2021 4-H Family & Consumer Science Projects Handbook For Ashtabula County 4-H Members, Advisors,

and Parents

OSU Extension - Ashtabula County 39 Wall St. Jefferson, OH 44047 440-576-9008



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Clothing and Textile Science

The Ohio 4-H program helps develop knowledge, skills, and understanding about clothing appearance, purchasing, and construction. Projects are available for males and females with all levels of experience. Please refer to the individual project member guides for detailed information and consult your county Extension office for specific requirements related to local and state evaluation opportunities.

Multiple Projects: 4-H members who take more than one clothing project must complete separate learning experiences related to each, including creating a separate, complete, Total Look outfit for each clothing project. Using items from two or more projects will not be considered as a completion of either project during evaluation.

Repeating Projects: Members may repeat any project except Designed by Me and Sundresses and Jumpers. Members who repeat clothing projects should attempt new challenges each year such as doing more advanced experiments and surveys and sewing.

Additional Opportunities: The County Board works to promote the sewing and clothing program through various events and activities. Youth work closely with adult volunteers to assist in the planning of clinics, workshops, project judging and the County Style Revue. Youth must have taken a clothing project for at least 2 years and be in at least 8th Grade to apply. Applications are due March 15.

Ashtabula County Project Requirement for Clothing and Textile Projects

1. Complete the project guidelines located in the first few pages of each project book. 2. Bring completed project and all accessories, project book, pattern envelope and instruction sheet (if applicable), and typed Style Review Narration Form to judging. Members will change into their clothing projects (if applicable) for judging. 3. Complete each outfit with appropriate accessories. 4. Construction Judging for Clothing and Textile Projects is at the Expo Building on Saturday, July 10, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Evaluation times may be prescheduled. 5. Project books must be signed/dated by the member’s Advisor to verify completion.

If you cannot attend judging on that day, arrangements for an alternative day and time must be made with the club advisor and the Extension Office prior to official judging, and you do not qualify for State Fair. All youth are expected to complete their project(s) through judging and project evaluation.

What to expect at Clothing and Textile Judging

1. Registration for judging will begin at 12:45 pm. Members must register themselves. If a member is registered but leaves judging, his/her name will be crossed off then added to the bottom of the list when the member returns for Clothing Judging. 2. Go to the Expo Building, sign in. Change into your project. Hand in Style Review narration. Have a seat and wait for your number to be called 3. Please be mindful of gender specific changing areas. If you feel uncomfortable changing in front of others, wear appropriate , or have an adult helper bring a sheet to hold in front of you. 4. Members will meet with a judge who will ask questions about the project, look over the project, and review the project book. 5. After being judged, members can change out of their projects, and are free to go.

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Style Revue

Style Revue is held Saturday evening of judging at 7:00 p.m. at the Ashtabula Towne Square (July 10). ALL youth are encouraged to attend both Judging and the Style Revue. Style Revue participation is essential in order to be considered for State Fair Competition and Best of Class.

- Registration will begin at 6:15 p.m. Lineup will begin at 6:45 p.m. There will be dressing rooms available. The order of classes will be available at judging. - When you arrive, check in at the table. You will be given a number to pin on your outfit. - Proceed to the changing area to change. - You will be modeling on the stage. If you arrive early, you will have an opportunity to go on stage and practice before 6:45 p.m. There will also be the opportunity to practice modeling during project judging. - Stay in your outfit until the winners from your class are called. If you are a finalist, you will proceed to the stage to get a ribbon and for the judges to have one last look. Afterwards, you will have a picture taken (if you are a finalist). Then you may change out of your outfit.

State Fair Finalists will be posted on the Ashtabula County web site the following week. Go to http://ashtabula.osu.edu and click on the State Fair Qualifiers link and check out the spreadsheet with the winner’s names. Don’t have internet access? Call the OSU Extension office after Tuesday of the following week between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Ashtabula County Fair Style Revue

Finalists will model in the Fair Style Revue on the Tuesday of Fair at 7:30 p.m. in the Expo Center at the Ashtabula County Fairgrounds. Please plan to arrive prior to 7:15 p.m. and wear the exact outfit as described on the narration card. Members will have to obtain projects from club booths and put them back after the Fair Style Revue. The Ohio State Fair representatives and Best of Class winners will be announced at Fair Style Revue.

Judging Procedures:

1. Finalists - Must have a 90% or above project judging grade. Outfits selected are the most outstanding projects in each class. Finalists will receive a finalist ribbon. Members that have previously won in a category are eligible to enter that category again, but the outfit must be more complicated.

2. Best of Class Winners - Must be a finalist. One winner is chosen from each class and will receive a medallion.

3. State Fair Representatives - Must be a Best of Class/Delegate or Alternate. All projects are eligible. Only one outfit is picked in each category. If the Best in Class is not chosen in any class, no one else in that class may be chosen as a State Fair representative. Members are eligible to be State Fair winners in more than one category, but only if one of those categories is in the morning competition and the other is in the afternoon competition. Winners will be notified as soon as possible after Style Revue and will receive a State Fair Participant rosette.


• Project ribbons, State Fair Ribbons and Fabulous Foods ribbons will be in club packets. • Sew Well Done, Participation and Finalist ribbons will be given at the Style Revue.

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2021 Ashtabula County, Ohio 4-H Clothing Project Completion and State Fair Requirements

* Project skill level indicates the project’s intended audience. B = Beginning level—for members with little or no experience in a project area, or 8 to 10 year olds; I = Intermediate level, for members with some experience in a project area, or 11 to 13 year olds; A = Advanced level—for experienced members in a project area, or 14 or older: and X = All levels—for all skill and age levels. Exceptions to these age guidelines are noted.

State Fair Requirements Project Number Skill Project Completion Requirements See the 4-H State Fair Guidebook and Name Level* See each project book for complete details. for complete details. All 5 major areas At least 2 additional organized activities At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities 406 Clothes for High A wardrobe inventory School and A At least 1 outfit with a minimum of 2 pieces or a 1- Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit College piece garment with sleeves, plus some other style detail not tried before Repair at least 3 items from your wardrobe Project summary All 4 interest areas At least 1 additional 4-H activity At least 1 leadership/citizenship experience Wardrobe evaluation and accessories to complement at least 1 outfit Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit (Wear 407 Accessories for B, ages At least 1 accessory: bag/purse, belt/cummerbund, at least one accessory you made with the outfit it was Teens 13+ /shoe covers, hat, gloves, jewelry, designed for) removable collar//jabot, scarf/tie, muffler/, socks/hosiery, or suspenders to complete the appearance of an outfit Project record and evaluation All 5 interest areas At least 1 learning experience At least 1 leadership/citizenship activity 408 Creative Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit A A from one of these categories: historical, ethnic/cultural, theatrical, or special interest Project record and evaluation summary All 5 project areas At least 2 learning experiences 409 Sew Fun! At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities Clothing Days: completed project book and fully B A pin cushion and fully elastic-waist , shorts, elastic-waisted skirt, shorts, pants, or capris pants, or capris Project review All 8 activities, including Talking It Over questions At least 2 learning experiences 410 Designed by Me At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (*Replaced Fun B Decorate (or embellish) a T-, sweatshirt, button- Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit with Clothes) down shirt, or simple jacket Project review Project record (if any materials purchased)

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All 10 activities and 3 journal pages 411 em•bel•lish: At least one embellished garment Clothing Days: completed project book and A 4-H Guide to At least 2 learning experiences I embellishment(s) on at least one garment Wearable Art At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities Project review All 7 activities and all Talking It Over questions At least 2 learning experiences Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit (It is At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities 412 Sew for Others desirable but not required for the “other” to wear the Project review (updated 2021) I outfit. Also, if the project is repeated, a new category of Construct one complete outfit for the person of your “other” must be selected) choice OR adapt three different garments for someone with a disability All 5 project areas 413 Sundresses and At least 2 learning experiences Jumpers B At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit A sundress or jumper Project review All 9 activities At least 2 learning experiences 415 Ready, Set, Sew At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit Active! I At least one garment that is part of an active sportswear outfit Project summary and project review All 5 interest areas At least 1 learning experience At least 1 leadership/citizenship activity A -up garment with two or more new Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit. Day 417 Dress-Up Outfit A experiences (zipper, sleeves, new trim or fabric) Wear & and coordinate/incorporate/ integrate into your total look Project evaluation and project review All 11 activities At least 2 learning experiences At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities 418 Loungewear X Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit A loungewear outfit to wear over garments you make or buy Project record, summary, and review All 8 activities, including Talking It over questions At least 2 learning experiences 419 Terrific Tops B At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit A that is part of a complete outfit Project review All 4 projects areas and activities At least 2 learning experiences At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities 420 Outerwear for An advanced-level outer garment, such as a coat, Anywhere Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit A jacket, raincoat, cape, or other similar outer

garment, and add other clothing accessories for a total look. Project summary and project review

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All 5 interest areas At least 1 garment with sleeves or a skirt or pants plus a top such as a vest, collarless jacket, sweater, 424 Clothing for I, ages blouse, or other top, with or without sleeves Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit Middle School 10-14 At least 1 additional organized activity, 1 leadership/citizenship activity and 1 career experience. Project evaluation and project summary All 5 interest areas At least 1 learning experience 425 Look Great for A, ages At least 1 leadership/citizenship activity Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit Less 15-18 An inexpensive outfit Project record, summary, and evaluation All 5 interest areas At least 1 learning experience At least 1 leadership/citizenship activity An outfit with at least 2 pieces appropriate for a job, 426 Clothing for Your volunteer, work, or an interview (, uniform, or Clothing Days: completed project book and outfit. Career A work outfit) At least 2 alterations A brief description of an interesting job. Job site visit or interview a professional, or both Project record and evaluation At least one non-clothing fabric item At least 2 learning experiences Home Decorating and Design Day: bring an item 432M Sewing and At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities constructed in the project, completed project records Textiles (non- A Project records including interview, budget, and and any additional items (display) that will help show Clothing) Master photos what they set out to accomplish and progress made Judging activity


Youth are encouraged to apply for Ohio State Fair 4-H Fashion Awards, Fashion Board and Scholarships. Awards include the Pig Suede Award, Wool Award, Mohair Award, Lloyd and Doris Educators of Ohio Award, Master Clothing Educators, Ohio 4-H Fashion Revue and State Achievement Awards. Visit https://ohio4h.org/families/ohio-state-fair/state-fair-4-h-non-livestock-guidebook and https://ohio4h.org/awardsandscholarships.

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(All information MUST be included and fit on one page and is to be turned in at Judging)

Project Name______

Our next model is . She/He is currently _____ years old and a member in the 4-H Club. She/He attends ______. (School Name).

(MUST BE TYPED and Fit onto the front of this page.) Please describe your outfit in complete sentences. See back of pattern for suggestions.

She/He has completed the project by Sewing/Making/Assembling

She/He has chosen to complete their total look by accessorizing with

As the advisor of the above member, I have read the narration. Please sign below.

Advisor's Signature

Please attach a swatch of your fabric. This form must be turned in the afternoon of Judging.

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Projects will be evaluated using the following scoresheets.

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Due MARCH 15

To the OSU Extension Office

The County Fashion Board works to promote the sewing and clothing program through various events and activities. Youth work closely with adult volunteers to assist in the planning of clinics, workshops, project judging and the County Style Revue.

Name:______Phone: (_____) ______

E-mail Address:______


4-H Club:______

1. Years in 4-H (include this year):______

2. Years taking clothing projects :______(Must be at least 2 years)

3. Grade as of January 1:______(Must be in at least 8th grade)

4. What other activities have you participated in through 4-H?

5. What other activities are you involved with?

6. What is your sewing background and experience (4-H and other)?

7. What weeknight evenings are you available to attend meetings at the OSU Extension—Ashtabula County Office?

I am willing to make the commitment necessary to be an active member of the Ashtabula County 4-H Fashion Board. I will attend Fashion Board meetings, assist with pre-fair Style Reviews and work with other Fashion Board projects.

Member’s Signature:______

Parent’s Signature:______

Advisor’s Signature:______

ADVISOR REMARKS (continue on reverse side if necessary)

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Food and Nutrition

The Ohio 4-H Food and Nutrition program helps develop knowledge, skills, and understanding of nutrition, menu planning, safe food handling, kitchen equipment safety, consumer knowledge, fitness, meal and time management, and food and nutrition-related careers. Please consult your county Extension office for specific requirements related to local and state evaluation opportunities.

All Ohio 4-H food and nutrition projects use MyPlate, which incorporates current USDA recommendations about eating and exercise. Depending on a project book’s publication date, it may refer instead to the older MyPyramid or Food Guide Pyramid, but 4-H members should still know the MyPlate recommendations. For information about MyPlate, go to www.choosemyplate.gov.

Ashtabula County Project Requirements for Food & Nutrition Projects

1. Judging and Skill-A-Thon will occur on Saturday July 10, 2021 1:00-3:00pm in the Expo Building 2. Registration for judging will begin at 12:45 p.m. Members must register themselves. If a member is registered but leaves judging, his/her name will be crossed off then added to the bottom of the list when the member returns for Food & Nutrition Judging. Evaluation times may be prescheduled. 3. Read and follow Project Guidelines in beginning of project book. 4. Learn MyPlate recommendations and serving sizes (www.choosemyplate.gov). See the attached additional Food and Nutrition Project Evaluation Guidelines. 5. Bring to judging your completed and signed project book, completed Food & Nutrition Daily Menu, and Project Portfolio. 6. Project books must be signed/dated by the member’s Advisor to verify completion. 7. The Portfolio is project specific and is used to enhance a conversation between the member and a judge about activities the member completed within the project. The participant will be responsible for bringing a 3- pronged folder or binder that includes 8 ½” x 11” pages. Participants will create a maximum of one page (one-sided only) per “activity area” or “interest area” as designated in the front of their project books. Ideas for these pages include journaling, a timeline, and photos taken during their project, or any other format that would illustrate the work and knowledge of the participant. Each page could be different or can be a combination of styles allowing the 4-H’er to reflect on their learning experience. There will be no points for scrapbooking style. See the attached Food and Nutrition Project Evaluation Guidelines. 8. Project judging will include an interview with a judge regarding project knowledge and review of the Project Presentation Portfolio and MyPlate.

* Note: prepared food item is not part of judging.

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2021 Ashtabula County, Ohio 4-H Food Project Completion and State Fair Requirements

* Project skill level indicates the project’s intended audience. B = Beginning level—for members with little or no experience in a project area, or 8 to 10 year olds; I = Intermediate level, for members with some experience in a project area, or 11 to 13 year olds; A = Advanced level—for experienced members in a project area, or 14 or older: and X = All levels—for all skill and age levels. Exceptions to these age guidelines are noted.

State Fair Requirements Project Number Skill Project Completion Requirements See the 4-H State Fair Guidebook and Name Level* See each project book for complete details. for complete details. All 8 activities, including 6 recipes Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 459 Let’s Start At least 2 learning experiences B with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard Cooking At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project Review All 7 activities, including 5 recipes and Talking It Over questions Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 481 Everyday Food At least 2 learning experiences with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard and Fitness B At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project review All 7 activities, including 7 recipes Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder At least 2 learning experiences 484 Snack Attack! with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard B At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project review All 5 activities, including at least 5 recipes Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 487 Take a Break for At least 2 learning experiences and 2 B with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard Breakfast leadership/citizenship/career activities (optional) Project review All 8 activities, including 7 recipes Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 461 Let’s Bake Quick At least 2 learning experiences with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard Breads I At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project review All 5 activities, including 5 recipes and Talking It Over questions Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 463 Sports Nutrition: At least 2 learning experiences with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard Ready, Set, Go! I At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project review All 6 activities, including at least 5 recipes and the Notes for Next Time Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 472 Grill Master I At least 2 learning experiences with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project review All 7 recipe sections, including 11 recipes Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 475 Star Spangled At least 3 learning experiences with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard Foods I At least 3 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) All 8 activities, including 8 recipes 477 Party Planner: A Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder At least 2 learning experiences 4-H Guide to with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard I At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities Quantity Cooking (optional) Project summary and project review

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All 7 activities, including 1 recipe and the Notes for 485 Racing the Clock Next Time for each activity Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder to Awesome I At least 2 learning experiences with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard Meals At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project review 486 Dashboard All 7 activities Dining: A 4-H Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder At least 2 learning experiences Guide to with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard I At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities Healthful Fast (optional) Project review Food Choices All 5 interest areas, including at least 6 recipes Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 462 Yeast Breads on At least 2 learning experiences with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard the Rise A At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project record and summary All 8 interest areas, including 7 meals At least 2 learning experiences Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 467 You’re the Chef A At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard Project record, evaluation at the end of each interest (optional) area, and review All 7 activities, including preparation of meals and Notes for Next Time Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 469 Global Gourmet A At least 2 learning experiences with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project review All 6 activities, including 9 recipes Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder At least 2 learning experiences 474 Beyond the Grill with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard A At least 2 leadership/citizenship activities (optional) Project review All 6 chapters, including at least 3 recipes or additional ideas for each chapter Food and Nutrition Days: pencil, three pronged folder 476 Pathways to A At least 3 learning experiences with completed “Portfolio” and a blank clipboard Culinary Success At least 1 leadership/citizenship/career activity (optional) Project record and project journal

Food and Nutrition Project Evaluation Guidelines

• The Interview station allows the participant to answer questions taken directly from their specific project book. This allows the participant to share information they learned from their project related to food and nutrition.

• The Portfolio is project specific and is used to enhance a conversation between the member and a judge about activities the member completed within the project. The participant will be responsible for bringing a 3-pronged folder or binder that includes 8 ½” x 11” pages. Participants will create a maximum of one page (one-sided only) per “activity area” or “interest area” as designated in the front of their project books. Ideas for these pages include journaling, a timeline, and photos taken during their project, or any other format that would illustrate the work and knowledge of the participant. Each page could be different or can be a combination of styles allowing the 4-H’er to reflect on their learning experience. There will be no points for scrapbooking style. The portfolio is to be completed prior to arriving at the state fair. (See the document titled “Portfolio Interest Areas.”)

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• Portfolios are judged based on the verbal presentation, organization of the material in the portfolio, inclusion of their efforts in required “Activity or Interest” area pages, and communication with the judge describing their portfolio.

• The member will present the portfolio to the judge and have the opportunity to explain their active involvement in their project.

• The member’s project book may not be a part of their portfolio.

Projects will be evaluated using the following scoresheet.

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Food and Nutrition Portfolio Interest Areas

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