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November 23, 2006 / Kislev 2, 5767 Publication Mail Agreement #40011766

Circulation 62,530 Largest Jewish Weekly in Canada Ontario Human CN CEO receives Rights Award of Merit Code changes Plan aids taxpayers, charities need A new and creative tax plan, resulting in major benefits for Canadian taxpayers – while also greatly assisting Canadian charities is now available. The plan, developed by Park Lane, input: is available across the country to all taxpayers. Above, Stephen Freedman (left), vice president of Park Lane, presents the first in a series of major donations to B’nai Brith’s Pearl B’nai Brith Gladman and Leonard Golberg. To personally benefit from this tax plan, call Freedman toll-free at 1-866-852-4244. In its submission last Wednes- day to the Ontario Standing Committee on Justice Policy, Noisy anti-Israel the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith voiced its opposi- protest met with JDL tion to Bill 107 – An Act to amend the Ontario Human PHOTO: BPL PHOTOGRAPHY counter-protest Rights Code, characterizing it CN’s E. Hunter Harrison receives prestigious Award of Merit by B’nai Brith Canada’s as seriously weakening human National President Gerry Weinstein at a gala dinner held in Montreal last week. During the hour before the Uni- in helping to organize the rally. rights protections in Ontario. By Mike Cohen their efforts to enhance the social, cultural, corporate versity of Haifa tribute dinner to When asked who she was, she Recommending that Bill 107 Tribune Correspondent or political life of Canada. Tony and Elizabeth Comper. declined, fearing that giving her be shelved and broader public “Hunter Harrison’s visionary leadership cuts across about 50 pro-Palestinians cause name to the press would in her consultations be undertaken, MONTREAL – Before a packed room of more than the corporate and community sectors, and spans the staged a noisy anti-Israel words, “jeopardize my job.” Toni Silberman, immediate past 800 at Montreal’s Windsor Station, B’nai Brith Cana- North American continent,” said Weinstein. “His demonstration at the parking Organizations which openly chair of the league, Ontario da’s Quebec Region paid tribute last week to E. strong corporate citizenship and profound commit- entrance to the Royal York endorsed the rally included region, said: “There is no ques- Hunter Harrison, president and CEO of CN. ment to helping those in need are reflected in his Hotel, protesting the event campus-based socialist groups, tion that the commission’s Guests at the elaborate affair were each given star ongoing philanthropic initiatives, many focusing on inside. which have taken part in similar complaints process is in need treatment as they entered Windsor Station on a red children and creating a safer environment for them.” About 30 members of the Jew- rallies for the past 35 years, plus of review, revision, refinement carpet, immediately being swept up in the festivities. Harrison joined an eminent group of past Quebec ish Defense League and other a group called Not in Our Name, and resources to operate more The B’nai Brith Award of Merit Gala drew an eclec- Award of Merit recipients, including this year’s Trib- supporters of Israel staged which describe themselves as “a efficiently. And who better to tic crowd spanning the corporate, political, social ute Committee Co-Chairmen, Michael J. Sabia, chief counter-protests. group of -based Jewish inform that review than those and cultural communities of Canada, who participat- executive officer of Bell Canada Enterprises, and for- While there were some heated dissidents, holding an informa- who require and use the system ed in a night of magic and history as the old train sta- mer CN chief Paul Tellier. As tributes to Harrison verbal exchanges between the tion picket outside of the Royal – not just lawyers, but the tion was transformed into a spectacular venue. poured in from across the country, many of Canada’s two sides, a heavy police pres- York Hotel.” clients.” B’nai Brith National President Gerry Weinstein and leading business executives, politicians and commu- ence discouraged any physical When the woman leader of the As the league pointed out, Executive Vice President Frank Dimant presented nity leaders attended the event, including former Que- escalation. group was asked to identify her- replacing the commission with Harrison with the organization’s Award of Merit, the bec Premier Lucien Bouchard. A woman CUPE member who self, she declined. a “direct access system” whose Canadian Jewish community’s most prestigious hon- Noted broadcaster Robert Scully served as the mas- took part in the counter-protest, Not only did the rally carry lots track record has been unsuc- our. The award is reserved for individuals who have waving an Israeli flag, told the cessful elsewhere in Canada contributed to the fabric of Canadian society, through See AWARD, page 8. Jewish Tribune that Ontario See HAIFA U, page 3. “fails to take into account such CUPE played an “unofficial” role key issues as the public inter- est” and could undermine the protection of human rights in Harper advocates human rights at APEC, Ontario. “The announcement by Attorney General Michael response to Jewish, Muslim communities Bryant of new amendments to the bill, even before the pub- B’nai Brith Canada and the Canadi- briefing after the summit ended. threatened. Mr. Celil, as a Canadi- Uyghur Canadian Association, political party in China in 1994. lic hearings are complete,” an Uyghur Association asked the However, Harper did not elaborate an citizen, has the right to consular echoed these sentiments and had His political detention and impris- said Silberman, “raises con- Harper government to take the on what the discussion might yield. access by Canadian officials. We called on the Canadian govern- onment are merely an extension of cerns about whether the opportunity presented by the APEC “We stand together with the hope the government’s consistent ment to continue its efforts on the the ongoing harsh crackdown Ontario government is really summit to highlight the case of Uyghur Muslim community on this foreign policy emphasizing human Celil file. He said, “We deeply campaign by China against the committed to the public con- Huseyin Celil, an Uyghur Muslim issue,” said Frank Dimant, B’nai rights and democracy, whether at appreciate the commitment of Uyghur community. It is of para- sultation process, and fails to who holds Canadian citizenship Brith Canada’s executive vice pres- the UN or other international fora Prime Minister to mount importance to our commu- allay our concerns about the and is being imprisoned in China ident. “As the Jewish community such as APEC, will lead to bridge- advance the case of Mr. Celil as a nity that Mr. Celil have his human flaws in the Bill.” and denied consular access. knows too well, it is necessary for building between all communities high priority issue at the APEC rights respected, and to see him For full submission, see Prime Minister Stephen Harper all groups to speak out when an in Canada.” Conference. Mr. Celil has done speedily returned to his family said he did just that in his press individual’s human rights are Mohamed Tohti, president of the nothing wrong except forming a here in Canada.” ticePolicySubmissionNov06.pdf.

INSIDE TREES IN ISRAEL • THE PERFECT GIFT P. 2 – New UN council, same tricks JEWISH NATIONAL FUND P. 3 – Tension rises on campuses OF TORONTO P. 9 – ‘JDL is back in business’ (416) 636-TREE OR (416) 638-7200 P. 10 – Jewish Book Fair highlights • To Remember • To Honour • To Celebrate Any Occasion P. 12 – Iran-Israel war in a year: Analyst • To Support • To Say “I Care” • To Congratulate 2 - The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 NEWS New UN Human Rights Council Olmert must go, 53 per cent up to same old tricks dissatisfied Israelis tell poll Conservatives’ The passing of this resolution East. In fact, they deflect the atten- JERUSALEM (Arutz-7) – A poll Similarly, more than half of the brings the total number of coun- tion of the council from pressing released last Tuesday night showed respondents – 53 per cent – said response try-specific resolutions passed by human rights catastrophes world- that the Israeli public is thoroughly Olmert should resign his post or praised the council since its inception to wide and allow the many human dissatisfied with the current gov- call new elections. four, all anti-Israel, and none of rights abusers in the UN system ernment leadership. The majority Former National Security Coun- B’nai Brith Canada has charac- them targetting the world’s human virtual immunity.” of respondents think that the IDF cil head Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Giora terized as a “sham” the latest right abusers. In a related development, the Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz Eiland said it “will be difficult” for attempt by the newly inaugurat- “Was this the huge reform of the Liberal Parliamentarians for and Defence Minister Amir Peretz Halutz to remain in office, given ed United Nations Human Rights UN human rights system that was Israel, co-chaired by MP Anita should resign their posts, accord- OLMERT: TIME TO GO? the numbers. Speaking on Chan- Council to condemn Israel. The meant to follow the demise of the Neville and Sen. David Smith, are ing to a Geocartography poll. Only 17 per cent of Israelis nel 1 TV, Eiland said the rank- body met last Wednesday in an UNCHR?” Dimant asked. urging the Conservative govern- Most Israelis also think that believe that Halutz should contin- and-file soldiers have lost respect emergency session and passed a However, there was at least one ment to withdraw from the United Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ue to head the Israel Defence for Halutz, leaving him in a posi- motion to denounce “the Israeli silver lining. Nations Human Rights Council should either step down or call Forces. Support for Peretz was not tion of power without respect. targetting and killing of Palestin- B’nai Brith Canada has applaud- (UNHRC) calling it “a flawed new elections, according to the much better: a bare 15 per cent of Eiland served as a close advisor ian civilians in Beit Hanoun ed the principled stand of the body…proving to be nothing poll, which was reported on the those surveyed thought he should to former Prime Minister Ariel while asleep.” Canadian government, which other than a vehicle for Israel television program Politics. remain as Defence Minister. Sharon. “The new UN Human Rights opposed the inherently anti-Israel denouncers.” Council would do well to devote resolution. its time and energy to distin- “We applaud the government’s Israeli guishing itself from its defunct decision to vote against a resolu- Saudis building fence to predecessor, the UN Commis- tion that vilifies Israel for “willful ambassa- sion on Human Rights killing” of civilians in Gaza, while (UNCHR), which was also at the same time turning a blind keep out ‘terrorists’: Prince dor courts obsessed with unfounded con- eye to ongoing Palestinian rocket Saudi Arabia is planning to build pleted after five to six years,” France demnations of Israel,” said attacks against Israeli civilians a massive security fence along Prince Nayef said. Frank Dimant, B’nai Brith Cana- such as the one last Wednesday, its borders with Iraq to prevent The minister declined to reveal Israel’s ambassador to France da’s executive vice president. which killed 57-year-old Fatima infiltration of ‘terrorists,’ the the name or nationality of the praised French-Israeli relations This “session marks the fourth Slutzker, a resident of Sderot,” interior minister said in an company involved in erecting in his first news conference in time in the council’s five-month said Dimant. “Canada’s vote fol- interview published last Tuesday. the fence. Paris. history that the body convened an lows the principled course charted Construction of the double- The fence will have 135 gates, Danny Shek acknowledged emergency session solely for the for this country by Prime Minster track barbed fence, which will all monitored with ultraviolet media characterizations that purpose of condemning Israel. At Stephen Harper at the Francopho- be fitted with remote sensors technology to “prevent the infil- relations were in a chilly peri- the same time, the council com- nie conference earlier this year. and thermal cameras, will begin tration of terrorists...and also to od, but argued Monday that pletely ignores the targetting of “The international community next year, Prince Nayef bin halt smuggling of arms, drugs dialogue between France and Israeli civilians by Hamas and should follow Canada’s footsteps Abdul Aziz told Al Anbaa and persons into the kingdom,” Israel in fact is “better than Hezbollah, and the way these ter- by rejecting out of hand highly Kuwaiti newspaper. Prince Nayef said. ever before” and that Israel rorist groups use Palestinian civil- politicized resolutions of this “Authorities in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia, which already “does not regret the European ians as human shields in order to nature that do nothing to advance have begun the executive meas- has tight measures in place to and French role in the post-war expedite their attacks on Israel. the cause of peace in the Middle Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz prevent cross-border infiltration period in southern Lebanon.” says Saudi Arabia plans fence. by Islamist extremists, has often Shek said, however, that ures to build the largest security cited threats to its security posed while “the French people know fence that extends along the by militants leaving the country every detail about the Israeli- One Free World International 900-km (562-miles) border to fight in Iraq. Palestinian conflict, they still with Iraq,” he said. A number of Saudi fighters know little about the make-up in collaboration with The fence is a part of a com- have been involved in bloody of Israel itself.” prehensive security plan to forti- attacks against Iraqi and coali- Shek also expressed regret B’nai Brith Canada fy the borders with Iraq that also tion forces in the violence- for the comments of Israel’s UN involves setting up military bases plagued country. ambassador, Dan Gillerman, and other high-tech devices. According to the US army, who accused France of “offer- presents “The plan will cost $12 billion, Saudis comprise nearly 12 per ing flowers to terrorists” by the documentary movie including $500 million to build cent of the estimated 3,000 for- supporting a recent UN General the fence, which will be com- eign combatants fighting on the Assembly resolution critical of side of the insurgency in Iraq. Israeli military actions in Gaza. Behind the Front Line

by Rev. Majed El Shafie president and founder, One Free World International A look at Israel’s pain and suffering during the Israel-Hezbollah conflict as seen through the eyes of a Christian who fled his native Egypt to escape religious persecution. Sunday, November 26th • 3:30 p.m. • 50 Gervais Drive • Toronto

There will be a Q&A with Rev. El Shafie following the movie.

Special guests: Timothy King, Finance Director, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem Dr. Charles McVety, President, Canada Christian College Michael Mostyn, Director, Government Relations, B’nai Brith Canada

For more information call: 416-633-6224 ext 112 Free Everyone Welcome The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 - 3 NEWS Tension rises on campuses as rhetoric rises By Tribune Staff number of events that were organ- overshadowed the ‘Stop the Hate’ Hillel as the “devil” having arrived ized this week in Toronto. A similar campaign initiated by the York stu- on campus. While York Federation of Students rally with about 50 participants dent body, where for instance, dur- If this latest rally is any indication, handed out buttons for their ‘Stop snaked its way through sites at the ing one earlier event, a representa- tensions can only continue to the Hate’ campaign, steps away a University of Toronto the same day. tive of an Arab group referred to mount at York. hatefest was taking place in Vari A handout, apparently from CAIA Hall at York University in Toronto. demanding that U of T cut ties with A group calling itself the Coalition “Israeli apartheid,” was handed out. HAPPY BUDDHA against Israel Apartheid (CAIA) It noted that Nov. 16 was a “day of announced the rally against Israel action on campuses in solidarity VEGETARIAN but – as York Security confirmed – with the Palestinian struggle and in RESTAURANT no one group took responsibility coordination with the International for the gathering. Despite the fact Week of Action Against the DINE IN • TAKE OUT that the rally had not been author- Apartheid Wall.” It demanded that DELIVERY ized by university administration, as university ties with Israel and Israeli with minimum order of $35 plus taxes policy required, York officials had companies such as Teva- apparently decided to allow the Novopharm and to Israeli universi- MEAT event to continue to avoid possible ties including Hebrew U and Tech- Over 100 PHOTO: ANITA BROMBERG escalation of tensions. Anti-Israel group demonstrates, without permission, as York nion be severed. A rally outside the MSG vegetarian However, the tension between the Federation of Students hand out ‘Stop the Hate’ buttons. University of Haifa fundraiser dinner two groups of students was palpa- was also held this past Sunday by and vegan dishes ble. Under the watchful eye of York ian state were distributed. Men tinian students hugging the plat- the same group (see story, page 1) to choose from. Security officers, pro-Palestinian wearing CUPE baseball caps were form swelled in numbers as speak- Jewish students on York campus seen in the crowd, speaking to er after speaker took the mike but students were kept to the right reported that this type of anti-Israel Try our high-protein soy-based where a platform was set up against security and speaking with stu- little could be heard as the pro- event was becoming a regular dents. Israel students shouted at the top of “mock” meat rich in iron, calcium, a backdrop of banners denouncing occurrence on campus, and they B-vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids & fiber. Israel as an apartheid state and Meanwhile, pro-Israel students their lungs overpowering the were sick of it. calling for a boycott of the state. were out in full force ready with speakers with shouts of “shame” Elevators in the Student Centre a Alcohol now available One banner denounced Canada for Israeli flags whom York Security and the belting out of songs such as Hatikvah week earlier had been covered in Check out our daily lunch specials! its support of the Israeli state. guided to the left in a largely useless . When Dan Freeman- stickers calling for “Boycott Israeli Handouts showing all of the former attempt to keep the two groups Maloy – a student, Jewish by birth, Apartheid.” The York University We are conveniently located at apart. who has been making a name for British protectorate as the Palestin- newspaper Excalibur reporting on just north of the Eglinton subway). A small initial group of pro-Pales- himself in the campaign against 2366 Yonge St. ( the incident in its Nov. 8 issue, 416-544-0330 Israel on campus – appeared, the referred to such incidents as “anti- ‘Israel has no right to exist’ pro-Palestinian crowd hailed him semitic acts, a growing concern on Business Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 11am-10pm like some conquering hero while HAIFA U cont. from page 1. York.” While most of the stickers Fri-Sat 11am-11pm • Delivery Hours: 5pm-9pm Jewish students shouted out cries of had been removed, they could still “self-hater.” Clashes in this heated be spotted on campus on the day of OFF of red, white, green and black Palestinian Authority flags and anti-Israel atmosphere were undoubtedly with this signs; they shouted “Tear Down the Apartheid Wall”; “Allah Akhbar,” the rally – including the garage ele- coupon inevitable. This was certainly not an For a copy 10% “Intifada! Intifada!” vators. of our menu, minimum of $45 opportunity for rational debate on EXPIRES DEC. 30/06 This type of propaganda has also [email protected] When asked why they were targeting the University of Haifa, which has important topics involving the Mid- more Arab students than any other Israeli university, one of the organiz- dle East. Pushing and punching ers, who also refused to be identified, replied: “The University of Haifa matches, as well as loud argu- is still a Zionist institution, serving the Zionist apartheid state.” ments, broke out as York security RUTMAN & RUTMAN Many of the protesters declared that Israel has no right to exist. They moved in quickly to try to maintain RUTMAN wanted Israel to become “a secular Palestinian state.” control. Yet, Jewish students report- PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION One Jewish Defense League organizer told the Jewish Tribune that “he ing harassment and punches to BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS was very happy to have gotten at least 30 JDL supporters out to protest.” security officials were asked for 184 Queen Street West, Tony and Elizabeth Comper were being honoured for establishing their identification without any Toll Free Fighting Anti-Semitism Together (FAST), and three years later, starting intervention. Jewish students also & Brampton, L6X 1A8 the Elizabeth and Tony Comper Interdisciplinary Institute for the Study of reported chants of “Death to the Anti-Semitism and Racism at Israel’s most pluralistic institute of higher R R Phone 905-456-99691-866-456-9969 Fax. 905-456-7448 Jews” and “Hezbollah” coming learning, the University of Haifa. from pro-Palestinian members of Tony Comper was a B’nai Brith Award of Merit recipient, which result- the crowd. RUTMAN ed in the formation at FAST. The anti-Israel rally was part of a WE ARE a full service law firm which offers services in the following areas of law: Corporate, Estates, Criminal Law, Litigation, Real Estate, Immigration and Family Law

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*Land Transfer Tax, Reg. Fees and Title Insurance extra, subject to certain exemptions. Price applies to transaction with one mortgage only. Resale home $899.99 **LPIC Levy extra ***Price is per person. Disbursements extra, price only applies to standard will. 4 - The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 COMMENTARY/LETTERS The four stages of the Arab propaganda war against Israel that of Gaza in 2005. The result? Kassems, Katyushas and long-range missiles fired against Israel. Arnold When Israel responds militarily by sending troops or jets or by firing artillery shells to implement the AgesArnold A first principle of democratic governments – defending its citizenry – there is a hew and cry from some Pales- tinians that massacres have occurred. This was the charge flung originally at Israel by Saab Erakat, the Since 1947 the architects of the Arab propaganda war PA’s spokesman, over the fighting in Jenin in 2000 (he against Israel have turned von Clausewitz’s dictum – later withdrew the word) and in Lebanon this past “war is diplomacy carried on by other means” – into summer. its opposite: diplomacy is war carried on by other To Israel’s credit, it has admitted on occasion, that means. civilians may have been accidentally killed through The ‘other means’ in this context is the 58-year-old technical errors. Such is the nature of war. Compare propaganda assault on the state of Israel exhibited in Israel’s apologies for the wayward shell, which tragi- MYTH: ‘Israel refused to allow Palestinians to return virtually every agency of the United Nations, on Arab cally killed civilians, to the silence or weasel words of radio stations, within Arab embassies worldwide and Palestinian leaders (‘we regret all civilian deaths’) to their homes so Jews could steal their property’ in the newspaper and publishing world in the Middle over the murder of more than 1,000 Israelis in the last five years by ‘suiciders.’ FACT: Israel could not simply agree to allow all Pales- crops....” (Joseph Schechtman, The Refugee in the East. tinians to return, but consistently sought a solution to World, NY: A.S. Barnes and Co., 1963, p. 268). Never in the annals of human history has so much Finally Arab propagandists have trotted out one of their most successful canards, the accusation that the refugee problem. Israel’s position was expressed The implied danger of repatriation did not prevent negative energy, for so long a time, been channelled by David Ben-Gurion (Aug. 1, 1948): “When the Arab Israel from allowing some refugees to return and into the promotion of insensate hatred for a people Israel is an Apartheid state. This is an absurd libel, hurled at Israel despite the fact that Arab members states are ready to conclude a peace treaty with Israel offering to take back a substantial number as a condi- and a state. In recent years the admixture of extremist this question will come up for constructive solution as tion for signing a peace treaty. In 1949, Israel offered Islamic rhetoric against Jews and Israel has raised the serve in the Knesset (two of whom, Ahemed Tibi and Ibrahim Sasoua, denounced Israel during a meeting part of the general settlement, and with due regard to to allow families that had been separated during the decibel level of the fulminations. The Nazis had only our counter-claims in respect of the destruction of war to return, to release refugee accounts frozen in 12 years to promote their genocidal campaign against with Hamas in Gaza on Nov. 9), that Arabs in Israel have the vote, that Israeli-Arab diplomats have Jewish life and property, the long-term interest of the Israeli banks (eventually released in 1953), to pay Jews. Some Arab groups have been at the same exer- Jewish and Arab populations, the stability of the state compensation for abandoned lands and to repatriate cise for more than 50 years. received government appointments as ambassadors and that at least one Arab has served on the Supreme of Israel and the durability of the basis of peace 100,000 refugees (Terence Prittie, “Middle East While the music may vary, the libretto is depressing- between it and its neighbours, the actual position and Refugees,” in Michael Curtis, et al., The Palestini- ly similar in the six-decade long propaganda war Court. It should also be noted that one of the Jerusalem Post’s best feature columnists is also an fate of the Jewish communities in the Arab countries, ans, NJ: Transaction Books, 1975, pp. 66-67). against Israel. It may be compressed into four main the responsibilities of the Arab governments for their The Arabs rejected all the Israeli compromises. attack modes with a number of poisonous ancillary Israeli Arab. The success of these four propaganda ploys, partic- war of aggression and their liability for reparation, They were unwilling to take any action that might be barbs. The verbal attacks on Israel in the UN and else- will all be relevant in the question whether, to what construed as recognition of Israel. They made repatri- where are inevitably characterized by the exaggera- ularly in the West, bespeaks ignorance of the real situ- ation in the Middle East and the readiness of journal- extent, and under what conditions, the former Arab ation a precondition for negotiations, something tions prompted by the Arabic language’s love of residents of the territory of Israel should be allowed to Israel rejected. The result was the confinement of the hyperbole. ists, some of whom can even be found in Canada, to place the most negative construction on Israel’s legiti- return” (Howard Sachar, A History of Israel: From refugees in camps. This can be seen in the inventory of ‘crimes’ that are the Rise of Zionism to Our Time, NY: Alfred A. Despite the position taken by the Arab states, Israel attached to the flight of Arab refugees in 1947-48, the mate desire to invoke the first right among nations – to protect its citizens. Knopf, 1979, p. 335). did release the Arab refugees’ blocked bank accounts, occupation resulting from Israel’s stunning victory in The Israeli government was not indifferent to the which totaled more than $10 million, paid thousands the June 1967 war, the ‘massacre’ of Arab civilians in plight of the refugees; an ordinance was passed creat- of claimants cash compensation and granted thou- Jenin in 2001 (and latterly in Gaza in November Arnold Ages is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, and Scholar- ing a Custodian of Abandoned Property “to prevent sands of acres as alternative holdings. 2006) and finally, the designation of Israel as an unlawful occupation of empty houses and business ‘Apartheid’ regime. in-Residence at the Beth Tzedec Congregation, Toronto. premises, to administer ownerless property, and also Source: Myths & Facts Online – A Guide to the By endlessly repeating this four-category indictment to secure tilling of deserted fields, and save the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Mitchell G. Bard. of Israel, Arab propagandists are realizing some rela- tive success. They salute Voltaire’s famous remark: “Calomniez, calomniez; il en reste toujours quelque chose” (“Keep the lies coming; something A black mark for draft-dodgers will eventually stick”). That ‘something’ has apparent- Singer Jacko Eisenberg’s head is spinning. Only a that draft dodgers be punished by such a black ly stuck to a number of British, French and American few days after he was the toast of the town follow- mark. Columnist Tom Segev characterizes it as “a academics who have signed on to Arab-inspired boy- ing his victory in a TV talent contest based on Nechemia childishly vengeful idea that will label people to cotts of Israel. American Idol, he suddenly found himself cursed the end of their days. This initiative, Segev adds, The flight of the Palestinian refugees was caused by when he strolled down the street or entered a Meyers “reflects the growing tendency to slander people a war visited upon the nascent Jewish state in 1948 supermarket. Moreover, he was distressed to dis- without proper justification or authority.” through the invasion of Arab armies from the sur- cover that his recording contract and night club In Israel This issue has also come up in regard to super- rounding countries. Had there been no invasion, engagements had been abruptly cancelled more recently a significant number of secular model Bar Rafaeli, presently the intimate compan- there would have been no refugees. The 750,000 The turnabout was a result of several thoughtless young men have been evading the draft, and in ion of film star Leonardo DiCaprio. Israeli Minis- refugees who fled Israel have now grown to a few mil- statements made by Eisenberg at public appear- Israel’s precarious security situation this is a mat- ter of Tourism Isaac Herzog was as pleased as lion. ances, both in regard to other performers and, ter of some concern. Major General Elazar Stern, punch when Ms Rafaeli agreed to open the Israeli The representatives of the Palestinian Authority and more importantly, in regard to military service. head of the human resources directorate of the pavilion at a tourism exhibition in London last Hamas insist there will be no peace with Israel until “I haven’t served in the army,” the singer general staff, has decided to do something about week. Less pleased were some Israeli commenta- the refugees, en masse, are permitted to return to declared, “because I’d rather be holding a guitar the situation. He has suggested that young men tors, who pointed out that the stunningly beautiful their homes. That eventuality would mean for Israel than a sub-machine gun in my arms.” who are not drafted should no longer have the Ms Rafaeli had avoided service in the Israeli Army the ‘peace’ of the grave – given the demographic Many other young entertainers have dodged the term “unsuitable” written in their army discharge using a phony marriage. This criticism notwith- catastrophe that would occur if Israel ever was unwise draft, usually by pretending to be mentally unsta- document.... Instead, it should be written that they standing, Herzog decided that her other attributes enough to accept such a plan. ble. But they didn’t make an ideology of it. They have been “released for bad behaviour.” Such a more than made up for her draft dodging. Israel’s ‘occupation’ of East Jerusalem, the West just picked up their discharge papers and faded designation would presumably make it more diffi- It remains to be seen whether other Israelis, minis- Bank and Gaza in 1967 and southern Lebanon in into the woodwork. cult for them to get a good job, as employers are ters or ordinary citizens, will be influenced by the 1982 came about as the result of wars forced upon However, the problem has become too serious to always interested in an applicant’s military record. marks of shame that henceforth may be borne by Israel by the PLO, Egypt, Syria and Jordan. The Arab ignore, with half the population essentially exempt There may even be a time when such terminology those who worm their way out of military service. propaganda machine insisted that ending the ‘occu- from military service. The Arabs and the ultra- would make it more difficult for a young man to pation’ was the way to a peaceful solution. Israel Orthodox aren’t called up and religious girls are get a driver’s license or a firearm license. Nechemia Meyers is a freelance writer living in ended the ‘occupation’ of Lebanon four years ago and allowed to opt out as well. This is bad enough. But Not everyone is pleased with Stern’s proposal Rehovot, Israel.

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Toronto Ontario M3H 4Y8 The Jewish Tribune -November 23, 2006 - 5 COMMENTARY With Hezbollah war barely over, Israel perceives threats on horizon On Syria, military intelligence is taking a more ambivalent line. After warning of possible war with Damascus in the summer, intelligence officials now are urging the government to talk to the Syrians. If it Leslie Susser works, such an approach could pry Syria away from the Iranian-Hezbollah orbit and take it out of the war equation. JERUSALEM (JTA) – Less than three months after Yet the government is unlikely to move soon. For the guns fell silent between Israel and Hezbollah, months Syria has been making peace overtures to Israeli military intelligence has warned the govern- Israel, while warning that their rejection could lead to ment to be ready for a new outbreak of fighting war. But most Israeli leaders see the overtures as a with the Lebanese Shi’ite militia as early as next trap, a Syrian attempt to use negotiations with Israel to spring. score points in the international arena without really Military intelligence also is warning of the possi- breaking with Iran or Hezbollah. bility of war with Syria next summer. The Bush administration shares that view. Unless And there’s an even greater concern: With Prime Syria stops serving as a conduit for Iranian arms to Minister Ehud Olmert hinting that Israel might Hezbollah, harbouring Palestinian terrorists, interfer- PHOTO: BRIAN HENDLER take military action to prevent Iran from develop- A building in Haifa destroyed by a Hezbollah missile in July. ing in Lebanon and aiding anti-American forces in ing nuclear weapons, the upshot could be a show- Iraq, Israel should not consider peace talks, Ameri- down with the complete Hezbollah-Syria-Iran axis many options,” Olmert told Newsweek. But analysts say the six clearly were spurred to can officials say. Yet the concern is that ignoring Dam- sometime next year, a much wider war than last But not everyone in the American administration is action by fear of a nuclear Iran and will want to devel- ascus could create new tensions. summer’s confrontation with Hezbollah in south- buying the Israeli line. A senior US official recently op a “security hedge” – the technological capacity to Moreover, intelligence analysts believe that in a situ- ern Lebanon. told journalists in Tel Aviv that he doubted that Israel produce nuclear weapons at short notice, if they feel ation where Israel faces growing tension with Syria But to what extent is the Israeli assessment based on really has a military option: Iran is too big and its threatened. and Iran, their Lebanese proxy Hezbollah could spark hard evidence, and how much of it is spin designed to nuclear installations are too well protected and too Some Israeli analysts see in this a very dangerous new hostilities. According to both Israeli and Ameri- persuade other actors to take firm action? In other widely scattered, he said. development. can sources, rockets and other military supplies con- words, is Israel trying to goad the United States and Iranian leaders treat Israel’s veiled threats with con- “If the six – or some of them – develop a bomb, tinue to flow to Hezbollah from Iran via Syria, despite other leading players into taking stronger action tempt. Foreign Minister Mohammed Ali Husseini this will herald a lot more than a ‘new Middle East’: It the call for an arms embargo on Hezbollah in the UN against Iran – and, at the same time, warning Syria declared that if Israel is foolish enough to attack, will be a new world, significantly more dangerous Security Council resolution that ended this summer’s and Hezbollah not to test its patience? Iran’s response “will be quick, strong and destructive, than the world that existed during the Cold War peri- war. Clearly, the biggest threat to Israel comes from and will take just a few seconds.” od,” strategist Reuven Pedatzur of the Netanya Acade- Military intelligence estimates that Hezbollah now Iran’s nuclear program. Husseini indicated that Iran was in no mood to be mic College wrote recently in Ha’aretz. has about 20,000 rockets – slightly more than when In a recent interview with Newsweek, Olmert deterred, promising to have 3,000 centrifuges capable In contrast to the bilateral model of mutual deter- the Lebanon war began in July. Indeed, Israel finds argued that Iran must be made to fear the conse- of producing weapons grade uranium operating by rence between two rational players, which kept the itself facing pretty much the same threat as it did quences of continuing its presumed nuclear weapons next March. Cold War within manageable limits, the “existence of before the war, which suggests that important war push. The Israeli position is that unless the mullahs in Israeli officials are convinced that the issue goes far a large number of circles of deterrence – each with aims were not achieved. Tehran are worried about a military strike that could beyond Iran: If Iran is allowed to go nuclear, they its own rules of the game and different strategic con- The name of the game in Israel is to remedy as topple their regime, there’s little chance they’ll drop believe, other Middle Eastern countries will attempt to siderations – will necessarily lead to instability. The quickly as possible the flaws in the Israel Defence their nuclear drive. follow suit. dangers of miscalculation, of misunderstanding the Forces that the war exposed, and develop new meth- Israel believes that strictly applied sanctions, cou- In early November, six Arab countries – Egypt, Alge- actions of an opponent and of uncontrolled use of the ods of countering Hezbollah rockets. But will the IDF pled with a credible military threat, might deter Iran- ria, Morocco, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and the United bomb, will increase dramatically,” Pedatzur warned. be able to do all that while keeping an eye on the big- ian leaders without the use of force. Arab Emirates – declared that they intended to adopt He and other Israeli strategists argue that unless ger Iranian threat? The new tough talk by Olmert and other cabinet more robust nuclear programs. They claim the pro- Iran is stopped, the international non-proliferation To put it more starkly: Will the IDF be ready in six ministers seems intended to create a credible military grams would be for civilian purposes only and under regime could collapse, with disastrous consequences months or so to cope with a multiple threat from threat, analysts say. In dealing with Iran, “we have strict International Atomic Energy Agency control. for world peace. Hezbollah, Syria and Iran? Parades and principles In the end, it wasn’t threatened violence from any haredi hotheads that did in the planned ‘gay pride’ parade scheduled for the streets of Jerusalem, but an IDF strike in Gaza that brought about the deaths of 20 Palestinians and subsequent threats of retal- Avi Shafran iatory terror attacks against Israelis and Ameri- cans. Fear of violence, though – of any sort – should behaviour and the concept of family to be a delib- not have been the impetus for the parade’s cancel- erate affront to their deepest convictions. lation. What should have made such an event Israel has hardly adopted the Torah’s laws as her unthinkable in the first place, and should do so in own, as is readily evident from a visit to any of a the future, is something stark and simple: respect number of neighbourhoods or night spots in Tel – for Jerusalem, for her residents and, ultimately, Aviv (or even, sadly, in Jerusalem). Nor is there for Judaism. any religious effort afoot to pry into fellow citizens’ PHOTOS: BRIAN HENDLER/JTA The word ‘parade’ conjures images of music and private lives. But the Torah is very clear about what Participants wave Israeli and rainbow flags at a gay pride rally, Nov. 10, 2006, in Jerusalem festivity, gaudily bedecked marchers and perhaps (above). Demonstrators use donkeys during a protest Nov. 9, 2006, against a gay rally in sort of personal intimate relationships are proper Jerusalem (below). The protesters used farm animals as a symbol of what they asserted is the an elephant or tiger or two. And indeed, in venues and what sorts are not. And all but a small propor- ‘abomination’ of gay relations. like San Francisco, ‘gay pride’ parades have been tion of the Israeli citizenship endorse the idea that exhibitions of exhibitionists. the Jewish state owes a certain respect to the Jew- But organizers of the ill-fated Jerusalem parade ish religious heritage. – originally part of Jerusalem WorldPride 2006. Yes, in a free society, any group can promote any an international call to homosexuals to descend cause, no matter how ill-conceived or offensive it upon the holy city “in a massive demonstration of may be to others. But bounds, including limits to LGBT dignity, pride and boundary-crossing cele- free speech and demonstration, exist even in the bration” – insisted that their event would be no freest of societies. Is it really an unthinkable curb such spectacle of bad taste. It would be, rather, a on legitimate self-expression for the authorities civil and principled attempt to advance the legiti- and judiciary of a self-described Jewish state to macy of a homosexual lifestyle through changes to prevent an intentional affront to dedicated and the traditional conception of the family. faithful Jews – not to mention to the Jewish reli- To some of us, including a majority of gious tradition? Jerusalem’s residents, that “principled” social The threats of violence against the would-be agenda is considerably more objectionable than marchers that reportedly appeared in anonymous any bacchanalian display. Crassness and craziness, pamphlets and posters in Jerusalem are indefensi- after all, are laughed (or gasped) at and soon for- ble. But such ugliness – whatever its source might gotten. Social revolution, though, by its very defini- in fact have been – should not obscure the actual tion, aims to effect societal change. issue: Are the Jewish religion and the sensibilities There are societies, of course, for better or of tens of thousands of Jerusalem’s residents worse, that welcome such change, and there are deserving of respect? Or is all that trumped, even Israelis with similar feelings as well. But Israel in the Holy Land’s Holiest City, by the social agenda – and all too often died their deaths – in dedica- Rabbi Shafran serves as public affairs director also has many citizens, particularly in Jerusalem, of radical activists? tion to the Jewish faith. Does that faith not deserve, for Agudath Israel of America. © AM ECHAD who consider the radical redefinition of moral Over the course of history, Jews lived their lives at the very least, the respect of the Jewish state? RESOURCES 6 - The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 - 7 NEWS

The importance of a Aftermath of war: good news and bad news By Doris Strub Epstein has no control, is completely To keep access free, Syria does- happen even in a year. Tribune Correspondent open. Terrorists, weapons, mis- n’t recognize Lebanon – they have Palmor also came to Canada to prejudice-free work siles go freely back and forth in no diplomatic relations says Pal- dispell the misconceptions that The good news about the after- broad daylight. mor. “Bashar refuses to delineate people had about Israel during the environment math of the Lebanese-Israeli war is “Syria’s policy of sponsoring the border. When Syrian intellectu- war. The plight of the 500,000 that Hezbollah has been consider- international terrorist groups is als call for delineation and recog- Israelis displaced was barely ably weakened militarily. Their partly to help Iran and partly to nition of Lebanon, they’re thrown reported in the media, he said, underground fortifications and damage as much as possible, into jail.” compared with the coverage of the bunkers built right on the line of American and Western interests.” But now Syria does not have the Lebanese situation. But to solve the Lior Samfiru the Lebanese Israeli border, have A UN resolution at the end of the same freedom of action and Lebanon-Syria-Hezbollah problem, been destroyed, said a director war in August declared an embar- impunity in southern Lebanon. he strongly believes it is Iran that within the Israeli Foreign Ministry. go on arms and gave the 5000, UN They have to deal with internation- needs to be dealt with – he calls Employment Law “Israel will never allow them to peacekeepers currently stationed al pressure and UN peacekeepers. Syria a vassal state of Iran – and by be rebuilt,” declared Yigal Palmor, in Lebanon, together with the International law clearly states the highest international authorities. Since most of us spend the majority of our day at work, our work director of the Maghreb, (Moroc- environment is a very important place. A pleasant, friendly and Lebanese army, directions to do Hezbollah started the war – not “If people think Iran is only out co, Tunisia, Algeria) Libya, Syria whatever is needed militarily to Israel – and demands that the two to destroy Israel they don’t know supportive work environment is essential to our well being and and Lebanon Desk at the Israeli encourages us to do our best work. Unfortunately, some work enforce the embargo. The resolu- kidnapped solders be released anything about Iranian motivations Foreign Ministry. tion states Hezbollah must be dis- unconditionally. and goals, which are to take the environments are rife with tension and prejudice. I am often “They lost plenty of other fortifi- asked by employees whether there is something that can be done armed. “The feeling in Israel,” he con- leading role of Muslims globally cations and bunkers and weapons’ But only three weeks ago, Has- tinued, “is that Hezbollah is still a and to convert the whole world to to force their employer to deal with a poor work environment. caches all over southern Traditionally, employees believed that there is little that can be san Nasrallah, leader of the livewire and that it could send an Shiite Muslim.” Lebanon,” he said. “They’ve lost Lebanese Hezbollah boasted, “We electrical shock through the done about a work environment contaminated with prejudice. It their headquarters in Beirut, their was believed that while the employer has responsibility for main- had 13,000 missiles before the region any time.” There are those operation centres and all their war. Now we have 33,000.” in Israel he said, that think it could taining and encouraging a proper work environment, there was control and communal centres in not much that employees could do if they found themselves southern Lebanon.” working in an environment filled with prejudice and discrimina- They have been politically weak- tion. Often, the only remedy considered was a human rights com- ened. plaint, where the employee was discriminated against based on a “Before the war, most of the prohibited ground such as their religious beliefs. population was intimidated and Today, the law has evolved considerably so that an employer would not speak out. Hezbollah who fails to maintain a proper work environment may be created a state within a state in deemed to have constructively dismissed an employee. A con- southern Lebanon. It was a no go structive dismissal occurs when the employer unilaterally zone for anyone Lebanese. But changes a fundamental term of an employee’s employment Lebanese – Druze, Christian, arrangement. The most common example is where the employer Sunni – even some Shia leaders demotes or reduces an employee’s pay. Such a change, unless are standing up now and challeng- specifically contemplated by contract of employment, amounts to ing Hezbollah. a constructive dismissal. This, effectively, means that the employ- “There’s a façade of support for ee was dismissed from the job and, if they so choose, may leave Hezbollah…because people are The home is licensed by the Ministry of Health their work and demand a termination package. still scared to speak out although The courts have now confirmed that it is an implied term of and LongTerm Care, is fully Accredited and is that is changing and many certified Kosher by the Kashruth Council. every employees’ employment agreement that the employee be Lebanese are saying what they treated with respect and that the employer will maintain a work think. Lebanon has a better environment free of harassment, prejudice and discrimination. If chance now to assert its own COR the employer fails to meet these obligation, the employer may be authority and regain its sovereignty deemed to have breached a term of the employment agreement, now that its not gnawed from with- thereby constructively dismissing the employee. in by Hezbollah. Take the following example: A Jewish employee works in a factory Syria has lost its direct control, EGLINTON AVENUE WEST where employees often make light of his religious beliefs and where although it still has a lot of influ- the employee is subjected to name calling and degrading behaviour ence at all levels. Lebanon’s Presi- by co-workers. In this case, it is not the employer who directly caused dent Emil Lahoud is a puppet of the work environment to become poisoned. The employer, however, Syria.” has an obligation to ensure that such behaviour does not happen in The bad news is that the Syria- the workplace and that measures are taken against those individuals Lebanon border, over which Israel who are engaged in inappropriate behaviour. Failure by the employer to take such steps – if the employer is made aware of the situation – may well amount to a constructive dismissal. For an employee, it is important to advise an employer of any instances where the employee feels harassed or mistreated in the workplace. This will impose an obligation on the employer to take immediate action, or be deemed to have constructively dismissed the employee, thereby becoming liable for a potentially hefty termination package. As an employer, it is imperative to have in place clearly communicated policies dealing with workplace behaviour and treat- ment of employees and to actively monitor the workplace to ensure that these policies are being complied with. In addition to a constructive dismissal, a poor work environ- ment exposes an employer to other liability. Courts today have shown an increasing willingness to compensate employees for mental distress suffered as a result of poisoned work environ- ments. The courts have realized that all employees have the right to be treated with dignity and have their beliefs respected in the workplace and that, where this does not happen, employees are likely to suffer considerably. Gone are the days where the work environment was solely the employee’s problem, as today, employers must take note of these changes in the law. As always, I welcome your comments as well as suggestions for topics that you would like me to cover. Lior Samfiru is a lawyer with the Mississauga law firm of Keyser Mason Ball LLP, specializing in Labour & Employment Law. He may be reached at 905-276-0401 or at [email protected]. Arnie to Israel: I’ll be back Arnold Schwarzenegger reportedly is to make a second official trip to Israel. Israel Radio reported last Tuesday that Israeli Industry and Trade Minister Eli Yishai invited the California governor to visit next spring to discuss joint high-tech ventures, and he agreed. Schwarzenegger last was in Israel in 2004. 8 - The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 AWARD OF MERIT DINNER

“I have met Mr. Harrison sever- with Illinois Central, he initiated “I’m truly honoured to receive CN CEO honoured al times,” said Greenfield. “He is the concept of scheduled service this recognition. I’ll never forget a typical southern gentleman, a for freight shipments, maintain- this night. You should be AWARD cont. from page 1. standing leadership in transform- charming man, straight as an ing a sharp focus on operational extremely proud of the work you ing the industry as a whole. arrow. He has a great sense of efficiency and asset use. By 1996, do and that I’ve read about and ter of ceremonies. Ted Greenfield Guests at the dinner were invit- family, married for 44 years, with he had succeeded in driving the saw today, throughout Canada, and Eric Bissell co-chaired the ed on an imaginative “journey” two daughters and three grand- railroad’s operating ratio down the United States and around the Award of Merit Gala. from Memphis, where Harrison children. Mr. Harrison is a by some 30 points to the low 60s world.” hands-on corporate leader who – the best in the entire North Photos by; Yaacov and Ryan Blau – PBL Photography Allan Adel, national chair of the was born, to Chicago where Har- names from left to right League for Human Rights, and rison currently spends much of is recognized as an innovator American rail industry. recently appointed Quebec Chair his time, and to Montreal, head- who has changed the face of rail- As CN’s executive vice-president Sen. Yoine Goldstein Moise Moghrabi presided over a quarters of CN. At various junc- roading and has led CN to new and COO, he applied the same special candle lighting ceremony. tures in the evening, a life-sized heights. He has a philosophy of philosophy and methods, imple- In keeping with tradition, a can- CN train flashed across the enor- corporate culture based on peo- menting an aggressive operating delabra or menorah – the very mous screen – complete with full ple and is a communicator who plan and refining the railroad’s symbol of B'nai Brith – is lit in locomotive sound - pulling into speaks equally to the person on scheduled service to produce an an attempt to shine a beacon of each of these cities that played the ground floor or in the execu- industry-leading operations ratio light and hope and to reinforce such pivotal roles in the life of tive suite. He is a person who and on-time performance results. the commitment of the organiza- Hunter Harrison. At each ‘stop,’ realizes the need to give back to In his acceptance speech, Har- tion and its grassroots volunteers imagery, sites and sounds partic- the community and seems com- rison thanked B’nai Brith Cana- to helping make the world a bet- ular to each city was revealed. mitted to that goal. I believe his da, his family, CN employees at ter place. “This fantastical feeling of actu- visit to our B’nai Brith House the Windsor Station venue and That was followed by a video ally visiting each city was a mem- project on the morning before especially dinner co-chairs Sabia describing the important role orable highlight,” gushed one the dinner made a big impact on and Tellier. B’nai Brith plays in the commu- guest, who said she “had never him. I am sure that we have a Regarding B’nai Brith Canada, nity, including its work stretching experienced anything quite like friend and ally in Hunter Harri- he said the organization and CN across the generations. Notable it, except perhaps on a 3-D son.” are “a hard combination to top.” Harrison noted that during his Speaking of the honour highlights included the organiza- screen at the IMAX theatre.” Robert and Joanne Libman Joanne and Steve tion’s assistance to Vietnamese As well as the Award of Merit visit to B’nai Brith House, a bestowed upon him, he said: Slimovitch, legal counsel, Boat People who sought refuge in plaque, Harrison received a set newly-opened low-income resi- B’nai Brith Canada Canada and outreach to the of Israeli cufflinks made from dence for seniors in the heart of Japanese community interned in bronze coins from the year Cote St. Luc, he encountered a this country during World War II. 70AD, engraved with the words former CN employee currently The feature video presentation ‘The Freedom of Zion,’ symboliz- living there. It was either “staged related to Harrison’s youth, his ing the connection between the by B’nai Brith” or “divine inter- involvement with railroading ancient homeland of the Jewish vention,” he joked. through the years, and his out- people and today’s modern dem- Harrison assumed his current ocratic state of Israel. post at CN on Jan. 1, 2003, hav- Guests enjoyed the ambiance as ing served as executive vice-pres- they walked alongside enormous ident and chief operating officer ice sculptures designed for the during the previous five years. He occasion, as lively conversation was appointed to the company's was taken up by those mingling board of directors on Dec. 6, at the martini bar made entirely 1999. of ice. The dining room was Before joining CN, Harrison regally outfitted in gold and bur- had been president and chief executive officer of the Illinois Michael Mostyn, Director of Government Relations, B’nai gundy, the rose flower arrange- Brith Canada; Neil Drabkin, Chief of Staff to ; ments breathtakingly beautiful, as Central Corporation (IC) and the Rhonda Watson, Deputy Consular Section Chief at the United guests feasted on a sumptuous Illinois Central Railroad Compa- States Consulate General; Standing: Bernard Billard of the Marc Attali, Consul General main course of grilled veal chop ny (ICRR). During his career Austrian CG, Ulricke Billard, Consul General of Austria. of Israel à la moutarde de Mau, accompa- nied by a bouquet of vegetables, grilled portobello mushrooms and roasted new potatoes pre- pared by Giorgi of Tradition Catering outside in tents under the stars. It was the first time a kosher event was held at the One of the beautifully designed ice sculptures. Windsor Station.

Standing: Co-chairs Eric Bissell, CEO Charter Capital; Michael J. Sabia, CEO, Bell Canada Enterprises; Jeannie Harrison; E. Hunter Harrison, President and CEO, CN; Naomi Bissell; Co-chair Paul M. Tellier, Corporate Director; Frank Dimant, Executive Vice President, B’nai Brith Canada. Seated: Ted Greenfield, Fuller-Landau, Co-chair, Award of Merit Gala; Betty Greenfield; Lynne Weinstein; Gerry Weinstein, National President, B'nai Brith Canada; Andrée Tellier. Sheldon Popliger, Co-chair Montreal Food Baskets; Ron Kennedy, Purolator; David Guttman, Co-chair Montreal Food Baskets.

Ted Greenfield, Dinner Co-chair, Pearl Gladman, Dir. C.C.A., B’nai Brith Canada, Stephen Scheinberg, Chair, Montreal The scrumptious kosher food was prepared in tents outside Lucien Bouchard, former Master of Ceremony, Robert Exec. Cmte., Allan Adel, Chair, League for Human Rights, Windsor station under the supervision and talents of Mr. Premiere, Province of Quebec G. Scully B’nai Brith Canada. Giorgi, Tradition Catering. The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 - 9 NEWS BRIEFS

Kahane “had a deep love for Peretz, Abbas in talks ‘JDL is back in business,’ says every Jew, but that love wasn’t Israel’s defence minister drew fire for holding talks with the returned by the Jewish establish- Palestinian Authority president. Yediot Achronot reported Mon- national director at Kahane memorial ment…. He had to stand up and day that Amir Peretz spoke by telephone this week with Mah- fight other Jews who didn’t moud Abbas about the escalating violence in the Gaza Strip, at By Atara Beck understand the depth of his Tribune Correspondent the behest of an Israeli Arab lawmaker. Political sources said commitment” to the Jewish peo- Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who has held off on meeting ple and to Israel, Stern said. Toronto’s Jewish Defense League Abbas, was angry at the disclosure. Appearing before the Knes- Jews don’t understand that set Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, Peretz said he spoke (JDL) held a memorial last they have the God-given right to Wednesday on the 16th anniver- with Abbas only to make clear that Israel was firm in its demand the land of Israel,” the rabbi that unless Palestinian rocket salvoes from Gaza cease immedi- sary of the murder of Rabbi continued. “God created the Meir Kahane, founder of the JDL world and gave us that land. If ately, Israel could mount a massive military operation. Peretz in North America, at the Zionist we don’t believe that, then it’s heads the centre-left Labour Party and has long been seen as Centre on Marlee Avenue. easy to walk away from Gush more dovish than Olmert, who heads the centrist Kadima. JDL National Director Meir Katif, to walk away from Yehuda Halevi (Weinstein) had received and Shomron, to walk away PA unity talks suspended calls from militant Arab groups from Jerusalem…. We are not Talks on forming a unity government in the Palestinian Authority telling him not to hold the yet convinced that the land of were suspended. An aide to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who memorial. Halevi responded by Israel was meant for the Jewish heads the formerly dominant Fatah faction, said Monday that warning them not to come near people. That’s why it’s called negotiations on joining a coalition with the governing Hamas the event, reminding them of the PHOTO: ATARA BECK Israel, for the children of Israel. had been suspended given irreconcilable differences. Palestini- beating they received several Rabbi Moshe Stern, spiritual leader of Shaarei Tefillah Con- Its borders are delineated clear- ans had hoped that by bringing the more moderate Fatah into weeks ago when they tried to gregation, reminded the gathering that Kahane was an ly in the same bible that says government, a Western aid embargo imposed when Hamas prevent the JDL from protesting ordained rabbi with a profound understanding of Torah, a don’t kill and don’t steal. rabbi who “practised what he preached.” came to power in March could be removed. But the Islamist at an anti-Israel conference at “We have no right to compro- terrorist group has rejected donor nations’ conditions that it the University of Toronto. Jewish war veteran, also an the late 1980s of a debate mise one iota of the land,” he said, recognize Israel and renounce terrorism. According to one Asked whether he had taken admirer of the late Rabbi between Kahane and Ehud because “it doesn’t belong to one the threat seriously, Halevi said: Palestinian media report, the dispute between Fatah and Hamas Kahane, told the audience that Olmert, which demonstrated individual Jew.” centred on the distribution of cabinet portfolios. “We always take it seriously. years ago, while still living in Kahane’s deeper understanding Halevi explained that “we have a Last month, at the protest called Montreal, he attended a meeting of the Mideast situation even problem. We have a notion that we to ‘Boycott Israeli Apartheid,’ of about 12 people that “would then. must give in to what’s politically Ahmadinejad dismisses threats about 50 of us went down,” change my life forever. “The world would be different correct. But this world is devoid of adding that some pro-Palestini- “I was completely taken by today if Rabbi Kahane were morality, and the Jewish people Iran’s president shrugged off Israeli threats to attack his coun- ans thought they would push the what he had to say…. We were involved in the leadership of the have little backbone…. try’s nuclear facilities as psychological warfare. JDL around. always advised to stay quiet,” he State of Israel,” Van Delman “The JDL is back in business,” “This is a media campaign, because the Zionist regime is weak. What’s interesting is that not said. Kahane, however, “taught declared. Halevi declared. We have faced stronger countries in the past,” an official Iran- one protestor dared appear at us not to be frightened…to Rabbi Moshe Stern, spiritual Rabbi Ronnie Cahana of Montre- ian news agency quoted Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying Mon- the JDL event, although the anti- stand up for what is right…. It’s leader of Shaarei Tefillah Con- al, a cousin of Meir Kahane, sang day. Israel activists organized con- time to wake up and realize that gregation, reminded the gather- the Kel Malei Rahamim and the Israeli officials recently have stepped up hints that a pre-emp- frontations at other events at unless we stand up to those ter- ing that Kahane was an ordained kaddish prayer, and led the Hatik- tive strike on Iran’s nuclear sites could be launched if diplomat- university campuses. (See relat- rorists who want to kill us, rabbi with a profound under- vah. ic pressure on Tehran fails to curb its atomic ambitions. Some ed stories in this issue.) they’ll succeed.” standing of Torah, a rabbi who “The world needs Israel to be independent analysts, however, believe Israel does not have the At the Kahane memorial, a The audience saw a video from “practised what he preached.” Jewish,” Cahana said. military capability to take on Iran.

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Used under license. 10 - The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 2006 JEWISH BOOK FAIR Short-sighted approach called responsible for France’s predicament today By Rick Kardonne Jerusalem railroad, which is still royal accommodation (despite diplomatic promotion of Arafat, Tribune Corrrespondent in existence in Israel today, British attempts to arrest him) who thanked ‘Dr.Chirac.’ Chirac Pryce-Jones said, “Zionism before sending him back to the also propped up Saddam Hus- A long-standing short-sighted offended France. The Quai d’Or- Middle East on a TWA plane. He sein. France built Saddam’s approach by France regarding say (the Paris equivalent to the was the forerunner to Yasser Osirak atomic reactor which Jews, has been ultimately US State Department or the UK Arafat. Israel destroyed in June 1981. responsible for the Arab intifa- Foreign Office) was openly hos- “France did all it could not to France supported Saddam da, which plagues today’s urban tile to the Balfour Declaration. recognize Israel in 1948-49. through thick and thin. France France, says one of the English- Many French diplomats were There were only three pro-Israel also received the first Iranian speaking world’s most venerable obsessive anti-Semites.” diplomats in a sea of diplomatic Ayatollah, Ruhollah Khomeini, journalists and journalistic-his- In fact, in 1920, the top Mid- hostility. One French diplomat, when he was plotting the revolu- torians. dle East French diplomat made Louis Massignon, who dressed tion against the Shah. France David Pryce-Jones, whose disparaging remarks about the as a Muslim, openly campaigned was the only western country presentation of his latest book, first British High Commisioner against Israel.” who would accept Khomeini. Betrayal: France, the Arabs to Palestine, Sir Herbert Samuel, French attitudes towards Israel When, under pressure from and the Jews was a highlight of describing him as having been became friendlier during the Iraq, to whom France was sell- the 30th Toronto Jewish Book “scraped clean from the ghet- 1950s, “when France saw Arab ing arms, France finally sent Fair. His recent address at the to.” nationalism in North Africa as a Khomeini home to Iraq, Irani- Author David Pryce-Jones was at the recent Jewish book Fair. Leah Posluns Theatre was spon- In contrast, according to common threat. Then, France ans in revenge started murder- sored by B’nai Brith Canada and Pryce-Jones, “British foreign formed an alliance with Israel ing people in France.” was merely an act of vandal- ter Dominique de Villepin he was introduced by B’nai policy was more realistic. Zion- and sold arms to Israel.” As France, since the deGaulle ism.” favours appeasement. But Brith’s Editorial Board Chair ism was just a very small com- Pryce-Jones saw the British- days and the independence of Needless to say, much of the appeasement only whets the Arthur Siegel. ponent of the British colonial French-Israeli Suez campaign of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, French-Jewish population see wish by extremists to wreak fur- The Vienna-born, Oxford-edu- plan. Many British diplomats October 1956 as the peak of this accepted multitudes of Arab no safe future in France, and are ther havoc on France with the cated Pryce-Jones, before were pro-Jewish.” friendship. immigrants from North Africa, leaving, mainly for Israel. ultimate goal of turning France assuming his present post as Even French literary figures “The Suez campaign was a the Arab-Jewish conflict erupted Beginning in October 2005, into an Islamic state, Pryce- senior editor of The National between the wars such as the good idea but it failed. Had it between these millions of Arabs Arabs rioted in the housing proj- Jones believes, adding that a Review, was literary editor of esteemed anti-war playwright succeeded, the Middle East and France’s long-established ects on the far north side of backlash against the Arab intifa- The Financial Times, The Spec- Jean Giradoux (Tiger at the would have been today a far Jewish population of 600,000. Paris. This intifada, as defined da is developing in France, as tator, and a contributor to both Gates, Ondine) portrayed Jew- more stable area.” France now has the largest Arab by the French police, continues well as throughout much of The Times of London and The ish characters in a totally nega- “French friendship to Israel population in Europe: six mil- to this day in many other French Europe, and that Sarkozy has a Daily Telegraph. Fluent in tive light. His colleague Paul abruptly ended with the first lion, or 10 per cent of its total cities. “The Arabs burn 100 cars good chance of winning the next French, having grown up in Claudel began life as a militant president of the Fifth Republic, population. Since the Arabs every day in France.” Such French presidential election in Vichy France, he declared that antisemite. But Claudel had sec- Charles de Gaulle, who openly call for Israel’s annihila- intifada-style terror is now 2008. he is “upset that France doesn’t ond thoughts following the reve- realigned with the Arabs, openly tion and since the Arabs in extending far beyond the Jews. “What is needed is there to be live up to the standards of its lation of the Holocaust, which stating: ‘There are very few Jews France regard the Jews as repre- The bombing of a Marseille bus, a political will (as a result of the own great past.” he described as “an event like and many Arabs.’” sentatives of Israel, they have in which a black woman suf- backlash) to end this centuries- France, in its imperial designs, no other.” DeGaulle then made a racist conducted a war against the fered burns to more than 80 per old French attitude of accom- even before the Revolution, “Haj Amin al Husseini, the remark about Jews in 1967, French Jews. cent of her body, is just the latest modation to the Arabs (and denied the Jews a sense of peo- mufti of Jerusalem, who led the calling Jews ‘domineering and According to Pryce-Jones, example of this intifada. other antisemitic elements). plehood. A prominent French Palestinian Arabs from the aggressive.’ “There are 12 attacks on Jews Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy has this political will, aristocrat declared in 1789: 1920s to the 1940s,was a war “Since 1967, every French every week in France. Some of Sarkozy wants a crackdown on and if elected, he will make a “To the Jews as individuals, criminal, who said that the president, from Pompidou to these are particularly horrify- the intifada, while Prime Minis- difference.” everything. To the Jews as a Arabs must kill all of the Jews,” Giscard d’Estaing to Mitterand ing.” He gave two examples: (1) nation, nothing.” stated Pryce-Jones. “He fled to to Chirac has followed the eyes of a Jewish disc jockey This principle guided French Baghdad, and then to Berlin, deGaulle,” said Pryce-Jones. in Paris were gouged out; and Expressive brilliance Middle East policy during the where he consorted with leading “France was the first country (2) the vicious 2005 murder of Balfour Declaration. While Nazis from Hitler himself to to give the PLO under Arafat Ilan Halimi in Paris. acknowledged – French policy was always to pro- Eichmann. After the war, he fled proper recognition. France let “He was tortured for three tect the Christians of Lebanon to Switzerland, who handed him Arafat do anything he wanted to weeks, then burned to death. and even built the Jaffa- over to France, who gave him do. There was constant French The police said that his murder after poet’s death By Rick Kardonne #1 Sales Rep. inin Thornhill AD SALES EXECUTIVE Tribune Correspondent TREB DISTRICT NO2 The Jewish Tribune is seeking an Advertising Sales Wayne Kahn Executive to join its advertising team. We are looking for Osip Mandelstam was Russia’s greatest poet of all time. He was Jew- someone with existing key client relationships, while ish and a victim of the Stalin purges after he wrote a poem which Sales Representative successfully prospecting, qualifying and generating new was a veiled criticism of Stalin in 1931, which did not even mention business. The candidate will develop and cultivate deep Stalin by name. 151 Townsgate Dr - $269,800 Bath/Steeles. 2 st, 2 br condo townhouse relationships at the SVP and VP levels of companies and Now, 66 years after his death, there is an international revival of in ideal, private complex. Bright corner unit w/wdws galore. Next to ad agencies and should have a strong client and Mandelstam’s brilliantly expressive poetry, including in his home- park+courtyard. Fin bsmt w/direct garage access. Immaculate move-in agency rolodex. land of Russia. One of the world’s foremost anthologists of Mandel- cond'n! MLS # N1010146 stam, Rafi Aaron, who lectured on Mandelstam in October 2004 at Areas of responsibility include working with major accounts Russia’s second-ranked institute of higher learning, the University of 19 Acton Ave - $579,800 Bathurst/Sheppard fantastic architect and their advertising agencies, articulating our overall designed reno & add'n. 3 Bdrm, 4 lev s/split. Modern designer flare. Rich St.Petersburg, led a tribute to Mandelstam at the Leah Posluns The- business objectives and value proposition to the advertising atre on Nov. 12 as part of the 30th Toronto Jewish Book Fair. Rafi strip hdwd. Sauna. Mature treed lot, tiered deck+patio; entertainer's community, and closing strategic advertising deals. delight! C1025390 Aaron’s book on Osip Mandelstam, entitled Surviving the Censor, Our ideal candidate will have at least 4 years of outside is published by Seraphim Publishers of Hamilton. 7 Toledo Cres - SOLD! media sales experience. This tribute consisted of readings in Russian of Mandelstam’s poetry by Eduard Zinoviev and the singer Mila Kanev, whose expres- 163 Ramblewood Ln - SOLD! Qualifications sively dramatic interpretations captivated the audience, most of 306 Autumn Hill Blvd - $664,900 Exquisite, brand new "State Park Built" • At least 4 years of media sales experience whom did not know Russian. Aaron then read English translations 5 bdrm on sought after premium Ravine Lot. Extensive, stunning upgr's. • Proven track record of driving revenue through the of the same poems. The readings were set to a live musical back- Fantastic 3rd floor loft w/5th bdrm + full 4 pc bath. Custom slate & rich development of long-term relationships with clients and ground provided by cellist Daniel Domb, for many years the Toron- strip hdwd flrs th'out mn flr. Approx. 3400 sq ft. MLS # N1003014 agencies to Symphony Orchestra’s first cellist. He was accompanied on clas- • Demonstrated ability to manage complex negotiations to sical guitar by Carey Domb. 1101 Steeles Ave W. - $232,800 Bath/Steeles. 2+1 Bdrm penthouse in successful closure and delivery Aaron said that during the Stalin years in the Soviet Union, “artists exclusive 'Primrose' condo. Open eat-in white kit w/pantry. 2x4 Baths. • Post-secondary degree preferred either were silenced or they became state-controlled puppets.” S/N/E Exposure. Fantastic amenties. SOLD! • Based on your experience a very high commission Mandelstam was one of the very few who refused to toe the Stalin package is offered Communist line. His 1931 thinly veiled criticism of Stalin is a 75 Queensbridge Dr - $419,800 Dufferin Hill Community. Pristine lament of the pain inflicted by Stalin’s dictatorship, but it is not the newer 4 bdrm. Stunning maple kit w/all st.steel appl's 'looks fam rm. Please forward your resume in confidence to: slightest bit offensive in any way. Some sample verses, which Aaron W/o to patio & fenced yard. Move right in! SOLD! Gadi Prager, National Advertising and Sales Manager read, are as follows: “There is something deep inside me: always [email protected] tears, destroyed notes.” Call for a Hassle Free No Obligation For that, Mandelstam and his wife Nedezhda were taken to the Home Evaluation! See POET, page 11. (416) 222-8600 Realtron Realty Inc. Brokerage The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 - 11 2006 JEWISH BOOK FAIR Professor tells why he’s a Zionist By Shlomo Kapustin Tribune Correspondent

Most days he can be found at McGill University in Montreal lecturing on American history, proud of the academic objectivity he has cultivated as a pro- fessor and scholar. Recently, though, at the Jewish Book Fair in Toronto, Gil Troy doffed the professorial hat and donned the activist one for his talk, Why I am a Zionist – Now More than Ever, sponsored by Tel Aviv University, which is celebrating its 50th year. It your decor store is a role he relishes no less than his more scholar- ly one. “I bring the passion of the amateur,” he said. Also, as a professor who bridles at imposing his viewpoints on students, he finds the opportuni- Semi-Annual Sale ty to share his views on Zionism liberating. The likable Troy (Maclean’s has repeatedly des- ignated him as one of McGill’s “Popular Profs”), author of Why I am a Zionist: Israel, Jewish Identity and the Challenges of Today, regaled the crowd of about 100 with his vision of Zionism and its advocacy. The impetus for the New York City-born, Har- vard-educated Troy’s reflections on Zionism came from what he saw as the “defensiveness” of the McGILL PROFESSOR GIL TROY Jewish community when it comes to Jewish nation- alism. He became frustrated with the plethora of lished in the Montreal Gazette in 2001, was a pre- books defending Zionism from countless accusa- cursor to the book. tions, but the dearth of those that simply took To his brand of Jewish nationalism, he affixes the 25-75% pride in it. His article Why I am a Zionist, pub- term ‘Identity Zionism’ (as in, a pursuit that does- n’t define itself in terms of its attackers, but whose nature emerges as an organic outgrowth of its Mandelstam identity). For Troy, Zionist expression is more about cele- ‘never lost bration than verbal combat in service of the move- ment (and the state), although he does exercise OFF faith in power that activism muscle, as well. He therefore also titles it ‘Positive Zionism.’ In Troy’s search for Zionism’s meaning, he of his poetry’ decided to “go back to the original Zionists.” POET cont. from page 10. Those thinkers were more concerned with anti- semitism, and sought Jewish nationalism as its Lubyanka prison in central Moscow, the headquar- panacea. This issue, Troy says, wasn’t overly press- ters of the secret police (then called the NKVD) ing back in 2001, when his search first began. No, and then they were both sentenced to three years for Troy, the needs that Zionism can fill are exis- in internal exile, outside of the Siberian town of tential ones: the challenges of thwarting assimila- Everything Voronezh. There, he wrote about the “dark and tion, teaching values and building a sense of com- damp, bleak skies,” and amidst the icy long win- munity. And these, indeed, are the issues his stu- ters, felt “buried under glass.” He felt like a “man dents face at university. without a body.” One of his poems describes his There is a nugget of common sense here, and sensation of constantly falling: “I fell through the Troy makes no bones about it: “I am a utilitarian veins of my country,” like “the wings of a seagull Zionist,” he says. Zionism need not be a “one size in the Store without a body.” fits all” proposition; each individual can find their After their release in 1935, all professional doors own meaning in its embrace, and human beings in the USSR were closed to the Mandelstams, only adopt a belief system if it suits their needs. according to Aaron. Such was the fear of Stalin that Ultimately, though, Troy’s novelty is his ‘accentu- many writers burned their own books to prevent ate the positive’ vibe. Still, he insists his optimism being discovered as being subversive. Noting this does not cast him as a Pollyanna. He believes in phenomenon, Mandelstam wrote a poem entitled “acknowledging the challenges (in Israel), but not When Manuscripts Burned. In fact, Nedezhda forgetting its many blessings.” Some of these bless- memorized all of her husbands poems and fre- ings are oft-cited – Israel’s liberal democracy is a quent newspaper articles, which he wrote before case in point – but Troy also had a surprise in 1931, so that even if his poetry was not available in store. Nov. 22nd - writing, she would make it available through mem- “Israel won the war,” he said, referring to the ory. recent conflagration in Lebanon. “Prior to that Aaron stated: “Osip Mandelstam never lost faith raid,” he continued (speaking of the Hezbollah in the power of his poetry.” initial kidnapping of Israeli soldiers), “Israel had Following the readings, Aaron told the Jewish accepted a status quo that was unacceptable.” Tribune how Mandelstam died. Now, however, the issue is on the world’s radar. 26th 2006 “After his release, he was soon sent to a sanatori- Also, Troy said, “the Hezbollah headquarters um for ‘rehabilitation.’ There, he was re-arrested were flattened… and their embankments and sent to a Soviet camp near Vladivostok, on the destroyed.” Israel’s attacks were also “relatively Pacific Coast, where, in 1939 he died. His death surgical; in the context of the ugliness of war, was officially listed as ‘heart failure.’ But his heart Israel showed a certain morality.” failure was probably brought on by the long haul Relating to that “ugliness, many terrorists were 502 Lawrence Ave. West of forced exile and official ignorance of his work.” killed,” and Israel’s casualties were relatively mini- More than 50 years later, in January 1990, just mal. In fact, the “kill ratio” was between 7-12:1 in before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Mandel- Israel’s favour. stam’s voice was finally officially heard in Moscow. Finally, Israelis opened up their homes to their (at Bathurst) And 54 years after his death, in 1993, an uncen- countrymen and displayed a vibrant national spirit sored version of Osip Mandelstam’s poetry finally in the process. was published in Moscow. Today, Mandelstam is The cherubic professor whose cup always seems highly recognized both in Russia and worldwide. half-full, though, acknowledges that ‘Identity Zion- Lawrence Plaza Rafi Aaron’s book Surviving the Censor has ism’ requires tempering with ‘gevalt (or crisis) become the authoritative guide to the long- Zionism.’ The trick, he says, is “to both celebrate oppressed work of this poetic genius. and defend.” 416-781-8600 12 - The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 NEWS Iran-Israel war within a year, political analyst predicts

By Rick Kardonne was identified as a dove in Israel faced during its various wars) before the Six Day War) has the the opportunity to confront our- “We could see Iranian Tribune Correspondent for many years. No more. since the Holocaust. But when it Israeli public been more mili- selves. The culture of political sophisticated missiles striking He quoted Ephraim Sneh, a comes to Iran, this is the first tant than its leadership. Even expediency, which got Olmert, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, caus- A war between Israel and Iran, cabinet minister in the Israeli time ever that the Holocaust Yossi Beilin, the most famous Peretz and Katsav into office, is ing considerable loss of life with possibly other allies joining government, who recently said: precedent needs to be invoked.” dove in Israeli politics, wrote in no longer acceptable to the and property.” But he pre- in against the ayatollahs, is a “If Iran acquires the atom Klein-Halevy believes that the mass-circulation daily Israeli public. While he believes dicts that the US, and possibly distinct possibility within the bomb, then Israel is finished. sanctions against Iran would not Ma’ariv, that rather than bomb- that the Air Force did a pretty Europe, will fight on the side next year, predicts Brooklyn- The present Iran regime is con- work because to do that they ing Beirut, we should be bomb- good job in the Hezbollah war, of Israel. born Israeli political analyst templating a nuclear war against must be all-comprehensive, sup- ing Damascus. he also believes that IDF Chief of “Iranian President (Mah- Yossi Klein-HaLevy. Israel. Many Israelis will send ported by every nation around “By the last week of the war, Staff Dan Halutz blundered. moud) Ahmadinejad has He made this prediction when their kids overseas to escape an the world, and he thinks that Ha’aretz, the most leftist Israeli These blunders are now being warned Europe that it is in he spoke at Holy Blossom Tem- atomic war.” this worldwide political will, for daily, demanded that the army exposed by the various military range of Iranian missiles.” ple last Wednesday night to a Klein-Halevy agreed, saying reasons of business and oil impose its will on the govern- and government inquiry com- Should such a war happen, capacity audience in the main that a possible war against Iran interests, is absent. ment of Olmert; in other words, missions into the war. One of the Klein-Halevy predicts that Dias- sanctuary. His address, which is the most dangerous crisis To win a war against Iran, he stage a soft Putsch (army generals being investigated, Gal pora Jews could be the object of concluded a two-week speaking Israel has faced since the found- said that the present Olmert gov- takeover of the country). Even Hirsch, has already resigned. a severe backlash by not only tour throughout North America, ing of the state in 1948. ernment has to fall as soon as Ha’aretz was adamant, stating “Dan Halutz opposes Hirsch’s antisemities but multitudes of also included a speech at York “Sometime in the coming possible. He felt that the Olmert that the Hezbollah war was the resignation, because he fears ‘peace’ groups. But he said that University the following day. months there will be a crisis government’s behaviour during worst assault on the Israeli that he will be next,” said Klein- Klein-Halevy, although a mem- “the Diaspora Jews must be versus Iran,” he said. “I have the Hezbollah war was grossly home front since 1948. ‘This Halevy, adding that everybody treated as grownups” and meet ber of the Brooklyn Jewish tried to avoid comparisons (of incompetent. was the first war that Israel lost’ involved must admit to mistakes Defence League in his youth, what Israel may or may not have “Not since May of 1967(just said Ha’aretz,” Klein-Halevy in judgment, and that includes the challenge in solidarity with said. himself. He favoured the Oslo Israel. We’re all on the front line “(Ehud) Olmert and defence accords of 1993 and the Gaza against evil.” minister (Amir) Peretz should withdrawl. Now, he admitted, the Klein-Halevy concluded his Alex Grossman, 87, leaves have resigned,” proclaimed pullout from Gaza and the Oslo speech by invoking Tikkun Klein-Halevy. The Hezbollah war accords were disastrous mis- Olam: “Not only does Tikkun has triggered, in his words, “the takes. Olam command us to commit very large shoes to fill moral collapse of the Israeli “The experiment with unilater- acts of goodness; it also asks Alexander E. Grossman, who wife. He realized the effect that political system. The latest poll al withdrawl is over. We paid a us to commit acts one must do died at 87 last Friday at Sunny- the time devoted to such a gives Olmert only 7 per cent very high price. (The day before to resist evil. In the coming brook Health Sciences Centre, position would have on his popular support. Peretz has no he spoke at Holy Blossom, a months, Iran will present a was respected for his pro- family. Three days later, he military experience. Peretz Qassam rocket fired from Gaza challenge to all Jews. Jews will found commitment to numer- accepted. Grossman’s commit- claimed that he hadn’t known killed a Sderot woman). Israel be supporting pre-emptive ous Jewish causes, including ment was so deep and so pas- that there were Hezbollah mis- is fighting a two-front war, in military action against Iran. State of Israel Bonds, Jewish sionate that he became known siles in Lebanon pointed at Gaza and Lebanon. Unilateral There can no longer be a divi- National Fund, Shaare Zedek in the community as “Mr. Israel.” withdrawal from the West Bank sion of labour between Israel Hospital, United Jewish Israel Bonds.” Klein-Halevy had harsh words means facing a war of missiles ALEX GROSSMAN and the Diaspora, in which Appeal, Baycrest Centre for Alex and Genia, Holocaust for President Moshe Katsav, who hitting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as Israel fights and the Diaspora Geriatric Care and the Canadi- generous with both his advice survivors, came to Canada in is under judicial investigation well.” supports with money. The an Friends of Massuah. (The and his funds. He will be sore- 1950. In partnership with for alleged sexual harassment of Now, Klein-Halevy favours Jewish response has been and Massuah Centre, located in ly missed.” Abraham Bleeman and the late female employees. maintaining the status quo in will be versus Iran: “How can Kibbutz Tel Yitzchak, teaches Grossman’s sense of respon- Joseph Silver, Grossman “Katsav was minister of Judea and Samaria (West Bank). we get more involved?” youth and adults about the sibility towards Israel and the founded Belmont Construc- tourism before he was appoint- “Israel’s 250,000 citizens in Holocaust.) community were balanced by tion, which became one of ed president: not a qualification Judea and Samaria are of prime Pearl Gladman, national family values, says Elan Levi- Toronto’s top real estate com- for the presidency. Katsav is the strategic interest, as well as liv- director of B’nai Brith’s Centre tan, national marketing direc- panies. symbol of Israeli ethics today. ing in the Jewish historical and UN should for Community Action, tor of State of Israel Bonds in Grossman leaves his wife He has turned the…presidency, Biblical heartland.” recalled that “B’nai Brith Toronto. When, in 1975, Genia, children Lili Birenzweig a symbol of honour, into a He declared that “(PA Presi- censure Canada worked with Alex on Grossman was asked by Kurt and George and Kitty Gross- laughing-stock. When Olmert dent Mahmoud)Abbas did noth- several Teachers’ Holocaust Rothschild to become chair- man, grandchildren Yoram, visited Moscow, Russian Presi- ing to rehabilitate the Palestin- Palestinian and Hope Missions. His pas- man of the organization, his Haley, Leora, Sam, Justine and dent Vladimir Putin made Katsav ian Arab refugees in Gaza. He sion was contagious. A lifelong immediate response was that Elissa and great-granddaugh- jokes. Katsav must resign!” kept them in misery, waiting for terrorists member of B’nai Brith, he was he would first speak to his ter Eva. Klein-Halevy believes that final status negotiations, which “Olmert has provided us with would mean the Arabs going ‘home’ to Israel, which would not Israel, destroy Israel. The premise of the Oslo process has failed. The Olmert Palestinian Arab leaders want more to destroy Israel now than says ever before. They don’t want a ‘two-state solution.’ Hamas’ goal Israel rejected a United Nations is not a Palestinian-Arab state. resolution deploring Palestinian Rather, it is the resurrection of deaths in a recent artillery bar- the medieval Islamic caliphate rage on the Gaza Strip. with Jerusalem as its capital.” Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said He thinks that the Olmert gov- Sunday that it is Palestinian terror- GARAGE ists, not Israel, that deserve the ernment will fall sooner or later, citing coalition tensions (he General Assembly’s censure. He cannot imagine the nationalist was responding to an Arab-drafted VSPECIALIST hardliner Avigdor Lieberman resolution condemning Israel’s and the Meretz concessionists Nov. 8 shelling of Beit Hanoun, cooperating much longer). which killed 19 civilians, and call- He also believes that the ing for a probe and an immediate European Mechanic • Honest and Fair results of the various inquiries Israeli troop withdrawal from the into the Hezbollah war will pro- Gaza Strip. High Quality Parts • Competitive Prices voke public outcry for Olmert “We have no doubt that it is and Peretz to resign, forcing the state of Israel which must All work new elections. When that hap- respond to attacks on civilians,” pens, Klein-Halevy expects a Olmert told his cabinet. “But 100% wall-to-wall national unity gov- those who preach morality and Guaranteed ernment to conduct what he roll their eyes have yet to see fit believes will be an inevitable to initiate a resolution in con- and necessary pre-emptive war demnation of those who are 165 Limestone Cres. against Iran. shooting with the goal of hitting Yossi Klein-Halevy believes that civilians as a long-range, system- Toronto the Air Force will be able to atic policy.” defeat Iran – which has no air It was not immediately clear 416.736.0319 force – but that the price will be whether Israel would cooperate very heavy. with any UN probe of the Beit Ask for Peter Prodani Hanoun deaths. The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 - 13 EDUCATION Thornhill Student Exchange: A teaching tool with Judaic roots By Shawn Michael Shapiro progress, and is very rewarding – the more than people realized. The par- Tribune Correspondent kids teach me!” she said with a grin ents quietly shuffle out of the class- from ear to ear. room to let their children have the full Fresh-eyed young pupils eagerly “I really wish they had this program experience and talk freely to one walked into the Thornhill Chabad or one similar to this when I was a another about the program as a whole. Flamingo building last Monday at the child,” beamed returning tutor Melissa Tilda Roll whose son Cameron was same moment their nervous yet aptly Perez a Grade 12 student at nearby one of the children in last year’s flag- prepared and excited teenaged coun- Westmount Collegiate Institute. “We ship program said her son was com- terparts were ready to teach. are their (the children’s) mentors. We pletely fulfilled by the program last The knowledge of school studies, have been trained and interviewed year, and that he not only saw his men- Judaic studies and a sense of strength properly.” When asked why she is tor Ari as a teacher but calls him his and pride would be sprinkled evenly in back for round two, she has a simple friend when talking about him. the minds of the children over the next answer. With a smile, she replies, “My Talia Ganz explained it was her PHOTOS: SHAWN MICHAEL SHAPIRO one and a half hours. The program child from last year is my student daughter’s first time trying out this pro- Students and mentors get down to work at Toronto Student Exchange. they were all clamouring for was the again. I am back for her.” gram and had a great feeling about it. start of the year-long, second annual As the class promptly begins at 6 “Not only is she excited about this Thornhill Student Exchange (or the p.m., the kids excitedly open their special way of learning,” said Ganz. “I TSX as it is fondly known in most cir- books and start chattering with their am so excited someone else will be cles and among members). tutors who in turn are learning much helping out with the homework.” The program is offered for a fee and Student Jared Birers’ mother Karen pairs a child with a high school-aged was quick to point out the creativity mentor for the duration of the school and positive effect of the program, year. The 90-minute time block is split while Tanya Hutchen’s was happy with up so that some time is allotted to the great learning aspects as well as studies and some to social develop- the great social effects in a safe envi- ment. ronment. “Basically the mentors and students The program, which usually runs bond, which is very positive,” said Mondays from 6 p.m. until 7.30 p.m. is Rabbi Schmuli Nachlas, director for packed with tutors and students, but the program since its inception. “One the rabbi, with a smile, said, “We will of the special features is that most pro- always try to make room, we have the grams are focused on just children, or facility to grow.” just teens. This is a unique combina- With a strong committee, dedicated tion where both are targeted, which is tutors, excited students and devoted meaningful.” parents, this program looks as if it just Andrea Kumer, is one of many on the Karen Birers, mother of Jared might have the legs to ride strongly TSX committee, and is very positive. (above), talked about the creativity into the future and help new genera- Mothers of some of the program’s students talk about the program as “It is definitely a study-work-in- and positive effect of the program, tions of students and mentors grow. they wait for thier offspring to finish. A never-ending story Fifty years ago, a young Israeli scientist took part Who do you trust to protect your family in the discovery of a chemical process, that now forms the basis of multi-billion-dollar polymer and nanotechnology industries. And the discoverer? He and business? still wears sneakers and shorts. Polymers are molecular ‘trains,’ composed of identical small molecules, or ‘cars,’ linked one after the other in a long chain. Creating a polymer, like writing a story, has three stages: beginning, middle (addition of molecules to the chain) and end (the end of production). Fifty years ago, Prof. (then Dr.) Moshe Levy, working in the laboratory of Professor Michael Szwarc in the US, found a way to prevent the third stage from taking place – creating polymers that continue to grow longer, as long as they are supplied with new ‘cars.’ Using the story-writing analogy, one could say that he managed to find a formula for creating a never- ending story. The inventors called these chemical chains “liv- Trust the leader. ADT. ing polymers.” One of their features was that all Professors Joseph Jagur (left) and Moshe Levy chains growing in the same system reached the gious Kyoto Prize, and considered one of the same length. As the scientists could control this greatest physical chemists of all times, had studied Call us for a free security analysis and find out length by altering the building block supply, they at the Hebrew University under Moshe Weizmann, were able to control the polymers’ physical prop- Chaim Weizmann’s brother. Thus, Szwarc and Levy how surprisingly affordable a home or business erties. During the past 50 years, this discovery were both far from home when they first discov- security system can be. turned into a fundamental principle underlying the ered the living polymers. Levy decided to pack his plastics and synthetic rubber industries. It has also belongings and go back to Israel. His work in the provided the momentum for developing macro- US on living polymers was carried on by another molecular architectures and various nanotechnol- Israeli – then postdoctoral fellow Dr. Joseph Jagur. ogy applications. Both scientists eventually joined the Weizmann ADT Security Services Canada, Levy started out in 1946, working as a technician Institute, where they carried on their research for in the laboratory of Dr. Bruno Rosenfeld, in what many years. 2815 Matheson Blvd. E. was then the Daniel Sieff Research Institute. Dr. Profs. Jagur and Levy, who have recently retired, Mississauga, ON L4W 5J8 Chaim Weizmann granted him an Institute scholar- still work in the Weizmann Institute’s Perlman ship to study at the Hebrew University of Building, continuing to develop new ideas and Jerusalem. However, Israel’s War of Independence carefully documenting the basic discoveries that broke out two months into his studies, and Levy have since become the province of industry. Jagur Toll free: 1 800 567-5675 was called to serve in the Haganah, a pre-state has written three books on this topic. The third, Email: [email protected] Jewish defence organization. After the war, he published several months ago, is dedicated entire- completed his studies at the Hebrew University and ly to living polymers and the magic of a never-end- transferred to the laboratory of Szwarc at the State ing story. University of New York at Syracuse, where he received his doctoral degree and went on to post- Reprinted with permission from the Weizmann doctoral research. Szwarc, a winner of the presti- Institute's Interface magazine. © 2005 ADT Security Services Canada, Inc. RBQ: 3019-4070-50 14 - The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 RECIPES/BOOK REVIEW A gourmet feast – that’s light on the calories ed red pepper zucchini cups, But- 8 thick slices veal shank, each tied with garlic. Sauté until softened, 5-10 garlic and parsley. When veal a string ternut squash soup – which I Butternut Squash Soup Salt and pepper minutes. Then in a heavy pot, add shanks are tender, remove Gloria made, for the first time on Nov. 7 All purpose flour the cooked onions carrots, celery string and place on platter. 3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil 2 tablespoons of olive oil GloriaGuttman Gut and it was delicious, if I may so – 6 cups 1/2 inch cubes peeled and seed- 2 tablespoons of earth balance butter and garlic. Now you may add the Spoon sauce over meat and and Osso Bucco. ed butternut squash (or parve margerine) wine, soup stock, tomatoes, basil, sprinkle with lemon gre- Another cold month is here, and 1 cup chopped onion 2 medium onions, finely chopped thyme, parsley and bay leaves. Stir molota. (Serves 8). Roasted Red Pepper and Goat 2 chopped shallots 1 stalk celery, finely chopped winter is fast approaching. My Cheese-stuffed Zucchini Cups 1 cup chopped celery 10 baby carrots to combine and pour over veal in Tip: If you prepare ahead of excitement for cooking and sharing 1 small granny smith apple, peeled, 2 teaspoons minced garlic a heavy pot. Season again to taste. time, entertaining can be a cored and chopped 1 cup dry white wine continues, especially in November 2 zucchini (about 8" long) 6 cups vegetable broth or chicken 1 cup of chicken stock Cover and cook, on top of stove, breeze. You might even get when I like to entertain. My goal 1/2 cup drained roasted red bell pep- broth 1 can(28oz.) tomatoes, drained and or in an oven, like a stew, slowly, rave notices. per (from a jar) 1 tablespoon honey chopped nowadays is to lessen the quantity, 1/3 cup coarsely crumbled goat cheese 1 cup apple cider 2 whole fresh basil leaves or a 1/2 tea- slowly for a few good hours until The recipe for Osso Bucco never the flavour nor the nutritional 2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts 2 sprigs of fresh thyme spoon dried thyme tender, basting occasionally. may be found in my book 1 teaspoon minced fresh oregano 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 cup chopped parsley Remove bay leaves before Cooking Kindness Heroes in value – and still create a gourmet freshly ground pepper to taste 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt 2 bay leaves. feast, with not too many calories. 1/2 teaspoon allspice serving. This is lovely on a bed the Kitchen, which may be Here’s to joy at your table! Preheat broiler. Lightly oil a shal- Chopped parsley Lightly sprinkle veal shanks with of fluffy mashed potatoes. purchased from Indigo/Chap- low baking sheet or pan. Trim and salt and pepper on both sides. ters stores, or by calling November Dinner discard Zucchini ends. Cut Zucchi- In a large pot over medium high Coat with flour, shaking off excess. Lemon Gremolota (416) 440-7999, or toll- free temperature, heat oil. Add the (Can be readied the day before, as Party Menu ni crosswise into 3/4-inch thick In a large skillet, heat oil over well as the veal) 1-866-230-3269. slices. Using a Melon Baller, scoop squash, shallots, and celery and medium-to-high heat, and brown out the centre of each slice leaving sauté until softened, about 10 min- 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest (you Roasted red pepper and goat veal on both sides until juices are can use lemon rind) cheese-stuffed zucchini cups a thin shell. Steam shells or utes. Add the apple, allspice, broth contained. Set aside. 1 clove garlic minced Net proceeds from Cooking microwave, covered in a single and cider. Bring to a boil, then 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley Kindness are donated in sup- Butternut squash soup In same pan, melt (parve) butter, layer, with 2 tablespoons of water reduce heat to medium-low. Cover add onions, carrots, celery and port of the Israel Cancer Boston lettuce salad, with for about 2 minutes. Drain upside and simmer until vegetables are In a bowl combine lemon zest, Research Fund. mandarin orange sections and down on paper towels. tender, about 30 minutes. In a slivered almonds sprinkled on Stir together the remaining food processor, puree the soup in top(with Brianna’s Poppy Seed ingredients. Taste and adjust the batches. Return the soup to the Much mother-daughter wisdom Dressing) seasoning. Place Zucchini cups pot. Thin soup with additional onto sheet or pan, mound stuffing broth, if desired. Season with salt, between these covers Osso Bucco onto each. Broil about 4 inches pepper and allspice. Adjust sea- sonings, if necessary. (Serves 6-8) I Am My Mother’s Daughter Mango Sorbet, with fresh from the top of broiler for about 3 By Iris Krasnow Mango slices, sprinkled with minutes until the cheese is lightly Osso Bucco Basic Books, 2006 fresh Blueberries browned. Serve warm. (Makes (with Lemon Gremolata) 223 Pages, $25 Recipes are shown here for roast- about 16) Every Mother Is a Daughter By Perri Klass and Sheila Solomon Klass Ballantine Books, 2006 320 Pages, $33.95

By Morton Teicher Tribune Correspondent

The terms used to describe trou- bled family relationships include marital discord, sibling rivalry, Oedipus complex, and Electra Wilde tried to capture the nature tan and Perri lives in Cambridge, complex. There is no special of the problem between mothers Mass., they see each other often designation for mother-daugh- and daughters when he wrote, and enjoy being together. ter difficulties although Iris “All women become like their Krasnow’s mother, a Holocaust Krasnow’s book records many mothers – that is their tragedy; survivor, is now 85. For many stories in which this relation- no man does – that’s his.” years, they had a difficult rela- ship is often filled with anger, The Jewish mother has been tionship to the point where Kras- hostility, and resentment. Oscar depicted positively in a Jewish now “felt that I hated my moth- maxim: “God could not be er.” Now, that her mother is ill everywhere, so he invented and confined to a wheel chair, mothers.” She has also been there is much less hostility Life After Menorah Nursery mocked as a domineering, con- between them. Seeing each trolling person. other is difficult since Krasnow High School While Krasnow tends to stress lives in Annapolis, Maryland, the negative aspects of mother- and her mother in Chicago. daughter relationships, Perri However, she visits frequently Now Taking and Sheila Klass, mother and and has managed to mend daughter, highlight the warmth fences. Her experiences led her Registration and loving-kindness in their to collect stories about mother- A free workshop association. Taken together, the daughter relationships from for students and parents two books offer insights that other women and her book for 2007 may be helpful to mothers and offers vignettes about these daughters, enabling them to links. The presentations are An interactive programme providing useful tips. avoid some destructive pitfalls. interspersed with Krasnow’s • Choosing a career direction that’s right for you The Klasses have skillfully col- reflections about her own rela- Two, Three and Five laborated in writing what are in tionship with her mother and • What you need to know about writing the new SAT effect their autobiographies. with the lessons she has learned. • How to get into the university/college programme Half Day and Stress is placed on the nature of Perhaps the most important one you want their generally happy interac- is that to avoid remorse when it Full Day Programs tions. Their contributions alter- is too late, anger has to give way • How to pay for your education nate and are labelled as coming to compassion and reconcilia- from one or the other. Sheila is tion. Increased life expectancies Presented by educational consultant Norman Smith, 4300 Bathurst Street a 77-year-old widow who taught means that today’s adult women Ed.D., specialist in university admissions. (3rd St. South of Sheppard Ave.) writing for many years at the are indissolubly bound to their For information, go to Manhattan Community College. aging mothers for many years Ages 18 months to 5 years She grew up in a poor Orthodox until they die. This provides Wednesday, December 7 Jewish home in Brooklyn. Sheila opportunities for making peace. has published numerous books 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. CALL HELEN and has three children. Perri is Dr. Morton I. Teicher is the Sheila’s oldest daughter; she is a Founding Dean, Wurzweiler Pierre Burton Resource Library to Register pediatrician, also has three chil- School of Social Work, Yeshiva 4921 Rutherford Road, Vaughan dren, and has authored both fic- University and Dean Emeritus, 416-638-6910 tion and non-fiction books. School of Social Work, University To register, call 905-889-9121 Although Sheila lives in Manhat- of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006 - 15 NEWS CLASSIFIED (416) 633-6224 ext. 163 ACCOUNTING MATCH MAKER There’s no place octogenarian SF Valuations Inc. Happy times are coming! Valuations & Litigation Support Let’s get together Marnie Silver, Marv Levy would rather be MBA, CA•CBV and let me find Associate your perfect match. Tel 416-250-1212 For all ages. Email [email protected] A member of KS International Call Tova Rosenberg,Smith 647-895-3371 & Partners CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS ADVISORS David R. Colodny, BSc, CA, CFE partner (905) 695-3567 Sidney F.Wilner CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PHONE: (416) 219-1912 EMAIL: [email protected]

CAREGIVERS REAL ESTATE AVAILABLE THE BOKIN Experienced with senior care and children. GROUP Willing to cook and flexible Joseph Bogoroch working hours. Bocor Management Inc. Very good housekeeping skills. Canbra Realty Ltd. No fee to sponsoring employers Harrow Holdings Inc. from Overseas such as Israel, Sabor Corporation Hong Kong, Singapore, Monk Realty Corporation Middle East, Taiwan, Tel: 416-968-1588 Philippines and much more. Email: [email protected] Buffalo Bills’ GM and VP of Football Operations Marv Levy couldn’t be happier about his situation today (left) and back in his C.O.R.A. Agency RESTAURANT coaching days when he brought Buffalo to six AFC East titles and four consecutive Super Bowl appearances. If you have any questions, call me at By Jack Borenstein him in mid-1986, which began a legacy of Levy learned a great deal from past Bills 416-762-0522 PRIME 360 Tribune Correspondent continuous success that has been unrivalled General Managers Polion and the late John THE ULTIMATE by NFL coaches since. His intelligent and Butler, and said it would not be his policy to Email at: STEAKHOUSE After being inducted into Pro Football’s Hall analytical play schemes, including the no- be intrusive or micromanage. [email protected] Moishe Smith of Fame in 2001, one would think Marv Levy huddle offence, led the Bills to six AFC East “I had complete confidence and respect in CLOTHING 407 Laurier Avenue West would relax and enjoy life. Instead, he has titles and four consecutive Super Bowl team scouts and our director of player per- Ottawa, Ontario taken on a new challenge in a sport he has appearances. sonnel who knew a lot more than me about SilverJeans Tel: 613-782-3130 been immersed in all his life. Levy said Buffalo was different from NFL draft-eligible collegiate players.” Makers of the best fitting, best Levy is general manager and vice president cities that had other sports. Bills Head Coach Mike Mularkey surprised looking, best value, finished jeans. SPECIAL EVENTS of football operations of the National Foot- “There was no professional (major Levy by resigning, shortly after he was on Tel: 204-788-4249 ball League’s Buffalo Bills, where he [email protected] Florence Dimant league) baseball, basketball or major col- board. It forced him to immediately start achieved his greatest success as a head lege football in Buffalo. Bills fans are very interviewing for a replacement and after Event Coordinator coach 15 years ago. passionate and supportive, which was uplift- speaking to many capable candidates, LEGAL Phone: 416-992-0931 The 81-year-old was born and raised in ing for all of us at the time.” selected Dick Jauron as the new head Charles B. Wagner, Email: [email protected] Chicago and participated in basketball, While it was tough to come back after coach. Barrister & Solicitor track and field, as well as football, earning crushing and disappointing Super Bowl “Jauron is on the same wavelength as our Practice Restricted to Commercial varsity letters in all three sports at Coe Col- losses, Levy said the streak “was a testament staff,” Levy said. “He has a great work ethic, and Estate Litigation GO WITH THE lege in Iowa. After serving in the Army dur- to the football program. Our players had an and an innate ability to teach and bring out 416-366-6743 ing World War II, Levy earned an English Lit- intelligence, work ethic and resilience that the best in our players.” [email protected] erature degree and a subsequent Masters was unmatched in the history of sports.” With a 3-6 record at press time, the Bills FLO degree in English History from Coe College After a 112-70 regular season won-loss are a definite work in progress. Levy said Allan Adel and Harvard University, respectively. He record over 12 seasons, Levy left the Bills in quarterback J.P. Losman is a great athlete, B.C.L, LL.B. M.B.A. attended law school, but there was a part of 1997 tied with George Hallas as being the and the Bills are discovering how he adjusts AVOCAT/BARRISTER him who always had great admiration for oldest active NFL head coach. He enjoyed to adversity. & SOLICITOR college coaches. the first year away from the game travelling “It will be interesting to see how Losman (514) 286-5000 ext. 225 “Based on a local coach’s suggestion, I to Europe, and worked on a book. He sub- matures and progresses. He needs to be his [email protected] transferred out of law school after a few sequently worked with FOX-TV Sports in own person, and will be encouraged to weeks and became involved in a sport that Chicago,, was a television analyst develop his personality as a leader.” was steeped in my blood.” on Bills pre-season games, had various edu- Levy likes reading non-fiction books and After a few years as an assistant in Iowa, cation and corporate speaking engagements travelling to Europe and maintains a steady PERSONAL EdIBLE ADVERTISING Levy became head football coach at the Uni- and devoted a couple hours each day to exercise regimen. versity of New Mexico, University of Califor- exercise. “I’m having a lot of fun on the job, and CLASSIFIED Michael Silver nia and College of William and Mary. He Levy spoke with Bills owner Ralph Wilson have no timeline for leaving. The scenario is Phone: 905-480-0514 began his professional coaching career in a few times each year, analyzing the status of much like my (2004) book titled Where Twenty words $25 1969 as kicking team coach for the the team. Else Would You Rather Be.” $.50 for each add’l. word Philadelphia Eagles. Despite being special “In January 2006, Mr. Wilson asked who Levy has never shirked challenges. No one [email protected] teams coach in Los Angeles and Washington, would be a good GM for the team, and I is better suited to return the Buffalo Bills to $10 extra for boxed ad he missed being a head coach. gave him three of four names. He asked success than the guy synonymous with the J.I. Albrecht was a US college scout, and ‘what about you?’ After a couple of glory days of the franchise. The Board of Governors gave Levy his first professional head coach- moments, I informally accepted his offer, ing job with the Montreal Alouettes of the and asked for 10 days to think it over and Jack Borenstein can be emailed at extends their Canadian Football League in 1973. discuss it with my wife.” [email protected]. deepest condolences to “I always had great regard for the late Sam Berger, who was team owner at the time. He On the passing of was an individual with great integrity, and Milton Friedman dies at 94 sense of humour. Our fans were passionate Nobel Prize-winning econ- Franklin D. Roosevelt's at the old Autostade. When the team moved omist Milton Friedman New Deal. k''z to Olympic Stadium in 1976, there were died at 94. He succumbed Friedman helped found Alex Grossman 70,000 people in the stands and that passion to heart failure in San the Chicago school of eco- a formidable, principled and influential advocate grew leaps and bounds.” Francisco last Thursday. nomics, which believed involved in many major Jewish organizations. After winning two Grey Cups in his five Born in New York City to that government should Montreal years, Levy received several NFL Jewish immigrants from have a reduced role in the offers. He was head coach of the Kansas City what is now Ukraine, economy, outside of regu- Chiefs for five years, beginning in 1978. Friedman was the youngest lating the monetary supply May his memory be a blessing After a couple years away from the sport, of four children. He devel- to control inflation. His to all who knew him Levy coached Chicago in the USFL for one oped some of his early work earned him the year. Bill Polian was an Alouettes scout when economic theories while Nobel Prize in economics Levy was there, and had become general working for US President in 1976. – JTA MILTON FRIEDMAN Gerry Weinstein Frank Dimant manager of the Buffalo Bills. Polian hired President Executive Vice President 16 - The Jewish Tribune - November 23, 2006