Nurfitrah Windriadi Oetomo

Faculty of Psychology Airlangga University

Email: [email protected]

Abstract Introduction: Pancasila is Indonesia’s national ideology that was made through long hours of discussion from June 1st to August 18th in 1945 which contains nation’s values that were meant to guide society to a better future. The young generation of Millennials are known for their skills and are familiar with modern technology, therefore they have a profound understanding of technology usage to utilize Pancasila’s values to the younger generation so they will not forget the struggle and vision of fellow veteran warriors for the nation. Methods: Aiming to know how Millennials work on modern technology such as social media, this article uses literature review methods, reviewing different articles on millennials, social media, digital technology and Pancasila. Results: 14 articles in totals are collected from different topics of millennials, social media, digital technology and Pancasila, resulting in values that Pancasila contains, the Millennials’ role in utilizing Pancasila’s values and taking advantage of social media to utilize Pancasila’s values in Millennials. Conclusion: Pancasila as a nation’s ideology contains values that are guiding society to a better future. As Millennials live and continue the journey to build a better Indonesia, it is necessary to utilize Pancasila’s values through modern technology that Millennials are familiar with like social media so Pancasila is always in thought as guidance to live in society.

Keywords: Millennials, Pancasila’s Values, Social Media

INTRODUCTION Pancasila is Indonesia’s national ideology and the foundation of how Indonesia was built. Ideology (and political work) as described by Mao in Li and Soobaroyen article is included in social and educational activity, seeking certain political ideas, views and standpoints for society resulting in a definite social behaviour (8). This nation’s ideology– Pancasila, was made through long hours of discussion from June 1st to August 18th 1945 by veteran warriors or heroes who helped to make Indonesia independent from colonialism. Pancasila as a nation’s ideology aiming to guide the Indonesian people to a certain social behaviour to reach the goal of a better future of Indonesia that was dreamt by the veteran warriors and heroes. Since being legitimated on August 18th 1945, Pancasila has been used as a guidance for Indonesian to live in society and move forward in living aspects such as culture, economy, social and many others. Through ages of generations and development processes, Pancasila’s find its way to adapt to modern society and modern society find its way to adjust to the nation’s value of ideology, Pancasila. Through the development of things that are adjusted to the nation’s ideology resulting in new concepts, ideas and theories for the society to live with also making society find new relevances of Pancasila’s values and developed concepts (5). Not to mention that the nation’s ideology went through a harsh historic event known as Gerakan 30 September 1965 (G30S/PKI) or the where totals of 7 victims were killed during the raid movement, 3 of them are generals named , M. T. Haryono and D. I. Pandjaitan, 1 police officer Karel Sadsuitubun, 1 aider of , Lieutenant Pierre Tendean and 1 last victim is Nasution’s five-years-old daughter, Ade Irma Suryani Nasution (10). Pancasila then used as a tool for ideology so the nation’s government can figure the way out of the communist infiltration within the society, making the values of Pancasila are open and dynamic in tune with the current zeitgeist that is going on within the society way of living (5).

For the improvement and optimal utilization of Pancasila, we need Millennials–the young generation who are familiar with the modern technology and current trend within the society of online communities, whereas traditionally people would often communicate and get together to exchange information, in today’s activity, internet especially social media is the only thing needed for modern gatherings of information exchange (14). Millennials are important as they are the successor of the older generation, continuing to build the nation and productively being creative to face current affairs by accessing information and spreading information widely (7).

Globalization made the development of technology into a better use but also giving negative impact on some parts of Pancasila’s values for Indonesia. One example of positive impact from modern technology is making a lot of people are able to access information fast and easy, on the negative side, this fast and easy access to information is digested by the public without a grain of salt, meaning the public consumes information as it is without making a fact check, this impacts on people’s ideology of Pancasila, the national ideology in mind being affected by materialism, hedonism and consumerism (6). These consequences from consuming information through fast and easy access on the internet do not only affect their ideology but also affecting on their communication degree from real-life interaction to online-focused interaction (3). The decreasing duration of engaging in real-life interaction give impacts to people’s ideology or mindset about the things that surround them, these things affect people on their behaviour into: selfism, an act of advancing their selves first instead of others; exclusive greediness, an act of unsatisfied self and wanting a lot more; lastly, ignorance, an act of not putting other’s business into their account. Those effects can settle into an act of apathy and can affect the digital era development negatively as people would pull themselves out of the current social issue (6).

Those acts could lead to the decreasing of Pancasila’s values in society if the public and government does not work together to utilize modern technology in implementing Pancasila’s values to the society (5). As of right now, Millennials are into social media, based on a large usage number of social media (14). Taking advantage of that would be a great way to continuing the growth of Pancasila’s values to the young generation.

METHODS The method that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative research, studying and analyzing resources of articles and books with themes of millennials, social media, digital technology and Pancasila. Study Protocol The flow of this research started with a gathering study focusing on millennials, social media, digital technology and Pancasila, the researcher then reads all the materials that have been found and later analyze them. The analyzed materials then extracted for related research purposes as a result. The later result will be concluded for easier understanding. Article Search Strategy The study materials will be sought from a website or database that contains related themes on article or book. The materials used will mainly be in bahasa Indonesia, materials using languages other than bahasa Indonesia will be used if the data or description of the study can be used as a support for this research. Inclusion Criteria The criteria of materials used for this study are all from the publication year of 2019- 2021 to ensure relevance and up to date research study. Materials with older publication year will only be used if there is relevance within this research. Articles or books are welcomed to be used in this research as long as they related to the temes of millennials, social media, digital technology and Pancasila. Discussion other than the informed theme within the materials will not be used unless it contains a supporting source for this article.


These are the materials found for the research of this article:

1. Book: Generational Gaps in Political Media Use and Civic Engagement This book discusses how each generation engages with political news and how differently the methods were used by each generation to obtain that news. Explaining every detail related to political activities and relations that were done by the people accessing political news and engaging with civic. This book helped to understand how people engage with politics and civics, also describing how social media affects the engagement for obtaining news. 2. Article: Pengamalan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Bagi Generasi Milenial (Utilization of Pancasila’s values by Millennials) Discusses the utilization of Pancasila’s values on Millennials that starts to fade as the generation continues to grow, whereas those values in Pancasila are made to guide the society as an ideology to face everyday difficulties as a citizen of Indonesia that is rich in culture, ethnic and language. This article studies the literature of Pancasila’s values that are being utilized on day to day basis. The reason for the fading values of Pancasila in Millennials is because of the growth of character that is out of the values that are contained in Pancasila (2). The article from Anggraini, Fathari, Anggara, and Al Amin concluded that the character of Millennials needs to be enriched and molded with the nation’s ideology, Pancasila. 3. Article: Lunturnya Norma Pancasila di Era Milenial 2019/2020 (The Fading of Pancasila’s Norm in Millennials Era 0f 2019/2020) The fading of Pancasila’s norm in 2019-2020 Millennials era is believed because of the globalization that is affecting the traditional culture of Indonesia being integrated or even replaced by the outside culture. The outside culture that came because of globalization was made as their primary key in living therefore leaving the traditional culture of Indonesia itself forgotten and were thought of as lame and out of date. Researchers from the mentioned article claimed that character building as education would help restore Pancasila’s values to the society, especially the Millennials. 4. Article: Introduction to the Special Issue: New Trends in Digital and Social Media Advertising Introducing trends in advertising in digital technology and social media, this method could help to introduce Pancasila to the mass public especially for those who are currently engaging in social media technology on their smartphone, tablet PCs or personal computer, to obtain the latest news or trends that are currently circulating online. With the wittiness and creativity of content creators, the advertising of Pancasila’s values can be consumed widely, therefore, making the mass public more familiar with Pancasila ideology. 5. Article: Tantangan dan Penguatan Ideologi Pancasila dalam Menghadapi Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 (Challenges and Reinforcements of Pancasila ideology in Facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution) This article discusses how to enforce the ideology of Pancasila into the society in facing the fourth industrial revolution, where changes are quite felt by the society as the world grow at a fast pace from traditionally handled matters to modern technology- focused handling. This change in handling matters impacts society everyday life and their development of ideology. 6. Article: Pendidikan Pancasila Bagi Generasi Milenial (Pancasila Education for Generation of Millennial) Describing how Millennials are familiar with social media and digital technology impacting on how they utilize them for further matters in society using the values that Pancasila contains. The researcher described that Pancasila needs exposure to an even wider mass public and contains an explanation of how to develop the concept of Pancasila education to face modern issues of the current development of the nation towards an even more modern world. 7. Book: Revitalisasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di Kalangan Anak Muda Milenial Indonesia (Revitalization of Pancasila’s Values in Young Generation of Indonesian Millenials) This book by the Indonesian government provides the explanation of how to revitalize the Pancasila’s values to Millennials in Indonesia. Providing information of what the nation needs to develop Pancasila’s values so Millennials can reach them like the strategy, plan, target and facilities like social media platforms. 8. Article: Accounting, Ideological and Political Work and Chinese multinational

operations: A neo-Gramscian perspective

The article mainly focused on accounting operation in Chinese culture, but it contains

explanations of ideology and political work definition that can be used as supporting

materials within this article.

9. Article: Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Epistemologi Pancasila di Perguruan Tinggi (An Attempt to Escalate the Epistemology Understanding of Pancasila in University) Exploring the understanding of Pancasila in university students through text materials and the process of producing Pancasila through roleplay learning. The article found that through those learning methods, university students are able to understand and learn the process of producing Pancasila and the values that it contains. These technics of learning could be implied as modern methods of understanding. 10. Book: Pretext for Mass Murder A book describing the mass murder event of the 30th of September from Indonesian history. This book supports the important role of Pancasila to solve a harsh matter that went out of the line of the purpose of Pancasila’s values. 11. Article: Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Dalam Pembelajaran Pancasila Untuk Generasi Milenial Di Perguruan Tinggi (Utilizing Social Media in Pancasila Education for Millennials in University) With the Pancasila education included in the university curriculum for study, a lot of students reaction and enthusiasm for the class has been decreasing with the thought of the boring class and unnecessary education with the mind that in university they will mainly focus on their department-related studies. In this article, they provided a solution to make the class for Pancasila education to be more interesting through social media related class. 12. Article: Tantangan Globalisasi, Peran Negara, dan Implikasinya Terhadap Aktualisasi Nilai-Nilai Ideologi Negara (Globalization, Role of Country and the Implication as a Challenge to Actualize the Nation Ideology Values) This article discusses the implication of the challenge from globalization and the role of the country to attempt in actualizing the nation ideology values of Pancasila. Globalization is known to influence the culture, economy, politic, social and technology flow of development as to no end and resulting in new challenges to be faced. As globalization impacting the society’s mindset and ideology, the society’s understanding of Pancasila’s values are also affected by this. 13. Article: Ideologi Pancasila Sebagai Dasar Membangun Negara Hukum Indonesia (Ideology of Pancasila as the Basic to Build Indonesia as a Country of Law) Examining the important ideology of Pancasila as a factor to develop the nation of Indonesia as a country that obeys the law. Focusing on Pancasila’s ideology as the base to develop law sentences for the justice of the nation. The law context in this journal will not be discussed further as it is not in theme with the purpose of this research. 14. Article: The Impact of Social Media Marketing Trends on Digital Marketing Providing information on the importance of social media in current trends. Social media is widely accessed by millions of people, and it is a great medium to reach a more wide audience since the growth of the usage is significant. Although marketing could be one way to promote Pancasila’s values, it will not be discussed further as it is not supporting the purpose of the research.

DISCUSSION From the review of literature above in the result section, we will now discuss the further aspect as to how the materials above will impact this research’s result.

Pancasila’s Values

Pancasila was made as the base philosophy of the country Indonesia that was expected to guide the people of Indonesia to live with the guidance of Pancasila’s values in the society. Made by the veteran warriors and heroes including Indonesia’s first president and his vice, Ir. and , for the sake of the country, to live against major challenges that try to divide Indonesia so Indonesian will achieve their dreamt goals for the country (2). As the successor of the nation, the young generation must learn how to implement and utilize Pancasila’s values in everyday life. Pancasila’s values are stated through the five principle–Pancasila within it, namely: 1. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa (God, the Almighty) Meaning how every people in Indonesia has a religion of their own and are able to perform their distinctive religious prayer and others would have no right to compel them to religions other than their beliefs. 2. Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab (Fair and Civilized Humanity) Meaning Indonesians are able to appreciate and respect the different aspects of culture and language because of the various race that Indonesia consists of. 3. Persatuan Indonesia (Unity of Indonesia) Related on how the nation feel the need and effort to keep and maintain the unity of the nation based on their conscious sense of belonging to Indonesia. 4. Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin Oleh Hikmah Kebijaksanaan dalam Permusyawaratan Perwakilan (Democracy Led by the Wisdom in Deliberations of Representative) Meaning how Indonesian has the right to observe and give suggestion for fluent governmental flow with the mind of prioritizing deliberation to make choices or to finish matters. 5. Keadilan Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia (Social Justice for Every People of Indonesia) Meaning that every people of Indonesia, no matter where they are from, are able to receive and bring justice for those in need to help each other and able to respect the contradicting statement of others to keep justice and peace in society. Though, in other perspectives, it contains other values that are considered unfit with the values that Pancasila contains and are happening in everyday life based on the research of Tata Bonar Silitonga in 2020 (12) about the challenge of globalization, the role of the nation and its implication on the actualization of the values of nation’s ideology.

No Principle Values Challenges Actions

1. Religion and Values of communism, The discourse of caliphate spirituality secularism, fundamentalism country, a country with and animism secularism, religion-based only on the identity card, empty faith, one- way tolerance and lack of diversity

2. Humanity Fundamentalism and Bullying, persecution, blaspheme, sectarianism radical, discrimination, lack of self-regard

3. Unison Community’s hegemony, Priority on personal or specific pessimism community matters, respect on ethnicity, country and religion analogy 4. Democracy Sectarian hegemony Politic identity, irrational politic and money politic

5. Social justice Capitalism, hedonism and Corruption, hedonism, personal individualism use of public facilities, plagiarism and lack of work ethic

Diverge actions against the values that Pancasila contains will lead to an unwanted working flow of a nation that could harm the country or the society itself, therefore we need action to guide the society as they face challenges and current actions that are misleading from the values of Pancasila because of the growing technology–modern technology, where the society is familiar and mainly interact with. The media that shows up on their timeline or the characters that they show in social media through their modern technology often diverge from the ideology of Pancasila, therefore actions are needed (12).

Millennials’ Roles on Utilizing the Values of Pancasila. Ideologically, Pancasila was made from the zeitgeist of the nation that has been reflected from their action and will to build Indonesia to be a better country. Based on focus group discussion (FGD) by the assessment team of the ministry of Indonesia in the year 2020 (7), discussing about how Millennials experience and utilize the values of Pancasila in their everyday life shows that they have the tendency of behaviour and appreciation of Pancasila’s values from habits that they catch unconsciously from the environment. Although it also shows that half of the Millennials too, are not implementing the values of Pancasila in their everyday life because of the influence of globalization and how they utilize their technology as to not be based from the values of Pancasila (7). On the era of globalization, digital technology has been growing and impacting the values and the culture of Indonesia that is been decreasing by each day. Millennials who are fond of this modern technology might use them creatively to utilize the values of Pancasila to the mass public and younger generation who is familiar with the rave of social media. By infiltrating and studying the behaviour and habit of social media user especially Millennials or younger generation this could be an alternative way to utilize Pancasila’s values so they can be consumed easily and friendly (7).

Using Social Media as a Way to Utilize the Values of Pancasila Social media is one of the modern technology that is mainly used by everyone of every generation, fondly by the Millennials. The creation of social media has given so many positive impacts for people like easier access on information or communication. With that in mind, it is absolutely worth a fortune to utilize modern technology like social media to pursue the building and growing technology whilst utilizing the nation’s ideology–Pancasila as a guideline for the people of Indonesia to wisely use social media based on the Pancasila ideology. This choice of act is determined as logical, rightful and effective by the results of analyzing the material found to support this article as Millennials tend to use social media as a creative and innovative platform that is easily accessed (11). Here are some benefits of using social media as a platform to promote utilization of values from Pancasila (7): 1. Making short videos or reels that contains the value that promotes Pancasila guidelines. Those videos are able to be shared through social media like Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, or even Facebook, so they can reach a much wider population. 2. Making social media accounts on famous or trending platform or application. Through creative contents, social media user will find their way as an influencer to promotes positivity, in this case, the values of Pancasila as guidelines for the people of Indonesia, so they can implement or utilize it in their everyday life.

Utilizing famous and trending platform or application may be the best way as of right now since the majority of the public are using social media as a way to communicate to a wider audience of people. Through creative and innovative contents, people around Indonesia who access them will be connected and will able to learn the values of Pancasila without any misconception or misperception.

CONCLUSION As the nation grows by each day, the ideology of Pancasila that was made by the veteran heroes and warriors are being inherited as guidance for the society and people of Indonesia to grow and face hurdles of modern issues and conception. Through understanding the habit and how the mass public consumes new things each day, the impact of globalization and growing technology making the people confuse the values of Pancasila into different perception, therefore action is needed to utilize modern technology like social media to promotes the values of Pancasila for the young generation of Millennials so they can understand and continue to implement the values of Pancasila in their everyday life. The values that Pancasila contains are able to guide society to a better future to build a better Indonesia, it is necessary to utilize Pancasila’s values through modern technology that Millennials are familiar with like social media so Pancasila is always in thought as guidance to live in society. REFERENCES

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