HALEYS for the Best Values In
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------------- ATcnge Daily Net Press Ran The Weather For the tVeek Ending ' f V April 10,. 1082 Fatuawl o< V. S. WwtiMr SarMB Members erf the Cyp Ouh of. Members of the Ladica' Aid and Mra. Arthur Heaglund o f 88 Bunaat Ctrcta of Past Nobla A Youth RaUy of Methodist Troop 2S, Boy Bcouts, sponsored Doregs Societies of the Emanuel Stephen >street, or Mra. Roy Hsr- ' Ooudy, enol thi* eMemooat churches in thta area -will-ha held b y - the Centae Church. ■ will -hold. the .Center Church will attend-Oie , Ghwida win irnbet Monday eVshOtf: Older Boys' and Olrla' conferences Lutheran Cfhundi’are reminded' to rli of *40 Porter arfiSet. PRESOnmONS 10,489 eleadyf «xmI t^gbt.' FUr' w e iw A l ^ t T q w n in the directors’ room of Odd Fel- Sunday* evening in the South Its first country fair In Woodruff purchase their tickets soon for the Hall on April 30 from 6:30 to 9:30 at the Verplanek School Sunday Clirefuiiy Co»iK»uiided Member o f the Audit ■■ ' M'a Inwa. HalJ, Tbe, hoay»ss . m m , Vir Methodist Church. A panel mother and daughter banquet to Harry Hiker, son of Mr. and ' " PiOft’T 'i a Wimt I* aidh'-wm take- !», m. Th#; ^:pa«nlttee, headed by afternoon from 3 to 9 ' o’clock. mn ginia Keeney, Win be assisted Those attending may'eHher'bttrlg' b«' heia^iH Friday, May '*i at ihSO .. NatUaton of Uia Rebakah Auem - "The Family Neat Door," will be George Hansen and the Senior 'U n / J i: Riliier bf HfghiAndPiifki Mrs, Grace Lathrop, Mrs. Edith their own lunches or purchase p.ra? T h e ihemb*rs of the Ladies Artliar U rn Stom Mra, Beatrlca Manning, Mra. arolUl. MrA.,Bsa^rl« Manning and fhown. Each person attending Is Scouts, promises an entertaining and a freshman at the Conserva ■ T & m S ' KrTVrtWrMWr. M ary «nitth and’-enfoyaMo evening ' for. alW, An .lunch, at the ef-boob. ,.. ..., ... Aid mav obtain tickets' from Mrs. Mrs. Mildred Miller/ Entertaln- lodfedTtt tfrinifir bora-iunch"for*the p ah r ErtckiKrfi » f s r Alton ■atwet. tory •of“'Mustc;'.of' OberHn Oellegei' and Mra. Arcella Crawford, aU Innovation will he a rest booth (ClaasUled Advertialag oa Page 10) MANCHES'fEIL 26. 1952 mftnt,Win _b« Mr?- meal at 8 o'clock. The Epworth or Mrs. Clarence Peterson of 78 Oberlin, Ohio, will be In th»-isho- iWELViE PAGtSj " V pRtErrms ' 'w i»t liioble iran d i o f -Sxmaat -Re* liA g ite o f sotflh Churcir, the gprm- •for th r Isdtes -with- tea 4n d fancy ....Frederick. .T., -BUsbi .jnh.kpn.pf Evelyn Qwords. Mr. and Mrs. F. '®. Bllsh, Jr., of 5 WeatmlrisVef'’ Toaa,~aftd the'inen): 'riis 1n ■the'Bomlng Mnmniera pro- t ^ a h LodgA attended the recent soring group. Will. , serve . dessert cakes being *erved . by three Xsurel street, a freshman at Tnfta bent of ' the: Dorqaa Society from ductloB. ■ aaiambiy ’ meetln'ra. in Naligatuitk. Mrs. Mary Tj|ylor, president of and eyffee. mothers.' A door prise will be drawn. College, Medfotd, Mass., is playing WANTED ■ the Manchester Soroptlmlst Club, a feature role In the undergradu “Silent De*lh” for Reds Miss Frances Parker and Miss Miss Clara Skrabaez of 89.North ate, produetlon of Anna Cora Mow- FloodGrest tbutae Blatf of Hartford ■ win street,' plahtsl, 'and Blfirho Dubaldb ' '‘The M iiiilcal' SerTerois’^ Are' stt’s 1850 comedy of manners, (^rrL-HlOli SdlidttI DR. JOHN V. GREGAN motor to Boston this evening to of .19 Irving street, violinist, wni nearing the close of their cam "Fashion,” being presented May 2 'attend the 23rd conference of New. perform Brahms’ "Violin and paign at the Church of the Naza- and 3. not* with kiiPwM f* of Ntturmpathic Physician England Regidn Soroptlmlst Clubs Plano Sonata" tomorrow evening rene, 466 Main street. They have Ruling Due Bearing on ■X-: at the Hotel Statler tomorrow And for the Jfartford School of MUslc. been entertaining large audiences Our Lady of tlie Most Holy Rosary typing and thorthand. * Announces Sunday. radio'program over station WDRC for a week, both being accom Mothers CTrcle has elected.the fol- arioruorp. plished mueletans,' and -Mr. 'Berte- Vbwlhg 'olftcers; tAade'f^'MfSr Stella' ffxv-A’x-Frv'. Captain Fred Kelsh, Mrs. K^islsh Glintdny la. The Removal Of His iot Is an excellent speaker. To Leber; aecretar.v, Mrs. Elenora Apply In Rnnon Week and their young sons, who?, have night • they will be heard In the King David Ixxlge No. 31. In Bohenko;, treasurer. Mrs. Wanda WHITE EAGLE HALL. NORTH STREET Office To been spending a few weeks with final week-night service, and on Cartier: representatives. Mrs. relatives In town, left yesterday dependent -Order of. Odd Fellows, Sunday at. 10:4.1 and 7:30 p. m. Washington, April 26—</P) Clinton, la., April 2^— (JP) 841 EAST CENTER will celebrate Past Grands' Night Mkry Powers. Mra. Betty White; Friddy, April is, 8:30 P. M.— Admiulen $1.00 m for Fort Wdr|lh, Texas, where Cap welfare, Mrs. Mary Carter; librari Herald OHice — The government and the — A record Mississippi river tain Kelsh , will be stationed at tonight at Odd Fellows Hall, start: ^FEATlfiUNO —— — 'STREET- Ing «*lth a supper at 6:30. It ts re- The W B A Guard Club will hold an, "Mrs. Marcella L'Heureux; con steel industry sweated out in flobd crest was bearing down Carswell A ir Force Base. 'They re- JOHNNY KANE AND HlS POPCLAR cently Tetum»d~to-thla—country huestf«l...t)l*t,..aU members please Its monthly meeting tonight at the tact chairman, Mrs. Ann Sullivan; hom e'of Mh'li; Jeitlt SnbtsklrJT.;-MS htstofr; ■ Mrsc-Trudy-Carroll ;■ publi ^Jense ipxpjfctiBncy . ..today ...A, .onJltJs,, iadMtrii»l dtx-Of ■y- Telephone 48M from Japan H t«r two years' resi make an effort to attend this :........... .....rniSW-AMERtCAH TTItCmCSTRA ■ Ileacr HerSTif Advi;' period of waiting for an his 000 persons toda.v after leav meeting and supper. Tolland street, East Hartford. city, Mrs. Gerry Reglnl. dence there. toric court decision on the ing upstream Dubuque wjicre legality of President Tru- a slight recession now has be- Tragedy man’s seizure of the .nation’s gun. Reds Agree ■'Steel mills.’-' ■ ' Alt "bTohg "TnWs'A'^'Asstern bbr-' After listening to arguments by der, however, today's reports were lawyers of both sides In a crowded optimistic and no overnight levee T0""S«essijori courtroom yesterday, Federal Dla- breaks were reported. trict Judge David A. Pine said he . On the- Illinois side, where flat- would "take the case under sub- lands .near Fulton were inundated By Leaders mission-aiML'gtve -41 my-attention' ■by a •dtke-bTeBk’-yescerdsy; ■KOTtrw' to the exclusion of all other court overnight troubles occurred.- Dike business." work rontlnued downstream near Munsan, Kbrea, April 2 6 ^ The 60-year-old jurist did not Quincy' where levees hold the ' say when he might render his de angry stream sway from 197,000 (XP)— The p N Command to cision but legal experts said It acres of Illinois and Missouri day was^^ported planning a liiay not be announced until Mon farmland. new and"^ possibly bold move ' r day or later. The . soft-spoken judge had Missouri Itaces On to break, the Korean triice HALEYS F o r T he B est V alues In ....The Missouri river, flood, mesile -plenty of reading material"for the talk/atalemat« M the Goirv- week end— hundreds of pages of time, was pounding along thremgh mnhistR agreed to a full dress legal briefa filed by the govern central Missouri after leaving Meeting of armistice de1eg«- ment and six steel companies and KZnsaa City. the transcript of almost two full Clinton’s river stage thla morn- 4ions Sunday, NEW SUMMER HANDBAGS days of testimony, filled with legal ing was 20.8 feet—a tenth of a There was no indication BLOUSES Famous Brand Sheets and footnotes. foot above last year’a all time what the Allies will propose Rayon-'erepe, well-known mekes, variety of styles and colors, Caviar beadette In solid andd multi papastel colors. Under arm and Grants P ric« Rise high— but the only major result o f when the five-man delega some long sleeves,- Nylon tricot, green and white, black 'and top handle stj'lea, Meanwhile, the government au ------fcliM I M«.. X the rise from yrsterday'.s readings tions; of admirals and generals thorized a $3 a ton average price X-. white check. Reg. 13.98 to $5.98. Pillow Cases At Low, Low was to close the Lyons-FuHon meet at 11 a. m. Sunday. (9 $2.98 rise for steel, effective May 1. But Tracer patha of ‘.‘allent death” game arroe* the sky from the nix bridge, route of U. S. 30, to truck It won't take effect until individ M-8 type .SO-caL machine guns of a RepuMIe, F-84 'Ehnndrrjet, undergo traffic. An order routing U. S. 30 m. e.s.t. Saturday). Jt 'vrill Sale Price $2.69 to $4.69 Plus Tax ual steel companies apply for It or ing test flring-ln operation* at Farmingdale, L. i. 'ihls is believed io passenger travel to the Olinton- le the first plenary aeasion Sale Prices the government decrees it in force. be fln t photo of the 1800 rounds-per-tnlnute gun* In action. Cnm- Illinois bridge farther south waa since Feb. 19. Price Stabilizer Ellis Arnall munUt troop* in Korea call-the 600-mlle-per-bour-plii* F-84 "sHent likely during the morning.