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May 8, 2008 / Iyyar 3, 5768 Publication Mail Agreement #40011766 STEELES MEMORIAL CHAPEL Your Community Chapel since 1927 Congratulations to the S tate of 905-881-6003 Circulation 62,530 Largest Jewish Weekly in www.steeles.org TRIBUNE CALL GETS ‘HITLER’ T-SHIRTS OFF WEB By Wendy B. Schatzman-Sherry Tribune US Correspondent EXCLUSIVE NEW YORK – While investigating the he had ordered that the t-shirts be removal of ‘I love Hitler’ t-shirts last removed from Shop.com’s site within a few week from Amazon.com, the Jewish hours of the Jewish Tribune’s telephone Tribune learned that Shop.com – a call. US$34.5 million privately held Mon- Additionally, in a second telephone terey, CA-based internet retailer – was call moments later, Morrison stated, also selling the same t-shirts on its “Ken Goldstein, the CEO, had been web site. ‘disgusted and appalled that [these] When asked about the sale of items were being sold on our web Some of the 30 evangelical ministers from diverse communities who took the stage to pray for Israel on Sunday at these t-shirts on its web site, David , where the college, B’nai Brith Canada, Canada Israel Public Affairs Committee and Chris- site.’ tians United for Israel – Canada gathered to show their support for the Holy Land. Morrison, Shop.com’s Chief Finan- “We will certainly review the mer- cial Officer, stated, “I wasn’t aware chant [the company responsible for that these items were being sold on placing the t-shirts for sale on the our web site.” Christians, rally for Israel When further prompted, he said that See T-SHIRTS, page 2. Canadian Christian Brith Canada, thanked the spiritual praying in diverse languages for the leaders, dignitaries and lay people who welfare of the State of Israel. College establishes came to celebrate Israel’s 60th anniver- A most thrilling surprise to many was Israel Studies chair sary. the unexpected announcement that A profoundly moving aspect of the Canada Christian College is launching Dimant named professor program – sponsored by Canada Chris- an Israel Studies chair, to be headed by tian College, B’nai Brith Canada, the Dr. Frank Dimant, executive vice presi- By Atara Beck Canada Israel Public Affairs Committee dent of B’nai Brith Canada. Tribune Staff Writer (CIPAC) and Christians United for With his wife, Florence Dimant, Israel-Canada – was the appearance of – Speaking Sunday evening about 30 Christian preachers onstage, See RALLY, page 4. at the ‘Night to Honour Israel,’ Dr. Charles McVety, president of Canada Zionists, Islamists have bone to pick Christian College, where the program took place, welcomed a crowd of with Maclean’s – for different reasons I Love Hitler T-Shirt Hitler Loves me T-Shirt I Survived-Hitler’s Birthday almost 1,000 and expressed his joy that TORONTO – “We’re going to give them ference between CIC’s original demands Party T-Shirt nine such events were being held a reasonable opportunity for reconcilia- and its offer for settlement. across the country. There are 3 million tion,” lawyer Faisal Joseph, represent- CIC had filed with the Human Evangelists in Canada, and “we’re all ing the Canadian Islamic Congress Rights Commission (OHRC) and other for Israel,” he stated. (CIC) in its dispute with Maclean’s human rights bodies against Maclean’s Dr. John Howarth, executive director, magazine over allegedly Islamophobic following its publication in 2006 of Christians United for Israel-Canada, features, told a press conference last Mark Steyn’s column, The Future emceed the evening. Dr. Aubrey Ziden- week at the Royal York Hotel. However, A screen shot of Shop.com’s Hitler t-shirt page. It was removed last Friday. berg, national vice-president of B’nai there appeared to be no substantial dif- See CIC, page 10. WE ARE GIVING AWAY EXTRAS Family Hearing Centre •FREE hearing test •FREE hearing aid assessment Live Life... •FREE package batteries with hearing aid check Hear Everything •FREE hearing aid trial (no obligation) 6257 Bathurst, 2nd floor We welcome all • 30 day trial period (with purchase) Congratulations • 3 year new hearing aid warranty to the State of Israel 8077 Islington, Suite 203 new patients • $100 off purchase of two new hearing aids to our clinic • 15% off Assistive Listening Devices We also speak Russian & Italian • Hearing aid cleaning and minor repairs 2 - The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca NEWS > INTERNET Shop.com quick to act after being alerted to ‘Hitler’ t-shirt problem T-SHIRTS cont. from page 1. are responsible for uploading son, it would not necessarily pick they had the merchant listed as some items for sale on the up the word ‘Hitler.’ According to DirectForSale.com. web site] to see if it’s appropriate Shop.com web site, and the site’s the WJC, the company distributing Amazon, Yahoo and Bill Gates for us to continue to do business software is written in a way that is these t-shirts is Direct Collection. are listed on Shop.com as invest- with them,” Morrison added. supposed to pick up ‘offensive’ However, it could not be located ment partners. Morrison said that merchants language. But, according to Morri- for comment. Shop.com said that According to Morrison, Amazon was a very small investor six years ago. “We do not coordinate what we do with them (Amazon),” Mor- rison said. Michael S. Miller, the executive vice president and CEO of Jewish A screen shot from Amazon.com’s web site before it was Community Relations Council of removed. New York, defends Jewish interests The action finally came after items such as a Hitler Youth Knife by bringing divergent voices into repeated attempts to have Amazon emblazoned with the Nazi slogan harmony. discontinue the sale of these shirts. ‘Blood and Honor’ were also When asked whether he thought In January 2008, following a removed from Amazon.com as the sale of items like these pro- report by the Czech newsweekly well as a 1933 German SS Officer moted hate crimes or anti- Tyden, Amazon.com removed Dagger distributed by Knife-King- semitism, he said. “It’s difficult to from its site other t-shirts, praising dom. determine if they motivate hate the Nazi leaders and war criminals crimes. However, they most cer- Reinhard Heydricj and Heinrich London mayor tainly disseminate hate and any Himmler. loses election effort on the part of commercial Gordon Young, a Canadian who interests to advance hateful mes- resides in New York is a loyal LONDON – Ken Livingstone, a sages invoking racist, bigoted or Amazon.com customer. He was frequent critic of Israel, was antisemitic [language] in the past shocked to learn that the site was beaten in London’s mayoral or present is destructive and it selling these t-shirts. “I would election. The Conservative tears at the fabric of our social val- think that Amazon.com would be Party’s Boris Johnson received ues – regardless of whether they above selling things like this. I 53.2 per cent of the vote Satur- are directed towards our commu- look at them as being a more rep- day to 46.8 for Livington, the nity (Jewish) or others.” utable organization and I am Labour incumbent. Johnson was Following pressure from the shocked about their insensitivity sworn in the same day. Living- WJC, Amazon.com, the United on this issue. I am glad they stone has accused Israel of “eth- States’ largest internet retailer, removed the shirts, because if they nic cleansing” and refused to announced that it had removed hadn’t I would certainly think apologize after comparing a from its website ‘I love Hitler’ t- twice about continuing to shop Jewish journalist from London shirts that they were selling for there.” to a Nazi concentration camp women and children. After the WJC intervention, other guard.


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The BEST Family Tours selling out resolution unanimously in North America!!! fast! Call us for Recent References Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony Included condemns Holocaust denial The best deluxe tours in North America By Rebeca Kuropatwa of its support for UN resolu- pened in our past,” said Rowat. COMPARE Tribune Western Correspondent tion 60/7.” “I would very much like to thank All-inclusive deluxe hotels SPRING SPECIAL More days of sightseeing The resolution was brought to the Jewish people for having the Direct Flight $ WINNIPEG – Manitoba’s NDP Gov- the floor by Fort Rouge MLA Jen- strength and courage to speak the More meals • A true family itinerary ernment tabled and passed an nifer Howard and was passed truth about all that happened in www.israelfamilytours.com to Tel-Aviv 1069 emergency resolution condemning unanimously. the Holocaust,” said Melnick. DEPARTURES BETH DAVID Holocaust denial last week. The “Humanity is slow to learn that One MLA shared a personal Led by Rabbi Scheim resolution mirrored one from we need to act as a community story with the House. Unique Itinerary SUMMER Nov. 2-16, 2008 Minister of Water Stewardship against acts of genocide,” said “I grew up being told I was a Call Allison at 905-886-5610 ext. 394 Christine Melnick at the the Howard, adding a quote from Catholic, and I behaved according- June 29-July 13 provincial NDP convention in Feb- Anne Frank, who said, “I still ly,” said Sharon Blady. However, July 6-20 July 27-Aug. 10 MAGEN DAVID ADOM ruary 2007. believe, in spite of it all, that peo- her parental ancestry came from Unique Health & Aug. 3-17, Aug. 17-31 Wellness Mission In condemning Holocaust ple are truly good.” Poland, and as she discovered, Oct 27-Nov. 9, 2008 denial, the resolution noted that: Howard noted statistics from the many of her relatives were Jewish. Kathy ext. 345 • Jan. 27 is a UN-designated League for Human Rights of B’nai “In researching my genealogy, I PHOTO: REBECA KUROPATWA WINTER 60TH ANNIVERSARY annual International Day of Com- Brith Canada’s 2007 Annual Audit found that I, too, lost family mem- David Matas, senior legal SINGLES MISSION counsel for B’nai Brith Cana- Dec. 18 - Jan. 01 November 9-20 memoration for Shoah victims; of Antisemitic Incidents, and the bers in the Shoah,” Blady contin- da, speaks at Winnipeg Walk Dec. 21 - Jan. 04 Call Allison at 905-886-5610 ext. 394 • On Jan. 28, 2007, 103 spon- League’s May 1 ceremony at the ued. “Most were Jewish. Some 4 Darfur Rally just after Holo- sor states, including Canada, sup- legislature, called Unto Every Per- had been forced to convert in ear- caust denial resolution passed unanimously. Plan Your PRIVATE FAMILY TOUR with us ported UN Resolution 60/7 con- son There is a Name. lier pogroms, yet they were Jewish No one is more experienced than we are! Kathy ext. 345 demning Holocaust denial; The audit reports that there were enough for the Nazis to be perse- lution that condemns “without • Remembering the Holocaust is 1,042 antisemitic incidents, repre- cuted and murdered. reservation” any denial of the Deluxe Community Mission critical in preventing further acts senting an 11.4 per cent increase “Those who deny the Holocaust Holocaust. of genocide; over 2006, and a more than four- try to erase the lives, families, and “We strongly commend Manito- 10 Nights: Inbal Jerusalem • Ignoring the historical fact of fold increase in incidents over the history of six million people – ba’s NDP Premier Gary Doer for Sheraton Towers- those terrible events increases the last decade. three million in Poland alone. It his government’s leadership in reduced risk of them being repeated; and Members of the Manitoba Legis- saddens me that this occurred in denouncing Holocaust denial and AMAZING $ inc. all members of Manitoba’s legisla- return air • All people and states have a lature who stood up to speak and the first place. But, it saddens me ITINERARY! 3749 Call Sandy vital stake in a genocide-free convey their support of this resolu- more that 60 years later, there are ture for supporting this important 25 MAY-5 JUNE 08 ext. 369 world. tion in addition to Howard, includ- still those who deny the Shoah initiative,” said Frank Dimant, More value than any other tours!! The Manitoba government, ed Melnick, NDP MLA Sharon where six million people died and Executive Vice President of B’nai through this resolution, “pub- Blady, PC MLA Leanne Rowat, NDP millions more suffered and sur- Brith Canada. “We look to other licly rejects and condemns MLA Mohinder Saran, PC MLA vived…. To deny the Shoah is an provinces to follow Manitoba’s without reservation any denial Heather Stefanson, PC MLA Merna act of antisemitism and hatred.” example and to engage construc- of the Holocaust as a historical Driedger and Liberal MLA John In an April 29 media release, tively in educational programs that event, either in full or in part, Gerrard. B’nai Brith applauded the Govern- teach about the Holocaust and the 905-886-5610 Toll Free: 800-294-1663 or any activities to this “It is imperative that we all take ment of Manitoba for its leader- importance of combating racism www.peerlesstravel.com • [email protected] end…through the affirmation action to acknowledge what hap- ship in bringing to the floor a reso- in all its forms.” 7117 Bathurst St. Thornhill ON L4J 2J6 4 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca NEWS > ISRAEL ‘Entire Canadian community celebrating this anniversary,’ Kenney says RALLY cont. from page 1. coordinator of the English department of Eitz Chaim Schools, standing beside him, Dimant told the audience that their parents collectively sur- vived Auschwitz, Dachau, Majdanek, the Warsaw Ghetto, the Vilna Ghetto and Bergen Belsen, and despite all the horrors they experienced, they taught their children to recite Hallel, the traditional Jewish prayer of praise to the Almighty. Dr. Charles McVety “I believe our parents are here with us in spirit, because tonight must be 1,000 Christians and Jews, ministers and rabbis came together Secretary of State Jason to support the State of Israel. Kenney a miracle – standing in a Christian college, introducing an Israel Studies program. It’s unbelievable, a miracle from heaven,” he declared. He also beseeched God “to save us from those who want to divide the Land of Israel, who want to divide Jerusalem, who want to take Jews out of Judea and Samaria. We look to God and to you, our friends, to keep Israel mod- ern and united, with a united Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel.” Rabbi Moshe Stern of Shaarei Tefillah Congregation led a moving prayer for peace. He was applauded fervently after stating that the welfare of Israel affects the entire world. Jason Kenney, secretary of state (multiculturalism and Canadian identi- ty), extended greetings on behalf of Prime Minister . “It’s clear that it’s the entire Canadian community celebrating this anniversary, not just the Jewish community,” he said. “In Canada we’re doing all we can to stand by Israel not just in words, but in deeds.” Dr. Frank and Florence Dimant Alastair Gordon, president of the Canadian Coalition for Democracy, Consul General Amir Gissin Rabbi Moshe Stern introduced keynote speaker Caroline Glick, deputy managing editor of the Jerusalem Post, who eloquently explained what she sees as the two main existential threats to Israel: Islamic jihad and moral relativism in the West. “I believe that world peace is contingent on the strength of Jerusalem, both physical and spiritual,” she stated, adding her gratitude to the Cana- dian clergy and dignitaries who support Israel wholeheartedly. “We need to feel we’re not alone. We have to be brothers in our struggle for humani- ty, but tomorrow we’ll be brothers in peace.” Conservative MP Dr. James Lunney, chair of the Canada-Israel Interpar- liamentary Group; Liberal MP Dr. Carolyn Bennett; Liberal MPP Tony Ruprecht; Liberal MPP Monte Kwinter, and Conservative MPP Peter Shur- manexpressed their best wishes for the state of Israel. Israeli Consul Gen- eral Amir Gissin and Oded Grofman, director of the Israel Government Tourist Office, greeted the assembled. Kurt Rothschild, world chairman of From the left: Kurt Rothschild and Rabbi Meir Rosenberg Mizrachi (Religious Zionist) movement, was among the dignitaries pres- Barry and Nelly Zagdanski MPP Monte Kwinter ent. Dr. Faydra Shapiro of Sir Wilfred Laurier University, who is currently researching , listed many contributions to the world for which Israel deserves to be honoured and lamented the fact that the Jew- ish state has been so unfairly censured on campuses. Rossly MacDonald of Christian organization Table to Table, Israel’s Food Rescue Network, sang O Canada, and Cantor David Edwards of the Lodz- er Holocaust Centre & Synagogue led Hatikvah as well as Jerusalem of Gold. Cantor David Edwards chanted the Yizkor prayer for Holocaust vic- tims. A clipping from the film Obsession was shown and the audience was encouraged to view it in its entirety to understand the serious threat Caroline Glick MP Dr. Carolyn Bennett Islamist extremists pose. “CBC wouldn’t air it, but two weeks ago it had the audacity to compare Holocaust victims to terrorists,” McVety said. “We’re going to take action against that.” Dr. Faydra Shapiro Cantor David Edwards

From the left: Fred Stoll, Donna Holbrook, MPP Peter Shurman, Dr. Leon Genesove and Moshe Gruda

Dr. Max & Gianna Glassman and Jerry Blitzer Joe Bogoroch, Linda & Moishe Grossinger, Sarah Bogoroch, Dr. John Howarth and Laura Shield. Kerry and John Carmichael and Toby Feldberg Pride of Israel! Call your friends and family to celebrate the Anniversary.

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* Some conditions apply. before your long distance number Visit www.telehop.com or call 1-888-620-9030 for full details. before your long distance number www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 - 5 Under pressure from federations, UJC set to cut back staff By Jacob Berkman number of ways to reduce its budget – through outsourcing and other steps – NEW YORK (JTA) – Under pressure to and to broaden its revenue stream by reduce the annual dues it charges Jew- charging more fees for service from the ish federations, the United Jewish Com- federations, starting joint venture funds munities must cut its budget and lay off for specific charitable projects with pri- a significant number of employees, the vate philanthropists and reaching out to organization’s CEO and president told private foundations for grants. his staff. In areas where it may duplicate the Howard Rieger told employees last work of other Jewish organizations, the Tuesday at the UJC, the umbrella organ- UJC will move to support those other ization of the North American federa- groups instead of pursuing the work on tion system, that he was under a direc- its own, Kanfer said. tive from the federations to slash the These organizations include JESNA- organization’s budget from $40.2 mil- the Jewish Educational Service of North lion to $37 million – in addition to America, the Jewish Community Centers making up estimated losses of $2 mil- Association, Hillel: The Foundation for lion due to inflation. Jewish Campus Life, the synagogue Approximately 25 per cent of the $5 movements and other organizations million the UJC needs to clear likely will focussed on Jewish education and reli- come in the form of layoffs. gious identity. Rieger and the UJC’s chairman, Joe The federations consulted by UJC Kanfer, have spent the last year and a formed a consensus to reduce dues half trying to implement an operational and cut the budget, according to the strategy to streamline the organization. CEO of the Jewish Community Federa- That plan has included the UJC playing tion of Cleveland, Steven Hoffman, a more active role in advising federa- who held Rieger’s job at UJC from tions and splitting the organization into 2001 to 2004. a North American office and an over- “There are communities that fail to seas office in Israel. appreciate the value of the UJC and The call for budget cuts came after there are others who are experienc- several months of meetings between ing financial challenges,” Hoffman UJC representatives and a cross-section said, “and there are communities like of leaders from federations of various ours that believe that an adequately sizes. During the meetings, a number of funded national organization is criti- federations complained vociferously PHOTO: RAYMOND/CREATIVE COMMONS cal to the future of the Jewish com- about the annual dues that each federa- Staffing cuts “in the double digits” are at the centre of the United Jewish Community’s plan to slash its budget by munity in the United States. And you tion pays to make up the UJC’s budget. nearly $5 million. have to reach a consensus among all “We have been looking at the entire form the UJC, the organization has been which they pay them need to be fund-raising consulting. of these to keep the organization operation in terms of optimizing its on a steady budget and employee reduced,” said Robert Aronson, the “Our primary concerns are the cost of moving. effectiveness, and over that period of purge. CEO of the Detroit federation. the organization and its effectiveness, “So here we are at this moment: $3 time we have reorganized and have When these next budget cuts go Aronson described it as a “good first and that it is harder and harder to raise million of dues had to come out of the some reorganizing ongoing,” Kanfer through, the UJC will have lopped 13.5 step – but a first step only towards a money locally,” he said, adding that budget.” said. “There has also been pressure per cent of its budget since its incep- thorough evaluation of the efficiency there is “a strong conviction here that Hoffman said his federation is sup- from a small number of communities, tion, slicing it from $46.2 million in and effectiveness of UJC.” the dollars we raise should go to meet- porting the budget cuts for this year to but in general this was about looking at 1999 to the proposed $37 million. Staff He complains that after federations ing needs.” maintain that consensus. the organization and saying how can we often has been at the centre of those send approximately 4 per cent of the The UJC currently assigns dues to “It is sufficient to say they weren’t run as effectively as possible.” cuts. proceeds from their combined annual each federation based on the percent- alone,” he said, explaining that the Kanfer would not discuss the exact The UJC’s staff has been reduced from campaigns to the UJC, they still have to age that its annual campaign makes up Detroit and Florida federations were number of layoffs coming; he said it 305 at the time of its creation to 245 in pay for fundraising operations in their of the combined annual campaign pro- not the only voices pushing for dues would be “in the double digits.” Nor the 2007-08 fiscal year, according to home cities. ceeds of all the federations. reduction. “There were enough for me would he discuss what jobs were under numbers provided by the organization. The Detroit federation takes in about Kanfer said the UJC likely would and our community to support this review, saying that while lists had been Dues have become a sore point for a $45 million a year. Some $8 million of change the formula: Instead of looking decision.” compiled, no decisions had been made. number of federations, most notably the the total goes towards the organization’s at each federation on a year-by-year Ultimately, layoffs are the painful The UJC’s budget and finance commit- Jewish Federation of Metropolitan own operating expenses, with 6 per basis, the organization likely would choice, said Hoffman, who had to cut tee will meet here May 7 to draft a final Detroit and the Jewish Federation of cent of that subtotal spent on fundrais- base its formula on the three-year aver- significant numbers of staff when he plan to cut the budget. That plan must Palm Beach County in Florida, accord- ing. It has fired 14 employees in the age of each federation’s campaign and was the head of UJC. be approved by the 155 federations ing to UJC insiders. past year. three-year average of the system’s “When you have to make staff when the UJC board of trustees and del- “We believe strongly and have articu- Aronson supports the idea of a intake. changes, it is not pleasant, it is not egates assembly meet May 27. lated strongly that UJC has to be careful- national arm of the federation system, This should help avoid fluctuation in easy,” Hoffman said. Since the United Jewish Appeal, the ly reviewed, and the UJC budget has to but believes it should be focussed on dues based on spikes or dives in a fed- Asked how many staffers he had to Council of Jewish Federations and the be carefully reviewed, and that the dues professional development, national eration’s campaign, he said. fire, he answered, “I blocked it out of United Israel Appeal merged in 1999 to that the federations pay and the way in advocacy for the federation system and Kanfer said the UJC is exploring a my head.”

#776 Wednesday, June 4, 2008 The Beth Chabad Israeli Community Centre Riviera Parque Centre, Grand Ballroom presents (2800 Highway 7 West, ON) Reception 6:00 pm; Dinner 7:00 pm; Live Auction Comunity + Comunity Srvice Honouring Spiit Awa + Awa TH !NNUAL 

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T: 905.709.7770 F: 905.709.7917 Featuring: [email protected] A special presentation by the highly-acclaimed inspirational speaker Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, accompanied by Asher Laub, violinist virtuoso. 6 - The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca COMMENTARY Holocaust deniers should spend a day at Auschwitz By Natasha Farah their palm-tree, smiley-face logo-ed buses come here? I wonder what the survivors of Auschwitz As we approach Holocaust Remembrance Day on think about people like us, spending a few hours May 1, I’ve noticed the re-emergence of Holocaust here, before we move on to our next tourist attrac- denial. tion. I am reminded of the day two years ago, when I The museum houses several huge aquarium-like visited the Auschwitz death camps in Poland to displays that encase the belongings of the Jews who meet the ghosts of a million dead souls. There I lost their lives. One display was filled with eyeglass- was, a Muslim woman entering a place where the es. Another was brimming with toothbrushes; attempted extermination of the Jewish people took another, with dishes and bowls. There was an place more than 60 years ago. I was there to see entire room filled with shoes, all of which were the dark side of humanity for myself. torn and ripped and looked fit for the trash. A tour Conflicting emotions overcame me as I walked guide from Spain explained that the Nazis only kept towards the iron gate. Was I coming to pay tribute the ugly shoes at Auschwitz. All the beautiful, to the millions killed by the Nazis or was I a tourist expensive shoes were immediately sent back to coming to check off one more world historic site? I Germany and distributed to ‘real’ Germans. As a decided this was to be a private sojourn and I Jew, you weren’t even fit to have a decent pair of would not talk or write about it. And so I didn’t, shoes. until now – when I’ve begun to realize that Holo- I saw a display filled with the empty cans that caust deniers continue to insist that the event never once contained the gas that was used to kill mil- happened; that it is a Jewish conspiracy. In denying lions of Jews. But even more disturbing than that The delayed reaction to the Holocaust, we fall prey to the same evil that was a display filled with human hair, millions of almost wiped out one of humanity’s most ancient strands of hair. Hair, shaved off the heads of the people. women who were brought to Auschwitz, just before the Holocaust Auschwitz and the sister camp Birkenau are they were sent to the gas chambers. Their hair was journalist B. Z. Goldberg the chairman, and novel- located in a small town called Oswiecim, where used to make clothes and blankets for Germany. It ist Sholem Asch the president. huge apartment buildings are just a few metres is thought that many of those blankets must still be Henry Also involved were academics, artists and writers away from one of history’s worst death camps. It’s in German basements and closets. like Eddie Cantor, Morris Carnovsky, Marc Chagall, hard to imagine why anyone would want to live One of the last displays holds thousands of pieces HenrySrebrnik Srebrni Thomas Mann, Dr. Raphael Mahler, Yehudi here, but I read that after the end of the war, some of luggage, each one with the owner’s name and Menuhin, Paul Muni, Edward G. Robinson and Jews returned to this area and still live here. An act address written in chalk. I can only imagine what Maurice Schwartz; and Jewish public servants and of defiance to the German master plan, I suppose. the owners of the luggage were thinking. Coming Zionist leaders such as Nahum Goldmann and At the Auschwitz entrance is the infamous gateway here with all their belongings, unaware of the hell Rafael Medoff’s article (Jewish Tribune, April 24) Rabbi Stephen Wise. that reads ‘Arbeit Macht Frei,’ which translates into awaiting them. Every single name on every single on the impact of Robert Morse’s 1968 book, While The committee in 1946 published, in New York, ‘Work shall set you free.’ I wondered what the pur- piece of luggage represents a life, a family, a neigh- Six Million Died: A Chronicle of American Apa- The Black Book: The Nazi Crime Against the Jew- pose of that sign was. Was it a way to throw off the bourhood, a community, part of all of our commu- thy, was a timely reminder of the indifference dis- ish People, one of the earliest works documenting Jews, so that they might actually believe freedom nities – stolen from us. played even by the United States towards Jews the enormity of the Nazi genocide. Yet the book was a possibility? Or did the Nazis erect it as some A 15-minute walk from Auschwitz is Birkenau, trapped in Hitler’s Europe during World War II. went almost unnoticed in Canada. sort of cruel joke? the sister camp, which is where most of the Jews As we well know, the same held true for Canada, Valia Hirsch, the executive secretary of the com- were gassed. I stood outside the camp, staring at as documented by Irving Abella and Harold Troper mittee, voiced her concerns that no meetings had Tourist mecca or tourist trap? the bunks and rooms, and the towers from which in their 1982 book None is Too Many: Canada been held in the Jewish communities of Montreal, the guards must have kept an eye on their captives and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948. Toronto, Ottawa, or Hamilton, to bring it to the Auschwitz is a surprisingly small area, only 40 60 years ago. But even all these years later, it does- It took a long time even for Jews to come to attention of the Jewish community. square kilometres and containing about 40 sub- n’t seem like we’ve learned much. terms with the enormity of the crime against our The had ordered 100 camps where the captives worked and slept. Just two years after allied troops liberated people. As Franklin Bialystok has recounted in his copies of the book in the summer of 1946, but had Despite its size, thousands and thousands of peo- Auschwitz, in faraway India, Muslims, Hindus and book Delayed Impact: The Holocaust and the never bothered, according to Hirsch, to obtain ple lived, worked and died in this tiny, confined Sikhs butchered each other in a religious frenzy Canadian Jewish Community, published in 2000, them from Canada Customs. The CJC indicated a area. It’s dark, dusty, and damp – an appropriate that produced one million dead bodies in just few in Canada spoke about the genocide at first. year later that they were no longer interested and atmosphere for a place like this. The place feels three months of bloodbath. Had they not learned Indeed, before the 1967 Six Day War, Holocaust “cannot use them.” hollow and empty. But Auschwitz is hardly empty. It anything from the Holocaust? Today, genocide con- memorial commemorations were confined mostly Some Canadian Jews even remarked that enough is teeming with tourists. tinues to take place in Darfur, where fairer skinned to survivors themselves. had already been written. The former living and working quarters have Muslims slaughter their darker skinned African I recall running across, by mere chance, Raul Nathan Cohen, who would go on to become a been converted into a museum, and people from brothers and sisters. Will anyone learn from histo- Hilberg’s massive study The Destruction of the major literary critic and television personality in all walks of life come to see this historic relic. And ry? Not if we continue to deny the Holocaust and let European Jews, in the McGill University library Canada, in May of 1946 suggested that while the again, this is where my discomfort comes in. Out- the memory of six million dead vanish into thin air. stacks, in 1966. It had been published, after much “incalculable cruelty” of the Nazi mass murders side the gates to Auschwitz are dozens of tour difficulty, in 1961, by a minor American press, should be fully treated, “it is equally important that buses with camera-happy travellers pushing their Natasha Fatah is a producer for CBC Radio’s after many others had rejected it. I had never even we should stress the rehabilitation of European way through the gate. It didn’t seem right – why Current Affairs Show As It Happens. heard of the book. In those days, McGill did not Jewry” and the “healthy and constructive life of would Sunshine Tours and Safeway Travels and Reprinted with permission from CBC.CA. offer a single course in Jewish Studies. Jews in other countries.” Amazing as it may seem to us today, the two The CJC’s reticence was probably politically major jewish advocacy organizations working as motivated. The problem for them, as the Cold one in the Jewish Community Relations Committee War intensified, was that pro-Soviet Jews were – B’nai Brith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Con- the main force behind this book. After all, most gress – displayed little interest immediately after of the Holocaust had taken place in what had the war. become the east European “people’s republics” Following the end of hostilities, once the scale of or the Soviet Union itself, so they had access to the Holocaust had become apparent, a National the sources and could make use of them for Jewish Black Book Committee had been formed. It pro-Soviet ends. was a joint venture of the American Committee of Thankfully, things are different now. No longer Jewish Writers, Artists and Scientists in the US; the are Jews divided by ideology when it comes to Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the Soviet Union; memorializing the six million who were murdered. the Vaad Leumi, the Jewish National Council of At the Auschwitz entrance is the infamous gateway that reads ‘Arbeit Macht Frei,’ which trans- Palestine; and the World Jewish Congress. Henry Srebrnik is a professor of political studies lates into ‘Work shall set you free.’ Writer Natasha Farah wondered what the purpose of that The committee gathered a stellar group of spon- at the University of Prince Edward Island in sign was. Was it a way to throw off the Jews, so that they might actually believe freedom was a possibility? Or did the Nazis erect it as some sort of cruel joke? sors: Albert Einstein was honourary chairman, Charlottetown, PEI.

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OTTAWA Politicians We have TORONTO Montrealers Winnipeg WINNIPEG remember the chosen life,’ experience community Holocaust Azrieli says at emotional comes Holocaust Yom Hashoah together to By Lynne Cohen Tribune Ottawa event remember Correspondent By Rick Kardonne By Mike Cohen “It is because I remem- Tribune Bureau Chief OTTAWA – Canada’s fifth Tribune Correspondent ber our common begin- ning that I move closer annual Holocaust Remem- MONTREAL – With Pierre Ceremony Audience Rabbi Reuben Bulka brance Day was observed TORONTO – “We have Keynote Speaker David to my fellow human chosen life,” stated David Azrieli Duchesne, ’s new beings. It is because I with a twist on May 1. Of Lieutenant-Governor, course there was the usual Azrieli in describing his refuse to forget that life from Polish-born fugi- among the special invited their future is as impor- solemn ceremony on the guests, more than 1,000 steps of Parliament Hill, tive from the German con- tant as my own.” quest of Poland to the people took part in an – Elie Wiesel, from the with a children’s choir; the emotional community-wide March on the Colours by builder of Tel Aviv’s largest Kingdom of Memory office tower complex and a commemoration of Yom five of Ottawa’s Jewish War Hashoah at the Tifereth Veterans; a brief dozen leading figure in Montre- By Rebeca Kuropatwa al’s commercial real estate Beth David Jerusalem Syna- Tribune Western speeches by dignitaries; gogue. Senator Art Eggleton and and MPs matched with development scene – one Ben & Faigie Libman & Correspondent Rabbi Alan Green of Israeli Amb. Alan Baker of the world’s greatest Event co-chair Marcel Shaarey Zedek Holocaust survivors and grandson Tenenbaum set the tone for their families to lay some rags-to-riches stories. WINNIPEG – The local He was the keynote the evening when he stated, lodge of B’nai Brith Canada 50 red and white wreathes “For Holocaust survivors, while the Peace Tower speaker at A Legacy of held its ‘Unto Every Person Hope, the Holocaust Com- every day is Yom There is a Name’ public chimed. Hashoah.” New this year was the munity Commemoration of ceremony at the provincial 2008, honouring the The audience was clearly legislature last Thursday inter-religious symposium, moved by the exceptional organized and sponsored accomplishments of sur- for the 15th year. vivors, which took place performances of the Vanier “By personalizing the by the Friends of Simon Boys choir of Grace College and Bialik High last Wednesday on the eve Church on the Hill individual tragedy of vic- Wiesenthal Center for School choirs. Inviting the Water Stewardship Min- MP Dr. James Lunney Holocaust Studies. Held a of Yom Hashoah, Holo- tims and survivors, we defy ister Christine Melnick caust Remembrance Day, Vanier group, consisting the dangerous trends of half kilometre from Parlia- mainly of non-Jews, was a ment at the Ottawa Con- at Earl Bales Park. More indifference and ignorance than 2,500 people of all new twist. But not one of recent history…and gress Centre, the two-hour without reason. This per- event brought together a ages braved a chilly restore dignity to those evening to attend this formance came on the eve who were stripped of their panel of leaders and intel- of their much anticipated lectuals from the Muslim, event, whose sponsors identities and robbed of included UJA Federation of presentation of Oratorio their lives,” said Lyle Christian and Hindu faiths. Terezin, a powerful por- Richard Marceau, former Greater Toronto, B’nai Netivot Choir Smordin, B’nai B’rith Inter- Brith Canada, Canadian trayal of the yearning and national Vice President. Bloc MP and the primary strength of the human spir- Foreign Affairs Minister instigator of Canada’s Jewish Congress-Ontario He added, “The Holo- MLA Kirkfeild Park Region, Jewish War Veter- it in the midst of the awful caust is a human tragedy Sharon Blady Holocaust Day legislation, suffering of the Holocaust, introduced the group and ans of Canada, Canadian which defies understand- Society for Yad Vashem at Place des Arts. Choir ing. Six million Jews were explained that each mem- Director Erica Phare and ber was to discuss two and many others. killed, one and a half mil- Azrieli, now in his 80s, many of her students could lion children, and thou- issues: The impact of the be seen wiping tears from Holocaust on their faith, emphasized the contribu- sands of Jewish communi- tions that the survivors their eyes as they listened ties were obliterated forev- and the consequences of to the accounts of sur- Holocaust denial. Secretary have made to both Israel Chat students, Kimel er.” Family Educational Ctr. vivors. of State Jason Kenney, and Canadian Jewry. “We’ll continue doing this Lyle Smordin, vice presi- Despite the fact that “we Israel Consul-General [service] until the lessons Opposition Leader speaking for a few minutes Yoram Elron called the dent, B’nai B’rith Inter- Stéphane Dion before the religious lead- witnessed the most inhu- of the Holocaust will not be national mane and barbaric acts, Holocaust “the darkest, ignored and until the day ers, talked about his visit to most horrible tragedy in the Simon Wiesenthal Cen- we did not descend into that the human race will despondency and despair, the history of humanity.” not be willing to prevent ter in California last sum- He then went on to talk mer. “The murders of mil- but we brought to the such atrocities and ideolo- world a message of human about the importance of gies from flourishing,” said lions was a terrible crime,” having Israel as a Jewish he said. “It shows that we decency and dignity. The Eelke Hiddemma, the Alan Yusim, midwest Holocaust survivors laid son of Jan and Freitje homeland. regional director of B’nai need to fight racism and Hidemma, a Dutch “Now we have a haven to antisemitism. The govern- the foundation of the IDF ‘Righteous’ couple Brith Canada. “Until then, assure us that there will until there is no danger of NDP Leader Jack Layton ment of Canada is commit- (Israel Defence Forces) accepts medal in their honour. never again be a Holo- Barbara Goszer, Holo- ted to this fight. In with- and became, in Israel, this, we will continue this caust survivor educators, businessmen caust,” he said. ceremony. drawing from Durbin, Six candles were lit, each Canada has proven it is a and spiritual leaders.” “Today, we remember the Azrieli emphasized the by first-, second- and third- tragedy that befell our Jew- champion of human dignity.” generation survivors. These Dr. Michael McGowen beneficial role that Holo- ish people…and we pay caust survivors played in were preceded by testimo- tribute to those righteous received his Ph.D in canon nials on tape by survivors. law from the University of Canada. among nations who pro- “There are 10,000 sur- Paula Bultz spoke about tected them and to those Ottawa and now works at the courage of her mother St. Thomas University in vivors in Canada, who have 2,500 people attended who liberated them.” during their days in the Earl Barish, national vice Public Safety Minister Fredericton, NB. His spe- contributed to an activist the Holocaust Commem- Yusim announced that oration in Toronto. Warsaw ghetto and concen- president, B’nai Brith cialty is human rights. He Jewish community. They just two days before this Canada found in Canada a land of service, Manitoba passed a called the Holocaust the MONTREAL See MONTREAL, page 8.. perfect storm. freedom. They strength- unanimous resolution con- “It involved the coalesc- ened our Jewish commu- demning “without reserva- ing of many factors,” he nities. We came here and tion” any denial of the said, “religious, economic established families, and Holocaust. and political. There was we rekindled a spirit of “We strongly commend economic instability, racial life. This is our revenge Manitoba’s NDP Premier theories, academic writings against Nazi Germany.” Gary Doer for his govern- In accord with Azrieli’s Liberal MPs , about religion and race, an ment’s leadership in Irwin Cotler and Susan message to never forget, denouncing Holocaust Faith Temple’s Rev Rudy Kadis (behind) unprecedented quest for Israel Consul-General Amir Fidel power.” R. Gissin presented a denial and all members of McGowen acknowledged Righteous Among the Manitoba’s legislature for that for centuries the Nations medal, posthu- supporting this important Church was teaching mously, to Jan and Freitje initiative – the first of its hatred against the Jews. Hidemma, a Dutch couple kind in Canada,” said But he praised both Pope who took in Moshe Not Yusim. “We look to other John Paul II and cur- (now Moshe ben-Zvi) as provinces to follow Manito- PHOTO: MIKE COHEN ba’s example…combatting MLA Fort Rouge Jennifer See OTTAWA, page 8. See TORONTO, page 8. Bialik High School Choir sings at Yom Hashoah event Howard Liberal MP Anita Neville in Montreal. racism in all its forms.” 8 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca YOM HASHOAH HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY

‘Cloudy, sombre day reflected Spontaneous applause greets son of righteous Dutch couple mood of ceremony’ TORONTO cont. from page 7. Zvi who now lives in Israel. EDMONTON – Edmonton’s cere- sculpture. Although applause was explicit- mony to mark the Holocaust was At the event, Culture Minister their son at their farm in the rural ly not allowed during this event, held on “a cloudy and sombre Lindsay Blackett spoke, as did Netherlands province of Friesland, there was spontaneous applause day,” said Shoshana Szlachter of Edmonton Mayor Stephen Man- Yom Hashoah ceremony in Edmonton. during the Holocaust, protecting when Eelke accepted the award B’nai Brith Canada. “The weath- del. Students from Talmud Torah attendees listening to a record- in many, many years,” said him from the Nazis. Jan’s son Eelke on his father’s behalf and his son er reflected the mood of the sang. ing made by the BBC, just five Szlachter. “They sang ‘Hatikvah’ Hiddemma, who became Moshe’s read the brief letter from Moshe. people who attended the com- March of the Living partici- days after the liberation of with all the strength and courage close friend and who now lives in The evening included perform- memorative ceremony.” pants Jonathan Livergant and Auschwitz. they had left. It was very moving to Kingston, was present at the Holo- ances by various school choirs The B’nai Brith ceremony – Merle Friendlander, as well as “It was the first service hear these voices sing of hope and caust Commemoration to accept of familiar Holocaust resistance ‘Unto Every Person There is a second-generation Holocaust that the survivors had experienced the land of Israel.” the award. Eelke’s son then read a songs such as Never Say by Name’ – took place on the survivors, read out the names of letter of thanks from Moshe ben- Hirsh Glick and Dmitri Pokrass, grounds of the legisla- Shoah victims. as well as prayers such as Eli Eli ture, by the Holocaust memorial The ceremony concluded with 60 years after Holocaust, genocides and Ani Ma’amim (all per- formed by the Netivot HaTorah still taking place in the world Day School Choir). The Boys Choir of Grace Church on the DREAM HOUSE MONTREAL cont. from page 7. detail about the ghettos, after the Holocaust it is sad to see Hill joined Netivot HaTorah for RENOVATIONS describing how the Jews risked that genocides are still taking Eli Eli. Then the Boys Choir sang tration camps. their lives to try to have a nor- place in spots such as the Balkans, Psalm 113 by Colin Mowby. Hardwood, Laminates, Ceramic, Samuel Newman told the story of mal life. Religion was not per- Rwanda and Darfur. Six candles were lit, one each for how he lost most of his family in mitted, yet they managed to set Community leader and former the Jewish partisans and resistance Stone, Marble Floors the Holocaust. When he was trans- up secret Jewish prayer groups Montreal Holocaust Memorial fighters; for the righteous gentiles, Complete Bathroom Renovation ported to the camps from Hungary and even synagogues. He spoke Centre president Jack Dym co- children of survivors, survivors, he talked about his girlfriend about medical schools being chaired the program with Tenen- 1.5 million Jewish children mur- Stairs Installation & Refinishing named Margaret. They ended up at established. “They did scientific baum. Mount Royal Liberal MP dered by the Nazis, and for all of High Quality, Low Prices the same camps. After the war they experiments,” he revealed. “The Irwin Cotler was in attendance as the six million Jews murdered by reunited and married. “We have subject was something close to were local municipal councillors Hitler. Call Nick at 416 5807691 not been apart since,” he said. them. They studied starvation.” and mayors. Tenenbaum went into great Tenenbaum said that 60 years Professor talks about ‘conversion’ from business to human rights activist  Hair Salon OTTAWA cont. from page 7. Professor Morad Al Hattab, a  Skin Care Clinic Muslim writer and philosopher Laser Hair Removal rent Pope Benedict XVI for their from Paris, described his inter- Canadian Natural Therapist Aesthetics Academy forward thinking ideas, their pretation of the Koran. travels (to Israel and to “The prophet Mohammed told Laser Hair Removal  Microdermabrasion  Skin Auschwitz) and their policies his followers to never hurt Jews Photo Rejuvenation  Body Treatments  Facials mandating that Jews not be or Christians,” he said, adding rejected or treated with hostility. the Holocaust was a crime Hair Cut Services Available  Waxing  Massage He also acknowledged that the against all humanity. Professor Church did not help the Jews Hattab, to loud applause, then during the Holocaust, and that clipped a kippah to his hair, and Weight Loss 100% Guaranteed with the Church was sorry. wore it the rest of the day. New Laser Machine Velasmooth Professor Rajiv Malhorta, a Later on Parliament Hill, Rabbi Hindu from India, teaches at Reuven Bulka, chief rabbi of Princeton and is the founder of Ottawa, reminded the crowd that Tel: 416-512-8900 the Infinity Foundation, a 13- many of the Jews in the Holo- year-old organization that pro- caust went to the ovens saying 654 Sheppard Ave. West motes multiculturalism and the Shema: “Despite all they respect. went through, they had faith in www.maryhealthspa.ca “I was overwhelmed when I the eternity of the Jewish people. visited Auschwitz,” he told the They had hope when all seemed crowd of 100. “I tried to talk lost.” Bulka praised Canada for about the Holocaust to people, instituting Holocaust Remem- but there was a resistance. I was brance Day. “Long live Canada,” told to be quiet. I was a for-profit he said. businessman when I went to Opposition Leader Stéphane Poland, and within a few weeks I Dion said, “It is with deep and sold my business to dedicate solemn reverence that I join myself to human rights.” He Canadians across the country in started the non-profit Infinity commemorating Yom Hashoah. Foundation, which is described Today, we remember the millions on its web site as “engaged in of people – the overwhelming making grants in the areas of majority of whom were Jewish – compassion and wisdom.” It has who were systematically mur- helped food banks, the American dered under the Nazi regime. Red Cross and organizations “In Canada, where we have the working for AIDS victims, both Charter to protect the fundamen- in India and the US. tal rights and freedoms of every Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the citizen and where we recognize Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los that diversity is one of our Angeles talked about archiving strengths, it is difficult to imag- and history. “In the Warsaw ine how this period of intolera- Ghetto, there were 60 trapped ble cruelty was possible. As we historians, and they created an struggle to understand these archives in real time,” he horrific crimes against humanity, explained. They were witnessing we must recommit ourselves to the incarceration and deaths of never again allow hatred and 450,000 innocent victims. The intolerance to take precedence children especially suffered. over understanding, dignity and “These historians hid their mutual respect.” notes in milk cans.” Following the ceremony on He said that this “act of memo- Parliament Hill, a dinner was ry” was in defiance of the Nazis. held in the Senate Banking “Totalitarian dictators always Room in Parliament to honour seek to destroy history. It is easi- Canadian politicians for creating er to repress the people.” Of the Canada’s Holocaust Remem- 60, only three survived. brance Day. www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008- 9 IMPORTANT NOTICE / AVIS IMPORTANT

Reducing Canada’s Réduire le nombre de Immigration demandes d’immigration Backlog en attente au Canada

Newcomers to Canada have helped build our great Les nouveaux arrivants au Canada contribuent à bâtir notre grand pays depuis country from the beginning. ses débuts. The Government of Canada believes in immigration: Le gouvernement fonde beaucoup d’espoir sur l’immigration : nous souhaitons we want more newcomers to join us, families to be qu’un plus grand nombre de nouveaux arrivants choisissent de venir s’établir ici, re-unified faster and labour market demands to be met. que les familles soient réunies plus rapidement et que le marché du travail puisse compter sur les ressources dont il a besoin. Currently, the immigration backlog sits at 925,000 applications. This means that the wait Actuellement, le nombre de demandes d’immigration en attente se chiffre time for an application can be as long as six years. à 925 000. Cela se traduit par des délais de traitement pouvant atteindre six ans. That’s why the Government of Canada is proposing C’est pourquoi le gouvernement du Canada propose des mesures pour measures to cut the wait. réduire l’attente. These important measures, once in effect, include: Voici quelques-unes de ces mesures importantes, qui doivent être mises en œuvre : Ř 0RUH 5HVRXUFHV An additional $109 million to speed up the application process. Ř DFFUR°WUH OHV UHVVRXUFHV  un montant supplémentaire de 109 millions de dollars pour accélérer le traitement des demandes; Ř )DVWHU 3URFHVVLQJ 7LPHV The ability to fast-track new applications. Ř U«GXLUH OHV G«ODLV GH WUDLWHPHQW  la capacité d’accélérer le traitement des nouvelles demandes; Ř %HWWHU (PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLWLHV Matching skills with our economic needs. Ř DP«OLRUHU OHV SRVVLELOLW«V GőHPSORL  sélectionner des travailleurs qualifiés dont les compétences répondent à nos besoins économiques; Ř &RPSOHWH 3URFHVVLQJ All applications currently in the backlog will be processed. Ř WUDLWHU WRXWHV OHV GHPDQGHV  toutes les demandes déjà en attente seront traitées. These measures are currently before Parliament. Le Parlement s’emploie actuellement à examiner ces mesures. All of these changes respect the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Immigration and Toutes ces modifications sont conformes à la Charte canadienne des droits Refugee Protection Act. et libertés et à la Loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés. Canada needs an immigration system that is flexible, Le Canada a besoin d’un système d’immigration souple, rapide et équitable pour fast and fair for everyone — that’s why we’re UHGXFLQJ tous — c’est pour cette raison que nous U«GXLVRQV OH QRPEUH GH GHPDQGHV WKH LPPLJUDWLRQ EDFNORJ. GőLPPLJUDWLRQ HQ DWWHQWH. For more information on these changes please Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements au sujet de ces modifications, veuillez call   2&DQDGD  composer le   2&DQDGD  $76  . 77< . Vous pouvez également consulter notre site Web, à l’adresse suivante : Or visit our website at ZZZFLFJFFDEDFNORJ ZZZFLFJFFDDWWHQWH 10 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca NEWS Canadian Islamic Congress offer to Maclean’s substantially the same CIC cont. from page 1. proceed with the complaints er, was criticism of Maclean’s other than spelling and gram- received over the past year.” Taking a swipe at the National because it lacks legal jurisdic- by certain pro-Israel individu- mar and highlighted on the mag- Faisal expressed appreciation Post, Joseph said he “can’t com- Belongs to Islam, which, tion to do so under the Ontario als regarding an article in its azine’s cover under their artistic to “literally hundreds of thou- plain” about that paper’s cover- according to CIC, was the most Code.” The case is scheduled to April 23rd issue by Michael direction. sands of supporters,” including age because it doesn’t belong to offensive of 22 articles pub- be heard before the British Petrou, titled Why Israel Can’t Now, Joseph told journalists, “political parties [the only the Ontario Press Association. lished in that magazine target- Columbia Human Rights Tribu- Survive. Now there are two CIC would withdraw its com- political party support was from During the Q&A, when a ting the Muslim community. The nal on June 2. groups – CIC and Zionists – plaints if given an opportunity federal NDP leader Jack Lay- National Post reporter asked a OHRC said it “decided not to A new development, howev- with diametrically opposing to publish a counter response ton], the Alliance of Concerned number of queries, Joseph told agendas that have a bone to within three months, which Jewish Canadians [which sup- him not to be “rude” by taking pick with Maclean’s editorial “must have a reasoned, analyt- ported CUPE’s resolution for a up so much time. policy, albeit with a major dif- ic approach…can’t say how boycott against Israel last year, The Jewish Tribune contact- ference: The pro-Israel group many words,” but “a 5,000 among other anti-Israel posi- ed the office of Julian Porter, hasn’t demanded free space word article by Mark Steyn tions], to whom we’re grate- Maclean’s legal counsel, for Victoria Glencross Peiser, Agent for unfettered rebuttal in the cannot be addressed by a 35- ful,” and he acknowledged the reaction to CIC’s offer. A 1600-438 University Avenue magazine, nor has it gone to word letter to the editor.” presence of supporters Nora spokesperson said the issue Office: (416) 979-2667 ext. 2226 • Cell: (416) 992-7266 the Human Rights commis- What’s new in this offer is that Loreto, president of Ryerson would be dealt with in the www.cooperators.ca sion. CIC no longer demands com- Student Union, and Khaled magazine “in the near future.” In a letter to the editor to the plete editorial control over the Muammar, president of the National Post on Monday, counter response and the Canadian Arab Federation. Atara Beck Joseph, who called the press page’s design, and it dropped conference “to present a pub- the demand that the magazine Legal Forum for Israel asks lic offer to settle the matter,” make a financial contribution agreed there were no changes to a race relations charity. If government to help save in CIC’s demands. “Our cur- both sides cannot agree on rent proposal is just as rea- specifics, a mediator that both PA Arab’s life sonable as it has always been,” parties trust would be appoint- TORONTO – The Canadian Legal ing squad on April 28 for advis- Use a Mediator, save money he wrote. ed, he said. Forum for Israel has appealed to ing Israel of the presence of a Also present at the press con- In December, Maclean’s editor the Canadian government to help group of armed terrorists. PA ference were three law students Kenneth Whyte stated that the save the life of an Arab in the President Mahmoud Abbas has who originally demanded magazine published “a total of Palestinian Authority territories. yet to approve the verdict. Maclean’s publish a five-page 27 letters over two issues in According to Judy Shier Weis- In a letter addressed to Prime John Syrtash article countering Steyn’s piece, response to Steyn’s piece – berg and Reena Greenwald, the Minister Stephen Harper and written by an author of their more published responses than forum’s coordinators, Imad Saad Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime choice, run without any editing any other cover story has was sentenced to death by a fir- Bernier, Shier Weisberg and Greenwald stated that “Saad’s Q. My husband and I have decided to call it quits and need to crime was doing what the Pales- sort out issues of custody and access to our children. We also tinian Authority are [sic] sup- need to split up our property and sort out how much child and posed to have committed itself to spousal support I need. However, we really don’t want to exhaust GRAVESIDE FUNERALS do – fight terror, specifically by our resources fighting each other in court. Is there an alternative advising Israel of the presence of to court proceedings or costly legal wrangling between lawyers? a group of armed terrorists. Mr. Saad is a policeman who helped A: Yes. You can both retain a competent mediator. The same If The Choice is Graveside... protect civilian lives,” and his lawyer can assist both of you without “acting” for either of you if attempt to save lives “should not he is trained in family law mediation. I have been successfully The Decision is be considered treason, deserving helping couples sort out such issues as a mediator for several death.” years without them ever having to see the inside of a court room. Canada has committed $300 In addition, they settle their affairs at a cost which is a fraction of HEBREW BASIC BURIAL million to the PA for the building the normal legal fee if only because they are paying for most of Traditional, Simple, Graveside Services at of “security, governance and the legal work by using one lawyer, not two. prosperity,” the activists pointed In mediation, the lawyer does not act for either spouse, but the Lowest Cost Available From Any out in the letter. They also wrote provides legal information to both. The three of them initially to Israeli Ambassador Alan meet together and discuss what issues need to be resolved as Jewish Establishment. GUARANTEED.* Baker in Ottawa, Amnesty Inter- A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION national and Human Rights mature adults; no matter how hostile may be the reasons why the *Guarantee based on published price lists. parties are separating. There are two kinds of mediation: The Watch and are urging others to first prohibits spouses from repeating anything that was dis- join their campaign to save Saad. cussed during mediation should mediation fail and the matter “That’s why the legal forum 3429 Bathurst Street stepped in,” replied Shier Weis- winds up in Court. In the event that the mediation is unsuccess- (corner of Bathurst St. & Melrose Ave.) ful, no such discussions can be repeated as “evidence” in a court berg, when asked what Israel of law. This is called “closed mediation.” The benefit of closed has done in this regard. “We felt mediation is that a spouse can be free to make admissions or TRADITIONAL GRAVESIDE SERVICE (416) 780-0596 the [Israeli] government hasn’t attempts at agreements without worrying that his words will be been doing enough” in protect- used against him before a judge. ing human rights in many cases. The opposite is “open mediation” where if mediation is unsuc- cessful the mediator can be called as a witness to court and testi- fy as to what happened during the mediation and further testify as to what was said. The advantage to open mediation is that it ensures that the mediation process is civil and keeps everybody on their “best behaviour” since, in theory, the court could be listening. A competent mediator provides detailed legal information to both spouses in understandable English, and helps both negoti- ate reasonable solutions. He also helps parties break “dead- locks” during such negotiations, using mediation skills, training and years of experience. He then prepares a “Memorandum of Understanding” the spouses take to their own lawyers for inde- pendent legal advice and possible signature. Contact information: JOHN T. SYRTASH, B.A.(Hon.) LL.B, Phone: (416) 642-5410 Barrister and Solicitor Mediator Effective Jan 1st Mr Syrtash has been appointed Counsel to his new law firm Garfin Zeidenberg LLP 5255 Yonge Street Suite 800 • Toronto Ontario M2N 6P4 Cell (416) 886-0359 website:www.freemychild.com email: [email protected] In practice for 27 years Sponsored by Tzivos Hashem Canada, a children’s charity. For program information call 416-398-1866. www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 - 11 NEWS > LEGAL EVENT > UNION > ISRAEL CUPW delivers boycott Cotler criticizes UN message to Israel By Rick Kardonne danger of indifference and inac- port systems. And yet there has OTTAWA – The Canadian Union Middle East politics by vilifying Tribune Correspondent tion; (3) the danger of the culture been no media coverage. The of Postal Workers (CUPW) creat- the Jewish state and falsely offer- of impunity and the failure to bring African Union begs for helicopters. ed a buzz when it passed what ing up comparisons to apartheid TORONTO – The United Nations war criminals to justice; and In the Khartoum government, the Coalition Against Israeli ,” declared Frank came under heavy criticism by Lib- (4)discrimination against Israel in Ahmed Haroun, who planned the Apartheid (CAIA) termed a “his- Dimant, executive vice-president, eral MP Irwin Cotler in a speech to the international arena. Darfur genocide, has even been toric resolution” in support of a B’nai Brith Canada. “This flawed a large audience of top Canadian He gave as the main example of promoted. China buys Sudan oil, boycott, divestment and sanc- analysis is not only sorely off the legal personnel in the boardroom the danger of state-sanctioned and China is complicit to the tions campaign against the Jew- mark but also runs counter to of the downtown law offices of genocide Mahmoud Ahmadine- Sudan genocide.” MP IRWIN COTLER ish state. the union’s core mandate of Blaney McMurtry. This speech, jad’s Iran. He accused Ahmadine- Cotler proposed the organiza- likened Israel to the Nazis.” “Our concern is that the poli- postal service. The irony is that The Law and Human Rights, was jad of advocacy of genocide of tion of an international summit to Cotler then went on to say that cies of the government of CUPW bills itself as ‘democratic,’ sponsored by the Speakers Action Israel and of antisemitism, giving “put an action plan into place” Montreal-born UN Human Rights Israel are unjust and violate yet it chooses to negatively single Group of the Canadian Jewish as an example the parading of a against Sudan and its business Commission director Louise international law; therefore we out the only truly democratic Legal Rights Association. long-range Shihab missile through partners such as China. Arbour (much criticized for her will be encouraging our mem- state in the Middle East, where Introducing Cotler was United Tehran, which is draped with a flag Regarding the third category, that anti-Israel bias by Alan Dershowitz bers to boycott Israeli-made union members have the right Church of Canada Rev. Dr. Karen that proclaims: “Wipe Israel off the of the failure to prosecute war when he spoke at the Sderot rally products,” Denis Lemelin, for their voices to be heard. This Hamilton, moderator of the Cana- map!” He even threatens Muslims criminals according to existing UN here in Toronto on Feb. 25) invit- CUPW’s national president, contrasts with Israel’s neigh- dian Council of Churches, who who recognize Israel who will statutes, Cotler emphasized that in ed him to Beit Hanoun in Gaza stated last week. bouring Arab countries, where said: “For Christians, combatting “burn in the storm,” Cotler said. both Iran and Sudan, “few of the with Bishop Desmond Tutu (who “CUPW is apparently the latest unions simply are not permit- racism and antisemitism is a cen- “The UN Genocide Convention, perpetrators have been brought to has also made antisemitic state- union to enter into the fray of ted.” tral part of our work. We must get which happened 60 years ago, justice.” ments) as part of a tribunal. Cotler Canada to step up to the plate to expressedly prohibits genocide. Finally, regarding the fourth cate- asked Arbour: “Is this special trib- Olmert plays down probe fulfill existing commitments Ahmadinejad has yet to be invited. gory of UN human rights failure, une also going to Sderot?” Louise JERUSALEM – Ehud Olmert said he is staying in office despite the towards this end.” Also present The UN Security Council must con- Cotler specifically described what Arbour replied: “No.” Cotler then launch of a new criminal probe against him. “I have priorities as was Donna Holbrook of the Inter- demn Ahmadinejad. There are six he called “the ongoing delegit- replied: “I won’t be a figleaf” and prime minister of Israel,” Olmert told his cabinet in broadcast national Christian Embassy of possible state sanctions against imization of Israel under the pro- he refused to be a part of the tribu- remarks Sunday. “I intend to uphold these priorities and continue to Jerusalem, who recently came Iran. Secretary-General Ban ki- tective cover of the UN. Israel has nal. hold the meetings, carry out the responsibilities and do the things that under fire in Sderot. Moon has the right to refer Iran to been denied equal access under “It is time that the UN return to I must.” Israel’s attorney general ordered police to question Olmert Cotler, speaking on the occasion the Security Council. He has not. the law. The rights of Israel merit its principles” of speaking out on short notice Friday but barred the publication of details on the of the 14th anniversary of the We have a responsibility to con- universal respect. against all genocides and of equal case, other than the fact that it involves new suspicions against the Rwandan genocide, began his demn Ahmadinejad’s Iran in the “Last year there were 10 resolu- treatement of all of its members, prime minister. Olmert is the subject of three other criminal investi- speech by revealing that a large UN.” tions of condemnation against concluded Cotler. While he admit- gations. He has denied any wrongdoing. The gag order on the new Rwandan contingent came to Par- The second category, that of the Israel in the UN. Iran, Sudan and ted in the brief question-and- case prompted media speculation that Olmert could face such hefty liament Hill to mark this grim danger of indifference and inac- China were not condemned once. answer period that Canada has charges that he would be forced to resign. Olmert dismissed such talk anniversary, but that there was no tion, applies to Darfur in western “In one week recently, the UN generally been good in the UN as “malicious and vicious. I regret to say that under circumstances Canadian press coverage. Sudan: “400,000 have died in Dar- Human Rights Commission regarding Israel, he did declare in over which I have no control, a wave of rumours has swept the coun- He then said that the United fur (killed by the Khartoum gov- replaced as its Mideast chair John the main speech: try about the subject of the investigation,” Olmert said. “I promise Nations had failed regarding (1) ernment’s Janjaweed Arab mili- Dugard, who likened Israel to an “It is time that Canada stand up that when things are made clear by the proper authorities, they will the danger of state-sanctioned tias). Three million have been dis- ‘apartheid state,’ with Princeton to state-sanctioned genocide by be presented in the proper proportion and context, and this will put incitement to genocide; (2) the placed; 4.5 million are on life sup- Professor Richard Falk, who Ahmadinejad’s Iran.” an end to the rumours.”

Notice to Jewish Community in Canada

The Annual General Meeting of the Board of Governors of B'nai B’rith International, together with the Annual Poli- cy Meeting of B'nai Brith Canada, will convene in Ottawa.

June 27-29, 2008.

This historic meeting will bring together experts to discuss critical issues of concern to world Jewry.

A five-year plan of action for the organization will be Motorcyclists promote reviewed, including the role of B'nai Brith Agencies and Holocaust awareness Lodges. OMAHA – In partnership with the National Holocaust Endowment Fund (NHEF), hundreds of Jewish motorcyclists from around the world will converge in Omaha, Neb., for the Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance’s (JMA) fourth annual Ride to Remember (R2R). The goal is to promote Location: Minto Suite Hotel Holocaust awareness and thus prevent history from repeating itself. This year’s event, named the Illuminations Ride, will span four days, beginning Thursday, May 22 and continuing throughout the weekend. It will be on or near the University of Nebraska campuses in Omaha and Lincoln, and a ceremony will be held at the Nebraska Holo- caust Memorial. To register, check the B’nai B’rith Canada web site: The Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance (JMA) is an international organization currently composed of 21 Jewish motorcycle clubs and more than 2,000 individual members. The event is open to all Jewish bikers, whether affiliated with a member club or not. www.bnaibrith.ca For more information, check out ride2remember.com, tnhef.org or jewishbikers.com. Above is a photo of the 2007 Ride to Remember in New York City. 12 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca FILMS Fugitive Pieces: A tale of two different endings By Barbara Shainbaum Canadian cities on May 2. Tribune Film Critic But viewers should be fore- warned: This isn’t the original TORONTO – The final cut of Fugi- cut seen by critics, reviewers tive Pieces, Canadian writer-direc- and the general public at its tor Jeremy Podeswa’s powerful favourable world premiere at and poignant Holocaust-themed Toronto International Film Festi- film about memory and the val (TIFF) 2007’s opening night redemptive power of love, based September gala. on Toronto author Anne Michael’s Fugitive Pieces focusses on iconic novel and produced by poet Jakob Beer, a man haunted Robert Lantos, opened in major by childhood experiences,

A scene from Fugitive Pieces featuring Stephen Dillane (as Jakob) and Rosamund Pike (as Alex) as they escape from the rain. At left is Israeli actress Ayelet Zurer as Michaela, Jacob’s soulmate. film with a happy ending not in Why does this ending matter? that opened TIFF last September Michaels’ novel nor in the laud- If you hadn’t read Michaels’ similarly foreshadowed Jakob’s ed TIFF version. book and hadn’t seen the TIFF tragic fate.” James Adams wrote recently in original cut, you would think Podeswa told Playback he : “No one this one is a powerfully acted, sweetened Fugitive Pieces’ end- orphaned as a child in Poland who’s read Anne Michaels’ Fugi- directed and feeling film moving ing because “the film did not so during World War II, who is tive Pieces – and they now from Holocaust darkness to the much trigger tears during test saved by compassionate Greek number in the hundreds of redemptive power of love. End- screenings as leave faces crum- archaeologist Athos Roussos. thousands – would describe the ing on a happy note, it is a love pled for its gloom. Clearly that Jakob wrestles with his family’s novel as happy. Sure, it features story of a man who finally finds was never our intention.... We deaths, which he has witnessed, redemptive acts of love, acts of and gets to keep love, his just always believed that the film obsessing about his lost sister witness, selfless displays of desserts, for escaping death. The should be inspirational and Bella. Through writing, he courage, celebrations of decen- viewer feels better that Jacob tri- hopeful, even as it deals with works out his pain. His transfor- cies – but the horrors of the umphs over adversity. very difficult and complex sub- mative love with Michaela frees Holocaust and its after-shocks Etan Vlessing writes in Play- ject matter.” him from tormenting memories. reverberate on virtually all of its back. “This will allow filmgoers Replacing a tragic climax with The film garnered Rade almost 300 pages.” to dab their eyes and feel spiri- a happy ending removes layers Sherbedgia (Athos), the superb Adams states, “Jeremy Podeswa, tually lifted as they rise from of haunting resonance, com- Serbian actor, a prize for Best has trimmed the $11-million their seats, because Jakob, a plexity and fate from the film, Actor at the Rome International film by roughly a couple of min- man ever haunted by wartime robbing it of intended after- Film Festival. Podeswa’s stellar utes, eliminating the bus acci- memories, can now conclude shock. Films, when adapted cast also includes sublime dent in Athens that claims his his days in quiet happiness. Of from famous literary works like /. #(%-/ British actor Stephen Dillane protagonist, Holocaust survivor course, the difficulty is that Anne Fugitive Pieces, need to be true (Jakob); fiery British actress and poet Jakob Beer, and his Michaels’ lyrical novel of the to the spirit of the book, cutting Rosamund Pike (first wife) and wife, Michaela. The [new] ver- same name, on which the film is deeply, penetrating despair acclaimed Israeli actress Ayelet sion in theatres ends with the based, declared Jakob’s death in where bitterness also tinges with Zurer (Michaela, sultry soul- oft-brooding Beer, at 60, bliss- its prologue, before launching sweetness. It makes powerful mate). fully in love, warmed by the into a series of flashbacks and art. Podeswa bravely got there This final cut version of Fugi- Greek sunshine and fervently flash-forwards to tell his story. with his original cut version of WWWLIFEMELCA tive Pieces, although moving, is hoping that his (second) wife is And the original cut of the film the film. a more simplified, less layered pregnant with their first child.”

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1 Northwestern Avenue, Toronto, ON To book a tour call Sue at 416-654-2889 ext.228 www.bakercentre.com www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 - 13 NEWS > LAW SOCIETY Grand Tour Lifting the veil of secrecy on Nazi-era documentation of Israel TORONTO – At the fourth annual Archives Canada; David Matas, Prague. Holocaust Memorial Day program senior legal counsel, B’nai Brith Historians are often prevented sponsored by the Law Society of Canada and international human from obtaining information not Upper Canada and B’nai Brith rights lawyer, and Alti Rodal, because of “grand schemes,” Canada, Anita Bromberg, director historian, director of the Ukrain- but due to “petty personal deci- of the legal department of B’nai ian-Jewish Encounter Initiative. sions to defend peoples’ reputa- Brith Canada, declared that only Marsden presented an archival tions,” Rodal said. through justice and truth can overview and said that archivists peace be secured. now have complete access to B’nai Brith praised The symposium, held at the Law governmental records. Society of Upper Canada in Toron- According to Canadian govern- The program was followed by an to on National Holocaust Remem- ment policy, this country cannot elegant reception, including a brance Day, focussed on the strug- be a safe haven for war crimi- musical performance by the gle for full disclosure of documen- nals, regardless of when or Aurore String Quartet. Gavin tation of war criminals and high- where the crimes occurred, MacKenzie, treasurer of the Law lighted many of the serious diffi- Beitner declared. Society of Upper Canada, stated culties still facing historians. B’nai that education succeeds only Brith Canada has long advocated Many obstacles when people learn to be for an open archival policy with “human” as well. access to all files relating to He outlined the many obstacles Professor Alain Goldschlager, Aug. 31-Sept. 14, 2008 Nazi-era crimes, including those that still impede historical inves- director of the Holocaust Litera- whose perpetrators are tigation worldwide, including ture Research Institute of the deceased. deals made with perpetrators in University of Western Ontario The Honourable Madam Jus- exchange for information, and and co-chair of B’nai Brith Escorted by tice Gertrude Speigel of the natural obstacles to historical Canada’s League for Human Ontario Superior Court, who investigation such as roads that Rights, Ontario Region, moderated the event, spoke of are difficult to navigate in freez- expressed the need for greater the necessity of documentary ing-cold remote areas. emphasis on human rights and a evidence available to the public Canada took the important conscious effort by the Law Soci- in order to confront Holocaust step last year of seeking full ety to place these issues, if not at denial and racism. membership in the Task Force the centre, at least at the fore- The distinguished panelists for International Cooperation on ground of activities. Gold- were: Terry Beitner, director and Holocaust Education, Remem- schlager said he recognizes the general counsel, Crimes Against brance and Research, Matas Law Society has begun to focus Humanity and War Crimes Sec- reminded the audience. He had on human rights in recent years. tion, Department of Justice represented B’nai Brith as a Holocaust survivor Claire Canada; Paul Marsden, senior member of the official Govern- Baum praised the efforts of military archivist, Government ment Task Force delegation, B’nai Brith in the pursuit of war Records Branch Library and which met last December in criminals. Fly El Al and stay at Kibbutz Lavi Sheraton Towers - Tel Aviv King David Hotel - Jerusalem and King Herods Palace - Eilat Only $4295.00 per person

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“Well folks, it’s been almost a month since Susan and I have been home from Israel. I for one am having severe withdrawal symp- toms. I miss all of you so much. I know I said it so many times on our trip but I have to say it again. Our trip to Israel was the best, most fantastic, meaningful, and so on and so on experience I have every had. I can’t find the words to describe my feelings. I just know how overwhelmed I get when I think about it. There is nothing I can say that I didn’t like about the trip except the coffee. Israel has the worst coffee. That should be the worst thing!!!” Cheryl 14 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca 60 Sixty yearsSalute of successes, despitetoIsrael’s Israel craziness By Uriel Heilman Sixty years on, Israel has much to cele- theaters, centres of science and learning, Israeli citizen simply by showing up at Ben instant-messaging technology, known as brate, having raised a vibrant, diverse and skyscrapers, a stock exchange and a thriv- Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv with a letter ICQ, which was later sold to AOL. The (JTA) – Being in Israel in the 21st century, occasionally bewildering society virtually ing non-profit sector. from her rabbi. disk-on-key, now almost universally used one often wonders what Theodor Herzl, from scratch. Of course, as a state like any other, Israel These are the growing pains of a state in place of diskettes, was created in Israel. the founder of Zionism, would think of In all likelihood, Herzl would not even also has poor people, failing schools, gov- that 60 years after its founding still hasn’t “Israel has the highest concentration of this modern-day state if he could see it. recognize the place. ernment corruption, run-down neigh- quite decided what it wants to be. talent in the world,” says Moshe Kaveh, the The malarial swamps of pre-state Pales- “I think Herzl would be so perplexed,” bourhoods, traffic, drug problems and Yet even as they struggle with these basic president of Bar-Ilan University. tine have been replaced by rapidly grow- says veteran Israeli journalist Yossi Klein criminals. questions, Israelis are continuing to build Despite the worrisome headlines about ing cities with glitzy shopping districts, Halevi, a senior fellow at the Shalem Cen- And after 60 years, Israel still faces basic the state. Iran, Hezbollah’s resurgence along the carefully landscaped parks and six-lane tre, a conservative think tank in Jerusalem. questions of existence and character most One would be hard-pressed to find Lebanon border and Hamas’ growing highways that run between high-rise office “He wouldn’t know in what proportion to countries have resolved long ago: Can the another country in the world that has power in the Gaza Strip, Israel has buildings and limestone apartment com- be thrilled and disappointed. Israel bears state be both Jewish and democratic? What experienced as rapid growth over the span become an increasingly stable, normal plexes. no resemblance to what Herzl imagined, will the final borders of the country look of just six decades. That the growth has country. In 2007, terrorism-related deaths The agricultural pioneers, the halutzim, conceiving a Jewish state from the end of like? Where, exactly, is the balance occurred amid frequent wars, the constant in Israel fell to 13 – the lowest level in who struggled to sow the seeds of the new the Austro-Hungarian Empire.” between religious and secular, Arab rights scourge of terrorism and other daily chal- years. nation-state armed with triangular hats Herzl envisioned a socialist utopia that and Jewish character, change and preser- lenges has made it all the more remark- The question for Israel isn’t so much and simple hoes, have been succeeded by would combine the best of European cul- vation, future and history? able. whether people will be able to live in the sunglasses-wearing settlers in the West ture and Jewish ingenuity. In his famous Sixty years on, the battle for Israel’s soul And despite the apparent lack of natural country in 10, 20 or 30 years but whether Bank’s Jordan Valley who have installed work “Altneuland,” hardly merit is far from over. resources in Israel – the country has no they will want to. high-tech drip-irrigation devices to mention. Tel Aviv leftists debate right-wing settlers oil reserves to tap, no verdant breadbasket After 60 years of focussing on survival, hydrate hybrid tomatoes for export to Halevi says Herzl would find Israel’s rad- about whether the final borders of the and a relatively small population – Jewish Israel must now address its internal chal- markets in London, Paris and New York. ical Jewish diversity most perplexing. state should encompass Judea and ingenuity has made Israel a centre of inno- lenges, Israelis say, particularly the ones And the nation whose birth defied the “The East-West mixture, the racial mix- Sumaria or run along the pre-1967 bor- vation. that threaten national unity: The religious- odds in a war of independence against ture of Israel, Ethiopian culture, Moroc- der. Secular yuppies from Herzliya lobby Israel has more companies listed on the secular gap, the Arab-Jewish gap, the rich- invading Arab armies to the north, east can music – all the elements that make to be able to buy pork products and Nasdaq stock exchange than any other poor gap, the right wing-left wing gap. and south has become a regional military Israel so unpredictable and so interesting shrimp in their local supermarkets while outside the United States. The world’s This, essentially, is how Israel has devel- superpower with an assumed nuclear are elements Herzl couldn’t conceive of Knesset-sanctioned inspectors slap fines leading technology companies, including oped throughout its six decades – always arsenal, a crack air force and peace sitting in Vienna in the beginning of the on malls that open on Shabbat. Intel, IBM and Microsoft, maintain exten- in a state of emergency, under the threat of treaties with two of its four Arab neigh- 20th century,” Halevi says. Russian Israelis say Israeli immigration sive R&D facilities in Israel. The country wars or terrorism, and with the great bors. In many ways, however, Herzl’s dream of policies unfairly exclude their non-Jewish has the highest proportion in the world of questions of society still unanswered. Agricultural settlements have turned into a Jewish state has been fulfilled. relatives, while rabbis warn that an university graduates per capita. Outside of Yet all the while, Israelis have forged sprawling cities, the 1948 population of Israel has secured its place among the influx of foreign labourers and non-Jewish Europe and North America, Israel leads in communities, launched companies, start- roughly 800,000 has swelled to more than nations even though its leaders bemoan immigrants erode the state’s Jewish char- the number of patent applications. ed rock bands, built cities, gone to cafes 7 million and – perhaps most important the existential threat posed by Iran and the acter. Arab Israelis from Jerusalem ask Israelis invented the video camera that and raised their families. This persever- of all – the Jewish state has become home demographic threat represented by the why their Palestinian cousins from nearby fits inside a pill, giving doctors a new non- ance – the carrying on of daily life, despite for Jews from Russia, Europe, Iran, Palestinians. A state like any other, Israel Bethlehem are barred from visiting them invasive way to view their patients’ insides. all the craziness in the country – is what Ethiopia, , Egypt, North America, boasts metropolitan cities, concert halls, while a Jew from Chicago can become an Four young Israelis invented the first makes Israel at 60 a story worth telling. India and too many other places to count.

OnOn b behalfehalf off thethe OntarioOntario LiberalLiberal CaucusCaucus bestbest wiswisheshees ttoo the the community communittyy on n thethe 60thth AAnniversarynnniversarryy offI IIsrIsrael’sraael’s IndepIndependencependenccee

Hon. David Caplan Hon. Dalton McGuinty Monte Kwinter Mike Colle Hon.Hon. MichaelMic Bryant Don Valley East PremierPremier ofof OntarioOntario YorkYYoork CentreCentre EEglintonglinton - LawrenceLawrence St.St. Paul’s 416-494-6856 416-325-7200416-325-7200 416-630-0080416-630-0080 416-781-2395416-781-2395 416-656-0943416-6

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Authorized bbyy OntOntarioario Liberal Caucus www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 - 15 Leaside Paint Centre

60 We congratulate the State of Israel MaccabiSalute Canada to wishes Israel Israel a happy0 60th Salute to Israel on its Since 1932 the have been historically a powerful on its 60th Anniversary tool for Maccabi Canada to unite the Canadian Jewish Community. 60th Anniversary The Games is one of the five largest sporting events in the world by participation and is sanctioned by the International Olympic Commit- tee and World Federation of Sports. The Maccabiah Games encour- age Jewish pride, strengthened Jewish bonds and have created a heightened awareness of Israel and Jewish identity. In 2008, Maccabi Canada says that it is imperative that the Jewish Community shows its CongratulationsCongratulations support and solidarity with Israel. Maccabi Canada’s mission is more profound than building new friendships and a love for Israel. The toto the the State State of of Israel Israel Games create bonds between Jewish communities from Argentina to . The 2005 Maccabiah Games attracted the largest atten- onon its its 60th 60th Anniversary Anniversary dance in the games history and brought 7,700 Jewish athletes to Israel. Please join us in 2009 at the 18th “Chai” Maccabiah Games 1525 Bayview Avenue 416-489-7900 (www.macabbicanada.com). – Maccabi Canada A central resource for Israeli immigrants Thousands of Israelis reside here in Toronto, including many veter- ans of the Israeli army who served during challenging periods in the country’s history. They served our nation in Israel, and now we have an opportunity to serve them here. The Beth Chabad Israeli Community Centre (BCICC) is a central resource for Israeli immigrants. In a friendly, warm atmosphere, the centre provides a synagogue for Israelis, interesting lectures and gatherings, ‘Israeli-style’ holiday celebrations, children’s programs, counselling and social services – all in Hebrew – as they strive to meet the needs of the Israeli community. Most importantly, Israelis feel a sense of belonging and caring as the BCICC helps them integrate into the greater Jewish community. To learn more about the Beth Chabad Israeli Community Centre – Only under the leadership of Rabbi Yisroel Landa – visit the web site at www.chabadisraeli.com or call 905-709-7770. Fly the very best EL AL – Beth Chabad Israeli Community Centre Two Weeks has to offer with our Canadian Friends vital to Hebrew University Remaining Business Class and Since opening its doors, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has Elevate your Israel become a leading institution of higher learning and research world- VALID FOR SALE UNTIL MAY 15 wide. With 24,000 students and seven academic faculties on four Experience campuses, its activities are essential to Israel’s well-being and con- STARTING AT tribute to the economic strength and intellectual stature of the Jewish * STARTING AT state. ** Canadian Friends of The Hebrew University is a national, not-for- profit organization dedicated to providing The Hebrew University of $1699 Jerusalem with the resources needed to sustain the highest levels of $ For travel between 15 Jun 08 to 31 Aug 08 3999 educational excellence and research achievement. The work sup- ported by Canadian Friends is vital to our global community and fos- *Fares quoted per person plus applicable fuel surcharge and taxes, limited availability, subject to change, conditions apply. Ticket is instant purchase and 100% non-refundable ** plus taxes and fuel surcharge, based on availability ters the ideal of peace through shared progress. Help celebrate this milestone by joining CFHU on 2 upcoming mis- Please contact your travel agent or EL AL sions to Israel: Spring – Board of Governors & Israel @ 60, May 25- 416·967·4222 · 1·800·361·6174 · www.elal.com June 5, 2008 and Fall – Live & Learn in Jerusalem, Nov. 2-11 2008. – Canadian Friends of The Hebrew University BEIT HALOCHEM ISRAEL Did You Know That … • Reaches out to more than 51,000 disabled Israeli war veterans and victims of terror • Provides both emotional and physical rehabilitation for the disabled and their families • Offers state-of-the-art Mazel Tov rehabilitation facilities in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem, Nahariya and the to Israel on its soon-to-be-built Centre in Beer Sheva 60th Anniversary YOU CAN HELP: BEIT HALOCHEM CANADA • Make a donation. CANTOR • Funds sports and cultural Charles Weinberg • Send one of our tribute cards. activities • Purchases specialized sports and Marvin Feder Joseph E. Goldstein therapy equipment PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN • Enriches the lives of our courageous heroes on their difficult and long 59 Lissom Crescent,Toronto To learn more, visit our website: www.advi.ca road to independence Phone: 416-226-0111 www.thepride.org or call 905-695-0611 (toll-free 1-800-355-1648) 16 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca 60 Israelis noSalutet in partying mood as cotountry Israelcelebrates 60th

By Dina Kraft Which will prevail: TEL AVIV (JTA) – Israel is turn- ing 60, but few here seem in the The Israel of excellence mood to crack open the cham- pagne. or the Israel of mediocrity? Israelis are still gloomy about the country’s perceived failures Strip. nist for the daily Yediot in the 2006 war with Hezbollah “I don't see Israel as a failure, Achronot. “We did not reach a in Lebanon, and every day but what makes this anniversary point that we can say, ‘OK, the brings fresh reminders that no less of a celebration is that we period of state building is fin- solution has been found for the cannot proclaim a happy end- ished and now we can live hap- growing problem of cross-bor- ing,” said veteran Israeli jour- pily after.’” der rocket fire from the Gaza nalist Nahum Barnea, a colum- The contradictions of life here

PHOTO: BRIAN HENDLER/JTA Israelis celebrate Israel’s 59th Independence Day in 2007. As Israel’s 60th birthday approaches, Susan Kadis many Israelis are in no mood for partying. can be painful. Israel has an try’s 60th birthday, even though veyed, 48 per cent, said they outwardly robust economy that some of the money is earmarked have faith in the Supreme Court, Member of Parliament produces high-tech giants but for educational and infrastruc- 15 per cent said they had faith in also a record number of people ture programs. the police and just 9 per cent living in poverty. There is a feel- Meanwhile, many say, the list said they had faith in the govern- Thornhill ing of security that has come of celebratory events is a bit of a ment. with a decline in terrorism-relat- snooze. Mitchell Barak, who heads ed deaths, but also a widespread Aside from the bigger-ticket Keevoon, an Israeli research resignation that peace remains a items like local fireworks shows, firm in Jerusalem, says recent distant dream. a huge dance party in Tel Aviv’s surveys conducted by his firm All this, to say nothing of gov- Yarkon Park, and sound and show Israelis are more con- ernment corruption, one of the light shows, scheduled events cerned with corruption than problems most troubling include a concert called Mili- with threats from the Arab Israelis. tary Orchestras Playing Peace world. “I don't feel very festive,” said and the display of the world’s Recently, former Israeli Presi- Shaanan Street, the lead singer largest Israeli flag, measuring dent Moshe Katsav turned down of the popular Israeli hip-hop 656 feet high and 320 feet wide. a plea bargain offer that would band HaDag Nachash, shortly The week after the anniversary, have required him to admit to Mazel Tov on the 60th Anniversary of the before taking the stage at a Tel President Shimon Peres is also sexual misconduct in exchange Aviv club. “Israelis are not too hosting a conference with a star- for the dropping of a possible State of Israel happy. They are worried instead studded guest list on the future indictment against him on more about the next war and how they of the Jewish people. serious charges, including rape. are going to finish the month.” Israel at 60 is a modern-day Katsav now may face those In a country where one in Sparta and Athens, Barnea says, charges and go on trial. 905-886-9911 three children lives in poverty, walking a fine line in its dual “We are seeing a significant there has been grumbling about existence as both a garrison rise in people who’ve had it with www.susankadis.com the $28 million the government state and a thriving cultural and their elected officials,” Barak has budgeted to mark the coun- business locale. said. "It's not easy to live successful- Ben-Dror Yemini, a columnist ly in these two worlds at the for Ma’ariv, says Israelis do not same time," Barnea says. know whether the government The Hon. Gidi Grinstein, a former Israeli has viable plans to deal with the negotiator who runs an inde- country’s ongoing threats, both pendent think tank in Tel Aviv, external and internal. the Reut Institute, agrees. “They don’t have the slightest The national mood, he said, idea about what is really going exists in “tension between exu- on,” he said. berance and concern because Eti Doron, a toy store owner in Israel is a country that offers Tel Aviv, says a weariness has very polarized performances on descended upon Israelis. a number of levels. “There is a feeling of being “Let’s start with socio-econom- down. People are not sure what ic,” he said. “According to cer- is happening with the country,” tain indicators, we are world she said. “Socialism has disap- leaders in research and develop- peared, the corruption is worri- ment, and ranked in the Top 10 some and our leaders are P.C., M.P. in the world in terms of business power-mongers.” and technology. And at the same A nearby grocer, Danny time, other sectors are badly Horvitz, sounded a different note EGLINTON-LAWRENCE underperforming, like education as he packed bags at his small and law enforcement and the store. entire government structure, “Overall, I feel positive,” he which is in crisis.” said. “There is corruption here Constituency Office: 511 Lawrence Ave. West, Toronto, ON M6A 1A3 Grinstein, who advocates but overall things are good. structural reform of the govern- Israel will be here in 60 years Phone (416) 781-5583 Fax (416) 781-5586 ment to make it less beholden to and it will be even stronger. sectarian interests, asks which There will be a deal by then with Website: www.joevolpemp.ca Israel will prevail in the next 60 the Palestinians.” years, “the Israel of excellence Horvitz paused before or the Israel of mediocrity?” adding, “That is what I hope I Join My Friends and The Community in A recent Haifa University poll for, at least, and that things of Israeli Jews found their faith will be good for both us and in state institutions at an all-time them. Otherwise, neither one Celebrating Israel's 60th Anniversary low. Fewer than half those sur- of us will be here.” www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 - 17 60 Israel is born,Salute through the eyes to Israel of a Jewish student in 1948

By Tom Tugend but there is the hope that an editor less for our studies. When we or commentator might add a few aren’t squatting beside the SAN FRANCISCO (JTA) – It’s about more words about Israel, fill in radio, we are scanning the lat- 6 p.m. on May 14, 1948, and a background or analyze the situa- est newspapers. When we friend and I are leaving a UNESCO tion. aren’t writing letters to the conference here to catch the train We forget about catching the editor, we are cabling our back to Berkeley. train and slowly walk down Mar- congressman to demand an From the corner of our eyes we ket Street. immediate lifting of the US catch the newspaper headlines: The all-night Newsreel Theatre arms embargo on Israel. ‘US RECOGNIZES ISRAEL’ screams flashes its attractions: LATEST PIC- Slowly, at first unconsciously, the Examiner, in type usually TURES FROM PALESTINE – SEE our attitudes as Jews change. reserved for the latest axe murder WHY THE JEWS ARE FIGHTING We have never been ashamed or Hollywood divorce. FOR THEIR COUNTRY. of our Jewishness, but many of Israel. We slowly formulate the The newsreels are quite old, us were indifferent to it. Few of name on our tongue, roll it something about the first Jew- us belonged to a Zionist organi- around, test its flavour for the first ish settlements in the Negev. zation. Of course, we applauded time. We applaud enthusiastically. the accomplishments of those in We buy up every paper on the In the theatre lobby, a tele- Palestine and perhaps gave a lit- newsstand – the San Francisco type machine spews out the tle money to help them. Chronicle, the News, the Examin- latest news flashes, “In a sim- But now we gradually begin to er and the Oakland Tribune –an ple ceremony, Prime Minister speak of this as our fight, our expenditure that would become a David Ben-Gurion ….” defence and – perhaps – our daily habit. During the next weeks we future. Each paper carries the identical become restless. We can’t con- releases from the wire services, centrate on our work, are use- See 1948, page 18. SUGAR-FREE PIES & BROWNIES NOW AVAILABLE

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Sincere Best Wishes to Israel on its 60th Anniversary from Ray Mendell


7200 YONGE STREET, THORNHILL (905) 886-2000 18 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca Salute 60 to Israel Israel’s centrality hinges on identity, technology, politics By Sergio DellaPergola ish cultural bonds to preserve will have to expand its already peripheral areas, and limit the becomes a driving force for the some consensus among the Jew- remarkable facilities to become, deepening socio-economic dif- fulfillment of Jewish dreams. JERUSALEM (JTA) – Israel at 60 ish people. even more than now, a world ferences between the country’s The overarching issue of peace faces three major challenges: Jewish religion and identity centre for research and develop- richest and poorest. and normalization of ties with Identity, technology, and politics. will remain central to how Israel ment capable of offering its cre- On the political front, Israel Israel’s neighbours is crucial to The future Israel will have to sees itself and Jews worldwide ativity and services to Jews and will require leaders that can this because the final outcome strive and struggle to maintain a perceive Israel. But to be viable, others beyond the limited space take the country to new hori- of the Middle East conflict will credible role as the cultural and Israel’s Jewish identity must be of its local market. Israel must zons. Many Israelis today feel result either in the fulfillment of spiritual centre of Jewish peo- attractive to an array of Jewish join the world’s most developed that our political leaders do pre- dreams or disaster. plehood. Demography will con- constituencies, each of which societies. cisely the opposite, slowing These three major challenges tinue to play a fundamental role will view Israel as a place that, To achieve this, Israel will have down the major transformations share something in common: here, but the main challenge will permanently or occasionally, is to overcome the gaps and dis- we need to make in such areas Urgency. Every day that passes be whether Israel can strengthen home. tinctions that persist between as the Israeli-Palestinian con- without progress brings poten- internal and transnational Jew- On the technology front, Israel greater Tel Aviv and the country’s flict, Israel-Diaspora relations, tially irreversible negative conse- quences that threaten the very survival of Israel and the Jewish people. Professor Sergio DellaPergola says how we respond to chal- The way we respond to these lenges will determine the challenges ultimately will deter- Congratulations to the future of the Jewish people mine the future course of the and Israel’s fate. Jewish people – and Israel’s fate the relationship between reli- at its 120th birthday. gion and state, public investment community and to Israel versus privatization in the econ- Sergio DellaPergola is a profes- omy, and more active participa- sor at the Hebrew University tion of private individuals in civil and a senior fellow at the Jew- th society. ish People Policy Planning Israel’s 60 Anniversary Politics in Israel will have to Institute in Jerusalem. be reinvented so it again ‘I wouldn’t have believed it’ 1948 cont. from page 17. We sadly shake our heads at the immaturity of the human I meet the shop foreman from race and tune in to the next an old summer job. What does radio broadcast. “Forces of the he think of the Jews’ fight in Israeli army have taken enemy Israel? A lifelong antisemite, he positions ….” scratches his head, hesitates and We walk out of the room, our admits reluctantly, “Christ, I bodies a little straighter, our chins wouldn’t have believed it.” a few inches higher than before. A friend, Jewish and anti-Zion- ist, assesses the new situation. This article was written in late “Our people in Palestine have May 1948, when Tom Tugend, done more to eliminate anti- then 22, was a student at the cope:225--dv semitism in the last six months University of California, Berke- of fighting than we were able to ley. It was first printed in Novem- do in the previous 2,000 years of ber 1948 in the Soldiers Bulletin, www.ndp.ca producing the greatest doctors, published in Israel for English- the greatest scientists and the speaking volunteers in the War of greatest philosophers,” he says. Independence.

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BATHURST MARKHAM SCARBOROUGH 416-782-8882 905-470-9800 416-289-3333 www.realtronhomes.com www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 - 19 Salute 60 to Israel A 15-year vision to help elevate Israel By Gidi Grinstein experienced significant growth as well Consensus, which primarily calls for fis- tion of the key sectors of society. Hence, in recent years. Hence, impressive rates cal and monetary discipline and privati- on the one hand, reforming Israeli gov- HERZLIYA, Israel (JTA) – At its 60th of growth notwithstanding, Israel didn’t zation, there is no such recipe for ernance is key since it is significantly anniversary, Israel needs a new vision succeed in leapfrogging – catching up leapfrogging. In other words, each underperforming compared to our that not only will guide its priorities and with the leading nations of the world. country charts its own path. business sector. inform its actions, but also will be rele- In contrast, during the first 20 years However, the common denominator At the same time, we have to find ways vant to the lives of all Israelis. This is of the state, Israel’s economy bounced among the countries that have leaped to harness mayors and local govern- why the ISRAEL 15 Vision, a Reut Insti- upwards. Israel doubled its well-being ahead has been their agenda. They all ments, businesspeople, philanthropists, tute plan that calls for Israel to become relative to the United States, starting established an ambitious vision, identi- non-profits and world Jewry to the one of the 15 most developed nations with an average income of 30 per cent fied growth engines and exhausted ISRAEL 15 Vision and create the space within 15 years, is so compelling. It of the US average and reaching 60 per them, benchmarked their performance that allows them to make contributions requires improv- cent by the early to other coun- as well. ing the quality of 1970s. Since tries, improved Finally, growth life of all citizens. Since the 1970s, Israel has then, however, Gidi Grinstein’s Reut Institute offers the capacity of The challenge is to become a and development Quality of life is not been able to bridge the Israel has not a new vision for Israel their government household phrase and a frame- have to turn into a a very elusive been able to tion is among the most educated and to make deci- national obses- issue. Its defini- gaps with the richer countries bridge the gaps technologically savvy in the world. sions and imple- work that inspires action sion. We have had tion changes by with the richer Indeed, Israel is a leading exporter of ment them, such passions in geography. The quality of life of a reli- countries while countries such as Ire- talent, with one of the highest levels of enhanced collaboration among key sec- the past: greening the desert, redeem- gious and spiritual person is different land, Singapore and South Korea have brain drain among developed nations. tors of society and invested in human ing the land or immigration absorption. from that of a secular businessperson. made leaps ahead. Becoming one of the 15 leading capital. The challenge for the ISRAEL 15 Vision Notwithstanding, quality of life is also The importance of closing the gaps nations – roughly at the level of Hol- In addition, nations that leaped ahead is to become a household phrase and a visible and tangible. For example, any- with the richest nations stems from the land, Singapore or New Zealand – contained their unique challenge and framework that inspires action. one can tell that the average quality of mobility of people, technology and requires leapfrogging our socio-eco- tapped into their individual potential. The ISRAEL 15 Vision may be ambi- life in countries like Canada or Aus- investment. As these highly mobile nomic performance and growing at an For example, Singapore understood tious but it is attainable. Israel already tralia is higher than in Greece or Spain. resources “choose” which country to annual pace of 7 per cent to 8 per cent that it was at a junction between East is a world leader in key areas such as Furthermore, although income per go to, nations compete for them. Suc- for at least 10 years. This is a national and West, and therefore, developed the research and development, human cap- capita is an important factor determin- cess in this fierce battle is essential for challenge that will require widespread world’s leading airport, seaport and air- ital or technology. We have outper- ing life, other public goods such as the future of any country, but is critical mobilization of the key sectors of socie- line, while Ireland tapped the benefits formed expectations in the past. There health, education, employment and for the survival of Israel. ty. of its inclusion into the European is no reason we cannot do it again. social cohesion play a critical role as Israel suffers from the largest gap The phenomenon of leapfrogging is Union. well. between the level of talent of its popula- different than growth. While the world We also know that leapfrog happens Gidi Grinstein is the founder and Israel’s growth of recent years can be tion and the quality of life offered its has established a recipe for stability and as a consequence of a combination president of the Reut Institute. This intoxicating. However, we often tend to residents. Israel is ranked 28th in the growth in the form of a set of accepted between top-down leadership by the article is based on a speech he gave at forget that the world economy has world in quality of life, yet our popula- principles known as the Washington government and bottom-up mobiliza- the 2008 Herzliya Conference.

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Congratulate the State of Israel on its 60th Anniversary

Brian Lusthaus • Mario Marrelli • Mark Pelchovitz Congratulations to the State of Israel on its 60th Anniversary Steven Pelchovitz • Monty Shelson • Perry Truster

TORONTO FREEDOM LODGE The Glick Family and the Glicksman Family Congratulations Congratulates the State of Israel to the State of Israel on its 60th Anniversary on its 60th Anniversary MAC MOR Barry Lebow of Canada Ltd. President 21 Benton Rd., Toronto, Ontario M6M 3G2 www.torontofreedomlodge.ca Tel: (416) 596-8237 FAX: (416) 596-7624 20 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca Archive: Looking back 60 years ago probably happened, the offi- tion resolution,” was intro- “Emergency Conference to Truman mum on cial declared, is that Marshall duced last night into the Sen- Propose a United States Policy question of US conveyed an oral message to ate and the House by Senator for Palestine and the Middle recognition Shertok who relayed it to Ben Warren Magnuson and Rep. East,” which met here this Gurion. Andrew L. Somers, respective- weekend, recommended today. of Jewish state, Meanwhile, a resolution call- ly. dodges issue ing for the amendment of the Prompt American recogni- 60 Neutrality Act, which would tion of the existing Jewish state Jewish state will be Salute to Israel preserve the citizenship of as the lawful authority over 0 ASHINGTON, May 13, 1948 proclaimed today; (JTA) – President Harry Tru- Americans who “became such areas under its control man told his press conference members of an armed force within the original boundaries proclamation goes today that he would cross that made available to the United of Palestine as fixed by the into effect “bridge when he comes to it,” Nations, or of any other mili- Mandate “should form the at Midnight when asked if this government tary organization designed to basis of US foreign policy with plans to recognize the new carry out the Palestine parti- regard to the Middle East,” an Jewish state in Palestine when EL AVIV, May 13, 1948 (JTA) – the British Mandate ends. He The 37-member Jewish nation- said that he and Secretary of al administration today decid- State George C. Marshall had ed to proclaim the Jewish state discussed the Palestine ques- and the provisional Jewish tion and other matters at their government tomorrow after- regular meeting yesterday. noon. The proclamation will Salutes Israel A State Department official take effect immediately after denied that Marshall had given Christians for Israel Canada midnight Friday when the on its 60th Anniversary Moshe Shertok a note to David British Mandate ends. Ben Gurion, premier-designate extends Best Wishes to Israel The proclamation will be of the Jewish state, as was on its made at a ceremonial session Saul and Toby Feldberg and Family reported yesterday. What of the council, to which 60th Anniversary prominent guests have been invited. On Sunday, following the Sabbath, the first official Mazel Tov gazette of the Jewish govern- ment will be issued. It will list the members of the govern- ment and will put into official to the State of Israel's effect regulations concerning mobilization and taxes. Anoth- er of the first acts of the gov- on its 60th Anniversary ernment will be the placing into operation of a postal sys- tem and applying to the Inter- national Postal Union for ROSE LAZAR CATERING SERVICES 2114 YONGE STREET membership. Toronto The decision to call the Pro- FOR 40 YEARS HAS BEEN OFFERING CUSTOMIZED visional Council of Govern- 416 • 489 • 1361 ment into session a day before CONTEMPORARY KOSHER CUISINE. the termination of the Pales- AT YOUR SIMCHA, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO tine Mandate was reached We offer general repairs to all imported after an eight-hour session of REMEMBER IS THAT IT IS YOUR CELEBRATION. and domestic automobiles and deal in the administration, composed RELAX AND ENJOY, WHETHER IT BE AT THE LODZER CONGREGATION, OTHER of the same members as the Michelin, BF Goodrich projected Council, at which BANQUET HALLS OR YOUR OWN VENUE. CREATING A SUCCESSFUL EVENT IS A and Uniroyal tires. Moshe Shertok, Foreign Minis- COMBINATION OF EXQUISITE PLANNING, SKILL AND TIMING. TO CELEBRATE LIFE’S ter-designate, reported on the Friendly, reliable & honest service. most recent developments at GREATEST MOMENT, LET THE PROFESSIONALS DO THEIR JOB. Lake Success. He explained the reasons for the American COR 523 We congratulate the State of Israel shift on Jewish State. CALL 416-633-0344 GLATT KOSHER on its 60th Anniversary

Congratulations to the State of Israel on its 60th Anniversary


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We salute Israel on its 60th Anniversary May we see a lasting peace for all.

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For more details, call Payless Travel & Cruises 905-770-3300 / 1-888-900-4747 ext. 222 Gila or Sima ext. 225 View the itinerary on our website: www.goisraeltravel.com Also available - flights, hotels, car rentals, etc. 22 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca 60 SaluteTradition of excellence to Israelencourage you to reflect on the past with pride, and look with hope and optimism to the future. May this special occasion renew the Family-owned and operated for more than 50 years, Aufgang Travel strength of your families, your friendships and your community. Congratulations to the and Cruise Centre is one of the oldest travel agencies in the Greater Please accept my best wishes for a memorable and inspirational Toronto Area. The tradition of excellence continues today, keeping Independence Day. State of Israel on its pace with time: Aufgang Travel has recently launched its new web – Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario site www.aufgangtravel.com which 60th Anniversary contains a unique booking tool for tours to Israel (a way to celebrate Thank you, Prime Minister Stephen Harper Israel’s 60th anniversary). One could easily go online, choose a tour Governing since January 2006, Canada’s Conservative government NORTOWN FOODS by location, price, sightseeing options and more easily in no time. has steadfastly supported the Jewish community. Prime Minister This year Aufgang Travel and Cruise Centre also features a summer Stephen Harper recently took time during an official trip to Poland • 892 Eglinton Ave. West - at Bathurst upscale family tour August 17-31, 2008. The space for the tour is to visit Auschwitz. With Yom Hashoah Ve-Hagevurah coming up as a 416-789-2921 limited and almost sold out. The tour includes a lot of sightseeing, reminder of the historical threat that Jews faced in a dangerous English-speaking guide and most meals. world, Harper has shown an understanding that this threat continues • 303 York Mills Rd. - at Bayview Please call Idit, Debbi or Dov at (905) 771-7117 and is unacceptable today. – Aufgang Travel and Cruise Centre More important than the concrete steps that Harper has taken to 416-447-0310 support Israel is the fact that the prime minister has maintained a Israel turns 60 and she’s never looked better! principled stance in ensuring our values are Canada’s values. His • Promenade Mall, Thornhill fundamental worldview understands our community’s ongoing 905-889-1610 Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue is proud to host a musical struggles. Compared to the Jimmy Carters out there who just haven’t extravaganza to commemorate Israel’s 60th anniversary, Bond With learned from history. Compared to the Jimmy Carters of the world Israel At 60 Gala Concert, May 28, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. who view extremists as legitimate players. Featuring international baritone extraordinaire Avi Albrecht, with More important than his position against Hezbollah. More impor- our very own national treasure, Aaron Bensoussan, along with the tant than his decision to cut off Canadian funding for the PA under complement of a full-piece orchestra, this unique combination of tal- Hamas. More important than his historical commemoration of ent under one roof promises an evening of enchantment guaranteed Shoah. More important than his condemnation of the international to spark the lyrical senses of the young and young-at-heart. communities actions against Israel. In a world of Jimmy Carters, LET’S GET STARTED! Avi Albrecht is greeted by standing ovations wherever he performs. Stephen Harper understands our unique history. From east to west and north to south, Avi is as comfortable perform- – Rochelle Wilner, John Carmichael, , Heather Jewell, Come in and see what’s NEW ing in front of thousands at Radio City’s Music Hall as he is in any Joe Oliver intimate setting. His popularity lies in his versatility. His repertoire includes standard symphonic music as well as Broadway favourites, High-quality cuisine and professionalism Spanish ballads, Yiddish standards, Italian and Russian folk songs along with Hebrew and Israeli favourites. As a composer, Avi’s Rose Lazar Catering Services has been providing catering to the Jew- Congratulations melodies are sung by many cantors during Sabbath services and has ish community for more than 40 years. We are known for our high- worked with conductor-composer Marvin Hamlish. quality cuisine and professionalism. We take the time and effort to to the State of Israel Cantor Aaron Bensoussan is known for his gift of music. Moroccan meet with our clients to assess their needs and then tailor a menu to born Aaron Bensoussan is no stranger to the international music complement their event. David and Heather will co-ordinate your on its 60th Anniversary scene. From his performances at the Jerusalem Theatre to the great simcha to make it unique and outstanding. Carnegie Hall where the New York Times described Aaron’s singing – Rose Lazar Catering Services as “stout and impassioned,” his musical prowess has graced the Tel. 416-787-1203 world. Superlative service 700 Lawrence Ave. W. Aaron weaves his knowledge of Sephardic liturgical music with his (corner of Allen Expressway & Lawrence Ave.) Ashkenazic Hazzanut background to create the distinctive tapestry of “How you managing with the big box stores?” a customer politely sound that makes Cantor Bensoussan our favourite both here and asks. abroad. I raise one eyebrow and reply “they still in business?” Emcee and comedian Herschel Fox adds humour and charm and is Thank you, we’re managing terrifically. And the reason for this the perfect fit to host such a festive and triumphant evening. is solely that we are a convenience hardware store that provides Israel turns 60 only once in our lifetime. Come celebrate the mitz- superlative service. Yes, we actually do provide services. Live vah of Israel’s 60th anniversary with the universal language of music people answering questions, answering telephone calls and with and laughter. Bond With Israel At 60 Gala Concert is a musical jour- our eight full time staff having an accumulated total of 132 years ney that should not to be missed! of experience we can answer most household maintenance ques- Tickets are available from the Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue tions. office in person, 100 Elder St., or by calling 416.633.3838. Sunnybrook Home Hardware conveniently located in the plaza on – Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue the corner of Eglinton at Bayview is always busy with screen and win- Salutes the State of Israel dow repairs, servicing of lawnmowers and snow blowers, cutting Their home away from home keys and glass and sharpening knives, push mowers. on its 60th Anniversary This Home Hardware specializes in barbeque sales, particularly the Did you ever see a woman or man confined to a wheelchair dance Weber and Broil King brands and in almost 100 per cent of the sales 45 St. Clair Avenue West the tango, play tennis or basketball? Imagine a blind man golfing or a we assemble and deliver these units. man without legs riding on horseback at the Paralympics. Visit the – Sunnybrook Home Hardware Toronto, Ontario M4V 1L3 Beit Halochem centres in Israel, and you’ll see for yourself. For many Israeli disabled veterans, the centres in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, Israel’s 60th anniversary Tel: (416) 967-5100 Haifa and Nahariya, are their home away from home where they Fax: (416) 967-4372 regain their dignity and quality of life that they so deserve. My warmest congratulations as we celebrate the 60th anniversary Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel, Beit Halochem Canada’s top pri- of the state of Israel. A democratic and dynamic country born www.sterncohen.com ority is caring for the more than 51,000 disabled veterans and vic- from the ashes of the Holocaust, a testament to the unwavering tims of terror. The centres provide both the physical and emotional spirit of the Jewish people. A nation committed to the principles support needed for a complete healing process. of a modern democracy, a thriving economy, honouring its cul- Beit Halochem Canada welcomes you to join them at the Celebra- tural heritage and nourishing intellectual advancement. A nation tion of Life 60th Anniversary Concert, June 12, 2008, Toronto Centre that has suffered the heavy cost of war and constant threats to its for the Arts. very existence. Yet a nation that remains hopeful to living in Salute to Israel To learn more, call 905-695-0611. peace. – Beit Halochem Canada Mazel Tov to Israel and her people for a peaceful and prosperous future. on its A personal message from the Premier – Thornhill MP Susan Kadis On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am delighted to extend The miracle of Israel at 60! 60th Anniversay warm greetings to readers of the Jewish Tribune and to everyone marking the 60th anniversary of Israel’s independence. We celebrate Israel at 60! We honour those that have died defending The establishment of the modern state of Israel was a profound the state, those that have come from every corner of the globe to live moment for Jews in Ontario and worldwide. Six decades have passed freely as Jews in the Jewish Homeland and those that support Israel. since Israel proclaimed its independence. And there is much to cele- We stand proud and tall because a Jewish State exists. We marvel at brate, including the courage, faith and vision of those who made it all the accomplishments that the state and its citizens have made in possible. the fields of science, medicine and technology. We take great pride STATE-OF-THE-ART LAB ON PREMISES AT SUNRISE LOCATION Jewish Canadians have a long and distinguished presence in Cana- in the assistance that Israel has given to less fortunate countries da and have helped shape our identity as a nation. I commend the through the years. As Israel prepares to celebrate its 60th anniver- COME VISIT OUR 3 GREAT LOCATIONS Jewish community for its invaluable contributions to the social, eco- sary, we urge you to show your support and make Israel your desti- 131 Sunrise Ave. 2782 Dufferin St. 1450 Centre St. nomic and cultural life of our great province. You continue to make nation this year. Toronto (at Wingold) Concord, ON Ontario – and Canada as a whole – an even better place to live. – Tours and Travel Centre 416-752-4433 416-782-3007 905-731-3007 As you mark Israel’s 60 years of progress and accomplishments, I www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 - 23 MUSIC TSO’s concertmaster leaving post – but not retiring By Rick Kardonne But Israelievitch has harsh words for mentalists for Mother’s Day, featuring Tribune Correspondent the CBC. principal TSO trumpeter Andrew “The CBC is cutting down on classical McCandless, at the Studio Theatre at the TORONTO – The concertmaster of the music programming, contrary to popu- Toronto Centre for the Arts. Toronto Symphony Orchestra and one lar taste in Toronto. The management of Israelievitch and the Koffler Centre play of the world’s most accomplished vio- the CBC is completely out of touch with a key role in organizing this event. linists, Jacques Israelievitch, will be Toronto audiences. The CBC plays only In his grand departure from the leaving his post after 20 years. However, the (familiar) war horses” on its abbre- TSO, Israelievitch is participating in he is not retiring. He will continue to viated classical music airtime. “This is several major concerts being present- participate in what he believes to be appalling,” Israelievitch told the Jewish ed by the TSO, in the very near future. Toronto’s “rich musical life” in many Tribune. The grand climax to the TSO’s 86th capacities including the Koffler Centre He contrasts the CBC classical music season was the soldout concert at Roy for the Arts. cutbacks to WFMT in Chicago, which, Thomson Hall on May 3 featuring the Israelievitch was born in Cannes in being part of the also-subsidized world’s most famous cellist, Yo-Yo Ma, 1948. At a young age he went to live in National Public Radio network, is more who performed Shostakovich’s Cello Paris, where his parents were from. adventurous and contemporary, Concerto #1; Israelievitch was con- Then he and his family moved to regarding programming. certmaster. LeMans, near Paris, a town better “WFMT presented a live concert with Tickets are still available for two con- known for its auto racetrack. There he me in Chicago.” And he has high regard certs entitled Celebrating Jacques studied music and at 11 became the for the Buffalo NPR classical music sta- Israelievitch, which will take place at youngest person ever to win the LeMans tion, WNED-FM,” which has played his the George Weston Recital Hall on June violin competition. Then he studied at many CDs. 7 and 8. the Paris Conservatory, under such “I wish there was more classical The TSO has commissioned a world teachers as and Josef music among the Jewish community premiere of the Double Concerto for Gingold, where he graduated at the age here in Toronto,” says Israelievitch. Violin and Percussion (Jacques’ son of 16. Upon graduation he received (Actually there was many more classical Michael is a very fine percussionist who three first prizes and later served as Jewish concerts in the 1970s and 1980s will perform) by Kelly-Marie Murphy. assistant to Gingold at Indiana Universi- in Toronto, during the heyday of such Israelievitch will play the lead in Bach’s ty. Jewish composers as Ben Steinberg, very famous Concerto for Two Violins, In 1972 , one of the most Milton Barnes, Srul Irving Glick and during which the second violinist will famous of Hitler’s German-Jewish musi- Louis Applebaum, as well as the be played by TSO Associate Concert- cal refugees, appointed Israelievitch, at PHOTO: HASNAIN DATTU baroque Jewish concerts conducted by master Mark Skazinetsky. the age of 23, to be assistant concert- TSO Concertmaster Jacques Israelievitch is leaving his post for new horizons. Cantor Benjamin Maissner at Holy Blos- Why, after 20 years as the longest- master of the Chicago Symphony more challenging repertoire He believes that the TSO has “always som). serving concertmaster of the Toronto Orchestra. After serving in Chicago for (Shostakovich, Bruckner, etc.) than the been a very good orchestra. But there However, thanks to Israelievitch, this Symphony Orchestra, is Israelievitch six years, he joined the St. Louis Sym- usual Bach-Beethoven-Brahms. have been financial problems and bad situation will soon change for the bet- leaving his esteemed post? phony, where he served as concertmas- “Gunther Herbig needed a concert- management in the past. Now the ter. “At the age of 60 I want to have a little ter for 10 years. master when he moved to the Toronto orchestra is well-run. The TSO is musi- “I will be more involved in the Koffler more freedom,” he replied. “I want to There, he met conductor Gunther Symphony and he brought me with cally comparable to the Chicago Sym- Centre,” which on May 11, will be pre- do more solo playing, chamber music Herbig, well-known for choosing a him,” Israelievitch said. phony Orchestra.” senting a string concert of 25 instru- and a big focus on teaching.”

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RBQ: 3019-4070-50 * 24 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca THEATRE > UNIVERSITIES The December Man Incidents examines survivor’s drive side of Montreal Jewish Massacre student By Mike Cohen Tribune Correspondent to leave MONTREAL – It has been almost school 20 years since Marc Lépine walked into a classroom at Mon- treal’s L’École Polytechnique, ordered the men out of the room and proceeded to kill six young women. He murdered eight more as he made his way through the building, ultimately turning the semi-automatic rifle on himself. Why did he commit U of T prof discusses US elections with lodge what became known as the Dec. B’nai Brith Canada’s Halton-Peel Lodge recently met to hear Professor 6, 1989 Montreal Massacre? In a Yonatan Eyal on the subject of The Upcoming American Elections. Pictured from the left are: suicide note made public some- Joyce Aster, B’nai Brith’s Halton-Peel regional director; Moira Black, Halton-Peel Lodge pres- ident; Professor Eyal; Ann Bobker, lodge vice president, and Rabbi Karen Thomashow, Holy time later the 25-year-old Blossom Temple. blamed feminists for ruining his PHOTO: UND JEWISH STUDENT ORGANIZATION life. The University of North Dako- Filming is under way in Montr- ta won’t describe this image, scrawled on a dormitory wall real on a controversial French- in February, as a swastika. A language film about Lépine, his Nicola Lipman stars in The McMaster’s Jewish spokesman called it “oblique.” rampage and the after effects. December Man. GRAND FORKS, ND (JTA) – A The December Man should never happen again. University of North Dakota stu- (L’homme de décembre), a “Unfortunately in regard to Student Association dent was charged in an incident Governor-General Award-win- school shootings since then, this that helped drive a Jewish fresh- ning play by Colleen Murphy, is has not been the case.” man from his dormitory. running at the Canadian Stage The December Man won the wins annual club award The Grand Forks County state Company’s Berkeley Street The- 2006 Enbridge playRites Award Attorney’s Office issued charges atre in Toronto. The play, which and the 2007 Governor-Gener- last Tuesday afternoon against has already premiered in Cal- al’s Literary Award for English Spencer Garness, who allegedly gary and Edmonton to rave Language Drama. The jury wrote ‘Scott is a Jew’ in ice reviews, focusses on the same described the play as “a tragedy cream in a campus residence event. However, in this case, it is in which the humanity of the hall elevator, according to news described as being inspired by characters gives the play a sur- reports. the actual event but actually prising buoyancy. Heartbreak- Garness was charged with dis- revolves around a fictional ing, yet never sentimental, spare orderly conduct, a misdemeanor account of one of the male “sur- yet complex, with a flawless that carries a maximum penalty vivors” of the massacre. structure…a brave and impor- of 30 days in jail and a $1,000 “This is a play about hope,” tant play.” fine. North Dakota law carries no veteran Jewish stage actress Sometime after its Toronto special designation for hate Nicola Lipman told the Jewish run, the play is slated be part of crimes. Tribune in an interview. “It is the 2008-2009 season for Van- The incident was one of a also very powerful.” couver’s Green Thumb Theatre. series of antisemitic acts that Lipman plays one of the lead Ric Knowles, a professor of freshman Scott Lebovitz said con- characters, Kathleen Fournier. Theatre Studies at the University tributed to his decision to leave The December Man examines of Guelph and the editor of his dormitory earlier this month. the impact of such a devastating Canadian Theatre Review said, In February, a swastika was tragedy on a working-class fami- “This is not a sensational story, found on a wall near his room. ly in Montreal. The focus here is and there are no heroes here, or Lebovitz says he was the target of on a family struggling to return martyrs. It is a deeply sympa- JSA members (left to right): David Goldberg, Sarah LaFreniere, Dustin Shulman (vice president, antisemitic taunts from fellow to normalcy after being caught thetic account of the private lives cultural/religious), Andrea Rowan (past president), Anna Kos (president), Steph Muskat, Alison students for months. up in the tragic event. Kathleen of ordinary people indelibly Fine, Ariel Hending (vice president, administration) and Michelle Loterman. Other executive members, not shown: Snir Seitelbach, Valerie Litman, Sarah Levitt and Ron Levitin. A number of antisemitic inci- and her husband Benoît (Brian marked by public events. And dents have been reported at the Dooley) are at a loss as to how the focus is on simple things: the By Marshall Shapiro • be dedicated to their club’s recreate a safe environment for university in recent weeks. Jew- to help their son Jean (Jeff Irv- minutiae of daily life once daily Tribune Niagara Correspondent purpose and/or cause, demon- Jewish students at McMaster. ish students have accused the ing) cope with the rage and guilt life has become impossible.” strating this through events and “I am so honoured,” she con- university of dragging its feet in of surviving. Jean becomes utter- Lipman is pleased that they do HAMILTON – McMaster Univer- initiatives central to their opera- tinued, “that our dedication and response and refusing to charac- ly unglued as he is consumed by not re-enact a shooting, nor is sity’s campus became the battle- tion. commitment to building and terize the incidents as “hate thoughts of what he could have there an actor portraying ground between the anti-Jews Past President Andrea Rowen maintaining positive relation- crimes.” done to overpower the shooter Lépine. While there are no plans supporting Israel Apartheid said, “This has been a very diffi- ships with other McMaster clubs and what he should have done at the present time to bring the Week on one side and the cult and emotional semester for as well as in the Hamilton com- JDate launches to save the women. Reviewers play to Montreal, Lipman said it school’s administration and Jew- many students in the JSA. munity through our many pro- UK site are calling this “a searing drama would be a natural for either the ish students along with their Through the hard work and grams has been acknowledged about courage, heroism and Segal Centre for Performing Arts non-Jewish supporters on the dedication of the entire execu- by the McMaster Students’ Union NEW YORK (JTA) – JDate has despair, exploring the long pri- or the Centaur. Born in other. tive – and with the guidance of in acknowledging the JSA with launched a sister site in the Unit- vate shadow that an act of public and raised in Vancouver, Lipman But despite this year’s ups and our director Judy Schwartz –we the MSU Cultural Club of the ed Kingdom. The online commu- violence casts.” studied for three years at Mon- downs, the Jewish Student Asso- were able to come together to Year award.” nity for Jewish singles opened the While the lead character is fic- treal’s prestigious National The- ciation (JSA) ended up on top site last Tuesday, according to titious, Lipman noted that in the atre School. when it was awarded the Culture The Six Day War debuts on CNNMoney.com. In addition to actual massacre Lépine ordered Performances of The Decem- Club of the Year award by the its online features, JDate will 44 men to leave the room before ber Man will continue in Toron- McMaster Students’ Union. VisionTV this week offer United Kingdom-based par- he began shooting. “The charac- to through May 17, Monday to The reward is based on three ties and events. Nearly 300,000 ter of my son is basically meant Saturday evenings at 8 p.m.; main criteria. The club must: VisionTV will air the Canadian television premiere of The Six Day Jews live in the United Kingdom, to symbolize what some of those matinees Wednesdays at 1:30 • provide an open and inclu- War on Tuesday, May 6 at 10 p.m. The feature-length documentary making it the fifth largest Jewish men were probably feeling after p.m. and Saturdays at 2 p.m. sive environment with the club airs as part of a VisionTV programming event (May 5 to 8) com- population in the world. the fact. This is very difficult to Ticket prices start at $20. Go and through events held by the memorating Israel’s 60th anniversary. “We are thrilled to bridge the live with. Much has been said to www.canstage.com for more club and in collaboration with Other highlights of VisionTV’s Israel at 60 event include the world Atlantic divide and re-introduce about survivors of the Holo- information. other clubs; television premiere of the new documentary series Ralph Benmer- the UK Jewish community to caust. It is the survivors who The play contains coarse lan- • demonstrate positive and gui: My Israel (www.myisraelshow.com) and a first look at the new JDate,” said Greg Liberman, the went on suffering, some even guage and disturbing subject lasting relationships within the season of the acclaimed VisionTV series The Naked Archaeologist, president and chief operating feeling guilty about that. This matter and is not recommended McMaster community and the hosted by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici (The officer of Spark Networks, which play too is about something that for young audiences. community at large; and Lost Tomb of Jesus). For more information: www.visiontv.ca. owns and operates JDate. www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 - 25 BOOK REVIEW Novel draws on young ummer Inter girl’s experiences through S nships University & college students Disengagement Eight weeks employment Minimum wage • 35 hrs./week TORONTO Institute for International Affairs Have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in the area of human rights. The intern will be involved in research projects and programs; specifically researching the relevant academic, historical and legal literature as well as interviewing experts in order to write briefs for government and research projects on international issues. Journalism Intern Write stories that will be featured in the Jewish Tribune. Duties will also include cov- ering events, press conferences, government briefings, person-on-the-street interviews PHOTO: ATARA BECK Torontonian Michael Shaul, an agriculturalist, made aliyah in 1974. He moved to Gush Katif in and human interest stories of concern to the Canadian Jewish community. He/she 1978 and began growing Israeli tomatoes in 1986, becoming the first person to grow the Israeli will also proofread news pages before they go to print. variety of cherry tomatoes. Here, he stands outside the caravilla in Nitzan where he now lives, along with other victims of the disengagement whose businesses contributed significantly to the Israeli economy. Communication Intern By Atara Beck possesses a brilliant and one likes tourists taking over Assist with monitoring the media, writing press releases, researching topics and draft- Tribune Staff Writer remarkably mature understand- their hometown, no matter how ing speeches. He/she will also update lists of media contacts and help maintain rela- ing of Jewish history and poli- necessary. tionships as well as liaise with local, provincial and federal government officials and NITZAN, Israel – “Gush Katif no tics, as demonstrated in the “I wrote the book at 18,” she longer belongs only to those of novel as well as during a recent added. “Most teenagers tend to their media representatives. us who lived there. It has conversation at her temporary be outspoken. Maybe today, at Accounting Intern become part of the legacy of the home in Nitzan, a 90-square- 21, I wouldn’t have written that, entire Jewish world,” Shifra metre sheet-metal caravilla just because it doesn’t represent the Preferably with at least one year of accounting at the university level, will receive Shomron, the 21-year-old north of Ashkelon, where her adult impression.” experience in data entry using advanced accounting software, account analysis author of Grains of Sand: The family, including seven children A number of politicians have including experience in setting up spreadsheet reports and organizational structure. Fall of Neve Dekalim, wrote in and three dogs, lives among oth- stated in retrospect that the dis- her preface. ers that were expelled from their engagement was a mistake, she Webmaster Intern Grains of Sand is a work of comfortable homes. said. “I think the people of Gush fiction based on Shomron’s During the year preceding the Katif had been defamed in the Create dynamic, interactive and personalized web sites. He/she will report on experiences as a young girl from disengagement, slogans and Israeli media and in the years required improvements, etc. Specific skills required such as programming and design the time of the second intifada in songs affirmed many of the resi- leading up to the disengage- knowledge. 2001 until almost a year after dents’ convictions that Gush ment. Settlers have a bad name Israel’s Disengagement from Katif would remain intact. Along in this country, whether their Community Action Intern Gaza, when she was among the with that faith was an innermost communities are slated for Assist with the creation, planning, preparation and evaluation of the programming approximately 8,000 Jewish res- fear they would indeed be destruction or not. Although the idents evacuated from their forced to abandon their beloved settlers of Gush Katif had been for the seniors’ centre operated by B’nai Brith Canada. homes in the summer of 2005. towns, as expressed in the book. encouraged by the government OTTAWA Her detailed reminiscences “At school, most of our classes to build it, that doesn’t take from a young girl’s perspective, were taken up discussing it away from the fact that we were including recorded facts and because it was too difficult for settlers and we had a horn and a Communications Intern dates, make the novel an impor- many families to talk about it,” tail attached to us. When people (See Toronto description) tant work for posterity. For explained the American-born went door to door [in an instance, in describing events Shomron, who made aliyah with attempt to sway public opinion immediately preceding the evac- her family as a small child. “No before the disengagement], MONTREAL uation, she acutely observed: matter what lesson was being many people were shocked at “Neve Dekalim wasn’t to see its taught, disengagement always how nice and friendly the Gush Institute for International Affairs gates flooded with people sailing came up. Katif people were and how easily through to stop Disengagement. “Some families split up,” she they could relate to them. We Communication Intern The 15,000 people never got added. “Divorce isn’t the result weren’t bearded fanatics.” (See Toronto description) past K’far Maimon. The police of one event, but there’s no Shomron regrets that before- set up a fence around K’far Mai- question the disengagement was hand, “we tended to close our- Please send your resumé to Summer Internships mon and threatened to use live very stressful. Even afterwards, selves in our community. After fire on anyone trying to break the crowded, confined condi- some soul searching, we began 15 Hove Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3H 4Y8 out from K’far Maimon towards tions, troubled teenagers, to realize the importance of con- Fax: 416-630-2159 • Email: [email protected] Gush Katif. The police stopped [unemployed] men around nection to others, not to be iso- buses from driving down south 24/7.” lated.” to K’far Maimon by confiscating The novel indicates anger on Her faith in the destiny of the the bus drivers’ licenses.… the part of the youth that resent- Jewish people and the future of “There had been a group who ed so many strangers coming to Israel is unwavering. wanted to storm through the help in the months preceding “I believe its establishment fence and reach Gush Katif, but the disengagement. was a huge miracle and a sancti- the rabbis and the other people “We had asked the people to fication of God’s name,” she in charge there prevented them come,” the author acknowl- said. “In every decade we’re from doing so. edged. “Full-page advertise- forced to fight a war for our “And yet the rabbis and settler ments were taken out in news- existence and our victories have leaders tried to brand K’far Mai- papers asking people to come, been nothing short of a miracle. mon as a success! All except for believing that the more people “We’ve developed the country one Knesset member who was in Gush Katif, the harder it magnificently over 60 years. We disgusted by the K’far Maimon would be to dismantle it. Many have a lot to contribute to the episode….” families opened up their homes world. But you also get the feel- Although not a great work to them. ing that people are searching for from a literary perspective (the “I appreciated their efforts but their identity. It’s difficult today author was a teenager), the I resented the fact that my com- to be a secular Zionist. It’s a novel succeeds very well in munity was turned into a confused generation. relating the trauma and pain demonstration. It was more a “I think the solution has to inflicted upon hard-working res- resentment of the situation itself. come from the religious Zionist Season begins in late May idents of vibrant agricultural Many of them were very dedicat- youth,” she declared. “They’re Official referees, trophies and much more communities that contributed ed and they left behind their committed…. They have a Jew- For more information, please call 416-633-6224 ext. 151 enormously to Israel. Shomron jobs and I salute them. But no ish Zionist identity.” 26 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca

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Chai Folk Ensemble Toronto Centre for the Performing Arts Sunday, June 15, 2008 5000 Yonge Street • 8:00 p.m. Place des Arts Thursday, June 12, 2008 • 8:00 p.m. 260 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. Montreal For tickets and information, please call 416-633-6224 or 514-733-5377 www.jewishtribune.ca The Jewish Tribune -May 8, 2008 - 27 SPORTS Stars come out to induct Jean Beliveau in Jewish Hall of Fame By Larry Fredericks Special to the Tribune MONTREAL – Jean Beliveau, one of the greatest and most elegant professional hockey players of all times, last week became the first non-Jewish athlete to be inducted into the YM-YWHA Alex Dworkin Montreal Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. The event was at the Ben Wei- der Jewish Community Centre in the Snowdon area. Other Jewish inductees included the 1936 Y Canadian Senior Water Polo Championship Team; Barefoot water skiing champion Beth Leboff; Canada’s first Olympic boxing gold medalist 1920 wel- ter weight champion Albert Schneider; 1992 Canadian PGA Ladies Champion Terrie Brech- er-Weisse; and basketball star Robert Habert. A gala reception for inductees, patrons and gold ticket holders preceded the actual ceremonies. Proceeds were designated towards the YM-YWHA Youth Development Program and to support team sports providing scholarships for needy youth. The Montreal Jewish Sports Hall of Fame is dedicated to Montreal Canadiens legend Jean Beliveau and his wife are surrounded by young fans at his induction into the Montreal Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. Montreal athletes and teams hockey: Gordie Howe, Bobby years. He also owns 10 Stanley alongside Weider, an inductee family, so I accept the award on Miller was happy to be among who have recorded outstanding Hull, Darryl Sittler, Johnny Cup rings. into the Y Hall of Fame in 2006. his behalf,” said Huss. Former the group honouring these accomplishments as well as Bower, Frank Mahovlich, Ken “Beliveau was named to the “The Jewish community is par- Canadian golf champion Jack famous people. Miller recently builders and benefactors whose Dryden, Yvan Cournoyer, Dickie Order of Canada and has been ticularly proud of Beliveau’s Bissenger inducted Brecher- purchased the latest Montreal- contribution to sports is Moore, Phil Goyette and Elmer hailed as a model for Canada’s encouragement of Jewish ath- Weisse, who now lives in Fort based franchise in the Quebec acknowledged in Canada and Lach. youth by prime ministers letes, who participated in the Myers, Fla. Leboff, now a lawyer Major Junior Hockey League and internationally. “Look at the great shape Elmer [Pierre] Trudeau, [Jean] Chré- Maccabiah Games in Israel.” in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., was he was pleased to announce tha Fitness pioneer Ben Weider, is in,” Beliveau said. “He just tien and [Stephen] Harper,” Hall of Fame Chair Harry Huss inducted by her father, Mark, his season opener will be played founder and honourary life turned 90 and what a wonderful said Louis Grossbaum, president inducted Schneider. “We tried from St. Agathe, while West- in September in Quebec City president of the International experience it is for me that he of the YM-YWHA, who stood but we could not find any of his mount’s Sid Kastner inducted the against the Remparts, owned and Federation of Body Builders showed up to help honour me.” Water Polo team. coached by another Hall o (IFBB), inducted Beliveau. Former broadcasting legend Westmount businessman Farrel Famer, Patrick Roy. “Jean is in the National Hockey Dick Irvin was the master of cer- League Hall of Fame and his emonies. name is magic,” said Weider. “I “My relationship with the Jew- thought it was a good idea to ish community goes back more A nominate Beliveau to our Hall of than half a century ago, when I Pluss Techs Painters Fame for all he has done for the played for the Quebec Aces and Jewish community. The commu- there were so many Jewish mer- Albert Murrell nity should also adopt him.” chants in those days in Quebec Weider also felt that Beliveau City that became season ticket Professional Painter deserved more than just a small holders,” Beliveau recalled. token. “Sure we could have “I’ve been involved in B’nai • Commercial, Industrial given him a certificate or a Brith for more than 50 years plaque to hang on his wall but and I helped with my foundation & Residential he and his wife Elyse deserve to build their summer camp. • Interior and Exterior more than that,” he noted. “So, Beliveau lauded the likes of we have planted a thousand former Hadassah WIZO Canada • Fully Guaranteed trees in their name in Israel.” CEO Lilly Frank and Jewish com- Beliveau, the Chef de Mission munity leaders Weider, Eddie • Bonded and Insured for the Canadian Maccabiah Wiltzer, Gary Ulrich, Roy team in 1985 and 1987, was Salomon and the late Gordie • Free Estimates thrilled by the honour. Schwartz. Serving the GTA and surrounding areas “I want to extend my sincere As he spoke, Beliveau looked Listen Live: www.zeldayoung.com thanks to the organizers of this up at the Stanley Cup, which was Tel 416.742.2804 event and to all the other great Monday to Friday 9 am - 10am shipped in from Toronto for the Cell 416.427.9455 athletes I played with and event. He served as captain of on CHIN FM 100.7 against that are here tonight,” the Canadiens for 10 seasons Beliveau said. playing in 1,287 games and Sunday 8 am - 10 am on CLASSIFIED (416) 633-6224 ext. 163 Superstars in the audience appeared in the playoffs for a CHIN AM 1540 included the greatest names in record-setting 16 consecutive HOME EXCHANGE

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T: 905-889-9121 • [email protected] • www.admissionsconsultant.com For further details please contact [email protected] 28 - The Jewish Tribune - May 8, 2008 www.jewishtribune.ca PUBLISHING Small press prints what ‘touches people’s lives’ By Atara Beck for Jewish Literature, the largest Tribune Staff Writer New office of Toby Press opens in award for Jewish literature as Toronto to promote good literature well as one of the biggest literary TORONTO – Roger Mehl, head prizes in North America. of the new Toronto office of working US hours, making busi- front major literary artists that Lately, Toby Press has also Toby Press, is excited about the ness calls. are no longer in print or were become the representative here opportunity to promote a pub- One of the conditions of never translated. Now we’re for the Jerusalem-based Koren lisher of good literature across employment for Mehl was to finding the founders of the Publishers, which prints and Canada. read about 12 books within a Hebrew literary world that read- publishes the internationally A Toronto-raised actor who two-to-three-week period. ers really appreciate, like [S.Y.] recognized Koren Bible and lived abroad for 15 years, he “I had never really read small- Agnon,” a Nobel prize winner. other Judaica books. taught at recognized studios in press books…people who are Another author Toby publishes “It’s probably the most authen- Israel and in England, including really passionate about literature is preeminent Israeli writer tic font in chumashim today,” the London Studio Centre, and rather than marketing,” he said. Haim Sabato, who lately has Mehl said. “Even in Canada, starred in musicals around the “I fell in love with the books, been recognized by many as most religious schools will use it world, including Starlight with the idea of how important it being in Agnon’s literary league. not just because of its accuracy Express, The Wiz, Club Mas- is to promote good authors. As Author of Adjusting Sights in the font, but also because of cara, Hair and Jack and the an actor, I know what it’s like to (winner of Israel’s Sapir Prize,) the accuracy in the letters, vow- Beanstalk. He credits Toby be rejected. I wanted to be the Aleppo Tales and The Dawning els and cantillation signs.” Press with changing his life. one who does it for them [good of the Day, “Sabato is part of a Having returned to his home- “I was able to become pas- writers].” movement in Israel that’s bridg- town after so many years, Mehl sionate about something other Founded in 1999 and based in ing a gap between different noticed “a tremendous increase than theatre,” he said. Milford, Conn., Toby Press has groups in Israel,” Mehl in assimilation. A lot of Jews Mehl, 31, became religious representation in England, explained. “He has three books don’t know about the amazing about 10 years ago and his goal Jerusalem and across the US. and all of them in an indirect Jewish writers. It’s great work was to remain observant while Mehl, who’s been establishing way transfer that internal mes- on its own, not because it’s Jew- attaining fame as a performer. A a Canadian presence since his sage, which is that being a Jew is ish. father of two, he and his wife arrival here in September, cred- a very special thing and it does- “Matthew never buys any- lived in Jerusalem for four years. its Toby with being one of the n’t matter what background you thing based on publicity “I had some success there, but very few publishers who have come from.” trends,” he declared. “He pro- you can’t make money as a reli- taken the initiative of equalizing Among the outstanding literary duces what he believes is great gious actor in Israel,” he said. the Canadian and American works published by Toby Press work, what he thinks will His involvement with Toby prices. is The Genizah at the House of touch people’s lives.” Press began out of financial “For a small press, it’s Shepher (2005) by England’s For more information about extremely well respected, espe- Tamar Yellin, the first recipient PHOTO: ATARA BECK necessity, when Matthew Miller, books published by Toby Press, Toronto-raised actor Roger Mehl became passionate about liter- the founder, gave him a job cially for bringing to the fore- of the $100,000 Sami Rohr Prize visit tobypress.com. ature after getting involved with Toby Press. Israelat60 Our best wishes to the people of Israel and the Canadian Jewish community. The Conservative Party will continue its support for a strong and prosperous State of Israel.

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