos Fencing — foil, individual and team Rossner, Siegfried Germany 1914. Fencing ball Salata, Dario Italy 1913. Yachting — 5-5 letics — 5 000 m Santos, Meliton Philippines 1928. Basket­ Scherer, Kobi Switzerland 1931. Cycling Rodriguez, Juan A. Uruguay 1928. Rowing — foil, team — sabre, team Rydstrom, Nils Uno 1921. Fencing m class — road race — double sculls Rota, Battista Italy 1932. Football — foil, individual and team Saldaiia, Ponciano Philippines 1928. Bas­ ball Scheuer, Michel Germany 1927. Canoeing Rodriguez de la Torre, Rufino Argentine Rotaru, Alexandru R»»M«/a 1929. Rowing Rydz, Wojciech Poland 1932. Fencing ketball Sârbu, losif Rumania 1925. Shooting — — 10 000 m K-i 1900. Yachting — 6 m class — eights epee, individual and team Saleh, Mohamed Ibrahim Egypt 1917. small-bore rifle Schiaffino, T)2lm\A Argentine 1913. Shoot­ Rodriguez G., Carlos Mexico 1909. Shoot­ Rylich, Zdenek Chechoslovakia 1931- Bas­ Weightlifting — heavy lightweight 90 Sarby, E. Rickard Sweden 1912. Yachting Roth, "Léon Luxemburg 1926. Canoeing — ing — free rifle ing — silhouette ketball — single-handed class 10 000 m K-i — 1 000 m K-2 kilos Schidan, Egon Germany 1930. Boxing — Roetzer, Kurt Austria 1921. Athletics — Rytkônen, Taavi Aulis Finland 1929. Foot­ Salén, Sven Gustai Sweden 1890. Yachting Sarcadi, Arcadie Rumania 1925. Swimming Roth, Willi Germany 1929. Boxing — bantamweight 54 kilos 5 000 m featherweight 57 kilos ball — 6 m class — water polo Sarfatti, Marcos Argentine 1929. Boxing Schillerwein, Istvân Hungary 1953. Cycling Roetzheim, William U.S.A. 1928. Gym­ Rothe, Otto Germany 1924. Equestrian — Râsanen, Toivo Into Johannes Finland Salignon, Jean-Pierre frame 1928. Basket­ — welterweight 67 kilos — 2 000 m tandem — road race — 4 000 nastics three-day event 1925. Rowing — eights ball Saribacak, Cemil Turkey 1927. Free style m team pursuit Rogatcheff, Stojan Thédoroff Bulgaria Roubanis, Aristide Greece 1932. Basket­ Râttyâ, Eeva Anni Finland 1934' Athletics Salles, Raymond Julien France 1920. wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Schilling, Herbert Germany 1930. Boxing 1924. Equestrian — three-day event ball — Athletics — javelin — javelin, women Rowing — pairs with cox Sarrasolas Andias, Zacarias Portugal 1931. — light-welterweight 63 ^ kilos Rogers, John Australia 1930. Rowing — Roudniska, Edmond France 1931. Ath­ Ronnholm, Raoul Erik Finland 1923. Ath­ Salminen, Esko Jalo Toivo Finland 1920. Rowing — eights Schimmer, Josef Austria 1923. Hockey double sculls letics — 110 m hurdles letics — 800 m Hockey 747 746

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Schirmel, Friedel Germany 1926. Athletics Schurch, Mark Switzerland 1908. Yachting Semoff, Kiril Marinoff Bulgaria 1930. Shiraishi, Isamu Japan 1920. Weightlifting Simms, Charles O. U.S.A. 1928. Gym­ Skriptshenko v, Petr U.S.S.R. 1926. — decathlon — 5-5 m class Basketball — bantamweight 56 kilos nastics Swimming — 200 m breast stroke Schirra, Kurt Saar 1931. Boxing — feather­ Schuster, Josef Germany 1906. Weight- Senol, Ahmet Turkey 1926. Greco-Roman Skrobisch, Alfred U.S.A. 1913. Fencing Shitkova,Nadezda iLS.S.R 1923. Fencing Simoes Neto, Albino Portugal 1923. Row­ weight 57 kilos lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos — foil, women ing — eights — epee, individual and team Schlegel, Jean Joseph France 1925. Ath­ Schwab, Erich Arthur Fritz Switzerland Sentimenti, Walter Italy 1923. Boxing — Shivas,Quita Great Britain 1927. Athletics Simola, Raija Finland 1930. Gymnastics, Skvot, Josef Czechoslovakia 1929. Gymnas­ letics — 5 000 m 1919. Athletics — 10 000 m walk middleweight 75 kilos — 100 m, women women tics Schmelzer, Irmgard Germany 1921. Ath­ Schwabl, Alois Austria 1912. Athletics — Sentiirk, Necdet Turkey 1928. Football Skoldberg, Per Olof Sweden 1910. Shooting Shljapin, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1932. Swimming Simon, Anna Barbara Holland 1931. Gym­ letics — long jump, women shot Seonbuchner, Anneliese Germany 1929. — running deer — water polo nastics, women Schmid, Karl Switzerland 1921. Athletics Athletics — 80 m hurdles, women Slater, William John Great Britain 1927. Schwarz, Hans Switzerland 1924. Athletics Shneior, Abraham Israel 1928. Basketball Simon, Francise R//m?H/a 1927. Swimming — 400 m hurdles — 400 m hurdles Sepponen, Paavo Finland 1923. Free style Football Shotsikas, Aljgirdas U.S.S.R. 1928. Boxing — water polo Schmid, Kurt Switzerland 1932. Rowing Schwarzenbach, Hans Herbert Switzerland wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 kilos Slavici, Eveline Rumania 1932. Gymnastics, — heavyweight over 81 kilos Simon, Janos Hungary 1929. Basketball — pairs without cox 1913. Equestrian — three-day event Seravic, Vojko Yugoslavia 1926. Rowing women Shousha, Antoine Egypt 1927. Shooting Simonet, Jean Maurice Félicien Belgium Schmid, Werner Switzerland 1919. Modern Schwarzentruber, Johann Hans Switzerland — eights Slavov, Vladimir Stojanoff Bulgaria 1928. — free pistol — small-bore rifle 1927. Athletics — marathon pentathlon 1929. Gymnastics Serbu, Neacsu Rumania 1928. Boxing — Basketball Shunmugham, Thulukhanam India 1924. Simonetti, Vito Argentine 1903. Fencing Schmidt, Erich Saar 1925. Greco-Roman Schwarzer, Edward Poland 1929. Rowing light-middleweight 71 kilos Slepnev, Gennadi U.S.S.R. 1921. Ath­ Football — epee, individual wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos — fours without cox Serfôzô, Gavril Rumania 1926. Football letics — 4X400 m relay Shutkov, Fedor U.S.S.R. 1924. Yachting Simonsen, Erik Gunnar Denmark 1915. Schmidt, Gustav Germany 1926. Canoeing Schwarzer, Zbigniew Poland 1928. Rowing Serra, Luis P. Uruguay 1935. Cycling — Slijkhuis, Willem Frederik Holland 1923. — 6 m class Athletics — marathon — 1 000 m K-2 — fours without cox 4 000 m team pursuit Athletics — 1500 m Sicoe, Alexandrina Rumania 1932. Ath­ Simonsson, Ivan Bertil Sweden 1929. Row­ Schmidt, Harry Cecil South Africa 1916. Schwarzmann, Alfred Germany 1912. Gym­ Serra Pereira, José Portugal 1918. Modern Slupik, Berthold Germany 1928. Modern letics — 100 m — 200 m, women ing — eights Modern pentathlon nastics pentathlon pentathlon Siddi, Antonio Italy 1923. Athletics — Simpson, Clarence Malcolm New Zealand Schmidt, Karlheinz 1928. Hockey Schiitt, Gunther Saar 1918. Rowing — Sesink Clee, Rudolf Albert Holland 1931. Smeal, Claude Australia 1918. Athletics — 400 m — 4X 100 m relay 1933. Cycling — 1 000 m time trial — Schmidtberger, Alfred Austria 1930. Ca­ Rowing — fours without cox marathon single sculls Sidhu, Mehnga Singh India 1922. Ath­ 2 000 m tandem noeing — 10 000 m K-i Setsheno va, Evgenija 1918. Ath­ Smee, Raymond Leslie Australia 1930. Schiitz, Heinz Germany 1926. Hockey letics — high jump Simpson, Robert Lee Canada 1930. Basket­ Schmied, Bernard Switzerland 1933. Bas­ Schâfer, Herbert Germany 1927. Football letics — 200 m — 4 x 100 m relay, women Swimming — water polo Sidky, Fouad Ahmed Egypt 1925. Foot­ ball ketball Schâferkord, Wera Germany 1924. Swim­ Sett, Tarit Kumar India 1931. Cycling — Smeekens, Johannes G. Holland 1920. 4 000 m team pursuit ball Singh, Dharam India 1919. Hockey Schmit, Jean Luxemburg 1931. Cycling — ming — 100 m free style — 4X100 m Sidler, Blsa Switzerland 1932. Canoeing Weightlifting — middleweight 75 kilos Sevrjugin, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1924. Shoot­ Singh, G. Nandy India 1926. Hockey Smerghetto, Abbondio Italy 1931. Rowing road race relay, women — 500 m K-i, women ing — running deer Singh, Kunwar Digvijai India 1922. — fours with cox Schmitt, Artur Saar 1910. Gymnastics Schobel, Kurt Germany 1896. Shooting Sidlo, Janusz Poland 1933. Athletics — Shafei, Emad Egypt 1931. Athletics — Hockey Smerghetto, Ferdinando Italy I927* Row" Schmitz, Ferdinand Germany 1919. Free — clay pigeon javelin 100 m — 200 m — 4X100 m relay — Singh Rawat, Chandan India 1928. Foot­ style wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Schônbeck, Rudolf Germany 1919. Foot­ Siebenhaar, Alex Switzerland 1927. Rowing ing — eights high jump ball Smith, Finis Dean U.S.A. 1932. Athletics — Greco-Roman wrestling — bantam­ ball — pairs with cox Shafi, Mohammad Pakistan 1928. Athletics Singh, Udham India 1928. Hockey — 100 m — 4x100 m relay weight 5 7 kilos Schôppner, Erich Germany 1932. Boxing Siebenhaar, Toni Germany 1923. Rowing — 4 X 400 m relay — 400 m hurdles Singh, Vir/Wza 1930. Gymnastics Smith, Norman Allan Ceylon 1929. Schneider, Hans Ernst Switzerland 1927. — light-middleweight 71 kilos — eights Shaginjan, Grant U.S.S.R. 1923. Gym­ Sinovâ, Matylda Czechoslovakia 1933. Gym­ Swimming — spring-board diving Athletics — 400 m — 4X400 m relay Scigala, Edward Poland 1926. Weightlift- Sieburger, Enrique Conrado Argentine nastics nastics, women Smith, Rosaire 1914. Weightlifting Schneider, Jorge Argentine 1933. Rowing ing — lightweight 67 kilos 1897. Yachting — 6 m class Shah, Kantilall India 1929. Swimming — Sip, Jaroslav Czechoslovakia 1930. Basket­ — bantamweight 56 kilos — fours with cox Scott, Angus Weatheritt Great Britain 1927. Sieburger, Roberto Guillermo Argentine 100 m back stroke — water polo ball Smith, William T. U.S.A. 1928. Free style Schneider, Walter Switzerland 1928. Swim­ Athletics — 400 m hurdles 1917. Yachting — Dragon class Shah, Kedar Nath India 1923. Swimming Sipila, Kaija Helena Finland 1931. Ath­ wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos ming — 400 m free style — 1 500 m free Scott, Bev. Australia 1922. Free style wrest­ Siegenthaler, Fritz Switzerland 1929. Cyc­ — water polo letics — 100 m — 4X 100 m relay, women Smits, Jozef Jan Belgium 1930. Swimming style ling — welterweight 73 kilos ling — 1 000 m scratch race — 2 000 m Shakespeage, Frank Bradford U.S.A. Siren, Urho Valter Finland 1932. Cycling — water polo Scrobe, Edward U. S.A. 1923. Gymnastics tandem Schneider, Willy Switzerland 1929. Ath­ 1930. Rowing — eights — 4 000 m team pursuit Smol, Frits Holland 1924. Swimming — Seaborne, Pamela Georgina Great Britain Sierens, Roland Belgium 1925. Swimming letics — 100 m — 4x100 m relay Shamraj, Galina U.S.S.R. 1931. Gym­ Sit, Bayram Turkey 1930. Free style wrest­ — water polo water polo Schnyder, Rodolphe Switzerland 1919. 1935. Athletics — 80 m hurdles, women nastics, women ling — featherweight 62 kilos Sigiran, Marcel France 1926. Free style Stnolnikar, Ada Yugoslavia 1935. Gymnas­ Shooting — silhouette Seara Cardoso, Manuel Portugal 1928. Shardelow, Thomas Frederick South Sitjko, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1914. Equestrian wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos tics, women Schoenmaekers, Ludovicus Belgium 1931. Gymnastics Africa 1931. Cycling — 2 000 m tandem Snellman, Pentti Finland 1926. Athletics Sigl, Albert Germany 1911. Shooting — — Dressage Swimming — 200 m breast stroke Sebastian, Mario Candido Argentine 1926. — 4 000 m team pursuit Sjogren, Leo Allan U.S.A. 1904. Athletics — long jump small-bore rifle Schoettle, Michael U.S.A. 1936. Yachting Swimming — water polo Sharp, John Arthur Canada 1931. Rowing — 50 000 m road walk Snidvongs, Kamtorn Thailand 1925. Ath­ Sigurdsson, Pétur Iceland 1928. Athletics — 5-5 ni class Sedelmaier, Inge Germany 1925. Gymnas­ — eights Sjôberg, Nils Einar Sweden 1925. Gym­ letics — long jump — 100 m — 4X 100 m relay Scholes, Charles C. U.S.A. 1930. Swim­ tics, women Sharp, Martin Great Britain 1917. Yachting Snogdahl, Jorn Peter Denmark 1922. Row­ Sili, Daniel José Brazil 1930- Swimming nastics ming — 100 m free style Seebach, Holger Denmark 1922. Football — 6 m class ing — eights — water polo Sjôberg, Paul Leonard Finland 1897. Schoonjans, Robert Belgium 19*25. Athletics Segedin, Petar Yugoslavia 1926. Athletics Sharpley, Roger Great Britain 1929. Rowing Snogdahl, Mogens Eskild Denmark 1926. Siljander, Harry Walfrid Finland 1922. Yachting — 6 m class — 3 000 m steeplechase — 3 000 m steeplechase — eights Boxing — light-heavyweight 81 kilos Sjôblom, Marianne Sophie Finland 1933. Rowing — eights Schramm, Edeltraud Austria 1923. Gym­ Segvic, Petar Yugoslavia 1930. Rowing — Shaw, George Donald U.S.A. 1931. Ath­ Sobala, Szymon Poland 1917. Gymnastics Siljtshev, Boris U.S.S.R. 1926. Boxing Fencing — foil, women nastics, women fours without cox letics — hop, step and jump Sobeck, Werner Germany 1922. Swimming — middleweight 75 kilos Sjôblom, Nils Julius Finland 1910. Fencing Schraner, Josef Switzerland 1929. Cycling Sehorn, Delia U.S.A. 1927. Swimming — Sheen, Gillian Mary Great Britain 1928. — spring-board diving — high diving Silva, Ernesto Chile 1921. Equestrian — — epee, team — road race 200 m breast stroke, women Fencing — foil, women Sjôlin, Karl Olof Stig Sweden 1928. Boxing Sobek, Pawel Poland 1929. Football Dressage Schreiner, Herbert Austria 1931. Canoeing Seijas, Miguel Uruguay 1930. Rowing — Sheff, Donald A. (7.^.^4. 1931. Swimming Soberon Riveiro, Ruben Guatemala 1909. Silva Amorim, Maria Laura Portugal 1932. — middleweight 75 kilos — 1 000 m K-i double sculls — 4 X 200 m relay Sjôstrôm, Nell Sweden 1933. Athletics — Fencing — foil, individual — epee, indi­ Gymnastics, women Schroeder, René Luxemburg 1920. Gym­ Sekal, Vladislav Czechoslovakia 1930. Free Shehata, Saad Hafez Egypt 1927. Free vidual Silva Crave, Joâo Ferreira Portugal 1929. 100 m — 4X100 m relay, women nastics style wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos style wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos Skaff, Michel Lebanon 1923. Greco-Roman Sobrera, Julio Uruguay 1927. Cycling — Rowing — eights Schroder, Helge Muxoll Denmark 1924. — Greco-Roman wrestling — welter­ Shelah (Schmuckler), Shimon Israel 1932. road race Silva Infante, Orlando Chile 1929. Basket­ wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 kilos Rowing — eights weight 73 kilos Basketball Skanata, Boris Yugoslavia 1927. Swimming Sobrero, Giorgio Italy 1930. Athletics — ball Schroder, Willi Germany 1928. Football Selbach, Bertha Caroline Holland 1934. Sheldon, Donald Thomas U.S.A. 1930. 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay Silva Paes, Fernando Portugal 1907. Eques­ — 100 m back stroke Schuette, William U.S.A. 1933. Canoeing Gymnastics, women Cycling — road race — 4 000 m team Skaugen, Morits Norway 1920. Yachting Soeter, Ion Rumania 1927. Athletics — high trian — Dressage — 10 000 m K-i Selbach, Catharina Holland 1928. Gymnas­ pursuit jump Silvennoinen, Esko Kalevi Finland 1931- — single-handed class Schultz, Ana Maria 1935. Swim­ tics, women Shelenkov, Nikolaj U.S.S.R. 1919- Eques­ Skerik, Miroslav Czechoslovakia 1924. Bas­ Soetewey, Oscar Francois Joseph Belgium Basketball ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free Seldiiz, Sack Turkey 1923. Basketball trian — Grand Prix des Nations 1925. Athletics — 800 m Silverio Ferrer, Nicasio Cuba 1930. Swim­ ketball style, women Selle K., Ursula Venezuela 1933. Fencing Shenton, Brian Great Britain 1927. Ath­ Skobla, Jiri Czechoslovakia 1930. Athletics Sokoloff, Apostol Slatkoff Bulgaria 1917. ming — 100 m free style Schultz, Hermann Monaco 1901. Shooting — foil, women letics — 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay Football Silvestri, Umberto Italy 1915- Greco- — shot — free pistol — silhouette Selvetti, Humberto Argentine 1932. Weight- Sheppel, William Rose U.S.A. 1926. Sokolov, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1929. Boxing — Roman wrestling — light-heavyweight Skomarovskij, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1932. Schultze, Klaus Germany 1928. Rowing lifting — heavyweight over 90 kilos Football Swimming — 100 m free style featherweight 57 kilos — fours with cox Semenov, Evgenij U S.S.R. 1920. Swimm­ Shevtshenko, Viktor U.S .^.R. 1931. Rowing 87 kilos Sola, Guillermo Chile 1929. Athletics — Simâo, Pedro Brazil 1898 Shooting Skovajsa, Vladimir Czechoslovakia 1930. Schummer, Joseph Luxemburg 1930. Greco- ing — water polo — pairs with cox Swimming — 200 m breast stroke 3 000 m steeplechase Roman wrestling — light-heavyweight Semenov, Ivan C/.i'.i'.R 1926. Athletics — Shimotori, Takeo Japan 1928. Free style silhouette Solares, Victor Guatemala 1932. Athletics Simmons, Floyd U.S.A. 1932. Athletics Skowronek, Henryk Poland 1923. Weight- 87 kilos 5 000 m wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos — 800 m —-3 000 m steeplechase — decathlon lifting — featherweight 60 kilos 748 749

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Svendsen, Bodil Margarethe Denmark Sôderberg, Curt Erik Sweden 1927. Ath­ Solarz, Jerzy Poland 1930. Gymnastics Srncova,Bozena1925. Gym­ Stefanovic, Sreten Yugoslavia 1916. Gym­ Australia 1925. Athletics — 100 m — 1916. Canoeing — 500 m K-i, women letics — 3 000 m steeplechase Solovjev, Viktor U'.i'.i'.R. 1932. Swimming nastics, women nastics 80 m hurdles — 4X 100 m relay, women Svendsen, Gunnar Edvin Norway 1915. Sôderlund, Ake Wilhelm Sweden 1925. — 100 m back stroke Stacey, Nicholas David Great Britain 1927. Steger, Josef Switzerland 1925. Athletics Stritof, Drago Yugoslavia 1923. Athletics Shooting — free pistol — silhouette Athletics — 50 000 m road walk Soltan, Maria Poland 1921. Fencing — foil, Athletics — 200 m — 4x400 m relay — 400 m — 4X400 m relay •— 3 000 m steeplechase Svendsen, Paul Verner Denmark 1927. Sôptei, Erno Hungary 1925. Canoeing — women Stack, Allan M. U.S.A. 1928. Swimming Steines, Gunther Germany 1928. Athletics Strong, Irene Canada 1929. Swimming — Rowing — pairs with cox 10 000 m C-2 Soltau, Wilfried Germany 1912. Canoeing — 100 m back stroke — 800 m — 4X400 m relay 100 m free style — 200 m breast stroke — Svenssen, Thorbjôrn Norway 1924. Foot­ Soptei, Robert Hungary 1925. Canoeing — 10 000 m C-2 — 1 000 m C-2 Stadigh, Johan Erik Finland 1928. Yachting Steinkraus, William Clark U.S.A. 1925. 4X100 m relay, women ball — 10 000 m C-2 Solymosi, Egon Hungary 1922. Athletics — 5.5 m class Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations Strukel, Silvia Italy 1916. Fencing — foil, Svensson, Gôsta Bernhard Sweden 1929. Sorensen, Odd Wang Norway 1922. Foot­ — 400 m — 4X400 m relay Stahre, Nils Olof Sweden 1909. Equestrian Steinwender, Peter Austria 1928. Swim­ women Strunc, Jean France 1911. Athletics — Athletics — high jump ball Somers, Thomas Vivian Great Britain 1 909. — three-day event ming — 400 m free style I Svensson, Ingemar Sweden 1929. Rowing Sorensen, Svend Erik Olaf Denmark I9 7* Yachting — Dragon class Stakula, Ivo Yugoslavia 1923. Swimming — Stepan, Mariles U.S.A. 1935- Swimming 50 000 m road walk — pairs with cox Athletics — marathon Sommaruga, Lodovico Italy 1928. Rowing water polo —• 100 m free style — 4X100 m relay, Strâhlman, Paul Arnfrid Finland 1928. Svensson, Karl Oskar Sweden 1925. Foot­ — double sculls Stalder, Josef Switzerland 1919. Gymnastics women Rowing — fours with cox ball Sommerlatt, Kurt Germany 1928. Football Stephen, Ian Robert George South Africa Strômberg, Thorvald Finland 1931. Ca­ T Stalder, Paul Switzerland 1930. Athletics Svoboda, Josef Czechoslovakia 1930. Gym­ Somogy, Stefan Rumania 1929. Rowing — 1916. Rowing — single sculls noeing — i 000 m K-i — 10 000 m K-i — 4X400 m relay nastics Tabak, David Israel 1927. Athletics — eights Staley, Walter Goodwin Jr. U.S.A. 1932. Stern, Charles Switzerland 1914. Yachting Stuermer, Alfred "Luxemburg 1927. Boxing — middleweight 75 kilos Svoboda, Stanislaw Czechoslovakia 1923. 100 m — 200 m Soôs, Klâra Hungary 1933. Athletics — 200 Equestrian — three-day event — 6m class Tabatabai, Mohssai Iran 1927. Weight- Stern, Marcel Switzerland 1922. Yachting Stumpf, Erich Austria 1927. Football Cycling — road race m — 80 m hurdles — 4X100 m relay, Stanczyk, Stanley Anthony U.S.A. 1925. Swane-Lund, Erik Jorgen Denmark 1923. lifting — featherweight 60 kilos 1 Sturm, Willi Germany 1928. Swimming women Weightlifting — light-heavyweight 82 /2 — 6 m class Taddia, Teseo Italy 1920. Athletics — Steurer Elfriede Austria 1924. Athletics •— water polo Fencing — epee, team Sopher, David M. India 1929. Swimming kilos Swanson, Emmet Oscar U.S.A. 1906. hammer — 100 m — 80 m hurdles, women Sturrock, Alexander StwrnX Australia 1915. — water polo Stanescu, Constantin Rumania 1928. Cyc­ Shooting — free rifle — small-bore rifle Tadros, Albert Fahmy Bgypt 1914. Basket­ Stevens, Edward Gleniuter Jr. U.S.A. Yachting — Dragon class Sosa, Luis Amadeo Uruguay 1924. Boxing ling — road race ball Stutterheim, Edward Holland 1908. Yacht­ Swiatkowski, Jan Poland 1920. Rowing — heavyweight over 81 kilos Stanfield, Andrew W. U.S.A. 1927. Ath­ 1932. Rowing — eights Tagliaferri, Liliana Italy 1928. Athletics ing — Star class — pairs without cox Sotnikov, Ivan U.J.J'.R. 1913. Canoeing — letics — 200 m — 4X100 m relay Stewart, Douglas Norman Great Britain — 100 m — 4 X 100 m relay, women Stybert, Bjorn Denmark 1927. Rowing —• Swietek, Pawel Poland 1924. Gymnastics 10 000 m K-i Stange, Peter James U.S.A. 1927. Swim­ 1913. Equestrian — Grand Prix des Taha, Khalil Lebanon 1932. Greco-Roman eights Swiezy, Stefania Poland 1934- Gymnastics, Soto V., Pioquinto Mexico 1915. Basket­ ming — water polo Nations wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Stewart Jean New Zealand 1930. Swim­ Stiihlinger, Fritz Switzerland 1924. Hockey women ball Stankovic, Branko Yugoslavia 1921. Foot­ Swift, Alfred James South Africa 1931- Taha, Safi Lebanon 1925. Greco-Roman ming — 100 m back stroke, women Su, Bung Nan Korea 1922. Boxing — Soto Garcia, Jotge Puerto Rico 1921. Weight- ball Cycling — road race — 4 000 m team wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Stewart, Thomas Cjrcat Britain 1926. Foot­ featherweight 57 kilos lifting — heavy lightweight 90 kilos Stanmore, Charles Australia 1924. Fencing pursuit Taipale, Ilmari Rikhard Finland 1928. ball Suarez, Roberto Argentine 1924. Rowing Sotorm'k, Leo Chechoslovakia 1926. Gym­ — foil, team — epee, individual and team Swire, Henry L. V. Great Britain 1901. Athletics — 5 000 m Stiskalik, Rudolf Austria 1929. Swimming — fours with cox nastics —• sabre, team Shooting — silhouette Tajima, Masaji Japan 1929. Athletics — water polo Subirana, Antonio Spain 1932. Swimming Stantcheff, Theodor P. Bulgaria 1921. Sylander, Kalevi Kaapo Finland 1931. 100 m — long jump Souche, Jean-Pierre Louis France 1927. Stockly, Georges Switzerland 1916. Basket­ — water polo Shooting — silhouette Basketball Tajima, Masazumi Japan 1933. Cycling Rowing — pairs without cox ball Suchenski, Dominik Poland 1926. Ath­ Stantchéva, Tsvétana Dobréva Bulgaria Syllas, Nicolas Greece 1914. Athletics — — road race — 4 000 m team pursuit Sourek, Jaroslav Chechoslovakia 1927. Ath­ Stoffel, Alexander Switzerland 1928. Eques­ letics — 4X100 m relay 1929. Gymnastics, women Takâcs, Kâroly Hungary 1910. Shooting letics — marathon trian — Grand Prix des Nations Sudarmodjo, M. Indonesia 1928. Athletics discus Stantchéva, Vassilka Pénéva Bulgaria 1929. Syllis, Vasile Greece 1929. Athletics — — silhouette Sousa D., Javier Mexico 1929. Athletics — Stoffel, JosephE«xe®tor^ 1928. Gymnastics — high jump Gymnastics, women 2 200 m — 400 m Takahashi, Susumu Japan 1920. Athletics 100 m — 400 m Stoiltcheff, Bojan Kozeff Bulgaria 1930. Suharev, Vladimir U.S.S.R I9 4* Ath­ Stark, Barbara Lynn U.S.A. 1937. Swim­ Sylvain, Jules Canada 1925. Weightlifting — 3 000 m steeplechase Sousa, Uva Francisco Portugal 1904. Fenc­ Cycling — road race — 4 000 m team letics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X100 m ming — 100 m back stroke, women — featherweight 60 kilos Takemoto, Masao Japan 1920. Gymnastics ing — epee, team pursuit relay Starling, Peter Great Britain 1925. Gym­ Syrjanen, Risto Sulo Finland 1925. Ath­ Takeuchi, Toshiya Japan 1930. Rowing Souza, John U.S.A. 1920. Football Stojanoff, Dimitre Milanoff Bulgaria 1927. Suharko Indonesia 1928. Swimming nastics letics — 110 m hurdles — fours with cox Sovljanski, Pavle Yugoslavia 1927. Boxing Football 200 m breast stroke Systad, John Norway 1912. Athletics — Takhty, Gholamreza Iran 1930. Free style — light-welterweight 63 kilos Stassforth, Bowen D. U.S.A. 1926. Swim­ Stojanoff, Stojan Koeff Bulgaria 1931. Suhren, Wilhelm Germany 1927. Hockey marathon wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos Spallino, Antonio Italy 1925. Fencing — ming — 200 m breast stroke Gymnastics Suikkari, Jaakko Finland 1925. Athletics foil, team Stathis, Georges Greece 1906. Shooting — Szabo,La.disla.o Argentine 1923. Swimming Talja, Olavi Anselmi Finland 1925. Ath­ Stokes, Jeremias Guatemala 1934. Athletics — 400 m letics — 800 m Spanoudakis, Alexandre Greece 1928. Bas­ free pistol Suli, Alexandra Rumania 1928. Greco- — water polo — 400 m Szajewski, Zbigniew Poland 1914. Greco- Talliadoros, Demetre Greece 1925. Basket­ ketball Stattin, Kurt Georg Bôrje Sweden 1930. Stokken, Martin Norway 1923. Athletics Roman wrestling — heavyweight over Roman wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos ball Spanoudakis, Jean Greece 1930. Basket­ Gymnastics — 5 000 m — 10 000 m 87 kilos Szantay, loan Rumania 1922. Fencing — Talosela, Erkki Olavi Finland 1921. Greco- ball Stauch, Helmut Wilhelm Ernst South Stollenwerk, Georg Germany 1930. Foot­ Suoniemi, Tauno Finland 1927. Weight- sabre, individual and team Roman wrestling — featherweight 62 Spargo, John Arthur U.S.A. 1931- Africa 1910. Yachting—single-handed ball lifting — lightweight 67^2 kilos _ Szapary, Ladislaus Austria 1910. Shooting kilos class — 5-5 rn class Surgey, Eurico Portugal 1931. Swimming Swimming — water polo Stolpe, Olof Ossian Hugo Finland 1927. Talosela, Risto Finland 1924. Free style Spartz, Léon Luxemburg 1927. Football Stavem, Per Norway 1926. Athletics — — 100 m back stroke — water polo — clay pigeon Football Székely, Eva Hungary 1927. Swimmng wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Spasic, Nada Yugoslavia 1934. Gymnastics, discus — shot Stoltenberg, Rolf Germany 1922. Hockey Surock, Lawrence Carmen U.S.A. 1930. — 200 m breast stroke — 400 m free Tamminen, Lauri Esko Olavi Finland women Stawczyk, Zdobyslaw Poland 1923. Ath­ Stone, Curtis Charles U.S.A. 1922. Ath­ Football style, women 1919. Athletics — hammer Spassoff, Petar Stankoff Bulgaria 1934. letics — 200 m — 4x100 m relay Sum, Ion Rumania 1927. Football letics — 5 000 m — 10 000 m Szekeres, Béla Hungary 1933. Cycling — Tamura, Misako Japan 1934' Swimming Boxing — light-middleweight 71 kilos Stebler, Pierre Armand Switzerland 1927. Stonkus, Stasis U.S.S.R. 1931- Basketball Suski, Leszek Poland 193°* Fencing 1 000 m scratch race — 400 m free style — 4X100 m relay, Spassova, Saltirka Parvanova Bulgaria Rowing — double sculls sabre, individual and team Storch, Karl Germany 1913. Athletics — Szentgâli, Lajos Hungary 1952. Athletics women 1933. Gymnastics, women Steckle, Robert John Canada 1930. Free hammer Suszczyk, Czeslaw Poland 1922. Football I — 4 X 400 m relay Tanaka, Yasuo Japan 1952. Swimming Specker, Alex Switzerland 1918. Shooting style wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 Storm, Rolf Edvard Sweden 1930. Boxing Sutshkov, Grigorij U.S.S.R. I9 7' Ath­ Szilvâsi, Miklos Hungary 1925. Greco- — 400 m free style — free pistol kilos letics — marathon — light-heavyweight 81 kilos Roman wrestling — welterweight 73 Tanaka, Yoshio Japan 1930. Swimming Spencer, Diana May Great Britain 1934. Steele, Plenty A.. Great Britain 1911. Shoot­ Stout, Robert H. 1925. Gymnastics Sutter, August Sw tzerland 1926. Athletics kilos — 400 m free style Swimming — high diving, women ing — silhouette — 5 000 m Strachota, Franz Austria 1918. Hockey Szittya, Kâroly Hungary 1918. Swimming Tandrevold, John Norway 1927. Boxing Spigno, Giusto Italy 1916. Yachting — 6 Steele, Robert Great Britain 1893. Yacht­ Strandli, Sverre Norway 1925. Athletics Sutton, Walter John Canada 1932- Ath- — water polo — light-middleweight 71 kilos m class ing — 6 m class etics —- 100 m — 200 m — 4X100 m — hammer Szivôs, Istvân Hungary 1920. Swimming Tang, Pui Wah Singapore 1933. Athletics Steen, Kjeld Denmark 1925. Boxing — Stratton, Leslie Eugene Grea/1925. relay Spirito, Carlo Maria Italy 1920. Yachting — water polo — 100 m — 80 m hurdles, women flyweight 51 kilos Suviranta, Timo Bruno Finland 19^ 0 • — Dragon class Football Szondi, Istvàn Hungary 1925. Modern Tanguy, Gaby France 1929. Swimming Sposato, Angel Edmundo Argentine 1922. Steenacker, Henri Ferdinand Belgium 1926. Straub, Hans Switzerland 1928. Canoeing Basketball — 100 m free style — 4x100 m relay, Rowing — single sculls Suvivuo, Vainô Finland I9I7* Athletics pentathlon Weightlifting — middleweight 75 kilos — 1 000 m K-2 Szwajkowska, Eulalia Poland 1931 • Ath­ women Stefanidis, Demetre Greece 1931. Basket­ — 110 m hurdles Spydevold, Bjôrn Norway 1918. Football Strauch, James U.S.A. 1921. Fencing — letics — 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay, women Tanikawa, Teijiro Japan 1932. Swimming ball Suzuki, Hiroshi Japan 1933. Swimming Spângberg, Roland Otto Eugen Sweden epee, team Szymkowiak, Edward Poland 193^ Foot:~ — 4 X 200 m relay 1923. Swimming — water polo Stefanini, Sergio Italy 1922. Basketball Straulino, Agostino Italy 1914- Yachting — 100 m free style — 4X 200 m relay Tantay, Antonio Philippines 1920. Basket­ Svadanandana, Sompop Thailand 1932. ball Spôrer, Erich Germany 1911. Shooting — Stefaniszyn, Tomasz Poland 1929. Foot­ — Star class Szoke, Katalin Hungary 1935. Swimming ball 0 Athletics — 400 m small-bore rifle ball Stretton, Ronald CharlesGreat Britain i93 ' — 100 m free style — 4X100 m relay, Tarabulsi, Abd el Sattar Lebanon 1908. Cycling — 4 000 m team pursuit Svantesson, Lars Sweden 1933' Swimming Sreenan, Robert ChristieGreat Britain 1934. Stéfanoff, Stefan Bojkoff Bulgaria 1923. women Shooting — free pistol Swimming — 1 500 m free style Football Strickland de la Hunty, Shirley Barbara — 100 m free style — 4X 200 m relay 751 75°

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Trampisz, Kazimierz Poland 1929. Foot­ Tuomaala, Eero Allan f inland 1926. Ath­ Urânyi, Jânos Hungary 1924. Canoeing —- 000 Tarlao, Aldo Italy 1924. Rowing — pairs Thevenet, Marcel France 1915. Weight- Tinoco Marques, Eric Brazil 1919- Modern ball letics — 5 000 m 1 m K-i with cox lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos pentathlon Tran Van, Ly Vietnam 1927. Athletics — Tuominen, Raili Marjatta Finland 1932. Uras, AH Turkey 1923. Basketball Uray, Zoltan Rumania 1931- Fencing —- Tarr, Gyula Himgary 1952. Greco-Roman Theys, Lucien Maurice Belgium 1927. Tishin, Boris U.S.S.R. 1929. Boxing — 10 000 m Gymnastics, women wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Athletics — 5 000 m light-middleweight 71 kilos Trejo C., Juan Mexico 1927. Swimming — Tuormaa, Tuomo Uolevi Finland 1926. epee, individual Urbanovitsh, Galina l . S.S.R. 1917. Gym­ Tass, Olga Hungary 1929. Gymnastics, Thiedemann, Fritz Germany 1918. Eques­ Tita, Vasile Rumania 1928. Boxing — — water polo Canoeing — 1 000 m C-2 women trian — Grand Prix des Nations — middleweight 75 kilos Tredgold, Roger Francis Great Britain Turakainen, Adolf Kustaa Finland 1932. nastics, women Ushakov, Vitalij U.S.S.R. 1920. Swim­ Tauchner, Austria 1929. Weightlifting Dressage Tito, Joào Miguez Pontoga/ 1924. Yachting 1911. Fencing — sabre, team Athletics — 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay — lightweight 67 1/2 kilos Thieffry, Jacques France 1924. Hockey — Dragon class Treloar, John Francis 1928. Ath­ Turan, Nuri Turkey 1924. Athletics — ming — water polo Uusihauta, Pentti Vilho Finland 1921. Taupin, André France 1909. Shooting — Thielemann, Heinrich Germany 1923. Tjebbes, Joris Willem Eelco 1929. letics — 100 m — 200 m discus — shot Athletics — hop, step and jump clay pigeon Hockey Swimming — 100 m free style — 400 m Tretnikov, Evgenij U.S.S.R. 1919. Row­ Turci, Ada Italy 1924. Athletics — javelin, Uytterhoeven, Antoine i930- Ath­ Tauvel, Roger France 1902. Shooting — Thio, Ging Hwie Indonesia 1923. Weight- free style ing — fours with cox women 1 Turkka, Rolf Fredrik Fm/W/1915- Yacht­ letics — 400 m — 4X400 m relay free pistol lifting — lightweight 67 /2 kilos Tobola, Rudolf Poland 1927. Greco-Roman Treves, Alex E. U.S.A. 1929. Fencing — Tavares, Rogerio Portugal 1912. Shooting Thomas, Colette France 1929. Swimming wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos sabre, team ing — 6 m class Turlier, Georges Vranct 1931. Canoeing — — silhouette — 400 m free style, women Tokac, Muzaffer Turkey 1922. Football Treviranus, Henry Stewart Canada 1918. V 10 000 -2 Tawfik, Hassan VLostnEgypt 1911. Fencing Thomas, Margaret Great Britain 1931- Tokarev, Boris U.S.S.R. 1927. Athletics Equestrian — three-day event m C Turner, Francis C. Great Britain 1922, Vacheresse, André France 1927. Basket­ — foil, team Gymnastics, women — 4X 100 m relay Trevisan, Albino Italy 1931. Rowing — ball Tavisalo, Pauli Jalmari Finland 1928. Thomas, Romuald Poland 1922. Rowing Tolentino, Mariano Philippines 1928. Bas­ fours with cox Gymnastics Vadi,Quinto Jfc/ji 1921. Gymnastics Athletics — 100 m — 200 m — 4X 100 m — pairs with cox ketball Treybal, Igor Chechoslovakia 1930. Shoot­ Turner, TonyAbraham Grea;1933. Vafarad, Ahmede Iran 1927. Free style relay — 4x400 m relay Thompson, Basil Burma 1934. Boxing — ing — clay pigeon Swimming — spring-board diving — high Tolkaczewski, Antoni Poland 1933. wrestling — heavyweight over 87 kilos Taylor, Jack U.S.A. 1931- Swimming — flyweight 51 kilos Trimpont, Joseph Théodore Belgium 1918. diving Swimming — 4 X 200 m relay Vaihela, Jorma Johan Sigurd Finland 100 m back stroke Thomsen, Sven Aage Folmer Denmark Free style wrestling — bantamweight 57 Turova, Irina U.S.S.R. 1935- Athletics — Tominaga, Risaburo Japan 1930. Free 1925. Football Taylor, Jacob Canada 1924. Rowing — 1918. Greco-Roman wrestling — fly­ kilos 100 m — 4X100 m relay, women style wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos Vainshtein, Lev U.S S.R. 1916. Shooting eights weight 5 2 kilos Trippa, Umberto Ife/y 1931. Greco-Roman Tushkevitsh, Tamara U.S.S.R. 1931. Ath­ Tomioka, Kihei Japan 1932. Cycling — — free pistol — free rifle Taylor, John Paskin Great Britain 1928. Thomsen, Theodor Karl Friedrich Ger­ wrestling — featherweight 62 kilos letics — shot, women 1 000 m scratch race — 2 000 m tandem Vairinho Cunha, Dalia Portugal 1928. Hockey many 1904. Yachting — Dragon class Trofimov, Vasilij U.S.S.R. 1919. Football Tuza, Joszef Hungary 1926. Canoeing — — road race — 4 000 m team pursuit Gymnastics, women Tebbaka, Omar France 1929. Boxing — Thomsen, Volmer Denmark 1917. Gym­ Trojanovic, Mate Yugoslavia 1930. Rowing 1 000 m C-2 , Alfred France 1929. Cycling — Valadas Junior, Francisco Portugal 1906. middleweight 75 kilos nastics — fours without cox Twardokens, Jerzy Poland 1930. Fencing road race Equestrian — Dressage Telegdy, Gyotgy Hungary 1927. Basketball Thong, Saw Pak Singapore. Weightlifting Trojanovic, Nikola Yugoslavia 1928. — foil, individual — sabre, team Ton That, Hai Vietnam 1935. Fencing — Valcea, Andrei Rumania 1922. Fencing — Telén, Toivo Anselm Finland 1924. Ath­ — lightweight 67 1l2 kilos Swimming — 200 m breast stroke Twiesselmann, Gunther Germany 1925. epee individual foil, individual and team — sabre, team letics — shot Thoresen, Gunnar Norway 1920. Football Troshenkov, Anatoli) U.S.S.R. 1930. Rowing — fours with cox Topalian, Ruth U.S.A. 1927. Gymnastics, Valcke, Paul Louis Jean Belgium 1914- Telivuo, Leo Johannes Finland 1929. Thoresson, Karl Tore William Sweden Canoeing — 1 000 m K-2 Tyler, Dorothy Beatrice Jenny Great women Fencing — foil, individual and team — Swimming — 100 m free style — 4X 1932. Gymnastics Trossbach, Wolfgang Germany 1927. Ath­ Britain 1920. Athletics — high jump, Topalloff, Ilia Atanasoff Bulgaria 1926. epee, team 200 m relay Thorne, Rosella Canada 1930 Athletics letics — 110 m hurdles women Gymnastics Valdes, Jose Guatemala 1933. Swimming — Telles da Conceiçâo, José Brazil 1931. — 100 m — long jump — 4 x 100 m relay, Troy, Guy Kent U.S.A. 1923, Modern Tylli, Oiva Kaleva Finland 1914. Shooting Topp, Lawrence Robert Great Britain 1923. 100 m free style Athletics — hop, step and jump — high women pentathlon — free pistol Football Vale, Joâo Portugal 1930. Swimming — jump Thorsteinsson, Ingi Iceland 1930. Athletics Tschabold, Jean Louis Switzerland 1925. Tytler, Donald Milne Canada 1924. Yacht­ Torberntsson, Bernt Sigurd Sweden 1929- water polo Tello V., Jesus Mexico 1934. Boxing — — 110 m hurdles — 400 m hurdles — Gymnastics ing — 6 m class Rowing — pairs without cox Valenta, Velimir Yugoslavia 1929. Rowing flyweight 51 kilos 4X 100 m relay Tshatshba, Mihail U.S.S.R. 1930. Swim­ Tânnander, Kjell Sweden 1927. Athletics Torikka, Eisa Finland 1930. Athletics — — fours without cox Temes, Judit Hungary 1930. Swimming Thorvaldsen, Thor JSonvay 1909. Yachting ming — high diving — decathlon javelin, women Valentino, Eligio Italy 1925. Canoeing — — 100 m free style — 4X100 m relay, — Dragon class Tshevgun, Petr (J.S S.R. 1926. Athletics Tôlgyesi, Vilmos Hungary 1931. Athletics Torma, Julius Chechoslovakia 1922. Boxing 1 000 m K-2 women Threapleton, Pauline Anne Great Britain — 800 m — 1 500 m — welterweight 67 kilos Valjdmanis, Majgenis U.S.S.R. 1933- Teodosiu, Vasile Kumania 1916. Athletics 1933. Athletics — 80 m hurdles, women Tshihladze, Chal\ a ( .\. \.ii. 1912. Greco- Torn, Helge Aatos Finland 1928. Cycling Torma, Vojislav-Bela Yugoslavia 1930. Basketball — marathon Thuillier, Harry Ireland 1922. Fencing — Roman wrestling — light-heavyweight 87 — 1 000 m scratch race Greco-Roman wrestling — featherweight Tôrok, Gavrila 191 Valkama, Esko Uolevi Fw/a»;/1924. Foot­ Teplov, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1931. Swimming foil, individual kilos Romania 9. Swimming 62 kilos ball — water polo Thunestvedt, Ragnvald Denmark 1926. Tshimishkjan, Rafael U.S.S.R. 1929' — water polo Toro, Luis Venezuela 1925. Cycling — Valkama, Jorma Rainer F/H/a/;Ji928. Ath­ Terjan, Artem U.S.S.R. 1930. Greco- Athletics — 10 000 m walk Weightlifting — featherweight 60 kilos 1 000 m scratch race — 4 000 m team letics — long jump Roman wrestling — bantamweight 57 Thureau, Jean France 1927. Athletics — Tshuaseli, Avtandil U.S.S.R. 1933. Foot­ u pursuit Valkeinen, Mauno Kalervo Finland 1930. kilos 400 m hurdles ball Torres Homem Rodrigues, Mauro Brazil Uchikawa, Yoshitaka 1931. Swimming — 100 m free style — 4X 200 Terkelsen, Erik Denmark 1926. Football Thogersen, Thyge Petersen Denmark Tshudina,Aleksandra U.Xi'.R. 1923. Ath­ Japan Ath­ 1932. m relay Terlouw, Marinus Holland 1922. Football 1926. Athletics — 10000 m Football letics — high jump — long jump — letics — marathon Tosi, Giuseppe Italy 1916. Athletics — Udalov, Gennadij (J.5,..S'.R. 1931. Swim­ Vallebona, Alfredo Argentine lyzb. Yacht­ Termeulen, Johanna Maria Holland 1929. Tiel, Eduard Herbert Hoiland . Hockey javelin, women ing — Star class Swimming — 100 m free style — 400 m Tihonov, Vasilij C.i'.i'.R. 1909. Equestrian discus Tshukalov, Jurij U.S.S.R. 1930. Rowing ming — spring-board diving Valota, Mario Switzerland 1918. Fencing free style — 4 X 100 m relay, women — Dressage Toteff, Konstantin Christoff Bulgaria 1927. — single sculls Uder, Juan Carlos 1927. Basket­ — epee, team Teraskari, Frank Kullervo Finland 1921. Tikka, Juha Yrjô Finland 1929. Swimming Basketball Tshukarin, Victor Ivanovitsh U.S.S.R. ball Valtonen, Jorma Olavi Finland 1923. Ath­ Weightlifting — middleweight 75 kilos — 200 m breast stroke Tôth, Lajos Hungary 1914. Gymnastics 1921. Gymnastics Udodov, Ivan U.S.S.R. 1924. Weightlift­ ing — bantamweight 56 kilos letics — long jump Teterkin, Nikola) C/.i'.i'.R. 1924. Canoeing Tilkovszki, Ibolya Hungary 1933. Ath­ Totshenova, Klavdija U.S.S.R. 1921. Ath­ Tshumakov, Aleksandr U.S.S.R. 1927. Vambera, Lubomlr Czechoslovakia 1925. — 10 000 m K-2 letics — 100 m — 4X100 m relay, women letics — shot, women Yachting — Star class Udras, lozas U.S.S.R. 1925. Fencing - epee, individual and team Canoeing — 1 000 m K-i Tetiva, Jaroslav Chechoslovakia 1932. Bas­ Tilli, Endre Hungary 1922. Fencing — foil, Tournon, Jean-Francois France 1906. Tshumakov, Sergej U.S.S.R. 1928. Canoe­ Van Antwerpen, Charles Georges Belgium ketball individual and team Fencing — sabre, individual and team ing — 1 000 m C-2 Uellendahl, Paul Germany 1929. Swimming 1925. Rowing — fours without cox Tezol, Turan Turkey 1931. Basketball Tillisch, Palle Denmark 1920. Rowing Toussaint, Paul Belgium 1921. Hockey Tshumitsheva, Valentina U.S.S.R. 1931. — water polo Uesako, Tadao Japan 1921. Gymnastics Vanastit, Adulya Thailand 1931. Athletics Texier, Robert Guy France 1930. Rowing — pairs without cox Tovar G., Mario Mexico 1933. Free style Swimming — spring-board diving, wo­ Uhov, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1924. Athletics — 100 m — 200 m — 4 X 100 m relay — fours with cox Tiltsch, Frieda Austria 1922. Athletics wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos men ree — 50 000 m road walk VanCurovâ, Vera Czechoslovakia 1932. Gym­ Thalmann, Melchior Switzerland 1924. — discus, women Tovfighe, Djahanbakte Iran 1931. F Tshurkina, Nina U.S.S.R. 1931- Athletics Ulbrickson, Alvin Edmund 1930. nastics, women Gymnastics Timonen, Oiva Finland 1920. Free style style wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos — long jump, women U.S.A. Toweel, William Michael Rowing — fours with cox Van Biljon, Louis Alberts South Africa Theimer, Hellmut Austria 1928. Swim­ wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos South Africa Tudor, Hie Rumania 1924. Fencing — sabre, UUerich, Giinter Germany 1928. Hockey 1927. Athletics — 400 m — 4x400 m ming — water polo Timoska, Tauno Johannes Finland 1932. 1934. Boxing — flyweight 51 kilos individual and team — foil, team Trabucco, Marcelo Armando XJllman, Torsten Amiw 1908. Shooting — relay Theisen, Paul Albert Denmark 1922. Hockey Argentine Tukiainen, Antero Torsten Finland 1916. Vandamme, Michel France 1930. Swim­ Fencing — sabre, team Timu, Mihai Rumania 1922. Equestrian 1934. Swimming — 100 m free style Rowing — fours with cox free pistol — silhouette Ulzheimer, Heinz Germany 1925. Athletics ming — 100 m free style Théodoroff, Mintcho Stantcheff Bulgaria — three-day event 4 X 200 m relay Tunacao, Vicente Pbilippifics 1925. Boxing — 4X400 m relay — 800 m Van de Keere, Marcel Gustaaf Belgium 1931. Gymnastics Tinjagin, Aleksandr L/.i'.i'.R. 1927. Foot­ Trachsel, Gottfried Switzerland 1^01. Eques­ — welterweight 67 kilos Um, Pall Yong Korea 1931. Athletics — 1931. Boxing — lightweight 60 kilos Théodoroff, Théodor Michailoff Bulgaria ball trian — Dressage Tunbridge, Donald Arthur Great Britain Van Den Berghen, Frans Bernard Joanna 1928. Gymnastics Tinning, Robert Noel Australia 1925. Traindl, Hedi Austria 1934. Gymnastics, 1920. Athletics — 50 000 m road walk 200 m Uralov, Julen U.S.S.R. 1924. Fencing - René Belgium 1919. Canoeing — 1 000 Theron, Jacob Louis South Africa 1930. Rowing — eights women Tun Maung, Nil Burma 1950. Weightlift­ m K-2 Free style wrestling — light-heavyweight Tinnock, William James New Zealand Traiola, Renato Italy 1924. Swimming ing — featherweight 60 kilos foil, individual and team 87 kilos 1930. Rowing — fours with cox — water polo 48 753 752

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Van den Horn, Hendrina Elizabeth Vansovitsh, Evgenij U.S.S.R. 1930. Ath­ Verhalle, André Paul Joseph Belgium 1924. Volkov, Vladimir (J..S'..V.R. 1921. Athletics Wassén, Sten Magnus Sweden 1920. Yacht­ Westesson, Margareta Sweden 1936. Holland 1927. Swimming — spring-board letics — high jump Fencing — foil, individual and team — decathlon ing — 5.5 m class Swimming—100 m back stroke, women diving, women Van Stichel, Joseph Ludovicus Belgium Vernier, Jean France 1923. Athletics — Vollenwelder, Rodolfo Albino Argentine Waterman, Peter Great Britain 1934. Box­ Westlake, Henry M. CasWa 1927. Rowing Van den Rydt, Alphonse René Belgium 1928. Rowing — double sculls 1 500 m 1917. Yachting — 5.5 m class ing — light-welterweight 631/2 kilos — eights 1927. Athletics — 5 000 m — 10 000 m Van't Hof, Arend Holland 1933. Cycling Vescovi, Franco Italy 1930. Boxing — Vonlanthen, Hugo Switzerland 1930. Hock- Wazny, Zenon Poland 1929. Athletics — Wetterstrôm, Hans Rolf Sweden 1923. Van den Steen, Johan Jacques Belgium — road race welterweight 67 kilos ey pole vault Canoeing — 10 000 m K-2 1929. Swimming — water polo Van Wcydeveld, Lucien Jean \\elgium 1926. Vesely, Jan Chechoslovakia 1923. Cycling Voorting, Adrianus Holland 1931. Cycling Wearring, George Arthur Canada 1928. White, Charles Thomas Great IWitain 1917. Vander Auwera, Marcel Belgium 1923. Hockey — road race — road race — 4 000 m team pursuit Basketball Athletics — 800 m Fencing — sabre, individual and team Van Voorn, Koosje Holland 1935. Swim­ Veste, Paulette France 1928. Athletics — Vorobjev, Arkadij U.S.S.R. 1924. Weight- Webb, Ellsworth U.S.A. 1931. Boxing White, Edgar U.S A. 1929. Yachting — 1 Van der Giessen, Pieter Jan Holland 1918. ming — 100 m free style — 4X100 m discus — shot, women lifting — light-heavyweight 82 /2 kilos — light middle-weight 71 kilos 5.5m class Yachting — 5• 5 m class relay, women Vesterby, Edvln Sweden 1927. Free style Yoss,Wolfgatd Germany 1926. Gymnastics, Webb, John Thomas Hird South Africa White, Sumner Jr. U.S.A. 1929. Yachting Van der Horst, Hendrika Anna Maria Van Vlugt, Cornelius Marinus Karel wrestling — bantamweight 57 kilos women 1930. Rowing — fours without cox — 5.5 m class Holland 1932. Swimming — 100 m back Holland 1929. Rowing — fours without Vetterli, Werner Vwither land 1929. Modern Vuk, Rudolf Yugoslavia 1913. Shooting — Weber, Heinrich Germany 1925. Free style White, Wilfrid Harry Great Britain 1904. stroke, women cox pentathlon free pistol wrestling — flyweight 5 2 kilos — Greco- Equestrian — Grand Prix des Nations Van der Kuil, Piet Holland 1933. Football Varaleau, James Patrick Canada 1920. Vial Blanco, Julio Chile 1933. Football Vukas, Bernard Yugoslavia 1927. Football Roman wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos White, William Benjamin Great Britain Van der Linde, Hendrik Dirk South Africa Weightlifting — light-heavyweight 82^ Vlanna da Silveira, Waldemar Brazil 1916. Vukov, Borivoje Yugoslavia 1929. Greco- Webster, Albert Great Britain 1925. Ath­ 1912. Shooting — free pistol 1932. Boxing — welterweight 67 kilos kilos Weightlifting — heavyweight over 90 Roman wrestling — flyweight 5 2 kilos letics — 800 m Whitfield, Malvin Greston U.S.A. 1924. Vanderstappen, Jacques Bernard Isidore Varasdi, Géza Hungary 1928. Athletics — kilos Vuksanovic, Bosko Yugoslavia 1928. Webster, Alexander Grant South Africa Athletics — 400 m — 800 m — 4X400 m 1 Belgium 1931. Hockey 4 X 100 m relay Viau, Roberto Luis Argentine 1931. Bas­ Swimming — water polo 1933. Boxing — light-welterweight 63 /2 relay Van der Veen, Jitse Holland 1928. Swim­ Vard, Jack Ireland 1926. Free style wrest­ ketball Vuorinen, Jaakko Aatos Finland 1923. kilos Whitford, John A.Great Britain 1924. Gym- • nasties ming — 100 m back stroke ling — lightweight 67 kilos Victor, Lucien Honoré Belgium 1931. Cyc­ Fencing — epee, team Weedon, George G. Great Britain 1920. Whitlock, George Bernard Rex Great Van der Zee, Hendrik Holland 1929. Boxing Varga, Ferenc Hungary 1925. Canoeing — ling — road race Vykoukal,1922. Rowing Gymnastics Britain 1910. Athletics — 50 000 m road — flyweight 51 kilos 10 000 m K-2 Vidal, Robert France 1933. Cycling — — double sculls Wehner, Paul Germany 1896. Shooting — walk Van de Vliet, Albert Eugeen August Vârszegi, Jôzsef Hungary 1910. Athletics 2 000 m tandem Vyshpolskij, Vladimir U.S.S.R. 1915. silhouette Whitlock, Hector Harold Great Britain Belgium 1917. Canoeing — 1 000 m K-2 — javelin Vieira Cavalcanti, Guilherme Brazil 1921. Fencing — sabre, team Wehrli, Hans Switzerland 1927. Athletics 1903, Athletics — 50000 m road walk Van de Wattyne, Marcel Eugène Belgium Vartiainen, Veikko Toimi Finland 1913. Shooting — silhouette Vaharanta, Urpo Tapani Finland 1926. — 100 m — 200 m — 4X100 m relay .Whiton, Emelyn L. (Xi'.-A 1916. Yachting 1924. Athletics — 10 000 m Equestrian — three-day event Vigil, Hernan Chile 1910. Equestrian — Athletics — 1 500 m Wehrli, Max Switzerland 1930. Athletics — — 6 m class Van de Zande, Adrianus Holland 1924. Vasenius, Helge Allan Arthur Finland three-day event decathlon Whiton, Herman F. U.S.A. 1924. Yachting Athletics — marathon 1927. Swimming — spring-board diving Viljanen, Pekka Oskar Finland 1921. Ath­ Weidmann, Karl Switzerland 1931. Rowing — 6 m class Van Dooren, Kamiel Frans Maria Belgium Vâsquez Becker, Jaime Chile 1929. Foot­ letics — 50 000 m road walk w — fours with cox Weinacker, Adolf U.S.A. 1928. Athletics Whittle, Harry Great Britain 1922. Ath­ 1936. Rowing — pairs with cox ball Vilkko, Lauri Johannes Finland 1925. letics — 400 m hurdles Van Duyl, Willem Paul Holland 1920. Vaterlaus, Susy Switzerland 1932. Swim­ Modern pentathlon Wade, Harry Arthur Canada 1928. Basket­ — 50 000 m road walk ball Weinberg, Raymond Henry Australia Whitty, Alice Ann Doreen Canada 1934- Yachting — Dragon class ming — 100 m free style, women Villanueva, Carlos Ellas Argentine 1918. Wagner, Camille Fuxemhurg 1925. Foot­ 1929. Athletics — 110 m hurdles — 4X Athletics — high jump, women Van Feggelen, Rudolph Frederik Otto Vebell, Edward U.S .A. 1921. Fencing — Equestrian — three-day event ball 100 m relay — 4x400 m relay Widenfelt, Goran Fredrik Sweden 1928. Holland 1924. Swimming — water polo epee, individual and team Villas Boas, Waldir Brazil 1923. Football Wagner, Klaus Germany 1922. Equestrian Weinberg, Zygfryd Poland 1930. Athletics Athletics — decathlon Van Gelder, Marcus Holland 1924. Vecchi, Natale Italy 1917. Free style wrest­ Vilppunen, Pirkko Finland 1934. Gymnas­ :— three-day event — hop, step and jump Wied, Erich Germany 1923. Gymnastics Swimming — water polo ling — heavyweight over 87 kilos tics, women Van Gent, John Edward James South Vëchtovâ, Eva Chechoslovakia 1931. Gym­ Wahl, Kurt Germany 1912. Fencing — foil, Weingand, André France 1915. Gymnastics Wied, Theo Germany 1923. Gymnastics Vinals C., Roberto Mexico. Equestrian — Africa 1930. Swimming — water polo nastics, women individual and team Weismann, René France 1930. Boxing — Wiedermann, Herbert Austria 1927. Ca­ Grand Prix des Nations Van Gils, Alexis Francois J. Belgium 1926. Veeser, Roger Switzerland 1919 Athletics Wahlberg, Anna-Stina Sweden 1931- light-welterweight 63 ^ kilos noeing — 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 Vines, Graham Joseph Great Britain 1950. Basketball — hammer Swimming— spring-board diving, women Welgemoed, Willem Jacobus South Africa Wiedersporn, Alfred Saar 1931. Gym­ Cycling — road race Van Heel, Willem Holland 1922. Hockey Vega Cortazar, Antonio Span 1932. Shoot­ Wahli, Hans Switzerland 1927. Athletics — 1925. Swimming — spring-board diving nastics Vinh, Tien Vietnam 1920. Boxing — ban­ Van Houdt, Pierre Albert Georges Belgium ing — clay pigeon high jump Wells, Peter Great Britain 1929. Athletics Wielema, Holland 1934- Swimming tamweight 54 kilos 1914. Fencing — foil, team Vehkonen, Aarne Finland 1927. Weight- Wahlsten, Kauko Vilhelm Finland 1923 — high jump — 100 m back stroke — 400 m free style, Virtanen, Oiva August 1929. Bas­ Van Huele, Pierre Th. J. Belgium 1933. lifting — bantamweight 56 kilos Rowing — fours without cox Weller, Guillermo Argentine 1913. Ath­ women ketball Basketball Veitch, Christopher Robin Armstrong Wahlstrom, Richard Wayne U.S.A. 1931. letics — 50 000 m road walk Wiemken, Hans-Joachim Germany 1926 Visentln, Marcelo Euclides Argentine Vanin, Feodosij U.S.S.R. 1914. Athletics South Africa 1929. Rowing — fours with­ Rowing — fours with cox Wells, John Norman South Africa 1926. Rowing — fours with cox 1914. Swimming — water polo — marathon out cox Walter, Josef Austria 1925. Football Gymnastics Wiertz, Abraham Holland 1919. Football Visentln, Mirio Carlos Alberto Argentine Vankatesh, Padanttom India 1926. Foot­ Velasquez, Luis Guatemala 1919. Athletics Walters, Hyacinth Maude Jamaica 1926. Welsh, Charmian Isobel Great Britain 1937. Wiesner. Ken U.S.A. 1925. Athletics — ball — 10 000 m — marathon 1918. Swimming — water polo Athletics — 100 m — 200 m, women Swimming — spring-board diving, wo­ high jump Velazquez, Carlos Alberto Argentine 1925. Visintin, Bruno Italy 1932. Boxing - Walters, Leonard Canada 1931. Boxing — men Wiesniak, Stanislaw Poland 1930, Rowing VanKlaveren, Picter Holland 1930. Boxing 1 — light-welterweight kilos Modern pentathlon light-welterweight 63 /2 kilos featherweight 57 kilos Welsh, James Carter 1931. Rowing — pairs without cox Viskari, Kalevi Finland 1928. Gymnastics Van Leer, Jean Marcel Maurice Belgium Velsvébél, Mihail U.S.S.R. 1926. Athletics Walthers, Irma Germany 1920. Gymnastics — fours without cox Wigartz, Kurt Anders Artur Sweden 1933- Visser, Henk Holland 1932. Athletics — Gymnastics 1919, Hockey — 1 500 m women Welsh, Thomas Douglas Great Britain Van Loon, Ernest Henri Adriaan Maria Veltcheff, Ilia Kresteff 1925. Cyc­ long jump Waltner, Willi Germany 1934. Free style 1933. Swimming — 100 m free style — Wiik, Rolf Reinhold Finland 1929. Fencing Holland 1921. Equestrian — three-day ling — 4 000 m team pursuit — road race Vittori, Carlo Italy 1931- Athletics — 100 wrestling — heavyweight over 87 kilos 4 x 200 m relay — epee, individual and team Wikman, Harry Herman Enzio Finland event Vennettilli, Pio Italy 1927. Canoeing — m — 4X 100 m relay — Greco-Roman wrestling — heavy­ Welt, Willi Austria 1926. Gymnastics Van Loon, Maximiliaan Maria Holland 1 000 m K-2 Vivas Rosaly, Nicolas Puerto Rico 1924. weight over 87 kilos Welter, Jean Luxemburg 1928. Boxing — 1929. Rowing — eights Wilhelmsen, John De/w/anè 1923. Rowing 1927. Equestrian — three-day event Ventaja, Joseph France 1930. Boxing — Weightlifting — bantamweight 56 kilos Ward, George Canada 1932. Canoeing — welterweight 67 kilos Van Looy, Hendrik Belgium 1933. Cycling featherweight 57 kilos Vizvâri, Gyôrgy Hungary 1928. Swimming 1 000 m K- 2 Wemhoner, Dieter Germany 1928. Boxing — eights Wilk, Barbara Poland 1935. Gymnastics, — road race Venturi, Arcadio Italy 1929. Football — water polo Ward, Oscar Alfred India 1927. Boxing — — middleweight 75 kilos Van Mesdag, Robbert Hendrik Holland Vera, Carlos Chile 1928. Athletics — long Vladut, Ion Rumania 1930. Rowing - light-heavyweight 81 kilos Wendon, Ulrich Luke Great Britain 1926. women Wilkes, Rodney Adolphus Trinidad 1925. 1930. Rowing — single sculls jump — decathlon eights Ward Petersen, Eileen 'Denmark 1937. Fencing — foil, individual and team — Weightlifting — featherweight 60 kilos Van Rensburg, James Kingsley South Verbrugghe, Hendrik Belgium 1929. Ca­ Vlasov, Mihail U.S.S.R. 1919- Equestrian Swimming — 200 m breast stroke, women sabre, team Wilkie, Peter Ronald South Africa 1927. Africa 1924. Weightlifting — feather­ noeing — i 000 m K-i — Grand Prix des Nations Wardrop, John Caldwell Great Britain 1932. Wenner Nilssen, Oddvar Norway 1920. Athletics — 4X400 m relay — 400 m weight 60 kilos Verckist, Sybille 1[934- Swimming Vlasov, Victor U.S.S.R. 1925. Basketball Swimming — 100 m free style — 400 m Shooting — silhouette Van Rensburg, Jan Christiaan South Africa — loo m free style — 400 m free style Vlinder, Edmundo Theodoro Netherlands free style — 4 X 200 m relay Werner, Grete Norway 1928. Gymnastics, hurdles Wilkinson, Daphne Great Britain 1932. 1932. Boxing — lightweight 60 kilos — 4X100 m relay, women Antilles 1926. Football Wardrop, Robert Great Britain 1932. women Swimming — 400 m free style, women Van Roessel, Joannes Cornelis Chris- Verdaine, André France 1923. Greco- Vogelbacher, Jeannette France 1922. Gym­ Swimming — 100 m back stroke Werner, Marianne 1924. Athletics Williams, Howard E. U.S.A. 1927. Bas­ tlanus Holland 1925. Football Roman wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos nastics, women Warnemnnde, I Aid wig Germany 1916. Ath­ — discus — shot, women ketball Van Roy, Gaston Léon Henri Julien Vereina,Tatjana(J..5'..S'.R. 1925. Swimming Vogeley, Gerhard Germany 1925. Rowing letics — marathon Wery, Leonard Hugo Holland 1926. Hockey Williams, Robert Harley Canada 1931. Belgium 1916. Shooting — clay pigeon — high diving, women — fours with cox Warner, Edson LymanCawaa'fl 1930. Shoot­ West, Joseph Ireland 1924, Athletics — Rowing — double sculls Van Schalkwyk, Theunis Jacobus South Vergauwen, Raymonds Elisa Florentina Voinescu, Ion Rumania 1929. Football ing — small-bore rifle — silhouette marathon Williams, Roy Edward Canada 1927. Africa 1929. Boxing — light-middle- Belgium 1928. Swimming — 200 m breast Voisin, Jean-Pierre Switzerland 1932. Bas­ Wassén, Folke Viktor Sweden 1918. Yacht­ Westerlund, Ernst Theodor Finland 1898, Basketball weight 71 kilos stroke, women ketball ing — 5'5 m class Yachting — 6 m class

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Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Zizine, Jean 1922, Hockey Ahman, Arne Per Sweden 1925. Athletics Williams, Sylvanus Olatunde Nigeria Worsell, Gerald Albert William Great Yubi U., Amalia Mexico 1932. Athletics Ziegler, Edi Germany 1930. Cycling — Zlataru, Ion Rumania 1927. Boxing — — hop, step and jump 1922. Athletics — long jump Britain 1930. Swimming — water polo — javelin, women road race bantamweight 54 kilos Akerlund, Ernst Gunnar Sweden 1923. Williams, Yvette Winifred New Zealand Worisch, Franz Austria 1926. Swimming Yves, Edouard Emile Gustave Belgium Ziegler, Jiirg Hans Switzerland 1927. Zsiros, Tibor Hungary 1930. Basketball Canoeing — 10 000 m K-2 1929. Athletics — long jump — discus — spring-board diving — high diving 1907. Fencing — foil, team — sabre, Equestrian — three-day event Zsitnik, Béla Hungary 1924. Rowing — — shot, women Worlidge,JohnGrfw/Br/Va/» 1928. Rowing team Zigalov, Aleksej U.S.S.K. 1915. Swim- pairs with cox — eights — eights Yiice, Tevfik Turkey 1927. Free style v ming — spring-board diving Williamson, Geoffrey Australia 1923. Zucchi, Dino Italy 1927. Basketball o Rowing — eights — pairs without cox Worth, George V. U.S.A. 1915. Fencing wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Zigalova, Ljubov U.S.S.K. 1924. Swim­ ming — spring-board diving, women Zucconelli, Vincenzo Italy 1931. Cycling Willommet, Alfred Switzerland 1928. — sabre, individual and team Ohman, Toivo Sture Sweden 1933. Swim­ Zigon, Franz Austria 1924. Swimming — road race Boxing — featherweight 57 kilos Wouters, Pierre Belgium 1931. Boxing — ming — high diving z — water polo Zulficar, Mohamed Egypt 1918. Fencing Willoughby, Constance Lydia Great Britain welterweight 67 kilos Onel, Cahit Turkey 1931. Athletics — Zilin, Georgij U.S.S.K. 1925. Rowing —• — foil, team — sabre, team 1930. Athletics — long jump, women Wrigley, JeanGrefl/Br/to'K 1935. Swimming Zablocki, Wojciech Poland 1930. Fencing 1 500 m — 3 000 m steeplechase double sculls Zutic, Tanja Yugoslavia 1927. Gymnastics, Wilson, Kevin Robert Australia 1923. — 200 m breast stroke, women — sabre, individual and team Ôstby, Knut Norway 1922, Canoeing — Wu, Chuan-yu 1928. Swimming Zachara, Jân Chechoslovakia 1928. Boxing Zima, Alfred Austria 1931. Boxing — women Yachting — Star class Zwanck, Federico Argentine 1934. Swim­ 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 — 100 m back stroke — featherweight 57 kilos flyweight 51 kilos Wilson, Leslie Brz'fa/» 1926. Cycling ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free Osterdahl, Maire Alexandra Finland 1927. Wunderlich, Claus Eckbert Maximilian Zafer, Haydar Turkey 1921. Free style Zimmer, Kurt Saar 1924. Canoeing — — 2 000 m tandem style — 4 X 200 m relay Athletics — long jump — 4 X 100 m relay, Frank Germany 1922. Yachting — Star wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 Wilt, Frederick L. U.S.A. 1920. Athletics Zwirewich, John Michael Canada I929- women class Zâgon, Miklos Hungary 1920. Rowing — to 000 m Zimmer, Werner iaar 1929. Greco-Roman Rowing — fours without cox Ostergaard, Poul Wedell Denmark I924- Wiirth, Felix Austria 1923. Athletics — — eights Wiltz Bucelo, Ramon Cuba 1926. Basket­ wrestling — flyweight 5 2 kilos Ziinkler, Heinz Germany 1929. Rowing Cycling — road race long jump — hop, step and jump Zaharov, Roman [J.j'.i'.R. 1929. Rowing ball Zimonyi, Robert Hungary 1918. Rowing — eights Ostiing, Gustav Gottfrid Sweden 1914. Warnstrôm, Karl Tore Sweden 1925. — fours without cox Wimmer, Franz Austria 1932. Cycling Ake — pairs with cox — eights Athletics — marathon Boxing — featherweight 57 kilos Zajtshuk, Lev U.S.S.K. 1929. Fencing — — 4 000 m team pursuit — road race Zins, Lucien France 1922. Swimming — Ôstrand, Erik Denmark 1918. Free style epee, individual and team Windham, William Great Britain 1926. 100 m back stroke wrestling — lightweight 67 kilos Zakariâs, Joszef Hungary 1924. Football Rowing — eights Ziraman, Halil Turkey 1927. Athletics — Âberg, Olow Wiktor Sweden 1925. Athletics Ostrand, Per-Olof .SVmfew 1930. Swimming Zaki, Mohamed Selim Egypt 1924. Eques­ Winge, Per Denmark 1914. Shooting — Y — 400 m free style — 4 X 200 m relay trian — Grand Prix des Nations javelin — 1 500 m silhouette Ahlund, Sten Olof (Olle) Sweden 1920. Ôzdemir, Ali Turkey 1923. Greco-Roman Yach, Solomon South Africa 1927. Swim­ Zalai, Lâszloné 1932. Gymnastics, Ziro, Andreas Greece 1910. Yachting — Wint, Arthur Stanley Jamaica 1920. Ath­ Football wrestling — middleweight 79 kilos ming — water polo women Star class letics — 400 m — 800 m — 4 X 400 m Yaghoubi, Mohamad Mehdi Iran 1930. Zander, Heinz Germany 1923. Swimming relay Free style wrestling — bantamweight — basketball Winter, Stig Olof Finland 1929. Rowing 57 kilos Zander, Hermann Germany 1912. Rowing — pairs without cox Yalim, Mehmet Ali Turkey 1929. Basket­ — eights Winterberg, Olga Israel 1922. Athletics ball Zandi, Abass Ira» 1930. Free style wrestling — discus, women Yamada, Keizo japan 1927. Athletics — — light-heavyweight 87 kilos Winther, Gerhard Ditlew Norway 1915. marathon Zandt, Werner Germany 1927. Athletics Athletics — 50 000 m road walk Yamamoto, Hiroichi Japan 1928. Ath­ — 100 m — 200 m — 4X 100 m relay Wires, Kurt Oskar FzH/aW 1919. Canoeing letics — 4x400 m relay Zanetti, Luigi Italy 1921. Gymnastics — 1 000 m K-2 — 10 000 m K-2 Yamamoto, Tadashi Japan 192$. Athletics Zanetti, Roger Switzerland 1930. Hockey Wirth, Max Switzerland 1930. Cycling — — hop, step and jump Zappelli, Oswald Switzerland 1913. Fencing 4 000 m team pursuit Yamashita, Sadako Japan 1932. Swim­ — epee, individual and team — sabre, Wisniewski, Jan Poland 1922. Football ming — 100 m free style — 400 m free team Wister, Ernst Austria 1922. Gymnastics style — 4X 100 m relay, women Zardndi, Laszlo Hungary 1929. Athletics Wittenberg, Henry U.S.A. 1918. Free Yamazaki, Tsugio Japan 1929. Free style — 100 m — 4x100 m relay style wrestling — middleweight 87 kilos wrestling — welterweight 73 kilos Zardi, Luciano Italy 1930. Weightlifting Wlodarczyk, Wanda PO/ÛKJ 1925. Fencing Yantomo, Severo Alfredo Argentine 1924. — heavy lightweight 90 kilos — foil, women Swimming — 400 m free style — 4 X 200 Zarnowiecki, Zbigniew Poland 1927. Row­ Wofford, John Edwin Brown U.S.A. m relay ing — fours without cox 1931. Equestrian — three-day event Yazgi, Fouad Wadik Egypt 1932. Athletics Zasuhin, Aleksandr U.S.S.K. 1929. Boxing Wohler, René Switzerland 1922. Basketball — 4 X 100 m relay — 110 m hurdles — lightweight 60 kilos Wohlers, Hans-Werner Germany 1933. Yelseth, Ralph Harold South Africa 1914. Zâtopek, Emil Czechoslovakia 1922. Ath­ Boxing — lightweight 6b kilos Gymnastics letics — 5 000 m — 10 000 m — marathon Wojdylak, Zdzislaw Poland 1929. Hockey Ylander, Lars Aage Sweden 1928, Athletics Zâtopkovâ, Dana 1922. Ath­ Woldum, Roar Norway 1933. Swimming — 400 m hurdles letics — javelin, women — 400 m free style — 1 500 m free style Ulmen, Giiney Turkey 1930. Basketball Zavoda, Vasile Knmania 1929. Football Wolf, Anton Austria 1933. Football Ylônen, Vilho Ilmari Finland 1918. Shoot­ Zeb, Alam Pakistan 1930. Athletics - Wolf, Karl Germany 1912. Athletics — ing — free rifle — small-bore rifle 800 m hammer Yoder, Dewey Lee U.S.A. 1930. Athletics Zeb, Aurang, Pakistan 1925. Athletics — Wolf, Wallace P. U.S.A. 1930. Swimming — 400 m hurdles 400 m — 4X400 m relay — 4 X 200 m relay Yoma, Pedro Chile 1927. Athletics — 400 Zebec, Branko Yugoslavia 1929. Football Wolfbrandt, Lars Eric Ragnar Sweden m hurdles Zeissner, Oskar Germany 1928. Cycling 1928. Athletics — 400 m — 800 m — York, Janice Lee U.S.A. 1927. Fencing — road race 4X400 m relay — foil, women Zeitler, Johann Germany 1927. Football Wolff, Albert U.S.A. 1906. Fencing — Yoshikawa, Ayako Japan 1933. Athletics Zeitlhofer, Lydia Germany 1931- Gym­ epee, team — 100 m — long jump, women nastics, women Wood, Grace Great Britain 1932. Swimming Yoshino, Toyoko Japan 1920. Athletics Zeltynjsh, Petr U.S.S.K. 1914. Athletics — 400 m free style, women — discus, women — 10 000 m walk Wood, Mervyn Thomas Australia 1917. Younes, Mahmoud Egypt 1915. Fencing Zeman, Josef Czechoslovakia 1925- Greco- Rowing — single sculls — foil, individual and team — epee, team Roman wrestling — flyweight 52 kilos Woodroffe, Franklin Ratsey Great Britain — sabre, team Zen/, Therese Saar 1932. Canoeing — 1918. Yachting — 6 m class Young, Cy C. U.S.A. 1928. Athletics — 500 m K-i, women Woodward, John Douglas Canada 1925. javelin Zenzivejeva, Rosa U.S.S.K. 1931 • Swim­ Yachting — Star class Young, Frank David 1929. Rowing ming — 200 m breast stroke, women Woolsey, William 1934. Swimming — eights Zibina, Galina U.S.S.K. 1931- Athletics — 1 500 m free style — 4X200 m relay Youssef, Aly Tawfik E.gypt 1924. Rowing — javelin — shot, women Worcester, Bevan James Australia 1925. — pairs with cox Zibulenko, Viktor U.S.S.K. 1930. Ath­ Yachting — Dragon class Youssef, Ragai E.gypt 1932- Gymnastics letics — javelin 757 756

Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library LIST OF ADVISORY EXPERT COMMITTEES SET UP BY THE DONATIONS ORGANISING COMMITTEE An indication of the widespread notice the Olympic Games aroused were the gifts to MAIN TELETECHNICAL COMMITTEE the Organising Committee for the common benefit of all competitors which streamed in Leo Ekberg (President), Einar Risberg, Paavo Arni, Erkki Ermas, Kaj Fineli, Veikko Haverinen, Erkki unsolicited from all parts of the world. Among the biggest donors may be mentioned the Heino, Sulo Kolkka, Ragnar Lindbohm, Bertel Oljelund, Eero Petâjâniemi, Jarl Tôtterman following: MAIN TRAFFIC COMMITTEE Harald Roos (President), Georg Rônnholm, T. Elomaa, K. E. Gabrielsson, Klaus Hâkkânen, Y. Laine, Belgium Jalmari Lennes, S. O. Lindgren, E. K. Louhikko, Herman Mattlar, Onni Minkkinen, H. R. Relander, Viljo La Coopérative des Producteurs de Fruit du Bas-Congo »Copofruit» (Brussels) Bananas Suvanto, Tauno Terâs, Jorma Tolonen, Toivo Uotinen, E. Veikkanen, Yrjô Vânttinen Britain FINANCE COMMITTEE The Indian Central Tea Board (London) Tea Sakari Tuomioja (President), Toivo Aro, Erik von Frenckell, Wiljam Lehtinen, Mauno Pekkala, Viljo The International Tea Market Expansion Board Ltd (London) Tea Rantala, Erik Serlachius, Olavi Suvanto, J. W. Walden The Shredded Wheat Co Ltd (Herts) Biscuits Joseph Tetley & Co Ltd (London) Tea-Balls BUILDING COMMITTEE R. Granqvist (President), Erik von Frenckell, Yrjô Karjalainen, Juho Kivistô, V. V. Salovaara, Arno Tuurna Columbia Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros (Bogota) Coffee HOUSING COMMITTEE Torsten Glantz (President), Pauli Koponen, Reino Korpi, Keijo Ryhânen, Jorma Soiro, Tauno Vaahtera Denmark Danska Landsbruksrâdet () Eggs OLYMPIC STAMP COMMITTEE Producentforeningen (Odensee) Cheese Erhvervsraadet for Gartneri og Frugtavl (Copenhagen) Carnations for medal-winners S. J. Ahola (President), Arttu Brummer-Korvenkontio, Veikko Hietalahti, Kallio Kotkas, Oiva Saloila, Wâinô Wainio France Coca-Cola TECHNICAL SPORTS COMMITTEE The Coca-Cola Export Corporation (Paris) Yrjô Valkama (President), Lennart Kivi, Kallio Kotkas, Lauri Miettinen, Viktor Smeds, Unto Siivonen Holland Central Bureau of Horticulture Auctions in the Netherlands (The Hague) Fruit and vegetables ECONOMIC COMMITTEE The Dutch Vegetables and Fruit Niilo Koskinen (President), Aaro Ahlstrôm, Uuno Havu, Lauri Santala, Sulo Suortti, Eino A. Wuokko, Exporters Association (The Hague) Eric Astrôm Ireland INFORMATION COMMITTEE Eire Olympic Committee Fish-liver oil Heikki Brotherus (President 1949—51), Eero Petâjâniemi (President 1951—52), Kai Brunila, Sulo Kolkka, Jussi Koskiluoma, Eikka Mâkinen, Eino Mâkinen, Lauri Nurmi, Paul Sirmeikkô, Esko-Voitto Valkama, Italy Ontro Virtanen The Italian Legation in Helsinki Cash gift

TICKET COMMITTEE Switzerland S. O. Lindgren (President), Yrjô Enne, Pentti Ignatius, Jussi Tossavainen Omega Cash gift and gratis use of time- taking apparatus RECEPTION AND GUIDANCE COMMITTEE Dr. A. Wander (Berne) Ovomaltine A. E. Martola (President), Robert Charpentier, Arvi Heiskanen, Arvo Himberg, Erik Juuranto, Eero Koroma, Nestlés Products (Eastern) Company (La Tour de Peilz) Nes-coffee E. K. Louhikko, Bertel Nordenstreng, Armas Stenberg, Jorma Tolonen Finland ENTERTAINMENTS COMMITTEE Co-operative Butter Export Association Valio Cash gift Eero Salola (President), Reino Ilomâki, Roger Lindberg Vuoksenniska Oy Gold and silver for victory medals TECHNICAL SPORTS PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Kultakeskus Oy Manufacture of victory medals Yrjô Valkama (President), Runar Hâllsten, Lennart Kivi, Reino Korpi, Aarne K. Leskinen, Lauri Mietti­ Tervakoski Oy All papers for diplomas nen, Eino Rantanen, Unto Siivonen, Arvo Tanila Suomen Kultasepât Oy Commemorative medal Veljekset Sundqvist Oy Torch Relay plaque ORGANISATION PLANNING COMMITTEE Heteka Oy Victory Ceremony rostrums Akseli Kaskela, Aarne K. Leskinen, Yrjô Valkama Suomen General Motors Use of cars for Torch Relay


Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library