SATURDAY, SRPTOTBER 20,1947 iffanrl?p0trr SoMthtg Avenge DrIIj Circfflation Tbe Wwtbtr f J . • ^ I t Y V For the Maatb af Aogdat, IN I ^ Fsraoast of 0. K Woatbar Bonaa haar thla week how a mambtr of The Mancheater Beard of Beal- tha ataff of Tha New London Day Lot Ufl Help You Sell Cteoriag aad boBamtag vary * tora wlU meet Monday feels about the similar form of M anchcBler 9,040 root taaint; Bght frool gooerally About Town the Sheridan reataurant. It will Be Heard A long Main Street' government In that city, which has WANTED Maaibar oC Mm Aodll the flrat meeting of th# waaon Your Properly— We 2iiiiiittriiF0tFr itu f tttttn with moderate froat ta latertar; been in effect for the past 2fl Date Book Ratagg at CliealiWaaa Tnraday fair aad qolta cooL and every member !• urged to at* years. Last week's column de­ INSURANCE MAN X rel>e»n*l tor th* R»lly tend. *111# program for the year j 4nd on Some of Manche»ter*§ Side StreeU, Too Protect the Buyer— p f i i S to b« pr-tntod during tailed the letter of HIbherd A. Al- Nancheeter-^A CUy of Vttlage Charm ayander rcjtarding condltlona there TamgM V ^MS^dny nchool M ai^ wUI be dlacuaaed. the Seller. A mailbag oontHbuUon thla*ply to you. May I requeat you to and It was aa a result of that letUr Sixtieth anniversary celebration 25 to 40 Years OM dly, Septemtor M nt Concordl. of East Central Pomona at tha MancheaUr Aaaembly, No. 16 week fnllowa' me In touch with readers of that the comment was made. Wa have emnpetent anleaineii 18) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1947 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS latlMrsn cHurcJi. wUl be held nt Masonic Temile. VOL. LXVU NO. 298 Ordcf of„ Rainbow_______ for fllrla, will , -Thete teen-aged gtrla do talk your paper intcreated in friendly A meinber of the ataff of Ih a on tmt randy to oaalst von the chur«h Ihle nnemoon nl two Herald, on vacation In his nativa Life, Liahmty, Accident o’clock. AH pupil! UWnir p ^ « « « hold a acml-publtc Inalallalloo I «»nBe at tlmea. I heard the fol- correapofidence T Mandsy. Bent. M In y«nr real estate proMema— city, vlalted the editorial rooms of Meeting of Republican Town and Health — Hospitaliza­ urged to nttend. o m «m . Monday evening at ^ I g V J m r k made by one of H.vi,»g ^ from the ee—U you want rRO.MFT o'clock in the Maaonlc Temple, p *, p«en wearing one i outride worid these long years and Tha Day a weak ago Monday, the Committee. Municipal building nt dEKVICB tion. Ivcada fumiahed. Missimippi Haribor Wreckage Mlaa Marjorie Brown of « Rogers ^ ^ Irta to and ■ " • » democratic an- data of New London’s annual city fl. Drawing account airainat British See Peril A •OB. their nrrt child, w m bonj election. In the oouraa of hla vM t Oafl riace will be inatalled m worthy ^„«,n g pool Tknraday, Bapt. M commimion. Write Box vMUrdny •» St. Frarcl* hoepiUl advisor. MlaaNaUlle Caijcnter. k ^ Bald she: Alexander’s charges wars brought Aid for Europe Set Meeting of Zon'ng Board of Ap­ to Mr. and Mm. Robe, t H. Ckreey, Into the dlscuaricn and the local W.D.. care The Herald, alat- jr^ ^ '3 Robert! Court, . E**t retiring worthy advlaw. will In- ,p „„t longer akirta for peals. Municipal building at A •tall the new officers. Every mem- phooey! They should i? )!. ^staff l ^ v member remarked that Man­ JARVIS inff experience, references, Bakford. chester was to embark upon n Sahardajr. Sept t7 If Reds Persist her la aaked to report at seven . extra material Into men a '•‘ t*” from abroa^ Moat of my Tall Cedars Ceremonial. Parade 884 Center Street ete. ! pur iiw i e »ir « rnembem (among them aclentlsta, form similar to New London's. TeL 4113 er 1378 Reginn D’lUdla Society U hold- o'clock. ahlri-trit^ Ho their atudenta. experta, buaineaamen and "1 hope that It doesn't have tha to atari at 6 p. m. fair at Bolton la * lu ilxteenth »nnuBl banquet their ahlrt-Ulli tucked Into thrir well-^ucated ladles and aame affect In Manchester aa It Orange at Cantor Community At $19,300,000,000; at the Italian-A roericar Oub on AU young people of the South 1 pant! la beyond me. Why thla gentlemen, and alao hobbytata, has In New London,” The Day bouse. Starts at 10 a. m. In Holding Stand Ddridge etreet Sunday, October 9 MethodUtlethodUt church-------- - planning---------- to.go- , .^hirt...... -of ------dad’a dnean’t„ ^ half housewives and even young boys staffer remarked. "Here It has re- Lost opportuo.ty to be made vot­ for merabera and their families on the myatery ride, tomorrow, and I’m called Half-Pint by and girls) have a fairly g o ^ aulted In filling the city hall with er thla year. Towri clerk's office. The committee In charge Ihclude! ■houtd be at church at three „utre than a few. knowledge of English, but would a bunch of dunces who sit around Municipal buOdiiig, • a. m. to • Mm. Cbtherine Anniello. Mr!. o'clock. They are aaked to wear •'Now that girl had aomethl^g alao be pleased to write In German dolij; little or nothing." p. m. STOP IN TONIGHT ___to men's ahlrt- Warning Given ‘Unsta* Itoae Bareflo. Mra. Carmela Ven­ hiking-clothea and to .bring tbelr | there In regard If desired. I am sure, my kaembera ''You know the answer,” The Agree on Food Help Snndny, Bept. tfl ^ I s for they are mighty short Arabs Agree tura. M m Angela Mlitrella. Urx own lunchea. wUI try and give their pen friends Herald man aaaerted. " I f New Football, .American Legion vs ble Peace of W orM these days. And aa to lo t ^ r FOR DELICIOUS HOT PIZZA Qemma DuBaldo. M m AntotoeUe ---- The every aatlafactlon. London had an alive, alert, crusad­ Springfield. Mt Nebo field at 3:18. AgtwtlneUI. Mre. Thereaa R ^ - TUe executive board of the Edu­ skirts I'd say 'no soap Individuals and groupa of per ing newspaper those condltlona Second annua! oi>en — Country Will Crumble and On Break If id; M m Delflna I*ola and Mm. cational club, at a meeting at the short ones are more attractive and sons may communicate with me would not exist." The Kind Everyone Raves About! Cabinet Food ConimUtee | 16 Nations Seeking Mar* I MNuntA fur niofv cornfortubl# lf> ClUD. Crash* With ^Hideous 1947 Harvest Oarltna Andlalo. Member! who home of the president, Mra. Wal direct stating tneir particulars •'You're right there,” the New Tnesday, Sept. M shall Plan Aid Set summer. And who obJecU to. Londoner said much to the sur- YOUR FAVORITE BEER ON TAP Agrees on Future' Cx- j wlah to attend or any othera, lace Payne of 209 East Center and Interests. All letters will be M iliUry WlUst, S t Bridget'a Consequences* If So­ Dure Knees piiae of The Herald staffer. * a « Area Divided •hould notify aome raeinber of street, made plana for the year attended to and all applications Hall, S t Margaret’s Circle, O. of port to Be Recoin-1 May Be Small Price for Years 194B the committee, to aaal*t them The flrat mecUng will be In Octo­ q hope that I shall live to a ^ linkad up. I f possible, two or three To the obaervatlon made by viet Attitude Holds All ElrUi In •hort* abovv the bnee. L with their plana ber at a data to be announced. reply coupons should be enclosed Tha Herald man many local rest mended to Truman; | Through 1951; West* A knee In golf or tennis test cover expensea, and alao— to dents, who favor the appointment Wedaeaday Oct 1 DIANA'S TAVERN Britain Will Accept Should not In clumsy sklrU hf Civic Music Asaoclation. Flrat New York, Sept. 22.— (A>) Anderson Declines to | For All World em Europeans Sign Re* Mr. and Mra. Alonso Poreman same time- -an Introductory letter of George Waddell aa town man­ 208 Spruce Street I to future pen-frirnda over here will ager, would be willing to add the concert of season. Benno Rab- — Britain warned today that Partition of Pales­ o flfo rth Coventry have •» their | In strenuous play, Inof, violinist Holllater street aU' Give Any Details; To port Pledging Them* be appreciated. assurance that If he were ap­ if the Soviet Union persisted YOUR CHII-OKKN guesu Mr. I ab«ntd ditorium. tine If Other UN Mem­ PHOTIKJRAPHKD Detnands . -------- ummm Pen-frtendshipe are a step to­ pointed certainly 00 such <»ndi- in trying to force ita own will Meet With President; Hoover Outlines Steps selves to Program of law and sister, Mr. and Mra. Glen A knee In summer ahwild be were wards the creation of that Interna­ Uon ever would transpire. Sunday, O ct 8 bers W ill Give Aid IN YOUR HOMK Kenworthy; their son and his wife, And shorts ere Just the proper tional friendship and goodwill that Annual Boys’ Soap Box Derby, upon the world "the unstable Manthall Is Satisfied Needed *If Large Areas Self-Help for Future At No ISkIrs Cost! Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kenworthy. la ao aaaentlal to understanding A few weeks back when there .tusplcea Manrh-ater Rotary Club. p ^ e of the world will crum­ London, Sept. 32.— — An To Be Saved from ' aU of lioa Angelea, CSallf. From Biit*lf^some otojooto do and peace, don't you think aoT were evidences of a possible Wedaesday, O ct 8 BMTE 8TUOIO this area they will go to Rich­ Edwin Strawb.’-ldge Playera pre­ ble and crash" with "hideous Arab office spokesman aald to­ Washington, Sept.
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