September 26, 1996
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The Valley Dukes wide offers a variety receiver of activities to Macey Brooks entertain makes an parents and Impression In students off the Yankee campus. Conference. Focus/22 lAMES MADISON UNIVERS I TY Sports/33 ~ - THURSDAY St!piC'IIliJer 26. 1996 ~·• .. _ .........~ VOL. ,.t. • ::;)~-.-.....,:-~,..: --~-.-- ~ - VMivotes to admit womenI Vlr[!llllu, lalaiJ•) ln<;titule's Board of VJsllol". \Otl!d 9 8 Sa1urday to admit women next fall, endm~ ll'i 157-year tradition as an nil-male institution. "I was not surprised by the dec1sion. hut I wa~ dio;appointed and saddened." Ann Stephens or Salem, mother of 'iecond year VMl cndc1 Mau Stephens. said. "I wou ld like to th1nl th1s would have a positive effect on \'MI." Stephens olso said -.he hope:; VMI can mt.~J..e this transition wi1h dass and be a model lor o1hcr institutwns. George McConochie, u JMU freshman history maJOr, ~aid, " I believe women will have n nega ti ve cllect on the school because there will be a loss of morole ond tlrothcrhood." But JMU 'ophumnre Alison Care}. a political sc1ence mnJor, di,agrced. She ~aid. "Women should be able 10 ,;o to VMI if they can handle it." During the pa\t' 6 ycnl"'i, VM I' s Bonrd of Vi,Hor:-. debated whether to admit ''omen or become a private in.,litulion. \'~11'., g<lal, no~· th;n the dcci.,ion to admit \H men h final, is to "inlctr:ue a workable cohtlrt of women into th~ V~tl 'Y'tc:m,'' '>aid Tug of war Ll . Col. M11>c Stnd:lc:r. director of public r ·I tmn'i ut VMI. Trudy Coi~Zielansk l, associate professor of media arts and design, and her canine friend Sep repaint the Cantrell The Boatd ol Vi nur,· dt.:cJSton will force Avenue Wall Tuesday morning. Co i~Z iel anskl designed and organized the painting of t he new murat. changl!s in V~tl':-. living u-:commod.uions The military school is appealtn£ to the Virp.1ntn General As,embly to receive ~tate funding for thc~c change~ I VMI supennh!n<.knt JosHih Bunting Ill}~ Clinton, Dole ad campaigns qudying the ncccssar) chan{!es 10 Cigars: A red-hot trend .tccommod~uwn-.. /\<.'cording to the Sept 22 1s~uc <.lf /'he \Ymllingtan PoJt, "Changes wage battle over drug issue blazes a smoking trail contemplated to accommodate the enrollment of \\Omen will be absolutely milllmal." by Maggie Weller affect teen-age drug use. But outside the political bickering. by Jeff Ward Burning snicJ. "Female cad~ l \ will be tre:ucd J?.Oiitical reporter ---· -.nme \Oice., say commun11ies an.• sta writer prcc1scl} us we treut male cade t ~." . President B11l CJ•nton and GOP heuer po~uioned lhan politician" 10 •·phy.,icnl chnnges 10 VMI, Bunung 'atd Brooke Sh u~ld~. C)eS half clo..ed, take~ the \:tgar from lhc presidemial nonllnte Bob Dole are "tn the w:~r on drugs. tn the Wa.,hingum Posr article, "would be man ne\t to her ancJ hats her lnshes. She bites 1he tnd oft, nd ~ l ugging It ou1 O\er 1he cJrug ''sue. One of those vorces h Joseph limued 10 10 1alhng toilet and shower l;11:ilitiel> he lights 11 tor her " How do I l ~l.:T' she :n,ks fum. gnnnms but many experts say the war on Califano, dr rector of the Nattonal tor women 1n 1he sprawling barracks' when he t nfonn~ her that she doe:;, 10 fact, tool.: £'~). drug!> needl> to be 1ou~;h 1 on the home Center un Addicuon and Substance tlonnirory and placing one-half length 'hades front, not in the pohttcalarena. The C'ene !rom the series ptemiere of Sludds' n\!w sho"' on dorm doors and windo'' s. to be dr;m n only Abuse. On ABC':- "This Wed. "ith "Suddenly Su.,un" 1s "cry dtfferent from when Lucille Ball nd The Dole comp:1ign set the drug Dav1d Brinkley" Sunday. Califano ''hen cadets are dresc;mg ... debate afire last week with a tOUf!h Vi, ian \'ancc lit up on "I Love Lucy" in the mid-19SOs Titcn. Wuh women entering an all-male school, sa1d no umoum of "huffing and the image of women .,moking ci$atS wru. shod.:ing. Ethel .and ne\\ ad targeung Clinton's character. puffing" by the two presidemial there ~~ public speculation nbout whe1hcr Lucy wore men's clmhes and, of course. a c1gar 'ymboh1.ed Thclad was Dole·!> mo\1 po101ed candidates can lake the place of "the physical standard~ should be lo~ered .for masculinity and oph1sucation. and personol attack on Clinton yet, famt ly.the school, the church and the ''omen. "There is no plan to chungc, phystcnl showing n chp from the presrdenl'!> This toll leadi ng women on "Friends" and "Seinfeld," a:. requirements for women. Stricldcr \aid. VM I neighborhood" in the drug war. well a. "Suddenly Susan" smoked cigars without the ame 1992 appearance on MTV, whl!re the "We're gomg to wm or lose th1~ has phy:;~cal fitness rcqu1remenb for cadet). president jok1ngly sa1d "sure" he implications. Cigar) still evoke 1mages of power. style and The requirements include complclmg l1ve battle 1n the fam ily.'' S::Uiifano said wealth. but today they're youthfully hip. They are one of the would inhale marijunna if given the Even Dole's sentor adviser. Bill - pull-ups, 60 sit -Up) in two ~inutes .nnd a one fastest growing trends in the nation. opportunity to try il again. Bennett, conceded "culture tS more nnd-n-half mtle run 10 12 mmutes. 'Then! arc Clinton swung back w 11 h an ad Once thought to be the exclusive domain ot. older n~en, numerous women who co n po s these important than politics" when it cigars now have a wide range of appeal. According to Cu:ar accustng Dole of vou ng nga1 nst comes to curbing drug use. requirement\," Strickl er said. About 40 severo.! drug reducmg initiatives. Ajicwnado magnzsne's autumn issue, this rise in popularity con rerccnt of the firM-year mule cadets usually Jollling Cali fano on "This Week The Clinton campaign nd mocks with David Brink ley,'' Bennett, be attributed largely to college sru.den~. don't pnss them. Junior and art history maJor L1sa Neal recently JOined Dole's new anli-drug slogan, "Just author of the best selhng "Book of an "We work with mnle cadets to help them Courtney Cox ' ~; Monica from "Friends" in the ranks of c1gu· don't do it," calling it an attempt to Vinues,'' said, "Culture is the water pass, and we plnn to do the snme for the hide "the rent Bob Dole record " smoking women. She said she had never even seen people women," he said. in which ... these l2-yenr-olds and smoking cigars casually at parties tieforc last semester. Both Clin1on's and Dole's ad 8-yenr-olds swim." JMU student David Wilburn, a freshman campaigns suggest that White House .. I was at a party a couple.. of weeks ago." Neal said, computer science major, said, "I believe there America's cultural waters are leadership, or lack thereof. and becoming rougher, and two new "Someone pulled oar a cipr.llld &hen several other people luld government policies can directly see VMI page 2 -----2 2 Thursday, Sept. 26 , 1996 THE BREEZE .... continuedVMI from:---psf--.-e-::1~----------------- shouldn't be women at VMI. They hould have and could have gone private . J . J.J~ ." However, women should have the same opportunity, follow the same gu1dehnes and be at the same level as the men." "To the press alont, chequued Since the U.S. Supreme Coun on:tered VMlto admit women June 26, 87 as it is with abuses, the world is women have inquired about admission. VMI mailed information packets to indebted for all tht triumphs those pro pective female students who are now in high school. Strickler said. This interest from women l!i not new. About 200 women annually have which h.ave bem gained hy shown interest and requested informatiOn about VMI for several vr:u reason and humanity o~ uror Strickler !laid. and oppression." Ju lail IIJ95, VMl opened thl! Vu~ma" \\omen :. ln:omu. ~. It • ~ 1 "'''Jl - James Madison based at Mary Baldwm College, to give women a miliwy-scyle edu~:ua on. Fonner Gov. Douglas Wilder (0.) proposed the program in 1993. Editor KM!n~ The program at Mary Baldwin College, which has about 80 cadets, will Mlmttgfng trli~ Kent oet-trM continue even though women will now be accepted at VMI. "We are T~~ Roc- Wol*lbefC commiued to them financially until thas year's class graduates in 2000.'' Ads~ Trt~ey RlfC Strickler said. At that point, the Virginia General Assembly will decide who will continue funding the program. Ntcw«<dar at.cey o.m.o Another option VMI considered was becoming a private institution and Krtmlft IWu co.ntinuing the all-male tradition. On July I 3, VMI took two paths, Strickler As~~. l'ltWI trlilor hMie RnkWt.ln wd. The board and administration began to study a possible co-educational Focus tddtlr Anile Krum plan, and an alumni group studied the possibility of making the school private. A$$1.}n1$ tdittrr JenNowttdcf The board a~ to consider the alumni's report for privatizing at the September meeting, Strid.ler said. Af\er the Board of Visitors mr-1 to review ~tdilor LanLW.. the two alternatives. it voted to admit women. Asll. cpliln fill* 0.., A. t=.oom Privatization presented "numerous obstacles and possible litigalions," 51}4ttJbar "*" IEIMrMrl Stnckler said.