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Use The Times' CLASSIFIED ADS to sell, buy or trade. Belleville’s Most Potent Selling Force Call Be. 2-3200

Vol XIX., No. 36 BELLEVILLE, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Renewed Salvage Campaign PLAN BOARD GETS Ro^ y H e a d BELLBOY GRIDDERS Announced By Brunner AXE FROM SOLONS TO USE STADIUM Town-Wide Canvass Sunday Paper Shortage Emergency Declared By Governor Edge WITHOUT VOTE NEXT SEASON For Servicemen’s State Vote: Speaks Tonight ■% As Mills Stand Idle Williams Joins Opponents H. S. Athietic Council Votes Of Proposed Measure; To Move Football, Baseball Coordination of local col­ Waters Stands Alone Oat Of Clearman Field Brunner Asks Cooperation , lection agencies and the peo­ ple of’ Belleville was empha­ The proposed ordinance, which The high school baseball and would set up a municipal plan­ "Air Raid Wardens; Police And Fire sized yesterday by Defense football teams will move bag and ning board is doomed to defeat baggage from Clearman Field to WOULD PROHIBIT ï Coordinator Brunner as he before Commissioner Waters even the Municipal Stadium this year Reserves, Ambulance, First Aiders ^ announced renewed and re­ and will turn the old Union ave­ brings it in. That was the opin­ nue field over to town recrea­ To Canvass Every Home Here doubled efforts in Belleville’s ion of observers after listening tional programs. 1 GAMBLING HERE to the discusión of it at the town salvage drives for paper, tin, This was the decision reached King To Introduce Ordinance Belleville’s estimated 2,700 men and women in the uni­ commission meeting Tuesday last night by the Athletic coun­ nights. fats and rags. cil of the school b;;ar;l. The pro­ To Outlaw Gaining; Lay Over forms of their country will be given a chance to vote in the The measure, which has been Pointing to the paper situa posal needs only the concurrence forthcoming elections regardless of where they are stationed under consideration for over of the board of educaticn but no Other Proposed Measures tion, the most critical of all throe, months, drew objections opposition is expected to develop — but only if their families will cooperate with the town- Tuesday night from Mayor W il­ An ordinance to make gam­ the salvage efforts, he asked5 at its April meeting, wide canvass which will be conducted during the next wec-ii liams, Commissioners King and the latter that it use the. north bling a local violation as well as that every householder in the Noil. Commissioner Mertz, who be members of the ARP and other defense organizations. raised no specific obiection, nev­ A fter an hour-long discussion a state offense will be introduced town acquaint himself with his last night, the council adopted a ertheless recommended that it be W . Douglas Clark by Public Safety Director King This was the message of Defense Co-ordinator Brunner zone number which is based on motion made by School Supciin- laid on the table for further ut the next meeting of the town last night as he announced the gigantic one-day canvass of the defense zoning1 map. studv. Belleville Rotary club yester­ tendent Parmer that the high school teams use the one-time commission. the town which will take place next Sunday afternoon from Collections are made every Williams listed the most speci­ day elected W. Douglas Clark of 20 Clearman place and secretary-' turf bog, that Cleaiman or turn­ He .attempted to bring in the Wednesday in a different zone, fic of the arguments, coming to 1 to 5. In order to facilitate the survey he has requested the meeting armed with written ■treasurer of Clark & Hammer ed over to the town recreation de­ proposed addition to the lawLjoks depcndinir on the narticular week company at 8-1 Academy street, partment for its summer pro­ every Belleville family, or at least a qualified representa­ Alvin W . Outcalt questions and objections. He read gram. Tuesday night but the measure of the month: zones 1 and 5 on off seven definite points which he as its president for 1944-45. The tive, to remain at home Sunday afternoon to answer the vote was unanimous. The request will be made of was laid on the table for "further the first Wedenesday, zone 2 on Alvin W . Outcalt, sales man considered as militating against Clark, who will succeed Edgar ------'V questions of the interviewers. the second, zone < 3 on the third ager of Belle Chemical company the town and the commission: the latter that is use the north study” at the request of Com­ and zone 4 on the fourth Wednes­ and son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peieris of Resistoflex corpor­ end of Clearman only for base­ missioner Mertz. Nearly 1,500 air raid wardens! ation, will take office in July. ball and the south end for other day. Jiag.s are gathered at the Outcalt of Baldwin place, will 1 ) Placing of zoning duties King explained that the ab­ police and fire reserves, members He has been a Rotaci an for. four projects. This provision will per­ sence of a local ordinance has RED CROSS DRIVE same time. be one of the principal speakers within the province of the of the (ambulance corps and first School pupils act as the inter­ tonight at the national Junior planning board; years and has been active in war mit the high school gridders to meant necessity of referral to bond work in every drive. aiders will cover the town 'from, mediary in the tin salvage cam­ Achievement banquet at the 2) The fact that t h e move back to Union avenue the county grand jury. The bill MAY BE EXTENDED paign. They collect the scrap met­ \v aldorf Astoria hotel in New board’s master plan could be He is Boy Scout district chair­ should the municipal stadium not would set S2U0' fine and 90 days the Valley to the Third river anj al from homes and take it to York*. adopted by a mere majority man, and has been active in the prove to be in shape. in jail as maximum penalties. Chapter Chairman Suggests from Greylock to Silver Lake school where it is collected every of the town commission while Welfare Beard, Red Cross, New­ The executive committee of the Two other ordinances were also Young Outcalt, who recently ferret out the information wij Thursday. changes in the plan would ark Motor and Yacht club, Belle­ council will meet with Mayor W il­ laid over fo r_ stuly: one which pro­ Prolonging Campaign; Only made a "selling” tour of Atlanta require a four-fifths vote: liams in the near future to dis­ poses a municipal planning board will permit ballots to be nrj "Householders who have no chil­ md New Orleans for JA, will ville Rod and Gun club, Masonic dren of school age,” Brunner 8) The commission can re­ lodge and Craftsmen’s club. cuss the problems involved in and another (already passed on Sixty Percent Realized to the town’s servicemen. represent the youth of the na­ fer .other matters than plan­ dressing up the stadium for foot­ first reading) making OPA vio­ said, should make arrangements tional movement in telling of his Elected with him were vice " I f the canvass of the town with a neighbor’s child or call £he ning to the board "which is a president B. Thomas Aitlcen of ball. Pie is understood to have al­ lations a local offense. Extension of the 1944 Red experiences in Junior Achieve­ King was the principal objec­ is permitted to drag out over a principal of the nearest school.” ment. very broad authority;” the Peoples National bank, secre­ ready promised to have the nec­ Cross War Fund into April was Fats from cooking should be 4) "Other laws, ordinances tary S. G. Bart of Bart Labora­ essary work done for baseball. tor to the OPA measure, primar­ suggested last night by B. long period of time,” asserted saved from the garbage and taken "This second selection of Out­ and regulations shall not he tories, treasurer Harry Naylor The discussion on the two fields ily to the provisions which would Brunner,» “our boys fighting to calt to speak far JA is a distinct was started by Chairman Schmutz have the local police department Thomas Aitken, chairman of the to a butcher who will give the in force insofar as they apply who has an insurance agency, and preserve our right to vote win honor for Belleville,” an official to plots, maps or plans.in the who pointed to the dilemma of investigate and prosecute viola­ Belleville chapter, as he revealed donor a number of ration points trustees Clarence I). Van Sickle, not receive their ballots in time. in return, , of the local Central Committee O. B. Bart and Peieris. keeping Clearman in shape for tors. It is .expected that amend­ that the drive which is slated town when the master map “ It is the duty of all of us to Stressing the urgency of the said yesterday. "H e will be the is established;” football and the resultant idleness ments will he introduced to cover to end tomorrow, has reached make it our responsibility to paper campaign, Brunner pointed only junior on the program.” 5^ Subdivision owners or which caused "unfavorable com­ the objections. Thirty-Two Fathers In Draft only sixty percent of its goal of guarantee them the right to their out that Governor Edge, at the Other speakers will be Capt. their agents must have the ments because people do not un­ Still on the table awaiting a Eddie Iiickenbacker, S. Bayard derstand what we have been try­ public hearing April 11 are ordin­ S41,50O. vote. I f we fail, we alone will request of production chief Don­ approval o f the planning Contingents Going Next Week be blamed.” ald Nelson, had declared a state Colgate, Charles R . H o o k, hoard before transferring or ing to do there.” ances establishing setback lines on The statement was made on the Revisit Absentees of emergency in that division. Quincy Howe, ex-Governor Edi­ selling property and all deeds Thirty-two fathers will be in­ Clearman Washes Mill street fr. m Rutgers street, to basis of figures announced by Many Paper Items son and former Postmaster Gen­ must he recorded in the office cluded in the largest contingents the Nutley line and on Belleville He also pointed out that fami­ He referred to the poor condi­ campaign chairman Elmer S. lies absent from their homes, "There are more than 2,800 eral James Farley. of the county clerk: of men to leave Belleville this tion of Clearman, where stones avenue from Union avenue to items for the armed forces which Junior company members who . 6) Public utilities are ex­ year for the armed forces. Those ashington avenue. Hyde and treasurer Albert P. whether or not there are service­ are continually cropping up be­ men from there, will only cause employ.the use of paper,” Brun­ plan to attend' the banquet are empt by state law from the schedued for Navy induction will cause of "washing” caused by the Luscombe. Returns up to last ner declared. "Th e problem is a William Hartley, William L. jurisdiction of the planning report Tuesday those for the recalls until it is ascertained six-foot slope from Holmes street night showed collections of $24,- whether or not there is anyone constant and continuing one pri­ Heuser Jr., Lionel Ehrenworth, board. C'ela^s legislation” ) ; Army two days later. south. Assigned To Navy 2 1 1 : in military service from that marily: because of the shortage and Lois Burlington. 7) “ What business corpora­ "W e are obliged to give the SEEK OPERATOR OF of new pulp imports. tion would delegate almost Graham R. Adams ol‘ Verona, Ernest Hou.-e to Hou.se ...... S 6,499.10 home. Central Committee members H. Bolder of North Bergen, Harry football team the best possible Organizations ...... 874.70 The purpose of the one-day "Imports of paper pulp have from Belleville ori the list are untold authority to men of Uritcliley of 2 Bremond street, Christopher place on which to play,” he sta­ School Teachers, Pupils __ 885.75 O'Andrea, of lull Franklin street, . Joseph .Smail Business ...... canvass, he~ pointed out, is to eli­ practically ceased because of the Edgar S. Peieris, Robert'.Edgar, •-limited experience and know- ted, "and yet we are obliged to HIT-RUN AUTO 635.01 scarcity of shipping space. ‘ Wood . ledge?” DiModiwi of f>6 Frederick street, Nicholas Special Gifts ...... 1.439.65 minate a i Richard Thompson, Rev. Bene­ A. Edwards of 1st) William street, Her­ give the townspeople a place to Industry ...... 13,463.96 is not _ being cut in sufficient bert J. Ferguson of Newark, N. J. Newark Youth Claims Car Booths at Banks ...... during which many homes "may detto Pascale, Rev. 0. W . Chapin Suggests Expert p la y.... 270.5 be j overlooked. Any families not quantities in our own forests be­ and Joseph C. Duval. Peter V. Fitzpatrick of f>7 Smith street, "Our first concern is the safe­ Roller Skating Party ...... 142.2: cause of the manpower shortage. Patrick H. ‘Goldrick of 25 Sanford ave­ Did Not Stop; Nutley visited Sunday afternoon, how- Among the adult advisors who The mayor suggested that, nue. Gerhardt H. Grosskreutz of 84 Ralph ty of our boys, not the monetary $24,211.01 ever, will be revisited. " It cannot be transported to hould a real need be shown for street, Frederick E. Hartmann of Jersey Woman injured ivill attend are Charles Hambach- return from football, so what if Both Hyde and Aitken remark­ _ Names of all those now in ser­ mills in large enough lots be­ municipal planning, the town hire City, Clinton F. Inderwiess of 134 Linden er, Bernard Corcoran, H. S. avenue, Edward F. Jourdan of 73 Little the turf bog does cut down the vice or who have received notice cause of the necessity of using a planning expert who, "after his attendance? I don’t know why A teletype alarm for a hit-run ed that the returns are incomplete nui: railway systems for shipment Soutar, Kent R. Costikyan, Rus­ street, John Malarkey of 255 Greylock id! induction prior to April 24 will job is finished, could be paid off parkway. these groups are so reluctant to driver was sent out by police and requested workers of all divi­ of other vital war supplies.' sell Kearney, Charles Zindle, W il­ be listed in the survey, regard­ and let go.” Anthony S. Marinaro of 230 William use the stadium. Tuesday night after George Ziz- sions to complete their assign­ "Therefore the whole program liam Gibson, John Ericson, H al­ street, Thomas S. Masterton of North less of age. Delineation of under- He charged that planning "There’s that stadium standing zio, 17, of 498 North Fourth ments and make their returns by depends mostly on the scrap oid Althen, Sol Nagel and James i Arlington, Joseph C. Nisivuccia of Bloom­ street Newark, reported that his tomorrow night "in order that re­ ■ige servicemen will take place Tullo. boards function hs "restrictive field, N. J., George E. Sheridan of 242 there unused. Maybe if we go up at state headquarters. paper which is collected from our bodies” and tend to slow down Washington avenue, Russell L. Schomp of car has been sideswiped on sults may be computed.” homes. there it will attract others to Approval of Army authorities development of a town. He claim­ 10 Greenwich street, Harry G. Stratton of use it.” "Washington avenue south of "There are thirty mills in North 11 Van Houten place, Samuel E. Stratton William street. was forthcoming last week in a ed that a planning board would of Nutley, N. J., Charles Vazzano of Harold Dufford, high school Industrial Salvage Committee Jersey devoted to the reproces­ Chief Joseph Journey Bloomfield, N. J. Zizzio claimed that a car com­ letter flam Maj. Gen. Thomas A . have hindered the erection of the faculty manager of athletics, de­ Terry, commanding general of the sing of salvaged paper but they Jergens and Kidde plants and Assigned To Army ing towards him had crossed to Ii Praised For 1943 Record Nutley’s Fire Chief Joseph Ralph P. Brown of Newark, Joseph clared that "we will benefit more Second Service Command in which are working only two or three development of White Oaks, which oays u, week because not enough Journey died at his home Friday Moraski of Nutley, John T. McLaughlin Belleville children” if we let them hi? ¡Y? Y Y mi thU ,sti;eet a,nd j Belleville’s record of salvage New Jersey is located, to Gover­ night at 5o. Pie was born and pays nearly $140,000 a year in of 2 Cedar Hill avenue, Anthony B use this (Clearman) field for rec­ au^o, The other car did collections rates as one' of the nor Edge. paper is coming in to keep them taxes. Bahiker of Newark, Harry C. Bennett of not top. spent his youth in Belleville and reation.” finest, in the state, according to “ I would suggest,” wrote the busy full time. “ Just how much do we need a !L iappan avenue, John N. Christos of Mrs. Margaret Besche of Nut­ also_ lived in Bloomfield before ul Overlook avenue, William N . Frunzi Principal Burt Johnson said Defense Co-ordinator Brunner governor this week, "that you "The emergency is further planning board as compared to of 282 Greylock parkway, ley suffered locerations about the moving to Nutl.ey twenty years that such programs as tire re­ yesterday as he released facts and notify your air raid wardens and clarified -when it is remembered other municipalities?” King ask­ Benjamin Greco of S3 Carnier avenue, face Friday evening wheii the. car ( Continued on Ruhr Kiurht.) ago. cently projected police baseball figures on 1943 and early 1944 defense personnel that this house- ed. “ Belleville is about 85 percent Joseph Grillo of Bloomfield, Walter C. in which she was a 'passenger col­ collections. p,art Newark, Frank H. Kanady of league “ will feed baseball players to-house canvass has the whole­ A fire department volunteer developed already. I ’m wondering lided with another at Cortlandt "A COMPLETE SERVICE” Lloomneld, Karl E. Karlson of 390 Ste­ to the high school.” He paid particular tribute to hearted approval of the military since he moved to Nutley, he if we aren't - about 25 years too phen street, Frank McNaught Kim of and Rutgers streets. Real Estate And Insurance Concluded Schmutz: "The ma­ the Industrial Salvage committee authorities and on this basis they served as chief from 1987 to 1940 late.” Kearny Paul John LaBaugh of Lynd- Drivers of the cars, according COOGAN & MAYER, INC. yor is anxious to have us play headed by Edgar S. Peieris of can so advise the citizen; they and from 1942 until his death. Noll, after declaring that “the AlheiÎhWd M LaROe °f LowelJ* to police, were Harry Gonnollo, . Realtors - He leaves his wife, three sons •uU U p , Masonios of 247 Belleville on the municipal stadium and he Resistoflex c o r p oration. The contact.” board of commissioners is elected avenue, la id James Peterson of 160 Bel­ USMG,_24, of Bloomfield and Ru­ 140 Washington Avenue and a daughter. He was buried will do all in his power to get it group also includes Henry De- Belleville, 9, N. J. to do this job,” pointed to the re­ mont avenue, William E. Rame T- r.f in shape for us.” dolph Knaust, 44, caretaker of Phillips of Coating Materials and Tuesday following a requiem mass 2 .UHe3V H-™"1, Cl Kohertfon b' M’oT- Glendale cemetery. The woman, WPB Rejects Belmont Paving Phones Be. 2-2892 and Be. 2-1600 cent "overenthusiasm” in Nutley tl.iii, leuhnand H. Iiuif of 15 DeWitf Norman Lmterette of National in St. Mary’s Catholic church, planning board which embarrass- who was riding with Knaust, was — Adv. Nutlev. avenue, Peter A. Salerno of 47 Fiorence Grain Yeast, IContinued tin. Pn'ic Right) Municipal Audits To be Placed treated by Dr. K . E. Gardener ISC turned in 5,138 tons of An application by the town to of Bloomfield. icp.tve a section of Belmont av - * A ï Ai#,.an q •74. t nn * i “iron 'J11 and steel 1,442 tons of non- In Library On Citizens’ Bid Alfied S. Hamilton Jr., „9, of ferrous metals, 5 tons of rubber h u g has been rejected by WPP,, Montclair was. released after Public V oiks Director Waters Copies of the municipal audits and 443 tons of miscellaneous T V F,i,,,k a Murray of No 4 examination for drunken driving announced to the board of com­ rlington. from 1933 to 1943 will soon be scrap during last year and the Anthony T. Villano of I3’2 122 rr-uFranklin Sunday^ night following an acci­ missioners Tuesday night. placed in the Public Library. first three months of this year. D e f . T J“ d A - « í 3C Cedar Hill dent with a car operated by The committee operates jointly Waters said that the application Mayor Williams agreed Tuesday Frederick C. Rumrnel, 55, of 19 was approved by the state and to sponsor such a resolution on with similar groups in Bloomfield Assessment Hearings Malone avenue. and Nutley under the chairman­ $27,000 granted by the state for the request of the Citizens’ Com­ Rumrnel told police his car was the job. WPB however turns-: 1 ax assessor Charles W, Wat- mittee. ship of Frederick Remington of f.H. wj]l holds a hearing April 13 facing in toward a garage on Peerless Tool company of Bloom­ thumbs down until after the war, Servicemen's Vote The committee was represened Floyd street with the front wheels until when the $27,000 will Le field. Figures given, however, ■uni ° f Pleasant avenue by Roy Voss who declared that on the apron when he was struck credited to Belleville’s account. ' avenue on assess- "many people want the informa­ were for Belleville only. ,ne,hG to be placed against them by Hamilton who was exonerated tion but are unwilling to come Brunner estimated that 580 DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEW­ '.01 , pavement improve­ from intoxication suspicion after tons of waste paper were collected ments on those streets. into a formal meeting to ask for examination by Dr. Martin M. ELRY, al price* always in line it.” throughout the town during 1943 with the quality of the merchar- Meehan and Dr. Anthony R. Ga- and that 194 tons have been gath­ Complete Stock of" Poultry puto. lise offered. Victor Hart, Jeweler, Canvass Sunday JACOBS R E A LT Y CO. Inc. * ered from homes and small busi­ 157 Washington avenue, Belle« Mashes and Scratch 484 Washington Avenue A Public Service, bus driver ness so far this year. e-ill»». 1M .1 __AHv dashed into police headquarters Feeds —-Remedies — Equipment Belleville 2-3050 — 3051 Sunday morning to report an ac­ Orders Taken For Baby Chicks May we serve you? Prompt Deliveries cident at Washington avenue and All branches of LEVINE AND SONS William street. Real Estate And Insurance Police listed the drivers as Le The Civilian Defense Council -requests that a 15 Dayton Ave. Passaic 2-1401 Properties Managed ELECTION NOTICE Passaic, N. J. Roy McGregor, 51, of 92 Union Mortgage Loans Appraisals avenue and Henry S. Piwowor, qualified member of every Belleville family be at ______— Adv. — Adv. 17, of Elizabeth. The latter was E LEC TIO N will be held Mav 16th, giv-en a summons for next week 1944, •” home Sunday afternoon between 1 and 5 cri clock so to answer charges of going through a red light. that the official canvassers can obtain the' informa­ COMMiTTEE PETITIONS, REGISTRA- l IONS AND TRANSFERS will be received no later tion .which will permit ballots to be sent to your sons GARBAGE COLLECTION Must Answer Charges Tomorrow than April 6th, at 9:00 P.M. On Underweight Bread Count and daughters in service. NOTICE Townspeople may register or .transfer at the office John Zinieola of 127 King of the Town Clerk in the Town Hall, Washington street, Nutley, will appear tomor­ Avenue and Belleville Avenue between the hours of row morning before Recorder 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M, each day except Saturday Smith to answer charges of sell­ THEY are fighting to preserve YOUR right to Beginning Monday, the week of April 2, when the hours are 9:00 A.M. to 12 Noon, or Tues- ing underweight loaves of bread. day, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, April 4. 5 garbage collections will be restored to a The action was started by vote. YOU insure THEIR right to vote. Stay home weights and measures inspector and 6, from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. twice-weekly basis. Collections will be made William Sehneidewind who alleges Sunday, April 2 from 1 to 5 p.m. in the accustomed zones on Monday that Zinieola sold two loaves of Persons who have not already permanently register­ bred to Felix Garni to of 17 ed blit who have lived within the State of New Jer­ and Thursday, Tuesday and Friday and King street, Belleville, one loaf sey one year, in the County of Essex five months Wednesday and Saturday. Householders bearing no weight marked on the and are twenty-one years of age, are eligible to reg­ wrapper, the other marked 16 ister. Belleville Defense Council will simply revert to their former schedule. ounces and weighing only 14. t Zinieola, through James Piro of Nutley. his attorney, pleaded not Absolutely no transfer will be made on Election Dav. Thanks are extended to Belleville resi­ guilty last Friday. The case was it is therefor necessary that all persons who have dents for their cooperation during the postponed when Sehneidewind changed their address, sign the required transfer failed to have Garruto in court. card. RONALD G. BRUNNER EVERETT B. SMITH past two months and a half when col­ Coordinator Chairman lections were made only once a week. If You Want To Help THE RED CROSS Last day to file County Committee Petitions or to Or If You Need Red Cros* register or transfer, is April] 6th, at 9:00 P.M. INFORMATION . CHARLES CUOZZO, Contractor Be. 2-2373, and Be. 2-2603 FLORENCE Pv. MOREY 258 Wash ing-ton Ave, Town Clerk f — 5------" ------17777— rv T ------■ — ...... T ILI1 1 1 1 1 'MiVi*i»jiyiHiu,L-^nWJUW.l.~------,-w..V- M-v-1 ~ - 1-> ' ' t — ’ WTT^ T


»rary Carries Dickinson List Dickinson book list which was graphy, Cooper’s The Last of the card party has been postponed. lias also arranged for the appear­ made up by a committee of Mohicans, Dickon’s, David Cop- Noted Accordionist Plays Tonight WOMEN FURNISH The gioup. originally named to ance on this progarm of Mrs. tf Valuable Reading Books librarians representing towns in perfield, Drieser’s American Trag­ conduct it combined efforts with Floyd Stager, Nutley contralto. edy. the committee who supervised the Several dramatic monologues will The Public Library has on ex­ the vicinity of Fairleigh Dickin­ Fielding’s Tom Jones, Gals­ benefit card party for the Red also be presented. Tickets may be hibit beginning’ this -week the son Junior college. worthy’s The Forsyte Saga, Gold­ EASTER FLOWERS Cross on the evening of March purchased from a committee of The list is supposed to be a smith’s Vicar of Wakefield, Hospitalized Servicemen (5. which Mrs. Dwight N . Streeter common-sense group of enjoyable Hardy’s Teas of the D’Ubervil- Tuesday evening, April 18. will is chairman. and digestive books that can be les, Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Let­ Benefit From Program; see another program for the bene­ Dr. Vincent Barra read independently by the college ter. fit of the Red Gross under way students or the general reader. Ibsen’s The Doll’s House, Kip­ Delay Card Party in the clubhouse when the drama Good Health SURGEON CHIROPODIST While it is used at the college, ling’s The Light That Failed, The Belleville Woman’s club department presents Mrs. Frank 138 WASHINGTON AVE. as an out-of-closs reading list, it Lewis’ Main Street, Ludwig’s Na­ Koch of Livingston, better known Is Needed! is splendidly adapted for general poleon, Maugham’s Of Human has subscribed to the plan of BELLEVILLE furnishing Easter flower for hos­ as “ Elli,” author of the book B e e a iis e of -.Scientific treatment of public reading;. Bandage. “ Refugee” which describes her The list o f books which the pitalized servicemen in the gov­ Ingrown Nails, Callouses, Maupassant’s Short Stories, Mel experiences and those of her fam­ the increased librarians have chosen is as fol­ ville’s. Mobv Dick, Mali ere’s The ernment hospitals of New Jersey. strain from' Weak Arches, Bunions, Treasurer of the central commit­ ily in their escape from the Nazis Athlete's Foot, Corns lows: ' Miser, Poe’s Tales, Shaw’s Can­ in Germany. house work, Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, dida, tee for the project is Carl K. \ ARCH SUPPORTS Withers, president of the Lincoln Mrs. W. Douglas Clark is volunteer MADE TO ORDER Bennett’s The Old Wives Tale, Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, chairman of the department which Balzac’s Pere Goriot, Bronte’s Sterne’s Tristain Shandy. Thack­ National bank of Newark. work, or other P k Be. 2-1416 or 2-1361 Jane Eyre, Butler’s The Way of eray’s Vanity Fair, Tolstoy’s Contributions may be mailed war work, protect your health OFFICE HOURS 10 A.M. TO G P.M. All Flesh. Anna Karenina, Twain’s Adven­ dii-actly to him or to Mrs. J. ¿ f m $ r « i t ¡WEDNESDAYS TO 1 P.M. with an Individually Designed EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Cather’s Death Comes to the tures of Huckleberry Finn, Vol­ Claude Powers of 78 Division ave­ Spencer Support. Archbishop,. Cellini’s Autogio- taire’s Candide, nue, Woman’s club president. The cost of a plant for the bedside Mrs. Irene S. Cullen of a wounded veteran is one dollar. 70 Tiona Ave., Belleville, N. J. Women who will solicit contri­ CrSf 666 Tel. Belleville 2-5098 butions are Mrs. William P. «66 TABLHJ. SALVE, NOSE DOOM If no answer, call Belleville 2-I94& Adams, Mrs. Matthew J. Atkin­ 4 son, Mrs. Frank P. Brohal, Mrs. George W .'C arter, Mrs. William Chapman, Mrs. Allan Crisp, Mrs. Ruel E. Daniels.. Mrs. Frederic E. Dodd, Mrs. Elmer S. Hyde Personal Loan and Mrs. Victor L. Hart Jr. Other solicitors will be Mrs. Fred Idenden, Mrs. Thomas Jack- rell, Mrs. Horace B. Knox, Mrs. Raymond E. Mertz, Mrs. Daniel P o licy T .'O ’Connor, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Edward H. Puckhaber, Mrs. Ray­ Otto Sorosoto mond J. O’Brien, Mrs. Charles Otto Sorosoto, director of the as such widely divergent compo­ Smith, Mrs. B. A . Rowland, sitions as those of Chopin and Mi's. Theodore' F. Voelter and Symphonic Accordion society of Mrs. Leslie Woodruff. Paterson, will present his talent­ Tschaikovsky. Included in this musical pro­ Names of individual donors ed group of twenty boys and. gram will be “Overture to Mar­ will be attached to the plants. girls in classical and popular con­ tha” ; Intermezzo from Cavalleria The club’s Monday afternoon cert arrangements tonight at 8:30 Eusticana; “ Polka” from the Our loaning facilities are available to all persons at the Nutley high school, under Bartered b r i d e; “ Neilungen the auspices of Lodge New Spirit. March” by Wagner and an origi­ "Spirella" One of the highlights will be nal composition of Sorosoto, with a steady employment record and a good cre­ the presentation of his protege, “Sleighride”. The “Military Cav­ Individually Designed George Siegers of Clifton. This alcade of 1917-1944” will close New Brasiere materials and dit standing. It is not necessary that borrowers be young man, 20 years old, is a con- the musical concert. plenty materials on hand, elas­ certmaster, top-flight arranger The committee in charge is tic unnecessary to give Spirella depositors of our bank. for the group. His metier is headed by Joseph B. Linnus, customers the proper health Liszt’s rhapsodies which .he plays president- of Limbro dress com­ garments. PUT YOUR DOLLARS TO WORK FOR YOU! with, particular feeling, as well pany of 260 Washington avenue. The Spirella Garments are not a stock garment. Each in­ We do not encourage unnecessary borrowing, but dividual is correctly fitted in Many people are earning more today — and everyone is finding Edward Reed is Elected Expect Hartley Unopposed the Spirella modeling garments, there are fewer and fewer things to spend money on. So put we are ready to assist anyone who requires money Elks Exalted Ruler by the Corsetiere, these meas­ those extra dollars to work for you in a D EW ITT TH RIFT For Re-Election To Congress urements and specifications are ACCOUNT. You’ll find that regular savings soon develop into a sizable resei’ve. to pay a debt now owing, to meet doctor or denial Edward Reed of 42 Oak street, Congressman Hartley will be mailed into the Spirella Co. at a resident of Belleville for 15 unopposed in his bid for the Re­ Niagara, N. Y., the garments You may open a Savings Share Account with as little as $1, bills, to pay taxes or insurance-premiums, to make years and first clerk of the local publican nomination for re-elec­ are made there; then mailed to and Income Shares come in $100 denominations. It’s a “ thrift selective service board, was elect­ tion for this district, it was re­ the Corsetiere, and then deliv­ plan for everyone!” repairs to a home. • ed 'exalted ruler of the Elks Mon­ ported Friday after a conclave of ery made to the customer, al­ day night. He is employed by GOP politicians the night before. lowing six to eight weeks for Radio Communications' Inc., in It was expected in some circles delivery. West New York. that Surrogate Hoffman might Phone your Spirella Corse­ If you need funds for any worthwhile purpose, Other officers elected are Sid­ put up a fight for the place which tiere today, for a free preview ney Birks, leading knight; Fred Hartley has held continuously of your figure, in the Spirella w e suggest you discuss your requirements with Forster, loyal knight; Joseph for -eight years. However, Repub­ Modeling Garments. Kiem, lecturing knight; Fred lican chiefs are understood to Mrs. Irene S. White one of our officers. You can do your friends a Wolf, tiler; Harry Scott, secre­ have settled the issue in their tary; Harold Cavanaugh, treasur­ conference. 184 Garden Avenue 8ELLEVI,ü£,2-4è59 } 280 WASHINGTON AV£ ^BELLEVj LLEN. J. favor, too, by directing them to this batik when er and Raymond Yerg, trustee for Last serious opposition to Hart­ Belleville, 9, New Jersey a three year term. ley was in 1942 when Mayor Charles E. Gran o'er, Frank A. Williams was a rival candidate. Phone: Be. 2-1544 iliilllfliiilll they need financial help. Spotts, John C. Lubke and Harry Hartley, hurt by his pre-Pearl Ingram, were inducted as new Harbor isolationism, squeaked members at the Monday night through by less than five dozen meeting. votes.. Officers in the auxiliary who No comment has been forth­ were elected Monday are Miss coming from William’s office as Rose Gilmartin, president; Mrs. to his intentions. Some of the H O M E K I T John Abrams, vice-president; Mrs. mayor’s supporters have been mq Norman Lauterette, secretary; urging him to run again, accord­ Mrs. Minard Womeksdort, treasur­ ing to some reports, but such a er; Mrs. Fred Forster, chaplain; step is believed unlikely. MACHINELESS Mrs. Victor Anderson, ways and means. Contributions to the crippled PEOPLE First National Bank children’s fund have been made by the auxiliary and Charles You Know Granger. The lodge bowling team PERMANENT WAVE of Belleville has also won' three games from Miss Jane Horgan of 187 Jor- the Westwood lodge, champions alemon street is spending a brief FOR # With ease and in comfort, vacation in Hollywood, Cal. Miss ONLY you can now give yourself a : of the Bergen county league. beautiful cold permanent' Horgan became a stewardess wave at home that will last “Refugee” Author Here with the American Airlines near­ as long as any professional permanent Wave. You don’t Mrs. Frank Koch of Livingston, ly a year ago. She went to Holly­ hâve to know a thing about lecturer and author of “ Refugee” , wood in one of the company’s waving hair. Just follow, the will address the Sunday evennig flagships. Miss Horgan is the simple directions. Result— a beautiful wave, soft and congregation at Grace Baptist daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W il­ curly. Get yours today 1 . church on April 16. The program liam J. Horgan. will be sponsored by the Helen V. Davis guild of which Mrs. Ed­ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Guldner Complete with 50 ward Chesley is president. today occupied their new home on Ferncliffe road, Bloomfield. They curlers. Nothing had resided at 543 Union avenue else to buy. for twenty years. Their daugh- • NO MACHINES OR DRYERS CALENDAR lere, Miss Ruth Guldner, is in • NO HARMFUL CHEMICALS of coming events nurse’s training in St, James hos­ • NO HEAT OR ELECTRICITY pital, Newark. She- was graduat­ • SAFE . . . EASY TO USE This column is intended to be a • CONTAINS NO AMMONIA bulletin board and clearing house for ed from Belleville high school. • NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED meetings and special events through­ • FOR WOMEN OR CHILDREN out the town. A ll organization secre­ taries are invited to telephone Belle­ ville 2-3200 to secure listings for CHURCHES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED their organizations.

Today 3ethany Lutheran Cut Rate 138 Washington Ave. Lion’s club luncheon meeting: 2G3 Joraleraon Street; REED’S Drug Store Belleville, N. J. Rev. Guy Brown, pastor. SO SIMPLE Forest Hill field club, 12:15. A CHILD CAM DO IT Everyman's Bible class annual Sunday — 11, Palm Sunday banquet; Wesley Methodist service. MAIL ORDERS: ADD 6c FOR POSTAGE Church, 7. Wednesday— 8, Lenten devo­ PT A card and game party; au­ tions. ditorium School No. 2, 8:15. Thursday— 8,Maundv Thu* sday Lodge New Spirit, OSI, concert. levotions; administrations of the To Men .. Women . . Girls . . Symphonic Accordion society; Lord’s Supper. (Age 18 or Over) Nutley high school, 8:15. Friday— 8, Good Friday ser­ Friday vice. Not Yet in W ar Work . . Ladies Aid society, .Belleville Easter Sunday— 11, Easter morn­ Reformed church, military bridge; ing service; 7:30, Sunday school church recreation rooms, 8:15/ program. Record Club of Nutley; 87 ITes- -o n street, 8:80. Congregation A.A.A. Belleville Post 105, America! 317 Washington Avenue; This Is YOUR War! Saturday fierman Schwartz, rabbi. Belleville Bicycle club rolle, Thursday — 7:30, Boy Scout championships; Littig Shop, Mont troop 389. So— Take a War Job and Help Speed Victory! clair, 7:80. Saturday— 9:30, Sabbath ser­ Belleville Post 105, America! vices; Rabbi Schwartz will speak Legion, dance; Veteran’s hall, 9. on this week’s portion of the Sunday Bible, “ Tzav” ; 10:30, Junior con­ DUPONTS' Belleville Bicycle club meeting gregation, 308 Washington avenue, 5:30. Sunday— 10, Daily and Sunday Monday ichool model Seder presentation; (The Arlington, N. J., Plant) Defense Council meeting; Towi; pai’ents are invited. Offers interesting’, pleasant work Hall, 8. _ Monday— 3:45, Daily Hebrew Belleville Post 105, American school sessions. Legion meeting; Recreation Tuesday — 8, Adult Institute making PLASTICS, House, 8. for Jewish studies, elementary Oddfellow’s Lodge; 126 Jorale class: 2:30 advanced class, regis­ Essential to the war effort. No special skill or experience is required. moil street, 8. tration still open. Belleville Chess club; Recrea­ Wednesday— 8, Young people’s GOOD PAY . . . ADVANCEMENT . . . 4S-HOUR WEEK . . TIME- tion House, 8. class session; 8:45, Young peo­ AND-A-HALF FOR OVER 40 HOURS . . . RECREATION ACTIVITIES ple’s league meeting. Rabbi Sch­ t ^ T O N E E D to use all the top burners of your gas range. You could cook the Tuesday JOUAM meeting; Exempt Fire­ wartz may be contacted for“ M’- ... MANY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS I N , whole meal in the oven. You’d have a more nutritious meal; you would save man’s hall, 8. Chiras Chometz” at Be. 2-1328. yourself constant watching and you could conserve gas. The Government asks Tripoli Park association meet­ ing; 45 Naples avenue, 8:30. us A L L to conserve gas wherever we can. Fuel and transportation, manpower DO YOUR PART — NOW! Petrean Club; St. Peter’s hall; Eyes Examined Be. 2-1518 and critical materials are required to wage a victorious war. All these resources 9. Wednesday See Our Own Representative, Or Apply Direct to Our Employment are needed to produce gas. You are conserving for Victory when you use O N L Y Rotary Club luncheon meeting; Office, tlie gas you need. Raymond Yerg, speaker, on his Dr. J. F. de Groat MR. H. G. OLIVER, at the hobby the making of violins; For­ est Hill field club, 12:15. OPTOMETRIST U. S. EMPLOYMENT'SERVICE Craftsmen’s club; Masonic Tem­ DU PONT ple, 8. 244 Greylock Parkway 1056 BROAD STREET, 626 SCHUYLER AVE., Arlington, N. J Younglnger Post, VFW ; Veter-' Belleville, N. J. NEWARK, N. J. INTERVIEWING HOURS: an’s hall, 8. ■ Daily (Except Sunday) 8:30 to 4:45 Thursday Mondays Through Saturdays, 9 to 5 Train And Bus Service Right To Door Lion’s club luncheon meeting; Hours i Forest Hill field club* 12:15. Mon., Wed., & Fri.: 9 A.M. to S P.M, Those Accepted Must Be Able To Furnish Certificate of Availability Belleville Chapter, OES; Mason- And By Appointment Temple, 8. THURSDAY, MARCH SO, 1944 toainrowm»«» ------7 - T H E DELLE VILLE TIMES PA G E THRÉ

beth DeGrote and Irene Glibber!y. Receiving a rating of very good Betrothed gilllliíflllflíllfillllllltltllffiHI!lllllllllllt!iilil!l!lf!!l!lllllli!íílflílifitlt¡l¡!!ll!llll¡ll!l![|l[!lilllít!ff[flfÍil(f|[||[f(¡IH MUSIC STUDENTS were Rose Mary Malague, Aud­ ABROISON TO BE WOMEN WELCOME rey Maise and Evelyn Cunnane. çf'jr w GARNER HONORS A music scrapbook entered by Harriet ¡Ryer of 42 Tappan ave­ FETED SUNDAY É r NEW MEMBERS Twelve Win High Ratings nue has not jet been judged. Congregation Pays Tribute Six Clubwomen Were Feted in State Competition; Mrs. Byron And 1rs. Aides To Five-Year President, At Membership Tea Monday; Three Superior Honored In Bloomfield Install New Officers Mrs. George Kaden Soloist Students of two Belleville mu­ 0 M P A R E sic teachers won numerous hon­ Mrs. Daniel L. Byron of 13 The various organizations of Women who have become mem­ ors last weekend in the state Fed­ Howard place and Mrs. Ernest | the Belleville Jewish cnmniunby bers of the Belleville Woman’s eration of Music clubs competi­ PI. Alden of 58 Prospect street' iomed in paying tribute to club- during the past year were tive festival in Newark. Three were honored Thursday in one of Edward J. Abromson at a testi­ guests of honor a t'a membership received superior ratings, six the very few ceremonies of its monial dinner .Sunday at the tea in the clubhouse Monday af- were excellent and three very kind ever held in this area. Clinton Manor in Newark. afternoon. T h e y were wel­ good. The women, together with Miss Abromson served as president comed by Mrs. Dwight N, Street­ Top ratings were given to so­ Eleanor Martin of Lyndhurst, of Congregation A A A for five er membership chairman, who 0NVENIENCE prano Kathleen Robinson of (19 were presented with the award consecutive years which were presented each o-uest of honor Preston street and to pianists for excellence in performance of marked by progress, harmony and with a floral tribute. Norman Miller of 441 11« Witt Army inspection at the Bloomfield efficiency. Mrs. J. Claude Powers, chief 1 avenue and Mary Alice Smith of plant of the Eastern Tool and It was during his terms of of­ executive of the organization, 25 Bell street. This is the second Manufacturing' company. fice and under his leadership that welcomed the newcomers, who are time Mary Alice received th-e hon­ Major C. F. Kaiser, chief of the program of activities was en­ Mrs. Victor L. Hart, Mrs. Har­ or, the New York district of the larged. membership increased con­ old Pumyea, Mrs. William H. . Besides a state certificate, these Army ordnance branch, made the siderably and many innovations Pace, Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mrs. young people all grammar school presentation and the ceremonies and improvements took place. Clarence Robst and Mrs. William pupils and music pupils of Helen were also marked by music, Installation of the following H. Williams. McNair of 75 Preston street and speeches and luncheon. new officers also took place: Sam­ A musical program was ar­ Adell Sutherland of 87 Preston Mrs. Byron, mother of two and uel J. Kogan, president; Ellis M iss Minnie E. Weir ranged during which Mrs. George ptreet, will take part in a pro­ head of the inspection depart­ Cherin and Samuel Lindenbaum, riaden, pianist, played Mendel­ gram to be held May 14 at New­ ment, served as an inspector-for vice presidents; Dr, Morris Their daughter’s birthday party ssohn’s Ronda Capricioso and ark state teachers college where the British anrr$f for six months Pochlin, treasurer; Irving H, Friday night was the occasion W o lien Haupt’s Whispering they will he given a framed scroll in 1941 before her transfer to the Garson and Michael Smith, sec­ which Mr. ami Mrs. John C. Weii Wind. Mrs. George Stickle, con­ from the national federation. U. S . Army ordnance as an in­ retaries. of 1B6 Overlook avenue selectee tralto, -was accompanied in a When the post office opened for business Monday, March 27, the Bated excellent in the piano spector. Board of trustees: Abromson, to announce the engagement oi vocal program by her daughter. following table of money order costs went into effect: competition were Kathleen and Mrs. Alden has a son, Lt. chairman, William Abromson, Miss Minnie Elizabeth Weir v Miss Doris Stickle. Elizabeth Robinson. Wilma Light- Ernest H. Alden Jr, who is in Abram Atkins Dr. B. A. Jacob­ Charles W. Watson Jr., son oi Former club presidents, Mrs body, Marilyn Scheie, Anne Eliza­ the Army air forces. son, Martin Kabot, Rochlin and the town’s tax assessor and Mrs. William M. Engelmann and Frank Taffeta Watson of 65 Overlook avenue. Mrs. R. Clifford Whitfield, pre­ COMPARE THE COST Jacobson, chairman of the af­ Both principals were members sided at the tea table. Hostes­ E Y E C A R E .... fair, installed the officers. Ex- of the 1942 graduating class at ses were members of the mem­ Post Office Money Orders president Abromson and president Belleville high school and Mist d to o Our examining, diagnosing and nre- bership committee, Mrs. William SPECIAL CHECKING Kogan spoke and Rabbi Her­ Weir also attended Drake’s secre­ Chapman, Mrs. Matthew J. A t­ $ ■.07 to 10c scribing will give you efficient,, healthy man Schwartz of the Congrega­ tarial school in Newark. kinson, Mrs. Louis A. Noll, Mrs 2.,51 to 5.00 14c tion delivered the main address. Watson attended Rutgers uni­ ACCOUNT and comfortable eyes. For appointment, Herbert L. Niles, Mrs. Laury G. 5.01 to 10*00 19c phone Nutley 2-2485. Serving on the committee were versity college of agriculture and Stem, Mrs. Arthur E. Mayer'and Murray Canter, George Cherin, is employed at Fairiawn Fa run Mrs. John Massarano. 10..01 to 20.00 22c STILL DRS. LAMB & WOLFF A l Shiffman and Jack Steinhauer. company, Adelphia. No date ha; been set for the wedding. 20,.01 to 40.00 25c Specializing in Miss Marjorie Brean Marries g ir l s œ u r s MAP 40,.01 to 60.00 30c 25 CHECKS FOR $2.00 EYE EXAMINATIONS & GLASSES Breen-Ackerman Nuptials 60.01 to 80.00 34c 349 Franklin Ave. Nutley Seaman Edwin Mallinson 80,.01 to 100.00 37c OR Sc A CHECK Harold J. Wolff, Q.D. Lee Building cor. Chestnut St. Miss Virginia Ackerman, daugh­ PLANS FOR RALLY Miss Marjorie Brean, daughter ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hours: 9 a.m. to 12 Noon-—Eves. 7 to 8 on Mon., Wed. and Fri. of Mr. and Mrs. Max-tin Brean of Ackerman of 191 Linden avenue, Event Slated For April 29; 88 Tappan avenue, and Edwin and Flight Officer Robert II. Scouts Prepare Easter Furthermore, to purchase a money order, you have to go to the Mallinson, Seaman 2/c, USN, son Breen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul post office and perhaps stand in line. When you ppen a Special of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mallin­ W. Breen of 382 Stephens street Eggs For Hospitals son of 5 Overlook avenue, were were married Friday afternoon in Cheeking Account, you may write your checks in the convenience married Monday afternoon in the the post, chapel of the Army A ir Plans for the Girl Scout rally, of your home or office, and the checks are good anytime. There Little Church Around the Corner, forces gunnery school at Marian­ which will be held in the audi­ is no monthly service charge. New York. na, Fla., where Breen is sta­ torium o f the Union avenue school A reception at the Hotel Picca­ tioned. on April 29, were the mam topic dilly followed the ceremony. Miss The couple went to Mar'ami' of discussion at a meeting of Girl The only cost for this convenient cheeking aceount is $2.00 for MARCH OF VALUES Helen Gerstenmeier of Newark last Wednesday after Breen spem ^cout leaders last fortnight 25 checks. attended the bride and Seaman a short furlough here. He hac' ¿veiling at the home of Mrs. Theo­ Mallinson had his father as best been graduated- from the Armj dore Card of Perry street. FEATURES! EVERYTHING, man. flying School at Jackson Field. Rehearsals for the rally will be The couple were graduated Miss. 1 ield in the school under the di- iJiiHMiiiiimifiiimimiiiiiiiiinmnHimiiiiiiimmiimiiumiiiiimiiiiiHiriiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiru from Belleville high school. Miss Miss Ackerman was with the section of Miss Edna Baun on the FOR YOUR GARDEN! Brean is with Sperry Gyroscope Congo! eum Nairn company in s -‘ohr Thursday evenings of April. 1 RANK MONEY ORDERS ARE ON SALE HERE AT 1 rnm-nanv 0f Brooklyn and Seaman Kearny and Breen whs employed Troops are at work on artificial Mallinson, until his entrance into by John B. Greulich of Stephen.1 Enstei eggs and chicks for hospi- § RATES MORE FAVORABLE THAN POSTAL I street before he entered the Army the Navy six weeks ago, was em­ 'al trays at Eastertime, according I MONEY ORDERS 1 ployed by Gould and Eberhardt 14 months ago. to Miss Laun’s report. Everblooming of Irvington. Mallinson has com­ Windows c t Washington avenue pleted boot training at the Navy’s Mueller-Boyce leadquarters ore decorated with =Tiiiiniiiiiimiiiiimi¡mmmi¡miimiiim¡!!¡!m!!í¡íiiiiimii¡iiim!mii!inmmi!íii!imiiiiiiiiii = Sampson, N. Y. training station. t display of nature projects by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Boyce of troop 13 under the leaderssip of ROSES 54 Center street have announced VIrs. Arthur Price ’and with arti­ the marriage of their daughter, cles of clothing made under Mrs. Catholic Women's College Club Miss Peggy Boyce, Friday in Mill- Jard’s direction. Communion Breakfast Sunday ford, Pa., to Cpl. Kenneth Muel­ Six new leaders who wire intro­ 75* Giant Wrapped ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. William duced at last week’s leaders’ Mueller ol‘ 50 Chestnut street. 6 nee ting1 were Mrs. John Sullivan The Catholic Women’s College Fieid-grown, - hardy,:r well- Cpl. Mueller was on leave from ind the Misses M 'e and Lavina club will hold its ninth annual Camp McCann, Miss., where he is Watson, Mary Grace Nygard,

rooted plants that bear lovely i]]jijlj) jJ ]J Ill!illiil3 3 iJ 3 communion breakfast Palm Sun­ stationed with a field artillery di­ Gertrude Barnet and Margaret 237 W ashington Avenue, BélíevííÍe/fL fragrant flowers. Give your day in the Robert Treat hotel, vision. Miss Boyce, a graduate oi llarmo. Others, unable to be pres- ¡iopposite the Post Office) garden pleasing color con­ .following the nine o’clock mass in Belleville high school, is with mt. are the Misses Jean McNair Saint John’s church, Mulberry trast. Heyer Products company. and Ruth Marino. Mstnbef Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation street, Newark. Miss Elizabeth Airs. Frank Chambers of 60 'Selected Wrapped - 95c G. Teeling is general chairman. New Stained Glass Windows Perry street will be hostess to the ‘Finance your installment loans the bank way' Miss Margaret Bennett will be leaders at their April 19 meeting. ; Fertile Potted ...... 1.2-5 toastmaster and Miss Mary Eliza­ Dedicated At Bethany Church beth Jackson, club president, will Mrs. E. M. Complon Heads extend greetings to the members Stained glass windows portray­ and their guests. ing the theme, “ Christ the Good Opera Ticket Sale Again inilllHHIWHIIIIlfllHlIlllllllllllllll The speaker will be Navy Chap­ Shepherd” , were dedicated Sun­ lllllllllllllllilllllillllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllHI lain Thomas M. Reardon who was day afternoon5 in Bethany Mrs. Edgar M. Compton o f 184 the first chaplain to land with the Lutheran . church. Rev. Guy Academy street is chairman for GREEN KARPET Marines on Guadalcanal, landing Brown, pastor, conducted the the second year of the Woman’s with the third wave of Marines on dedications. The windows were club committee which is selling GRASS SEED the first day of the attack. unveiled by their donors, Mr. and rickets at a twenty percent reduc­ He was there for one hundred Mrs. Gustave Beck of 27 Forest tion for the grand opera festival and twenty-five days, leaving only street. Mr. and Mrs. Beck have if the Essex county symphonv * l-lb . because he had contracted malaria presented the windows in memory society^ 45 and other tropical illness. A t pres­ of their mothers, Mrs. Louise Thp festival, which is scheduled 5 LBS...... : 1.98 ent, anxious to return to combat Beck and Mrs. Emily Mantz. for the week of May 8, will in- areas, Father Reardon who is .The Payne-Spiers studios of Jude such tried and true favor­ P ro d u c e s a fast-growing from Jersey City, is stationed at Paterson designed the windows ites as Aida, Lucia di Lammer- healthy green turf. This excep­ the Brooklyn Navy Hospital. and installed them in the chancel jnojr, Cavalleria Rusticana. Pag­ Assisting Miss Teeling with ar­ above the altar. liacci and Hansel and Gretel. tional seed thrives on alt soils. rangements are Mrs. J. Walter The pre-sale offering of re­ Davey, Mrs. John J, Murphy, Mrs. Abrams, Not Adams duced tickets will end locally next KENTUCK BLUE Lawn Seed Joseph Zeller and the Misses Mary The new vice-president of the Monday at which time the Grif­ 7 LB...... 65c Churins, Alice Hickey and Mar­ Elk’s auxiliary, Mrs. John Abrams fith Foundation will take over all garet Mary Sullivan. was incorrectly referred to in last sales. Georgio D’Andria will again 5 LBS...... “ .2.89 Others who will be at the head week’s Times as Mrs. John Adams.: be the general director of the table are the other officers of the Another official of the society,- festival. PARK’BLEND Lawn Seed club: Mrs. Leo Brophy and the who was named at the previous 7 LB ...... “ " 5 5 c Misses Marian E . McLaughlin, week’s election meeting, was Mrs. Dancing Instruction To Precede Anne Eagan and Alice Degnan Victor Anderson who will act as and Mrs. Dante Cupparo. chairman of the ways and means Weekly St. Peter's Dances committee. Thrift - Priced Garden An innovation at the weekly ADVERTISEMENT Friday evening dances held for NEW .ARRIVALS Belleville young folks in St. Peter’s hall under the auspices of TOOLS To Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Building Funds Now the recreation department and the Petrean club will be half hour Heads and shanks forged Beams of 120 Crest drive, a daughter, Gail Anne; March 19 in for Post-war Home periods of dancing- instruction from solid steel bar. Strong prior to the dance proper. Mountainside hospital, Glen Mrs. Ann Bannon has a dream ash handles firmly held by- Ridge. house she is going to buy after the Petrean club members coached a group of non-dancers from tubular steel ferrules. To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frank war, and she is making certain of her new home by putting the major part 7:30 to 8 last Friday evening and Constantino’ of 119 Harrison were enthusiastically received by Spading Fork...... •; ' 1.19 of her salary from her job at the street, a son, Joseph; Mardi 17 in RCA plant in Harrison into War the younger boys and girls. Mountainside hospital. Garc/en Rake...... 89c Bonds. “ One of my ambitions,” says It was estimated that 100 young people gathered Friday evening To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ber­ Mrs. Bannon, “ is to have a home Garden H o b ...... for the reopening of the dances 85e nardo of 50 Greylock avenue, a with all the new inventions. Then I ’ll live a real life of ease, just press­ which were dropped during the daughter, Alice; March 13 in Co­ basketball season. lumbus hospital, Newark. ing buttons and turning switches whenever I want anything. We’re Music is furnished by a record­ h * Vigoro Fertilizer To Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sea- living on my husband’s salary now ing system supplied by the town’s Black Garden Hose vone of 1G2 Franklin street, a son, and putting every spare penny into recreation officials; the Petrean Michael; March 10 in Presbyter­ War Bonds.” club makes possible the use of the it 1 0 "lb. ian hospital, Newark. heated and lighted hall. Refresh­ $3.19 ments are supplied at cost by the 50 ft. VIGORO C o m p ! e t e To Mr. and Mrs. George King self appointed hostesses, the Leakproof Í I COMPLETECOMPLETE plant food for Mitchell of 149 Academy street, a Misses Dolores Fredericks and Kathleen Fitzsimmons. PLANT vegetables.1 rubber inner daughter, Geoi-sene Kay; March FOOD tube, well 9 in Presbyterian hospital. Produces reinforced. Two Bands At Legion Dance sturdy growth. To Mr. and Mrs. Nils Francis "I guess she’s afraid she’ll run Couplings in­ Martinson of 4 Carpenter terrace, The dance music o'f Corio’s f -- 5 lb s ..... 45c cluded a son, Nils Douglass; March 8 in orchestra will be supplemented over five minutes on Long Distance*” St. Barnabas' hospital, Newark. TO«»...« 85c by a special band which will play To Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Greco for souare dances at the annual m lb. 2.50 ■ 100 lb. 4.00 of S3 Carmer avenue, a daughter, American Legion dance in Veter­ Bessie Ann; March 8 in American ans’ hall Saturday night. Purchases Totaling $10 Or More Can Be Several acts of entertainment Legion Memorial hospital, New­ Made On SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN ark. as well as refreshments will also feature the program, chairman Ernest Brown announced yester­ WAR NEEDS THE WIRES MORE AND MORE EVERY DW . . . So please day. A war bond will be given Everyman’s Banquet Next Week away. The annual banquet of Every­ Assisting Brown are Harry R. Scott, Peter Johnson, Robert P. use Long Distance only if it is really necessary. When man’s Bible class will be held Ld ed this evening at Wesley Metho­ Smithy William Maser and Wil­ Mrs. Ann Bannon liam Kenepp. dist church at 7.. Open to mem­ It an ts to p re ss bu tton s a n d tu rn sw itch es you must call over war-busy circuits, the operator will 165 WASHINGTON AVE., BELLEVILLE bers, friends and the general pub­ Will Aid Golfers lic, the audience will be addressed More women and girls are needed The commissioners agreed Tues­ Free Parking. Corner Belleville and Washington Aves. by Judge Everett B. Smith. (full, or part-time) at the RCA day night to construct storm sew­ Tickets for the . roast beef din­ Harrison plant to make vital radio ers to prevent flooding of fair­ soy—"Please limit your call to 5 minutes.' Telephone Belleville 2-1011 — 2-1012 ner may be purchased from Max tubes. You can apply at the RCA Store Hours: Daily 9 to 5:30; Saturday 9 to 9 ways on Forest Hill field club be­ Seiler, ticket chairman, or any ¡employment office, Sussex and Fifth cause o i; flow from Ogden street; member of the Bible class. George (Streets, Harrison, weekdays between Elena place and Stevens road. 1 Newman is general chairman of |8 a.m. and 5 p.m. “ The more women n e w j e r s e y b e l l t e l e p h o n e c o m p a n y fat war, the sooner we’ll win/t will cost about $2,500, Town En the affair. ^■ineer Walsh said. ’AGE PO UR T H E BELLEVILLE TIMES THURSDAY, MARCH 30,1944

1 ! CAPITOL wwwwmwMMÊwm B l i n Pvt. Saarloos Knocked Out In Promoted FISHING SEASON Servicemen's Ballot Card 3G2 WASHINGTON AVENUE, BELLEVltLE Avenge For Captain's Life PHONE — BELLEVILLE 2 *1.097 Bellevillites TV Pvt. Stanley Saarloos of 78 OPENS APRIL 15 PRINT ALL ENTRIES Cortlandt street, overseas since NOW UNTIL SUNDAY I I I n U n i f o r m last November, is recuperating License Renewals Urged DOE QOHNX- from two mishaps under fire, ac By Game Commission; (Last name First Name Initial) (Serial N,umber) i¡i¡¡iilílil!ilfillillillnllíliii!i¡i!lliilliíl¡!lilliíililll¡!i!l!liilii!l cording to letters received by his “DESERT SONG” I family which have been written CoaFoftnu. R pril. 3 iq John Clark, soundman 8/c, Angelo Calicchio of 500 Joralemon for him by the Perl Cross. Hunting Tags Ready (Rank• vu..r> orV. Rating)f . *(Date * of —Birth) AND spent a brief leave last weekend .treet, and will report back t*o his With the heavy weapons divi­ Anglers who are looking for­ Co. 8, UgT*ToiF, RP q Nq ¿4*1, % f&fetmnsTfcR'Nyç with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. station atp Miami on Monday. sion of the infantry, he suffered [OONLIGHT IN VERMONT’! Felix Clark of 53 Smith street One of the past decade's stand­ ward to taking* an acti\*e part in (Unit and Organization) (Service Address) his first wound on the day he was (Show À.P.0 No —Il ouUtdt U S iUo show U 5. Pott Office through which mail n lent) following his return from extend­ out stars qf the Bellboy basket- their faY'orite sport should secure ADDED FEATURE promoted to the position of or­ fishing licenses iioyv in order to ed active duty aboard a destroyer eers, he graduated from the high derly for the captain of his com­ in the Atlantic. school in 1941 and enlisted in be ready when the curtain rises Home Address — Include St. and No. and Municipality «S A T TARAWA I pany. He sustained an arm injury on the 1944 open fishinig seasons A 1939 graduate of the high the Navy 16 months ago. by the same shell that killed the within a short time, the New Citizen: Yes & No a TrUo. Saturday Continuous S school i where he was a major He reports that Frank Smith, captain. A fter recuperation in a - tV Q TtjER who preceded Navy Lt. Larry Jersey Fish and Game commis­ (Signature of Member of family — Relationship) >DE CARTOONS 1st SHQVi = basketball star, he enlisted in the hospital in Naples he again enter­ sion announced today. Navy two and a half years ago. Gates as Bellboy football mentor, ed the battle with avemre for the The trout season Yvhich re­ Art túñRQEfiJ ISUNDAY, APRIL 2 — 3 DAYS = is manager of the Miami USO. captain uppermost in mind. How­ mains open from April 15 until Date: R P X P - / } (Signature of CD Volunteer) Frank was discharged from the ever, in his enthusiasm, he again Second IJ. Janet Waldie, ANC, Army as overage. July 15, usually^ brings a rush of “HAPPY LAND” ¡ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles injured the muscle and ligaments Don Ameche - Frances Dee “ applicants for licenses at various Waidic of 15 High street,^ is in his arm by tossing a hand gre­ municipal buildings and fisher­ A N D § stationed at Rhodes General hos­ Pfc. Joseph Vadala of Newark, nade with such fervor that he men can aid municipal clerks and Shewn above is a sample’ of the card, properly filled out pital,' Utica, N. Y. She graduated formerly an employee of the Na­ "passed out” as a result. regular game Yvardens Yvho dis­ that is being used by civilian defense volunteers to obtain ‘‘GOVERNMENT GIRL” | from the high school in 1988, from pier Ilat manufacturing company : He is now reported recovering tribute the certificates by filing 'Olivia De Ilnvilland - Sonny Tufts — St. J ntc.1 -hospital, Newark, in at Main and William streets for a second time. He entered their applications early, the com­ the information needed to send absentee ballots to men and 1942 and entered the Army nurse Here, is a member of the Army the infantry in June of last year mission said. women from Belleville serving in and with the armed forces. = WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th — 4 DAY! “ corps last November. engineers unit which is- assembl­ and spent four months at Camp Sgt. Frank Carnevale FolloYving the opening of the ★ ing transit sheds at u new ad­ Croft, S.C. before going abroad. trout season on the calendar of I “GUY NAMED M ” J John Calicchio, seaman 1/c, vanced air corps repair depot in The private haS a brother, Leo­ Stationed somewhere in Eng­ sporting events is the pike, pick­ Spencer Tracy - Irene Dunne — will conclude a two-week leave England. nard, a Petty Officer third class land, Frank Carnevale Yvas re­ erel and pike-perch season from „ a n d ~ with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. stationed in Boston. He attended cently promoted to serge’nt *n May 20 to November 30. The lat­ Belleville high school for three the Army air corps. lie i_ t 10 ter season will be folloYved by the I 1 “BEAUTIFUL"BÛ T BROKE” 1 Sgt. Paul C. Bohrer, 24, an rears and was employed by Wal­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carne­ s Joan Davis - Jane Frazcc popular bass season scheduled artillery section leader in the lace and Tiernan before entering vale of 30 Cedar Hill lYenue for opening from June 15 to No- Franklin Savings Bank famous Marine 1 st Division which "While he was employed m uiu Y’ember 30. KENT took Guadalcanal, was - a guest Carson-Newton plant on Mill Sportsmen residing in N cyv A Mutuai Savings Bank RED CROSS WEEK last week at the Rotary luncheon. THEATRE street near Washington avenue, Jersey may secure a separate MOTION PICTURE DRIVE He is widway in a month’s leave According to Marine Pfc. Fred he played football and basketball fishing license for $2 plus a small 770 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, N. J. 856 Mt. Prospect Ave., Newark if ter which he will report to E. Rohnstock Jr., 28, son of Mr. : -líimmmmmmmimmímiiiiimn?. Tel. HUmbolt 2-6421 with the Hilltops. Two years ago issuance fee, or a hunting license Camp Pendleton, Cal. and Mrs. Rohnstock of 116 Wash­ lie married the formed Miss Olga for the same amount. A combina NOW THRU SATURDAY The son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul ington avenue, the duties of a Tino of Newark... and iioyv has tion hunting and fishing license NOW THRU SATURDAY military policeman do not com­ MONEY TO LOAN ON — Rosalind Russell — Brian Ahorne — M. P. Bohrer of 106 Stephens a seven-months-old son. costs $8, street, he attended Cortlandt pare with the duties of a civil He entered the Arm y 16 months The non-resident fishing license street school and the high school. policeman. ago, received his basic training is $5 and the combination non­ HOME MORTGAGES I “WHAT A WOMAN”! He played independent basket­ Rohnstock is attached to a mili­ resident hunting and fishing li­ at Miami Bench and was subse­ Address your application to Department M ALSO ball with Dutch Reformed church tary police company of a Marine quently stationed at Lincoln, Neb., cense costs $10. i “PISTOL PACKING MAMA” i and the Valley Spiders and starr­ unit on Cape Gloucester, New Niagara, N. Y., and Fresno, Cal., NOW THRU SATURDAY ed on the softball teams of the Britain. For six years prior to be rove going overseas six months Sis enlistment on January 4, SAT. NITE REQUEST HIT Valley Clowns and the YM FA. ago. Former Missionary In Japan 1942, he was employed by the iiHciiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiimmummiiminimimiiiinimmimiUNiiminiintmmiiiiiDiiiUiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiDiiiiiimmf»’’: He was formerly employed with ★ I “GIRL CRAZY” I i“ Springtime in the Rockies” : the J- E. Murgott company of Essex Falls police department. Speaks At Grace Church ; Betty Grable — John Payne '• Newark. "LaYv enforcement,” remarked Mickey' Rooney - Judy Garland ~ Rohnstock, "is just about the Lt. O’Brien To Speak On WAAT Rev. Marlin D. Farnum, former­ NEW JERSEY OPERA Sun., Mon., Tues-, April 2-3-4 He enlisted in the Marines six years ago and was ordered to ac­ same the world over. There are ly of Japan,, Y\Tas the speaker HUMPHREY BOGART IN Lt (jg ) Robert J. O’Brien of “MINESWEEPER” tive duty in November 1940. He certain laws and regulations that for a special service sponsored by ASSOCIATION everyone must obey, regardless. 49 Belmohr street, aide to the Richard Arlen - Jean Parker S “SAHARA” took his basic training at Parris the ladies’ auxiliary in Baptist ALSO Island, S.C. However, I can’t quite remember captain ol the Northern New Jer­ under the artistic direction of His introduction to the war oc­ Yvhei'e or when I ever had co sey division of the Coast Guard church Sunday night. Sj Sun., Mon., Tuos., April 2, 3, 4 “ “THE HEAT’S ON” stand waist deep in mud before, auxiliary and Commander of Flo­ Mr. Farnum first went to May West — Victor Moore curred immediately after sailing WILLIAM SPADA, conductor from an Atlantic port nearly two to see that these laws and regu­ tilla 305 . yviU be a guest on the Tokyo in .1927. He worked at Starting Thurs. April 6—3 days ~ years ago. His ship was subjected lations were canned out.” W A A T "C offee Club” tomorrow Scott Hall in the Baptist langu­ Presents to a torpedo attack by a Nazi Rohnstock landed there Yvith at 10:30 a.m. age school until 1930, when he 1 “DESERT SONG” I “ FLESH AND FANTASY” I the first Marine assault troops Paul..! Brenner, master of cere­ I B* Dennis Morgan - Irene Manning " submarine. was transferred to work on the Three Sunday afternoon performances at 3:15 = H With An All Star Cast B Bohrer is noticeably reluctant under a heaY^y enemy bombing monies. yviU interview officers of Inland Sea which had beeome Yvell ALSO = and strafing attack, and immedi- this Coast Guard division while at known through Captain Biekel with renowned stars of the Metropolitan, LaScala and - if Lo speak of his experiences during ¡ “MOONLIGHT IN VERMONT” ! The Falcon and The Co-Eds” § the ensuing months, dismissing ately began directing the steady breakfast in the Liberty Room of and his gospel ship. the Colon of Buenos Aires .sBf-',' Gloria Jean - Ray Lynn iiiiiiimimmmiimmimmmmmiF nearly two years in the South floYv of tanks, tractors and troops the Hotel Sheraton. He came hack to serve as mis­ Lucia di Lammermcor April 23 Pacific with the statement that through the jungle. sion secretary in Tokyo and to HILDA REGGIANI — BRUNO LANDI he won his stars by participating A veteran of Guadalcanal, he work in Misalci Tabernacle in S Wed. Thru Sat., April 5, 6, 7, S — in 'the original invasions of Gua- agrees that he experienced, more John Gardella of the merchant 1938. There he remained until Mario Cozzi -—■ Nino Ruisi = m n M = dulconal and of Cape Gloucester, thrills and excitement in the marine, 3rd assistant engineer mission work was disrupted by La Traviata April 30 New Britain. first three or four clays, here than (equivalent of ensign) on a the attitude of the Japanese in JOSEPHINE ROSSI — BRUNO LANDI during his entire time on Guadal. Liberty ship, reported Tuesday at “CRY HAVOC I Red SKELTON He wears the American and 1941. Mario Cozzi Margaret Sullavan - Ann Sothern — Asiatic theater campaign bars, the "Guadalcanal ywis , a tough Baltimore to join a new ship. WHISTLING in BROOKLYN latter with four stars denoting scrap,” Rohnstock. continued, “but He has been attending school in Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci May 7 four major engagements, the it will never compare with what New York since returning from Auxiliary Rolls 1,100 Bandages BERN ARD O De MURO as Canio “ SWING FEVER” we were up Against here.” seven months in the Mediterran­ JACK LONDON” American defense medal with one LARGE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Kay Kyser - William Gargan star, the Presidential citation with ean forty days ago. Mrs. George Barnett directs Michael O’SHEA . Ua UTIUI another star and the Marine good During his recent duty in the American Legion auxiliary work­ CHORUS OF 75 VOICES conduct medal. European theater of operations, ers who devote their semi-month­ NEXT ATTRACTION Lt. George B. Rader, son of Æ NO MATINEE GOOD FRIDAY = convoys of which he yvus a part ly social meetings to the produc­ ORANGE HIGH SCHOOL NONE SHALL ESCAPE’' Mrs. Flora Rader of 82 Division Plus underwent ele\*en bombinng at­ tion of surgical dressings for the Central and Lincoln Avenues, Orange vow At 7 îOO P.M. *“j “HEY ROOKIE” .. S/Sgt. J. Roy Ericson, son of avenue, recently spent a week’s tacks by Nazi planes but he es­ Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. John Ericson of leave with his mother. A Flying caped unscathed. EleY*en hundred bandages were A ll seats reserved $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 plus tax | jHiiiimiimmiiiiiimmimiiimiiiihr 112 Crest drive, has been award­ Fortress bombardier, he is pre­ The son of Mr. and Mrs. Char­ rolled Monday eY’ening by Mrs. Tickets available at Kresge’s Department Store, Newark < | ed the oak leaf cluster in lieu sently comleting the final phase les Gardella of 10 Parkside drive, Barnett, Mrs. Peter Johnson, Mrs. DeLemos Music Store, 16 Central Avenue, NeYvark - = of au additional air medal for his of combat training* at Dyersburg, he. graduated in 1939 from the Edward J. Burns and the Misses BelleYnile Liquor Store, 163 Washington Avenue, Belleville 3 EVERY HAPPY OCCASION SGYViQe as an aerial gunner on- a Tenn. nigh school Yvhere for four years Marion H. Hopper, Florence Pag­ Marie A. Serritella, 46 Magnolia Street, Belleville | 15-24 Liberator bomber with the Previous to his entrance into the anelli, Dorothy Richards, Marie he Yvas the “ champion bench- Telephone BElleville 2-1891-J 1 13th A ir ‘ Force in the South A ir forces 19 months ago he was warmer” on the football team, Fitzsimmons and Frances Coey- Calls For A Drink Yvith the New Jersey Testing La­ Mail address: NeYv Jersey Opera Association, 37 Washington §f Pacific. according to him. man. Thirteen Yvorkers turned out Street, Newark j§ Such awards are made for boratories in NeYvark. He Yvas 1300 compresses the previous He worked at Federal ship­ meritorious achievement while graduated fi'om Belleville high Monday e\rening. -ViiiniiiMiiiciiiiiiiiiiíiitiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiifciiiiiiimüiniiniiiiiiüniiiinmiiiuiiiimiiiiiniiiimiimoiiiiiimiiiumiii.W Beer in Kegs—For Your Parties participating* in sustained combat school. building corporation in Kearny Eighths — Quarters — Halves operational missions, said Lt. Gen. before going on active duty last WITH COOLER FURNISHED Millard F. Harmon in making the May. HANDY AND ECONOMICAL presentation to Ericson. John Bilik, son of Mr. and Mrs. The latter is an alumnus of ,• Charles Binlc of Nutley, last week Littig Captures Third Straight Kearny high school where he play­ received the rating of aviation ed basketball. He was employed metal smith 3/c at Shawnee, Okla. Bike Club Sunday Race Hear Mr. Fearing’s Reply Get Your Supply Today by the Star Electric company of Naval auxiliary air facility. The Bloomfield prior to entering the Binks lived at 139 Little street Ed Littig continued his Yvhirl- TO A CONSTANT STREAM OF QUESTIONS Belleville's Largest And Most Complete Army. until last July. wind pace which has won him all Stock Of Wines And Liquors A 1942 graduate of Belleville three of the special races of the high school, Bink Yvas with the Belleville Bicycle club when he Lt. William H. Cross, whose en­ "Walter Kidde company until his copped the 20-mile run back from Washington Liquor Store gagement to Miss Charlotte Lock- enlistment in the Navy 18 months Keansburg Sunday. CHRIST shin of Los Angeles, Cal. was an­ ago. His boot training at New­ Bob Arnot, Chuck W ille afic 477 WASHINGTON AVE., BELLEVILLE, N. J. nounced earlier this month, was port, R.I., was folloYved by advan­ Ray Bryan finished 2-3-4 behind THE Yvith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ced work at the Norman, Okla. Littig, one of the best bikers in MADE Telephone BElIeville 2-2249 William J. Cross of 185 New base. the state. The other five riders- street, Saturday enroute to Lang­ trailed behind. Next Sunday’s ridr ley field, Va., He has just com­ SABBATH will be to Lake Hopatcong and pleted intensive radar instruction Pvt. Albert Peter Botticelli, son again a race will be held on tht IS IT SATURDAY OR SUNDAY? in Boca Raton, Fla. of Mr. and Mrs. Albert BotticeljF *eturn trip. Lt. Cross, who Yvas commission­ of 30 Mount Prospect avenue has The club’s one-mile roller cham­ rms LECTURE WILL DEFI­ ed and received his wings as bom­ reported to Keesler Field, Biloxi. NITELY CLEAR UP ANY CON­ Enjoy Your Meals! bardier last year at Albuquerque, pionship Yvill be held Saturday Miss., and is now undergoing night in Littig’s Yvoodworking FUSION AS TO WHAT DAY IS N.M., has been a bombardier in­ Army processing to determine his shop in Montclair. Six o f the structor at Deming, also in New CHRIST’S qualifications as a pre-aviation club’s best riders have entered DIANE'S RESTAURANT Mexico. He is a navigato as Yvell cadet. I f and movies of the affair will bt as a bombardier. While as Keesler Field, a sta­ taken. LORD'S DAY" 338 Cortlandt Street A graduate of Belleville high tion. of the Army A ir Forces Most important business at Sun- FOR THE school in 1935 Lt. Cross’ civilian Belleville, N. J. training command, he will be giv­ lay night’s monthly meeting at employment was with the Pru­ en training, classification and 308 Washington avenue W ill be GENTILES Kalian and American Foods Served At Moderate dential Insurance company. Miss medical and psychological tests. handicapping or grading of the Presented I f he successfully completes Lockshin is a junior student at bikers. Riders rated class B will Prices. Tables And Counter Service the University of California in this phase he will be sent to a 10 Los Angeles. college or university for five draw -seconds per mile handi months further study or depend­ over the class A scratch mer, SUNDAY ll!lllllllllill!ll!ll!llllll!!l!!lllllllllll!llii!ll!!lllllil!lil!!l!llllllillllllllllllllllill while class C will receive 20 sec­ ing upon his academic back­ onds. April 2, 7:45 P. M. ALWAYS ground, directly to a pre-flight KNOWN center for cadet training. M o n ’s Youth Invited To Join VET'S BAR AND GRILL For Better Quality In Wartime Food Contest 17 BELLEVILLE AVE. BELLEVILLE, N.- J. Iboki Plantation, Rein Bay, MOSQUE • New Britain,— (Delayed) — NeYV Jersey’s boys and girls, 1020 Broad Sf„ Newark Patrol duty is tough duty, es­ who are betYveen 14 and 22 and Open To The Public FINE WINES AND pecially in the New Britain jun­ have tYvo years’ experience in Lectures During Week LIQUORS gles and sYvamps. Marine Cpl. vegetable gardening,. are eligible Come Down And Meet Eddie And W hitey Now William J. Mears, 29, will vouch to compete in the $6,000 ■wartime Lecture Auditorium I Serving’ The Public At The Vet’s Bar And Grill for that. food production and marketing 605 BROAD STREET In the rapid Marine advance contest of the National Junioi (across from solitary Park) along the northern New Britain Vegetable GroYvers’ association, it Tues., April 4, 7:45 P. M. SHUFFLE BOARD coast where the Japanese are was announced last Yveek. pulling back their lines for a new H. O. Sampson, New Jersey ANDREW FEARING Simon defense, this patrol duty has be­ state supervisor of vocational has been offèred Refreshment Every Saturday Nite & come the most important phase training who is a member of the FOR A Wine Liquor Store of operations. national contest committee, joined Telephone BE. 2-4513 * Every beach must be scouted, with Earle Parsons Jr., tYventy- $ 5 , 0 0 0 BIBLE TEXT He has "been challenged to 547 Washington Ave. every trail run down, every na­ year-old Northampton (M a s s .) find one text from the New Belleville tive hut searched. Japanese strag­ president of the association, in Testament that states we ought glers are everywhere, - and listen­ inviting both farm and toYvr to keep Sunday as a Holy Day. Phone Belleville 2*4321 . Fearing- says the FIRST DAY" ing posts spot the coast. The youth to register fo r the fourth jdf the week is mentioned S stragglers must be picked up. the annual competition immediately. times In thfe N e w Testament. bivouac and dump areas knocked Additional information may be P lan to Join the Thrilling out. obtained by writing Sampson at Search An engineer reconnaissance New Brunswick, Thursday, April 6, HAFFNER’S illlllllllllilllillllllllllllillllllillllfillll unit is on every patrol. Its duty Contestants from this county 7:45 p. m. is to locate watering points, will compete for a $500 national “THE "WORLD'S All Your Favorite mark the better beach areas, find championship, a Northeastern re­ "UNACCOUNTABLE MAN" RESTAURANT locations for fords or bridges, gional award of $200 and for ten The Only Man Who Wrote His Brands For Less At Autobiography Before He was and aid in the demolition of en­ sectional aYvards of $100 from a Born! The emy ammunitions dumps. scholarship fund provided for the Friday, April 7:45 p. Corporal Mears has that job. association by the Great Atlantic 7. m. THE Stationed on Iboki Plantation, & Pacific Tea Company. In addi­ EASTER MESSAGE Bell Tavern Rein Bay, New Britain, he aver­ tion tYvo $25 Yvar bonds are of­ ‘*The Thief on the Cross; ages a patrol a day, many up to fered to other outstanding con­ It He in Paradise Now?” 20 miles. Invariably they lead testants from the state. AMDnSW "EÂRîNG, Noted Bible Lecturer HOME OF DELICIOUS FOOD 69 Washington Ave. through'd eep swamp and thick jungle. He did the .same work Belleville, N, J. on Guadalcanal. K E E P O N RALPH SIMPSON Also Tune in ma Sunday, 6:15 P. M. 1 The son of Mr. and Mrs. Tei*- Sings Every Night ence M. Mears of 21 Jefferson Lcrge Glass of Beer 10c street, Cpl. Mears Yvas an indus- j trial engineer with the Tennessee IFßßying has only on? religion or creed—the religion, life and Coal, Iron and Kaihvav company ..ÆHE— (¡achinas of Jepus Christ. of Birmingham, Ala. He enlisted i T T THURSDAY, MARCH 30,1944 T H E BELLEVILLE TIMES PA G E FI

According to Mrs. Alice Wag­ Officers for the Thursday and Glee Club Prepares Fot Spring 24 HOUR SERVICE ner, faculty director of the Glee Friday classes are president Ann Phone N U . 2-0608 Night N U . 2-2612-1? Concert To Be Held May 4 Santiglia, vice - president Ruth EAST NUTLEY GARAGE club, “ A glee club is one of the Hodes, secretary Dorothy Newman C. A . F A N E L L I, Prop.- Among the groups now actively finest organizations a school can and treasurer Olindo D’Amadio. Body ani Fender Repairing HIGH-LIGHTS Expert Auto Repairing’ engaged in preparation for the have and Belleville High is no ex­ Welding and Painting Record Club Meets BELLEVILLE, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1944 annual spring concert, to be pre­ ception. 55 Washington Avenue, Nutley, N. j- “ All through the year the glee The Record club of Nutley will sented by the school music de­ club adds much color to many of partment on May 4 is the glee the school’s programs by their meet tomorrow evening at 8:30 Wanted! Men and club. smgmgv As tne year g-oes by, you in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Ba­ 'this is the biggest program of can notice the improvement in con-Peck of 87 Preston street to Women Who Are the year for the group and it this musical club. A t first the stu­ hear compositions by Schubert, takes much planning- and practic­ dents were rather shy about get­ Hard of Hearing Senior Class Presents "Junior Miss" Franck and others. ing to present a good program. ting- up and singing in front of To make this simple, no risk hearing test Rehearsals are held every morn­ the group, but now almost all vol­ I f you are temporarily deafened, bothero Seniors Rehearse For "JuníBr Miss' ing before school, noon hours and unteer to sing.” by ringing buzzing head noises due to hard PERFORMANCES TO after school every day, and dur­ D r. N. T. Lambert en^d or coagulated v/ax ( cerumen). try th Like any other club, they elect Ourine Home Method test that so many sa ing the regular glee duo class their officers. Officers of the Mon­ Surgeon Chiropodist has enabled them to hear well aga.n. Yo four times a week. day and Tuesday classes are Now Located At must hear better after making this simpl BE HELD TONIGHT 517 Franklin Avenue Glee chib members are busy president Bertha Hermann, vice- Opposite Franklin Theatre test or you get your money back ju cues learning new songs, practicing old president Dorothy Newman, secre­ Telephone Nutley 2-3412 Ask about Ourine Ear Drops today at ones, or discussing the future mu­ tary Audrey Mason, treasuer Ruth H O URS : D A IL Y 9 a. m. •— 9 p, AND TOMORROW sic event. Wednesday, 9 a. m. — 5 p. m. Reed’s, 185 Washington Arm u Curtain To Rise At 8:15 Hodes. And Drug Stores Everywhere Sharp; Bandettes And Orchestra To Flay The Belleville high school senior class will present one COSMETIC HEADQUARTE of its most important activ- itiees of the year when it of­ fers performances of the Jocur three-act c o m e d y “ Junior Miss” tonight and tomorrow Wave Set LIPSTICKS at the high school auditorium On the nose Creamy smooth and l o n g - w e a r i n g , at 8 :15 sharp. .Doors will 10* Ramp Agent Betty Beach of DuBarry Lipsticks open at 7:45 on both nights. American Airlines points to come in all Richard Pebecco her pretty nose to signal a flight Hudnut fashion Under the leadership of a pilot he’s leaving on schedule shades. And re­ faculty committee, the mem­ member, we have the matching rouge bers of the cast have worked hard Tooth Powder shades,too. Ea. LSO- to insure the success of then- Pius Taxes dramatic attempts. Rehearsals have teen long and arduous, but, according to Miss Eleanor Rush, faetulty coach and co-chairman of the committee, and student direc­ THE ABOVE SCENE from "Junior Miss" shows Judy Graves (Betty Strange) reading her auto­ tor Betty Cooke, the cast is ready Lentheric's Tweed 25 c Package biography to her father and, mother (Joe Rue and Gerry McKenna), while Fuffy, her besi for the performances. friend (Dot Webber) and J. B. Curtis (Don Roch lin) her father's business associate listen eag­ Students of the cast were selec­ ted after competitive try-outs. Toilet Water, Clear Gem Blades erly.' Those who will perform tonight are, in the order of their appear- 1 9 * ance: 9 5 * Harry Graves ...... Joseph Rue The Senior Play Dr. Polgar Talks Just one o f the Success TELEPATHIST IN Joe Graves ...... Sidney Hellring 110,000 Grace Graves ...... Lillian McKenna Schod graduates, Betty Beach One of the most popu­ At Interview Hilda ...... Catherine Anderson Lois Graves ...... Betty-Ray Brown William's has taken over a man’s job. But White Ace NOVEL PROGRAM lar traditions at Belle­ Judy Graves ...... Betty Strange Talking- with Dr. Franz Polgar, Fuffy Adams ...... Dorothy Webber she hasn’t overlooked the im­ J. B. Curtis ...... Donald Roehlin ville high is the senior the stocky little man who left portance o f a "pretty nose” .. Shoe Cleaner Dr. Franz Palgar Presents Ellen Curtis ...... Kay Schneider Aqua Velva play. A senior, play Belleville high students weak with Willis Reynolds ...... Walter Speyer relying on her DuBarry Beauty Mind-Reading, Hypnosis Barlow Adams ...... Albert, Knight Regular 25c Size means much not only to laughter and also amazed at his Kaskeil Cummings ...... Jack Goodford Preparations to keep her lovely. In Assembly Program seniors, but to all under­ powers Friday, your reporter Merrill Feurbach ...... Robert Peppl 3 9 * Sterling Brown ...... Frank Larkin 5 Oz. Bottle Tops on her list is this Hudnut * ^ 'Belleville high school students found out „mne interesting facts Albert Kunody ...... Paul Deckenbach classmen. Tommy Arbuckle ...... Howard Taylor powder-cake make-up that takes 11 wére treated to a display of “ Mir­ about his life. acles of the Mind” Friday as Dr. The senior class and its Born in Hungary, Polgar had Faculty Committee just a minute to apply, makes The faculty committee for the BEAUTY CAKE ^ Quart Glass Measuring Franz Polgar, prominent telepath­ faculty directors works no extraordinary mental powers Rubber Hot her skin look wonderfully lumi­ ist and hyponotist, put several of senior play is headed by L. How­ In six complexion hard and long- to make until he was buried alive by an ard Fox, business manager and nous and protects it against shades . . . $1.50¡ the school’s bright young lads and plus tax, Pitcher With lasses into a sound sleep with the their play a fine mem­ Italian shell in the last World chairman; John Gordon, assis­ Water Bottles wind and dust. twinkle of an eye. War. tant and co-chairman; Nova Babb ory to those who see it. and Ira Sch-eib, stage lighting; ■ Starting his program with a Losing his memory as a result Handle demonstratoin of his photographic Our play this year is Mrs. Mary Sheldon and Mrs. of this incident the doctor was Evangeline Weber, costumes. y '"' memory, Dr. Polgar went on to “ J u n i o r Miss.” This 6 9 * deal with telepathy and hypno­ taken to a hospital where he Mrs. Esther Hutchinson, Miss Regular 1.00 tism. To show what can be done popular comedy about gradually regained his senses. The Regina Brennan and John Charl­ ton,,, make-up; Sheldon Henry, P. with a good memory he drew 16 teen-agers will appeal to first he knew of his powers was squares on a blackboard and had that he was reading his nurse’s Webster Diehl and James V. the members of the audience call all high school students. mind'. Zurlo, scenery; Miss Blanche Mc­ Gillette out the name of some object to We strongly urge you We find that our hero first Donald, hand properties; Miss A ll Metal be placed in each square. came to this country in 1933 and, Elizabeth Iielleher, stage prop­ n GIVE HER PERFUME Men's Wrist Then one of the students-called students to come and he said, got a job as a waiter in erties. Charlton also was in off the words in the squares and join us in laughter to­ a New Fork restaurant. He says charge of the printing- of tickets, Tech Razor 1 % i FOR EASTER the lecturer gave a number for he found it very interesting to programs and' tags. Watches night; and parents to­ Another feature of the program each square. When a number had read the customers’ minds and With Gillette COMPLETE SELECTION OF IMPORTED been placed in each' square every morrow night. Remem­ bring them their orders without will be the appearance of two of Regular 25.00 vertical, horizontal and diagonal speaking with them. the school’s most popular music Blades line added up to the number pro­ ber, our senior play can The National Arts club of New groups. The Bandettes, school c l3 1 2 ? j AND d o m e s t i c PERFUMES. posed by the students beforehand. not be a success unless York was the scene of Dr. Pol- dance band, led by Robert Park­ $I 4 . 9 § gar’s first triumphant lecture, af­ er of the faculty, will play be­ Lentheric's Tweed— Miracle ...... 1.40 to 16.50 The telephathy demonstration you make it one. i had the doctor using one of the ter which he traveled about the fore the curtain and between the 4 9 * students as a transmitting station country speaking- to over 260 acts tonight, while Mrs. Alice Houbigant's Chantilly ...... 3.00 to 16.50 Wagner will conduct the school to send .mental directions to him audiences. He said the largest Special .telling him where to find Betty number of persons he ever hypo- orchestra for tomorrow evening’s Renoir's Chichi ...... 3.75 to 17.00 Strange, who had beeen selected We Have With tized was 75,000, which is really event. Pipe Cleaifers Tonight’s performance is pri­ by a group of four students as quite a number. Regular 1.00 marily for the benefit of high Lanvin's Scandal— Pretexte ...... 6.50 to 11.00 the object of the search. Another Us Today— When hypnotizing a person or school students. Tomorrow night Large Í 0 * telepathy demonstration found the taking telepathic messages, said P fe . adults will compose most of the Yardley's Bond Street ...... 2.50 to 8.50 doctor searching for a check tak­ the doctor, he erases all thoughts Yardley's from his. mind. He always places audience. Neai-capaeity atten­ en from is own wallet.’ dances are expected for both Mais Ouis ...... 1.50 to 10.00 Hypnotism the person sending the mental Polg£fe then went on to the sub­ messages on his left side and uses nights. Lipsticks ject of hypnotism. Calling volun­ a handkerchief as an anténna, Hudnut's Gemey— Yanky Clover ...... 55 to 15.00 teers to’ the stage, he provided both he and the subject grasping Bowling Team Loses To Nutley Flashlight chairs for them and proceeded to an end of it. The Doctor says, Evening *in P aris ...... 60 to 10.00 lull them‘into a deep sleep. The that a hypnotist cannot force a Last week was a busy one for so« hypnotist then showed how a hyp­ person to do something that his Belleville high’s bowlers as both Dana's Tabu ...... 2.75 to 7.50 Batteries notized person could be made to conscience would rebel against. the boys’ and girls’ teams bowed Dr. Polgar does believe that do. things he would not do nor- to powerful opponents. The boys’ Regular Size Leigh's—Poetic Dream—Dulcinea 1 Oz...... 3.50 1 0 « » mally. ' hypnotism can be used for curing team V it to defeat against Nut­ A sixteen-year old girl was mental ailments. Joe Marelli will ley hig Js keglers, Saturday, net­ A ll Shapes Rubinstein's Apple Blossom ...... LOO to 5.00 made to believe she was three, the agree with him, for it was Joe ting a total of 2078 pins against hypnotized group drank water, be­ who was hypnotized out of the the victor’s 2323. lieving it to be champagne, and habit of stuttering and stammer­ Nutley?s team was led to its Coty's L'Origan— L'Aimant ...... 2.25 to 5.00 became slightly inebriated, and ing by Dr. Polgar. 245-pin victory by “ Rip” Ripca then drank the same water, now with a 516 series and a high 184 Scherk's Arabian Nights— Renaissance .. 1.25 to 5.00 Minapoo believed to be a sobering medi­ seen it displayed. At any rate, it’s single for the day. 'Belleville was Yardley's cine, and became completely so­ well under control, and exactly paced in its losing effort by Bill Harriet Hubbard Ayer's Yu ...... 2.50 to 12.00 ber. typifies the cool, calm and collec­ Ewald with a 449 three-game tot­ Shampoo Polgar showed convincingly that ted. nature of leadership which is al. The two teams will meet a- Bath Salts Leigh's Heartbeat— Risque 1 Oz...... 3.50 The Dry Shampoo it was possible to make a subject 'evident in all she does. gain Saturday. to do. something after he awoke Thursday saw the girls’ team Varva's Follow Me—Nonchalant ...... 1.00 to 15.00 when he told ‘ one hypnotized stu­ going down before a , powerful LA V E N D E R dent to talk without his usual combination of Belleville women stammering. to the tune of 432 pins. Garner­ Lentheric's Shanghai— Confetti ...... 1.50 to 8.00 The student hasn’t stammered Phyllis DiSturco ing a total of 2284 pins against RED ROSES since that memorable day. Polgar the high school girls’ 1842 the vic­ For the first time in 15 years, was forced many times to wait tors were paced by Celia Grieg' APRIL VIOLETS, ETC. for the gales of laughter to abate Belleville high is honored to have who captured both the high single Diabetic Meeds before continuing the program. as the president of its senior class and high series honors with 169 Reed's For All Leading Brands .....a girl. Quiet and shy, _ hut and 444. The losing team was led Pint Benedict's Baseball Team To Move Outdoors with lively hazel eyes, Phyllis Di by Dot Greulich with a 348 three- * 1 . 0 0 » , Sturco has accepted her duties game total. Solution ...... 29 Schedule Shows Ten Contests vita complete ieminiire efficiency. Between the two matches the She is as active as her spare six teams of the bowling club COSMETICS B.D. Insulin Syringes .98 During the last few weeks the ime win nermit. During her four league met in another tangle baseball team, coached by Frank years of high school, she has serv­ which left the two teams tied B.D. Insulin Needles Spotts, has finally begun to take ed as concert mistress ox the or­ for first place. Team 4 dropped .Dubarry Tabu 2 lor ...... 19 shape. Although the practice has chestra while playing first violin. two games to team 1 and team 6 R e e d ' s been limited to indoors, the am­ She has been president of the took a pair from team 2. bitious pitchers and catchers have orchestra, on the Red Cross com­ This resulted in a tie for th'e Prescription Lentheric Helena Rubinstein Saccharine Tablets been working themselves out vig­ mittee, the senior play committee, leading position between teams 4 lA Gr. ¡0 0 S ...... J orously. the Monad, and she’s even been and 6. Team 1 climbed into sec­ Service Dorothy Grey Coty Before the workouts 30 minute in the band. ond place while team 2 dropped Saccharine Tablets lectures have been given lately on As regards her hobbies, music into last. Team 3 took two games @ Purest D r u g s and Elizabeth Arden Evening in Paris plays a big part. Phyllis has play­ Yz Gr. 10ÖS ...... 12 principals of,baseball. Spotts has from team 5, leaving the two Chemicals Used keen instructing about 80 of these ed the violin for the past six teams in a tie for third position. Old Spice Mais Qui boys daily on that subject. years. A t present she is studying 9 Accurate Compound- Saccharine Tablets at the Juilliard school in New This Monday if the weather ing by Registered Harriet Hubbard Ayer Translucid 2/4 Gr. 1 Q Ö 0 3 ...... 43L permits Spotts plans to take his York. As close friends and rela­ STUDY HALL CHATTER Pharmacists i hoys outside where he hopes to tions will tell you, her favorite Tonight is the big night for the huge success when we were honor­ Yardley's Elmo Saccharine Tablets fill in other positions. These try­ musical selection is “ Perpetual senior class, its big “ premiere” of ed by the performance of Dr. outs will take place at the Munic­ Motion.” Incidentally, that title Franz Polgar, well-known hypno­ 9 Fast, Speedy Delivery that side-splitting, rollicking play, Yz Gr. 100ÖS ...... 5S' ipal stadium. might well describe Phyllis her­ tist. and mental-telepathist. The Service Chen Yu Drézma One of the factors that played self, as she certainly does some “ Junior Miss.” Credit is due Miss student participation in the pro­ Lilly's Insulin All nn important part in the restora­ high-style dashing. Eleanor Rush, faculty director, gram made it twice as interesting. Revlon Houbigant tion of baseball is the way the Among other tilings, our Nell is and Betty Cooke, student director, Especially good “ subjects” were Strengths At Cut Rate Students have participated in it. a fresh air fiend. One of her for the long tedious work attach­ Albert Knight, Jim Petro, El In fact so great has been the com­ greatest deligts is to go bicycling ed, to making this play a success. Bowden and Geraldine Gilio! ing out of the students that re­ “ somewhere in the country” out I f you haven’t already bought That’s a sharp Frank Lark­ cently two girls applied for th’e in the open air. (Ah me! Ain’t your tickets, see any of the sen­ in has been sporting ..... Why is, bat boy position! nature grand!) iors for one! . Bobby O’Brien always singing Below is the schedule: As to her future, Phyllis is al­ Welcome back to Ruth TIodes “ Star-eyes” ? Alice Martin is still April ready enrolled in the Berkeley and Palma Salierno. Lucky girls, wondering after catching the ; r i St. Mary’s ' Home Secretarial school, where we’re . pc tit the colder months basking ‘,f> Syruler Jersey City bride’s bouquet at her "uncle's °H South Side ; Home sure she’ll make a great success in ¡he sun at Florida. Notice wedding..... May of her career, judging by the their tan. Faculty news: Mr. Babb and •"> Snyder Home standards she’s set here in Belle­ Shirley Nielson and Ruth Mc­ 3 2 East Side Home Mr. Robinson have gotten together ,r\ .■ South ‘Side Home ville. ■ Laughlin spent nn interesting to raise a victory garden this 3 2 Bloomfield Home Askl^ifrom an intense interest evening Lityihe Hotel New Yovkc-j. summer. With the help of a fly ­ ° - St. Mary's Rutherford »all.and football, the only :i_v 1 i: i * Espei-anto Con vent Immaculate Conception Montclair ing start from the Belleville lire ...... idlis will admit is a What happened to Ann’s hair? department • the should raise a •immaculate Conception tfgiy The n.'g.wnblj;' program wn? It nper crop. r L_;______..______m s,i x THE BELLEVILLE TIMES THURSDAY. yMARCH 't. jftl l 3

Town Wifi Sell Six, Parcels ♦ HARD COAL RATION Of Land For $3,255 Minimum TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ♦ TOWN WILL SELL ...... Classified Ads for The Times may be left at The Times Office, 328 Washington Avenue, or BEGINS SATURDAY Six p«.. reels of town-owned Consumers Must File Can property aggregating $3,255 in telephone BElleville 2-32QQ up to 12 Noon Wednesdays. .limmum bid prices will be put Showing Amounts Burned on the auction block April 10 at Help Wanted—Male Help Wanted—Female ¿own hall. Help Wanted—Female For Sale For Sale— Real Esfafe And Needed Next Year Largest of th-a pieces is at2-22 Furnished Rooms Smallwood avenue and it is; ■list­ -STOCK CLERK: Light work; no T Y P IS T ; accurate, neat, with All anthracite and all easteri ed at $1,000. Highest price will STENOGRAPHER W ELL rotted cow* manure; four BUNGALOW: 5 rooms experience necessary; hours 8 knowledge of filing and general . , , „ - sunpar- j COMFORTABLE single room coke will be put under a form 0:' be commanded by 102-11.2 Cedar a.m. to 4 p.m., no Saturdays. Ap­ cubic yards, $12. Bonny Dell or, closed porch. Recently dec- next to bath, for refined busi­ Hill avenue which will go for no office work. Full or part time. At Farms, Rutherford 2-6109. rationing beginning Saturday anr ply The Acme Window Display Sterling Vending Co., Belleville least three years experi­ orated; all improvements, • brick ness gentleman. Inquire 186 Hòl- less than $1,450. Service Inc., 540 Washington 2-2701. ence. This is a permanent fireplace: Lot 75 by 174 feet. meg Street. yesterday Clifton J. Smith of Also for sale «are 32 Carmer Avenue. A GOOD selection of slightly $5,800. Inquire 113 Emmett Reservoir place explained the new ■ avenue ($125), 48 Parkview ave­ position, with a Belleville used treadle and- electric sew­ Street, Belleville. COMFORTABLE room in private regulations. nue ($100), 17 Honiss street INTELLIGENT WOMEN having ing machines now available. Bud­ ($130) and 79-81 May street sales personality to service Company; chance for ad­ NEW 4U> room bungalow; tile home. Near all buses. Gentle­ Smith, who is district solic MEN get terms can be arranged.' S1NG- ($450). I candy vending machines in de­ kitchen and bath; large lot. man only. Telephone Be. 2-3742-M fuels administrator for Belleville vancement; pleasant environ­ FR SEWING MACHINE CO. 47 Nutiey, Arlington, Kearny ant Three sales from the last auc­ CHEMICAL OPERATORS fense plant. Five day week. Quali­ Broad Street, Bloomfield, N. J. $1050 down $48 per month pays tion were approved by the com­ fied individuals may secure per­ ment. Write giving summary everyth ing. COMFORTABLE, large, front East Newark, pointed out that nc Open Monday and Friday even­ missioners Tuesday: 14 North manent positions with long es­ room with small family; conven­ coal will be delivered to a honn idy reliable men for train- of education and former posi­ ings until 9 p.m. SEVEN ROOM house and store. until a consumer declaration ha; Eighth street to Alfred Vitelli for tablished firm. Sterling Vending Store is_rented at $30 monthly; ient to all busses. No night work­ as operators of chemical tions. ers. Telephone Be. 2-1485-J been filled out and returned to $125, 19-21 North Seventh street Co. Belleville 2-2701: Sanitas kitchen; garage; good dealer. shinery in the manufactur- Essential workers need release GREETING CARDS, Easter to Vincenzo Nardiello for $175 and location; " " $6,o00. For the year from Saturday to 36-38 Franklin street to Anthony i of drugs and vitamins. cards, birthday cards, convales­ NICE ROOM; next to bath, sepa­ M g Write Box R270 cents, all occasion cards and per­ TWO F A M ILY house; three and March 31,- l94o, only 8 7 percent Crocco for $420. ÜIRLS - WOMEN four room apartments; recon­ rate entrance, convenient to of the past years’ coal consump­ ^JCP'ERIENCE NOT REQUIRED Belleville Times Office' sonal stationery. Marion A Jones, transportation; $4. Inquire 29 Victory Garden Radio Program agent, 161 Holmes Street. Tele­ ditioned; garage; residential; tion can be had in hard coal. The Bremonrl Street or telephone Be. Experience Unnecessary phone Be. 2-3632-J. $6,000. remainder must be made up of P; If "willing to learn, and quali- WO-MAN or girl, white or color­ 2-4238-W. Begun Oh Station WAAT PACKING AND LABELING ed, part or full time; for gen­ DEW AR BE. 2-4810 bituminous or other fuel. fied-dop-tF-aining,, eral housework. Apply Mr. Kap­ STAIR CARPETS; 9 yards gen­ The cards will be distributed tt A new victory garden radio pro­ , WE ALSO NEED Drugs and Vitamins uine Wilton in excellent condi­ SIX ROOM house for immediate LARGE comfortable front room; consumers within the next week gram of special interest to people I lan, Belleville Hardware Store, suitable for one or two. Ex­ Permanent employment in an es­ ooO Washington Avenue, or tele­ tion. Will sell for half price. In­ occupancy. $450 cash, balance and must be returned to a house­ in North Jersey has been inau­ - PAINTER sential industry quire 46 Stephens Street. $40 per month. Write Belleville ceptionally convenient to all bus­ holder’s dealer before coal- can be gurated over station W A A T at phone Be. 2-3114. ses, including Newark and New ELECTRICIAN EXCELLENT WORKING Times, Box No. R300. delivered. _ Only fifty perce* of Newark, according to Prof. F. CONDITIONS 1932 BUICK sedan, inquire Ivan York. Private family. Inquire 48 next year’s supply can be ordered G. Helyar of the College of Agri­ PIPE. FITTERS Goettert, 185 Cortlandt Street. SIX ROOM house; modern kitch­ DeWitt Avenue. before next October 1. culture at Rutgers university and ANIMAL CARETAKERS . Also Help Wanted— Male and Call any time up to 10 p.m. Be. en; newly decorated. Taxes The card will ask information chairman of the state victory gar- ‘ ■ CLEANERS Female 2-2634. $80 per year. $.3200 or best of­ PR IV A TE family offers pleasant on the amount and kinds of coal len and food conservation com­ We have a few openings in our room; on Jersey Citv and New­ PACKER manufacturing unit for able bod­ fer. Write Box E330 Belleville burned during the past year, fhe mittee. SCHICK electric shaver, $5; elec­ Times Office. ark bus lines. 240 Holmes Street; amount on hand" now, the num ied women to learn to operate MECHANIC’S HELPERS; male telephone Be. 2-3289-J. chemical machines. tric respirator (K A Z ) $2; elec­ her of rooms needed during the Surrogate’s Notice is permanent employment and female. Why waste time tric heating pad $3. Goose feather New Street; 6 rooms $3,800 wintertime, the type of heating ESTATE OF TERESA M. V R E E LA N D , .'car essential industry, not Statement of availability and money commuting? We have bed $1 0 ; small case drawing in­ Greyloek, 2 family 0,900 equipment and other information 8 rooms, 2 baths Musical Instruction lecensed. ; jsist for duration of the war. necessary many openings on bench work, struments. Telephone Be. 2-1134- 4,950 Of M. 2 family, steam Notice Settlement ,'JbcceIlent working conditions 3,750 Notice is hereby given thnt the Accounts H i lathes, drill presses; screw me­ White bungalow 5,500 n o t i c e n HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE, Marion Ainsworth Jones of the Subscriber, Administrator of the Statement of availability chanics. Inquire General Engineer­ 1937 8 Cylinder Pontiac 4-door Several Modern COLONIALS PIANO INSTRUCTION estate of TERESA M. VREELAND, de­ INC. - JOHN I). PRICE, Realtor ceased, will be audited and stated by the \ necessary ing and Manufacturing Company, sedan; good tires, very good Children and Adult Beginners The annual meeting of the shareholder.' Surrogate and reported, for settlement to 360 Wash. Ave., Be. 2-4140-4735M Given Special Attention of the North Belleville Savings & Loar the Orphan’s Court of the County of Es­ Kingsland Rd. & Bloomfield Ave. 35 Verona Avenue, Newnrk. mechanical condition; $300. Can Assn., will be held at the office of the tíOFFMANN-LA ROCHE, be seen at 5 Railroad Place; or 161 Holmes St. Be. 2-3632-J. sex on Tuesday, the ' 18th day of April Nutley, N. J. Association, 500 Washington Ave., Belle­ next. INC. FIGHT BACK AT THE JAPS telephone Be. 2-3031. Real Estate Wanted ville, N . J., on Monday, April 10th, at Dated : March 14, 1944. GIRL for confectionery store; 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of electing JACOB SUTTON Piano Tuning Officers and Directors, and such othei LAWRENCE E. KEENAN, Proctor Kingsland Road and steady job ; 8 hours a 'day. Important War Work LA D Y’S winter coat; size 46-48, business as may come before the meeting. maroon, expensive fur collar. 228 Washington Avenue Call at 443 Washington Avenue WOMEN - GIRLS Your PRO PERTY listed with JOHN P. DAILEY, Belleville, N. J, Bloomfield Avenue or telephone Be. 2-2177. Telephone Bloomfield 2-2921-R. 3,000 most active N. J. and Secretary 5-13 MEN - BOYS ANY PIANO TUNED $3.00 4-6 Nutley, N. J. N. Y. real estate brokers for Apply daily 8:30 to 5:00 W OM AN’S shoes, W^alk-Over, size $3.00: send for details. Factory Expert W OMAN wanted to do housework 8V2D, suede with kid trim. Notice of Transfer one day a week. Steady work. INSTITUTIONAL LISTINGS, Repairing and Polishing Public Sale ISOLANTITE, INC. Leather bedroom slippers, built-up Telephone Be. 2-3766. INC. Players a Specialty TAK E NOTICE that application has MEN 343 Cortlandt Street heel, size 8 V2 . Boy’s spring coat 605 Broad St., Newark 2, N. J. been made to the Excise Board of Belle- Over 30 years Experience PU B LIC NO TICE is hereby given that Belleville, N. J. and hat size 4. All in perfect con­ Ma. 2-1926 dile, N. J. to transfer to Thomas Meccia TO ASSIST PLATERS YOUNG WOMEN to wrap and dition. Telephone Be. 2-3725-J. GIGLIO I. William H. Williams, Mayor & Diree for the premises located at 260 Mill pack candy. Sterling Vending- AVAILABILITY STATEMENT tor ot" the Department 01 Revenue and Street, Belleville, New Jersey, the Plenary WANTED! ! 205 Forest St., Belleville 2-2614 Finance of the Town of Belleville, N . J.. Retail Consumption license heretofore _ is­ 4*8 Hour Week Col, Be. 2-2701. NECESSARY will sell at public sale to the highest bid­ GIRL’S spring coat; beige all- sued to Daniel Meccia for the premises 8 to 4:30 Daily Six room bungalow in good sec­ ders for cash the following; properties in located at 260 Mill Street, Belleville, New BILLING CLERK - TYPIST. wool, size 14; good condition. tion. Depending on modern de­ the 1 own of Belleville, County of Essex Jersey. Steady Work Lost Also plaid winter coat with rac­ Floor Refinishing and State of New Jersey:— Objections, if any, should be made im­ Statement of availability re­ tails, will pay from $5,500 to FIRST TR ACT: 79-81 May Street, Block quired. Apply Resistoflex Corp., coon collar, size 1 1 . Telephone Be, mediately in writing to Florence R. Morey, $8,500 cash. ■195 Lot 8. Town Clerk of Belleville, New Jersey. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Bfelleville, N. J. 2-8430-M. Low Prices SECOND T R A C T : 32 Carmer Avenue, N A V Y EMBLEM pin two inches BEAMS BROS. REALTORS THOMAS MECCIA A. G. BECKER Block 174 Lot 32. long; central figure is small THIRD TR ACT: 17 Honiss Street, Block Statement of availability ICE R E FR IG E R A TO R ; air con­ REPLY AT ONCE 98 Division Avenue 54 Slone Street, Newark, N. J. ■ gold navy emblem covered with 730 Lot 31. 3-23 required GIRLS — WOMEN magnifying glass. Treasured keep­ ditioned; white porcelain. Also 526 Franklin Ave. Nutley 2-2830 Be. 2-4122 FOURTH TRACT: 48 Park View Avenue, sake; reward for return to 100 eight piece solid maole dinette QUALITY SERVICE Block 335 Lot 21. For Work In Defense Plant set. Telephone Be. 2-4143. WANTED! ! FIFTH TRACT: 102-112 Cedar Hill Ave­ Legal Notice MILLER & SON Continental Avenue or telephone nue, Block 268 Lot 15. Be. 2-3268.J. SIXTH TRACT: 2-10, 12-14, 16-18 & 20- PUBLIC- NOTICE is hereby given that Small house or 4-5 room bunga­ 24-Belleville Avenue WRAPPERS GAS RANGES, two; table top; Carpenters - Builders 22 Smallwood Avenue. Charles W . Watson, Assessor of the Town low near bus lines. Must be In- Block 476 Lots 25, 27, of Belleville, County of Essex, New Jer­ Belleville, N. J; very good condition: Inquire good condition. Between $4,000- 29 & 31. sey, at a meeting to be held at the Town. PACKERS VEST, bi-owrn with grey stripe, 360 Little Street, after 5 p.m. or Said lands have been acquired by the Hall, Washington Avenue and Belleville a- $5,000 cash. Or will pay to $6,500 CARPENTER and building con­ from Cleveland Street to "Wil­ telephone Be. 2-2321-J, tractor will do all kinds of re­ Town of Belleville by deed and or through Avenue, Belleville, N . J. on Thursday liam Street, about three weeks for newer type bungalow or tax title lien foreclosure proceedings. Said the 13th day of April, 1944 at eight :MEN FOR WORK ASSEMBL- GENERAL HELPERS house. pair and alteration work. lands will be sold in. accordance with o'clock in the evening will hear all lier­ ago. Reward, lelephone Be. 2- ons interested in or whose land may bn 2838-R. TWO_ boy’s all-wool regulation JOHN B. VERONEAU R. S. 40:60-2G et seq. and also in ac­ Ô ELECTRONICS' DEVICES. Previous experience not nec­ BEAMS BROS. REALTORS cordance with the provisions of an act affected by the following improvements: spring coats sizes 4 and 5; 275 De W i.t Ave. Be. 2-1262 BRIGHTON A V E N U E , from Newark REPLY AT ONCE entitled “An Act Concerning Municipal­ fcHANICAL O R .. ELECTRI- essary,. excellent opportunity navy; matching peaked caps. A l­ ities”, Chapter 152 Laws of 1917, and the Avenue north 400 feet - fi" Concrete DOG; black and brown short hair, so boy’s suits same sizes Write 526 Franklin Ave., Nutley 2-2830 acts supplementary thereto and amenda­ Pavement and Curbs. ÏÏÎENCE NECESI­ for steady employment in an white " chest; wearing collar; Box R350 Belleville Times Office. GENERAL CARPENTER WORK tory thereof. The purpose of said meeting is to hear Said sale will be conducted in the Meet­ ail persons interested in or who may answers to Bunky. Vicinity 26 Roofing, Siding and Painting wish to be heard concerning the assess­ TAR Y. 100% W AR WORK. essential industry. If now em­ ing Room of The Commissioners (some­ Mertz Avenue, ¡Sunday 5 p.m. Re­ ment of the cost of said improvements Wanted To Rent E. J. N IE B E L times called the Coi/ncil Chambers! on PROGRESSIVE CONCERN ployed in war work, do not- ward. Telephone Be. 2-3772. Wanted To Buy 200 Jiralemon Street ind the assessing of the benefits. the second floor, Belleville Town Hall, on FLORENCE R. MOREY, ¡ E x c e l l e n t opportunity . apply unless release can b Be. 2-3907 • Monday afternoon, April 10th, 1944 at DOG: reddish brown cocker span­ Town Clerk. obtained. WANTED: SMALL HOUSE or 3:30 P. M. Eastern W ar Time. iel, male, aged 14 months; HIGHEST ■ PRICES paid for 5-6 room apartment in residen­ Said properties will be offered for sale pMcGLYNN, HAYS & CO., INC. on terms and conditions which will be white spot on chest; wearing used clothing. M. Greenfield. tial section by Christian Ameri­ G E N E R AL CAR PE NTE R work Legal Notice U: S. E. S. certificate of avail­ Passaic 3-2479. and alterations. Window cords slated prior to the sale, which conditions 71 RUTGERS STREET brown leather collar; answers can family of three adults. Will can he seen at the office of the Depart­ ability required. Call at Main name Rusty. Strayed Sunday from a specialty. Kitchen cabinets ment of Revenue and Finance, and will be P U B LIC NOTICE is hereby given that consider buyinig. Write Belle­ Charles W. Watson, Assessor of the*.Town BEÍLEVI-LLE, N. J. & Mill Streets, Belleville, N. J. 101 Carpenter Street. Reward A L L KINDS of junk, iron, paper, made to order. Joseph Lilore, 26 sold in accordance with said terms and ville Times Box No. R260. conditions to the. highest bidders for cash. of Belleville, County of Essex, New Jer­ fo r return or information. Tele­ metals, tires, tubes, rags, bat­ King Street. Telephone BE. 2- i>aid sales will be subject to confirma­ sey, at a meeting to be held at the Town see Mr. Van Riper. Ap- Hall, Washington Avenue and Belleville WALLACE 6c TIERNAN phone Mitchell 2-2906. teries, etc. Used Singer Sewing W A N TE D : .Bungalow, 5 or 6 4357-J. tion by the Board of Commissioners. fis must be able to furn- Machines wanted. J. Reseiniti, 36 I he Town of Belleville reserves the Avenue, 'Belleville, N . J. on Thursday rooms; with garage; located be­ riftht to reject any and all bids. Mini­ the 13th day of April, 1944 at eight Sfatement of Availability. CO., INC. B LAC K leather wallet contain­ Clinton street. Belleville 2-4408. tween Union .Avenue and. Wash­ mum bidding on First Tract will start at o’clock in the evening will hear all per­ ing social security record, mon­ ington Avenue, Belleville. Write CONFORTI ENGINEERING 54.i0. Minimum bidding on Second Tract sons interested in or whose land may be will start at $125. Minimum bidding- on iffected by the following improvements: LABORATORY ASSISTANTS ey and valuable keepsake photo­ SEWING MACHINES Belleville Times Box R280. COMPANY P L E A S A N T A V E N U E , from Belle­ graphs; Tuesday evening between Third Tract will start at 5130. Minimum MEN Highest cash prices paid for used bidding on Fourth Tract will start at ville Avenue to Northerly Terminis - With high school or some col­ Garden Avenue and Elwood Thea- W ANTED : Refined couple with 628 Belleville Avenue, Belleville $100. Minimum bidding on Fifth Tract Penetration Pavement and Curbs. Singer Electric or treadle sew­ The purpose of said meeting is to hear tie, Newark. Reward for return two grown daughters wish to will start at $1450. Minimum bidding on FACTORY WORKERS lege chemistry;, for either re­ ing machines. HUMBOLDT 2-1125 all persons interested in or who may to 22 Mt. Pleasant Avenue; 2nd rent modern 5 or 6 room home in Sixth Tract will start at §1000. search or control laboratories. Phone or Write Builders with personal experience wish to be heard concerning the assess­ floor. Telephone Be. 2-1545-J. residential section of Belleville, WILLIAM H. WILLIAMS ment of the cost ol’ said improvements OPPORTUNITY in all phases. Carpenters, ma­ Mayor & Director of the Department SINGER SEWING MACHINE Nutley or vicinity. Can- furnish and the assessing of the benefits. ?OR ESSENTIAL WAR WORK OPPORTUNITY FOR sons. Kitchen cabinets made to or­ of Revenue & Finance FLORENCE R. MOREY, SAVINGS Passbook No. 21673 of COMPANY best references. Rent $5o-$65. 4-0. ADVANCEMENT der, linoleum sink tops a n d Town Clerk. Experienced and Inexperienced the Peoples National Bank and 47 Broad Street, Bloomfield Telephone Be. 2-3039. Bloomfield 2-6497 floors; plumbing, painting, elec­ Trust Company, «Belleville, ’ N. J. tric, tile and all kinds of altera­ WE TEACH YOU THE Interesting permanent work in Finder please return to bank. THREE OR FOUR unfurnished pharmaceutical field. tions and additions. Call after 6 “KNOW-HOW” WILL BUY NEWSPAPERS in rooms .with bath. Write Box p.m. 'Who Moved The Stone?' WAR RATION Book No. 3 is­ tight bundles, 40c per 100 lbs. R320 Belleville Times Office WIRE DRAWERS This is an essential industry. sued to John Henry Abrams, 99 loose, 30c per 100 lbs. Magazines | (A Study of Events and Roles Played By Char­ WIRE ANNEALERS Certificate of availability re­ Raymond Avenue, Nutley, 10, 45c per 100 lbs., also rags, scrap W A N T E D : 4 or 5 room flat, rent \ Rugs WIRE ENAMELERS quired. v # N. J. Finder please return to own­ iron, metal. J. Padavano, H arri­ about $35; for three adults, acters of the Bible Preceding The er. May 1st. References. Telephone COLD ROLLERS son. Call Harrison 6-6926. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE Be. 2-1989J. W A L L to W A L L carpet cleaned Resurrection) MELT SHOP MEN and shampooed on premises; all INC. W AR R A TIO N Books No. 3 and At LABORERS 4 issued to John- and Rose WE PAY FULL VALUE for work guaranteed. Broad Rug- Kingsland Road and Ohanian, 14 Howard Place, Belle­ books, pictures, old glassware, For Bent Cleaning Co., 1480 Broad Street. A P P L Y 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. ville, N .J . Finder please return china, old dishes, old family furni- Telephone Bloomfield 7-8858. Men's Bible Class EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Bloomfield Avenue to owner. «<#w tUTfi. SllvPT* O’nlH TaTTral-PTr in n li«,« ture, silver, gold, jewelry, violins, BE LLEVILLE : 365 Main Street, O f Nutley, N. J. cameras, typewriters, coin and .BONUS FOR NIGHT WORK W AR R A TIO N Books No. 4 is­ at J o r a 1 e m o n — 3 large Masonry stamp collections, etc. Telephone rooms; furnished or unfurnished; Birth- Certificate And sued to William J. Brophy and Passaic 2-6011. Montgomery Presbyterian Church PART TIME WORKERS George S. Zeliff, 138 Garden Ave­ business people only. Private Certificate Of Availability Required family. nue, Belleville, N. J. Finder please PLASTERING— CEMENT WORK SUNDAY — 9:45 UR B. DRIVER CO. Hours can be arranged return to owner. A BETTER PRICE Brick and Stone Work WELCOME between mornings, afternoons, THREE rooms; all improvements General Repairs 150 Riverside Avenue and early evenings, GASOLINE Ration Books A and DAVEY MOTOR CO. except steam. Near all trans­ JOHN TRAVERS immiimittmitimm* Newark, N. J. B "coupons and tire inspection portation. $25. Inquire 105 Cort- 247 Belleville Avenue, in our laundry supply depart­ BLOOMFIELD Belleville, N. J. certificate issued to William C. iandt Street or telephone Be. 2- ment. Eisfeld, 12 Berkeley Avenue, We W ill Buy Your Car 2891. Highest Cash Prices Paid for Announcement Belleville, N.J, Please return to Roofing - Siding Van Hausen Shirts THE GREAT A. & P. TEA CO. owner. 1942 - ’41 - ’40 - ’39 - ’38 ’ 37 - ’36 THREE' ROOM apartment fo r im­ Any Make - Any Model mediate occupancy. Heat, gas 26"5 Cortlandt Street K JOSEPH Calabrese’s Barber Shop ALSO STATION ’WAGONS and electricty furnished. Rent $35 Roofing, Siding, Insulation Pajamas- Underwear (Near Holmes Street) Found per month. Write Belleville Times M will move between April 17th Belleville 2-4444 DAVEY MOTOR CO. We Repair All Types of Roofs Make this store your store for Van Heusen Box R290. For Free Estimates Call r‘ aud May 1 st from 68 Academy W.M.C. rules apply 425 Broad Street Men’s Wear N U T L E Y 2-1141 & Street to 306 Washington Avenue. MAN'S W ATCH ; in Belleville ap­ Tel. Bloomfield 2-1130 FURNISHED APARTMENT; BEAUTICIAN wanted for full or proximately two weeks ago. Open Evenings and Sundays two rooms and bath, cooking- BELLEVILLE 2-4069 part time. Apply Angela Beauty Owner may identify same bv tele­ Hasten Victory Day facilities furnished. Third floor. Personal Salon, 447 Washington Avenue or phoning Be. 2-2813-M; and may Buy War Bonds Inquire after 7 p.m. 307 Greyloek Decorators - Painters telephone Be. 2-1051, have watch by paying for this ad­ Parkway. vertisement. Feldman*s Dept. Store i WIDOW ER will share home with W AN TE D : Capable woman for PIANO W ANTED — Will pur­ chase used Baby Grand or FIV E LARGE airy rooms with FIR ST CLASS Painting, Decora- fiddle-aged or elderly couple daytime care of elderly invalid. Spinet in any condition. Top bath; coal range in kitchen. ting, Plastering and Papering. Work Clothes ot Quality at Low Prices care of home and grounds; Light duties permit ample time Child Care Can be seen at any time at 126 Reasonable Rates. JOSEPH GER- for care of own home. Send name price and immediate cash paid. leasant residential section; one Washington avenue, key at shoe­ M ANSKY, 116 Aldine Street, 115 WASHINGTON AVE. BELLEVILLE, N. J. and address or telephone number Phone RUtherford 2-2286. :k busses and shopping. Tele- WOULD YOU like to take a war maker. Rent $30. I f interested Newark, N.J. Telephone Waverly We Deliver — Phone Belleviile 2-2760 to Box R340 Belleville Times of­ job? I will care for your child telephone Waverly 3-1077. 3-8941. one Be. 2-2 6 SDR. fice. W ANTED : BAB Y’S CRIB. Good while you are working. Nice yard condition. Telephone Be. 2- and porch; lots of toys, Comnan- 1889-W. Eagle Decorating Go. Hllllllllilif fllflf lllll|||lfl]!jjjl|}llllllf)f ¡lll¡]l}2llll]}|}l}Ilf jllllllUIUIIIIjllUlli- ionship of my own children. Hus­ Refrigeration 41 Garden Avenue — Be. 2-1535 WORK IN NUTLEY AND SAVE EXPENSES band in the service. W rite Box WANTED: house refrigerator in GENERAL CONTRACTOR R310 Belleville Times Office. good working condition; 6 cu, I RED CROSS SURGICAL I CENTRE Refrigeration Service, Painting and Papering NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ft. size preferred, although other 392 Washington Avenue. Do­ sizes will be considered. Reason­ mestic and Commercial, all makes. Estimates Cheerfully iven I DRESSINGS 1 Trees—-Landscaping able. Telephone Be 2-4894-M af­ Telephone Be. 2-2781-M. No Notice Of Settlement STEADY WORK NOW AND AFTER THE WAR ter 1 p.m. charge for estimates. | RECREATION HOUSE 1 TREES TRIMMED WANTED: Bedroom rug and ESTATE OF MARY ELIZABETH AL- E 407 Joralemcm Street — I Fruit Trees LEN, tleeeaspd. GOOD PAY INCLUDING GROUP INSURANCE LAWNS TOP DRESSED small rug; platform rocker, Vacuum Cleaners | Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday — 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. I kitchen step ladder, Mixmaster, Notice of Settlement Call Mornings NU. 2-2608-J Notice is hereby given that the Ac­ S Monday Evenings — 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. 5. AND HOSPITALIZATION utility closet and wardrobe. Tele­ counts of the Subscriber, Executrix of the Evenings NU. 2-3402-M phone Bloomfield 2-2921-R. PARTS and supplies for the orig­ last W ill nnd Testament of M AR Y inal Electrolux vaccuu m ELIZAB ETH A LLE N , deceased, will be 1 ST. PETER'S SCHOOL | cleaner. We also rebuild your ma­ audited and stated by the Surrogate and =■ 152 William Street E WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR PART TIME reported for settlement to the Orphan’s Radio Service Weatherstripping chine. Telephone F. Doyle, Court of the County of Essex on Tues­ Kearny 2-3109. day, the Uth day of April next. E Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday— 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. | AND FULL TIME WORKERS Dated: February 29. 3944. FREE tube testing in our shop. W INDOW REPAIRS. Sash chains, Coal and Fuel EDITH MORT MASE I WOMAN'S CLUB f Expert on all makes of radios. upper and lower window, $2/50. LAWRENCE E. KEENAN, Proctor Authorized dealer for Philco, 228 Washington Avenue E 51 Rossmore Place § LOBSITZ MILLS CO. Cords $1.50; 4 or more windows, Belleville, N . J, R.C.A., Stromberg-Carlson a n d weatherstripped windows, extra Chimneys - Furnaces Cleaned 3-30 E Tuesdays — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. , E HARRISON STREET Zenith radios. Woroble Radio Ser- fid rails for straiway. $6.00 KOHL COAL FUEL OIL CO. srfee, 78 Washington ave. For up. Walter W. White, Wodd Belleville 2-2441 Every War Bond You Buy VOLU3 ERS ARE NEEDED. quick seij call B c jt m - 2 9 4 0 or ;e, N. J. Telephone Ruthdr- STORM SASHES - CABINETS Workers ari to co nip in wash dresses. NUTLEY, N, J* our Weatherstripping »rings Victory Ti^at Much Closer lU If M UII f! Mfl H HI Mtffi I l4f Mlf i

THURSDAY, MARCH.H i 30,1944 T H E B E L L E V IL L E TIMES. PAGE .SEVElt project; Mrs. Ward Lay, leader master to Bert Stanley, formerly Municipal Welfare To Assist have become available for mili­ Friday morning before handing March 17 on Mill street by Jn-f of troop 7 supervised Sunday’s ac- chairman of the troop committee. tary service through these chan­ down a $125 fine against Watson speetor Charles Kehoe o f tF-v, N. Y. FIELD ADVISOR Scouts present then were Lois SCOUTS RECEIVE Mr. Deckenbach addresseed the In Remedies For Rejectees nels. R. Chambers of Montclair for motor vehicle department. He Ann Jepson, Lois Ann Bennett, Scouts on the twelfth scout law. "W e would be glad to have you driving while his license -was re­ faces loss of his license for an ad­ Christine Wilkinson, Marion Mc- Cooperation, of the municipal refer further cases to this depart­ voked. ditional two years. PRAISES UPSWING T.-ernan, Patsy McGinnis, Marie MANY AWARDS ment in order that we may assist Chambers pleaded guilty to the Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Dickinson Plans New Courses welfare department in remedial these young men in the service Christian of troop 2; Dorothy Parents Attend Troop 388 treatment for induction rejectees eharge and Judge Smith raised the Edwin C. Smith of St. Louis, Mo., of their country.” and a grandson Ferdinand Craig IN GIRL SCOUTS Westlake, Joan Stanlev, Patricia N*e\v courses at Fairleigh Dick­ was pledged last week by director mandatory $100 fine in view of Scully, troop S; Patsy Day, Ceremonies; Amóscate inson Junior college, Rutherford John J. Hewitt in a letter to the the man’s record as a second of­ Smith, Coxwain, t)SN, stationed Tells Leaders' Association Joanne Jonas, troop 7; Lois An­ Accordion Soloist weiv explained by President Peter local seleteivc service board. Said Montclair Man Is Fined Again fender. His license was lifted in the Pacific. derson of troop 9, Diane Bramimi! Sammartino last week, when the Hewitt: originally in October 1941 when Trend Here Improved; he was convicted of a drunken Joan Kintzing, troop 18; Marion board of educational directors mer “ We have been informed that a For Driving Without License Caskey and Betty Lou Turner, Tile parents of the Roy Scouts driving charge. W A R B O N D S Discusses Program of troop 888, .sponsored by Christ at the Bergen restaurant. new arrangement has been formu­ troop 19. ... Among the features hè took, up lated With tlfe New Jersey State “ I f you can afford to pay $100 Seven months later he was fined assure the things you E] fisco pal church, attended a par­ in East Orange for driving with­ A special meeting’ of the Girl ware advertising and copywriting, Headquarters of. Selective Ser a throw, it’s all right with me,” ents’ night Monday to witness out a permit. He was arrested want after victory! Scout leaders’ association. Y '-d- Bellevillites Hand First Defeat an investiture ceremony and ihe personal development laboratory, vice, which provides that local was Recorder Smith’s comment nesclay evening at the home of .Awarding of a number of honors art exhibits,- télévision ahid elec­ draft boards may refer persons Mrs. " Elmer S. ■ Hyde was ad­ To West Point Chessmen earned by the scouts. tronics, and placement of gradu­ who need remedial treatment for dressed by Mrs. Dorothy W._ Rey­ Presentation of t e n d e r f oofc ates. physical disabilities to municipal nolds, field advisor of région 2 The first defeat suffered _ this badges by assistant Scout Execu­ Guests wfei 3 Bur c Johnson of welfare departments. of th-3 Girl Scout national head­ year By the West Point military tive Harry T. French was made Belleville high school and Els- “ It has been our privilege to SCREEN ENAMEL quarters in New York. academy's chess team was deliver­ to James Mariano. Arthur Dey, worth Tompkins of Eastside high have cooperated with the Munici­ Commenting favorably on the ed last week by the Belleville William Luke, Robert Gnatz, school, Paterson, .Charles SteCl of pal Aid administration, Trenton, upward trend of girl scouting Chess dub which walked o ff with Clement Edwards, George Weid- Teaneek, presided. and several rejected draftees In Greens and Black here, Mrs. Reynolds outlined the a 5-4 decision. man, Rocco Serotta, Ernest Knott, advantages and attractions of Previous victims of the West iiüíimmimmmiimmmniiiiimmmimummmmmmmmiiimmmmiifV; Charles Brenner and Keith Clark. 10 the work which cause so. many Pointers have included the Nutley Following the presentation of leaders to serve without recom- Chess club, the Passaic YM CA A Few of The Many Desirable Homes Qt. tenderfoot badges, and at other 69 y i pense. and Newark college of engineer­ times during t:ie program, Scout Available Thru The Agency of She also discussed the methods ing. The Belleville club meets Sam Amóscate entertained by of registering girl scouts, the eyery Monday in the Recreation playing several numbers mi vhe slight fees involved, the advan­ House. accordion. tage of keeping records of their Belleville JWest Point I COÖGÄN & MAYER, INC. — REALTORS | White 1| Soilk Harry Brumbach. Commission­ activities. She pointed out that MacIntyre 11 Wallace er of the Robert Treat Council, Thlbaui’s girls cannot successfully be trans­ Ochs i ; Hynds presented Merit Badges as fol­ ferred from one troop to another; Kerr 0j Button i Dé Witt Rire: $5;550 Division Ave. $4,950 Dlouhy lj Pairs lows : also, that a waiting list of girls First A id : David Vesey, Eric Sheard, 7 Room Home-—Open Porch—-2 Comfortable six - room home Boston ]j Heymnn Extra rooms— 3rd floor— Open close to Washington Ave, — for all troops should be .encour­ MaeS\Veeney OjCallahan Richard Graves, Samuel Amóscate, W al­ i)j Lustigen ■ ter Nedoma, Wiliiam Gilliland. Rotter porch. Steam-oil heat— Large — Six rooms, Foyer — steam WALL PAPER Malaffue aged. Roby, Edmund Hansen, Richard Meyers, Donnelly 01 Oliver • Leaders present were Mrs. Walter Gepimer, Arthur Ruff, lot. heat. most paints look good. Morris Bennett, Mrs. .Arthui Swimmimi: William Cartwright; Public .0 Roll Pri ce, .Mrs, Frank Chambers, Health, William Cartwright; Readinst, New Street — Between foraiemon Street and H o w good they look after Lee Richardson; Pathfindinir, Francis and up Mrs. Ward Lay, Mrs. Leif Schek, .Plumeau, Walter Nertoma, Walter Gei>i)- Division Avènùé long exposure depends 1 2 Mrs. Raymond O’Brien, Mrs. G. Softball League Organization ner, Arthur Ruff. L. Cox, and the Misses Ang-le Monday At Recreation House Firemanship: Walter Nedoma, Francis $8,500 largely oil the amount Trimmed Without Pucillo, Mae and Lavina Watson Plumeau, Richard Meyers, Walter Gepp- ner; Paintiny, William Cartwrijrht, W il­ Modern — Six Room Home — Tile Kitchen — Tile Bath of white lead they con­ Charge and Ruth and Margaret Marrvr Sentiment in favor of the liam Gilliland, Walter Geppner; Cooking, Miss Edna Baun, their presi­ David Vesey. Stall Shower— Steam— Oil Heat— 2 Car Garage— Extra formation of a town softball lea­ Handicraft: David Vesey, Arthur R uff; Lavatory—Lot 50 x 100 — Stone Front—3 Years Old. tain. This is an all white- dent, called the meeting’ to h ’-ar gue will be sounded out Monday Safety, Franeis Plumeau, Walter Geppner, Mrs. Reynolds. Mrs. Hyde is evening at 8 in the Recreation Walter Nedoma. lead paint. girl scout commissioner here. Tm? House when teams interested in Second class and first _ class Self-Pasted women will have 'another oppor­ entering a circuit will send repre­ badges were presented by District | joralemon St. $6,000 Melwex S i $8,300 1 tunity to near Mrs. Reynolds sentatives to confer on th-3 organ­ Commissioner John Charlton. Sec­ — Roomy— Six room nome — en- 7 Room home— Brick venaer— E Monday evening when they will ond class—-John Richardson, Ed­ ss closed porch— steam coal heat...... ,, = ization. t ; E Lot 40 x 100 — A comfortable bath Die kitchen steam — meet at Mrs.' Bennett’s home, 83 Invitations to the meeting are. ward Pudney and Richard Graves. home.. oil heat— Real fireplace = Crescent terrace. issued today through the news­ .First class— Robert Conklin, Wal­ E WALL PAPER ter Nedoma and Walter Geppner. Easter Decorations papers by Commissioner Noll and S May Be Seen By Appointments — Tenns Arranged — Thru r: and Borders Recreation Director Lister. Service stars, for one year ser­ Girl scouts worked Sunday af­ All softball teams, independent vice in the troop, were preseneted Varied Designs ternoon in Lit Washington avenue and industrial, are invited to by troop committenmn Lee Rich­ GÖÖGÄN & MAYER, INC* headquarters on Easter decora­ participate in the league, which ardson to scouts Richard Meyer tions for nearby hospitals. More will be for 16-year-olds and up. _ and John Swanger. Scouts W il­ REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE than 1.000 cardboard eggs, on No industrial league will be in liam Nash, Walter Nedoma and Robert Conklin were promoted to which bunnies, chicks, ducks and operation this year under the I Í40 Washington Avenué, Belleville, 9, Ñ. J. E PAINT STORE flowers are superimnosed, are in sponsorship of the reeeration de­ the rank of assistant patrol lead­ the making for the Easter morn­ partment, Lister said. He point­ er by Samuel Amóscate of the = JPfcoÄe*: BE. 2-2S92 - BE. 2-1ÇÛ0 = ing trays of hospitalized child­ ed out that interest in a similar troop committee. *■; Office Operi Mòri., Wèd. rind Fri. Evening* = 114 Wàshington Avenue - Phone Bellëvillè 2-2941 ren. Miss Baun has charge of the circuit lagged toward the end of Rev. Peter Deckenbach present­ projeea; Mrs. Ward Lay, leader last year. ed the badge of assistant scout- riíiiiitniFiiiiiiiifiiiifHiíiiiiiiHiiíiiitiiHíiiMniíiiinmmiiijiíiiiiniiiiimmmiin

S ave S om e B o y ’s L ife - - S ave Y ou r S alvage !

PLEASE Save This Map For Future Relefen.ee To Learn Your Zone And Collection Dates.

K N O W Y O U R Waste Paper M UST Be Salvaged

TIE IN BUNDLES — PLACE AT CURB Collections Will Be Made In Zone 1 and S-^-First Wednesday Each Month " 2 Third Fourth

Tin Cans — Every Thursday By School Children Or Telephone Your Nearest Grade School FATS — Take To Your Butcher RAGS — Same Day as Paper

lb “:------* " V ' ■ -1-1- n + w - A - ■” —-'■ ' ‘ ' — \ T 'AGE EIGHT THE BELLEVILLE TIMES THURSDAY, MARCH 30,1944 Two Parents Lightly Fined For Children’s Truancy S! Irresponsibility Of Adults - ! when “ a detective told her to stay Flayed By Judge Smith, home because she might be called as a witness” in a Newark police Threatens Drastic Action case in which the girl's watch Two parents were given “light” was stolen. Similar Warning fines Friday morning by Police Before Smith fined the woman ¿Recorder Smith after they were $5, he gave her thè same warning found guilty of permitting their as he had previously given Mc­ AiSTABLISHED ‘p children to be absent from school Combs and added that “ I am not 1859 * , “ wit: >„ut sufficient cause.” at all satisfied that you realize , The parents a.'e James McCombs your responsibility to keep her in of 841) Belleville avenue, whose school. It is up to you to take iiy.- - two ^eons were absent a total of care of her.” pi 221 -'sessions this year, and Mrs. “ How can I take care of her?” The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. SUPER MARKETS S/ Mary Eussomano of 12 Franklin demanded the woman, who pre- r- ?' stieet, whose daughter attended viosly stated that her daughter fires// Ganfie/t Pro ¿face only u few sessions since moving is living with one of the mother’s heye from Newark last fall. “ girl friends” nearby. You’ll find an abundance of new Spring Take Advantage of These Reduced Egg Prices! IThe older McCumbs boy was “ That is your responsibility,” kept out of school, testimony of Smith replied, “ no one ei&e can crops at your A & P Super Market. They FRESH, GRADE A, MEDIUM SIZE EGGS Attendance Officer Schneegas do it.” .brought out, “ on doctor’s orders” “I’ll send her away,’- retorted are priced to save you money! Fresh carton i but a recent check with the doctor Mrs. Eussomano. “ I ’m not going fruits and vegetables are ricli in vitamins 1 dozen t showed the latter had not seen the to go crazy . The next time I BROWN or WHITE Quality 3 8 ¡te boy in months, won’t pay no fine and I say that and minerals. . . and mighty grand eat­ fe Meantime he had v.arked many in front of all these men. I'll send LARGE, FRESH, GRADE A EGGS days at a Bloomfield bowling ul- her away.” ing! Serve plenty of them daily for de­ ,r.;. ley from lTolf^Tla'ily.- A cut WiLDMERE carton i j Iraiid was given as one of the ex­ licious and healthful meals. it-- . cuses of the other boy. f BROWN and WHITE Brand 1 dozen 4 3 fSmith verbally flayed McCombs * before fining him SID. “There is FERDINAND GILMAN LARGE, FRESH, GRADE A EGGS a person I hold responsible and that’s you. I am fining you be­ SUCCUMBS AT 81 SPRING ASPARAGUS»¿£*29 SUNNY6R00K carton cause it is ns much your fault, as Brand 1 dozen anybody's that these boys stay Had Lived Here 75 Years; WHITE LEGHORN 4 5 out” . . . And don’t forget PAAS EGG COLORS 3 pkfls*-25c McCombs had attempted to place Member Of Police Force, SWEET PEAS Western-New Spring Crop 2 k25 the blame on his wife, “ unless Exempt Firemen ■yen. want me to quit work and EI a h x GOLD MEDAL, HECKER’S 25 fb. f <)Q stay home to see they go to One of Belleville’s'*oldest resi­ flo u r or PILLSBURY'S bag » -¿3 school.” dents, Ferdinand Gilman of 368 ETIa h f SUNNYF1ELB 251b. “ Our schc Is are not just monu­ PeW itt avenue, died Sunday at TEXAS CARROTS '“s.» »-*5 r i O U r Unexcelled All-Purpose Flour bag 99' ments,” Smith declared. “ They’re his home after a long illness. He there to give our children an edu­ had resided here for 75 of his 81 Pure Lard B „ ! lb- print 18° cation, These are your boys and years. 'it is up to you to see that they Born in Germany, he came to W heaties . B 8 oz. pkg. ° get that schooling. You have the FLORIDA 0RANGESK12-33 10 America as a child and moved to power and the right to make them -obey.” Belleville in 1869. His three-quar­ Shredded Wheat NABISCO pkg. ° ters of a century of residence here 11 Could Be Heavy Turning to the boys, he painted is believed to be one of the long­ Kellogg’s Ail Bran 10 oz.pkg. ° est periods of any person still liv­ P0TAT0ES selectedu s 1 10 bi35 11 out that under the law he could ***** fine their father $5 for every ing in Belleville. Kellogg’s Krumbles 9P£ ° session they missed, “ in this case Some years ago he was em­ 10 ployed in the Eastwood wireweav­ Grapefruit Florida 3^20« Fresh Dates California 10pkg. °z ’ about $1,000. When he could not Post Bran Flakes 8 oz. pkg. 0C pay the fine, you would put .him ing company and was also one of ip jail.” He also warned that he the town’s two constables in the Avocado Pears Cafavo each 15» T e x a s B e e t s Young'Teni,erbunch6c could commit the boys to the days before the establishment o f H-0 Oats . . Moi.pks.T0c a regular police department. parental home. Rolled Oats SUNNYFiELD 20 oz.pkg. c Principal reason for the Rus He became a member of the Table Celery Crisp stalk 10° New Cabbage Firm Heads l b . i | ( 8 somano girl’s absence, according force in 1892 and served for for­ B to her mother, was an autemo- ty years prior to his retirement Mello-Wheat w K L 28Pk°i 14° »bile accident a year ago, following 12 years ago. In the days of Lettuce '«»*¡£10« £12« Yellow Turnips “ I ;! 1 Ib 3< svf which her doctor allegedly order­ horse-drawn fire fighters, he was Pillsbury’s PE £ 2 “ “ 21° s' ed her not to go to school for the also a member of the Exempt pb rest of the year, Firemen’s association. Pancake Flour ^unnyfield ^-25° fv- When Judge Smith demanded Mr. Gilman 'is survived by his wife, Mrs. Anna Gilman; a daugh­ A ZP Fitte Qttafifÿ Meats the doctor’s certificiate to that Ann Page Syrup 16 oz. bot. ° affect. Mrs. Eussomano was un- ter, Mrs. Edward Smith of St. You can buy meats with confidence in your A& P Super Market’s Meat Depart­ 19 Louis; and a grandchild. ment, for we’re mighty fussy about quality. And this is mighty important in , ” able to produce it, claiming it is . ib. pkg. I in fee custody of the Newark Rev. Peter E. Deckenbach, pas­ making your meat ration points bring you the best possible for your allowance l Cocom alt . % 22° & - school which the girl formerly at- tor of Christ Episcopal church, -£> tended. officiated at services Tuesday FRESH—Whole or Either Half Borden’s Hemo ° K te £ 59» Recent absences were caused evening in the Irvine funeral home and interment was in East 3 Points Per Ib. Blue Label Ridgelawn cemetery. PORK LOINS Karo Syrup BRER RABBIT Plan Board Gets READY-TO-EAT M ola sse s Green Label Axe Before Vote Frederick C. Weber SMOKED HAMS Whole or Butt Half—5 Points Per ib. Sunsweet Prunes “ mp4b:30° _ . Continued irom Pape 1) ed ' the commissioners • there. Frederick C. Weber of New­ River Brand R iceBEWhite , ”r 'P\“ -8° He backed up King’s ob’ection; ark, father o f three Belleville SUNNYFiELD—In y2 ib. Pkgs. Plain or 21b. J g •vomen, died suddenly Sunday at and asserted that “ we could take 1 Point Per Ib. Worcester Salt Iodized pkg the zoning board and make it into his home. He was 75 and has been SLICED DAC0N a planning board.” t station~ry engineer with the PLATE AND NAVEL-Fresh Cider Vinegar SULTANA qf. bot, 14° Waters, the only commissioner Tancovius Eug company for 26 who spoke in favor of the ordin­ years. Smoked Ham^ir;:r*- 32- Beef or Corned-4 Points Per Ib. Worcestershire Sauce 5b“' 9° ance pointed out that a planning He leaves three daughters here: Smoked-Center Cut, board is a long-range proposition, Mrs. Franklin Dowe of 65 Mel- vriy aheady-develcmed sections wex street. _Mrs. John J. Kiernan Ham Slices“6 Poinfs " Per Ib. “'* 45 Frankfurters 4“ b. Gulden’s Mustard 8 Vz oz. jar 12« ‘Belleville are going* to have af 18 Wiluer street and Mrs. Regular rely rew faces in the next 25 frank E. Parsells of 37 Wash- lb. Ann Page Mustard ?<« i»8° ’ngton -avenue. Also surviving H a m S i i C e S CenterCut-8ypts.Ib » 4 9 B o lo g n a 4 Poinfs Per fb. 33< it s and we should nlan that are two .sons and another daugh­ Center Cut Pure Pork Link French Dressing nh SZ. 13° ‘Nothing was planned out dur- ter. ib. 6 Pts. Per Ib. 1 Pt. Per Ib. -lb. 43«"::37- p-ing the depression years when A requiem mass was offered P o rk C h o p s 35< S a u s a g e "we had 1,300 people working on yesterday at Our Lady of Good Duff’s Waffle Mix ’^ 20° ^ the CWA and W PA. Nobody plan­ aunsel church, Newark, and in­ Ocean-Fresh SEAFOOD For Lenten Meals! Ritz Crackers NABISCO 1 ib. pkg. ° ned a 12-inch sewer line in North terment was in St. Peter’s church 21 emetery here. Main street, but it was a godsend Peanut Butter SULTANA 1lb.iar2t C - when Kidde located there. Fresh Butterfish ■b 27« Fresh Codfish Steaks 31 Proposed Before Citrus M arm alade ^ »> ¡» ° “ During the 14 -rears I ’ve been Parent-Teacher Whole 28 on this board I ’ve heard this Fresh Haddock b 21« Fresh Whithg . b 13' .thing discussed five or six times. Sparkle Desserts pT e ?k° 5° .'It’s purpose is not to disturb peo- Associations le but to better conditions in String Beans 14° eileville. Montgomery School I “ We should have a real busi­ ness section here, but even on The Bed Cross will benefit from CHANGE TO A&P COFFEE RED STAMP VALUES Washington avenue, our main x card and game party to be held Enjoy cup after cup. There’s BLUE STAMP VALUES thoroughfare, we have practically, jonight at 8:15 in the school blend to suit your taste. . nothing but one story buildings. mditorium. Mrs. Harry C. Fred­ GRADE AA-Tub or Brick We should have definite residen­ ericks and Mrs., Lewis- Wagner, Corn Off the Cob t i a l , business and industrial sec •o-chairmen, will be assisted by: 12 oz. tions. We should have eight oi Mrs. Harry Howard, prizes; [*] BUTTER . b47' [• nine more apartments but there Mrs, Charles Whittemure, refresh­ NIBLETS * cans 2 5 ' r n M i l i r WHITE HOUSE O fall 9 7 - oi f l A uH A&P-Creant Style A 20oz. is no place for them to go.” ments; Miss Rose C. Simons, LealJ m lllv EVAPORATED 0 cans A I ** He rejected Williams’ sugges­ tickets; and Principal Henry [fl -°j UUlil or Whole Kernel cans 25° tion of a hired planner: “ Our citi- Minasian, arrangements. h 1 Spry or Crisco " m * c ’ zens can prepare a far better 24 .8] Sweet Corn 2 23» plan for the town than an out­ r c T Pure Vegetable 11b. 0 9 « . [ 5 J Q G X O Shortening coni. sider, a stranger, can.” Food Prospects For 1944 [ 3 ] P e as Standard Quality 20 oz‘ can 11° “ I would like someone to show DURKEE’S me,” interjected Williams, “what When it’s in the hean— and it’s [ 6] Margarine ib. 2 2 » 15 ] Tomatoes 10° [constructive thing has ever been Outlined By Rotary Speaker A&P Coffee— you know it’s ALL SWEET really fresh! Try its fresher or PARKAY ib » [accomplished by any planning .■Dairy products will be down, m Margarine 24 [io] Asparagus»Sa?s™arS'™ 3 3 ° Ihnarrlboard outside of drawing pretty flavor, convince you rself!___ 'g g supplies good, citrus fruit aps.” plentiful, meat about the same, [ 3 ] Armour’s C0R£ f EEF ™ 22° noi Campbell’sBeans2c.°„z 12° “ I f we have nine men sitting -offeee, ten and other import.' 12 oz. down,” said Noll, “we would have HONEY Brand ..he “best since the war began.” [ 4] Party Loaf tin 35° [ ] Beans “ Boston*Style" TO 0I- i " ° nine different ideas and nine This was the summary of the 6 9 months to wait. I don’t see what 1.944 food situation as told to the 4i Redi-MeatorPrem,2^ 35° [ 4]Pea Beans 2 lb. pkg. 19° this board can’t do that a plan­ Rotary club yesterday by Paul ning board would do.” Cupp, regional' manager for the mTreetorSpam 'L“ 35° Various Brands 27 oz. American Stores company oi no] Spinach "W- 27„“ 18° 3oz. TBMAT0 10'/2oz.l Salvage Drive Philadelphia. ARMOUR’S tin 12° Three great unknowns will af­ [ 11 Ham Spread [ 4] Campbell’s SOUP can 8 ° f Continued from Page II fect all predictions for the year, TOMATO 18 oz. that all paper which leaves the 1 0 ° More Oven-Fresh Bakery Treats, country. - for our armed forces he said listing them as weather [ 1 ] Condensed Milk S “ .“ 12° [ 6] Campbell’s JUICE can victory gardens and the demand) W e carry a delightful variety of oven-treasures for never- -'returns. Most Varieties h England people have been of our Allies. He also reviewei nu Mackerel 1^a°z' 14° M Grapefruit Juice 2 18“ - 25° your every need. Each item is backed by A & P ’s fineda: for throwing away a paper the economic position of the farm­ reputation for quality, freshness and economy. match book cover. Here authori­ er and discussed the work of the [a ] Pink Salmon STREAM 16| “ 22° [ 3 ] Grapefruit Juice «'o T L27e ties have gone y > far as to ask 1.6 governmental agencies which ns--to save the paper milk bottle have their finger in the food situ­ [12] RedSalmon°»N«™°<°„z39° [ 3 ] Prune Juice °“nswkt & 28° CHOCOLATE l^ ì £ke , 49t calls. ation. , Ten Pounds Per Family Sings at Cousin’s Wedding no] Wesson Oil . «-'52c [ 3 ] Prune Juice °°u & ° “ What we are striving for is 24 Miss Edna Marie Baun ot 6 1 salvaging ten pounds of nape) i s ] ANN ’.’AGE pt. bot. DUNDEE CAKE «■» - 29; Salad Oil 25° [ ] Fruit Cocktail hjitma30^1^can » from each family every week. A Ralph street was soloist at the 43 Gallup poll, «however, indicates wedding of her cousin Miss Ther­ SAUCE WA 02.-1 O - Duit in this area only thirty per­ esa Baun of 790 18t.h street, New­ [a] Mei-O-Bit S fc 36° [ 6] Cranberry Dromedary jar IO ** HOT CROSS BUNS JANE PARKER' pkg.of9 19° cent of the waste paper is being ark, which took place Saturday, gaved and collected. to William Kostowicz who is serv­ [ 3 ] Cheese Spreads borden-s5“ 20» [ 2] Chopped Foods Juniors|ar ° ing the U. S. Navy. 11 “ Save everything entirely or Olive-Pimento, Pimento or Relish BEECHNUT or CLAPP’S Varieties partially made of paper. Wo par­ WHOLE WHEAT BREAD « ï 10° ticularly w-’ nt newspapers, maga­ Order To Limit m w m m m zines, envelopes; but besides that MAKE EVERY CRUMB—-EVERY DROP OF FOOD COUNT we want every scrap of paper in February IS. America’s food supply is a precious war weapon. Don’t waste it. your home. Don’t burn any of it. Estate of EDW ARD J. O’FLAHERTY deceased. Teach your family to clean their plates — use leftovers — starve MARVEL BREAD Lpru any of it. your garbage can! Over 8 °Jo of America’s food supply is wasted Pursuant ■ to the order of EUG ENE F ykr You save up to 2S% on j “ It is important to know your HOFFMANN. Surrogate of the Count-- in homes. Start a war on waste today! this new loaf compared to rone. Then learn what day of of Essex, this day made, on the applica­ FOOD— One of Our Most Vital Weapons ★ NEW GIANT each month the collection will bo tion o f the nndersiirned. Administrator o’ many other standard-sized said deceased, notice is hereby {riven tn Don’t Waste a Crumb or Drop of It! U. S. WAR FOOD ADMINISTRATION breads! made in your n’-‘oa ’’nr! put thr the creditors of said deceased, to exhibit 20*4 oz. loaf 24 oz. loaf paper or the curb early in the to the subscriber under oath or affirma­ 9 1 0 ° morning»,” tion, their claims and demands against (he estate of said deceased, within six He also thanked the house­ months from tin's date, or they will be holders o'* Belleville who have forever barred fi-om prosecuting or re­ contributor! morP than thirty tons covering the same against the subscriber. Nutley, N. J. 237 Franklin Avenue Ipt paper and twenty tons of tin W ILLTAM F. M URPIIY „ the salvage drive aince t-hr fit).*! Washington Aveuui 1(^-17f Washington A ve«, Bedevil! Bloomfield, N. J. — 445 Bloomfield Avexu Belleville, N. 456 Broad Street of the y e a r .

*■ 1 THURSDAY, IMARCH 30,1944 T H E BEI/LEVILLEI TIMES OLD GAS COUPONS Crochet Your Own Easter EXPIRE SATURDAY District Rationing Office Clarifies New Regulation In B, C, E, R, T Books The District OP A Rationing Division this week issued a special bulletin to clai'ify the situation regarding,' gasoline ration coupons invalid for use by consumers af­ ter March ■'81. ■ The bulletin listed the following ration coupons which will no longer be good fo r the purchase of gasoline beginning April 1: old-type B, C, and B-l and C-l coupons; old t y p e E and R cou­ pons; all serially numbered T coupons which do not bear a quarterly designation (those valid after March 31 will bear the Ç o î d S e n g 1 3 words: “ 2nd Qtr” ). Egg Noodles 12-oz. pkg. It was explained that most of For Tasty Lenten Dishes! NO POINTS NEEDED! the old type B, C, E and R cou­ pons still in circulatoin represent Lb. Pkg. 4 0 . expired rations. In the few cases Select Cellophane Supreme Bread LARD No Points » V V in which they are part of current­ ly valid rations with an expiration 9c Acme Coffee L., 28# date or earliest renewal date later than March 31, rationholders may exchange them at their ration Wheatena IS 13« boards for coupons of the type now valid. TOMATOES MoSher’s Oats h ’ 10i “ ' r.L ” kles’' J 2 * Gasoline dealers who have any of these invalidated types of cou­ Specially selected firm ripe slicing toma­ Gold Seal Oafs p°T 8# Crackers^. 19# pons on hand on April 1 must dispose of them by April 10, toes at a real low price. The family will TenderoniVki;. 8# Lobster t°:4i# tr69# either by transferring them to DUTCH — HALF HAT — call it what you,, will, this is a enjoy them. Rich in vitamins and minerals! suppliers, or by exchanging them pretty little accent for your costume which you can make with at ration boards for inventory Box 25c coupons. an economical amount of crochet thread and narrow grosgrain Macaroni and ribbon. Make it in gay. colors to spark your navy or brown gotdSeas costume; or pastels to match your flower colored costumes. KALE ïa 2»* Ì5c Iceberg LettuceC il s 1 0c Flatten Cartons The direction sheet, which we will be glad to mail you if you Spaghetti Products Q Our finest quality — Make delicious lb. send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to The Belleville Broccoli Tènder Bunch2 5 c potatoes c Times, also contains specifications for a crocheted, be-ribboned Idaho 10 it 59c dishes for Lent. Feature value. pkg. . Radishes SS Bunch 5c Celery'white"' 2 s t a i k s | 9c Herring Aqua Marinade Jar 22c Finest selected. With distilled vinegar, sugar, onions, spices. Newspaper Mortality High Cream of Rice Cereal pC 21c Was High In Belleville P o t a t o e s mas 1 o Ibs 3 5 c Ranger Joe Wheat Puffs 6X' 10c Mealy, sound U. S. No. 1 famous MAINE quality. Why pay more? o>- 4-oz. Guardian, Times Succeed rjj Kanana Banana Flakes pkg. 29c . . . A room for the board will The Belleville Record also be fixed up.” “ Chairman Morgan stated that SEEDLESS And The Press the joint- Committee ron the new Cabbage 2 «>»■ 9c Grapefruit Sit 2 for. |5c 11 -oz. pkg. school building shall have com­ RAISINS ' Newspapers never had very pleted its report within 10 or 15 Lemons äii 4fo^10c 16-oz, 10 long lives in Belleville. They days,, and that then a special ses­ Salad Bowl 12c Tootsie V-M jar 47c cropped up like weeds in a lawn, sion of the board would be called C* LA* Cellophane "I ^ ^ Milk fortifier. Makes milk taste like tootsie roll. flourished for a while and then to issue the call for a public Soup Mix Ixc Apples beauty 2ibs 23c meeting.” quietly died. By 1890 The Belle­ ville Record had lived a full life Some Storm! Spinach* cleaned 17c DATES coSno pkg. 39c ÇeMSeae Large White "Grade A' and was succeeded that year by “ Not in many years, it is as­ The Belleville Press. serted by old residents, has Belle­ How long The Press lasted is ville been visited with such a not known definitely but in 1909 downpour of rain as on Wednes­ two newspapers issued volume 1 day. A ll over town streets and Crisp Bunch EGGS “ 4 5 number 1 within a week of each cellars were flooded; traffic on I here ore over 200 ways to serve economical! other. • They were The Belleville the railroads and trolley lines de­ Tender Times on December 3 and The layed, and other damage done.” Silver Seal Eggs ca7LG”fd*i" 39c Belleville Guardian December 11. Carrots 6 The storm began as a drizzle The pick of the market. Full of flavor. Serve creamed carrots! Copies of these old papers but before it was through had set Paas Egg Dyes pkg. 10 c 3 pkgs. 25 c furnish a sidelight on their par­ a record with an 8.37-inch fall. ticular periods of Belleville his­ Main street was “ under several BLUE Stamp Features THIS IS ONLY one phase of tory, Excerpts of the May 15, feet of water, which reached to saving waste paper; but a very 1875, issue of The Record were the very doors of the storekeep­ A g » - - ü » - — Glenwood “ Grade A” reviewed in a recent issue. # % P P i 6 D U Î f e r 6 Points per ¡or 2 2?oT35c O rd e r Y o w ^ important one! - These, girls Th papers, all the property ers. - - —■ - . “ Water surged into an apart­ take flattened cartons to their of Albert Newschwander of 28 ment house on Cortlandt street Apple-Grape Jelly 14c Hewitt place, are yellow and place of business for collec­ near John (now Belleville ave­ LAKE SHORE ASCO Sliced crumbly with age; _ but their Easter Ham Now tion. It's just as important that Nò. 2»A Can 0 columns carry an insight into the nue) completely flooding the first quar* ? f a we at home have a corner of floor—...The bee hives of Nicholas Prune Juice 3 Points Pineapple' 43 Points L thoughts and expression of our Protect yourself against the higher point values the cellar in which to keep all ■ffU’PT 53 Ttt &T*Ci Voogd of Cortlandt street were BEETS Robford Sliced Tall Can “3 1 lb. jar, 2 Pts. soon to become effective by placing your order flattened containers from tooth­ The Record in its July 31, 1897, submerged and a large number of 12Ç Fruit Cocktail 28 Pts. L bees drowned..... for your Easter Ham NOW! «, paste cartons on up. Flatten issuq records the fact that “ the ASCO Crushed Package roof of the school building had “ The brook which runs along­ Kraft Dinners 1 Point hem, tie them together and been found to be in a worse con­ side of Joralemon street overflow­ Golden Corn Tp‘. , r 13# B & M have them ready for your zone dition than was at first sup­ ed its banks, the water covering 3-OI. can the surrounding property to a Fresh Tender New collection dayl posed.” The board of education V-8 Cocktail '“7™“ " 15# Baked Beans '3;5 Points LOW took steps to repair it. depth of three feet. CAMPBELL ASCO “Grade A" Point “ A fte r . some deliberation the “ Second River was greatly IS-oz. can Values W A R B O N D S board decided to have the room swollen. The roar of .the raging, Tomato Juice 6 Points to# Pork & Beans 6'bP„“,;8# on the first floor in the south seething waters could be heard for DC AC HambrooR Early June 4 (\u n r A C Bethel Early June f ^vill preserve and protect some distance away. . . . The 3 west corner of the new addition i T A J No. 2 can, 3 Pts. • v Ç r t A j No. 2 can, 3 Pts, * L% oven room of C. F. Stolz, the the American Way fixed up for the Kindergarten. IDEAL Brand j JL _ Pork Loins29c baker, on John street, was flood­ RIB HALF. Lean, delicious, rich in Vitamin B. Only 3 points per lb. ed. . . . ” Spaghetti Dinner Combination Pkg., 6 Pts. . A w C Tax Rate $.65 FARMDALE 4 G ASCO -j 3 a I H. ML VANDERVOORT ASSOCIATES | Tomatoes 10# No. 2 can I l* N o 2 can I v f 3 The county tax rate that year ASCO “Grade A " 1% 10’/i-oi. ' Smoked Hamsfsfanne j «> c | TAX CONSULTANTS - ACCOUNTING J was about $.65 and Belleville val­ Tomato Soup 4 Points per can cant A n JfaV 4 33 uation was placed at $1,874,915 Whole or either h alf! Tender, luscious, juicy ham sure hits the spot. Only 3 pts.! 1 FEDERAL, STATE, ESTATE TAXES | and indebtedness at $46,450. Grapefruit J u ic e r s ,*75, 13c i*E29c Businesses had begun drifting up EE Estimated returns fo r 1944 must be filed, with payment of one E: the hill and by the end of the = quarter, on hr before April 15th, 1944, by all individuals with = PICNICS Fresh or Smoked 29c nineteenth century a number of - . s income from business or profession. s them were listed on Washington I Del Maiz Green Giant Imagine, only 1 point per lb. for rich-flavored tender picnics ierve one this week-end. EE Accurate records must be kept up -to date to conform with tax E avenue: 5 requirements. Systems installed and part-time bookkeeping ser- =j Charles ^Townsend, grocer at I CORN NIBLETS Center Cut GRADE " A " BEEF ■ 5 vices avifilable to individuals and business firms desiring same. ~ No. 21; J. Campbell Jr., bicycle I Only 12-oz. \ Peas 2- 15c Ib. shop at No. 149; E. F. Stout, j 6 Pts. can | j C E Mitchell 2-4476 83 Academy St., Belleville, N. J. = fancy groceries, flour, feed, grain, Only 3 points per can PORK CHOPS Chuck Roast 7 Pts. 2 7 c hay, straw and middlings, at No. Only 6 Ib. HmiimmmiimnmiHiimmiiiiitifiimiimiimmmnmimmiimmimmm“ 108; W. N..Bennet, bicycles at ^ r s rs Strained Points ib. 3 5 c 7 Pts. No. 36; and the Cycle Hotel at C l Jars per lb. Arm Pol* Roast William street and Washington « P P Baby Food 3 23c avenue, a “strictly first-class re­ Announcement sort.” Only 1 point per jar. Choice of all varieties. Grade A— 10" Cut 7" Cut.. OO t Principal matter bothering The Rib Roast of Beef 6 Pts. per lb. ■30c 7 Pts. lb-v 5 Z C Guardian in its first issue in Chopped Jar (2 pts.) * j * j (3 DR. M. ROOCHVARG 1909 wras the lack of support for C la p p Jr. Food GRADE “A” Optometrist the Belleville YM CA on Main lb. street, which “ has been struggl­ (8 P t s . ) RED Stamp Features Plate Beef 4Pti.19c Genuine Calves Liver 6 9 Has reopened ing along for years without the active support of the town but his fully equipped which has not met defeat.” XAII | ^ Ft“ ,m e,e,le ^ Tall B e e f Livens37c Bacon f,rcsib. »>■ 32c Optical office at The committee of the Y in­ ■ ▼ I I k I V Evaporated W^Cans ST" ONLY Ì POINT PER LB. FOR BACON cluded Andrew Irwin, William 3;27 Dried Beef VttS- 21c 124 Washington Avenue Dewar. Ellis Dickinson, E. M. Only 1 point per can. The finest quality. Heinz Dill Pickles Jì*k«L Vincelotte, “ and to-night there 3-ox. Scrapple / m « 18c (Next door to Western Union) will be a game between the Shrimp s'AL" 31c Snappy Cheese 2 Pts . 12# YMCA and Belleville High School. Fresh Fillet Flounder ib. 49c Belleville -2-1497 . . Burnside, Irwin, Faust, BLUE MOON Frankfurters f"E 37c Depew and Gerard make up the Cream-While fw r 23# Old Smoky 4 ox. Pkg. 3 Pts,,14# HOURS: High School and Dickinson, Blue Moon 4-ox, Bologna 33c Butlerfish “’■17# Codfish 28# ^ Daily — 10 A. M. to .6 P. M. Marshall, Guldner, Astell and Cream-White 3,iW” 64# Bavarian 3 Points 14# Peters or Stoddard” for the Y. Sausage 2 Points*, « 43c Friday and Saturday — 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. r Porgies "••15# Oysters,!*? *35# RATION CALENDAR 1 Wednesday — to Noon only Wiraweavers Association Fetes No Points Needed! Appointments Gladly Made For W ar Workers Red Stam ps OCTAGON French's “ “ “ Mustard Garrett Nagle, Retired A 8 Bs C8 D8 E8 F8 G8 H8 J8 Garrett Nagle of 44 Tappan Worth 10 Points Each avenue, who retired three weeks Laundry Soap REPAIRED ago as an employee of the East- Blue Stamps REROOFED wood-Nealley corporation where ROOFS he -was a wire-weaver, was feted A8 B8 C8 D8 f < last -week in Veterans’ hall Worth 10 Points Each j ^ cakes 1 4 c You Can Now Have That Leaky Roof Repaired Or at a testimonial dinner by his fel­ Blue Stamps F8 G8 H8 J8 K8 , Replaced A t Moderate Cost. low employees and members of the_ Wireweaver’s Protective as­ Redeemable Starting Sat. I sociation. He celebrated his 81st *------, Scott Tissue TWELVE MONTHS TO PAY! birthday in January and had been Sugar Stamp 30 < with the Joralemon street firm 46 NOW REDEEMABLE FOR 5 LBS. I Silver Suds years. Stamp 40 Redeemable for Canning- f I t J C I I g jl Against Fuel Loss. Martin Malague Sr. was master STAMP 31 VALID APRIL 1st j 3-in-l Oil lor Against Summer Heat. of ceremonies Saturday evening. I Edward J. Powers, president of the wireweaver’s associatian, and Rob-Ford Phone NU. 2-1236 Today William J. Duffy, national secre­ Fancy Blue Rose tary, addressed the group. Nagle will continue as a mem­ ber of the association. He and Mrs. Nagle are the parents of RICE SERVICE CONSTRUCTION CO. Mrs. Caldwell Wellhofer of Tren­ ton and Joseph Nagle of the Tap- 86 Union Avenue Nutley, N. J. pan avenue address. They have 2*. 23c one grandchild. I NO POINTS NEED­ ED 1 Nutritious l Sco- QomicaH Delicious!

1 while Forest P. Kaiser also tosses William JC Gilchrist waa member hat into ring < • • Commission in­ of U.S.S. j Arrostook which cap­ Mast Double Waste Papei Collections troduces ordinance prohibiting tured nine German subs in North Be revving of women at burs . . . .Sea. Belleville needs to double the amount of Sunday newspaper with which to spend a William, II. i.V-War appointed ]>y comfortable afternoon? There are a lot of illayo:' Komvorihy to investigate her waste paper collections. That is a con­ charge.-' of cone violations by things connected with the prosecution of Conhuis. hm:?:’ Cnrraghcr, also *25 *0 *300 sideration not to be passed o ff lightly. This the war about which we have not had to be C O U L D building- inspector. LOANS is not the time for ns who are homcheepers Have Id A. Miller, former town- troubled beyond paying our Victory tax and fiE TH£ you& Nam e* O n ly and civilian employees of small business to buying war stamps and bonds. But the shlp counsel, founder of Central . OF B ¿b L and siato assemblyman, TO EMPLOYED MEN complain that we haven’t time or patience answer to’ the foregoing questions is def­ m s T dim- in Worn Caldwell . . . West BeDca die Civic association en­ AND WOMEN for ‘-one more collection.” We've been able initely tip’to ns. A P R IL ? dorses eommi.-:dun candidacies of M O N E Y m 1 D A Y to rest pretty comfortably on the assurance The chief obstruction to a 1 GO percent Ehv>.v a. IiSamuel Figurelli collection of paper in Belleville to date an,! Dv. A. A. Rubin. Leon* or« mod« to married or slftgl« chat our men would be amply supplied with paop!», to pay pajf-du® bill*, pur- ammunition — but how would those bombs- seems to have been a misunderstanding of FiLeen Years Ago chai« dothing, r«d*corot*r and repair collection dates and localities. Even this beast, end for other »saionai need*. and torpedoes look rattling around in the CommY-donor Tames Gibson 'at­ should not have prevented us from flatten­ tacks James I’odn’a, Newark JAwtthiy payment* ore wronged to holds of ships and cargo planes? Not many & year ineome. ing- every carton, no matter how small, build*;;, f o r violating zoning would reach their destination unless they mvdinancc: Bodnia narrowed each A phone «all* or letter *48 arrange were carefully cartooned in material partly which has come into- our possession and iif six Ion (in which he built, thus for the advancement of the amount from tying up all newspapers and maga­ gaining tv- hty feet at end of you need, end give you additional made o f waste paper. .-trip; Coniniissior.tr Carragher ]. information. We’ve not had to worry that our hus­ zines promptly. Let’s not be guilty of keep­ .-av~ pvamioe “ is common” in ing a whole magazine from being reclaimed Belleville. 135 Washington Avii bands, brothers and friends were hungry Belleville, N. i. lii distant outposts or contintenM camps because we want to save one recipe or one Raymond G. Pcliall recovering Telephone Belleville 2-1363 from, pi.-to! shots in legs suffered ei Hie rate of per and fields where they are giving the utmost picture or one poem. Snip it and file it and en unpaid balance* durino1 h-WJr.p Uceiue No. 732- of their health and energy to our defense free another half pound of precious paper. at 3K!i Union avenue . . . C. E» Elsewhere in this issue of The Times a Emm on of Tu.scurora Canoe club ,— but how much of the food and medicine ;>a.ri ich*aims in movement to clean which protects them could be delivered map of Belleville will show you in what P;m, am Ri ■.'ey o. defense zone you live. The dates of collec­ without paper containers? We've even had Twenty-five Years Ago the miraculous comfort of knowing that our tion could not be simpler; first zone resi­ SPECIAL men who are prisoners of war caruxeceive dents should stack the paper at their curbs Shade tree commission plans to WË plant trees at each the items that change their lives from bleak on the first Wednesday of the month; school with placques naming men- EYE GLASS SERVICE second zone on the second Wednesday; third from, that ¿elioni killed in war..... despair to the hope of homecoming. What For were these precious items packed in if not zone on the third Wednesday and fourth in paper? zone on the fourth Wednesday. Silver Lake, WAR WORKERS How much longer can we postpone the which constitutes the fifth zone, will be Quick Service In Our Own Completely Equipped Optical Repair Shop salvage of paper if all these desperately canvassed on the first Wednesday. (WNU Service) needed" jobs are to be accomplished? WTe There are few people in Belleville who do DR. J. F. de GROAT not know Union avenue and Joralemon Optometrist I can’t postpone it; and, if there are those libraries in the community cannot 244 Greylock Parkway among us who need to be approached from street. If you know the relation of these be overestimated. Be. 2-1518 Belleville, N , J. How To Use Your Library Here often begins the building the purely selfish angle? how much longer two streets to your home you know your of a library habit, which should LiUHiininnimmnHmiuiinmimmiimfiHtHUHiHmiuniHninHKHrimHi are we going to he able to obtain paper con­ zone number. People who live below Union be the sound for all adult use ol tainers for our groceries? Isn’t it now dif­ avenue on the. Newark side -of Joralemon Told In One Easy Lesson books. By Jennie M. Flexner In most children’s rooms a story Announcing — ficult enough to cram the week's shopping street are in zone 1; those on the Nutley hour for the children is scheduled 1 side of Joralemon street below Union avenue Free books are one of the great assets of a free nation. In regularly. Tins leads to an intro­ into one visit to a large store without tot­ duction to the books themselves, = The Re-Opening Of are in zone 2. Zone 3 is the whole area America a system of public libraries has made available to a vast ing an ungainly basket? part of the population el great diversity of reading matter. A public and induces young people to read How many of our favorite magazines are from Joralemon street toward Nutley above library is all that its name implies — a collection of books for the what they want — for pleasure Union avenue; zone 4 the area above Union use of all the people — and its- value is in direct ratio to the use and self-satisfaction and with no we going to be unable to renew? How all the people make of it. It is the business of libraries to supply sense of compulsion. | The Amoco Gasolioe Statioo much annoyed will we be when we cannot avenue to the Newark side of Joralemon books. The readers’ adviser is a boon E (Formerly Weeks Bros.) 'You undoubtedly know where the library is in your town or to the library beginner or to any­ order our favorite convenient stationery? street. Know your zone and put out your your region, and:- you already may have discovered for yourself one who needs assistance or ad­ = 533 Union Avenue Belleville How will we feel when there is no satisfying waste paper on the proper Wednesday. the manifold uses it can be put to; on the other hand, you may vice about books. This librarian, be a Timid Soul, who occasionally^ usually released from routine du­ E As The thinks of the library with curiosi­ address and giving a reference. ties, has tune to talk with you ty or even wistfulness but hasn’t The librarian then will explain about your reading. She has more time for the in­ Give Your Serviceman Ä Chance To Vote had the time or the temerity to the privileges of your card, how many books and magazines yon dividual readers than has the busy April 24 will be listed, but residents should investigate its valuable resources. assistant at a crowded desk; and The civilian defense council has been call­ may have, how long you may keep In that case, you are missing she can and will be glad to help i remember that an empty house when the them, the library’s rules about the ed upon once again to demonstrate how something*. you plan your reading. 1 Union Amoco Service Center circulation of new and popular canvasser calls only means a large question Suppose the program chairman The adviser will ask you some i f smoothly and efficiently it can function. books. of your club has assigned you a questions and make notes of your mark and therefore additional calls. A ge These simple rules and regula­ And the service it will perform this time paper to be delivered at a forth­ answers; and the information will ] With A tions are intended not to restrict is probably as vital to the future of our also is not considered: teen-age servicemen coming meeting. Maybe your enable her later to select hooks club is studying American litera­ but to distribute privileges. Then : Complete Line of Lubrication Specialties will be listed along with the rest and the she will, introduce you to the li­ fo r you to read. democratic system as any thus far handed ture this year and your subject is She will make a list o f these delineation will be made later according to Louisa May Alcott. brary. : Auto Accesseries, Tires — Batteries, Etc. the group of men and women who are The card catalogue is a collec­ books for you, with a brief an­ Now, you always have- loved notation describing the contents voluntarily giving of their time and energy age. Louisa and for many reasons you tion of cards filed alphabetically and approach of each book. Many \ Motor Tune-Up — Brake Re-Lining are anxious to do well by her. in the drawers of a cabinet. All to prosecute the war on the home front. Belleville’s canvass will be- conducted women, wanting- to fill in gaps in You want to appear to the best books and important pamphlets in : 533 Union Avenue Belleville This time the whole CD set-up is asked mainly this Sunday, afternoon. Hundreds of the library are represented by a their reading, investigate new advantage before the members o f subjects, or refresh their informa­ volunteers will embark on the survey at one the group and you are really in­ card or cards in this file. to make a thorough canvass of every home tion, use this service. : STATION HOURS terested in the subject. The catalogue has a card for the and every apartment in Belleville to com- o’clock and in the next four hours will at­ author of every book, a card for Later they talk over their read­ « Monday Thru Friday 12 Noon- to 8 P.M. You begin to cast around for ing with the adviser. Under her _ 'of lh e town's men and women.5 tempt to visit every home in the town. something to say. O f course you all distinctive titles of books, and : Saturdays 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Sundays 8 A.M . to 5 P.M. a card or cards for each .item un­ direction they avoid haphazard Every fam ily in the community should con­ ean think of Little Women, Little reading and. their reading is more in so that those away from home Men, and Under the Lilacs.. But der the subject. : Stop In And Get Acquainted With “Real Sfervice” satisfying and of more lasting sider it an obligation to those who are you haven’t read them since you When you look up Louisa May may be given an opportunity to vote in the worth. were a girl,' and you can’t even Alcott in the catalogue, you will away fighting the war or preparing to W ill Assist : Thank You! Buy More W ar Bonds .April primary and the November presiden­ conjure u b a very clear picture see how the library’s card-filing tial elections. The importance of obtaining fight it to be at home during those hours of the books. system works. The readers’ adviser is the per­ rnnniiiiiiiiiiiHHniHiiiiiHHi»nimmiiiiiiiiiinmnmmmiiiiiirmmiimmi so that its soldier or sailor will not be de­ Besides, you can’t make a paper son who will assist you in writing a complete list is too well known to bear out of the synopsis of two or Book Grouping prived of the right to vote because of his your club paper. She will be in­ repetition. three books that everybody has The grouping of books in this terested in helping others in your W H Y NOT family’s negligence. They are fighting to read. You may begin to feel a lit-,- club group in the selection of This will be the only opportunity to reg- tie frantic as the date for your alphabetically filed catalogue does FINANCE YOUR HOME MORTGAGE preserve our right to vote; let us not reading. servicemen for their chance to cast paper approaches, not represent a similar arrange­ She -wants to work with clubs, NOW? ment of books on the shelves. their ballots. Only those already in uni- through our carelessness take that privilege Answer Is Library forums, discussion groups, or in­ ATTRACTIVE RATES AND TERMS away from them. Books on the same subjects are dividual readers. Her field is adult W e are now equipped to give three days service on mortgage ' form and those who will report before You present yourself to the Li­ most useful - when found together. education. applications, Why not stop in and discuss your mortgage brarian and state your problem. In order to accomplish this ar­ Because she usually is as inter­ problems? You will find her not only efficient rangement, a system of classifica­ ested In people as she is in books, Apply but friendly. Her first .move might tion is used to assemble books. you w ill find her a friendly guide, be to take you to the reference An almost universal system was anxious to bring books and people room to look up Louisa May A l­ devised by Melvil Dewey, and a together. North Belleville Savings and Loan Association cott in the Dictionary of Ameri­ few facts about it may serve to The public library has an open 27 Years of Continuous Dividends can' Biography. Alphabetically, make the library easier for you door. The librarian has a sense of 500 Washington Avenue Belleville, N. J.. REROOFING Bronson Alcott precedes his to use. You will find a number community responsibility. Belleville 2-1025 daughter. added to the backstrip of most She knows that a fresh stimulus The librarian might suggest books o f non-fiction. must be found in print — in that you read the short account The same number appears on books, pamphlets, and magazines of his life,, to obtain some insight the corner of the catalogue card. — if the individual’s life is to be RESIDING into the home life and back­ It stands for all the books on that full and worth while. FURNITURE ground of your heroine. subject. Easy to remember are She thinks all men and women A perusal of Louisa May Al- 150 for books about psychology want to read, and she always For cott’s biography in this Dictionary and 810 for American literature. stands ready and willing to help will give you the salient events Below that figure, or some them find the right books. Every Room INSULATION of her life and also additional decimal division of it, you prob­ references. ably will find the initials of the The article, reprinted by Terms The librarian then might sug­ author’s name. These initials help permission of Good House­ Repair Your Home Now! Up To 3 Years To Pay. gest that you look up the date of the librarian to keep the books keeping, was suggested and publication of Little Women and in what she calls one “ class” in submitted by the Free Public read some of the critical reviews orde r, alphabeted by authors’ Library of Belleville, located Telephones BElleville 2-3964 — 2-2717 printed at the time. n a m e s and easy to find on the at Washington avenue and We Also Poole’s Index to Periodical Li­ shelves. Academy street. — Editor. terature, which is in most refer­ I f the book you want has been Re-upholster ence rooms, would help’ you locate borrowed, the librarian probably the issue of old magazines con­ will tell you that you may “ re­ YESTERYEAR taining these long-ago book re­ serve” it. This consists of buying T. W - Monaghan Lumber Co. views. at the desk, a post card you ad­ I f your paper is really ambiti­ ■Re-Upholster NOW* 539 JORALEMON STREET— 449 CORTLANDT STREET. BELLEVILLE dress to yourself. Five Years Ago ous, the librarian would suggest On the reverse you write the CONVENIENT TERMS that you read a full-length bio author and title of the book you CUSTOM B U IL T — 3 PC. SUITE COM PLETE. Exceptionally fine fabric; Guaranteed Workmanship — Compensation and Liability Insurant graphy of Miss Alcott, and she Frank J. Carragher, former complete service, includes FREE pickup and delivery; springs reset and retied; want. This reserve will be filed town councilman and “ fighting new filling and nebbing; frames repaired and rebraced; bottoms reset. would take you to the card cata­ with others and, as the book is logue to look up her name. commissioner,” dies at 72 . . . returned, each borrower, in order Sonneborn company strike settled SLIP COVERS In the file would appear in al­ of request — will be notified that phabetical order cards for all the with promises of arbitration; the book is waiting- and will be workers win wage increases. Alcott books the library owns, fol­ held for 24 to 48 hours. RE-UPHOLSTERING lowed by cards for books written Belleville citizens by a 594-240 about Miss Alcott by various Reference Room authors. vote approve issuance of $89,000 Fine Selections of Latest Fabrics These are the subject cards, the In the reference room, books in bonds for auditorium-gym- ALL WORK GUARANTEED biographies and criticisms of her are kept instead of being circu­ kind ergarten addition to Jorale­ as a writer, arranged in a sepa­ lated. Here are the books you use mon street school No. 3; W PA EXPERT WORKMANSHIP rate alphabet, by author. You for source material but do not funds to bring total of structure should choose the one that seems take home to read. to $150,000 . . . Town budget sets Bussell T. MaHhicliprn most interesting. Their use is too varied and too $4.74 rate. Whatever The size of the build­ constant — dictionaries and en­ 135 Washington Ave. Belleville ing, the librarians are genuinely cyclopedias, atlases, almanacs and Ten Years Ago BElleville 2-4910 glad to welcome you, not effusive­ handbooks of miscellaneous in­ ly but effectively. A librarian has formation, and many other books Commissioner William H. W il­ no ulterior or missionary motives, the student and research worker liams announces for re-election and her curiosity is limited to the need for guidance and direction. facts related to your use of the You also will find in the refer­ The Belleville Times library. ence room — or sometimes in a SWEET-ORR Union Made Overalls I f you will tell her, without too separate periodical room — • the Published every Thursday by The Belle­ stand up longer under harder many reservations, what you real­ library’s collection of magazines ville News Corporation, Belleville. N . J., ly want, you may spend an inter­ regularly received. Here are not Russell D. Hay ...... Publisher treatment. Good after many Ernest W . Whynall .... Business Manager washings because they’re made esting and profitable time with only the familar magazines, but Joseph G. Duval ...... Managing- Editor -/ her. strange ones that prove stimula­ honestly by skilled hands. Introductory Visit ting and full of ideas. Look for the TRADE MARK / / " M / Ask the librarian to show you National Advertising Representatives It is wise to go to a library for American Press Association / how to use the index to these 225 West 39th Street, New York, N . Y. an introductory visit when the magazines — the Readers’ Guide Telephone Pennsylvania 6-0325 whole town is not there, with lines mSmSWBELT- Q M Communications are desirable, but unless A BUNDLE ÂWHK to Periodical Literature. of students and other readers signed will not be used. A ll reading mat­ Buy a couple of SW EET-ORRS waiting for the charging or dis- Children’s Rooms ter should reach the office before Tuesday night. Display advertising cannot be Today : charging of books. So choose taken after Tuesday, 5 p.m. Classified i quiet, midmorning hour for; your Most libraries maintain a chil­ ads must be in by Wednesday noon. visit. dren’s room full of books for chil­ Feldman's Department Store X V The librarian will register you dren from the pieture-book age. Advertising, News and Business Office 115 WASHINGTON AVENUE, BELLEVILLE for a borrower’s card, which The importance of the work of 328 Washington Avenue • P i comprises signing your name and the children’s and young people’s Telephone Belleville 2-3200 T* U lirais E/!

Six-year-otI Wiliam -Allan Ma- crow, i;.)n of Hr. ev.d (ia:u riaiTCw U. e sani a,-crue, die.1 !a a Hay i.lines'. He had here L-.vf) Ve- ¿'h 'tsO i‘iO;ri . i L r V 1 i vV L Piolet of Ep: xopr.l c h. Hand« dated at servicies in lirai day. Irle:rirent was in elrarch Livr.iïei' jais*!.* **' InvestigatiQii ~ i.--- -— will prove to your entire satisfaction that we serve Cedar Hill Chapel people from all walks of life, and can rendei; a Am Assembly of r hriHiae complete service for a surprisingly 'Small amount. gathered to His Yam« {called Brethren} An assembly of Christian William V. Irvine Brethren gathered to His Name. , FUNERAL HOME Lord’s Day Services, 9:30, Eible W ILLIA M , V . IR V IN E , Funeral Director school for all ages. Also adult. 276 Washington Avenue Telephone Belleville 2-1114 Bible study class. 11, Breaking BELLEVILLE, NEW JERSEY of Bread and Worship (Acts 20- 7) for believers, 8, Gospel Ser­ vice to which all are invited. Weekday Service: Friday, 8, Prayer meeting anu Bible study.

First Italian Baptist ISC Franklin SI reef; CHURCHES Rev. Benedetto Pascale, pastor. Sunday — Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning worship (English), 11 a.m. Junior choir rehearsal, 3 Wesley Methodist. Church Redeemer Lutheran p.m. -Preaching service (Italian), Rev. Edgar M. Compton, pastor. Broadway and Carteret Street, Newark; 6:30 p.m. Men’s meeting, 8 p.m. 225. Washington Avenue; Rev. Paul F Arndt, pastor. Ladies’ meeting, 8 p.m. Tonight — 7, Annual dinner Sunday, 9:30' — Sunday school Monday, Sunday School teach­ Wesley men in: church dining and Bible class; 10:45-_■—■ Con­ ers’ meeting every third Monday room. The second mile Bible class, firmation; sermon topic, “ Our of the month at the parsonage 8 will serve. Confirmation Prayer;” — Re­ at 8 p.m. Board of Deacons and Friday— 8, Moving picture spon­ union of the confirmed; sermon Trustees every fourth Monday at sored by the Senior choir for the topic, “ Be Strong,’^ 8 pan. Holy Week services: Wednes­ organ fund. Tuesday, Baptist Young Peo­ Palm Sunday— 9:3 0, Sunday day, 8 — Preparatory service fox Good Friday and Easter Commun­ ple’s Union, 8 p.m. The Friendly school; 10:45, morning worship, Midgets (hoys 8 to 13), every preparatory membership class and ion, G ockI Friday, 8 — Holy Com­ Tuesday at 7 pun, others who desire it will be re­ Wednesday, every first Wednes- ceived into full church member­ munion; sermon topic, “ The Com­ mending- of the Soul.” ay of the month, Ladies’ Mis­ ship; 6:45, Methodist Youth fel­ sionary Society at the parsonage. lowship. Montgomery Presbyterian 8 p.m. Alpha Mu Omega every Tuesday— 4, Junior choir re­ Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. hearsal; ~8, meeting Group B Rev.638 O. Mill W. Street; Chapin, pastor. Thursday, prayer meetings at WSCS in church parlors. 7:45 p.m. B. Y, P. TJ. executive Wednesday— Sale of hydrangeas Friday, 6:30 — Annual congre­ meeting every first Thursday of in the Sunday school auditorium gational dinner. Church members the month.* by the flower committee; 2, Bible and those who support church Friday, senior choir and male study class; 5, preparatory mem­ work are invited. quartet, 7:30 p. m. Children’s bership class; 7:30, Boy scout Palm Sunday, 9:45®— Men’s Bible hour every Friday, 4 p. m. troop 301. * Bible- class; topic, “ Who Moved “Gil-Gal” Gilds every Friday ai Thursday.— 12, luncheon by The Stone?” 9:45 — Sunday 5 p. m. Group A, WSCS; tickets may be school; 11 — Morning service: Saturday, Ladies Aid, at, 1:30 purchased from any member. topic, “ The Man of Sorrows."’ heart through the RediCross. Because the Meeting of Group A;. 8, Senior 7 — Young Peonle’s society. p. m. Note: This list of meeting: choir rehearsal. Monday, 8'— Union Holy Week Red Cross ist you— the Greatest Mother in Union Holy week services will service of all protestant churches does not include many social ac be held according to a schedule in Montgomery church; sermon by tivities held at the Baptist Friend the W orld, ^because it/represents all the published elsewhere in this paper Rev. Marshall Whitehead. ly House. mothers of/America; fThe Red Cross is beginning Monday evening. , Tuesday and 'Wednesday, 8 — Officers installed by the Metho­ Union services; schedule adver­ the long march is over;;; thanks to you. your bloodtand your biandages, the sweat­ dist Youth fellowship last Sunday St. Peters Catholic S he~slogging along some muddy road tised elsewhere in The Belleville. ers you knit and thetgifts you pack*. evening were Frederick Kirma, Times. 155 William Street; f ; ; or huddled beneath a leaky tent? H e w ill sleep between sheets when he president; Robert Boiee, Arthur Good Friday, 8 — • Holy Com­ Ret. Joseph M. Kelly, pastor. I gets his furlough, in a town ten thousand And theaRed Cross is your money (too! Poyner, the Misses Phyllis Conk­ munion; reception of. communi­ Sunday masses at 6, 7, 8, 9. D o you see him now, thirsty beneath a lin and Mary Dougal, vice-presi­ cants’ class and new members; in­ Children’s) 10, 11 A.M. and 12 miles from home ; ; ; thanks to you.,Even This year when your Red Cross has a/big- dents ; Miss Elsie Aierstok, secre­ noon. broiling sun?j ___ stallation of officers. ger job than evert* before to do . . d this tary and William France, treas­ Confessions Saturday from 4 to O r is your boy fighting a wintry blast should he be a prisoner of war, he urer. 1 P.M, and from 7:30 to 9 P.M. won’t be condemned to live on alien year when your Red Cross is serving your Memorial flowers placed last Dutch Reformed Church Masses are held at 5:30, 7 and in the land where winter never ends? . . . Sunday were in honor' of Salva­ 8 A.M. the first Friday in each own sons in every corner of the gloibe. . . 171 Main Street; , Yes, millions of people worry tonight for bread. For wherever the Red Cross can tore Potis by Mrs. Potis and her Rev. Dr. John A. Struyk, pastor. month. On Holy days- of obliga­ sons, Wilfred and Kenneth Potis. tions there are masses at 5:30, 7, reach him the Red Cross w ill this |year you w ill want to Friday, 7 — Choir rehearsal the men in the far-off but not forgotten Flowers were also presented by 8 and 9 A.M. • send him a carton of foo d, the giveimorei, more of)’ your Commander Raymond E. Mertz. for Easter music under direction land. of Ralph Sewell, organist; 8 — kind you used to give him at time^mone of your rwork, Fun night at the chapel auspice:-, St Anthony's Catholic But if your heart is sick with longing CIVE TO THE of the Ladies Aid society; Mrs. your own table. And real the hflood from yoiar heart Fewsmith Presbyterian 53 Franklin Street; for some special boy ; remember this Marjorie Strauss is president. Rev. Titian Menegus, administrator. ;ssamd more ©f 444 Union Avenues Sunday, 9:45 — Church school; American cigarettes and Rev. Ur. O. Bell Close, pastor. Masses: Sunday, 7:30, 9, 10:15, and find comfort. . ; wherever he may be, 10:45 — Palm Sunday address, tobacco! to help the work go*on. 'Sunday— 9:45, Church school “ Salute Christ with Palms” ; in­ 11:30. in the frozen wastes o f Iceland or the + Confessions: Saturdays, vigils and Bible class; 11, beginners’ de­ stallation of newly elected Elders He will get all this;;; and RED CROSS Ski dig deep andjbe glad. partment; 1 1 , public worship; Robertas. Anderson, H. L. Sturges of holy days, afternoons 4 to 6; Jungles o f N e w Guinea,;;; you can reach sermon topic, “ Courage Among evenings, 7 to 9. For|wherever he is y >! and Letoy Davenport and deacons out and give your boy some little com­ more ; ; ; straight from your Cowards.” Fred W. Jackson,Charles Thatcher Baptisms, Sunday afternoons, and Frederick F. McQuilken. 7 — 3 o’clock. Other times by ap­ forts that speak o f home; pointment. Christ Episcopal Church Young People’s Lenten service; —--- :-^ --- 395 Washington Avenue; Dr. Struyk will speak on “ With He w ill get coffee, doughnuts, ciga­ Rev. Peter R. Deckenbach, pastor. Christ to Victory.” Holy Family Catholic rettes and other American comforts when Tuesday, 7.— Girl scout troops. 28 Brookline Avenue, Nutley; Palm Sunday, 9:30 — Church- Rev. Anthony Di Luca, pastor. The RED CROSS is ah his side Wednesday, 8 — Junior and school; 11 — celebration of Holy Intermediate Christian Endeavor Masses:- Sunday, 7:15, Italian. Communion and sennon; rector’s society meetings. Also 8 — Union 9:15, 10:15, 11:15, 12, English. theme, “ X or Y ” . Palms will be Lenten service; Rev. Edgar M. 6:30 and 8. Confessions, Saturday distributed after the service. 4 — Compton, preacher. afternoon, 3 to 6 ; evening, 7 to 9. The rector and choir will held a service in the chapel of St. Barna­ Communion Sunday, first Sunday and the Red C r o sf s ^ % m ! bas’ hospital. It will be broadcast Holy Family Catholic of the month, Children of Mary; through the hospital wards. ' 36 Brookline Avenue, Nutley second Sunday of the month, Monday, 8 — Auxiliary meet­ Rev. Anthony DiLuca, pastor. Young Woman’s Catholic League and Holy Name Society; third ing- . / Sunday masses at 7:15 (Ita­ Thursday, 10 ■— Holy Com­ Sunday monthly, Angel Society lian), 8:15, 9:15, 1015, 11:15, 12 and Dominic Savio Society;, last munion and short address. (English); Daily masses at 7:30 There are just a few days more for you to] Good Friday, 10 — Meditation-. Sunday monthly, Angel Society and 8; First Friday, 6:30 and 8. Sodality. Baptisms, Sunday, one 8 P.M. -— Cantata, “ Olivet to Baptisms Sunday at 1 and by ap­ o’clock; other times by appoint­ give to our Red Cross Quota. Belleville must Calvary,” a union service. pointment. ment. - The congregation of Christ Confessions Saturday from 3 to makegood. Remember — the more you give Church will cooperate with other 6 and 7 to 9. The churches in Holy Week communi­ Monthly Communion Sundays; St. M arys Catholic ty services a schedule of which is first, Rosary society and Children ,ses were, members of the mem-- the more will live. This means perhaps your advertised elsewhere in this news­ of Maryj second, Holy Name so­ Melrose Street, Nutley paper. ciety, Young Women’s Catholic j t-ffijf e ev. James J. Owens, pastor. own boy, husband or friend. Notwithstanding league, F ife and Drum corps; Sunday masses at 7, 8, 9, 10, third, St. Aloysius society, Angel 11 and' 12 noon. Confessions Grace Baptist Church sodality; fourth, Mount Cannel Saturday and Thursday before all other Patriotic Contributions you made to 89 Overlook Avenue; sodality. First Friday from 3:80 to 6 and Last Rev Marshall J. Whitehead, pastor. Monday, 8 — perpetual novena from 7:80 to 9. other worthy causes, the Red Cross should Friday, 7:30 — Boy Scouts, in honor of Our Lady of the First Friday masses at 6 and 7; Troop' 386. Miraculous modal. Communion at 8. Baptisms Sun­ stand at the head. If have not given liber­ Sunday, 9 :30 — ■ Sunday Tuesday, 6:30 a.m. — novena days at 4. Marriages require School; 11 — Palm Sunday Ser­ mass. three weeks’ notice. _ Monthly ally, I am sure you can do just a little more. If vice a n d Baptism, '5 — B J K; T h u r s d a y, 8 — perpetual Communion Sundays; first, Rosary 7 •— Young Adult Group; 8 ■ novena in honor of St. Jude, v society; second, Holy Name so­ every one of us helps just a little, our goal will • Communion Service in candle Last Monday evening of the. ciety; third, Young Ladies’ Call light. month, St. Lucy society; second sodality and Angel sodality. Holy Week will be observed by Tuesday evening, Holy Name so­ First Sunday of the month, be oversubscribed. participation in the various com­ ciety; Tuesday following last Sun 3:30 — Rosary society meeting in munity-wide services listed in to day, Mt. Carmel sodality. Last the parish hall. Third Sunday, Our boys are giving their all, you will cer­ day’s paper. Thursday, Rosary society; Firs 3:30 — Angels sodality meets in Tuesday, 8 — Community Ser Friday, Young Women’s catholic the church. vice, this church, Rev. Guy league; last Friday, Children of First and third Mondays, 8 : To tainly want to give a little. Brown, preaching-. Mary. — business and social meetings C D of A in the clubhouse. Sec­ Send your contributions immediately to ond and fourth Mondays, 8 — K of C meetings in the parish hall. Mr. Albert P. Luscombe, Treasurer, c o Peoples Thursdays, 4 — Girl, scouts, parish hall; 7:30 — Boy scouts, parish hall. Third Thursdays, 8 — National Bank & Trust Company, Belleville, or Young Ladies; church; Thursday after second Sunday, 8:15 — to War Fund Headquarters, 400 Washington Holy Name society ; lower hall. J E S U S SA W A M A N Avenue, Belleville. Christ Scientist Church NAMED MATTHEW, SIT­ 605 Broad Street, Newark. ELMER S. HYDE TING AT THE RECEIPT OF “ Unreality” is the Lesson-Ser­ Chairman CUSTOM: AND SAITH UN­ mon subiect for Sunday. Golden TO HIM, FOLLOW ME: text: “ Truly in vain is salva­ tion hoped for from the hills, and A N D H E AROSE AN D from the multitude of mountains: FOLLOWED HIM. truly m the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel.” (Jer. IF YOU HAVEN'T GIVEN YET — MAT. 9:9 3:23) 1 Sermon. Passages from the King James version of the Bible include; “ The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” (Ps. 72:1) Correlative passages from “ Science and DON’T DELAY ARRANGED & SPONSORED for the PUBLIC B y Health with Key to the Scrip­ tures” by Mary Baker Eddy in­ Kiernan Funeral Home clude: “ The understanding, even BELLEVILLE 2-3503 in a degree, of the divine A ll­ 101 UNION AVE BELLEVILLE, N. power destroys fear, and plants the feet in the true path — the YOUR RED CROSS NEEDS YOU path which leads to the house built without hands ‘eternal in the Complete Volume of these famous Scenes,- mailed free on request. heavens.’ ” (p. 454) PAGE TWELVE T H E BELLEVILLE TIMES THUIÍSDAYjMARCTI 30,1944

depth and spacing and then draw it is not so apt to cake or form a solution in the furrow after the weeks until the larvae migrate. ¿'HiiiiiiiiiiiimminimiiiimmímmnmníiiHimínííimiKiímuüíimmimu! loose soil in to fill the furrow crust. seeds have been- placed but before NEX T W E E K : Setting Plants about halfway. The rake is a good It usually is not necessary to and Insect Control. water seeds at time of sowing in covering. tool to use for this purpose. the spring. However, some per­ Allow the solution to soak in The Belleville Times still has APPLICATION COUPON Then, with the back of the rake, sons do find that seeds will and then draw the soil into the available a limited supply of gently tamp the soil over the germinate a little more quickly furrow, _ not 'packing it. This booklets published by the Depart­ ior method is especially helpful in the ment of Agriculture: Victory Gar­ seeds to make sure that the. seeds and the seedlings grow a little BELLEVILLE VICTORY GARDEN faster if starter solution is used. drier weather of late spring and dens, The City Home Garden, and are surrounded by and in contact summer. This consists of a teacupful of 5- The Farm Garden. AH are free -Mail to Mayor Wm. H. Williams, Town Hall, with soil so that moisture will be 10-5 fertilizer in 12 quarts -of Rake Space Between Rows at The Times office, 328 Washing­ drawn to them to help inititate water. Finish the job by raking the ton avenue. Belleville, N. J. germination. Then draw soil in Allow to stand overnight, then space between the rows that have until the furrow is level full and use a cupful of the solution to a been planted, using a sort of The undersigned hereby applies for permission to use following leave this in a loose condition and foot of i’ow. Apply the starter rotary motion, to loosen the soil Town-owned property for Victory Garden: in the footprints. WE BUY Sowing Seeds; How To Do It A t the same time it is a good AND SELL Property Address plan to rake the unplanted part Size ...... By Dr. Charles II. Connors Public Schools Honor Roll of the garden to kill weeds that L b winnowers may have germinated but which College of Agriculture Rutgers University Rebuilt do not yet show above the Ground The undersigned expressly agrees with the Town of Belleville ground. This is the stage at which to assume all liabilities of every nature in connection with the Having- prepared jthe soil, lay out the Victory Garden as you For Third Marking Period Repaired helve planned it, using ¡stakes to indicate the rows. Some seeds can be they are more easily killed. operation and conduct of said garden. It is understood that planted as soon as the; soil is prepared, namely, peas, onion, carrot, Cortlandt Street School Ralph Street Schpol I f you have definite evidence the undersigned w ill not be obligated to pay rent for the use that your soil is infested with of said lands. beet, radish, turnip, bi’pccoli, cabbage, endive, kale, lettuce, spinach Grade 8 — Eleanor Adelman, Grade 8 — Jean Pulley. and Swiss chard. However, there are other seeds such as beans, that wire worms or white grubs, Dr. Gloria Caruso, William Cart­ G r a d e 7 — James Thompson, Bailey B. Pepper,, acting ento­ require a higher temperature for germination. They cannot be wright, Patricia McHugh, Vivian Joyce Cafone, Marie Melchionne. s Name ...... , s planted until all danger, of frost is past. mologist at the N. J. Agricultural Burton, Edna Deighan, Lucille - Grade 6 — Marie Gerard. Experiment Station, recommends Do not try to s q w ¡ seeds when the soil is sticky. To determine Lemoine. E Address ...... ,...... E Grade 5 — Catherine Fusaro, that you defer planting until the wh'en^the soil is ready, vuse the same test as that given to ascertain Grade 7 — Ruth Galloway, Belleville Lawnmower Irene Miller, Ann Russo, Lillian soil warms up. H D a t e ...... E i f it is fit to dig*. I f thé- soil is sticky, it. is impossible to make the Billy Luke. Wright, Margaret Leone, Richard dm lews properly, and tpen when the soil is drawn in to cover the ■ Then these larval forms wall mi­ Company Grade 6A — Arthur Dey, Joan Jeannotte, Joseph Gilchrist, Frank seeds, it will be lumpy ' and w ill^ grate to lower regions in the soil, JOSEPH LILORE, Prop. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE | Kelson, Marcella Lemoine, Mar­ Effenberger. instead of planting as soon as the dry out in small clods; so the garet Murphy. 26 K IN G ST. BE. 2-4357-J a hard ¡time to get through. This Grade 4 -—_ Raymond Kowalski, weather is fit, wait three or four seeds will not be suitably covered. Grade 6B — Marlene Muller, .Or, if the soil is compacted, it was responsible for some of the Phyllis Friscia, Rita Carissimo, -iimmimimmmimmmimmiiiiimimiiimiiiimimmiimmiiiimmmmii' failure of carrots last year. Evelyn Adelhelm, Mary De Jessie. Marselene Kane. will dry in-^rerust- so -air cannot Grade 5 — Fred Zeiss, Lucille enter, and the seedlings will have Grade 3 — Joanne Zawadzki, Matte Straight Furrows Parise, Carolyn Ryder. James Tiger. , Sow in straight rows as it is Grade 4A -— Sydney Tilkin. Grade 2 — Ruth Gresham, Grade 4B — Lamar Burd. 524 Washington Ave. much easier to cultivate the gar­ Celia Ann Duca, Joan McMurray, Grade 3 — Barbara Minto, Carol Jeannotte, t Mary Louise Belleville, N. J. den. Do not sow" too deep. This is Harold Sutphen, Carlson, Frank Raymond. STORE HOURS another cause of failure. Grade 2 — Elizabeth Jani, Grade 1 — Pauline Caruso, An­ Close Saturdays — 8 P.M. The general rule in sowing is Dorothy Parker. gelina Fusaro, Tanya Greulich, Mon. Thru Thurs. 9 to 6 that seeds should be covered Grade 1 — Roberta V. Ben- Barbara Ann Russ, Robert De Fridays — 9 A.M. to IO P.M. about three times their smaller schoten, Claudette .Davies, Anna Nicholas, Robert R a y m o n d, ¡AMERICA'S FINEST FOOD DEPARTMENT diameter. Make your furrows at Edwards, Carol Kress. George Thomas, Richard Veith. the depth shown in the 1944 New Jersey iVictory Garden Manual. For example, one-half inch for Montgomery School Franklin Avenue School carrot, radish, turnip and lettuce Grade 6 — Margaret Watson, Grade 8 — Kenneth Clark, COMPARE THESE seeds; three quarters inch for Constance Valese, Richard Lontka: Jean Roeike. You'll see why it pays you to shop for all beets; one inch for peas. Make Grade 5 — Gerald Bilensky, Grade 7 — Herbrt Haslan,-Ger th'e furrow as uniform in depth Irene Di Biase, Maryann Sanok, aid Schiazzana, Lee Richardson, your food needk at food Fair. Check the savings!! as possible in order to secure uni­ Margaret Wagner,. Edward Fitzgerald, William John­ PRICES! form covering and uniform Grade 4 — Bai-bara Stone, son. FIVE POINTS EACH germination. Jena Dunlop, Barbara Fredericks. Grade 6 — Joan Buifardi, Jac­ Sow the seeds thin. Carrots - Grade 3 — Mary Di Biase, queline Chiappari, Barbara Vos FEED y GARDENS should stand two to three inches Marie Zeppa, Gojetan Bottini. burg, Merle Heuser, Anthony CansM FROST apart. Hence three or four seeds Grade 2 — Janet Mackie, Alice Stefanelli, Patricia Ford, Bernice CAMPBHD to the inch will suffice. Barnett. Miller. 4 FOUR POINTS EACH with Complete Plant Food! Beets should be thinned to Grade 1 — Frances Bonnano, Grade 5 — James De Piro, KING stand three inches apart, so a seed Louise Cuchinello, Barbara Wag- Walter Haslam, Lerma Chen, Pat­ Think of gardening as a ball (which may contain several ner. ricia Donoyan, Claire Nees, Ann manufacturing process and you seeds)^ should be sown about Pritchard, Carol Snyder, Colette 9 -anctf RED * are on the road to better yields every inch. This will give plenty Silver Lake School Tupper, Nancy Downey. CAMPBEU m «T : and finer quality vegetables. of seedlings fo r - beet greens as Grade 4 — Frank Troina, Peter 3 FORTY THREE POINTS Jit Good seed produce fine plants. well as for development of roots. Grade 8 — Sue Puglis, Phillis Macchi, Tony Noll, iBobby Don­ SAIMON * But' plants can not '.produce . Where the plants are to stand Tagliatatela, Helene Mekis. nelly, Janice Marie Maffie, Helen high quality vegetables if they six inches or more apart, many Grade 7 — Anthony Calamai, Zimmerman, Bobby Werner. Noi * are not supplied with all of the experienced gardeners will place Frank Cocozza, Paul Ferraiolo, Grade 3 — Bobby De Piro, two or three seeds at the planting Jennie Bocchino, Claire Coria, Mary Alice Bordonaro, Selma VUMONTEcmnii TA LL it many raw materials they re­ 25 quire from the soil. intervals, later thinning' to one Grace Di Miceli, Aliene Gibson, Hokanson, Stella Longhi, Claudet­ TEN POINTS EACH Angela Mcllvrid, Josephine Stagli­ CAN To be sure your vegetables strong plant. This conserves seed te Lyola, Shirley Rutledge, Marv * ano, Thomas Cuomo, Joseph 35 and makes cultivation easier. are rich in minerals, feed your Lou Salandra, Elissa Cole. 12 Red Points per Can To make the furrows straight, Gi'osso, Arthur Potenzone. k garden with VIGORO VIC­ De Wayne Grimes, Alice Ann stretch; the garden line close to Grade 6 — Anthony Permetti, Encke, Jane Fehlinger, Betsey k TORY GARDEN FERTILIZER. It the soil, and, as the fufrow is Phillis Sibilia, Marie Porcella, CONTADINAMI Domenick, Lois Bloemeke. is the cqmplete plant food that made, walk backward with one Theresa Zecca, Frank Bollotta, a m —-— ^ _ - - TWO i Yvu rPOINTS u i N i i cA. . . 6 % 1 9 c Grade 4 — Stephen Macanga, BROCCOLI SCOTTS SUNNY LAWN — All purpose blend of deep-rooting Patricia Papera, John Ruiz, Flor­ permanent grasses. 3 lbs— 2.00; 5 lbs— 3.25; 10 lbs— 6.25. ence Zimmer. Vitamin Enriched Loaves SCOTTS SHADED LAWN — Special grasses that thrive under Grade 3 — Alice Adamiak, Su­ Lady Fair Bread 2 17c trees and between houses. 1 lb— 79c; 3 lbs— 2.30-; 5 lbs— 3.75. san Amato, Estelle Denner, Jean SCOTTS BENTGRASS— Builds lawns like golf putting greens. Harsell, Betty Hoover, Renee Over 8,000,000 seeds per pound. 1 lb— 1.75; 3 lbs— 4.95. Lempert, Evelyn Niederer, Robert Crackin' Good Sugar Wafers % 1 7 c SCOTTS CLOVER'— Vigorous growing, thoroughly recleaned Woodman. LADY FAIR seed. % lb— 75c; 11b— 1.45. Grade 2 — Pochard Baker, Rob­ ert Catenacei, Jean Dufford, Jo­ SCOTTS GARDEN BUILDER — Insures maximum yield from seph Giangrasso, Irene Russonel- Crackin’ Good Rosebud Cremes ¿r 2 3 G victory gardens. Scatter 3 to 4 lbs. to 100 sq. ft. la, Rita Zimmer. COFFEE 2 lbs 47c 10 lbs— 75e; 25 lbs— 1.45; 50 lbs— 2.35; 100 lbs— 3.65. Grade 1 — Kathleen Botsford, Jean Chown, Jean Gualtieri, Pillsbury’s Pancake Flour ^ i9 c Joanne Piaster, Nicholas La Para, BELLEVILLE HARDWARE CO. Joseph Mignon, Robert Ritacco, 530 Washington Ave. Phone BE. 2-3114 Rita Russonelln, Ronald Volk, WINDEX SPRAY “ j ” te 13 Lois Ann Woodman. Dorothy Pillsbury’s Buckwheat Flour % 1 2 c