SATURDAY, SRPTOTBER 20,1947 iffanrl?p0trr SoMthtg Avenge DrIIj Circfflation Tbe Wwtbtr f J . • ^ I t Y V For the Maatb af Aogdat, IN I ^ Fsraoast of 0. K Woatbar Bonaa haar thla week how a mambtr of The Mancheater Beard of Beal- tha ataff of Tha New London Day Lot Ufl Help You Sell Cteoriag aad boBamtag vary * tora wlU meet Monday feels about the similar form of M anchcBler 9,040 root taaint; Bght frool gooerally About Town the Sheridan reataurant. It will Be Heard A long Main Street' government In that city, which has WANTED Maaibar oC Mm Aodll the flrat meeting of th# waaon Your Properly— We 2iiiiiittriiF0tFr itu f tttttn with moderate froat ta latertar; been in effect for the past 2fl Date Book Ratagg at CliealiWaaa Tnraday fair aad qolta cooL and every member !• urged to at* years. Last week's column de­ INSURANCE MAN X rel>e»n*l tor th* R»lly tend. *111# program for the year j 4nd on Some of Manche»ter*§ Side StreeU, Too Protect the Buyer— p f i i S to b« pr-tntod during tailed the letter of HIbherd A. Al- Nancheeter-^A CUy of Vttlage Charm ayander rcjtarding condltlona there TamgM V ^MS^dny nchool M ai^ wUI be dlacuaaed. the Seller. A mailbag oontHbuUon thla*ply to you. May I requeat you to and It was aa a result of that letUr Sixtieth anniversary celebration 25 to 40 Years OM dly, Septemtor M nt Concordl. of East Central Pomona at tha MancheaUr Aaaembly, No. 16 week fnllowa' me In touch with readers of that the comment was made. Wa have emnpetent anleaineii 18) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1947 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS latlMrsn cHurcJi. wUl be held nt Masonic Temile. VOL. LXVU NO. 298 Ordcf of„ Rainbow______for fllrla, will , -Thete teen-aged gtrla do talk your paper intcreated in friendly A meinber of the ataff of Ih a on tmt randy to oaalst von the chur«h Ihle nnemoon nl two Herald, on vacation In his nativa Life, Liahmty, Accident o’clock. AH pupil! UWnir p ^ « « « hold a acml-publtc Inalallalloo I «»nBe at tlmea. I heard the fol- correapofidence T Mandsy. Bent. M In y«nr real estate proMema— city, vlalted the editorial rooms of Meeting of Republican Town and Health — Hospitaliza­ urged to nttend. o m «m . Monday evening at ^ I g V J m r k made by one of,»g ^ from the ee—U you want rRO.MFT o'clock in the Maaonlc Temple, p *, p«en wearing one i outride worid these long years and Tha Day a weak ago Monday, the Committee. Municipal building nt dEKVICB tion. Ivcada fumiahed. Missimippi Haribor Wreckage Mlaa Marjorie Brown of « Rogers ^ ^ Irta to and ■ " • » democratic an- data of New London’s annual city fl. Drawing account airainat British See Peril A •OB. their nrrt child, w m bonj election. In the oouraa of hla vM t Oafl riace will be inatalled m worthy ^„«,n g pool Tknraday, Bapt. M commimion. Write Box vMUrdny •» St. Frarcl* hoepiUl advisor. MlaaNaUlle Caijcnter. k ^ Bald she: Alexander’s charges wars brought Aid for Europe Set Meeting of Zon'ng Board of Ap­ to Mr. and Mm. Robe, t H. Ckreey, Into the dlscuaricn and the local W.D.. care The Herald, alat- jr^ ^ '3 Robert! Court, . E**t retiring worthy advlaw. will In- ,p „„t longer akirta for peals. Municipal building at A •tall the new officers. Every mem- phooey! They should i? )!. ^staff l ^ v member remarked that Man­ JARVIS inff experience, references, Bakford. chester was to embark upon n Sahardajr. Sept t7 If Reds Persist her la aaked to report at seven . extra material Into men a '•‘ t*” from abroa^ Moat of my Tall Cedars Ceremonial. Parade 884 Center Street ete. ! pur iiw i e »ir « rnembem (among them aclentlsta, form similar to New London's. TeL 4113 er 1378 Reginn D’lUdla Society U hold- o'clock. ahlri-trit^ Ho their atudenta. experta, buaineaamen and "1 hope that It doesn't have tha to atari at 6 p. m. fair at Bolton la * lu ilxteenth »nnuBl banquet their ahlrt-Ulli tucked Into thrir well-^ucated ladles and aame affect In Manchester aa It Orange at Cantor Community At $19,300,000,000; at the Italian-A roericar Oub on AU young people of the South 1 pant! la beyond me. Why thla gentlemen, and alao hobbytata, has In New London,” The Day bouse. Starts at 10 a. m. In Holding Stand Ddridge etreet Sunday, October 9 MethodUtlethodUt church------planning------to.go - , . ^hirt...... -of ------dad’a dnean’t „ ^ half housewives and even young boys staffer remarked. "Here It has re- Lost opportuo.ty to be made vot­ for merabera and their families on the myatery ride, tomorrow, and I’m called Half-Pint by and girls) have a fairly g o ^ aulted In filling the city hall with er thla year. Towri clerk's office. The committee In charge Ihclude! ■houtd be at church at three „utre than a few. knowledge of English, but would a bunch of dunces who sit around Municipal buOdiiig, • a. m. to • Mm. Cbtherine Anniello. Mr!. o'clock. They are aaked to wear •'Now that girl had aomethl^g alao be pleased to write In German dolij; little or nothing." p. m. STOP IN TONIGHT ___to men's ahlrt- Warning Given ‘Unsta* Itoae Bareflo. Mra. Carmela Ven­ hiking-clothea and to .bring tbelr | there In regard If desired. I am sure, my kaembera ''You know the answer,” The Agree on Food Help Snndny, Bept. tfl ^ I s for they are mighty short Arabs Agree tura. M m Angela Mlitrella. Urx own lunchea. wUI try and give their pen friends Herald man aaaerted. " I f New Football, .American Legion vs ble Peace of W orM these days. And aa to lo t ^ r FOR DELICIOUS HOT PIZZA Qemma DuBaldo. M m AntotoeUe ---- The every aatlafactlon. London had an alive, alert, crusad­ Springfield. Mt Nebo field at 3:18. AgtwtlneUI. Mre. Thereaa R ^ - TUe executive board of the Edu­ skirts I'd say 'no soap Individuals and groupa of per ing newspaper those condltlona Second annua! oi>en — Country Will Crumble and On Break If id; M m Delflna I*ola and Mm. cational club, at a meeting at the short ones are more attractive and sons may communicate with me would not exist." The Kind Everyone Raves About! Cabinet Food ConimUtee | 16 Nations Seeking Mar* I MNuntA fur niofv cornfortubl# lf> ClUD. Crash* With ^Hideous 1947 Harvest Oarltna Andlalo. Member! who home of the president, Mra. Wal direct stating tneir particulars •'You're right there,” the New Tnesday, Sept. M shall Plan Aid Set summer. And who obJecU to. Londoner said much to the sur- YOUR FAVORITE BEER ON TAP Agrees on Future' Cx- j wlah to attend or any othera, lace Payne of 209 East Center and Interests. All letters will be M iliUry WlUst, S t Bridget'a Consequences* If So­ Dure Knees piiae of The Herald staffer. * a « Area Divided •hould notify aome raeinber of street, made plana for the year attended to and all applications Hall, S t Margaret’s Circle, O. of port to Be Recoin-1 May Be Small Price for Years 194B the committee, to aaal*t them The flrat mecUng will be In Octo­ q hope that I shall live to a ^ linkad up. I f possible, two or three To the obaervatlon made by viet Attitude Holds All ElrUi In •hort* abovv the bnee. L with their plana ber at a data to be announced. reply coupons should be enclosed Tha Herald man many local rest mended to Truman; | Through 1951; West* A knee In golf or tennis test cover expensea, and alao— to dents, who favor the appointment Wedaeaday Oct 1 DIANA'S TAVERN Britain Will Accept Should not In clumsy sklrU hf Civic Music Asaoclation. Flrat New York, Sept. 22.— (A>) Anderson Declines to | For All World em Europeans Sign Re* Mr. and Mra. Alonso Poreman same time- -an Introductory letter of George Waddell aa town man­ 208 Spruce Street I to future pen-frirnda over here will ager, would be willing to add the concert of season. Benno Rab- — Britain warned today that Partition of Pales­ o flfo rth Coventry have •» their | In strenuous play, Give Any Details; To port Pledging Them* be appreciated. assurance that If he were ap­ Inof, violinist Holllater street aU' if the Soviet Union persisted YOUR CHII-OKKN guesu Mr. I ab«ntd ditorium. tine If Other UN Mem­ PHOTIKJRAPHKD Detnands . . . . ------ummm Pen-frtendshipe are a step to­ pointed certainly 00 such <»ndi- in trying to force ita own will Meet With President; Hoover Outlines Steps selves to Program of law and sister, Mr. and Mra. Glen A knee In summer ahwild be were wards the creation of that Interna­ Uon ever would transpire. Sunday, O ct 8 bers W ill Give Aid IN YOUR HOMK Kenworthy; their son and his wife, And shorts ere Just the proper tional friendship and goodwill that Annual Boys’ Soap Box Derby, upon the world "the unstable Manthall Is Satisfied Needed *If Large Areas Self-Help for Future At No ISkIrs Cost! Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kenworthy. la ao aaaentlal to understanding A few weeks back when there .tusplcea Manrh-ater Rotary Club. p ^ e of the world will crum­ London, Sept. 32.— — An To Be Saved from ' aU of lioa Angelea, CSallf. From Biit*lf^some otojooto do and peace, don't you think aoT were evidences of a possible Wedaesday, O ct 8 BMTE 8TUOIO this area they will go to Rich­ Edwin Strawb.’-ldge Playera pre­ ble and crash" with "hideous Arab office spokesman aald to­ Washington, Sept. 22.— (/P) Paris, Sept. 22.—**"®^**^ 4 on world problema. Office source said Britain would mittee meets with the president Italy's foreign mlnloter aaid Henkle has made public claim were possible to get any water p. m. BINGO tha former president to the Madi­ pRftkglwikmant Praaldant s ivmwvaaw Mra. Mmr/Mary ww-Se- ■ mnuend ••aa •a confctant patron of alM. the McNeil ridiculed tha chargea accept such partition If other at 3 p. m. (e.a.t.). that nation would have a revolt!* that Alexander erred when he from hla well. He was told: Sunday, O rt 18 Crains Price son Square ,Garden meeting. Hla Ua, Monday. October 1». Election public library'. 1 at Ruooto’a Andrei Y. Vlahlnaky UJ4. members would help carry Strong Winds to Hit First of Conferences secreatry explained that Hoover Uon In two or three months un* BINGO stated that the city regime had " I think there’s water In the Annual Fall Outing of Campbell of officera will alao taka plac# on cere regard for our llbimrians an well all right, but I haven't got a AT 8:30 SHARP that ttiera la “war-inongering" In out the proJecL The Food committee meeting had not felt wo’,1 for several days less the Italian people got bread. that avenlag. a genulna pndo In ^ wrongfully uaed public funds and Council, K. of C. at tl)e Hayloft, Te Present BriUln’s Views ' waa the first of a aeries of top ad­ Representatives oi the waaterN P had committed various errors In drop of water In the house to Coventry. the United Statea. McNeil called Slump Shifts but Was "all nglil now." building!. It was to e r^ ro Colonial Secretary A rthur! ministration conferences. Includ­ The meeting In behalf of German European nations, winding up prime the pump ” Friday, Nov. It Vlohinaky'i attack "a comedy Tooag'paopla who attended | what of a shock to r « d w w Judgment.. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Ocech Jones leaves by plane for South Florida Again ing a cabinet luncheon, on the relief was spor.sored by the Ameri­ their Rusatan-boycotted meetlngA Henkle aaaerta— "In Ita hon- That aeemed to be a problem piece." TONIGHT Youth Oonferencaa during the Herald that our eatImaWe without Bolutlon. Finally the party Turkey suppei—Christmas sale. New York tonight to present general problem of how the Unit­ can Friends Service committee, signed a report pledging then* eaty and Integrity It la my Arm He then denied Vlahlnaky'a summar will tell of their axper- men could treat » caa^iiy host said, "W alt a minute. I've 2d Congregational Church. Britain’s views to the U.N. As­ Rever8<*8 at Opening at ed Statea can help Europe meet the Labor Ltague for Human selves to a program of aelf-lwlp conviction that the government WMneaday, Dec. 8 change! that the Marohall plan lances at Oi# maeUng of Osntar subject «»f sHm W their got a couple of bottles of beer In for economic aid to Europe sembly, soon to consider a majori­ Chicago Today; Later New Tropical Disturb­ emergency needs this winter. RIghIa lA FL) and Lutheran World but declaring: Oiurch Cyp club tomorrow eve-1 of the library riaff.. Hu • . of the city of New Ix>ndon la ex the house. Maybe we can prime Clirtatmas Treo Bazaar. Center ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES! ty report of Ua Special Commit­ A part of this queation Is this "In the last analysis the extar* ORANGE HALL ceedeasacngers shall, Secretary of Commerce In other parts of the world—Includ­ people, through their government gram •"«> ^W ll^ In the placement of U oks apparently proves to his own sat­ along and wanted a drink of water today, but prices moved down .Admission 25c with Every Roll ef Film apeecb. Ha chatted and laughed agreed on the "break” with the who parachuted from army plane Harriman, Undersecretary of ing the America,! corn crop the and their Congreaa, wUl conoldetr legs of Inviting thrir friends. | familiar with the library isfaction that he la right, and the If he were told that the pump had ■omewhat again in the first few — (/P)— Winds up to 60 miles Developed and Printed with VUhlnaky. and aat for a mo­ west, should Palestine be divided. In Luaon found, one dead .... State Lovett, Secretary of War next 12 months will be a grim food this program and determind system at all. this la a remarkable detractors are wrong. The ex­ been primed with beer do you In a oecret resolution adopted at minutes of trading. A t the same per hour— only 16 miles be­ whether the means can be found planation Itself la Involved with ment on the arm of the chief So­ Ptnne tended nlnroat nndnmaged Aoyall, Undersecretary of Agri­ year," Hoover aald. ■tatementt Our llbrariana are think he would drink the water? ELITE STUDIO a meeting at Bludan, Syria, near time storage eggs futurra and low hurricane strength — A "disaatrou* decrease” of 32,- of supplying those needs. On much reason giving as to why viet delegate’s chair with hla arm butter futures continued their with no one nt fxmtrote after crew culture Dodd, and food experts of working directly with our public WASTE PAPER Damascus, In June, 1948. were predicted today for 000,000 tons of coarse grains was their decision will depend whether about Vlohlnsky’s ahoulder. parachutrd . . Stock marltrt lead- the State, Commerce and Agricul­ Bchool system continually, and some contractors with political A. Non. Asked why he now waa diacloa- downward trend at Chicago. Europe can achieve economic otn* era slip fractionally . . . Estimate ture departments. predicted by Hoover. This, he said, each trained library worker Is aa poritlon get city work and how Dellvera Vigorous Attack ing the gist of the resolution, the The exchanges and wholesale storm-ravaged southern Flor­ billty and thereby be enabled to between five to seven million box­ The cabinet committee la com­ would be partly offset by a 4.000,- familiar with the academic sub- othera didn't get It. It Is In­ A fter bearing today's opening spokesman said “ the main reason commodities price levels, which ida as a new tropical disturb­ make her full contribution to the volved. and the arguments are en of cltrua fruit hurricane toll . . posed of Marshall, Anderoon and 000 Incrcaae in bread grains — jecU In the achool curriculum as speaker. Faria el Khoury of Syria, la to cotmter rumora" that the moved generally lower last week, ance moved swiftly across wheat and rye. welfare of the world." the teachers thwwelves. In one not clear for a non-resident to 0 |K'ning Meeting LIQUORS deliver a vigorous attack on the were watched for an Indication of Five Ohio CIO unions urge W'al- Harriman. Can 5141 Arab states have disagreed on the the Gulf of Mexico. Hoover, who had toured Europe Need Approximately 83 BlUtenn teoo for president . . . evening a llbransn may be asked J\idge on. REASONABLE PRICES! plan to divide Paleatlna into sep­ policy to be adopted If the U.N. whether a turning point In the Hatlafled With ResoHa The conferees, who whipped — F O R ^ One thing Is clear. 1 COLLECTION arata Jewish and Arab countries Heads Toward Fort Myers Old enra reach Portland in tour. Marahall declined to dlscuaa the earlier this year to survey the food by a high school student for aid Of Wotiieii^g Club d ia reito ^ their arguments record high coat of living might their report Into shape after ro* If you are In government, keep The atorm center, already lash­ . . . Western Europe figures It situation, at the reouest of Presi­ In any subject from I,atln to music —a plan which the British cabinet agMnst partition. be near. calving many suggertlons from your trucks your equipment, your' ing the coast with raln-laced, dent Truman, said that his outline to biology. Tlie 'placement of ARTHUR'S la reported ready to support—Mc­ Cora Up DaUy Um it needs fXX billion In next four (Uoaltenbd aa Page Four) William L. Cbtytan. U. .8 . under- husIneM servlcee swav from the • q.y,r Women’s (.’ ub of Manchester MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Might Withdraw Oonceaolons whistling oqualLa, headed toward of world food proapocts did not In books' Is the least of a library Neil took the rostrum at 11:52 a. A,forecast for scattered light yeara to rehabilitate . . . U. H. secretary of etate, said the 13 na­ city hall doors. Tn that way I" | |x looking forward to a splendid 84 5 Main Street Replying to h queation, be said the -Fort Myera*Tampa'-b«y area elude Russia. But he added: "Rus­ C R T CAB worker's achuvementsi An ade m. (e.d.L) frosts In parts of the midwest and rtelnm Albnaten regime seeks to tion would need approximately a "complete" economic break quata knowledge of all reference svolded the personal attack that opening mcetln*. on Monday eve­ He prefaced his prepared speech where It was expfTcted to move "perpetnnto Itarlf by oppression, sia has had sonre crop Improve­ "might" mean .that the Arab na­ indications of a good business ment. We hop* It Is enough to sup­ $85,000,000,000 In g o ^ from the SAFE, COURTEOUS DRIVERS materiala and aources la necessary, alwava follows any shade of per­ ning, Scptemlwr 22, at the South IN THE NORTHEAST SECTION by Mylng that the aaaembly over the week end gave the Chi­ Inland tonight. It waa only half terrorizntlfMi" . . . President Tru- tions would withdraw American the Intensity of the great Atlantic Tokyo Floods ply the satellite states.’* western hemisphere In the four aa well aa a fine background In sonal Interest In public positions. Methodist Oiurch. Jerome A. Hig­ would not expect him to follow El cago grain morket a strong open­ mnn today occupied with Euro­ and British oil ooncesslona. hurricane, which tracked destruc­ Tho situation, Hoover said, cads' years. OPEN ALL NIUIIT general psychology, aa both adult gins. Ph. D , Director of Public Nolice Help the Hospital — Help Local Industry By ContinuinK Khoury’s Arab-country line end ing, with meat ae much aa 6*3 pean aid plans . . . Robot eon- Relations at the Connecticut Junior "Something might alao be done tion serosa Florida imd then roar­ for these atepa; Their expected export program, and child psychology are used We heard .x ; lory from a visitor go Into the Peleatine queation in centa higher and corn up aa much trolled U. H. Army plane today Siiliside Today however, was counted upon to Republic, I.ltrhflelc, will discuss I about landing r i ^ U granted to ed across the gulf to devastate 1. American farmers "must re­ dally In the librarian's position. In town the other dsy aho!it a To Save Paper. The Need Has Not Diminished! deteU. I t was noted. In fact, that western airline companlea,” the aa eight cents, the dally limit. fUea from Newfoundliiad to Os- supply sufficient dollara ao that a "Then, loo, ll-e librarian must stranger In a strange city who "Boys as I See Them." ' Zoning Board of Appeals the gulf coast and New Orleans. fordshlre. sist the natural tendency" to feed spokesmah added. However, these were extreme The Miami Weather bureau said bread grains to animals at a time deflcit of 832.440,000,000 would re­ serve as a reaocr'a advisor, help­ B*kenlng regulations of he said the Bludan conference al­ to be dangerous. "In this world emergency we subtracted 83,110,000,000 oxpectad charting reading guidance In many the railroad stallon?" for 100 boys who come voluntarily els. to have peace tn Legislative coun- the Town of Manchester, the Zon­ so decided that Arab sUtea However, the dismal Job of per* of Hungry Vic­ must give the preference to to come os loans from the Inter- Instances. She must of course have The answer was: from broken «>r m n-exlatlng homes Near the end of the first hour, cM, Representative (Jotter says . . . Improved Security For All ing Hoard of Appeala will hold a would supply men, money and human beings,” he said. u thorough kno vledge of the IVw- "You drive dov.-n this street one nt the reference of welfare agen­ wheat was 2 Vi to 4t» centa high­ tabulating casualtlea and proper­ Former Glastonbury Town court tims Rising, However public hearing In the Municipal Ruthless Rule arms to the Palestine Arabs to 2. "Unnecessary human rofl- (Osntlaned on Page Fatw) A n t M what yen get when yon Join np with onr AerMent end ey Decimal system In order to prop­ blo<-k no, thev'ir Irniing up Ihst cies, schools, or churches. One er, September 82.60U. corn waa ty damage continued along the Judge, Walter F. Foley, settles for unique feature of Inatniction la the Ruildlng. Thursday evening. Hep- resrtt any attempt at partition. erly classify books and catalog street. You turn to the left at the With reference to a "cultural U to 2% higher, September at coast of Louisiana, MUalaalppl, doU'.'le danfagea of $450 Federal Tokyo, Sept. 22 —Flood- HanMli pelley beMera. Tonr Income keeps coming la wken yon eeonomic system wherrhy a boy tember 2.1, 1947, at 8 P. M., on the civil suit based on overcharging of (CoallaHod oa Pag* RKtoa) cards, and keen the library system next eorner no. that street Is be­ By Reds Seen break," he said that would not ne­ $2.38V4, and oats were 244 higher, west Florida. Forty-three were watera subsided slightly In Tokyo mod H Um nniat. Onr AntomoMIe UeMllty end Property Dam- Is p.'rld for every hour of honest fullnwing applications: rent for cottage at Milford . . . working smoothly. In addition to ing tarred. You go to the right at September at $1.09*3. known dead, and there waa ap­ today, but the Japanese press re­ effort exerted In the>program. cessarily Imply asking western (Jlarence Brown of Ansonla held nge. Fire and Theft, pretecto yonr worldly psseesoloes nt renaen- role of children'.! story-teller, sev­ the sceond come’- no, they’re mov­ Application of Ernest Sasa for Grain traders said the market prehension of extensive flood dam­ ported the iempers of hungry flood From his we, Kly rheck he peya mlssionariea or other weaternera criminally responsible by New •Me rntee: em pnied with posalble loeaee. Thla Agency la randy eral of our library workera have ing a house ilow;i the mldermiasion to have aeven FOB QUALITY — LOCATION AND DURABILITYf not act In time to give our Officials said floodwaters cov­ Clay revealed in hla monthly re­ meet "disaster relief ne^s" ef mcke the phi^nt call. Then when Arrangements Nanking, topt. 32——Fierce for month, $20,034,334.81.. (OMttniMd o « Page Eight) ering much of three northeastern port that the deflett in hydro-gen­ stricken families ta huritenne- Now OptB for Bostndai ^ swer. It came to the colum this roomers and to have light house­ If He Hasn't t;ot It He'll Build It! atrejagth the expreoslon and the May Strike week from Munich. he got off th.« tu's he asked the keeping privileges for three of means that warn so aggreosive, Btreet-fighting in Chlhola, 35 miles wards of Tokyo had dropped oome- eration of power had caused can­ swept Gulf stales and aoutbera southwest of the Red-held oeaport International Correspondence driver for s transfer. The driver By experienced Aorists. For the rooms at 121 Hollister Street, arbitrary, corrupt and powerful what. Farther north, repair work cellation of electrii* train schedules Florida. Olsaater relief beadquat- ALL POPULAR BRANDS OpflEER ^ Bureau wss exasperated by this time and Weddinifa, Anniversaries, Business zone. CARTER STREET— WALKER STREET— a government of the folly of of Chefoo, waa reported today aa As Protest began on broken river levees while and severe curtailment of work lers for the whole area have beeb 9-R»«m House, 4 arras of Two-Tenement Flat, 5 and government troops supported by a vast lake covered much of Kanto In locomotive and freight car re­ Chilled, Ready To Serve If Yoo Like Anna-Marla Braun hla pnawer to the requeat for the Funerals. Etc. Application of W alter,P. Gor­ starting a war. set up at three potats. West Palm (ISbt Munchen 15. transfer was: land. Hurroundrd by braiillful S. individual strain heat, (Mireb. Cencemed About Service Law the moat powerful air strength yet To Ask Apostolic Delegate plain. pair ahopa. Reec^ Fla., New Ortooas and man for permission to use lot for .Near bus line. Good condition used In China’s civil war pushed Orad Pte4-rd A t I.OUO The transport situation w’a* ag­ LIndwurmstraaae 12A-A 'The only thing you’ll get on ANDERSON parking cars for patrons of Ihne- shade trees. Water. F.leetrl- "For this reeeon eU universi­ Infiastrial Training of Gulfport, Miss., with W. W. Jeffer­ IK WINES LIQUORS CORDIALS Germany-Uavaria-UR Zone. thla bus la off.'' elty. 0«cu|isary In 80 days. throughout, ties are concerned about our new their conquest of Shantung penin­ American re|>orta placed the gravated by a shortage of 17,000 son, Red Croon soutbeostera area hurst Grocery and Dr. Prignsno, number of dead on the plain at open railway cars which the Rus- Dear Sir or Madame; military oervlce law.” sula. To Intercede in Conflict Russians Basis of manager, diraettog speraHsna. tha GREENHOUSES on Main Street, corner of Middle THIS HOUSE FOR SALE O’LEARY DRIVP^ Government forces which ­ 2,000. The Home ministry, whose sfan sone owed tha Americana at Ample Psrkinff Space A fter having astahllahed an In­ with the forthcoming change Turnpike West, Business sone. 18 rooms, two bslhs, stall He said a universal service law announeement sold. This move ternational (^arreapondenca Bu­ of the form of governindfit In Man­ 155 EldridRe SL Tel. 8486 8 Rooms with T nnflnlshed, tured Chooyuan, 28 miles west nf Michigan Dispute reports have conslatently lagged the end of August. To offset the was made to "expedite tong tcral C50 CENTER ST. TEL. 4697 Application of James and Bar­ aboner, tlle


•.u22*o* Kwvtd Into Uoxln* today, keepa at hU V.V_lpart. Jo.m. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, SEPTT':MBER 22, 1947 PAGE TH R E E to Join 1 13 dt )olnrd by Ttnor Jamra Mai- home. Daninge Caused tan. an ard;:it coHsctor of aari? Today’a Ollddan run will Uae K—Heavy Tw o Speakers * 300 Grangers Present Kleetrlral Owtrertoe H w OWda i tour or w clm t c m - or tba to old-time cara tint he manacera aald the eatra 40 milea Is Exceptionally Good members William H. Davis of the Russian Vessels i On Bovs’ Racers overnight rainstorms art axpacted P l a n U r g e d Commerce department, which has miftht delay the alower cara ao to add to tba damage caused In For Gathering Now Possible to supervision ov:v the Patent of­ M..sler Elrrlririiin much they couldn’t make New the Brie area by winds which fice, and Casper W. Ck>ma. former Work Snoe at war# Na lealtlnt Hampahlre by nlfht. tura of cigars and shadagrown as , At Celebration Here For the benefit of boys who reached a valoclty of BO milea an Good Idea How It Wil Weather Ideal for the patent commlseloner. Tokyo, Sept. 22—i/Ti-Japan have registered for the Rotary TKI.F.PIIOMt. WrtM ot 7H88 lo w clouda over Mount Waeh- a wrapper w r or outer eovar. Shade- hour at tba Erie airport. Woiilfl Enl.Trgc Chances | signed a eontrart today to build nub's Soap Box race and whose BEAR T«l MAIN STBERT UiRh Quality miirp Incton forced cancellation at y e v State G»mptroUer and Look When Done Most Part and Har> grown tobacco was introduced to R Miirl Furl Several garagm were badly •-row too wooden tugboats and 75 barges cars were not completed lost Sat­ terday’a plana for climbing the C.- damaged by the gueata, trees were the northern farms In aa effort to Of Secrets of .Atomic urday. there will be one more ln- 28t foot peak. RIeven of iha an- felted on automobilea and all Treasurer to Talk a The Wilbur Cross highway that vestin^^ Ahead ofI, reproduce the tropkal climate ^*^1 ** G r e e k s P l a n Topcoat ^ Gather for Russia. Allied headquarters’ spectlon, at five o'clock next Fri­ Uqua cara made tha mounutn run available utility repairmen were goes through the north; section of Wca|N)tis Leaking Out Foraign Trade JIvIsInn said the 8atur(lay. Rockville Meeting Manchester is now reaching Schedule In This Area day afternoon *at the Wilson Acts AT ONCE r f l t o v t nailed out as elactrio light and ___ Pf# For New Eiiglaiid craft would be used in open road­ warehouse, off Allen place, at the to state of construction that ^ ves sary o f East Central N e W D r i v e telephona aervlca waa dlaruptad. None of the plantations Appear Washington, Fept. 28 id - T h e North End. Racers Inspected Sat­ RockvlUt, Sept. 23 (Specilall— ths paopla aa Idsa of what It wlU A survey of tobacco groarera In to have experlsnesd any difficulty Atomic Energy commission's Pst- stead harboib of SmKhalln. Ta Become .Medical M.'aaloaary The larga acraan at tba "Sky Pomona; The Program ____ The division also announced urday which required minor ad­ I AV*y Drtva-In theaUr" on tha 8U U Comptroller Fredd ft. Zeller: bs whan iCia complstsd. Then art the Manchester area shows that In sscuring labor for tSs fiekU ent Advisory panel doesn’t want Boston. Sept 22 (PI—Topcoat and Stats Traaaurer Joseph A. weather m ov^ on New England Japan had signed a contract to justments In order to meet Derby mrratm Weat Lake nAd nsar Erie waa five bridgas on ths road yet to be the past season ba# bean an sx^ and ahads. Tha shads farms were Preparations Keyed to this country to apply for s patent i Enflewood. N. J.. Sept. 22- (4>) Adorno will be the principal Over three hundred members of today with piedlcllons tempera­ purchase T5.000 metric tons of apeclfiratlons will also be recheck­ blown over by tha wind but top­ completed. Tbey are the bridges supplied with Jamaicans and with East Central Poa.ona Orange No. on the A-bomb or any other tj'pe l — Dr. Corydon W, Waaaell whose apeakers at a gat together of lo­ ceptlonsUy good one, with, aa one Program to Increase of atomic weapon. tures would drop to freesing In the Sakhalin coking coal from the ed Friday.^ I war-time rescue of 13 woundcmbed-out'hospital Ing the outdoor motion picture In should be rain; sun when there ida by the Shads Aasoelatlon of the Masonic Hell on Saturday eve­ 130,000 • Man Army To do so, the panel said In s In production of power unKa for racers at the boys' hamea.'' The (CAUStB BY C B IM ) CAMOI.INK RHOl.luNAl.K and KK'IAII. their automobilea. day evsning. Sapt. 3A at 7 p. n. land, Oakland and TaloottvUl#. Hartford who malts arrangements week-end report, would "enlarge" A mass of cold sir has already In Java earned him a presidential should be stm.” ning In obaervance of their 60th resche OIL at tha Mncaaa on VUlaga atraat. From TaicottvlUs all the way to for their being transported to this anniversary. the chance of secre’ s leaking ouL citation and formed the bnaia of Although it la still too early to will cover sll'thc six states before In another transaction. Russia that hoyn have their racers on scribed rnmissiN. It acts at ones Anyons mtareatad U walcoina to WUlington the heavy work is now area and thrir allotment to the Athens, Sept 33—0P»—Greece’s Noting that the atomic energy a Holljrwood movie wan en route attend, Including those living in get more than a general estimate Tbs banquet was ser\’ed by mem­ Army, Navy and Air Force chiefs the- day Is out, the district fore­ sold 4.000 metric tons of graphite their front lawns at 4:30 Friday nut only to relieve coughing due to completed. AU the bridges and tba various growers. The Jamaicans act oT 1946 g l’.’es the government afternoon, ready to be picked up back to tha Pacific coaat t'iday to Trap for Hawks other towns of TOUaad Count; of the return# on this year’s crop, bers of M^anchester Orange. The of staffs wore summoned to meet casters' sold os be prc(11cled the to Japan for uSe In producing elec­ colds but also 'loosens np' phlegm hsai^ fills are finished, la fact still can b4 seen seen working at ; exclusive control over Inventions trodes. crucibles, carbon rods and end trucked to.the Inspection sta­ MORIARH BROTHERS become a madical mlaalnnary on Raaarvatlona should ba mads wli ths growers fssl confident that the menu consisted of baked ham, today with the ministers of war, temperature would fall to about and makes it easier to ralss. on# can driva all thla diatanos over aomo of ths farms though many 1 in the nuclear Osslon field, the brushes needed In the msnufaeture tion. This la the last opportunity the lalaml of Molokai. 'The le- results WlU be comparabi# to that mashed potatoes, salad, tomatoes, air, marine and public order to 40 degrees In Boston and lower mnTsstmsi b Mfe for both old and ------o p e n ' 21 HOUKH ______Leads to Death Mlaa Edith C. West, telephona 8M ths rosd from TaloottvUls to have already been transferred panel said that when applications of high quality stee' by electrical to have racers accepted for the land, noted for Ita leper colony, la of other successful years. carrots and peas, apple pie and farther north. by today, Monday, at tba latast. whsrs ths ntw rosd Joins the north to aid In the potato barveet. map plans for a new drive against for patents are made, they are furnaces. Derby which will be run on Sun­ In tha Hawaiian group. Dr. Wai- The weather was kind to the Ice cream and coffee. The dining Some frost Is anticipated -es­ ^PERTUSSIN^ Un iko At O n frr and llruad Itlrphont Prsgmm Chalrmaa beautiful two laas highway that Eventually they wttl follow the hall was beautifully decorated with guerrillu who do not surrender ; placed in patent office files to re- day afternoon, October 8, sail will work without pay at the Schwenkavllle, Pa., Sral. 38— The Rockville Lions Club has plantations thla season. There we# under a 30-dsy amnesty offer re­ pecially tomorrow night and ths .^John D. Dunlap, 30-yaar-old runs to ths Msssaehusstts stats sufficient rain early in the season harVesta Into Um southern states, fall Sewers. I main there for as long ns 20 years. Shingle Memorial hfuipital, mn completed plana for a busy year s. Over this distance ths new cently extended by the govern­ Weather burrali said a special bul­ Meads Stale Rarhrrs Bplaenpalian Inetitutinn. former merchant seaman, decided and, after the plant# bad ripened, returning to ths Omnectlcut val- During the banquet and also on Dr. Leon HIroch "In spite of all precautions that with meetings to bs held twice road has been grsvMsd and made .Ity fields In tha spring. ment ' may be taken," the report . con­ letin to farmers might be issued to do soRMthtng about the chicken each month at tha RockvlUa the weather turned dry and the to­ the program, James Laldlaw acted Preparations for the drive were later in the day.' Watbrbury, Hept. 22—i/r>— hawka, and other birds of prey rssdy for ths csmsnL Ths rosd bacco was quickly gathered, many , Sorting by hlaelilae ta oong-leader for the group with Dr. Leon Htrsch, formerly of tinued, keeping the file in the Houaa. Program chairmen have properly drained. It carries one keyed to a program to Increase Patent offUe would enlarge-"the The cold spell chilliest of the klirharl Ooacins, of Briatnl, was near his Montgomery county of the farms completing thU phase One Interesting operation used Mrs Laura Squier of Oolurabla Hartford, has opened dental of- been announced aa follows: Oct. 7, through a wooded country slTthe by cigar manufacturers which the 130,000-mon Greek Army by 8ces at ton feast Center street. opportiinitiea for breach of sipcur- •eas-vn was accompanied hy elected president of the ('onncctl- farm. • of the seasonal task weU ^ s a d of Gmnge at the piano. Following the 70,000 regulars and 70,000 Nation­ southwest winds touching gsl- eut State Master Barbers sssncls- Donald C. Waekaa; Oct. 31, BU' from Vernon to WlUlngtoa. does not directly concern the banquet, a welcome was given by The offices art in the former Sea­ Ity . . . to some extent." Dunlap Used a steal trap atop gens A. Roure; Nov, 4, WUUara schedule. Storms in late July upset al Guardsmen—a program which man residence which has been enm- As a matter of fact the p4ntl fores of 40 miles an hour tion a t ‘ the 23rd annual meeting A pole and waited. On Saturday a 'There ape on this stretch sever­ a amaU number of plant# dis­ grower Is the method of sorting Donald Woodward Master of East THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Partridge; Nov. 18, Jack Mason: al very deep fills that required sa has been approved by the U. 8. nletsly remodelled in the Interior. urged thn’t alt atomic patents, even Gusts of stronger force were re­ here jesterdsy. crow became enanared In tha trap. turbed the leaves but the damage ths finished cigars by shade. Central Pomona Grange and he Dec. 3, Alfred Denson; Dec. 18, Immense amount of rock and gra­ Though tobacco after bring cured Aid mission. Funds for the in­ New equipment including the latest though they aren't relatsd to mili­ ported In Hancock. N. H.. whsrs NOME HEATEN EVER MADE I Dunlap climbed tha pole to re­ waa slight and quick action In introduced the officers of Con­ some trees ware blown down. Lawrence Small; Jan. 6, Frank vel to bring It to aa even grade. Is claastfled aa cinnamon brown, necticut State Orange: Master crease In the military establish­ type X-ray has been installed. tary iisca. be subjected to scrullny move the crow. As he reached ths Hardenberg; Jan. 30, Dr. Stanlay "setting-up" these planu and ment will come from the $Sqp,- Dr. Hirsch la a graduate of Im­ by security officers. trap ha brushed against an elec­ The road is exceptionally straight “ turning" leave# saved the greater there are, as In other colors, many Harry Page and Mrs. Page; Over­ Hyjek; Feb. 8, Rev. Forrest Mua- and has very few curves. It la sx- different shades. An electric ma­ seer. Sidney Hall 'and Mrs. Hall; 000.000 In aid allotted to Greece perial irniversity, Kiev, Uussla and 3,.t00 Keenrds Kubnilticd iirtirrd Mauufarlurrr Dies tric wire leading Into bli home and percentage of the affected tobac • r >11 !-'»hln Dental College. He The report disclosed that some ser; Feb. 17, William Kloter; Mar. l>sctcd that tha contracts for the CO. chine Is used to sort the rigare- Lecturer, Mrs. Alma Brooks and by the U. S. Congress. fell' llfalesa to tha ground. Coron­ 3, Martin Fagan: Mar. 18, Paul Await Military Equlptnenl has also done post, graduste work .3,500 invention records submitted I Stratford, Sept. 22 <>P> -Henry er W. J. Rushlong listed his death aying of the concrete will bs giv­ Not Serloaely Oaoaaged which pane along a table and Mr. Brooks. Sweeney; April 8, Raymond en this fa ll The speed with which new men >n oral surgery al Ntw York Uni­ by scientists and others who work­ 1 C. Bradley, 88. retired Bridgeport by electrocution. Thera was aqfiie Ulk of "pole- through a aertee of light beams. It Evenlag*a Program Ramadan; April 30, PhUlp M. From tbs Silver Lane road In Is these beams that detect the die- He then turned the meeting over will he called up apparently waa versity. ed on the A-bomb project have manufacturer of wood turning ma- Howe; May 4, Albert Oottlar; sweat" dissastng ths tobacco In dependent In part, at least, on the For many years Dr. Hlrach was l;een studied and that 2,300 have ; chinery, died yesterday In the home East Hartford all tbs way to Mc- tbs sheds but from Information crepanries in the colors and when to the Lecturer of East Central May 18, William Rosa; June 1, A r­ receipt of necessary military on the staff of Mt. Sinai hospital, been recomm-nded for filing with : of hts son, Ivan H. Bradley, here RIGHT N O W --. Lssa HIU ths four Ians highway 1# gathered from the growers ths proper contact Is made between Pomona. Mrs. Gertrude A. Haven, thur R. Poirier; June 18, Donald equipment from the United Hartford. At present he is on the the Patent office. j Funeral services • will be held In all flniahsd. This 'road carriss one loss has sltber been quits small or the beam and its relatsd shade of Coventry, who had charge of Flak. over the wide stretch of the Hock- the cigar is separated from those tha program for tha evening. Miss States courtesy staff of Hartford hospital. Under the law, the government 1 Bridgeport Tifbsdsy, with burial r non-existent. PrecauUona are tak- THOSE IN THE KNOW A E INSTALLINR Alice Cofran New Conmuwder of other shades and oontlnuea Its Vera Cobb of Vernon Orange ren­ Dispatches f r o m 'northern He is a member of Housstonic may pay royalties or other com­ 1 In Mountain Grovs cemetery. anum river at Laurel Park. The an by most of the farms in this 1st Lt. Frank J. Moors has been bridge over the river at this point Journey through the - wrapping dered two beautiful vocal selec­ *€h!acce, meanwhile. Indicated that LoBgc, A. F. and A. M., aa well es Readingn Daily area through the medium of shed and packaging operation# along tions and was followed by a mono­ state and national dental societies. appointed the new company com­ waa one of the big jobs, because firing, a method of burning char­ the guerrillas for the most part mander of Tolland Countj^a Na­ with the rigara of Identical color­ logue by Mrs. Genevieve Martin Ifi9 Church SI. Hertford of the approaches to ths bridge. coal In pans set throughout the were Ignoring the amnesty oHer. tional Guard Unit, Co. E, 109th When the new highway Is com ing. of East Hartford Grange. Week end advices told of a series Artrree Bride of Producer SILENT GLOW Telephone fi-2024 sbedA which results in a faster The employment of this ma­ The guest speaker for the eve­ FOR YOUR NEW Infantry, succeeding L t Louis pleted Manchester people will be drying of ths Isaves. of engagements In which approx­ House who was rscantly mads chine, which replaces tha former ning was Rev. Dudley Burr of Cum- imately 320 guerrillas were killed able to leave it or drive on to It An estlmmts given by one grow­ Los Angeles, SepL 22.—(PI— sorting by manual effort, has mlngtoo, Massachusetts, a former or captured. regimental adjutant. Lt. Moore Is at three different polnta. The first er of shade tobacco and In gener­ Actress Jane Withers, 21, and point will be at McLean HIU, the pro'ven to be more accurate than member of East Central Pomona GENERAL 0 ELECTRIC a resident of Storrs where he la al confirmed by the other shade Film Producer William Ross. 27. OIL BURNERS a senior In the business adminis­ next at Buckland and the third at the human eye in deteetliw tha and of Hillstown Orange. Mr. Burr were honeymooning today a t . CABINET •n PE . NO farms shows that the yield per Sli THi NIW DUO-TMIM fUil Oil NIAnO tration course at the University Talcottville, The new rood Is by variance In shade In the dlffeifersnt gave a stlyrlng message to the some undisclosed place following LOST 52 Lbs. FAT! acre la about 900 pounds, and that |noup speaking of the changes In Made in Hartford and sold and serviced at home by of Connecticut. far the greatest piece of road cigars. Two Die Violently this tobacco may sell from $1.30 to tlM past 60 years and the present their marriage here Saturday. | ROTARY IRONER Amasing Can^ Plan Arrested Saturday building that has ever been at­ There were some 2.000 gueata for i MONEY Moriarty Brothera — the only Official Silent Glow dealer tllms Down irliurn $7.00 a pound, depending on the trends In Americnn life. APR In the Manchester A m . . Alton Maine, 20, of Rockville; tempted in thla part of the state. else and quality of (be leaf. The Commaalsts Fsvar Wallaee During Week-End the ceremony at First Cbngrega-1 U n . C. n . WsIlB. T* b m . Wf lien, f t Edward Phillips, 23, of 84 Brook­ It Is hoped to open a greater part Masicml Selections Twe strliilr^ new Piio-Thcnn designs insplied by wee cnnUniMfly Uviru dliereni wnaff yield per acre of broadleof, a plant Other musical selections of the tionsl church. The Rev. Louis lo bat irlt&iH mrrrm. I lyn street and William Mulka, 27, of the new highway a year from Evans officiated. Attendants In-1 STANDARD APPLIANCE CO. fainout "period” furniture! DOWN I fOpnufids. Then I tiied tlbe raised In lesser quantities in the PortuUd; Ora., Sept. t t —UTt— evening were: Accordion-piano AVlfM YManMii Cniwtv Rvlnruit of 26 Windsor avenue were arrest­ this fall. By The Associated Press eluded Tanis Chandler, June Morris Firestone, Mgr. Plan end InM I t pm»n4e. f i e ^ Manchester area is approximately William R Foster, national chair­ selections by Mrs. Sarah West, Two violent deaths, one result­ 208 NORTH MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 3-1258 Tlie Heppleahite Models, with a rich walnut finish; wrtgli only Ith Vf0—Pre­ viewing the harvested crop. This Roosevelt ha# fallen.” had 38 Mooters during Its 60 years pen, if you don't have auffi* * MTINIII PfUQ.MS 8l8Sn -distributes heat evenly deilcloiia AVDB aa dlracied No The Geaang and Declamation others were Injured in the acci­ a >«• toaalivaB. No aaorrim. No liminary inveauer-tlon by Civil tobacco may go to any part of ths of existence, not counting the pres­ dent insurance, you are in­ —saves up to l i% in furl bills! la AbanluiHy kafmiraa iO Club of Rockville placed flist in ent master. Of these there are 10 dent, one critically. Mpfily ad„ Ayiia oonly n l y $1___ i*. j| Aeronautics boerd Investigators country and may appear in many . ' ---- g. MC^KV class Three at the choral prite Harold Noble, 7, drowned In clined to say, “ Some other * SNBli 8I3T C8ST8R—you tend the (ire by turning . iH dfiigliMH afiik raaulu. Mc)NKV Indicates s fire In the Inboard star­ different brands of cigars over living, some of whom are still very SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS BAriC MEBararv M boa. rim e slnglgg contest held Sunday In active in Orange work. The present Smith's pond, Waterbury, Satur­ time.” a dial! board engine nacelle caused a Pan period of years. day. The boy. son of Mr. and Mrs. Torrington In connection with the slate of officers consist of mem­ SMItm 8IHU important features to gjvs you siers American Clippei to fly the last Maanfaeture Owa Cigars Harold E. Noble, slipped Into the observance of the sixtieth ennl- 80 miles from Bermuda Saturday bers from various Granges In the ^ — __ ^ Don't wait until you have a oooifort—aMf« aconomyl Weldon Drug Co. veraary of the Gcrnmnla Singing The tobacco raised by the Con­ Pomona. The Jurisdiction of East pond while playing with an elder loas. You can't get insurance night on two of its four engines solidated Cigar Corporation, how­ brother, Charles. . . 901 Main Street Society of Torrington. before crash landing here. r ^ n n n Central Pomona covers the fol­ then! INSURE NOW. through Enters Cnl\-rnilty ever, is used by that company in lowing Granges; Stafford, Glas­ The 41 passengers and crew the manufacture of their own ci­ M O ND AY and TU E SD A Y William C. Pfunder, Jr. son of members had terr warned to pre­ tonbury, Suffield, Wapping, Man­ Mr. and Mrs. William C. Pfunder gars, which Ipelude such well chester, Blast Hartford, Ellington, Divorcee Dies MORIARH BROTHERS pare for a poes’ble landing In the of Windsor avenue left lod.ty for known brands as, Dutchmaater# Bolton, Tolland, Vernon, Coventry, Atlantic, but the plane reached and Harvesters. That company Edgar Clarke "On The Level At Center And Broad” Washington, D. C. where ha will Floyd Benne^l Held and made a I Andover, Hillstown, East Windsor, Of Bullet Wound raises only shadegrown tobacco Somers, Hebron. Columbia, Enfield enter Catholic University. belly landing without Injury to 175 East Center Street TELEPHONE 5135 Preach la Columbia and must buy the necessary and Marlborou^. It has a mem­ thoee aboard. They hurried from broadleof from other growers. bership of over 1,000 members Rutland, Vt.. Sept. 22—(4^—A t­ Tel. 36«5 Dr. George S. Brooks of Rock the plane whlKi ar alert Navy vllle wlU be the guest preacher at There are three types of tobac- from these various Granges. tractive Stella Roberta, 28-year-old ground crew extinguished a small CO grown In this area; shade- ///// A fine evsning waa enjoyed by divorcee, died today of a bullet he Columbia Congregational firs that broKo out when the plane hurch on Sunday, October 8. grown, broadleof and Havana all those attending and Manchester wound In the head aa her former skidded to a slop. Seed, the latter appearing In very Grange Is to be congratulated upon husband, George J. O'Connell, 34, Announce Engagement George Gay. chief Investigator awaited arraignment on a charge What’s In Mr. and Mrs. George N. Brlg- email quantities with the largest the fine way in 'which It served the for the CAB, said the preliminary of assault with Intent to kill. .am of 33 Ellxabeth street ■ an- amount being found on the Hack- banquet and Its fine hospitality to check indicated the fire in the make such on event one which will The young \fbman was shot down ounce ths engagement of their etb farm In Buckland. Broadleof, nacelle burst a landing tire, but did be remembered for a long time. Saturday night as she stood behind lughtcr, &Iarloh Frances to Ste- the first to appear in this area. Is Pills; **BLAZE OP NOON” not show whether the tire rupture used os a binder in the monufoc- her counter in a locsl department :ien F. Ruff, Jr., son of Stephen in turn damaged other equipment store during the shopping rush be­ A Name? :. Ruff, Sr., of 43 Clinton street, Advertislag Exebuttre Dies fore the closing hour. .lastonbury. Several customers held O’Con­ Men's au b Greenwich. Sept. 22— a 77, underwent a PLUS: "DESPERATE” ‘fRiBCOS iislncas srasion. Feature: 3:00 • 8:35 - (•:53 gall bladder operation at the ho#- Last Show Nightly: 8:00 WARD E. INDMN8 Dental CVnle pitcl Saturday. WED>THUR8.-FRI.-SAT. f A H A “Everything” Two Detsl Hygienists from tha A hospital Bi>okeaman said that WED. I “DEAR RUTH” S H M Late Department of Health will while Cummings has been resting Yt *<*, 'f'- ' ' OANCt fc, > at the Nursing offics all day comfortably, bis condition Is still KRAUSE -Gttaooa’o r u;, uesdsy, to care for children from BAiM. TAit regarded as serious. Instructor .ic ages of 3 to 8 years. He waa recovering from pneu­ DM4CI. AMD Committee to Meet monia when he underwent the em­ ST IN VWRqResJBUOr nnw owo \ BRUTE SMAKUA A meeting of the committee ap- GINUINK ergency operation for on acute In­ E IM L O E b V S •Trumpet Trombone .BUT iMt lulnted by Dobosx-Ertel-Laboc- »tA *f I f fection, hts phyilclan. Or, Paul I h o ia n v iansen Poet of the American Le- F. Dickens, said. iS^FORCE tRLNOT. ;lon to have charge of the Com- DRIVE IN THEATRE FLUB Clarinet Saxophone .iiunlty Halloween party will take A« v» a „. Olnny Slnuae la BILL WILLIAMS Ib < S t ^ i o BUStNEM THE NAME place this evening at eight o'clock “SHADY LADY” at tile Legion Home on Weat Penicillin Export “A LIKELY STORY” 87 Walnut St. Phone 53'36 MEN o r "WHITE TIE TUa T TtVAl. street. Harry Flamm la again head From a Spark Plug AND T A IL S ” ALL WHITE NAMES of the committee, which Includes Will Be Reduced Smart baslnessmea have de­ William C. Pfunder, Ira Bower#, ‘^UNITED STATES” 5 " w i w e T w * i SAT. MORNING cided It pays to tak« care of their , 5 ^ ^50 10.00 Charles Allen,'! GeorgiT N. Brigham, London, Sept. 22—(A ^ T h e Min­ cars. Thafs why the* taivartably 111 Like These Walter Kulo and Francis ntkat. owil showoiIIpm FRIDAY,«i";,'’.‘. SPECIAL ALL istry of supply today ordered a 25 Amesife Drives eome to the CRArrSMAN AUTO To a Paint Job BODY SHOP . . . they haow wo per cent reduction In the export of STARTS THURSDAY- CARTOON SHOW Croebii Sto#e Gravel Are Strong ON AN OIL BURNER MEANS penicillin from Britain in order to Ctaodete Colbert la “ Imltatloa of eaa give them the moot complete Troops-to Deliver STARTS AT 10 A. BL body repair eervlee #t the moot BROWN-IIKAUPRE automotive service is really COM* satisfy a growing domeaUc de­ ___ Life” Flits: “River Oaag” ClaBfm Loam Fill mand. reasonable pitceo to be fomiA any­ IM.ETE, Our 10 qualified rxpert.<< handle repairs on A L L Links In Meat in Britain where. Read ear ads la this paper DEPENDABLE TROUBLE FREE HEAT Forty per cent of the risUtg pro­ makes and modclH,. from minor adjust nients to major over­ duction In3rltaln'has been export-, aad eee hoW yoa caa save moaey. hauls. NO MONEY DOWN We’re here every weeh." i — I The Chain Of London, 6spt. 22—iF)—The Bri­ ed and the mlnietry ordered it cut As Uttio As B8.D0 Pw Moatb tish government called out troop# to 30 per cent Last mont& 409,- We Hpecialize in Chrysler-I'lymouth . . . carry a large slock P ico EMlmateo! Names That Again today to transport meat 000 mega unit8 were produced of genuine parts. Our central, convenient location makea rom Smithfield iharket. Lonijon's against 344.000 Ui Match. DINE and fur prompt service. drive in for RELIABLE automotive irgest meat dfatrlbutloni canter, Despite the Incraase, the minis­ > rippled by a spreading wildcat try said, numbers of hospitals and THOMAS D. COLLA AUl D BODY SHOP repair. Make Up Pavlag Coatractor B-M1B Obunr . UA^HARUftOAlV Iriks of truck drivers. other users In Britain reesnUy DANCE «6f 810 Two hundred fifty drivers jolasd complained of shortages. 7 M8 MiChT ri U. S. Oil Burners 3 others who struck. Saturday In TONIGHT OR ANY ,r \vmpathy with four fallow Work­ Placed la SoUtary CeU NIGHT AT Open 8 u. ID . to 5 p. in. ers, who quit In protest after be­ ing assigned to another depot Wsthersfiald. Sept 88—(iT>—John ‘ Satiirtluys Till Noon A epokesman for the Meat H. Greenwood.. 31, of Bridgeport, CAVEY'S Transport Organisation, agents life termer who escaped from the 111 the HEART OF MANCHESTER for the Ministry of Food, said 70 sUte prison here Friday jplght and THE SHOW THAT IS DIFFERENT . . . ZRTMetm A. MINNEAPOLIS. Army trucks and 200 soldlem wars NO MONEY 36 MONTHS was arrested In Middletown 24 3WqpAew#44S7 IIONEYWELI. being called out—"not to break hours later, has been placed In DOWN the strike" but to move meat in solitary confinement here. Wardon CONTROLS TO PAY order to prevent apollags. Ralph H. Walker eald no additional “ T O E B O X Y charge would be placed against RADIO SALES t SERVICE AN OIL CONTRACT FOR Rushed To Operatloa the man because he is serirtng a LELAND MOTORS life sedlence. A reward of $80 will JOYTBIO" One Quarter Mile North of the Center M A K E T H IS i NIPAIN SERVICE / PLUS: AUTOMATIC FUEL DEUVERY Hartford, Sept. 22— An be paid to Herman C. DeMerchont. inibulance waa waiting on Brad- 37, of Middletown, for Information They*re Retdly Terrific! /"/ ■4 ey field yesterday when on air­ leading to Greenwood's capture, WEBSTER I f you want to hear ■g dlBerwit samiithlag la a lines plane landed, and Eldward O. Walker said. The escaped prisoner, WILCOX-GAY ' m TRANSFORMERS Seidensticker, of Castle Rock, his clothing wet and disheveled, elsM by Itaelf HEAR THIS TRIO TONIGHT! Colo., was nwhed to St. Francis stopped at a rohdalde stand op­ DEUCIOUB DINNERS LBOAL BRVRRAQEB hospital where nis appendix wax erated by PsMsrchant for some-; BROWN-BEAUPRE,lne. TUTHILL PUMPS removed. Seldeneticker, en route thing to sat, and waa recognised ALWAYS COOL! E C O R D lU BOLAND OIL CO from Denver, Cblo., to Harvard by the restaurant owner. D ^ e r - |*mtE HOUSE OF QUALITY” . R 30 BISSILL STREET PHONE 7191 ' 369 CENTER ST. TELEPHONE 6320 college at CambrMge, Maas., was chant notified police, who started RADIO - PHONOGRAPH - RECORDER stricken with appendicitis shortly a search resulting In Greenwood's after ths plana left Clsvsland. O. capture AYB'TS Recordio Diacs and Recordiopoint Needles Tom Brown Howard F. Booupro ) , ^


gether, decide Mhat they could do agenU swannad with Incrsaalng a 32 acre tract located on Route the body of a girl they believe to said a police teletype ineesage bae tVUBC—11isaa fT* J $ D wknm—ese 45,000 at Bier : themselves to restore Ihslr wsr- Police Court vigor in avery troublad area to 33. Both sales were mad# through Try to Identify be missing ll-yesr-old Issbells gone out to every poUea ferns In O a im W o m an ' Aid for, Europe Sleuths Seek maka mora trouble aad dtoerodit Ktilltiii the Marshall Agency. MaDon. torn economy, end help they Oliiluor wrno-i the nation aeklng appeahanMoR at thatr m lllU ry aniea, confuMag » Today s Radio 'ss&zLSl would noed. MsrshaU's propoaal. I Of La Guarclia Body of Girl The tom, badly decomposed George A. Neill—«n unela wbuee In Track Meet S lialclier In Police Court thU morning both the iaauee and the voters in Ouyasbi The seaclon o f the flelectmeai body of the girl was found Sat­ A ssaulted T o t i » w Billion. i advanced lest June. Implied the and Town Clerk made twenty-one- Walter J. Brown of Hartford, who the praseei. We tempered and ad- Week End Dealhs urday on a weed-thicketed vacant war stories Isabella loved to beer I United flutes would do whst It new voters on Saturday to bring- Joe McCluakey waa the out­ waa ameted by Patrolmen Scully Jnstad and comprofntsad. hoping New York. S ep t 23.—

pk ST raa Editor, The Htiald; parloTff Wednesday evening at D nUKTIKO OOw m e and baffling. Paofeaeing a great | Hollywood, Sept 23-^A^ -Harry Reference Is made to the letter New Yetk, Si U WUrnta mrrnu Dr. CSiarlea W. BtranL local Hause Committee on Vn*Amer- 7:43. The hosteeeee will be Mrs Intereet In the eatabllahment of Carey, the hard riding hero of written by HIbberd N. Alexander, ■bow horse fanclar, aaw hla "Hal- 25,000 in Rome Area For AH World Reorganization Session; Elmer Anderson afld Mra. Harold ■louat DIfftitet many a allcnt •v.-alem thriller, died the offlciel auditor of the Town of Pastor Ward Deliver* tcan Activitlea taking precau­ nbmuaoN peaoa. ahe aeeka to dlarupt the So youVe going ^'Modern''? Ua’s Princeoa" win her thirteenth tions to prevent forthcoming Lord. Lmrta said that OMin luwin* yeaterday at hin auburhan Brent­ Manchester, wrich wee published ribbon this aiaaon at the Eaotere Seek Higher Wages; Dr. Robert R. Keeney- world by war war on naUona, Sermon on One of the "Hollywood Investigation" from (Coattamed From Page One) C tBL wood home at ♦he age of M. In your Hearl Main Street itatea Exposition at Bprbigflald “An Englishman at Work and Brooktya ama wwa haakad aaa^y war on cloaaea, war on truth. The veteran of more than SOO C^liimne on Saliirdey, September Great Biblical Truth* Follow* Occupation bevomlag epectoela ilka Howard Is Elected Chairman over tha week-end. Hughes Senate ln\*eatlgatlon did. sumption and waste of food” m\i«t Play," la the title of a talk to ba today oa ehatgaa aC gMag ■MmM al UM Claiming the pureat poaalona for film rolea al.nce 1008 died of cor­ ISth. •*HalUc'e Prlnceaa” haa now ba aoppad. Hoover, added that given at the Manchester Rotary informatloe la poMaa altar tkogr S . K X , ' . , .High prices causing nwre la- A reorganisation meeting of imea at ■■ccImmw. •• humanity, her go^rnment haa onary thrombo*.la. For a year he Ae e registered Republican for •Madam aaaa aeada to raoovar Ml more ribbons in her claee Rome, SepL 32—lO—Olueeppe "such measures. In order to se­ ! Club meeting tomorrow evening changad thalr etorv af havtsg aaaa HM MMMt. had been III with heart and lung the past twenty ycers, Mr. Alex­ than any other show horse In the I teivst Ifi eooperatira as labor the Mancheater Board of Health a woman fall ar w thiowa fkaaa mon actual phyalcal alavea than thff m m ot CM as tha uadarglrd- dl Vittorio, Communlel general | unions begin drive to create more cure the beet results must be " at the Country (^ b by D. P. Hud- allmenta and menibera of the fam­ ander stated reasons for support­ ElBt. ! sacrat'ary of tha Italian Cmfed- larnly voluntary . . .." was held in tha .Municipal build'! die of Derby. England. Mr. Hud­ aa autowhila early latardaF. 0UHUIUPTIUN «A ____ hlatory ever haa prevloualy n - ily aald black widow apldrr bite, ing Democratic t sndldatea for the lag pewffr of hla avsrydaja Ufa." of them. . . .Preeideat VUaoMit Ing this mornlng.''In addition to 3m tm i a? Han ...... f’J S Saturday, "HaUla'a Prtaoaoa” aratlon of Labor, announced that Anriol calls upon Prance to de­ Most Raw Full Cooperatloa dle, aaslatant chief designer of the Lavla Mid tha twoi Baward fea BaaciM ay tuff ••*••••••• ff w corded in one nation. which he aiiffereO a month ago. City Council In New London. Hla iirgad Rtv. W. Ralph W ai^ Jr„ an a flrst la tha flva galted | 3. The world deficit can be met the three members of tha Board. Aero Division of Rolls Royca Lim­ Portaoy and HaroM Fartagr, ad­ ^aa^Baa^t ffy Ball ,«••«.••••••$ l*B woo believed to have aggravated Blaiatar of ioutb MathodlM approximately 35,000 farm work­ mand of humanity a "mobilisa­ Mra. Emma Lyons Nettleton, Da­ Ruaaia bafflea ua becauae we reasons In brief .were aa follows: championship swaepotakaa against | tion of human conscience against “only If we have full cooperation ited of England, was formerly a mitted they had fabrlaatad tha hla condition II) In the Clt> Manager form thurch In hla sarmon jrosterday tha class of the show horaes la | ers In the Rome area had struck vid Chambore and Dr. Robert R lecturer In mathematics In Edin­ m o t Waafely, ffr UarrtB ...... I >* llaten to her apokeaman and try Hla widow, Olive Qolden Carey, war." . . ."Myatery woman," story la U bops MlWaff it to ■affa iai*»iraff. Oaa Taar ... |it(» nf government the City Manager * * gBomlng. "Fraoccupatlon with na­ the East. In addition to a ribbon, today for higher wagaa. JTtri^^J a“S "d rS “;r 4 r ‘7f '^ ^ -'-tante wer. alw, burgh. Now York elty arwapapaaa to judge her on the baala of her former actreaa whom he wed in tural aelanca which makos (3od a beautiful Govemor'a Cup waa whose body was found at Benton reeent consisting of Mra. AUoa ira« at MBa. rar» -a ...... I l l * 'ahould adminisier tha affairs of He expressed confldenca the Harbor, Mich., last week,. Identi­ black merketa In the deficit coun­ Tha two arero takan lato auato- profeoaiona rather than on the 1913 and hla Ivo children. Harry the City wlthlf. the scope of the ■Mraty a* taglaoer bandllaf tha presaatad Dr. Strant by Oor. Johnston, secretary, Mies Jeesle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neyark, HBMIWM UV Carey. J r . and Mm. Ella Carey machanlcal datalla of tha ualvoraa, ■trike would end before nightfall fied as Mrs. Catkariim Ttaa Jacobs tries." Ra.i-nolda, social service nurse, dy tor qiMoUoatag after the body n o t AffffUClATBO r ------baala of her acUona. The truth la, charter provial* na. putting Into Robert Bradford of Maeeachu- becauae. ba said, "nagoUatlons with of esucago, 19-year-old bride of 4. Price Increases which he said formerly of East Canter atraat Taylor were at the bedalde when and a raaeuon against a Blbllclsin setto. In addition the horaa took and meat and sanitary Inspector m Mrs. Vara Kaanay, SB. m ffiN Aaaaetataa traa, B aaaluaivalt wu like the Ruoalan people. We effect tha policy of the council aa landownara are at a good polnL” two wecl» could ’•ba very largely ascribed to were eurprlaed by a houaewarm- Brooklyn, mother of taro cBDdraa, •atwaa la tfea aa« a< rapuMBatBa al he died. a whole, and not tha individual which haa mad# God aa Intervan- aU honors In tha New England Dr. Richard Olmsted. tng party Friday ayenlng at their an aava ffBa«Bt«a araffttaa t o l a * want to beUeve that while aa a Carey atarted hla ahootin' and Uoalst only through mlraclaa, has Di Vittorio said the strika. TaR receives oasurancea from over-exporta of food” hava com­ A general diecuealon of the lo­ was found mong aldo tho Bolt will or idaaa of any ona member owned claee. plicated the situation. “The reme- new home. 13 Edison road. Tha aal aUBraBa Bafftaff B WB aaaai naUon aha U beeet by unuaual hla- ridin’ career before the camcraa rabbad tha avtraga parson of one The horse waa ridden by its which followed ''lymboUc’’ occupa­ Republican leaders In Nevada cal health situation was held and parkaray in Queans. aBa UM Baal aava auWiakad aara. during the era which aaw Uonel of the council. tion of uncultivated land In the that he made “a good Impresetoa" dlee for price incraseee lie In hoateaa was Mra. Fred PeUg of PoUca said that tnvaatlgatloa in­ All r’ffffta at leeee'itetiee el »aeiai torical dlfflculUeo, ahe U forging 13) Candidates for the council of tho great Biblical truths that trainer, John Jerboa. Tha ribbon Dr. Keeney was elected chairman 341 Summit street Friends who • «»a aiaa------Barrymore. Mary PIckford and Ood partlclpatea dlraetly In tha and cup will be on display la Rome vicinity yasterday, was for la Baturdoy night speech at Rano. handling of axporta with an ays of tha Board. Other officers re­ dicated tha woman had baaa ahead In her peculiar a-ay toward should be electeu by the voters on tha oama pay Increases and Im­ . . .Farelga NIalstar Coostaatl* to keeping prices down. In the were present from Hertford and struck by aa automobtla. Aa an- Lillian Glah riae to atardom. tha basis of thel. qualifications and Ufa ei ovary man," ba sold. BUah's display window. main the same as previous to the tbie town presented to the eouple ran avaBa alBal at N ■ A ffamaa a worthy goal. Carey'a popularity dimlniahed At Work la Everyday Ufa provements in ^ rld n g conditions TeoMarte leaves Athena by plana ■topped , of epeculetlon and reorganlxatlon. topay ahoarad aha had suffarad a ability, and net because of political granted soma 1,000,000 farm hands for New York to assume leader- hoarding and. above all. In de­ a gift of money with which to pur­ fractured skull sad oavars latar- But recant eventa cannot but wheh aound lilma came in and he party designation "Aaaoelatlng (Sod’s praaanca in Tha reorganliatlon was occa- chase something for their home anUI'aaa: Tffa returned to the atage. But Intlr our Ufa only In tha spectacular In northern Italy Friday after a ■hlp of Greek delegation to Unit­ creasing unnacassary consumption ■loned by the recent death of Dr. aal Injurtaa. haihawB » ^ a l Aganer—Haw leave ua with the gravaat doubta. he made a movie comeback and 13) Good, horert government is Pregs Drive 12-day work stoppage. ed Nations. . . .Russian troops and waste,” Hoover said. Binging, dancing and a buffet not the monop'y * of one political iZ!»iw and tho unuaual. wo hava failed to D. C. Y. Moore, long chairman uf luncheem rounded out a pleasant Tark. Cff'eaffa. Uatren aaa Aa we take tha picture at the fllma In which h* appeared In re­ gram tha inalghta of tho prophotlc Prada Estlamtea Vary returning to winter stations after Hava Mwptas t l Food the Board, who headed It oinca Its party. Praaa aatlmatea of the number evening. MBMaKMIl AITOn ffVRBAO UT preeent and try to reconcile our cent yeara included "Trader Horn.” mind ffuch aa that of Hooaa who In Shantung comptetlag large scale summer “Tha oliiatlon will not ba solvad formation. “Mr. Smith O-iea to Waahington," The electors of the Towti o? Man­ of paaaants Involved In yaatarday's m anw aia around Walmar, Oar- uiRtrumuKa. ho pea for Kuoola with the facta chester shoull seriously consider interpreted (Sod at work In ovary by panic or ovar-hasty action,” The Manchester Board of Real TIRES "The Shepherd of the Hllla," and day ilfo through tha normal pro- occupation movement varied from moay, and south of Dresden. . . Hoover said. “All countries In Tffa BaraB maliaf UoataaBir. Im , of KuoalA an increaoing trana- "Duel In tha Sun." these reasons, so succinctly stated (Oaffttsooe fraoi Page Oaa) 300, reported by the Italian news Prosecutor resumes calling rebut­ tors will hold a dinner meeting at ainn— aa ffnandal faaaaaa'aiKty to« by Mr. Alexander, when they go to eaaaia of a man’s growth and ox- agency Anea, to mors than 3,000, Europe hava their harvest which Is Honor Guest 6;S0 tonight at tha Hotel Sheri­ RECAPPED lyaociaalMaal arrara aaaaann« >a^- parency accruea to the view parlanct, and through the power tal wltneeaea In Overall yacht also will eupply them for aome tha polls on October 6th. A vigor­ utao, 40 air miles northeast of Sui- reported ^ the conservative newe- murder trial as state attempts to dan. It haa baen announcad by Volnnirlnff aarttaaaiaata aaa alkai raaa'na laattar that la oura. ous minority of rble men on Man- ot love. Speaking of (Sod's Inllu- pajMr n ‘nmpo. period. In the United States, even Al Shower Parly Praoident Harbart McKinnsy. Tha B Tka HaiMBaataf B*ae)aa HaraM. anea In paopla’a Uvoa. Hooaa said. chung, for fear of the Oommunlsta dlacouat dafenao taatlmoffy offer­ In the moat psealmlaUe view, wc N*w Valve Stems Ruaola clalma to be all thinga War Nurse Bride cheiter’a new Beard of Directors might attempt to aalM war mater­ The reports said tha action was ed la behalf of Louisa Ovsrell and faU program vriU be planned. Is assurance of a healthy Town Z wUI draw (ham with cords of a hava a surplus of human food. Mon—The end leaderehip,” Sevellon Brown, privacy which thay arholeaalen and manufacturera or tried and true Colonial? today to 888 dead, 1,856 Injured whole, or a number of lU mem­ planned to use them aa replace­ That la RuaalA Fifteen youths fled last niKbt Btata'e quest for more office apace bers, roust be ready to help in the publisher of Providence (R. I.) Iffffire ht ’4rs BUiy hsT* har*. Cobh producen with chief reaponalblll- from the MUwoiirl .State Tralnlnn to raliava acuta congestion in the and 11,196 miasing. i ments for union nembire. GORMAN What keepa her from Imaatlng Or two hours each I Thla knowlrdRe la growing. It away from their compnny RuarO an agreament can be reached and roads damaged. OnH between 8 A. M and 8 P. N. A retailer aald aomo of hla col- the state moves in, the building American Army and Allied head- of PsUeattne be divided Into Jew­ of America, CIO, denounce Tni- (’Ay end that I he displaced men la growing even in thooe quartern while they were being rrnrchrd . ish and Arab states, the commit­ maa foreign policy ns one that Icaguca bad reduced opanting ex- I It’s a gift every owner wUl house the entire Tex depart­ quartere officials continued to sup­ would be paid the regular etandby which have, for 37 yeara, regard­ from the school chapel to Ibeir ply water and some food to refu­ tee’s majority urged that 150,000 “gives us Insecurity and points to wage. WANTED quarters. of a fireplace wanta ment Ck>mptroUer Fred R. Zeller thy end Mght pcnaca 4 per cent and atlU wan ed tha Ruoalan Experiment with Filled with keroxt'na dlaeloacd that laaalng terms are gees and to eupervlaa inoculations Jaws be admitted to Paleatlna In war.” making leaa money on a greater tolerance or even with friendahip. the kindler of this fire new being discussed. against disease. tha next two yeara. INSURANCE MAN 4940 Ilelrrsa Becomes Bride At the auggeatlon of Walter P. Not Prepared To Act Alone volumo of buolnaaa. “That We believe that Ruaaia la dan- lighter abeorbs the oil. 2 8 1 = “ Is placed under l*3Ra Jennlnga of Bristol, former bust- The Laborite Dally Herald’s po­ Notice WANTED provgg/* he aald, “that ntalling geroua becauae ahe haa her hack Pnsadena. Cilll . Sept. 22 ot'* Di'i.sser Base, Mirror, naoB manager of tha Motor Ve­ litical correspondent, Ernest Jay, Fugitive Held 25 to 40 Years Old Anita Oaer, /3 h*-iress of the l!o<-k- nrd Ignited. No kin­ Your Old Drop-Head Trapdla la notSko cauae of high prlcea." to tha wall. She haa not been dling; no papci! 6 Chest and Bed hicles dapartmont a vacant flve- Drought Hits said he understood that while Thla oonfUalan la normal aa efcllcr and ,Mif"ormlck families, yaars- old brick building used dur­ "Britain will accept tha dedalon At Stamford Zoning Board of Appeal* able to appeal to the rraoon ot waa married |o l.lnus Carl Pauling Inches in diameter; Lif*. LiabiUtjr. AecMant woU aa typical, and almoot every­ solid br.vss throughout, ing tha way by the New Depart­ Germaiiy Hard of the United Nations General As­ mankind. J r , 22, son •! a well-known scien­ ment Manufacturing Co. in Bristol In accordanca with the requlra- and Health — Hoepttaliia- $6.28 sembly on Palestine” aha waa not mente of the toning regulations of ^ SINGER one aharea i t But opinionated The only hope ot her rulera la tist. In an Infoimal ceremony bore waa viaited today by Mr. Zeller "prepared to shoulder alngle- New Haven, Sept. 22—(J')—J. J. tion. Leads fumishad. Saturday. Tt.e bride. Is the great iriMH Pare Om i the Town of Manchester, the Zon-1 oonfualon cluttered up with pn- an appeal to ariua. Ruoala needa and Finance CommCuloner James hended the task of carrying Oleeeon, chief of the Federal Bur­ Drawing account against granddaughter of both the late B. Lowell. Mr. Jennings hopes that a------ing Board of Appeals will hold a| oonceptlona' and extraneoua the- war but oho cannot wage war. furnishing of empty closed cars to through measures that must eau of Investigation in Connecti­ pffbllo hearing in the Municipal I continisalon. Writ* Bo* John D. Rockefeller and Cyni* Hall the War Aasete administration, arouse the hostility of Jews, cut, today announced the arrest at ortea won't b(lp. Neither will hya- Her leadcra are trapped. They are McCormick. Sl.e and her brother. ' W A T K IN S which called for bids on the gov­ the Soviet sone was diacontinued." Building, Thursday evening, Sep­ W.D., care The HaraM. atat- tarla. Neither wHl the Intruoion The U. S. owed the Russians Arabs or both and are likely to Stamford of John A. Buahn, 38. of tember 25, 1947, at 8 P. M., on the deape rate. Max Inherited a $.7,600.00(1 estate ernment-owned building recently, satisfy neither." Hoboken. N. J., whom he describ­ Ing experience, references, of politico Into an piready unhap­ when their Msthllde Mc­ but for which there were, no some 5,000 cara of all other types following appileationa; Cormick Oser, widow of Swiss at the same time. The Dally Telegraph’s political ed aa a fugitive since a previous etc. py roeao. For there are a few fac- i •'takera,” will rant the building to writer said the cabinet decided arrest on a charge of steeling Application of Ernest Ssm for Science And Storms Army OfRcer Max Oser, died last Gift Box HfilTKIKSojf M oH chediefi the atate at $1 a year. The report noted that the situa­ permission to convert single ton amldat all the uncertalntlea tion waa brightened by a con­ that Britain must withdraw her from interstate shipment Science haa made vaat atrldca May. troops at a date agreed upon. If dwelling into two family dwelling which aeem to etand forth clear­ tinuing Increase in the Ruhr coal Buahn, said Gleason, waa one of at 570 Vernon Street, Rural aone. SEWING during the war yeara, but not output, which averaged 242,895 other U. N. nations were unable three Hoboken longahoremen ar- ly, and which need to be accept­ o t MACHINE ahvaya have theae atridea been In Dale B ait metric tons dally for the first waak to daclda to take up tha burdan of rtated last June In Hoboken In an Application Wayna R. Wright Bound ed. In Beptembar. tha British mandate. Investigation thara of alleged for extension of permloalon to con­ Bobbin Perhapa the aureat thing la that i of an Improved way The Telegraph said Creech thefts of 34 radio sate from tha duct painting buelnees at rear of Regard |«eo I f You Need A Truck we cannot atop or draaUcally cur- “''‘"K' breaking of the Jonas would urge tho Immediate S. 8. Santa Catalina which they 202 New Bolton Road, Rural tone. of Age tall food axporta to Europe, aa' waa directed towarda de- sharing of moral and financial re- were engaged In loading. • 'They Application of Guerlno Plerro or CondlHon Peacock Set sponaibllltlaa connected with the for permiaelon to keep chickena No ObUga- aoma hava saggaatad. American ! towarda better llv- were ori^nally charged with dis­ maintenance of order in PalasUnt. orderly conduct *^ d Glealon, and aract coop at 128 Maple Ron to Buy Cash Come To See Us tood la a poUUcal weapon. If wc i conditlona. Rain-making be- Tha Flnandhl Timas said It un­ while an Inveatl^tloa waa In pro- Straat, lUsldanoa C. tons. Anything TRUCKS ARE STILL SUARCB — BU'I’ wlthkold It Buropeona will auffer! feu lt of derstood tha cabinet took the line greaa and their ball was sat at 83,- Application o t Donald H. Gear WE CALL FOR MACfHNB WE MAY BE ABI.E TO SUPPLY SOME MODELS and turn against ua. Insecure gov- experimentation, but acl- that Britain could not continue to 500. for parmloslon to erect Quonset AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. QUICKER THAN YOU THINK enee hasn't yet devised n means shoulder bv herself tha teak of Bushn, he said, disappeared and Hut for temporary living quarters WC GO ANYWHERE. emments friendly to tha United keeping order .there In the nerlod bad been sought by Federal au- on Vernon Street West, Rural Btmtea. like those in Italy and of placing clouds over drought - - and Everyone’s happy! other solution which might he tboritiaa until he waa located tons. BARRY areas so that rain can be made before partition or pending any working In a rolling mill on the France, would almost surely fall. AppUcatlonj of J. D. Dumas for Call Bfaa. 7881 SOUMENE & FLAGG, he. They have become more Insecure to fall where It la most needed. • reached. outeklite of Btaraford. extension of permloalon to have with each cut In the bread ration. If man's Ingenuity can produce No one complains when Labor is defeated in th® Used Car Dealer’s License at 833 834 Center Street Main Street, Busineaa sone. The abutting off of American aid tho atom bomb and can break Kitchen! Housewives cheer as Launderall takes And Remember: rain clouds why hasn't some sci­ * v - 0 Application o t Ethel Woodward would flnloh them, and the COm- iSVer the Monday washings . ., . does a better job TRUCKS-TRACTORS and HUILERS for partnlaalon to hava seven Only DODGE Build* JOB-RATED Trucks' muaiate ^would undoubtedly move entific genius discovered a way ..than Was ever possible before . . . and does it en­ roomers and to have light house- In and taka over. of breaking a atorm of the hurri­ tirely without labor. In fact washday can be any at DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES keeping prlvUegea for throe of How Doe$ Furthermore, too little export cane type? We remember hear­ day now, for Launderall washes as you do your other FOaik, 1*40 — IH-Ton Dump CHEVEOLET, 1*88 — H-Ton tha rooms at 121 HoIUater Street, If , BualneM sons. to Europe would harm our econ­ ing a Maine sea-captain tell about “Den 20 Jannuary, 1806 household duties, or while you shop. Truck, In good condition, Penal, in axoaUant eondlUon, breaking waterspoute which l*rlced at {M5 for quick 8898. Application of Walter P. Gor­ Qiri$tiaii Science omy. For exporte help to keep Christina Beck" ■ala. • LOW BED TBAILEBB— man for permloalon to use lot for the domeatlc food industry going threatened hla schooner. It re­ 4008 GALLON—Tank TraU- Heavy duty, all-atecl, with parking cara for patrons of Pina- at a ateady pace. Thla keeps em­ quired a rifle and a'crack ohot to era, new. Available at frac­ 'o 7 without dolUaa. In A-1 iiurat Grocery and Dr. Prlmoano, Heal? do It. A bullet fired into tha cone tion of original coat. Priced condlUon throughout 30-ton oa Main Street, corner of Middle Rave you aver wondered whether Elberta Canning Peaclies ployment high and maintains buy­ , BETTER BUILT -70 the method of heaUeg dlaeaae, of the waterspout gave the neces­ fb r‘Unmadlata sale. capieclty without doUlea. 45- Turnpike West, Busineaa sona. ing power. CHEVBOLET, 1*85—IH-Ton overcoming poverty, and restoring — at*— sary break to kill*the spout. ton capacity with dollleo. Application of James and Bar­ Rationing and price controls DO A BETTER JOB Btake, good Urea, mechani­ Sold new for 83,500. Qur bara Gould for parmiaaion to con­ harmony which Christ Jeans em­ aren't-the solution. First of all, la It too fantasy to Imagine cally excellent.. Priced for rica complete with doUlea, duct an American Automobile Aa- ployed ran be eucceaefnlly need jpi airplane dropping soma explo­ A dowry chest of immediate' sale. 1.995. ' i ■ociatlon Agency and to have sign I now? For an aneiver In elmpla, Oongrass almost certainly would r onderetandable terms attend sive material Into the mouth of WHITE, 1*41 — Tractor, air FEDEBAL, 184l — IH-Ton top oame. In thalr home at 283 not relmpose them with an elec- equipped, 5th wheel, eaije ^ a Tony Ansaldi’s Stand Uoa coming up. a hurricane? Surely the potency Chaeela and Cab. Motor, East Center Street, Realdenca . A X tanka, good Urea and ine- Urea and general Mndltlon sons. The general cxhorUtlon to eat of an atomic bymb would have chanlcaily excellent Priced goqd throughout Attrac- A Free Lecture 1806, reproduced reaaonablv. Application o t James Kelly to r teas la not very helpful. Many some effect on the fury of Ucaly priced. parmiaaion to sell tropical flah and entitled TOP OF NIGGER HILL, BOLTON storm. Perhapa if the steppes of FOao, 184^aep. A low Americana eat too much and can mUaaga truck In unusually CHEVBOLET, 1841—IH-Ton to hava sign for aanaa at 29 Sun­ n and should cut dosm. But far. the Soriet Union produced Such fins condition mechanically. Platform In good machanl­ set Street. Raatdencf B lone. **Chrifltian Science! many more just began to ap­ atorma as that which lashed in Gedar by Lane AttraeUvaly prlead. It alao cal condition. In axeellant Application of Thomaa Murdock Includaa a carry-all trallar ■hapa throughout. Priced to for parmiaaion to build dwelling 'The Promised proach an ad^uate diet during Florida last week Russian oclen- 8126 aelL I M l with rack aldea 1’8“ closer to side line than son- tha war years. They shouldn't tisU would hava found an atomic CHEVEOLET, 1*42 — 1-Ton FOBO, 1*43—IH-Ton Dump Ing regulations allow on Lot No. ' Comforter” cut down, though they probably means of preventing them. At the turn of the ioth Century Christina Launderall !* the entirely automatic, entirely'safe Hy Sm BaiM tt Panel, In excaUant mechani­ Truck, In good mechanical 23, Middle Turnpike East, 190' Reupholalered to Look ars havlag to without urging un- Beck received the original of this Penn.xyl- home laundry. Feeds from the top. No chance for Certain to be your daneaable (092 cal condlUon, good Urea. condition. Priced-at only West of Parker Street, Residence Ralph E. Wager*. C.S.B. 81.895. A sone. of^hlcago, Illinois , der praoent price conditions. The Blesainga Of Capitalism vania Dutch dowry chest which Lane has re­ leakage of water. No chance for tiny hand being dresa of tho aaason, thla clavor date Priced to aaU. Like New produced in practical Cedar. Only the name injur^, thanks to Safti-Latch. Re-verso-rol washes froek la created to anhahcff a young By Mn. Ai m Cabot WHITE, 1*44 — Tractor, air PREUHAUP, 198»—Full Van Application of Robert Valentine Member of the Board of Leetnra- A better Idas of what la want- NaUgnalucatlon of the coal In­ figure with Its unusual trim at aqulppod. 5tb wheel, aeddla By Th* and date have been omitted from the repro­ clothes more thoroughly. Roto-Drier damp dries, Oochet and embroidery are Baml-Traller, 10.00x30 tires. for permission to erect Quonset | ahlp of The Mother Church, The y ad for Europe, and whan, would dustry la the cause of the "pres neckline aiid ona hip, Its handspan combined to n^ke thla unuaual tanka, rubber good, mechan­ Air aquipptd. In good con­ Hut for storage and repairing of I First Church of Christ, Scientist, certainly help. If such information ent unrest” among Bntlah miners, duction. Finish i« a bottle green with barn dripless, ready for the line. Hydro-Pel Drive scien- wbIsL chair set. . T;be peacock with Its ically excellent. Priced to dition. Priced right for quick construction equipment on Adams In Boston, Mass. Guarantee Upholstery Co. can be had. With It, government says an editorial in tha United red, ivory and black decorations, 98.00 tiflcally-times washing and rinsing cycles. Larger Pattern No. 8136 Is for alaes 11. graceful pineapple motif "fan” Is ■ell. sale. Street (North of Hockanum Riv­ 13, IS. 14, 18 and 18. Slaes 13. 3(4 er) Residence A sons. •Uocatlon of grain auppUea Mine Workers Journal. The UMW See Lane's new Chinese decorated chests, capacity: 10 full pounds dry weight. Uses less hot erochatad In white cotton and a Tuesday, September 23 Foar anite atrlppad to Um fioaM, aaovlalal too, 71.50 water, aoap and electricity! y a ^ of 83 or S8-lnch; % yard for charmlnF color schema la suggest­ 250 CAR BARGAINS Application of John Wennergren rebnilt by axpart araftaiaaB la aaa Mmi (which affect moat, poultry, agg paper states further that John contraating bonds. ed for tha embroldary. A sat that for permloalon to build twoMiar 8 :1 5 p. m., WfUiam H. •nd dairy ouppUas) might then L. L«wla' ualon has voted down For this pattern, aand 28 oants. wlU add bijghtnaas and color to Fords, Chavrolsts, Plymoutbo, Dodges. Bulcka, Oldamb-' garage which will be closer to romovff soma of tha currant un- In eMna, your name, addroas, sisa your home. biles, Chryslara, DaBotog, Marcurya, Lincoln-Zaphyrs, Pon- Hall High School 2 Pc. SUITE $49 Up all proposals for naUonallaatlon street lines than regulations allow BtBpET TEBIIB ABBAWOftn certatiity. in this country, and that all It daalnd. and Uw pittara number to To obtain eomplete crocheting Uaea from 1938 to 1947’a to all body otyloa. Moat equipped i^n Lot No. 73, Alton Btreat corner Bus Bumatt, Tha Uanchaater Eve­ Instructions, ambroidary transfer with radios and baatera. . All ears guaranteed, Can ba of Ashland Straat, Realdenca A Auditorium finally, thara Is one rather asks la “improved safety legiala- ning Hanld. 1180 Ave. Americas, dlracUona and color auggaationa for bought on easy payment plan with or without tradaa. sone. Weat Hartfo/d GUARANTEE UPHOLSTERY CO. paartmlatic hops. No matter what Uon." WHTRIM New York 18, N. T. Paaooek Sat (Pattam No: 8083) AU persons Interested may at­ Band on additional twenty-five First Church of Christ. 189* Mala tt„ Harttor*. OaU Battlae* (MI88 a a i aaaans tto is causing thg high food prtoao, It la a comfort to know that send IS cents In coin plus 1 cent tend this hearing. ehargea or writs aad onv aaloaaMW wM oaff wlto IBB Baa *8 they are bound to coma down private ownership ^an ba thanked cents tor a copy of tha Fall and postage, your name, addfleae and Zoning Board of Appoale. Scirntiat, of samples. Winter Fashion. It’s filled with the pattern number to Anne Cobot, CAPITOL MOTORS, INC. Hartford, Connecticut whoB they gat so high that tha for Mr, Lawla' tranquil co'ntent- ajf MancUed&i By Martin E. Alvord, SU P COVERS MADE TO ORDER 0^ M anclteii& i smart wearable atylcs, the latest The Manchester. Evening Herald, OPEN EVENINGS UNTII, Sr-IO Chairman. « — jiwlty ot paopls can’t pay mant and modest demands at con­ feahion news, special features. Free 1150 Avamia'of the Amerlcea. New 368 Main St„ Hartford Phone 7-8144 John H. LAppen, Cordially invites You At ReaMnabl* Rates •— All Work GBamatMlt tract-negotiating time. pattern printed In book. York J9. N. Y. . _ . 'Secretary. MAKOfESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER « . 194T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1947

gold and brorse pompons. Ths achieve a. real aattlsmsnt with | MTenty-flTt could take a lead, not mother of ths Drids wore a Bur­ Germany and Japan. Play Matches a nominal one, but an actlre, dy­ Annual Town gundy drssa With black accssoorias, "Nor can wa pretend that the Kiwanis Lauds namic one tn a oancer drive In the Bulgarian government Is a choir BA ’s Trip West Sides, 8-3; Motors Trounce IA ’s, 6 to 1 and the bridegroom’s mother, aqua last year of hia Ufa when hie own Weddings with black acccsscrlsa. Both moOi- of angela an 1 any Greek govern­ For Net Title life waa baaflnf by a thread — Report Ready srs wore corsages of whltq pom­ ment a collection of devUs, any Qoctor Moore tbat'a aometblnc different. Too yalkrw gladioli and blue delpbln- poms, and received at a small re-1 more tkan wa can pratend that often tbe young cruaader becomes Goalcc-Stawaon iuma ceptlon at tha home of tha brlds’a I tks Egyptian govammsnt la tbe Turkington Eliminated tbe old cynic. Too often First Time in History The mother of the bride wore parenta...... follow.r.g the ceremony. embodiment ...... of virtue and the Tpijiir to Plidd to Meni' tbo adventurous reformer be­ Miss Natalia LouUe Sla^k'son, soldier blue, and the bridegroom's Mr. and Mra. Nacskowdei will Dutch government corporate By Bill Sinnamon in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Manchester High Defeats Leavenworth in Grid Opener, 8-7 comes In old age the hsrd-cruat- That It's Out Before mother a black dreoa. Both wore make their nome at 184 Proapcct evU." « 7 ofClab*t Founder ed reactionafy. Too often the filawson, Jr., of 77 Strickland corsages of Happy Day rosea and Place, Brooklyn, and be at home MeNell defended Winston Singles; The Result# young man who wants to do ev­ T o h h Meeting street, became the bride of Sher­ aoaiated at a reception for 300 to their friciida after October 15. Churchill BriUln's wsrUme prime At Special Program erything becomes U\s old man wood Henry Ooslee, Jr., non of Mr. guests tn the evening a t 8:30 at The bridegreum served with the Sixteen entrant* in the Town and Mra. Sherwood H. Ooslee of minister, who was named by who U disturbed tf anyone tiles For the first time in the history ths lUUan-American Club, where Navy In the Pacillc erea and.Jiolds I vishinsky as a "warmonger" In a Singlea tourney and eight doublet a t tiM nw aats CWb 45 Church street, at a candlelight dinner was served at noon to 75 the Purple He.'ri Medal, having lA’fl AflfllflUnt Coach anything. of Manchester under the present ceremony Saturday evening at class with Hitler. HcNcU it said to combinatlona got off to a flying Bud Burbank Scores Jerry Chagnon Limits U t at OMlr r«r)Ur “But Dr. Moore was different guests. been injured in action off Okinawa. compare diurchlU to Hltlee l» Baseball Champs Take ' % ...... His faith never fsded In the social form of government, the annual eight o'clock in the Second Con­ When ths cosjp'e • '^^cd- Ho held the tank of lieutenant •tart over the' week-end to deter­ __ a t Om MaacbMUr Ooim> gregational church. Tbe minis­ monstrous.'' value of medicine. town report for lS4t Is already dtng trip to Nlsgara Falls and (J. g ). 'The aseemblv will permit me mine the 1047 kings of the local tfv today dorotod t)M aotlre “Hla conviction that a doctor prlnUd, and will be distributed a ter, Rev. Leland O. Hunt, per­ Canada, the bride sgors a brown Opponents to One Hit Mrtod to a atn rlco o( aMOuxial to formed the single-ring ceremony. gabardine suit, matching aceeaso- to say that Winston Churchlll'a chalked court. No upsets wers Advantage of Walks Red and White Tally S a'to te Dr. D. C T. Moon, wbo should not simply pracUoa medi­ week before the annual town struggle Naxlem will com­ recorded, sltbough Hsl Turkuiy- cine, but serve his community to Frederic Werner played the tra­ ries and mixed flower corsage. • Vl a m t tlM ftnadar of Um dub. D«> meeting October 6. Never before ditional bridal music and palms They will be at home to their pare with that ef any member of ton, last year's champ, fell victim improve public health was 'not List Meeting any Commun'at party In any Dpfending Cliampion# Mtto tbo Inctomont wcatber tbeiu dulled with the passing of the has the report been prepared thU and white gladioli were used for friends after October 5 at 181^t (o hls superior British American Weflt Side Pitcher# GWej Red Grant Arcounto for Gle«# testify how eager he waa that we lic hearings on various matters of the past two years. Both srs e« jf e t *s- ®P«- He dented any effort was be- spots in the seml-finsls with con­ Ford, If ...... 4 1 1 # Latter Visiting Star Softball TItIr Game Osborn. 3b .. ..4 8 3 8 0 1 build. Klwanla to him was more local concern. The report is in memMrs of St. James’s church. d ORITI S^eSSion 1 om or* ing made to interfere with the vincing wins over the week-end. BA> Outhit 9 to 6; 1 Roawk. cf ... ..2601 1 U ” to!*lidward Bmmt op«i«l tbe _ ...... Smith, Sb ...... S 1 1 8 than a luncheon club, it was to be three parts; the first 12S pages The bride is a presser in the cravat Lebro Urbanettl and Cy Qeor- Pagani, ef, rf ..4 0 l S Walker Bngga' debut aa head Punster Jer*y Chagnon, th* Covey, rf ..., ..31 8 0 0 1 aocial are given up to detailed reporta department of (Hieney Brothers row Evoning Will Dl^ gettl made the first defense of TTm Britlab Amartcana took full , Chagnon. p .. ..4110 1 0 * A n n u a l forced or pbliti<'ally discriminated Horvath, aa ....8 1 1 4 football coach at ManehaaUr High tetora golden hey from th* Hard­ SSf^r'bTDTM^r: T of the various town departments and the bridegroom a repair man CUSS I their doublss title a success with •dveiitef* of Ernie Neefce’e wtld- Oobb. lb ...... 8 8 0 # waa a auccess last Saturday n m t er* City, Balurcay night silenced 1 O. miilps, 3b ..4012 1 1 U1 In tbe recording In thie rcipect le and the work they have accom­ In the yam mill Finishing depart­ ** * I againstan ln et these 1016 nations whow’ho as- a sharp uin over George Collins new to eeer* flv* UmM on him la O. May, rf. cf. 8 0 0 1 ...... ig Rad Ui* Big Bertha's In th* Italian 1 August, lb .. .,4064 0 1 m S ts told of hla earUer days in sembled at Par.s." he eald. "But and Emerson KeSsler. Play was when an tnapired, hard hitting Rad fitting example to follow. Archl' plished. The following 48 pages ment at Cheney mills. The call for tha annual town the flret flv* Inning* end coedUd J. May, p...... 1 1 0 0 and White eWen rapraaantlng th* American lineup and aa a reault viigA If t.4 0 1 1 0 0 Mahcbester He told of driving bald McLelah, Librarian of Con­ are printed to show a breakdown The bride gave to the bride­ Mr. Vlshinaky says the United completed through to the seml- Berube, c ...... 8 0 8 8 Jarvta. e . ,T.. ..3008 f i 0 hia (hut automobile, a Bulck. He meeting October 6 will, bs prepar­ Statee are villainous, they ere’dis- in to en • to 3 vMtory over the Silk O ty scored a 8 to 7 upaal win the Motora scored a convincing 6 gress and one of the great literary of the town audit, showing expen­ groom a motion picture camera, flnala In doubles with both seml- Griswold S b ---- 1 1 0 I over a strong Ltavanwo^ High to I victory l>e.*or« an overflow Mllewakl. as ..1111 0 0 told of tbe difficulty he had in go­ men of our time, labelled himself diture and Income of the town. to her matron of honor the gave ed by tbe Board of Selectmen at turbers of the peace, they are fVpal matches being scheduled Weet Hide* in the flret gem* of Ui« MeCurry, aa ..2 0 0 8 0 1 ing o^rsr Avon Mountain in that breakera-up ut this international p le y ^ e for th* TwUlght L*efu« I of Wateibury at N«ho orowd of IJMU at Robertson Park. end his conleroporerles "The Irre- The report shows. In its Isst 20 a blrthstone rifig, to one of the its meeting acheduled for tomor­ Wednesday evening at the Country 25 • • 27 IS before a crowd of 1,000. , Chagnon, wMi combines clowning first ear. The doctor's voice waa sponslblea." IrresponslbUlty, he pages the report of the superin­ bridesmalda a pearl bracelet and •tructnre. Why? Because appar­ club courts. rheinpionehip et ML N*bo. Th* Pagaal’a Waal Sldaa (S) 31 8 10 21 *3 5 and easily Identifiable in the row night at 8 tn the municipal ently they choose to operate this BA'e er* th* d*f*ndlng champion*. A blocked punt paved the way Schubert .. Rinaldi Sith serious olating, allowed th* eald, was the key to the second tendent of schools and a break­ to the other gold earrings. The First and second round matches AB B H PO A hard hlttlhg I A a only ont tnngt* Italians (1) recording. world wer. Men in power knew building. The adoption of tbs an­ same Inalienable right to their In singles were also completed Th**e theueend heeebell fene for th* locals tally In the second down of the school expenditures bridegroom gave to the bride a nual budget will, outside of the Murray, aa ,,...4 0 2 2 0 iriod and a safety a f*w mlnutoa Buckmlater TItora a two-baggar to left contsrflrld tn ab r h po a e KoaoluUons prepared by Thom­ better then to let the sltuetlon de­ About 1,800 copies of the report matching pin and earring set with own prosperity which Mr. Vishlh- with the semi-finals now schedul­ were on hend to wttneee th* rather Solmonson, If , .4 1 2 2 0 C P. Phltllpa, 3b ..3004 1 1 as Jtattey, Elmer Weden and At* velop where wer .was Inevlteble, elections which are part of tbe •ky approves in evfery European unexciting bell gem*. ter provided Ut* margin of vic­ r* the firth Inning bj Boots Booth- have already been delivered out of peari centers, and to hls best man ed for Saturday. With good Iuc’k Zwlck. 8b ...... 8 1 1 0 0 tory for Coach Briggs's elavan. Mlkllnvtch llett. Motora left fielder Eddie Annlello, 3b . ..3102 1 1 torpey Harold Oarrlty were read but they did nothing about It. Ir- a total of 8,500 printe(l, and ar­ and ushers gold cigarette cases. meeting, constitute the main busi­ power but disapproves without re­ from the weather m.m. these two Bca*a en belle wer* mor* preva­ Byeholaki, lb . .4 0 0 10 2 Aainger ... ..8 0 0 0 ness of the annual session: lent then baa* hits ea Noek* end WaNar stators ta Um first half but tb* Vllga got Ma glove on th* boll but Oavello, If .. 0 0 by ISx- Garrlty. They will be pre- responslbiUty accounts for more of rangements are being ijiade for serve in ‘the case o.' the United events should be finished thi.s Backir, rf ...... 8 0 1 1 0 U. CorrehU, lb .8 0 0 i 1 L However, other Inclusiona such starters tn tb* first half but tbe I a a a e a e e Ztnno failed to hold too pill. Had Vllga aenSd to Mra Moore. Included in the trouble in our Ufe today, more the distribution of the remainder. Wolfram-McNelll States." week-end. Bteck combined to out walk Jack!* Patton, 2b ...... 0 0 1 4 4 DlBattiato , Herman WIersbIckI la tbe new Oanttleore. cf ..8001 1 1 the leeoluuons were tbe words of of tha deUnquency, more of the as-a proposal to rebuild a section He went on to say that Rnsala's May, 10 to #. Noek* laaulng seven Walt MarrUMm, vaU nn local final twenty minutas of play found Uib bean abla to hold th* ball, Chagnon The report la prepared so that Miss Gladys Irens McNeill, Following are the reo-alts rt Thomas, ef . ...5 0 1 1 0 footbOU player and coach, ha* bean Manchester rooters holding tbatr playlng-eoach of th* Marines bas­ would hav* been credited with a Gam, rf ...... 8 0 0 0 0 0 The ReraM's editorial on Dr. dninktnnass, niore of the divorce, the town's voters may gain pre­ of Hartford road and possibly conception of sovereignty was "his­ the week-end patches: pass** and Black thre*. Pongrata, e ... .# 0 1 4 1 Burbank .. Martinalli ketball team. Wlerablcki starred Moore. Then came Rev. Ralph more of the chima in netionel and daughter of Mr and Mra. Robert nutters pertaining to new school AHheugh Usuirg six fre* tickets signed *8 aaaiatant coach of tha breaUu aa Loavenwortb staged a no bitter. BoutMletL CO ..8018 0 0 election and pre-annual town r* McNeill of sa*) Center street, and torically outdated” and “alarm­ SInslee—Fircl Round Noska, p ...... 1 1 0 0 I rbb with ManebeaUr Trad* a number Beraenakl. as ..2001 3 0 Ward's tribute which is printed in international affairs than most of building may be dlsctused. ing," sines It would place drastic and being nicked for nine hits, Italian American fMtball ground attack wMcb almost pulled Davta ...... Mancini Defending leegttc ehamplons. the meeting information on which to Ernest A. W/dfram. son of Mr. Curtin defeated Turkington C-2. Black, p ...... 0 0 0 0 4 Hamaon waa a tackla during hla th* team from behind to win. of yean ago and lator coache


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 194T Dtffaitloas lUO.M-.KX II.I.F FOLKS l>t Liberal: A man who has never had to aaauma enough respoaaibU- GAAWPm A POR^TGiVE A RAP FbR^THE. PiC T A T y OF ilftlp Wsnt#4—Msl# 86 HoosthoM Hps4s i l KiMMaa Witkoul Sit! I.et8 for del* 71 So They Say- AelesHbOee for Sale 4 Uuslntss S en im OfferH IS Movtng~Tn»rfclng—' Sense and Nonsense Ity to make him dlacrate. ICE Refrigerator. 100 Ika. capa­ FOR RENT <-tai prlvata hoBM, BEAUTIFUL LOT on Green road, • Coming-out party: A shindig W OODW OKK all klnda, » « m W A N T E D — Twfc man. steady Watch the west! After traveUtigi W’a know that .any future war SPEAKING OF tt city. Alao- white enamel kitchen large daatrabla room In quiet gO’ front 17F deep. Thla Is a real Bpltapli Another pet peeve la the big that roau the old man a lot of and installed. Job aliep aorvtca. JAMBS MACRI, General part time. (3ood wagea Can through OUfomla. Washington. mav mean the eiM of all w* cabinet Re.,eonable. Call at lit neighborhood. Near bua line. Gen- buy at $780. All Improvemeixti feeling. Mg talking motor cop who money In order to adverUa* the dauified . CrOOD USED CARS V . . Profaaai'nal kitchen designa For tng rianga and fuel oua aehee person. 180 Blasell etreet Her* Hex tlw body o4 Bart Lsox, Oregon, and Colorado I am certain value Wars are bred by poverty Wells strae . Ueman preferred. Phone 8183. In. Call owner 2-9694 alter 5 p. n: la arant of the law And thinks fact that his daughter ta ready to ' DE CORMIER quink aervice call a-OM8 and ruhbie^ removed. Send WUh tolded arm* n* raots at exa*. that the next prograaaiva move­ and pppreaeion. Continued peace ATTENTION Salesman. A large, The wh**ls of • truck rxn over hi* ha empowered to mako laws aCfccpt matrimonial proposals MOTOR SALES gravel, loem Phone 4888. ment tn America la coming from is poMMa only in a ratatlvety tUyinC well known manufacturer has CREAM ..uid green Florence gas FtniNISHED room for reliable BUILDING Lut on Mather street. r Bummer reaort: A place where Advertisements • HAS AN EXCELLENT REKKICEKATION atova, 988; whlta ice bos, 83; married couple. Kitchen privi­ 76’ front I2u deep, aeiver an6 Tramp—I ain’t got a friend nor people go to pretend they are more this region. free and prosperoua world. ,. .. c ASHES, Caiu, rubbish raaaoved. opening for two hard bitting Her* he Uea. no wonder ho’s'dwuL SERVICE white metal bed, 8-4 aiaa com­ leges. All improvements. ITione water, ^ tl.^ 8880 Charles Oder- a relative In the world, mum. important back boms than they . —Harry A. WaBaea. r al stale MarebaB. SELECTION FROM WHICH Cellars atuca, yarda cleaned. salesmen as factory reprssenta- For Sale plete. IS; t Perfection kerosene 2-1464. mann. Phore 4C28. Lady—Well, Dm glad there’s no­ r^kUy 8r8e fWr Rent TO CHOOSE! Domeatic, commercial. For Chimney cleaning and rapatra tivs in protected terrltoriea $80 They may txlk about rubber heaters, 82, Lawson sofa, needs body to worry over you, in case Legitim ate buslneaa: On* that While 78S full-Um* lobbyiaU are IT m only defense against atomic ToSeU prompt day and night service. Light trucking odd lobbinfe. C salary plus bonus to start for fenders for eutomoblles, hut rub­ reglatered with Oongreea there la To Bay These Are Just a Few— men who can qualify. Only men recovering $10 IBS Lenox street ber pedcetrlxna still are aoma dia- you get hurt. Here, Dane, ale ’em! paya tribute to the racketeers for boBoha still Use outaid* the acope CALL 2-1428 Carson Phont 6U(lg. WantiNl—Riwma— KiMrtf 62 Sutiurhan tor Sale 75 protection Inxtead of bribes to the probably more lobbing going on But Typical: arcuatomed to high earnings need tance In the future. of sclance. It la the Jreventkm of PIELAS REFRIGERATION DRESS UP your room with one of The newly married man can polio* departmenL In nearby country clubs than in CLAS81KIED ADVT. 1046 DODGE SEDAN COUPE— THE AUM'nN A ithambere Oo. apply. Apply 'Tuesday 10 to 1, W A N T E D - Room and board for TOIXAND—62-acrc farm, 8-room atomic war. these decorative beauties . , a tramp both food and work the corrldora of the Capitol. —Dr Stafford L. Warren, denn *1 Radio, Heater, Fluid Drive. (An 88 Birch Street local or tong distance rnoviag. 624 WcUiersfleld avenua, H art­ elderly woman for the winter. house, screened porch, bxm , 2- Teacher—Johnny, can you tall UKPT. HOURS: Lovely lamps —ao impressively passing out the good wffe'a Werrjr-Wevk \ ■Sen. Barry r. GMa (B) *« .the miBral sekael. Vatveralty almoat new car — no trade re- Moving, packing and atoraga ford. Call 8*12. CXI gardge, xpple orchard, mod­ mb what a w a ffle ia? t:IO A. M. la 4:45 P. M. V E N E T IA N Blinds. A ll types large—so rjperbly detailed—two blaculta. Worry’s tha Intoraet you pay WeeWngten. OaSfemln at Lee Aagslea. quff^d). ^hone Manrheatcr 8187 or Hart­ - ..... ■■ ■ . ^ em conveniences. No agents. C!atl Johnny-—Tea’m. It ’a a pancal mi made to order, and recondition­ graceful styles in soft pink, blue On trouble atiU on Its way. 1046 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SE­ ford 8-1428 Rockville 880-4. w ith a non-akld tratkL Beneath the beautiful erards nf Fa s h i o n b u t HoRTgHse ooBSa so t h e y A R fc ing. Best quality. Flndell Manu­ or white are topped with flnely Brook trout lose 2.6 par sent of —Clarice HIB Lent aae Kaawd I DAN—Fleetmaeter. ( Priced way HHp Wantcil— Msl# or Sumieei Hoeiee for Rent 67 ’American Brotherbood, wa con­ Only about 1.000,000 Americana facturing Co, 485 Middle Turn­ tailored rayon ehadcs. Kemp’s, O N E C A R garages. SpeclxJ this aafaty maaaur* ta aug their strength in death, according are mentally normal—frea from below the market). F rm s l# 87 WUUam Shepard aant thU defl tinue to find aoclal injustice, mis­ brown luther y*N 1946 FORD 2-DOOR SU PER De- pike Eaat Call 4866. Painting—Papering 21 Inc. (8880). QUONSETT Hut, finished off inside week, 8345, regular $898. Slight^ for peopU walking on the to eelancc. Ia that why fishermen anxieties, fears or weakneaaaa— niUon of toleranca. but says be ery and opprcMton. let in A. * P. vtore. Friday after, LUXE—Radio. Heater. (A beeu- AVAILABLE positions for all with knotty pine. Shower, water additional charge for erecting. _liwaya after dark. It Is aug- stretch them? but they are dull, untnteraeting FOR PO S ITIV E repairs on all doesn’t know wbo wrota It —Dr. BasneM Padilla, fem tlful black car. No trade re­ INTERIOR and saterlor painting, types of oirict. and technical per­ INVESTMENT^Thls tasy relax­ and lights. Rooms not divided. reatad that people croastng the and don’t seem human. noon. W allet valued aa keepaake. makes of rsingerstors and wash­ Terms. Phone I.xrtford 8-281S. “SympathaUc understanding, Mexleaa Porcign MlaMer. paperhanglng, ceilings rednleti- sonnel. Most desirable openings ing club cl.air built with com- Call Rockville 1830-S. highways carry a newspaper whlcl Mothers wondering what to do — Dr. Bari D. Bond, Philadelphia Cbatalned papera and money. quired). ing mseblnts, call Walter without neesasary agreement, 1041 BUICK a-DOOR TORPEDO— ed. Men Insured and property In the Haitford area Apply fortabla buttoned roll back—full ROCKVILLE. Ellington! Crystet w ill catch the ayes o f onoomtni with youngetera who get them- Finder pleaaa call 4M*. Reward. Pleeclk. Tel. 6024. with another’s point of view.” Wa Intend to auppoR tboa* wbo psycbatrlst Radio, Heater, Dir. UghU. (A damage Baneri work. Edward R. Burnham Employment Agency, spring construction. T-shaped re- Lake. Several homes and anaall motorists "anything whits eroul aalvee dirty during play should let Wanterl to Kent 6k but th*4tbe punlahment fit the grime. are determined to govern them one-owner car that'a out of thia^ Prica Phohe 1-1008. 29 Pearl stnMt. Hartford. Phone vcralble scat cuehlon—in beige farms for sale price range from aerva tha sama purpose,' Pood and fuel nr* our b*i AniiMaMMentn EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON ’This ia not the Urns fo r cam­ selves in their own way, and who world). 4-8002. tapestry. Comfort value that we A S S IS T A N T manager and wife, 87,800 to 812,600. For informa­ average person w ^ d probably weapona agalnat totamarlanlam. AND STEEL FURNACES FOR (QUALITY, prica aervlea. feel more comfortable carrying a KxceuUvea In Hawaii take from paign apeeidies, so Mother Nature honor tha right of others to do 1941 FORD 2-D(X>R SEDAN—Ra­ are proud to offer. Kemp’s, Inc. Montgomery Wards, desire apart­ tion or appointment call Rock- —Paul Porter, former Price Ad­ u n t i l September SO — Save coneult Albert Guay, ‘HTm Koma newspaper than swinging a hand­ cne to three hours for lunch. And must accept full blame for all the Ukewlaa. dio, Haater, Spotlight (The FOR IMMEDIATE (8880).______• ment or house, Manchester or vi­ vUla 1187-r, 7to9a.m. orSto7 — President Truman. ministrator. money on WoJnan'i Home Oom- nlceat 1941 Ford in town). INSTALLATION Owner# Patntei." Complete In­ S itn sU on B Wsfite4l—> p. m. I will be pleased to shew kerchief along the road.’^ wa ttiougbt our waiters wera alow. hot air. panion SO Not. M : Newawaak. 82 terior and estarior painUng aerv R O L A -W A Y beds. Here’s your cinity, refeiancea. Call 8161. 1941 FORD 6-CYU CLUB CONV. Female 88 you these places. Tom Miner. LANK LKUNARO Koa. $4 80! Look, 62 Noa. S4 S0. —Radio, Heater, Fog Light. (So Ice, paperhangtng, spraying and chance to save 84. Here is the MICKEY FINN The Resl Soperlnteadentl Taka your ckotce. Dial 2 -lM l. nice, worda fall m e). VAN CAMP BROS. Boor relLaahlrig Satisfaetion CAPABLE Woman U willing to luiswer to that problem of extra ANDOVER—Attractive flve-room M r — 1939 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN—Ra­ guaranteed. Free oaUmatea AU cars for children by the week. sleeping apace. Just roll out that house. On bua line. Built 1941. 1 KNCW YOU'D stfaeLOWNi 1 8EK US today We’ll teL you how TEL. 6244 dio, Heater, Defroetera. (N ew workmen fully insured. 20 Spruoa Phone 8828. roUaway bed—Unfold it and curl LANDLORDS WILL YOU Oil steam heat, artesian wall. MOWIDOVEIC TMB 8UIL0IN6. aw y It U to aave. OeneroM re- ^ R A p i H f r S k i n t s * motor in thla one — new paint RAD IO neeo Bxlng? H aveiR re- street, Manchaater. Tai. 2-lg68. up on the oorafortabla inner Largs lot with brook. Imraadlats BYCoav,«CMMry ‘roTNC w f S T s n f PHIL-HI SAVE tuma AU aavtnta up to lA.OW. piUrad oy eapeita Pleh-up asrv- HELP US TO HND RENTS occupancy, $9,800. Talbot Real fully inaured. Menehealer Build- too). aprlng mattresa covered with -IHADNOOffA - iU T I TM0U6MT M iTNIf JOl4fHIN 1987 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN, lee, guaranteed work. Seta ohack- . OoRe— Blnl*—Pete 41 durable ticking. Heavy angle Bataia. Phone Mancheater 8840. tns and Loan aaeoclatlon. Inc. Tsiloting— Dyeinf— FOR SOME NEEDY nHATTOU Youwtnanu I SOT TOO OLD 10 6-CTL—Radio. Heater. • (Juat ad r the r.ome Car radloa a iron frame with link type spring epeciaJty. Mar.cheetar Kadtr NK3E F R IE N D L Y pups, y ^ aiPCRMTCNpetfr OKlVIN'ATRUac MAKB Shlrta Uat longer. Collare overhauled. All new tlreaj. C im n in g 24 — buoyant and reat-lnduclng. Be 1937 FORD 2-DOOR SED AN-Ra­ Service. 78 Blmh elreet Phone chulca for five dollars. Inquire f VETERANS? Wantvff— Real ISatate 77 o r P O K M M L 'S turned, 8 for SI Cell 6584 after D RESSM AKING, women’s and Staven’e Farm, Lake street Man­ sure to choose yours early, be­ BAIWIRV dio. Heater, Spotlight (Very, a-0»>4U. fore the supply Is reduced. 1 p. m. ______very clean—ready to go). ciiildren’a Alterations and but­ chester. 2 months’ old. WE BUY AND SELL ton holes made. Phone 2-2660, or Kemp’s, Inc. (8880). 'We specialize in obtaining UBERAL TERMS! SHEET MBI'AL WORK ONE YEAR old A.K.C. OlUle REAL ESTATE 18 MONTHS TO PAY! 38 Seaman Oreia perannalP Hot All Fomeoe Repelrint. pupa, Fox Terriers. Zimmerman, JUSED Frigidaire refrigerators In rents for tenants and we get AT All Lines of Insurance Lake etreet. Phone 6287. perfect working order. Kemp’a, our fee from them, our serv­ WAl*niEI>^-Rl4 feet over­ EpnaACLidtEi Rioo. P o «ia i.T IS Planter CUcle. m. N E A R C R Y S T A L Lake, 70-acre Realtor. Phono Manchester 7700. Co.npa-ny. Broad street Tele­ all, ready to use condition. Ideal OFFICE Workers. Applications Poultry anil Supplies 43 farm. Land bordering approxi- phone 8869 Open 8 a m. to 7 p. A L l ItAKEH 01 sewuig maiUUnas for small apartment; (Joolerator LIST YUUK property. KaaidentiaJ are now being taken for clerks mately M mile on each aide of !»' m. aapertiv repaired. Singer Sewing YOUNG Freshly killed ^turkeys. 100 lb. capacity, $20; Weatlng- and buMneaa Have many oUanta 1947 PLYMOUTH and experienced comptometer op­ new hard road 6 rooms and bath, p Machine Oo., 888 Main street Top quality and clean picked. house electric roaater oven with Georga L Graxiadto, KaaJtor, I N erators. Permanent work, pleas­ one unfinished Hot water heat, — ------o DELUXE SEDAN Wrapped In cellophane, for home cabinet, 828. Phone 3375. Henry etreet Phone 8278. u Tel aas> ant working conditions, 37-hour, running hot and cold water. Wanted Aol or freexer Weights 17 to 20 __ ^ • — W A S H IN G Machines, all makes flve-day week Apply employ­ pounds. Dellveriea Saturday MODERN Electric range, like Large panelled living-room with Your Real Batata Probleraa £ COLE MOTORS Motorcycle* 12 ment office, First National fireplace. Nearly new dry cooler, f e \ * repaired. Prompt service. A. B. C ro. only. Phone 7733. new; vacuum cleaner, boy’s 26” Are Oura. ^ fc*t»-0. TEL. 4164 SELLING TOUR Car 7 Stop or Appliance, 21 Maple street Stores. In c , Park and Oakland bicycle, two pairs boys’ shoe will hold eleven 40-quart cans We Buy and Sell for Caah 3ali and gat our top price. Prem­ Phone 2-1878. avenues, Eaat Hartford. Monday akatea, man’s gray overcoat, Alao excellent to keep food In. Arrange mortgagee ium prices for clean cars. Oole through Friday between 9 a. m. Artirlr* for Sale 45 sheepskin vest, aixe 40. one pair Bam basement with 27 tie-ups. Before you sell call us Motors. 4164. and 3 p. m man’s arctics, pair boy’s arctics. Orchard with 100 fruit trees. Can No Obligation. o 1947 FORD SUPER Hounronld Servirra SCRATCH Pads for home, office Phone 4881. be uaed* aa a farm or a nice home Brae-Bum Realty Co., OtKL TO do office work with un R E W A R D of l'J8 or more to the school 3x5, 10c a pound, 4x6 and with extra land to sell off as 118 Eaat Center street DELUXE SEDAN Offered ISA knowledge of bookkeeping. Fire­ Quick Like a Fos BY V. T. HAMLIN ’1 person teadli g us to the pur­ up 15c a r>ound. 'Oraers for |1 or NINE-PIECE walnut dining-room bu'lding lota. High elevation, Realtors Phona 6278 or 5829 A L L E Y O O P fi'v stone Store, 8.56 Main street. chase of a good 1937 to 1947 car A C O M PLETE home cleaning mc -M a ti for washing and 2x6 floor Jolats, and overhead Piano Co., 57 Allyn street. Hart, NEW Five-room single, nice loca­ administration account with said es­ mnde and sterilised like new. We and mixed iiouqueta.. Woodland tate to this Court for allnwanca. It Is 1947 CHEVROLET polishing cars. Sollmene and beams. (?an be seen on Purnell ford. 8-6696 tion. Everything the discriminat­ m in e. call (or and deliver anywhere. 42 Gardena, 168 Woodland atreet. ing buyer would like. Reduced to ORDERED: Thst the 37th dsy of Flagg, Inc., Dodge and Plymouth Parking lot. Call 2-9530 after 8 September. 1947. at 9 o'olock. (d.s.t.) STYLEMASTER TWO DOOR South Main street, Colchester, Phone 8474. 911,400. $4,000 caah required. 1 ' ' dealers, 634 Center atreet. for information. < (orclioon. at the Probate Office In the Oinn Phone (3olcheetei 460. Wearing Apparel— Fur*' 57 James and Marie Clark, 29 Grif­ Municipal Building In said Manches­ COLE MOTORS Roofing—Siding 16 YOUNG Man wanted to work in fin Road. Phone 7822. ter. -be and the same Is assigned (or a I'iA S AN D Electric welding, all Fuel and Feed 49-A ONE LIGHT green gown, wUh hearing on the allowance of said ad­ TEL. 4164 metals, lead burning. Eighteen meat and grocery market. Steady mitta. Alao Silver Fox Jacket, ROOFING AN D SID ING .our *pe- INVESTMENT opportunity. ministration account with said estate years experience. Oeorge L work and good pay. Call In per­ FOR SALE)— Well-aeasoned hard­ Phone 4**8^ or call at 68 Bunce and thla Court directs that notice of clalty New ceilings and carpen­ son. Virhl'B Market. 151 Middle Three-fam 'ly. Green section. the time and plaee Hsslgiied (or 'said fO Greea 473 Gardner etreet Cat wood fireplace chunks, $18' per Drive. Steam heat, all improvements 3U47. try. Highest quality materials. Turnpike West, Manchester. hearing be given to all persons known BY MICHAEL U’MAI.LEV AND RALPH LANB cord delivered. Tel. 8597 or 6032. two-car jgarage with amsalte to be interested therein to appear' and leKT.nmauaiwr.wa VIC FI.INT, I Call On Janos Workmanahlp guaranteed. A. A. BOY’S suit size 14, blue green 1947 B U IC K Dion, Inc. Phone 486U. , John S. W olcott A Son. Inc. drive. Returns, approximately 14 be heard thereon by publishing' a WE HAVE Oneat aasortqients of tweed. Lady’s fall coat, gray blue copy of this order In tome newspeper "If the grades teem too lowt why can't wa parants provide TMTMAM«0MailPY0Ua WNV SunOSf ANY7MINST SUPER CONVERTIBLE- MEN FOR general work. Ace per cent on investment. $4,500 kitchen Unoleume Aleo tUa and ROOFING — Speciallxlng In re­ SEASONED hardwood for flre- tweed, straight llnea, size 40. having s cirrulatloii In said District aam wa jAuuaY mitt.j VW lev JANUa MAS CNANeiO Woolen, Hilliard street. caah required. Jam es'xnd Marie at Ifast fl(e days before the dsy of littlo prizoa for the toaehora whoa* pupils gat the higheat utcafTbLavgiuNtTHf 1MMADY0U, VOtf AWAVer wat coveringa. Manchester Floor pairing roofa ot all klnda lUso placf, furnace and range. Imme­ Phone 7517.. \9tnem il (Vtverij.g Co., 66 Cottage etreet Clark, 29 Griffin Road. Phone said hearliip, m a r k a ? " ■nr KNOWN anw n te-/ YNAMU WANTf MS COLE m o t o r s ' new roofs. No Job too small or diate delivery. B. J. Begin. Phone W I’.-LIAM 8. HTDE, Judge C at 66U. SALESMEN Wanted. Over $28 7822. TiCnWINTNICffY. ' ^E L. 4164 large. Good work. ffiM^rlca. Free day! Sell custom painted signs. Glgatonbury 293$. ______1------411 iR miARDING H>»USR with MAJOR HfKBM.R Wonted—To Buy 58 AT A COURT OF PROBATE held OUT QUR W AY BY J. R. W ILIJAM S KADIU — Electrical Appliance esUmates. Cal) Howley, Man- New ! N o coTnpetltlon. Write SIX-ROOM aJigle, garage, all Im- at Manchester wlfliln and for tb« O f BURf&illS TUE TALtOiM AH'UfH-HACiC- Service, repairs plckad up and chaqter 6861. Concord O a fts. West Concord, Garden— Farm-'^Dairy - W E BUY rags, papera and scrap provenienta, on bua line. Excel­ District of Manchester, on the 30th deilvared promptly. 80 years' Maas. matalx Oail Arnold Nelaon. 787 lent value. Reduced to $7,500 for day of September. A.D., 1947. OVER AM iNVEMITtCf'5 'iO\0 C Ai'5'T e K A C k — D A S H . 1947 PONTIAC 8 Products SO Present HON. WILLIAM 8. HTDE. experience. John Maloney. Phone Lordall stresc 8906. quick aale James and Marie BV6M iDSbSrtFV VbuCtSSLP, iMlW SOOf Hl«TD«V CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE Heatinff— Plumbing 17 W A N T E D A T once, man for lawn Clark, 29 Griffin Road. Phone’ Judge. POMT YOU SCRATOA TiAfc H A E R N E E S 3-1046. 1 Walnut etreet E L B E R T A Peaches for canning. Estate of Molly Weiner, late of n b a h -«- grading - and general landscape M A N C H E STE R ’S dealer In rage, W ld AMD PI^DOCE SOhNS W R iT T eM IM COUPE PLUGGED Main tewers, sink, Albino Vclpl and Son. Birch 78k2« y •'.« .nr 1 .1 ». M D''trie* dereared. SUETCR W E A V IN G — Watch those moth work. Apply In person, John S, paper and acrap metals calls at The executor having exhibited his >yrRAf»Tiaft t u a t v o o o m Bl o o d B s c A u fis lavatory and bath drama cffl Mountain. Phone 8079. s p r e a d Him . your door and pays you highMt T W O -F A M IL Y house. 4 and 4. $$U .•■•a-...... X vX H.AVltltsv V.lUlv.iui Maalu IU .. ei'* |<|holes, cigarette burns, tears and cleiitly machine cleared, Carl W olcott & Son. Inc. HOLD B A D NEV45 B U R K D m e d o l & r e COLE MOTORS prices. Oatrinsky, 182 Blesell Three-car garage, comer lot 110 Ut« toI this C'nurl for aUowsn(^, It Is UKB 6O 0S E - worn spots disappear! Also dreaa- Nygren, plumber, steam fitter IM A VERTICAL POSlTlOi'A - TRlPLBO WlIH ______TEL. 4164 WANTED—Truck driver. The W. strseL Phone 5879. xllO. Very good location. Price ORDEREDERED "That the 27th dsy e( 1 L N E R 0X3 making, tailoring, designing, and pump.mer.j,anlc. 15 South Household GtNids 51 September,ibcr. 1947. st 9 o'clock/ (d.s.t.) J f^EKT T i m e h e VOCESTLE&f] THE IR E O f A O. Glenney Cp., 336 North Main reaaonabie Ceil 2-9334 aftre 6. RYE 1987' DODGE two-door sedan. r leaning expertly done. Eastwood street Phone 6497. ^ forenoon,311. «ta th« Probate Offl/e In tb* WHEN, atreet. FLUOR problems solvad w|tb Municipal BuUdlnK in Bald-MancheA* W H K T L L (3oed. condition. Price 8880. 101 Weavers. 11J26 Main street. East WANTED—Small paint spraying JeoSSiO .* linoleum, aaphah tlia. eountai OWNER Leaving town. Six-room ter be.and' same ia aasljihed for a SCHULTZ Chestnut street. Hartford. Phone 8-0091. W A N T E D —Men for field work In outfit. Phone 2-1428. Expert wurkmanahlp, frqe tail single. Attached garage with hearinjc on th4> allowance of Mid ad* p o ? y ' « r Kooflng—K4;pairing 17-A nursery. Wilson's Nurseries, cor­ miniatratinn account with Mid eat$.tff BY R ALL APPLIANCES serviced and males Open eveninga. Jonas breezeway, terrace,' hot water WASH II'Bits HmM! ner o f Oakland atreet and Tol­ and thia Court directa that notice of O. If. C. Panel truck, one ton, repaired, bumM's refrigerators, ROOFING o r all kinds. Chimney E^imilura. Oak atraaL Phone Room9 Without Ktrard 58 heat, oil burner, recreation cellar, the time and place aMlfued for aaid IT co#N U (is'k eugricioM i\ AMgM~ THKT is u e e g H e ^NB CAN DRAW land Turnpike. Venetian blinds, awnings, acreens. siNca YOU aaoueuT t h i COMCVUeiON. CCNAtO^ INS, N76. Call 6769. ranges, washers etc. All work work, gutter work and inaulation. 2-1041. ■ ■ ■ I II SI. heartnf be given to all peraoni known suuf cT us aa. AkKII.Ak Of auTM g ^ HbDPunNd IM aaiea ere fiotwoe (3t3TE- O KIW PNO ri guaranteed. Metro Service CX>., Ebipert Impairs. Honest workman- TWO-ROOM f’jmlehed apartment storm windows, large lot. A -l to be intereated therein to appear asd caacK-aaMNfo TOSKOwue aaaoourNiiLiPTO^ T H R E E Aggressive salesmen by HfiMKiNawrpPIATlIKgfP I IN TKC PlAca!...THS SAMtf la-asasowaltii \n 4 i^TMOUTH sedan, ^ood Tel Manchester 2-0888. ■htp. SadTsfaction guaranteed TIIREE-P16ce bedroom set, light condition, $12,700. Occupancy 2 be hevrd thereon by pubUahlng a — ^^awH x:w, ft O fia CONNfCTID VMTM T|i aa.iDcKEC Wt le tT E f acKEe'5 VIRSION Of MOW ME large Hartford concern handling and heat. Adults only. Call 8895 copy of thia order in tome nenapaper ffYKiiMoae wwcN. a evo u running condition, new tlrea. Call Coughlin, Manchea'ei 7707 oak. one l>oudolr chair, one chair between'5 - 8 References requir­ weeks. Oeorge L. Qraziadlo, TM6 aeviUM aag t w wma M TIE I ,:CMai TO 5B HHD TMffltSl nationally known products. Ex­ having a circulation In Mid Diatrirt. SIN. DK.a(awu«KiroKT; Oail 61 Dover Road after S p. m. D AN H. ,, DONOVAN, landscape and end-table, all like ne^. Call Realtor. 109 Henry street Tele­ at leaat five daya before the day of cellent income assured. Only men ed. sat ONPOugiiPiY a g a a t i^ gardner. 30 years of knowledge CHIMNEYS rebuilt repaired and 2-9891 after 7 p. m. phone 5278. aald hearing. INI CHEVROLET pickup. 1938 and experience in all branches of cleaned. Also ail types ot roofing who really want to wprk need FU R N ISH E D room on Main WILLIAM 8. HTDB. Judg'. CReviolet Mdan delivery, 1988 the business. Advice free. Phone and r pairing AU work, guaran apply. Martred men preferred. ■treeL Continuous hot water. tour-door nadan, m i Qiev- 2-1681 after b p. m. teed. LaRose Bros. C!o. Tel. 2 Tinnaportatlon furnished. Terri­ FOR SALK—Parlor oil atove. Phone 6803 IvoU tor Hale 73 3^ rpiat aadan dallvary. Cols Motors. I 0768. tory Manchester and Tolland quire 180 Eldridge' street 4MW- RANG E Burners cleaned. Install County. See 5tr. Lata 9 a. m. to HEATED Room for rent., Front LO T For Sale, 75x130 on Box ed. Wsahlh' machlnea, vacuums 12 noon Monday and Tuesday. 20 M U E LLE R 70" cast Iron or steal room. Inquire 128 North School Mountain Road. Lake street. I NSU R E .im IMTBRNA’nONAL dump | repaired, sawa filed. Lawn mow Moving—Trucking— ^ohn street, Hartford. furnace, $159. AU aixea In stock. street Mrs. Foray Ui. Phone 2-1261. w ith tmhk. Two-yard body, booster eria aharpened, repaired. Pickup 20 Devino Ompany, Waterbury 8- Storage BUILDING LOT, 75 foot front­ bralna, good condition. Reason-1 and delivery. Friendly Flxlt Shop YOUNG Man age 19-26, executive 3888. P R IV A T E clean home, room for MrKINNEY HKiriHEKS apM Plica. Jamas Macrl. Phone' 718 North Main. Tel. 4777. MOVING, household goods and ability. Store experience prefer­ refined gentleman or bufinesa age. B tone. Reasonably priced. Kewl Estate end lamiruiM-e i ' u h e v l o o k e d 40N. pianoa moved anywhere in the red. Good salary to start, with W E BU Y - and sell good uaed woman. Phone 4510 after 4 p. m. S. A. Bee.'hler. Phone 6969. .508 M A IN Ml . r E l. ••Ullb ' A T THE WlREMCA L C ELECTRIC Motdr'Repair ard Slate. Alao genera) trucking and advancement according ^ o » abil­ furniture, combination ranges, WHY MOTM6R& 66T *

i. ■