(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-03-24
".ATS. FATS• •, ...1_,. Cl5 n"•• ,. ZI ••• At I~' ...b n ••'" ._. .aOCII8I!O FOOOIi. • ••• . ...... lit Ih,•• ,. h ••' At I.,•• ,. t ... nil'. IUOA....... , ......... U ~"I' '.r II.. ..... .. 8aOI S. • .... lII,.... " .... _... ' . I OA' • va1J4 lau'lal... }' . G", OLDlI. .t·" ... ,... ,_ ' or " •• ,all ••• I •••-5 . e .. G, . ... ... C·., . -' ••• C-1 coup . .. IOWA: ••"17 eaeM,. with ,... ,., fI.. ,all.... 'VIJ. OIL, ..rl" ••• wo.,' DAILY IOWAN m1W~ fl... 7."'& THE e•• po •• , .... u.. .... Jetj.. toar ... II.,.e , ••41 . Iowa Cit Y , • Mar n I n 9 .~ • w • pap. r rJVE CENTS IOWA em. IOWA SATUBDAY. MARCH U . 1945 VOLUME XLV NUMBER 153 rmy mas es cross Ine• CZECH CHIEF GREETED IN MOSCOW 913 8. Nazis Report 8,000 Planes taDdl. Ibe 'SIll U· 8. Berlin BaHle Blast Nazi la\oI BJ IUrke L. 8'-PMa many planned at Y.lta is now at of field reports from the .llIed • 1831, h.nd. front pl.c: lh !IC n of rreat as- Ieee" AMoelatN Pre. War AlWJU , 113s. Gentral Pa tton Is across the We.ther conditions must neces- sault concentr.tion west of the sarily have much to do with Rhin at th extr me north end of r 1941. Resumed Supply Lines Rhine and now the w.r In Ger le many seems to of tel' a prospect timing of major o"aulls. They th lin About all that hall ~n .1,. fairly oon of some credible esti s em to have been pecially (a- rev aled by the .llIes w th.t lIIOU'e Allied Aerial Might vorable lome days In the wesl, h avy Irans-Rhlne bomb.rdment, Crossing Made oft II Soviets Split mate of bow 10111 orllanized Ger tor mlln resislance can last.
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