------------- ATcnge Daily Net Press Ran The Weather For the tVeek Ending ' f V April 10,. 1082 Fatuawl o< V. S. WwtiMr SarMB Members erf the Cyp Ouh of. Members of the Ladica' Aid and Mra. Arthur Heaglund o f 88 Bunaat Ctrcta of Past Nobla A Youth RaUy of Methodist Troop 2S, Boy Bcouts, sponsored Doregs Societies of the Emanuel Stephen >street, or Mra. Roy Hsr- ' Ooudy, enol thi* eMemooat churches in thta area -will-ha held b y - the Centae Church. ■ will -hold. the .Center Church will attend-Oie , Ghwida win irnbet Monday eVshOtf: Older Boys' and Olrla' conferences Lutheran Cfhundi’are reminded' to rli of *40 Porter arfiSet. PRESOnmONS 10,489 eleadyf «xmI t^gbt.' FUr' w e iw A l ^ t T q w n in the directors’ room of Odd Fel- Sunday* evening in the South Its first country fair In Woodruff purchase their tickets soon for the Hall on April 30 from 6:30 to 9:30 at the Verplanek School Sunday Clirefuiiy Co»iK»uiided Member o f the Audit ■■ ' M'a Inwa. HalJ, Tbe, hoay»ss . m m , Vir­ Methodist Church. A panel mother and daughter banquet to Harry Hiker, son of Mr. and ' " PiOft’T 'i a Wimt I* aidh'-wm take- !», m. Th#; ^:pa«nlttee, headed by afternoon from 3 to 9 ' o’clock. mn ginia Keeney, Win be assisted Those attending may'eHher'bttrlg' b«' heia^iH Friday, May '*i at ihSO .. NatUaton of Uia Rebakah Auem - "The Family Neat Door," will be George Hansen and the Senior 'U n / J i: Riliier bf HfghiAndPiifki Mrs, Grace Lathrop, Mrs. Edith their own lunches or purchase p.ra? T h e ihemb*rs of the Ladies Artliar U rn Stom Mra, Beatrlca Manning, Mra. arolUl. MrA.,Bsa^rl« Manning and fhown. Each person attending Is Scouts, promises an entertaining and a freshman at the Conserva­ ■ T & m S ' KrTVrtWrMWr. M ary «nitth and’-enfoyaMo evening ' for. alW, An .lunch, at the ef-boob. ,.. ..., ... Aid mav obtain tickets' from Mrs. Mrs. Mildred Miller/ Entertaln- lodfedTtt tfrinifir bora-iunch"for*the p ah r ErtckiKrfi » f s r Alton ■atwet. tory •of“'Mustc;'.of' OberHn Oellegei' and Mra. Arcella Crawford, aU Innovation will he a rest booth (ClaasUled Advertialag oa Page 10) MANCHES'fEIL 26. 1952 mftnt,Win _b« Mr?- meal at 8 o'clock. The Epworth or Mrs. Clarence Peterson of 78 Oberlin, Ohio, will be In th»-isho- iWELViE PAGtSj " V pRtErrms ' 'w i»t liioble iran d i o f -Sxmaat -Re* liA g ite o f sotflh Churcir, the gprm- •for th r Isdtes -with- tea 4n d fancy ....Frederick. .T., -BUsbi .jnh.kpn.pf Evelyn Qwords. Mr. and Mrs. F. '®. Bllsh, Jr., of 5 WeatmlrisVef'’ Toaa,~aftd the'inen): 'riis 1n ■the'Bomlng Mnmniera pro- t ^ a h LodgA attended the recent soring group. Will. , serve . dessert cakes being *erved . by three Xsurel street, a freshman at Tnfta bent of ' the: Dorqaa Society from ductloB. ■ aaiambiy ’ meetln'ra. in Naligatuitk. Mrs. Mary Tj|ylor, president of and eyffee. mothers.' A door prise will be drawn. College, Medfotd, Mass., is playing WANTED ■ the Manchester Soroptlmlst Club, a feature role In the undergradu­ “Silent De*lh” for Reds Miss Frances Parker and Miss Miss Clara Skrabaez of 89.North ate, produetlon of Anna Cora Mow- FloodGrest tbutae Blatf of Hartford ■ win street,' plahtsl, 'and Blfirho Dubaldb ' '‘The M iiiilcal' SerTerois’^ Are' stt’s 1850 comedy of manners, (^rrL-HlOli SdlidttI DR. JOHN V. GREGAN motor to Boston this evening to of .19 Irving street, violinist, wni nearing the close of their cam­ "Fashion,” being presented May 2 'attend the 23rd conference of New. perform Brahms’ "Violin and paign at the Church of the Naza- and 3. not* with kiiPwM f* of Ntturmpathic Physician England Regidn Soroptlmlst Clubs Plano Sonata" tomorrow evening rene, 466 Main street. They have Ruling Due Bearing on ■X-: at the Hotel Statler tomorrow And for the Jfartford School of MUslc. been entertaining large audiences Our Lady of tlie Most Holy Rosary typing and thorthand. * Announces Sunday. radio'program over station WDRC for a week, both being accom­ Mothers CTrcle has elected.the fol- arioruorp. plished mueletans,' and -Mr. 'Berte- Vbwlhg 'olftcers; tAade'f^'MfSr Stella' ffxv-A’x-Frv'. Captain Fred Kelsh, Mrs. K^islsh Glintdny la. The Removal Of His iot Is an excellent speaker. To­ Leber; aecretar.v, Mrs. Elenora Apply In Rnnon Week and their young sons, who?, have night • they will be heard In the King David Ixxlge No. 31. In­ Bohenko;, treasurer. Mrs. Wanda WHITE EAGLE HALL. NORTH STREET Office To been spending a few weeks with final week-night service, and on Cartier: representatives. Mrs. relatives In town, left yesterday dependent -Order of. Odd Fellows, Sunday at. 10:4.1 and 7:30 p. m. Washington, April 26—</P) Clinton, la., April 2^— (JP) 841 EAST CENTER will celebrate Past Grands' Night Mkry Powers. Mra. Betty White; Friddy, April is, 8:30 P. M.— Admiulen $1.00 m for Fort Wdr|lh, Texas, where Cap­ welfare, Mrs. Mary Carter; librari­ Herald OHice — The government and the — A record Mississippi river tain Kelsh , will be stationed at tonight at Odd Fellows Hall, start: ^FEATlfiUNO —— — 'STREET- Ing «*lth a supper at 6:30. It ts re- The W B A Guard Club will hold an, "Mrs. Marcella L'Heureux; con­ steel industry sweated out in flobd crest was bearing down Carswell A ir Force Base. 'They re- JOHNNY KANE AND HlS POPCLAR cently Tetum»d~to-thla—country huestf«l...t)l*t,..aU members please Its monthly meeting tonight at the tact chairman, Mrs. Ann Sullivan; hom e'of Mh'li; Jeitlt SnbtsklrJT.;-MS htstofr; ■ Mrsc-Trudy-Carroll ;■ publi­ ^Jense ipxpjfctiBncy . ..today ...A, .onJltJs,, iadMtrii»l dtx-Of ■y- Telephone 48M from Japan H t«r two years' resi­ make an effort to attend this :........... .....rniSW-AMERtCAH TTItCmCSTRA ■ Ileacr HerSTif Advi;' period of waiting for an his­ 000 persons toda.v after leav­ meeting and supper. Tolland street, East Hartford. city, Mrs. Gerry Reglnl. dence there. toric court decision on the ing upstream Dubuque wjicre legality of President Tru- a slight recession now has be- Tragedy man’s seizure of the .nation’s gun. Reds Agree ■'Steel mills.’-' ■ ' Alt "bTohg "TnWs'A'^'Asstern bbr-' After listening to arguments by der, however, today's reports were lawyers of both sides In a crowded optimistic and no overnight levee T0""S«essijori courtroom yesterday, Federal Dla- breaks were reported. trict Judge David A. Pine said he . On the- Illinois side, where flat- would "take the case under sub- lands .near Fulton were inundated By Leaders mission-aiML'gtve -41 my-attention' ■by a •dtke-bTeBk’-yescerdsy; ■KOTtrw' to the exclusion of all other court overnight troubles occurred.- Dike business." work rontlnued downstream near Munsan, Kbrea, April 2 6 ^ The 60-year-old jurist did not Quincy' where levees hold the ' say when he might render his de­ angry stream sway from 197,000 (XP)— The p N Command to­ cision but legal experts said It acres of Illinois and Missouri day was^^ported planning a liiay not be announced until Mon­ farmland. new and"^ possibly bold move ' r day or later. The . soft-spoken judge had Missouri Itaces On to break, the Korean triice HALEYS F o r T he B est V alues In ....The Missouri river, flood, mesile -plenty of reading material"for the talk/atalemat« M the Goirv- week end— hundreds of pages of time, was pounding along thremgh mnhistR agreed to a full dress legal briefa filed by the govern­ central Missouri after leaving Meeting of armistice de1eg«- ment and six steel companies and KZnsaa City. the transcript of almost two full Clinton’s river stage thla morn- 4ions Sunday, NEW SUMMER HANDBAGS days of testimony, filled with legal ing was 20.8 feet—a tenth of a There was no indication BLOUSES Famous Brand Sheets and footnotes. foot above last year’a all time what the Allies will propose Rayon-'erepe, well-known mekes, variety of styles and colors, Caviar beadette In solid andd multi papastel colors. Under arm and Grants P ric« Rise high— but the only major result o f when the five-man delega­ some long sleeves,- Nylon tricot, green and white, black 'and top handle stj'lea, Meanwhile, the government au­ ------fcliM I M«.. X the rise from yrsterday'.s readings tions; of admirals and generals thorized a $3 a ton average price X-. white check. Reg. 13.98 to $5.98. Pillow Cases At Low, Low was to close the Lyons-FuHon meet at 11 a. m. Sunday. (9 $2.98 rise for steel, effective May 1. But Tracer patha of ‘.‘allent death” game arroe* the sky from the nix bridge, route of U. S. 30, to truck It won't take effect until individ­ M-8 type .SO-caL machine guns of a RepuMIe, F-84 'Ehnndrrjet, undergo­ traffic. An order routing U. S. 30 m. e.s.t. Saturday). Jt 'vrill Sale Price $2.69 to $4.69 Plus Tax ual steel companies apply for It or ing test flring-ln operation* at Farmingdale, L. i. 'ihls is believed io passenger travel to the Olinton- le the first plenary aeasion Sale Prices the government decrees it in force. be fln t photo of the 1800 rounds-per-tnlnute gun* In action. Cnm- Illinois bridge farther south waa since Feb. 19. Price Stabilizer Ellis Arnall munUt troop* in Korea call-the 600-mlle-per-bour-plii* F-84 "sHent likely during the morning.
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