Hallelujah Choreographer: Alison Johnstone (Perth WA ex Scotland) Prepared By: Alison Johnstone (Grapevine) 01/08/2010 Music: “Hallelujah” Stan Walker (Introducing Stan Walker CD available from I tunes) Alt Music:” Your Guardian Angel” The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus….. Just miss out the tag…..Or any Viennese waltz music……..Have fun choosing. Start: On the lyrics Walls: 4 Wall Counts: 48 Tag: EASY 12 count end walls 3, 6, 7 and 8 Level: Improver Contact:
[email protected] +61 404445076 STEP DRAG, STEP DRAG, COASTER, BACK LEFT, SWEEP RIGHT (6.00) 1-2-3 Long step forward on Right, Drag in Left toe over 2 counts 3-4-6 Long step forward on Left, Drag in Right toe over 2 counts 7-8-9 Step forward on Right, Step Left into Right, Step back on Right 10-11-12 Step back Left, Sweep Right front to back over 2 counts (Alternative ½ turn over Left stepping forward onto Left, Sweep Right back to front for 2 counts) BACK RIGHT, SWEEP LEFT, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, STEP DRAG, SAILOR (12.00) 1-2-3 Step back Right, Sweep Left front to back over 2 counts (Alternative ½ turn over Left stepping back onto Right, Sweep Left front to back for 2 counts) 4-5-6 Cross Left behind Right, Step Right to side, Cross Left in front Right 7-8-9 Long side step Right, Drag Left towards Right over 2 counts 10-11-12 Step Left behind Right, Step Right to side, Step Left to side BEHIND, ¼ TURN STEP, STEP, STEP DRAG, SWAY, SWAY (9.00) 1-2-3 Cross Right behind Left, ¼ turn over Left stepping onto Left, Step forward on Right 4-5-6 Long step forward on Left, Drag Right toe towards