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Aarhus, 153 apprenticeship, 145 Abel, 152, 161 Arboga, 180 Abimelech, 186 arsenic,171 Abo,111,123,147,201 Artedi, Perer, 212 abortion, 150, 151 Artemidorus, 114 Absalom, 124 Askersund, 210, 211 Adlerfelt, Per, 143 Asp,Carl, 120, 199,200,222 Adolf Frederick, king of Sweden, 189 Asp, Johan von, 221 Adoni-bezek,185 Asp, Maria Elisabeth, 222 Adonis capensis, 145 Asp, Mathias, 222 adulrery, 123, 153, 195, 197,209,220 Asp, Pehr Olof von, 222 adversity, 142 assassination, 186 Aemilianus, 186 assessors of Omnipotence, 207 affection sapped, 124 Assyria, 223 afterlife, 207 astrologer, 109, 110 Ahlstrom, Magnus, 180 atheism, 119, 120, 172, 179, 180 air, 91 atonement, 207, 209 Aland,200 auction, 161 All Hallows day, 152, 196 audacity, 142, 160 Alsike (Uppland), 140 Augustus, 149, 150, 187 Alstadius, Christina, 201 authority, 209, 220 Alstadius, Magdalena, 201 Avidius, 187 Aistadius, Petrus, 201 Axberg, Catharina Christina, 198 Alstromer, Jonas, 172 axe, 144 altar, 224 ambition, 209 Backman, Johan, 120 Amos, 218, 222 bankruptcy, 157, 165, 170.221 Amsterdam, 212 banns, 198 anatomizing, 157 barber-surgeon. 166, 171, 182 angel, 103, 113,207 barkbread, 211 anger, 111 Bassianus, 150 Anne, queen of England, 184 begging, 165 Annerstedt, Daniel, 199, 200 beheading, 182, 189, 190, 191 Annerstedt, Ebba Christine, 200 belief. 207 Antholyza cepacea, 146 Belshazzar, 189.209 Pius, 187 Benedictines, 195 , 149, 150 Benzelia, Anna. 204 Antonius Saturninus, 112, 187 Benzelia (Benzelstierna), Margareta, 166, Antonsson, Bengt, 181 198,204 Antonsson, Reinhold, 181 Benzelius, Erik, 204 apothecary,127,132 Benzelius, Henrik, 197 Appelbom, Anders, 140 Berg. Carl Gustav, 121, 122 Appius Maximus Norbanus, 112, 187 Berg's regiment. 143

463 464 Index to the text

BergenstrAhle, Rudman, 178 Breant, Johan, 148 Bergqvist, Lars, 126 Bredstedt (Schleswig), 119 Bernardines, 195 brewing, 136 Beronius, Magnus, 203 bribery, 181 best of all worlds, 206 bridge-building, 132 Birger Magnusson, king of Sweden, 188 Brigittines, 195 Biron, Ernst Johann, 183 Britannicus, 186 bishop, 192, 196 Broberg, Lars, 145 bitch and puppy, 115 Broden,010f,127 Bjarkman, Hans Henrik, 210 Broman, Erland Carlsson, 163, 220 Bjarkman, Margareta, 210 Broman, Vilhelmina Magdalena, 163 black grouse, 90 Brons, Lars Mattson, 147 Blackwell, Alexander, 172 Brusarbo (Vastmanland), 143 Blackwell, Elizabeth, 172 Brutus, 114, 188 Bleichert, Hedvig Eleonora von, 126 buck-shot, 148 Blekinge,163 Buddenbrock, Magnus Henrie, 101,185 blessing, 173, 207,226 Buffon, George, 125, 164 Blomberg, Anders Johan, 157 Bulbos capenses, 146 bloodbath in Stockholm, 182 bull,91 boatman, 110,219 burning at the stake, 109, 156, 182 Bocconia, 146 Buskagrius, Johan, 212 body and spirit, 113 busy Tom, 220 Boethius, Jacob, 202 butler, 137 Bohus fortress, 151 Byng, George, 184 boldness, 225 Byng, John, 184 Bonis,211 Bysing, Charlotta Catharina von, 148 Borell, Anders, 120 Bastling, Gottfried, 156 Caesar, 103,113,187 botanic garden, Uppsala, 123 Caligula, 186 bowels, 208 camera obscura, 100 Boy, Anna Margaretha, 136, 152, 170 cance~ 118, 123, 124, 148,224 Brahe, Eric, 119, 179,180,181,184,189, candle, flame of, 91, 207 202,211 Canutius, Olof, 127 Brahe, Eva Katarina, 179 Cap party, 119, 178,179, 181, 182, 184 Brahe, Kristina Charlotta, 179 Caracalla, 109, 186, 187 Brahe, Tycho,90 Carlberg, Birger, 202 BraIanda, 129 Carlberg, Johan, 202 brandy, 128,140, 157 Carleson, Edvard, 103, 176 Brauner, Anna Brita von, 167 Cassel,125 Brauner, Hanna Maria, 167 casting lots, 219 Brauner, Johan, 167 cathedral chapter, 195 Brauner, Sara Charlotta, 135 Catherine II, empress of Russia, 192 Braunerskald, Catharina Frondin, 140 catheter, 122 Braunerskald, Lars, 140 Catholicism, 195, 197 bread and joy, 213 cause, prime, 214, 226 breaking on the wheel, 143, 144, 177, 182 Cederhielm, Carl Gustav, 170 Index to the text 465

Cederhielm, Carl Wilhelm, 178 conscience, 206, 225 Cederhielm, Germund, 169,170 Constantine IV, 188 Cederhielm, Josias, 178 consumption, 119, 128,132, 179,222 Cederhielm, Josias Carl, 140, 178 Controller, 126,197 Cederhielm, Mauritz Bleckert, 170 Copenhagen,147,169,182,204 Cederkrona, Daniel Gustav, 91 copper mines, 197 Cederstrom, Johanna Elisabeth, 167 1 Corinthians, 133, 134, 156,218,222 Cederstrom, Sven, 167 coronation, 160, 185 Celsius, Olof, 147, 149 corpse, 104, 208 Celsus, 208, 223 country, love of, 206 Charles I, king of England, 190 courage, 206 Charles V, holy Roman emperor, 154 creation, 158,207 Charles IX, king of Sweden, 189 Creator, 215 Charles XI, king of Sweden, 139, 149, crime, 217 164- Croesus, 139,224 Charles xn, king of Sweden, 114, 139, Cronhielm, Axel, 144 143,176,185,202,224 Cronstedt, Carl, 114 chastity, 122 custom, 142 Chitelet prison, 170 Cherson, 188 Dagstrom, Olof Johansson, 100 chess, 188 Dahlberg, Arvid Magnus, 154 children, 148,208 Dahlman, Lars, 105, 152 Christ, 195, 196,207 Dal (Ostergotland), 129 Christian n, king of Denmark, 154, 182, Dalecarlia, 154 223 Dalecarlian revolt, 143, 185,203,210 Christian V, king of Denmark, 182 Damiens, Robert Fran~ois, 197 Christmas, 133, 143,201 dancing, 127 2 Chronicles, 96 Daniel, 189,209 church, 103,195 Danish sheriff, 166 Cicero, 149,150 Danmark (Uppland), 133, 155, 161 citizenry, 206 Danviken, 128 Claudianus, 87, 219 David, 124 Claudius, 186 death,93, 107, 156,186,207 Claudius, Marcus Aurelius, 187 debt, 163 Clerck, Carl Alexander, 105 Decius, 186 clergy, 106 De Geer, Charles, 166 Clifford, George, 127 Dellwig, Bernhard Reinhold von, 202 clockwork, 215 the younger, 202 clothes, 208 Denmark, 143,154,182,193,204 coach, 206 Deuteronomy, 137 cobbler, 126, 162 devil, 152, 196,201,207,217,220 coffin, 104 diligence, 156 coinage, 183 Dio (SmAland), 106 Collin, Johan Svensson, 110,219 Diocletian, 187 Commodus, 186 disinheritance, 138 Compostela, 122 divinity and kingship, 183 466 Index to the text

wisdom, 209 Eric XIV, king of Sweden, 182, 189 divorce,122,125,126,132,153,197,204 Eric Magnusson, 188,189 DjurgArd, 180 Eriksdotter, Margareta, 201 Dnieper, 156 Ersson, Per, 201 dog, 107,110,155,220 Essen, Fredrik Ulrik von, 178 Dominicans, 195 Estenberg, Carl, 178 Donritian,110,112,187 eternity, 206 DOmberg, Johann Caspar von, 125 evensong, 168 Drake, Anders von, 172 excommunication, 195 dreams, 103, 111, 114, 188, 192, 195 executione~106,107 Drottningholm, 119, 180 Exodus, 121, 151 drowning,118,120,124, 139, 145,217 eye, 100 drunkenness, 120, 127, 199,201,203 Diiben, Joachim von, 204 fable, 103 Diiben, Margareta, 204 Fahlander, Johan, 203 duel, 145,201 failure, 142 dust, 214 faith,207 Dutch, 212 falsehood, 214 Duwall, Johan Diedric, 182,211 Falun, 142, 161, 163 Dyre, Palle, 153 FArbro (Uppland), 155 farmer, 152 earthquake, 152, 196 farmhand at Jonkoping, 152 East Gothland, 189 fate, 87,93,94,96,214,217 East India Company (Swedish), 126, 197 and freedom, 217 Easter, 195, 197 hands, 110,219 eating and drinking, 213 power, 217 Ecclesiastes, 87,134,151,156,161,162, prayer, 176 211,213,218,223 will, 223 Ecclesiasticus, 92, 123, 124, 131,133,134, God's executor, 162 135, 137, 146, 151, 152, 155, 162, individual, 225 208,210,213,218 mortal, 218 Eggertz, Paul, 121 tyrannical, 223 Ehrenspetz, Anna Christina, 128 Faxell, Johan, 118 Ekeblad, Claes, 183, 190 fear, 142,212 Ekehielm, Sigrid, 202 Fehman, Thomas, 183 Elizabeth, empress of Russia, 112, 191, Fernholm, Mrs., 118 192,193 fever, 96, 180 Elizabeth, queen of England, 190 petechial, 157 Emperors, 186 scarlet, 103 Eniker (Viistmanland), 143 Filipstad, 112, 118 Engberg, Eric, 151 fingers, 133 Engby (Angeby, Uppland), 128 Finland, 111, 191 England, 185, 190 fire, 142, 170 English dictionary, 203 Flachsenius, Christina, 120 English ship, 151 ftagellation, 195 Envy, 148 Flakkebjerg (Sjrelland), 142 Index to the text 467 flame, 207 Frotuna (Uppland), 168 flax, 120, 123 Funck, Anna Catharina, 161 flintlock, 112 Funck, lohan, 161 Floderus, lohan, 199 funeral, 103, 111 Florinus, Henrik, 200 the younger, 111, 200 Gadebusch, 143 Florinus, Maria Eriksdotter, 201 Galatians,210,218,222,223 Flygge, Crispin, 202 gall, 158 Flygge, Peter, 202 Galle, Peter, 169 Folcker, Charlotta Aurora, 156 galley, 176, 181 folly, 206, 213, 218 Gallienus, 186 food-basket, 160 gallows, 103, 110, 150, 155,166,219 forgery, 204 Gallus, Georg, 224 fornication, 118, 123, 125, 153, 154, 164, Gardeling, Christina, 201 168,201,225 Gardenia, 146 Forssberg, Peter, 211 gardening man, 123 Forsskat, Pehr, 111 GAse, Achatius, 146 fortune, 95, 113,160,207,209,220,225 Gavle, 109, 155 and grace, 209 Gedda, Carl von, 137 pride, 207 Genesis, 119,214,226 author of, 217 gentleness, 209, 220 good, 173 Georgii, Carl Fredrik, 165 wheel of, 154, 208 Geranium foliis peltatis, 146 fortune-telling, 109 Gerdesskold, lohan, 138,204 France, 190, 193 Germanicus, 186 French, 184, 192 Germany, 112, 120, 135, 140, 147, 169, and Minorca, 184, 185 180,187 anny,14O Gerner, Charlotta, lohanna, 135 pox, 211 Geta, 150 Franciscans, 195 Gezelius, Georg, 203 Frederick I, king of Sweden, 100, 125, ghost, 103 147,163, 172, 177 gibbet, 211 Frederick the great, 91, 193 Gimlinge (Sjrelland), 143 Fredrikshald (Norway), 114 gladness, 213 free-for-all, 160, 185 gloves, 184 freethinkers, 207 goat, 90 Freidenfelt, Christopher, 111 God,l00 friendship, 154 God's conciliation, 195 Fries, Petronella Sofia, 128 creation, 142, 158,207 Friesendorff, Anna Christina von, 167 glory, 97 Friesendorff, Carl Magnus von, 167 goodness, 214 Friesendorff, Elisabeth von, 92 grace, 118,209,225 Friesendorff, Greta von, 92 hands,139,200,213,224 Friess, Frederik Christian, 222 hearing,138,209 Frietzcky, Claes de, 178 judgement, 216, 217, 219, 222 Frondin, Elias, 156 justice, 221 468 Index to the text

kingdom, 96 Gylleokrok, Johan Gustav, 167 loan, 161, 162 Gylleokrok, Johanna Elisabeth, 167 majesty,91 Gyllenroth, Anders, 177 mercy,222 Gyllenstein, Johan Kock von, 176, 177 playfulness, 226 Gylling, Eric, 181 right, 225 retribution, 128, 138, 139, 145,224 Hadrian, 187 revelation, 152 haemorrhage, 124 sight, 158,209,217 hairshirt, 195 sceptre, 217 Hakansson, Olof, 163 will, 218, 220 Hallman, Johan Gustav, 150 and monarchy, 181 Hamburg, 140, 145, 177, 182 disdain for, 209 Hamilton, Hugo Johan, 101 Godhead, persons of, 207 Hammarby (Uppland), 92, 220 gold, 160, 225 Hamren, Anders, 157 Goldhan, Justus Gottlob, 132, 133 hands and fate, 110,219 gonorrhoea, 118,203,224 hanging, 166,204,217 goodness, 226 Hanoverians, 140 Gordian, 186 happiness, 86, 161, 162 Gortz, Georg Heinrich, 183 Harderwijk, 144 Gothenburg, 126, 169, 197 hardship, 185,210 Goths, realm of, 188 Harkman, Brita, 201 Gothic words, 206 Harkman, Carl, 201 Gotland, 109,125,127, 148 Harkman, Catharina, 201 grace, 200,209,214,215,225 Harkman, Jacob, 201 greed,145 Harkman, Vidik, 201 Grangarde (Dalecarlia), 203 HArleman, Henrika Juliana von, 125 Griffenfeldt, Peder Schumacher, count, harming the helpless, 209 106,182 harquebus, 143 Grip, Sidonia, 98 harvest ale, 153 Gripsholm, 181 Hasselquist, Fredrik, 146 Grizell, Elias, 190 Hat party, 119, 179,181, 189 Grizell, Per, 149,157, 165 hate, 142, 199,212 Gronhagen, Claes Wilhelm, 178 Hatuna, 188, 189 Grope, Gunnar, 139, 224 haunting, 103 Groth, Christina, 201 Hauswolff, Henning Wilhelm, 147 Grubbe, Anne, 153 haymaking, 114, 153 Grubbe, Anne Marie, 153 heaven, 207, 212 Grubbe, Erik,153 Hedman, Abraham, 178 Grubbe, Marie, 153 hell,207 Gudmarsson, Ulf, 122 Hemmingsdotter, Gertrud, 129 Gustavus I, king of Sweden, 189 hereditary illness, 121 Gustavus ill, king of Sweden, 181, 182 heresy, 158, 196,207 Gyldenl0Ve, Ulrik Fredrik, 153 Herkepaeus, Christian Johannes, 156 Gyllenborg, Johan, 156 Herkepaeus. Erik Johan, 167 Gylleokrok, Johan Georg, 168 Herkepaeus, Maria Elisabeth, 147 Index to the text 469

Herkepaeus, Maria Kristina, 156 of peasants, 203 Herkepaeus, Per, 146,178 housemaid, 126 Hermansson, Johan, 132 Hova, battle of, 188 hermit, 193 Hultman, Carl Niklas, 166 Hessian budget, 163 human hands, 217 Hierpe, Maja, 103,157 Humble, Ebba Christine, 200 Hildebrand, David Henrik, 203, 204 Humble, Gustav Adolf, 200 Hildebrand, Gotthard Henrik, 203 Huydecoper, Jan Elias, 191 Hokerstedt, Hedvig Eleonara von, 126 Hydren,~s, 199,200 Hokerstedt, Jacob Olofsson von, 125 hypocrisy, 223 Holland, 190, 191,204 hysteria, 204 Holmberg, Johan, 149 Holstein, 119, 177, 193 ice, weak, 120, 133, 145 Holstein, Jakob Stael von, 145 ides of March, 113, 187 Holy Communion, 195 idolatry,207 Holy Ghost, 207 Ihre, Charlotta Johanna, 135 honest man, 223 Ihre,Johan, 135, 167, 199 Hopken, Anders Johanvon, 112, 189, 192 illegitimate children, 146 Horace, 223 illiteracy, 196 Horn, Adam, 184 impossibility, 207 Horn, Anna Catharina, 184 incest, 121 Horn, Arvid Bernhard, 184 immortality of the soul, 207 Horn, Eva, 131 India, 126, 197 Horn, Gustav Jacob, 119,180, 181 indulgences, 196 Horn, Henning Rudolf, 139, 149 Ingeborg of Mjarhult, 109 horse Ingerstedt (Germany), 212 bought, 166 ingratitude, 149, 209 -breeding, 121 innocence, 219 choler, 106 Inquistition, 152, 196 execution by, 106 insanity, 184 fatal, 139, 143, 154 intrigue, 158, 198 fateful,l44 ironworks, 125 -footstool, 186 Isaiah,223 on knees, 201 Israel,124 requisitioning, 190 restless, 107 Jacob of Saganas, 133 -rustling, 166 James I, king of England, 190 -sleigh, 121 Jansson, Jan, 128 -sweat, 105 Jansson, Karl, 133 white, 179 Jehu, 91 hospital, 148 Jeremiah,218 Hospitallers, 195 Jerubbaal, 186 House Jesuits, 192, 197 of clergy, 126, 197, 198 Jew, 169, 177 of commons, 146 Job, 123, 151, 152, 165, 176, 209, 210, of lords, 100, 119, 179, 182,211 211,217,218 470 Index to the text

John m, king of Sweden, 189 Lagerbladh, Suno, 121 Jonkoping,122, 152, 181 Lagersparre, David, 179 Joran~n,)Unders,163 Lady day, 197 Joseph, 118, 224 Lambert, )Unna Margareta, 132 judgementofCiod,216,217,219,222 Lambert, Johan, 132 Judges, 185, 186 lantem, 143 Julia Dornna, 150 Laodarnia, 111 JulinschOld, Peter, 136, 144, 149, 157, Lappmark, 125, 164 164,167,170,200 laughter, 152, 161, 162, 177,213 Julius Caesar, 113, 187,188 laundry, 119, 120 Jupite~ 114,160,207,220,226 law, 158 just cause, 210 lazy Jack, 220 Justinian n, 188 Leijel, Adam, 138 Juvenal, 223 Leijel, Maria, 138 Leijonhufvud, )Unna Maria, 98 Kahler, Ciottfried, 144 Leijonhufvud, Johan Casimir, 98 Kahler, Siwert, 144 Leontius, 188 Kalix (Norrbotten), 125, 164 Lepidus, 150 Kalrnire, 146 Lestocq, Armand, 191 Karlstad, 118, 181 Lethe, 96 Kierrnan, Ciustav, 90, 154,182,208,210 Lewenhaupt,CharlesEmil,I00, 112, 151, Kierrnan, Ulrica, 211 185 Kihlrnark, Thomas, 202 Lidman, Brita, 201 Kimito (Finland), 111 Lieth, Nikolaus von der, 135 king, 183,212,219 Lieven, Henrika Juliana von, 125 Klingspor, Christian Joachim, 185, 210 life, 90,91,95,206,208 knife, 152 life guards, 143, 148, 167 Knights of Malta, 195 Lillienberg, Johan Cieorg, 179, 197 Knutsson, Torgils, 188 Lindberg, Adam, 132 Kock, )Unna Brita von, 167 Lindstedt, gardener, 123 Kock, Joakim, 201 linen, 120,224 Kothen, Ciregory von, 168 Linnaea, Christina, 104, 109, 113 Krabbe,Jorgen, 139,149 Linnaea, Sara Elisabeth, 104, 105, 111, Kristineharnn, 201, 202 152 Kottler, Russian officer, 183,212 Linnaea, Sara Magdalena (Helen), 104 K varken, III Linnaeus, Carl, 86, 119, 138, 139, 156, K vikkjokk (Lapland), 201 157, 179,213,224 Kyren, Egard von, 122 Linnaeus, Nils Ingemarsson, 104 Kyren, Catharine von, 122 Linnaeus, Samuel, 109 Kyrkebyn (Uppland), 133 Linne, Carl von, the younger, 86 Kyronius, Nils, 91, 146, 178,220 Lion apothecary, Stockholm, 127 Lisbon, 152, 196 labourer, 152 live irreproachably, 83, 86, 206 Lrelius, Ellen, 153 Livonia, 112, 192 Lrelius, Martin, 153 loan from Ciod, 161, 162 Lagerberg, Sven, 179 Lofting, Per, 111 Index to the text 471

Lohe, Adolph, 169 Mans ofSannabOke, 138 Lohe, Cowach Anton, 145, 168, 169 Mans Mansson, 138 Lohe, Jacobina, 168 Mansson, Per, 107 Lohe, Johan Fredric, 168 March, ides of, 113, 114, 187,188 Lohe, Johan Magnus, 145 Marcia, 186 London, 203 Marcus Aurelius, 187 Lood, Erik Gustav, 212 Maria Anna, infanta of Spain, 190 lord chamberlain, 184 Maria Theresa, empress of Austria. 193 Louis XIV, king of France, 190, 191 Marlborough, John Churchill, duke of, 184 Louis XV, king of France, 197 nlaniage, 121, 193 love marrow, 121 ofcountry,206 Marstrandprison, 145, 178, 179, 182,202, -letters, 122 211 LovisaUlrika, queen of Sweden, 122, 163, Martialis, 109 181,189,190 Mary, nlother of God, and creation, 207 Lovstad (Ostergotland), 166 Mary, queen of Scots, 190 LOwen, Axel, 131 mask,208 LOwen, Evan, 131 Mass, 195, 197 LOwen, Eva Helena, 131 Mathesius, Gabriel, 198, 199,200 LOwenhielm, Carl Gustav, 172 Matthew, 156 Lubeck, 193 Mauritius, Otto, 182, 183 luck,I54 Maximinus, 186 lucky chair, 224 mead,196 Lucullus, Lucius Licinius, 111 Meijerfeldt, Johan August, 184 Luke,209 melancholy, 104, 183,212 Lule Lappmark, 201 Melander, Eric, 198 Lulea, 125, 164 Meldercreutz, Fredrika, 125,164 Lund,105,109,182 Meldercreutz, Jonas, 125, 164 lust, 90, 208 Mennander, Carl Fredrik, 121 Lutherans, 197 merchant navy, 180 mercury, 118,225 Macrinus,109,I86 mercy, 118, 185,210,211,222,225 Madam N.N., 100 Mesopotanlia, 109 madness and Jupiter, 207, 220 milk,145 magnanimity, 208 millstone, 186 Magnolia, 146 mineworker, 142 magpie, 112 mining, 163, 181 maiden, 124 Minorca, 184, 185 malice, 151,186 miracle, 207 Malmo, 100, 139, 149 mirth,213 Malung (Dalecarlia), 201 misfortune, 113, 140, 142,224 man Mohlnlan, Jacob, 138 and wife, 124 Molin, Lars, 125, 164 threatto man, 142 nlonastery, 196 virtuous, 158 money, 158,160,162,176, 181,185,196, manorhouse, 160 206 472 Index to the text monk,188, 189, 192, 193, 195, 196 Norrelius, Margareta, 166 Mora (Dalecarlia), 202 Norrkoping, 125, 128 Morreus, Johan, 104 Norrrnalm (Stockholm), 101, 185,210 morality, 158,207 Norway, 143, 144, 154,163,219 Morga (Uppland), 140 Norwegian, 219 Morner, Adolf, 204 nose Moses, 221 bleeding, 224 movement, 90 mutilation of, 188 Munkholm (Stockholm), 203 Noteborg fortress, 202 Miinnich, Burkhard Christoph, 101,183, Nykoping, 188, 189,203 212 Munster, Christina, 120 oak, 189 Munster, Johan Bernhard, 120 Octavia, 186 Murreus, Stefan, 201,202 Odhelius, Jonas Larsson, 148 murde~109,137,143,150,155,169,176, Olander, Fredrik Georg, 148 180,209,212,219,221 Old Testament, 96 music, 127, 195 omnipotence, 207 mutilation, 188 omniscience, 91,221 Myhrrnan, Christoph, 118 Onanists, 119 Myresjo (Smatand), 103 opium, 147 Orby castle, 189 nails, trading in, 211 Osten-Sacken, Carl Johann von der, 183 Narcissus, 186 Osten-Sacken, Henrietta Erdmuthe von der, Narva, 139, 149 183, 184 naturalism, 207 Ostermann, Heinrich Joachim Friedrich, nature and 101 destruction, 94 Ottoman porte, 180 God,207 Our Father, 195 variety, 121 Ovid, 111, 131 course of, 142 ox, 160, 185 Nebuchadnezzar, 209 Nemesis, 83, 124, 152,222,223 pack-ice, 147 Nerike and Verrnland regiment, 143 Pabl, Fredrika, 131 Nero, 186 pain, 185,210 Nerva, 187 Paleen, Ulrica, 121 Nesselius, Israel, 198 Palmstierna, Nils, 189 Netherwood, Johan Vilhelm, 93 paper-mill, 166 nettle, 214 parable, 217 Newton, Isaac, 90 parents, 137, 209 Nietzel, Dietrich, 127 Paris, 123, 137, 170, 176, 191 nightingale, 90 Parisienne, 131 Norberg (Dalecarlia), 197 parliament, 126, 127, 163,178,181,197, Nordenflycht, Anders, 168 198,203 Nordenflycht, Jacobina, 168 parsimony, 145 Norrelius, Anders, 166, 198,204 Parthians, 111 Norrelius, Anna Christina, 167 passing on, 95 Index to the text 473 past, the, 225 Pollio Vedius, 153 Paykull, Otto Arnold, 185 Poltava, 176, 202 peacock, 90 poltroon, 208 pease-porridge, 171 Pomerania, 91,131,185,210 Pechlin, Carl Fredrik, 178, 181 Pompadour, marquise de, 193 Pehrsson, Olof, 202 Poniatowski, Stanislaus, king of Poland, Peldan, Jacob, 111,201 192 pension, 163 Pontoppidan, Erik Ludvigsen, 154 perjury, 158 Pope,195,196 Persdotter, Borta, 129 Popilius, 150 Persson, Jan, 140 Poppaea, 186 Persson, Joran, 182 Porath, Christopher, 200 Persson, Swen, 129 portent, 11 0, 113 petechial fever, 157 Post, Frederic von, 222 Peter the great, emperor of Russia, 191 Posthumus, 186 Peter III, emperor of Russia, 191, 192, poverty,160,226 193 power, 208 Peter's pence, 195 pox, French, 211 phaeton, 221 prayer, 95, 126, 176,197,212,225 Philip, 186 precocious gifts, 209, 220 Philippicus Bardanes, 188 pride,207,208,220 philosophy, 121, 198 priest, 158 piety, 119 prime cause, 214, 226 piglets suffering for piggery, 139, 185, privy council, 179,182,183,184 204,223,224 prosperity,142 pilgrimage, 122 Protesilaos, 111 pilloW, smothered with, 186 Proverbs, 120, 133, 134, 137, 150, 151, Piper, Carl, 202 152,201,208,210,218,220,222 Piper, Carl Fredric, 131 Prussia, 183, 185, 192, 193,210,224 Piper, Gabriel Magnus, 198 Psal~,113,136,139,156,170,210,218, Piper, Karl Fredrik, 119, 180 222,223,224 Piper, Kristina Charlotta, 119, 179 Psilanderhielm, Petronella Sofia, 128 Pitea, 111 pub-life, 144 Pjatteryd (Smaland), 110 Puke, Johan, 119, 120,179, 180 plagiarism, 157 punishment, 195,207,223,225 Planting, Georg, 143 puppies, 145 Plata, Eringisl, 122 Plata, Ingeborg, 122 rabbinical story, 221 pleasures of the town, 206 Rafelt, Anders, 169 Plomgren, 1110mas, 179 Rafelt, Johan, 168 ploughing, 142 rage, 107 Plutus, 160, 167 Ramundeboda (Narke), 188 point and eternity, 206 rat-poison, 171 poison, 153, 171, 186, 189, 197,201 Ravens, Maria, 127 Poland,192 razor, 158 Polhem, Christopher, 183 reductions of Charles XI, 164 474 Index to the text

Reftelius, Johannes, 132, 149 Sala (Sahlberg, Vastmanland), 143, 182 Renhom, 010f Bidenius, 180 salt rheum, 132 rebibution,128,136,138,145,223,224 salvation, 226 revelation, 152 Salvius, Lars, 138 revenge, 139, 188,213,224 1 Samuel, 209,221; 2 Samuel, 123, 124 revenue court, 156 SAnnabOke (Smruand), 138 reward, in afterlife, 207 Savja (Uppland), 128 Ribbing, Pehr, 183 Saxony,I77,183 Ribbing, Fredrik, 131 scab,123 Ribbing, Sten, 131 Scania, 139, 149 riches, 161,213 Scanian farmhand, 142 right, common to all, 152 Scepin, Constantine, 193 Risell, Christopher, 112 Scheffer, Carl Fredrik, 190 Roberg, Lars, 166 Schleicher, Isaac, 148 robbery, 93 Schmidt, Peter, 120 Roddens (Uppsala), 198 Schmied, Michael, 107 Rogberg, Samuel, 180 Schrowe, Carl Hans, 140 Romans, 222 Schumacher, Peter, count Griffenfeldt, 106, Rome, 109, 111, 112, 187, 195 182 Rommel, Nils, 144, 164, 165 Schulzenheim, David Schulz von, 138 rose, 214 sciatica, 132 Rosen, Anna Christina, 119, 165, 179 scirrhus of uterus, 122 Rosen, Nils, 167,204 scorpion, 135 Rotebro (Stockholm), 101 Scotland, 190 Rothenburg, Charlotta, 92 Scripture, 86, 103 Rothman, Johan Stensson, 100 Sedlin, Lars, 155 Rudbeck, Olof, the younger, 92, 166, 204 seduction, 124 Rudbeck, Thore Gustaf, 172, 181,211 Seneca,97,142,145,209,226 Rufinus, 87, 219 Serenius, Jakob, 132, 148,203 rumour, 111 sermon, 202 Russia, 101, 112, 178, 179, 181, 184,191, servant-girl, 114, 118 193,204 Severns Septimius, 186 Russians, 139, 149,156,183,192,202, shades,l04 204,212 shame, 206 rutting, 90 Shapur, king of Persia, 186 Ryman, Anders, 198 Shechem, 186 sheriff, 166 Sack, Eva Katarina, 119, 179 shipyard, 211 sackcloth, 122 Siberia, 183, 192 sacrament, 207, 224 Sicre, Andre, 114 Saganas (Smruand), 133 Sidren, Jonas, 157 saint, 195 Sigismund, king of Sweden, 189 St. Bridget, 122, 195 Silesia, 193 St. James, 122 Silversparre, Margaretha, 178 St. Petersburg, 178, 191,212 silk,208 St. Sigfrid, 139,224 simple life, 161 Index to the text 475 sin,86,152,184,196,207,209,217,223 Sperling, Helena, 139, 149 Sinai,221 spirit, 113 Sinclair, Malcom, 212 spiritual goods, 195 Siwert's cellar (Uppsala), 203 Springer, Christopher, 179 SjreUand, 142 Springer, Johan Laurentz, 198 Sjoblad, Pehr Johansson, 124 Spurina, sootllsayer, 114, 188 Skatelov (Smiland), 121 Stade (Bremen-Verden), 170 Skeckta, Borje Filip, 178 stag, 90 Skeckta,Margaretlla, 178 StMsvard,Magnus, 119, 120, 179, 180 skittles, 154 star, 104 Skonning, Hans Hansen, 153 starvation, 189 Skyttean professor, 135, 199 state and church, 195 Slagheck, Didrik, 182, 223 Stenbock, Fredrlk Magnus, 112, 192 slave, 152, 161,206 Stenbrohult (SmMand), 138 sledge, 144 Stenhammer, Adolf, 199 sleep, 222, 226 stepchildren, 136, 170 sleigh, 121, 144, 154 Steuch, Elisabetll, 204 SmMand,104,113,138,180,181 Steuch, Jons, 132, 164,204 small-pox, 167, 168 stewing of a whip, 127 smiling, 213 Stjerncrona, Antoinetta Marla, 169 Soberant, Jacques, 104 Stobaeus, Kilian, 105 Soderberg, Abraham, 131, 172 Stobee, Christina, 176 Sodermanland, 203 Stobee, Lorentz Christoffer, 176 Sodom,152 Stockenstrom, Erik von, 181 sodomy, 119, 180, 186 Stockholm, 104, 112, 122, 125, 133, 140, Sohlberg, Claes, 161 143, 145, 147, 148, 156, 160, 177, Sohlberg, Erik, 161 179,190,202,210,211 Solander, Daniel, 132 apothecary, 127 Solander, Magdalena, 111 bloodbatll, 182 soldier, 221 castle, 164 Solon, 223 great cellar, 177 sootllsayer, 113, 187 mayor of, 138, 179 Sophia, queen of Sweden, 188 Northgate, 143 soul, 90, 91,92,113,207 revenue court, 93 sowing and reaping, 222 suburbs, 169 spa, 180 stroke, 166, 168, 183 Spain, 111, 190 Stromer, MArten, 219 Spanish Succession war, 184 Strutz, Petter, 143 Sparfvenfelt, 10han Henrik, 124 Stuarts, 190 sparrow, 147 Sture, Nils Svantesson, 182 Spegel, Elisabetll, 204 Sture, Sten, 154 Spegel, Haquin, 204, 209, 220 success, 213 Spegel, Margareta, 204 suffering, 206 spellbinding, 105 suicide, 148, 170, 186, 189,217,224 Sperling, Goran, 139, 149 superstition, 195 Sperling, Gustav, 139, 149 Svanshals (Ostergotland), 122 476 Index to the text

Swedberg, Anna, 204 Trebonianus Gallus, 186 Swedberg, Jesper, 204 triumvirate, 150 Sweden, 154, 172,182, 192 Trondheim, 106 Swedish captain, 156 Troy, 111, 131 Swedo-Prussian war, 183 Tschepius, parson at Soldau (Prussia), 224 Swedo-Russian war, 100, 181, 185, 191 Turk, 147, 183 sword, 225 Turkey, 143, 188, 193,212 Sylvander, Thure Jacob, 161 twist-tobacco, 133 tyranny, 95 talion, 83, 222 Tavaste-bo (Finland), 144 Uddbom, UpPsala innkeeper, 199 tax, 95, 157,196,211 Uggla, Samuel, 156 temper, 142 Ulfsax family, 139, 224 Temell, Serenius' son-in-law, 203 Ullen, Petrus, 199 Tersmeden, Carl, 151 ungratefulness, 158 Tessin, Carl Gustav, 172 Uppland, 157 thankfulness, 226 farmhand,136 theology, 136 170, 198, 199,207 regiment, 182 thief, 150 UpPsala third generation, 125, 161, 164, 166 archbishop of, 164, 204 three whores, 193 botanic garden, 123, 127 thrush, 90 cathedral, 98,197,199,200 Thun, Anders, 122 execution at, 106 Thun, Christina Juliana, 122 fever, 96 Tiberius, 186 fire, 96 Tiberius II, 188 library, 166 Tidstrom, Anders Philip, 125, 164, 197 Linnaeus at, 104, 113 Tilas, Daniel, 178 lord lieutenant of, 161 Tiliander, Abiel, 110 mayor of, 146, 178 time, 94 professorships, 125, 135, 144,164,198, time's book, 206 199,212 tithe, 136, 170, 195, 196 provost of cathedral, 125, 164 Titus the son, 187 pulpits, 126 toadstool poison, 186 Roddens, 198 tobacco, 133 students, 119, 127, 140, 145, 168, 169, -merchant, 143 179 Tobit, 137, 208 university, 136, 166, 170 tophus, 128 university staff, 91 Tordenskjold, Peter Wessel, 145 Uppsavja (Uppland), 128 Tornea (Finland), 120 Urlander, Harald,12B Tornqvist, Christina Elisabet, 106 Urlander, Anna Christina, 128 Tory party, 184 uterus, diseases of, 124 town, pleasures of, 206 Trojan, 187 Vadstena, 118 traveller, 176 Valdemar Birgersson, king of Sweden, 188 treason, 106 Valdemar Magnusson, 188, 189 Index to the text 477

Valeri anum tetrandum, 146 Wertmuller, Johan Ulrik, 127 vanity, 92 Wertmuller, Maria, 127 Vasa (Finland), 156, 190 West Gothland, 177 Vasteras, 121 Westrin, Per, 149, 165 Vujo wheel, breaking on, 143, 144, 177, 182 school, 109, 110,219 wheel offortune, 154,208 waters, 180 whipping, 127, 204 veins, opening of, 133 white horse, 179 velvet, 280 Whitsun, 119, 179 Vemmelose (Sjrelland), 142 whore, 123, 124, 132, 169, 177, 179, 193, Vermland,181 203,208 Versailles, 191 Wickman, Johan, 93 Vespasian,187 widow, 123, 143, 146, 148, lSI, 167 Villiers, George, duke of Buckingham, 190 wife, 133 Virgil, 131,225 Wikblad,Isak, 133 Vrrgin Mary, 195, 207 will virginity, 122 and fate, 223 virtue, 113, 158,206 soul,90 Vitellius, 186 of God, 218, 220 Voigtlander, Johan Eberhard, 91 Winbohm, Anna, 127 Voltemat, Henrie Julius, 147 wine, 160, 185,213 Vorontsova, Elizabeth, 192 writer, 226 wisdom, 208, 209 wages, of labourer, 152 Wisdom ofSolomon , 92,97,124,210,218, wagon of misfortune, 220 222,223 Wallerius, Anna Margaretha, 136, 170 world, way of, 209 Wallerius, Nils, 136, 152,170 wraith,113 Walkave,Jakob,143,164 Wrangel, Erik, 140 war, 95, 225 Wrangel, Georg Gustav, 122 waters, taking of, 180 Wrangel, Ingeborg, 140 way of the world, 209 Wrede-Sparre, Axel, 140 wealth, 213, 214,226 Wrede-Sparre, Carl Axel Sigge, 140 wedding, 120,140 wrong, 214 -dress, 132 Wedenberg, Adolph Fredric, 135 Yxkull, Axel Didrik Meyendorffvon, 98 Welin, Johan, 123 well-being, 209 Ziegler, Gertrud, 190 Wertmuller, Johan Fredrik, 127 Ziervogel, Evald, 166 INDEX TO THE INTRODUCTION AND NOTES

Abo university, 47 Boyle, Robert, 49 absolutism, monarchical, 371, 417 BrManda,4 Acrel, Johan Gustav, 10 Brodersonia, Christina, 59 Adam and Eve, 54, 56 Broocman, Reineras, 71 Aesop, 263 Burman, Johan, 377 age of liberty, Swedish, 380 alchemy, 362 canon law, 390 Amsterdam, 48, 51, 377, 413 Cantersten, Lars, 46 analysis and synthesis, 25 Cartesianism, 46,49,52,64 Andersen, Hans Christian, 312 Cessolis, Jacobus de, 369 Angela of Foligno, 72 Ceylon, 60 angels, 77 Charles II, king of England, 47 Antinomianism, 65 Charles XI, king of Sweden, 24 Arianism, 65 Chesnecopherus, Nils, 41 Aristotle, 46, 66 chess, 369 Arndt, Johann, 71 Childrey, Joshua, 45 Artedi, Peter, 412 Christ, 419 astrology, 255 Ubiquity of, 69 atheism, 49 Christmas, 60 Atlantis, 54 church,38 authority, divine, 32 Clarke, Samuel, 44 awareness Clifford, George, 57, 413 of God's mercy, 426 Coates, Roger, 44 retribution, 296 collective responsibility, 338 Collins, Anthony, 65, 407 court law, 310 Back, Abraham, 10 creation, 72 Bacon, Francis, 38, 42,47, 52, 57, 66, 75 Cronhjort, Carl Gustav, 281 Baconianism, 45 Bayle, Pierre, 48, 53, 238, 284 Dal, Nils Hufwedsson, 47 BeckInann, Johann, 9 Dalin, Olofvon, 368,414,427 Behn,Aphra, 56,58 Danish absolutism, 351 Bellman, Carl Michael, 240, 301 Danmark (Uppland),418 Benzelius, Erik, 47 Descartes,Rene,37,44,55,244 Bergius, Peter Jonas, 334 Devil,72 Bible, 20,39,41,53,70,398 Dinet, Jacques, 55 commission, 40 1 divine economy, 27 Blackwell, Thomas, 331 dogmatism, theological, 49 blood Drottningholm, 57 -bullion, 370 Dryander, Jonas, 10 -guilt, 354 Duport, James, 408, 418 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 274 Boerhaave, Herman, 52 economy, divine, 27 Boniface VIII, pope, 368 Eden, 57

479 480 Index to the introduction and notes

Ehnmark, Erland, 281 Groningen, 48 Ekman, O.c., 10 Gronovius, Johan Fredrik, 52 Eriksson, Gunmar, 17 Grope, Gunnar, 289 ethics, 64 Guethem, Pieter van, 377 experimental method, 37, 424 Gustavus III, and blood-guilt, 354 Eucharist, Lutheran doctrine of, 67 Everyman, 338 Hafenreffer, Matthias, 67-70, 429 evil,29,30,31 Hagberg, Knut Hjalmar, 13 Eyben, Georgina von, 354 Halenius, Engelbert, 61 Ezekiel's Temple, 69 Haller, Albrecht von, 16 Hammarby,418 Fagerskold family, 302 Harderwijk, 16 fate, 17,31,75,76,417,418 Hedin, Sven, 9 and fortune, 61 Hesiod,54 God,415 historicism, 53, 54 Providence, 4 Hjame, Urban, 47 Fenris,75 Hobbes, Thomas, 66, 284, 364, 385 fideism,48 Holberg, Ludvig, 38, 248, 407 Filmer, Robert, 372 Hom, Arvid Bernhard, 36 Flachsenius,Jacob,4,66,67,69,246, horses and Nemesis, 312 266,267,295,394,429 hospital,305 folk Hyde, Edward, earl of Clarendon, 376 -belief, 74, 75,281 Hyllengrebn, Per, 66 -lore, 274 Ingeborg of Mjarhult, 77, 78, 253-255 -tale, 291 Fordyce, William, 331 Inquisition, 386 Franeker, 48 Japheth,54 Fredbarj, Telemak, 17 Jernfeltz, Gustav Crispin, 304, 398 freethinkers, 64, 407 Johnson, Samuel, 35, 406 Freyr,75 Jonsson, Henrik, 41, 42 Fries, Elias Magnus, 12 Joseph and his brothers, 414, 427 Fries, Thore Magnus, 13, 14 Joshua, 364 Friess, Frederik Christian, 42,43,44,45, judgement, 418 293,311,326,350,421-425 Justinian, 41 garden, 57, 59 Kalmar, union of, 369 Gascoigne, George, 55 Kempis, Thomas a, 72 Geffroy, Mathieu Auguste, 13 Kenicius, Petrus, 68 gnosticism, 65 Kepler, Johannes, 55, 69 God king's oak, 370 and fate, 415 kingship, 364 judgement, 418 Klingenstierna, Samuel, 284 Linnaeus' conception of, 61,62 Knos, Anders, 65, 393 retribution of, 296 Kolding society, 42 Goropius Becanus, Joannes, 55 Gothic words, 406 Lacy, Peter, 401 Gravesande, Willen Jacob's, 50 Lamettrie, Julien Offray de, 16 Index to the introduction and notes 481 language analyzed, 55 Muis, Peter, 52 Lapland, 47, 58 Lastbom, Johan, 28 naturalism, 64, 407 law natural theology, 49 Linnaeus' conception of, 317 nature, three realms of, 26 Swedish,39 Neander, Andreas, 15,78,79 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 29, 37, Nemesis, 4, 14, 15,45,51,73,309,312, 44,49,53,64,73,415,420 424,425 Leiden, 46, 48, 51 Nemesis Divina Levertin, Oscar, 15 manuscrip~,5,6,7,431,432,433,434 Leviticus XI, 403 structure, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12,21-24, 242, Lindblom, Kerstin, 282, 286, 301, 303 244,245,246,249,250,253,256, Lindroth, Sten Hjalmar, 17 257,262,263,264,269,270,272, Linnaea, Sara Elisabet, 292 273,274,277,281,282,285,286, Linnaeus, Carl, 26, 58, 268 288,292,295,306,312,315,316, Linnaeus, Nils Ingemarsson, 59,70,71 318,326,327,330,331,337,338, Linnaeus, Samuel, 60, 69 339,344,349,364,365,375,384, Linne, Carl von, the younger, 237 385,390,391,395,408,409,411, live irreproachably, 33, 237,404 415,417,426,426,427-429 Locke, John, 52 Netherlands, 38 Loki, 75 Newton, Isaac, 14,25,44,49,54,61,69, London, 401 75 Lowenhielm, Carl Gustav, 27, 73 Nicaea, council of, 68 Lutheranism, 39, 65 Nieuwentijt, Bernard, 49 Nordic primitivism, 76 Malmestrom, Elis, 15, 16, 17, 20 numen,31 Mandeville, Bernard, 406 Mann,1nhomas, 427 omniscience, 309 Maria Theresa, empress of Austria, 36 ontological argument, 32, 44, 244 marrow and bark, 268 Orlov, Aleksei, 379 Marvell, Andrew, 57 Ovid, 33, 54 Mass, 389 Mathesius, Gabriel, 19 pantheism, 54 Mead,FUchard,332 papal church, 76 medicine, 51 Paracelsus, 72, 248 Mennander, Carl Fredrik, 58 Paradise, 57 metaphysical evil, 29 Paykull, Otto, 37 Milton, John, 47, 406 penal law, 251 Moliere, Jean Baptiste, 406 Petri, Olaus, 39 monarchy physical evil, 30 absolute, 371, 417 physico-theology, 15, 16,29,387 humanizing, 375 pietism, 48, 284, 398 Mor;~us, Johan, 48 Plato, 26, 54, 55, 66 moral Poland, partition of, 381 certainty, 50 Poltava, 34,36 evil, 31 Pontoppidan, Erik Ludvigsen, 42 Moses, 40 Poole, Matthew, 287 482 Index to the introduction and notes

Pope, Alexander, 387 army,73 pre-established harmony, 32 Sydenham, Thomas, 51 Providence, 4, 70 synogogue at Uppsala, 327 Pythagoras, 54 talion,4,15,41,237 Ragnarok, 75 Tauler, Johann, 72 Ragueau, Fran~ois, 41 taxonomy, 3,17 Ramism,46 Telander, Johan, 76 Renhorn, Olof, 18 Tessin, Carl Gustav, 4, 36, 300, 322, 333, Retzius, Anders, 10 336,417 Reuterholm, Nils, 4 theodicy, 16,25,28,48,50, 74, 77,257, Roberg, Lars, 48 261,275,415 Rogberg, Samuel, 60 theology, alienated, 73 Roman church, 385 Theologia Germanica, 72 Ronigk, Olof, 42 three Rosen, Nils, 16,48,51,334 realms of nature, 26 Rothman, Johan Stensson, 48, 66 whores, 382 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 387 Thunberg, Carl, 10 Royal Society of London, 47 Tilas, Daniel, 341 Rudbeck, Olaus, 46, 47, 54, 75 Tillotson, John, 66 Rudbeckianism, 371 tiny things, 51 Titley, Walter, 334 St. Bridget, 399 Tolstadius, Erik, 336 St. Sigfrid, 76,288 Torquemada, Tomas de, 386 Salomon's house, 43 Traherne, Thomas, 56, 57 Schefferus, Johannes, 47 Trinity Scriver, Christian, 71 first person of, 416 second Adam, 57 second person of, 419 Selden, John, 47 Trinitarianism, 62, 63, 64, 68, 72, 73, seven, lucky, 291 74,428,429 Sinclair, Malcom, 37 Turner, William, 46, 287 Sloane, Hans, 47, 332 SmaIand, history of, 60 ubiquity of Christ, 69 Smith, James Edward, 10 Ulfsax family, 289 social contract theory, 371 Union of Kalmar, 369 Socrates, 66 Unitarianism, 62 Spegel, Haquin, 57 university bailiff, 305 Spinozism, 37, 44, 49, 51, 64, 284 Uppsala Stafsund, 57 medical school, 51 star, 248 theologians, 61 Stenbrohult, 4, 35, 46,53, 59,73,77,282, 286 Varro, 54 Stiernhelm, Georg, 47, 55,57 Vaughan, Henry, 56 stoicism, 405 Vaxjo school, 4, 48, 60,66,67, 76 Strindberg, August, 14 Venngarn, 57 superstition, 74 Versailles, 377 Sweden, 34 Vesalius, Andreas, 54 Index to the introduction and notes 483

Vico, Giambattista, 75 Wallin, lohan Olof, 396 Virtue and Fortune, 77, 78, 79 Weigel, Valentin, 72 Voltaire, Fran~ois-Marie Arouet, 53, 359, Whitelocke Bulstrode, 46 387 Woden, 75 Wolff, Christian, 30, 284 Wallerius, Nils, 30 Wolffianism, 46, 48, 407 ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES D'HISTOIRE DES IDEES * INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS

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