Officers. Wlilladi
Officers. Faculty Members and others not Identified with any other Clan. Apple by, William R 911 5 st se Moore, J ames E Pillsbury bldg Dean of the school of mines Professor of surgery Bass, Frederick H Cor Harvard and Union sts Moore, John G 2801 Unlv av se AssIstant professor of civil enginering in Professor of German harge of municipal and sanitary enginee'ring Nippert, Louis A Syndicate Arcade Beard, R ich ard 0 Donaidson bldg lini ai professor of medicine Physician and surgeon and professor of physi N orth rop, Cyrus 51n 10 av se ology President emeritus of the University Bell, J ohn W Andrus bldg Oestlun'd, Oscar W University EmerItus professor of medicine and physical Assistant professor of a n imal biology diagnosis Orton, Forest H 653 Goodrich av St Paul Boss, And rew (Sch of Ag '91) St Anthony Park Dentist and instructor in the college of den Professor of agriculture and animal husbandry tlslry in charge of live stock ' Owre, Oscar 706 Masonic Temple Boutelle, F annie C . • St Anthony Park Instructor in oral surgery Preceptress of the schOOl of agriculture · P a ttee, W illiam S dec~ased Brooke, William University Peck, Mary Gray Harriet av Professor of mathematics, college of engineering Phelan, Mrs Anna A Helmholtz Univers'ty Bull, Alvah M St Anthony Park P helan, Raymond V niver itl' Instructor in drawing and farm buildings Instructor in economics Burton, Rlchar'd The Plaza Potter, Frances Squire N w York City Professor of English Randall, Eugene W St Anthony Park " Clark, Greenleaf died D cern bel' 7 1904 Reynolds, M H
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