תשע״ד / Purim Edition 2014

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TIFERES BAIS YAAKOV WEBSITE LAUNCH By Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum e “ Educational Experience” – how many times have you wondered what that means? Now, thanks to our new enhanced website, you will be able to discover fi rst- hand the world of Tiferes Bais Yaakov and our unique system of The entire extended Chinuch. If you are one of our many world-wide alumnae, you TBY family wishes now have the ability to come home, reconnect and rejuvenate Dr. Peter Salmon yourself with the same vision and spirit that educated you years a Refuah Shleimah ago. Whether you are a prospective parent researching options, Zev Yisrael Ben Esther זאב ישראל בן אסתר a current parent keeping abreast of the latest innovations in TBY, or a member of the community who appreciates quality A thank you to all Torah Chinuch, please explore our new website. Feel free to leave staff , alumnae and students who have your comments, questions and suggestions. At Tiferes, we are provided him with always open to new ideas and welcome your feedback. Enjoy! a steady stream of www.tiferesbaisyaakov.com visitors.

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The school that brought you THE TEALESS TEA, THE GOLFLESS GOLF & THE DINNERLESS DINNER now brings you the: “Guiltless Gelt for Purim”


“But TBY is not the same” is the mantra parents may have heard from their daughters this year. And there is truth to that. Class periods are longer to allow for innovative and varied instructional styles of teaching and learning. Assessment and evaluation practices have been improved and the use of technology has been enhanced. Smartboards, data projectors and computers are now part of our daily instruction. But that is not change! “If that is not change – what is it?” Good question. And in TBY we love good questions because they spur us to deeper understandings. Sometimes changes are made just in order to be able to say “we have changed.” Sometimes changes are made to simply fall in line with the passing societal innovation. But in this case, changes were made in order to keep Tiferes the same! The core concept of Tiferes is giving every girl the ability to maximize her potential, discover her true self, and create a very personal and real connection to the Shechina, Yiddishkeit, and her role as a Bas Yisroel. As the world of education advances, and new techniques, strategies, styles and technologies are developed, it is our obligation to research them, and see what can be appropriately co-opted to Torah Chinuch. One does not buy desks with inkwells simply because that is what our grandmothers used. But of course, one does not dive head-first into every fad without proper research, evaluation and investigation in order to determine whether it will really enhance the core of our TBY Torah Chinuch, and whether it is in consonance with our values and Torah structure. So it is true that things in TBY have changed – but it was in order to make the “TBY educational experience” even more Tiferes! Many thanks to all those who gave of their time, expertise and resources so that we could raise the bar of Chinuch excellence for our daughters.


Dear Rabbi Feigenbaum, ...Aer two full days in the hospital trying As someone who supports your school to juggle the responsibilities of taking care because of its Torah values, I was pleasantly of a three year old in the PICU, and ...a surprised by your recent mailing. e humour little baby, we realized we needed help. is your enclosed invitation exhibited would do is where TBY came in.....[TBY] arranged justice to a musical comedy and be a welcome for girls to come down in two hour shis asset in any classroom lesson. As a former for as long as we needed, to take care teacher, now retired, what struck me was the of our baby. Words can not express the sound educational philosophy espoused by gratitude and relief we felt once we saw the your enclosed brochure. May your school cheerful and competent help we received continue to realize its vast potential with the so willingly from your [TBY] girls... help of Hashem, your teachers and students. Parents of baby Shloimie and his big brother Respectfully, Mr. S. Soban I wanted to thank you very much for ...Bikur Cholim distributed apples and honey your Shavuot CD. It greatly enhanced the gi bags to hospitals prior to Rosh Hashana.... spirituality of my Shavuot and I learned Bikur Cholim could not accomplish this life-long lessons. It was very inspiring...It is without the yearly assistance of your very important that we present the Torah students who deliver these gi bags in the as sweet, not as a burden. I think your most organized and dedicated way! A special Mashal of Torah as an exercise manual, thanks to the Tiferes Bais Yaakov staff who and G-d as the trainer was very insightful. always respond to our request for assistance May Hashem continue to give you the in a most timely and efficient manner! Strength and Insight to teach our children. Bikur Cholim of Mrs. Leslie Selevan, parent of TBY students T IFERES B AIS Y AAKOV D VAR T ORAH

PURIM &BITACHON BY: RABBI CHAIM DOVID KULIK season, I am reminded of one of my favourite ‘vertlach’ explanations on the פורים s we approach the .פורים To me, this seemingly simple ‘vort’ brings out the essence of the day of .מגילהA ”.and it was in the days of Achashveirosh“ – ויהי בימי אחשורוש ,starts off with the statement מגילה e comments, it was Achashveirosh who killed his wife because of his friend; and he was the מדרש e same Achashveirosh, who killed his friend because of his wife. It is a cute line, but to what is it referring? due to the counsel of his ושתי killed his wife אחשורוש ,story פורים As we know, in the beginning of the Hence .אסתר ,because of his wife המן hanged his friend אחשורוש ,In the end of the story .ממוכן friend .was an unpredictable personality whose behaviour would swing to opposite extremes אחשורוש is teaching us that מגילה the is teaching us. What do we have to learn from מדרש Although this is an interesting contrast, it’s hard to understand what the must tell it to us in the very מגילה s eccentric behaviour? Furthermore, why is this message so important to us that the’אחשורוש .message פורים If this is the opening of the story, then it must somehow encapsulate the essence of the !?פסוק fi r s t :gives a brilliant answer to the questions ר‘ משה אלשיך story and thought, that as soon as a Jewish woman was chosen as queen, the miracle was done פורים One may have read the and the story was basically over. From here on in, whatever may happen, there is nothing to fear. We have someone in the right can loosen up because we now have the right political connections ה‘ place that can overcome any obstacles. Our reliance on and have maneuvered ourselves into a win-win situation. We can feel secure that we have everything under control. .is unpredictable אחשורוש !immediately comes to dispel this thought. We never have everything under our control מגילה e Doing away with his queen is not an abnormal behaviour for him. Just as he killed his wife because of his friend in the could have just as easily אחשורוש !מגילה beginning of the story, he could have done the exact same thing at the end of the .can never let up ה‘ is teaching us that our reliance on מגילה e hanged his next queen to appease his friend. When”!בטחון only when we have nothing else to lean on. “When all else fails-have ה‘ Many times in life we tend to rely on we have a natural reason to feel secure, we put our trust there. e truth is, however, we can never rely on the benevolence of .ה‘ in בטחון e only real security is humans or any other natural circumstances. story, they had to constantly look to heaven for their salvation, so too in our daily lives we must constantly פורים Just as in the .ה‘ focus on that bedrock concept that there is never a time that we can feel secure in anyone or anything but

S PECIAL E DITION Y OMIM T OVIM CD’ S BY OUR MENAHEL RABBI YITZCHAK FEIGENBAUM We would like to extend our appreciation to the Toronto community for your enthusiastic responses to our Rosh Hashana, Succos, Chanukah, Pesach and Shavuos CD campaigns, as many of you commented to us about the superior content and professional sound quality. The Rosh Hashana CD entitled, “How to Put Life into Your Request for Life” discusses various tips to help energize you as you prepare for the Yomim Noraim. The Succos CD entitled, “The Best Things in Life...are not Things!” gives and to the Torah concept of Succah and what it represents. The ”זמן שמחתנו“ new insight into Chanukah CD entitled, “It’s All Greek To Me - Chanukah Sensitivities In an Insensitive World” helps us to properly understand the depth of the Chanukah message. The Pesach CD entitled, “Pesach: The Freedom to be Yourself” explains the anomaly of how Pesach cleaning and intricate laws are actually integral to the concept of freedom. The Shavuos CD entitled, “Kabolas HaTorah: The Yoke’s On You” enlightens us with why we are happy to carry the “burden” of Torah. Rabbi ,מנהל We present to you the sixth and latest CD in an inspiring series of lectures from our esteemed Yitzchak Feigenbaum, entitled, “Purim and Costumes: The Never Ending Search For Self”. Once again, Rabbi Feigenbaum uses his wisdom, wit and passion to help us properly understand the depth of the Purim message. If you would like to obtain additional copies of Rabbi Feigenbaum’s CDs (including “Don’t Roll Your Eyes At Me Young Lady - Adolescents: How to Live With Them, Love Them, and Communicate Torah Values to Them”) please contact us at 416.785.4044 or by e-mail: [email protected]. TIFERES BAIS YAAKOV TEACHER SPOTLIGHT

Mrs. Pazit Shukroon has only been at Tiferes for two years but has already made a great impact. Besides teaching Safa and , Mrs. Shukroon spends most of her time in her capacity as Student Activities Coordinator where she works with Student Council to arrange programs for the entire school. Her ability to multi–task is remarkable and the programs she creates are both educational and timely. Mrs. Shukroon studied at the Teacher’s College of Bais Yaakov Scharansky, where she received her B.A. in Judaic Studies and Mathematics. A er receiving her degree, she taught in both the elementary and high school levels in Israel. e Shukroons moved to Toronto in 2006, where Mrs. Shukroon taught Hebrew at an elementary school for several years. Mrs. Shukroon knows that beyond the language, teaching Safa also teaches her students about the culture of Israel and she hopes they will be prepared for their future visits. “I keep picturing my students visiting Israel in the next few years - who knows, maybe sooner - and I think they should know what is going on around them, be able to order a pizza, read the signs, pick up a newspaper, and of course, shop. I love the idea that what they are learning in my class may someday help them navigate their way in Eretz HaKodesh.” “It is very important to me that my students see the relevance of what they are learning. I want my teaching to contribute to the useful life skills that my students will carry around with them in their future. Not only do I want my students to gain the knowledge required of them to earn their high school credits, but I want them to develop an interest in the subjects for their own growth into mature young women.” In her role as Student Activities Coordinator, Mrs. Shukroon understands that “at this age and stage of life, the girls’ social life is very important to them, no less than their education/academic life. By helping the girls focus their social energies appropriately, Student Council can off er an outlet for social skills that will also serve the girls well in their future endeavours.” When asked why Student Council is such an important element of Tiferes, Mrs. Shukroon responds, “Student Council gives the girls an opportunity to put the leadership skills they have been honing to good use. Not every girl wants to take on leadership roles, however.  is is the perfect forum for every girl to try a variety of roles, to see what fi ts most comfortably…..to get involved to the extent that they want to, with school staff to guide them.” “I see Tiferes as a welcoming place for girls from many diff erent environments.  e atmosphere here allows every girl to feel included and to fi nd her place…to grow and have the opportunity to reach her potential… and to be prepared to make thoughtful choices about her future. I think that the warmth of Tiferes is also part of its uniqueness, and that warmth is what makes us a Tiferes family.” When asked to describe a “typical” Tiferes student, Mrs. Shukroon, or Morah Pazit as she is aff ectionately known, has trouble answering. “ at is a tough thing to describe. You see, each Tiferes girl is unique, an individual in her own right! She knows that she is part of a greater community, but wants to able to think for herself…and knows that all the teachers are there to support her in her journey through high school. Just as a Yid is never alone, neither is a Tiferes girl - she always has her Tiferes family there for her.”

Born in Moscow, Russia, Mrs. Natalie Katz moved to , via Israel. A er graduating from York University with a degree in Computer Science, she worked for IBM Canada in the e-Commerce Division, and eventually moved into Client Training to fulfi ll her love of teaching. Following her time there, she worked in the business offi ce of Zareinu. Perhaps Mrs. Katz unknowingly merged her love of teaching with the affi nity towards the non- profi t world thus sparking a desire to work at Tiferes Bais Yaakov. Mrs. Katz has worked at Tiferes Bais Yaakov since 2007, fi rst starting in the fi nance offi ce, and then teaching Physics and Math. She tries to incorporate an overall appreciation for the subject as a whole. “Physics is a great subject. It combines relatively simple theories with complex applications of mathematics. So mathematics becomes relevant to everyday life. It also addresses all types and levels of learners: there are practical components, intellectually challenging problem-solving components and diff erent representations of theories - both visual and auditory. Physics also leaves room for great discussions.” “Physics is not just a bunch of formulas. It’s the world around you. When girls study physics, it changes their perspective on everyday occurrences, such as driving a car, hearing a siren, riding on a roller coaster, watching the moon, etc.  ey see the physical world from a deeper perspective.” She also appreciates each student’s individuality. “Girls learn diff erently and come with diff erent experiences. You have to be aware of where each girl is coming from to be able to make the subject relevant to her.” She feels that, as a teacher, “if you explain a topic and see several blank faces, you’re not doing a good job. You have to fi nd another way.” Mrs. Katz also sees Tiferes girls as very unique. ey are strong in their convictions and opinions and add an element of fun to the day. “ e atmosphere makes Tiferes unique. Girls love school – it’s very unusual.” She also enjoys the personal relationships between the staff and the students. Mrs. Katz is married and has three children, ranging in age from 9 months to ten years old. STUDENT SPOTLIGHT


A joint effort between the Mothers’ Association and the senior class, this year’s Dessert Reception for Women and Girls included a beautiful choir, a challenging trivia game, and delicious desserts baked by our seniors. Rebbetzin Rifky Karfunkel addressed the gathering, discussing the every day challenge of being careful with and providing הלכות לשון הרע .מצוה practical tips to help us with this

This e v e n t was arranged by the senior class to raise money for their graduation to everyone involved כל הכבוד .trip in making this evening such a success: Mrs. Deena Marder, Mrs. Debra Plonka, Mr. Neil Mikhailov, and the members of the 2014 Senior Class. r


Tiferes Bais Yaakov congratulates 1st, 2nd Tiferes Bais Yaakov and 3rd place winners Ayalah Goldreich (‘13), congratulates: Tamara Giblon (‘13) and Rachelle Belne (‘13), Elisheva Nemetz (‘14) for being the UJA who were recognized for their exceptional Creative Writing artwork in the Jewish Music Week Contest winner for in Toronto city-wide Student Art Contest. her Essay entitled “From Honourable Mention to Megan Ler and Holocaust to the Rebirth Shoshana Rosenblum. All the girls had their of a Country”; work featured at a special exhibit at “The Gallery at the J” in the Miles Nadal JCC. Tiferes Bais Yaakov students have won first place in the high-school category every year since the Ayalah Goldreich start of Jewish Music Week.

and Nechama Lipton (‘13) who received the Governer General’s Academic Medal which is awarded to the student Tamara Giblon Rachelle Belne graduating with the highest Grade Point Average. S TUDENTAND A LUMNAE P ROFILES


It’s hard to put my experience at Tiferes Bais Yaakov into words. It has not only been a school for me, but it has become part of my family. Tiferes embodies the allowing all of us to reach our potential in a way that ,”חנוך לנער על פי דרכו“ Passuk works for us individually. One way that Tiferes accomplishes this is through the .לימודי חול and streamed General Studies courses in לימודי קודש Kvutza system in ese classes have allowed me to challenge myself, ask questions on ideas that trouble me, and grow at a level that I feel comfortable with, both academicacademicallyally and spiritually. e teachers and staff at Tiferes are incredible. eeyy are all extremely knowledgeable, approachable, and helpful. ey have always made me feel that I matter and that my success is as important to them as it is to me. e diversity of girls at Tiferes creates an atmosphere unlike anywhere else. It is a place where you feel accepted and cared for, a place where you can be yourself. e girls are constantly learning from each other, which makes the school a place where growth is everyone’s main focus. Another way spiritual development is promoted throughout the school is through extracurricular activities. Student Council, which is run mostly by the girls, creates amazing programs that are enjoyable but always growth-oriented. ese events have also encouraged me to meet new people, especially from other grades, and to form everlasting friendships. I have so much to thank Tiferes for; it has become a part of me that I know I will carry with me for the rest of my life, even when this chapter has closed. Avigayil will be attending Bais Yaakov Machon Ra’ayah in Yerushalayim next year.


Shula Diena is spending this year in Yerushalayim at learned in grades nine Michlalah Seminary a er graduating from Tiferes Bais through twelve. I have Yaakov as a member of the class of 2013. Here are some already had numerous thoughts from Shula, in her own words. classes where we will “ is year I am at Michlalah. ere are so many things that be learning a specifi c are so diff erent than I imagined they would be. ere are Hashkafi c topic that things that are better and things that are worse, but I have I had already covered adjusted to my new way of life, for the time being. in high school. at allows me to have One of the advantages of Michlalah is that students have more clarity on the close to a month to choose from a large number of courses, topic, and expand my and create a schedule that suits them. is way we can really understanding of it. look forward to the classes because they are ones that we know we really enjoy. In addition, being at Tiferes allowed me to interact with girls who were diff erent than I was. Tiferes’ diversity encouraged Other highlights of Michlalah include the Chesed program girls to step out of our “boxes” and connect with people that and the tiyulim. Some of the girls’ Chesed a ernoons include perhaps we normally wouldn’t. In seminary, where we are helping families, volunteering in diff erent hospital units, constantly meeting people, I really appreciate that Tiferes packaging food, working with special needs children or the taught me to accept people who are diff erent than me and elderly. this allows me to expand my friendships with people I may e tiyulim at Michlalah allow us to get to places that we not have even thought to be friends with. likely would not have made it to on our own, and make In terms of coming home, I do have to say that as much as I sure that we make the most out of every “adventure”. e love seminary, and I love being in Israel, there’s no place like incredible tour guides teach us about the history of the sites home. I am looking forward to getting back into a normal we are visiting and make our visits more meaningful and sleeping routine. Adjusting to university will probably be interactive. diffi cult, but for now, I’m focusing on seminary, and I am so I think that one of the fundamental ways that Tiferes prepared grateful to everyone who has helped me get here.” me for seminary was through the Hashkafa classes we THOUGHTS FROM UNIVERSITY BY: SARAH DYMAN CLASS OF 2010

A  T: What is your life like today? S D: I am currently at York University in the BScN- BacBachelorshelors of Science Nursing program. It is a four year program that will certify me as a Registered Nurse (RN), following the successful completion of the NCLEX examination in 2015. and see my friends. I ,שיעורים attend ,חברותא ough my studies are intensive, I still make time to have a fi nd that keeping up with my hobbies allows me to keep a healthy balance and not get overwhelmed with ‘real life’. In addition to my studies, I occasionally volunteer at CardioMatters Cardiology clinic. A  T: How is university life diff erent - socially, religiously, academically, than Tiferes? S D: Socially, it took some time to become comfortable wwithith the vast variety of cultures and the co-ed environment. I got lucky to fi nd Jewish friends with similar values to mine, and I am grategratefulful that my program allowed me an easy social transition. TiferTifereses taught me how teamwork can really enhanceenhance a persperson,on, and I found that lesson to be of true value in my academic life. Religiously, when I just started my program, the September a er attending Darchei Binah seminary, I felt ostracized at fi rst but soon I learned how happy I was that I had something real to live for and I was so proud to be Jewish. e long hours spent studying and the self-discipline required to get through ‘tri-sci’, and extra arts credits at Tiferes defi nitely came in handy. Some of the students in my course complained about the three hour lectures back to back- but a er having 9 hour days at TBY, seeing daylight was quite the treat! A  T: What are some of the challenges future grads may face? Any advice? S D: I fi nd that the biggest challenge is staying true to being you, your values and your morals. If I had to give any advice it would be to never apologize for being yourself. Make the best out of any situation; create meaningful relationships with friends whom you can trust and fi nd a mentor to help guide you. Always ask questions and never stop striving for truth. A  T: In what ways did TBY prepare you for where you are now? S D: Tiferes has a unique approach for allowing every student to shine. I felt that in a very real way, Tiferes helped me develop my strengths and work on my weaknesses. Allowing me to ask questions, and more importantly giving me answers (I .Grade 12!), helped me keep my integrity in my personal life while being in the University atmosphere השקפה really did learn it in Academically, Tiferes gave me an excellent foundation. Getting into my program could not have happened without Dr. Salmon, Mrs. both in religious and secular studies. Tiferes has a great support system - and ,קשר Lichtenstein, and every teacher with whom I had a if a student wants to, they really can achieve.


Tamar (Weitz ’08) Juda was important if you want to be a teacher - through their many part of the fi rst graduating programs such as Shabbos Tiferes, Colour War, and the class since TBY moved school Production.” into its new building at 85 Tamar’s life today is “a combination of school, running a Stormont Avenue. Tamar home, and sometimes having to resort to a lot of creativity was a respected student due to the small Jewish community! I have a lot of at Tiferes Bais Yaakov, opportunities that I would not have in Toronto. One of excelling in her studies my favourites is hosting students of the University.” and incorporating chesed into her daily routine. She went on to attend Michlalah “Tiferes gave me the tools I need for life. In London, the Seminary in Yerushalayim, and is currently completing Jewish community is small and everyone is very diverse, a degree at Western University. She is hoping to attend but I am able to see the good in each type of Jew. e I learned at Tiferes also inspires me to have אהבת ישראל /Western’s Bachelor of Education program for Junior Intermediate Math in the fall. students over and really try to connect to each one, just like the teachers at Tiferes really tried to connect to all of the classes were השקפה Tamar spent 3 years teaching at Tiferes Bais Yaakov, fi rst students. As well, Rabbi Feigenbaum’s as a tutor, and then as a teacher in math and science. She very helpful when I speak to students who have questions then married Ari Juda, a third year medical student, and about belief in G-d.” subsequently moved to London, . “I think one of the most special memories at Tiferes was of each לכבוד שבת on the fi rst and last ”אדרבא“ I never would have been interested in math had it not listening to“ embodies what the אהבת ישראל e song about been for the incredible math teachers at Tiferes. It was school year. my experience at Tiferes as a tutor and math and science school represents. On the last Friday, many of the seniors teacher that showed me how much I enjoyed teaching and would be teary eyed. I thought it was beautiful that so that I wanted to pursue a degree in education. As well, many girls felt so close to the school and really internalized Tiferes gave me the skill of being self-confi dent - very the messages and lessons that the school taught.” Thank you to all of our Generous Donors period of April 2012 - December 2013 The Executive Board, Administration, Staff and Students express our tremendous thanks to all those who made donations to Tiferes Bais Yaakov

Dessert Reception Ms. Hadassah Rais Mr. & Mrs. Barry Reichmann Paisley Manor Insurance Mrs. Karen Adler Mrs. Paula Rand Mr. & Mrs. Efraim Reichmann Mr. & Mrs. Josh Plonka Mrs. Dini Adler Mrs. Michal Reiter Mrs. Rochelle Reiter Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Rabinowitz Mrs. Sara Assor Mrs. Adina Ribacoff Mr. & Mrs. Lenny Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Rosenblum Mrs. Mazal Baruchim Mrs. Karen Rom Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Rutman Mr. & Mrs. Zev Rosenblum Mrs. Penina Basser Mrs. Suri Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Phil Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Ross Mrs. Vivien Benmergui Mrs. Tamar Rosen e Seidenfeld Families Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Rothschild Mrs. Preci Benyair Mrs. Naomi Rosenblum Dr. & Mrs. Moshe Shields Mr. & Mrs. David Rubinoff Mrs. Shirley Berger Mrs. Leah Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Sigler Mr. & Mrs. Eli Rubinstein Mrs. Susan Bidner Mrs. Sherry Rubinoff Dr. & Mrs. Mark Siverman Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Rubner Mrs. Susan Birnbaum Mrs. Chana Schlam Mr. & Mrs. Loren Spigelman Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Rutman Mrs. Joanna Blum Mrs. Leonie Serman Mr. & Mrs. Jay Spitzer Mrs. Lee Boes Mrs. Shoshana Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Avi Wachsman Mrs. Libby Buxbaum Mrs. Renee Shields Mr. & Mrs. Jack Weinbaum Mrs. Amy Camille Mrs. Sara Shor Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weisbrod Mrs. Irina Chapkis Mrs. Karen Silver Mr. & Mrs. Harry Weitz Mrs. Claire Ciss Mrs. Jessica Silverman Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Werner Mrs. Temima Cohen Dr. Andrea Skosowski Mr. & Mrs. David Zolty Mrs. Lisa Colman Mrs. Dorit Solnik Mrs. Andrea Dan-Hytman Dr. Sarit Somogyi Dinner 2013 Mr. & Mrs. Israel Schon Mrs. Miriam Spiegel Ruby Donors Mr. Nigel Sharpley Mrs. Amy Stopnicki Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Anisfeld Mr. & Mrs. Robert Silberstein Mrs. Simma Sudaley Mr. & Mrs. Victor Arrobas Mrs. Bonny Silver Mrs. Dvora Sussman Mr. & Mrs. Brian Belzberg e Singer and Zagdanski Families Mrs. Valerie Toledano Mr. & Mrs. Shimmy Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Tuli Spiro Dr. Ellen Warner Dr. & Mrs. Eli Bienenstock Rabbi & Mrs. Asher Vale Mrs. Tolly Weber Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bistricer Mr. & Mrs. Noson Walden Mrs. Aviva Weiss British Fastening Systems Limited Mr. & Mrs. Hershy Weinberg Mrs. Leah Werzberger Mr. & Mrs. Alex Buxbaum Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weinberg Mrs. Chaviva Davids Diena Mrs. Sherri Wise Mr. & Mrs. Yechiel Colman Mrs. Janine Weinstock Mrs. Toba Davis Mrs. Daphna Zacks Mr. & Mrs. Gloria Dadoun Dr. & Mrs. Leiby Weiss Mrs. Chana Dayan Mrs. Chana Zahavi Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Tom Weisz Mrs. Rita Drutz Mrs. Andrea Zians Mr. & Mrs. Isser Elishis Mr. & Mrs. Phil Wilhelm Mrs. Barbie Dukes Mr. & Mrs. Benny Feintuch Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Zacks Mrs. Sigalit Elgaza Dinner 2013 Mr. & Mrs. Barry Fenton Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zeifman Mrs. Dina Frisch-Israel Platinum Donors Mr. & Mrs. Menashe Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Henry Zieleniec Mrs. Janette Gadol Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Berman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fried Mrs. Shira Gastfreund Mr. & Mrs. Fred Birnbaum Mr. & Mrs. Dov Friedberg Dinner 2013 & Mrs. Randyl Gavert Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Bleeman Dr. & Mrs. Lazer Friedman General Donations Mrs. Chaya Gottesman Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Bleeman Dr. & Mrs. Michael Glogauer Mrs. Sarah Abitbol Mrs. Helene Green Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Bodenstein Mr. & Mrs. Zev Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Nosson Tzvi Abraham Dr. Judy Habot Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Edell Mr. & Mrs. Danny Gordon Mrs. Ayala Abramoff Mrs. Bat Sheva Halbert Mr. & Mrs. Jack Feintuch Dr. & Mrs. Bernie Green Mr. & Mrs. Arsen Abramov Mrs. Enna Heisler Mr. & Mrs. Bentzy Friedman Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Green Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Adler Mrs. E. S. Hiller Mr. & Mrs. Larry Froom Dr. & Mrs. Joe Greenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Adler Mrs. Shoshana Hiller Mr. & Mrs. Rick Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Shimshi Gross Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom H. Adler Mrs. Heather Hoffer e Gunsburg & Eisenberger Families Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Grubner Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Alter Mrs. Ilana Horwitz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Halbert Grunwald and Company Miss Alicia Aquino Mrs. Sarah Ifrah Mr. & Mrs. Bentzion Heitner Mr. & Mrs. Shmuely Hauer Rabbi & Mrs. David Aronson Mrs. Luna Igelman Mr. & Mrs. George Hofstedter Mr. & Mrs. Avromi Heller Mrs. Esther Avigdor Mrs. Judy Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Sandor Hofstedter Mr. & Mrs. David Hofstedter Bais Yaakov Elementary School Mrs. Cheryl Jenah Mr. & Mrs. omas Hofstedter Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Vern Balaban Mrs. Debra Kachani Mr. & Mrs. Sholom Horowitz Dr. & Dr. Steve Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Steve Balsam Mrs. Miriam Kaiser Dr. & Mrs. Tibor Juda Mr. & Mrs. Israel Balter Mrs. Moira Kirzner Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Kadoch Mr. Henry Barkin Mrs. Leah Klompas Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kalkstein Dr. & Mrs. Ben Barth Mrs. Caron Kushnir Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Kanner BAYT Mrs. Tzipora Landau e Kirshenbaum Family Mr. Warren Bean Mrs. Sonia Langer Mr. & Mrs. David Klein Mr. & Mrs. Max Beer Mrs. Miriam Leibowitz Mr. & Mrs. Chanani Kleinman Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Beliak Mrs. Bronya Levi Mr. Stephen Kleynhans Mr. & Mrs. Yanky Bell Mrs. Leah Levy Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Hytman Rabbi & Mrs. Joshua Krames Mrs. Judy Bellchamber Mrs. Michele Lichtman e Jakubovic Families Dr. & Mrs. Lester Krames Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Belzberg Mrs. Jennifer Macleod Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Larry Krauss Mr. Robert Benedek Mrs. Leora Mandel Mr. & Mrs. Hersch Kanner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lax Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berenblut Mrs. Deena Marder Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Aryah Lebovic Miss Nava Berenblut Mrs. Shirley Marder Dr. Max Kleinman Mr. & Dr. Aitan Lerner Mr. & Mrs. Zanvel Berger Mrs. Vivian Max e Kohn Families Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lichtenstein Ms. Rikki Berk Mrs. Diana Melnick Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kopstick Mr. Vito Lisena Mr. & Mrs. Ben Tzion Berkovitz Mrs. Edna Milevsky Dr. & Mrs. Lester Krames Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Lowenthal Rabbi Harvey (Tzvi) Berman Mrs. Terri Mittelmann Mr. & Mrs. George Kuhl Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Bernfeld Mrs. Danielle Muyal Dr. & Dr. Jeff Lipton Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Mandelbaum Dr. & Mrs. David Bernstein Mrs. Rivky Nadoff Mr. & Mrs. Eli Marder Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Marder Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Bernstein Mrs. Marilyn Nemetz Mr. & Mrs. Harry Marder Maystar General Contractors Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bidner Mrs. Evelyne Ohayon Dr. & Mrs. Ira Marder Mr. & Mrs. Ari Messinger Mr. & Mrs. Claude Billigheimer Mrs. Rebecca Ouanounou Mr. & Mrs. Moyshe Marder Dr. & Mrs. Larry Mittelmann Rabbi & Mrs. Shlome Bixenspanner Mrs. Lynn Pasternak Mr. & Mrs. Akiva Medjuck Mr. Paul Murray Rabbi & Mrs. Glenn Black Mrs. Debra Plonka Mr. & Mrs. Paul Minz Mr. Hartley Nathan Dr. & Mrs. Moe Blajchman Mrs. Tzivia Rabinowitz Mr. & Mrs. Lazer Rand Dr. & Mrs. Jason Ohayon Mr. & Mrs. Aryai Blau Rabbi & Mrs. Tzali Borenstein Mr. & Mrs. Herman Kleinman Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Salamon Mrs. Lillian Bobrowsky Dr. & Mrs. Hartley Bressler Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Klompas Dr. & Mrs. Peter Salmon Mr. & Mrs. Asher Breatross Mr. Gerry Brooks Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Klompus Mr. & Mrs. John Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Simcha Brudner Ms. Odette Brownstone Mr. & Mrs. Michoel Klugman Mr. & Mrs. Manny Sandler Mr. & Mrs. Yochonan Buksbaum Mr. Chris Campbell Kollel Oholei Yom Tov Miss. Sara Schechter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Cash Mr. & Mrs. Motti Kopstick Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Schlam Mr. Israel Cohen Clanton Park Synagogue Mr. & Mrs. Jakob Korman Mr. Marty Schmerz Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Jules Kronis Mr. Jack Schnoll Mr. & Mrs. Mikhail Dyman Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Kurtz Dr. & Mrs. Henry Schwarcz Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Eisenberger Mr. & Mrs. Richie Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold Landau Mr. & Mrs. Israel Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Albert Engel Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Cohen Mrs. Edith Landau Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomie Schwartz Mrs. Yolanda Engel Mr. & Mrs. Martin Collis Dr. Lorne Langer Dr. & Mrs. Michael Schweitzer Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Enkin Mr. & Mrs. David Cymerman Mr. Ian Leggett Rabbi & Mrs. Aaron Selevan Mr. & Mrs. Shlomie Feintuch Mr. & Mrs. Nir David Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Leider Mr. & Mrs. Baruch Seliger Mrs. Lilly Fenig Dr. & Mrs. Leo Davids Mr. Jack Leon Mr. Claudio Selvaggi Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Fine Mr. & Mrs. David Dayan Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Levi Mr. & Mrs. Ilan Serman Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Finkelstein Dr. & Mrs. Aubie Diamond Rabbi & Mrs. Aaron Levine Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Shainhouse Mrs. Sala Finkelstein Mr. Jeremy Diamond Ms. Elaine Levine Mr. & Mrs. Avram Shapiro Mrs. Miriam Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Yitz Levinson Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Sherrington Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Freier Mr. & Mrs. Elias Levy Dr. & Mrs. Yehudi Shields Dr. & Mrs. Sam Friedlander Dr. & Dr. Robert Libman Mr. & Mrs. Aharon Shkop Mr. & Mrs. Yakov Zalman Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lichtenstein Mr. & Mrs. Murray Shore Mr. & Mrs. Benzion Friedman Mr. Joel Lichtenstein Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Shumacher Mr. & Mrs. Larry Froom Mr. & Mrs. Netanel Lichtenstein Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Sigler Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Fuerst Mr. & Mrs. Hertzel Lipner Mrs. Lili Silberstein Dr. & Mrs. Colin Ge Mr. & Mrs. Raul Liria Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sitzer Mr. & Mrs. Allan Gelkopf Mr. Peter Dickson Mrs. Minna Loewith Mr. & Mrs. Michael Skobac Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Gellis Mr. & Mrs. Chaim D. Dier Mr. & Mrs. Avi Lopchinsky Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Soban Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Genesove Mr. & Mrs. Carey Drutz Mr. David Luwish Mr. & Mrs. Brian Somer Dr. & Mrs. Jeremy Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Dukes Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Magazzinich Dr. & Dr. Dan Somogyi Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Glickman Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Edell Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Magence Mr. David Spiegelman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Glowinsky Eitz Chaim Schools Rabbi. & Mrs. Mitch Mandel SSCM Mrs. Miriam Goldberg Estate of Late Rabbi Zechania Mines Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Mandelbaum Mrs. Mary Martha Starkman Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Farber Ms. Anne Mandell Mrs. Julie Starr Dr. & Mrs. Robert Goldberger Mrs. Penny Faria Mrs. Frances Mandell-Arad Rabbi & Mrs. Akiva Steinmetz Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Green Miss Batya Feigenbaum March Elevator Limited Mr. & Mrs. Alon Stempel Mr. & Mrs. Michel Grunbaum Dr. & Mrs. Yaacov Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Avi Marder Mr. & Mrs. Martin Stern Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Handelsman Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Fine Mr. Scott McMillan Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Stern Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Handelsman Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Finkelstein Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Melnick Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Sternbuch Mr. & Mrs. Shmueli Hauer Dr. & Mrs. Lorne Finkelstein Mr. Neil Mikhailov Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stopnicki Rabbi & Mrs. Tsvi Heber Mr. Shraga Fishberg Mr. & Mrs. Neil Miller Mr. & Mrs. Avi Sugar Mrs. Shifra Hendler Dr. & Dr. Paul Forman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Miller Mr. & Mrs. Herz Tenenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Hoschander Mr. & Mrs. Josh Frankel Mircom/Gardia Miss Ora Lea Tewel Mrs. Debby Henig Mr. David Freudmann Mr. & Mrs. David Mittelmann Ms. Patricia Tolkin - Eppel Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Hiller Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friedman Ms. Susan Mittelmann-Sokol Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Train Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov Hirschman Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Friedman Rabbi & Mrs. Shloimo Moddel Mr. & Mrs. Jonah Turk Mr. Jack Hirshman Mr. & Mrs. Berel Fuerst Miss. Ariella Morel Rabbi & Mrs. Jeff Turtel Rabbi & Mrs. Ahron Hoch Mr. & Mrs. Motti Fuerst Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Moskoff Ms. Julie Uehling Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Hochman Dr. & Mrs. Colin Ge Mr. & Mrs. Haim Moussadji Mr. & Mrs. Shimon Vinger Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Hytman Dr. & Mrs. Jeremy Gilbert Dr. & Mrs. Jaime Muyal Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Wagner Mr. & Dr. Jonathan Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Howard Glowinsky Mr. & Mrs. Adam Myerowitz Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Wagschal Mrs. Nechy Jacob Ms. Jill Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. Berl Nadler Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Weber Rabbi & Mrs. Abraham Jacobovitch Mr. & Mrs. Don Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Nadoff Mr. & Mrs. Allan Weinbaum Mr. & Mrs. Avraham Jacobs Mr. Shmuel Gotfryd Mr. & Mrs. Sruly Nadoff Mr. & Mrs. Paul Weinberger Mr. & Mrs. Akiva Jakubovic Dr. & Mrs. Gershon Green Mr. Sol Neger Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Weinstock Mr. & Mrs. Leon Jakubovic Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Green Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Neuhof Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Weisz Miss Shevi Janowski Rabbi & Mrs. Aaron Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Newman Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Weitz Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Javasky Dr. & Mrs. Ari Greenwald Rabbi & Mrs. Shimon Newman Dr. & Mrs. Philip Weitz Dr. & Mrs. Aaron Jesin Dr. & Mrs. Ernie Greenwald Mr. & Mrs. Baruch Nussbaum Mr. & Mrs. Avraham Wellman Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kalkstein Mr. & Mrs. Simi Grosman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Orner Mr. & Mrs. Omri Zeifman Mrs. Mira Kipper Mr. & Mrs. Craig Guttmann Mr. & Mrs. Gary Orzech Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zians Rev. & Mrs. Harold Klein Mr. & Mrs. Amichai Harari Dr. & Mrs. Mickey Ostro Mr. & Mrs. Phil Zians Rabbi & Mrs. Tsvi Heber Mr. & Mrs. David Oziel Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Zippin Mrs. Sheila Hecker Mrs. Elka Pelt Mr. & Mrs. Boo Boo Zlotnick Mr. & Mrs. Feivi Heller Ms. Ann Philips Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Zucker Mr. & Mrs. Leo Hendler Mr. & Mrs. Viktor Polikashov Mrs. Pearl Hermant Mr. & Mrs. Ephraim Posner Dinnerless Dinner Dr. & Mrs. Nathan Hermann Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Posner Mrs. Ayala Abramoff Mr. & Mrs. Tzvi Hirschman Premi-Air Mr. & Mrs. Isser Adler Mr. & Mrs. Shloime Holcdorf Mr. Frank Principe Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom H. Adler Mr. & Mrs. Oskar Kleinberg Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Holzberg Provo Ltd Rabbi & Mrs. Amram Assayag Mr. & Mrs. David Kleiner Ms. Faigie Itkin Rabbi & Mrs. Dan Rand Mr. & Mrs. Israel Balter Mrs. Goldie Kleiner Mr. & Mrs. Fred Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. Harold Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Henry Barkin Dr. & Mrs. Ronnie Klompas Rabbi & Mrs. Benjamin Jacoby Mr. & Mrs. Simcha Retter Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Beliak Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Kochman Mrs. Ruth Javasky Rabbi & Mrs. Aryeh Ribacoff Mr. Warren Bell Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Korman Mr. & Mrs. Randy Jerome Mr. & Mrs. Mel Rom Mr. & Mrs. Neil Bellchamber Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lambert Mr. & Mrs. David Kachani Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Rose Mr. & Mrs. Brian Belzberg Mr. & Mrs. Avrom Lebovic Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Kagan Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Rosenbaum Miss. Nava Berenblut Mrs. Ruth Lebovic Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Kahan Rabbi & Mrs. Chanoch Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Eisig Bergman Rabbi Moshe Lebovits Rabbi & Mrs. Avraham Kahn Ms. Naomi Rosenzweig Rabbi & Mrs. Ira Berman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Levi Mr. & Mrs. Stan Katz Mr. & Mrs. Paul Roth Mr. & Mrs. Shimmy Bernstein Rabbi & Mrs. Aaron Levine Ms. Amy Katz Dr. & Mrs. Mark Rothman Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bidner Rabbi & Mrs. Malcolm Levine Mr. David Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Chayim Rubin Dr. & Mrs. Eli Bienenstock Mr. & Mrs. Robert Levine Miss Shirit Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Rubin Mr. & Mrs. David Birnbaum Mr. & Mrs. Yaacov Levinson Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Kesten Mr. & Mrs. Yosi Rubinoff Mr. Eleazar Birnbaum Mr. & Mrs. Barry Lichtman Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kirzner Mr. Philip Rumble Mr. & Mrs. Fred Birnbaum Mr. & Mrs. Hertzel Lipner Rev. & Mrs. Harold Klein Mrs. Magda Sabovich Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bistricer Dr. & Dr. Jeff Lipton Mr. & Mrs. Raul Liria Mrs. Cheryl Jenah Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bernstein Dr. & Mrs. David Goldreich Mr. & Mrs. omas Lupas Mrs. Elana Kleinman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bernstein Rabbi & Mrs. Yechiel Goldreich Rabbi & Mrs. Mitch Mandel Mrs. Ida Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Shimmy Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Goldstein Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Mandel Mrs. Lynn Lichtenstein Dr. & Mrs. Eli Bienenstock Mr. & Mrs. Zev Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. Ira Marder Mrs. Debra Plonka Mr. Tony Bigliero Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Goldwasser Dr. & Mrs. Frank Markus Mrs. Galina Polikashov Mr. & Mrs. Fred Birnbaum Mr. & Mrs. Noam Goodman Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchak Marmorstein Mrs. Renee Shields Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bistricer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Mani Melnick Dr. Sarit Somogyi Dr. & Dr. Michael Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Hillel Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Yoni Menzelefsky Mrs. Tolly Weber Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bodenstein Mr. & Mrs. Abe Gottesman Mr. Neil Mikhailov Mrs. Nechama Esther Zippin Mr. Bram Bregman Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gottlieb Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Mittleman Dr. & Mrs. Hartley Bressler Dr. & Mrs. Mark Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Elazar Morel Play Mr. Gerry Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Sholem Chaim Greenwood Mrs. Nechama Motzen Mrs. Lisa Berman Mr. & Mrs. Sol Budd Mr. Frank Grieco Mr. & Mrs. Naoli Neger Mrs. Tziona Bernath Mr. Mario Buszynski Mr. & Mrs. Simi Grosman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Orner Mrs. Doris Bistricer Mr. & Mrs. Alex Buxbaum Mr. & Mrs. Eli Grossman Mr. & Mrs. David Oziel Mrs. Tracy Brody Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Buzaglo Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Grubner Mr. & Mrs. Ephraim Posner Mrs. Chaviva Buxbaum Mr. Yanis Buzas Mr. Henry Grunberg Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rechnitz Mrs. Temima Cohen Mr. & Mrs. David Cashman Mr. & Mrs. Leo Grunwald Rabbi & Mrs. Shalom Revah Mrs. Sophie Dadoun Dr. & Mrs. Michael Chernick Dr. & Mrs. Shlomo Grynspan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rosengarten Mrs. Barbie Dukes Mr. & Mrs. Julius Ciss Mr. & Mrs. Allan Gutenberg Dr. & Mrs. Mark Rothman Mrs. Malkie Erlanger Mr. David Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haber Mrs. Ida Rubin Mrs. Leandra Forman Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Mark Halpern Mrs. Elaine Rubinoff Miss Shaindel Friedman Dr. & Mrs. Harry Cohen Dr. & Dr. Stephen Halpern Mr. & Mrs. Yosi Rubinoff Mrs. Galit Friedmann Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Amichai Harari Mr. & Mrs. Avraham Rzepkowicz Mrs. Shira Gastfreund Mr. & Mrs. Richie Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harris Mrs. Magda Sabovich Mrs. Tammy Gilden Ms. Ruth Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Alan Heisler Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Salamon Mrs. Helene Green Mr. David Colman Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Hershkop Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Salcman Mrs. Michelle Haber Mr. & Mrs. Yechiel Colman Mr. David Himelfarb Dr. & Mrs. Peter Salmon Mrs. Bat Sheva Halbert Congregation Kahal Yereim Mr. & Mrs. Tzvi Hirschman Mrs. Goldy Hauer Mr. Dov Coodin Mr. & Mrs. George Hofstedter Mrs. Cooky Horowitz D & M Tile Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. Sholom Horowitz Mrs. Andrea Hytman Rabbi Dr. & Mrs. Leo Davids Mr. & Mrs. Ivor Horwitz Mrs. Luna Igelman Mr. & Mrs. David Dayan Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Hytman Mrs. Judy Jacobs DelSol Auto Collison Mr. & Mrs. Tuvia Iczkovitz Mrs. Simona Kadoch Mr. & Mrs. Larry Deverett Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Ifrah Mrs. Miriam Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. David Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Igelman Mrs. Chani Klein Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Diamond Imperium Contracting & Project Management Mr. & Mrs. Manny Sandler Mrs. Sharon Klein Dr. & Mrs. Ze’ev Diena Mr. & Mrs. Yochanan Ishakis Rabbi & Mrs. David Sapirman Mrs. Diana Melnick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Edell Mr. & Mrs. Joe Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Shaya Schachner Mrs. Danielle Muyal Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Eisen Mr. & Dr. Jonathan Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Dan Scheiner Mrs. Marilyn Nemetz Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Eisenberger Dr. & Dr. Steve Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Lester Scheininger Mrs. Galya Ouanounou Mr. & Mrs. Isser Elishis Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Schild Mrs. Debra Plonka Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Elzas Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Jakubovic Mr. Marty Schmerz Mrs. Tzivia Rabinowitz Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Erlich Mr. & Mrs. Noam Jakubovic Mr. & Mrs. Mendel Schneeweiss Mrs. Naomi Rosenblum Dr. & Mrs. David Esser Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Javasky Rabbi & Mrs. Elisha Schochet Mrs. Sheba Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Faivish Mr. Joel Kadish Mr. & Mrs. Allan Schwartz Mrs. Chana Schlam Mr. & Mrs. Omry Farajun Mr. & Mrs. Boris Kagarlitsky Dr. & Mrs. Brian Schwartz Mrs. Leslie Selevan Mr. & Mrs. George Farkas Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kahan Mr. & Mrs. Moti Seidenfeld Miss Bryna Sheinis Mr. Stan Federman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Benyamin Senderovits Mrs. Renee Shields Miss Batya Feigenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Kaiser Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Serebrowski Mrs. Frumey Shubov Mr. & Mrs. Jack Feintuch Mr. & Mrs. Baruch Kanner Mr. & Mrs. Eliyahu Shane Mrs. Chana Soberano Mr. Barry Feldberg Miss Deena Kanner Mr. & Mrs. Altor Shields Mrs. Batya Steinman Mr. & Mrs. Joe Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Hersch Kanner Mr. & Mrs. Yoni Shields Mrs. Iris Tal-Halbert Dr. & Mrs. Yacov Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Kanner Mrs. Anna Shvartsman Mrs. Devorah Vale Mr. & Mrs. Izzy Fichtenbaum Mrs. Mozelle Kanner Mr. & Mrs. Myer H. Slutzky Dr. Ellen Warner Mr. & Mrs. Paul Forman Mr. & Mrs. Shua Kanner Dr. & Mrs. Henry Smukler Mrs. Monica Weinberg Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Soban Mrs. Aviva Weiss Mr. Mark Karoly Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel Spiegel Mrs. Daphna Zacks Mr. & Mrs. Robert Karoly Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spiro Mr. Chaim Karpel Mrs. Julie Starr Raffle 2012 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Katz Mr. & Mrs. David Stein Dr. & Mrs. Abe Aberback Mr. & Mrs. Howard Katz Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Stern Mr. Benyamin Abrahamovitz Rabbi & Mrs. Nosson Katzenstein Mr. & Mrs. Avrohom Stern Mrs. Ayala Abramoff Mr. & Mrs. Avraham Katzman Mr. & Mrs. Avi Sugar Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Adler Mr. & Mrs. Josh Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kay Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Sussman Mr. & Mrs. Yosef Adler Mr. & Mrs. Benzion Friedman Mr. Andy Keith Mrs. Marlene Urman Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Adler Dr. & Mrs. Lazer Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Kesten Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Weber Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Alter Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Friedman Mr. Nathan Kirsh Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Weinman Amy Katz & Assoc. Professional Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Yakov Z. Friedman Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kirzner Mrs. Janine Weinstock Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Anisfeld Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friedmann Mr. & Mrs. David Klein Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Weisbrod Rabbi & Mrs. David Aronson Mr. Shimon Fuerst Dr. & Mrs. Gerard Klein Dr. & Mrs. Leiby Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Azoulay Future Paving Rev. & Mrs. Harold Klein Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Akiva Balter Mr. & Mrs. Meir Gabay Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Klein Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Wertzberger Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Balter Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Galet Mr. & Mrs. Tibor Klein Mr. & Mrs. Phil Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Behar Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ganz Mr. & Mrs. Willy Klein Mrs. Shulamith P. Witty Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Beliak Mr. & Mrs. Moti Gastfreund Mr. & Mrs. Chanani Kleinman Mr. & Mrs. Leon Woznica Rabbi & Mrs. Yanky Bell Mr. & Mrs. Allan Gelkopf Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Klompas Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Zians Mr. & Mrs. Brian Belzberg Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Gestetner Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Klompus Mr. & Mrs. Israel Zlotnick Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Belzberg Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Glickman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kohn Mr. & Mrs. David Zolty Mr. Robert Benedek Dr. & Mrs. Michael Glogauer Mr. & Mrs. Motti Kopstick Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Zombek Mr. Michael Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Howard Glowinsky Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Korman Ms. Lisa Benmergui Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Glowinsky Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Korolnek Occasion Cards Mr. & Mrs. Robert Benmergui Mr. & Mrs. Ohran Gobrin Dr. & Mrs. Lester Krames Mrs. Marsha Berger Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Bercov Dr. Ari Gold Mr. & Mrs. Alon Kronenberg Mrs. Susan Bidner Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berenblut Mr. & Mrs. Rick Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Gershon Kruger Mrs. Claire Ciss Mr. & Mrs. Volvi Bergman Mr. & Mrs. Mendy Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Krygier Mrs. Mille Grosman Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Berman Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Kuhl Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Pollak Mr. & Mrs. Binyomin Stern Mr. & Mrs. Eli Jakubovic Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Posner Mr. & Mrs. Naolie Sternbuch Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Yossef Kurtz Mrs. Donna Pressman Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Straus Mr. & Mrs. Shua Kanner Mr. & Mrs. Mordi Kushnir Mr. Fernando Quintero Street Hawk Services Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kaplan Mrs. Edith Landau Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Rabinowitz Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Tannenbaum Mr. Leon Karan Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold Landau Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rabkin Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Tenenbaum Mr. Jason Kepecs Dr. Lorne Langer Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rachlin Mr. & Mrs. Steve Tenenbaum Rev. & Mrs. Harold Klein Mr. & Mrs. Michael Langer Mr. & Mrs. Lazer Rand Mr. & Mrs. Michael Toledano Mr. & Mrs. Shelly Klein Mr. Arye Lankar Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Reichmann Dr. Omar Usman Mr. & Mrs. Chanani Kleinman Mrs. Susan Lapell Dr. Ed Reinish Mr. & Mrs. George Vitriol Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Klompas Dr. & Mrs. Eric Lawee Dr. & Mrs. Harold Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Avi Wachsman Mr. Rachamim Kluyov Mr. & Mrs. Ronen Lazar Mrs. Rochelle Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Mordi Kushnir Mr. & Mrs. Aryah Lebovic Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Revizada Mr. & Mrs. Levi Wagowsky Mrs. Sonia Langer Mr. Steven Lederer Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Wagschal Mr. & Mrs. Raffi Laras Mr. Marty Lederman Mr. & Mrs. Myer Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Noson Walden Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Levi Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ler Mr. & Mrs. Zev Rosenblum Mr. & Mrs. Ira Walfish Mrs. Stephanie Levine Mr. & Dr. Aitan Lerner Mr. Moshe Rosenfeld Mrs. Cynthia Weaver Dr. & Dr. Jeff Lipton Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Lev Dr. & Mrs. David Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Weber Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mammon Mrs. Eva Levi Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Ross Mr. & Mrs. Hershy Weinberg Mr. & Mrs. Avi Marder Mr. & Mrs. Josh Levi Mr. & Mrs. Meir Rotenberg Mr. & Mrs. Paul Weinberger Mr. & Mrs. Moyshe Marder Mr. & Mrs. Robert Levine Mr. & Mrs. Steve Roth Mrs. Janine Weinstock Mr. & Mrs. David Markowitz Mr. & Mrs. Yaacov Levinson Mr. & Mrs. David Rothberg Dr. & Mrs. Larry Weisbrod Dr. & Mrs. Moshe Milevsky Mr. & Mrs. Yitz Levinson Miss Hedy Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Gershon Miskin Ms. Sherry Levitan Dr. & Mrs. Leiby Weiss Dr. & Mrs. Larry Mittelmann Mr. & Mrs. Elias Levy Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Weisz Dr. & Mrs. Allan Moll Dr. & Mrs. Robert Libman Dr. & Mrs. Aaron Weitz Miss Ariella Morel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lichtenstein Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Weitz Mr. & Mrs. Steven Nemetz Mr. & Mrs. Mo Lidsky Mr. & Mrs. Benyamin Werner Dr. & Mrs. Jason Ohayon Dr. & Dr. Jeff Lipton Mr. & Mrs. Shraga Wilhelm Dr. & Mrs. Aviv Ouanounou Mr. David Louis Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Woodrow Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Pergament Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Lowenthal Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. Scott Woodrow Mr. Binyamin Pinkus Mr. Nelson Ludwig Mr. & Mrs. Chayim Rubin Mr. & Mrs. David Yunger Mr. & Mrs. Victor Polikashov Mr. Joel Lupas Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Igal Zahavi Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Rabinowitz Dr. & Mrs. Ezra Lwowski Mr. & Mrs. David Rubinoff Mr. & Mrs. Gideon Zameret Rabbi & Mrs. Dan Rand Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Mendel Rubinoff Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zeifman Mr. & Mrs. Lazer Rand Dr. & Mrs. Eli Magder Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Rubner Mr. & Mrs. Orvin Zendel Dr. & Mrs. Harold Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mammon Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Rutman Mr. & Mrs. Phil Zians Rabbi & Mrs. Aryeh Ribacoff Rabbi & Mrs. Mitch Mandel Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Sachs Mr. & Mrs. Danny Zigelman Mr. & Mrs. Avi Ribacoff Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Mandelbaum Dr. & Mrs. Peter Salmon Mr. & Mrs. Aryeh Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Mel Rom Mr. Michael Mann Mr. & Mrs. Noam Samson Mr. & Mrs. Benzion Zlotnick Mrs. Avigayil Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Eli Marder Mr. & Mrs. Manny Sandler Mr. & Mrs. Tom Zwiebel Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Rosenblum Mr. & Mrs. Harry Marder Dr. & Mrs. Ariah Schattner Mr. & Mrs. Zev Rosenblum Dr. & Mrs. Ira Marder Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Schechter Sefer Torah Letter Mr. & Mrs. David Rubinoff Mr. & Mrs. Moyshe Marder Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Schlam Mr. Aharon Adoot Mr. & Mrs. Yosi Rubinoff Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Marder Mr. Marty Schmerz Rabbi & Mrs. Amram Assayag Mr. David Rybowski Mr. & Mrs. Murray Markin Dr. Rochelle Schneider Miss Dina Bahar Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Schlam Mr. & Mrs. Ben Meckler Mr. & Mrs. Elli Schochet Mr. Moshe Batalion Dr. & Mrs. Michael Schweitzer Mrs. Rose Meckler Dr. & Mrs. Yaakov Schwartzben Miss Shoshana Beliak Rabbi & Mrs. Leslie Selevan Mr. & Mrs. Akiva Medjuck Mrs. Mary Scott Mr. Robert Benia Mr. & Mrs. Benyomin Senderovits Mr. & Mrs. Mani Melnick Mr. & Mrs. Moti Seidenfield Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Berman Mr. & Mrs. Ilan Serman Mr. & Mrs. Hillel Meltz Mrs. Miriam Sela Mr. Jonathan Berman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Ari Messinger Rabbi & Mrs. Leslie Selevan Mrs. Marlene Bilardo Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Sherrington Mrs. Gabi Messinger Mr. & Mrs. Benyamin Senderovits Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Bitterman Mrs. Beverly Shifman Mr. & Mrs. Dov Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Ilan Serman Mr. Bram Bregman Mrs. Cara Shifman Mr. & Mrs. Helene Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Shainhouse Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Brody Mr. & Mrs. Haim Shor Rabbi & Mrs. Shea Miller Dr. & Mrs. Ed Shane Mr. & Mrs. Alex Buxbaum Mr Philip Silver Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Minkowitz Mr. & Mrs. Morty Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Alex Chapkis Dr. & Mrs. Mark Silverman Mr. & Mrs. Gershon Miskin Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Sherrington Mr. & Mrs. Martin Charney Miss Rivky Sivak Dr. & Mrs. Larry Mittelmann Mr. & Mrs. Mordie Shields Mr. & Mrs. Julius Ciss Dr. & Dr. Paul Skosowski Dr. & Mrs. Allan Moll Dr. & Mrs. Moshe Shields Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Cohen Mr. & Mrs. David Soberano Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Moskoff Dr. & Mrs. Yehudi Shields Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Cohen Miss Penina Soberman Mr. Jack Muskat Mr. & Mrs. Yoni Shields Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dadoun Mr. & Mrs. Brian Somer Dr. & Mrs. Jaime Muyal Mr. & Mrs. Barry Shiff Mr. & Mrs. Alex David Dr. & Dr. Dan Somogyi Ms. Nina Nadler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shimansky Mr. & Mrs. David Dayan Mr. Jonathan Sonshine Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nagel Mr. & Mrs. Murray Shore Mr. & Mrs. Carey Drutz Mr. & Mrs. Eric Spiegel Mr. & Dr. Jamie Nahon Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Shoshan Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Elgaza Mrs. Carol Spodek Mr. & Mrs. Steve Nemetz Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Sigler Mrs. Maggy Elharar Miss Elisheva Starr Mr. Brad Neufeld Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Sigler Dr. & Mrs. Gershon Fink Miss Rachelli Starr Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Neuhof Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Silberstein Mr. & Mrs. Morris Forman Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Sudaley Mr. & Mrs. Warren Newfield Mrs. Lili Silberstein Mr. & Mrs. Paul Forman Mrs. Chaya Taurog Mr. Steve Newman Mrs. Gloria Silver Dr. & Mrs. David Fortinsky Mr. & Mrs. Arieh Tokayer Mr. Kevin Nightingale Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Simon Mr. James Frank Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Train Mr. & Mrs. Murray Nightingale Mr. & Mrs. David Sklar Mr. & Mrs. Itzhak Frisch-Israel Mr. Mark Vilensky Dr. & Mrs. Mark Nusbaum Dr. & Dr. Paul Skosowski Mrs. Leah Glogauer Miss Bracha Weber Mr. & Mrs. Eliyahu Ohayon Mr. & Mrs. David Soberano Dr. & Mrs. Michael Glogauer Mr. & Mrs. Kalman Weber Dr. & Mrs. Jason Ohayon Dr. & Mrs. Manny Solnik Rabbi & Mrs. Yechiel Goldreich Miss Ariella Weinberg Mrs. Mia Onrot Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Sopher Mr. & Mrs. Danny Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weinberg Mr. Gary Opolsky Mr. & Mrs. Eric Spiegel Dr. & Mrs. Bernie Green Mr. & Mrs. Paul Weinberger Mr. & Mrs. Gary Orzech Mr. & Mrs. Loren Spigelman Mr. & Mrs. Immanuel Greenberg Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weisbrod Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Osiel Mr. & Mrs. Jay Spitzer Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Haber Dr. & Mrs. Aviv Ouanounou Mr. & Mrs. Gary Spivak Mr. & Mrs. Alan Heisler Mr. & Mrs. Howard Paskowitz Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Stanleigh Mr. & Mrs. Ivor Horwitz is is to certify that Mr. & Mrs. James Pasternak Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Stein Mrs. Shayne Hyman-Train has donated Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Perel Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stein Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Hytman letters in a Sefer Torah being donated Dr. & Mrs. Ron Phillipson Dr. & Mrs. Aryeh Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Igelman to the Kotel (Western Wall) Mr. & Mrs. Josh Plonka Ms. Lea Steinlauf Dr. & Dr. Steve Jacobs Mazel Tovs 2014 Graduates since april 2012 ENGAGEMENTS Sara Schlam (‘11) and Chezky Meckler Tamara Sehayek (‘09) and Steven Goldreich Shira Shields (‘08) and Chananel Ehrman Shevi Spiegel (‘09) and Asher Schwartz Shuli Rosen (‘07) and Cary Schwechter Leora Herzig (‘11) and Pinchas “Pinny” Farber Ana Shor (‘13) and Izzy Korobkin Sara Schechter (‘11) and Nati Schreiber Shoshana Klein (‘07) and Michael Vodianoi Ahuva Kaufman (‘05) and Menashe Fierstein Shira Morris (‘10) and Shlomo Jackson Back Row (le to right): Natalia Kushnir, Rachel Ginzburg, Daliah Adler, Neima Mandel, MARRIAGES Dafna Somogyi, Miriam Hytman, Miriam Langer, Nechama Kaiser, Joelle Ramey, Bayli Jessica (Kadoche ‘04) and Jaron Davis Dukes, Shira Mittelmann Lisa (Sebbag ‘08) and Shimon Benmergui 3rd Row (le to right): Naomi Wagowsky, Serach Boes, Rachel Landau, Elisheva Nemetz, Adina Levi, Gabriella Horwitz, Devora Pamensky, Abigail Igelman, Buna Levitansky, Katrin Shayna (Lauterpacht ‘09) and Avraham Yaakov Rosner Chapkis, Kayla Levy, Aidy Freundlich Naomi (Belzberg ‘08) and Omri Zeifman 2nd Row (le to right): Miriam Rivka Weiss, Sarah Frisch Israel, Ahuva Ifrah, Shoshana Adina (Klein ‘05) and Tuvia Korobkin Pasternak, Dafna Blum, Atara Shields, Devorah Rubinoff , Rivka Rand, Ayala Klompas, Chavi Tamar (Weitz ‘08) and Ari Juda Wagowsky Ari (Zians ‘10) and Nesanel Benjamin Front Row (le to right): Tirtza Gilden, Ruth Muyal, Miriam Ciss, Reena Cohen, Tamar Klein, Kate (Berman ‘11) and Mendy Raskin Talia Klein, Avigayil Skosowsky, Maytar Elgaza, Miriam Schlam, Michal Silver, Paz Baruchim Elishva (Vale ‘09) and Sholom Posner Tziviah (Silverstein ‘08) and Arye Mernick BABIES Shifra (Levy ‘10) and Avi Marder Sara (Muller ‘04) and Reuven Durbach, son Shayna (Gavert ‘10) and Yaakov Mittelmann Daniella (Enkin ‘06) and Eli Shapiro, son Adina (Meisels ‘08) and Avi Weiss Elysse (Sitzer ‘05) and Dovid Heching, daughter Rachel (Zahavi ‘08) and Baruch Kagarlitskiy Esther (Edery ‘08) and Adam Ohayon, son Shelley (Frisch-Israel ‘10) and Tzadok Weinberg Miriam (Weiss ‘07) and Dov Berman, daughter Chana (Halioua ‘09) and Lionel Kalles Rivka (Magazzinich ‘06) and Yoni Rosillio, daughter Bayla (Koperwas ‘09) and Joseph Ely Batya (Vale ‘08) and Reuven Menzelefsky, son Bracha (Kahan ‘10) and Jake (Yaakov) Rich Shira (Belzberg ‘05) and Nissan Lachman, son Laya (Weitz ‘11) and Shaya Spitzer Gitty (Greenwood ‘08) and Menachem Silver, son Sarah (Azoulay ‘11) and Moishe Shepansky Shoshana (Tabakman ‘08) and Yonasan Heisel, son Tammy (Kadoch ‘11) and Chase Westbrook Tehila (Kalfa ‘06) and Ari Green, son Pearl (Sufrin ‘10) and Tzvi Frohlinger Libby (Rosenberg ‘04) and Yitzi Weiss, daughter Ashlene (Suchall ‘09) and Yossi Azoulay Melanie (Deverett ‘07) and Moshe Mernick, daughter Atara (Reiter ‘10) and Avi Libman Tova (Lavin ‘10) and Yaakov Zev Hochman, son Reena (Fine ‘11) and David Igelman Yardena (Keslassy ‘08) and Ezra Gal, son Meira (Zacks ‘08) and Shaya Samet Dassi (Afriat ‘04) and Levi Anatalov. daughter Sara (Epstein ‘08) and Adam Freidmann Eliana (Shiel ‘09) and Na ali Spiegel, son Hindy (Plonka ‘10) and Dovid Ehrentrau Dori (Rothman ‘09) and Dovi Meisels, daughter Miriam (Libman ‘11) and Ephraim Leiderman Chana (Rosen ‘06) and Josh Bernstein, son Leah (Hytman ‘12) and Menachem Weiss Chaviva (Posner ‘07) and Yumi Javasky, son Lisa (Sebbag ‘08) and Shimon Benmergui, daughter We are planning an Chani (Kopstick ‘06) and Leeshai Reichman, daughter ALUMNAE REUNION Chaviva (Mittelmann ‘05) and Aaron Kutnowski, daughter Avigial (Kalfa ‘06) and Moshe Gersht, son for April 2014 to celebrate Adina (Klein ‘05) and Tuvia Korobkin, son 10 CLASSES OF GRADUATES. Adina (Cheron ‘04) and Jake Dan, son If you are interested in being a class representative, or Shayna (Lauterpacht ‘09) and Avraham Yaakov Rosner, son for more details as we have them, please contact Elana (Syrtash ‘04) and David Ochs, daughter Mrs. Kleinman at [email protected] Didi (Grunwald ‘08) and Shragee Rosenzweig, son Kate (Berman ‘11) and Mendy Raskin, son Yosepha (Perel ‘05) and Joey Weitz, son Elisheva (Vale ‘09) and Sholom Posner, daughter Keep us informed about you, Shayna (Gavert ‘10) and Yaakov Mittelmann, daughter so we can keep you informed Ari (Zians ‘10) and Nesanel Benjamin, son Shoshana (Tabakman ‘08) and Yonasan Heisel, daughter Mazel Tovs about us. Adina (Meisels ‘09) and Avi Weiss, son. Engaged? Married? Have you had any children? Tova (Lavin ‘10) and Yaakov Zev Hochman, son Achievements Shifra (Levy ‘10) and Avi Marder, son Have you been recognized by an institution for Libby (Rosenberg ‘04) and Yitzi Weiss, daughter your academic or community achievements? Malka (Benmergui ‘04) and Yisroel Woolfson, son Please send us your contact information! Sarah (Zynoberg‘05) and Danny Farkas, son. Email your current address, phone number & email Rachel (Zahavi ‘08) and Boris Kagarlitskiy, daughter address to: [email protected] Ita (Spitzer ‘07) and Aaron Abramson, son

TIFERES BAIS YAAKOV Lawrence Weinberg, Executive Director 85 Stormont Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5N 2C3 provides funding for Tel 416 785-4044 x226 Jewish education at Tiferes Bais Yaakov Fax 416 785-4046 Bus Fax 416-785-2060 [email protected] DESIGN AND LAYOUT BY MIRIAM KANNER