
Hello to everyone living in Kirkby-in- and Grizebeck - April 2020

Our area must be one of the best places to live; wonderful views, lots of space and a friendly, supportive community. We all have a lot to be thankful for, especially so in such unprecedented times. This leaflet has been designed to try to bring together all the fabulous work and offers which people have already put into place to try to support each other. We know that some people are having to self-isolate and that many more may have to do so over the next few months, so we want everyone in our community to have a point of contact in time of need. As we are aware that some information included here will need to be changed/updated, we would encourage you to keep in touch with national news via the television, radio (there is funding available if you need one) or internet. For local updates please use the Kirkby-in-Furness Villagers group if you are on Facebook. You can find information such as deliveries to the village, offers of assistance, things to make you smile, how to chat with friends/family with video, requests for items and coronavirus news and advice. If you are not able to access this, and would like to receive a list of shops and services willing to deliver to the village or any of the above aspects, please contact one of the 4 people named below and we will make sure that you are given the relevant up-to-date information. The Kirkby village website (www.kirkby-in-furness.org) gives more detailed documents for those wanting up-to-date information from County Council and SLDC.

Who can I contact if I need help?

We are aware that lots of people have family or wonderful neighbours that can help, but there may be people or times when extra help is needed, so we have got four people who are willing and very happy to be an initial point of contact. If you need assistance with shopping, collecting prescriptions, knowing about local deliveries, feeling lonely, need a chat, are worried about something etc. please contact one of the names below and we will make sure that somebody contacts you. We are all in this situation together and need to support each other. Please be assured that all conversations will be strictly confidential. Christopher Dean 01229 889630 [email protected] Gerry Scott 07753748960 [email protected] Fiona Roberts 07739754315 [email protected] Rachael Howard 01229 889493 [email protected] If you need medical advice, follow the information given on https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus- covid-19/self-isolation-advice, phone 111 or if in an emergency which requires require immediate medical help phone 999. Also more info here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public

Volunteers from St Cuthbert’s are here to help during Coronavirus

If you are housebound, isolated, or self-isolating and need support, we may be able to help with some of the following: • A friendly phone call, • Urgent supplies, • Posting a letter or • Shopping

If you need help, and you can’t find it elsewhere, please get in touch:

01229 715259 (Revd Stephen Tudway) or 01229 889630 (Linda Dean) Or [email protected] PLEASE NOTE We are not a medical helpline or a source of advice. If you need medical help please contact your doctor, or NHS 111 or, in an emergency, 999.

We will do our best to help you, but please remember we are local volunteers who are giving up our time

South Lakeland Age UK A Critical Community Service

If you are 70 or over, or have been notified by the NHS that you should self-isolate for three months, or are self-isolating because you have one or more of the Covid19 symptoms, Age UK can support you in various ways. Such as a shopping service or a prescription service (Please don’t wait too long to renew as there may be a delay) and a telephone befriending service for people who are feeling lonely and cut off during this difficult period. They also offer a book delivery service (let the staff know which type of books you enjoy reading) and hearing aid battery replacement service to any older people. All the services are secure and safe services and are delivered by the staff and volunteers of Age UK and fully accredited partner organisations. The services are all free of charge with the exception that you will have to pay for your shopping. Payment for shopping is taken in a very secure way over the phone, you will be given a secure code and the caller will also know exactly the value of your shopping which will tally with the receipt and payment card delivered with your shopping. Note: For clients who may have difficulties paying for shopping over the telephone by debit or credit card because they are visually impaired or have other difficulties; Age UK will open an account for them and collect payment once the crisis is over.

If you would like to contact them, please phone 030 300 30003 What services are currently available in the village?

Please note that shops and businesses are operating social distancing. It means operating a one in one out rule. Please stand at least 2m (6ft) from the person in the queue ahead of you and stand clear of the door. You will get into the shop – you might just have to wait! Shops and businesses are trying to avoid using cash, so please pay by card or ideally contactless if you can.

Churches Church services are currently suspended until further notice. Churches are not open, but there is always someone available to have a chat with you and offer support. For St. Cuthbert’s please contact Reverend Stephen Tudway on 01229 715259 or email [email protected] , or Linda Dean on 01229 889630 or email [email protected]. For the Methodist Church please contact Mary Wilkinson on 01229 588, or for the Church of Christ please contact Gail Burns on 01229 889992. Some churches are beginning to hold services which you can join in with from home. Please check with your local church.

Doctors Both Broughton and Kirkby reception areas/waiting rooms are closed to patients. All appointment requests are currently triaged by the doctors over the telephone. You are requested not to attend the surgery buildings unless this has been pre-arranged with the doctor or nurse when you will be either met at the front door or collected from your car. Please phone 01229 889247 Use app or post through letterbox for repeat prescriptions. To collect your prescription - Ring to check it is ready then knock on the car park door and step onto the cross to wait. Someone will bring the prescription to you and they will sign for you. Cash payment only if not exempt.

Garage Moorlands Service Station – open but with minimal staffing and observing social distancing. 9am -4pm. Phone 01229 889306. If you need your car picking up and/or a courtesy car, please phone and ask.

Shop and Post Office The shop and post office are open. Contact Elaine on 01229 889213. She will try to get what you need, but please be aware she is having to cope with very long hours. No delivery service available.

Tutoring Julie Jackson has spaces for Year 10 for 1 to1 English lessons via video. Rate £28/hr, but during Corona Virus negotiable for those on a low or no wage. Marking for secondary school English written work, exam paper practice etc. Can discuss cost. Answering general questions with school work. Contact https://www.facebook.com/flourishcumbria/ or message. Which companies/shops are delivering within/to the village?

Appleseeds Ulverston: Organic Foods and vitamins: Order THURSDAY. Delivery on FRIDAY. https://www.facebook.com/appleseedshealth/ or 01229 583394 Beerwolf Ulverston: Craft beers https://www.facebook.com/WeAreBeerwolf or 01229 480456 Billy’s Veg: Ulverston inner market Contact Emma-lea Dalton. Facebook DM or phone 07792709161. Thursday. Delivery FRIDAY. Remember to give 1 day notice. Broughton Village Bakery: Ring by 12.00 for same day. 01229 716284 £3 delivery charge Crakeside Meat: Ulverston https://www.facebook.com/UlverstonMarket Tel. 01229 861903. Free delivery Cut the Wrap: Ulverston https://www.facebook.com/cutthewrap or email [email protected] (best way) or www.cutthewrap.co.uk or 07913 115837 (text). Order MONDAY. Delivery TUESDAY Foxfield Garden Centre: Will deliver https://foxfieldgardencentre.co.uk/ Order online or telephone 01229 716318 Gillams Ulverston: Organic veg, bread, milk, eggs, cheese, coffees, teas, confectionery, tins, household cleaning products, homemade scones, tea cakes and cakes, cordials, toilet roll etc. https://www.facebook.com/GillamsTearoom or 01229 587564 Irvings Butchers Ulverston: https://www.facebook.com/Irvings-Butchers-113208586804471 or 01229 583181 MONDAY to FRIDAY. Please give 24hr notice. Lobster and Seafood. (Fresh Fish) Ulverston: https://www.facebook.com/LAKEDISTRICTSEAFOOD/ or 01229 231647 Lakeland District Farmers: Phone 01229 588299 Little Beasties. Pet Supplies Ulverston: https://www.facebook.com/littlebeasties.ulverston/ or 01229 582220 There is a delivery charge of a donation. Order by MONDAY for WEDNESDAY delivery. Milk and Dairy Produce For a friendly and reliable doorstep delivery service on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons phone David and Christine Wilson on 01229 889237 or 0779137575. Household and garden products also available. Ship Inn Starting a weekend delivery service... trying to safely bring the to your doorstep and make weekends exciting again! Deliveries Friday and Saturday 5-7 (& Easter Sunday) Kirkby/Grizebeck only Orders before 4pm on that day Pay by BACs or contactless . Please phone 07825292656 or fb Messenger Ali Hughes Shed One Gin Ulverston: Also free postage for online items. https://www.facebook.com/shed1gin or https://shed1distillery.com/ or 07794 699913 Thomas Bakery Barrow: Via Barrow Eats app. Min order £10. Order by 3pm for 9am next day delivery. https://www.barroweats.co.uk/barrow-takeaways/Thomas's-Bakery- NextDay/ck8emtprbgkd60907zbyfejfg/menu? fbclid=IwAR3beCphztP2lHUuAttoJUWsGLXrPIQSL6WGs_Rplu2XInn7s-D49uI27s Tyson’s Broughton: Order MONDAY for deliveries on WEDNESDAY. Order THURSDAY for deliveries SATURDAY. Order via email. [email protected] http://www.melvilletyson.co.uk/index.html Ulverston Meat Company Ulverston: They do fruit and veg boxes too. https://www.facebook.com/ulverstonmeatcompany/ or http://www.ulverstonmeatcompany.co.uk/ or 01229 581746 Wood Delivery Please contact William and Anita Todd on 01229 889115 or 07768626678 What can I do to help?

 First thing is to follow the advice given by the government – this is how we are going to get through this time.  Look out for your neighbours- phone them to check that they are ok.  Please be kind to yourself and to each other.  Take this opportunity to spend time catching up with friends you have not talked to for some time, learn a new hobby, notice the birds tweeting, pursue an interest you have not had time to do etc.  Refrain from being judgemental - until you have walked in someone’s shoes, how can you judge?  Keep posting helpful information and things to make us smile on the Kirkby-in-Furness Villagers site on Facebook.  If you are willing to offer assistance with shopping, collecting prescriptions etc. contact Christopher Dean on 01229 889630 who will co-ordinate this support.

Be Positive

Let us all look forward to planning and having a fabulous, all-village party once we can get out and about again. It will be a marvellous event!