Soon Will Sue Litvinoff Be Recalled Army fo Dedicate Hospital Acid Indigestion May Relieved in 5 minute, or Near double your money back For Valley Forge Today When egress stomach acid causes painful, sufferat- doctors usually , |rg si*, vnir stomach and heartburn, To Relieved of Post Br tpf Associated Press. fl>r knew* Moscow, prescribe »he fa*te*t-acting medicines 1n Bell-ans Feb. 22.— symptomatic relief—medicines like thoee PHOENIXVILLE. Pa., Table’s No la*aH»«. Bell-ans brings comfort in a back on return of bottlB Believed Out of The will dedicate its new Jiffr or double your money Step Army to us. 25c at all Correspondent Says druggists. General Hos- With Soviet Plans $7,000,000 Valley Forge “ Ask here — May Pope to Sound pital today Washington's PIANOS For Postwar Setup birthday—just two hours' march Russia; Would Concede FOR By HELEN LOMBARD. from the snow-filled ravine where Strategic Territory There are indications that Soviet the tattered Americans Army hud- RENT Ambassador Maxim Litvinoff will re- By the Associated Press. dled during the winter of 1777-78. turn to Moscow soon for consulta- NEW Feb. The of connected two- YORK. 22.—The New tions. and some well-informed quar- labyrinth Mason-Hamlin, Chiekerlng, Story York Times’ corre- ters here doubt that the LitvinofTs story bjick buildings will shelter up Si Clark, Huntingdon, Cable. to 2.000 soldier on a 180- spondent reported last night that will come back to their Washington patients NA. 322.1 acre tract where only grass and JORDANS—1015—7th St. N.W. Finland had decided to sue for a post. | The Soviet Ambassador's task in shrubbery grew nine months ago. separate peace at the first oppor- * Washington has become more com- tunity, “'and through any chan- plicated of late. When lease-lend --The Co.’s nel which Moscow can be Hillyard Optical (2) Special—— by ap- aid to Russia was the main issue proached.” in Soviet-American relations, Mr. WHY THE The dispatche said a friend of Litvinoff knew exactly where he HILLYARD Vaino A. Tanner, former foreign stood. He talked plainly to officials minister, “credited with engineering here about the slowness with which OPTICAL CO. IS the re-election last week of Presi- the ordered war materials and food- WASHINGTON'S dent Risto Ryti.” had told the cor- stuffs were arriving in Russia. LEADING of Finland's His contacts were excellent—bet- respondent decision. OPTICAL Tire friend was said to have returned ter than those of most envoys and very recently to Stockholm from far outreaching the usual diplomatic ESTABLISHMENT routine connections. Mr. Litvinoff , Finnish capital. MAXIM LITVINOFF. a friend of When patronizing the Hillyard Tanner heads the Social Demo- became close personal : s phf.rE| cVl p*re and Lease- scriptiov lenses. $E Optical Co., you deal with Washing- cratic which he is said to Vice President Wallace affairs. Mr. Litvinoff and Party foreign ton's and oldest estab- Lend Hopkins, as • 00 largest optical have swung to the support of Ryti Expediter Harry his wife were not among the 200 So- FRAMEORRIMLESS si.- well as of Commerce • CASE AND cleaner Value lishment—-43 years. We devote lOO^o to assure the President s re-election. Secretary viet officials who were selected to •Jones and others in -—I of our time to the optical profession. “Tile new Finnish cabinet, which prominent live in the Kremlin. — — The Hillyard Optical Co. is owned and should be completed within eight Washington. Retired Once Before. BIFOCALS, renuine Krvn- operated by College Graduated Eye- days will have the supreme aim of a Becomes Reticent. When Premier Stalin decided to C sight Specialists. In operating our separate peace,” according to the CONN.—NAVY Of late, however, the question of ;e^e,"h.Tv”lhaB;rtr,°ene GROTON. LOSES ONE, GETS ANOTHER—As the Navy announced the loss of the throw his lot in with the Axis in far and near. Re*. value, own shop we give you the lowest prices Times’ informant. the postwar organization of the SI.VOO. Now. white lenses g submarine Argonaut yesterday, another undersea craft was launched 1939. the of Nations. and qujckest seryjce for your oph„| being here. The flag-be- world has come strongly to the fore pro-League pro- The correspondent said there was needs. decked submarine Bluefish slides down the into the Thames River. —A. P. United States and the Soviet French and pro-British Mr. Litvinoff talk in high Helsinki quarters of ways Wirephoto. in the has shown of went into retirement. He lead such TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS offering Russia a slice of the Kare- diplomat signs being a old in the or unable quiet life that friends lian Isthmus below Viborg. and of somewhat at sea. of being Moscow's attitudes. At a foreign colony who liked him and reconsidering the Saila and Petsamo to express HILLYARD OPTICAL CO. his charming English-born wife were borders in the north-central and far recent gathing when Mr. Litvinoff 711 G St. N.W. 521 H St. N.E. able to catch a of * was asked a about Russia's seldom glimpse northern part of the country. question Hours, 8:30 A.M, to 6 P.M. Hours, 8:30 A.M, to 7 P.M. plans he answered with them. It was said the Finns do not want peace-table the cryptic phrase: “We shall be In 1941 soon after Russia was at- to give up Hango, the Finnish there!" tacked by , Stalin fortress in the the two months he fished Mr. Litvinoff out of obscurity southwest of Helsinki which the During past, has become reticent and retiring, for his diplomatic talents have never Russians obtained after the 1939-40 an almost infallible sign that a Rus- been questioned, and sent him to war and subsequently last, but that sian diplomat has lost contact with Washington to inaugurate a new “they reckon that the Russians will' the Kremlin. era in Soviet-American diplomatic soon have control of the Estonian Mr. LitvinofTs attitude, coupled relations. Mr. Litvinoff had been coast just opposite” anyway. with some indications from Mos- here already in 1933 and had made The correspondent said "there is cow that he is about to be ordered an excellent impression on Wash- little left in Helsinki that hope home “for consultation,” have led ington officialdom. Washington or London could inter- to the belief that his usefulness may Postwar loom as cede” as a peace pastman for Fin- problems larger TWO AMERICAN SHIPS LOST—The submarine Argonaut, largest in the United States has have ended as far as Premier Stalin Russia's armies advance and Allied land, and that Sweden Ad not seem Navy, been lost in the Pacific, the announced is concerned, and that he may be on draws nearer. It is a probable choice just now. but “Hel- Navy yesterday. The Argonaut was a 2,710-ton vessel. victory possible IT LEAKS AWAY SOMEHOW his way out. that Mr. Litvinoff's of sinki is inclined to think that the (Story on Page A-l.) background The present Russian Ambassador internationalism—he was one of the Vatican” might become the em- HOME —unless you save and has never been much in favor regularly, issary. very strongest supporters of the League FINANCING with his Premier. He was too inter- of Nations' system of collective + here your savings earn dividends * nationally minded for the taste of security—makes him ill-suited to New Finnish Cabinet encoura9e y°ur the nationalistic head of the Soviet represent Moscow's views of to- FEATURES continuing Expected by March 1 Republics. It is noteworthy that I morrow. EXCLUSIVELY protect your funds by even while he was commissar of (Released by the Re'l Syndicate, Inc 1 * Federal insurance. * HELSINKI, Feb. 22

.—A new OBTAINABLE We also invite Finnish cabinet is expected to be HERE you to buy your War Bonds here. formed by March 1. and the foreign Wreckage of Lost Plane and interior ministries almost cer- Labor Representatives tainly will be filled by new heads, Found; Three Missing * the newspaper of Finland's domi- By the Associated Press. Columbia federal nant Social Democratic party said Again Ask Resolution MIAMI, Fla., Fee. 22.—Wreckage last night. of a plane found In the sea 2 miles SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION northeast of Rock 716 llth Street N.W. NAtional 6543 mb President Ryti is carrying on lively Fowey Light yes- Hg $8 % conversations with the various polit- On Rickenbacker Talk terday was identified by Pan Ameri- ical parties, and Premier Jukha can Air Lines officials as part of the ^^^llltlMWWMWftri1WHmnQaDaiinQDaDDQaOQDDJ]Dflnnnnnrriiri1iit71VnV^WtfV^V--r---»trLAnrLw-vj^-Jvnr-Vn-LAAr-w.ri^-iAnnALfuwLJuiriw-innnnrinnruji.j-j-n.-.^^'-' Rangell was said to have expressed To Seek Declaration ship reported missing on a training a wish to retire to private life. flight Saturday. The cabinet resigned collectively By N. Y. Legislature No trace of the three passengers following Ryti's re-election in order was reported, although civil and military planes continued to search to allow him to form a new one. In Advance of Speech The foreign ministry post has been the area. held by Rolf Witting, and the inte- By the Associated Press. 1-HOUR SPECIAL rior department portfolio by Ernst ALBANY, N. Y„ Feb. 22—The Our von Born. furore over Capt. Eddie Ricken- RUG&wjy Duty. Speculation on possible successors backer's scheduled address to New COM ftlMtt.PfmTpPcP. TUESDAY MITE—7 TO 9 P.M. to these two men remains pure LT. DR. JOHN REEVES York’s Legislature tonight brought (kff Mr. Pyle na,»st| guesswork, the Finnish press said. PIERCE, for a decla- SANITARY CARPET fr I Commander of the Argonaut, renewed demands today CLEANING reported missing. ration that the flyers appearance tttft CO. B Doughton in Naval Hospital does not imply lawmakers’ indorse- |ljfolNDlAjlAAVtJ ment of what some labor groups For Rest From Argonaut term his “anti-labor” views. Tax Work (Continued From First Page.l J. Zimmer By the Ayfociated Press. Assemblyman Eugene 1 TROUSERS of Troy, only representative of the I Chairman Doughton of the House Argonaut was very rapid. Another American Labor party in the S To Match M nar Ways and Means Committee is in American submarine, two hours Legis- & lature, said he would introdace two Naval for what his wife closer to Rabaul, made an Odd Coat. §4‘»»np Hospital later, Ricken- :ij I * * * resolutions just before Capt. described as a much-needed rest attack w’hich was a masterpiece backer talks to a joint session of after exhausting work on new tax it found the convoy heavily rein- EISEMAN’S—F at 7th 1 Senate and Assembly at 9 p.m. legislation. forced with six destroyers and air I One resolution lauds the war ef- Mrs. Doughton said today her 79- escort. The Japs must have highly fort of organized labor in New York: year-old husband entered the hos- prized it to have such protection for the other asserts the Legislature’s pital Saturday and ejected to re- three ships were returning to their invitation to Capt. Rickenbacker main several days. base from an advanced New Guinea “was extended solely on the ground “He has been working day and base. The Navy also announced that the De Haven, one of Amer- of his heroic deeds as a flyer." With night and on Sundays and he de- “The attacking submarine pene- ica's newest and Assembly rules requiring automatic cided he needed a rest." Mrs. Dough- trated the destroyer screen and sank greatest destroyer types, was sunk by Jap dive reference to a committee, indica- ton told newsmen, adding that he the two biggest ships of the convoy.” bombers in the January 4 battle in the Solomons. 29-to-February tions were neither would come to a was not ill, Comdr. Huffman said the aveng- This picture was made at the time of her launching, June 28, vote tonight. ing submarine apparently did not COMPLETE 3-PC. BED OUTFIT 1942. Indicating the Legislature would LOST. know the fate of the Argonaut. Consists of Popular Styie Metal Bed with Low not vote anv declaration in connec- “A GASOLINE RATION BOOK. F A The offi- Head and Footboard, nicely finished in Brown FORD. 54oh 3rd st n w 24* Argonaut’s commanding tion with Capt. Rickenbacker's ad- cer was Lt. Comdr. John Reeves Enamel, Complete with Comfortable Mattress B GAS RATION BOOK Dorothy M Takoma Park Lions Plan dress, Assembly Speaker Oswald D. Franton Apt 1104. 1228 Eve st n.w. 23* and Spring:. Don't miss this Pierce. The executive officer was Heck and Senator Joe R. Hanley, Special. “B RATION BOCK. No. 30.3005; issued to R W. Robertson of Portsmouth, Testimonial to J B Ballentine, 3182 Westover dr s.e Mayor Republican majority leaders, point- T a survivor of the J | N. H.. and sub- Mayor Oliver W. Youngblood of ed out Friday the Aver is speaking PLACK INDEX FOLDER, between 12th. sank marine Squalus which off Takoma Park will be the to and not for the 14th on Penna ave.. Sat. nignt; oapers guest of Legislature. in with a val. to owner. Rew. Box 281 -A. Star. Portsmouth May, 1939, loss honor at the Takoma Park (Md.» The invitation to him involves NOT We of 26 lives. A We Lions Club at a buffet supper and neither an indorsement nor a re- CHARGED BOSTON BULL- Male, screw tatl7 color, Deliver Deliver black, with white breast and feet Punch"; Sixth Announced as Lost. meeting at 8 pm. tomorrow at the pudiation of his views, they added. WATER no tac strayed from 5708 l4fh st. n.w. The Bel Air Inn, 7710 Blair road. The The original plea for a declara- on_ February 19 Phone GF 7 224 Argonaut, sixth American BROWN LEATHER Mexican pocket wallet, submarine announced as lost in this meeting will be known as Oliver W. tion came Thursday night from the witn *17 and mpr.v irreplaceable papers war and the fourth last combat Youngblood night and will include New York CIO, claiming to repre- Including Navy identification card needed by 1245 WISC. AYE. N.W. this week imperative; high reward. Eugne operations in the Pacific, originally a program being arranged by George sent 500.000 workers, and was fol- C McGrath. 2800 Wisconsin ave. n.w. A. chairman. lowed one from the Coun- WO 088 7 was a submarine mine-layer, but Cook, Mayor Young- by Albany blood is one of the Lions' oldest American Labor CAT. tiger, vicinity G ave. and Sher'd»n later was fitted with new engines to ty Party, claiming ft Fri. night has collar and leash. Call it the of fleet sub- members. 5,000 votes. CH 3508 give high speed marines. The submersible W'a.s on COIN PURSE containing cash and 3 rings, 2 diamonds and ] plain gold, rings are patrol duty in the Pacific when the family remembrance Murphy s 5c and 10r war started and since then had car- store 14th st Feb. 1* about o 15; coun- ★ ter 21 reward Box 409-Y. R’ar ried out notable operations which DIAMOND RING, lost a’ Ce.pitcl Theater remain official secrets. Friday. Feb 19; plea e return to theater office: rcwaid 22* Published records gave the Argo- DIAMONDS 3 in yellow goid Tiffany set naut the distinction of being the Dng. near Dupont Circle. DU 4200. Apt If you know of o boy How 7L0 Reward largest submarine in the world It Your of character who DOG 3ma,’ reddish brown long-haired was 381 feet long and carried six good answers o name of "Frit:'' look* like a tube*; and two wants to a Sen mo hair little oncer doc tac No torpedo 6-inch guns. become C492H on harness friendly, very fond of With the Argonaut lost. America's COMDR. CHARLES EDWARD — ball Reward for information leading ’o Star Carrier call recover Te*r "’-onp TA. 323,1. or RE largest submarines are the Narw’hal TOLMAN. N A t i a n a I CARRIER-BOY 7 3 552 5,000, 7500 Ext and the Nautilus, built about the Commander of the De DOG Red setter, with white breast, Haven, Circulation Irish same time as the Argonaut but of Dept., for female; no tag. answers to name of Belle reported missing. Sunday WA 8841 slightly less tonnage. complete information. -—A. P. Photos from DOG—Black cocker ‘pantel lost Sunday Navy. has in Be1 hf sc;a Md WI 9495, after 9:30 pm Reward LOST. DOG wire-hairpd terrie:. with white, Two French Craft Arrive brown and bla'sk marking* curly tail: RATION BOOK No I. Frances'M BragV. No 4. answers name "Rowdy" i'nr and I) ( Decatur St Cottage City. Md WA I7.T7 tag 25850; reward Call EX. 2233 or At Boston for "v.:» GROWN! WI REWARD tor light leather zipper traveling Repairs bag left by accident mi trun* ot Diamond ; By the Associated D4 K Black 1 ck panic na m< Press. taxicab on trip from Union Railwav die 7 month* v.hite streak on ches*. Sta- tion to r.ion 14th st. n w about K BOSTON, Feb. 22.—'Two swift green collar so? Crescent drive Beverly pm From to *’«t * Student Hills Ale>andr;a. Ya TF 4*»7i* Reward Saturday (Feb Call at Apt lot Carrier-Boy College r.H»o 14th st n w Tel Randolph Ji.'tlo French destroyers which accom- GAS A AND SUGAR RATION BOOKS to SHRINFR S PIN lost on 1st st nw he He Has issued to Dorothy M Batdorf 4 801 Conn panied the French Riche- Army Officer, Forged Ahead (ween V s' ave battleship ave 24* and Rhode Island Re- ward MI tiH.Th. lieu on a historic dash from Africa GAP RATION BOOKS A and C in pocket- in the Traditional American Manner! book. <•!; 15th P and R Riwlvln SUGAR RATION BOOK issued to Mrs A I to New York have arrived Bailey. 1)50 21 At nw 23,* Mary Lion. IB! 5 Euclid st. nw Wash- here. met on. D C GAS RATION BOOK No ! 013,5.5 R turn They are the Fantasque and the to T Jack-on 1204 Half .*• < 2 .* SUGAR RATION led to Alict Louise a capable 1 Elliott. Beltsville. Md both of 1943, Army GAS A RATION BOOK issued to P J Terrible, which saw action on ?cht.r-ck 17 3,1 Crestw od dr. i. w. Adams SUGAR RATION BOOK issued to Donah officer active duty. 47 1 Brickerd, Glenn Dale. Md. Box 1B9-Y. Star against the British at Dakar and GAS RATION BOOK A. F-1 "5 vtH- SUGAR RATION BOOK issued to Alin Oran in but whose S.Mitos 1940. command- 1459933,.' ,v- ei July 11. 1G 4 .* toMts R Bln!I IMth si nw Cal! CO BtM)7 G Feigenbaum now at .53"* sth s' t, w SUGAR RATIONING CARD issued "> Del ers now are pledged to fight the Axis I mas Maner. 2\'n River ave Norfolk. Va "to P>OESN'T it o reol to e ultimate victory.” The vessels give you thrill, recognize in an alert, GAS RATION A BOOK N > > F *;♦; ;;i a I Present address 174.T B st came tor issued to Walter Johnson hi j s n w SUGAR RATION BOOKS. Arlene S ant here repairs. erect Army officer the friendly young fellow who used mi 7 t*:«* Samuel G Levin Return 4.’'.(Mi Gu «v»- nw Classed in Jane’s Fighting ships to be your carrier-boy? For, it seems like only yesterday that When come to New York on GAS RATION BUCK A Frank M *:.{ you business, you as destroyers, the craft are he was an ambitious Fraser 411 Aspen n w GF M9.5 t t GAR RATION BOOK, i- ue>ued to Hidro'.’i. 4h:jo Kith Call TA i»275 light cruisers, somewhat heavier serve your neighborhood with its favorite daily newspaper. place where—at the end of a strenuous Edward M. Cullman 3,13 Todd pi n* SUGAR RATION BOOK Daisy Mae Wise than the flotilla leaders in the SHEPHERD f-iu-ndh 2 >• r 1 : lit!* m nw If found, please cal can GERMAN United States clas- Yet, todoy, he's mighty thankful for that boyhood newspaper day—you relax and renew You fin pounds white ()• -t I) C. tag No Wi'-eonsin .'»«.4‘i Navy destroyer yourself. 7 an wer to Mik« mi.'■sing since sification. route, because it gave him so many opportunities to •.*3,52 WALLET black leather, license. kh1 Displacing 2,569 tons, satisfy want to at Wednesday Reward Woodley 3»i15 ration be the heart of too...and books one m name of Cora France can make about 45 knots at his youthful ambitions. To earn money for clothes, things, Wilcoxen o'her Jack S Schro’h registra they school, GOLD feather small x 240-’/. top speed continuously. that's where you are at The Waldorf. f* a r Research Corps Hillside R.’BS-J. the basic methods of modern business ——-— and salesmanship! To WAR RATION I to J IN PRESS BLDG ladle*' room m2 of wide BOOK NO issued his character and in Louis Taylor. Md develop ability by practical lessons every- gold ring with 5 small diamond* and 2 Luidover rd handover. Call Warfield I'.’ix Fire Destroys Mail day living! Washington Representative MR. JOHN DEBNAM * a k n e Reward Phone ME 597'.' WRIST WATCH lady s Swiss white gold lost Feb. 1* in r;.b m near Willard Hotel 812 15th IRISH SETTER femab no license tags CHICAGO, Feb. 22 Your present carrier-boy is the same "basic Street, N. \\ ., 1163 reward NA tlh.VI .—Fifty taking training" Telephone: Republic w h chain collar and rabies tag Reward on sacks of mail, letters 1 9 3 3 , and the benefit of can M M 3 l including and getting every incentive we provide. S25 REWARD. addressed to reliable ONE FUEL OIL RATION BOOK in thf packages servicemen, enterprising, Large black-and-white hound dog. male name o! James Dyer 119‘a p m n w were fire of M No D4 answers to name of Pete destroyed yesterday by carrier-boy. Fmder please return same l'<* lag Yoweli s Print Shop. U59 Maine ave s w undetermined origin which swept POCKETBOOK near loth and H *?s ne *»B44 NA a tymtaining ration books permits anc through mail car of the New York papers Beniamin F Simms 1334 D st Central system in the road's La Salle f e Franklin 5989 Reward FOUND. f street POCKE7 BOOK Lady los- Saturday DOGS Puppy. shepherd police large yards. e'rernoon. Minn ave se containing bill- black and brown, collar small, sha^g’- fold mortev and registered nurse's 1.cense white and yellow: both males vicinit A STAR ROUTE TEACHES Reward Mrs J Coogan, 3200 E st s e N.E Hillside n‘7^ War bonds make bombers to bomb k / P* 101 large black brown fee' A BOY TO BE A MAN ★ COLLIE with the Axis and lower our taxes. Why "A blue, vie Mass and 49th st. Fee Prince Georges tag 4966. DiRt. 12. FP TURSE i not Ward. WO 07 58. * 8657. buy some and help yourself? I __