Aprasiainis87 FAMILY

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Aprasiainis87 FAMILY 61 GENUS: Oedura GENUS; Lygodactylus GENUS: Phyllurus GENUS: Matoatoa GENUS: Pseudothecadactyl us GENUS: Microscalabotes* GENUS: Rhacodactylus GENUS; Nactus GENUS: Rhynchoedura* GENUS: Narudasia* GENUS: SaItuarius GENUS: Pachydactylus GENUS: Underwoodisaurus GENUS; PaImatogecko SUBFAMILY: Eublepbarinae'" GENUS; Psragehyra GENUS: Coleonyx GENUS: Psroedura GENUS: Eublepbaris GENUS; Perochirus GENUS: Goniurosaurus GENUS: Phelsuma GENUS: Hemitheconyx GENUS: Phyllodactylus GENUS: Holodactylus GENUS; Phyllopezus SUBFAMILY: Gekkoninae GENUS: Pristurus GENUS: Afroedura GENUS; Pseudogekko GENUS: Afrogecko GENUS; Pseudogonatodes GENUS: Agamura GENUS: Plenopus GENUS: Ailuronyx GENUS: Plychozoon GENUS: Alsophylax GENUS; Plyodactylus GENUS; Arlstelliger GENUS: Quedenfeldtia GENUS; Asaccus GENUS: Rhoptropus GENUS; Blaesodactylus GENUS; Saurodactylus GENUS: Bogertia* GENUS: Sphaerodactylus GENUS; Brlha* GENUS; Stenodactylus GENUS: Bunopus GENUS; Tarentola GENUS: Calodactylodes GENUS; Teratolepis GENUS: Carinatogecko GENUS; Thecadactylus* GENUS: Chondrodactyiu,* GENUS: Tropiocoiotes GENUS; Christinus GENUS; Urocotyledon GENUS: Cnemaspis GENUS: Uroplatus GENUS; Coleodactylus SUBFAMILY: Teratoscincinae GENUS; Colopus* GENUS: Teratoscincus GENUS: Cosymbotus FAMILY: Pygopodidae'" GENUS: Crossobamon SUBFAMILY: LiaIisinae GENUS: Cryptactites' TRIBE: Aprasiaini S87 GENUS; Cyrtodactylus GENUS; J\prasia GENUS: Cyrtopodion GENUS: Ophidiocephalus* GENUS: Dixonius GENUS; Pletholax* GENUS: Dravidogecko* TRIBE: Lialisini GENUS; Ebenavia GENUS: LiaIis GENUS; EuIeptes* SUBFAMILY; Pygopodinae GENUS; Geckolepis GENUS: Delma GENUS: Geckonia* GENUS; Paradelma* GENUS; Gehyra GENUS: Pygopus . GENUS: Gekko INFRAORDER: Iguania GENUS; Goggia FAMILY: Agamidae588 GENUS; Gonatodes SUBFAMILY; Agaminae GENUS; Gonydactylus GENUS; Acanthocercus GENUS: Gymnodactylus GENUS: Acanthosaura GENUS; Haemodracon GENUS: Agarna GENUS: Hemidactylus GENUS; Amphibolurus GENUS: Hemiphyllodactylus GENUS: Aphaniotis GENUS: Heteronotia GENUS: Brachysaura* GENUS; Homonota GENUS: Bronchocela GENUS: Homopholis GENUS; Bufoniceps* GENUS: Lepidoblepharis GENUS: Caimanops* GENUS; Lepidodactylus GENUS; CaIotes GENUS; Luperosaurus GENUS; Ceratophora 62 GENUS: Chelosania* GENUS: Gambelia GENUS: Chlamydosaurus* FAMILY: Hoplocercidae GENUS: Cophotis* GENUS: Enyalioides GENUS: Coryophophylax GENUS: Hoplocercus* GENUS: Cryptagama* GENUS: Morunasaurus GENUS: Ctenophorus FAMILY: Iguanidae'" GENUS: Dendmgama* GENUS: Amblyrhynchus* GENUS: Diporiphora GENUS: Brachylophus GENUS: Draco GENUS: Conolophus GENUS: Gonocephalus GENUS: Qenosaura GENUS: Harpesaurus GENUS: Cyclura GENUS: Hydrosaurus GENUS: Diplosaurus* GENUS: Hypsicalotes* GENUS: Iguana GENUS: Hypsilurus GENUS: Sauromalus GENUS: Japalura FAMILY: Opluridae'" GENUS: Laudaltia GENUS: Chalarodon* GENUS: Lophocalotes* GENUS: Oplurus GENUS: Lophognathus FAMILY: Phrynosomatidae'" GENUS: Lyriocephalus* GENUS: Callisaurus* GENUS: Mictopholis* GENUS: Cophosaurus* GENUS: Moloch" GENUS: Holbrookia GENUS: Oreodeim* GENUS: Petrosaurus GENUS: Oriocalotes* GENUS: Phrynosoma GENUS: Otocryptis GENUS: Sator GENUS: Paracalotes GENUS: Sceloporus GENUS: Phoxophrys GENUS: Uma GENUS: Phrynocephalus GENUS: Urosaurus GENUS: Pbysignathus GENUS: Uta GENUS: Pogona FAMILY: Polychrotidae'" GENUS: Psammophilus GENUS: Anisolepis GENUS: Pseudocalotes GENUS: Anolis GENUS: Pseudocophotis58~ GENUS: Diplolaemus GENUS: Pseudotrapelus* GENUS: Enyalius GENUS: Ptyctolaemus GENUS: Leiosaurus GENUS: Rankinia GENUS: Norops GENUS: Salea GENUS: Phenacosaurus GENUS: Sitana GENUS: Polychrus GENUS: Trapelus GENUS: Pristidactylus GENUS: Tympanocryptis GENUS: Urostrophus GENUS: Xenagama FAMILY: Tropiduridae'" SUBFAMILY: Leiolepinae SUBFAMILY: Leiocephalinae GENUS: Leiolepis GENUS: Leiocephalus GENUS: Uromastyx SUBFAMILY: Liolaeminae F AMILY: Chamaeleonidae'" GENUS: Ctenoblepharys* SUBFAMILY: BrookesHnae GENUS: Liolaemus GENUS: Brookesi. GENUS: Phymaturus GENUS: Rhampholeon SUBFAMILY: Tropidurinae SUBFAMILY: Chamaeleoninae GENUS: Microlophus GENUS: Bradypodion GENUS: Plesiomicrolophus* GENUS: Calumrna GENUS: Plica GENUS: Chamaeleo GENUS: Stenocercus GENUS: Furcifer GENUS: Tropidurus FAMILY: Corytophanidae'" GENUS: Uracentron GENUS: Basiliscus GENUS: Uranoscodon" GENUS: Corytophanes INFRAORDER Platynota GENUS: Laemanctus FAMILY: Helodermatidae"" FAMILY: Crotaphytidae'" GENUS: Heloderma GENUS: Crotaphytus FAMILY: Lanthaootidae 63 GENUS: Lantbanotus* GENUS: Teuchocercus* F AMIL Y: Varanidae'" GENUS: Tretioscincus GENUS: Varanus GENUS: Vanzosaura* INFRAORDER: Scincomorpha FAMILY: Lacertidae'03 FAMILY: Cordylidae'oo SUBFAMILY: Gallotiinae SUBFAMILY: Chamaesaurinae GENUS: Gallotia GENUS: Chamaesaura GENUS: Psannnodromus SUBFAMILY: Cordylinae SUBFAMILY: Lacertinae GENUS: CordyIus GENUS: Acanthodactylus GENUS: Platysaurus GENUS: Adolfu, GENUS: Pseudocordylus GENUS: A1gyroides FAMILY: Gerrhosauridae'" GENUS: Australolacerta SUBFAMILY: Gerrhosaurinae GENUS: Darevskia GENUS: Angolosaurus* GENUS: Eremias GENUS: Cordylosaurus* GENUS: Gastropholis GENUS: Gerrhosaurus GENUS: Heliobolus GENUS: Tetradactylus GENUS: Holaspis SUBFAMILY: Zonosaurinae GENUS: Ichnotropis GENUS: Tmcheloptychus GENUS: Lacerta GENUS: Zonosaurus GENUS: Latastia FAMILY: Gymnophthalmidae'" GENUS: Meroles GENUS: Alopoglossus GENUS: Mesalina GENUS: Amapasaurus* GENUS: Nucras GENUS: Anadia GENUS: Ophisops GENUS: Anotosaura GENUS: Pedioplanis GENUS: Argalia GENIJS: Philochortus GENUS: Arthrosaura GENUS: Podareis GENUS: Arthroseps GENUS: Poromera* GENUS: Aspidolaemus GENUS: Pseuderemias GENUS: Bachia GENUS: Takydromus GENUS: Calyptommatus GENUS: Timon604 GENUS: Cercosaura* GENUS: Tropidosaum GENUS: Colobodactylus FAMILY: Scincidae60S GENUS: Colobosaura GENUS: Ablepharus GENUS: Colohosauroides GENUS: Acontias GENUS: Echinosaura* GENUS: Acontophiops* GENUS: Ecpleopus* GENUS: Afroblepharus GENUS: Euspondylus GENUS: Amphiglossus GENUS: Gymnophthalmus GENUS: Androngo GENUS: Heterodactylus GENUS: Anomalopus GENUS: Iphisa* GENUS: Apterygodon* GENUS: Leposoma GENUS: Asymblepharus GENUS: Macropholidus GENUS: Ateuchosaurus GENUS: Micrablepharus GENUS: Barkudia GENUS: Neusticurus GENUS: Bartieia* GENUS: Nothohachia* GENUS: Bassiana GENUS: Ophiognomon GENUS: Brachymeles GENUS: Opipeuter* GENUS: Caledoniscincus GENUS: Pantodactylus GENUS: Calyptotis GENUS: Pholidobolus GENUS: Carlia GENUS: Placosoma GENUS: Cautula* GENUS: Prionodactylus GENUS: Chabanaudia* GENUS: Procellosaurinus GENUS: Chalcides GENUS: Proctoporus GENUS: Chalcidoseps* GENUS: Psilophthalmus* GENUS: Coeranoscincus GENUS: Ptychoglossus GENUS: Coggeria* GENUS: Riolama* GENUS: Copboscincopus GENUS: Stenolepis* GENUS: Corucia* 64 GENUS: Cryploblepharus GENUS: Nannoscincus GENUS: Cryptoscineus* GENUS: Neoseps* GENUS: aenotus GENUS: Nessia GENUS: Cyclodina GENUS: Niveoscincus GENUS: Cyclodomorphus GENUS: Notoscineus GENUS: Da.,ia GENUS: Novoemneces GENUS: Davewakeum* GENUS: Oligosoma GENUS: Egeroia GENUS: Ophiomorus GENUS: Emoia GENUS: Ophioseineus GENUS: Eremiascincus GENUS: Pamelaescincus* GENUS: Eroticoscincus* GENUS: Panaspis GENUS: Eugongylus GENUS: Papuascineus GENUS: Eulamprus GENUS: Paraehaleides* GENUS: Eumeces GENUS: Paracontias GENUS: Eumecia GENUS: Paralipinia* GENUS: Euprepes* GENUS: Panroscincus GENUS: Eurylepis GENUS: Phoboseineus GENUS: Evesia* GENUS: Prasinohaema GENUS: Feylinia GENUS: Proablepharos GENUS: Fojia* GENUS: Proscelotes GENUS: Geomyersia GENUS: Pseudemoia GENUS: Geoscincus* GENUS: Pseudoacontias GENUS: Glaphyromorphus GENUS: Pygomeles GENUS: Gnypetoscincus* GENUS: Riopa GENUS: Gonglyomorphus* GENUS: Ristella GENUS: Gongylus GENUS: Saiphos* GENUS: Graciliscincus* GENUS: Saproscincus GENUS: Haackgreerius* GENUS: Scelates GENUS: Hemiergis GENUS: Scincella GENUS: Hemisphaeriodon* GENUS: Scincopus* GENUS: lsopachys GENUS: Seineus GENUS: Janetaescincus GENUS: Seolecoseps GENUS: Lacertaspis GENUS: Sepsina GENUS: Lacertoides* GENUS: Sepsophis' GENUS: Lacertus GENUS: Sigaloseps GENUS: Lamprolepis GENUS: Simiscincus* GENUS: Lampropholis GENUS: Sphenomorphus GENUS: Lankascincus GENUS: Sphenops GENUS: Larutia GENUS: Taehygia* GENUS: Leiolopisma GENUS: Tiliqua GENUS: Leploseps GENUS: Traehydosaurus* GENUS: Leplosiaphos GENUS: Tribolonotus GENUS: Lerista GENUS: Tropidophorus GENUS: Lioscincus GENUS: Tropidoscincus GENUS: Lipinia GENUS: Typhlaeontias GENUS: Lobulia GENUS: Typhlosaurus GENUS: Lubuya GENUS: Vietnascincus60b GENUS: Lygisaurus GENUS: Voeltzkowia GENUS: Lygosoma FAMILY: Teiidae607 GENUS: Mabuya GENUS: Ameiva GENUS: Macroscincus* GENUS: Callopistes GENUS: Mannorosphax GENUS: Cnemidophorus GENUS: Melanoseps GENUS: Crocodilurus GENUS: Menilia GENUS: Dierodon GENUS; Mesoscincus GENUS: Dracaena GENUS: Moehlus GENUS: Kentropyx GENUS: Morethia GENUS: Teius GENUS: Nangura* GENUS: Tupinambis 65 FAMlL Y: Xantusiidae608 FAMILY: AnomaIepidae'" SUBFAMILY: Cricos.urinae GENUS: AnomaIepis GENUS: Cricosaura GENUS: Helminthophis SUBFAMILY: Xantusiinae GENUS: Liotyphlops GENUS: Lepidophyma GENUS: Typhlophis GENUS: Xantusia FAMILY: Leptotyphlopidae'" SUBORDER: Serpentes'" GENUS: Leptotyphlops SUPERFAMILY: Boidea'" GENUS: Rhinoleptus' FAMILY: AniIiidae" I FAMILY: Typhlopidae'" GENUS: Anilius' GENUS: Acutotyphlops FAMILY: Anomochilidae'" GENUS: Cyclotyphlops' GENUS: Anomochilus GENUS: Ramphotyphlops FAMILY: Boidae'" GENUS: Rhinotyphlops SUBFAMILY: Boinae'" GENUS: Typhlops GENUS: Acrantophis GENUS: Xenotyphlops' GENUS: Boa SUPERFAMILY: Xenophidia'" GENUS: Candoia FAMILY: Acrochordidae'20 GENUS: Corallus GENUS: Acrocbordus GENUS: Epicrates FAMILY: Atractaspididae'" GENUS: Eunectes SUBFAMILY: Atractaspidinae
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