Connecting with the Next Generation

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Connecting with the Next Generation Millennial Mojo Convention keynote to address the importance of collaborating with the next generation avi Hutheesing will be a severe cultural and reli- featured keynote speaker at gious divides. the 97th State Education Ravi conducted songwriting Convention, Jan. 17-19 in and cultural entrepreneurship Milwaukee. Ravi has built his programs in 2017 in Iraq which brand globally as a cultural- included four students from Mosul entrepreneur. His philoso- — liberated from ISIS just three phies and strategies have helped days before — and Lebanon which R businesses, educators, and over a included work in Syrian refugee million people throughout the Amer- camps. The State Department also Connecting icas, Europe, the Middle East, and contracted him to be a judge for the Asia bridge generational and cultural prestigious 2017-18 American Music With the Next divides. Additionally, the U.S. State Abroad program, for which a select Department engages Ravi as a cul- group of artists will tour and represent Generation tural diplomat to create programs American culture overseas. Currently, by Ravi Hutheesing worldwide that foster cultural he serves as the Director of Youth How will the largest generation exchange and mutual understanding. Engagement and Cultural Entrepre- on the planet reinvent education, His worldwide visibility skyrocketed neurship for the Association of entrepreneurship, and human as the guitarist for triple Grammy American Voices — a non-profit capital? They may achieve world nominee, Hanson. Their massive fan organization that has been conducting peace in the process, if we let them. base of the earliest millennials made cross-cultural engagement with audi- Millennials are not to be ignored. them the top-selling band in the world ences in over 140 nations worldwide They are the largest generation and around the turn of the millennium. and administers some of the most in less than one year these 17-35 Ravi has performed on stages that effective cultural diplomacy programs year olds will be the most economi- include the White House, Madison of the U.S. State Department. cally influential in the global Square Garden, Tonight Show, Good Ravi also partners with Shanti Bhavan economy. The future looks bright for Morning America, and, among others, Children’s Project in India, which serves those embracing millennial culture. Saturday Night Live. as a home and non-sectarian boarding One can best influence the actions of millennials by being relevant and As a cultural diplomat, Ravi first school providing a holistic upbringing in relatable. Drawing comparisons to went to Russia in 2015 on behalf a high-quality educational setting for the boomers often evokes negativity and of the U.S. State Department and poorest of the poor. Given proper care, condescension toward youth — a delivered a series of lectures on support, and educational opportunities, tendency that repeats itself with artist-entrepreneurship and youth lead- these children are able to succeed in every generation. However, we all ership. In 2016, he went to Indonesia life and bring about social change to have many more commonalities than — the world’s largest Muslim population their communities. Current graduates we do differences and therefore one — and created a songwriting camp for are employed by American Express, must develop empathy. millennials from southeast Asian Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, and others, The collapse of Wall Street, 9/11, nations, showcasing how arts and and the school is the subject of the the rising cost of education, and a entrepreneurship can bridge the most Netflix series, “Daughters of Destiny.” decreasing number of jobs is largely 20 | WISCONSIN SCHOOL NEWS Millennials are the most educated generation to date, but heavily scrutinize the value of highly regarded institutions that ultimately drown students in a sea of debt. the palette from which millennials discussed this issue nor the impact of on social media and instantly engage paint. PEW Research reports that artificial intelligence, and that is part with respondents. Millennials are interests in religion and military have of the reason why millennials did consequently the most socially con- hit an all-time low, likely due to now show up at to vote. nected and diverse generation. terrorism emphasizing religious con- Millennials are truth seekers who They don’t look at their phones; flict and the astronomical cost of war. value people and purpose over prod- they look through them at the world Meaningful activities outweigh ucts and profits. They are skeptical on the other side. Racial, social, and profit since high finance equates to of authority, lack patience for cultural differences are less corporate greed. Millennials are the bureaucracy, and relate best to peers important to them, and they would most educated generation to date, within an electronic social context. much rather come together to make but heavily scrutinize the value of They are not as technologically the world a better place if we let highly regarded institutions that savvy as they are technologically them rather than saddling them with ultimately drown students in a sea of transparent — mobile devices are “baggage” from previous genera- debt. Why invest in the future when extensions of their beings and a tions. They wholeheartedly represent the promise has defaulted? More- seamless means for self-expression to Gandhi’s message of “Be the change over, PEW Research reports that by cultivate social circles. Previous you wish to see in the world.” 2030, 38 percent of the job market generations found like-minded I am optimistic about a future will be outsourced to technology. friends locally by wearing sports under the leadership of millennials. n Neither of the major presidential team jerseys and rock band t-shirts. Ravi Hutheesing, Global Keynote Speaker, candidates during our last election Today, we broadcast “likes” globally Celebrating 125 years of tradition left: Columbus Elementary School; Appleton // right: Berlin Middle School; Berlin, WI left: Columbus Elementary School; master planning // facility assessments // referendum // energy upgrades // solar planning // design // renovation // construction 920.731.2322 // SEPTEMBER 2017 | 21.
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