".ATS. FATS• •, ...1_,. . Cl5 n"•• ,. ZI ••• At I~' ...b n ••'" ._. .aOCII8I!O FOOOIi. • ••• ...... lit Ih,•• ,. h ••' At I.,•• ,. t ... nil'. IUOA...... , ...... U ~"I' '.r II...... 8aOI S. • .... lII,.... " .... _... ' . I OA' • va1J4 lau'lal... }' . G", OLDlI. .t·" ... ,... ,_ ' or " •• ,all ••• I •••-5 . e .. G, ...... C·., . -' ••• C-1 coup . .. IOWA: ••"17 eaeM,. with ,... ,., fI.. ,all.... 'VIJ. OIL, ..rl" ••• wo.,' DAILY IOWAN m1W~ fl... 7."'& THE e•• po •• , .... u...... Jetj.. toar ... II.,.e , ••41 . Iowa Cit Y , • Mar n I n 9 .~ • w • pap. r

rJVE CENTS IOWA em. IOWA SATUBDAY. MARCH U . 1945 VOLUME XLV NUMBER 153 rmy mas es cross Ine•


913 8. Nazis Report 8,000 Planes taDdl. Ibe 'SIll U· 8. Berlin BaHle Blast Nazi la\oI BJ IUrke L. 8'-PMa many planned at Y.lta is now at of field reports from the .llIed • 1831, h.nd. front pl.c: lh !IC n of rreat as- Ieee" AMoelatN Pre. War AlWJU , 113s. Gentral Pa tton Is across the We.ther conditions must neces- sault concentr.tion west of the sarily have much to do with Rhin at th extr me north end of r 1941. Resumed Supply Lines Rhine and now the w.r In Ger­ le many seems to of tel' a prospect timing of major o"aulls. They th lin About all that hall ~n .1,. fairly oon of some credible esti­ s em to have been pecially (a- rev aled by the .llIes w th.t lIIOU'e Allied Aerial Might vorable lome days In the wesl, h avy Irans-Rhlne bomb.rdment, Crossing Made oft II Soviets Split mate of bow 10111 orllanized Ger­ tor mlln resislance can last. giving allied .Ir power oJ)portunity unci r th V t mllit ry smoke cOIItrll German Defenses Formed Umbrella ' At Undisclosed Point 942'fl Patton's Third 3rmy, battle dis­ to slash mereil .Iy It nemy cr n ever raised, h.d been In Over Third Army patches report, cau,ht the German, troops a w 11 at communlcaUon progr for hours virtually from With No lones IS I•• Of Danzig, Gdynia .1I Broth" by surprise and with overwbelmlna keys and ammurJtion dumps. Dusseldorf to the Arnhem cornel' In weight. Th re are no slmn.r Indications Holland. LONDON (AP)-Tbl' Ger. PARI I aturday (AP)- BULLETIN !rom Ih asl but sin Ru Ian air- It would mo prob bl mans said ypsterda.v that 72.· Now Ihat weight Is on the shOl'l ,eem The United Stat Thjrd army WNDON, Sal ...... ,. ( AP)­ power I primarily r rved. for that Monteom ry would strike - 000 Russian troops and 400 road to Berlin, enemy bro.dcast "'Inned in Irtrength 8 ro tb A IIOwertul force of Brlftah close tacllcal support of advanCing north of Ih Ruhr while the Arnerl­ placed the b.rldeehead n ar O~pen­ R hi ne Thursday night in the r tanks had reopened the battle MlIlben baUered Q e rill. D helm, 10 miles south of M.inlt, troops, w ath r makes less dUfer- can First army bridgehead on the lor B E' rlin, crashing six: miles troo.. . Dd posltlollS 011 u.e And the Germans reported th.t enCe th reo 818 allied bomb ra do eut b.nk. w., expanded north­ war' great. t river ero. ing, e. o"frwb 1m d th tartlfd n my west of tIlE' Oder river defens bank of &he abide duro.. the Rllsslans are trying to eros. the the strat g c bomblna to aid th stward toward Hamm. A pincer ibit line within 31 miles of Ih nlc'bt, It. w ...... 0UDee4 tod.,.. mIddle Oder In force at Kuestrln. Russians and they are I weath r play to by-pa. the Ruhr both and 8tMlek inl nd ,ith liflht. periled Nazi capital. Th re seems sm.1l room to doubt restricted than alUed support avia- north and south an:i squeeze it oU nini p~d from a finn bridg - leaves Simultaneollsly, MoRCo", sn· LONDON, Saturday (AP)-His­ that themaSllye double or quad­ tlon fl'oups. I prob.bly would be tes. co Ily til h Id on th ort t atl to !xhibit nounced t t~E' defender of tory's ml&htlest aerial onslaueht ruple fin.l assault on Inner Ger- G rman rePOr and g n ral ton I asualtles than direct attack Berljn-265 milps ah ad. n art Danzig 8nd Gdynia had been roared to a thunderous c1hnax yes­ By Friday tb Am ri aD! had PRESIDENT EDUARD BENES the repablle of &echos)ov. kla. re­ hall, split in two by 8 oviet 8urgl' 0' terday as more than 8,000 allied i% d .. jz abl trip of t r· plies to .n addre of wei onte on hIs arrl~1 at MolCow for a. confer­ il has to Danzig bag that won the warplan battered communica­ rito,{, east of the riv{'I', for an ence wltb ovlel lovernment otrleIaJa. To the len of President Bene tions In and around the devastated Tokyo Reports Raid Spain Ready to Go .4 and coastal town of Zoppot, mid-way At a Glance- offiCial announc m nt rlfrrrrd Is ovlet F... el m Conunlssar Mol.&ov. At r ~ht II J . tunek. Cilech German Ruhr. between the prlz~ Baltic ports. to the po Itlon as a bride head, forelm minister, wbo accompanied Prelll4ent Ben With the successful bridgIng ot ~n n ual The enemy said that the Red On Okinawa Island To War on Japan which In anny t rmlnolol)' means show. the tormldable rlYer barrier by the crosslnas ar b yond en my army had launched a mighty as­ Lleut. Gen. George S. Patton's ,r re­ saul t from t he OdeI' river under a Today's Ii,ht artillery range. (Thal might lave a swashbuckling United Slates Third Carrier Plane. Make Sends Tokyo Protest thunderous air bombardment and 33rd Division Nears army troops, there appeared to be m an they weI' aa much II five barrage by Red army artillery, ~aps ' Init~a'e no respite lor th Germans trom Two-Day Strike Agains t 'Pre m e ditotecl mll" beyond the Rhine.) 1lehearted for Months II slop mortars and rocket-guns. the aerlsl sttack. Against Naval BaM Murde rs' of Nationals 'on al Jap Headquarters Iowan · Carryin, out to perfection a OOllow Reached . The German radio Indicated that coup r hearsed for months, Lieu\. ha on A lew hours before a German Mosquito bomb rs were over the SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Amer­ ...... • Clarkson Captures Assault North Reich In streneth again last nleht, Patton's rore swarm across MADRID {AP)-Spoln ap~ared Gen. Geor,e S. Patton Jr. put the front repOrt said Russian Infant­ lean carrl r plants raided Okinawa Rhine; tubllsh firm brlda - rymen had reached Golzow, on blasting varied taraels in brlllht In the Ry uku Island., midway be­ about to a to Wlr on Japan last first Amerlcan assault waves Naguilian Town, head without loss. acrou .t In undl closed point on tile Kuestrin-Berlin trunk rajJ~ moonllaht. tw en Japan and Formosa, friday nlehl os lh 10v rnm nt awaited road, and a Berlin dispatch by the Seizes Airport Third Anny Front and Saturday (TOkyo time). radio Tokyo's I' ply to a stron, note of th a t bank without th G r­ Of Hankow H ••I t pOrts declar Reds l" - prote I ollulnst th "pr meditated mans flrlne a shot and without n German-contrQlled Scandinavian The 19th tactical alrfor~ planes Tokyo reported list nlJht. The M~NILA, Saturday (A P)­ formed a protective umbrella over open baltl tor B rlln. murders" of Spanish nationals the loss 01 a man In th actu.1 telegraph bureau in Stockbolm Thirty-third division infantry ha CHUNGKING {AP)-Slx thou. broadcast was Intercepted by th Here the Third army tront and Asso­ Blue network. prior to the Ilber.tIon of Manila croulne. IBid: moved 10 within 16 all' miles 01 sand lank-led Japanese troops I,oot . lIIed plan hit Cl rman ciated Press Corr pondent Ed­ The enemy report, unconfirmed by American troops. Patton WII pI' 551ne hom wh 1 'Tbe major ll.ussian oUensive Bagulo, repOrted h adquarters of have opened a new oUensive communications. mllbt well prove. mortal blow t.erl ~, nOrthw 5t of th central China ward D. Ball reported that 23 by lbe navy al Guam which dis­ The Franco aovernment med against Berlin is immediately pt Japanese troops on Luzon, and wllHne to carry the Issue to the Without livin, th enemy time Mar. hand." City of Hankow, aimed at seilting German planes were shot down In closed earlier in the week a two­ Gen. Douglas MacArthur's land­ the blUest air battles In the Third Tokyo a.nnoun carrl r plan conclusion of war despite. report to recuperate {rom the Nazi ca­ be at ba ed bombers have sunk five the wheat crop In northern Hupeh day strike by Vice Admiral Ma~c assault on Ok\J!awa. The report was not confirmed afmy ector In months, A. Mllscher'J carrier .Ircraft at that Germsny had preaented a tatl'ophe wesl of th Rhine. The ,unday by the Soviet high command ships, have sunk or damaged eight and southern Honan provinces and charring doullhboy, were talklne r mOYin, the Chinese threat to the It wu the second aucee slve day southern Japan said 230 plan not to the Madrid lOY rnm~t ?alles' which, however, ill its nightly war to 10 oth rand d suoy d 12 IUI­ .ayln,ny pan) b .cllon alain t In hllh spirits ot beotlng the Rus­ Pejping-HIIJlk~W railway, the Chi­ that more than 8,000 plsn hom .. made Friday', raid. bulletin announced a sharp jump gers in r'nalntainin~ their blotkade­ Japan auld be CONldered an un­ slana to Berlin. of er; my communications. nese announced yesterday. mered the Reich and by nightfall O~nawa I, I JapaneH naval lill be In German tank and plane losses more than 6,000 Borties had been and air base, Soft Coal Negotiators Irl ndly act by the Reich. H.dJ C ....hl Ea.UU -frequently an early Indication of Maj. Gen. ,Percy Clarkson's 33rd Il)itlal reports Indicated the ~ lI o\ll· enemy columns were making eood tlown by contln nt-based tact I 01 Earlier Tokyo radiO, in claimlne Spanlsb indignation was made The enemy WA. 10 startled by powerful new Soviet thrusts, division, operating with guerillas to thll • ..,lit liS ault that lOme proeress. alrforees. a "pursuit" of MJtacher's Deet (ro~ pUblic IJ'J a communlqu t n ailt Jernau Caplurtd move towerd Baguie I rom San Fer­ Maintain Deadlock hlch listed 172 Spanish I\'IJ n. trOOPII, ntlHng from their d fe.t !s and nando on the northwest coast, Several allied airfields are In Rail Oellienl RHo southern J apan, placed the task 1.ained Across upper Silesla, Russian crossed the Naeullitm river to seize Nazi troops and armOr In a force east ot Okinawa by Wednes­ wome,n and ehUdr n bayoneted to w t of the river, were caueht th path or the drive, including de th by Japan e troopa While troops were pursuing brok n NaZI Nalluilian highway, a good hard­ one at Loohokow, 190 mlle$ north­ I,OOO-square mile area lacing day. eaUnl and not a sIngle heavy .hell AmeriCan troops were overrunning wa. fired unlil two hours after torees Into Czechoslovakia's Sud~~ surfaced mountain road. west of Hankow. The J apanese Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. coal contrac~ negotiators narrow d tb Philippine eapltal. the first trooPl touched the alt -- ten mountains and Marshal Ivan , Other elements ut the 33rd Bre IItruck from bases between King­ Montgomery's armies wer cut oft - from rear bases after 1,600 Amer­ themaelv down to a smnll croup The communlqu said that, IJ'J bank In the moonllaht of 10:25 S. Konev's First Ukrainian army . men, northeast ot the Yang'tze port ilVE captured the Silesian 'town of Jer- moving on BagUlo from the soutH Ican heavy bombers and flehters 20 Per Cent of Tokyo yesterday,·a .Iluation which a gov­ add ition to thOle killed, 300 were p. m. Thursday. and last were reported In tortuous of Ichang, and Sinyaog, on the injured in "unparalleled acis 01 Peiping-Hankow railroad. ripped up 11 rail centers and three ernment official said usually ten­ The (lrat hint of this dazzllne OlIU, 10 miles northwest of R atI~ Kennon canyon, about eillht miles cruelty a,alnst defenseless Span­ coup, comparable to the United IUA18 bar and 10 other places. south of the summer capi lIll. A Chinese spokesman described fleets of ltAF Lancaster! blasted Indostry Wrecked ded to brine the portl s mote In Iards" and th.t Span)sh property States Firat army victory In se~- sllllo the push as a "defensive offen­ other supply llnkll with 11 -ton afl'eement. :r. At tbe same time, Berlin said MacArthur today said capture obliteration bombs and made dl­ valued at 12,000,000 pesetas 10, a brldl head at Remalen, • four-day Red army offensive In of Nagullian town, which had 15,­ sive" and said the Chinese wel­ The confer es afe deadlocked ($1,000,000) was des t roy e d. came from e n e m y broadcasts comed the move a8 It Ihinned out r~ct aUacks on enemy troop con­ In March 9Raid Hungary bad reached KomarOm, ! 000 popul atJon before the war, centrations. now over LewiJI's demand for a Eljhty per c nt of the Spanlsh which located the landinp near strategic Danube key to Austria opened another route to Baguio. the Japanese and eaye Chinese property lost w s destroyed within force an opportunity to strike Weeks ot such lerrl1lc bombl n ~ WASHINGTON (AP) - F t r e to-cenls-a-ton N,lyalty, wbich the Oppenheim, 10 mit" lOuth of the and Vienna, 84 miles to the west. In tile Oagayan valley, 25th and have left the Ruhr crateted like bomb rained. on Tokyo March 9 operatCH's say would m an $60, Spain's consulate In ManUa and In fallen city of Malnz. With the capture of Jernau, 32nd divisions, advancing on Bal­ back. other buildings fiyln, the Spanish Two Japanese columns were re­ the moon and isolated from the wrecked 20 per cent of the city's 000,000 a year for the union. Grea~' Ince N01'111 11114, Konev's troops pushed south to~ ete pass and the town of ~an ta Fe, Clae, the communique charged. Wave on wave of hard-hlttlne pOrted approachine the Han river west of Germany amid a jumble Indust .. y tor p ro b a b I y three "Anythlnll can happen," said wa rd Moravska-Ostrava, driving threw back four enemy counter­ of twlsled rail lines, broken high­ months and made at least 1,200,000 Colvin. He would not aUempt a velerant crossed In what Asso­ to within 26 miles northwest of attacks with heavy loss and con­ town of Icheng, 14.5 iJes north­ ciated Pre.. Correspondent Ed­ w 5t of Hankow, In heavy llght ~ ways and demolished bridges. homeless, a 20th alrforce spokes­ prediction of whether he would be lethal Gal Executions the industrial Czechoslovak city in tinued reduction of Japanese Wltb the Nazis' deadly Jet planes man said yesterday. forced to Int rcede to try to 5- ward D. Ball declared from the an outnanking drive while Soviet strongpoin ts. Ing. The Chinese garrison of a DES MO JNES (AP)-Lethal lawn 25 miles north of Kingmen driven trom their forward bases, More than five per cent of tablish an .greement but he aid gas executlolU Instead of hanl­ ' ront was "lhe greatest over­ heavy bombers hammered the - '-- - the American team of 1,250 Flying Tokyo's war production, concen­ the labor department would move Ings were proposed for Iowa yes­ waler a... ult Binc the Normandy = city's rail junction. Russian bomb- Governor Signs was said to haye been wi ped out after ha nd-to-hand fighting. FortressES and Liberators and 350 trilled In approximately 45,000 In time lo forestall a work stop­ terday by Senator A. D. Clem (R., buche •. " ers also blasted Danzi g and Psps New High School Mustangs carrying fragmentation "home Industry" pia n t I, was page. Sioux City), who filed an amend­ The Oermans then began pour­ in western Hungary, Moscow an- bombs were unopposed in tbelr knocked out for a full year, Brie. A nationwide strike vote Is ment to a bill by Senator Georfe ing In lome mortar and anti-tank nounced.· Consolidation Bill smashes at rail lines. Gen. Laurls Norstad told a news scheduled lor next Wednesday, Faul (R.• Des Moines) to abollah fire and they were answered and Kesselring Transfer conference. March 28. But Lewis hQ ,Iven no the death penalty. sUnced by thunderous salvos from DES MOINES (AP)-Gov. Rob ­ In the fi rst incendiary attack on Indication he will carry out a Faul In troduced the bill by re­ Americ.n artillery d raw n up Il rt D. Blue yeslerday signed the IAnother ~ine Day the Japanese ca pj tal , from 200,000 strike. I! the ballot should be quest. It's still in th e slftlne com­ along the river. Senate Rejects, 52·36, third school code bill to reach him. Unlamented by Yanks By dawn the first wave had --Th d Just like Yesterday to 250,000 buildlJ'Jp were de­ unanlmousl, in fayor of it. mlt~. The measure permits school boards RO ME (AP) - e reporte • __ _ stroyed In an area ot 13.2 square pushed on Inland and more and FDR's Nomination to close high schools and send their transfer of Field Marshal Albert Today will be pretty much such miles. These Ineluded some 3.000 WHAT 11· TON BOMB CAN DO more men and supplies were land­ pupils to other districts. Kesselring 10 the western front a day las yesterday was, lempera­ planls of all alzes. Forty-live larae inll on the bridgehead In assault He slened' another bill permit­ will not be lamented in this thea- ture and cloudJness about the factories were destroyed, 26 dam­ bo.Is, BaU said the beachhead by Of Aubrey Williams ting policemen and firemen to re­ ter. but it is doubted that h l~ same. It may be somewhat cooler aged extensively, and two moder­ then had become "al quite as a tire on disability penaions after acknowledged brilliance will help but not enough to reduce apprecl­ ately d.maeed. Sixteen others Sunday picnic." WASHINGTON (AP) - The five years instead of 10 years serv­ the Germans much along tbe ably Ihe execllence 01 lhe weather. alsQ SUffered lOme dama~e. There w•• no question of Pat­ Benate rebulfed PreSident Roose~ ice and making dependent c hil ~ Rhl ne. The wind won't be as stronl as it F ire attacks are bel~ made on ton', ability to exploit his l ur­ velt yesterday with a 52 to 36 re­ dr en o.f pensioners eligible for He ·wlll not have the advantage was yesterday. Scattered, Isolated Japanese cities because it is im­ prise, for the sluff that he had jection of his nomination of Au­ benefits up to age 18 instead of 16. of the terrible mountainous Halian thunderstorms are expected In this possible to bomb their many little landed far outwei&hed that which brey Williams as rural electriflca­ Another bill signed was one to terrain. And he will find it dif- area tonight, which is not to say war Industries with pin-point ac­ the German. were able to muster lion administrator. permit two disinterested witnesses flcult if not Impossible to shift his that It will rain In Iowa City. curacy, the 20th amorce chief of .fler the debacle west of the river. Thirty-three Republicans and 19 to attest to the aulhenticity of a new armies around with the agility Yrterday the mrcury hit 75. staff said. The Third army was striking Democrats joined to "blackball' the signature on a will when the orig­ that time and agoln halted threa~ The low In the morning was 42, inland with the same Ugbtlnlng selection of the ardent new dealer inal witnesses are in the armed tened allied breakthroughs on this quite a chanee from Wednesday's speed ..,Ith which It broke across fOr a job which in the early post­ services. peninsula.' low of 27 . U. S. Escort Carri.r the Moselle river and turned or war period may involve lending lost OH Iwo Jima IlI'\8shed all the Gennan defenses up to a billion dollars to finance in the Saar and the Palatinate. rural electric lines. Family With Young 'Messiah'- u. s. PACIPlC FLEET HEAD­ ...... CGDUD_ Voting for confirmation were 31 QUARTERS, GUam, Saturday Aaault boats and amphibious De~rats , four Republicans and (AP)-Loss ot the United States craft plied the calm Rhine, put­ Senator La Follette (Prog., Wis. ). S. Bismarck Sea, .n escort air­ tin, IUPpljes and men on the Williams, commenting on the Awaits .Instructions .of the Lord craft carrier. to enemy aerial at­ beAcha and keeping the sur­ .~on, said "it is time for the peo­ tack off lwo Jlma Feb. 21 waa an­ prise push rollina. JL ple to look into what is happen­ mounced by Pleet AdmIral Chester The loet.tlon of the crossing Ing" here. BROWNSVILLE. Tex. (AP)­ Floyd Jr. told Cabler he "didn't stren&th of messaaP.5 Daniel .aId pkl· W. Nlmillt today. wu not dllclopd. If it was In the steT It was the first Ume since 1939 FlOYd E. Denham Sr., whose Inde­ have a mind" to 10 back to Inde- came from God, abllndoned two MOlt of the ship'. IIOIl'Ipany was rilv, ' lllat a presidential nominee, other pendence, Mo .• family abandoned pendence. Instead, he sent a tele- homes and a farm with .11 its MainJ ....., •• the Germans said, ressued, Nlmillt said In a preas then it wu wIthIn 2115 miles of 1.)1- ~ for postmaster, has been re­ worldly goods and followed a 14- ",am to his dratt board. equipment at Independence several release. Nanna! complement of an {or year-old "messiah" into a bruslf­ BerUn. lJ!ueh closer than .ny other jected by the senate. That rejec­ At Independence the board re- weeks aeo to seek a "promised escort clrrler Is .pproxlm.tely Old tion was of a nominee for United covered "promised. land" alonll the of 0..... 1 Eisenbower'. armies filii ceived this meuare: land" in which they miebt prea'-' 1,500 oUicers .nd men. Slates attorney in Nevada. Rio Grande, told a sheriff's deputy Pire th,t broke out on the ship in lbe wesl ,Jail yesterday he was awaiting instruc­ "Dear Sirs: I .sk thee to give me the word of God. Guided by "mea­ .... Patton'l Una moved relent­ ,(JIll' 91l1Iama' rejection had been a -whieh displaced about 4,000 tons forqone conclusion for weelrs. In tions from the Lord before making a release 10 preach the word of God salles" and a hilbway lJIAp \.hey -spread out eft controL The leal, ..tward, first acrou the his next move. fact, lome administration men had In and around the va11ey and In made a curcuitoua Journey and skipper, Capt. John Lockwood Eilel mountains, then across the Back at Independence, difficul­ lllQesied that he ask the president around Mexico. This II asked of thl! finally camped In !he Rio Grande Pr.tt, of Milford, Del.. and Cor­ MoeeUe and southward across the to Withdraw the nomination. ties in the way of cancellation of Hulllrueek plateau to the Rhine a draft deterrment for one of the Lord. Thank you. Ployd E. Den- bad lands. onadl, Calif., IlUJ'Vlved. ham Jr." In the group are Mr. and Mn. plain, the eIlIineers and the ..- ho. $600 f sons and an Inquiry into gllSOline ..Ult beau moved too. ~ ",Ivenor Burns used on the religious migration, The OPA office In Independence Denham, five SON, live d.u.h1ers, MilMd His N.ws DES MOINES (AP)-Because of piled up. also was inquirin, Into source of Mrs. Floyd Denham Jr. and the QItAND ISLAND, Neb. lAP)­ There Were many tona of these buma .lIegedly suffered when a Deputy Will Cabler went to the gasoline the family used In the two couple's two-year-old daUlhtet. A prea breUdown wblcb delayed -ult boala, whIch were moved CUp- of coltee spilled on her, Mrs. camp-to which the 14 members of automoblies in whlt'h It made Us The stone hOUle which Denham deUnrieJ to Grand laIand Inde­ It nlcbt aod bid qut by day. The Graee Trout, Omaha accountant. Ihe Denham family t:ay they were stranre trek. Presumably the fam- abandoned It Inde~nden~ waa pendent IUbecriben was received crOllin.. were made with lIIeh Wday was awarded $600 by a dls- directed In meuage. from Oocl l1y used a "C" book held by the center of much attention there. On with .ood will-with one excep­ ~ that It went better ~ court jury which heard her received by Daniel Denham, 14 .. to elder Denbam .nd a "B" book a window was painted In red: tion. -- the Nbllrlllls. IUIt tor U,OOO damalles a.ainst inform Floyd Denham Jr" 25, that alven Floyd. The OPA'Doard aald "11Ua hOWle is th~ Lord'•. 1ut7- A I1Wa eaUfd the newspaper of­ &lie II...... F_ ...... ,.... &be IIoIe wttll tile ...... IL lnIenlrJ In the aaault wava 'YIdor Tanerlco, operator 01 the his deletnnent as a farmer had no gasoline allotment had been is- one may use it if it is Hia will." flee and wanted one 01 the Iele­ .& &lie .... 'l'IIIa pleWn! wu made a& ID exNrimeaIa...... : ::,... 10 elated b, the IUClCeII of TalI1 Ho nlcht club and rest.u- been ca/l~Ued and he had been re- sued for the trip. Several persona InquiAd about phone ~ to read the paper to ...... u.. 11-_ boIUI .... are beIaa' aed _ 0..... rail.,. boJ4 stroke that the, bepn nat. _ ...... _ . I clusitied. The religioUi fanilly, on the rentin. it. ~ ove, tM pbODe. _ ried..... ______'-- _ _ ~ at~;,.~va . for the Job PAGE TWO THE DAILY lOW A. N...r OW ·A · C~TY:· 19W A ' SATURDAY, MARCH 24,' 1945 - = THE DAILY IOWAN Bob Armstrong, Graduate Student- OFfiCIAL DAILY BULLETIN (O~ Publlahed evef7 mornln, except Monda, b1 Student PubllaaUOM 1Dc:orporated at 126-1211) Iowa avenua, Iowa City, 10WL Now 01 · Work His "First' Novel / . Board of Trustees: Wilbur Schramm, Kirk H. Porter, A. Crall Ser BaIrd, Paul R. Olson. Donald Ottilie. MaI'1 Jane Neville, MarJ Beth By JOHNNY JOHNSTON blue at night and a shade of cop­ P1lmer, Karalyn Keller, Jack Moyen. Someday this may be a collec­ should be more 01 a tie-up be- sit, of Arizona and once {or a Red per in the morning. There are lots tor's item. Why? Because it is tween contemporary affairs and Cross benefit in the r'JttJe Theater of ranches and we spend half of Vol. XXI. No. 1897 Saturday. ~~eb 2" IM5 Tw. Fred II. POWIIaD. PubHab_ about a young man who may that which is tauglrt in unlversi- at TUClIOn . our time on them. Doroth7 KlelD, EdItor Dick Baxter. Ad•• Mg. ties. "Three marines are killed sud------Fall someday be a promlnent author. "Movies are usually In the mak­ UNIVERSITY CALENDAR "There's a great diUerence In denly while holding watch on a Lea I'.ntered al teeODd cia.. mall SublcrlptloD n~By mall $5 It is about Bob Armstrong. G of Ing somewhere around. so one can Tucson, Ariz .• who is even now at the student bodies, however. Here beaCh." Bob explained, "but they always pick up ten dollars work­ Saturda, , March U 8 p. m. Concert by Universitl ,. matter at the poitoUlce at Iowa per year; by carrier, II cent. the students are wide-awake and don't know they are dead. Each Qty. Iowa, UDder the act of con- week17. $5 per year. work on his first novel. a novel ing as an exlra in a cowboy pic­ 2 p. m. Matinee, University thea­ chorus. Iowa Union. Featu which will serve as his thesis in really want to do something, like goes /:lack to the scene which ture. I saw Jean Arthur and Wil­ ter. I 'l'hund&T, Martlb Z9 Shadow ..... ollllarch 2. 1871. Tbe Aaaoclated Prell II aelu- creative writing. the Information First series. for meant the most to him in. life. In liam Holden while they were mak­ Marcb Z5 Iowa High School Porensic instance. But at Arizona there Is the end they know they are dead; 8...... ,. I tory as TELEPHONES lively entitled to UN for npubU- ''Tomorrow With Strings." as p. ing 'Arizona' and Dick Powell and 7:30 m. Iowa MountainetrS: league tournament. banquet caUon ot all Dew. dlIpatcha the book is to be called, will be more of a playin, student body, they' tlnd a wounded soldier with Dorotby Lamour during the film­ moonlight hike; meet at Engineer- Friday. Marela 30 more like a country club, defi- holes under his helmet. a wound son hot aHtorlal OWe. 41112 credited to It or not otherwl.. finished sometime this summer. It ing of 'Riding High.' " ing building. Iowa High School Forensic locletrOfftce _____.. 4193 credlteci In thll paper aIId aIao nitely social." in his side and bullet holes in his league touranment. I, was thl is a psychological war novel about head. They realize that the holes While working at the Arizona operath -"" Bullne. Offica _ .. 41111 the local new. publllhed herein. a soldier who wins a medal, but Menuy, Marcb Z6 Saturday. MArch 31 Vadeh' of Jobll . in his head are from thorns and Inn. Bob became acquainted with Fairchil who Is anything but heroic in his 8 p. m. Dance recital by the Iowa High School Fcrl!llSic . SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1945 In order to portray life. a writer th3t the living though wounded the actress. Ona Munson. who ap­ Ostas, Macbride auditorium. league tournament. pssociat psychic state. It is the story of the must experience life, must know soldier is Christ." peared in "Gone With the Wind" the higl disintegration of a character under TueadaJI, Marcb Z7 2 p. m. Bridge, University club. many people in the various ·strata The other play. "Deep Wind." and "China Lady." They used to 12 m. Professional Womell 's Tuesday. April 3 among ... the strain of war and its relnte­ of society. must undin·go what is a choral symphony. read lines back and forth across .. gra tion through finding a valid Luncheon, University club. 3:30 p. m. Easter Parade style Winnl Postwar Plans for 34th Division Soldiers- they are undergoing. RealizlnK "I like to write about the super­ the hotel desk. WeilDeeday. March 28 show ·alld. tea, University club. Lois Stl basis for morality. Most or the ac­ this, the 25-year-old writer has natural and t.ly! mDral." he said r ,.' tion takes place in a hospital. Holel Work 7:30 p. m. Iowa Mountaineers: 5 p. m. Phi Beta Kappa initta- and Lor . accumulated as many experiences with sincerity. "Not in a goody­ Illustrated lecture on "High Coun- tion, Senate chamber . cello. I By Sid Feder Evansville, Ind., wants ·the home "Hotel work was very interest­ ,. Background for ~rlting as possible by hobnobbing with all' goody 'Way . but with complete nat­ folks to know "I'm still human." ing," he said. "We had all kinds try," by Alfred M. Bai1j1Y. Chem- 6 p. m. Phi Beta Kappa banquet. voted I ... WITH THE FIFTH ARMY IN Bob has background galore for sorts of people through an amaz- IJralism. I hope to create an over­ ITALY-(AP)-The boys up front­ "I haven't changed a bit" he de­ writing this particular novel. Two of patrons. even princes and prin­ istry auditorium. Jefferson hoteL which i.! clares. "and teU my wite she'd ing variety of jobs. Coal miner in all effect that. in sPite 'of every­ have co those who practically have taken years in the navy as a pharmaCiSt's cesses. An Italian princess once (Por lDfonnatJea ",ardln( date. be:roncl tbls IIChedule, 1M beUer not change eoither-or I'll West VirgInal soda jerk, ' model •. thing, the average man is -a pretty operativ a lease on the foxholes in these mate working in a psychopathic bartender. barboy, sailor, .foundry good guy." left her lorgnette which yours neenaUou III th. eme. of tbe Prellident. Old Capitol.) parts- would like the folks to really be browned off." truly now has as a souvenir." their ae hospital gave him ample opportun­ worker. camp counselor,' depart- . Writing this novel is no hap­ • know they are not going to be so As for any possibility that they'll ity to make the firsthand observa­ Horseback ridlng is about the tem, ou' tough to get along with when they ment store clerk. worker in an hazard affair. Bob always devotes GENERAL NOTICES arship. .. be comlng home "trigger happy" tions necessary for writing his aircraft factory'. Thanks ' tp these his mornings ' and frequently .his only means Iowa City offers Jar come home. in spite of what some T/ 4 Harold W. Kunde, who came book. sented i and other occupations lie h$s·. evenings to' work on the book. Like the Arizonan to feel at home. He JOWA. UNION CANDIDATES POR DIGRIIS students of the "experts" would have you over from Princeton, Iowa 36 In 1940 when he joined the rides allen. but has had a hard believe. viewed a cross-section ot human ~ ' all authors. he has his Idiosyncra- All students who expect to !'t. though I months ago. wants it understood navy. Bob was a student at the ity and has gained a wealth of . sies: .. ' time getting used to the English MUSIC aOOM SCHEDULE For weeks they have been read­ he won't even shoot a rabit when ceive a degree or certificate at the The e University of Arizona. "I felt the material for future novelS. ~ '. Ulltidy DMks saddle and the way Iowans ride. Monday- Il-2, 4-6, 7-9. and hearing from here and there he gfts back. Tueaday-1l-2, 4-6, 7-11. April 22 Commencement sbould dents at war was coming on and that I was Old. New N!vy .! .... unny. but I can't w.rite or "In Arizona we ride from neces­ about how changed they are going "Say." he grinned "after what Wednesday- Il-2, 4-6, 7-11. make formal appllcation immedl· Mason ( too cioistered there at school. I Sity and economy. not to show a ately in the office of the Registrar. ... to be from the shooling. and how I've been through. I'll know what "T e navy was a ' great ~peri- study with a neat desk." he con­ of lndel , thought I could be learning more post or a cant." Thursday- ll·2. 4-6. 7-9, UniverSity ball. loaded with war psychoses. ana the rabbit will feel like with bul­ in the. navy- and I did." ence." Bob acknowledged. "I saw fessed. "even though 1 like neat­ FridaY_1l-2, 3-5. 6-8. aelson, ( both aspects-the pre-war Or ..'o ld' riess. 1 like to shuffle through a VeleraDl!l AssoclaUoll HARRY G. BUNg the women folk will have to make lets bouncing around him." As soon as war was declared, be Saturday-ll-t. erford. adjustments. and they are wonder­ navy and the 'new' navy. ',the pra lot of pa~s and have bits of in­ Bob belongs to the Veterans' as­ K,,"'r Carpenu "I won't be any different men­ went with the second marine bri­ sociation on the campus and spoke SundaY-I-8 p. m. ing how everyone knows so much of chest-tattooing and snu(t-rub'-' formation strung aJl over. I have Sunday-Philharmonic orches- Mary Ll about it-that is. but tally. than when I first came over gade to Samoa. of the approaching softball con­ COMMENCEMENT INVITA· ev~ryone SIX Months on Samoa. bing is past. Tile new bunch is. two desks 'in my room. one for tra. 2 p. m .• NBC at 4. Miss 1 themselves. 34 months ago," says soft-spoken more collegiate. not quite as salty. study and another I use for writ­ iest which that organization is TlONS Lieut. Gyle Herron, of Scotch "We were a n Sam 0 a six Tuesday. March 27. Beethoven', to Phi I Men of the "red bull" division Before the war. tbe navy looked ing. When 1 get up in the morn­ sponsoring. Fighting it out will Students graduating at the April generally put most such talk about Grove, Iowa. who won his com­ months," the young writer related. be the ex-marine-navy and ex­ "Missa Solemnis" will be played Commencement may order invita­ proctor mission on the battlefield. "And "It was really more of an exotic down upon the chaplain and any- ing I type for lIbout two minutes in the Iowa Union Music room. year wa themselves into the "hot air and one who went to chapel, but that's to limber up my fingers, then army men. "Why don't you put·in tions at the Alumni office. Old applesauce" compartment in the I stu'e don't want anyone making than a military experience. be­ a plug for it?" he asked "I won't Capitol. Orders must be placed by She is sacrifices for me. I'll make my cause we were there only to de­ all chanied now. pace up and down the room for cbairmar files. Irked by so much comment. be playing. but I'm one of the FIELD ROUS. 12 m .• March 24 . Invitations a~e own." fend, not to make offenSive moves. A music-lover. Bob says he half an hour, to stir up my and serv Corp. Mel Diamond. Stars and head navy rooters and will prob­ Stude'll& and tllcl4lty mUllt ar­ 6 cents each and cash should ac­ Here are some oUler reactions: It was a very beautiful place, but doesn't play himsel1. but is a' good th6ughts." editor Stripes reporter from New YQrk. listener. "I like Bach especially; With the stroni feeling every ably be batboy or something." range for lockers before 6 p. m. ,t company order. made a special inquiry among 34th Pfc. Terry Rosenbury. Burling­ also very wet. Everything grew F. O. HIGBIE monthly rapidly. especially lungi. We had his music is so grand and monu- Io wa student has 'for his home Before settling down to writing the fieldboU8e. lion. H division men, who have been tak­ ton. Iowa, a machinegunner for novels. Bob has another aspira­ All unJversJty men may use the Director of ConvocalloGe Ing on Jerry anywhere from six 35 months: "Me-I'm just gonna 250 inches of rain in that six­ mental. I learned to like good town, the westerner laiked en­ eluded t music while I 'was in tbe navy- thusiastically about Tucson, Ariz. tion. "Even if I get my Ph.D. I'm field house floors and lacllitilll months to three years. get off on some nice quiet hlll month period." STUDENT ART SALON racial fe: ReturtJ.ing to the United States, l Arbona Romantic going to get a job as a purser on from 6:30 to II p.m. They must bit "In order of their popularity" wbere no one can bother me-me for spite. It was a natural reac "It.s a beautiful 'romantic place a steamship. I can't afford to go dressed in regulation gym lull 01 The annual Student Art 811100 Miss ( Diamond reports on postwar plans. and my woman." Bob wen'!: back to the sixth marine tion after hearing sp much of 'You surrounded by . mountains. You will open in the maip lOunge of sell hou: Pic. Winie Hetm(lnski, Youngs­ regiment for three or four months. around the wOI'ld any other way black shortl. white shirt, end rub­ "these were the exact intentions. Are My Sunshine' and 'San An- never know what color they'll be. and it's somethi nil' I intend to take ber-soled gym shoes. Iowa Union Sunday. March 2~ ' C.D.A. ( "To return to school. town. Iowa. a mortar man for 15 He was then hospitalized and sub­ tonio Rose'!" optimist" Favorlle Novel but you can count on a shade of two .years out to do ." iii. G. SCIIROEDEB from 3 to 5 p. m. The exhibition "To get back to work (particu- months: "Brother. I'll be the best sequently discharged. will continue through April 2 and a sub-c( larly the married men). damned civilian you ever saw. I'm Finished Unlverslly Asked about 'his tavorlte novel. again from April 9-19. All stu­ W.R.A. I "To travel (in the United States) just gonna mind my own business. At that point the veteran took the young man cited an old-timer, Opinion on and off the Campus- CHILDREN'S ART EXHIBIT dents are invited to submit work univers(t "To mat'ry and settle down ." Maybe I'll kick up a bit for a while. up where his naval career had "Moby Dick." He likes Aldous An exhibit of children's art is at Iowa Union desk or at the Art Approl Pfc. Jack Mance. a Browning but after that I'll settle down for forced bim to leave o[f. He fin­ Huxley. Henry James, Thomas. being shown In the main corridors office before March 18. Entrles eluding automatic rifle operator. from life." ished his last year at the Univer­ Mann; dislikes Thomas Wolfe. 'Whatls the Most Unusual Picture of the art building untU March 27. will be judged and quality awards house. b sity of Arizona and ['eceived his James loyce and Virginia Woolf; The work was done by children in made. closed In B.A. degree with a major in Eng­ thin ks Saroyan is wonderful. "I the university experimental schools BEATRICE MINTZ at the ba Underground Activity in Gefmany- lish and a minot· in zooiogy. He is believe as Saroyan cioes that even . You ,Have Had Takenl from junior-primary to eighth­ toastmist now working for his M.A. degree the downright cussed (as we in grade, Ber,gman under Prot. Paul Engle and Prot. Arizona say) arc realiy beautifUl Earl HauIna-lon. vl&itorfrom some thorns that my slacks had EDNA PATZIG lOW A MOUNTAfNEIll8 There will be an informal hike, topic w~s (E ditors note : 'l'he tV)"iter of the together with soldiers or workers Wilbur Schramm. people fundamental1:.;.'· · .. Liberty;· "The most interest ~ hooked onto. While I was leaning Instructor west weather permitting. Sunday after­ tury Dra' in railway restaurants or make "Philosophy is my graduate "Right now I'm trylllg ; to get on~ over to get the thorns out, some­ 'ollowing article, for 17 years ing one I have is that was noon. March 25. starting trom the a former 8M'lift correspondent of 1he acquaintances of factory girls, minor and I love it." he said. I Cill.l~/Jt up, on.. ttJe grea~ n~yels I laken right after I had taken a one snaplled my picture. from the MUSEUM OF NATURAL Other 81 female flak soldiers or so-called enjoy the church phHosophers. It's qidn·t read while I was '! in th\! rear." Engineer ing building at 3:80. 'wedi3~ newspap6r, 8toekholms b"th. ' I WaS less thlln a year ald." HISTORY Members and other interested Qer­ Smith, ' blitz gi,rls. amazing how everything Cim be navy- 'War and Pea'~e,· . 'C.rlp1e ridigen, has just r etl/Tlled to In order to save eoal 811d co­ Dreams} The job is not too difficult if interpreted in the light of moral­ and Punishment,' and ···Magic BOns aTe invilet:l to participale. Uockholm. He left Bel'lin be­ . Howard J[I.!~. radio ollfJrator at TI1Ja Burke. AZ of Cedar Rapids: operate In the "brownout" the KATE HOWILL Time." a you consider the great number ot· ity; In my book I use an idea of Mountain' to name a f~w .'\' , WSUl: "The funniest one I have of Scarsd :al($6 he fownd it 110 longer pos­ "Probably one I had taken in a museum will be closed Sunday I LeI4er foreign workers In Germany and St. Augustin that God is a circle "I don·t like Joyce's 'U1ys~es' or ever taken is a high school pic­ checkered dress and long black until 1 o'clock until further noticf:. Say ~o." ,ible to tllol'k there.) the animosity among the broad whose center is everywhere and 'Finnegan's wake.' They are good ture. I was sent into the princi­ socks. I had my hair cut tn bangs. It will be open from 1 o'clock until SOHOLARSHIPS Robert By CHRISTER JAEDERLUND masses toward the Nazi leader­ cil'cumference nowhere. The char­ examples of my pet peeve-any, pal's' office to take his picture for That was way back in the histotic Ii o'clock and the custodian wJU of the s STOCKHOLM (AP)-He came ship. But the foreign agent must acter I a'm crea ting can no t per­ sort of art that is inCommunicable, the yearbook. He made a face days when my parents set the be there to show visitors the ex­ Students wisihng to be cOlIsid: addressee to me one evenin·g anxious to ered for a partial tuition exemp· sleep as well as work, and shelter celve the basis of morality; he such as poetry which g'oos ttom jOst before the picture was regulations on my clothes." hlbl~ "Old Mar escape notice by my neighbors. is very hard to get. thinks of morality in terms of one profound but oon-understand­ snapped. and it was so clear that H. r DlLr. tion. Carr scholarship. or La Verne Thompsol Nobody saw him. Foreign age n t sop era t e. of property and has only a social able point to another. The author we- decided to use it in spite of the Noyes scholarship during Ihe sum· Berta PoUer, Al of VI"la: Dlreotor affairs co I never knew his name but that course, in the armament centers. conception. " is thoroughly flattered when YOU expression on the principal's lace." mer session must have the appli· "It Coule wasn't necessary. It wasn't even During the war years many Arizona vs. Iowa don't get the point of the thing. "There's one picture of me I'd cer­ cation or renewal on file in the tainly hate anyone to see. I'm 1II0JR,ANDERS PRACTICE presen~ed desirable. I simply called him foreign workers rented lodgings Comparing and contrasting the Tris is completely in the field of Jilek Deoley, 516 E. Ronalck office of student affairs before 12 scholarsh Peter. It wasn't until later that I in private homes, and agents two universities. Arizona and cryptography and completely out street: "The best one I can think dressed in the usual three cornered SCHEDULE noon, March 31. attire of a baby and drinking out Avoca heard he had come down by para­ could obtain their protection. Re­ Iowa. Bob remarked. "There's one of the field 01 art." of is a double expOSU1'e of a faA'l~ Tuesday .-5 p. m. pipers. ROBERT L. BALLANn~y, of a bottle." during tl chute. cently, however, all foreigners liv­ thing I noticed about both schools Wrote Two Plays i1y plcture. We all had someone Wednesday-4-5:30 p. m. drum­ Secretary to CompNljee mers. lin Student Aid Barnes. " When last I saw him he sald ing privately were ordered to after I had been in the service and Before attemptin, the novel. e].;e·s head." Charlotte that no matter what happened he move to camps. that is an unawareness on the Bob tried his talented hand at Mary Hulskamp, At of Keokuk: Thursday 4-5:30 p. m. everyone. and Rut~ "Last February I had a bathing WILLIAM ADA.MSON TABLE TE~NIS. would find me. It was a promise, Foreign laborers as agenti are part of the · professors that any­ drama. He wrote tWIl plays, one Je~ JfiDrIeha; A3 01 Iowa. Cedar Ra but I thought. "foor Peter." better off than the parachute thing is going on in the world out­ of which. "Foxhole." was pro­ elly: "I took Ii shod cUt through suit picture taken in the snow. It Pipe MaJor The- university men's annual tllble tennis tournllmel'lt Will begin of Grund I regarded him as a candidate agen ts. They live legally in side ot their classes. I th ink there duced twice. opce at-the ~Fliver- a field. and was all tang,Led up in made quite a hit at school." companls' for death and I was right. He was camps. and in planning sabotage LAnVl\E MEMORJAL PRlZE April 2. Registration blanks ~ caught t"gether with four com­ and economic espionage they must SPEECH CONTEST be obtained at Iowa Uniol\ desk. The bl panions and executed. His wire­ be the tirst contacted. IN PEACE MAN BUILDSj.IN WAR MAN DESTROYS-THIS IS WAR I The prelimInary contest for the lint! all registratiops /TIust be three COil less transmitter whIch he had car­ Police estimated that almost Lafevre Memorial prize will be turned in at desk by March 30. Miss Stue ried with him fell in the hands of one-thi rd of the foreign workers held Tuesday. April 3, at 7:30 p. m. MARY BET" rlLMll mittee co . the gestapo. A fifth comrade had gone to Germany only to spy All freshmen who are candidates Miss Mi, WESLE FOUNDATION Jean Anr ,,, escaped and told us. and sabotage. for the prize should caIJ at Schaef­ Peter is dead. but in an article Of all the foreigners. French­ fer hall. room 13. for detailed in­ All students and servicemen are and Mar about underground Germany, he men were the richest in ideas for structions for the contest. invited to the closing partY' of this Louis, Me serves as a suitable introduction. illegal escapades. TOt(ether with PROP. FRANILIN H. KNOWER semester of Wesley foundation, Slacy, ~! He knew the country well. I in­ German r a , I way clerkS' they Speecb ",,_rtment which will be a hayride, Satqrday. and M1S~ terviewed hini in his small hide­ actually formed an illegal touri6t Phone reservations to 3753 by guest coit out one long night. bureau. CAMJ:ItA CLUB Saturday noon, Meet at the Meth· and MiSS He never breathed a word of One Frenchman pushed a cart The Spring Photography salon odist student center. 120 N. ~. of arrang, what he was doing. but he dis­ of manure through Germany. presented by the Camera club will buque. at 7:30 p. m. Bring 60 cents Three ' • > . closed enough of the more unro­ Each policeman he met thought he be on display in the main audi­ for the hayride and refreshments. Dean . Fa mantic and trivial side of the belonged to a nearby village. An­ torium of the art building through IRENE BALDWIH operating foreign agents' lives to give an other Frenchman bicycled in top March 24. Social Cbalrmall . Idea of their difficulties. hat and tails from village church Il. PADGHAM They obtain information readi­ to village church-with a wreath President "RENCH EXAMINATION ly from all sides whether they get on the handlebars. The Ph. D. French readin, ex­ amination will be given ill room Aeronautics Board 314 Shaeffer hall Sat u r d U Hears Application morning, AprJl 7, from 10 to 12. ,. Conference Delegates' Assured freedo~ Application must be made ~Iore 'I For East-West Line April 2 by signing the shell posted WASHINGTON (AP)-Presi- necessary to brio, about confer­ on the bulletin l;Ioarli oullid~ dent Roosevelt was reported to ence harmony. room 307. Shadfer hall. have assured United States dele­ In other words. the deletates DES MOINES tAP) - Iowa DEPARTMENT or were liven to understand that gates yesterday they would have would have two airlines furnishing ROMANCE LANGUAGIB they do not have to accept such border to border east-west servlce much freedom of action to chart agreements as that involvinC the if the civil aeronautics board IOWA MOUNTAlNEE18 this country's course at the San vobng procedure of the propoted granted the application of Western A moonlight hike is planned lor Prancisco world security confer­ security cQUllcil .. final and not Air Lines, Inc., on which opening the evening of Sa turday. March 24. ence. alterable. testimony was heard yesterday. Members wlll meet at 7:15 p. m. The president talked brJefly to Beyond that the members of the 'l,'he application was submitted at the intersection of Court street five 01 the eight mt'.mbers of the delegation evidently feel tbat they by Western Air Lines, Inc .• and 01' and Muscatine avenue. Registr" American group at the White. afe free to speak their minda about Inland Ai Lines, Inc.. Western tion is not necessary, but tile House after tbe delegates had con­ conference developments. having acquired the latter in Oc­ lellder will appreciate rour ~ina ferred with Undersecretary o~ The &roup probably wUl meet tober of 1943, and asks for ex­ him at phone 4928 so that the ap­ State Joseph C. Grew. Secretary a,aln next week to beJin work on proximate number for wbich re­ of State Stettinius. fonner Secre­ tension of the present combined a sel'ies ot proposed amendments routes of the two Hnes. . freshments should be planned will tary Cordell Hull and Comdr. Har­ to the Dumbarton Oaks formula The route crossing lowa would be known. Brini m\)ney for tbb old E. Stassen were absent. filed by Senator Vandenberl expenditure. The group will be Delegates apparently eame away (R .• Mlch.). Moat of thfte were de­ be an extension at a route tram Great F'alls, Mont.. to Chicago. It back in Iowa City . at approxi' trom the White House with the irn­ scribed as c1arityinl and tecbnical mat.lly 10 p. m. prssion that Roosevelt intends t~ In nature, but one would open the would begin at Huron. S. D., and connect Mitchell and Yankton, S. DONALD F. 8Ul.LIVAN leave largely to them the evolution way to possible tutlU't! aaanent LeUer of this country's program at the by the peace-keepln( leacue' Of D .• Sioux City. Ft. Dodge. Water­ April-May conlerenre. This waf wartime political dectaiona. . loo and Dubuque. Iowa. Rockford and Chicago, m. . WOM~'8 RECRIA110NAL the understanding that they will SWIMMING 'Work within the general frame­ The Iowa portion of the route is (-5:30' p. m. Monday. Tueldl1' work of the Dumbarton Oaks pre­ an almost direct parallel to the fhursday IUId Frida). _ . liminary formula. r G~nn MUle, Hono'" prMeot line of United AIr Lines, 10 a. m.-12 M. Saturda, The big three security agree- NEW YORK (AP)-Maj. Alton Inc., from Omaha throUih Des Recreational Iwlmmiaa- pertedI Moin" and Iowa City. ments made at Yalta and elsewher~ Glenn Miller, former bmd leader are open to all women ...... wt're said to be regardt'd by the who was reported misSlDf lI'I action Western also asked a route faculty. faculty wlvee, wtYtt aI from Denver to Minneapolis by araduate .tudentt ;and ..... WRH' presJdent a. prOjected solutions fA. afttr an airplane flight in Europe NIC. TheT aft eI rtdaed cUI... Oer.....,-. the st...... loe .urrencler, more m •• ·.\aNT PlVTVU8. '0...... _11., U'I'ina' Nul t.o way QC Ft. I4ol'pn and St.rling. tiva ataff memben. 8l\IIIJIII II.,., pressin, security problems which last December, has been awarded ...... and ahelllq aad demolHloa cllarlea .... u. d1*aeUo.. aer..a ClUI. are "'q '- be ~1Ied .... Sltell.. and nillfli. Cot. Nortb Plnlte and Mortalk. IIhoulrl \1 ...... nt th.-iT bient\IInIIII!D the to are open to modification if It be- the Bronze Star ·medal ,10r rneri­ n WIle ...... Fl' . for In war W. kill or lle·· kll"', dMi'Q or ... de- .. De...... 1111er An.... wl\l _n become "Gel'lllaDT apr"" Ia Neb.; Sioux City. Iowa. and Man­ card, to the matr!>n fOJ ~ lett. comes apparent such .action ·it torlous service. ItrorM, and &he ene...,·.... be, halted. AI the ...... Ie tile rutn. over all." . < , kato, Minn. M. OLADYI SCOIf. wr~ SATURJ)AY. MARCH 24. 1945 T RED A It Y lOW A N. lOW .A CIT Y. lOW A PAGE THBEr (oops Award Helen Pitz Chosen COBLENZ SNIPERS GET THEIRS Currier to Entertain HAPPY PRISONERS ARE THESE LIBERATED POLES Chairman of SCC Campus Servicemen I Service Keys Summer Activities At Pre-Easter Dance Two Women Honored; Members of the Student Christ­ A "Bunny Hop" for Currier ian council this week named Helen women and all servicemen on Fairchild House Pilz, A2 of Middle Amana, to act campus will be held from :2 to 4 Leads in Scholarship as chairman of an ad interim com­ o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the mittee to direct the council's south recr alion rooms of Currier work during the summer. Bob Mil­ Featuring the theme "Purple hall, With an lnpromptu floor how ler, D1 01 Sioux CIty. will work h ld intermittently thloughout Ut Shadows," the Cooperative Dormi­ with Miss Pitz. alt moon. J n B~hm, A2 of Ol­ tory association held its annual A ten-poInt report on program d n, Is gen ral chairman of th t a banquet last night at the Jeffer­ su~ges tions was made at the meet­ dance for which Uckeu will be son hotel. Climax of the dinner ing by Patricia King, A2 of Uv­ dl trlbuted at th BOlJth d was the presentation of two co­ Ingston, Mont. According to fig­ dlDn rtommorow. operative dormitory service keys. ures announced by Protestant With an EaBl r th me. dancing Fairchild house was awarded the young peoples' groups represent d to r rdeVeils Add Gaiety Ihe winners. proctor of Dean house and last Mrs. C. E. Cousins. 1030 E. Jean Newland. A3 of Bell College street, will be hostess to Prof. H. D. Kerr year was proctor of Coast house. By Cory ynhOl'llt Belty La)'lalld, A3 of Hamlin. PI In ; Arlene Nelson, A2 of loux Symphony Orchestra, Poem by Iowa City She is vice-president and socia l the southeast group Monday at City, ond Miss Boehm are on th EI ded President With Easter only a w ek Ilway Sailor styl s ar more popular than Woman Appears chairman. oj. the C.D.A. council 1:30 p.m. Topic of the discussion ever lh is season a nd Betty's cat.chy publicity committee. Of Phi Beta Kappa will be "The Two-thirds Senat Iowa coeds are getting r ady to Chorus to Present In April Magazine and served as feature and alumnae step out In their spring bonnets model Is made especilllly attrac­ editor of the "Cooptimist," Ratification of Treaties", and tive with a wide band at char­ "Nothinll I, LoIt" I th Uti serving as lead r will be Mrs. C. and Sltlrle Zeuf, A2 of Newton, H. 0 btl Y K I r th monthly newspaper of the associa­ tr us f II which aoes 'round th 01 th p m wrltt n by 01'01 Y ot S. Williams. is 'ure to be his "arande t lady" Junior High School Easter Music Concert tion. Her campus activities in­ crown and tie in a hand ome knot Ahby Pownall, a PI>' orin, in 01 ed II'lO was elected A continuation of the study when she joins the Easter parade Pupils to Present the April J ue of the Ladi pr ident 01 Phi Beta Kappa et cluded the presidency of Inter­ In her new . It's mod in back. A con rt 01 Easter mU. ic will raciallellowship. begun on "The Reorganization Madlyn Whitten, A2 of Newton, Hom Journal. of Congress" will be held by the ot navy blue fell and fashioned Three-Ad Comedy be alv n Wedne day v nln, by lhe schola tic odety'., annual bu - will have a sp clal rea on to be th unlv rtity IYffiphony a eh - Mrs. Pownall, wlf of Fr d Miss Gerdes, president of Rus­ northwest group Wednesday at with wide cartwhe I brim and a M Pown II , dir( tor of . tud nt lOe m tin, Thul day In tit sell house, is a member of the proud of her clever little half-hat "Wlllie, Women and War," II tra and thoru In Ih mllin lou nic I :30 p.m. The group will meet in very llat crown. A tilmy dark publkotion , h811 had II numo I' bo rd room of Old Capitol Prot. I when she dons it on Easter morn­ thr -act comedy, will be pr­ or Iowa Union at 8 o'clock. Prot. C.D.A. cQuncil. She is a "Co­ the home of its lead r. Mrs. Horace which falls from the broad of poems publil;hed In th Ann Pi rc , dlr ctor of InU 'Ic for In,-you'd never guess, but she s nted Monday aft rnoon at 4 Herold Stark of th music depurt­ optimist" reporter. She serves on Korns, GI5 Templin road. brim, is drawn up close to her Ludl . Hom Juurnlll, Good university chool, we. n mPd made it h rs l!. Rows of n aUy o'clock and Tuesday eveninE at 8 ment will conduct a sub-committee of U.W.A. and Mrs. Louise Miller, leader of the [ace and tics In II luxurious bow vic -PI' sid nt and Prof. Ch rl spac d tucks of black chiffon make The combined musk groups will Hou eke pine lind oltl'r wom­ W.R.A. and is a member of the evening group, will conduct a dis­ b hind the crown. o'clock by junior hlllh school pu­ R. SlroUler 01 lhe psy hololl)' and a flattering h ad band and a sottly an', maiDzin . university concert band. cussion or "The Brellon Woods pils in the school auditorium. pres nt lh Ir cone rl ov r WSUI. "She went to the milliner to buy rumed pink veil, stitched to the AppearJna in the n 'ar future speech departrnents, secretary - Approximately 80 people, in­ Monetary Proposals" at a meetin!l Packed with action, th play The two numbers 10 be pre ented a new hat," and Mary Quick, Al back of the band, extends down In th· Ladi Home Journal will lreasur r. cluding 13 members of Ke1logg Tuesday in the board room of the portray.. the trials B1Id tribulations ar "Com, Thou Lovely Hour of b' an article by MI"I. Pownall of Shenllndoah, come back with a over her hOiI'. To make this a of Wildcat Willie, who gels into Dylna" (Bach) ond "Th S vcn Prot. E. P. T. Tyndall of the house, boys' co-op which was public library at 7:30 p.m. charming of navy blue on mu I al Ih rapy as tr at­ phy I" d partment pr ided at truly versatile little number, Mar­ bluer and bigger Jam3 as the play Last Words of Chri t" (Dubois). m nt of m ntally III p nons, closed In, December, were present strow which is sure to win admir­ ilyn boa ts a white veil all ready th m ting, at which 22 n w at the bllnquel. Miss Studley, the progresses. Mar thon 150 musicians will take Ule Information for which she ation on Easter morning. It's to trade the pink one wh n m mbel'1l w r cl cted to Phi B ta toastmistress, introduced Theron tor The cast includes: Chauncey p rt In the annual Easter proaram. procured at the University PlY- Students to Appear worn down over her topcurls and she wonts to change her ensemble. Ticket. tor this concert ore K ppo. Professor Tyndall Is re­ BerRman, C3 of Lamoni, whose the back is aracefully trtrnmed Schmidt, WHeat WUJle; Ruth c(lpathlc h It I. lirlnll pr id nt of the society. Sure to please "him" (he's In Kline, Glodys, his slst r; Julie now available wlthoul charlie al topic w~s "In an EIghteenth Cen­ wllh a spray of shiny straw flow­ the navy) will be thl! captivating tury Drawing Room." Bergman is Olson, MrS. Wilkens, their mother; th Information de'k in lowa In Recitals Monday ers. A dainty me h veil makes It felt sailor Pally Emal, A3 of Jowa UnIon. a former resident of Kellogg house. strictly feminine. Bob Diehl, Joe, WllIle's pal; Dick Falls, has chosen to wear with her Doran, Vernon, another pal; Gloria ------­ Other speakers wefe Margaret Two recitals will be given Mon­ India exhibit Audrey Ross, A2 or Des Moines, new spring suit. It's a softened­ Jones, Angel, the brat next door; Smith, whose topic wns "My day In the north ntusic hall by has chosen tor her Easter Dreams Are Getting Better All the up "sissy sailor" of navy blue with Henry Rate, Cary, her brother; In lhe opinion of Ralph E. students in the music department. an irresistible calot of lustrous ruffles ot telt creating a flower­ jSfudents in Hospital j S. r vic e combined Time," and Cynthia Johnson, A3 Margee Justen, Marcella, class­ Ell worth, dlr clor of Ilbraric, Rita Hutcherson, G of Iowa City, black straw, fashioned wHh a like Illusion around a gay little of Scarsdale, New York, "I Can't mate; Helen Bockenlhlen, Anabel, worle· will appear in a piano recital at cluster of frilly white flowers brim which Is worn low on her Vivian Beebe, NI of ClarIon ­ the cUrr nt dtplay In lh g 'n~al Say No." 4 o'clock in the afternoon. At 7:30 classmate; Beth Pelsel, Hazel, cond W t Private over each ear. The scallop d forehead. classmate: Jane Woodburn, MI s s libr ry should b label;d, "India, Robert L. Ballantyne, manager p.rn. Joyce Van Pilsum, U of Ann Runyon, A3 cf Strawberry crown forms a helmet to enhance Not posies, but downy feathers Curtis, Willie's teacher; Darlene as Int rpr ted by Oocum nts ot the student placement ottice, Prairie City, and A.rline Balster, her pompadour and a crisp black POlOt- Ward C22 of past 1 pink lldorn the snappy Cohenour. Beth; Tommy Cain, From the Brlli h Information S r- addressed the group on the theme, A3 of Monticello, will present a veil lends added enchantment. little pill-box b loniling to Mary Eld r, N4 or DeWltt­ KELLEY CLEANERS "Old Man River." Dean C. Woody piano and horn recital. Russell; Norman Smith, Som; Second West Private vic !' Flattering as pring sunshine Frltsle Mill r, AS at Belle Plaine. Charles Larew, Frank; Albert Thompson of the office of student Mt5~ Hutcherson will play rom­ Helen Pllz, A2 of Middle "This i not n ssorlly a fun 124 o. Gilbert 4161 and definitely suggestive of the There's a . hort back veil attached Krall, Harold; and Mr. Wag, a dOli. affairs concluded the program with positibns by Bach, Debussy and which can Ither cover the AmanD- Isolation int rpr talion or India," continued US E. W hln~on 7204 summer to come is the jaunty Dir cling the play Is Helen Lau­ Ell worth, "but an int rpr lallon "It Could Happen to You" as he Francais. Beethoven and Mac­ white straw sailor beloniling to leathers or Iall back over Ihe hair. Kathleen BasI y, G of Arrltlll­ presented the service keys and the Dowell composed the selections man. Wayne Higley and Bob ton, T nn.- (solulion from th British point of vi w." scholarship cup. chosen by Miss Van Pilsum. Miss ~------+------Thomas comprise the stage cr w. Richard Emmons, A2 Of linton A vocal number was presented Balster will present numbers by Two Divorce Decrees Ruth McGinnis Is In charg ot - Ward C32 during the program by Barbara Beelhoven, Glazounow, Goedicke properties. Nancy Dunlap, A I or Cuyohoio Barnes, A4 of Chadron, Nebraska; and Mozart. Granted Yesterday FuJIs, Ohio- Isolalioll Charlotte PollOCk, A2 of Bennett, These are the 29th and 30lh Only Two Days Left Jeonne Schlaboch, NI of Daven- 118·124 South Cllnton Slteet Phone 9607 and Ruth Ann Washburn, Ai of recitals in the 1944-45. student Divorce decrees were granted University of Life por Isolation Cedar Rapids. Lee Ann Pabst, AI series. Joyce Horton, A3 ot Os­ In Red Cross Drive yesterday in district court to Stella Jo Myers, N4 of Mllnn ng­ STRUB-WAREHAM ceola, will accompany Miss Bolster. Davelis and Neva M. Wrede, both S ond W 5t Prlvol of Grundy Center, was their ac­ Red Cross headquarters in the charging theIr husbonds, Andrew Iowa 'itY'1i I)fportlll lIt ,Io/'e-E'f. 1 67 companisl City hall will be open again this Plans Training School VlsltJ~ lIours Davelis and John H. Wrede, with Private Patients- 10 a.m The banquet was planned by Past Matrons Club morning (Salurday) [or the cruel and Inhuman treatment. three committees working under final collection ot the 1945 War The cabinet of the University of 8 p.m. Miss Studley. The program com­ To Elect Officers Fund campaign funds, accord­ Mrs. DavcHs was granted cus­ Life met for dinner at the D/L Ward Patlents- 2-4 p.rn. llnd 1- Crisp New tody of George Dovelis, 6, and mittee consisted of Miss John on, ing to Mrs. C. W. Keyser, di­ Grill last nlllht to outline plans 8 p.m. At Dinner Meeting Theodore Davells, 5, their children Miss Michaelson, Miss Fromm, rector of local solicitation. for the rest of the year and ror No visitors in I olation ward. by their pr vlous marriage. The Jean Ann Kuehl, A2 of Waukee, The last report showed John­ the next session of the Hawkeye Election of officers will be held couple was married in Iowa City and Marilyn Lewis, A3 of SI. at a meeting of the Post Matrons son county behind its quota by Leadership training school to be BIc·uses Sept. lI, 1942, and separated Feb. held trom June 11 to 22. Louis, Mo. Miss Carpenter, Jeanne cl ub ot the Order of Eastern Star more than $3,000. Today and House Extends Draft VeraaUle .tyl ... to accompsny Stacy, 44 of Osage, Miss Lamb 28, 1945. Monday. Preceding the busines, Monday will be the last days Members who hud attended Ute your .-ult and ,marteat .klrt.. and Miss Smith composed the headquarters will be open for Harold W. Vestermark is attor­ camp at Oskaloosa last summer meeting, a dinner will be erved FrIlly or tailored to meet the guest committee. Miss Rutherford at 6:15 p. m. The program, in all choirmen and special divi­ ney lor Mrs. DaveUs. discussed their impreSSions of the Laws for One Year and Miss Gerdes were in charge charge of Mrs. T. Dell Kelley, will sions to tUrn in money to boosl Mr. ond Mrs. Wrede were mar­ school. The Camp is held under oc.caslon • • • ,pWn color., of arrangemen Is. the county over the $42 ,700 ried in Moline, Ill., Oct. 28, 1930. the auspices of the Iowa Inter­ WASHINGTON, (AP)-A one­ .trlpe. and dOlled aw1.ueI. include a history ot the club. year drart low exten ion bill ped Three cooperative dormitories, Reservations for the dinner should quota. The phllntiH's IIttorneys were church counciL 1.98 and up. SWish r and Swisher. through the hou. e yesterday in Dean, Paitchild, and Russell, are be made with Mrs. S. Lysle Dun­ The worship ocmmittee which less time than tt tnkes a draft operating at the present lime. can by Sunday morning. will continue to function until bourd to make a man I-A. Pictured bloUM or April is composed of Carol Sho­ Less than five minutes was re­ "'hlte pique wllb frW quist, Valorie Dierks, Dick Beck GIVES 'HONORABLE' FLEET PASTING Cosmopolitans Now iuired to dispose of the measure. trim, '.811. and Virl!inla Williamson. The Army spokesmen hod uraed that Rev. James Waery rounsels the the draft machinery be kept in­ Othen 01 "1lI~ dott... 'International Club' IIroup. tact. __ Wid! dual IrW Members of the social commit­ There WIIS no deba a& 11.1111. tee, under the counselorship of the brief explllnation ot the 1I-lin Rev. Donavan Hart, are Tom Cady, bill by Chairman M:.y (D-Ky.) 01 Because of the Increased number chairman; Mary Sayre, J im Waery the military committee. of students lit SUI from other Jr., Joe Baker and Bruce Hlibee. There was nol even a vote, PllS­ countries and the intensified in­ sage coming under procedure by terest in international IItfairs, Marriage Licenses luued which a single objectIon could have Cosmopolitan club is being re­ Three marriaae licenses were Is­ delayed consideration. But the organized to make participation sued yesterday by the clerk of absence of objection auto­ in its activities available for more district court. Richard H. Good­ matically passed the bill. students. wln, 22, and Janice M. McGuire, Jabots Under its new name, Inter­ 19; Clyde L. Mabus, 21, and Betty national club, the grf>Up will meet J . Bates, 20, all of Chica,o; and and Dickeys for the first time Sunday nilht, Frank J. Van&, 27, and Mary L. UNCLE SAM TO when members will formulate Shay. both of Iowa City, obtained Here are many future plans and elect persons to licenses. HAND OUT 44,200,050 new styles that Ute permanent committees set up will sl ng the praises to take the place c1 the former EXTRA RED POINTS of your new aprln, board of officers. These commit­ suit. Of sheer tees will include program, social, organdie and lace. publicity and financial. Their Demand for Bicycles chairman will form the executive 'I. aad liP. roundl of the new oraanization. At usa Increases Sunday evening meetilllS of Ute PICTURED- FOUP are to be held once a month The arrival of sprlna has in some centrally located place and broulbt with it an increalin,ly Jabot or organdie will usually ronsist of a planned great demand lrom servicemen and dainty lace 'I, program of interest to members, at the usa for biCYcles, cam­ a dinner and entertainment. In ad­ eras and IOU clubs, announced STaUB'S- dition to the Sunday ni&ht pro­ J. B. Martin, local usa direc­ Fams, sma 11er discussion or ac­ tor yesterday. Iowa City pe0- tivities groups w ill be set up in ple are ukeel to conrlbute bI­ the future in which students may cycles, cameras or IOlf clubl It take part regardless of their at­ possible and It Is promited that Wl1'H' AMIRICAN CARRIIRS like the one pictured above hurling their plane, at remnant. of the Japa­ tendance at the rtiular monthly lood care will be taken of them. n... -fttet ,kulklng In the enemy" Inland Bea, the tuk force at Vlce·Admlral Marc A. ldJtacher, at aatherings. Membership will be Arranaementa may be made to the tt)p 'left, baa damaged 111 to 17 warahipi and deatroyed UII aircraft to give Hlrohlto'. "honorable" limlted so that no one rountry may lend .uch items ~ly on the fteat • 'good puUng. Tbe mighty Mltlcher torce II part of the WtIJ neel of Adm. R. A. Bpruance, have a majority of the students weekend. Ief$ ~IIW, who WII In tactical COmDIllld 9tJ.la...tl. II. "ta~ a,,'Mnatioall) . belonging to International club .. " 'AOErouK - "H_-nAttY IOWAN, IOWA CIT·Y, IOWA' ,. '* = Mayb_e ~So- Hawkeyes Play 9-lnr:ling

Lo~ 01 J .10&1 Intra-Squad .'" lilt Today 7 a. Grand Guy- ~ER~H9PEfUL, By::-Jade 50rcls hour 0 8, 808 UAUSK-~ ,. 9:30 Dal11 lowan Sports Editor ales. 10:3 A n:w RANDOl\[ THOUGHTS: with 51 Major Billy Southworth Is the · .. Murray Wier has returned from Jefferson Barracks aiter Your C 8y W~ITNEY M.(\RTIN screen. In per for man c e, he Billy, Sr., knew what was on taking his army physical . . . the 3:30 N;F.W YORK (AP) - ~ 111 y matched his looks. the boy's mind, and one evening result is sad lor the army, good for meet ( Score 35-27 Win; they sat in the living room and South,wor\h mu~t hllve been fee,l­ S~ra,. .Remarks Iowa .. . Murray has been clas­ pavis Seeking Player 5:30 . Ing hre~ y good about things. His dad would forget baseball, talked it over. He told the boy to sWed 4-F due to a nervous dis­ rpeel ~ Muskies Overpow~tr go upstairs and sleep on it, and No more lying awake nights order ... Pop s Harrison was A._action Undttr Actuql in,. even 'il.urin~ a world se,ries, to talk then make his decision. 7:30 Storm Lake, 34·19 staring into the shadows and seen to shrug oft several pounds abollt the boy, anli we yiVldly re­ The next morning Billy, Jr., Playing Conditions meetln trying- not to think of huge planes of worry ... call stray rema'rks he made dur­ came downstairs and met his DES MOINES (AP)-Ames' Lit­ droning" through flak-pulfed skies, · . . Since we are so used to ing our casual 'meel..ings with him father. Not a word was said, but One of the shQrt~t outdoor tie Cyclones, husky court experts, an-;l ' maY.be one particular one ' at lalling off the lim b of prediction the last t\Vo or three years. the dad knew from the expression prac.tices of the season y.esterday shocked Sioux City Central, ~5 to that very moment car e en i n g it is with pardonable pride that Such remllrJl:~ as: "lie writes Il'R! on his son's face that a decision 27, last night to enter the Iowa cra;uly eartrfwarQ, a deadly torch. \Ve let you know that the present afternoon found Waddy Davis' I all about baseball, and I write had been reached, and what it one dldn't snap . . . Ames, our high school championship basket­ No NI,Mmare him ' about ' aviation," and "I baseball Hawkeyes going through ball final against Muscatine's Lit­ was. Billy, Jr., was joining the air choice as a dark horse in the state Not lor awhile, 'apyway. lils think he wou1o. have developed corps. a brief infield and batting pr~c­ tle Muskies. hlg)1 school tourney, has managed tic,e, knocking off early to rest boy, Major BiU:y Southworth, Jr., in a a pre\t,y &00(1 baseball pla:yer, Overseas to canter in to the finals tonight up The Cyclones, a red-hot tourn1l­ was in this country, far from th~ a' major leai,Uer." ' for this a,fternoon's regulatiOI1 in­ H ); ~ Then came the long training · .. However, to the surprise of ment team, handed the ranlU" Cen­ tra-squad contest, which Iii sched­ I ~i~htmare of battle h.e had braved H.e'd pause In a converslltion on period, the trip overseas, and no one, we'll go alollg with Mus­ tral squad its first defeat by' an ulec;i to get unde, way at 2:aO': , so orten unscathed as pilot of one the bench to ~a~e dre1lmily at a those nights and days of mental catine as the ~otential champ .•. Iowa team as they out-played thek 01 one of those aerial baltleships. dis.tant plane, anc;! hen won(ler II turmoil as the boy took part In the too much whip for our animal . . In planning the first'nine-lnnin, foe throughout a contest the dope­ And then th'e news that y'otin~ litUe ' out loua WHere the boy, countless bombing missions while · .. Matters in relation to the game, Coach Davis hopes to get a sters had said would go to the Billy was mlsing after a comp1lra­ who set a s,tyle to, pilo,ts by wear­ his dad tried to keep 'his mind on NCAA and National Invitation better chance to watch his;nen go challenger from the northwest. tively prosaic flight of 11 B-29, Ing a baseball -a battered old the job of winning pennants with basketball soirees are shaping up the distance, and se how they 5,500 Fans ending in an' explosive crash in{o Car\iinal heac;lpiece-might be at the Cardinals. • in the usual interesting manner . stand up under actual conditiOJlS Ames' victory followec;l Musca­ iex Flushing Bay. The irony of it. that moment. ' The bottom has dropped, out of · . Ohio State, afte1' taming Ken­ ot competition. tine's 34 to 19 triumph over Storm It was a terrilic shock to the l\[eniap)' Jklhy dapper little Billy Senior'S, world, tucky's Wildcats, will face NYU First Team Lineup, Lake in lhe rirst semifinal game litUe Carc;!inal manager, as we've Joining the air corps before but a man who has overcome the tonight for the eastern NCAA title The batting order for the tirst before approximately 5,500 fans in pever seen a milO with more tre­ Pearl Harbor was the boy's own obstacles he has in his 50-odli · . , We suppose that this will be team is: Paul Gr~iwe, Gr; Henry the Drake Field house. mendous, vest-nopping pride in a i(lea. His dad, ellplaining how i,t years will carryon with his chin looked upon as a test as to whether Quinn, ss; Leo Caba ika, 2nd; Bob The central Iowa conference SOil and hi!> IIccomplishments. And happened, said he "ad noticed up. eastern or western basketbaU is Schulz, I st; George Knack, 11; ball hawks, besting the taller not withoqt rea~on . In appear­ Billy, Jr., was fretful and mental­ It's small consolation, but he superior ... no mater who wins Paul FagerIin, rf ; Jerry Walser, Sioux City team under both ance, Billy Jr., was something ly itchy late in the summer 0' has the sincere sympathy of every It will be of some question to us as 3rd; Joe Zul(er, c; Wilmer Hokan­ boards, shot into a 20 to 14 half that jllst stepped olf a movie 1940. sports fan. to just what one game will prove son, Max Smith anti Ge'ne Holt- o it \ time lead and were out in front 29 · .• from our point oJ view it will man, p. 1 to 21 at the three-quarter post. llrove just about as much as Japa­ The second t~am ' \in~u p Is as During the final quarter the supe­ GoJ,hardt ~nt,r.- nese propaganda does ... follows: ' Bill AndeJ;son, 1st; Bill rior passing of the Little Cyclones Haegg Wins, Aggies, · _ . At Kansas City Oklahoma Ocl1s, 2nd; Jack K.elSQ, cf; Jim ' enabled them to dominate the play A. & M. will meet Arkansas tor Dun/rund, rf; Doc Armstrong, If; and never were they thereateneq.. western NCAA honors ... the Henry Lal·son, Sl>; DeqiU KIlnz­ Four Lon,. Ones Aggies, with what is politely called man, rd; Jack Spencer, c; Jack Purdve the "aid" of 7-loot Bob KUl'land, , I George Duvall, who tired four First. Race, Arkansas Wishmeir, George Knack and Paul whipped Uta h easily ... the Fagerlind, p. successful long shots in a row f Utes, however, didn't have any­ early in the engagement, and Jim Six Pitchers toj Work Buck led the Ames scoring with body lell !rom last year's national Relays champions ... A man g others, Each of the pitcliers ;-viII \Vork: 11 points each. Top scorer for Of U. S. Tour In Finals needless to say, they were without thr.ee innipgs, alternating bet\Vllj!n Sioux City was Vic Bianchini with Finkbine Course the pl!jte and outfield }>ollilions. eight points white Bob Williamson, Herb Wilkinson ... Ark an 8 a 8 Keith Go.tthardt,* * Hawkeye* shot­ KANSAS CITY (AP)-O,\(la­ nipped Oregon, 79-76, in what Navy Hurlers Although Davis has J decided on the ace center, was held wlthotjt a CLEVELAND (AP) - Gunder putter, who placed second In the homa A. & M. college, pa~ed by might be described as a "fire most of the permanen\ pOSitions field goa) and scored only three Haegg, Sweden's great mlc;ldle dis­ Big Ten con(erence meet two To Open Today (today's first team), his regular free th rows. Bob Kurlanq who taWed 28 points, wagon" battle .. , tllnce runner, won the first vic­ weeks ago, {eft yeslerday after­ dumped Utah, 62-37, last niaht to · _ . On Monday evenlng next pitching staff is stlll in doul;Jl. Muscatine, thrill winner over tory ot pis 1945 American tour noon for LafayeJte, Ind., where Start Practice However, since all six of the Ottumwa in the first round, found enter the f(nals of the N.C. '\.A. DePaul will clash with Bowling Kennett Announces last n~ht, edgi\l" out Forest Efaw he will particlpate in the Purdue pitchers show unus\.lal hurling little simiJar competition in Jast We~tern Division championships Green. in New York for the Invi­ ot Bainb.ridge naval training sta­ relays today. after Arkansas university had tation laurels ... Rhode Island ability, they wiJI undoubtedly all night's semifinals as the Little tion by three feet. The first representatl ve of the Iowa Pre-Flight basebali got off Coach Charles Kennett· has an­ Muskies spurted to a 17 to 5 first piled up a record tournament score State opposes St. John's for the see actiO" this season in the al~r. In the featured race of the fifth Uni versity of Iowa to compete at to beat Oregon universit!. 79-76: consolation prize, .. Then, next to a flying start lhis week with 22 nounced that Finkbine field, the nating fashion. quarter lead, and then held the foe ann U a I Knights of Columblll5 the Purdue eve n t, Gotthardt am Flynt's free t~ and field Thursday, for the benefit at the pHehers 'and 15 catchers answer­ univel'$ity goll course, will b.e Anotlter potenti 1\ \ f1rs~ st.ri/le scoreless for almost 14 minutes. games, Gunder's time was 4 min­ One-Point Win earned the trip by his con~istently goal in the final 14 seconds Ilave Red Cross, the winnel's of hath ing the first call for battel'yrnen open for play stut by nett Pllce. Among his opponents at tile Pre;. Finals- Muscatine scoring with 12 points, With 55 men reporting for City Pitchers who show promise in of the greens and fairways on week th,e first teaI\l should il,ve . Before the event Haegg said he Purdue event today will be Vic early-season outdoor workouts in­ and big Fred Lawson collected 11 Schleich ot the Iowa Seahawks, a high's fir s t baseball practice the last nine anI new and ma'y its gear ana suit numbers. Today for Storm Lake. Charley Mason, illtelldeq to tllke the lead at the clude Art Richart, New York City; the Hawks will take to the 41a­ sixth lap. He hlld hoped to turn i.,n former National A. A. U.' cham­ Wednesday, drill sessions are now easily be damaged. hero of Muscatine's victory over Sieve Stuka, Clinton, Mass.; Henry mond in their eve~yday prac\lce a 4:12 mile but said the straight­ plori when performing with Ne­ weil under way with Coach Ellrl Coach Kennett stated that he is Ottumwa, made only a field goal Acmesvs. Kaiser, Greenview, Ill.: Edwl:\rd ~o . Sangster putting the boys through ready and willing \1elp anyon,e aways on the arena track were braska, with whom Gotthardt has Bassett, Ottawa, III.; George and one free throw last night. hitting and Inlleld drills 1IS well with questions, and thaI he i:, too short for his liking. been working out all sea,son, and Blomquist, Austin, Tex.; John Thomas of Ohio. State. . as starting work on developing open to consultation at any tim\!. Like the wolf, t~e I Eskimo 90g Hu.rdler H 1\ a k 0 n Lid man, Drew, Grosse Point Farms, Mich.; does not bark. Haegg's countryman, was defeated pltchers for the Hawklet squad. He adqed that players should be The Purdue rolays, In wbich Zallners Malcolm Plaeger, New Orieans, suro to save -;­ tonight. last night's games playing a pre­ good job. marksman, getting a majority of J'ohlln1 ltevolta, one-putting nine Against thllt array the Western liminary game for third !?lac.e hon­ Bob aldis, Charles Keliey and his points from the pivot. Adolph greens, . breezed in ' with a tQree~ con,t,t!repce champions have entered Schrindler are battling it out QI's. among other aspirants for the Schayes, 16-year-old (reshmap, is under-par 68 yesterday to grab a a 2~-man team, rateq. at least a~ The Gear$, who had /leored uJl­ catcher's positiqll and appear to the tallest of the Violets but he two-shot lead in the first rouPld strong astpe MIchigan squad that set~ In two previous gam¥8 in the re1lches "only " 6 feet; 5'h inches. of the $7,500 Greensboro O~n walked o/f with the university di­ tolU'nament over the Hlirtfor?, be the leadin~ candfdl'ltps thus far. However, Al Grenert's presence Golf tournament. vision title last yellr. Conn., Nutme&s and the seedei:\ Coach Sangster st~ssed the fact in the' New York lineup makes, bi~ The' Evanston, Ill., puttlnf art­ That sqijad is looked upon by Harlem G lobe trotters, gave ti\e that none of the team's positions club a small favorite .. Grenert hall 1st cannl!d 20-footers on the ninth rp.os.t obs~rvers as s~rong enouiQ:! Acmes plenty of opposltion for are sure yet, and, what with 55 broken two school scoring recor.ds and 13th holes and needed' ,Ilnly to do It 'agaln, bllt Great ~e~ , most ot the first half. The Day top. boys coming out, it is pretty hard this sea.son. and ~ied a third. ~~ ae~e" putts on the last six gr~e?s Iowa Pre-Flight, Illinois and Notre team held a 15-14 lead at t~e to tell after only a few days prac­ 271 tal!les 10 a smgle campaign 18 all he made his best start since Dame are strong threats. The Sea­ quarter, and ran the marg.in up \0 tice just which are the most prom­ the best ever done by an NYU a~- .1,I!inJ)ing the Texas Open last year. hawks will be represen.ted bf 18 31-24 in the closing min\ltes of the ising. He emphasized that all those lete and his 619 for three years. He w,nt out in 35 and back in 33. performe~s and . Notre ,Dame has second period. who reported will have an equljl also is tops. He tossed in ~6 , In second place were two ' tor­ certitied 5. But in the last halt th.e Chicago opportunity to show their worth. " against St. Francis recently to m l' -winners here, Sammy ' ~yrd . defense comple~ly d(sintegrated equal another Violet mark. and Byron Nelson, and an ' a~1-f1ijr and Dayton, paced by B.ob McNeill Final ROWId from ijaleigJ\, N. C., Avery /'J~k. who set a new tournament scoring The Buckeyes moved Into the Byrd, tlte one time Yankee out"\ 2, N,vy Trackmen record of 70 points as he talllt!d final round ?y downinJ Kentuc~ ~'rl"er Who won his first goU 12, romped sway to their easy Th!lrsday night, 45 tl? 37, Whl1~ tourJlllment h~re in 1942, the last In purdpe Relays victory. It. Rev. New York U. had to sh~ 1''1lY time it ' Will! held ' and. Bec)t re­ It tQok the ~ollner8 . five mlp­ It's 'ie -- spasmodic power in dow\llJlJ corded stelldy 35-35-70's Nel;!on ----- utes to get their oftenslv, clicltlllg, .8110"'. Tufts, 59 to 44. The )osers p~ay, victor in the Charlott~ ' Ope~ A grOUI1 Qt 2,0 S~ah/lvvk t~ck­ It'. $w.11I ,t.I-­ ... be lev, sters w. I» PifticlPII~ bJ tI). r dUll but once the 1944 'forl~ pro­ FLY tonight for third place. Wedn~sda~, was jhree oy.er p,ar ~~Ill's Ulis IIfternoon. The re-, champions began to hit the h09P' MACIUNJ.,AY J[AN1QJ.'S l :~O · .8 :f5- tllrouch ten ho1~s after three-putt- FlIghters will hav~ dOlJbl~ e~rl" the 1\ens had n.o chllJlce to stpp Now YOU ' CQIJ Leam ' ing el'~t lIJ1d 10 on 'both of w,lllc" &heJ:ll. Ft. Wayne moved into a Groun. and Fllrht cIa¥eJI Jut ~:a5 Roser Drill_ In th!, ~llh ~u,~p, hl~ ~d loW ':110 ATLANTIC CITY, J'I. J . "CAP) h~ '?1issed two-i'oot~rs, but bp'"ciled hIU'QI~s, sPfINi. PQ~e vawt an1 5-4 lead after five and a hQIf m\n­ l&artlu, CaU toda,.. nul ID­ -Emerson Roser, 210-pound rig?t four at the last SIX ,holes f~r a, soot ~t, aJlO lJUA!teta il}. 'the 10,/1' utes of pI l;Iy , and ~ed 17-7 at 'fie .tru~OD .riven. Tralnlq plaD. hander had his first workout yef' c~r~ 01 37-33-70. reillY evert.· end of the til"st Q'1a.rter. T"ey l.or ReaL were ahead 29-18 at the half. terday'as the New York Yankel!s , Th~y wete' the only ones 'f! the Vi9 ~l~~ch WUI ,IWmpt ~o con­ Ndk. a Trip III a Hurry resumed outdoor drills alter two field of 84 to better par. l.in~ hl~ ,lne atrlJJl of perform­ We Ire lIew eQuip," to, halldle days inside the hangar becaWie of Sammy Snead, who Io.s~ at ance. In' ihe ahot put. wl;llle Bbbby NatsOpen . b, piaa.. IU' -I'QlI­ rajn. Classified 3-B In the draft, Cbarlotte in a 'playoff with ~pl~ r-rlckelson wUl be very busy 4lom­ WASHINGTON (All) -~. eIIa'.r .rl.,. It" ...... ~ F.ea.&IIIp Roser had been workin, in a sheet ,oP. and co-favored with ~yron and 10\V' hurdles Washington Senators ~I\ time. pi..,.. netl~ ~n ' .he hl_" r "Nevel HW' metal plant in Utica, N. Y. ~~re, used up 39 strokes oq thq ~ well '",'nW:rn. wltl,l !,be 'mil, spring exhibition achHule t a)' Rosel' brought his contract \Vlth rliFIe4 fil'llt nine and '1Qul~gq 72 rela,y Iqam. "'Q,k ~,llY will also a.Rajnst the coast l(Uarli ~8m at Shaw Aircraft Co. S.,...... tl¥ '14,. "',~ be 'ln .lhe hJHh I)urd_, while Dick Dial '11131 ':Cartoo.a". him onrl SOiel he would sllJlI 98 ' ROO~ )~ow~ wp,ile JUi McSparlen, 'l.n­ Curtis' OilY, Mel. Mnpng('r Of¥lle M,tr6W 91 'J1\p as he could have\a talk with Man- oth~r :favorite, heeded 40-*~ for Hughes is Iltted in '.tbe low Dar- Bluege plans to use principally Iowa CUr MulllCipal Alrpo.., ..,qJta.e ,"n ):I5·'t" liiel' JOIl. McCadliy. . ' . .. ,,9iJ. 7~. . - . _. ' ~". '. ; YOUlljitw., " 1 'r HI J) A I L Y lOW A If, lOW A elf Y, lOW A - . 'AOE PI'V'E

Bam Dance Carnival (WHO) Bam Dance Jubilee (WHO) 11:45 Basketball Final~ to Broadcast Tonight- Eye Wltlless NewlI (KXEL) "JImmy [)oney" (KXEL) Va ugh a n Moo roe'. Band CHURCH CALENDAR Be 7:" It:" (WllCt) Danny Kaye Sbow (WMT) 'Music; News (WHO) CB8-.... (WeI Dou, Grant New, (WMT) 9 _..._WOH n.) 2: 15 CoUege AJra G Ucht Gayell (WHO) Sunwt Comers Frolic (WHO) Dance Orchestra (KXEL) (For To~orrow and N,xt W"k) ~II. ( ...., 2,30 fled Crou P in Re- Earl,. American Dance Mu ie tL R. Gross ... the Ne\\.. 11:55 The consolatio----n final of the view (RXEL) (K.XEL) Vaughan Monroe', Band ,u. CbrlsUan Clturch 6:30 p. m. Luther league meet­ 1::11 194:1 State High Sctlool Basketball 2:45 U,hl Opera Alt1l It:lS (WMT) 'J ~wa ~t church. :u aventle In, (be 3:15 Unfinl hed B !ness Tht: FBI In PI' ee and parade of Fealur ( WMT) Do.. , 7:i5 p. m. Lenten vesper ervice. tournament at Des Moines will be M~ic:: News (WHO) The aev. vall Grant Bart, 3:31 Nelt'L The Datu Iowa. .. (W :{T) News, M. L. Nelst'n (WHO) • paster Concluding his series of Sl'rmons broadcast over WSUI beginning at News (IOCEL) 7:25 tonight dir~t from the Dralle 3:35 Allemoon Melodies • Truth or Consequenc (WHO) H. R. GrOS$ ... the New '1 a. m. The Christliln cburch on pra ye}:. t.be pastor's theme will B (KXt!L) U:" university fie I d h 0 use by DIck 3:45 The Bookman The ton Symphon;y (KXEL) hour over WMT. be "P~ayer Chances Things." Yoakam and Bob Broo of the 4:00 Voice oC the Army 7:$$ .1:11 9:30 a. m. Church school !or aU Weod Friday. 7 and 10 a. 1'/'1 . Thursday service With Holy Com­ 0;50 ~uslcal Interlude 9:55 New., TIle Dan, rowan pul4Jr I\nte-communion. 12 m. to 3 p. m., muruon ill which thl' po t r will 9:30 a. m. Church school. Classes The Tilree Hours. Pl'ak on the ,ubject " Why We 10:00 What's Happening In H ol­ for all grades. Valu the Lord's SUPPf'r Highly." lywood 10:15 Ye. t.ffday·, Muslcel Fa- 10:30 a. m. Hour of morning MeUJodisi Church F'rlday, 7:4:1 p. m. Good Friday I"orship. Serman by the pastor, JefferllOn alld Oubllqllt' sire Is vorites ,crvke in which the Rev. John 10:30 Famous Short S .....y "Who Is This King?" Readers: The Rev. L. L. Ounnlnftotl aud Bertram, Lutheran in lituUonal Betty Ball and Joseph Shoquist. The Rt". V. V. Goff. Pa8~1'8 11 :00 The Reporter's Scrapbook miSSionary, will speak on "The 11.15 !tosten th DaY' Sunday Congre~tlonal-Chrls­ 9:15 a. m. Church school. Don­ Victorious 'aviour," Uan, Evangelical and Reformed ald ~avy, sllp!!rlntendent. 11.30 Fa.hlon Features groups: 4:30 p. m. Bible Vesper 9:30 9. m. Student Bible cla~ 11 :45 On the 1I0me Fr t • hour. 5:30 social tiroe. 6 o'clock, meets 9t the parsonage. Dr. David Models complet to the m U­ 11 :50 Farm fie. h s supper. 6:45 Vespers (or s tud~nts . C. Shipley, teacher. est detal! have saved millions of 12:00 Rhythm Rambles 7 o'clock program, "Great ~llgl­ 10:30 a. m. Morning worship dollars In Am rica's shipbuilding 12:30 Ne ,The Oall1 Iowan ous Paintings" (colored slides al'J:d service with sennon by the Rever­ program, beclluse they show up 12:45 Victory Views lecture by the Rev. RalPh Noye , end Dunnington "The Furnace of blueprint errors before actual 1: 00 Mu iC1l1 ChilI:! assQciate s~ t e superintendent of Alfl1ction." constructlnn begins. 2:00 ijehlnQ the War News Congregational churches.) General 4:30 p. m. Student vespel' s rv­ chaiqnan, George Reichert; supper Ice. "A Meal In tbe Upper Room," chairman, LOll Gingles; vesper sponsored by members of Kappa ch~irman, Pa~ King; social chair­ Phi. Marilyn Mote will be th!' man, Eunice Walster. worship leader, and the trio is 7:30 p. m. :mih school Univer­ comprised of Dorothy Schultz, Daily Iowan Want ·Ads sity of Lile at the Presbyterian Mary Shirley and Mary Katherine church. Van Meter. Wednl!sday, 12 m. Men's lunch­ 7 p. m. Methodist Youth t~Uow­ Lost: Nu Slime Nu pin. William eon at the church. ship In Fellowship hall. I CLASSIFIED GI dslone enataved on bac:k. Call Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Annual fes­ RATE CiUU: X285 at University Hospital. tival of . can~ le s, fourth centuq' FInn. PresbytlrilUl Church Lost: Black & gold eversbarp pen. of Tjlnebraie. Church sUPPer at 26 E. Market 8treet CASH RAre Dial 4384. 6 p . m. The Rev. Ulon T. Jon pastor 1 or 2 d .. ,. 'FrIday. 12 m: to 3 p. m. "Threj! 9:30 a. m. ChUrch school. Roberl lOr prr Jlne per da3' HELP WANTED HO~lr service" at the T~lnity Wilson. superintendent. • cODsecuUve day_ Episcopal ch4rch. 9:30 a. m. Princeton Ian class 7c per lin per de, Student walt[(!Jjl s at Mad Halters taught by Prot H. J . Thornton. II conaecut1ve da11- Tea Room. Dial 6791 . First Bap'~ Church 9:30 a. m. Couples' class taught IIc pttt' line per da3' Clln~n a d- Burlinl'~ ~et. Oy M. E. Steele. 1 month- The ~ . ~I_r 1!:. Diem, 10:30 a. m. Service of worship. 4c per line per da,. Dandn, Lesson_ballroom, bal­ pastor Sermon "The Strange Fascination -F~ur. II word. to IJn&­ let, tap. DIal 7248, Mimi Youde 9:30 a. Ill . Church SChOOl. SpJ!Cial of Jesus." Minimum Ad-2 lJIlea Wuriu. Palm SundaY worship features. 4:30 p. m. Westminster fellow­ 10 :3P a. m. ChUrch service of sh ip vespers. John Street, stu­ CLASSIFIED DlSPLA Y worship an'd sermon by the pas­ dent worship leader. Bismat Theo­ tiDe col. Inch LEAJlN tor. "Pilate, In 'Wl\shtn&' His dorus will speak to the group on Or $5,00 ~ month hortband tM )lODEaN Wa, H ~nd s,' Also, I\{ade His Decision" "Bazaars of Baghdad." I will be the Reverend Dierks' ser­ 6 p. m. Westminster fellowship Enroll now for , _ne ba I NJ Want Ada CIIRh In Advance Thoma Natural !!Ihorlhud. mon subject. This. is tl)e las~ oC s upper and social hour. Mary I P8J'abfo at DaUy Iowan BUll- the services oC pre-Easter sermons Louise Miller. supper chairman. nea oIne: dall.Y unUJ II p.lIL rowa eUy Cor:n.merce Coltere on the general theme "Personal­ 7:30 p. m. University of Lite 203% E. Waslllnl~n Phone '7844 ties of the P~ssion." for all high school students. CancellatlN18 must be c:alled In l'tiaundY Thursday, 7:30 . p. m . Maundy Thursday, 7:30 p. m. before II p. m. Qandlelight service commemorat­ CandleUght communlQn service. Retponllible fnr one Incorr~cl WHERE TO BUY IT ing the institution of Ihe Lord's insertion onl,. Su\?per when Jesus ~ with his st. Wenc_aas Church disciples ~n .\h& Upper Room. Thjl 630 E. DannpOr1. Itreet PLUMtJING AND IUATING Ordinances of the Lord's 'Supper The Re". Eclward Neuzil, pastor Espert W.rk.... altl. and Baptism will bl! observed. T .... 1leY. 1. B. ConraUJ, assistant DIAL 4191 puwr LAREW CO. fll'llt Chureh · of Christ, Scientist. 6:30 a. m. Low mass. 227 E. Wash. Phone '418 722 E. Oollege stree$ 8 a. m . Low mass. 9:45 a. m . Sunday school. 10 a. m. High mass. ' 11 a. m. Lesson-serm0l!. Daily masses: 7 and 7:30 II. m. WMC Regulations Saturday confessions from 3 Advertlsemellts for m.le or " ­ You are alwa,. weJeeme, Zion ~lItht\J'a.a Ohurc:b until 7 and 7:30 to 8:30 p. to. lenUal femille worken ....e car­ aad PIlICE are Iowa' .... .JohllBOn a.nd BI~.. rIed In tbese "Help Wanted" IItreeis S&. Mary's Ohurch lIolulDJlll with Ibe undersi&nd­ The Rev. A. C. Frpe~l. ~ ;t~2 E. Jlttfersollo 5tree& In. that hirlq proeedarea IbaD DRUG SHOP 9:15 a. m. Sunctay school. _ ... Jlev. Mer. Oarl B. Me\Jlberr, conform to War MaaPQWer 9:30 B. m. Bible class. pastor CoJDJD.llsloa Regala tlonL EIIwa" 8. a..e-Plw..... 10:15 a. m. ?reparatpry servi~e The Rev. J. W. Schmit., lor those"coromunlng. aaistan.t pas~r 10:30 a. m. Divine Sj!rvice. A SUnday masses: 6, 7:30, 9, 10:15 LOST AND t'OUND If.".. Baked Qood, olass of J ~at.ch1fTIel1s will be re­ and 1\ :30 a. m. PIee Call. ._ ceived mto t!Ommunican~ mem­ Dally masses: 6:30 and 7:30 a. m. Lost-Brown EVersharp fountain bership tt)rouih, the rite of con­ Saturday confessions from 2:30 pen engraved Patricia A. Kin,. aoU. PIItrIeI firmation. Dr: Albert A. Jagnow to 5:30 and from 7 to 8:30 p. m. Finder call X8750. 8pe~ Orde,., ot Wart1;1ufa Theological seminary Lost: Black Shaeffer pen. SenU­ City Bakery will deli ver lite conflrma tion ad­ Unitarian Churclt IU B. tHaI •• dress. Holy CO!Jlmunion ' wilt be 10_ ave!llUe aDd GUber1. .eet mental value. Oall X393. Re­ w...... celebrated. Tbe Rev. Evans Worthley, PMtor ward. 5:30 p. m. L ncheon and social 10:45 a. m. Morning worshiP. Lost- Parker fountain pen, black FUBNITURE MOVlNG hour of tit!!; .Lutheran Student as- Subject of the sermon Is "The New and blue stripes. Ann Kush­ 8ociatio't ~:311' Devotional hour. Pantheism." This is the last sermon ner engraved. X339. "Lutheran 'World Action" is the in the series 01 "The Modecn MAHER BROS. TRANSFER ROOM AND BOARD By GENE AHERN OLD. HOME, TOWN By ST ANL£Y topic tor discussion. Poinl pf View." Gamma Phi Beta Pin. Reward. For EffIcient l'urnUure KovIDa Maundy Thursday, 7:30 p. 1J! . Catl 3135. Aak Abont OUr lioly Communiion service. Rorer WIIlIamIJ House 'Good Friday, 7:30 p. m. Divine BapC.1st Student center Lost: Tiny gold wristwatch with _ WARDROBE SERVlCB JUUf,N LIKES YUH, C\fIE:F / .. ~rvlce with &ermon by Diane KiI­ 230 N. Cllnt.on sired brown 1 eat her b ¥I d. Kay DIAL - 9696 - DIAL DEY!> " SURE WAY I CAN ~t, studellt of theoloay from Du­ 9:30 a. m. Coliege Bible class (or Reeves 4767. TELL WIlEN HE: LIKES " buque. , members of the Roger Williams - P£RSON, AN' OAT'S WHat fellowship and 'young people. of ~t: D

MUM'S THE WORD WITH ERROL'S GAL Bloody Battle for Iwo' Jima Most Costly of All, Pacific Islan~s 'University Library- I (ify Firemen· ~ I , '*(~ - ':{,v:"'~:~~~:"-:"4« .~ Iwo Jima New Fighf 6 Fires ENGAGED 61 000 I IV O UND~r;> 15 J08 KILLED , 4 . 189 The Iowa City firemen spent a IOTAl 19,497 Books busy afternoon yesterday, answer­ ing six fire calls, five within three Among the• new• books• recently hours. F'or a time both trucks added to the university library are were out fighting tires in opposite many that wlll be of general in­ ends of the city. No sooner did they return to the station than terest to students and faculty. they were called out again. Some of the new additions are: "George Biddle's War Drawings" The first call came at 10:40 in (George Biddle); "The Theory of the mornlng, a roof rf're at 403 W. Competitive Price" (Gitorge Stig­ Benton street, the home of Carl ler); "Green Dolpihn Street" Waechter. Little damage (Elizabeth Goudge); "Dogs at done. War" (Clayton Going) ; "So Sorry, A large grass fIre brought the No Peace" (Royal Arch Gunnison); firemen to the end of Olive court "The Walls Do Not Fall" (Hild" Bon at 1 :40. The fire burned about Aldington) ; "Battle of the Oceans" five or six acres of grass behind (Warren Armstrong); "The Prob­ Lawrence Consamus' home. lem of Inter-American Organiza­ An automobile owned by Jim tion" (Mary Margaret Ball); Reic Bradley of Oxford caught fire "Teheran; Our Path in War and from a short circuit at 2:05 in the Peace" (Earl Browder); "Many a 200 block on E. Washington street. Watchful Night" (John Mason Damage was slight. Brown); "What Makes a War Forj At 2:30 a trash fire at the city End?" (Harold Calahan); "Tragic dump got out of control and Ground" (Erskine Caldwell); "The spread, catching fire to a large Quakers Take Stock" (Ann'a L. 11,0< Curtis) ; "Chile, an Economy in stack of baled straw owned by Supp Eldon MUler, trucker. Transition" (Paul Ellsworth) ; "Meet Dr. Franklin" (Franklln in­ Croll Another grass fire brought the stitute, Philadelphia). firemen to 231 Templin road at 3:45. Still another grass . and "The GUYs on the Ground" (Al­ London fred Friefjdly); " A Handbook of brush fire at 430 S. J ohnson street l)uil08 lo~ Classical Drama" (Philip Hjlrsh); • required the firemen's attention at "The Crisis of Faith" (Stanley for the 3 4:15. Hopper); "Religious L.iberty in NoaA EDDINGTON, reported wife of Film Player Errol · Flynn, II eon tiflllin A strong south wind yesterday Latin America?" (George How­ pIctured above as she .arrived at Burbank, Cal.,' by air from MexJeo iest /lerio made it easy for grass fires to ard); "Liberty and the Press" CIty: wUh her baby dau&,hier. Deldri, bo to her III the Mexican ea,,­ which y( spread and difficult to bring under (Philip Kinsley); '.'Oft Mike" tal lui January. Flynn wa.~ Jll)t at the airport to meet her, nor w" planes io control. • (Jerome Lawrence); <'The Middle an)'one from his stUdio or household. The attractive red-headed rIrl, the Rhill( Firemen said that their two-way - Kingdom" (Christopher Morley); whom Flynn met when he was on trIal on moral charres Involvlnr eharRing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- " M~~anPod~ripV' (~nMoni- two minor rlrls, had no comment to make concerning reports thai·l. radio contact with the police sta­ the Reich tion proved va14able yesterday in , son); "Prodigal Genius" (Johl'\ was plano in&' a divorce suit against Flynn. The IlU[ enabling them to know about other O'Neil); "Preaching in a Revolu- 'ndlldafes vel'ged 01 fire ca11s when they were-already State Employes May tionary Age" (Garfield Oxnam); Malarial mosquitoes have a Ai­ 'Postwar Newspaper to Be Interpretative, Ca 8rea frO! fighting one blaze. "Democracy Begins at Home" Mrs. P. L. Gilroy ing range of one mile at most The police squad car .... as also Enfer War Work (Jennings Perry); "Philadelphia tinent-bas Jicforial,' Professor Schramm Tells Group Lawyer" (George Pepper); "Pion­ from their l:lreedlng places. Others protective kept busy part of the afternoon 1ewed have a flying range of five miles racing from one fire to another so DES MOINES (AP)-Some state eers! 0 Pioneers!" (Hilary Saun­ Dies Following Stroke the allied Revl ders); "Auden and After" (Fran- or more. Incompl! that the firemen with engine num­ "Our postwa'r newspaper will be pect to deli ver news by fascimile employes may get leaves of ab­ sence to go to work in Des Moines cis Scare). . P 62 f 608 day's casl ber one, which has no r!!dio, could much more highly Interpretative within 20 years." Mrs. . L, Gilroy, , 0 be kept in contact with the ilta­ war plahts which 'are falling l:le­ The Democratic candidate : for "The Relevance of the prophets" Walnut street, (,lied at Mercy hos­ showed at and pictOrial than the newspaper Turning to television 8S another tion and the other firemen. hind production schedules tor lack park commissioner' is James , T. (R,?bert Scott)'; "It ' All' fIappeped pital yesterday morning after a ~ere slIol of .today," PI·Of. Wilbur Schramm, big challenge to new,spa.pel's of the of labor. . , Aldous, proprietor of . Ald'ous' Once Before" (Roy .Srpitq); "Com- stroke. WAR BONDS flgh te rS-1! director of the school of jOurnQl- future, Professor Schramm said Flower s,hop. He was born ' in last night's Iowa City Rent Office Cov. Robert D. Blue said he iog, MajQr'" (Ezra Stone.) i "1m_ She ill survived by ,her husband; ism, told the Masons yest!!r day that one coJrtpany had now de­ would ask the executive council Iowa City an'd 'graduated irom City mortal Wife" (Irving Stone); "fl.r- three daughters, Mary, Mrs. T. 1I0t yet tab Now Open to Public noon ina luncheon meeting at the veloped a television set with a at a meeting tomorrow motning high school in 1892. gentine Riddle" (FeliX wej\); "In- D. Hamilton and Mrs. Vern Nash, The hall MasoniC temple, screen as large as a newspaper to survey state departments lo­ Afte", graduation he ' went to vasion!" (Charles Wertenbaker); all bt Iowa City; three sons, Paul only spott 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Di scussing the problem of POst- Ptlge. cated at Des Moines. New York City where he was as­ "Of Men · and BatUe" (Richard and Vincent of Iowa City, and /lair of thl war newspapers, he said that there He ciled television as the mest Blue learned of the "loan a sociated with two flower shops in Wilcox); "An Americ/ln Program" Ptc. Howllrd J . Gilroy, now serv­ the Nazis ~ T. J . Wilkinson, director of the are three vital question marks on effective advertising media ever worker" campaign from Charles the city. ' '. (Wendell WilIkie); ' "The Lette'rs ing ' in' the Paci!lc area. bib by Am Iowa City defense area rent office, the horizon- the use of facsimile established. "The newspapers," he Cownie, chamber manpower chair­ About 38 years ago he returned of Alexander Woollcott" (Alexan- She was preceded in death by enemy pIa! announced yesterday that the rent broadcast, television and FM (fre- said, "must sometime worr;v about man, when the bro attended ,the to Iowa City. del' Woollcott) ; , "It's 1\11 Politics" one daughter. ijJe lSky OV( office, 203-204 Iowa State Bank quency modulation). how milch advertising television (Lewis Abrahams); "Foreign In- . . they were rally of Des Moines ordnance plant Aldous 'ser'Ved one term as park and Trust company building · will Because of huge developmel)ts will take ovel." fluences in American Lite" (David The body will be at the Hohen- Announc, employes this week. The employes commissioner 15 years ago. Bowers); "The Amerloan Charac- schuh mortuary here. Funeral an­ be open to the pubHc from 9 a. m. in these three media of news, the Professor Schramm saId that the day w' launched a campaign for "every He is' a member of the EpiscoPlI1 ter" iDenis ,Brogan); "Thp Dream nouncemel1ts liave not yet been to 4 p. m. six days a week begin­ newspaper of the postwar period the main dil!iculty with television worker to get a worker." and 14 figh ning Monday. . will necessarily have to change in now is that it cannot cover long church the Chamber of . COVl­ of Home" (Niven Busch); "The made". . The Elght! E. Lee KeY$er, 'Des Moines ~rea merce,' the Kn ighls' of P>:tl}ias, and Burmese Scene" (MIlUriee Collis) : -~..:-il -'--~--~-~~~~ each lost !j( The office was formerly open order to compete. distances, the average range being war manpower. commissioner, ex­ from 8:15 a. m. to 5 p. m., but the ~lks . and ~oose lodge~ . ... "Pastoral Work and Rersonal sd,;;' :(Josep~ Krutch); "Prejudice" bombers. Professor Schramm de m o .n- Ilbout 40 miles. To convey tele­ plaitil!d' that lit the pe8,~ : of srpall because of an increasIng number -~'- Counseling" (.RU:;sel'J'Dic!ts); "ThIs (Carer j\1cWilUams) ; "Ride This strated a facsimlle llrlnter.. ~is viislon over long distances, relay arms i llmmunition manu(act\Jre, Twenty c of rent problems being brough t to relatively inexpensive de vice stations will have to be built or Dr. ,William . ROhrbach~l'. , Re­ Created World" (Theodore ferris); Night" .(ViIhelm Moberg); "The were trom there wer-e 15 'p~lit~, . 'but! s~me PUblican, is seeking reelection as "Science and the ldea of God" AIDerlcan , Way" (FranklIn Roooe­ lhe office, it was detided to change plugs into the radio and reprlnis expenSive coaxial cables laid con­ have been c.ohv,ertetl"to ot¥r uses, era tors wI the hours so that the office torce news and pictures, while 'a clock necting all the major cities. park' commissioner in M6nCl.~Y's (WilHam Hockl.ng); "Conilnents' v~t); ' '~Gateways to Readable heavy grol and peak 'productiol;! i~ - now city· election. Having completec;f End" (Joseph Jacksol'\). Bl)qks" (Ruth May Strang); "The would be...able to take care of tile mechanism turns it on at specified The third big question mark is sough t frodt seven plan ts, ' , level to dr< office work In the early morning two terms of service In thllt posi­ "nacial State;' the German Na- PhoeniX: and the Dwal'fs" (George troops aero times. the use of FM after the war. FM tion, Dr. Rohrbacher is medical di­ tlonalities Policy in the Protec- Taylo!.). and late afternoon. Pointing out the importance of stations have already been set up SUI S S' The Unit Approximately 475 int!!rviews facsimile broadcast in the postwar in the United States. Little static tone Itter rector of Rohrbacher sartatarlum, torate Bohemil\-Moravia" (Ger- force flew f 811 E. College street. hard Jacoby); "Stephen Hero" and 600 ielephone calls monthly era Professor Schramm said, or distortion and high tone quality Abdicates Postion 1,250 fightE are being handled by the office, "Some of the biggest newspapers are the advantages of FM. I d He was born in Johnson county, (James Joyce); "The Science of as Flying according to Wilkinson. in the country say that they ex· Th FM t t· rt the ar To Geo ogy Stu ents graduated from the univerSity c61- Man in the World of Crises" T1h~ 'fine food etors bornl ese s a Ions a er w.! , • lege of medicine in 1912 and has (Ralph Linton) ; "Palmyra of the fields and I ---~~-~-~--~~~~------~~--~-- ,""'ill probably invade the local It was warm on the steps of Enjoy ... practiced medicine in Iowa City North" (Chrililopher Marsden); mediately i .communities so that once mo~e Old Capitol. since 1914. "Henry James, the Major Phase" The excellent service o( (fie Rfiin, newspapers may have a competl- There was spring in the air. Dr. Rohrbacher is married and (Francis Matthiessen); "Czechs at United ! tor, this time in the field of local There was a freshman on the has four daughters. He is a mem­ Agalll'3t Germans" (Philip Pan- This scene looks peaceful. How, headquarter news and advertising. sleps holding a Spanish book but ber of the Christian church. eth); "Writers and their Critics" ever, on the back of this . ox. ... airforce op laden munitions tor our ' tlgbtiIIC "These three devices, then," concentrating on obtaining the pe­ (Henri Perre); "Here Comes To- MOORE'S out "with Professor Schramm said, "mean ginning of a smooth sun tan. William J . White, Democrat, ,is morrow" (Wilbert Zelomek); "S. torces on a Pacific island •• Your vt~r ,. ( Bonils are in actiOn everyw her'~ weather II R. 0 ." (B4Innett Cert); "The Bible that the newspapers will have to She noticed a group of students unopposed for reelection to the 01- TEAROOM under strange conditions. You'. "generally think pretty hard about what their walking toward her, but paid lit· 'fice of city assssor which he has and the Common Rellder" (Mary be sure your War Bonds do ' a full sui ts everyy job is and how they're going to tie attention to them. While held for more than 20 years. Chase); "The Murmur of Wings" 13 S. Dubuque day's work. Step up your PlJl!IIl do it. reading the same paragraph for A World War I veteran, he has (Leonard Dubkin); "The Valley savings. Buy an extra War ~ "Newspapers will move farther th~ fourth time. suddenly she felt two sons who are now in the and Its People" (Rot.>ert Duffus); today. TI . S . r"ltJnH,J n,bartr..,~t from the big headlines on spot se*el'al pairs of eyes peering over armed formes. Having resided in "Music lor the MiUlon~" (Qavid Jurisdic news and will move nearer the her shoulder. Iowa City most of his life, he now Ewen); "Camera, Take the Stand!" magazine," he said. They may They couldn't be interested in lives at 927 N. Summit street. (Asa Herzog); "Land of the Freel. Causes look more and read more like a Spanish. They weren't. (H 0 mer Hockett) i "Walki~" magaizne, with features and in- "Pardon me," ventured one of The life expectancy of man has Preacher ot the Ozarki" (GUY terpretations of the news assum- the members of the geology class, doubled since the 18th century, Howard). At Reg;~ ing new impartance. ' "but you're sitting on a stone w~'re from 30 years then to above 60 "Central Union of Europe" He also predicted ihat the post- supposed to be studying." today. (Peter Jordan); "Samuel John- DES MOl war newspaper may come to be' 50 , . dictional dis per cent pictorial, and that full THIS WAS THE LUDENDORFF BRIDGE union affili .. color pictures will be used exten­ Women Sentenced· employes ca sively. In the COin Stating thai he wasn't worried To Reformatory Register an c about the future of the newspaper A stateme he said, "There will still be a managementr OSA,GE (AP) - Mrs. Helen "caught in _ newspaper in 1955 and it will be Sch1,lltz Brewer, convicted i)1 dis­ pute betwe a better product than th~ news­ trict court today of assault wjth Typographic paper of 1945." intent to commit great bodily harm and sentenced to one year ternational ~ in the women's reformatory 'at Officials !-. Theta Rho Meets RockweU Cily, will be taken ' to Ihe majorit The Old Goid Theta Rho Girls Rockwell City tomorro}" morning. approximate . . DIalling roo1'lll A RARITY IN THE KINGDOM of birdS and also all a houae pet t. ftte will hold a meeting Monday at 7 Sheriff T.heodore Ho~n will take American eagle pictured above on the shoulder at it. owner, Amal' p. m. 1n the Odd F'ellow hall. Atter Mrs. Brewer to the te(ormator». The strike DeLaTorre, o.LaTorre 18 a war worker In Pueblo, Col., whO t~nd the business meeting a carel party She was convicled In (connec­ Posing I'oom_ the ea"lt the day It wu hatChe