
NAT. NAT. HIST. BUL し SIAM S町. 51(2): 273-280 ,2003

The First Records of Hairy-nosed LuT ・llSU maT ・llna from Cambodia with with Notes on the National Status of Three Other Otter Species

百lis n'O te d'O cuments , with ph 'O t'O graphs ,what is kn 'O wn 'O f the cu 町'ent status 'O f 'O tters in in Camb 'O dia. Of particul 釘 n'O te 脱出 e first rec 'O rds 'O f the little kn 'O wn Hairy-n 'O sed Otter Lutra sumatrana. F 'O ur species 'O f 'O tter; Ha 廿y-n 'O sed Otter Lutra sumatrana , Lutra Lutra lutra ,Sm 'O'O th Otter Lutrogale perspicillata and Oriental Small-clawed Otter cinerea cinerea have been mapped by b'O th LEKAOUL & McNEELY (1 977) and CORBET & HILL (1992) (1992) as 'O ccurring 泊 Camb 'O dia. H 'O wever ,a search 'O f the w 'O rld's maj 'O r museum c'O llecti 'O ns has 血us far yielded 'O nly 'O ne relevant specimen of L. perspicillata with vague locality locality data (Geraldine Ver 'O n, in liu. t'O JOE WιSTON ,2002) ,and there appe 紅 to be no published published rec 'O rds 泊血e hist 'O rical literature referring to any 'O f these species fr 'O m the c'O un 町 (e.g. DELACOUR , 1940; OSOOOD , 1932). Based on 白is ,and the review of modern rec 'O rds presented below , there n'O w appear to be only two species 'O f otter with defmite locality locality records 合om Camb 'O dia.

Hairy-nosed Otter Lu t1 ・a sumatrana

百1ere are no previ 'O us rec 'O rds 'O f this species 企omC 加 1bodia and the mapped dis 回bution f'O r this species from Cambodia (LEKAOUL & McNEELY , 1977; CORBET & HILL , 1992) probably probably arises 企''O m two specimen records from s'O uthern and central Vietnam ,both 泊血e British British Museum. One is from Long Xuyen ,An Giang Province ,C 'O chinchina in 1883 ,and the the 'O ther is from Hue ,τhua 百lien Hue Province ,Ann am in 1927 (百 IOMAS , 1928). Bel 'O w 1 document (with photographs) the frrst f'O ur rec 'O rds 'O f L. sumatrana fr 'O m Cambodia. Tw 'O captive were photographed by Frederic Goes in the village 'O f Pr ek Toal , Battambang Pr ovince 'O n 13 June 1998 (F ig. 1).官 1ey were reported to have been caught r田 ently in 回 ps al 'O ng the Pr ek Kan tiel (1 3・11 'N, 103 ・36'E) ,as 佐eam through 也 e seasonally inundated inundated f 'O rest and scrub of the Tonle Sap Great Lake ,n 'O w the Prek T 'O al C 'O re Ar ea of the the T 'O nle Sap Bi 'O sphere Reserve. A y 'O ung captive an 加 al was ph 'O tographed in Peam Bang village , near Boeng Chhma , 'O n 白en 'O rth ・eastern sh 'O re of the Tonle Sap Great Lake ,K 'O mpong 百10m Pr ovince ,on 5 December 1998 (Long Kheng , pers. comm. , 2002) (Fig. 2) ,and is reproduced in DOROS 回収o ET AL. (1 998 , p. 71). 百 is is the rec 'O rd misidentified in GOES & HONO CHAMNAN (2002) , based on Colin P'O ole (pers. c'O mm よas L. perspicillata. A mounted specimen in May 1999 was identified by the au 血'O r in 出e museum at Phn 'O m Tamao Zoo ,ne 釘 Phnom Penh (Fig. 3). Unf 'O rtunately there 紅 'e no rec 'O rds attached to 佃 y 'O f 出.e specimens in this collecti 'O n and it is unclear exactly how long it has been there. there. Staff at 白ez 'O'O claimed 白紙 the originated from Mondulkiri Pr ovince (the late late Meas Chandam 'O ny , pers. comm. ,1999) , but it was impossible t 'O gain any further inf 'O rmation 'O r to independently verify this.

Received Received 22 March 2003; accepted 3 Dec ember 2003.

273 274 C. M. POOLE

F泊ally ,a live animal w 邸 photographed on 19 March 2000 by 出.e au 血or and Mike Baltzer 加 a wildlife market along Hi ghway No. 4 near the village of Sre Khl ong ,Kompong Speu Pr ovince (Fig. 4). 官邸animal had reportedly been recently caught locally somewhere to 白e west , but it was also impossible to independently verify 出is. In In addition LONG (2000) also mentions without details one record 企om an unsp 氏自ed Cambodian marke t. Th e source of 也is was an an 加 al seen , but not photographed ,by Barney Barney Long 泊 Phnom Penh 加 January 2000. No information could be gathered as to its origin origin (B arney Lo ng , in litt. , 2003). Th are ere no records of L. sumatrana 泊 re 回:o tsurveys of animals held in zoo collections in in Cambodia (Dave W 釘 'e ,pers. comm. , 2000; 00 回, 2000) Li ttle seems to be known about the habitat requirements of L. sumatrana (SIV AS O'百日 &Bu 即iANUD D別, 1994). However ,all recent records thus far traced originate 合omlowland inundated inundated forests areas 加 mainland Southeast Asia , peat swamp forest 泊 peninsul 紅百聞land (KANCHANASAKA , 2000) and Malaysia (S 回AS 百AN ,1994 ,1995) ,and Melaleuca swamp forest 泊 southem Vietnam (N GUY 町 XUAN DANG ET AL. ,200 1). Of the four records from Cambodia , the two with specific locality data both originate from 白e seasonally flooded forest and scrub of the Tonle Sap Gr eat Lake. However , the fourth fourth record could have orig 泊a旬d from an area of Melaleuca swamp forest north and west west of Sre Am bel ,Koh Kong Pr ovince ,to 白e west of the market where it was found. In undated forest of these types 泊 Cambodia is now largely res 凶.cted to the Tonle Sap Oreat Oreat Lake and small isolated areas 泊恥Mekong floodplain ,wi 出版addition of some co 節句1 are 部 of Melaleuca.

Eurasian Eurasian Otter Luh ・'a luh ・a

Despite Despite the range illus 回 ted in CORBET & I 也ム(1 992) , there is as yet no record of L.lutra L.lutra 合om Cambodia. However ,attention should be drawn to the potential identification confusion confusion between L. lutra and L. perspicillata. A recent claim of L. lutra ,針。 m Phnom (Mount) Samkos 泊 the Cardamom Mountains 加 May 2000 (DALTRY & MOMBERG ,2000 , p. 208) w 儲 based on an identification from tracks tracks following KRUUK ET AL. (1 993) (D 札官y & MOMBERG ,2000 , p. 59 ,and Barney

Long , pers. comm. to JOE W ιSTON, , 2001). Variability 泊回.cks wi 血in otter species makes the identification of any species by 凶 .cks alone difficult (REUTHER EI' AL. ,2000 , pp.133-134). pp.133-134). Fu 曲 ermore , at the time of KR 叩 K ET AL. (1 993) there was no available information information on L. sumatrana and therefore the paper did not consider 白紙 species. Current information information now suggests 血at 回 .cks of L. sumatrana and Lutra lutra 紅 'e probably indistinguishable ,and therefore all such r,民 ords ,p紅 ticul 釘 Iy 泊 areas of possible range overlap ,紅e best reg 釘 ded as unidentified (Budsabong Kanchanasaka & Claus Reuther , pers. pers. comm. , 2002).

Smooth Otter Luh ・'ogale perspicillata

官 tis is 血e most f詑quently recorded otter species in Cambodian markets or zoo collections , with data collected for a database of animals held in captivity 泊 Cambodia showing showing eight records of L. perspicillata 泊 two different ∞llections (Dave Ware , in litt. , 2000). 百lere is also one spec 凶 en 合om 1960 held 泊血e MNHN ,Paris ,labelled “In dochine/ C 創 nbodge" (Oeraldine Veron , in litt. to JOE WALSTON , 2002). OSGOOD (1 932) , based on T H E F IR ST R ECO R DS OF H A IRY-NOSE D 0γ fE R LU TR A SUMMA TR ANA 27 5

Figur e 1. Ca pti ve L /I[ ra SlI l1l all ど1II a ,p ,巴k

T oa l (To nl 巴 Sa p G rea tL ak巴) , B atta rn ban g Pro vince ,1 3 Jun 巴 1998 .P hoto graph: Frederic G oes .

Figu re 2. Ca pti ve Llllr a SlI l1l al ra l/ a , Pea rn Ba ng , nea r B oe ng C hhrn a ( T o n le S ap G rea t Lake) ,Ko rn pong T ho rn Pr ov - II 'C 巴,5 D ecern ber 1998 .P ho-

tog raph : L ong K h巴ng. 276 C. M. POOLE

F igur e 3. M ount 巴cl sp巴Clm 巴n of L Ul ra SU l1I a lran a ,Phn o ll1 Ta ll1 ao Zoo ,n ea r Phn o ll1 P巴nh . Ori g in unkn ow n Photog ra ph: Co lin Poo le,M ay 1999

F igur e 4. Ca pti v巴 L ulra SlI l71 alrctlla ,S re Khl ong,K omp ong Speu Prov in ce ,1 9 M arch 200 0. Ori g in unkn ow n Ph otog raph: Co lin Poo le. TI-I EF IRS T RECOR DS 010 HA IRY-NOSED m 寸 ER WTRA SUMMAT R ANA 277

Figur e 5. Sin gle cap ti ve AO Il y. λ. cille r ea (ri ght )w ith L lI lrogale perspi ιilla la, sayab Zoo ,P I巴y Veng Pr ov in ce ,

5 Jun 巴 1999. Ori gin unkn ow n.P hotogra ph: Co lin Poo le

th e occ un 巴nc 巴 of th 巴 spec ies in L aos ,stated th at it “app 巴ars to bet he 1l1 0s t cO ll1ll1 on ott 巴r of th e M ekong" Th 巴 onl y doc um ent巴d fi 巴Id sightin gw hich pr obabl y ref 巴,rs to thi ss pec ies ,i s a reco rd of of tw oa nimal so bse rve d durin g th 巴 ratJl ys 巴aso n on th e 0 PI 巴yh e,K oh Nh 巴kDi stri ct,

0 M ondulkiri Pr ov in c巴 (12 56'N ,1 0T 27' E) on 12 Jun 巴 2000 (T1 MM 1NS & O u R ATANAK , 2001 ). Th e 0 Pr ey h巴 isa ve rys m all seaso nall y dr y tribut ary, in th e level low land s of th巴 T onl eS repok,a larg巴 low land ri ve r. Th e obs巴rv巴rs report ed th at “th e tail s app ea r巴d quit 巴 dorso- v巴ntr ally f1 att 巴n巴d",ac har ac teri sti c of thi ss pec ies ,a nd th 巴ya lsot ook tra ck tr ac in gs fo r futur e co nfirm ati on of th e id entifi ca ti on (TI MM I NS & O u R ATANAK ,2001 ). Th 巴re ar巴 two oth err ece nt reco r ds w ith loca li ty in fo rma ti on. T hef ir st was a tam e anim al ph otog raph ed in th e tow n of K rati e in May 2002 ,a nd 1巴ported ly ca ught loca ll y as a yo un g a nim al from the M 巴kong Ri v巴r thr ee yea rs pl 巴viously( lsa bel B eas ley , pers. co mm .,2 00 2). Th 巴 seco nd w as an anim al ca ug ht by loca l hunt 巴rs in inundat 巴d fo res t sc rub n巴ar Kb al Tol vill age so uth of the Pr ekT oa l CO I・巴 A r ea of th e T onl 巴 Sap Bi os ph ere R 巴se rv 巴 in mid 20 02. It w ass ub se qu 巴ntl y so ld toa loca l zoo in S i巴mR 巴ap wh er巴 lt was ph otog raph 巴d (S un Vi sa l & Frederi c Goes ,p 巴rs. co mm .,2 00 2). T hi s is th ef ir st pr oof th at tw os pec ies of ott er coex ist at one si t巴 in Ca m bo di a

Ori e ntal S mall-clawed OU er A on yx cin ereα T hi s is th eo nl y o th er ott er spec i巴s fo un d in rece nt sur v巴ys of zoo co ll 巴cti ons in Ca mb odi a,w ith one fo und by th e author a nd D ave W are,h eld w ith L. persp icill ata, in B ayab Zoo ,Pr 巴y V eng Pr ov in c巴, on 5 Jun 巴 1999 (F ig. 5) . ln additi on,MAR T1 N & PH1 PPS (1 996) report巴d a tail of thi s spec ies 1' or sa le in a Phn om P e nh m ark巴t but gav 巴 no d巴tail s as as to how thi s was id ent if ied. Th er巴 are nof i eld reco rd s 278 C. M. POOLE

Di scussion

Most recent Cambodian otter re 氾ords originate from market or captivity data and few have have specific locality data. However , the lack of w i1 dlife 住ade 泊to Cambodia and the large volume of trade out of the coun 町 during the period under discussion (Sun Hean ,pers. comm. ,2000) , leads one to believe that there is no reason to suspect any of these records to to have originated from outside the coun 釘y. Otters appear to have been heav i1 y exploited in Cambodia for a considerable period. In In the early 1960's 白ey were described in Pr eah Vihe 紅Pr ovince as “ probably very common judging by the numbers of skins for sale" (MILTON , 1964). L 紅 'ge traps ,stated by local local people to be for otters , were seen ne 紅 Prek Toal in 1997/8 (Wayne Gum ,pers. comm. , 2001). Otter skins 紅 e 児 gularly seen for sale for medicinal pu 中 oses in local markets markets in Phnom Penh and major prov 泊cial towns. Traditional Cambodian medicine , although although not Chinese medicine (Endi Zh 佃 g ,pers. comm. ,2002) ,apparently uses the skin in in wine to assist women during pregnancy and/or childbirth. BAIRD (1 993) recorded that in in 1992 villagers and fores 町 officials in southem Attapeu Province ,Lao PDR ,near 血e Cambodian border ,reported that a group of Cambodians travelled up the Sekong River into into Lao PDR in search of otter skins , and offered to buy whatever otter skins the villagers could could supply. 百le capture and trade for local medicinal use in coun 位Y is 出 e greatest single threat threat to the continued survival of otter populations in Cambodia. There There is also a regional trade of otter skins to China , where they are used as hats for men and overcoats for ladies (Endi Zhang , in litt. , 2002). A confiscation in August 2001 at at Baoshan ,Yunnan (probably originating from Myanmar) included 134 pieces of otter skin skin (TRAFFIC , 2002). However the effect of 耐 s on Cambodian otter populations is unknown and there is no documentation on intemational 甘ade in otter skins 合om Cambodia. τ'h ere have been no systematic otter surveys in inundated forest habitats in Cambodia. Indeed , the only recent field survey which systematically looked for otter signs was 白紙 of 百MMINS & MEN SORIYUN (1 998) ,on the Sesan and Srepok ,Ratanakiri and Stung Treng Pr ovinces in May-June 1998. In 200 km of riverine survey only one sighting of 佃 unidentified unidentified animal was made and no otter signs were found. 官lI s is su 叩rising , as based on results of sim i1 ar surveys in Laos on rivers with a sim i1 ar magnitude of human use ,otter signs signs would have been expected (DUCKWORTH , 1997). Th e relative lack of field records from habitats where otters should be expected to be present present and the domestic market demand for skins for medicinal use ,means 由at the remaining remaining populations of all otter species occuπing in Cambodia are of urgent conservation concem. concem. Further ,otter-specific , survey work urgently needs to be carried out to 甘yand identify identify remaining areas of importance , in order that appropriate conservation measures can can then be initiated. Of greatest priority for such surveys ar 芭 frrstly 出 e seasonally inundated forest forest and scrub around the Tonle Sap Great Lake , and secondly , the lowland ,coastal rivers rivers and areas of Melaleuca swamp forest , north and west of Sre Am bel ,Koh Kong Province. 百le former , and potentially the latter ,may hold globally significant populations of of L. sumatrana. THE FIRST RECORDS OF HAIRY-NOSED 0 甘'E R LUT 九,4 SUMMATRANA 279

Acknowledgments. 1 thank Will Duckworth for encouraging me to write 白is ,and 1 thank him ,Rob Timmins and Joe Walston for reviewing and commenting on it. Isabel Beasley , Mike Baltzer ,Frederic Goes ,Wayne Gum ,Busdabong Kanchanasaka ,Barney Long ,Long Kh eng ,Claus Reuther ,Hir oshi Sas 北 i,Tony Sebastian ,Sun Hean ,Sun Visal ,Dave Ware and Endi Zhang provided valuable information and discussion.


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c. c. M. Poole Wildlife Wildlife Conservation Society Cambodia 酌 ogram PO Box 1620 Phnom Penh ,Cambodia. cDool e{a) wcs.or l!