Reconstruction of Legislative Regulations on Indigenous Peoples' Food Security in Indonesia
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296 Reconstruction of Legislative Regulations on Indigenous Peoples' Food Security in Indonesia Stefanus Laksanto Utomo1, Edy Lisdiyono2, Liza Marina3 1Faculty member of Law Departmnt, Sahid University Jakarta, Indonesia 2Faculty Member of Law Departmnt, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (Untag) Semarang, Indonesia 3Faculty Member of Law Department, Sahid University, Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract: This research is to explain, express, and prove the regulations of indigenous peoples food security legislation and the context of indigenous peoples' local wisdom towards food security. Second, explain some of the legal obstacles and conflicts faced by indigenous peoples in the direction of food sovereignty. Research locations in the community are Sedulur Sikep Sukolilo Pati in Central Java, the Kampung Naga Community, Tasik Malaya in West Java, the Baduy Community in Banten Propisi and the Ogan Komering Ulu Community, in South Sumatra. Field Research primary data through observation, questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data is collected by way of library research.It reveals taht land ownership of Indigenous Peoples with agricultural land is very closely related. The pattern of land management in indigenous peoples is largely concerned with the impact of environmental sustainability Government intervention through the Green Revolution program Keywords: Law and legislations, Green Revolutions, indigenous people, local wisdom, Food security 1. Introduction amendment states “Each person has the right to live and the right to defend his life and existence" Every citizen has the The concept of food security emerged in the mid-1970s, the right to live physically and mentally, live and get a good and focus of which was to ensure the availability and stability of healthy environment and has the right to service health, in prices of staple foods at international and national levels.
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