Head of School Eitz Chaim Schools




Eitz Chaim Schools offers an exceptional opportunity to lead and build upon the legacy of a 100 year-old educational institution, which for generations has been and continues to be the center of Torah education in . Located on three campuses across Toronto (one boys and two girls), families throughout the city seek out Eitz Chaim for its ability to bring together people from all stripes of Orthodoxy for an outstanding and inspiring experience of education and Yiddishkeit.

As a K-8 school with close to one-thousand students, Eitz Chaim is committed to educating all students in their individuality, developing good midos as a foundation for chinuch, and understanding that each child’s path is both academic and experiential.

Drawing on the thriving and continuously growing Jewish community in Toronto, Eitz Chaim prides itself on being a school for the Orthodox community, embracing the achdus of Klal Yisroel that makes such a reality possible. The school’s solid foundations and strong communal ties, along with a core commitment to continuous improvement, make Eitz Chaim an exciting opportunity for the incoming Head of School.


MISSION Eitz Chaim Schools provides an inspiring, nurturing, intensive and challenging Jewish studies and general studies program.

Eitz Chaim prepares students for a joyful, life-long relationship with Hashem rooted in Torah learning and Yiras Shomayim, mitzvah observance and Derech Eretz.

Eitz Chaim promotes Ahavas Yisroel for all Jews and inspires students to make a Kiddush Hashem in the wider Jewish community and world.

! 2! VISION For 100 years Eitz Chaim has represented the finest in Torah education, combined with excellence in General Studies. The core values that inspire and guide Eitz Chaim today are the same that guided our founding leaders.

Derech Eretz Kadma LaTorah – character development and good middos are critical parts of chinuch. Chanoch LaNa’ar Al Pi Darko – Each child must be educated according to his or her strengths and individual characteristics in order to achieve his or her maximum potential.

Educate the Whole Child – Educating the whole child means reinforcing academics with an emotional and experiential component, bringing the joy of Yiddishkeit into school. Eitz Chaim inspires the hearts and souls of our children, gently shaping and molding their character, and connecting them to Klal Yisroel.

Continuous Improvement - Eitz Chaim is committed to ongoing growth and improvement in all areas. This includes staff development, curriculum enhancement, creating programs for parents and ensuring that modern technology and new educational methods are used in the school in a way that is consistent with Eitz Chaim’s values. As part of our accreditation process with our local Jewish Federation (UJA), we have undergone a comprehensive school review in both our Limudei Kodesh department (conducted by the YU Institute for School-University Partnerships) and our General Studies department (by Dr. Bev Freedman). These reviews have resulted in the creation of a School Improvement Plan that the school administration and staff are now confidently embracing.

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LOCATIONS OPERATING BUDGET Patricia – Boys Grade 1-8 $10.9 million Viewmount – Co-ed Pre-school, Girls 1-8 Spring Farm – Co-ed Pre-school, Girls 1-8

ENROLLMENT FUNDS RAISED 2014-2015 950 students across all 3 campuses $1.54 million


ACCREDITATION 2015-2016 Accreditation by the Julia and Henry Koschitsky Centre for Jewish Education, through the auspices of University (Judaic Studies) and Dr. Beverly Freedman (General Studies)


In a recent series of focus groups with parents, teachers, administrators and donors, we consistently heard that the following are the areas that are priorities for the Head of School.

1.! Developing a strategic vision: The HOS will direct and guide the school as it clarifies, develops and shares the school’s mission, vision and values for all of its stakeholders, and as a legacy institution, with the entire Orthodox Toronto Jewish community. He will inspire parents and students to choose Eitz Chaim, showcasing it as a leading and long standing Torah educational institution in Toronto. He will galvanize our donors to increasingly support the important work Eitz Chaim does. 2.! Improving communication between all stakeholders: The Eitz Chaim Head of School will need to be an outstanding communicator. He will be able to communicate clearly, regularly and purposely, directly and through media. He will do so with parents, administrators, teachers, donors, and of course, students. 3.! Raising the level of educational excellence: The Head of School will be a master educator, educational leader, and deep innovator. He will have deep knowledge and understanding of how children learn; contemporary best practices in education; educational technology; and be an advocate and supporter of special education. He must also know how to lead adult learners (e.g. teachers, administrators) through a process of educational growth and change. He will enact structures and policies for supervision and oversight, to ensure the highest level staff, and transition everyone in the institution to a higher level of educational excellence. He must have a vision for excellence in education in general and Torah education in particular, and be able to articulate this vision for teachers and parents, as well as implement it at each Eitz Chaim campus. 4.! Developing and managing systems within and across campuses: The HOS will be an outstanding organizer and manager, be able to bring together, align and coordinate three separate campuses and a central business/admissions/tuition office. He must be able to create and oversee the system structures that are necessary for a three-campus school.

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Eitz Chaim does everything possible to ensure that each classroom is a caring, welcoming environment that inspires children to learn. It is a school that remains true to its mission: to prepare Jewish children for a joyful, life-long relationship with Hashem rooted in Torah learning, mitzvah observance, and Derech Eretz.

Eitz Chaim strives for excellence in its Torah and general educational program with the goal of fostering pride and self-confidence in its students, and for whom outstanding midos are of ultimate concern. As a school stress Ahavas Yisroel, teaching our students to accept, respect and

! 6! help all Jews. We live this mission in so many ways, in particular our housing a branch of the Zareinu Educational Centre, a school for children with physical and developmental challenges.

Eitz Chaim helps children grow into adults who will make a Kiddush Hashem in their community and the world. Our commitment to the Jewish community is broad, and we are proud to partner with the UJA and the Center for Jewish education in fulfilling our communal, educational and financial goals.

Toronto is a large North American city with a vibrant Jewish, and a wide variety of strong yet deeply linked Orthodox communities. As an established Jewish community, the largest in Canada and fifth largest in North America, we are dynamic and constantly growing in depth and breadth. There are multiple options for schools and synagogues, and vast arrays of kosher establishments that help create the small town feel in a large metropolitan city suffused with culture and character. Toronto’s Jewish community is extremely philanthropic, supporting a plethora of local resources and communal needs. Eitz Chaim, as a school that teaches not only the children but grandchildren of its graduates, benefits from and continues the legacy of such a powerful history.



From the day a young child enters the doors of Preschool to the exciting graduation evening, eleven years later, Eitz Chaim is committed to creating the best school experience. The Preschool Program fully integrates Judaic and General Studies. The curriculum immerses children in Jewish themes, holidays and mitzvah awareness, teaches Aleph Bais, and gives children a great exposure to mitzvos and middos tovos.

Knowing that each child matures at a different pace, Eitz Chaim screens preschoolers to identify students who need more advanced learning, and children who need more support as their fine motor skills, speech, and social interaction develop.

The Eitz Chaim Preschool provides a warm and nurturing atmosphere. Each child feels loved, safe and welcome in a school where the simcha of living a Torah life is constantly modeled. By the end of SK, the children are fully ready for the exciting transition to Grade 1.


From the beginning of Grade 1, boys and girls learn in separate campuses. This allows Eitz Chaim to cater to the different educational needs of boys and girls with a dedicated Limudei Kodesh curriculum for Chinuch HaBanim, and a separate curriculum dedicated to Chinuch HaBanos. Eitz Chaim offers boys a Traditional track and a Maharal track. The Traditional track emphasizes grammar and translation skills to provide a strong foundation for advanced studies in , and Gemora. By the end of Grade 8, boys in this track have completed the entire Chumash and an entire Seder (compilation) of Mishna. Eitz Chaim’s renowned Gemora instruction opens the doors to any yeshiva boys may choose for high school.

The Maharal Track offers a cheder-like approach that begins with the boys using the trop nigun to sing the psukim they are learning, as well as chant for mishnayos (girsa). Once the boys know

! 8! the psukim, they learn the meaning of each pasuk (peshat). The final step is review, (chazara), leading to mastery (kinyan).

In both tracks, boys learn a complete Limudei Kodesh curriculum, including Chumash, Navi, Dinim, Mishna, Gemora, and Ivrit. Boys from both tracks daven together, share recess and lunchtime, and form a cohesive social group.

In the Girls’ Division, talmidos learn Chumash, Navi, Dinim, and Ivrit. In Chumash they begin by learning the texts, and then proceed to analyze words and themes. The next stage is exposure to commentaries like Rashi which develops critical thinking skills. By the end of Grade 8, girls have studied most of the Chumash and are independently prepared to translate Meforshim.

Classes in Dinim teach girls about the theoretical and practical sides of Jewish life. Knowledge of Halacha is stressed, as well as a strong emphasis on laws of shabbos and mitvos ben adam lechavero like bikur cholim and kibud horim.

Girls also study biblical, medieval and modern Hebrew. This allows them to understand Chumash, Navi and mefarshim, and to communicate in Hebrew. Tefilla at Eitz Chaim is a way of life. All the boys and girls receive comprehensive Tefilla training including decorum, siddur knowledge, punctuality and proper dress. Davening is slow and explanatory so students can become fully proficient and appreciate the spirituality of Tefilla. Every Limudei Kodesh teacher at Eitz Chaim is also a role model, allowing students to learn from mechanchim and moros who have dedicated their lives to Torah and to Chinuch.

Professional Development is an ongoing initiative in the Limudei Kodesh Division. Presently, Rebbeim and Moros are involved in programs such as Rabbi Karmi Gross’s Chumash

! 9! curriculum, and the development of PLCs- Professional Learning Communities. Teachers are working on a number of initiatives, aligned with our School Improvement Plan, designed to increase student achievement.

A love for yidishkeit is actively supported, enhanced and fostered at Eitz Chaim through a variety of activities and programs, including: Chidon Hatanach, Shmitah Fair, Zechor Yemos Olom, Mishmar and Avos Ubanim, inspirational speakers and shmuzen, a Bas Mitzvah Programme, Shabbatonim, and graduation trips.


The task of Elementary School is to teach children to learn and love learning. Students and their teachers focus on three core questions at all times: What am I learning? Why am I learning it? How will I know that I have learned it? Eitz Chaim uses outstanding programs and powerful teaching strategies to provide high levels of literacy and numeracy. Students study Language Arts, Mathematics, History, Geography and Science to gain the skills required for high school and university. In addition to these core subjects, our students learn music, art, keyboarding, and participate in physical education. Girls also study Home Economics in Grade 7, and French in Grade 7 and 8.

The General Studies curriculum at Eitz Chaim closely follows Ministry of Education guidelines, and students continually score above average on the provincial standardized testing.

The goal of our curriculum is to achieve “comprehensive literacy”, which is considered the gold standard in the English-speaking world. The world-acclaimed “First Steps Writing” is the core of the Eitz Chaim language arts curriculum. “First Steps Writing” prepares students to write for any purpose and on any subject matter, and is currently in use in many schools in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Canada. he Math program is based on the textbook “Math Makes Sense”. This program provides students with mathematical understanding and helps them develop critical thinking skills. “Math Makes Sense” emphasizes making connections to the real world. In addition, the Eitz Chaim Math program focuses on problem solving, and skill building in all areas of math, and at all levels.


OPERATING BUDGET The 2015-16 (FY16) budget calls for income of $10.7M, which includes 60% from tuition revenues, 16% from fundraising, 20% from UJA related grants and the balance from other sources. Costs in 2015-16 are budgeted to be $10.9M, including approximately 80% for direct payroll and related expenses, 13% for general/administrative, 5% building occupancy, and 2% financing costs (interest and related fees). Elementary expenses are approximately 70% operating costs, with 30% allocated towards Preschool.

TUITION ASSISTANCE As a community school, Eitz Chaim does not consider finances a barrier to an Orthodox Jewish education. In partnership with the generosity of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Eitz Chaim Schools offers financial aid to students from Grades 1-8. Families are able to apply for financial aid through the Tuition Office as soon as they submit an application for admission. A lay committee makes financial aid decisions, based on guidelines provided by UJA-Federation. Families are notified of financial aid decisions, and are able to appeal them if they choose.

HOW TO APPLY Interested candidates are encouraged to contact our search consultant at YUSP, Rabbi Maccabbee Avishur ([email protected]) to confidentially discuss the opportunity and the process.

Applicants should submit no later than the following November 9th: •! A cover letter indicating why they are particularly interested in leading Eitz Chaim •! A current resume These materials should be transmitted via email attachment to the email addresse above.

! 11! Eitz Chaim Through The Years

The school’s name is changed to Talmud Torah Eitz Chaim, but for Rabbi Yehuda Leib Graubart, zt’’l, A fire destroys the the next 30 years is referred to as arrives from Stashov, Poland, wooden school building D’arcy Talmud Torah. and assumes the post of spiritual on D’arcy Street. leader of the Talmud Torah. The school’s first building on A new, larger school is Chestnut Street is inaugurated. He introduces more Hebrew constructed on the same Additional classes are held at a instruction and a more intensive site and dedicated on branch on Simcoe Street Torah curriculum December 30, 1927 u"gr, j"gr, z"pr, 1916 1918 1927

1915 1917 1922 1929 v"gr, z"gr, c"pr, y"pr, The Polishe Talmud Torah Joseph Cooper, z”l, Itshe Rabbi Pinchas Ravid, zt”l, Student opens in the Elm Street Shul, Meyer Korolnek, z”l, Yosef is appointed principal. enrollment beginning with a few students in Shidlowsky, z”l, and Avraham begins to one classroom guided by one Tanenbaum,z”l obtain a During Rabbi Ravad’s increase at teacher. Classes are offered in provincial charter to open tenure, Eitz Chaim. late afternoons, on Sundays and a religious school, and are a separate girls’ class is throughout the summer instrumental in purchasing formed and the first female 1929 300 the Italian Club at 68 D’Arcy teacher hired. Students to accommodate the school’s growing enrollment. 1931 400 Students Thousands of people, including prominent politicians, 1933 503 are present Students at the Tu B’Av opening ceremonies of the D’Arcy 1938 600 building Students

EITZ CHAIM SCHOOLS TRIBUTE DINNER 2014 / 5774 Maharil Graubart Yeshiva is established at 80 D’Arcy Street, next door to Eitz Chaim, with Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, z’t’l’, serving as Rosh Yeshiva from The Tanenbaum 1941 through 1945. Building is added to the Maharil Graubart Yeshiva Both afternoon Viewmount is affiliated with Eitz Chaim and day classes complex, and physically connected The first are instituted constructed via a walkway between the kindergarten at Eitz Chaim’s by Dr. Julius two buildings. class opens Burnside branch. Kuhl, z’l y"mr, c"a, h"a, j"ha, 1939 1942 1950 1958

1941 1949 1956 t"a, y"a, z"ya, Rabbi Jacob I. Rabbi Chaim Nussbaum, z’t’l’, Torath Emeth Jewish Centre is Wohlgelernter, z’t’l’, is appointed as principal of Eitz established at 1 Viewmount Ave. is appointed as Chaim, serving until 1969. principal of Eitz Chaim A full-day curriculum is offered. Beginning with only a Grade One class, new grades are added every year until Grades One through Nine are in place.

Rabbi Dr. David Ochs, z’t’l’, is appointed as Rosh Yeshiva of Maharil Graubart Yeshiva and spiritual leader of Eitz Chaim

EITZ CHAIM SCHOOLS TRIBUTE DINNER 2014 / 5774 Eitz Chaim Through The Years

Eitz Chaim’s Spring Farm campus opens.

Mrs. Esther Weinstock is Patricia building is completed, appointed as principal of Rabbi Shlomo Jakobovits is housing Eitz Chaim’s boys’ the Spring Farm campus, appointed as principal. campus serving until 2005. c"fa, k"a, j"na, 1962 1970 1988

1961 1966 1975 1995 t"fa, u"fa,v v"ka, v"ba, The Korolnek Building is The two buildings on Rabbi Leibish Adler is Rabbi Aaron added to the Viewmount D’Arcy Street are sold, appointed as principal of Levine is complex, constructed by with the proceeds going the Viewmount campus appointed as Mr. Avraham Bleeman, in towards the purchase and serves until his principal of cooperation with Mr. Chil of the new Patricia retirement in 2000. the Patricia Elbaum, z’l campus. campus, serving until Rabbi Shneur Weinberg 2002 is appointed as senior principal and serves until his retirement in 1995

EITZ CHAIM SCHOOLS TRIBUTE DINNER 2014 / 5774 Thornhill Talmud Torah merges with Eitz Chaim.

TTT’s former principal, Rabbi Yosef Rennert is appointed as principal of the Maharal Program at the Patricia campus and, in Rabbi Shimon Newman is 2014, is appointed site principal appointed as principal of the at the Patricia campus. Viewmount campus for the Rabbi Mordechai Gewirtz academic year and, in 2013, is is appointed as principal of Mrs. Henya Schechter is appointed as site Menahel and the Viewmount campus, appointed as principal of the General Studies principal of the serving until 2010. Spring Farm campus Spring Farm campus. x"a, 2005 2012 2000 v"xa, c"ga, Present 2002 2010 2013 c"xa, g"a, d"ga, Rabbi Isser Pliner is Mrs. Nechama Motzen is Rabbi Yuval Kernerman is appointed as dean and appointed as principal of appointed as principal of principal of the Patricia the Viewmount campus, the Viewmount campus campus, serving until 2013. serving until 2012 and site Menahel

Rabbi Uri Kaufman is appointed as associate principal of the Patricia campus, serving until 2013.

Rabbi Shmuel Klein is appointed as associate principal of the Viewmount campus, serving until 2008.