m m U -..,-,!--. - TBL... ... L, .......... ..... ..ill....PI!....... Use The Times' CLASSIFIED ADS to sell, buy or trade. Belleville’s Most Potent Selling Force Call Be. 2-3200 Vol XIX., No. 36 BELLEVILLE, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Renewed Salvage Campaign PLAN BOARD GETS Ro^ y H e a d BELLBOY GRIDDERS Town-Wide Canvass Sunday Announced By Brunner AXE FROM SOLONS TO USE STADIUM Paper Shortage Emergency Declared By Governor Edge WITHOUT VOTE NEXT SEASON For Servicemen’s State Vote: Speaks Tonight ■% As Mills Stand Idle Williams Joins Opponents H. S. Athietic Council Votes Of Proposed Measure; To Move Football, Baseball Coordination of local col­ Waters Stands Alone Oat Of Clearman Field Brunner Asks Cooperation , lection agencies and the peo­ ple of’ Belleville was empha­ The proposed ordinance, which The high school baseball and would set up a municipal plan­ "Air Raid Wardens; Police And Fire sized yesterday by Defense football teams will move bag and ning board is doomed to defeat baggage from Clearman Field to WOULD PROHIBIT ï Coordinator Brunner as he before Commissioner Waters even the Municipal Stadium this year Reserves, Ambulance, First Aiders ^ announced renewed and re­ and will turn the old Union ave­ brings it in. That was the opin­ nue field over to town recrea­ To Canvass Every Home Here doubled efforts in Belleville’s ion of observers after listening tional programs. 1 GAMBLING HERE to the discusión of it at the town salvage drives for paper, tin, This was the decision reached King To Introduce Ordinance Belleville’s estimated 2,700 men and women in the uni­ commission meeting Tuesday last night by the Athletic coun­ nights. fats and rags. cil of the school b;;ar;l. The pro­ To Outlaw Gaining; Lay Over forms of their country will be given a chance to vote in the The measure, which has been Pointing to the paper situa posal needs only the concurrence forthcoming elections regardless of where they are stationed under consideration for over of the board of educaticn but no Other Proposed Measures tion, the most critical of all throe, months, drew objections opposition is expected to develop — but only if their families will cooperate with the town- Tuesday night from Mayor W il­ An ordinance to make gam­ the salvage efforts, he asked5 at its April meeting, wide canvass which will be conducted during the next wec-ii liams, Commissioners King and the latter that it use the. north bling a local violation as well as that every householder in the Noil. Commissioner Mertz, who be members of the ARP and other defense organizations. raised no specific obiection, nev­ A fter an hour-long discussion a state offense will be introduced town acquaint himself with his last night, the council adopted a ertheless recommended that it be W . Douglas Clark by Public Safety Director King This was the message of Defense Co-ordinator Brunner zone number which is based on motion made by School Supciin- laid on the table for further ut the next meeting of the town last night as he announced the gigantic one-day canvass of the defense zoning1 map. studv. Belleville Rotary club yester­ tendent Parmer that the high school teams use the one-time commission. the town which will take place next Sunday afternoon from Collections are made every Williams listed the most speci­ day elected W. Douglas Clark of 20 Clearman place and secretary-' turf bog, that Cleaiman or turn­ He .attempted to bring in the Wednesday in a different zone, fic of the arguments, coming to 1 to 5. In order to facilitate the survey he has requested the meeting armed with written ■treasurer of Clark & Hammer ed over to the town recreation de­ proposed addition to the lawLjoks depcndinir on the narticular week company at 8-1 Academy street, partment for its summer pro­ every Belleville family, or at least a qualified representa­ Alvin W . Outcalt questions and objections. He read gram. Tuesday night but the measure of the month: zones 1 and 5 on off seven definite points which he as its president for 1944-45. The tive, to remain at home Sunday afternoon to answer the vote was unanimous. The request will be made of was laid on the table for "further the first Wedenesday, zone 2 on Alvin W . Outcalt, sales man considered as militating against Clark, who will succeed Edgar ------------------------- 'V questions of the interviewers. the second, zone < 3 on the third ager of Belle Chemical company the town and the commission: the latter that is use the north study” at the request of Com­ and zone 4 on the fourth Wednes­ and son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peieris of Resistoflex corpor­ end of Clearman only for base­ missioner Mertz. Nearly 1,500 air raid wardens! ation, will take office in July. ball and the south end for other day. Jiag.s are gathered at the Outcalt of Baldwin place, will 1 ) Placing of zoning duties King explained that the ab­ police and fire reserves, members He has been a Rotaci an for. four projects. This provision will per­ sence of a local ordinance has RED CROSS DRIVE same time. be one of the principal speakers within the province of the of the (ambulance corps and first School pupils act as the inter­ tonight at the national Junior planning board; years and has been active in war mit the high school gridders to meant necessity of referral to bond work in every drive. aiders will cover the town 'from, mediary in the tin salvage cam­ Achievement banquet at the 2) The fact that t h e move back to Union avenue the county grand jury. The bill MAY BE EXTENDED paign. They collect the scrap met­ \v aldorf Astoria hotel in New board’s master plan could be He is Boy Scout district chair­ should the municipal stadium not would set S2U0' fine and 90 days the Valley to the Third river anj adopted by a mere majority prove to be in shape. in jail as maximum penalties. al from homes and take it to York*. man, and has been active in the Chapter Chairman Suggests from Greylock to Silver Lake school where it is collected every of the town commission while Welfare Beard, Red Cross, New­ The executive committee of the Two other ordinances were also Young Outcalt, who recently ferret out the information wij Thursday. changes in the plan would ark Motor and Yacht club, Belle­ council will meet with Mayor W il­ laid over fo r_ stuly: one which pro­ Prolonging Campaign; Only made a "selling” tour of Atlanta require a four-fifths vote: liams in the near future to dis­ poses a municipal planning board will permit ballots to be nrj "Householders who have no chil­ md New Orleans for JA, will ville Rod and Gun club, Masonic dren of school age,” Brunner 8) The commission can re­ lodge and Craftsmen’s club. cuss the problems involved in and another (already passed on Sixty Percent Realized to the town’s servicemen. represent the youth of the na­ fer .other matters than plan­ dressing up the stadium for foot­ first reading) making OPA vio­ said, should make arrangements tional movement in telling of his Elected with him were vice " I f the canvass of the town with a neighbor’s child or call £he ning to the board "which is a president B. Thomas Aitlcen of ball. Pie is understood to have al­ lations a local offense. Extension of the 1944 Red experiences in Junior Achieve­ King was the principal objec­ is permitted to drag out over a principal of the nearest school.” ment. very broad authority;” the Peoples National bank, secre­ ready promised to have the nec­ Cross War Fund into April was Fats from cooking should be 4) "Other laws, ordinances tary S. G. Bart of Bart Labora­ essary work done for baseball. tor to the OPA measure, primar­ suggested last night by B. long period of time,” asserted saved from the garbage and taken "This second selection of Out­ and regulations shall not he tories, treasurer Harry Naylor The discussion on the two fields ily to the provisions which would Brunner,» “our boys fighting to calt to speak far JA is a distinct was started by Chairman Schmutz have the local police department Thomas Aitken, chairman of the to a butcher who will give the in force insofar as they apply who has an insurance agency, and preserve our right to vote win honor for Belleville,” an official to plots, maps or plans.in the who pointed to the dilemma of investigate and prosecute viola­ Belleville chapter, as he revealed donor a number of ration points trustees Clarence I). Van Sickle, not receive their ballots in time. in return, , of the local Central Committee O. B. Bart and Peieris. keeping Clearman in shape for tors. It is .expected that amend­ that the drive which is slated town when the master map “ It is the duty of all of us to Stressing the urgency of the said yesterday. "H e will be the is established;” football and the resultant idleness ments will he introduced to cover to end tomorrow, has reached make it our responsibility to paper campaign, Brunner pointed only junior on the program.” 5^ Subdivision owners or which caused "unfavorable com­ the objections. Thirty-Two Fathers In Draft only sixty percent of its goal of guarantee them the right to their out that Governor Edge, at the Other speakers will be Capt. their agents must have the ments because people do not un­ Still on the table awaiting a Eddie Iiickenbacker, S.
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