The Ideological Transformations of Islamic Social Movements in Egypt – the Cases of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist Call Between 1981-2013

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The Ideological Transformations of Islamic Social Movements in Egypt – the Cases of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist Call Between 1981-2013 1 The Ideological Transformations of Islamic Social Movements in Egypt – The Cases of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist Call between 1981-2013. Von der Fakultät für Gesellschaftswissenschaften der Universität Duisburg-Essen zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Dr. rer. pol. genehmigte Dissertation von Obaid, Hasan aus Abha, Saudi-Arabien 1. Gutachter: PD Dr. Jochen Hippler 2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Andreas Blätte Tag der Disputation: 06 Februar 2018 2 Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................. 7 ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................... 8 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND JUSTIFICATIONS ......................................................... 11 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW: CONCEPTUALIZING THE IDEOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION OF ISLAMIC SOCIAL MOVEMENTS ................................................ 27 2.1 Essentialism .............................................................................................. 27 2.2 Contextualism ........................................................................................... 29 2.3 Political Opportunity Structure (POS) ................................................... 30 2.4 Inclusion-Exclusion Hypothesis ............................................................... 34 2.5 Methods of Analysis of the Egyptian Regimes (1952-2011) ................... 44 CHAPTER 3: MICHAEL MANN’S THEORY OF SOCIAL POWER AND HAKAN YAVUZ’S TYPOLOGY ................................................................................................................................... 49 3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 49 3.2 Marx, Weber, and Mann ......................................................................... 51 3.3 Michael Mann’s Theoretical Work: Four Sources of Social Power ..... 52 3.3.1 Ideological Power .............................................................................. 54 3.3.2 Economic Power .............................................................................. 56 3.3.3 Military Power .................................................................................. 59 3.3.4 Political Power and State Power ...................................................... 64 3.4 A Typology of Islamic Social Movements ............................................... 73 3.4.1 Society-Oriented Islamic Movements ............................................... 73 3.4.2 State-Oriented Islamic Movements ................................................... 74 3 CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH QUESTIONS, ARGUMENTS, METHODS, AND DESIGN .......... 77 4.1 Research Objectives and Questions ......................................................... 77 4.2 Thesis Argument ...................................................................................... 79 4.3 Methodology Perspectives ...................................................................... 81 4.3.1 The MB and SC Case Study Perspective .......................................... 82 4.3.2 Data and Sources of Data .................................................................. 84 4.4 Research Design ....................................................................................... 85 4.5 Organization of the Thesis ....................................................................... 88 CHAPTER 5: CHANGES WITHIN THE EGYPT REGIME (1981-2014) ................................... 91 5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 91 5.2 Ideological Power under Mubarak ........................................................... 93 5.2.1 Sectarianism and the Manufacturing of Minorities ........................... 94 5.2.2 Non-Ideological Justifications for Domination ................................. 96 5.2.3 Polarization of Ideological Institutions ............................................. 98 5.2.4 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 101 5.3 The Economics of Liberalization ........................................................... 101 5.3.1 Egyptian Privatization ..................................................................... 104 5.3.2 Socio-Economic Transformation .................................................... 106 5.3.3 Political-Economic Elite .................................................................. 110 5.3.4 Economic Challenges after 25 January 2011 .................................. 114 5.4 The Military–Power Networks Relationship .......................................... 117 4 5.4.1 The Military and Political Power in the Time of Mubarak: Influence and Suppression ...................................................................................... 119 5.4.2 Capitalist–Liberal Militarism in the Mubarak period ...................... 123 5.4.3 The Army Abandons the Political Elite .......................................... 128 5.4.4 Semi-Authoritarian Militarism ........................................................ 131 5.5 Political Power: The Rise and Fall of Mubarak ..................................... 134 5.5.1 Political Hegemony ......................................................................... 135 5.5.2 Relations with NGOs ....................................................................... 141 5.5.3 An Increase in Protest Movements .................................................. 144 5.6 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 152 CHAPTER 6: THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ................... 154 6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 154 6.2 The Muslim Brotherhood and the Successive Egyptian Regimes ......... 157 6.3 The Brotherhood under Mubark ............................................................. 164 6.3.1 Fluidity and Mobility between the Centers and the Peripheries ..... 165 6.3.2 Emerging Splits within the MB ....................................................... 169 6.4 Changes in the MB's Ideological Perspectives ....................................... 174 6.4.1 The Copts ........................................................................................ 175 6.4.2 Egypt’s ‘Muslim Sisterhood’ and women’s rights .......................... 180 6.4.3 Civil State ........................................................................................ 185 6.5 Networks and Changes in Alliances ....................................................... 188 5 6.5.1 The Salfist Alliance ......................................................................... 189 6.5.2 Alliances with non-Islamic Groups ................................................. 198 6.6 The MB and Power Networks ................................................................ 204 6.6.1 The MB and Economic Policies ...................................................... 205 6.6.2 Growing Dominance within the Political Network ......................... 213 6.6.3 Dealing with Military Networks ...................................................... 224 6.7 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 229 CHAPTER 7: THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE SALAFIST CALL .................................... 230 7.1 Introduction: ........................................................................................... 230 7.2 Salafism: Origin and Political Evolution ................................................ 231 7.3 The Salafist Call in the Mubarak Era ..................................................... 240 7.3.1 Avoiding Conflict; Ideological Justifications .................................. 240 7.3.2 Society-Oriented Explanation ......................................................... 242 7.4 State-Oriented Explanation and the Solidarity of the SC’s Structure .... 245 7.4.1 The Official Organization after 25th January 2011 ......................... 245 7.4.2 Internal Divisions ............................................................................ 247 7.5 Changes in the SC's Ideological Perspectives ........................................ 251 7.5.1 The SC and Women ........................................................................ 252 7.5.2 The SC and Copts ............................................................................ 253 7.5.3 The Civil State ................................................................................. 258 6 7.6 Networks and Changes in Alliances ....................................................... 261 7.6.1 Relationship with Salafist Movements ............................................ 261 7.6.2 Alliances with Non-Islamists .......................................................... 267 7.7 The SC and Power Networks ................................................................. 271 7.7.1 Economic Policies ........................................................................... 271 7.7.2 After Mubarak: Dealing with Political Networks ........................... 273 7.7.3 Dealing with Military Networks ...................................................... 275 7.8 Conclusion .............................................................................................
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    BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION RADIO 4 TRANSCRIPT OF “FILE ON 4” – “EGYPT’S MISSING MILLIONS” CURRENT AFFAIRS GROUP TRANSMISSION: Tuesday 15th March 2011 2000 - 2040 REPEAT: Sunday 20th March 2011 1700 - 1740 REPORTER: Fran Abrams PRODUCER: Ian Muir-Cochrane EDITOR: David Ross PROGRAMME NUMBER: 11VQ4873LHO 1 THE ATTACHED TRANSCRIPT WAS TYPED FROM A RECORDING AND NOT COPIED FROM AN ORIGINAL SCRIPT. BECAUSE OF THE RISK OF MISHEARING AND THE DIFFICULTY IN SOME CASES OF IDENTIFYING INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS, THE BBC CANNOT VOUCH FOR ITS COMPLETE ACCURACY. “FILE ON 4” Transmission: Tuesday 15th March 2011 Repeat: Sunday 20th March 2011 Producer: Ian Muir-Cochrane Reporter: Fran Abrams Editor: David Ross ACTUALITY IN TAHRIR SQUARE ABRAMS: I’m standing in Tahrir Square, which was the focus for the protest which led to the fall of the President Hosni Mubarak here in Egypt last month. The atmosphere here today’s really quite cheerful. There’s a huge crowd, there’s a sea of flags, Egyptian flags everywhere and the people here really feel that they’ve got quite a lot to celebrate. But in tonight’s File on 4 I’m going to be investigating an issue which is still causing a rising sense of anger here is Egypt - corruption. ALBARDEI: Egypt was really unfortunately stolen, a lot of the wealth was stolen and this is a very poor country. I couldn’t see if a taxi driver that had a car accident should go to jail and somebody that stole a billion pounds should go scot free. ABRAMS: Since Hosni Mubarak was forced out, Cairo’s been awash with rumours about stolen money.
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