
the Inside this issue: Norwegian Cinnamon buns meet orange and cardamom in this fresh update american story on page 14 Volume 127, #21 • July 1, 2016 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD on the silver screen

[What does your world look like? Can you film it?]

What’s inside? Mellom Oss: Nyheter / News 2-3 « Filmen er et av de siste Sports 4-5 A portrait of today’s Norway stedene vi kan rømme inn i, der Opinion 6-7 alle drømmer går i oppfyllelse Business 8 Molly Jones og alt er magisk. The Norwegian American » Research & Science 9 – Brita Cappelen Møystad Travel 10-11 “What does your world look like? Can you film it?” mally share—their secrets, wishes, processes, important Norway near you 12-13 asks Mellom Oss, Norway’s first documentary film to places or memories, conversations with people special Taste of Norway 14-15 invite all to become filmmakers. to them, or simply everyday moments—anything that TV & Film 16-21 Mellom Oss, which translates to “Between Us,” allows them to share their own perspectives with others. will be made entirely of videos submitted by Norwe- To learn more about the intriguing project and the Arts & Entertainment 22 gians. The project started accepting videos in April and inspiration behind it, I was able to get in touch with the Norwegian Heritage 23 as of the beginning of June had received around 400 director, Charlotte Røhder Tvedt, and ask her a few Norsk Språk 24-25 video submissions. questions. Roots & Connections 26 The documentary is directed by Charlotte Røhder Tvedt and produced by Mari Monrad Vistven of Me- Molly Jones: What inspired you to start the Mellom Oss Barneblad 27 dieoperatørene, who hope that Mellom Oss will help project? Bulletin Board 28 Norwegians relate to each other while creating an untra- Charlotte Røhder Tvedt: After the death of a close rela- ditional portrait of this changing society. tive, my need for new perspectives arose. I often meet $1 = NOK 8.574 While people are sharing more and more through people with an assumption that is not necessarily true. updated 06/27/2016 social media, they ask if this actually helps the com- Most of the time I don’t ask to find out if I’m wrong; I munity get to know each other better or if it instead just assume. But in a state of grief and loss of close re- In comparison leads to more isolation. Through Mellom Oss, they en- 05/27/2016 8.3249 courage participants to share things they wouldn’t nor- See > mellom oss page 19 12/27/2015 8.6935 06/27/2015 7.8507 Photo courtesy of Filmprosjektet Mellom Oss / The Film Project Between Us 2 • July 1, 2016 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter 25 år siden signingen Kan senke Vil lagre bilder fra grensen i et halvt år Finansminister vil nå gi toll- Både kongen og dronningen ble rørt til tårer erne lov til å lagre bilder av alle biler som prisen på kjører inn eller ut av Norge i seks måned- er. Hittil har bildene måttet slettes etter bare én time. Dette har frarøvet tollerne muligheten til å bruke informasjonen ka- norsk fisk meraene hanker inn på grensen til å fore- bygge smugling. For grensekontrollørene At Storbritannia vil er det gull verdt å vite hvilke biler som passerer når, hvor og ikke minst sammen ut av EU kan gi store med hvilke andre biler. 22. juni sendte konsekvenser for Finans­departementet ut et høringsnotat om saken, med svarfrist 22. august: — Vi prisen på norsk fisk, står overfor et trusselbilde hvor smuglerne blir stadig mer profesjonelle, kyniske og mener Sjømatrådet bedre organisert. De bruker kontraspan- ing, følgebiler og sambandsutstyr for å Anita Føleide, Sondre Tallaksrud lure seg over grensen. Grensetrafikken Foto: Stein Bjørge / Aftenposten og Øystein Antonsen øker og vi ser behovet for at tollerne skal Hele kongefamilien samlet på trappen av Stiftsgården i . NRK få utnytte bedre det moderne utstyret de alt har i verktøykassen, sier Siv Jensen. I fiskerihovedstaden Båtsfjord i Finn- Ved 22 av landets 76 grenseoverganger Mona Langset Diktet handlet blant annet om kongeparets mark har det vært stor spenning rundt er det alt satt opp kamera som automatisk VG 25 år, om hvordan de har ledet og samlet folkeavstemningen i Storbritannia. leser av bilskiltene. På sekunder sjekkes landet, og om kongens far, kong Olav. Her At britene stemte for å gå ut av EU kan bileieren opp mot registre som viser alt Mange måtte snu skuffet i døren da et er et utdrag: ha noe å si for hele fiskerinæringen i Norge. fra om bilen tidligere har vært benyttet festkledd Trondheim hilste kongeparet vel- Kan latter går i arv? — I verste fall ender det opp med at vi til smugling, manglende årsavgift eller kommen til Nidarosdomen 23. juni, på dagen Det tenker vi på må redusere prisene på det vi skal produsere, forsik­ring. Kameraene tar bilder av bilen 25 år etter signingen av kongeparet. vi som husker hvordan Olav kunne le sier Frank Kristiansen som er daglig leder forfra og bakfra, og systemet sjekker Kirken var nemlig fullsatt i god tid før — noen ganger nesten uten grunn for Båtsfjordbruket. kjapt om ett av skiltene kan være falskt de kongelige ankom, med festkledde gjester i som om forventningen av latteren Båtsfjordbruket eksporterer mye helfisk eller tilfører en annen bil. bunad, gallakjoler og dress. Kirkerommet er var grunn nok til å le over til England, og bruker både pund og (Per Annar Holm, Aftenposten) stemningsfylt pyntet med blomsterranker fra Både kongen og dronningen ble rørt til euro. gulv til buene langs sidene, og med brudeslør tårer av teksten. Etter hvert som Brexit-siden tok le- Rieber-Mohn blir ny integreringssjef i hvitt og lysegult. Hele kongefamilien var på plass: Kron­ delsen i Storbritannia, stupte pundet til sitt Den 50 år gamle profilerte Ap-politik- Feiringen er en del av kongeparets prins Haakon og kronprinsesse Mette-Marit laveste nivå på 31 år. Fallet mot den norske eren utnevnes 17. juni til ny direktør for jubileumstur­ rundt i landet. Kong Harald med barna prinsesse Ingrid Alexandra (12), kronen er mindre dramatisk, mens euroen Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet og dronning Sonja ble Norges kongepar 17. prins Sverre Magnus (10), og Mette-Marits steg i verdi. (IMDi). Libe Rieber-Mohn var varaord- januar 1991. Fem måneder senere, den 23. Det vil si at fisken kan bli dyrere i Stor- Se > kongeparet, side 24 fører i fra 2011 til i fjor. Nå blir hun juni 1991, ble de signet i Nidarosdomen. britannia, og markedet dermed mindre. toppleder for direktoratet som skal bosette Den gangen, som nå, var kirken helt full av — Det vi er bekymret for er at eksporten og integrere alle som får opphold i Norge. gjester. English Synopsis: King Harald V and Queen Sonja går ned, sier Kristiansen. Under seremonien ble det lest et dikt celebrated the 25th anniversary of their consecration Han synes derimot, i likhet med mange IMDi er underlagt Justisdepartementet, ceremony in on June 23. og direktørstillingen tilrådes for seks skrevet av Eyvind Skeie og Sindre Skeie. andre, at det er vanskelig å spå akkurat hva år. Innvandrings- og integreringsmin- som blir konsekvensene. ister (Frp) presenterer Foreløpig vil de forholde seg rolige og utnevnelsen 17. juni. Rieber-Mohn er se hva som skjer. utdannet sosiolog fra Universitet i Oslo, Steinblokk i husveggen — Vi vil ikke gjøre noe umiddelbart. Jeg og jobbet lenge i Oslo kommune. Ved tror det kommer til å ta lang tid før det skjer siden av har hun vært lokalpolitiker for To amerikanske turistane i Hardanger fekk eit noe spesielt som skulle tilsi at vi må det. På Oslo Arbeiderparti, med plass i bystyret lang sikt håper jeg at det vil stabilisere seg, i flere perioder. I 2004 leder hun Arbei- brutalt møte med norsk natur sier Kristiansen ved Båtsfjordbruket. derpartiets integreringsutvalg. 50-åringen Foreløpig er det usikkert om eller når fikk mye oppmerksomhet da hun i 2014 Even Norheim Johansen Brexit vil kunne påvirke norsk sjømat­ sto frem og fortalte om at hun var blitt NRK eksport. utsatt for seksuelle overgrep i barndom- — Storbritannia er en av verdens største men og ungdomsårene. Hun fikk mye ros På Stana, like ved Tyssedal i Hardanger, hvitfiskmarkeder og Norge er en stor aktør i for åpenheten, og vant dessuten en Tabu- losna ei steinblokk på fleire tonn 21. juni. Storbritannia. Hvis pundet fortsetter å falle, prisen for dette. Steinblokka losna frå fjellet nokre titals me- så vil det bety at fisken blir dyrere og det kan (Ingeborg Huse Amundsen, VG) ter bak eit bustadhus, som fekk hard medfart. på sikt også gjøre at vi får et mindre marked, I huset var to amerikanske turistar. sier Jack-Robert Møller som er fiskeri­ Ny nedjustering i prognosene: Forventer — Turistane kjem til å bu oppe hjå oss i utsending for Sjømatrådet i Storbritannia. 10.000 asylsøkere i år natt. Dei tek det fint og er ved godt mot, seier — Da vil volumet gå ned og det får huseigar Gro Hagberg. 23. juni presenteres en ny, nedjustert Hagberg driv utleigeverksemda Stana Se > fisk, side 24 prognose for antall asylsøkere i 2016. gard. Prognosen fastsettes fire ganger i året English Synopsis: The Norwegian fishing industry is Stana ligg ni kilometer frå Skjeggedal i i forbindelse med milepæler i stats­ worried that Britain’s exit from the EU can have large Tyssedal, som er utgangspunktet for turen til budsjettarbeidet. I juniprognosen det consequences on the price of Norwegian fish. Trolltunga. ansett som sannsynlig at det vil komme Hagberg vart varsla av dei amerikanske mellom 4 000 og 25 000 asylsøkere i år, turistane kort tid etter at steinen kom dun- med et punktanslag på 10 750 asylsøkere drande inn husveggen i ettermiddag. i år. I tillegg er det forventet at Norge vil — Trass i den ubehagelege situasjonen Foto: Robert Schatner / NRK Abonner motta anslagsvis 750 asylsøkere fra Hel- er alle rolege. Turistane tek dette med fat- Ein stein på om lag 15 tonn traff eit feriehus i las og Italia gjennom de europeiske relo- ning, seier Hagberg. Sørfjorden i Hardanger. på Den norsk kaliseringsavtalen. På bakgrunn av dette Drosjesjåfør Robert Schartner henta er gjeldende prognose nedjustert til 10 familien ei stund etter raset. Han seier fami- amerikansk! 750, varsler Justis- og beredskapsdeparte- lien ynskte å reisa til Odda sentrum for å mentet. Det er en nedjustering fra 25 000 Se > stein, side 24 Ring til (206) 784-4617 koma seg etter sjokket. asylsøkere, som man styrte budsjett og — Turistane var nervøse. Dei skulle English Synopsis: A boulder weighing about 15 tons Send e-post til beredskapsplanene etter i mars i år. eigentleg vera heime, men måtte koma seg crashed into a house where two Americans were stay- (Thomas Olsen, Aftenposten) [email protected] vekk frå huset. Dei tykte det var skummelt. ing in Hardanger. The tourists were not injured. theNorwegianamerican News July 1, 2016 • 3 Hijab sparks hatred Whale-sized This week in brief Norway enjoys one of world’s “best Labor’s (Ap) Sahfana M. outrage reputations” Norway was ranked fifth in the 2016 Ali became the target A report alleges that Country RepTrak rankings, trailing only , Canada, Switzerland, and Aus- of harassment after Norway has been tralia. Fellow Nordic nations Finland and uploading a photo were close behind. shielded from scrutiny This represents a fall of three spots of her bunad with over whaling industry from last year’s list, when Norway was second to only Canada. specially made hijab The report was compiled by the Juan Franco Reputation Institute. Rankings are based The Local on more than 58,000 ratings collected in Sarah Bostock & Michael Sandelson the first quarter of 2016, measuring per- The Foreigner According to a recently released report, ceptions of whether a country has an ad- Norway now leads the world in whaling, vanced economy, an appealing environ- Politician Sahfana M. Ali visited Em- killing more whales than and Japan ment, and an effective government. bla Costume Makers in ’s combined within the past two years. “Being welcoming, safe, and beauti- on June 18 to try her new national The joint report from the Animal Wel- ful are the top three drivers of a country’s costume (bunad) from County fare Institute, OceanCare, and Pro-Wildlife reputation,” said Reputation Institute ex- with a specially made hijab to suit. accused Norway of having systematically ecutive partner Nicolas Trad. Posting a photograph of herself in the improved market conditions for its own Photo: Erik Waage / NRK (The Local) Frafjord pattern garment alongside the shop Sahfana M. Ali in her bunad. whalers by weakening rules. owner, both Ali and the shop were subjected “As one of the world’s most modern and Norwegian teens to skateboard to racist comments shortly afterwards. prosperous countries, Norway’s whaling is Profiled Patriotic Europeans Against the ences to Muslims and animals and telling Ali an anachronism. Slaughtering whales to eat 18-year-olds Johannes Veine Wiig, Islamisation of the West (Pegida) supporter to “go home”—which was preceded by an and trade has no place in Norway and serves Fredrik Ringen, and Tobias Skammelsrud Merete Hodne had shared the same picture expletive. Another declared that Ali “would only to diminish the country’s international Madsen and 17-year-old Mathias Alek- on her Facebook wall. Regional publication not become a Norwegian just by changing reputation,” ProWildlife biologist Sandra Al- sander Hansen plan to quench their thirst Stavanger Aftenblad also reported that Hodne clothes.” Threats were made as well. therr said in a press release. for adventure by riding their longboards encouraged people to boycott the shop. The politician, who is originally from The report, titled “Frozen in Time: How more than 700 kilometers across Europe. In her post, Hodne accused the parties of Sri Lanka, has stated to Stavanger Aftenblad Modern Norway Clings to its Whaling Past,” This won’t be the first time members making “a mockery” of the Norwegian cul- of this skating squad, who first shared ture. Derogatory comments included refer- See > hijab, page 6 See > whaling, page 6 their summer plans with NRK Østfold, have made extended trips on their boards. “Johannes and Fredrik did a similar trip last year where they skated from Ska- gen to Copenhagen in Denmark to raise Brexit worries Norway’s PM money for the Norwegian Cancer Society. After that trip they wanted to do another one, and of course I wanted to join, and so voices did Mathias so then we started planning several concerns the route,” said Skammelsrud. The four friends’ path will begin in should Britain “Leave” Amsterdam, after which they plan to head south through until they hit Brus- sels. Following that they will wiz over to Michael Sandelson and stop by the southwestern The Foreigner corner of in the town of Leuk. Finally they will skate into the border city Erna Solberg voices concern on several of Metz in and take a train to , matters ahead of Britain’s “Leave” vote. where they plan to fly back. “We have al- One of the issues that the Norwegian ready ordered the plane tickets so we more Prime Minister lists is strengthened right- or less have to be in Paris by August 17th,” wing populism within Europe, especially Skammelsrud said. regarding those opposed to immigration and The teenagers plan to document their European unity. adventure by releasing a video after they Norway’s current government is a right- get back to Norway. In the meantime you wing coalition consisting of the Conserva- can follow #SKATEBENELUX on social tives (H) and populists the Photo: Jeff Djevdet / Flickr media to keep up with their journey. (FrP). The UK stunned the world on June 23 by voting to leave the EU. (Juan Franco / The Foreigner) “I am most concerned about the politi- cal consequences. The emergence of more Six million by 2030? nationalism and the rise in support for more petitiveness. But it will also mean a more glo-Saxon in their heads and are focused on According to the main alternative in Sta- extreme organizations certainly means that political and fragmented Europe, a weaker the U.S. and UK. But our closest economic tistics Norway’s population projections, we’ll become more paralyzed in areas where Europe, and a weaker world,” the PM com- ties are with Sweden and Germany. A worse the country’s population will pass 6 mil- we need more common solutions in Europe. mented to NRK. situation for them means a worse situation lion just after 2030, making it the fastest And should Europe become more paralyzed Brexit will hit trade and Norway’s eco- for us.” million growth in the country’s history. then the world will become more paralyzed nomic situation as well, she fears. “We’re And as European financial institutions Today, the population of Norway too,” she told TV2/NTB. a small country with an open economy. We steel themselves for a possible capital mar- stands at 5.2 million. The 5 million mark “A weakened EU and a more fragment- need access to international markets and kets crunch, Prime Minister Solberg states was passed in 2012, 37 years after reach- ed and nationalistic Europe will mean that growth to manage the current remodeling that the government is in a state of emergen- ing 4 million in 1975. Population projec- the economic situation will become more of the Norwegian economy,” Aftenposten tions show continued growth based on the difficult when we need reforms and com- quoted her as saying. “Norwegians are An- See > brexit, page 22 assumption that immigration will contin- ue to exceed emigration and that the num- This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: ber of births will still be higher than the number of deaths. Looking further ahead, SSB expects continued growth, but at a slower pace. Norway could pass the 7 million mark by 2060 and reach 8 million before 2090. www.thelocal.no & theforeigner.no (SSB) 4 • July 1, 2016 Sports theNorwegianamerican Norway in the Olympics: Agerup sisters selected to sail in Rio

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

On May 30, Olympiatoppen announced its first selection of Norwegian athletes of- ficially chosen to represent the country at the Summer in Rio de Janeiro this summer. Two of the athletes on that list were Maia and Ragna Agerup, 20-year-old twin sailors who didn’t expect to make it to the Olympics this year. “The first thing we thought was ‘Dang, now we have come a long way!’ I don’t think anybody who knows us had counted on this. The Olympics have been a long-term goal,” said Ragna to NRK. Last November, the Agerup sisters qualified a boat for Norway in the 49er FX class at the World Championships in Argen- tina, but they still had to qualify themselves in order to make it to Rio. The selection by Olympiatoppen was based on their solid per- formances in the World and European Cham- pionships so far this year. “It’s a tremendous feeling to be select- Photo: Ørn Borgen / Aftenposten ed,” adds Maia. “There have been very many Twin sisters Maia and Ragna have been sailing since they were eight years old. They say that being so close is both an advantage and a disadvantage. tough years, especially this last year, and we have worked very hard. We hadn’t really ex- pected this yet.” most decided to quit sailing, but they quickly years later, they had decided to pursue their with a smaller rig better for lighter sailors. Ragna and Maia first decided to give learned how great the conditions were and sailing careers seriously and applied to the Their big goal for 2014 was to perform sailing a try at the age of eight after their decided to continue. In Perth they were able Norwegian Institute of Sports. well enough at the ISAF World Champion- older sister had become interested in the to train twice as much as they were used to “It was natural to apply to middle school ship in Santander, , that they would sport. When they moved to Australia for in Norway and really started to excel. By at Norges Toppidrettsgymnas (NTGU) in qualify for the Test Event in Rio in 2015. On their mother’s career at the age of 13, they al- the time they returned home to Norway two Bærum. We said: Now we are athletes,” said the second day of the championships, how- Maia to Aftenposten. “We knew we would ever, Maia dislocated her shoulder. sail together in the future. I hated sailing The next several months were difficult against Ragna.” as Maia recovered from the injury, but they Since 2011, the two have been com- felt they had returned to their top level of peting in double-handed sailing as a team. competition by the summer. They finished But even though they wanted to compete ninth out of 39 in the open 49er FX European together, it was hard for them to determine Championships in Portugal in July and third You’ve made a lot of decisions for your family. One of the most their roles when they first started with the out of 27 at the 49er FX U24 Junior World important decisions you have yet to make is how to pass on your 29er boat class. Neither of them wanted to Championships in Germany in August. They traditions. be the sailor responsible for controlling the then went on to qualify the boat for Norway sails and the speed of the boat. While Rag- in Argentina in November. The Dignity Memorial® network is the largest and the most na—who is considered to be the more ag- After their solid finish in the European trusted provider of funeral, cemetery and cremation services. gressive of the two—ended up taking this Championships in Barcelona in March, Our compassionate counselors can help you continue what’s position while Maia steered as the skipper, Olympiatoppen hinted that a ticket to the most important to you. Let Dignity Memorial professionals they eventually decided it wasn’t the right fit Olympics might be in reach—and sure assist you with pre-planning services that are personalized and switched. enough it was. In May, the Agerup sisters ar- just for you. “It felt like starting over. We didn’t rived in Rio for the first time to train where know if it was worth it. Our coach was also they will be competing this summer. against this shift because he thought we were The Secretary General of Norges Seil- good enough. But we wanted to go further,” forbund (the Norwegian Sailing Federa- says Ragna, who is now the skipper. tion), Espen Guttormsen, believes they can The two agree that being twins and excel in the Games: “They are strong-willed knowing each other so well serves as both girls who have the potential to become the an advantage and disadvantage. While they world’s best,” he said to NRK. “They have a certainly know how to get on each other’s great advantage because they are twins, have nerves, they also share common goals and sailed together a lot, and are able to handle good communication. difficult situations.” In 2014, Maia and Ragna graduated Nevertheless, Ragna and Maia Ag- from high school and were able to commit to erup have a lot of sailing ahead of them as sailing full time. They started training on the they prepare for the Olympics just a month 49er FX, a fast and technical boat that will be around the corner. used in the women’s class of the Olympics “We must take the Olympics one at a for the first time this year. The 49er FX uses time. The goal is top ten, but anything can the 49er boat—sailed in the men’s class— happen in Rio,” says Ragna to NRK.

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Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] theNorwegianamerican Sports July 1, 2016 • 5 Sports News & Notes Norway to Euro 2017 Cycling: Holst Enger ready for Tour de Handball: Sagosen best in the world France Sander Sagosen has been voted the world’s Two goals by Ada Hegerberg secure the Sondre Holst Enger is the fourth Norwe- best young handball player of the year. The Norwegian women’s national soccer team gian to be confirmed for this summer’s 20-year-old from Trøndelag won ahead of Tour de France. Norwegians Alexander Croatian Luuka Sebetic. a spot in the 2017 European Championship Kristoff, Edvald Boasson Hagen, and Veg- Sagosen is ready to join the French ard Breen had already been selected. handball team Paris Saint Germain. He (NRK) is moving from Danish Aalborg to one of the world’s largest handball clubs and will Wrestling: Store secures ticket to Rio be competing alongside the French stars Karabatic and Narcisse. The wrestler Signe Marie Fidje Store se- (NRK) cured her Olympic ticket on June 19. Store was not chosen in the previous selection Atheltics: Ndure meets Olympic because of an injury. (NRK) requirement Jaysuma Saidy Ndure met the Olympic Ice Hockey: Martinsen with new NHL requirement in the 200 meters when he contract finished in 20.43 during an athletics event in Brussels on June 19. The time is seven Andreas Martinsen has extended his con- hundredths under the Norwegian Olympic tract with Colorado Avalanche for one requirement and resulted in a second-place more season, according to the team on their finish in the distance behind the British home page. Martinsen played 55 games Adam Gemili (20.37). The time is espe- and earned 11 goal points in his first season cially impressive given that the anemom- for the club last year. eter showed 0.3 seconds meters headwind. (NRK) (NRK)

Photo: Jostein Magnussen / VG Ada Hegerberg in training in Ottawa in 2015. The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway KKNW – 1150 AM

The Norwegian women’s national soc- has scored 54 goals in 34 matches for her Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST cer team qualified for next year’s European French club, Lyon: 33 in the French league, Streaming live on the internet at: Championship thanks to a 2-0 victory over eight in the French cup, and 13 in Champi- Wales on June 7. Norway struggled, but two ons League. In comparison, Lionel Messi, www.1150kknw.com goals by star striker Ada Hegerberg secured widely considered the world’s best male the victory for the Norwegians. player, has scored 41 as of June 13. There has never been any real doubt as Norway played a draw against Austria to whether or not Norway would qualify for on June 2, but after the June 7 victory, their the championship. Before the match against chances of winning the group are good. No Wales, the Norwegian ladies had won four matter what happens, they have secured a out of their five matches and were front-run- place in the European Championship since ners to win their group, along with Austria. they cannot finish worse than second. The victory against Wales did not come The two remaining matches against Ka- Sealift Inc. as easy as some might have expected, as zakhstan and Israel will be played later this Norway did not perform up to their usual year. standards. They did the job, however, much Even though Norway has won all but thanks to one of the world’s best soccer one of their qualifying matches, they have • Ship Owners • players at the moment, Hegerberg. The 20 not been exceptional. That has to worry year old has the rare ability to score match- coach Roger Finjord. There are always great winning goals. She has scored more goals expectations for the team, and after their • Ship & Cargo Brokers • per game than any other player—male or disappointing exit in the round of 16 in the female—this season, and when Norway World Championship last year, they have not needed something extra to defeat Wales for been playing like potential champions. Luck- • Steamship Agents • the second time in this qualifying group, He- ily, Caroline Graham Hansen, will probably gerberg knew what to do. be joining the squad for the European Cham- Wales was the better side in the first pionship. With respect to Ada Hegerberg’s half and almost scored when Gemma Ev- goal scoring abilities, Graham Hansen is the ans’s free kick went just over the crossbar 30 team’s best player by far. She has been put on minutes into the game. Norway’s first goal- the sidelines this year because of an injured scoring opportunity came after 64 minutes of knee. With one of the world’s best players play when Kristine Minde’s finish went just on hand, there is still hope. To have Caroline outside the post. Seconds later, Wales’ Kay- Graham Hansen in good form will surely lift leigh Green almost scored, but her finish hit the team to a new level of performance. the crossbar. Norway used to be a force to be reck- Finally, after 69 minutes of play, Norway oned with in women’s football. They won hit the net. Substitute Emilie Haavind crossed the European Championship in 1993, the from the left and found Ada Hegerberg at the World Championship in 1995, and became back post. 1-0. 12 minutes later, Hegerberg Olympic Champions in Sydney in 2000. Af- found the net once more. From 20 yards she ter the millennium they have struggled to win managed to curl the ball past keeper Claire championships, but they did place second in Skinner into the lower right corner. 2-0. 2013’s European Championship in Sweden, The two goals from Hegerberg were after losing to Germany in the final. enough. Norway is now qualified for the European Championship in the Jo Christian Weldingh grew up in Lilleham- 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 from July 16 to August 6 next summer. mer, Norway, but is currently living in Oslo. Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 These were Hegerberg’s 67th and 68th He has a BA in Archaeology from The Univer- www.sealiftinc.com E-mail: [email protected] goals of the season, her 13th and 14th for the sity of Oslo and a BA in Business Administra- Norwegian national team. The young striker tion from BI Norwegian Business School. 6 • July 1, 2016 Opinion theNorwegianamerican

< hijab An opinion column about current issues in From page 3 Norway and the United States that she has lived in Norway’s oil capital for Join the conversation! the majority of her life. “I’m just as much On the EDGE from Norway as I am from Sri Lanka. I am married to a Norwegian man and I have chil- dren, all of whom are born in Norway,” she Gay culture in Norway and the US said. The bunad is a gift from her husband. Both Ali and Embla shop-owner Mari- anne Lambersøy have reported the hate Ella Andersen speech matter to police. Using a privately Tacoma, Wash. owned photo without consent is also includ- ed in the complaint. Hi, my name is Ella. “There’s to be zero tolerance for these I am adopted from China with an types of remarks,” the politician told the American mother and a Norwegian fa- publication. ther. I lived half of my life in various Facebook deleted the photo posted to countries in southeast Asia, half my life Merete Hodne’s page, but the issue was still in Norway, and have now settled down being debated on right extremist internet fo- in the States. Looking back at my life, I rums as of June 20. believe I knew I was attracted to the same The Pegida supporter did not wish to sex at the age of six. In hindsight though, comment to Stavanger Aftenblad. I did not have the vocabulary nor could I name or label it. I just knew I was dif- ferent. < whaling When I got to high school, wireless From page 3 internet had become a thing (yes, I grew up with the landline internet), and I was Photo: Tore Sætre / Wikimedia also exposed how Norway undermines the able to look into gay culture. Learn the and Bent Høie, Minister of Children and Equality and Minister of Health and Care ban on commercial whaling imposed by the vocabulary, know what it meant to be les- Services, walked at the front of Oslo Pride 2015. International Whaling Commission (IWC). bian, butch, gay, LGBT, queer, etc. Gay/ This includes shipments transiting through Lesbian is the label that best fits me, not European ports on their way to Japan, which to say that I have to label myself, but that fessors would sit and listen to anything you by students in QASU. As I can recall, one is a sort of lifeline for the Norwegian whal- will be saved for another time. wanted to discuss, possibly while sipping a year people in the audience were handed ing industry. Not until college did I know that coffee. In Norway, however, I never saw or little slips of paper that gave them an According to the report, the Norwegian there were resources out there such as felt the open connection to the point where identity; written underneath their identity government is involved in financially sup- groups, meetings, and summer camps I could just walk in and chat with someone. was a reason for being denied housing, porting projects that use products derived where only people identifying as LG- PLU had two LGBTQ+ groups on cam- adopting a kid, job acceptance, or pro- from whales such as dietary supplements and BTQ+ were allowed to attend. Of course pus, Queer Ally Student Union (QASU) and motion. The hope was that the audience cosmetics. The report pointed to Norwegian you weren’t questioned upon entering Crossroads. Crossroads was unfortunately would understand that LGBTQ+ people company Myklebust Hvalprodukter, which the meeting or summer camp if you were shut down after running for 28 years. It was are being treated differently every day. It announced in 2015 that it would be produc- truly gay. a private group that allowed people who is a constant battle to be seen as equal, ing a new skin cream derived from whale oil. At Pacific Lutheran University were still in the closet to attend and explore like our straight friends. “We were stunned that Norwegian (PLU) I finally came out of the closet be- where they fit on the gay spectrum, as the whaling company is actively selling health cause closets are for clothes, not people. time, place, and location were not published. See > pride, page 7 and beauty products manufactured from PLU made me feel welcome as a queer Meeting with the Crossroads representative whale oil. This is not the 1800s,” said Susan person. It was here I first came out and helped ensure that no one would out a mem- Ella Andersen (23) was Millward, the executive director at Animal first felt comfortable with my identity. ber and the new member would see a famil- adopted from China by Welfare Institute. They made me feel like a fellow Lute iar face at their first meeting. an American mother When compared to other countries en- The other group, QASU, was open to where my gender, upbringing, class, reli- and a Norwegian fa- gaged in commercial whaling, such as Japan gion, sexual orientation, etc. did not mat- those identifying as LGBTQ+ as well as ther. She’s lived in and Iceland, the report said Norway stands ter. I was Ella, and that is the only person Allies. Some of the things discussed in this China, Norway, Cam- out due to a lack of scrutiny. I can be. As Oscar Wilde once said “Be group were current events and ways of mak- bodia, Sri Lanka, Ne- “The IWC has not formally commented yourself because everyone else is already ing the campus a better place for LGBTQ+ pal, and the USA, and on Norway’s whaling since 2001 and the in- taken.” students, such as gender-neutral housing and currently lives in Tacoma, Wash., with her ternational community has not presented a Pride flags in the window or an “all gender neutral-bathrooms. The Tunnel of girlfriend, Kellie, and child, Angelica. Ella demarche to Norway since 2006,” noted Sig- welcome” sign were visible down the Oppression, a walkthrough simulation of so- has attended PLU and has an EMT certifi- rid Lüber, OcenCare’s president. hallways at PLU. Students knew that pro- cial justice issues, was planned and created cate. She loves soccer and other sports. The report concluded that the IWC and the governments aligned to it should “com- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not pel Norway to cease commercial whaling an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. and trade in whale products.”

Name: Subscribe now! Phone: 26 yearly issues filled with news from Norway, business, Address: sports, opinion, food, travel, language, and more! City/State/Zip: $ one year: 70 Email: the Card #: Norwegian Expiration: CVV: Amount/issues: Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. You can also pay by phone or mail a check to: american Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115. theNorwegianamerican Opinion July 1, 2016 • 7

Letters to the Editor theNorwegianamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Editorial Assistant / Nyheter, Business, Birkebeiners Norwegian lessons Jeg leter etter noen norsk som kan lære Sports, Travel meg norsk, og lærer jeg ham eller henne ara- Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, Kjære Editor, beisk hvis han eller hun onsker, via Skype. Opinion Editor I must say you have done a wonderful Jeg heter Ahmed Adel fra ægypten Kai- Beste helsinger og lykke til, Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] job in redesigning your banner of the Bi- ro. Ahmed Adel Taste of Norway Editor Weekly. I myself had thought it would save Jeg studerte arkeologi og museologi pa Cairo, Egypt Daytona Strong [email protected] you mailing and paper costs. As a graphic kairo universitetet. Jeg ble uteksaminert. Advertising designer I couldn’t have done better. Was Nå studerer jeg norsk, men alene. Dear readers, Ryan Pearson [email protected] this a joint effort from the staff and/or out- What do you say? If any of you would Jeg leter etter noen norsk i Ægypten, Subscriptions siders? Congratulations. men finner jeg ingen i Kairo. like to tutor Ahmed in Norwegian via Skype [email protected] In the May 20 issue a film review ws Også den norsk ambassaden holder ikke in exchange for Arabic lessons, please con- written by Linda Warren about The Last norsk klassen eller norsk kultur hendelser. tact us for his email address. Contributors King, and it struck me this is a story taken Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. from the book The Birkebeiners, written by Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway Jeff Foltz. I hope the film will be as captivat- < pride queer youth camp in Norway. I enjoy getting Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. ing as the book was for me. Will the film be From page 6 to meet new people and hear their stories be- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. in English? cause everybody’s is different. Nevada Berg Rollag, Norway Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska Sincerely, Pride parades are held worldwide to Oslo Pride is a week-long celebration, M. Michael Brady , Norway Norm Jensen celebrate those who have gone before us to including concerts, debates, games, parties, Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. make the world a little bit more LGBTQ+ and of course the parade through the main Daughters of Norway Members Various Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Dear Norm, friendly than it was a year ago, a decade ago, streets of Oslo. Floats, music, and banners Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Indeed, both the book and the film were and one hundred years ago. The Stonewall are abundant and so is the audience on the Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. written about the same legendary moment in riot in 1969 was what prompted much of sidewalks who are there to cheer us on. Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Norwegian history, which you can read more today’s continued fight for equality. A year Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway about on page 19 of this issue. The film is later, the first Pride festival/parade was held. Postscript: Over the days it took me to Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. in Norwegian, but if you go out to theaters I have yet to attend a Pride parade in the write this article, the LGBTQ+ community Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. to watch The Last King it will surely have U.S., but went to the Pride street festival in suffered a great loss. 49 people died and 53 Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. English subtitles. Tacoma last year. I hope to take my daugh- people were injured during a mass shooting Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y (Thank you also for the kind words ter and girlfriend to the one in Tacoma in a at Pulse, a gay club in Orlando. A few days Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. about our new design. I made it myself!) few weeks. I am excited to bring my fam- later, another shooting happened in Mexico. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Sincerely, ily with me. Since I came out (about three The Orlando shooting has been deemed a Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Editor years ago), I have been to a pride event every terrorist attack, an attack against the gays, an Lexi Seattle, Wash. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. year, whether it be in Tacoma or Oslo. The attempt to make us feel less than others. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. past three years I have also volunteered at a Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. David Moe Sun City, Calif. Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. 4. juli 9. juli David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Dennis Andersen Medford NJ Oliver Hawkensen Eleva WI Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Barbara Arnesen Summerset KT Mrs. Marius Holje Salt Lake City UT John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Dofny Egge Everett WA Kathleen Nesseth Lake Forest Park WA Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Clara Erickson Seattle WA Lois Aubol Wise Fountain CO Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Elsie Andersen Height Toms NJ Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Howard Olivers 10. juli Kent WA The Norwegian American strives to make Karen F. Pesutich Petaluma CA Konnie Haas Albert Lea MN its news report fair and accurate. If you have a Thorleif Sorlien Viborg SD Mathilde Rodegard Hollo Vancouver question or comment about news coverage call 1. juli Endre Coleman Veka Portland OR WA (206) 784-4617. • The Norwegian American re- serves the right to edit any and all submissions for Peter S. Endahl Spokane WA Queen Sonja Oslo Norway Dottie Lillestrand Bloomington MN style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the Blake Thorvaldsen Borger TX right not to print submissions deemed libelous, 5. juli 11. juli in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion 2. juli Gerhard Gjertson Cambridge WI Alma Bensen Coeur d’Alene ID writers and letter writers are not necessarily those Andreas Anderson Choteau MT Henry Nissen Everett WA Oddvin (Ed) Bjorge Larrabee IA of The Norwegian American, and our publication Tristan Pearce Freiler Kensington MD Mary E. Garner Olympia WA of those views is not an endorsement of them. Hjalmar M. Kampen 6. juli R. D. Jacobsen Prescott AZ Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials Winnipeg MB Canada Sverre Haave Hanford CA Bernice C. Jorgensen Minneapolis MN should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Nor- DeLora Olivers Kent WA Matteus Halverson Sturgis SD Karen Olsen Stockton CA wegian American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473- Olav Riddervold San Leandro CA Ole Hansen Serman Oaks CA Marlene J. Strand Seattle WA 1293) is published every other week by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Irene Thorson Elk Point SD Steven Oskar Kongevold Brooklyn NY Olaf Swanson Montclair CA Seattle, WA 98115 • Periodicals postage paid at Johanne Velde Boca Raton FL Andrea Loken Chesapeake VA Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. • Meridith Wardle Minneapolis MN Alph Ronholm Valley City ND 12. juli POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Greg Anderson The Norwegian American, 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite Moorehead MN A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: 3. juli 7. juli Sharon Klykken Camano Island WA US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Thomas Barcia Reno NV B. K. Barney Grinnvoll Harlowton MT Joan Onerheim Vulcan AB Canada Norway and all other foreign countries. Virginia Greenlee Marysville WA Peter Hart Mt. Bethel PA Evelyn R. Stevens Tacoma WA SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Mark Injerd Washington MI Beth Weidemann Anacortes WA Amy Jordheim Parker CO 8. juli Sylvia Yarger Morris MN Norwegian American Weekly Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Kjell Jordheim Columbia MO Lette Grodem Loves Park IL Western Viking & Washington Posten Mrs. Arthur Kildahl Mercer Island WA Egil Larsen Mountain View CA 13. juli Peter Alvik Kongevold Gustav A. Nelson Ottawa IL Solveig Odland Allgower Fort Collins CO Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Huntington Station NY Arthur Nilsen Miami Beach FL Berit Bamer Oslo Norway Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Haakon Leiren Marysville WA Signe Overboe The Villages FL Teresa Tengesdal Bartlett IL Erik Thorgesen Gansevoort NY 14. juli NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Joann Thompsen Tacoma WA T. Wollen Portland OR Kari von Krogh Andresen Hudson MA Louise Gjertsen Robertson Marie Rudd Calgary AB Canada White Rock BC Canada

Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! 8 • July 1, 2016 Business theNorwegianamerican Business News & Notes Telenor announces winners of Their day jobs will be kept open and they Feeling the beat employee innovation program will receive the normal salary during the Telenor Group has selected eight digital three-month period. MusIT’s programs let users break down product and service ideas from its employee innovation initiative Ignite for a three-month The winning ideas: their favorite music to create unique remixes incubator program to build internal startups. • TapTutor—a smart and digital tutor Ignite Incubator is an innovation pro- for supporting mass-market agents selling gram for Telenor Group’s own budding in- complex products and services through aug- trapreneurs with an idea for a great digital mented pictures and video product or service and an ambition to transi- • Rejuv—Uberizing the wellness in- tion “napkin ideas” to pilot products impact- dustry to ensure trust and consistence in ing millions. service quality of SPAs at the customer’s “Our minds are set on taking an excit- preferred place and time ing, relevant position in the digital lives of • Dealstogo—An online platform to our customers. With the Ignite program, we help movie theaters fill their empty seats encourage employees to come forward with by offering customers amazing deals in real their ideas for engaging, mass-market digi- time tal products with the potential of global suc- • Alfred—a service to remove the cess. I congratulate the eight winning teams hassle of dealing with your apartment’s and dedicate my support to their continued management office, by digitizing how you journey to develop their business plans pay your monthly service charges, check and prototype their products,” said Sigve in guests, book facilities, lodge complaints, Brekke, Telenor Group President and CEO. and receive resident information • ShowPoint—mobile loyalty app with Solving customer pain points promotions, rewards, and privileges from From more than 500 applications, 30 local merchants teams representing 80 employees from ten • Telco Open Data—platform for ano- countries were shortlisted and pitched for a nymized big data to enable new service op- place in the incubator at an event in Bang- portunities, such as customer patterns and kok. traffic movement and monitoring in real time Photo courtesy of MusIT Ideas selected to the next stage range MusIT is an interactive tool used in many schools to teach kids about music. from payment solutions and tuition apps to • Mutual—a third-party system to ver- a system for identity verification for worry- ify identities for trusted personal and busi- ness transactions and interactions online free online transactions. Rasmus Falck • Switch—a service to make it quick From September, the eight winning Oslo, Norway teams will join incubators located at dtac and hassle-free to switch phones and trans- Hangar in Bangkok, Startup lab in Oslo, fer content such as calendar, photos, and contacts, between any type of mobile, re- Music Interactive Technology is an in- music through articles, videos, interactive or Grameenphone Accelerator in Dhaka to teractive technology music development stages, and exciting composing remix tools. develop their ideas into testable prototypes. gardless of type and OS (Telenor) hub passionate about radically improving The product has secured a 23 percent market the way of music listening, music exploring, share in Norway since its launch in 2012. It and music education. MusIT is a Norwegian is already being used by over 140,000 school Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance company with offices and representatives in children and is ready to scale globally. London and New York as well. The com- The company has an internal file com- (June 27, 2016) Winners Losers pany was founded in 2000 in , one pression system that “packs” and “unpacks” Norsk Kr. 8.5742 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change of Europe’s leading centers for music, by the music and text files automatically with- Dansk Kr. 6.7422 Reach Subsea 1.69 16.55% Norwegian Air Shuttle 269.00 -13.78% Gisle Johnsen and Yrjan Tangenes. Both are out requiring additional computer skills for Petrolia 4.24 11.58% Prosafe 0.91 -12.50% world-renowned music leaders and innova- the user. This automatic compression system Svensk Kr. 8.5499 Storm Real Estate 6.51 11.09% Asetek 20.60 -12.34% tors who wanted to create a cutting-edge, considerably reduces the file size, simplify- Islandsk Kr. 125.54 Avocet Mining 11.05 9.95% IDEX 7.35 -10.69% Havyard Group 8.40 9.23% Kværner 6.90 -10.39% next-generation music education product. So ing the process of emailing music and text Canadian $ 1.3089 far they have secured over 10 million dollars files between participants. For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Euro 0.9066 in funding for research and development. At this year’s International Jazz Day, Johnsen is the CEO and largest owner with the company’s app was chosen to present the 17 percent of the company, and they have six event in 159 countries. For one day listen- Business and individual employees. ers could download a new record by Marcus tax returns; audits; forensic In Norway music sales increased by 6.9 Miller for free. The app was also presented accounting; financial percent last year. The country ranks among during a lunch at the White House with the top 20 countries for selling the most mu- Michelle Obama present. According to the statement preparation; sic, which is not bad for the world’s 120th founder, the president and first lady love mu- Certified Public Accountants litigation support. largest country! This year digital sales sur- sic, and this was a unique possibility for the passed physical sales worldwide. In Norway company to share their product with more 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. streaming already represents 80 percent of people. He is expecting to have twelve em- Seattle, Washington 98119 the market. ployees in a year’s time. They have created MusIT lets users break music down into an incubator in New York and hope to raise a Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: loecpa.com • Email: [email protected] separate tracks with layers for different in- total investment of 10 million dollars, hope- struments so that they can remix it any way fully including some Norwegian investors. they want and thereby create a whole new The future looks bright! dimension to the music experience. They give the customer access to interactive mu- Rasmus Falck is a strong sic, synchronized with performed music on a innovation and entrepre- multi-track format. This means that the cus- neurship advocate. The au- tomer can use the mixer to set up his own thor of “What do the best mix when learning, rehearsing, and perform- do better” and “The board ing the song. of directors as a resource They have a fully deployable music in SME,” he received his educational platform, already available in masters degree from the seven languages. The customer can explore University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently the great composers and artists and their lives in Oslo, Norway.

Subscribe to The Norwegian American! (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] theNorwegianamerican Research & Science July 1, 2016 • 9 The archaeologist and the journalist Norwegian connections, work ethic, and shared interests link two Montana researchers

Lynette Zwerneman Livingston, Mont.

Jerry Brekke, who worked for The Liv- ingston Enterprise, was in a tough situation. Busier than usual and on deadline for his lo- cal history page for the daily Montana news- paper, the journalist was short on content. But then Brekke had an idea. He recalled that local archaeologist Dr. Larry Lahren had recently given a public presentation on a Native American tribe who had inhabited what is now Yellowstone Park. The journalist was acquainted with the scientist as both had grown up in the Liv- ingston area. Dr. Lahren had been a class- mate of Brekke’s twin siblings. Both men are also descendants of Nor- wegian immigrants to the American West. Brekke’s grandfather Morten (Gina Ma- rie) Brekke had 12 siblings. All the males immigrated to Central Montana from Sau- da, Norway. The eldest, Andrew, returned to take over the family farm, which is still owned by his direct lineage. Lahren’s great grandfather Gilbert Larsen left Christiania (Oslo), Norway, and moved to Ft. Ransom, North Dakota, in the late 1800s. His father, S.L. “Bus” Lahren, left the family farm there during Dust Bowl days and moved, seeking work, to Livingston, a railroad town then flush with opportunity. On behalf of the newspaper, Brekke contacted Lahren, who had a better idea: “In- stead of being driven by a deadline, let’s start at the beginning and go to the end.” This collaboration led to a series of seven newspaper features, which formed the basis for a book. Thus is the origin of a successful working relationship and as Hum- phrey Bogart quips in the Casablanca, “the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” “I guess you could call it mystical; we Photos, clockeise from top left: courtesy of Cayuse Press, Lynette Zwerneman, courtesy of Jerry Brekke seem to think alike,” says Brekke about how Top: Dr. Larry Lahren (left) and Jerry Brekke (right). he and Lahren work together, e.g. sending Bottom: Morten and Gina Marie Brekke, center, and the family they raised on their ranch near Ringling, Montana. each other emails with the same idea. “It’s not that we always agree; we don’t argue,” adds Lahren. Brekke, who also has a reputation for terrain to the immigrants—a relatively small- Brekke makes a case for the continua- For more than a decade, Lahren and his research, has branched out from his work acreage home site enhanced by an available tion of community in the choice some Nor- Brekke have collaborated on a multitude with Lahren to providing testimony for liti- seasonal lease of mountain pasture. wegian families made when relocating to the of archaeological and other research-based gation in legal matters including those in- Brekke’s grandparents and their prop- U.S. “The Brekkes, Swandals, and Arthuns projects. Among other work, the two men volving fences, roads, and property disputes. erty are described and discussed in the late all lived within ten miles of each other in are currently developing interpretive histori- In 2006, the two men published Home- Ivan Doig’s classic memoir, This House of Montana just as they did since at least the cal panels for Park County, Montana. land, an archaeologist’s view of Yellowstone Sky (pages 137-138): early 1700s in , Norway,” he observed. Lahren recalls that a “youthful interest in Country, a beautiful coffee table book chroni- “Up the slope from our house, the oth- The concepts of landscape and communi- nature and also in the Native American peo- cling more than 400 generations of history in er regular chimes in our Ringling life spoke ty are explored in Lahren and Brekke’s book, ple” inspired his career choice. He received the world-famous Yellowstone Park region. weightier accents, graver outlooks. Mr. and on a much larger scale. (Incidentally or not, his PhD in North American Archaeology at Homeland not only provides informa- Mrs. Brekke both had been born in Nor- the two men lived within five miles of each the University of Calgary, Alberta, in 1976. tion significant in a local prehistoric and way, and both come young to the new life in other in the Absaroka Mountains outside Liv- He founded Anthro Research, Inc., the first historical context but also sheds light on America: they met and married, found a small ingston for years prior to working together.) private archaeological consulting firm, which human origins and behavior. Dr. Lahren ranch beyond Ringling where they endured “It is no accident where we chose to was then profiled in the Wall Street Journal. has been the primary researcher and a long- through to prosperity, and now, their family live,” said Lahren. Today, Dr. Lahren is considered the pri- time protector of Montana’s Anzick Clovis long grown, the pair of them lived at the top of “I think this is the land we belong to,” mary authority in his field, with a reputation burial site, which recently genetically linked the tiny town like gentlefolk quite surprised at said Brekke about his Montana home. for not only being thorough in methodology the first peoples of North America to Native their own new position of courtliness.” and documentation but also shooting straight American populations of today. “In a phrase, you can’t do the second For more information contact Larry Lahren, from the hip (as we say in the West) in re- For years, Brekke kept in touch with rel- thing until you do the first thing,” is what Ph.D. at [email protected], or Jerry porting information. atives of his father’s generation, and he met Brekke claims is “Norwegian” about his per- Brekke at [email protected]. Or visit www. Brekke’s interest in the past arose from them during a visit to the U.S. His son, Todd, sonality. anthroresearch.com. “suspicion and curiosity.” He attended maintains Facebook contact with Norwegian Similarly, “I have to get something done nearby Montana State University Bozeman relatives of his own generation. or accomplished every day,” Lahren notes. studying English Literature, then came home “My grandfather came from Sauda at a He said he’d heard stories growing up Lynette Zwerneman and and worked in sales for various businesses, time when Norway’s population was rapidly and also has done some general reading on her mother Gunda live on and eventually ran a photography business. outpacing the resources able to support it,” the homesteading times in which his relatives a small farm near Liv- Following Brekke’s newspaper stint and dur- Brekke relates. lived. According to Lahren, his surname was a ingston, Mont., where the ing his work with Lahren, his career evolved According to Brekke, his family’s home- deliberate variation of Larsen, a choice made corral fences Grandfather Ole Vodall built still hold to Historical Consultant and he is now the stead ranch near where Montana’s Shields and by his great grandfather as “there were too their small sheep flock. official historian for Park County Montana. Musselshell divide provided familiar many Larsens” in America already. 10 • July 1, 2016 Travel theNorwegianamerican Norway’s roads less traveled: , an idyllic small border town

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

This article is the third in our series of “Norway’s roads less traveled.” We asked Eivind Heiberg, Norway’s Honorary Consul in Minneapolis, to suggest a special place that the average tourist might miss. The previous articles in the series are “Spitsbergen: A place out of the ordinary” by Ambassador Kåre Aas (April 15, 2016) and “The Ulvesund Lighthouse” by Consul General Elin Bergithe Rognlie (May 20, 2016).

Mr. Heiberg: Visit my hometown! To recommend only one place to visit in Norway is nearly impossible because every place has something unique and wonderful to offer. However, there is one small town that is worth putting on your list—Halden. You will immediately understand the importance of this charming Norwegian town when you learn that it is one of only Photos: (above) Joni Räsänen / Flickr, (right) Terje Rakke / Nordic Life AS / two towns named in Norway’s national an- Visitnorway.com them. Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, the Norwegian Above: Halden by night. It’s a small but pictur- author and poet who won the 1903 Nobel esque town. Prize in Literature, wrote the anthem’s lyrics Right: A reenactor at the Fortress and mentioned Fredrikshald (Halden’s name makes history come alive. from 1665 to 1928) in the fourth stanza: Husker bare hva som hendte (Just remember what happened) Ned på Fredrikshald! XII was shot and killed during the Siege of (Down at Fredrikshald!) Fredriksten in 1718. The reference is to an event that hap- You can also hear ghost stories about pened there on July 4, 1716. The citizens of Den Hvite Dame, the White Lady, who is the town burned down their own houses so said to live in the fortress. When her lov- that they would not fall into the hands of the er was killed by a cannon ball shot by the forces of King Charles XII of Sweden. Swedish forces during the siege, she jumped One of the attractions of Halden is off a fortress wall to her death. It is said that the Fredriksten Fortress, which was built in she appears at midnight near the white tower the 17th century and strategically positioned and has been seen sometimes waving and at the southeastern tip of Norway. With an sometimes simply staring at the town. ammunition tower and dark secret passage- I have very fond memories of going After exploring the fortress, why not re- If you are looking to experience Nor- ways, this place tells many stories. Here sledding down one of the major hills at lax with a cup of coffee in one of the many way’s natural beauty, do not worry. Halden you can see where the Swedish King Karl Fredriksten Fortress as a child. cozy cafés found along the charming cobble- has beautiful options, with everything from stoned streets? Or try some delicious Nor- trails in the forests to sailing the islands in wegian food in one of the many enchanting the Iddefjord. Or you can go to the Ekås restaurants in the area? farm, an enjoyable climbing park that has ev- Or simply go for a stroll in the beautiful erything from base-jumping to over one hun- Where in Norway? Busterudpark. This park was created about dred exciting platforms of fun in the form of It looks like we have a genuine stumper this time! one hundred years ago. The lovely old band- zip lines and a climbing wall. In this version of the photo, many of you were able to stand was built in 1879 and is frequently Don’t forget to explore the Halden in- used for concerts in the summer. land waterways, built between 1852 and place it in Bergen. But beyond that I admit to having tricked You must visit Rød Herregård, the Red 1860, one of the two oldest canal systems in you a bit! It’s not actually the Bergens Tidende building Manor House, one of the best-preserved Norway. (left), as some guessed, but rather the train station. manor houses in Norway. I will always trea- Halden is an idyllic small town right on A good guess! You did correctly identify the newspaper sure my memories of playing hide and seek the border with Sweden, only two short hours masthead in the photo. No winner this month, though! with friends here. The property was owned from Oslo. It would certainly be a shame to Stay tuned next issue for a new chance to show your by the Tank family from 1733 to 1829 and miss this place while visiting Norway! consists of the manor house, several other knowledge of Norway and win a free month of The buildings, a baroque garden, and an English Looking Ahead Norwegian American. garden. Two foundations were established in Lise Kristiansen Falskow, Norway’s 1861 to maintain this historic property. Honorary Consul in Alaska, will share her recommendation in the next article in our se- ries, “Norway’s roads less traveled.” Eivind Heiberg is Norway’s Honorary Consul General for the state of Minnesota. Christine Foster Meloni is He also serves as the CEO professor emerita at The of Sons of Norway and George Washington Uni- Sons of Norway Founda- versity. She has degrees tion. In addition, he plays in Italian literature, lin- an active role in the Recip- guistics, and international rocal Troop Exchange between the Minnesota education. She was born in Photos: (left) Google Streetview, (right) Norman Jensen National Guard and the Home Guard in Nor- Minneapolis and currently Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” Submit it to [email protected]! way. Heiberg is married to Michele and is the lives in Washington, D.C. She values her Nor- proud father of triplets. wegian heritage. theNorwegianamerican Travel July 1, 2016 • 11 Visit the 1870s or the 1970s in Djurgården’s museums send visitors back in time, from pre-industrial society to ABBA’s pop

Cynthia Elyce Rubin Orlando, Fla.

I recently stepped back in time by visit- ing two museums on the island of Djurgården near Stockholm’s center. At Skansen, the world’s first open-air museum founded in 1891, historic buildings from different eras teach the social history and geography of the entire country. But from my perspective, the museum best high- lights how the perseverance and dedication of one person, namely Artur Hazelius, can truly make a difference and a lasting contri- bution that resonates to this day. After graduation from Uppsala Uni- versity in 1860, Hazelius taught and literature. He would later be- come known for spelling reforms in the early 1900s. But his passion for the past was ulti- mately more powerful than his passion for language. While traveling in the province of Dalarna in 1872, Hazelius was distressed as he witnessed the disappearance of the life- style that he had known as a boy. In his opin- ion, the Industrial Revolution was producing tasteless uniformity and threatening the re- gion’s natural beauty and rich cultural life. A booming grain market meant monetary Photos: (above & right) Cynthia Elyce Rubin, short-term prosperity for farmers, but it was (top right) Åke E:son Lindman / ABBA The Museum rapidly changing Swedish folk culture. Was Above: A living history demonstrator at Skansen prepares the price too high? flatbread. Top right: The costumes ABBA wore when they won Eurovi- Though not a trained ethnologist, he and sion in 1974, propelling them to stardom, are on display in the his wife started collecting textiles, furniture, ABBA museum. tools, and oral histories—in a big way. Why Right: Demonstrators at Skansen show onlookers how rope stop with two examples of knitted country was made. bonnets when you could have ten? Collect- ing objects belonging to the upper class was not new, but collecting the works of com- moners was certainly a novel idea. The couple was not wealthy, but their enthusiasm made them popular with people they met, and donations flowed their way. As costumed tour guide Amelie Rosen- gren explained, “Hazelius charmed people, particularly people who could help him.” Soon their little house was piled high with tions when the traditional maypole is raised, the crossed paths by with 400 additional Swedish artists. But AB- the trappings of traditional life. In Hazelius’ and a Christmas market. St. Lucia’s Day is chance. After a late-night party, both ended BA’s music is not a relic of the past. view, the knowledge of folk design and craft celebrated on December 13, a festivity that up playing Beatles songs together and soon In 1999 MAMMA MIA!—the musi- techniques should never be lost. If a person has been celebrated at Skansen since 1892. penned their first song, “Isn’t it Easy to Say.” cal based on the songs of ABBA—opened understood the past, then he would be able to This museum provided inspiration for In the museum’s audio guide, the four with long runs in London’s West End and express himself in the future—perhaps with early open-air museums in Norway includ- singers explain the evolution of their ca- on Broadway and hundreds of spin-off tour- more modern materials but always in a dis- ing Lillehammer’s Maihaugen Museum reers. These personal memories relate to the ing companies around the world. A film of tinctively Swedish way. founded by Anders Sandvig, who similarly exhibits, including a replica of the cottage the same name came out in 2008. The lat- In 1873 he opened his Museum of Scan- collected old houses and farms, and Oslo’s on the island of Viggso, where the group est reincarnation is Björn Ulvaeus’ business dinavian Ethnography with historical period Norsk Folkemuseum, established in 1894 by wrote many songs, and the backstage dress- venture in Stockholm, MAMMA MIA! THE rooms in downtown Stockholm. He later historian Hans Aall, whose singular leader- ing rooms at Edmonton Ice Hockey Arena, PARTY, a Greek taverna nightclub modeled reorganized these displays as the Nordiska ship greatly expanded the collections, in- where they performed their final world tour. on the Mamma Mia universe. Rumor has it Museet and then in 1891 after his father’s cluding the 1907 donation of King Oscar II. The museum showcases not only the band’s that a clone is headed to New York City. I’m death, Hazelius took his small inheritance to Practically across the street from the music with concert footage and interviews already dusting off my ABBA CDs in gleeful start a new kind of museum. He bought and main entrance to Skansen near Gröner Lund but also its stage clothes, gold records, and anticipation. kept acquiring land; even the king donated amusement park is a new museum, opened artifacts. acres. Soon the landscape was filled with in 2013, devoted to the musical phenomenon The museum director, Ingmarie , rocky hills, ponds, woods, fields, and a spec- ABBA. The Swedish platform-shoed su- who is particularly proud of the technical Cynthia Elyce Rubin, tacular view of Stockholm and its harbor. per singers that stormed the pop world after bells and whistles, explained, “We have done Ph.D., is a visual culture The first house placed on the property winning the 1974 Eurovision song contest a very interactive museum, the most inter- specialist, travel writer, and author of articles and books was a 16th-century log dwelling from Mora with “Waterloo” come alive. It’s a journey active musical museum today.” Holograms on decorative arts, folk art, in Dalarna. Soon a Hackstugan, or chipping down musical memory lane, a fitting tribute of the band invite visitors to participate on and postcard history, col- house, used by stonecutters at Orsa followed to Sweden’s most popular musical export of stage and sing along in their own private jam lects postcards, ephemera, and then a farmhouse with sod-covered roof the 1970s and early 1980s. with the group. After scanning the museum’s and early photography. She from Kyrkhult in Bleckinge. In the early Before ABBA (an acronym from the first entrance ticket, visitors can view this private is currently working on Enorme Amerika: Nor- 1920s, a number of town buildings from Sö- letters of each group member’s first name) show at home and share it on Facebook and ske utvandreres postkort, humor og rariteter to dermalm in Stockholm were acquired. To- was born, Agnetha Fältskog, Benny Anders- other social media. be published by SpreDet Forlag in Oslo and is day people in period clothing interpret some son, Björn Ulvaeus, and Anni-Frid (known At the end of the museum installations, completing a manuscript on O.S. Leeland, Nor- 50 buildings. There are restaurants, a chil- as Frida) Lyngstad were already celebrities I found myself in the Swedish Music Hall of wegian immigrant photographer who worked in dren’s zoo, a stage used for live concerts and in Sweden. The ABBA saga began in 1966 Fame where ABBA’s musical achievements South Dakota in the early 1900s. See www.cyn- folk dance displays, midsummer celebra- when Benny of the Hep Stars and Björn of and influences are put into historical context thiaelycerubin.com. 12 • July 1, 2016 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california tional awards and been published in over twenty Norway. Join in on the annual meeting with mul­ is inspired by the ancient Norse runes. Now Daughters of Norway Convention countries. A former international journalist, he tiple days of genealogy research, seminars and comprising 30 professional artists, the group July 22—23 is a widely recognized speaker on the subject of speakers, vendors with Norwegian crafts and ma­ has presented many exhibitions during the Burlingame, Calif. World War II. terials, and lots of good food and conversation. past twenty years, showing their work in mu­ The Daughters of Norway Convention will be At Clarion Hotel. For schedule of events and reg­ seums, galleries, educational institutions, and hosted by the Sigrid Undset Lodge #32 and maryland istration visit www.nhohlag.org, www.tronder­ corporate and public spaces. Join us in the the Anne Grimdalen Lodge #34. Find more Performance of Simulacrum lag.org, or www.gudbrandlag.org or contact Tre Scandinavian Cultural Center on July 8 from information and register at www.daughters­ July 22, 6:00—8:00 p.m. Lag chair Dick Lundgren at (952) 288-5141. 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for the exhibit opening or ofnorway.org/convention/2016-convention. College Park, Md. stop by during open hours through Septem­ Simulacrum, the new striking visual narrative new york ber 24. Visit www.plu.edu/scancenter/exhibi­ illinois by Norwegian performing arts company Winter Beauty—Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial tions for more information. Guests, weaves together the real and fictional now—Aug. 21 Viking Longship Tours Ballard SeafoodFest July 16, 1:00—4:00 p.m. journeys, histories, and desires of two actual New York, N.Y. dancers, both of whom left their countries of Three Norwegian participants will be featured July 9—10 Geneva, Ill. Seattle, Wash. Come to Good Templar Park to tour a replica origin in search of truth and authenticity. With an at the new installment “Beauty—Cooper Hewitt original script by Alan Lucien Øyen and Andrew Design Triennial” at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian SeafoodFest began in 1974 as a community Viking longship, built in 1893. The boat is an celebration of Ballard’s historic connection to exact copy of the Viking ship Gokstad, built Wale, Simulacrum is an intensely visceral, multi- Design Museum. Daniel Rybakken, Sissel Tolaas, disciplinary performance incorporating the secre­ and Non-Format will be among the 63 designers the fishing industry and the neighborhood’s about 850. The replica was sailed across the Nordic roots. Today, this free two-day festival Atlantic Ocean from Bergen to Chicago for the tive, familial formality of Kabuki. At Kay Theater, in the “Beauty” exhibition. The exhibition­ ex The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the plores beauty through seven lenses: extravagant, attracts over 65,000 people who come to en­ 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Guided joy the traditional salmon barbecue and much tours and self-guided viewing are available as University of Maryland. Free. intricate, ethereal, transgressive, emergent, el­ emental, and transformative. Hours are Sunday more: local music, arts and crafts, family en­ well as guided group tours by appointment. tertainment, a beer garden, a skate event, and Parking is free. Cost is $5 for adults and $3 for minnesota through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Sat­ urday, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. yes—more seafood! Visit seafoodfest.org for children ages 6 and above with a minimum An American Artist in Norway more information. From 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 fee of $25. Call (630) 753-9412 or email vi­ now—July 24 The Vikings Exhibition p.m. on Saturday and 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. [email protected] for more info. Minneapolis, Minn. on Sunday. Born in New York City in 1918, Thomas George now—Sept. 5 New York, N.Y. See the Tall Ships graduated from Dartmouth College in 1940 and Trollhaugen Steak Fry July 29, 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. studied in France and Italy after World War II. He Discovery Times Square presents the largest collection of Viking artifacts to ever visit North July 16, 11:00 a.m. Chicago, Ill. had spent many years working in Norway, the Easton, Wash. Join Sons of Norway Valhall Lodge 5-168 and Far East, North Africa, and the U.S., creating his America. Explore Viking culture, including full- scale model ships, in this family-friendly exhibi­ Enjoy steak or salmon at this annual event Canterbury Tours to see the world’s largest unique interpretation of these surroundings in at Trollhaugen Lodge. The activities begin at Viking longship, Draken Harald Hårfagre. The a variety of media. He passed away on Oct. 22, tion. Visit discoverytsx.com for more informa­ tion. 11:00 a.m. with a social hour (BYOB) at 2:30 ship has sailed from her homeport in Hauge­ 2014, at the age of 96. Norway House is open p.m. and dinner at 3:30. Cost is $20 before sund, Norway, to Iceland, Greenland, and now 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday and 10:00 a.m. July 16 or $22 after; children 12 and under ports in the U.S. and Canada. Cost is $58 and to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday. Cost is free for Oregon $5. For reservations, contact Bill Hicks by July includes transportation and entry wristband members, $6 for adults, $5 for students with ID Notions of Norway 10 at (425) 672-0194 or hicks1015@msn. for early boarding of ships. The bus will leave and seniors, and $4 for children 4 to 18. now—July 17 com. For info about staying overnight, contact Rockford at 8:00 a.m., travel to the Navy Pier, Portland, Ore. (509) 656-9997 or [email protected]. and return to Rockford at 5:00 p.m. Reserve Magnus Nilsson’s Nordic: A Photographic Essay Capturing some of the most memorable images your spot on the bus early by contacting Can­ of Landscapes, Food, and People from Trondheim, Bergen, and Oslo, the artist Leif Waterfront Sketching Workshop terbury Books and Tours at (815) 398-1454 or now—Aug. 20 Karsten Dahlen is highly popular in Norway and July 16, 11:00 a.m.—1:30 p.m. [email protected]. Minneapolis, Minn. has exhibited in San Fransisco, Seattle, and Lin­ Tacoma, Wash. Featuring original photography by internation­ coln, Nebraska. At Nordia House. Free. In a workshop inspired by Munch’s love of iOWA ally lauded chef, this exhibition captures his en­ the sea, join artist Darsie Beck and learn Scandinavian-Style Flat-Plane Carving counters with the people he met and the places Cook & Eat: Aquavit Tasting how to create your own travel journal sketch July 23—27, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. he visited during his travels through the Nordic July 15, 6:00—8:00 p.m. book. Enhance your travel experience and Decorah, Iowa region while researching his popular seminal Portland, Ore. learn the centering qualities of keeping a Learn to tell a story in wood in this Vesterheim text, The Nordic Cookbook. Visit www.asimn. Master Distiller Tim Rickard will be sharing tastes sketch journal. Beck has taught travel jour­ Folk Art Class! In the Scandinavian flat-plane org/exhibitions-collections/exhibitions/magnus- of Rolling River Spirits aquavits at a special sum­ nal sketch workshops for Rick Steves travel style, figures are carved in large, flat planes, nilssons-nordic-photographic-essay-landscapes- mer tasting. Rickard has created special Nordic groups, the Seattle Public Library, Centrum, created primarily using a simple carving knife. food-and-0 for more info. food pairings for each aquavit, which members and the Northwest Maritime Center in Port Beginning with tool sharpening, Harley will of the Cook & Eat committee will expertly pre­ Townsend. Most recently Beck’s work was ex­ provide hands-on carving experience as you George Lakey discusses Viking Economics pare. Here’s a hint of the lineup: Ole Bjørkvoll, hibited at Washington State University in Pull­ complete a figure in step-by-step fashion. Fin­ July 12, 7:00 p.m. paired with gravlax and Havarti open-faced man and the Northwest Maritime Center in ish the project by painting the figure and ap­ St. Paul, Minn. sandwiches; Old Ole, paired with Broder’s Swed­ Port Townsend. At Tacoma Art Museum. Cost plying a final oil finish. Sharpening equipment Liberals worldwide invoke Scandinavia as a prom­ ish meatballs and gjetost; Stilar #3, paired with is $20 members; $25 non-members. and finishing supplies are also covered. Cost ised land of equality, while most conservatives pølse and surkål; and Gamle Holiday, paired with is $320 for members or $370 for non-mem­ fear it as a hotbed of liberty-threatening social­ a favorite Nordic cookie. At Nordia House. Tick­ Wisconsin bers; there will be an additional materials fee. ism. But the left and right can usually agree on ets are $20 for SHF members and $25 for non- one thing: that the Nordic system is impossible to members. Purchase tickets at www.scanheritage. Writing your Family History Youth ages 12 and older signed up with a par­ July 13—14 ticipating adult receive a 25% discount. replicate elsewhere. In Viking Economics, George org/#!calendar-1/mbrew. Lakey dispels these myths. He explores the inner- Madison, Wis. This class taught by Jerry Paulson is offered Nordic Fest workings of the Nordic economies that boast Washington the world’s happiest, most productive workers, to those who would like to write their family July 28—30 Edvard Munch and the Sea: See Beyond The history in a way that is clear, enjoyable, and Decorah, Iowa and explains how, if we can enact some of the Scream changes the Scandinavians fought for, we, too, permanent. Held at the Norwegian American This year marks the 50th anniversary of Deco­ now—July 17 Genealogical Center & Naeseth Library in the rah’s annual festival celebrating its Norwegian can embrace equality in our economic policy. At Tacoma, Wash. Common Good Books. Visit www.commongood­ Ostby Education Center on the second floor. heritage! Your whole family will enjoy deli­ Travel from the shores of Puget Sound to the Cost is $125 for NAGC members or $150 for cious food, traditional crafts, a colorful pa­ books.com/event/george-lakey-discusses-viking- of Norway with the exhibition Edvard economics-how-scandinavians-got-it-right-and- non-members. For more information, email rade, lively entertainment, sporting events, Munch and the Sea, on view exclusively at Taco­ [email protected] or call (608) 255-2224. and the Saturday night fireworks display. how-we-can-too for more info. ma Art Museum. Open Tuesday through Sunday, Events begin with Thursday night’s opening 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost is $14 for adults; $12 Centennial for RDD Lag Kaffe Stue ceremonies at 6:45 p.m., followed by two for students aged 6-17, military, and seniors; $35 July 16, 9:00 a.m.—1:30 p.m. full days of fun activities for the whole fam­ July 14—16 per family of two adults and up to four children Austin, Minn. Mt. Horeb, Wis. ily. Plans are already underway for the biggest under 18; children 5 and under free. The Sons of Norway of Mt. Horeb will be host­ Fest yet! Make your plans now to be part of In honor of its centennial, RDD Lag will be hosting the annual 7 Lag Stevne, printing a commemo­ ing its annual Kaffe Stue at the Mt. Horeb the fun. Visit nordicfest.com for more info. “Runes Revealed” Community Center. The luncheon will serve rative book, and planning a trip to Norway. Visit July 8—Sept. 24 www.rddlag.org for more information. traditional Norwegian fare with some popu­ louisiana Tacoma, Wash. lar additions, such as lefse wrap sandwiches. The Winter Fortress Book Reading The Scandinavian Cultural Center at Pacific Lu­ Come early for the best selection and enjoy Tre Lag Stevne theran University is excited to announce the July 11—12 Aug. 3—6 the Art Fair in downtown Mt. Horeb following New Orleans, La. opening of a new exhibit, “Runes Revealed.” This your lunch! South St. Paul, Minn. contemporary artwork by Nordic Bay Area artists World War II Museum is excited to host Neal The Tre Lag Stevne is an annual gathering of Bascomb for a reading of his book, The Win- descendants and friends of the Trøndelag, Gud­ ter Fortress. His books have won several na­ brandsdal, and northern regions of Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to The Norwegian American! Check www.norwegianamerican.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you July 1, 2016 • 13 Culture, cookies, and camaraderie Viking Spirit United shows in multiple ways at district convention in Coeur d’Alene

Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho

Culture, cookies, and camaraderie en- capsulated the entire District Two Sons of Norway Convention hosted in Coeur d’Alene by Harald Haarfager Lodge this past month. The successful event attended by over 140 delegates at Coeur d’Alene’s Best Western Plus was chaired by Pamla Silk, local lodge secretary and also secretary for the district’s Trollhaugen Board, which oversees the rec- reational center near Stampede Pass. Delegate gifts, table decorations, em- broidered aprons worn by convention work- ers—even cookies of Viking helmets—the theme Viking Spirit United permeated this event in multiple ways, both visible and in- visible. Repeating the theme they used for host- ing the Sons of Norway International Con- Photos: (clockwise from top left) Bill vention in 2010, lodge members concen- Solum, Barbara K. Rostad, Bill Solum, trated on bringing the concept to life again Barbara K. Rostad in fresh ways. Immediately setting the tone Clockwise from top left: Marit Kristian- was a Viking ship dragonhead made by Post sen (left) on and her husband Falls resident Mel Knutson and placed near Kjell, far right, dancing amid the crowd the registration area. for Hospitality Night. Viking Spirit transcends time and place A Viking Ship Dragonhead and its creator and applies to “those who dare to seek new Mel Knutson of Post Falls, Idaho. Viking helmet cookies were among the horizons.” Viking Spirit United also reflects multitudes of baked goods delivered by the host lodge’s namesake, Harald Haarfager, the community. first Viking king to unite all of Norway. To- Convention Chair Pamla Silk puts on her day it is through uniting its efforts that Sons best Viking face for the cruise on Lake of Norway can fulfill its mission to promote Coeur d’Alene. and preserve Norwegian heritage. Choosing purple to honor the Idaho huckleberry, the lodge ordered aprons em- broidered with “Viking Spirit United” for convention workers to wear. The aprons their creators that defines the concept Viking delegate from her home lodge in Anchor- sive Sons of Norway experience, not only were visible every day of the convention; the Spirit United. age. People enjoy singing and dancing to the having served as vice president but also invisible part was their donation to the lodge Ditto for the intricately decorated Vi- peppy tunes. working tirelessly for the three Sons of Nor- by a member’s business. That too is Viking king cookies, which came from another Prior to her role as the second wom- way camps in the district. Filling her previ- Spirit United—working together to achieve lodge, as did hundreds of dozens of all kinds an ever to hold the top position in Sons of ous slot as vice president is Gerald Erickson, goals. of cookies. This deluge of cookies occurred Norway, Kristiansen had been District Two Bremerton, while Mickey Andrew, Alaska, Table decorations featured Viking ships in part because the International Convention President, District Two Director on the In- continues as secretary and Vickie Nelson on two occasions. One evening the sails of is also in District #2 this year. Similar letters ternational Board, then Vice President. She as treasurer. Immediate past President Mark the ships displayed photos from District went out from both groups asking for cook- also received the Woman of the Year Award Agerter advanced to District Two Interna- Two’s history, showing the Viking Spirit that ies. Some thought two letters meant “We’re at the 2016 Convention. Her counterpart, tional Director. continues today through all the lodges, not desperate for cookies” and they obliged. Man of the Year, was Bill Fosmoe, another Three past international presidents at- just through exploration in the Viking era. At the close of the convention, a donation past President of District Two and long-term tended the convention: Ted Fosberg, Mercer For the final banquet fresh flowers replaced to Trollhaugen garnered homeward bound Treasurer for the International Board. Island, and Marit Kristiansen, Anchorage, the sails and masts. folks some cookies for the road, yet another Competition in a variety of categories both District Two, and Dan Rude, District Delegate gifts included a drawing of a instance of Viking Spirit United. of Norwegian folk art is another feature at Four, Missoula, Mont., current International Viking ship originally made for the Spokane For an evening dinner cruise on Lake district and international conventions. The Secretary. Sons of Norway CEO Eivind Hei- lodge in the 1970s and duplicated now for Coeur d’Alene, delegates were encouraged Cultural Room displays all the entries, which berg participated as well. the 2016 lodge representatives; a pack of to wear Viking garb while they plied the sce- include chip carving, Hardanger embroidery, note cards with Viking designs created by nic waters of a lake not unlike Norway itself. knitting, needlepoint, rosemaling, and much a former Disney artist from another Sons of Among the many treats at Friday’s more. Barbara Rostad, a North Norway district whose widow gave them to Hospitality Night was Slate Creek Brew- Another cultural dimension was added Dakota Norwegian, has been writing for The Nor- Harald Haarfager Lodge; and a temari ball, ery’s “Norse Nectar,” brewed in true Viking during the President’s Reception, when wegian American since red with blue and white ribbons like the Nor- tradition with juniper leaves right in Coeur about 30 women and men participated in 2014. A versatile writer wegian flag, each handmade and donated by d’Alene by two brothers with Norwegian the bunad parade, relaying the story of each. with degrees in journalism Vickie Nelson, District #2 Treasurer from a heritage. That evening the Coeur d’Alene Big Band and sociology plus teach- lodge in Washington. The Japanese tradition This evening is traditionally presented provided music for listening and dancing. ing experience in sociology, of beautiful thread balls dates back about by the Alaska delegation in lieu of ever host- In addition to culture, cookies, and ca- English, and speech, Barbara has published ar- 1,500 years. They were originally used in ing a convention so far north and by mem- maraderie, there was also business to be con- ticles and poems, edited newsletters, compiled ball games but now function as ornaments bers from the host lodge of the next biennial ducted. This included electing officers for a book about Ski for Light, and received writing and gifts. convention. Another traditional highlight is the next biennium and delegates to the Inter- awards from Idaho Writer’s League. A 45-year It is not just the Viking themes in these accordion music by past International Presi- national Convention in Tacoma this August. member of Sons of Norway, she’s often both gifts but the giving itself of artistic work by dent Marit Kristiansen, who attended as a New President Chris Hicks has exten- newsletter editor and cultural director. Funeral Home SOlie and Crematory Subscribe to The Norwegian American! Honoring • Caring • Serving (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 14 • July 1, 2016 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican A citrusy twist on a Scandinavian classic Traditional cinnamon buns meet orange and cardamom in this fresh update

Staff The Norwegian American

Everyone knows that Scandinavians love cinnamon buns. While the Swedes may have helped to make them famous—cinnamon Recipe by Kajsa Kinsella buns are a big part of the Swedish fika, or so- Wicklow, Ireland cial coffee break, and there’s an actual cinna- mon bun day in Sweden (mark your calendar Kajsa Kinsella, Swedish for October 4)—they’re a big part of Norwe- fabric designer, photogra- gian food culture too. pher, interior stylist, and In Sweden, cinnamon buns, or kanel- author, is well established in the world of magazines bullar, originated in the 1920s, and they and book publications and were eventually adapted in Norway, accord- is a regular contributor to ing to Sunny Gandara, a contributor to The Prima Magazine, Prima Norwegian American and the voice behind Makes, Pretty Patches Magazine, and Simply the blog Arctic Grub (arcticgrub.wordpress. Sewing Magazine. Kajsa has been featured com/2013/10/04/cinnamon-buns-a-swedish- as a designer in many publications. Her own cultural-treasure). fabric and interior design range, “KajsaK,” is These orange cardamom buns from au- available at www.kajsak.com, containing arti- thor and designer Kajsa Kinsella are a riff on san Scandinavian and Celtic interior items and the traditional buns scented with cinnamon decorations, handmade porcelain details and and often cardamom. Anyone familiar with ornaments, as well as her own Nordic-inspired Scandinavian baking knows how important fabric collection, available from Spoonflower cardamom is in cookies, cakes, and buns such on www.spoonflower.com/profiles/kajsak. as these. The scent alone is enough to trigger nostalgia and memories. Whip up a batch of Photos: Kajsa Kinsella these buns and invite someone over for cof- Add an orange twist to a Scandinavian classic fee—they’re bound to be in for a treat. with these cardamom and orange buns.

Cardamom & Orange Buns

5dl (2.11 cups) milk 2 tsps. ground cardamom 50g fresh yeast 3 tsps. cardamom seeds 1.7 liters (7 1/4 cups) flour pinch of salt 250g (1 cup) soft butter + 50g (3.5 1 large orange tbsps.) for spreading 1 egg for brushing 3.5dl (1.5 cups) sugar pearl sugar

1. Pluck the fresh yeast into small crumbly pieces into your baking bowl, heat half the amount of milk to finger warmth, and pour it into the bowl.

4 5

4. Flour your clean work surface, cut the dough in half, and roll it out as thick or as thin as you prefer. Spread soft butter all over the dough and sprinkle over a little sugar and more ground cardamom (I can’t get enough of that stuff!), wash your orange well, and grate it over the dough as well. 5. Roll the dough to a long tube and cut it into 2 cm wide pieces. Pat the buns into shape a little and then place them in pretty bun cases—I picked some orange ones for 1 3 this, to make them extra festive. Brush the buns with whipped egg, add delicious pearl 2. Stir until the yeast is fully dissolved, then add the ground cardamom. Add 1/3 of the sugar, and bake in the oven on 200 degrees flour and work it to a smooth dough in a machine or by hand, cover with a clean and dry tea Celsius (400 F) for about 7 to 8 minutes until towel, and let proof for 30 minutes. golden brown. 3. Mix butter and sugar together until smooth, ground the cardamom kernels in a mor- 6. Let the buns cool on a rack, cov- tar, and add them along with the other half of lukewarm milk to the mix. Finally add the salt, ered with a clean tea towel while you put the then pour it all into the proofed dough. Add flour until the dough lets go of the sides of your kettle on! bowl, then cover again with the tea towel and let proof for 20 minutes. 5 theNorwegianamerican Taste of Norway July 1, 2016 • 15 Snaps Visa Hungry for more Norway? Aquavit, Cocktails, and Nordic Snaps Culture by Lexi of the Old Ballard Liquor Co.

Aquavit and food Photo: TINE Mediebank Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] to get One of the lesser-known 26 recipes every year (and the rest of the newspaper too). traditions around aquavit is how well it pairs with food and how increasing attention to food pair- ings is changing the Scandinavian dining scene. At high-end restau- The National rants in major cities like Oslo or Copenhagen, it’s not uncommon Exhibition to see a different bottle of aqua- vit paired up with each course of of Folk Art in the a meal, and sommeliers are ex- Norwegian Tradition pected to know their aquavits just as well as their wines and beers. On View June 9 - July 30, 2016 The idea of pairing food with aquavit is not a new one, but it is just now getting specific atten- tion from chefs and distillers in Celebrate the 50th anniversary Europe. What makes it special in of this fantastic Scandinavia is that aquavit is tak- Vesterheim show, competition, and sale! en with the meal, instead of before The National Norwegian-American Ribbons winners and Gold Medalists or after it as is more common in Museum & Heritage Center announced during mainland Europe. This can be a Decorah’s Nordic Fest, July 28-30. little confusing to a French or Ital- 502 W. Water St., Decorah, Iowa ian visitor, accustomed to aperitifs 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org Sponsored by Decorah Bank & Trust. or digestifs that bookend the meal instead of complementing it. Aquavit has historically been a celebration drink and is usually the found alongside a selection of Photo courtesy of Old Ballard Liquor Co. foods and friends. There is a natu- A citrus aquavit pairs well with seafood. Hearthstone ral food pairing aspect that hap- pens in these situations, and in the past ten years or so, that food pairing aspect a flavor as most meats and need a lighter, less has been promoted heavily by both distill- robust pairing. (Ex: Montgomery’s Skadi eries and chefs—not only to sell products but mixed spice aquavit, Missoula). also to encourage responsible drinking. Steak & Beef: Any coriander-forward Arctic countries like Norway and Swe- aquavit will balance a steak beautifully. Beef den wage a constant battle against alcohol- is actually a pretty mild flavor, so be cautious ism. Small, remote communities may have with heavy caraway-forward aquavits as months of darkness with little entertainment they can easily overwhelm the flavor of the in the winter, and the temptation to just sit meat. (Ex: Gamle Ode’s Celebration mixed home and drink the winter away is strong. spice aquavit, Minneapolis). Repositioning aquavit as a gourmet accom- Chicken: Sweet and herbal flavors pair paniment and encouraging the social and cu- well with chicken. (Ex: Hardware Distill- linary aspects of it is a brilliant way to get ery’s original aquavit, Hoodsport) drinkers to think about aquavit differently. Outdoor Grilled Foods & Heavy Welcome to the Neighborhood! Some aquavit distilleries have even start- Meats like Lamb: The smoky, charcoal fla- ed creating aquavits with specific food pair- vor of grilled foods pairs well with heavier, ings in mind. For example, Løitens Fisk og caraway-forward or cumin-forward aquavits. Skalldyr Aquavit (Fish and Shellfish Aqua- (Ex: North Shore’s Cumin Aquavit, Chicago). vit) is made with notes of citrus and ginger Seafood: Citrus and licorice flavors pair and was designed specifically for seafood well with shellfish, while dill and citrus pair pairing. Prima in Sweden released a “grilling with fish. (Ex: Old Ballard Liquor Co.’s Cit- assortment” of mini bottles just for outdoor rus Aquavit, Seattle). meals. Special seasonal releases can also be Skål! found in the stores at different times of the year for Easter, Midsummer, and Christmas Lexi is the owner and founder of the Old Bal- dishes, always with flavors chosen to high- lard Liquor Co. in Seattle, which produces light and complement that particular dish. more varieties of aquavit than any distillery in In the United States, most communi- the U.S. After growing up with the Scandina- ties have a small selection—if any at all—of vian-American farming culture of the Skagit the aquavits to choose from. But if you’re lucky Valley and a three-year residency in Sweden, Hearthstone enough to live in an area with a variety of she settled back into Seattle life where she aquavits, below is a quick guide to choosing now operates the Old Ballard distillery and Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N flavor pairings for your next meal. a Nordic café and fine dining Scandinavian Seattle, WA 98103 Vegetables: Drier aquavits, licorice fla- restaurant called Tumble Swede, and travels at Seattle’s Green Lake www.hearthstone.org vors, and blended spice aquavits work well the U.S. teaching classes on contemporary (206) 517-2213 with vegetables, which don’t have as strong Scandinavian food and drink. 16 • July 1, 2016 TV & Film theNorwegianamerican Garnet Girl’s international film movement How producer Lisa G. Black helped connect filmmakers on both sides of the Atlantic

Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn.

For Lisa G. Black, it’s about sharing connections and knowledge. When the Newark, Del., resident launched Garnet Girl in 2008, she described the mission as “specializing in bridging business to creative… providing strategic marketing solutions and financial analysis, through various stages of production.” Eight years later, she has credits on cur- rent and future Norwegian, Swedish, and Icelandic movies, has traveled to Norway 12 times in six years, and helped launch a U.S.- Norway Film Development Initiative. “I saw a trend toward international co- Photos courtesy of Lisa G. Black production of films,” said the energetic Black. Lisa G. Black (center, with Øyvind Hollo-Klausen and Sigmund Elias Holm in Norway in 2010) has worked on several international film projects. “There was an opportunity to co-venture and I had a love for European filmmaking. “I find up-and-coming talent, be it writ- Black is the executive producer and unit of Paul Sorvino. The story centers around a among five independent American producers ers or directors, and I help them with the publicist for Hevn, the Norwegian word for former banker who returns to his hometown invited on a 10-day envoy trip to Norway, business sense. I share my expertise to help revenge. It made its North American pre- during the mortgage lending crisis. See- sponsored by the Norwegian Film Institute facilitate their successful careers. It’s more miere at the prestigious Tiff Bell Tower in ing the effect of his actions on family and and Innovation Norway. They travelled fun helping people who others don’t know. Toronto on May 27. Originally entitled Doll friends, he sets about to make amends. throughout the country meeting people in the Whatever network I have, I want to share my on a Ceiling, it is a thriller based on the book These aren’t the only credits Black is ac- Norwegian film industry. Out of that came network. I take joy in helping people.” by Ingvar Ambjørnsen. Set in western Nor- cumulating on and off screen. The business the U.S.-Norway Film Development Initia- Black worked in marketing for various way, a woman uses an alias to infiltrate the got its first international break in 2009 and tive (see story on page 20) and subsequently, industries for 25 years. Her January birth family of the man who murdered her sister to then things started rolling from there. First the Norwegian government providing finan- stone, garnet, symbolizes energy, trust, and exact her revenge. stop was Colombia. At the Tribeca Film Fes- cial incentives for the Norwegian film indus- loyalty. At the time, Black had two young This film was emblematic of internation- tival in 2009, Black met two Swedish film- try and for filming in Norway (2016). daughters, hence Garnet Girl. al collaboration. The Norwegian full producer makers, Richard Bunke and Sean Wheelan, In 2013, Black secured two Norwegian Three of her movies have made a splash is Kristine Knudsen. Canadian Paul Barkin is managing director of Filmgate in Gøteborg. films, The Birdcatcher (U.S. Producer, De- recently. Miles, Hevn, and Almost Paris pre- another producer. “Hevn has a Canadian ele- They were working on Mangus! Black part- velopment Executive), to begin filming in miered in Europe in February. All three sold at ment,” said Black. “I introduced Paul to Kris- nered with them as executive producer. The 2017, and The Swimmer (Producer), start of Marchedu, the marketing arm of the Cannes tine. Paul brought Canadian input. It is the story is about Mangus Spedgewick, who filming to be determined. Film Festival. “This is a big deal,” she said. first time a Norwegian film has a Norwegian wants to carry on the family tradition of On the 2010 trip, she met Barkin on a “Marchedu is the market where buyers decide director and filmmaker (Kjersti Steinbø) and playing Jesus in the high school’s annual helicopter ride, showing you never know which films to exhibit. The films will continue Norwegian, American, and Canadian produc- production of Jesus Christ Spectacular, and where you’ll meet the next connection. on the festival circuit.” ers. The collaboration brought a Norwegian tries to win it back after an injury. Black is among the executive producers She is full producer and unit publicist film out of Norway and will give it exposure “Films are always about great stories, on an Icelandic film, Afterlands (due out in for the U.S. independent Miles, a story of a in other countries. The story is compelling.” great writing, with an element of discov- 2017). Barkin is a producer. teenage boy who joins a high school wom- The third film is comedy drama Almost ery, be it a family dynamic or individual,” “I fell in love with Norway, the people, en’s volleyball team to get a scholarship to Paris, which Black co-produced. It had its she said. “Those are very universal. In ev- country, entrepreneurial spirit,” said Black, a school in Chicago. Among the producers world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festi- ery country, basic humanity is basic human- a board member of Norwegian American is Ash Christian, who wrote and directed val in New York City in April. The film has ity. You can relate to that regardless of race, Chamber of Commerce Philadelphia. “I met the Swedish comedy Mangus!, Black’s first some star power as it is directed by Martin creed, religion. You should leave the theater and collaborated with super talented indus- “Scandinavian experience.” Directed by Na- Scorcese’s daughter, Domenica Cameron- feeling a connection to what you saw.” try professionals. We learned a lot from each than Adloff, Miles stars Missi Pyle, TV and Scorcese, includes her 16-year-old step-sis- In April 2010, Black was invited to a re- other. We realized that using innovation, pas- stage actor Stephen Root, Paul Reiser, and ter, Francesca Scorcese, in the cast, as well ception in New York, which included a Nor- sion, and mutual understanding, our goals Molly Shannon. Black’s daughters, Beatrice as Abigail Hawk, Adrian Martinez, Obie dic company looking for connections with are the same: to bring compelling stories to and Sofia, were costume and production in- Award-winner Joanna P. Adler, and Michael U.S. producers and financiers. The toe in the an international audience, bridging cultural terns. Sofia is an extra in the film. Sorvino (also a producer of the film), son came in August 2010, when Black was and business divisions to achieve success.”

Film contest! Dahl’s The BFG in theaters July 1 The White House is sponsoring the third annual Student Film Festival this summer, with the theme “The Roald Dahl’s The BFG is being brought hill) who is taken from her home in London World I Want To Live In.” to the big screen in a live-action adaptation— by a mysterious giant (Mark Rylance) to According to a web-posted an­ one hundred years after the author’s birth. his cave in Giant Country. While Sophie is nouncement, all films must be made Dahl was born in Llandaff, Wales, on initially frightened, she quickly learns that by students in grades K-12, shorter September 13, 2016, to Norwegian parents the BFG, short for the Big Friendly Giant, than three minutes, uploaded to You­ Harald Dahl and Sofie Magdalene Dahl, who is in fact kind-hearted and gentle—unlike Tube, and submitted by 11:59 p.m. EST named him after the famous Norwegian po- the other, fearsome giants who are known to on July 15, 2016. lar explorer Roald Amundsen. Dahl went on eat children! The BFG then introduces So- Submissions can be fictional, ani­ to become a beloved author of short stories phie to the magic of dreams, taking her to mated, documentary, or anything a and children’s books. Dream Country to show her how he collects student envisions that fits the theme. The film comes 34 years after Dahl and distributes the dreams of children. But Official selections will be featured wrote The BFG in 1982 and combines the when they are tormented by the evil giants, on the White House website and shared author’s storytelling talents with those of Sophie and the BFG must work together— across the world on White House sites Disney, Director Steven Spielberg, and with the help of the Queen—to capture the and official social media accounts. Screenwriter Melissa Mathison to bring The giants once and for all. See www.whitehouse.gov/film­ BFG to life once again. The BFG premiered at the 2016 Cannes fest for more info. Dahl’s well-loved story tells the tale of Film Festival on May 14 and opens in U.S. a young orphan named Sophie (Ruby Barn- theaters on July 1 (today!). theNorwegianamerican TV & Film July 1, 2016 • 17 Your Norwegian TV For Shame: You can watch many of Norway’s offerings Norway’s new show from the comfort of your own sofa is an internet smash Want to catch up on Norwegian TV living in Norway pursues an unlikely acting shows and films without leaving your house? career, shaming her family with her untradi- Linn Chloe Hagstrøm If you use Netflix or Amazon Video, you tional ways and dubious relationships. Avail- The Norwegian American have access to quite a bit of content from able on Netflix and Amazon Video. Norway—probably more than you realize! Jackpot: Suspected of murder by the The first season of the NRK series Skam they re-experience the excitement of being Here’s a selection of shows and films from police, Oscar Svendson tries to prove his in- (trans: shame) became one of the most criti- in love for the first time. the last five years that are available through nocence with the tale of a huge lottery win cally acclaimed series in Norway Many have claimed that the show is an streaming services and on DVD in the U.S. that went very wrong. Available on Netflix last year. The teen show has received praise honest, relevant, and credible representation and Amazon Video. from viewers and commentators of all ages. of the life and struggles of high schoolers, in TV shows Kon-Tiki: With five loyal friends in tow, Skam episodes are first published on particular Norwegian youth. It is a positive The Heavy Water War: When the Nazis explorer Thor Heyerdal sails a fragile balsa Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation’s show that is well cast, in which the actors secure a heavy water plant to realize their wood raft along an ancient path some 4,300 (NRK) web-streaming site, then shown as seem completely natural in front of the cam- plan to create an atomic bomb, the Norwe- miles across the Pacific. Available on Netflix reruns on television. Despite being a primar- era. The series teaches young people about gian allies struggle to sabotage the operation. DVD and Amazon Video. ily internet-based show and having little to both positive and negative life experiences Available on Netflix and Amazon Video. The Monitor: After escaping her abu- no promotion, many of the episodes from the such as consequences of serving minors alco- sive husband, Anna and her 8-year-old son first season have had over 200,000 viewers hol, that naked photos of a 16-year-old is child move to a secret location in a cavernous and the majority watched these online. The pornography, the importance of knowing your apartment building. But she keeps hearing second season, which premiered this year on own rights, and female empowerment. frightening noises—like the sound of a child March 4, has already surpassed the records As part of a carefully calculated media being murdered. Available on Netflix DVD from the previous season and amassed more strategy from NRK, the Skam universe ex- and Amazon Video. viewers. According to Håkon Moslet, the tends far beyond the episodes being shown managing editor for television in NRK P3, on television. Throughout the week, short the series has set an internet-based televi- clips from the show are posted on the Skam sion record for NRK. “It is the most popular P3 website and characters have their own internet-based series ever. Never before have profiles that they frequently update on social so many seen an NRK show online,” Moslet media sites such as Instagram and Facebook, told Dagbladet. according to Aftenposten. This builds a uni- The main target audience of Skam has verse that is greater than a normal television been and still remains 16-year-old girls, but show and gives young viewers something the show is increasingly gaining traction they can be a part of. among a wider spectrum of people without Skam won multiple awards at Gull- regard to age or gender. The show has cer- ruten (“Golden Screen”), which is an annual tainly achieved popularity within its target award ceremony for the Norwegian televi- group. However, adults also love this show sion industry. They were awarded best new because it is a timeless and strong produc- program series, best television drama, and tion that delivers more than an insight into this year’s innovation (året’s nyskapning). youth nowadays and shows that life plays out in the same way today as it did then. The Further viewing: Lilyhammer: After testifying against show creates a gateway to discussion on dif- The seasons and episodes are available the Mafia, ex-gangster Frank Tagliano en- ficult topics and issues that concern youth, both in Norway and the U.S. on NRK nett-tv, ters witness protection and asks to be sent to such as sexuality, rape culture, peer pressure, but note that there are no English subtitles: Norway. Available on Netflix, Netflix DVD, alcohol, integration, friendship, and love af- tv..no/serie/skam/MSUB19120116/ses- and Amazon Video. fairs. For adults, these topics and important ong-1/episode-1. Occupied: In the near future, Russia ini- questions that are posed in each episode are Follow Skam every week for extra mate- tiates a “silk glove” invasion of Norway to Oslo, August 31st: This psychological easy to reminisce about and relate to while rial on P3’s website: skam.p3.no. restart oil production, but soon uncertainty, drama follows a day in the life of Anders, chaos, and danger erupt. Available on Netflix. a recovering drug addict who travels to his old stomping grounds of Oslo for a job inter- Films view. Available on Netflix DVD and Ama- 1,000 Times Good Night: After a near- zon Video. death experience, war photojournalist Rebec- Pioneer: At the birth of the Nordic oil ca is forced to choose between her work and boom of the 1980s, a diver begins to suspect the family on whom she depends. Available a conspiracy involving a team of Americans on Netflix, Netflix DVD, and Amazon Video. and the Norwegian government. Available 1001 Grams: A scientist travels to a on Netflix, Netflix DVD, and Amazon Video. conference on the true weight of a kilogram Ragnarok: An archaeologist sets out to just as her carefully calibrated emotional life find a link between an ancient shipwreck and begins to unravel. Available on Netflix and the Viking apocalypse known as Ragnarok, Amazon Video. only to make a chilling discovery. Available Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead: After med- on Netflix, Netflix DVD, and Amazon Video. ical student Martin escapes from Nazi zom- Supervention: This documentary fol- bies, he gathers an army to face off against lows a group of talented skiers and snow- the bloodthirsty, undead battalion. Available boarders as they travel to exotic destinations on Netflix, Netflix DVD, and Amazon Video. and execute daring feats. Available on Net­ Photo: NRK Escape: Ten years after the Black Plague, flix and Amazon Video. NRK’s new show is causing a stir with its portrayal of the lives of young Norwegians. 19-year-old Signe is captured after merciless Thale: While cleaning up a bloody killers wipe out her family. Learning she faces crime scene, two buddies encounter a cap- a fate far worse than death, her only choice is tive creature of Norwegian myth: a beautiful to run away—but her escape doesn’t go un- mute female with a tail. Available on Netflix, noticed, and now the chase is on. Available on Netflix DVD, and Amazon Video. Newspaper ads never go out Netflix DVD and Amazon Video. The Wave: Geologist Kristian Elkjord Headhunters: A corporate recruiter senses something wrong with the mountain of style. Place yours today! steals artwork to maintain his lavish life- overlooking his scenic town. When a land- style. But one painting he targets belongs to slide sends tons of rock crashing into the Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] a headhunter of a different kind. Available on water, everyone has ten minutes to escape Netflix, Netflix DVD, and Amazon Video. the resulting tsunami. Available on Amazon to request a personalized advertising proposal I Am Yours: A single Pakistani mom Video and coming soon to Redbox. 18 • July 1, 2016 TV & Film theNorwegianamerican Alt for Norge: Exploring Norway one challenge at a time

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

Looking for life’s next great adventure? Well, if you’re an American with Norwegian heritage who has yet to visit the motherland, you could join the growing list of Norwe- gian Americans who have competed on TVNorge’s reality series Alt for Norge. Named after the country’s royal motto, Alt for Norge follows 12 Norwegian Ameri- cans who travel to Norway for the first time and participate in a series of uniquely Nor- wegian challenges, ranging from cross-coun- try skiing to performances. Six seasons have aired since Alt for Norge debuted in 2010, and the seventh is currently underway. Each season, the Nor- wegian Americans are eliminated from the competition one by one until the host awards the final contestant with the grand prize of $50,000 and the coveted opportunity to meet their Norwegian relatives. Up until now, the friendly and cheerful Henriette Bruusgaard has served as the host, but another experi- enced program leader, Fridtjof Nilsen, will take over for the new mother in the upcom- ing season. “The passion and heartwarming humor of the Americans makes one rediscover their own country through them. It’s going to be a Photos courtesy of TVNorge completely fantastic trip for the Norwegian Above: The first episode of Alt for Norge took participants to the famous Preikestolen, among other scenic parts of Norway. Americans, viewers, and perhaps most of all Inset: Jessica Brustad (right) with some of her fellow season 3 con- for me,” says Nilsen of the opportunity. testants and the show’s former host, Henriette Bruusgaard (center). But what is it actually like to be one of Right: On hearing of Alt for Norge, Josh Svare of season 2 said, those Norwegian Americans exploring Nor- “They made a show for me.” way one challenge at a time? To find out, I spoke with four former contestants: Doug Miner of Season 1; Josh Svare, Season 2; Jessica Brustad, Season 3; and Scott Wall- ingford, Season 6. Their reactions certainly differed upon first learning about the “Great Norway Ad- venture,” as it is marketed in the U.S. Miner came across the casting call in eye, without any expectations, and was com- was able to catch the biggest cod of the day positive experience. a bout of extreme boredom during a snow- pletely blown away. “It was the most beautiful with his teammate’s help. He certainly felt As a result of sharing such a life-chang- storm. He hesitantly created and submitted a country I have ever seen in my entire life— accomplished upon learning that his fish fed ing experience, many of the contestants of video, but wasn’t sold on the idea just yet— and I’ve done a lot of traveling,” she said. the whole crew. past seasons have stayed in touch, creating especially since there were no previous sea- Although every destination felt like a According to Svare and Brustad, Season a unified community. The show has resulted sons to look to. new favorite, Brustad especially enjoyed 2 focused more on these types of physical in multiple romantic relationships, including Svare, on the other hand, was ecstatic to meeting the Norwegians in rural communi- challenges while Season 3 was more culture- that of Brustad and Svare. The two of them learn about Alt for Norge. “They made a show ties, who reminded her of her own family. based. While Brustad understands why this take Norwegian classes at the Nordic Heri- for me. There’s no way I wouldn’t get on it,” When she was presented with a song that her shift was made—it made the challenges fair- tage Museum and have traveled back to Nor- he thought upon discovering the casting call great-grandfather had written, she noticed er—she admits she is jealous of the physical- way multiple times. on Craigslist. And it turns out he was right! that it was just as relevant to her family now, ity of Season 2. Another big shift occurred “I was always told that I was a ‘strong Despite their Norwegian heritage, most many years later, and she was touched by how here, as Season 3 was the first season in Norwegian woman,’ and I was proud, but I of the contestants knew very little about the strong the ties are through the generations. which the Norwegian Americans received didn’t really know why,” said Brustad, who country and its culture going in to the com- It’s not a simple task to win the competi- packets containing information about their now heartily embraces her Norwegian heri- petition. Wallingford notes that they were tion and meet one’s Norwegian family face ancestors, a feature that allows the partici- tage. asked to refrain from learning the language to face, though. Each season, the Norwegian pants to experience a deeper emotional con- Although Miner won Season 1 and had and culture before the show began, and he ar- Americans face a variety of difficult chal- nection to the country. the chance to meet his ancestors during the rived in Norway knowing no more than a few lenges. Each week, the participants at the bottom show, he found that the time following the basic phrases like “hei” and “tusen takk.” And throughout the years, many chang- of the competition must compete in the elimi- show has been even more beneficial for con- “I knew uff da, lefse, and Oslo, and that es have been made to the show—especially nation challenge, and therefore some partake necting with his Norwegian family. He has was it,” said Miner. the types of challenges. Miner was glad that in more challenges than others. Holding the also become involved in the Norwegian- Nevertheless, the majority felt a deep Season 1 included visiting many different record for the most challenges is Brustad, American community, touring Sons and connection with the country and their ances- locations in Norway with a good mix of cul- who faced these elimination challenges every Daughters of Norway lodges and attending tors upon arriving in Norway. “It felt famil- tural activities. “The best of both worlds,” he single week. At first she was discouraged, but the Syttende Mai parade in Ballard each year ial,” said Miner, who knew by the third day said. His favorite challenge was cross-coun- then she changed her perspective: she was along with other Alt for Norge contestants. that he had made the right decision to apply try skiing in Svalbard because of the incred- getting to experience the most! Following his recent season, Walling- for the show. ible location. Brustad was also thankful that Alt for ford reached out to his family in Norway and Svare felt an incredible bond to his Nor- Nevertheless, he feels that almost all of Norge aimed to present them as they truly is looking forward to returning to meet them wegian ancestors as he read the journal his the changes over the years have been posi- are, rather than editing them to fill certain and embracing the Norwegian culture even great-grandfather wrote on his return to Nor- tive. “I wouldn’t change my experience for roles or create drama, as is common in more. He describes Alt for Norge as one of way, especially when he read about his great- the world, but they have made improve- American reality TV. Sharing a passion to the best experiences of his life, and enthu- grandfather’s first train ride in Norway while ments,” he said. connect with the land of their ancestors, the siastically encourages everyone to give it a riding the train for the first time himself. Svare’s favorite experience was the fish- contestants supported each other and built shot: “I would tell them to clear their head Brustad arrived in Norway with a naked ing challenge; even though his pole broke, he friendships, resulting in an overwhelmingly and get ready to be shown the way.” theNorwegianamerican TV & Film July 1, 2016 • 19 Birchlegs 101: History and The Last King The background you need to fully appreciate Norway’s newest international hit film

brave Birkebeiner warriors. After his amazing winter journey, Haa- Terje Birkedal kon Haakonsson grew up to become one of Anchorage, Alaska Norway’s greatest kings. He ended the civil wars and consolidated political power in Nor- Yes, you are in for another Norwegian way under his authority. During his long reign history lesson. I can’t stop myself. I am so ex- (1217-1263), Norway entered what has been cited; the Norwegian film industry has made a called its “Golden Age.” At his court learning film about the Birkebeinerne (the Birchlegs). flourished and he constructed the first monu- In fact, the movie is called Birkebeinerne. The mental stone secular buildings in Norway (for director is Nils Gaup, one of Norway’s great- instance, the great Haakon’s Hall in Bergen). est directors, who won an Academy Award for Also, he won direct control over Iceland, his movie about a legendary Sámi skier in the Greenland, the Orkneys, the Hebrides, as well 1987 movie Pathfinder. as large parts of Scotland. With his fleet of up The movie Birkebeinerne has premiered to 300 ships, Norway became recognized as a in Norway and was released on June 17 in world power and the friendship of King Haa- U.S. theaters under the title The Last King, kon was actively sought by both the Pope and because hardly anyone in the U.S. knows the King of Spain. about the Norwegian Birkebeiners. But if The movie Birkebeinerne recreates this you keep reading this piece you will soon be epic medieval journey on skis. The costum- among the enlightened “hardly anyones.” ing and settings appear to be historically ac- Fierce fighting did not end in Norway Photo courtesy of NFI.no curate and the one-pole skiing in the movie is with the close of the and the You may recognize Kristofer Hivju (front left) from HBO’s , a series known for its heart-stopping in its intensity. Initial reviews coming of Christianity; it just turned inward. violent politics. Norway’s 110-year-long civil war puts even that to shame. But without the dragons. of this movie are very good and it has al- From 1130 to 1240, Norway experienced a ready been put forward by some film critics bitter civil war in which numerous contend- for an Academy Award. ing rivals for the throne fought nearly con- ally, by the end of the thirteenth century, the and his mother to safety in Nidaros where Skevla and Skrukka’s famous ski rescue tinuously for 110 years (the treachery and Birkebeiners began to include many men and they could find protection under the rule of of the future king of Norway is also com- blood-letting in HBO’s Game of Thrones women of wealth and standing in their ranks. King Inge Baardsson. The Baglers, in turn, memorated each year in the Birkebeiner- pales in comparison). Quarter was rarely The Bagler faction was nicknamed the “Cro- had heard that King Haakon Sverresson had rennet, a 54-kilometer ski race from Rena to given by either side; if you lost, you died, ziers” because of their close alliance with the produced a living heir and they were actively Lillehammer, Norway (the reverse of this leg or much worse. Few of the contending kings leaders of the Norwegian Catholic Church. searching for the boy. of the original journey). There is now also an lived beyond their 20s and some never made In 1203 King Haakon Sverresson, the The band of Birkebeiner warriors suc- American commemorative race held in Wis- it out of their teens. And yes, there were leader of the Birkebeiners, died unexpect- cessfully gathered up the child and his consin known as the “Birkie.” many mistresses, but because it was Norway edly in Sarpsborg at the relatively young age mother in Østfold and made their way north Now you are among the “hardly any­ we know their names and they had influence of 27 (most likely from poison). The new on skis to Hamar and then on to Lilleham- ones” who know about this famous journey in their respective worlds (and in those days king, elected by the Birkebeiners, was Inge mer where they briefly rested. Hot on their by the Birkebeiners from Norway’s distant you could be an heir to the throne whether Baardsson. Soon it was discovered that the trail were the Bagler soldiers of King Erling past. Check your local showtimes and go you were legitimate or not; it did not matter). recently deceased king, Haakon Sverresson, Stonewall. Faced with a severe blizzard, two support Norway’s movie industry! Over time two major political parties had left an unknown living heir who had been men from the Birkebeinerne group were spe- emerged, the Birkebeiners (Birchlegs) and born in 1204 to Inga of Varteig (one of the cially chosen to take little Haakon Haakons- the Baglers (Croziers). Geographically the mistresses of influence) in Folkenborg, Nor- son over the mountains to Østerdalen, a large Terje “Ted” Birkedal was Birkebeiners had their political base in Trøn- way, in the province of Østfold. However, valley located along Norway’s border with born in Stavanger, Norway, in 1946. He grew up in Col- delag, the province that contains the ancient Østfold was in the territory of the rival Bag­ Sweden. These two men, Thorstein Skevla orado and earned a Ph.D. city of Nidaros (now Trondheim); whereas ler king, Erling Stonewall, who controlled and Skjervald Skrukka, were thought to be in Anthropology from the the Baglers had their seat of power largely most of southeastern Norway and who was the best skiers among the group of Birkebein- University of Colorado. He in the region centered on Oslo and Tonsberg supported by Denmark. When they learned ers and therefore would have had the best retired in 2012 but remains in . Originally, many of the of the existence of the little 18-month-old chance for getting the child to safety. After active in his field and has warriors on the Birkebeiner side came from Haakon Haakonsson, the Birkebeiners knew making a successful initial ski run to Øster- served as the President of Sons of Norway Bernt Norway’s wild central border zone with Swe- that both the child and his mother were in dalen, Skevla and Skrukka, carrying child- Balchen Lodge in Anchorage since 2012. He has den. These were tough, hardy men who often great danger. If found, they would certainly Haakon, skied hundreds of miles across the conducted archeological fieldwork in the Ameri- were so poor that they had to wear leggings be killed by the rival Bagler faction. high snowy mountains of central Norway to can South, the Great Plains, Norway, Canada, made of birch bark, hence the name “Birke- So in December of 1205, the Birkebein- the Birkebeiner stronghold at Nidaros. Little Guam, and Alaska. He has always been passion- beiner” or “Birchleg” in English. Eventu- ers sent a band of warriors to bring Haakon Haakon had been saved by the stalwart and ate about Norwegian prehistory and history.

< mellom oss I think people are very different, now more this project and a part of the team. The viewer From page 1 than ever. We need to get to know each other. will experience exotic stories in a well-known This film is a community project told by in- frame, which I believe will make it easier to lationships, I wondered how well my own as- dividuals. relate to. sumptions serve me. In a way my skepticism This has not been done before in Nor- I hope it makes people want to say hello towards other people doesn’t do me any good. way, but many films have already used the or ask questions instead of making assump- Instead it makes me feel isolated. same method, collecting images from people tions. The feeling of other humans’ non-per- How do other people view the time we through interactive tools. Films like Ridley fectness can make us all relax. live in? How do people do things? I want to Scott’s Life in a Day (2011) and Britain in see different perspectives on life and to reflect a Day (2012) inspire us. Mellom Oss is go- Røhder Tvedt is hopeful that this proj- on my own. ing to be a stream of consciousness kind of ect will help bring Norwegians together and We are living in a time that is changing film, where we pass through many people’s transform feelings of isolation and judgment globally, digitally, and environmentally: more thoughts and days in Norway and also follow into a sense of community. individualism and less community. All of this some characters from the beginning to the Mellom Oss accepted submissions can be good, at least it’s not necessarily bad, end. through July 1. The film will now be edited but it challenges the community either way. Together, we will tell a story about our and released in 2017. Following the exclusive It challenges the feeling of belonging, which time, our thoughts, and the things we do; in cinema release open to everyone who submit- is so important for a community to work… there the stories between us are told. ted a video, Mellom Oss will be screened on Aftenposten TV, where everyone in Norway MJ: What do you hope to achieve with Mel- can view it for free. Photo courtesy of Filmprosjektet Mellom Oss lom Oss? / The Film Project Between Us CRT: A feeling of togetherness. Everybody To learn more about the Mellom Oss project, Charlotte Røhder Tvedt, director. that contributes with a film is a filmmaker in visit www.mellomossfilm.no. 20 • July 1, 2016 TV & Film theNorwegianamerican Opening doors for international exposure US-Norway Film Development Initiative, Norwegian film financial incentive boost Norway films

Photos: (left) U.S.-Norway Film Development Project / Facebook, (right) courtesy of Lisa G. Black Left: At the 2012 Script Polishing Summit. David Leader, Silje Randen, Josetin Hermansen, Helene Steinhaug, Brandi Savitt, Mark Fergus, and Hawk Ostby. Right: David Leader, producer (Norway); Lisa G. Black, producer (U.S.); and Trond M. K. Venaasen, writer of The Bird Catcher (Norway), at the Hauge- Michael Kleiner sund Film Festival in 2013. Philadelphia, Penn.

Norway’s scenery is its greatest export, roll out the red carpet, not the red tape.” adelphia. “I met and collaborated with super cause. This means more international busi- but it has been underutilized in the global Prior to the incentive, Norwegian films talented industry professionals. The regions ness, which gives us more skilled crews.” film industry. Also hidden by the fjords or received financial support from the Norwe- had a lot of talent, with stories that needed Things moved fast after the initiative underground like trolls is Norwegian talent, gian Film Institute or from seven regional to be told internationally. We all realized that went into effect. Between August 2011 be it writers, producers, directors, and others. funds. There has also been an increase in together, using innovation, passion, and mu- and December 2011, 65 movie scripts were The U.S.-Norway Film Development funding from international sources. One tual understanding, our goals are the same: to submitted. At the Tromsø Film Festival in Initiative and the Norwegian government in- could receive funding if the film was in Nor- bring compelling stories to an international January 2012, Black, Savitt, Fergus, and stituting financial incentives to make films or wegian and shot in the country or if it had a audience, bridging cultural and business di- Ostby narrowed those down to 10. Those TV dramas has changed the landscape. co-producer from another country. visions to achieve success.” were reviewed by Norwegian film industry Jo Nesbø’s crime drama, The Snowman, The seven regions have been reduced The U.S.-Norway Film Develop- professionals and Black. Two scripts, The is the first film to benefit from the financial to four with the mergers of Rogaland with ment Initiative was announced at the 2011 Birdcatcher and The Swimmer, were selected incentive. Scheduled for release in October Bergen, and Lillehammer with Trondheim. Norwegian International Film Festival in to advance to the intense week-long Script 2017, it is directed by Sigmund Holm, who Tromsø Film Camp is not being funded by , supported by the regional cen- Polish Summit in August 2012 in Hauge- also heads the Western Norway Film Com- Norwegian government money, but working ter funds, Mid Norsk Trondheim (Stig Beck sund. Black is the U.S. producer/develop- mission in Bergen. It is the first of Nesbø’s as a private studio. Stavanger is the other re- and Inge Tevnik), Filmkraft Stavanger (In- ment executive for the The Birdcatcher and Detective Harry Hole series to be put on gion. gunn Myklevoll Sjøen, Managing Director producer on The Swimmer, as is Lyng on the screen. The premise is that certain married “I work to attract international film at Kulturhus/-kino and Øyvind latter. Ostby and Fergus are co-executive women with children in Oslo are being ab- productions to shoot in Norway,” explained Hollo Klausen, who recently left Filmkraft producers of The Birdcatcher; Venaasen ducted and murdered. The killer’s signature Holm. “Norway’s spectacular landscape, Rogaland), Film Camp Tromsø (Svein An- the script writer. The Birdcatcher is about a is a snowman built outside each woman’s with its fjords, mountains, glaciers, coastal derson) and Joachim Lyng, Managing Di- 14-year-old girl separated from her family, home. There is top talent involved in The villages, and scenic roads, has hitherto been rector/Producer/Partner of Film in Norway, who must take on an alias to survive Nazi- Snowman. The executive producer is Mar- its major draw for international producers. Brandi Savitt of Senza Pictures, one of the occupied Norway. Bård Ivar Engelsås wrote tin Scorsese, the director, Tomas Alfredson. Norway has a lot of underexploited scenery American producers on the 2010 trip, and The Swimmer, which is about an American Filmed in Norway, the cast stars Michael to offer international filmmakers, and a tre- Academy Award nominated writers Haakon who sets out to battle one of Norway’s wild- Fassbender, Golden Globe nominee Rebecca mendously talented creative industry, which “Hawk” Ostby and Mark Fergus. Black had est rivers and his own inner demons. Ferguson, Oscar winner J.K. Simmons, and in recent years has sparked the global film met the Norwegians on the 2010 trip, as well Ostby and Fergus joined Black, Lyng, . community’s interest in Norwegian stories as industry professionals from other coun- Savitt, and another Norwegian producer and Holm, who is on the board of the Nor- and settings. Due to this interest, the debate tries. American ex-pat, David Leader, to listen to wegian Film Institute, explains that the in- on automatic film incentives for internation- The Norwegians see Black as the inspi- full readings of each script by actors over centive is a cash rebate and not a tax credit. al productions became high on the govern- ration. five days. At the same time, Venaasen and The measure was introduced in the ment and industry agenda. When Norway “She was professional and sincere in her Engelsås met with Ostby and Fergus for pri- in December 2015 and “fast-tracked” to en- started to lose high-profile projects to other vision of creating a co-venture between the vate intensive script polishing sessions. actment on January 1, 2016. The program countries, the film incentive became a popu- U.S. and Norway,” wrote Lyng in an email For Ostby, it was a chance to reconnect offers a capped 25% reimbursement of all lar demand. Without an incentive, Norway from Trondheim. “For a small country like with the homeland. He grew up in Oslo and qualifying Norwegian expenditures for fea- had difficulty appealing to big budget in- Norway, with a small box office, to co-ven- came to the United States at age 15. ture films, TV dramas, and documentaries ternational productions. We had to level the ture with partners from the U.S. opens up in- “I was thrilled about the initiative,” that meet certain criteria. The Ministry of playing field.” ternational opportunities for us.” wrote Ostby from South Burlington, Vt. “It Cultural Affairs oversees it. However, there In August 2010, the Norwegian Film “I was impressed by her energy, big was a chance to reconnect, after many years, was also a cap of NOK 45 million, which al- Institute and Innovation Norway sponsored heart, goals, ambitions, and ability to get in with a country I love. Without the initiative, lowed only The Snowman and Downsizing a 10-day envoy trip around Norway for five touch with people.” wrote scriptwriter Trond I wouldn’t have had access to Norwegian to be supported as international projects. The American independent producers. One of M K Venaasen from Lillehammer. writers or even known where to start. This incentive is supported by all Norwegian po- those was Lisa G. Black, owner of Wilming- “I met Lisa when I was hosting the Roga- was a chance to do something new and to- litical parties. Norway is the only Scandina- ton, Del., based Garnet Girl (see accompany- land part of the envoy trip,” wrote Klaussen, tally different. I was excited to read stories vian country with a financial incentive. ing story). The scenery and people she met who is now a freelance producer/filmmaker, written about the home country. “Because of the incentive, a Norwegian convinced her of the need for collaboration in an e-mail from Stavanger. “I was im- “The writing summit was very reward- company was set up for the production of between the United States and Norway and pressed by her amazing energy, and her fear- ing. It’s the first time I’ve worked with writ- The Snowman,” wrote Holm from Bergen. to promote its films and talent on an interna- less approach to new people and ideas. The ers outside the Hollywood system. Writers in “Several hundred Norwegians got involved tional stage. initiative helped to point out very clearly Norway aren’t concerned with the commer- behind and in front of the camera. Norway “I fell in love with Norway, the people, that Norway needed economic incentives to cial aspects of the story or the pressures of could prove to the international film industry country, and entrepreneurial spirit,” said grow the film industry. It also helped us real- market demands. They wrote straight from that it has a solid workforce and extremely Black, who is a board member of the Norwe- ize that we needed to improve collaboration. film-friendly cities and municipalities. We gian American Chamber of Commerce Phil- The initiative helped us get publicity for this Continued on the next page > theNorwegianamerican TV & Film July 1, 2016 • 21 Reel news From the Norwegian Film Institute (nfi.no)

Norwegian director Joachim Trier, 2011), Jorunn Myklebust Syvertsen, and Eva whose most recent feature, the English-lan- Sørhaug (90 Minutes / 90 minutter / 2012)— guage Louder than Bombs (2015) starring have each received NOK 100,000 ($12,000) French actress Isabelle Huppert was Nor- to further work on their ideas for new films. way’s first contender for the Golden Palm In addition, development funding was in Cannes for 36 years, is ready to shoot his allocated for four films—two shorts and two next film,Thelma (preliminary title). documentaries: Liv Joelle Barbosa Blad’s Thelma was one of the six new features short Min søster, Yngvild Sve Flikke’s short the Norwegian Film Institute decided to sup- Apple, Karoline Grindaker’s documen- port on June 2 with a total of NOK 34 million tary Ervin, and Jon Vatne’s documentary ($4 million), along with Norwegian award- Mågalúf. winning director Iram Haq’s What Will Peo- For the fifth time, Sørfond is granting ple Say (Hva vil folk si), Katarina Launing’s production support to projects in develop- Battle, Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen’s Valley ing countries with Norwegian co-producers. of Shadows (Skyggenes dal), Jorunn Mykle- Projects from Iran, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, bus Syversen’s feature debut Hoggeren, and Paraguay, Colombia, Egypt, and Palestine Aril Østin Ommundsen’s filmNow it’s Dark. have received a total of about $430,000 in The funding will also support six documen- support. taries and seven short films. Out of 61 applications received, nine The Norwegian Film Institute has also productions were granted support by an in- allocated NOK 1.2 million ($140,000) pub- ternational jury consisting of Rima Mismar lic funding for Norwegian director Karl Emil (Lebanon), Dag Johan Haugerud (Norway), Rikardsen’s documentary The Arctic Camels and Yngvild Sve Flikke (Norway). Among (De arktiske kamelene), which will be pro- these films, seven are fiction films (Marcelo duced by Relation04 Media. Martinessi’s The Heiresses from Paraguay, The film institute has additionally de- Carlos Reygadas’s Where Life is Born from cided to support many films within the New Mexico, Alvaro Delgado Aparicio’s Retablo Ways program, the talent scheme to support from Peru, Jhonny Hendrix’s Candelaria Photo: U.S.-Norway Film Development Project / Facebook artistic research and development for estab- from Colombia, Hala ElKoussy’s Cactus Bård Ivar Engelsås, scriptwriter for The Swimmer, hones his craft at the Script Polishing Summit in lished directors within Norwegian cinema. Flower from Egypt, Annemarie Jacir’s Wa- 2012. Norwegian director Halfdan Ullmann jib from Palestine, and Maria Alché’s The Tøndel and Frokost Film will receive NOK Immersed Family from Argentina) and two < Continued from previous page 1 million ($120,000) for Fanny and Nor- are documentaries (Martin Weber’s Map of wegian director Marianne Ulrichsen and Latin American Dreams from Argentina and the heart. The writers were intuitive, very have extremely good scripts that I am sure Mer Film was backed by NOK 0.9 million Mina Keshavarz’s Will She Win The War? honest in their writing, and smart. They lis- will see the light of day and become success- ($110,000) for Alt brenner. from Iran). tened intently, but never rolled over on any- ful. This has enlarged my international net- The New Ways program has also allo- The jury says this year’s selection in- thing they disagreed with.” work and made me more competent working cated NOK 1.8 million ($210,000) to four cluded a great variety of projects, which It was an honor for Venaasen to work with the U.S.” directors and four film projects. The four di- made it possible for the jury to pick a diverse with distinguished writers. Since 2011, Lyng has produced or co- rectors—Magnus Mork, Jannicke Systad Ja- selection of films with an extensive geo- “That was a fantastic week for us writ- produced movies in Finland, China, Norway, cobsen (Turn Me On! / Få meg på, for faen! / graphical range and good gender balance. ers and led to an opportunity on another and Netherlands; TV episodes for shows in project,” says Venaasen. “I felt that Fergus the United States, Norway, and England; and and Ostby really grasped the idea of my commercials in Japan, Sweden, and Den- script and helped me in focusing it, instead mark. of leading me into another direction. Their Black has benefitted, too. Besides The approach was with respect for me as a writer Birdcatcher and The Swimmer, she is coor- and gave me a boost in terms of self-esteem. dinating producer/marketing for Heartstone, “I have been a part of the discussions and executive producer for Afterlands, two before every new step of development and Icelandic films. Heartstone, due out this met with potential distributors, directors, year, is written and directed by Guðmundur producers, and partners. Most important for Arnar Guðmundsson, who Black met at the me is I feel there are economic connections film festival in Haugesund in 2013. Canadi- overseas and all the Norwegian regional an Paul Barkin, who met Black on the 2010 funds were involved. Without the initiative, trip, is a producer on Afterlands. The Birdcatcher would have had to find a “If you’re only looking out for yourself, Norwegian producer, and the market for de- nothing happens,” said Black. “You have velopment and production would have been to share your network. My generosity is to a lot smaller and more difficult. I have some serve the greater good. If I know there are work with German producers now, initiated two people who will have synergy, I’ll intro- by talents in my region, but I would have duce them. This makes the world closer.” Photo: Jakob Ihre / Motlys AS never had the U.S.-Norway connection.” “The success of the animated film Fro- Joachim Trier’s first English-language film, Louder Than Bombs was Norway’s first contender for the The film should begin shooting in the zen in 2014 spiked interest in travel to Nor- Golden Palm in Cannes in 36 years. His new project, Thelma, is receiving support from the Norwegian Film Institute. Trondheim region in spring 2017. way and was an eye-opener for the tourism Start of production for The Swimmer is industry,” said Holm. “Also, the Academy to be determined. Award-winning filmEx Machina was shot in Lyng would like to position Film in Nor- and Luster in Norway. This became way as “the preferred partner for any interna- a shot in the arm for our film incentive lobby- Subscribe today! tional production wanting to shoot on loca- ing efforts. It showed the potential Norway tion in Norway.” has as a location for international produc- “The reaction to the initiative was posi- tions. As a U.S. film commission colleague tive and welcomed,” said Lyng. “When do- said: ‘The incentive is the initial qualifier. It ing something innovative and new, that re- gets you at the table with producers. Without quires a certain stamina and work method. incentives, you can't have conversations.’” Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] Both are evident in this initiative. Both films 22 • July 1, 2016 Arts & Entertainment theNorwegianamerican Film review: Norwegian & American The Beethoven journey of Leif Ove Andsnes Women of Distinction Kitty (Christine) Lange Kielland (1843-1914)

Diane Edwards Daughters of Norway

Kitty Kielland was one of the most in- important teacher. Her motif of peat bogs and fluential and important artists in Norway; flat landscape fascinated her. These paintings she changed the face of by originated in her finding an area in Jæren in the development of Realism. She also paved . She prepared studies when the way for successive female artists, both she was in Jæren and later used these to paint through her paintings and by her active par- a realistic depiction of this landscape with ticipation in the fight for women’s rights in unifying atmospheric effects. She returned the art world. there in the summers and so the monotonous Kielland was born in Stavanger in 1843 landscape was her main subject. This be- to a wealthy and influential family. Her came her recurring motif. brother was Alexander L. Kielland, a fa- She said she was so interested in this mous Norwegian writer, who influenced her area because of “the grandeur of the land- work and vice versa. Although she knew she scape and the wealth of poverty.” The skill Christine Foster Meloni wanted to be an artist and was allowed to with which her landscapes were executed Washington, D.C. study drawing and painting, she was discour- marked her as one of Gude’s most outstand- aged from her goal of becoming a landscape ing students. Leif Ove Andsnes, one of the world’s Fortunately, music lovers all over the painter until she turned 30. Presumably she In 1879, Kielland left Munich and moved greatest pianists, came up with a very origi- world can experience this extraordinary jour- had some type of inheritance at that time to Paris along with several other Norwegian nal idea. He decided to immerse himself in ney. Sony Classical has released recordings because she became independent from that artists. There she was influenced by the artist the music of Beethoven for four years and of the performances captured live in Prague. time on and was able to embark on serious Leon Petouse, and her works became infused travel around the world with one of the This city was chosen as Beethoven allegedly painting studies. She traveled to Karlsruhe in with a lighter and more romantic quality. Her world’s most renowned orchestras, playing performed his First Concerto here in 1798. 1863 to study with . Her lessons work became almost photographic in its clar- and recording Beethoven’s Concertos. British director and filmmaker Phil had to be private, as women were not al- ity of form and infused with an atmosphere Andsnes considers Beethoven the most Grabsky created a documentary of this jour- lowed into teaching studios. From Gude she of nostalgia and gentle affection for Norway. human and, at the same time, the most spiri- ney entitled “Concerto—A Beethoven Jour- received an education in realism that would She exhibited her paintings in Paris in 1879 tual of all composers. He wanted to play his ney” (Seventh Art Productions). He filmed perpetuate and influence her throughout her for the first time. In the 1880s she worked at five concertos on different pianos in different Andsnes both performing the five Beethoven career. Kielland was a very hard worker and simplifying her art and participated eagerly settings around the world in order to find his Concertos and also sharing his thoughts advanced quickly in her studies. in debates regarding women’s rights. own personal interpretation of the great com- about what these great works reveal about In 1875 Kielland moved to Munich Kitty L. Kielland, in her “Summer poser. He chose the traveling Mahler Cham- Beethoven’s life. and joined with a Norwegian colony of art- Night” of 1886, was one of the first to rein- ber Orchestra to accompany him. The MCO What is particularly striking in the doc- ists there. During this time she painted open terpret for a Norwegian context the mood of has 45 core members who come from 20 dif- umentary is the sight of Andsnes as he sits landscapes of a windswept and somber na- evening. Her paintings of her fellow Norwe- ferent countries, and it spends approximately in the midst of the musicians and conducts ture with huge skies, peat bogs, and slow- gian artists in Paris are among her best works. 200 days a year traveling. from his keyboard. He relishes this intimate moving streams. This motif came from the She was a good friend of the famous Nor- He decided to perform Beethoven’s contact with the orchestra and he remarks area nearby her home in Norway where she wegian artist Harriet Backer, and they lived piano concertos in the following four-year that here he feels “constantly in the drama.” returned every summer. In Munich she stud- in the same area in Paris and often painted cycle: We also get a peek at the domestic And- ied with French-inspired realist Hermann together. Kielland’s paintings are shown in • 2012: Piano Concertos Nos. 1 & 3 snes in this documentary when we see him Baisch and with Norwegian artist Eilif Pe- fine museums throughout the world. • 2013: Piano Concertos Nos. 2 & 4 pushing his twin babies in their stroller. He terssen, who was considered to be her most Not only was Kielland’s art important in • 2014: Piano Concerto 5 & Choral Fantasy relates that they were born very prematurely the development of realism, but she was also • 2015: All five Piano Concertos and that he had to cancel some of his concerts an active participant in the fight for women’s In the final season, the five concertos to be at home with his family. “Family comes rights in Norway and the art world. would be performed at major residences in first!” he says with a big grin on his face. Toward the end of her life, Kielland Europe, Asia, and North America. Andsnes painted little and suffered from senile de- expressed his hope that many people would The recordings and the documentary have mentia. She died in Oslo in 1914. join them “for a voyage of musical discovery received great acclaim around the world by that promised to be both illuminating and ex- both critics and audiences. The Sony record- Images: Public domain / Wikimedia Commons hilarating.” ings are offered as audio CDs and MP3 ver- Left: A portrait of Kitty Kielland by Olav Rusti sions of Concertos 1-5, Concertos 1 and 3, His dream was realized and it was in- (1850-1920). deed a magical voyage. In the four years, Concertos 2 and 4, and Concerto 5/Choral Below: “Fra Jæren,” one of Kielland’s many he traveled to 108 cities in 27 countries for Fantasy. The Seventh Art Productions doc- landscape paintings. more than 230 performances. An incredible umentary consists of two DVDs. They are accomplishment! available from iTunes and amazon.com.

< brexit In a statement after the vote, Solberg From page 3 added that while “The UK’s decision pres- ents us with new political challenges,” and cy preparedness. “Europe’s leaders need to fully acknowledge “We’ve assessed the consequences of the unease and lack of trust felt by many vot- this [Brexit]. The indirect effects are the ers,” Norway would remain an open econ- most important. In the short-term, we know omy. that international banks and others have tak- “Norway’s association with the EU is en precautions to try to neutralize [matters] firmly established through the EEA Agree- should there be major currency fluctuations,” ment. The UK’s decision to leave the EU has she told TV2. not changed this.” France’s biggest companies and Italian She concluded, “Today’s situation Prime Minister Matteo Renzi are amongst means that politicians across Europe have a those who have appealed to British voters to great responsibility to work to find solutions vote “Remain.” that can safeguard European cooperation.” theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Heritage July 1, 2016 • 23 All shook up: an American drink in Norway Vanse celebrates American nostalgia with a milkshake contest judged by Andreas Viestad

Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y.

There was a time when you could not included strawberry, pistachio, and choco- walk down a block in New York without hit- late—so thick you had to eat it with a spoon. ting a soda fountain. Ice cream parlors pro- A local, Magnus Staalesen, told me that the liferated, as well as counters at Woolworth’s latter received an extra point for that texture. and candy stores (remember Doc’s in West According to Viestad, the food contest at Side Story?). At one time you could only get the American Festival “is great fun. We do it coke served from one of these silver servers. every year. [And he participates every year, These places featured the infamous egg if he is around.] The community comes out. cream (indigenous to New York City), ice There are some wild and crazy ideas. Cook- cream sundaes, sodas, banana splits, and of ing is a great way to experience culture—a course the refreshing milkshake. So I was meeting of Norway and America.” delighted to see that there was to be a milk- The winner this year was Nina Eitland shake contest on June 25, 2016, at the Amer- for her entry “All Shook Up,” an homage to ican Festival in Vanse. This festival revels Elvis. It contained bananas, peanut butter, in the American nostalgia fondly remem- and chocolate. The prize was worth about bered and celebrated in this area of Norway, $600 to be used in the States. known as Lista. In fact, the contest was held I asked the star gourmand why he chose on Vanse’s Brooklyn Square. Nina’s entry: “She has participated several Four contestants competed, waiting in times. She’s been thinking conceptually for anticipation for the well-known Norwegian a long time. It is very Americana, embracing Photo: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons chef Andreas Viestad, who hosts the “New emblems of America.” A soda jerk flips ice cream into malted milk shakes in Corpus Christi, Texas, in Feb. 1939. These shops Scandinavian Cooking” on public television Which after all is what this festival is all were once everywhere and embody the particular brand of Americana celebrated at Vanse’s annual in the U.S., to make his decision. The entries about. American Festival.

Norway-USA in contrast: Different approaches to healthcare costs European countries, all of which support universal healthcare for their residents. If M. Michael Brady you travel in Europe and are a citizen of and Asker, Norway a member of the National Insurance scheme of one of the 28 member countries of the Eu- Healthcare in Norway is universal and ropean Union (EU) or four European coun- available to all as an essential part of the tries not in the EU (Iceland, Liechtenstein, modern welfare state that employs the Nor- Norway, and Switzerland), you may carry a dic Model. As pointed out last November European Health Insurance Card that entitles in an opinion essay entitled “American Ex- you to treatment on a par with the citizens of ceptionalism” (Further reading), by Czech- these countries. The cards are of a uniform Canadian scientist and policy analyst Vaclav design and each carries the two-letter abbre- Smil, the U.S. is the only modern affluent viation of the name of and an explanatory country without access to universal health- text in the language of the country that issued care. That difference complicates comparing it. In Norway, if you are a citizen or are mar- healthcare in the two countries in a single ried to a Norwegian citizen and are a mem- article in this newspaper. So here the focus ber of the national Social Insurance scheme, is on the everyday aspects of the Norwegian you may apply for a card at the Health Eco- healthcare system as experienced by its us- nomics Administration (Further reading). ers. Photo: NAV Norway spends about 8.5% of its Norwegian version of a European Health Insurance Card. Further reading: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on health- “American Exceptionalism” by Vaclav care. Overall, healthcare is mostly public, Smil, IEEE Spectrum, November 2015, p. financed through income taxes and govern- a health problem, such as a visit to a doctor. a consultation costs NOK 187 ($23) with a 22, link: spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/educa- ment appropriations. Private health services It is provided locally. Secondary care is spe- GP and NOK 320 ($39.50) with a specialist, tion/american-exceptionalism. are growing and now account for about 16% cialized and deals with health problems that and an X-ray costs NOK 227 ($28). Stays in Helsenorge (“Healthcare Norway”), of healthcare spending. cannot be sorted out in primary care, such as hospitals are at no cost to residents registered helsenorge.no/other-languages/english, a According to the latest OECD update of treatment by specialists or in hospitals. It is with NAV. website compiled by the Norwegian Direc- its Social Expenditure Database (SOCX) in provided by four Regional Health Authori- The overall cost of healthcare for the in- torate of eHealth (NDE), ehelse.no/english, 2014, Norwegian public and private spend- ties, each of which administers, manages, dividual is kept down by granting free care established January 1 this year to use in- ing on social security (including healthcare) and develops healthcare services within its for expenses over a ceiling set once a year. formation and communication technologies is the 19th highest among developed coun- boundaries and operates hospitals as a public In practice, an exemption card (Frikort) is (ICTs) to improve the healthcare system and tries. The public Social Insurance covers all service. Save for emergencies, such as treat- then issued for a group of public healthcare make it more accessible to and understood residents of the country and provides pen- ing the victims of accidents or acute illness, services for the rest of a calendar year. There by the public. sions and welfare services. Like healthcare, and births, patients are admitted to hospitals are two groups of services: Group 1 includes NAV, the Norwegian Labor and Wel- social security is changing to adapt to an upon referral by doctors. the most commonplace services, including fare Administration, homepage in English at increasingly older, more urban population. The cost to an individual user of a public visits to a doctor, psychologist, or hospital www.nav.no/en. Its services are made available to the public healthcare service is called egenandel, liter- outpatient clinic; for 2016 its user fee ceil- Helfo, the Norwegian Health Econom- by local Norwegian Labor and Welfare Ad- ally “own share” (of the overall cost, most ing is NOK 2185 ($269). Group 2 includes ics Administration, homepage in English at ministration (NAV, Further reading) offices of which is covered by the healthcare sys- specialist services, including physiotherapy, helfo.no/english. across the country. tem). In English it’s termed a “user fee,” as treatment of periodontal diseases, and stays OECD Social Expenditure database Norwegian healthcare is divided into it applies to all healthcare services, not just at approved rehabilitation centers; for 2016 (SOCX) update, November 2014, 8 page primary and secondary care, both in its ad- those provided by medical doctors. The fees its user ceiling is NOK 2670 ($329). free PDF, link: www.oecd.org/els/soc/ ministration and its practice. Primary care is are standardized once a year for all services The Norwegian healthcare system in- OECD2014-Social-Expenditure-Update- what people usually seek upon first having for the entire country. For instance, in 2016 teracts with the healthcare systems of other Nov2014-8pages.pdf. 24 • July 1, 2016 Norsk Språk theNorwegianamerican

< Kongeparet « Film is one of the last places we can escape to, Fra side 2 where all dreams come true and everything is magical. » sønn Marius Borg Høiby (19). – Brita Cappelen Møystad Prinsesse Märtha Louise og Ari Behn kom med barna Maud Angelica (13), Leah Pondus Isadora (11) og Emma Tallulah (7). Prinsesse by Frode Øverli Astrid, fru Ferner var også med. — I dag takker vi for og gleder oss over vår konge og dronning som for 25 år siden gikk inn under kallet som vårt kongepar, sa biskop Helga Byfuglien i sin preken. — Deres gjerning har vært preget av den forpliktelsen som svarer til deres ansvar og kall. Dere har vist mot og oppfinnsomhet til å være i tiden og har gått veier ingen har gått før. Dere har fremstått med troverdighet: Slik dere har gjort det, slik skulle det være. Dere har latt oss se dere som ekte mennesker i rollen, sa Byfuglien. Under gudstjenesten var både jente­ koret, guttekoret og domkoret med på å sette What would your She’ll have long, dark curly So it’s good enough den høytidelige stemningen i dag, blant an- dream girl look My world! hair! Or blonde, shoulder Or a little chubby! That’s good if she’s a girl? net med «Ljoset over landet dagna». Biskop like, Kjell Kristian? I can see length! That’s fine! And she too! And she must wear glasses! i Nidaros, Tor Singsaas, holdt forbønn for her in front has blue eyes! Or brown! Slim! If she has perfect vision that’s of me! obviously no good! Happy with kongeparet på både norsk og nordsamisk. little freckles and reddish hair... Kongeparet, kronprinsfamilien og or Indian! They’re cute! prinsesse Märthas familie har allerede deltatt på dagens første arrangement med familien Lunch til stede, en folkefest i Ravnkloa. by Børge Lund Der fikk de høre og se lokale kultur- innslag og oppleve kunstutstillingen som 180 barnehagebarn i byen har bidratt til.

Hee hee! You’re < Stein never too old for this! Fra side 2

Dei blei nok rysta når dei sat inne og fekk den steinen i veggen. Schartner snakka med ein entreprenør som undersøkte steinen. Han anslår vekta på steinen til rundt 15 tonn. — Eg tenkte at dette er vilt. Eg har ikkje sett noko liknande, seier Schartner. Huseigar Hagberg seier ho er glad ingen ...Or maybe you ARE too old, Kjell? Maybe it’s time to rethink this? vart skadd. Skadene på huset får ho koma at- tende til. Turistane skulle feriera i Hardanger 22. Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten juni. Reiseplanane held fram som vanleg. Politiet blei varsla om raset klokka Open stage Hello... 19.40. Det var Odda kommune som melde at the pub. inn hendinga, seier operasjonsleiar i Vest politidistrikt, Bjarte Rebnord. — Det har vore ein patrulje på staden og ein fagmann frå Mesta, som vurderte om­ rådet. Han konkluderte med at evakuering ikkje er naudsynt, opplyser Rebnord.

< FISK Fra side 2 konsekvenser,­ sier han. Det vil dermed bli vanskeligere å selge hvitfisk til Storbritannia. That always seems to happen... — På torsk og hyse er det slik at hvis du får en stor prisoppgang, så vil du kunne få et mindre volum og markedet blir redusert. Det Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy er en alvorlig konsekvens, sier Møller. Det har vært stor usikkerhet om hva There is a nasty taste to this porridge. konsekvensene vil ha å si for Norge og fiskerinæringen. Europaminister og tidligere fiskerimin- ister sier at konsekvensen trolig blir at Norge for første gang siden 60-tallet må forhandle bilateralt med Storbri- tannia for å få på plass en ny fiskeriavtale. — Det blir definitivt ett av de områdene som blir berørt, sier Aspaker. — Det er høyst usikkert om og i hvor stor grad Brexit vil påvirke norsk sjømat­ I see you’re busy with the If the porridge isn’t good eksport. Det avhenger ikke minst av hvor strawberries, Per, but Mari wants you enough then you can go home! lang tid det eventuelt vil ta før en Brexit all to come to dinner for rømmegrøt. gjøres gjeldende, skriver Trond Davidsen i Our cow had a calf last night. Sjømat Norge i en e-post til NRK. That will be dandy that! theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk July 1, 2016 • 25

Norwegian Language Corner NORWEGIAn 101 Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS

Media College There is no doubt (det er ingen tvil) that today we live in a Volume 2 media world (vi bor i en medieverden) and many say (og mange With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now sier) that the jobs children of today (dagens barn) will have in serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Corner. The stories are from the collections the future (vil ha i fremtiden) haven’t even been invented yet of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad (ikke er oppfunnet ennå). It is therefore logical (logisk) that there Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, are university programs (programmer på universitet) that spe- designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. cialize in media studies (som spesialiserer seg i medieunder- visning). Nord University’s campus boasts one of the up-and-coming (opp og kommende) media programs in Scandi- navia. I asked Greg, one of the program’s instructors, how their program differed (var forskjellig) from similar programs (fra lig- nende programmer) in the rest of the world. Although (selv om) most have, for example, hands-on filmmaking (filmproduksjon); “NORD has a more integrated program (mer integrert program), encompassing Film/TV, 3D animation and Visual Effects, and Game Design.” Greg is an American teaching at a university with an inter- national staff, “broadening the perspectives available to students (utvide perspektivene for studenter).” Courses are often taught in English. This can actually benefit the students (er faktisk en fordel) because so many terms (så mange begreper) then do not need translation (oversettelse). Students are, according to Greg, open to learning (åpen for læring) but can be shy (kan være sjen- Skomakaren The Shoemaker ert) and less motivated (mindre motivert) when it comes to look- del 3 av 4 part 3 of 4 ing at the long-term picture (for å se på det lansiktige bildet). I asked Greg what he thought the most important piece of — Såg du noko? sa dei til han då han “Did you see anything?” they asked technology (det viktigste stykke teknologi) over the last 5-10 kom heim att til kongsgarden. him when he came back home to the pal­ — Å ja så menn såg eg eit lite filledyr ace. years was, and he answered without hesitation, “the smart- som hadde berre eitt horn. Det sette eg i “Oh yes indeed, I saw some small phone.” He believes (han mener) media’s role in education will ei fure. Vil de drepa det, så kan de gjere worthless animal that only had the one become more and more important (mer og mer viktig) as tech- det sjølve. horn. I set it fast into a spruce tree. If you nology becomes cheaper (billigere) and easier to use (enklere å Ja, dei tok av stad tolv kongens karar want to kill it, then you can do so your­ bruke), and the role of social media becomes even more wide- og skaut einhjørningen ihel, og så køyrde selves.” spread (blir enda mer bredere). dei han heim til kongsgarden på ein stor Well, twelve of the king’s men took Interested in learning more (interessert i å lære mer) about slede. Alle var opp i under over det veldige off and shot the unicorn dead, and then dyret, og dei vart endå reddare skomakar­ they carted it home to the palace on a the Bachelor in Media Technology at Nord University? Check en enn før, og passa seg vel for å erta han. big sleigh. Everyone was amazed at see­ out (se) this three-year program on their Facebook page: www. Då det leid om ei tid att, tok kviteb­ ing this mighty beast, and now they were facebook.com/nordmediastudies or their website (hjemmeside): jørnen til å vera så vond i skogen at det even more frightened of the shoemaker mediastudent.no/media. International students (internasjonale fekk aldri nokon koma dit. Kongen sende than before, and were very careful not to studenter) are welcome to apply (er velkomne til å søke): medi- imot han dei beste karane sine, men offend him. astudent.no/media/apply/international-students. bjørnen jaga dei heim att. Så sa kongen When some time had passed, a po­ til skomakaren at han fekk gjera ende på lar bear began making so much trouble kvitebjørnen. in the forest that no one was ever able to — Ja, det er minst føre det, for meg, go there. The king sent his best men after sa skomakaren og tok i veg. Han skjøna at it, but the bear just chased them home det var best å koma seg unna i tide, om again. Then the king told the shoemaker Norwegian han skulle berge livet, difor tok han ein that he would have to put an end to this annan veg gjennom skogen. Men best bear. det var, så kom kvitebjørnen burande så “Aye, that is easy for me to do,” said all the way det var fælt. the shoemaker and left. He knew now Så bar det av stad, skomakaren føre that it was best if he could get away in og kvitebjørnen etter. Til sist kom dei til time to save his life. Therefore, he took through? eit bakstre-hus. Skomakaren reiv opp another route through the forest. But 17.NAW.Langeland.CMYK.27Oct2015.qxp_Layout 1 10/27/15 7:57 PM Page 1 døra, og så smatt han til sides. Men kvite­ suddenly the polar bear came a-roaring Subscribe today: (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] bjørnen kom farande og bykste beint inn so that it was just horrible. før han fekk stogga. Så stengde skomak­ Now the chase was on, the shoe­ aren att døra. maker in the front and the polar bear Der stod bjørnen og ut att kom han on his heels. Finally, they came to a bake 1888 book now available in English! ikkje. — Å hå! tenkte skomakaren, — er house. The shoemaker tore the door Norwegians in America, Some Records eg slik kar treng eg ikkje rømma or tenes­ open and slipped behind it. But the polar of the Norwegian Emigration to America ta. Og så gjekk han beine vegen heim att bear came running and burst right in be­ Written by Knud Langeland til kongsgarden. — Såg du noko? sa dei fore it could stop. So then the shoemaker • Bilingual English and Norwegian text til han. slammed the door shut. • 5-1/2″ x 7-1/2″, hardcover, 240 pgs • = $14.95 with FREE shipping in USA — Å ja så menn såg eg eit lite, stak­ There stood the bear, not able to Autobiographical, tells of life in Norway before karsleg, kvitt dyr, sa han. get out. Aha, thought the shoemaker, 1843 and early immigrant life in America. Social am I this good, then I need not run away. and political portrait including the Norwegian And so he went straight home again to immigrant press. Published as a bilingual, the book includes both an English translation as the castle. “Did you see anything?” they well as a Norwegian transcription of the 1888 asked him. Gothic script. Foreword, biography and back “I did indeed see a small wretched cover review written by Odd S. Lovoll. white animal,” said he. [Book is not part of the Ulvestad 3-vol-set] Call, send check or order from website Made in America! Tune in next issue for the final installment! Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. www.astrimyastri.com 26 • July 1, 2016 Roots & Connections theNorwegianamerican Captain Birger Lunde’s war memoir: Part Two: Blink and the power of hope In the June 3 issue of this newspaper we ran part one of Captain Birger Lunde’s war memoir, “The sinking of the Taranger.” He wrote passionately but plainly about the harrowing expe- rience of being torpedoed during World War II. The following is the second installment in a three-part series. Captain Lunde’s final log of the Norwegian ship Blink would become one the most referenced and cited Norwegian documents of WWII. It was featured as recently as this February by NRK (www.nrk.no/hordaland/xl/styrmann-lundes-logg-1.12783048).

For a while after my first sinking, I took to describe and will always be with me. a job on an English Coastal vessel called the When they died we did what we could Lysaker 4. I did this to be close to a girl I and then cast them into the sea. At some had become fond of named Elizabeth, who point in our ordeal the sharks discovered us. lived in Glasgow. England, in 1940, was They followed the bodies and now, hungry thought to be in imminent danger of inva- for more, began to try to pull us out of the sion. Although protected by the Royal Navy flooded lifeboat. Tired and beyond exhaus- and Airforce, the coastal shipping was under tion we now found ourselves hitting at the almost constant attack. Between air attacks, sharks with our last boat hook. Yelling, surface attacks by torpedo boats, and subma- screaming through swollen lips and tongues, rines, the seaman’s life on an English Coastal and pounding at the sides of the lifeboat, do- vessel was far too stressful for me. Almost ing anything to make them go away. every coastal trip saw several ships picked In an ordeal like this, hope is the great off. I took a position as chief mate on the life force and when a man lost it he quickly ocean-traveling S/S Blink. perished. Hope was the only thing that sus- Photo courtesy of John Lunde As chief mate on the S/S Blink, I found tained any of us, and only someone who This photo of Captain Birger Lunde was taken at a meeting of the Norwegian Seaman’s War Veterans, myself during the winter of February 1942 comes through an ordeal like this knows its of which he was president for over 20 years. He felt that helping others helped him heal from the ordeal off Cape Hatteras in a bad storm. Things got real value. At some point I realized this and he’d been through. worse and in the middle of the night the ship knew I must focus my mind on surviving or was torpedoed. We were able to launch one be lost. lifeboat and spent the remainder of the night Late on the end of the third day, the SS resources of the Seaman’s Church and they head. It was searching for the submarine. We hove to. In the morning, we searched for Monroe spotted myself and one other crew- wisely turned to the Norwegian-American never heard if it found it. All we knew was some of the crew who had been seen during man waving. The lookout reported to his cap- community. Brooklyn was then the largest that in the morning the submarine was no the night on a life raft. We never found them tain that “I see two man standing in the water, Norwegian city in the world. The family that longer chasing us. again. waving.” Of the 23 sailors who got into the took me in had a little girl. I spent many days On one voyage to New York, our look- While trying to make sail in the bad lifeboat, only six in total survived the punish- just sitting in their back yard watching their out spotted a lifeboat. We stopped and were weather, we were unable to handle the boat ment. I was the only officer to survive, and my little girl play. The sunshine and her simple able to rescue 48 crew and passengers from and it turned over on us. We lost all our pro- report to the U.S. Navy was later included in natural questions sustained and restored me. the British ship Waiwera. They told us that visions. For the next three days we struggled the book Track of the Gray Wolf. After physically recovering from the they had been torpedoed the day before and to keep the boat upright. It turned over three Because of the hopelessness and hard- ordeal of the Blink, I signed on the S/S Or- that there was another lifeboat, but during the times and each time we were able to swim ship, the Blink sinking became known as one egon Express as second mate and wireless night they had lost sight of each other. We around it and set it right. Under the condi- of Norway’s worst wartime disasters. At first operator. I had lost most of my clothes and searched for two hours and finally our excel- tions this was an incredible accomplish- the Norwegian press in America wrote ar- money on the Blink and living in New York lent lookout spotted the other lifeboat. We ment and really is a tribute to the skills of ticles wondering what we had done wrong. was very expensive, so I had to get back to picked up another 48 passengers and headed men I sailed with. In the end we decided to Later I would meet some of the journalists the sea as quickly as possible. on to New York. We were able to make them leave the boat flooded and sat in the cold and and when they found out the true story they This ship was a refrigerated vessel and fairly comfortable and they were incredibly windy water. A very cold and strong north did their best to tell of our suffering. designed to carry perishable cargoes. She grateful to us. Among the passengers were wind kept the boat almost constantly awash. For my part, I was presented during the was fast and could do 15 knots. For over several Australian Air Force pilots who gave Despite our best efforts to help one an- war by King Haakon, in London, with Nor- a year we made fast trips from New York us their sheep skin coats. This is one incident other, slowly, one by one, the men lost hope way’s highest decoration: the St. Olav medal to England carrying meat. Because of our that Norwegian historians or journalists did and died. Heavy seas ran almost constantly with oak leaves. I also received a kind letter speed, we did not travel in convoys. The ship not document. through the flooded lifeboat. Each wave of condolence from the British Minister Lord also carried passengers, and on one enjoy- Interestingly, years later I forgot the seemed to take away more of our strength. Beaverbrook. able voyage carried 12 Canadian nurses to name of the ship. I wrote the British Ministry At one point on the second day a man died I spent some time in hospital and later a England. One of my fondest memories is a of Defence and got a wonderful letter back every hour. All of us had trouble focusing Norwegian family in Brooklyn took me in. lifeboat drill we conducted with the nurses. from the Naval Staff Duties Historical Sec- our minds and we all experienced periods of This was arranged through the Norwegian For the sake of “realistic training” one sun- tion. Because all I could remember was that blackout and total despair. It was so sad to Seaman’s Church. In those days the Seaman’s ny warm day while in harbor, we actually the ship carried butter, they searched the files see them go, one by one—something I was Church was our main source of support in launched the lifeboats with the nurses on for a cross reference. They were able to find never able to get over or put behind me. All foreign lands. The churches had parishes and board. We hadn’t actually cleared this with a small note from the Admiralty that the Or- my life they would follow me, especially sanctuaries in every major port of the world. the captain; however once the nurses began egon Express had picked up survivors from when I slept. They provided us with a place to go when to sing “row, row, row your boat,” it seemed the Waiwera. Actually the note was a letter Our captain spoke at length to me of his we were in trouble and could help us through the natural thing to do. What followed was complaining that we should have informed family just before he died. When he died, I family and personal problems. They even even more interesting when the captain be- the Admiralty immediately of the rescue. All became the last officer and the remaining took care of our banking. Although they did gan to blow the whistle for us to return. I I can say is that the last thing we would have men turned to me. Such feelings are difficult their best, the war simply overwhelmed the told the crew to ignore it and we went on to done with all those people on board and a sub- have a really nice sail. Back on board I was marine in the area was to break radio silence. chewed out, but things calmed down when On another occasion we were invited to the head nurse thanked the captain for the a party ashore in Liverpool. The first mate wonderful outing. He was mainly mad that suggested we raid the Oregon Express’s re- he had not been included. frigerated hold and bring a side of beef to 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 It was on the Oregon Express that I ex- the party. The mate, who was a good friend Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] perienced a “sea chase.” For one whole day of mine and very strong, threw the whole a surfaced submarine followed close on our side of beef on his shoulder and started up Featuring great Nordic products heels. The sea was rough and we could see the pier. As we approached the roadway, a the submarine several miles behind us, crest- couple of policeman quickly grabbed us and Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments ing and crashing through waves. The Oregon pulled us back inside the pier. They told us Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats Express maintained her speed and when that so starved was the city that simply see- and more! darkness came we changed course. As radio ing the meat could spark a riot. It put things operator I wired a message that we were be- in perspective: someone was trying to starve Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com ing chased by a submarine. That night while England and I realized then what each voy- on watch, I heard a large plane passing over- age meant. theNorwegianamerican July 1, 2016 • 27 A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch From children’s book to TV show Many television programs start out as books, and it’s always interesting when the characters we see in our heads suddenly appear live on the screen. Here are a few Norwegian children’s books you can watch (or read) this summer.

Karsten og Petra (Casper and Emma) Five-year-old Karsten and Petra are the main characters in a series of books by author Tor Åge Bringsværd, illustrated by Anne G. Holt. The first book was released in 1992 and there are now over 40 books in the series. Their stuffed animals, Frøken Kanin (Miss Rabbit) and Løveungen (the Lion Cub) are their famous friends. These characters have also starred in a TV series. If you want to see these programs, go to the public television’s children’s site (tv.nrksu­ per.no) and type “Karsten og Petra” to celebrate with their grandmother. Karsten and Petra now appear in and Emma,” you can find movie trail­ in the search bar. If you look at the illustrations, you three movies (the third movie came ers with English subtitles. One book about these crazy will see famous places like the Parlia­ out in 2015). kids, called Karsten og Petra hilser ment and Vigelandsparken. This Nor­ You can also google Karsten og Find out more on their Facebook på Kongen (Karsten and Petra greet wegian picture book also gives you a Petra filmer and get clips on YouTube. page: www.facebook.com/Kar- the King), is about the 17th of May bit more history about the 17th of Their English names are Casper stenogPetra. in Oslo. Karsten and Petra are going May and why we celebrate it. and Emma. If you google “Casper

Knerten (Twigson) Jakob og Neikob (Yesper and Noper) Do you ever imagine that things These two characters don’t agree like sticks and branches can come to on ANYTHING. Jakob (Yesper) always life? Popular children’s author, Anne- says yes and Neikob (Noper) always Cath Vestly did just that for the stick says no. First published in 2008, man, Knerten. His story starts when author Kari Stai wrote her book in Lillebror (little brother) moves from (new Norwegian), and has Oslo to the countryside where he since written two additional books has no friends… until his imagina­ about Jakob and Neikob’s adven­ tion brings him Knerten. The first tures together. book was published in 1962 and was The books have been translated followed by a series of books about into different languages, and the Knerten and Lillebror. English version was translated for The first movie came out in 2009, people living in India and was pub­ and is still a favorite for children of lished in 2014. You can find the Eng­ all ages. The next two movies are lish version at: appshopper.com/ called Knerten gifter seg (Twigson books/yesper-and-noper or watch a ties the knot, 2010), and Knerten i Knerten also has a facebook page: short film on YouTube at: www.you­ Jakob and Neikob ALSO have a knipe (Knerten in trouble, 2011). If www.facebook.com/knertenfilm. tube.com/watch?v=f4oVY9j1blA. facebook page: www.facebook.com/ you want to watch a Knerten movie Jakob-og-Neikob-79284165943. on YouTube, Google “Knerten film YouTube.” Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland Norwenglish Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord

Solution to “By-fjell” Solution to puzzle #13: Solution to last issue’s puzzle: What do you think? Do the movie versions of Karsten and Petra (top right photo) look like you’d expect based off the books (top left photo)? Would you like to read about Knerten (bottom left photo)? What do you think a movie version of Jakob and Neikob would look like (bottom right photo)? thank you for reading our paper! 28 • July 1, 2016 Bulletin Board theNorwegianamerican

ISS celebrates 50 years! Summer Solstice

ISS hosted a special weekend of alumni events surrounding the 17. Mai weekend and it was great to meet many former students, including those who had flown over from the U.S. (Texas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Nebraska, Washington). Without question, the alumni back on campus last month spoke fondly of their time in Norway and were overjoyed to return for the first time since they were children.

Submitted by Katharine Mudra, Communications Officer, International School of Stavanger

Your favorite books NorAmHappy notes Independence Day! We want to know which books you Are you feeling independent to­ loved this year, and why. Email your day? However you celebrate, we one-sentence answers to naw@na- hope you have a great 4th of July. Our daughters Freya and Birgitta Finn celebrated the Summer Solstice by sailing a “Viking weekly.com, with your name and Please note that we’ll be out ship” and making pinnebrød (using the NAW recipe). Thank you for your wonderful paper! city, by July 12. You just may make of the office that day (even though our Summer Reading roundup. it’s a Monday!). Submitted by Ann, Shell Lake, Wis.

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