Vol. 36, No. 4, Oct. 1890
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Vol. XX XVI. No 4. IJ , 1 t J.I 'PUBLISHED MONTHLY TORONTO BY ., AT THE DELINEATOROF TORONTO, PUBLISHING LIMITED, . CO. 33 RICHl\;10ND ST., "W"EST. SI A YEAR. 15 CENTS PER COPY. OCTOB�R, Printed in Canada 1890. @)o our �ubscribers atrons @enerallYJ IN THE DOAIINION OF{® OANADA. For the Convenience of our Patrons in Canada, we append below a List of Agencies for the Sale of our Goods in the Dominion, through which our Patterns, etc., can be ob tained at retail. By ordering from the nearest of these Agencies, either by mail or in person, Canadian Customers will be likely to 3av� time, and charges for duty, in getting their orders filled. • BRITISH COLUMBIA. ONTARIO. NEW WESTMINSTER, Ogle, Campbell & Freeman. BERLIN, • W. H. Becker & Co. VANCOUVER, • Cope & Young. CHATHAM, Thomas Stone. VICTORIA, Shears & Page. COBOURG, • Miss. S. J. Henderson. CORNWALL, • Hamilton & MacArthur. MANITOBA. DUNNVILLE, • Miss 1. N. Stewart. BRANDON, Miss M. A. Bristol. GALT, George A. Chrysler. WINNIPEG, Ferguson & Co. GUELPH, • · J. D. Williamson & Co. HAMILTON, - Miss M. A. Moody, 201 King St. NEW BRUNSWICK. KINGSTON, Mrs. A. Gorham. BATHURST, W. R. Johnson. LONDON, • Morrow & Irwin. FREDERICTON, Simon Nealis. NIAGARA FALLS SOUTH, - Wm. Spence. MONCTON, D. C. Sullivan. OAKVILLE, • Thomas Patterson. ST. JOHN, Geo. H. McKay, 49 Charlotte St. OTTAWA, • Mrs. E. Ackroyd, 142 Sparks St. ST. CATHARINES, McLaren & Co. WOOD�TOCK, • J. T. Collins. TORONTO, T. Eaton & Co., 190 Yonge St. NOVA SCOTIA. QUEBEC. DIGBY, J. F. Saunders. HALIFAX, G. M. Smith & Co. MONTREAL, Henry Morgan & Co., cor. St. James NEW GLASGOW, Drysdale Bros. Street and Victoria Square. WINDSOR, I. Fred. Carver. QUEBEC,. Joseph Dynes. Y.\R�IOUTH, Viets & Dennis. SHERBROOKE, - . J. Landsberg. We beg our retail customers in the Dominion to understand that we do not refuse to fill Orders for Patterns which they may send us. Any Orders with which they may favor us will receive our usual prompt and careful attention. At the same time, in our de sire to relieve retail customers in the Dominion from possible annoyance and delay, through detention of their Patterns in Customs Offices, etc., we have thought it advisable to publish the above list of Canadian Agencies, at any of which personal or mail Orders for our Patterns, etc., will be filled with all possible promptitude. In sending Orders by mail to us or any of the above Agents, please be careful to JI give your Post·offic� Address in full, naming the Town, County (or Parish) and Province in which you reside. When Patterns are desired for I,adies, the Number and Size of each Pattern should be stated; when Patterns for Misses,· Girls, Boys or Little Folks are needed, the Number, Size and Age should be given in each instance. I t is immaterial to us whether our Publications are ordered direct from us or through Agents in the Dominion. We are always pleased to fill orders for the Publications at ad vertised rates, but we can not assume charges for duty when such charges are levied. In sending Money through the mails, Security is best assured by using a Post-Office Order, Express Money-Order, a Bank Check or Draft, or a Registered Letter. Respectfully, THE BUTTERIOK PUBLISHING 00. (Limited), i THE DELINEATOR. DELINEHT0R-18- aud A Monthly Magazine------- -·of . I ........... Fashion � .... .-.�.I gulture___ _____ _ Fine Arts. .. ... AC H issue contains illustrations and descrip D tions of Current and Incoming Styles for � Ladies, Misses and Children, articles on the newest Dress Fabrics and Novelties in Trim mings, and representations of the latest ideas in Millinery, LINGERIE and Fancy-Work. In addition there are papers by practical writers on the Household and its proper maintenance, and a selection of entertaining and instructive reading on the Elegancies of Life. Send Fifteen cents for a Sample Copy, and you will find one number to be worth the Subscription Price. IN THE CANADIAN EDITION, which is identical with the Edition as published by the TERMS FOR THIS PUBLICATION BuUerick Publishing Co . [Limited], london and New York: Subscription Price, $1.00 per Year; Single Copies, Cents. Parties subscribing are requested to particularly specify the number with which tlley wish the subscription15 to commence. Sttbscriptz'ons will not be received for a shorter term tItan one year, and are always payable in advance. We have TZO Club Rates, and no Commissions are allmoed to any one on Subscriptions sent us. The Postage on tIle DELINEATOR.is prepaid by the Publishers to any part of Canada. NOTE THIS OFFER: To any one sending us $1.00 for a Subscrip tion to the DELINEATOR, with cents additional FIGURE No. 449 L.-LADIES' COAT.-This illustrates Pattern DELINEATOR No. 3495 (copyright', cents. (or $ I. in all), we will send the price 30 ---______0 _ ____- for one year, and will also forward25 a copy of the METROPOLITAN CATALOGUE of the current edition, 25until the same shall be exhausted. If the current edition is exhausted at the time we receive the Subscription, we will send a copy of the succeeding number immediately upon its publication. See advertisement of the METROPOLITAN CATALOGUE elsewhere in this issue. THE DELINEAT0� P8.BL1SHING (0. 0F T0�0NT0 [LI:M:ITEDJ, 33 ::E'l.i.oh.:D:10D.c'l street, 'ViV"esll, Toron.lIo. ii THE DELINEATOR. KNOW THAT THEY SAVE TIME, EXTEND THEIR TRADE AND PLEASE THEiR CUSTOMERS BY KEEPING -----il::K� T :E3: E �K�----- Metropolitan Catalogue of Fashions •• I !iIl!HIS MAGNIFICENT PUBLICATION is a semi-annual e /within WHERE IT CAN BE SEEN BY THEIR PATRONSr. sum � whose covers are included all the styles in fashionable use for ladies and children at the time of its publication. A comparison of two succes sive numbers shows that the latter edition, while possessing large additions in the way of novelty, is not entirely new, as it retains a noticeable propor tion of the engravings shown in the previous volume. As purveyors of modes, we find that many styles take a strong hold on public taste and frequently outlast two or three seasons in popularity. Again, in our position as designers of fashions, it occasionally happens that we introduce a style which does not at once attract public favor-which, in fact, requires time to grow into general esteem. Then, again, there are standard shapes which remain in use year after year, and some few, indeed, which appear to be as immutable as the stars. There is the broad, general rule, which teaches that fashions in the average do not acquire or lose popularity in a day, but wax and wane in favor as the seasons corne and go. Some there are, of course, which leap at one bound into FIaURE No. 382L.-LADillS' CLOAK.-Tbis illus· trates Pattern No. (copyright), price 40 cents. public admiration; 3423 but these are indeed as infrequent and All these and other similar circumstances erratic as comets are duly considered in the preparation of the to-day a wonderful work under discussion; the end kept perma attraction, to-morrow nently in view being to have it contai'1. every gone and forgotten. fashion in vogue for ladies, misses and chil dren, as issued up to date of its publication. We wish it, therefore, distinctly understood,. that, while the work t'ncludes all the modes en' dorsed by Faslzt'on, t't excludes everytht'ng .from 'whicJt she lias removed the stamp o.f her approval. LADIES' BASQUE (Co� �rigbt). Having been prepared in view of much price cents. 30 handling (being especially calculated for the sales-counters of our Agents), this Catalogue is excellently adapted to the needs of Dress makers and Manufacturers of Ladies' and Misses' Clothing_ Single copies of the METROPOLITAN CATA LOG UE in the Popular Edition, will be sold at this office for 35 cents, or will be mailed post-paid to any address in Canada on receipt of order and this amount. NOTE THIS OFFER. To anyone sending us $1.00 for a SUbscription to the DEI,-INEATOR, with 25 cents additional, (or $1.25 in all) we will also forward a copy of the METRo POLIT AN CATALOGUE of the current edition, until the same shall be exhausted. If the current edition is exhausted at the time we receive the Subscription, we will send a copy of the succeeding number immediately upon its publication. DELINE TOR . See advertisement of the A elsewhere in this issue Address: The Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto LITTLE GIRLS' COAT (Copyright), price cents. 20 33 RICHMOND ST., WEST, TORONTO. j 3 fLimited_],. THE iii DELINEATOR. -OF- 1'1(eMIfTRor01ITAN GJ6al"tel"lg . FASHIONS, l�epol"t A Magnificent Colored Plate Illustrating the Latest Styles . ..... THE QUARTRRLY REPORT is issued in March May, September and November. Each number includes a hannsome Chromo Li thographic Plate, illustrating Fashions for Ladies and Children, - , and a Magazine containing a Description of the Plate articles upon Millinery and other Modes, items of interest to Ladies, etc. , Plate is c The 24 x 30 in hes in �ize, and is Gf exceptional value to Dr'essmakel'�, Milliners and M anufacLurers ot Ladies' Clotbing. It is handsomely 1 printed in Fine Colors upon rich ly finished Plate Paper, and is in itself a work of art without a supl'rior in Chromo-Lithography. TE�MS FO! THIS PUBLICATION, Invariably Payable in Advance. One S1ti)scription for Yea,'l"S the Qua1'ferly Bepo1·t, as desc1"ibed above, _ .... .... $1.00 Single Copies of the Qua1' terly .Report, cornp1oising the Lithofl1'aphic Plate and Desc'l'ipt'ive Book, _______ __ . 40 One Subscript'ion [tI'l' Ycn,'1°'s the Qua1'terlv Bep01·t and Monthly Dehneato1·,.