".ATS. FATS• •, ...1_,. Cl5 n"•• ,. ZI ••• At I~' ...b n ••'" ._. .aOCII8I!O FOOOIi. • ••• . ...... lit Ih,•• ,. h ••' At I.,•• ,. t ... nil'. IUOA....... , ......... U ~"I' '.r II.. ..... .. 8aOI S. • .... lII,.... " .... _... ' . I OA' • va1J4 lau'lal... }' . G", OLDlI. .t·" ... ,... ,_ ' or " •• ,all ••• I •••-5 . e .. G, . ... ... C·., . -' ••• C-1 coup . .. IOWA: ••"17 eaeM,. with ,... ,., fI.. ,all.... 'VIJ. OIL, ..rl" ••• wo.,' DAILY IOWAN m1W~ fl... 7."'& THE e•• po •• , .... u.. .... Jetj.. toar ... II.,.e , ••41 . Iowa Cit Y , • Mar n I n 9 .~ • w • pap. r rJVE CENTS IOWA em. IOWA SATUBDAY. MARCH U . 1945 VOLUME XLV NUMBER 153 rmy mas es cross Ine• CZECH CHIEF GREETED IN MOSCOW 913 8. Nazis Report 8,000 Planes taDdl. Ibe 'SIll U· 8. Berlin BaHle Blast Nazi la\oI BJ IUrke L. 8'-PMa many planned at Y.lta is now at of field reports from the .llIed • 1831, h.nd. front pl.c: lh !IC n of rreat as- Ieee" AMoelatN Pre. War AlWJU , 113s. Gentral Pa tton Is across the We.ther conditions must neces- sault concentr.tion west of the sarily have much to do with Rhin at th extr me north end of r 1941. Resumed Supply Lines Rhine and now the w.r In Ger­ le many seems to of tel' a prospect timing of major o"aulls. They th lin About all that hall ~n .1,. fairly oon of some credible esti­ s em to have been pecially (a- rev aled by the .llIes w th.t lIIOU'e Allied Aerial Might vorable lome days In the wesl, h avy Irans-Rhlne bomb.rdment, Crossing Made oft II Soviets Split mate of bow 10111 orllanized Ger­ tor mlln resislance can last. giving allied .Ir power oJ)portunity unci r th V t mllit ry smoke cOIItrll German Defenses Formed Umbrella ' At Undisclosed Point 942'fl Patton's Third 3rmy, battle dis­ to slash mereil .Iy It nemy cr n ever raised, h.d been In Over Third Army patches report, cau,ht the German, troops a w 11 at communlcaUon progr for hours virtually from With No lones IS I•• Of Danzig, Gdynia .1I Broth" by surprise and with overwbelmlna keys and ammurJtion dumps. Dusseldorf to the Arnhem cornel' In weight. Th re are no slmn.r Indications Holland. LONDON (AP)-Tbl' Ger. PARI I aturday (AP)- BULLETIN !rom Ih asl but sin Ru Ian air- It would mo prob bl mans said ypsterda.v that 72.· Now Ihat weight Is on the shOl'l ,eem The United Stat Thjrd army WNDON, Sal ......,. ( AP)­ power I primarily r rved. for that Monteom ry would strike - 000 Russian troops and 400 road to Berlin, enemy bro.dcast "'Inned in Irtrength 8 ro tb A IIOwertul force of Brlftah close tacllcal support of advanCing north of Ih Ruhr while the Arnerl­ placed the b.rldeehead n ar O~pen­ R hi ne Thursday night in the r tanks had reopened the battle MlIlben baUered Q e rill. D helm, 10 miles south of M.inlt, troops, w ath r makes less dUfer- can First army bridgehead on the lor B E' rlin, crashing six: miles troo.. Dd posltlollS 011 u.e And the Germans reported th.t enCe th reo 818 allied bomb ra do eut b.nk. w., expanded north­ war' great. t river ero. ing, e. o"frwb 1m d th tartlfd n my west of tIlE' Oder river defens bank of &he abide duro.. the Rllsslans are trying to eros. the the strat g c bomblna to aid th stward toward Hamm. A pincer ibit line within 31 miles of Ih nlc'bt, It. w .. .....0UDee4 tod.,.. mIddle Oder In force at Kuestrln. Russians and they are I weath r play to by-pa. the Ruhr both and 8tMlek inl nd ,ith liflht. periled Nazi capital. Th re seems sm.1l room to doubt restricted than alUed support avia- north and south an:i squeeze it oU nini p~d from a finn bridg - leaves Simultaneollsly, MoRCo", sn· LONDON, Saturday (AP)-His­ that themaSllye double or quad­ tlon fl'oups. I prob.bly would be tes. co Ily til h Id on th ort t atl to !xhibit nounced t hat t~E' defender of tory's ml&htlest aerial onslaueht ruple fin.l assault on Inner Ger- G rman rePOr and g n ral ton I asualtles than direct attack Berljn-265 milps ah ad. n art Danzig 8nd Gdynia had been roared to a thunderous c1hnax yes­ By Friday tb Am ri aD! had PRESIDENT EDUARD BENES the repablle of &echos)ov. kla. re­ hall, split in two by 8 oviet 8urgl' 0' terday as more than 8,000 allied i% d .. jz abl trip of t r· plies to .n addre of wei onte on hIs arrl~1 at MolCow for a. confer­ il has to Danzig bag that won the warplan battered communica­ rito,{, east of the riv{'I', for an ence wltb ovlel lovernment otrleIaJa. To the len of President Bene tions In and around the devastated Tokyo Reports Raid Spain Ready to Go .4 and coastal town of Zoppot, mid-way At a Glance- offiCial announc m nt rlfrrrrd Is ovlet F... el m Conunlssar Mol.&ov. At r ~ht II J . tunek. Cilech German Ruhr. between the prlz~ Baltic ports. to the po Itlon as a bride head, forelm minister, wbo accompanied Prelll4ent Ben With the successful bridgIng ot ~n n ual The enemy said that the Red On Okinawa Island To War on Japan which In anny t rmlnolol)' means show. the tormldable rlYer barrier by the crosslnas ar b yond en my army had launched a mighty as­ Lleut. Gen. George S. Patton's ,r re­ saul t from t he OdeI' river under a Today's Ii,ht artillery range. (Thal might lave a swashbuckling United Slates Third Carrier Plane. Make Sends Tokyo Protest thunderous air bombardment and 33rd Division Nears army troops, there appeared to be m an they weI' aa much II five barrage by Red army artillery, ~aps ' Init~a'e no respite lor th Germans trom Two-Day Strike Agains t 'Pre m e ditotecl mll" beyond the Rhine.) 1lehearted for Months II slop mortars and rocket-guns. the aerlsl sttack. Against Naval BaM Murde rs' of Nationals 'on al Jap Headquarters Iowan · Carryin, out to perfection a OOllow Reached . The German radio Indicated that coup r hearsed for months, Lieu\. ha on A lew hours before a German Mosquito bomb rs were over the SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Amer­ .. .. .. • Clarkson Captures Assault North Reich In streneth again last nleht, Patton's rore swarm across MADRID {AP)-Spoln ap~ared Gen. Geor,e S. Patton Jr. put the front repOrt said Russian Infant­ lean carrl r plants raided Okinawa Rhine; tubllsh firm brlda - rymen had reached Golzow, on blasting varied taraels in brlllht In the Ry uku Island., midway be­ about to a to Wlr on Japan last first Amerlcan assault waves Naguilian Town, head without loss. acrou .t In undl closed point on tile Kuestrin-Berlin trunk rajJ~ moonllaht. tw en Japan and Formosa, friday nlehl os lh 10v rnm nt awaited road, and a Berlin dispatch by the Seizes Airport Third Anny Front and Saturday (TOkyo time). radio Tokyo's I' ply to a stron, note of th a t bank without th G r­ Of Hankow H ••I t pOrts declar Reds l" - prote I ollulnst th "pr meditated mans flrlne a shot and without n German-contrQlled Scandinavian The 19th tactical alrfor~ planes Tokyo reported list nlJht. The M~NILA, Saturday (A P)­ formed a protective umbrella over open baltl tor B rlln. murders" of Spanish nationals the loss 01 a man In th actu.1 telegraph bureau in Stockbolm Thirty-third division infantry ha CHUNGKING {AP)-Slx thou. broadcast was Intercepted by th Here the Third army tront and Asso­ Blue network. prior to the Ilber.tIon of Manila croulne. IBid: moved 10 within 16 all' miles 01 sand lank-led Japanese troops I,oot . lIIed plan hit Cl rman ciated Press Corr pondent Ed­ The enemy report, unconfirmed by American troops. Patton WII pI' 551ne hom wh 1 'Tbe major ll.ussian oUensive Bagulo, repOrted h adquarters of have opened a new oUensive communications. mllbt well prove. mortal blow t.erl ~, nOrthw 5t of th central China ward D. Ball reported that 23 by lbe navy al Guam which dis­ The Franco aovernment med against Berlin is immediately pt Japanese troops on Luzon, and wllHne to carry the Issue to the Without livin, th enemy time Mar. hand." City of Hankow, aimed at seilting German planes were shot down In closed earlier in the week a two­ Gen. Douglas MacArthur's land­ the blUest air battles In the Third Tokyo a.nnoun carrl r plan conclusion of war despite. report to recuperate {rom the Nazi ca­ be at ba ed bombers have sunk five the wheat crop In northern Hupeh day strike by Vice Admiral Ma~c assault on Ok\J!awa. The report was not confirmed afmy ector In months, A. Mllscher'J carrier .Ircraft at that Germsny had preaented a tatl'ophe wesl of th Rhine. The ,unday by the Soviet high command ships, have sunk or damaged eight and southern Honan provinces and charring doullhboy, were talklne r mOYin, the Chinese threat to the It wu the second aucee slve day southern Japan said 230 plan not to the Madrid lOY rnm~t ?alles' which, however, ill its nightly war to 10 oth rand d suoy d 12 IUI­ .ayln,ny pan) b .cllon alain t In hllh spirits ot beotlng the Rus­ Pejping-HIIJlk~W railway, the Chi­ that more than 8,000 plsn hom .
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