News Coverage prepared for: The European Union delegation to

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“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors of articles and under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of IPSOS or the European Union.”


. Thematic Headlines  Domestic Scene  Shafiq and Morsi Trade Barbs  Political Parties Still Failing on Constituent Assembly Criteria  Egyptian Expatriates Start Voting in Runoff  Tahrir Protests Urge Unity against Regime Leftovers  11 Political Powers Call for “Revolutionary Trials” of Regime Remnants  Court to Rule in Political Isolation Law within Days  Protesters Rescue Girl from Rape in  Beheira March Demands Sacking Prosecutor General  Protesters in Hurl Stones on Security Forces  MB Refuses Presidential Council Idea  Morsi Campaign Denies American Nationality Claims  Shafiq: I Represent the Civil Country  Tahrir Square against MB  MB Sabotages Shafiq’s Premises during Demonstrations  Travel Ban Still Imposed on Adli’s Six Aides  Clinton is Ready to “Help” Egypt  The Revolution Victims’ Families Consider Resorting to the International Court  The Revolution Justice  SCAF Discusses the Constituent Assembly with the Advisory Council  Shafiq Approves the “Document of the Pledge”  In the Aftermath of the Trial  Al-Baradei Approves a Presidential Council  Day 19 of the Revolution  Expatriate Votes  The Rejects the Presidential Council  Al-Nour Party’s Approval of a Presidential Council is Conditional  Sabahi’s and Abu al-Futouh’s Campaigns Approve a Presidential Council  Shafiq Launches a Battle of Broken Bones against the Muslim Brotherhood  Meeting between Ex-contenders  El-Erian: Presidential Council Proposal is Unconstitutional  Schulz: Mubarak’s Sentence Proves No One is Above the Law  El-Baradei is Back to Revolt Again  SCAF Member: Runoff Will be Held on Time  MB and Salafis Impede Agreement on Constituent Assembly Criteria


Newspapers (4/06/2012)

Pages: 1, 7 Author: Hiba Hassan and Hzim Abu Douma

Shafiq Approves the “Document of the Pledge”

Presidential Candidate Ahmad Shafiq declared that he generally approved the so-called “Document of the Pledge” declared by the political powers in Egypt last Friday, adding that some of the terms of the document needed to be discussed.

Shafiq called on the political players in Egypt to consider the document as a general frame to move within.

Shafiq salso declared that a number of his campaign offices were burnt, expressing his forgiveness for the culprits of the arson in his office in Duqqi.

Shafiq promised to preserve the civil identity of the state and promised farmers of a lot of privileges.

He also launched a barrage of criticism against the Muslim Brotherhood.


Pages: 1 Author: Amer Sultan and wires

Clinton is ready to “Help” Egypt

The United State and the UK refused to comment on the court’s rulings against Mubarak and figures of his regime.

American Secretary of State Hilary Clinton commented saying that it was a mere Egyptian affair and expressed Washington’s readiness to offer all possible help to Egypt.


Pages: 1 Author: Abeer al-Mursi

SCAF Discusses the Constituent Assembly with the Advisory Council

SCAF is to hold a meeting this morning with the Advisory Council.

Abd Allah al-Maghazi, secretary general of the Advisory Council stated that the meeting would discuss the current developments and the presidential elections.

The meeting will also tackle the Constituent Assembly that will draft the constitution and a suggestion to amend article 60 of the constitutional declaration.


Pages: 1 Author: Muhammad Fathi

The Revolution Justice

MP Mustafa al-Najjar, representative of the parliamentary body of al-Adl party presented an unprecedented “Revolution Justice” draft law.

The law aims at trying the figures of the former regime for the crimes they committed during the past 30 years.

If passed, the law will be applicable on all members of the former regime who had executive or observatory positions, and those who abused the state possessions and income in committing crimes from 1981until a new president is in power.


Pages: 1 Author: Ahram reporters

In the Aftermath of the Trial

The public uproar escalated in and the different governorates with the increasing protests calling to retry former President Husni Mubarak, his two sons, former minister of interior Habib al-Adili and six leading figures of his ministry.

The Revolution Youth Coalitions called for a mass demonstration tomorrow in Tahrir Square. Two demonstrations will head to Tahrir Square; the first from al-Fath Mosque headed by Abd al-Munim Abu al-Futouh and the second will go from public district Imbaba headed by Hamdeen Sabbahi.

The discussions that took place in Tahrir resulted in calling for forming a presidential council of Hamdeen Sabbahi, Abd al-Munim Abu al-Futouh and Muhammad Mursi and also for forming a coalition government headed by Muhammad al-Baradei.

About three thousand people organized a demonstration to the High Court of Justice yesterday and tried to break into the building but the security forces prevented them. The demonstrators called for purging the judiciary.

MENA reported that Mubarak had received the prison uniform and was treated like any other prisoner. Meanwhile, five leading figures in al-Adili’s ministry were released with a travel ban. The sixth, Gen Hasan Abd al-Rahman, head of the dissolved State Security Apparatus I still in jail.

In another context, the People’s Assembly promised to resume the revolution until its aims is fulfilled and the victims’ rights are preserved.

Head of the People’s Assembly Saad al-Katatni launched a barrage of criticism against the government and the executive apparatus for their reluctance in presenting the evidences against Mubarak, his sons, al-Adili and the six leading figure of his ministry. Al-Katatni stressed the necessity to bring into account all those who participated in hiding the evidences.


Page: 1 and 8 Author: Mahmoud Ramzi, Ghada Mohamed el-Sherif, Sahar el-Meligy, Wael Mohamed and Asmaa Mohamed el-Sayed

Shafiq and Morsi Trade Barbs

The competition between presidential runoff candidates and Ahmed Shafiq has escalated into a direct war.

Morsi, of the Muslim Brotherhood group, chose to be present among protesters packing the iconic Tahrir Square, before which he held a press conference urging the people to elect the candidate who represents the revolution.

During the press conference, Morsi reiterated that retrials will be held for the former regime figures with new incriminating evidence if he becomes president, asking the people “When the evidence was destroyed during the days of the “Battle of Camel”, who was in charge?” Morsi was explicitly referring to Shafiq, who was the nation’s prime minister during this notorious battle, which according to many revolutionaries was the spark that led the revolution to go on.

Shafiq, the last prime minister serving ousted president , held a press conference to counter Morsi’s striking words with statements, accusing, ironically, the Muslim Brotherhood of being remnants of the old regime.

Shafiq also launched strongly-worded statements against the Morsi’s group, accusing the MB of being an entity that wishes Egypt no stability.

“Who will be the real ruler of Egypt? Morsi or the supreme guide?” Shafiq scolded.


Page: 3 Author: Gomaa Hamdallah, Bassant Zeineddin and Ebtesam Talaab

Egyptian Expatriates Start Voting in Runoff

Egyptian nationals abroad started on Sunday voting in the second round of the presidential elections held between Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi and former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq.

All Egyptian embassies and consulates opened up for the voters to cast their ballots.

Calls for boycotting or annulling the ballots have been ringing heavily to express rejection of the runoff candidates, who many revolutionaries deem a “nightmare scenario”, and also to sound objection against the court rulings handed down Saturday to the former president and his acolytes.

The UK-based United group launched a wide-scale campaign in London to encourage voters to nullify their ballots by writing on ballot forms “No to military rule and no to Muslim Brotherhood rule.”

In the US, a number of Egyptians protested outside the Egyptian embassy in Washington to express their outright rejection of the developments in Egypt and to call for boycotting the runoffs.

The called on Egyptian expatriates to stage protests in front of Egyptian diplomatic missions around the word.


Page: 3 Author: Adel el-Dargaly, Hamdi Dabash and Ghada Mohamed el-Sherif

Political Parties Still Failing on Constituent Assembly Criteria

A meeting grouping MPs held to reach a final draft for the criteria on choosing members of the Constituent Assembly has ended to no avail, said MP Wahid Abdel-Meguid.

During the three-hour meeting, the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) and Al-Nour Party proposed that political parties make up 40% of the constitution-drafting body, something that was vehemently rejected by other participants, Abdel-Meguid said.

The failure to reach an agreement on the criteria was due to the FJP’s insistence to have a huge party representation in the body, said Al-Wafd Party assistant secretary general Hossam el-Kholi.

Similar news was reported in Al-Akhbar (page 3)


Page: 4 Author: Mohamed Kamel, Wafaa Yehia, Khalaf Ali Hassan, Karima Hassan, Mohamed Rafaat, Ahmed Youssef, Fadi Francais, Wael Mohamed and Amin Ghali

Tahrir Protests Urge Unity against Regime Leftovers

Thousands of people continued to protest in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the January Revolution, for the second day running to reject the court rulings issued Saturday against the former regime icons.

Hundreds of protesters marched toward the High Court of Justice. Meanwhile, student marches from Cairo and Ain Shams universities flowed into the square and urged people to take to all Egypt’s main squares to continue the 25 January Revolution.

The protesters chanted slogans that echoed their demands, such as “the people want to purge the judiciary,” “freedom… freedom.”

Among their demands was applying the political disenfranchisement law on presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq, who is the last prime minister to serve former president Hosni Mubarak, who was forced out of power by the revolution.

The masses have started flocking to the square since 9 am but were keen not to disrupt traffic in this rush hour.

The Cairo Criminal Court on Saturday sentenced Mubarak and his interior minister Habib el-Adli to life in prison for complicity in the killing of protesters during the revolution.

Strangely enough, the court acquitted Adli’s six top security aides of the same charges.

Mubarak’s sons Alaa and Gamal were also acquitted of financial corruption charges on the grounds of technicalities (expiry of statute of limitation).


Page: 5 Author: Mohamed Abdel-Qader, Mohsen Samika and Ebtessam Talaab

11 Political Powers Call for “Revolutionary Trials” of Regime Remnants

Eleven political and revolutionary movements called on the People’s Assembly, the lower house of parliament, to issue legislation in order to try former president Hosni Mubarak and all his regime members in revolutionary courts.

In a statement Sunday, the movements urged the parliament to issue the said legislation to try Mubarak and his acolytes, those who are in prison and those who remain free outside, they said, referring to presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq.

The statement called for applying the political isolation law on Shafiq, Mubarak’s last prime minister, who is running in the presidential election to resurrect the once-ruling National Democratic Party.

Shafiq has been using the same old ugly methods of the NDP in running his electoral campaign, the statement said.

Among the movements that signed the statement were: the Revolution Youth Union, the campaign of , Movement and Mostameroon Movement.


Page: 3 Author: Not mentioned

Travel Ban Still Imposed on Adli’s Six Aides

Prosecutor General Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud ordered that a travel ban imposed on former interior minister Habib el-Adli’s six assistants to remain in place despite their acquittal of charges pertaining to murdering protesters during the revolution by a court on Saturday.

The travel ban has been imposed on the six since February 2011.


Page: 3 Author: Nassr Abdeo and others

Shafiq: I Represent the Civil Country

Presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq said he does not want to turn Egypt into a new Palestine but said he supported the Palestinian cause.

He urged the Egyptians to vote for him because he will restore stability in the country. He also commented on the Hosni Mubarak trial verdict by saying “we all have to respect the judicial authority decisions”.

Shafiq said he agrees on the “Pact of Trust” that the political powers agreed on and he said he extends his hands to cooperate with his rivals even if they have different political backgrounds.

He said he will protect the rights of the revolution martyrs.

He was wondering if Mohamed Morsi became president, who will rule Egypt? Will it be The MB Supreme Guide or Khairat Al-Shater?

He said Egypt needs a president who is not obeying any party’s orders.

Shafik condemned Muslim Brotherhood (MB) way of disfiguring their rivals. And condemned their domination on the journalistic institutes to disfigure Shafik.

He denied what MB said that he will remove Holy Quran verses from the education curriculums and put Bible’s verses instead.


Page: 4 Author: Ahmed Al-Gammal and others

MB Sabotages Shafiq’s Premises during Demonstrations

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) youths were holding banners and flyers of their presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi during protests in several governorates although other protesters demanded them not to do so.

In Beni Seuf governorate, some MB youths attempted to tear up some posters of presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq but a woman tried to stop them. They tried to attack her but the protestors saved her.

In Hurghada governorate, MB youths threw stones on one of the premises of presidential candidate Shafiq.


Page: 5 Author: Mohamed Faisal

Tahrir Square against MB

Yesterday was the first night for Tahrir Square’s open-ended sit-in. Former presidential candidates Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh, Hamdeen Sabahi and took part in yesterday’s demonstrations.

The April 6 Youth Movement, (Democratic Front) and Hazem Abu-Ismail supporters joined this open-ended sit-in.

The protestors were against the Hosni Mubarak Trial verdict and demanded the formation of a civilian presidential council.

They also condemned the Muslim Brotherhood for exploiting the revolution in order to achieve their targets in the elections.


Page: 3. Authors: Ahmed Al-Bermawi and Salah Laban.

Meeting between Ex-contenders

A meeting was held yesterday between ex-contenders Dr. Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, Hamdeen Sabahy and Khaled Ali to discuss the country’s political situation.

The three former presidential candidates refused to give direct statements after their meeting; however, their campaigns issued separate statements on the outcome of their meeting. They said that the ex-contenders discussed ways of achieving the demands of revolutionary masses which include; retribution for the blood of the revolution’s martyrs, holding revolutionary trials for Mubarak and his cronies, applying the Political Isolation Law on figures of the former regime, and forming a civilian presidential council that assumes power.

Dr. Mohamed Morsi’s campaign issued a statement in which they apologized for not being able to attend the meeting.


Page: 3. Author: Rabab Fares.

El-Erian: Presidential Council Proposal is Unconstitutional

Many revolutionary groups launched initiatives to form a civilian presidential council to which SCAF can hand over power. This presidential council will administer a transitional phase that could be determined through an agreement between various national and revolutionary forces.

Vice Chairman for the Freedom and Justice Party Dr. Essam El-Erian refused the idea, confirming that such a presidential council would be “unconstitutional.” He referred to the statements of Senior Judge Ahmed Mekki, vice head of the Court of Cassation, in which he confirmed that a civilian presidential council will be contested.

El-Erian said the Muslim Brotherhood has called for a million-man march on Tuesday to protest against the verdicts issued in the Mubarak trial. “Tomorrow’s million-man march in Tahrir Square will prove to everyone that the revolution is back. A new political scene will be created in order to prevent the restoration of the former Mubarak regime,” said El-Erian.


Page: 4. Author: Sara Hassan.

Schulz: Mubarak’s Sentence Proves No One is Above the Law

Reactions varied to the life sentence the ousted president Hosni Mubarak received last Saturday.

In the US, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to comment directly on the Mubarak trial. She said the fate of the ousted president is “up to the Egyptian people, their judicial system and their government.” Clinton also praised the process of presidential elections, considering it a new step taken towards democratic transition.

President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz told Al-Tahrir newspaper that “Egypt’s transitional phase is still unstable and incomplete. However, the life sentence handed down to Mubarak is a significant decision which proves that no one is above the law.”


Page: 4. Author: Mohamed Abdo.

El-Baradei is Back to Revolt Again

Dr. Mohamed El-Baradei, former chief of the IAEA, returns from Vienna to Cairo today to meet national and revolutionary forces to discuss a unified political stance in the light of recent developments.

Amid the spark of the second version of the Egyptian revolution, the country is going through a tense condition, similar to the atmosphere which prevailed before the revolution begins.

El-Baradei commented on the Mubarak trial by writing on his official account; “The former regime is trying itself. The scenario of countering the revolution continues with the blessing of some political forces.”


Pages: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Author: Nada al-Khouli and others

Day 19 of the Revolution

Al-Shurouq provided a lengthy detailed coverage of the public reaction to the court rulings in what it considered a continuation of the Jan 25 revolution.

The Revolutionaries considered the trial days as the next day of the stepping down of Mubarak. Night demonstrations to Tahrir Square are organized every day. Many calls were made for mass demonstrations to protest the ruling.

On social sites, the revolution youth said they would resume the revolution and learn from the past lessons, by securing the prisons and getting rid of the regime on the Libyan example without waiting for trials. The revolution youth also declared their wills to stay in the square until all their demands are fulfilled, rejecting referendums and replacing thems with “revolutionary decisions.”


Pages: 3 Author: Ahmad Adli

Shafiq Launches a Battle of Broken Bones against the Muslim Brotherhood

Presidential Candidate Ahmad Shafiq held a press conference in the frame of his electoral campaign.

In his conference Shafiq launched a barrage of criticism against the Muslim Brotherhood, stating that the Muslim Brotherhood represented darkness, disorder, revenge and the former regime.

Shafiq referred to a Muslim Brotherhood leader’s calls for the martyrs’ families to accept the blood money from the government and now they are bargaining with the martyrs’ blood to use the public wrath in their presidential l campaign.

Shafiq also revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood reached the Parliament in 2005 by a deal with the State Security Apparatus.

Shafiq stated that Egyptians would elect a president and not a figurehead whose moves are dictated by others.

Shafiq also stated that some of the document’s terms needed further discussion


Pages: 3 Author: Yasmin Salim

Expatriate Votes

The court ruling affected the votes of Egyptian expatriates. Many voters annulled their votes by rejecting both candidates.

Voters presented at the embassies and consulates carrying sig call for the continuation of the revolution, rejecting both candidates.


Pages: 5 Author: Muhammad Khayyal

The Muslim Brotherhood Rejects the Presidential Council

Secretary General of the Muslim Brotherhood Mahmoud Hussein said it was not possible to form a Presidential Council. After the Court issued its ruling, the revolutionary powers called for forming a civil presidential council of Muhammad Mursi, Hamdeen Sabahi and Abd al-Munim Abu al-Futouh.

Head of the legal committee at the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party Mukhtar al-Ishari said that option of forming a presidential council was not an option for the Muslim Brotherhood.


Pages: 5 Author: Duha al-Jundi and Dunia Salim

Sabahi’s and Abu al-Futouh’s Campaigns Approve a Presidential Council

The campaigns of the presidential candidates Hamdeen Sabahi and Abd al-Munim Abu al-Futouh declared approving the formation of a presidential council that would run the country’s affairs in the transitional period.

Revolutionary powers had suggested a presidential council of Muhammad Mursi, Abd al-Munim Abu al-Futouh and Hamdeen Sabbahi.


Pages: 5 Author: Ahmad Fathi

Al-Baradei Approves a Presidential Council

Shukri Fuad, one of the founders of al-Dustour Party, stated that Dr. Muhammad al- Baradei, deputy of al-Dustou Party’s founders approved the revolutionary suggestion to form a presidential council to run the countries’ affairs in the transitional period.

Al-Baradei’s condition was the national consensus.


Pages: 5 Author: Mustafa Hashim

Al-Nour Party’s Approval of a Presidential Council is Conditional

Salafist al-Nour Party declared its approval of the suggested civil presidential council if provided a national consensus in this response.

Meanwhile, al-Jamaah al-Islamiyah declared that the suggestion was still under discussion.


’ Page: 1. Author: Dandarawi Al-Hawari.

SCAF Member: Runoff Will be Held on Time

Youm 7 newspaper received information that confirms one of SCAF members telephoned some of the leaders of political parties on Saturday and told them that the runoff stage of presidential elections will be held on time and ruled out the possibility of any delay.

“The runoff will be held as scheduled even if a volcano erupted in the country,” SCAF member told political parties. He also said that a few thousand people cannot impose their will on 85 million Egyptians who seek to continue the road towards democratic transition by electing their president.

SCAF member stressed that the military leaders will not submit to provocations of a minority group and will not respond to threats of protesters to burn down the country if their demands were not fulfilled.


Page: 3. Author: Nermine Abd Al-Zaher.

MB and Salafis Impede Agreement on Constituent Assembly Criteria

MP Dr. Wahid Abdel Megid said the joint meeting held between various political forces to end the conflict on the criteria of selecting members of the Constituent Assembly was not successful due to the intransigence of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis.

According to him, the meeting failed because the MB and Salafis insisted that percentage of representation assigned to political parties increase to 40% of the members of the Constituent Assembly. Other political parties agreed that representation will be nearly 30% to allow other national forces to participate in the process of drafting the constitution.


Page: 3 Author: Not mentioned

Court to Rule in Political Isolation Law within Days

The Supreme Constitutional Court is expected to issue its ruling regarding the amendments introduced to the law governing the exercise of political rights within days, Al- Akhbar newspaper learned.

According to judicial sources, the court is weighing on three options:

To rule the unconstitutionality of the amendments as recommended by the State Commissioner’s Authority.

To rule the constitutionality of the amendments if most of its jurists believed so.

To rule that the whole case does not fall within its jurisdiction.

If the amendments were approved, presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq will be disqualified from the runoffs and a no-yes public referendum will be held on the other presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi, the sources said.


Page: 3 Author: Rashad Kamel and Mostafa Younis

Protesters Rescue Girl from Rape in Tahrir Square

A number of protesters saved a girl who was about to get raped by a group of thugs in Downtown Cairo’s Mohamed Mahmoud Street, near Tahrir Square, on Sunday.

The thugs have been chasing the girl and stripped her off her clothes.

The protesters escorted the girl to policemen in Kasr Al-Aini Street but the thugs tried to assault her once again. Policemen fired rounds in the air to disperse the outlaws. The police then took her to the police station.

A claim was filed with the police over the incident.


Page: 4 Author: Fayza el-Ganbihi

Beheira March Demands Sacking Prosecutor General

Thousands of revolutionaries marched the streets of Beheira governorate to denounce the court rulings issued Saturday against the former president and his regime figures.

The protesters also called for sacking the prosecutor general and retrying those involved in killing demonstrators during the January Revolution.

Hardcore fans of Al-Ahly and Al-Zamalek football clubs, known as the Ultras, joined the protesters.

Another mass protest was held in the governorate, in which protesters held pictures of presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq with the words printed on them “The mainstay of the former regime.”


Page: 5 Author: Nabil el-Tafahani

Protesters in Port Said Hurl Stones on Security Forces

Angry protests were still boiling up in the streets of the coastal city of Port Said against the lenient rulings handed down against former president Hosni Mubarak and his regime figures.

The protesters denounced the rule of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and called for applying the political disenfranchisement law on presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq.

Limited confrontations took place with security forces after some protesters hurled stones on the premises of the National Security Agency and a police station in the city.


Page: 6 Author: Ahmed el-Dessouki

MB Refuses Presidential Council Idea

Muslim Brotherhood Secretary General Mahmoud Hussein said he rejects the idea of forming a civilian presidential council to run state affairs, saying sure it was a good idea but impossible to materialize on the ground.

The second round of the presidential elections has already started for Egyptian expatriates and it would be extremely difficult to suspend it, not to mention that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces would not approve the move, Hussein said.

MB presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi will re-propose an initiative to political powers that includes appointing two non-MB vice presidents and forming a national coalition government that is also not led by a MB member, Hussein said.

The ministerial portfolios in this government, however, will be appointed according to each party’s representation in parliament, he said.


Page: 6 Author: Not mentioned

Morsi Campaign Denies American Nationality Claims

The electoral campaign of presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi, of the Muslim Brotherhood, denied that Morsi holds a dual American citizenship as claimed by several social networking websites.

Several bloggers and internet users have cited Morsi’s work for NASA as an evident proof that he holds an American nationality because NASA does not appoint foreigners among its staff.

Morsi has conducted scientific research materials to NASA but was never appointed as one of its staffers, campaign general coordinator Ahmed Abdel-Ati told a TV show over the phone.

If Morsi held another nationality, he would have been disqualified from the presidential race from the very beginning, Abdel-Ati said.


TV Coverage (03/06/2012)

Program: Al-Hayat Al-An Channel: Al-Hayat Host: Maha Bahnasy

The Public Prosecutor is waiting for the experts’ opinion in Mubarak’s trial in order to refer them to Criminal Court due to their illegal profiteering.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Sherief Amer

The Public Prosecutor files a contestation against the court ruling in the case in which Mubarak was accused of killing the protestors.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV”

A Judicial source said the procedures of bringing back businessman to Egypt continued.

Presidential candidate said he was committed to implement to “Document of the Pledge.”

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Akhbar Masr, Channel 1”State TV” . Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Sherief Amer

Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom Channel: Al-Hayat Host: Sherief Amer

The Public Prosecutor decided to impose a travel ban on Al-Adly aids.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Akhbar Masr, Channel 1”State TV” . Program: Akher Al-Nahar, Channel: Al-Nahar, Host: Mahmoud Saad


Program: Masr Al-Gadeeda Channel: Al-Hayat 2 Host: Moataz Al-Demerdash

Egyptians expatriates start to vote in the run-off round today.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Al-Hayat Al-An, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Maha Bahnasy . Program: Akher Al-Nahar, Channel: Al-Nahar, Host: Mahmoud Saad . Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV” . Program: Maweed Ma Al-Raees, Channel: CBC, Host: Reham Ibrahim . News, Channel 2”State TV”, Time: 26:00:00

Thousands protest in Tahrir Square for the second day.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Al-Hayat Al-An, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Maha Bahnasy . Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Sherief Amer . Program: Akher Al-Nahar, Channel: Al-Nahar, Host: Mahmoud Saad . Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV”

Mubarak spends his first night in Tora Prison wearing the prisoner’s blue suit.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Sherief Amer

The Public Prosecution releases 5 of Habeeb Al-Adly’s assistants after they were acquitted by the court.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Al-Hayat Al-An, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Maha Bahnasy . Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV”


Program: Hona Al-Asema Channel: CBC Host: Lamis Al-Hadidy

Demonstrations continue in Tahrir Square condemning the ruling in Mubarak’s trial.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Maweed Ma Al-Raees, Channel: CBC, Host: Reham Ibrahim . News, Channel 2”State TV”, Time: 26:00:00

Abu Al-Futouh and Sabahy discuss the possible ways fulfill the revolution demands and will meet tomorrow with Morsi.

Amr Moussa said forming a presidential council without electing its members is considered a step back and will threat the way towards democracy.

The Revolution Youth Coalition demands to stop the elections, to dismiss The Public Prosecutor, and to form a revolution court to punish all members of the former regime.

. sSimilar news was reported in: . Program: Maweed Ma Al-Raees, Channel: CBC, Host: Reham Ibrahim . News, Channel 2”State TV”, Time: 26:00:00 The Freedom and Justice Party Executive Office Member said that forming a presidential council in the current conditions was not a good idea as the country needed a presidential organization with clear powers.

Program: Akhbar Masr Channel 1”State TV”

Mohamed Morsi promises to hold Mubarak trial again if he became president.

Program: 24 Hours News Channel 1”State TV”

Some MPs demand retrying Mubarak.

Program: Sabah Al-Kheir Ya Masr


Channel 1”State TV”

Angry protestors in Tahrir Square chanting “The People Want to Bring Down the Regime”

Program: Maweed Ma Al-Raees Channel: Al-Nahar Host: Mahmoud Saad

Presidential candidate Ahmed Shafik accepts Document of the Pledge. . sSimilar news was reported in: . News, Channel 2”State TV”, Time: 26:00:00

The Parliament and The Protestors condemn the verdict in Mubarak’s Trial.


Radio Coverage (03/06/2012)


Channel: State Radio

Time: 23:00:00

Thousands protest in Tahrir Square for the second day.

Similar news was reported in:

Channel: Al-Shark Al-Awsat, Time: 25:00:00

Channel: Al-Shabab w Al-Reyada, Time: 23:15:00

Channel: Radio Masr, Time: 25:00:00

Egyptian expatriates begin voting in the runoff today.

Similar news was reported in:

Channel: Radio Masr, Time: 25:00:00

Public Prosecutor appeals the court’s verdict handed down to Mubarak in the case of killing the protestors.

Similar news was reported in:

Channel: Al-Shark Al-Awsat, Time: 25:00:00

Channel: Al-Shabab w Al-Reyada, Time: 23:15:00

Channel: Radio Masr, Time: 25:00:00


Channel: Radio Masr

Time: 25:00:00

Public Prosecution frees 5 of Al-Adly’s aides.


Internet Coverage (4/6/2012)

Facebook We Are All Khaled Saeed:

A statement issued by ex-presidential contenders Hamdeen Sabahi and Abdel- Moneim Abul-Fotouh: The two held a meeting in the presence of Al-Wasat Party leader Abul-Ela Madi to tackle the situation in Tahrir Square and concluded that the main demands of the square were:

Applying the political isolation law.

Avenging the martyrs and injured and holding fair trial for former president Hosni Mubarak and his cronies.

Respecting ideas floated by Tahrir Square, including the possibility of establishing a civilian presidential council.

The Muslim Brotherhood

Morsi Joins Protesters in Tahrir Square Denouncing Absurdly Lenient Verdicts

Dr. Mohamed Morsi, Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) and the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate in the presidential elections, headed to Tahrir Square on Saturday – immediately after a press conference – to join protesters denouncing deposed Mubarak’s verdicts as a dreadful mockery of justice, and to share the grief, sorrow and shock of martyrs’ families who condemned the rulings which lay to waste the pure blood of their honorable children, lost in vain.

Dr. Morsi was proudly carried into Tahrir Square, carrying the Egyptian flag, amid cheers and chants of "Strength, Resolve, and Faith… Revolution’s still in the Square", "Revolutionaries, Free, Will complete the journey", "We get retribution for them (martyrs), or we die like them" and "One Hand (united)".

Twitter @AsmaaMahfouz

I hate SCAF, remnants of the former regime, the political elite and their attempts to achieve personal gains during the times of crises.. Egypt deserves much better than that!


Shafiq is convincing the people that he represents stability and security, while the Muslim Brotherhood are convincing the political forces that they mobilize people around the country to protest.. Isn’t this ironic?

@Ghonim Instead of blaming those who will boycott the runoff, you should try to gain their confidence.

@Arabist “New on Arabist: Links 26 May - 3 June 2012 “

“New on Arabist: On AP's piece on US democracy promotion funding in Egypt funding-in-egypt.html“

“New on Arabist: Takes on the Mubarak verdict verdict.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter“

“New on Arabist: A pic to make your stomach boil: boil.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter”


“Sectarian speech must be reclassified as hate speech and those who spew it must face justice in court.”

“I get ticked off when Islamists across the board are lumped together. Thinking about tweeting about it. As a public service to the confused.”

“Lemme restate that: I despise stereotyping, and I pity those who look at a rainbow and see nothing but a monolith.”

“Of course this anti-stereotyping sentiment applies not only to Islamists but to any group that is typically stereotyped (read: everyone).”

“But I still haven't decided yet whether to do that or not, since there will be Twitter-wide screams at me. #pt”


“My video from #Tahrir yesterday protesters take down Shafiq billboard #Egypt”


“We are digging our graves that's what means by Shafiq in power and Adly's helpers are out and free #Egypt”

“Ahmed Ramzy head of riot police, the right hand of Adly and Ismail el Shaaher are free and out #A7a”

“Tagamoo3 part is the worst thing that happened to any "left" on the face of the earth!”

“Photos: Tahrir post Mubarak’s verdict”

“Video: The tearing down of Shafiq billboards following Mubarak’s verdict # Tahrir”


. Publication overview

 Al-Ahram: Egyptian state-run official daily newspaper

Founded in 1875, is the most widely circulating Egyptian daily newspaper, and the second oldest after al-Waqa'i`al-Masriya (English: The Egyptian Events, founded 1828). It is majority owned by the Egyptian government.

 Al-Akhbar: Egyptian state-owned semi-official daily newspaper

It was founded in May 1952 as a part of Akhbar El Yom.

 Al-Gomhoria: Egyptian state-owned daily newspaper

An influential state-owned Egyptian language daily newspaper. It was established in 1954.

 Al-Shorouk: Egyptian daily independent newspaper

Are a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt [1] and several other Arabic nations It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs and sport.

 Al-Masry al-Yom: Independent daily newspaper

On 7 June 2004, it published its first edition. The paper initially circulated primarily amongst Cairo’s intellectual elite, providing objective news coverage in the belief that good news would beat sensationalist reporting found in other Egyptian print media. After 3 years, it was challenging Al-Ahram for the status of being the national paper of record. Though

 Tahrir: Daily independent newspaper

 Dostor: Daily independent newspaper

 Yom 7: Daily independent newspaper


Table of Content: Newspapers ………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………3-35 Al Ahram Newspaper Shafiq Approves the “Document of the Pledge”……………………………………………………………..…………………3 Clinton is ready to “Help” Egypt……………………………………………………………………..………………………….4 SCAF Discusses the Constituent Assembly with the Advisory Council…………………………………..…………………5 The Revolution Justice…………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….6 In the Aftermath of the Trial……………………………………………………………………………….……………………..7 Al masry al youm Newspaper Shafiq and Morsi Trade Barbs……………………………………………………………………..…………….………………8 Egyptian Expatriates Start Voting in Runoff…………………………………………………………….……………………..9 Political Parties Still Failing on Constituent Assembly Criteria…………………………………..…………………………10 Tahrir Protests Urge Unity against Regime Leftovers……………………………………………….………………………..11 11 Political Powers Call for “Revolutionary Trials” of Regime Remnants…………………………………………………12 AL Gomhoria newspaper Travel Ban Still Imposed on Adli’s Six Aides………………………………………………………………...………………..13 Al dostour Newspaper Shafiq: I Represent the Civil Country…………………………………………………………………………………………..14 MB Sabotages Shafiq’s Premises during Demonstrations……………………………………………………………………15 Tahrir Square against MB……………………………………………………………….……………………………………….16 Al Tahrir Newspaper… Meeting between Ex-contenders ……………………………………………………………………………………………….17 El-Erian: Presidential Council Proposal is Unconstitutional…………………………………………………………………18 Schulz: Mubarak’s Sentence Proves No One is Above the Law……………………………………………………………19 El-Baradei is Back to Revolt Again……………………………………………………………………………………………20 Al Sherouk Newspaper.. Day 19 of the Revolution…………………………………………………………………………………………………………21 Shafiq Launches a Battle of Broken Bones against the Muslim Brotherhood………………………………………………22 Expatriate Votes ………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………23 The Muslim Brotherhood Rejects the Presidential Council………………………………………....………………………..24 Sabahi’s and Abu al-Futouh’s Campaigns Approve a Presidential Council…………………...…………………………..25 Al-Baradei Approves a Presidential Council………………………………………………………………………….……….26 Al-Nour Party’s Approval of a Presidential Council is Conditional……………………………..…………………………27 Al youm al 7 newspaper SCAF Member: Runoff Will be Held on Time ……………………………………………………………..28 MB and Salafis Impede Agreement on Constituent Assembly Criteria…………………………………………………29 Al Akhbar Newspaper Court to Rule in Political Isolation Law within Days…………………………………………………………………………30 Protesters Rescue Girl from Rape in Tahrir Square……………………………………………………………………..31 Beheira March Demands Sacking Prosecutor General …………………………………………………………………32 Protesters in Port Said Hurl Stones on Security Forces………………………………………………………………………33 MB Refuses Presidential Council Idea…………………………………………………………………………………………34 Morsi Campaign Denies American Nationality Claims…………………………………………………………………..35 TV Coverage…………………………………………………………..………...……...………...….………..…27-28 Al-Hayat 2…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..27 CBC ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………27 Channel 1………………………………………………………………………………….…………….….………….….…27-28 Channel 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………28 Radio Coverage…………………………………………………………………..………..……….…………….…..………..29 Radio Masr …………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………….29 Al-Shark Al-Awsat ………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………….29


Mega fm……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………29 Internet coverage……………………………………………………………………….……...... ……….…....……..…… 30-33 Facebook……………………………………………………………….…………………………………...…….……………..30 Muslim brotherhood...... 33 Twitter…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………